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Modern Civil Engineering(ISSN 2470-4180)

January 2021, Volume 1, No. 1, pp.

Academic Star Publishing Company, 2021

Paper title
Author A and Author B
Author’s affiliation, Country


Key words:

1. Introduction1 technology to the long-term energy consumption- and

partly also regenerative energy production-
measurement. To represent a wide spectrum of the
agricultural production situation experimental farms
with the main focuses piglet production, pig fattening
and dairy farming were selected for the
implementation of the measurements.
On 11 piglet production farms the measuring
technology is installed since 2011 and on 8 dairy
farms since 2013. Data of at least one year are
available therefore for the evaluation. All together 6
2. Material and Methods pig fattening farms are also equipped with measuring
technology. The installation was started in 2014 and
The basis for the development toward energy
will be finished till the end of 2015.
saving under economic points of view are the
Beside the assessment of the production systems,
classification and the comparison of the energy
the aim is to derive energy saving concepts for
demand of the agricultural operation and the single
individual farms. Therefore, it is necessary in addition
aggregates with the certain specific operating
to consider the electric energy consumption also to
reference values of the plant. To establish an exact
include the thermal energy consumption and the
and differentiated database to the analysis of the
operational performance data.
single production processes energy consumption
The energy input is measured with permanently
values dependent on procedure of single consumers
installed sensor head adjustments, this are optical
(devices and machines which are fused in the electric
devices for scanning of electric consumption meters,
distribution separately, e.g., vacuum pump and
and directly measuring three- and single-phase
cooling aggregate in dairy farms)and consumer
alternating current counter, by the measurement of the
groups(summary of several single consumption
active energy on the basis of between the input and
components to a consumption group, e.g., airing
output ofelectrical current flow.
control, engines for regulating flaps, fans in the
The thermal energy consumption is determined with
consumption range ventilation or all luminous units of
impeller heat meter or by ultrasonic heat meter about
the stable in the consumption area lighting) are
the regulation of the heat flow volume which supplied
evaluated and measured.
a heating device about the heating circulation. The
In a several years construction- and development-
heat quantity is calculated from the measured volume
work in the Institute for Agricultural Engineering and
flow rate of the heating water and the temperature
Animal Husbandry a pilot’s farm net was built up by
difference between preliminary heat and return of the
26 agricultural farms in 7 governmental districts in
heating circulation.
Bavaria, Germany and was equipped with measuring
A data logger (COMBILOG LT 1021) with 16
1Corresponding author:,. digital inputs for the current measurement and 6
Using Solid Wastes of Tikrit City to Produce Electric Energy

analogous inputs for temperature and quantity agricultural production process in kWh per breeding
measurements stores the measuring-technical sow, per produced piglet, per dairy cow, per 100 kg of
recordings and supports automatic transmission of milk and per fattening place as an arithmetic average
messages with a GSM modem (Global System for and as a median (Fig. 1).
Mobile Communications) to a central processing unit The exact and temporally defined measurement (¼-
at ourInstitute.The transmitted data sets are stored h – measuring intervals) allow beside the evaluation of
there in a data bank (COMGRAPH32) and afterwards absolute consumption values also the detection of load
they are evaluated with spreadsheet programmes profiles of the single agricultural production
(EXCEL). For the building of comparative processes, the identification of performance peaks and
identification numbers the power consumption values the derivation of the possible use of own generated
of the farms about a year are reported depending on energy from, e.g., photovoltaic solar power plant.

Fig. 1 Energy Data Determination and Evaluation of Agricultural Farms

3. Results and Discussion installed. Also by the feeding equipment the energy
consumption is strongly depending on the feeding
3.1 Energy Consumption Values and Possibilities for system (dry feeding/liquid feeding). At the heating
the Energy Saving in the Piglet Production lamps in the farrowing zone the power consumption
The energy consumption in the piglet’s production varies between 16 kWh per sow and year and 66 kWh
is determined on average approx. 200 kWh per sow per sow and year. This is founded by differently long
and year (min. 96, max. 260 kWh per sow and year). switch-on times. Among “Others” are the energy
Former calculations put 400 kWh per sow and year consumers who could not be integrated into the
[3]. The analysis of the measuring values shows that preceding consumption sectors, e.g., the power
considerable energy consumption differences at consumption for office devices, deep freezers,
company level as well as in the single consumption refrigerators, heating fans and more are specified.
sectors are. In the field of ventilation this is From the percentage distribution of the electric power
explainable by the fact that on the farms different demand in the piglet’s production results that the
installation systems (central or decentralized ventilation with a share of 43% requires most energy,
ventilation and under-floor or upper-floor suction) are followed by the infrared emitters with 20%. The
otherconsumersarebetween 5% and 9% (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Variance and Percentage Distribution of the Electric Power Demand in the Piglet’s Production

