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OPS113- Business Information Systems

Executive Summary

This is a web system development project which is a part of the subject OPS113-

Business Oriented Information Systems. The aim of the project is to learn successful

project management. Firstly, it involves creating a proper plan for the project with the

help of a feasibility study. Secondly, it includes analyzing the existing website of

Union National Bank, which is a competitor of Bank of U.A.E., through techniques

such as block compositing, content analysis, site structure analysis and so on.

Thirdly, based on the analysis of the competitor bank’s website, a new website for

the Bank of U.A.E. is designed using techniques such as block compositing and

content and layout analysis. Finally, the new website is developed and then tested

for broken links, validity of mark-up language and accessibility. The new website has

also been evaluated by non-biased users using a structured evaluation form.

Team Synergy 1
OPS113- Business Information Systems


Business oriented information systems can be defined as groups of inter-related

subparts that work together to allow “input, processing, output, storage, and control

actions in order to convert data into information products that can be used to support

forecasting, planning, control, coordination, decision making and operational

activities” within organizations (Hardcastle 2008, pg. 8). Most companies today

depend heavily on business oriented information systems for the smooth running of

their operations. They are the indispensable infrastructure required for day-to-day

activities such as placing shipping orders, maintaining interaction with customers and

so on (Baltzan 2014, pg. 1). The challenge of achieving an alignment between an

organization’s business oriented information systems and its strategic goals has

become increasingly important (El-Telbany & Elragal 2014, pp. 250-262).

In the 21st century, websites are an important tool of business oriented information

systems. They are the most important means for a business to create an online

presence. Firstly, websites enable business to advertise their products and services

at virtually no cost in comparison to other highly costly advertising mechanisms such

as print or television ads (Jackson n.d.). This is more so important in today’s world

as everybody may not subscribe to a newspaper or a magazine, however, almost

everybody surfs the Internet for latest information. Secondly, another important factor

worth considering especially in the case of small businesses is that customers these

days prefer to research online about any product or service before actually stepping

out to purchase it (Reyhle 2014). Websites can cater to this need 24 hours a day,

thus increasing their accessibility (Jackson n.d.). Thirdly, company websites can also

prove to be useful for conducting actual business online, which is, selling the product

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or service online and then shipping it to the customer’s doorstep. According to an

article published in the Forbes online magazine, an estimated one out of four

Americans make at least one online purchase per week (Reyhle 2014). Not only do

companies such as and make use of this facility, but also

traditional brick and mortar companies, such as Urban Outfitters, have converted

themselves into click and mortar companies.

In light of the importance of company websites in todays technology and information

age, this project looks into analyzing the website of a competitor bank and then

based on the analysis, designing a new website for the chosen fictitious bank.

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OPS113- Business Information Systems

I. Part A- Planning

1. Team name: Team Synergy

2. Details of team members:

Table 1- Members’ role and task allocation table

S. No. Student Student Role Task Allocation

Number Name
1 5228414 Laksha Project  Oversee smooth running of the
Ailani Manager entire project
 Part A- Feasibility Study
 Part A- Details of proposed
new business
 Part A- Develop gantt charts
 Part D- Develop structured
evaluation form
 Compile and edit the report
2 4912500 Nicole Auditor  Part A- Details of five
Alemao webpages chosen
 Part B- Cyberbee evaluation
 Part B- Block compositing
 Part B- Project specification
 Part D- Testing reports
3 5265903 Stancia Auditor  Part A- Details of five
Mathias webpages chosen
 Part B- Site structure
 Part B- Navigation of website
 Part B- Organizing schemes
 Part D- Testing reports
4 5243361 Suha Developer  Part A- Details of five
webpages chosen
 Part C- Site structure
 Part C- Navigation
 Part C- Detailed report of
changes made
 Part D- Developing website
5 5258121 Ahsam Developer  Part A- Design logo for new
Ahmad company
 Part C- Block compositing
 Part C- Detailed report of
changes made
 Part D- Developing website

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3. Team Photograph:

Figure 1- Team photograph

4. Name of competitor company: Union National Bank

5. Website URL:

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6. Details of five webpages selected from Union National Bank’s website:

i. Webpage 1: Home


This is the main webpage of Union National Bank that gives an overview

of its different categories of services, products and offers to its users. On

the top of the page, links to FAQ's, Rates, a search bar and so on are

provided. The bottom portion of the page provides links to the four primary

divisions namely, services for salaried individuals, self-employed

individuals, high net worth individuals and business entities.

