English 2

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Table of Contents
Unit 1: Review of Concepts
Unit 2: Habits with Frequency Adverbs
Unit 3: People and Places in the Past
Unit 4: Past Actions with Irregular Verbs
Please check these links; they don't
Unit 5: Review Unit seem to work.

Unit 6: Past Actions with Irregular Verbs

Unit 7: Future Actions
Unit 8: Object Pronouns
Unit 9: Review Unit


Welcome to Level 2
We believe that you learn more when you know how There is an online exam at the end of the course;
to study. you will receive instructions about the exam by
email. To pass the course you need to get at least 7
points on the exam and at least a 7 for an oral grade.

The goals for the first half of the course are to

understand and use:
• how to talk about actions now:
I’m doing my homework now.
• how to express existence:
There are many students in my class.
• how to use the verb to be:
My classmates are nice.
This digital book and the audio files are for homework. • how to talk about habits with frequency adverbs:
It’s important that you do your homework regularly We usually eat in a restaurant on Sundays.
and that you’re ready to start your class on time. • how to talk about people and places in the past:
Benito Juárez was a president.
Teachers answer specific questions about the
homework, but they do not check homework in
• how to talk about past actions with irregular
class. To check your homework, click on or tap
My brother went to London last week.
the icon.

We use the following grades to evaluate your oral The goals for the second half of the course are to
progress: understand and use:
10 (very good) • How to talk about past actions with irregular
9 (good) verbs:
7 (minimum) Did you come to class last Sunday?
5 (not passing) No, we didn’t come to class last Sunday.
• how to talk about the future:
During the course your teacher gives you suggestions They’re going to call us later.
to help you improve your level of English. We talk to • how to use object pronouns:
you individually about your oral grade during or after I don’t like traffic; in fact, I hate it.
the final review unit.
It’s important to use these structures with good
grammar and fluency, and another goal is to learn

If you have questions, problems, or recommendations,

you can ask your teacher or course coordinator.


In this unit we will review:
y Actions Now
We are studying English now.
y Existence
There are nine students in the classroom.
y The verb “to be” with Nationality, Origin,
Age, Profession, Location, Description,
Possession, and Weather
Tom’s American. He’s from Dallas.
He’s 27 years old. He’s a doctor.
He’s at the hospital now.
He’s tall and handsome.
It’s hot in Dallas today.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 1


(to) know – saber almost – casi cute – lindo/a, atractivo/a

(to) miss – extrañar boyfriend/girlfriend – novio/a nonsense – sin sentido
actually – en realidad noon – mediodía, 12:00 p.m.

A New Boyfriend
Beth: So, Amy, I hear that you have a new boyfriend.
Amy: Yes, I do, and I’m really happy.
Beth: Well, tell me about him. He’s British, isn’t he?
Amy: Actually, he’s Scottish. He’s from Inverness.
Beth: Where is Inverness?
Amy: It’s in Scotland, at the north end of Loch Ness.
Beth: I know about Loch Ness. Some people think there’s a monster in the
Amy: That’s right. Ian says the idea of a monster is nonsense.
Beth: So, what does Ian look like?
Amy: Well, let’s see ... he’s tall, he’s thin, he has blue eyes and brown hair ...
Beth: He sounds cute.
Amy: I have a picture of him on my computer ... Yes, here it is.
Beth: Wow, he’s really attractive. How old is he?
Amy: He’s 27.
Beth: What does he do?
Amy: He’s a computer programmer. He works with me at Delta Industries. In fact, we both
work in the same department.
Beth: Does he miss Scotland?
Amy: He doesn’t miss the weather or the food, but he misses his family. We’re planning to visit his parents next
Beth: His parents? Is this serious?
Amy: I hope so. Hey, it’s almost noon. Let’s get some lunch.


Write the questions for the answers given below.

He’ s Scottish.
He’s from Inverness.
It’s in Scotland, at the north end of Loch Ness.

He’s 27.
He’s a computer programmer.


1. We can use “to be” as a verb to talk about:

• •
He’s 27. He’s a computer programmer.
• •
He’s tall and thin. He’s Scottish.
• •
It’s almost noon. He is from Inverness.
• •
It’s in Scotland. It’s cloudy.

2. We can use “to be” as an auxiliary to talk about:

John’s working now.

3. We can use “to be” as part of an expression to talk about:

There’s a monster in the lake.

Unit 1

PRACTICE 1: Meeting Coworkers

Listen to the audio file and fill in the missing information. Follow the example.

Rodger: This is Tony Walters. He’s the director of our company in Italy .
Stacy: Nice to meet you. I’m Stacy Green. I in the German division.
Tony: Nice to meet you. Are you German?
Stacy: Yes, I’m German. My mother is German, she comes
, but my father is .
He’s from Montana.
Tony: That’s interesting.
Rodger: How’s everything in Italy, Tony?
Tony: problems with the new computer system, but
are working on it now.
Rodger: Good. And Stacy, is the new computer system working all right in
Stacy: Yes. It‘s very well. There are many with this system. It’s fast and
Rodger: Great. I’m to hear that. Now, how are sales doing in ...

PRACTICE 2: Tai Chi in the Park

Read the dialog. Then complete the dialog with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Follow the

Leo: Hey, Henry, why are you dancing (dance) in the park?
Henry: I (dance, neg.), Leo. I (practice) tai chi.
Leo: What’s that?
Henry: It’s a great way to relax. You (do, opportunity)
exercise and meditate at the same time.
Leo: Tai chi sounds Chinese. Where is it from?
Henry: It (be) from China. It’s a very old technique. In tai
chi, you make movements similar to dancing. It’ s based on the
Chinese martial arts.
Leo: How you (learn) the movements?
Henry: You (take, opportunity) classes for a few months.
Leo: How many different movements (existence)?
Henry: (existence) 24 basic movements, and 108 movements in total. Try it!
Leo: Well, maybe some day.

PRACTICE 3: The Antique Shop
Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: Where is this from?

B: It’s from .
A: How old is it?
B: It’s years old.
A: How much does it cost?
B: It costs .

Read the text. Then fill in the blanks with a vocabulary word or expression from this unit. Follow the

Dear Roger:
Just a short note to say hi, and to say how happy I am that you are my boyfriend . All my friends think you’re
really and nice. Well, except for Heather; she says you probably have many other .
But I know that is . , I think she’ s just jealous. I that you love me and don’t
want to be with other girls. Oops, it’s time for my exam. I you, Roger, and I want to
see you again soon.
Love you,

Unit 1


How well can you understand and use the following? Very Not
Well Well
• actions now..........................................................................................................
• existence...............................................................................................................
• location..................................................................................................................
• nationality.............................................................................................................
• origin......................................................................................................................
• possession............................................................................................................
• professions...........................................................................................................
• identification (this/that/these/those)...........................................................
• the weather..........................................................................................................
What can you do to understand and use these concepts better?

ANSWER KEY make movements similar to dancing. It’ s based on the
Chinese martial arts.
PRACTICE 1: Meeting Coworkers How do you learn the movements?
Audio script: Henry:
Rodger: You can take classes for a few months.
This is Tony Walters. He’s the director of our company in Leo:
Italy. How many different movements
Stacy: are there?
Nice to meet you. I’m Stacy Green. I work in the German Henry:
division. There are 24 basic movements, and 108 movements in
Tony: total. Try it!
Nice to meet you. Are you German? Leo:
Stacy: Well, maybe some day.
Yes, I’m German. My mother is German, she comes
from Frankfurt, but my father is American. He’s from
Tony: PRACTICE 3: The Antique Shop
That’s interesting.
Example of a correct answer.
How’s everything in Italy, Tony?
Where is this chair from?
There are problems with the new computer system, but
It’s from France.
the engineers are working on it now.
How old is it?
Good. And Stacy, is the new computer system working
all right in Germany?
It’s 200 years old.
Yes. It ‘s working very well. There are many advantages
How much does it cost?
with this system. It’s fast and efficient.
It costs $500.
Great. I’m happy to hear that. Now, how are sales doing
in ...

PRACTICE 2: Tai Chi in the Park Dear Roger:
Just a short note to say hi, and to say how happy I am
Audio script:
that you are my boyfriend. All my friends think you’re
really cute and nice. Well, except for Heather; she says
Hey, Henry, why are you dancing in the park?
you probably have many other girlfriends. But I know
that is nonsense. Actually, I think she’ s just jealous.
I’m not dancing, Leo. I’m practicing tai chi.
I know that you love me and don’t want to be with
other girls. Oops, it’ s almost time for my exam. I miss
What’s that?
you, Roger, and I want to see you again soon.
Love you,
It’s a great way to relax. You can do exercise and
meditate at the same time.
Tai chi sounds Chinese. Where is it from?
It is from China. It’s a very old technique. In tai chi, you

In this unit we will examine:
y Habits with Frequency Adverbs
We usually study English in the mornings.
Paul doesn’t normally arrive on time.
Laura is always here early.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 2


(to) feel – sentir, sentirse healthy – saludable

(to) order – pedir tired – cansado/a
sick – enfermo/a prescription – receta médica

At the Doctor’s Office

Dr. Roberts: Good afternoon, Mr. Davis. What seems to be the problem?
Mr. Davis: I’m not sure, doctor. I just don’t feel well. I’m usually healthy. But now, I always feel tired, and my
stomach is always upset.
Dr. Roberts: I see. Do you drink a lot of alcohol?
Mr. Davis: No, I hardly ever drink.
Dr. Roberts: Your blood pressure is normal. Do you do a lot of exercise?
Mr. Davis: Well, I don’t usually have time. I frequently work late at the
office, and when I get home I don’t usually have the energy to
do exercise. I sometimes run in the morning.
Dr. Roberts: All right, let me check your temperature. How is your diet?
Mr. Davis: I usually eat healthy food at home. The problem is that I don’t
normally have time to go out for lunch at the office. That’s why I sometimes order something from a
restaurant near my office.
Dr. Roberts: Hmm, you have a fever, Mr. Davis. I think you have a stomach infection.
Mr. Davis: Really? But I almost never have stomach problems.
Dr. Roberts: Well, unfortunately, the food in restaurants isn’t always clean. It’s possible to get sick from bacteria in
the food. I’m writing you a prescription. This medicine usually works quickly. If you don’t feel better
in 72 hours, give me a call.
Mr. Davis: Thank you, doctor.


