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Centro de Estudios Regionales de Panamá

Higher Technician Focused on English Teaching for Teachers of General

Basic Education

Group X (A, B, C)
1:00 – 3:00 p.m


By Ana Mendieta
– I.D. 4-751-1577

Professor: Henry G. De León R.

July 1, 2021



a. Tell me about your boyfriend.

b. Well, he is tall, dark, and handsome.
c. Sounds like mine.
d. Indeed what about the car you’re selling…
e. It’s a great car. It’s in excellent condition.
f. What kind of seats does it have?
g. They’re very comfortable seats, soft, and plush, just like a sofa.
h. Uh. I think I’ll sleep on it.



a. Tie tigers three tired tried to tie a triangular.

Three tired tigers tried to tie a triangular tie.
b. new her books blue algebra expensive three.
Three blue new expensive algebra books.
c. reading sensitive, a intelligent.
A intelligent sensitive reading.
d. students nursing dedicated.
Dedicated nursing students.

These days, many of us find ourselves in the position of taking minutes of

meetings without a clue of how to go about it. The following is a guide for
making this task easier: Make sure that all of the essential elements are noted,
such as type of meeting, name of the organization, date and time, name of the
chair or facilitator, main topics and the time of adjournment. For formal and
corporate meetings include approval of previous minutes, and all resolutions.
Prepare an outline based on the agenda ahead of time, and leave plenty of
white space for notes. By having the topics already written down, you can
jump right on to a new topic without pause. Prepare a list of expected
attendees and check of the names as people enter the room. Or, you can pass
around an attendance sheet for everyone to sign as the meetings starts. To be
sure about who said what, make a map of the seating arrangement, and make
sure to ask for introductions of unfamiliar people.



The local people are very friendly to visitors.

A helpful neighbor shoveled our walkway.

He had a romantic relationship with a coworker.
We had a marvelous time at the party.



