VCAE Lesson Plan: (Summative) Assessment

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VCAE Lesson Plan

Title of Learning Segment:

Interpretation of Characters

Grade or Class:
5th grade

Prior Knowledge:
Knowledge of art making from K-4th grade.
Knowledge of contemporary art.
Knowledge of a fictional character.
Knowledge of collage.
Knowledge of art making materials.

Central Focus/Big Idea:

The central focus of this project is to have the students create a piece of art based on their
favorite book or movie character.

Learning Segment Overview: Briefly describe each

Intro/ Motivation/Engage/Research:
Time needed: 30
Introduce project with a PowerPoint on contemporary collage.
Discuss art student’s favorite fictional characters.
Review the procedure of making a collage.
Introduce the process of creating a mixed media collage.
Explain the rubric of the project and what is expected.

Instruction process/Procedure/Explore/Guided Practice:

Time needed: 40
Allow students to select their desired materials.
Review clean up procedure.
Students will begin working on their collage.

Present/ Respond and/or connect/present:

Time needed: 40
Students will finish up their collage.
Students will write a brief paragraph connecting their finished work to their character of choice.

Summative Assessment/ Evaluation/Closure:

Time needed: 40 minutes
Students will present their work in front of the class along with their written explanation of their works
connection to their character. Each student will be required to make 3 valuable statements on their
classmate’s work. They will be graded on both their presentation and their evaluation of their classmate’s

Standard Learning Objective (Summative) Assessment

NVAS: # &text Students will be able to create a work of The summative assessment will focus
VA: Cr2.3.5a art that identifies, describes and an on judging the student’s ability to
Identify, describe, object or place with a personal create a work of art that describes a
and visually significance. specific character that they have
document places chosen. Students must be able to
and/or objects of identify how their work is a
personal reconstruction of the original character.
VCAE Lesson Plan

SCVAS: # & text Student will be able to utilized the
VA.CR elements of art to create a story about a
NL 1.1 familiar object.
I can use some
elements of art to
communicate a
story about a
familiar place or

Academic Language Demands, as applicable:

1. Language Function One LF essential for students to develop & practice. Use Standard and Objective action
verbs, e.g. analyze, compare/contrast, interpret.
a. Utilize: (Verb) make practical and effective use of.

2. Vocabulary No more than 5 terms w/definitions using age-appropriate language. Cite source
a. Identify: (Verb) establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.
b. Create: (Verb) bring (something) into existence.
c. Collage: an artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or
wood) glued on a surface

3. Discourse How will you develop students’ academic discourse (putting the words to work/responding) and/or syntax
(symbols, etc.)?
The vocabulary will connect with the project through action. Their understanding will be
amplified by their need to understand in order to reach the requirements for the project
and the summative assessment.

4. Practice How you will you help students practice using the language function? What specific opportunities: e.g. reflective writing,
exit tickets, critique, small group discussion, presenting?
The students will practice using the language functions through the summative assessment.
Language functions will be used in the written assignment.
Language functions will also be used as they are reviewing the work of their peers within
their three required comments.

Key Materials Include appropriate technology that you will use in each activity as well as a complete list of the materials you
will use (manipulatives, worksheets, word lists, game directions, art supplies, book titles, PowerPoint etc.).
Power Point
Tempera Paint
Photos from home
Paint Brushes

Lesson I of 4 (2 of 4 etc.) Each lesson is a step to teaching the Big Idea of L. Segment
Standard Objective Formative Assessment
Same as overview Same as overview The formative assessment is the
discussion that will take place in class
and be used to determine the students
understanding of the project.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

VCAE Lesson Plan

 Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks should match Objectives & Standards. This is the heart of
the plan. It is your script. Write so it is a clear, concise, yet thorough sequence.
 Include enough detail so that anyone who is well-educated could follow your plan.
 Include Introduction, reflective questions, & enough activities to adequately address your objectives.
They must be developmentally appropriate for grade level.
 Add at least 2 references from theory to practice
 Be very specific in this section, particularly with transitions. E.g. Can vary based on lesson:
o Teacher instruction or I Do:
 PowerPoint presentation on contemporary collage.
 Review of collage procedure and classroom materials.
 Presentation of the rubric.
o We do:
 Discussion on fictional characters.
 Research on specific characters if students need reference for their work.
 Collection of materials for project.
o Independent practice:
 Give students time to work independently.
 Allow for time of reflection on their work to allow for them to think of improvements
or innovations.
 Only offer assistance on material questions, avoid giving students ideas about how to
complete their work in order to keep the work their original thoughts.
o Creating connections:
 Students will write their paragraph explaining how their work connects to their
fictional character.
o Summative assessment:
 Students will present their work to their peers.
 They will then read their explanation paragraph.
 Students will make three statements or questions during this time.
o Closure/Review:
 Students and teacher will have a discussion about how their project connects to pop
culture, then how pop culture connects to the contemporary art world.
 Emphasize what the students did well.
 Discuss what the students could have done differently to change how their work
could have been interpreted.

Theory/Theorists/Research Connections: State the theory/theorists whose thinking influenced yours for
this learning segment. E.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Lowenfeld. Cite sources. These are the two that you
referenced in your Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
 I Do, We Do, You Do.
 Lowenfeld: The students are not judged on their artistic ability but their ability to create an
understood narrative. Students are able to create their own interpretation of art making
materials and techniques to display their views and opinions.
 Gardner: This project allows for students to process and display the information they are
conveying in different ways, allowing for multiple means of representation.

Accommodations Universal Design for Learning used in this art lesson.

 Representation:
o The students will be given a hand out as well as a power point and a video to introduce the
project through different mediums.
o Verbal, visual and auditory representation of the project, expectations and assessments.
 Engagement:
o Students are to focus on a character of their choices, they are able to pick a character that
interests them.
VCAE Lesson Plan

o Increasing student engagement by letting them use a mix of mediums in order to allow them
to use what they are comfortable with.
 Expression:
o Student expression is important in this work; they will present their work in multiple ways,
allowing them to use what they have written to speak, or to write down what they have
o Student expression in creating the work is very important because their understanding of their
character is the meaning behind the work.
 Individual student with special needs:
o My accommodations will comply with the individual students needs addressed in their IEP.
o Individuals with special accommodations will be assisted in cutting, gluing and presenting
work when needed.

Resources/ Books, dictionary, articles, websites cited correctly using APA


Artifacts/teacher or student made Images, handouts, PowerPoints, etc.

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