Figure 2- UNB Home page

Team Synergy 6
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ii. Webpage 2: About us


This webpage gives a brief introduction to the bank, its history, and its

vision and mission statements. It also gives the viewers information

about UNB’s subsidiaries such as the Union Brokerage Company and

Al Wiqaf Finance Company. Besides this, it provides external links to

the bank’s sustainability report and financial statements.

Figure 3- UNB About Us webpage

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iii. Webpage 3: Press Releases


This webpage gives its viewers an insight into the bank’s public image.

It shows the various press releases published in chronological order

and also includes links to view them in greater detail. The bank’s

financial successes, financial performances and awards received are

few of the topics broadcasted on this webpage.

Figure 4- UNB Press Releases webpage

iv. Webpage 4: Current account for salaried individuals


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This webpage focuses on current accounts only for Salaried

Individuals. The current account webpage is divided under three

sections - Introduction, Minimum Balance requirements and Features.

Furthermore, 24-hour call center contact details for within and outside

the U.A.E. are provided to cater to users for any additional queries.

Figure 5- UNB Current account for salaried individuals webpage

v. Webpage 5: ‘Car Loan for salaried individuals’


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This webpage provides details on the car loan service that Union

National Bank provides for individuals earning a regular income. It

gives brief information on some of the features of this service and also

presents contact details for further information.

Figure 6- UNB Car Loan for salaried individuals

7. Details of proposed business- Bank of U.A.E.:

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Bank of U.A.E. is a local bank established in the year 2000, with 4 branches

located in each Emirate and with its headquarters located on Sheikh Zayed

Road, Dubai. In addition to this, it has more than 100 ATMs located across
Figure 7: Bank of UAE Logo
the county at convenient locations. Since the banking industry in this region is

faced by intense

competition and high

buyer power, Bank of

U.A.E. follows a cost

leadership strategy and

thus, its main purpose is to

provide affordable banking services to the residents of U.A.E and also

specialized Islamic banking services for U.A.E. nationals and other Muslims. It

seeks to gain a competitive advantage over other banks with a similar scale of

operations, such as Union National Bank, through its enhanced, top-notch

and interactive website. In the next few years, Bank of U.A.E. aims to extend

its operations in the neighboring GCC countries. It already has representative

offices in several of these countries.

8. Time Frame of project depicted through Gantt chart:

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i. Part A- Planning

Chart 1- Part A

14-Nov-16 16-Nov-16 18-Nov-16 20-Nov-16

Choose company name

Choose 5 webpages from competitior bank's website

Design company logo

Put together details of the 5 webpages chosen

Details of proposed business chosen: Bank of U.A.E.

Feasibility study

ii. Part B- Analysis (Chart 2)

Chart 2- Part B

18-Nov-16 20-Nov-16 22-Nov-16 24-Nov-16

Cyberbee evaluation form and summary of evaluation of competitor

bank's website

Analysis of competitor bank's website structure and navigation

Page layout analysis of cometitor bank's webpages: Block


Page comtent analysis of cometitor bank's webpages: Organizing


Project specification

iii. Part C- Designing (Chart 3)

Chart 3- Part C

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18-Nov-16 20-Nov-16 22-Nov-16 24-Nov-16

New website structure and navigation

Block composite diagrams for new website

Detailed description and justification of new page designs and


iv. Part D- Develop, integrate, test and implement (Chart 4)

Chart 4- Part D

24-Nov-1626-Nov-1628-Nov-1630-Nov-16 2-Dec-16

Create website for Bank of U.A.E. containing 5 new


Testing reports

Structured evaluation of new website

9. Feasibility Study:

i. Product- This project has been undertaken to build a new website for

the Bank of U.A.E. The scope of this project is to develop a superior

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website with an enhanced layout, quality content and Internet banking

facility. This will enable the bank to reach out to larger audience.