1. What is Mr. Davis’s problem?

2. Why doesn’t he do exercise?

3. Does he usually eat healthy food at work?

4. Does he usually have stomach problems?

5. What is the problem with food in restaurants?

We use simple to talk about general information and .

your doctor ask many questions? Yes, (s)he many questions.

doctors medicine? No, they sell medicine.

do you buy medicine? You medicine at a drugstore.

PRACTICE 1: A Busy girl

Read about Megan’s habits. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
Follow the example.

Megan has a busy life. She goes (go) to high school from Monday to
Friday. On Mondays and Wednesdays, she always (swim) for an
hour in the afternoon. She usually (visit) her grandmother on
Tuesdays. She normally (see, neg.) her friends on
Thursdays, because on that day she plays tennis with her cousin Libby. On
Fridays, she normally (have) lunch with her girlfriends. They always
(plan) their weekend over lunch. She usually goes out late in the
evening on the weekends.

Unit 2

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 1: Frequency Adverbs

We use frequency adverbs to express how frequently we do an action.

I always get up early in the morning.

The frequency adverb goes before the action verb in a sentence.

He sometimes runs in the morning.


He doesn’t usually have time to do exercise.


PRACTICE 2: Cultural Differences
Read the text. Then listen to the audio file and fill in the correct frequency adverb. Follow the example.

There are different customs in different countries. When you are at a party in
the U.S., people don’t usually dance. They like to listen to music and
talk, but they don’t like to dance. In Mexico, it’s different. People in Mexico
love to dance and they dance at a party. In Mexico, friends
kiss when they meet, but in the U.S., you kiss a
friend when you meet. In the U.S., you kiss a friend of the
opposite sex. You only kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife.
When you leave a party or get-together in Mexico, people kiss or they shake hands.

In the U.S., you kiss or shake hands with the people at a party; kissing is for romance, and shaking
hands is for business.

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 2: Frequency Adverbs

We can use frequency adverbs with action verbs or the verb “to be.”

It’s always cold in New York in the winter.

The frequency adverb goes after the verb “be” in a sentence.

He always feels tired, and his stomach is always upset.


Unit 2

PRACTICE 3: A Vacation
Complete the dialog with a word or phrase from the box. Follow the example.

I want can visit I always

I think can practice weather is usually
don’t need to the beach are normally
can’t speak people are normally

Rodney: What are you doing?

Helena: I’m planning my vacation.
Rodney: Are you planning to go to the beach ?
Helena: No. go to the beach. to go someplace different.
Rodney: How about France? It’s a very beautiful country.
Helena: Yes, it is, but I French and the people there rude to Americans.
Rodney: I don’t think that’ s true. Besides, I’m sure there are tours where you to speak French.
Helena: No, I don’t think I want to go to France.
Rodney: Well, then, how about Spain? lt’s warm and the usually very friendly.
Helena: Hmm. That’s an interesting idea.
Rodney: The very warm in the summer and there are many things you can see and do.
Helena: Yes, I think Spain is a good place for a vacation. Also, I my Spanish there.
Rodney: I’m sure you’ll love Spain.
Helena: I think you’re right.

PRACTICE 4: What do you hear?

Read the sentences. Then, listen to the dialogs and answer the questions. Follow the example.

Dialog 1
Ted usually gets up at at 6 a.m. .
1. He from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2. In the evenings, he sometimes helps the kids with
or he sometimes with them.

Dialog 2
3. Doris swimming in the mornings.
4. She usually visits her friends or in the afternoon.
5. She and her friends usually two or three times a week.
6. Her husband cards.

PRACTICE 5: A Phone Call
Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m .
A: Hmm. Do you always
at ?
B: No, I almost never
at .
A: Then why are you now?
B: Because .

Unscramble each word below to make a vocabulary word or expression from units 1 and 2.
Follow the example

Example: kics __________
1. dirte __________ 5. stripipencor __________
2. veerf __________ 6. drefliring __________
3. idobnerfy __________ 7. yucalalt __________
4. sneesonn __________ 8. ahtlhey __________


Three new words from this unit are:

Write a sentence with the verb be and a frequency adverb.

Write a sentence with a different verb and a frequency adverb.

Write a question with a frequency adverb.

Unit 2


Yes, it is, but I can‘t speak French and the people there
are normally rude to Americans.
PRACTICE 1: A Busy Girl Rodney:
Megan has a busy life. She goes to high school from I don’t think that’ s true. Besides, I’m sure there are tours
Monday to Friday. On Mondays and Wednesdays, she where you don‘t need to speak French.
always swims for an hour in the afternoon. She usually Helena:
visits her grandmother on Tuesdays. She doesn‘t No, I don’t think I want to go to France.
normally see her friends on Thursdays, because on Rodney:
that day she plays tennis with her cousin Libby. On Well, then, how about Spain? lt’s warm and the people
Fridays, she normally has lunch with her girlfriends. are usually very friendly.
They always plan their weekend over lunch. She Helena:
usually goes out late in the evening on the weekends. Hmm. That’s an interesting idea.
The weather is usually very warm in the summer and
there are many things you can see and do.
PRACTICE 2: Cultural Differences Helena:
Yes, I think Spain is a good place for a vacation. Also, I
Audioscript: can practice my Spanish there.
There are different customs in different countries. Rodney:
When you are at a party in the U.S., people don’t I’m sure you’ll love Spain.
usually dance. They like to listen to music and talk, Helena:
but they don’t like to dance. In Mexico, it’s different. I think you’re right.
People in Mexico love to dance and they always dance
at a party. In Mexico, friends normally kiss when they
meet, but in the U.S., you rarely kiss a friend when
you meet. In the U.S., you never kiss a friend of the PRACTICE 4: What do you hear?
opposite sex. You only kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend Audioscript 1:
or husband or wife. When you leave a party or get- My name is Ted. I’m married and I have three children.
together in Mexico, people usually kiss or they shake In the momings I usually get up at 6:00 a.m. and help
hands. my wife prepare breakfast. I always work from 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In the evenings, I sometimes help
In the U.S., you almost never kiss or shake hands with the kids with their homework, or I sometimes play
the people at a party; kissing is for romance, and baseball with them in the park.
shaking hands is for business.
1. He always works from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2. In the evenings, he sometimes helps the kids with
their homework or he sometimes plays baseball
PRACTICE 3: A Vacation with them.
What are you doing? Audioscript 2:
Helena: I’m Doris and I’m 51 years old. I don’t work, but I’m
I’m planning my vacation. very active. I always go swimming in the mornings
Rodney: from 9 to 10 a.m. After that I go home and have
Are you planning to go to the beach? breakfast. I normally eat cereal and drink a cup of
Helena: coffee. I usually visit friends in the afternoon or go
No. I always go to the beach. l want to go someplace shopping. My friends and I love to play cards and
different. we usually play cards two or three times a week. My
Rodney: husband doesn’t like to play cards, so he never plays
How about France? It’s a very beautiful country. with us. He prefers to watch TV.

3. Doris always goes swimming in the mornings.
4. She usually visits her friends or goes shopping in List of adjectives
the afternoon. busy nervous bored drunk
5. She and her friends usually play cards two or tired angry sick sober
three times a week. hungry sleepy sad healthy
6. Her husband never plays cards. thirsty happy

PRACTICE 5: A Phone Call

Example of a correct answer:
What are you doing?
I’m doing my homework.
Hmm. Do you always do your homework at night?
No, I almost never do my homework at night.
Then why are you doing your homework now?
Because I have a test in the morning.

1. tired
2. fever
3. boyfriend
4. nonsense
5. prescription
6. girlfriend
7. actually
8. healthy

Unit 2

In this unit we will examine:
y People and Places in the Past.
Einstein was a scientist.
He was German.
He was from Württemberg, Germany.
He was very intelligent.
There was a party at Jim’s house last night.
There were many people there.
Everyone was happy.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 3


(to) mean – significar clouds – nubes

mean – malvado/a reunion – reencuentro
bald – calvo No way! – ¡No puede ser!

The Class Reunion

Linda is talking to her sister Wendy.
Wendy: Hey, sis, how was your weekend?
Linda: It was fantastic! My 20th high school reunion was last Saturday.
It was outdoors, at Dos Picos Park. It was warm, and there weren’t
any clouds in the sky. There was a lot of food, and all of it was
Wendy: Were there a lot of people?
Linda: Yeah, almost everybody from my class was there. Oh, and my
favorite teacher from high school was there, too. Mrs. Ramirez
was my Spanish teacher my last year in high school. Her mother
was American, but her father was from Mexico. They were both
teachers, too.
Wendy: Were you happy to see all your friends?
Linda: Yeah, but I was also happy to see the people who weren’t my friends.
Wendy: What do you mean?
Linda: Do you remember Frank Corbett?
Wendy: I think so. Wasn’t he in a band or something?
Linda: Right. His hair was really long, and he was always mean to me. Now, he’ s almost
completely bald!
Wendy: No way!
Linda: I’m serious! And Susan Alstatt was there. In high school, she was always popular because she was tall and
thin, and she was a cheerleader. She was always mean to me, too. Now, she’s really fat.
Wendy: Well, it sounds like it was a great reunion.
Linda: It was. I can’t wait for my 30th reunion!


1. How was the weather last Saturday?

2. Were there a lot of people?

3. Who was Mrs. Ramirez?

4. Was Linda happy at the reunion?

5. How was Susan Alstatt in high school?

CONCEPT & STRUCTURE 1: The Verb “to Be” in Past
We use the verb “to be” in past to talk about nationality, origin, and professions.

Was her father American? No, he wasn’t American; he was from Mexico.
V past + SUB + NATIONALITY (-) SUB + V past neg. + NATIONALITY + SUB + V past + ORIGIN

Were her parents doctors? No, they weren’t doctors; they were teachers.
V past + SUB + PROFESSION (-) SUB + V past neg. + PROFESSION + SUB + V past + PROFESSION

PRACTICE 1: History Homework

Listen to the audio file and fill in the missing words or phrases. Follow the example.