Education and profit

There are private universities that are for-profit entities and others that are not.
What is the difference? A necessary reference at a time when private
universities felt the need to justify their contributions when student protests
closed the tap of public funds that the deputies wanted to open.
Panamanian deputies rarely change their opinion - or at least temporarily - as
they did with the amendment proposed by themselves to constitutionalize the
contribution of public funds to private universities.
A few months ago, amid cuts announced to the budgets of public universities
this year, to promote a state austerity plan, even though education was
emerging as the star in the current government's plan, they would have to
adjust and cut $ 40 million to their executions for this 2019 Among the
affected centers were: The University of Panama (with a cut of 14.1 million
dollars), the Technological University of Panama (15.6 million dollars), the
Autonomous University of Chiriquí (5.1 million dollars), Udelas (3.2 million
dollars) and the International Maritime University of Panama (2.2 million
The pressure of students and many organizations and unions worked at that
time. The measure was eventually repealed by the government, but partially.
At least the funds for operations were recovered, as confirmed by the rector of
the University of Panama, Eduardo Flores. Those corresponding to
investment, they were still fighting, and when the preliminary package of
constitutional reforms of the Assembly was presented in October, it contained
several articles related to private higher education. One of them created an
entity the National System of Evaluation and Accreditation for the
Improvement of the Quality of Education of Panama, which according to the
students who protested at that time, would eliminate the oversight function of
public universities over private ones. it exonerated private universities from all
taxes, in addition to opening the compass to receive contributions from public
funds. Something that seemed surreal when the state budget was being cut.
Several questions then arose. Do they defend the same? Do they invest the
same? Which provide?. Private universities came up with a study that rather
seems to try to convince those who read it that they spend less than the
University of Panama, for example, having almost the same number of
students (together). Now, first. You have to understand that in Panama there
are universities that are non-profit entities and others that are not. Profit in
higher education works in a similar way to any business. They seek greater
sustained profitability in greater efficiency at the lowest cost. When there is
profit, the owners expect profits or profits from that activity.
The difference is that the non-profit company reinvests all the income in the
activity it carries out. If it is for profit, the university distributes profits to its
shareholders. They seek operability and in addition to that, profitability or
profit. Public opinion debated at that time - when the 'legislative shrimp' -
whether the State should subsidize private education when it has no
interference in the prices it charges. The role of the State is limited to
accrediting careers, basically. Nor is there a major difference in the student
who graduated from a public university or a private one. According to
employers and the recruitment studies that are published annually in the
country, the lack of 'soft skills' is a shortcoming of a large part of the students
that the educational system - public and private - throws into the labor market.
People here don't understand that they pay you for what you do, not for the
title you have. Panama is one of the countries where most people think that
getting an education is a waste of time.
Private universities published their third study this December, on their
productivity and impact. It is titled "Productivity and Impact of Private
Universities of Panama 2018". With it they seek to “present data that allow
our country to make informed decisions in order to work for the quality of
higher education in Panama.” In addition, they list achievements and budgets,
although in a general way since they do not break down the results by
university, Rather, they are encompassed for the 19 universities that
participated. Within the study there are two comparisons of data with those of
the University of Panama (UP). One of them is the annual budget, which
according to the study, totaled $ 96.65 million among the 19 universities.
individuals. Thus, they conclude that they use 40% of the UP's annual budget
($ 243.22 million) for a student population of 67,784, almost similar to that of
the UP. It is true that the private university invests less for the number of
students it has, but due to many factors, among which he mentioned that they
do not have many full-time teachers who do not have to be paid full time.
Many work by the hour of class, she clarified. On the other hand, in the state
ones, the teachers also dedicate themselves to research or other activities
because they are hired full time. The private ones, the expert maintains, have
to be more efficient, that is, get the most with the least investment. But the
state ones are not required to optimize the resource, because they do not have
to be held accountable. "The private ones have the disadvantage that the state
ones pay more (salaries) and that is why they can get better teachers, but since
they are not required to optimize what they invest, there is no greater
measure”, he indicated. In Chile, for example, profit is prohibited in private
universities. The State becomes a guarantor for student loans and maintains a
tight control on the quality of graduates. Or at least that is how it should be in
theory. A journalistic investigation published in 2014 under the title "The Big
Scam: How Profits Work in Higher Education" reveals that the origin of the
problem is legal loopholes, since "the system allows it." Those legal loopholes
in Panama are covered with deregulation and contrary to what most would
think, she, who has been a teacher for 45 years, does not believe that the
solution is to open more public universities because the resource is not
optimized. Education, reduced to a product, ceases to be an end to become in a


Husband wife relationship

Husband wife relationship is most important of all we have in our life. It is

crucial for long lasting happiness in our lives. If this relationship is going
through bad patch, it may affect our other relationships also.
Sometimes good and sometimes bad, whatsoever it is, it is necessity of all
people. God has created this very beautiful relationship so that his souls love
each other and indirectly they love Almighty.
If there is rift in one such relationship, it is overall hurting for both the
partners. Love is necessity of life and particular love from your partner is of
utmost importance.
Let us first see how there is basic difference as said by author between men
and women. He says both belong to different planets and so difference in
behavior is bound to happen. Once people understand this basic difference,
there is going to be end all rifts in husband wife relationship

