Jurisprudence Important Question

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Realism in not philosophy but an approach to interpret the

nature of law ? elucidate?( emergence of realism and its core
meaning) ( american legal realism and its impact on indian legal
system) :- 5

2. Define jurisprudence as advocated by various jurist. Discuss

the nature, scope and utility of jurisprudence.(essential
principles)? :- 5

3. A legal system comprises of a combination of a set of rules

where in rules of recognition is the ultimate criteria of validity of
all other rules- Prof. HLA Hart.Explain this proposition with
suitable illustrations? :- 1

4. Discuss the rosque pounds social engineering theory in the

light of relevant provisions of indian constitution? :- 5

5. The doctrine of strict liability has undergone a change due to

certain factors in modern times. Discuss the theory and
differentiate it from that of absolute liability?

6. What do you understand by legal right? State and explain kinds

and characterstics of legal rights? :-2

7. Doctrine of precedent is the life blood of every legal system

which is to be viewed in the light of concept of prospective over
ruling. Discuss?(as valid source of law)( nature of doctrine of
precedent in indian context)( art 141 scope and circumstances
on which its binding force destroy as judicial precedent) :-5
8. Discuss the theory of natural law by jhon finnis?

9. Legislation is the most effective source of law( advantage and

disadvantage) ? :-2
10. Discuss the doctrine of liablity and point out its changing
facts with the help of judicial decisions? ( nature and kinds of
liablity and its various theories) :-5

11. Discuss the nature of legal personality of corporation

explain the extent of its liablity ?( concept of corporation
aggregate and corporation soul in detail) :- 3

12. Write and elaborate note on the hohfeldian classification

of legal rights :- 5

13. Define possession comment on possession is nine out of

ten points in law ?( various modes) :- 4

14. Kelsen pure theory( relevant case laws) :- 4

15. Volkgiest and savigny theory of law. :-1
16. Explain the notion of administration of justice in criminal
matters.( and civil matters) :- 3

17. Define ownership.discuss essentials of ownership and it

different kinds? :- 1

18. Critical analyse of austin theory of command of sovereign

in the context of politically organize society discuss its
relevance and significance in modern legal system ( in context
of india legal system) :- 6

19. Legal personality is an artificial and technical creation of

law and exist only in contemplation of law explain. :-2

20. What is stare decisis? Discuss the scope of art.141 of

indian constitution in this context. :- 2

21. The theory of natural law has witnesses various changes

in its growth and ground with the changing time. State and
illustrate its impact on indian legal system. ( its various
versions)( with relevant case laws) :- 4

22. Write critical note on scandinavian realism.

23. Discuss the custom as source of law explain the
characteristics of valid law.

24. Discuss maines contribution in historical school of

jurisprudence. ( importance of proposition of historical school of
law) :-2

25. Discuss fully natural law theory and its impact on indian
legal system.

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