ii. Technical feasibility- Creating a website from scratch with HTML

coding is not within the skill base of this team. Thus, this website will be

created through a cloud based content management system, namely

Wix, that allows users to create a “fully personalized” valuable online

presence with the help of various tools and specifications. Wix will

enable us to fulfill Bank of U.A.E.’s need for a useful website with a

fantastic layout as it has “500+ designer-made templates” to choose

from (Wix 2016).

iii. Social feasibility- The new website created will have a positive impact

on the bank’s customers in terms of being visually pleasing and

allowing them to perform a wide array of functions online such as

checking balances, transferring money, making hassle-free payments

and so on. A briefing and training session about the website’s

functionality, features and how it compares better to the websites of

competitor banks will be provided by this team to the employees of the

bank at various branches. This will help align the employees’ current

job responsibilities with any new ones being added with the

introduction of this website and also ensure that the employees do not

face any dilemmas once this website is published and its operation

begins. Bank of U.A.E. will have to assign some of its employees to

keep tab of the bank’s social media pages as links to the bank’s social

media pages will be provided on the website.

iv. Economic feasibility-

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Table 2- Project management package

S. No. AED
(logo, n.d.)

An analysis of websites of competitor companies by two

professional analysts.

2 40 Webpages designed by two professional designers.

3 An optional customized logo for the company.

Free web hosting for one year.

Free .com domain name for one year (cost for each

4 subsequent year AED. 120).

Alternatively, you can opt for website hosting and a .ae

domain name for AED. 365 per year ( n.d.).

5 Basic SEO (additional upon request).

The duration of this project is spread over approximately three weeks,

which makes it time efficient, as there is sufficient time to execute the

steps of planning, analyzing, designing and testing the website. Once

the new system is put in place, it will result in indirect benefits for the

bank such as better communication with customers, increased

customer satisfaction, better organization of information, and largely,

access to a larger customer base, all of which will eventually lead to a

greater market share.

v. Market research- Bank of U.A.E. has identified a strong need for an

enhanced website as it is essential for its survival and competition with

other banks in the region. Almost all local and international banks in the

U.A.E. cater to their customers with incredible websites. Some

examples are given below:

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Table 3- Homepage screenshots of banks in U.A.E.

S. No. Bank Name Screenshot of Homepage

Abu Dhabi

Bank (ADCB)

Islamic Bank

Mashreq Bank

I. Part B- Analysis of Competitor’s Website

1. Overall Evaluation of UNB Website:

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The overall website of Union National Bank has been analyzed using the

Cyberguide ratings for website design form.

Site Title: Union National Bank


Audience: Population of the U.A.E.

Website Developer: NA

Subject: Business Oriented Information Systems (OPS113)

Table 4- WWW Cyberguide Ratings for Web Site Design (McLachlan 2002)

1. Speed

A. The homepage downloads efficiently. Y N NA

2. Home page

A. The homepage is attractive, has strong eye appeal. Y N NA

B. You can tell where you are immediately (clear title, description, image
captions, etc.)

C. There is an index, table of contents, or some other clear indicator of the

contents of the site.

D. Site sponsor/provider is clearly identified. Y N NA

E. Information/method for contacting sponsor/provider is readily available. Y N NA

F. Copyright date or date site was established is easy to determine. Y N NA

3. Ease of navigation

A. User is able to move around within the site with ease. Y N NA

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B. Directions for using the site are provided if necessary. Y N NA

C. Directions are clear and easy to follow. Y N NA

D. The links to other pages within the site are helpful and appropriate. Y N NA

E. Internal and external links are working properly (no dead ends, no
incorrect links, etc.)

4. Use of multimedia

A. Each graphic, audio file, video file, etc., serves a clear purpose. Y N NA

B. The graphics, animations, sounds clips, etc., make a significant

contribution to the site.

5. Browser compatibility

A. Site is equally effective with a variety of browsers such as Netscape and

Internet Explorer.