By the installation of heat meters it is possible to power demand are by the input of fossil energy
value the heating power demand of the production sources between 210 kWh and 280 kWh thermal per
system independent of the efficiency of the boiler and sow and year and by the input of regenerative energy
independent of the used energy source [4]. In the sources between 320 kWh and 340 kWh thermal per
experimental farms with heat exchangers the heating sow and year. The farm without heat exchanger has a
Using Solid Wastes of Tikrit City to Produce Electric Energy

clearly higher thermal power demand. It is approx. to higher efficiency can be installed. These enable
630 kWh thermal per sow and year (Fig. 3).However, relatively high volume streams with lower pressure
the electric energy consumption for the ventilation is differences than smaller axial ventilating fans [7]. The
clearly lower, due to lower pressure losses and less efficiencies are very different according to size and
installed fans than in farms with heat exchange construction. The power demand can be optimized by
systems. group control of fans. However, in particular cases the
Therefore, the main point for energy saving in pig advantages of central ventilation are to be weighed
farms is in ventilation and climate control [5]. against the structurally conditioned possible increases
Promising architectural-technical measures are on the of the current resistance. The type of the control
one hand in improvement of the air flow and the engineering has a direct influence on the power
dimensioning of the ventilation system, on the other demand. Especially in the regulated power range
hand in the insulation and sealing of the stables [6]. frequency-steered and ventilating fans with electronic
With the ventilation system huge savings can be commutated direct current motor in comparison to
achieved by the decrease of pressure losses in the conventional fans with phase control have clearly
fresh air supply duct, the avoidance of current lower specific power consumption [8].
resistance in the formation of the exhaust air duct and
by modern control engineering. With central
ventilating, fans with bigger diameters and according

Fig. 3 Heating Energy Demand in Piglet’s Production Farms

3.2 Energy Consumption Values and Possibilities for per cow and year or with 4.1 kWh per 100 kg of milk,
the Energy Saving in the Dairy Farming at the farms with conventional milking installations
with 364 kWh per cow and year or 4.3 kWh per 100
The whole power consumption at the kg of milk and therefore roughly equally high. While
experimentaldairy farms is on average with 500 kWh with the milking in Parallel- or Herringbone stalls the
percow and year.As at the pig-holding farms large main consumption fields vacuum system with a share
consumption differences on operation as well as on of 36%, cooling with 44% and the power consumption
single consumer level are also to be ascertained here. for the cleaning of tank and milking installations with
In Fig. 4 the energy input is represented for the milk 20% which were measured, the power consumption of
production in 6 farms with automatic milking system automatic milking systems on the consumption
(AMS) and 4 farms with conventional milking sectors, compressor for air pressure systems and the
installations (parlor milking). The average power power demand for the robot unit is extended.
consumption at farms with AMS are with 354 kWh

Fig. 4 Variance and Percentage Distribution of the Electric Power Demand in Milk Production with Different Milking

On average the power consumption is in the stable visible that just in these consumption sectors the
sector with 164 kWh per cow and year. Main variance within the farms is very high. For the height
consumers are the lighting with 29%, the frost of the power consumption with the lighting the used
protection of the water supply with 19% and the technics, the illumination level and period are
facilities for the dung removal with 18%. In Fig. 5 is important [9]. The high consumption differences by
Using Solid Wastes of Tikrit City to Produce Electric Energy

the frost protection are in the fact that at some farms consumption in the dung removal can be explained
the water pipes were moved not certainly about frost. largely by the fact that on account of the topographic
Therefore the pipes must be also equipped with location, liquid manure must pumped up in the slurry
heating tapes beside the frost protection of the dumps.
drinking troughs. The divergences with the energy

Fig. 5 Variance and Percentage Distribution of the Electric Power Demand in Dairy Barns

