In This Country You Must Stay Within Your Own Social Class" (Satrapi 37)

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Analytical Paragraph


I The theme of “social class difference” is shown through the impossible

relationship between Mehri and the neighbor.

C When the neighbor starts dating Mehri, thinking that she was the daughter of Ebi

Satrapi, Ebi speaks with him and tells him that she isn’t his daughter, but his maid;

from which the neighbor rejects her.

E Marjane believes that this situation is unfair because people should be able to

marry others without caring if their social class is below them, from which her

father explains that “in this country you must stay within your own social class"

(Satrapi 37).

A1 The author shows the theme of “social class difference” by describing how

people would not marry others if they were from a lower social class.

A2 It is essential for the author to describe the father’s thought on the situation

since this clearly shows how important social classes were in that time.

A3 Ebi’s words to Marjene are a reflection of the theme.

In Persepolis by M. Satrapi, the center and right panels in the middle of page

37, shows the theme of “social class difference.” Mehri and the neighbor started

seeing each other because the neighbor thought she was Ebi’s daughter; when Ebi

explained to him that she was a maid, therefore a lower social class than him, the

neighbor dumped her. Marjene is saddened by the situation and doesn’t understand

how social classes can be so important, so her father tells her that people should

only be with people from their same social class by telling her “You must

understand that their love was impossible... because in this country you must stay

within your own social class” (Satrapi 37). The author shows the theme of “social

class difference when she states that in their country, people must stay with people

from their same social class. It is important for the author to show “social class

differences” in this way, because it clearly shows that social classes were important

and that it was frowned upon for people to hang out with others from other social

classes. The author chose to use the word “impossible” to represent how serious it

really was to get out of your social class; it wasn’t just a belief, more like a way of

life. The act of having the neighbor reject the maid only because she was of lower

social class than him clearly shows that the idea of “social class difference” and

how impossible it was is more important for him than their “love,” by using this

word the author provides a deeper emotional meaning to the character and by
having the neighbor reject Mehri even when “love,” the deepest emotion was on

the line, only adds on to express the theme of “social class difference.”


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