Brian: Dad, I need some help with my homework. Can you help me?
Dad: Sure.
Brian: OK. Rodin?
Dad: He was a very famous sculptor.
Brian: German?
Dad: No, he wasn’t. He . He was from Paris.
Brian: OK. What about Marc Chagall? Was he a sculptor, too?
Dad: No, a sculptor. He was a painter.
Brian: Where was he from?
Dad: He was .
Brian: Hmm. And what can you tell me about Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso?
They were , right?
Dad: Yes, they were. They were both .
Brian: Were they both painters?
Dad: Yes, but Dalí was also . Picasso wasn’t; he was a painter and sculptor.
Brian: Well, thanks for your help, Dad.
Dad: Anytime, son.

Unit 3

PRACTICE 2: My Family
Complete the dialog with a word or phrase from the box. Follow the example.

he lives where was he was

live wasn’t from wasn’t
weren’t was beautiful she was
they were These are

Rhonda: What are you looking at, Mom?

Mom: Some old pictures. These are pictures of my grandparents.
Rhonda: Really? Who’s that?
Mom: That’s my mother’s father. a doctor. Look at this picture. This woman was his wife;
my grandmother.
Rhonda: She .
Mom: Yes, she was. Her name was Giselle. She was French.
Rhonda: Really? And your grandfather from?
Mom: He was American, but he here, he was from Philadelphia.
Rhonda: Who are the people in this picture?
Mom: my grandmother’s brothers and sisters.
Rhonda: Are any of them still living?
Mom: I think that the only person that is still living is Jacques. with his son in France.
Rhonda: That’s interesting. What about Dad’s grandparents?
Mom: Well ...

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 2: The Verb “to Be” in Past

We use the verb “to be” in past for existence.

Was there a reunion last Saturday? Yes, there was a reunion.


Were there any clouds? No, there weren’t any clouds.


We can also use “be” in past for age, location, description, state of being, and weather.

Some time expressions for the past are:

yesterday yesterday evening last night

yesterday morning the day before yesterday last
yesterday afternoon ago

PRACTICE 3: My City in the Past
Read the text. Then complete it with existence in present or in past. Follow the example.

My name is Irvin Goldsmith. I am 68 years old. I’m from Dandelion, Ohio.

Now, Dandelion is a city. When I was a little boy, Dandelion was a small town.
there weren’t (neg.) many people here. (neg.) a bus station here,
or a library or a clinic. Dandelion was a very tranquil place. Now,
many people here, and movie theaters and many schools. When
I was little, only one store, Danny’s Grocery Store. Now,
a mall in Dandelion, where I go to the theater with my grandson
Dave. Actually, I like being old. I get a 50% discount at the movies!

PRACTICE 4: A Vacation at the Beach

First read the sentences. Then listen to the audio file and fill in the missing information. Follow the

Holly’s vacation was great .
1. The weather and sunny.
2. was comfortable.
3. a Jacuzzi in the bathroom.
4. There many people at the beach.
5. The discos .

PRACTICE 5: Last Vacation

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: Where were you last vacation?

B: I was in .
A: Was the weather ?
B: Yes, the weather was ; it was and
A: Were there a lot of people there?
B: Yes, there were many people from and from

Unit 3

Match the vocabulary word on the left with its definition on the right. Write the letter of the best answer in
the box. Follow the example.

Example: f nonsense a) without hair

1. mean b) not healthy
2. No way! c) in fact
3. bald d) 12:00 PM
4. fever e) attractive
5. sick f ) a ridiculous idea
6. noon g) I don’t believe it!
7. actually h) cruel
8. cute i) high temperature


Three new words from this unit are:

How well can you use was and were with the following concepts? Very Not
Well Well








That’s my mother’s father. He was a doctor. Look at
this picture. This woman was his wife; she was my
PRACTICE 1: History Homework grandmother.
Audio script: Rhonda:
Brian: She was beautiful.
Dad, I need some help with my homework. Can you Mom:
help me? Yes, she was. Her name was Giselle. She was French.
Dad: Rhonda:
Sure. Really? And where was your grandfather from?
Brian: Mom:
OK. Who was Rodin? He was American, but he wasn’t from here, he was from
Dad: Philadelphia.
He was a very famous sculptor. Rhonda:
Brian: Who are the people in this picture?
Was he German? Mom:
Dad: They were my grandmother’s brothers and sisters.
No, he wasn’t. He was from France. He was from Paris. Rhonda:
Brian: Are any of them still living?
OK. What about Marc Chagall? Was he a sculptor, too? Mom:
Dad: I think that the only person that is still living is Jacques.
No, he wasn’t a sculptor. He was a painter. He lives with his son in France.
Brian: Rhonda:
Where was he from? That’s interesting. What about Dad’s grandparents?
Dad: Mom:
He was from Russia. Well ...
Hmm. And what can you tell me about Salvador Dalí
and Pablo Picasso? They were both Spanish, right?
Dad: PRACTICE 3: My City in the Past
Yes, they were. They were both from Spain. My name is Irvin Goldsmith. I am 68 years old. I’m from
Brian: Dandelion, Ohio. Now, Dandelion is a city. When I was
Were they both painters? a little boy, Dandelion was a small town. There weren’t
Dad: many people here. There wasn’t a bus station here,
Yes, but Dalí was also a writer. Picasso wasn’t; he was a or a library or a clinic. Dandelion was a very tranquil
painter and sculptor. place. Now, there are many people here, and there are
Brian: movie theaters and many schools. When I was little,
Well, thanks for your help, Dad. there was only one store, Danny’s Grocery Store. Now,
Dad: there is a mall in Dandelion, where I go to the theater
Anytime, son. with my grandson Dave. Actually, I like being old. I get
a 50% discount at the movies!

PRACTICE 2: My Family
What are you looking at, Mom? PRACTICE 4: A Vacation at the Beach
Some old pictures. These are pictures of my Audio script:
grandparents. Mitch:
Rhonda: How was your vacation?
Really? Who’s that?

Unit 3


It was great. The weather was warm and sunny almost
every day. There was only one day that it was a little 1. h
cool. 2. g
Mitch: 3. a
How was the hotel? 4. i
It was really comfortable. It was big, and there was a 5. b
Jacuzzi in the bathroom. 6. d
Mitch: 7. c
Really? Sounds nice. 8. e
It was.
Were there many people at the beach?
Not really. It was normally very quiet.
So, how were the discos?
They were very nice. There weren’t a lot of people and
the music was good.
Well, it seems your vacation was great.
Yes, it really was.

1. The weather was warm and sunny.

2. The hotel was comfortable.
3. There was a Jacuzzi in the bathroom.
4. There weren’t many people at the beach.
5. The discos were nice.

PRACTICE 5: Last Vacation

Example of a correct answer:
Where were you last vacation?
I was in Acapulco.
Was the weather nice?
Yes, the weather was nice; it was warm and sunny.
Were there a lot of people there?
Yes, there were many people from the United States and
from Canada.

In this unit we will examine:
y Past Actions
We went to Paris on our
last vacation.
I had a great time.
My wife bought a lot of clothes.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 4


(to) meet – conocer stupid – tonto

(to) spend (time) – pasar tiempo dizzy – mareado/a
(to) get up – levantarse embarrassed – avergonzado/a
(to) be fun – ser divertido hangover – resaca

The Morning After

Pam: Cheryl, why are you late? And why are you wearing sunglasses to work?
Cheryl: I feel awful; I have a hangover.
Pam: A hangover? What's going on?
Cheryl: I went to a party at Glen’s house last night.
Pam: A party? On a Wednesday night?
Cheryl: I know, I know, but it was his birthday.
Pam: Well, was it fun?
Cheryl: It was fun at first, but then I did something really stupid.
Pam: What was it this time?
Cheryl: Well, I met a really nice guy. His name is Paul. We spent most of
the evening together.
Pam: So, what was the problem?
Cheryl: Well, there was a lot of alcohol, and I drank too much. Pretty soon, I was really drunk. I felt dizzy, and it
was impossible for me to drive. I was embarrassed, but Paul was really sweet about it. He drove me to
my house. We said goodnight, and he gave me his phone number. When I got up this morning, I saw
that it was already 9:00. I felt terrible. I took a shower, ate some cereal, and then I took a taxi to get here.
Pam: Well, you have a meeting with Mr. Newman in about ten minutes.
Cheryl: I know. Where's the coffee?


Complete the sentences with verbs from the story.

1. Cheryl to a party at Glen's house last night.

2. She a really nice guy.
3. They most of the evening together.
4. He Cheryl to her house.
5. When she this morning, she that it was already 9:00.

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 1: Irregular Verbs in Past
We use verbs in past to talk about completed actions at a definite time in the past.

Cheryl went to a party last night.


They spent most of the evening together.

He drove Cheryl to her house.

PRACTICE 1: Pronunciation
Repeat the verbs in past after the teacher in the audio file.

List of Verbs in Past

become became give gave sing sang
buy bought go went spend spent
drink drank have had swim swam
eat ate meet met take took
find found read read win won
fly flew see saw write wrote
get got sell sold

PRACTICE 2: My Boring Life!

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in past. Follow the example.

My life is so boring. I never do anything interesting. For example, yesterday I got (get) up, I (take) a
shower, I (have) breakfast and then I went to work. At work I
(give) a presentation to my boss, I (write) a report, and
I read some information about a competitor. After work, I (go)
home. I (eat) dinner and took the dog out. I went to the store and
I (buy) some milk and bread. At night I (read) a book and
then I went to bed.

I really need to find more interesting things to do!

Unit 4

PRACTICE 3: Pronunciation
Repeat the verbs in past after the teacher on the audio file.

List of Verbs in Past

come came leave left say said
do did make made speak spoke
drive drove put put wear wore
feel felt

PRACTICE 4: Back at Work

Complete the dialog with phrases from the box. Follow the example.

where were felt terrible he said

was worried feel better I wrote
was happy they got I bought
he’s presenting he made I spoke
he is working

Matt: Where were you for the last two days?

Wally: I was at home. I felt really sick. I think I ate something bad.
My head and stomach .
Matt: You need to be careful.
Wally: I know. I went to the doctor and the same thing. He gave me some medicine and I
today. So what's new here at the office?
Matt: Nothing much. the monthly report for Mr. Chambers and gave it to him last night.
Wally: Thanks. I about that.
Matt: Oh, and I saw that new client from Norton Industries.
Wally: Really? Is he interested in our offer?
Matt: I think so. He took the information and it to the people in his company today.
Wally: Great. Is that it?
Matt: Just one more thing. to Jack Anders yesterday about our production schedule. He said
that they found the problem and they are fixing it now.
Wally: Good. Thanks for your help.
Matt: No problem.