6. Content Presentation

A. There is sufficient information to make the site worth visiting. Y N NA

B. The information is clearly labeled and organized. Y N NA

C. The same basic format is used consistently throughout site. Y N NA

D. Information is easy to find (no more than three clicks, for example). Y N NA

E. Lists of links are well organized and easy to use. Y N NA

7. Currency

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A. The date of last revision is clearly labeled. Date last revised Y N NA

B. Out-dated material has been removed. Y N NA

8. Availability of further information

A. A working link is provided to a contact person or address for further


B. Links to other useful Web sites are provided. Y N NA


Yes- 11

No- 12

Conclusion: Based on this analysis, the existing website is usable but the design

needs to be improved.

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2. Summary of evaluation of quality of the website:

The website is efficient in terms of its speed and browser compatibility. There are no

distracting pop-up windows or advertisements. The website has information

displayed to the users that is free of grammatical errors. However, the information on

the website seems to lack currency and the dates of information revision are

missing. Out dated and

unnecessary material is still

present on several webpages.

Many of the images and

animations used serve no

purpose to the website, for

example, the flower pictures on the homepage. The font used on the website
Figure 8: UNB homepage
appears quite microscopic and the links are placed too close to one-another. The

website design and layout needs some serious modifications in order to make it

more appealing. The website should also include a footer navigation. Furthermore,

certain webpages lack sufficient information, for example, the car loan for salaried

individuals webpage. The website also does not allow its users to apply for loans and

accounts online.

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3. Analysis of existing website structure and navigation

i. Website Structure

Figure 9- UNB site structure

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ii. Website Navigation

Global navigation includes links that are present on all the webpages

throughout the website. For the Union National Bank website, there are

three distinct global navigation bars. The first one is located in the top

most section of all the webpages and it includes links to pages such as

‘Rates’ and ‘Home’. The second global navigation bar is located in the

center of each webpage and it provides links to pages such as ‘About

Us’ and ‘Press Releases’. The third global navigation bar is located

directly below the second one and it includes the menu options -

salaried individuals, self-employed individuals, high net worth

individuals and business entities. This bar is useful to guide users to

the different types of services offered by the bank. The number of links

global navigation bars, however, should be reduced to include only the

most important ones. This is because too many unimportant links all

over the website make it frustrating for the user as they would feel

bombarded with content when searching for something specific on the

website. In addition to these three global navigation bars, there are

numerous global navigation links displayed randomly in the top section

of all the webpages. These include links such as ‘Islamic Banking

Services’, ‘Global Funds Nav’ and so on. These dispersed links make

the website like chaotic and sloppy which would impact peoples’

perceptions about the bank and thus affect its customer base. Links

such as special offers can be included only in the home page as local

navigation and the remaining global navigation links should be

organized better.

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Local navigation includes links to other webpages only on specific

pages of the website. The five webpages analyzed (Homepage, About

Us, Press Releases, Current Accounts and Car Loans), have a couple

of local navigation links each. Some of the local navigation links,

however, are quite ineffectual. For example, within the About Us page,

there are numerous unnecessary links to other pages scattered around

within the text, such as the link to the history of the UAE. Also, as

mentioned in the Cyberguide evaluation summary, the local navigation

links are placed too close below one-another making it difficult for the

user to accurately select their desired webpage.

Displayed on the pages that follow are the screenshots labeling the

global and local navigation links for the five chosen web pages.

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a) Home page

Figure 10- UNB homepage navigation

b) About Us

Figure 11- UNB about us webpage navigation

c) Press Releases

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Figure 12- UNB press releases webpage navigation

d) Current account for salaried individuals

Figure 13- UNB current account for salaried individuals webpage navigation

e) Car loan for salaried individuals (Figure 14)

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Figure 14- UNB car loan for salaried individuals webpage navigation

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4. Page layout analysis of existing pages: Block Compositing

i. Home page

Figure 15- UNB homepage block composite

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ii. About Us

Figure 16- UNB about us webpage block composite

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iii. Press Releases

Figure 17- UNB press releases webpage block composite

iv. Current account for salaried individuals

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Figure 18- UNB current account for salaried individuals webpage block composite

v. Car loan for salaried individuals

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Figure 19- UNB car loan for salaried individuals webpage block composite

5. Page content analysis of existing pages: Organizing Schemes

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i. Home- This webpage uses the audience specific organizing scheme,

which falls under the ambiguous schemes category. It addresses the

audience members (people interested in seeking banking services),

directly by breaking down the types of customers such as business

entities or earning individuals etc. Even though this is an effective

presentation of the audience-targeted scheme, the content can be

divided into two rather than four divisions for the sake of displaying

precise and summarized content on the homepage. This organizing

scheme is in line with bank’s cost leadership and narrow market

strategy as it shows the required division of information that its

customers and potential customers would require.

