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Diamond Secondary School 2022 IT SBA

As a result of the novel Corona virus pandemic, many schools and universities around the world have
been forced close school for in person teaching and learning. While some schools have been forced to
suspend classes for the foreseeable future, many other schools have risen to the challenge and have
adopted new methods of delivering educational content to students around the world.

Diamond Comprehensive High School (DCHS), one of the leading privately owned High schools in
Guyana, the only English-speaking country in South America, have adopted a hybrid system of teaching
and learning. Students who are preparing to write upcoming examinations are permitted to return to
school for traditional learning, while the other students have to attend classes virtually.

As a result, the board members of DCHS are seeking information technology professionals who are able
to utilizing word processing, spreadsheet, and database software; build a webpage and write a
pseudocode and a program using Pascal programming language to help manage the school’s virtual
learning environment and be able communicate with students in a timely manner.

You have been asked to develop a small-scale model (40 Grade 10 students) of this project and present
it to board members of DCHS before you can get the approval to implementing it for the entire school.


The financial records of the school are managed using spreadsheet software. Use the following
information to create an excel workbook:

Worksheet 1:

worksheet 1 should be renamed as: “Subject Information” and should contain the following
• Name of Subjects
• Cost per subject

Worksheet 2 (Rename as “Grade 10 Student’s)

• Student ID (Student ID will be made up of 7 characters, beginning with the first two letter of the
student’s country of origin, eg: GY10001, GY1002, JA1001, JA1002
• First name
• Last name
• Nationality (information for Ten (10) students from each of the following country/island:
Guyana, Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica)
• Number of Subjects
• Total Fees to be Paid (cost per subjects * number of subjects)
• Discount (students taking 8 or more subjects will get a 10% discount
• Installments (Feeds are paid as a single Installment or two equal installments: Installment 1 and
Installment 2)
• Interest (Students who choose to make 2 installments will also have to pay a 5% interest)

Eze Hamilton
Diamond Secondary School 2022 IT SBA

• Total fees Paid (subtracting discount and adding interest)

• Insert a function to calculate the “total fees to be paid, total interest, total discount and total
fees paid

Rename the “Grade 10 Students Info” worksheet to “Student’s Information 1” and make the following

• Change all the money value to one decimal place

• Use a function to count the number of students by using their names
• Insert a column labelled “Payment Status” that states “Fully Paid or Partially Paid”, which will
indicate if a student have paid in full or only party of their fee
• Sort the information first by nationality and then by first name (insert a snapshot in another
worksheet as evidence of the sort (name the other worksheet “Snapshot”)
• In another area of the worksheet create a summary that shows the total amount of money the
school receive from students of the different nationality. And then create a column chart to
represent this information
• Create a pivot table that will display the total amount of interest incurred, discount received and
amount of fees paid by students of the different nationality

Database Management
You are asked to use a suitable application to manage data for each student from the DCHS

Task A – Table

Using information from the spreadsheet, you are required to design and populate a database to store
and manage information for each student.

1. Table 1: PERSONAL DETAILS – Student ID, Nationality ID, First name, Last name, Date of birth,
Age, Gender, Contact#, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, and Date Registered

2. Table 2: FINANCES – this table should include the fields: Students ID, # of Subjects, Cost per
Subject, Discount, Interest, Fees (total fees to be paid), Installment 1, Installment 2, Fees Paid
(Total Fees paid), Payment status

3. Table 3: NATIONALITY – this table should include the following fields: nationality ID (BAR001,
GUY001, JAM001, TRI001) and Name of Country (Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad)

Task B – Form

1. Create a form with a sub-form to display students’ personal details based on their nationality.

Eze Hamilton
Diamond Secondary School 2022 IT SBA

Task C – Queries

1. Create a query to display the Student’s ID, First name, Last name, Age, Contact # of all female
students. Name the query: FemaleStudents.

2. Create a query to display the First name, Last name, Student ID, Date of birth, and gender of all
students between the age of 14 and 16 from Barbados. Name the query: BarbadianStudents.

3. Create a calculated field that add a 15% interest to the fees to be paid and name the field
outstanding balance. The first name, last name, Total fees paid and Outstanding balance fields
should be displayed in the query. Name the Query: Balance_Owed

Task D – Report

1. Generate a report with the First name, Last name, Gender, Age, Total fees paid and Country.
The report should be grouped gender and sorted by last name and then first name in
descending order (evidence of sort should be provided).

2. The report should show the average age of students and the Total fees received. The report
should have the two-line title show below:

Diamond Comprehensive High School

Student’s Report for 2022


Fillable form: Use the following information to create a fillable form in Microsoft Word.

• Student ID
• First name
• Last name
• Date of birth
• Age
• Nationality (information for Ten (10) students from each of the following country/island:
Guyana, Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica)
• Name of Father
• Name of mother
• Contact:#
• Address Line 1
• Address Line 2
• Picture
• Number of subjects (Mathematics, English A, Social Studies, Information Technology, Biology,
Physics, Technical Drawing. Every student is required to do Mathematics and English A and at
least 3 other subjects. A few students will do all subjects)
• Cost per subject
• Total Fees to be paid

Eze Hamilton
Diamond Secondary School 2022 IT SBA

• Date Registered
• Signature of Student

Mail merge:

A letter must be sent to students who have not made a made full payment of the total fees to be paid.
Use the suitable feature of your word processing application software to create this letter. The letter
should contain the following:

1. It must be design on letter sized paper and must have a 0.8” margin on the left and right sides.

2. The school’s letterhead (along with its Logo) should be placed in the header section of the
Document. The letter head should include the school’s address, email, and phone number. The
font in the letterhead should be appropriately formatted for emphasis.

3. Students address (using address block) and a greeting line (using Greeting line feature) should
be inserted in the letter.

4. The letter should contain three paragraphs, and should include the following individual merge
fields: Total feels paid and outstanding balance in the body of the letter.

5. Insert the following table inside the letter: (warning the student’s that they will face the face the
following consequences if payment is not mad before the specified dates)

Date Further Interest

30th June 2022 10% interest on
outstanding balance
30th July 2022 Additional 5%
31st August 2022 Will not be able to
register for the new
school term

6. The body of the letter should be fully justified and placed in two columns

7. The salutation should have the signature of the Principal of DCHS

Eze Hamilton
Diamond Secondary School 2022 IT SBA

Web Page Design

The DCHS has requested that you design a web page to provide interested persons with information
about the school. The web page should include the following:

1. The school’s logo

2. Display a brief description of the school long with a table showing the different subjects offered
by the school the cost per subject

3. Links to:
o the schools’s email address
o a web page where new students can apply to attend the school (this web page may or
may not exist).

Eze Hamilton

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