PRACTICE 5: Fun Activities
Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: Where were you ?

B: I went to .
What about you?
A: I went to .
Tell me about .
B: We , and .
How was ?
A: It was . We
and .

Read the text. Then fill in the blanks with a verb in past. Follow the example.

I went to a party last Saturday night. It w a lot of fun. I m a very nice girl, and we s several
hours together. Unfortunately, I also d four margaritas. I don’t remember it, but my friends said that I s
karaoke songs all night. I g up at noon the next day. I h a terrible hangover. I t some aspirin, but I
still felt terrible all day.

Unit 4


Write three new words or expressions.

Write three new sentences using those new words.

Check ( ) the verbs that you can use well in past.

   become    drive    get    make    see    swim

   buy    eat    give    meet    sell    take
   come    feel    go    put    sing    wear
   do    find    have    read    speak    win
   drink    fly    leave    say    spend     write

List of Verbs in Past

become became get got see saw
buy bought give gave sell sold
come came go went sing sang
do did have had speak spoke
drink drank leave left spend spent
drive drove make made swim swam
eat ate meet met take took
feel felt put put wear wore
find found read read win won
fly flew say said write wrote

Example of a correct answer:
PRACTICE 2: My Boring Life A:
My life is so boring. I never do anything interesting. Where were you last weekend?
For example, yesterday I got up, I took a shower, I had B:
breakfast and then I went to work. At work I gave a I went to Taxco. What about you?
presentation to my boss, I wrote a report, and I read A:
some information about a competitor. After work, I I went to the club. Tell me about Taxco.
went home. I ate dinner and took the dog out. I went B:
to the store and I bought some milk and bread. At We ate at a nice restaurant, and we bought silver. How
night I read a book and then I went to bed. was the club?
I really need to find more interesting things to do! It was nice. We swam and drank sodas by the pool.


Matt: I went to a party last Saturday night. It was a lot of
Where were you for the last two days? fun. I met a very nice girl, and we spent several hours
Wally: together. Unfortunately, I also drank four margaritas.
I was at home. I felt really sick. I think I ate something I don't remember it, but my friends said that I sang
bad. My head and stomach felt terrible. karaoke songs all night. I got up at noon the next day.
Matt: I had a terrible hangover. I took some aspirin, but I still
You need to be careful. felt terrible all day.
I know. I went to the doctor and he said the same thing.
He gave me some medicine and I feel better today. So
what's new here at the office?
Nothing much. I wrote the monthly report for Mr.
Chambers and gave it to him last night.
Thanks. I was worried about that.
Oh, and I saw that new client from Norton Industries.
Really? Is he interested in our offer?
I think so. He took the information and he’s presenting it
to the people in his company today.
Great. Is that it?
Just one more thing. I spoke to Jack Anders yesterday
about our production schedule. He said that they
found the problem and they are fixing it now.
Good. Thanks for your help.
No problem.

Unit 4


In this unit we will review:
y Actions Now
y Existence
y Habits with Frequency Adverbs
y People and Places in the Present
and in the Past
y Past Actions with Irregular Verbs
y and vocabulary.
Unit 5

PRACTICE 1: Cleaning the Garage

Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box. Follow the example.

we have was did beautiful

there are were you gave
there’s I was he does
are you doing l won he made

Charlie: Hi, Brad. What are you doing ?

Brad: I’m cleaning the garage. too many things in here.
Charlie: I see. What’s this?
Brad: Oh, it’s my old tennis racket. When I was in the university, on the tennis team.
Charlie: Really? a good tennis player?
Brad: I think so. a lot of tournaments.
Charlie: Hey, what are those?
Brad: They’re some things my grandfather me. He was a carpenter. a lot of
beautiful things. You know that chair in the living room? Well, he made that.
Charlie: I had no idea. He work.
Brad: Yes, I think so, too.

PRACTICE 2: What do you hear?

Read the sentences below. Then listen to the dialog and fill in the missing information. Follow the example.

Dialog 1
Colleen went to a party last night.
1. The party terrible.
2. a lot of people, but there wasn’t any food.
3. Colleen was really .
4. The music was terrible and the songs were really .

Dialog 2
5. Larry got to school early because he normally does his homework .
6. Vicky did last night.
7. had the answer to question number nine.
8. She found the answer in a at home.

PRACTICE 3: A Busy Day
Listen to the audio file and write the missing words or phrases. Follow the example.

Eileen: How was work today?

Greg: It was fine, but I was really busy. a report for
Mr. Stevens, I got my presentation ready for next week, and I
spent about on the phone with Mr. Rollins.
Eileen: Sounds like you were busy.
Greg: Yes, I was. How was your day?
Eileen: Well, I was busy, too. I in the morning and I
bought food for the week. When I got home, it was 1:00, so I
. The children got home at 2:30 and we ate.
After that, I took them to their swimming class; the kids there and I went to my aerobics
class. Later, I went for the children. When we , they did their homework, and I wrote a
letter to . I gave the children something to eat, and then I put the kids to bed.
Greg: Wow, you really had a busy day!
Eileen: Yes. And now I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed. Good night.

These activities are not for homework; we will do them in class.

ACTIVITY 1: Multiple Choice

Write the letter of the correct answer. Follow the example.

Example: They are b right now.

a. swim
b. swimming
c. to swim
d. swam

1. two people in the store. 3. Harry meat; he’s a vegetarian.

a. There were a. doesn’t sometimes
b. Were they b. never eats
c. There was c. always doesn’t
d. They were d. doesn’t never

2. Do work from eight to five? 4. Shirley went to Paris and new clothes.
a. usually you a. bought
b. hardly you ever b. was
c. never you c. met
d. you normally d. spent

Unit 5

5. Rudy was never nice to me; I think he’s . 6. When I travel, I always my brothers and sisters.
a. bald a. mean
b. mean b. know
c. cute c. spend
d. nonsense d. miss

ACTIVITY 2: A Lottery Ticket

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. The verb can be in present or past.
Follow the example.

I don’t normally buy (buy, neg.) lottery tickets, but

last week, (existence) a lottery ticket vendor in our office
building and I (buy) a ticket. I (read) the
number. lt was 27-09-94-00-01. That was an incredible coincidence: my
birthday is the 27th of September and I (be) born in 1994.

The results will be published online at noon today. I (plan)

to check it immediately. I almost never (win) anything in the
lottery. Is this my lucky day? Can I become rich today?

ACTIVITY 3: Find the Mistake

There is mistake in every line. The mistake is one of the underlined words. Choose the correction.

Stan doesn’t always does his homework.
don’t / never / do do
1. There were a new student in my class.
It / was / on
2. King Henry the 8th was from English.
were / in / England
3. Does you normally go shopping every week?
Do / goes / shop
4. Daniel meet his girlfriend three months ago.
met / her / last
5. Mr. Williams gives his wife some beautiful flowers yesterday.
gave / him / one
6. We almost ever drink coffee at night because we can’t sleep well.
normally / never / drinking

ACTIVITY 4: Last Night
Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: Where were you last night?

B: I was .
I .
A: Hmm. Do you usually
on ?
B: No, I almost never on
, but I last night.

Review the words in the keywords and expressions boxes for units 1 to 4. Then fill in the blanks with a
vocabulary word or expression. Follow the example.

Unit 5

Four men were on a plane to Miami. Their names were Abraham Sánchez, Alberto Sánchez, Arturo Sánchez
and Antonio Sánchez. Believe it or not, they were all sitting in row 29, seats 29A through D. They had all
ordered special meals, but the lunch boxes all said “A. Sanchez”. Can you find out who ate what?

Now complete the table below.


Check ( ) the vocabulary that you understand well.

  Verbs: Descriptions: Other words:
   (to) have a fever    cute    actually
   (to) have fun    dizzy    almost
   (to) have a hangover    embarrassed    No way!
   (to) spend time/money    mean    nonsense

How well can you use the following concepts? Very Not
Well Well

actions now............................................................................

general information and habits......................................

habits with frequency adverbs.......................................

existence in present and past..........................................

people and places in the past.........................................

past actions with irregular verbs....................................

Unit 5


It was terrible; all the songs were really old.
PRACTICE 1: Cleaning the Garage Gee, that’ s too bad.
Hi, Brad. What are you doing? 1. The party was terrible.
I’m cleaning the garage. There are too many things in 2. There were a lot of people, but there wasn’t any
here. food.
Charlie: 3. Colleen was really hungry.
I see. What’s this? 4. The music was terrible, and the songs were really
Oh, it’s my old tennis racquet. When I was in the
university, I was on the tennis team.
Dialog 2
Really? Were you a good tennis player?
Hi, Larry.
I think so. I won a lot of tournaments.
Oh, hi, Vicky.
Hey, what are those?
Why are you here so early? The class begins at 10:00, and
it’s only 8:00.
They’re some things my grandfather gave me. He was a
carpenter. He made a lot of beautiful things. You know
I always arrive early because I normally do my homework
that chair we have in the living room? Well, he made
I like to do my homework at night. I did all the homework
I had no idea. He did beautiful work.
Yes, I think so, too.
Then, maybe you can help me. I can’t find the answer to
question number nine. Do you have it?
PRACTICE 2: : What do you hear? Let me see ... Yes. I wrote that Ponce de León came to
Audio script: Florida in 1513.
Dialog 1 Larry:
Dave: Was that in our book?
Hi, Colleen. Vicky:
Colleen: No, it wasn’t. I found that information in a history book at
Oh, hi, Dave. home.
Dave: Larry:
How was the party last night? I see. Well, thanks for your help.
Colleen: Vicky:
It was terrible. You’re welcome.
5. Larry got to school early because he normally does
Well, first, there wasn’t any food, and I was really his homework in the morning/at school.
hungry. There were a lot of people, and the place was 6. Vicky did her homework last night.
really small. It wasn’t possible to dance. 7. Vicky had the answer to question number nine.
8. She found the answer in a history book at home.
I see. And how was the music?