Figure 20: Webpage (Home)

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ii. About Us- This webpage appears to make use of the topical scheme,

which falls under the ambiguous schemes of organization. It just

includes paragraphs of plain text with a few embedded links within the

text. This webpage is an example of extremely poor organization of

content, which could prove to be detrimental to the company's image in

the eyes of this website’s audience.

Figure 21: Webpage (About Us)

iii. Press Releases- This webpage uses the chronological organizing

scheme, which falls under the exact schemes category. It displays

press releases about the firm in chronological order. In general, press

releases are usually displayed in this format (Clark). This organizing

scheme is useful, however, it alone makes the webpage look quite dull

and lifeless which can yet again, have a negative impact on the

company’s image and thus, its business.

Figure 22: Webpage (Press Release)

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iv. Current account for salaried individuals- This webpages makes use of

the topical scheme which falls under the category of ambiguous

schemes of organizing content. It divides the information about this

current account service into introduction, features and contact details

for further information. This scheme is useful as the information is

displayed systematically.

Figure 23: Webpage (Current Account)

v. Car loan for salaried individuals- This webpage appears to make use of

the topical scheme, which falls under the ambiguous organizing

schemes category. The first few points relate to the features of car loan

which is then followed by contact details for further information.

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However, this is barely any content displayed at all. Therefore, any

organizing scheme used here would be ineffective unless more

information is added.

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Figure 24: Webpage (Car Loan)

6. Project Specification

In accordance with the analysis conducted of the competitor bank’s strategy

and website, Bank of U.A.E. will attempt to lure customers from similar

economic classes with its new and exceptional website. In addition to this,

Bank of U.A.E. aims to target a larger number of U.A.E. locals through its

nationalistic website and Islamic banking services. As mentioned in the

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feasibility study, the timeline of project completion will be approximately three

weeks and the monetary cost of developing the website will be Dhs. 6500.

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Part C- Design

1. New website structure and navigation

i. New website structure

Figure 25- Bank of U.A.E. site structure

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ii. Justification for changes in site structure:

The divisions such as ‘Salaried Individuals’, ‘Self Employed Individuals’

and ‘High Net Individuals’ are grouped together into one category -

‘Personal’. The second category included is ‘Business’. The benefit to

this merging of webpages is that a user can navigate through the

website with greater ease and find related accounts, cards, loans,

insurances and so on under each of the categories of ‘Personal’ and

‘Business’. The website is made simpler by omitting a few unnecessary

links such as ‘Treasury and Investments’ and ‘Investor Relations’ on

the home page and placing them under the ‘Business’ tab. The Press

releases of the last five years are put under clearly differentiated tabs,

which lets a customer avoid the excessive scrolling through the list of


iii. New website navigation

The Bank of UAE website has a balance between global and local

navigation links on every page. The first global navigation link is the

logo of the bank placed on the top left of the page which when clicked

directs a user to the home page. The search bar, online login link, and

so on are included in the global navigation bar on the top right of the

website. The global navigation bar located in the center of each

webpage comprises of links such as ‘About us’, ‘Press releases’ and so

on. A global navigation box on the left contains the most commonly

visited webpages for quick access. There is a global navigation box on

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the right side of the all the webpages as well, which includes quick links

such as ‘Rates’, ‘Loan Calculator’, ‘Banking channels’ and so on. There

is a footer navigation placed at the end of every page for easier

navigation and better visibility by search engines. Lastly, the links to

social media are placed on the bottom right of the website. Although

there are many useful global navigation links, they are placed in an

organized way to make it easy for the user to find what they need.

