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Artificial intelligence and its effects on our day-to-day life.

Technology is impacting the way we live as well as the way we interact with the world and this is hardly
the end. The processing capacity of a contemporary smartphone outperforms the computers that
landed on the moon in 1969. Building on this tremendous increase in processing power and capacity of
technology, artificial intelligence isn’t left much behind. Even though artificial intelligence or “AI” wasn’t
invented long time ago it drastically shaped differently the way technology is used today. Along further
in this essay I will discuss my research on what exactly is AI used for in our daily lives.

The way AI has become embodied with our existence is fascinating. We come in contact with it more
than we could ever think. Mostly used for its power-packed predictive capabilities AI find use in various
amounts of fields, from aiding in healthcare to even creating digital assistants.

So how does AI actually help with these fields?

For example, in healthcare at the initial stage, technology was merely used to automate the most
routine and monotonous tasks and cut down on the use of paper through digitization of health records
while also aiding in the easy flow of this information among insurance companies, hospitals, and
patients. While these tasks continue to be worked upon, Artificial Intelligence has expanded its
applications from being restricted to enhancing back-office productivity, to emerge as an enabler to
improve healthcare outcomes. Particularly in the present scenario of the COVID era. While taking a toll
on the personal health of the people, COVID has played a huge part in putting the developing AI
technologies into practice. The technology has paved its way to developing new models, exploring new
treatments, as well as in developing the vaccine.

In terms of entertainment Artificial Intelligence can also be employed for music composition similar to
the manner in which it is used for aiding in voice recognition. For example, Aiva Technologies, a startup
in AI music composition has created an AI called “Aiva” (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) and coached
it on how to compose classical music, an art that is normally considered to be a uniquely human quality.
The technology’s musical pieces are employed as soundtracks for film directors, advertising agencies as
well as game studios.

But these renovations are just the beginning. There are a lot more developments to follow in the
upcoming years which will redefine the way the world operates. AI holds the potential to be the catalyst
to prompt a second industrial revolution.

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