PRACTICE 3: A Busy Day
How was work today?
It was fine, but I was really busy. I wrote a report for Mr.
Stevens, I got my presentation ready for next week, and
I spent about an hour on the phone with Mr. Rollins.
Sounds like you were busy.
Yes, I was. How was your day?
Well, I was busy, too. I went shopping in the morning,
and I bought food for the week. When I got home,
it was 1:00, so I made dinner. The children got home
at 2:30 and we ate. After that, I took them to their
swimming class; I left the kids there and I went to my
aerobics class. Later, I went for the children. When we
got home, they did their homework, and I wrote a letter
to my mom. I gave the children something to eat, and
then I put the kids to bed.
Wow, you really had a busy day!
Yes. And now I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed. Good


Unit 5

In this unit we will examine:
y Past Actions in Negative and
I didn’t give Jim the book because
he didn’t come to school today.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 6


(to) cut – cortar stitches – puntadas

(to) fall – caer, caerse glad – contento/a
(to) break – romper cash – efectivo
(to) pay – pagar

A Horrible Weekend
Vincent: Hey, Theo, did you have a good time last weekend?
Theo: No, Vincent, I didn’t have a good time. In fact, I had a horrible time.
Vincent: But I thought you went to Dave’s country house.
Theo: We did.
Vincent: So what was the problem?
Theo: Well, everything was fine in the morning. We swam, and my wife
made sandwiches for lunch. Unfortunately, she left the knife on
the kitchen table. My daughter took it into the living room and she
cut her hand.
Vincent: Oh, no. Was it serious?
Theo: Not really, but she began to cry when she saw the blood. My wife heard her and ran into the living room.
She didn’t see the coffee table, and she fell and broke her arm.
Vincent: Oh, my. Did you take her to a hospital?
Theo: Well, there wasn’t a hospital there, so I took them both to a clinic.
The doctor took x-rays of my wife’s arm, and he gave my daughter
five stitches. Of course, I was so upset, I forgot my wallet, so I didn’t
have any money.
Vincent: What did you do?
Theo: I drove back to the house and got my wallet. I didn’t have any cash,
so I paid with a credit card.
Vincent: So, how are they now?
Theo: They’re fine, but they didn’t go to work or school today.
Vincent: Well, I’m glad they’re okay.


1. Did Theo have a good time last weekend?

2. How did his daughter cut her hand?

3. What did his wife do?

4. Did he take them to a hospital?

5. How did he pay the doctor at the clinic?

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 1: Past Actions in Negative

We use verbs in past to talk about completed actions at a definite time in the past.

Charlie didn’t eat breakfast yesterday.

We use the auxiliary didn’t (did not) + a verb in simple form in negative.

He didn’t have a good time; he had a terrible time.


PRACTICE 1: Pronunciation

Repeat the verbs in past after the teacher on the audio file.

List of Verbs in Past

break broke forget forgot send sent
bring brought hear heard sleep slept
build built think thought

Unit 6

PRACTICE 2: A Wonderful Vacation

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Follow the example.

Karen: So, how was your vacation?

Nancy: It was great, except for the problems I had (have) at the airport.
Karen: What problems?
Nancy: I got to the airport and they said that I (have, neg.) a
seat on the plane.
Karen: Why not?
Nancy: They said that they (get, neg.) my reservation, but I
had my ticket.
Karen: And then?
Nancy: Well, they finally got me a seat, but we (leave) an
hour late.
Karen: So, tell me. What is Cancun like?
Nancy: It’s beautiful. (existence) many beautiful beaches and it’s always sunny. I had a great time.
I met some very interesting people there, too. We (spend) a lot of time together. During
the day, we swam and spent time in the sun. I (have, neg.) time to get bored. At night, we
(eat) in nice restaurants and we went to the clubs after dinner.
Karen: Well, it sounds like you had a great time.

PRACTICE 3: The Past and the Present

Listen to the audio file and check the things Barbara does now, the things she did in the past, and the
things she did both in the past and in the present.

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 2: Past Actions in Interrogative
We use verbs in past to talk about completed actions at a definite time in the past.

Did you buy a new car? No, I didn’t buy a new car.

We use the auxiliary did +subject + a verb in simple form in interrogative.

Did he take his wife and daughter to a hospital?


No, he didn’t take his wife and daughter to a hospital; he took them to a clinic.

PRACTICE 4: Pronunciation

Repeat the verbs in past after the teacher on the audio file.

List of Verbs in Past

begin began know knew sit sat
catch caught pay paid teach taught
draw drew throw threw

Unit 6

PRACTICE 5: An Interview
Read the dialog. Then complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Follow the

An interview with the famous composer Aldo Mandirlone.

Frederica Stall: Mr. Mandirlone, how many songs did you write (write) for the movies?
Aldo Mandirlone: Too many, I think. I (write) hundreds of
songs. I (do) the music for about 70 movies
in the last 25 years.
Frederica Stall: What is your favorite movie?
Aldo Mandirlone: My favorite (be) “2001 - A Space Odyssey.”
Frederica Stall: But you (write, neg.) the music for that film!
Aldo Mandirlone: That’s right. When I write the music, I always
(see) the movie hundreds of times. When I finish,
I (want, neg.) to see the movie again.
“2001 - A Space Odyssey” is an excellent film with
beautiful music.
Frederica Stall: We all know you are Italian, but where exactly (be) you born?
Aldo Mandirlone: I was born in Calabria, in the city of Reggio.
Frederica Stall: Now that you live in the U.S., you (miss) your hometown?
Aldo Mandirlone: Yes, I do. I miss the people, the parties, and I especially miss gelato al brioche.
Frederica Stall: Excuse me?
Aldo Mandirlone: lt’s an ice cream dessert; very hard to get here in the States.

CONCEPT AND STRUCTURE 3: Past Actions in Interrogative

We use verbs in past to talk about completed actions at a definite time in the past.

Where did you find my book? I found your book in the kitchen.

To ask an information question, we add a question word before the auxiliary did.

Did they go to a hotel? No, they didn’t go to a hotel.

AUX + SUB + VSF (-) SUB + AUX(-) + VSF

Where did they go? They went to a country house.


PRACTICE 6: Pronunciation

Repeat the verbs in past after the teacher on the audio file.

List of Verbs in Past

cost cost hurt hurt run ran
cut cut hear heard steal stole
fall fell let let

PRACTICE 7: The Weekend

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases. Follow the example.

Harry: How was your weekend?

Al: lt was great .
Harry: Really? What did you do?
Al: Well, on Saturday my wife took the kids in the
morning, so I slept late.
Harry: That’s nice.
Al: Yes. Then on Saturday afternoon, we for a new
stereo system.
Harry: What system did you buy?
Al: Well, all the information about the Tamamachi system, but when we got to the store, the
Frontier system was on sale. It had all the same characteristics as the Tamamachi system, and it cost a lot
Harry: did you pay for the system?
Al: I only paid $1,500 for it.
Harry: That was a great price.
Al: Yeah, it really was. Maybe you can come to the house . We can listen to some music and
watch the football game.
Harry: That sounds like a great idea. What time do you want me to arrive?
Al: The game starts at , so come at around 12:00.
Harry: Great. I can bring .
Al: Good. See you then!
Harry: Bye!

Unit 6

PRACTICE 8: Party Preparations

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: , I’m back from the store.

B: Did you buy ?
A: No, they didn’t have any .
B: Well, did you buy ?
A: Yes, I bought .
B: What else did you get?
A: I got , and .
B: What about ?
A: Oh, no! I forgot the !

Fill in the blanks with a verb in the correct form. Follow the example.

The little girl fell down yesterday.
1. She c her hand with the knife last weekend.
2. How much did you p for that painting?
3. The boy b the window with a rock yesterday.
4. I f a wallet on the street last week.
5. Did you t a bath or a shower?
6. They w the lottery last year.
7. We s a lot of money on our last vacation.
8. He b a teacher in 1988.


Write three new words from this unit that you can use.

Write three new sentences or questions in past.

In your own words, when do you use the auxiliary did?

Unit 6

ANSWER KEY We usually go shopping or we meet for lunch at a

restaurant. We love to talk about the past when we
didn’t have many responsibilities.
PRACTICE 2: A Wonderful Vacation

Audio script:
So, how was your vacation?
It was great, except for the problems I had at the
What problems?
I got to the airport and they said that I didn’t have a seat
on the plane.
Why not?
Nancy: PRACTICE 5: An Interview
They said that they didn’t get my reservation, but I had An interview with the famous composer Aldo
my ticket. Mandirlone.
Karen: Frederica Stall:
And then? Mr. Mandirlone, how many songs did you write for the
Nancy: movies?
Well, they finally got me a seat, but we left an hour late. Aldo Mandirlone:
Karen: Too many, I think. I wrote hundreds of songs. I did the
So, tell me. What is Cancun like? music for about 70 movies in the last 25 years.
Nancy: Frederica Stall:
It’s beautiful. There are many beautiful beaches and What is your favorite movie?
it’s always sunny. I had a great time. I met some very Aldo Mandirlone:
interesting people there, too. We spent a lot of time My favorite is “2001 - A Space Odyssey.”
together. During the day, we swam and spent time in Frederica Stall:
the sun. I didn’t have time to get bored. At night, we But you didn’t write the music for that film!
ate in nice restaurants and we went to the clubs after Aldo Mandirlone:
dinner. That’s right. When I write the music, I always see the
Karen: movie hundreds of times. When I finish, I don’t want
Well, it sounds like you had a great time. to see the movie again. “2001 - A Space Odyssey” is an
excellent film with beautiful music.
Frederica Stall:
PRACTICE 3: The Past and the We all know you are Italian, but where exactly were you
Present born?
Audio script: Aldo Mandirlone:
When I was a teenager, I didn’t drive a car, but I had I was born in Calabria, in the city of Reggio.
a bicycle. I had many books and I read a lot. I spent Frederica Stall:
a lot of time with my friends. We swam, we went to Now that you live in the U.S., do you miss your
the park, we went shopping or we spent time at the hometown?
beach. We had a great time together. Now I’m 26. I Aldo Mandirlone:
work in an office and I drive a car to work every day. I Yes, I do. I miss the people, the parties, and I especially
don’t have a bicycle because I don’t need one. I have miss gelato al brioche.
a lot of books, but I don’t read a lot because I don’t Frederica Stall:
have time. Now, I still spend time with my friends. Excuse me?