The local navigation links on the webpages are well organized and

related to the broad categories on the home page. For example, the

page ‘About us’ has a number of local navigation links that are placed

in an organized way in the form of images to serve the needs of the

user. ‘Vision and Mission’, ‘Annual reports’ and ‘Board of Directors’ are

some of the local links placed under ‘About us’. Also, the problem of

local navigation links placed too close to each other making it difficult

for the user to navigate accurately which was observed on the

competitor bank’s website has been tackled with on this website by

displaying well-spaced links with a larger font size.

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2. Block Composite Diagrams

i. Homepage

Figure 26- Bank of U.A.E. homepage block composite

ii. About Us

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Figure 27- Bank of U.A.E. about us webpage block composite

iii. Press Releases

Figure 28- Bank of U.A.E press releases webpage block


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iv. Personal current account

Figure 29- Bank of U.A.E. personal current webpage block composite

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v. Personal car loan

Figure 30- Bank of U.A.E. personal car loan webpage block composite

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3. Detailed description and justification of new page design and content

i. Page layout and structure:

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The top part of the website is present on all the webpages to provide

access to the helpline, search bar, the option to login and to translate

the page to Arabic at all times. The box present on the left provides

access to most commonly used links. The quick links box on the right is

to access the loan calculator, current rates and so on. The body of the

website including the content is placed in the center of the two above-

mentioned boxes. The webpages appear straightened-out and orderly,

rather than appearing cramped and over-crowded like the competitor

bank’s website. The footer navigation at the end of the page has links

to all the webpages in the website and a user can easily navigate

through the website using this section.

ii. Page Content:

The content on the webpage is related to the category chosen. The

colors used in the UNB website are blue and white. Under the major

categories of ‘Salaried Individuals’ and others, the colors used are pink,

red, yellow and purple, which are coordinated with the color of the

flowers used on the homepage. The colors used in the Bank of U.A.E.

website are quite different. The national bird of the country inspired

Bank of U.A.E. website’s color combination. The light brown and dark

brown shade of a falcon is used on the webpages along with red taken

from the U.A.E.’s flag to contrast the brown. The website also includes

Bank of U.A.E.’s logo. This color scheme is in sync with Bank of

U.A.E.’s strategy of targeting a larger number of U.A.E. nationals

through its website which invokes a patriotic feeling. The text font, size

and color have been carefully contemplated upon and selected in order

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to contrast the page background for it to be clearly visible to the users.

The UNB website contains less information on certain webpages and a

few images unlike the Bank of U.A.E. website. All the images used in

the website are relevant to the category chosen. The in-text links are

italicized to make them stand out among the rest of the text. Lastly, too

much of flash usage makes the website look cluttered and unclean.

Omission of such media makes this website simple and clean while

simultaneously delivering all the relevant information.

iii. Business Purpose:

This website has been developed keeping aesthetics in mind. The first

impression to anyone’s mind comes from the visual appeal of the

website. Compared to UNB, this website is visually much better looking

making it more appealing to the eyes. Bank of U.A.E.’s website focuses

on giving sufficient and clear-cut information about its products and

services to avoid confusing the customer with too much or too less

information. Moreover, the website will be revised every now and then

so as to provide the most updated information to the website’s users.

The webpage also provides a button to apply for services online,

something which lacked in the UNB website. No user will call a good

looking website a good website unless the user is able to navigate

through the website easily, hence, this website has a well-planned

footer navigation (or a site map), that ensures easy access to related

pages. Users normally visit websites to look for information. This is

where a search box steps in. By using ‘tags’, a developer can redirect

keywords searched, using a search box, to relevant pages making it

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easier for the user to search for information. Thus, a search box has

been implemented at the top of every page. All these elements make

the website extremely user-friendly as it will be hassle free for

customers to search for Information. An Internet banking service has

also been incorporated in order to increase the website’s functionality.

This team also proposes implementing a live chat on the website to

help users inquire and receive answers instantly. This is beyond the

scope of the current project but it could be a potential service to

improve the website and boost its usability to the customers.

