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Designing Thinking

Group Assignment – 2


1. Total 9 groups.
2. Choose 1 assignment as per your group number.
3. Create PPT.
4. Not more than 10 slides.
5. Last Date: 30 January, 2020.
6. Mode of Submission: Google Class Room only.
7. Submit 1 ppt per Group only, includes the name, college_id of all group members on first slide.

Group no. Group Task

1 ABC is a Hotel, situated in the heart of the city. During CORONA pandemic the manager
feels that the business had slightly goes down and difficult to survive. They do various
plans but the focused outcome is not favorable. So He required an innovative business
idea which works just like a fuel for their business. To fulfill this, He must want to answer
the following questions:-

a) Who will be the prospective customers?

b) What special infrastructure requires attracting to customers?
c) Give an idea to which become fuel for their business.

Group no. Group Task

2 XYZ is a Private Bank that provided various facilities to its customers. They have observed
that the number of accounts retains but the number of transactions/day has fallen in
their branch. To find out these alarming situations, the Manager calls a meeting to their
staff to improve their business, but the result was not fruitful. Now He requires an
innovative solution for that problem. Can you help to Manager to answer the following
questions as arises in their mind:-

a) How to attract new customers to the bank?

b) What are the expectations of their Account Holders from the bank?
c) How to improve their services?
Group no. Group Task
3 ‘KALPVRIKSHA' is a multispecialty Hospital situated on the ring road just nearer to the
city. The distance from the city is about 7 Kilometers. The Hospital has 7 different wards.
The 6 wards are always full but the 7th ward which is especially dedicated to NICU for
newly born babies has always been empty. Although the Hospital each and every service
at 24 X 7 basis. To improve their performance for the 6th ward, The CEO has the
following question in their mind:-

a) Find out the cause of the problem?

b) What extra services are needed?
c) Give an idea to overcome that problem.

Group no. Group Task

4 ‘WAVE’ is an Auditorium having a capacity of 5000 seats. The daily expenditure of the
Auditorium is near about Rupees 10,000/-. They feel that the number of bookings is
going very low. Most of the bookings came during festive seasons only. So they required
an innovative idea by which the organizers become rush towards to Auditorium. :-

a) What special offers they will require to give in non-festive seasons?

b) How do they reduce their daily expenditure?
c) Give an idea to decide, who will be the targeted organizers will have been
available throughout the year.

Group no. Group Task

5 ‘SAHAYOG’ is a public library having world-class titles of articles, periodicals, journals,
and books. A variety of rich content is available in the library, but in the current era, no
one has shown their interest to visit the library, because electronic editions are also
available on the Internet. Searching for content in printed editions is also difficult. So the
manager of the public library wants some useful tips and innovative ideas to attract the
public towards to library. There is an option for you to find out meaningful solutions &
help him in critical situations:-

a) Find out the problem?

b) Which phase of Design Thinking is more important?
c) Give an idea to attract people to the library.
Group no. Group Task
6 ‘'JINGAL’ is a toy manufacturing company. The company makes plastic and rubber-based
toys for kids. The company has more than 500 retail outlets throughout the country. In
the last 2 years, the company faces a 10% loss in its gross income. The price of the toys
has also hiked up to 7% because the price of raw materials has been also costly. The
employees also not got their salary since last two months. So the company wants to try
to resolve the problem by finding the solution with the help of the following questions:-

a) Who are the targeted customers?

b) Find out the root cause of the problem?
c) Give an innovative idea to improve the present problems.

Group no. Group Task

7 ‘Grover & Sons’ has a mega shopping complex situated in the heart of the city consisting
of a variety of garments for men, women, and kids. They provide a 10% discount on all
days. During festive seasons they suffer great losses because they face great competition
from online shopping companies.
The Manager calls a meeting on the urgent basis of their marketing and sales
professionals and warns about that alarming situation. All of them tries various ideas but
they all failed to attract the physical presence of their targeted customers during festive
sessions. Can you help them to solve their problem:-

a) Find out the need of their customers?

b) Which phase of Design Thinking is more important in the present situation?
c) Give an innovative idea by which the customers have been trust the products
available in the complex during festive seasons.

Group no. Group Task

8 ‘Surya’ is a building construction company. Presently they make a multistory building in a
small town. The town doesn’t have any multistory buildings. They provide 2BHK, 3BHK,
and 4 BHK flats. The model shows 150 flats in the building. No one had shown their
interest to purchase flats in their building because the people living in that town are low
and average income groups. While the rich class does not show their interest to live in a
small town. ‘SURYA’ purchased the land in small-town because the cost of the land was
very low. Now the situation is very adverse to them:-

a) Which phase of Design Thinking is more important?

b) Find the actual problem?
c) Give an idea to overcome that problem.
Group no. Group Task
9 ‘Maans Intermediate College’ has 1500 students. All of their teachers got PhD degree .
The Principal of the college collects 3-year reports and pointed out that the performance
of their students had degraded year by year. Although the faculties do continuous
teaching. The presence of their students has also 90% on an average. The college also
provides sports and Jim facilities to all of their students. Now the principal requires the
solutions of following questions:-

a) What is the root causes of the problem?

b) What are the new teaching techniques required?
c) Give an idea to make competition between students and to make them better.

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