Aldo Mandirlone: PRACTICE 8: Party Preparations
lt’s an ice cream dessert; very hard to get here in the
States. Example of a correct answer:
Hector, I’m back from the store.
Did you buy potato chips?
PRACTICE 7: The Weekend A:
Audio script: No, they didn’t have any potato chips.
Harry: B:
How was your weekend? Well, did you buy soda?
Al: A:
lt was great. Yes, I bought soda.
Harry: B:
Really? What did you do? What else did you get?
Al: A:
Well, on Saturday my wife took the kids to the park in I got rum, cheese, and paper plates.
the morning, so I slept late. B:
Harry: What about ice cream?
That’s nice. A:
Al: Oh, no! I forgot the ice cream!
Yes. Then on Saturday afternoon, we went shopping for
a new stereo system.
What system did you buy?
Well, I had all the information about the Tamamachi 1. cut
system, but when we got to the store, the Frontier 2. pay
system was on sale. It had all the same characteristics as 3. broke
the Tamamachi system, and it cost a lot less.
4. found
How much did you pay for the system? 5. take
Al: 6. won
I only paid $1,500 for it. 7. spent
8. became
That was a great price.
Yeah, it really was. Maybe you can come to the house
on Saturday. We can listen to some music and watch
the football game.
That sounds like a great idea. What time do you want
me to arrive?
The game starts at 2:00 p.m., so come at around 12:00.
Great. I can bring some beer.
Good. See you Then!


In this unit we will examine:
y Future Actions
Are you going to play tennis tomorrow?
No, I’m not going to play tennis tomorrow.
I’m going to visit my girlfriend.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 7


(to) take a trip – hacer un viaje (to) take someone’s place – tomar el lugar de alguien
(to) stay – hospedarse, quedarse (to) lend – prestar
(to) take it easy – tomarlo con calma on vacation – de vacaciones
(to) get back – regresar, volver probably – probablemente, muy probable

Vacation Plans
June: Hey, April, I heard you’re going to be on vacation next week.
April: That’s right. We’re going to take a trip to Aspen.
June: Well, that sounds like fun. How are you going to get there?
April: We’re going to drive.
June: Are you going to rent a car?
April: No, my father is going to lend us his car.
June: Where are you going to stay?
April: We’re going to stay at the Aspen Hotel.
June: Wow, I hear that’s really nice. So, what are you going to do while
you’re there?
April: We’re going to go hiking in the mountains. And we’re going to do
some shopping in the town, and we want to visit some famous
June: When are you going to get back?
April: I’m going to get back in two weeks. Why?
June: Well, there’s going to be a meeting with sorne important clients next
week. Who’s going to take your place?
April: Don’t worry, I spoke to May, and she’s going to go to the meeting
for me.
June: Well, it sounds like you have everything ready. Have a great trip.
April: Thanks, June. See you in two weeks.


1. What is April going to do next week?

2. How are they going to get there?

3. Are they going to rent a car?

4. Where are they going to stay?

5. Who is going to take April’s place at the meeting?

We use going to to express a future action.

The children are going to be on vacation in August.

We use the auxiliary be + going to + VSF to express a future action.

Are they going to go to Aspen next week? Yes, they’re going to go to Aspen.

Are they going to rent a car? No, they aren’t going to rent a car.

Some time expressions for the future are:

tonight this afternoon next week in two weeks

tomorrow this week next month in four months
later this month next year in three years

PRACTICE 1: Plans for the Evening

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Follow the example.

Diane: Hello?
Brett: Hi, Diane. This is Brett. I Do you have (have) any plans for
Diane: Not really. Why?
Brett: Steve, Francine, and I (go) to a jazz
concert in a club downtown. Do you (want)
to come with us?
Diane: Is the Wilson Quartet going to play tonight?
Brett: No, (play, neg.). They were there last
week. Tonight, there’ s going to be a great sax player, Bill Holms.
Diane: That sounds good. he (play)
Brett: No, he (play, neg.) early. The concert starts at 11:30.
Diane: In that case, I (go, opportunity, neg.). I (work) tomorrow.
Brett: That’s too bad. Well, maybe another time.
Diane: Yeah. Thanks for the invitation.
Brett: Bye!

Unit 7

PRACTICE 2: Summer Vacation

What are these people going to do on vacation? Look at the chart. Then listen to the audio file and fill in the
missing information. Follow the example.

isn’t going to go


We use going to to express future actions.

What is she going to do next week? She‘s going to take a trip to Aspen.

PRACTICE 3: A Famous Travel Writer
Read the answers and write the corresponding questions. Follow the example.

Interviewer: Are you going to take a trip this year?

Bruce: Yes, I’m going to take a trip this year.
Bruce: I’m going to go to Tierra del Fuego.
Bruce: No, I’m not going to be there in winter. It’s too cold then.
Bruce: I’m going to go by boat. I’m probably going to leave from
Bruce: I’m going to stay in Ushuaia, a cool city that has simple hotels.
Bruce: I’m going to study the animals of Tierra del Fuego.
Bruce: I’m going to be back in October.
Interviewer: Well, good luck on your trip.
Bruce: Thank you.

PRACTICE 4: A Press Conference

First, read the questions. Then listen to the audio file and write the answers. Listen again to check your

When is Danielle going to begin to make a new movie?
She’s going to begin to make a new movie next month.
1. Does Danielle know the name of the movie?

2. Are Danielle and her husband having problems?

3. Is she going to buy a new house?

4. When is she going to move?

Unit 7

PRACTICE 5: A Fortune Teller

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: Please tell me my future. What is going to happen in ?

B: is going to be a very bad month for you.
A: Oh, no! Why?
B: in .
A: That’s awful!
B: Yes, but is going to be a very good month!
in .
A: Really? That’s great!

Match the vocabulary word on the left with its definition on the right. Write the letter of the best answer in
the box. Follow the example.

Example: f on vacation a) happy

1. probably b) to live temporarily
2. glad c) to substitute
3. to stay d) almost sure
4. to take it easy e) to return
5. to get back f ) away from work
6. to take someone’s place g) to travel
7. to take a trip h) to relax


Write three new sentences or questions in future.

Check ( ) the concepts that you can use well.

actions now past actions
habits and general information future actions

What are you going to do to understand the concepts better?

ANSWER KEY friends, I’m going to go to the beach, and maybe take a
trip to California.
PRACTICE 1: Plans for the Evening So, you’re not going to work.
Diane: Jack:
Hello? No. I worked all year during school, so I’m going to rest
Brett: and relax on this vacation.
Hi, Diane. This is Brett. Do you have any plans for Patty:
tonight? That’s nice. What about you, Allison?
Diane: Allison:
Not really. Why? l’m not going to relax and l’m not going to work; I’m
Brett: going to take a summer course in Mexico.
Steve, Francine and I are going to go to a jazz concert Patty:
in a club downtown. Do you want to come with us? Wow. Are you going to study Spanish?
Diane: Allison:
Is the Wilson Quartet going to play tonight? No. l’m going to learn about the ancient Mayan cities.
Brett: Jack:
No, they aren’t going to play. They were there last That sounds interesting. Are you going to be there all
week. Tonight, there’ s going to be a great sax player, summer?
Bill Holms. Allison:
Diane: Almost. l’m going to leave next Monday and l’m going
That sounds good. Is he going to play early? to be back on August 25th.
Brett: Jack:
No, he isn’t going to play early. The concert starts at Well, have a good time and write me if you can.
11:30. Allison:
Diane: Sure. I’ll send you both a postcard.
In that case, I can’t go. I’m going to work tomorrow.
Brett: Patty ...
That’s too bad. Well, maybe another time. ... isn’t going to go on vacation.
Diane: ... is going to help her father.
Yeah. Thanks for the invitation. ... needs money to go to the university.
Brett: Jack ...
Bye! ... isn’t going to work.
... is going to spend time with friends.
... is going to go to California on vacation.
Allison ...
PRACTICE 2: Summer Vacation ... isn’t going to relax.
Audioscript: ... isn’t going to work.
Allison: ... isn’t going to study Spanish.
So, Patty, are you going to do anything special this ... is going to take a summer course in Mexico.
I got two jobs for the summer. I’m going to work in
McDonald’s in the evenings and on the weekends and PRACTICE 3: A Famous Travel
l’m going to work for my father during the day. His Writer
secretary is going to go on vacation, so l’m going to Audioscript:
help him in his office. You know I need money to go to Interviewer:
the university next year, so this is perfect for me. What Are you going to take a trip this year?
about you, Jack? What are your plans for vacation? Bruce:
Jack: Yes, I’m going to take a trip this year.
Nothing much. l’m going to spend time with my

Unit 7

Interviewer: Danielle:
Where are you going to go? No, the rumors aren’t true. We are very happy.
Bruce: Reporter 4:
I’m going to go to Tierra del Fuego. Is it true that you are going to buy a new house?
Interviewer: Danielle:
Are you going to be there in winter? Yes. We found a house for sale that we really like, so
Bruce: we’re going to sell the house we’re living in now.
No, I’m not going to be there in winter. It’s too cold Reporter 2:
then. When are you going to move into the new house?
Interviewer: Danielle:
How are you going to go? We’re probably going to move in three months.
Bruce: Agent:
I’m going to go by boat. I’m probably going to leave Thank you all for coming. Ms. Huntington doesn’t have
from Montevideo. any more time for questions right now. She has an
Interviewer: appointment with an important producer.
Where are you going to stay? Reporter 1:
Bruce: Ms. Huntington, Ms. Huntington, just one more
I’m going to stay in Ushuaia, a cool city that has simple question Ms. Huntington ...
Interviewer: 1. No. (she doesn ‘t know the name o f the movie.)
What are you going to do? 2. No. (they aren’t having problems.)
Bruce: 3. Yes. (she is going to buy a new house.)
I’m going to study the animals of Tierra del Fuego. 4. (She ‘s going to move in) three months.
When are you going to be back?
I’m going to be back in October. PRACTICE 5: A Fortune Teller
Interviewer: Example of a correct answer:
Well, good luck on your trip. A:
Bruce: Please tell me my future. What is going to happen in
Thank you. May?
May is going to be a very bad month for you.
PRACTICE 4: A Press Conference Oh, no! Why?
Audioscript: B:
The famous actress, Danielle Huntington is at a press You are going to crash your car in May.
conference. A:
Reporter 1: That’s awful!
When are you going to make a new movie, Danielle? B:
Danielle: Yes, but June is going to be a very good month! You are
I’m going to begin a new movie next month. I’m going going to win the lottery in June.
to work with Steven Spellman. A:
Reporter 2: Really? That’s great!
Are you going to tell us the name of the movie?
Well, it really doesn’t have a name yet.
There are rumors that you and your husband are 1. d
having problems. Are you going to get a divorce? 2. a