I. Part D- Develop, Integrate, Test and Implement

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1. Webpages from the Bank of U.A.E.’s newly developed website

i. Webpage 1: Home

Figure 31- Bank of U.A.E. home page

ii. About Us

Figure 32- Bank of U.A.E. about us webpage

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iii. Press Releases

Figure 33- Bank of U.A.E. press releases webpage

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iv. Personal current account

Figure 34- Bank of U.A.E. personal current account webpage

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v. Personal car loan

Figure 35- Bank of U.A.E personal car loan webpage

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2. Testing Reports:

i. Hyperlinks

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This test scans the website to check for any broken links. It has been

conducted using an online hyperlink checker


Result of the test:

Figure 36- Link check result

ii. Website validation check

This test checks the validity of the HTML coding used to generate the

website. It has been conducted using the online tool ‘Markup Validation

Service’ found at <>. There are

errors shown in the result as the team has used a content management

system to develop the website, rather than writing the code



Figure 37- Mark-up validation check result

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iii. Accessibility

Bank of U.A.E.’s website enjoys a great degree of accessibility as it

has been developed keeping the needs of the users in mind. The page

titles will appear in the browser tab, hence making it easier to

differentiate when multiple tabs are open. The different forms included

in the website are clearly labeled. There are appropriate image text

alternatives available, with descriptive captions that match the page’s

content, making the website accessible to the visually impaired if

screen readers are used. Upon the client’s request, an option can be

included to alter the size of the text making it easier for older-aged

people to read. In addition to this, more features can be added in order

to make this website more accessible to the physically challenged

community. These are explained in greater detail in the next section.

Furthermore, the two tests conducted above are testimony to the good

accessibility of this website.

iv. W3C: Website Accessibility Guidelines

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This section addresses the accessibility of the website with regard to

people with disabilities (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

2.0 2008).

a) Perceivable- “Information and user interface components must be

presentable to users in ways they can perceive” (Web Content

Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 2008).

 Time-Based media

All the webpages have already been supported with captions for

all images to cater to users preferential needs. Under client’s

future demands, we further look on to add pre-recorded audio

and audio descriptions for time-based media, such as for any

slideshows and videos included in the website. We also intend

to envisage more user friendly tools like sign language supports

in the form of sign language interpreters in various video


 Decorative and formatting- The non-text content that is used on

the website which is purely for prettifying purposes has not been

captioned. Screen readers and other assistive technologies will

not pick up on them and thus, not cause any confusion for

disabled people viewing the website.

b) Operable- “User interface components and navigation must be

operable” (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 2008).

 Keyboard- The website enables users to use several different

types of keyboards that are compatible with the site.

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Simultaneously, the website also allows flexible keyboard

control such as keyboard shortcuts that help execute actions

quickly by users. Within a click away, customers can easily find

their desired results without much ado. All webpages are up-to-

date and function accurately exclusive of any unnecessary pop-

ups that make browsing difficult.

 Navigable- On every webpage, global navigation links are

provided to aid users to browse through several significant links.

Heading elements are also provided in all the webpages and

frame elements have also been integrated to group any blocks

of repeated material. Also, as mentioned above, inclusion of

webpage title in the browser section helps a user to always

know where he is on a website. Other possible future

incorporations for easy navigation are to fit in important

keyboard access for linkage of sites and assimilation of other

assistive technologies for further navigation progress.

Abbreviations can also further be implemented into our website

to allow for effortless linkage of definitions/glossary/online


c) Readable– “Make text content readable and understandable” (Web

Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 2008).

 Language- The mark-up language used by the content

management system used to develop this website supports

assistive technologies to understand the default human

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language of each page. No abbreviations are currently used in

the website.

 Predictable- The pages on the website are linked to each other

with a global navigation bar that is constant and the local links

present on the page can be easily accessed with a simple click,

hence making it easier and faster for users to interact with the

website and find the necessary information they require. The

global navigation labels remain consistent throughout the

website which helps people who use screen readers and also

people with cognitive difficulties. The social media global

navigation bar is displayed in the form of each social media

platform’s respective icon (non-text) included as a footer. The

website gets customized to fit on numerous devices such as

mobile and desktop platforms, so the content and navigation

system implemented does not change.

d) Robust- The content of the website should be strong and versatile,

such that it can interpreted by a variety of assistive technologies ((Web

Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 2008).

