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Now with Testing Program & Resource CD-ROM Basic TACTICS for LISTENING THIRD EDITION Teacher’s Book Jack C. Richards with Grant Trew More listening. More testing. More effective. OWI pl ep Zz OXFORD , UNIVERSITY PRESS o,, 2 OATFORD 198 Madison Avenue Nev York, NY 10016 USA, Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford ox2 60" UK (Oxford University Pres ia department ofthe University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing workdwide in ‘Oxford New York ‘Auckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi ‘Kuala Lumpur Madrid NeTbourne Mexico City Nairobi [New Delhi Shangha Taipei Toronto With ofcesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Caech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary taly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Koes Switzertand Thailand Turkey Uxaine Viera oxfoxp and oxroro sNcLSH are registered trademarks of (Oxford Univesity Pres in certain counties. i © onfond University Press 2011 Database right Oxford University Press aker} No unauthorized photocopying ‘Allright s reserved. No part ofthis publication maybe reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxforé University Pres, or as expressly permitted by lav, or under terms agred with the appropriate ‘copyright clearance organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above shouldbe sent tothe ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Pres, atthe adres above ‘You must not circulate tis bookin any other binding or cover and you must impose tis same condition on any acquirer. Any websites referred ton this publication are in the public domain and ‘thelr adresses ae proved by Oxford University Pres for information only. (Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility forthe content. (General Manager: Laura Pearson ‘Biter Director International Schools nd Adult: Pam Murphy _Bxecutve Publishing Manager: Erik Gundersen Associate Fito: Jonathan Bucchino Director, ADP: Susan Sanguily ecutive Design Manager: MajBrit Hagsted Designer (cover: Debbie Lfaso 5 lctoni Production Manager: Julie Armstrong Image Manage: Trisha Masterson Production Coordinator: Hizabeth Matsumoto Senior Manuficturing Controller: Eve Wong ISBN: 978:029-4013789 Teacher's Bok pack component) ISBN: 9780-194013758 Teacher's Book pack) ISBN978:0-19-4013819 Teacher's Book CDROM (pack component) Printed in China ‘This books printed on paper fom certified and well managed sources. wo9s76s4sa1 einen a irLanguage om Contents How to Teach a Tactics Unit.. 00.6... 0s0ceeeeeeee es ceeeee eel Unit 1 Introductions and Names ....... 60-20 0000 eee eee eee eee 2 Unit 2 Describing People....... 2.0.2... 2005 eee CELE CeEee 3 Unit 3 Clothes........... Se EPEC EEC EEE CEC EEE eee ys 4 Unit 4 Routines... 0... eee eee eee Unit Dates... 2... 06. SEE EEE Eee PeEeeErro) Unit 6 Jobs. ooo cece eeccceeceeeeeeeees cece Unit7 Favorites............. SEE Eee ELces PCEEeEEeey 8 Unit 8 Sports and Exercise... . . PePEeeEEeeEEEeEe ey Peers) Unit 9 Locations 0.2.60... cece eee e eee eet teste eens ++ 10 Unit 10 The Family... 6... eee cece eee cette erences " Unit 11 Entertainment Unit 12 Prices . Unit 13 Restaurants... 6... 6... eee eee 14 Unit 14 SmallTalk 0.0 ceeeeeeree ees IS Unit 15 Vacations 0.0... eee eee eee eee eee eee eee 16 Unit 16 Apartment Living ....... PEEReE EEE Eeee eee Eee eeree 7 Unit 17 Hopes and Plans........ eevee eee beteeeeeeee 1218 Unit 18 TheWeather ..... 0-6... ee eee eees cece eee 19 Unit 19 Shopping 0.0.6... e cece cece eee eee ee ee - 20 Unit 20 Describing Things ............ 4. fet eet ee tet eens a Unit 21 Directions... 0... eee eee eect eee e eee eeee 2 Unit 22 People We Know... 6... eevee ee ee seen eee B US fee eee Unit 24 Health 0.2.2... ee SeeEeer eee eee seer B Tactics for Testing Notes and Answer Key...... 0... 0.s0s0eeeeees 6 Vocabulary Worksheets... 2... s eee vee eee ee eee eee cee 30 Units 1-24 Audioscript...... 0... cece e cence veeteeeee 2.54 Tactics for Testing Audioscript ... 2... 0.0 e cece cece ee ee ee ee es 16 Contents iii How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit Unit-opening Activities Vocabulary Worksheet Use the Vocabulary Worksheet atthe back ofthis Teacher's Book to pre-teach the unit's vocabulary. The Vocabulary Worksheet can be done in class or as homework before the start of a new unit. Getting Ready The purpose of this activity is to introduce-the unit topic pre-teach vocabulary, and activate students’ prior knowledge. * Focus students’ attention off the title of the unit. If the term or phrase is unfamiliar to students, teach it to them. * Pre-teach unfamiliar terms or phrases from the activity. Read directions to the students. If necessary, complete the first item to model the activity. * Have students complete the activity either individually, in pairs, or in small groups. * Check students’ answers, correcting and explaining mistakes, Listening 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea. ‘© Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words or phrases. + Read the first sentence of the directions aloud. The sentence describes the general context of the listening passage. Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the directions ‘+ Read the rest of the directions aloud. They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure students focus on listening for the answer to this question. + Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. «Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity. * Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given, Listening 2 Task 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea. * Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words or phrases to students. + Read the first sentence of the directions aloud. The sentence describes the general context of the listening passage. iv How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit + Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the direction line. © Read the rest of the directions aloud. They indicate what students should listen for, Make sure that students focus on listening for the answer to this question. + Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. © Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity © Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Task 2 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for specific details. ‘+ Explain to students that they wil listen to the same audio ‘passage that they listened to in Listening 2 Task 1. + Read the activity directions. Make sure that students understand what piece of information they should listen for. Play the first item in the audio passage, Make sure that students understand why the answer is corréct. * Play the rest of the audio passage for the students and have them complete the activity. * Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Listening 3 Task 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, ‘or main idea. ‘© Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words of phrases to students. * Read the first sentence of the directions to the class. ‘The sentence describes general context of the listening passage. ‘* Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the direction line. © Read the rest of the directions to the class. They indicate ‘what students should listen for. Make sure students focus ‘on listening for the answer to this question. * Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. * Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity, © Check the students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Task 2 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for specific details. © Explain to students that they will listen to the same audio passage that they listened to in Listening 3 Task 1 © Read the directions. Make sure that students understand what piece of information they should listen for. Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. * Play the rest of the audio passage for the students and have them complete the activity. Check the students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Pronunciation —- The purpose of this activity is to familiarize students with the intonations, stress patterns, and reductions commonly used by native speakers of English, and to improve students’ listening comprehension skills, Task 1 * Preview the pronunciation models with the students. © Play the audio track, focusing the students’ attention on the pronunciation point. * Replay the audio, pausing after each pronunciation example to allow students to repeat it. Repeat this procedure until students can accurately reproduce each example. Task 2 . ‘Task 2 can either be a discrete listening activity or a pair work activity. «If Task 2 isa discrete listening activity, play the audio for the students. Have students focus on distinguishing between sounds as directed in the activity. Check the students’ answers and replay the audio until all students can correctly distinguish between sounds, + If Task 2 is a pair work activity, place the students in pairs and have them practice the pronunciation ‘examples in Task 1. Write other sentences focusing on the pronunciation point on the board and have students practice these as well. Dictation ‘The purpose of this activity is for students to improve their discrete listening skills and reinforce their understanding of the pronunciation point through focused dictation practice. Task 1 * Pre-read the dictation activity with the students, Ask the students to summarize the conversation to the best of their ability. If the students lack the language skills to create an_ effective summary, ask questions to help them identify key details from the conversation. + Play the audio passage. Instruct students to listen to the complete conversation without filling in the dictation blanks. © Discuss the conversation with the students again, asking them to revise their previous summaries to include any new information they have heard, + Replay the conversation. Pause after each line to give students an opportunity to fill in any blanks. If necessary, replay lines until students have successfully filled in the blanks. Check the students’ answers. Task 2 ‘© Replay the audio passage. Pause after each line and ask students to repeat it as a class. Focus their attention on correctly replicating the pronunciation point. ‘© Have students practice the conversation in pairs. Circulate through the class to monitor students’ pronunciation, * After students have completed the conversation, have them: switch roles and practice it again. Conversation ‘The purpose of this activity is to practice the vocabulary and language models students have learned in the unit in an open conversation + Set the context forthe students by discussing directions ‘with them. Elicit words or phrases that may be useful in the activity and write them on the board. '* Model a sample conversation for the students using the words and phrases on the board. + Place students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Circulate through the class monitoring the students’ conversations and providing assistance as needed. Unit Closing Activities Conversation Worksheets ‘The Teacher Resource CD-Rom contains a Conversation ‘Worksheet for each unit of the Student Book. These ‘worksheets provide an additional opportunity for students to practice using the language they have encountered in the unit. Unit Tests ‘The Teacher Resource CD-Rom contains a Unit Test for each ‘unit of the Student Book. The Unit Test assesses students’ ability to listen for both gist and details, as well as their understanding of the vocabulary and language presented in the unit. How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit v Unit 1 Introductions and Names Page? Getting Ready Vocabulary email address phone number Lc Re 3a AF Bh 6g 7d 8b Listening 1 1 Track2 Vocabulary give (someone) a call how do you spell that? Ie nice to meet you, weekend wep Skill: Listening for