3. b
4. h
5. e
6. c
7. g

Unit 2


In this unit we will examine:
y Object Pronouns
Did you buy your father a sweater?
No, I didn’t buy him a sweater.
What did you get him?
I got him a smart watch.
y and vocabulary.
Unit 8


(to) give back – devolver (algo) father-in-law – suegro

can’t stand – no (lo) soporto, (lo) odio mother-in-law – suegra
What’s the matter? – ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué te sucede? in-laws – suegros

Christmas Shopping
Lara: Well, here we are at the mall. What do you want to do first?
Kim: I need to get some presents for my in-laws. They’re going to stay with
us for Christmas this year.
Lara: Do you have any ideas?
Kim: Well, my mother-in-law gave me a beautiful sweater last year. I think
I’m going to get her some gloves. Personally, I can’t stand gloves, but
she loves them.
Lara: Okay. What do you think of these?
Kim: Hmm. I don’t really like them. How about these?
Lara: Those are nice. Now, what about your father-in-law?
Kim: I’m going to give him some chocolate. He always likes it.
Lara: Do you want to go to the candy department?
Kim: No, I already bought it for him. Right now, I need to go to the toy
Lara: Well, this is the toy department.
Kim: Look, that’s the doll my daughter wants; I’m going to buy it for her.
Well, that’s everything. Now, I just need to pay for it... oh, no!
Lara: What’s the matter?
Kim: My credit card... Dave has it!
Lara: Are you sure?
Kim: Of course. I gave it to him this morning.
Lara: Don’t worry, I can lend you my card. Just don’t forget to give it back before we leave.


1. What does Kim say about her husband’s parents?

2. What did her mother-in-law give her last year?

3. What did she buy her father-in-law?

4. What is she going to buy her daughter?

5. What happened to her credit card?

We use object pronouns to substitute nouns.

Does Kim like gloves? No, she can’t stand them.


The object pronouns are:

PRACTICE 1: A Gift Exchange

Read the text. Then fill in the blanks with logical object pronouns. Follow the example.

Last week, we had our Christmas party at work, and we always buy gifts
for our coworkers. I bought Michaela Caruso a gift card for the new Thai
restaurant that just opened in our town. It is called Thai Bamboo. Their
specialties are curries and soups; I love them . Anyway, when I got to
the party, I saw that everybody had small presents. They put on
the table.

Claudia, the president of the company gave a speech. We all paid attention
to . She spoke about the company’s plans for next year, and she said
Merry Christmas to us. Then, she took a present from the table, and she gave it to Marcos, the head of Human
Resources. It was a gift card. Then Marcos said my name. He had a present for ; it was a gift card for … Thai
Bamboo. I thanked for the gift. There were twenty presents and eight of were Thai Bamboo gift
cards. We decided to go to the restaurant together in January; it will be a great celebration for .

Unit 8

PRACTICE 2: The Weekend

Complete the dialog with a word or phrase from the box. Follow the example.

their house goes with them can’t stand it

her husband visit them can´t stand her
your wife look at it see it
goes with me watch them see him
go with her

Steve: So, how was your weekend?

Greg: Great. I went to the football game on Sunday with some friends. It was a fantastic game. The Stallions were
great. I love to watch them play. They won the game by seven points. It was a really exciting game.
Did you ?
Steve: No, I didn’t see it. We went to my in-laws’ house for dinner that day and they don’t like football. We spent
the afternoon listening to classical music. My father-in-law loves classical music, but I .
Greg: I’m with you. I don’t like it either.
Steve: I hate to go to . It’s always the same. We listen to classical music, they talk about art,
music, theater, etc. It’s so boring.
Greg: I can imagine. Why don’t you tell that you want to stay home?
Steve: I can’t. She always to visit my parents, so she says I need to to visit
her parents.
Greg: I see.
Steve: Oh, well. At least we only three or four times a year.

PRACTICE 3: Busy at Work

Read the dialog. Then listen to the audio file and fill in the missing information. Follow the example.

Mr. Burton: Good morning, Karen.

Karen: Good morning, Mr. Burton.
Mr. Burton: Are there any messages for me?
Karen: Yes. Mr. Donaldson wants you to call him as soon as you can.
Mr. Burton: OK. Thanks.
Karen: Oh, and Wendy Avery from accounting these
reports to look at. She wants you to and call her
when you finish.
Mr. Burton: Sure, no problem. Listen, can you call Dan Peters and Harry
Iverson for me? I need to this afternoon.
Karen: Sure, Mr. Burton. Is there anything else?
Mr. Burton: Yes. Can you call my wife and that I can’t meet her
for lunch? I have too much work to do today.
Karen: Of course.
Mr. Burton: Oh, just one more thing. Can you the Dyna Tech file? I to check some
Karen: Right away, sir.

We use object pronouns to substitute nouns.

Do you love your parents? Yes, I love them.

What did you give your mother? I gave her a sweater.


PRACTICE 4: A Crisis at Work

Read the dialog. Then write the correct object pronouns in the blanks. Follow the example.

Marcy: How are we doing on the Nakamichi project? Did they sign the contracts?
Tom: No, they didn’t. I sent them the contracts three weeks ago. Normally, Nakamichi returns them after a
Marcy: Are you saying we don’t have yet?
Tom: That’s right. They didn’t send them back to .
Marcy: Did you speak to Ms. Takahashi?
Tom: I wrote an email. She said that her boss is still not sure
about the project, so he’s thinking about .
Marcy: Can we call Mr. Nakamichi about it?
Tom: Well, yes. I can ask about it today.
Marcy: Okay. Please talk to after the call. Good luck.
Tom: Thanks.

Unit 8

PRACTICE 5: Birthday Presents

Listen to the dialog and match the present to person. Follow the example.


PRACTICE 6: Gift Suggestions

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: I want to give my a nice present.

Do you have any ideas?
B: Well, what did you give last year?
A: I gave .
B: Okay. How about ?
A: No, I gave two years ago.
B: I know! Why don’t you give ?
A: That’s a great idea! Thanks.

Read the text. Then fill in the blanks with a vocabulary word or expression from this unit or previous units.
Follow the example.

My in-laws are nice people, but sometimes they can really irritate me. When Charlie was my
b , I didn’t see them very often; now that we‘re married, he expects me to s
t with his parents. My m is a sweet person, but she has some really bad habits. For
example, she often takes my things, but she never g them b . My f
smokes a pipe, and I c s the smell of his tobacco. I actually f sick,
and I sometimes get d when he smokes in the house. They are going to s with us
for a few days next week. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is to try to be nice to them.


Write three new words from this unit that you can use.

Check ( ) the object pronouns that you can use well.
   her    me    us
   him    them    you

In your own words, when do we use object pronouns?

Unit 8

ANSWER KEY she says I need to go with her to visit her parents.
I see.
PRACTICE 1: A Gift Exchange Steve:
Last week, we had our Christmas party at work, and Oh, well. At least we only visit them three or four times
we always buy gifts for our coworkers. I bought a year.
Michaela Caruso a gift card for the new Thai restaurant
that just opened in our town. It is called Thai Bamboo.
Their specialties are curries and soups; I love them.
Anyway, when I got to the party, I saw that everybody PRACTICE 3: Busy at Work
had small presents. They put them on the table.
Audio script:
Mr. Burton:
Claudia, the president of the company gave a speech.
Good morning, Karen.
We all paid attention to her. She spoke about the
company’s plans for next year, and she said Merry
Good morning, Mr. Burton.
Christmas to us. Then, she took a present from the
Mr. Burton:
table, and she gave it to Marcos, the head of Human
Are there any messages for me?
Resources. It was a gift card. Then Marcos said my
name. He had a present for me; it was a gift card for …
Yes. Mr. Donaldson wants you to call him as soon as you
Thai Bamboo. I thanked him for the gift. There were
twenty presents and eight of them were Thai Bamboo
Mr. Burton:
gift cards. We decided to go to the restaurant together
OK. Thanks.
in January; it will be a great celebration for us.
Oh, and Wendy Avery from accounting sent you these
reports to look at. She wants you to check them and call
her when you finish.
PRACTICE 2: The Weekend
Mr. Burton:
Steve: Sure, no problem. Listen, can you call Dan Peters and
So, how was your weekend? Harry Iverson for me? I need to see them this afternoon.
Greg: Karen:
Great. I went to the football game on Sunday with Sure, Mr. Burton. Is there anything else?
some friends. It was a fantastic game. The Stallions were Mr. Burton:
great. I love to watch them play. They won the game by Yes. Can you call my wife and tell her that I can’t meet
seven points. It was a really exciting game. Did you see her for lunch? I have too much work to do today.
it? Karen:
Steve: Of course.
No, I didn’t see it. We went to my in-laws’ house for Mr. Burton:
dinner that day and they don’t like football. We spent Oh, just one more thing. Can you give me the Dyna Tech
the afternoon listening to classical music. My father-in- file? I need it to check some information.
law loves classical music, but I can’t stand it. Karen:
Greg: Right away, sir.
I’m with you. I don’t like it either.
I hate to go to their house. It’s always the same. We
listen to classical music, they talk about art, music,
theater, etc. It’s so boring.
PRACTICE 4: A Crisis at Work
Greg: Marcy:
I can imagine. Why don’t you tell your wife that you How are we doing on the Nakamichi project? Did they
want to stay home? sign the contracts?
Steve: Tom:
I can’t. She always goes with me to visit my parents, so No, they didn’t. I sent them the contracts three weeks