 Compatibility- Since the website has been made using Wix as

the tool instead of mark-up/HTML language, it was currently not

possible to make the website fully accessible to people with

special needs. However, since the website has been developed

using Wix, problems related to parsing of the mark-up language

do not arise. In the case of blind people, the assistive

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technology i.e. screen reader would work as it reads the content

displayed on the website and all images within the website are

captioned. Also, there are no flashing images and the

background colors are not too bright, hence making the color

contrast more readable for users who are visually-impaired. This

project management team is willing to take up further requests

from the client in order to make the website more compatible

with a range of current and future assistive technologies.

3. Structured Evaluation

This evaluation form has been developed in order to judge this overall website

from the perspective of a user. It has been adapted from


The filled in evaluation forms have been included in the appendix.

Form Template

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Name: ________________________

Gender: _______________________

Occupation: ____________________

Evaluate the website of Bank of U.A.E. by ticking in one box for each category.

Table 5- Structured Evaluation Form

S. No. Parameters Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly NA
disagree agree
1. First impression (look at the homepage for 5-10 seconds)
a) The homepage appears
attractive at your first
b) The homepage appears
organized at your first
2. Homepage usability (look at the homepage for 30-60 seconds)
a) Within this time frame, it is
easy to identify the name of
the organization.
b) Within this time frame, it is
easy to identify the primary
business of the
c) It is simple to identify which
areas of the homepage are
clickable, that is, they are
3. Site navigation testing
a) Placement of navigation is
consistent across the
different webpages.
b) Navigation of the website is
easy to use.
c) It is easy to identify which
webpage you are at.
d) A site map, an index or a
search engine is present.

e) The webpages do not

require excessive scrolling.
f) The longer webpages have
‘back to top’ links at the
g) There are text links at the
bottom of the webpages.
4. Task analysis
a) (Squint and look at the
homepage) It is still easy to

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identify the general sense

and content of the page.
b) Information that you want
(eg. Contact details) can be
found from any location on
the website.
5. Visual execution
a) The images used seem
relevant to the webpages.
b) The overall layout and color
scheme of the website is
appealing to the eye.
c) The font size used across
the different webpages is
sufficiently large.
6. Final thoughts
a) It was easy to conduct the
above-mentioned tests on
this website.
b) The overall website is good
and gives a positive vibe.
c) List a few reasons as to
why you think this is a
good/bad website.


The website of Union National Bank, a medium sized bank based in the U.A.E., was

evaluated by studying the website’s structure and navigation; conducting an analysis

of its content and classifying the organization of content into different organizing

schemes; and creating block composites for its webpages. In addition to these three

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techniques, the overall website was also evaluated using the Cyberbee evaluation

form. In the process of evaluating UNB’s website, it was discovered that the site

lacks orderliness, global links are dispersed in the top half, local links are placed too

close to each other, certain webpages lack information and could use a better

organizing layout, certain images used do not serve any purpose and font size used

is too small. Furthermore, the website lacks a footer navigation and user interactivity

as it does not allow people to apply for some of its services through the website.

Following this analysis, a website for the Bank of U.A.E. was designed keeping in

mind its site structure, global and local navigation and layout of the webpages. The

problems observed in the UNB website have been addressed in the Bank of U.A.E.

website by systematic placement of all the links, use of larger font size, sufficient

information displayed, including footer links for ease of user navigation through the

website, greater user interactivity by placing links to social networking pages and

including forms for applying for accounts and loans online. All these elements are

essential because they collectively contribute to the ‘”goodness” of a website. This in

turn affects a business’s prospects as most people today increasingly use company

websites to gather information, shop for products, compare prices and so on.

According to an article published in the Forbes online magazine, a company’s

website is one of the elements that contributes to its branding and assists in building

trust with its website’s viewers and customers everywhere (Hendricks 2015, p. 3).

Bank of U.A.E. thus, attempts to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors,

such as UNB, with the aid of its superior website design and content.

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