This may sound bit odd when I say men are like rubber bands, but which is
very true.
When husband loves his wife, he cannot continue to express to her after
certain time limit. When couple start loving each other, husband's love is at
peak. He will do any rounds of action to convince his wife that he loves him.
But as I said, men are like rubber bands. There is concept called Pulling away
which is true in case of most of men. When they start loving their partner, and
when they reach peak of that love, there is need for him to pull away. Pulling
away does not mean that he is not loving his partner, but just that he needs
some space with his wife.
Pulling away can be in form of talking to friend, watching TV, computers,
anything which he prefers to stay away from daily chore activities. Also when
he is facing any problem, he goes into his cave and pulls away. He does not
share his problem with her wife. Also he does not like to discuss the same
with her. Pulling away is trying to forget one problem.
Author has compared men to rubber bands because, as rubber bands needs to
be stretched to largest possible extent so that it again comes to its normal
position. Men need to pull away totally. If his wife keeps saying that he does
not love him and prevents men from going in to his cave, he may not be able
to pull away completely. If this happens he may lose his love for her.
So all women- if your husband needs some space and does not want to discuss
about problem, just let go. He will surely come to you once he is fully
stretched as rubber band. Don't bother him much by again and again
discussing same things.
Contradictory to men, when women face any problem, she just discusses
everything that comes to her mind with her husband. What she wants is just
listening ear.
But men do mistake by giving advise and suggestions to her when she is
totally frustrated with things.
When she is one problem, she may not discuss about those things and start
discussing about old things which are not all related to present one. It is her
way of releasing her tension.
She is like a wave, if she is having problem, let her burst to all possible extent.
When wave crashes across rock, it automatically goes away.
If she is telling her husband about her frustrations, it may sound to man as if
she is blaming him or his family. But in truth, she is just releasing her tension
by communication.
So all men: just listen to your wives when she is in tension. Do not advise or
suggest anything. Then she may be able to get to her normal self.
As we saw basic difference between men and women communications and
actions, problem occur when both of them expect other to be like them,
This is just not possible.
Wife is frustrated, she wants to speak of her problems, but man wants to pull
away which adds to their conflict.
So follow above given tips, and husband wife relationship will be most
beautiful of all you have! Using these tips you can be successful couple
amongst all others!
You can also read below article to revise vows husband wife take together
during their marriage ritual to revive your relationship.

Collective adjectives are a subgroup of nominal adjectives, or adjectives that

act as nouns. They are used to refer to a group of people based on a
characteristic that they share. For example:
“The rich should help the poor.”
This sentence is another way of saying, “Rich people should help poor
Some common collective adjectives are:
the blind
the elderly
the hardworking
the homeless
the innocent
the intelligent
the poor
the rich
the sick
the strong
the weak
the young

In addition, a large amount of collective adjectives refer to the nationality of a

group of people. For example, instead of saying “French people cook well,”
we can say, “The French cook well.” Other nationalities for which we have
collective adjectives are:
the Chinese
the English
the Irish
the Japanese
the Scottish
the Spanish
the Vietnamese
Notice that when we use a collective adjective for nationality, it’s capitalized.
Finally, collective adjectives for nationality have to be learned by heart, as we
don’t have collective adjectives for all nationalities. For example, to refer to a
group of German people, we have to say the Germans or simply Germans,
which is a plural proper noun—a corresponding collective adjective doesn’t
exist for German people. Other examples include (the) Canadians, (the)
Russians, (the) Americans, and (the) Slovaks.

How to use collective adjectives

Using collective adjectives is simple. There are only a couple of things that we
need to remember:
1. We always add the article the before the adjective (except for nationalities
that use plural proper nouns).
2. We always treat collective adjectives as plural nouns. This means that they
have to take plural forms of verbs.
3. We do not pluralize collective adjectives by adding the suffixes -s or -es.
They are already considered plural (except for nationalities that use plural
proper nouns).
Let’s look at some examples:
“The rich are usually powerful.”
“The French are the best chefs.”
“The elderly need proper care.”
In these examples, the rich, the French, and the elderly function as the subjects
of the sentences. They are treated as plurals, which is why the sentences use
the plural forms of the verbs be and need.
Collective adjectives can also function as the object of a sentence, as in:
“We are working hard to help the homeless.”
In this example, the subject of the sentence is we, while the object is the
collective adjective the homeless.
Common Errors
Collective adjectives are often confused with collective nouns, but there are
key differences. While they both refer to a group of people, collective nouns
(such as team, staff or class) are inherently nouns in structure and function;
collective adjectives, on the other hand, are adjectives that merely function as
Additionally, collective nouns are often treated as singular (as in, “The best
team is going to win”), whereas collective adjectives, as we have mentioned,
are always treated as plural.


-The paper, which is very difficult, will make up half of the grade for the
-The librarian who studied history has agreed to help me research the paper.
-The library, which has thousands of books, is a great place to do my
-The library has an extensive collection of history books ranging from
medieval history to the present.
-I like to do research, unlike my sister who hates school.

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