ago. Normally, Nakamichi returns them after a week. tomorrow. Now, for my husband, I think he wants a new
Marcy: stereo for his car, but the stereo he wants is expensive.
Are you saying we don’t have them yet? Susan:
Tom: Which stereo does he want?
That’s right. They didn’t send them back to us. Nichole:
Marcy: The new Wentwood.
Did you speak to Ms. Takahashi? Susan:
Tom: I’m familiar with that one. My husband wants it, too.
I wrote her an email. She said that her boss is still not I saw it on sale in Brighton’s last week. It had a 25%
sure about the project, so he’s thinking about it. discount.
Marcy: Nichole:
Can we call Mr. Nakamichi about it? Really? Do you think it’s still on sale this week?
Tom: Susan:
Well, yes. I can ask him about it today. Yes. It’s on sale all month.
Marcy: Nichole:
Okay. Please talk to me after the call. Good luck. Great. Now, I only need to find something for my
Tom: father-in-law. I think I’m going to get a radio for him. He
Thanks. loves to go fishing and when he goes, he always takes a
radio. Three weeks ago, his radio fell in the water and he
lost it. I know he wants a radio, so that’s what I’m going
to get him.
PRACTICE 5: Birthday Presents Sounds good.
Audio script: Nichole:
Nichole: Thanks a lot for your help, Susan.
I hate February. Susan:
Susan: Anytime.
Nichole: husband = stereo
Well, in February, my husband, my mother, my father-in-law = radio
father-in-law, my sister, and my son all celebrate their mother = watch
birthdays. sister = sweater
Susan: son = tickets
That’ s a lot of birthdays in one month.
I know. lt’s so difficult to know what to buy them. I think
I’m going to get a watch for my mother and a beautiful
sweater I saw last week in Avery’s Department Store for PRACTICE 6: Gift Suggestions
my sister. Women are easy to buy things for, but I don’t Example of a correct answer:
know what to get the men. A:
Susan: I want to give my wife a nice present. Do you have any
Hmm. Why don’t you buy a video game for your son? ideas?
He likes video games, right? B:
Nichole: Well, what did you give her last year?
Yes, but I bought a game for him for Christmas. I want A:
to give him something different. I gave her a sweater.
Susan: B:
How about if you give him tickets to see that rock Okay. How about a necklace?
group he likes so much? A:
Nichole: No, I gave her a necklace two years ago.
Hey, that’s a great idea. I’m going to order the tickets

Unit 8

I know! Why don’t you give her a watch?
That’s a great idea! Thanks.

My in-laws are nice people, but sometimes they can
really irritate me. When Charlie was my boyfriend, I
didn’t see them very often; now that we‘re married, he
expects me to spend time with his parents. My mother-
in-law is a sweet person, but she has some really bad
habits. For example, she often takes my things, but she
never gives them back. My father-in-law smokes a pipe,
and I can‘t stand the smell of his tobacco. I actually feel
sick, and I sometimes get dizzy when he smokes in the
house. They are going to stay with us for a few days
next week. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is to try
to be nice to them.


In this unit we will review:
y Existence
y Habits with Frequency Adverbs
y People and Places in the Present and
the Past
y Past Actions
y Future Actions
y Object Pronouns
y and vocabulary.
Unit 9

PRACTICE 1: Talking about Bullfights

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

actually heard read

are you going to I thought them
cute it to you they don’t go
did you mean we are going to go

Joshua: What are you thinking about?

Christopher: I’m thinking about a book I just read . It’s called Death in the Afternoon.
Joshua: Is it a mystery novel?
Christopher: No, it’s not even a novel. It’s a book about bullfighting.
Joshua: Yuk. That’s so .
Christopher: Not really. I saw my first bullfight two years ago. it was fascinating. It’s not
really a sport, it’s more like a dance.
Joshua: I can’t believe you like bullfights.
Christopher: The problem with bullfights is, everybody has an opinion about them, but to
them. read Death in the Afternoon if l give it to you?
Joshua: Yeah, sure.
Christopher: Also, to Seville on a business trip next October. Maybe we can see a corrida
together. I can explain , so you understand what you see.
Joshua: Well, I’m going to read the book first.

PRACTICE 2: What do you hear?

Read the sentences below. Then listen to the dialogs and fill in the missing information. Follow the

Dialog 1
Dan had a great weekend.
1. Dan and Sandra spent the weekend in the .
2. Sandra caught a really big .
3. Linda had a terrible on the weekend.
4. Linda spent the weekend .
5. She got to see a lot of and she read a lot.

Dialog 2
6. Vince is looking for a present for .
7. He wants to buy her .
8. Mick tells Vince to buy .

PRACTICE 3: Ask and Answer Questions
Put the words in the correct order. Then write the answers. Follow the example.

see / you / last weekend / did / a movie / ?
Did you see a movie last weekend?
No, I didn’t see a movie last weekend.
1. yesterday / many people / there / were / at the mall / ?

2. where / you / have / lunch / do / normally / ?

3. always / do you / give / on Mother’s Day / your mother / flowers / ?

4. on vacation / you / are / going / this year / to go / ?

These activities are not for homework; we will do them in class.

ACTIVITY 1: Multiple Choice

Write the letter of the correct answer. Follow the example.
Example: We like b dancing on Saturday night.
a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to going

1. a Rolls Royce in the parking lot. 2. Did he a bus or a taxi?

a. There are a. take
b. There was b. saw
c. Is it c. had
d. It was d. drove

Unit 9

3. A: Did you see Julie? 5. Otto me his car.

B: No, I didn’t see . a. broke
a. him b. paid
b. them c. lent
c. us d. threw
d. her

4. We a lot of money on vacation. 6. He drank a lot last night, and now he has a .
a. spend normally a. dizzy
b. usually spend b. stitches
c. are often c. cash
d. frequently d. hangover

ACTIVITY 2: Going to a Spa

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Follow the example.

Scott: So, where are you going to go (go) on vacation?

Wayne: l’m going to go to a spa in the desert.
Scott: A spa? you (have) a
massage and a facial? That’s for women!
Wayne: Well, Tom (go) to this place last month,
and he said it was great. You (know)
Tom; he’s a very nervous person. He (be)
really relaxed when he got back.
Scott: No kidding. So, what are you going to do there?
Wayne: I (swim) in the pool with a waterfall,
I’m going to do some yoga, go hiking in the desert ... It’s in the Saguaro National Park, in Arizona; it’s
beautiful there.
Scott: Are you sure this is for men?
Wayne: Definitely. Tom (meet) his new girlfriend there. She (be) a model from
New York.
Scott: Hey, can I go with you?

ACTIVITY 3: Find the Mistake
There is a mistake in every line. The mistake is one of the underlined words. Choose the correction. Follow
the example.

Brenda sing a beautiful song at Mike’s birthday last night.
sang / Mike / this sang
1. Did he went to work yesterday morning?
Does / go / night
2. Henry and June are going to eating in a Japanese restaurant.
is / gone / eat
3. There was a lot of people at our class reunion.
It / were / us
4. We sent them a long letter last month, but they never wrote to our.
send / them / us
5. Lauren, are you talk on the phone right now?
is / talking / time
6. She’s going to have a baby on two months.
’re / has / in

ACTIVITY 4: Your Next Vacation

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with logical words or phrases.

A: Where are you going to go next vacation?

B: We’ re going to go to .
A: Really? I went there .
B: Oh, yeah? How was it?
A: lt was ; the weather was , and we .
B: What can we do there?
A: Well, you can , and you can .

Unit 9



Mrs. Ormandy:
location: bedroom
actions: read a book, drank milk, fell asleep
key to safe?

Michael O.

Louise K.

Find as many words as possible in the grid below. Follow the example.



How well can you use the following concepts? Very Not
Well Well

general information and habits........................................

habits with frequency adverbs.........................................

existence in present and past............................................

people and places in the past...........................................

past actions..............................................................................

future actions..........................................................................

object pronouns.....................................................................

Unit 9

ANSWER KEY I didn’t feel very well on Friday, so after work I went to
see the doctor. I had a terrible cold. The doctor gave me
some medicine and told me to spend the weekend in
PRACTICE 1: Talking about Bullfights bed.
Joshua: Dan:
What are you thinking about? That sounds boring.
Christopher: Linda:
I’m thinking about a book I just read. It’s called Death in Yes, it was, but I got to see a lot of TV shows and I read a
the Afternoon. lot, too.
Joshua: Dan:
Is it a mystery novel? So, how are you feeling now?
Christopher: Linda:
No, it’s not even a novel. It’s a book about bullfighting. Much better, thanks. Ready for a week of work.
Yuk. That’s so mean. 1. Dan and Sandra spent the weekend in the
Not really. I saw my first bullfight two years ago. I mountains.
thought it was fascinating. It’s not really a sport, it’s 2. Sandra caught a really big fish.
more like a dance. 3. Linda had a terrible cold on the weekend.
Joshua: 4. Linda spent the weekend in bed.
I can’t believe you actually like bullfights.
5. She got to see a lot of TV shows and she read a lot.
The problem with bullfights is, everybody has an
Dialog 2
opinion about them, but they don‘t go to them. Are you
going to read Death in the Afternoon if l give it to you?
Hi, Vince.
Yeah, sure.
Oh, hi, Mick.
Also, we are going to go to Seville on a business trip next
What are you doing here?
October. Maybe we can see a corrida together. I can
explain it to you, so you understand what you see.
I’m looking for a present for my wife. Her birthday is
Well, I’m going to read the book first.
What are you going to buy for her?
PRACTICE 2: What do you hear? I don’t know. Maybe a coffee maker, or a microwave or
Audio script: maybe something for the house.
Dialog 1 Mick:
Linda: You can’t give her a microwave. Women like presents that
Hi, Dan. How was your weekend? are personal; they don’t like things for the house.
Dan: Vince:
Great, Linda. Really? So what do you recommend?
Linda: Mick:
What did you do? Why don’t you get her a watch, a ring or a bracelet.
Dan: Vince:
Well, Sandra and I spent the weekend in the mountains. That’ s a good idea. Thanks for your help.
We went camping and hiking. I took Sandra fishing and
she caught a really big fish. We had a great time. What
6. Vince is looking for a present for his wife.
about you? How was your weekend?
Linda: 7. He wants to buy her something for the house.

8. Mick tells Vince to buy something personal (a ring /
a watch / a bracelet).

PRACTICE 3: Ask and Answer Questions

1. Were there many people at the mall yesterday?

Yes, there were / No, there weren’t many people
at the mall yesterday.
2. Where do you normally have lunch?
I normally have lunch at ...
3. Do you always give your mother flowers on
Mother’s Day?
(Free response.)
4. Are you going to go on vacation this year?
Yes, I am / No, I’m not going on vacation this year.


Unit 9

Unit 9


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