3.3 Energy Management and Use of Own Generated exact planning with suitable analysis of the load
Regenerative Energy from Photovoltaic Plants in the profiles of single consumption sectors.
Agriculture Determining factors on the operational load profile
are beside the weather changes during the year also
In 2012 a total of 426.522 photovoltaic plants with the work routine as well as the technical equipment. A
a performance of 9.324 MWp were installed in possibility for the optimization of the own power
Bavaria [11]. These PV plants generated a total of consumption is in the displacement of operation
8.212 million kWh of electricity. The use of own procedures. In this connection, performance peaks can
generated regenerative energy makes sense from be shifted to reach a concerted load management one
economic view, the reference price of the electricity is between energy production and energy demand. In
higher than the price for inducted electric power into Fig. 6 are shown the load profile of the single
the grid, but also from ecological motives for the consumption sectors and the possible transfer of the
discharge of the grid.By the increasing automation in feed processing from after 22:00 o’clock to during the
animal husbandryfarms (automatic milking systems, midday hours with high solar irradiation of a pig-
automatic feedingsystems,robot scraper) the electric breeding company with 300 breeding sows. The
energy consumption becomes more and more consumption of own generated energy can be
important, accordingly also the own electric current increased by this procedure.
use. Integrating in-plant generated energy assumes by
new installations as well as by existing installations an

Fig. 6 Load Profile of A Piglet Production Farm with 300 Breeding Sows in Connection with the Load Profile of a 70 kWp
Photovoltaic Plant and the Possible Shifting of the Feed Processing in the Midday

In dairy farms with ice water cooling system for the May are diagramed. The cooling of the milk begins
milk the ice water production can be a practicable during the milking process and needs between 6 and 7
solution for the intermediate storage of solar hours. The energy demand for the milk cooling in the
electricity. In a separate ice depot a cold stock is built morning can be covered almost by photovoltaics
up regardless of the milking times. Then this cold electricity, the energy demand in the evening must be
stock is available when required after the milking for covered from the national grid. With an ice water
cooling the milk. In Fig. 7 the load profile of a dairy depot this energy demand could be shifted in times in
farm with two milking times and the solar energy those the photovoltaic plant electricity supplies.
production of a photovoltaic plant in February and
Using Solid Wastes of Tikrit City to Produce Electric Energy
Fig. 7 Load Profile of A Dairy Farm with 55 Dairy Cows in Connection with the Load Profile of a 30 kWp Photovoltaic Plant
and the Possible Shifting of Ice Water Production in Periods with Solar Irradiation

dairy farms because of the milking times in the

In Table 1 the power consumption of Bavarian morning and evening, however, with east-west
agricultural farms with average sizes of the production
oriented installations.
processes dairy farming, piglet's production and pig
fattening, to solar electricity production of a 30 In constrained ventilation systems the power
kWpand a 70 kWp photovoltaic plant is opposed. The consumption is high in summer, because at rising
absolute internal consumption values increase by temperatures higher air change rates are necessary for
rising size of the solar plant. By a solar plant with 30 the stable climate control. The power production of
kWp a dairy farm with 32 dairy cows can use itself the solar plant and the electric energy consumption of
approx. 6.480 kWh, by a solar generator with 70 kWp the farm show the same trend. This means that
there are 7.103 kWh. Contrary to it the percentage of especially in pig breeding farms photovoltaic facilities
the solar power which can be used itself, lies with a 30 can be big dimensioned and even though a large share
kWp plant by 22.3% and with a 70 kWp plant only by of the produced solar power can be used directly.
10.5%. By the application of power storage systems the
In dairy farming has beside the plant capacity the internal power use can be optimized and performance
peaks be straightened. Battery storage systems on the
geographic direction of the photovoltaic modules also
basis of lead-acid technology or lithium-ion
an effect on the internal consumption share. The technology are due to the quick release of the backup
power generation of photovoltaic plants oriented to power to provide controlling power range technically
the south are absolutely higher than the output of very well suitably. A temporary storage of the
regenerative generated energy will become more
plants oriented in east-west direction. Higher self-
important in future. However, assumes still further
consumption shares can be achieved especially at developments concerning technology and costs.

Table 1 Internal Power Consumption and Internal Power Consumption Shares of Farms with Average Sizes in Bavaria

4. Conclusion [7] C. Seifert, D. Wietzkeand S. Fritzsche, Heizung und

Lüftung, Landtechnik 64 (2009) 423-425.
[8] H. J. Kruczek, H. Kämper, G. Scheibe, B. Feller, N.
Lohmann, W. Büscher, G. Schmitt-Pauksztat, T.
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