details 4a 5b 6b Page3 Listening 2 @1Fack3 Vocabulary assignment register ‘checking in reservation get together semester Pretty good Task 1 Skil Listening for context 2 Unit 1 Task 2 Skill: Listening and making predictions Optional Activity Put the students into pairs. Have the students stn othe recording again ‘and write a question and an answer about two of the conversations. When everybody is finished, have each pair read thelr questions aloud for another pair to answer Page 4 Listening 3 D1 Tack Vocabulary accounting gym department university forgotten wait a minute Task 1 3. Hannah 6. Tandy 1. Else 2. Mick 4. Devon 5. Ike Task 2 Skil Listening and making predictions we ab af se 6a Optional Activity Put the students into small groups and discuss how names are used in their cultures, Ask students to consider the following questions: © When is it appropriate 10 use a person’ first name? + Do young people ever cll adults by their Sirst names? Pages Pronunciation cD, Taks This pronunciation lesson focuses on linked sounds in words. The objective of this lesson is to increase students’ awareness of the linked sounds in everyday English and improve listening ‘comprehension skills, Dictation ites Task 1 2Nice 3. live A. phone 5. Have 6. great Conversation Elicit introductory phrases students have heard in Listening 1, 2, and 3. ‘Write the phrases on the board. Model ‘an instruction using each phrase and an appropriate response. Ask students to introduce themselves to three or four of their classmates. Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 2 Describing People Pages Getting Ready Vocabulary age short almost shoulder-length blond straight curly tall dark (hair) teens height thirties | light brown (bir) ewenties ‘Age: about 22;in his twenties, 19 years ‘ld in her thirties; almost 25 Height: about 170 cm; tall short not very tll Hair shor: long; light brown; blond; dark; curly; shoulder-length; straight Listening 1 CDI Trck7 Vocabulary look about (17 years old) rock band ‘wear it short/long Skil Listening for topics 1. Age Optional Activity Pat the students into pairs. Have one person in each pair describe one of the people in the pictures on page 6 while the other student tres to guess who is being described. Tell the students to take turns guessing Note: If you wish, you cam use magazine ‘pictures instead ofthe pictures inthe Student Book. Page? Listening 2 C1,Tracks Vocabulary about average actress boyfriend Task 1 Skill: Listening for gist ‘cousin lasses pretty (adv) Optional Activity Put students into pairs. Ask them to take turns talking about the pictures that ‘weren't described in the tapescript ~ 1b, 2b, 3b, and 4a, When finished, elicit a description of each picture and write ‘any new vocabulary on the board. Pages Listening 3 itacks Vocabulary dark brown, drive (someone) crazy kid (child) lost Task 1 Skill: Listening for details 49H 3.10 412 510 612 Task 2 Skil Listening for gist ha BF 4b ée Page Pronunciation D1, Track 10 In this pronunciation lessop, the focus is ‘on rising intonation in yes/fo questions and falling intonation in their answers. ‘The objective of ths lesson is to familiarize students with these changes in intonation, improving listening comprehension and speaking skills. Dictation @iTackn Task 1 1s No Bist 4. Are 5. Ishe 6. Yes nis Conversation Write Age, Height, Hair, and Appearance (on the board. Elicit descriptive words and phrases from students and write them under the appropriate heading, Choose a student and model describing him/her using the terms on the board Pt the students in pairs can have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit2 3 Unit 3 Clothes Page 10 Getting Ready Vocabulary blouse shirt dress shorts lasses shoulder bag hat, skirt jacket sneakers, jets suit . pants tie sandals T-shirt scarf windbreaker Wg M0 2b Be wm Be ten 7) 18.1 Listening 1 Di Tack 2 Vocabulary body builder _reddish-blond long (ares) tight muscles Skil Listening for gist ‘Answers th 2d Bo ae se &b a Ba Optional Activity Put the students into pairs. Have one person in each pair describe a person in the picture while the other student tries to guess who is being described. Tell the students to take turns guessing, Note: Ifyou wish, you can use magazine pictures instead of the picture i the Student Book, 4 Unit 3 Paget Listening 2 cD i.Tacki3 Vocabulary comfortable tight fit («) ‘too short try on (clothes) Task 1 - Skill Listening fr gist ees ta dc 3b ac 5b 6a Page 12 Listening 3 cb i.Tack 4 Vocabulary boots necklace earrings ring Skill: Listening for details The following are correct: 1. black shoes 2. brown boots, no rings 3. shir, shoulder bag 4, skit, black jacket, sandals Task2 Skill: Listening for details he 2b 3a ha Optional Activity Divide the class into four groups and have them look at the pictures. Have each group choose one person and prepare a description of him or her. When everyone is finished, have each group describe their person to another group. Page 13 Pronunciation cD 1,Tack 5 ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is the sound at the end of plural nouns. The objective ofthis lesson is to familiarize students with different plural sounds, improving listening comprehension and speaking skills. Task 2 or teck 6 Answers i 1s fia! Bal 2 Is! Atl Si Ist 6. fiz Dictation © 1,Teack 17 jeans 2. going 3, wear 4 pants 5.tie 6 anyties Conversation Elicit clothing words and adjectives used to describe clothing from the students and ‘write these terms on the board. Choose a student and describe his/her clothes using the terms on the board, Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity Students may use the sample Janguage on the board for suppor. Unit 4 Routines Page 14 Getting Ready Vocabulary five past ten ‘twenty to two ten after ten Task 1 1. six thirty half past six 2. twelve dtlock, noon, midnight 3. seven forty-five, a quarter to eight 4, ten fifteen, 2 quarter after ten Lister CO, Track 18 ig 1 Vocabulary a quarter to (four) Do you have the time? New Year What's the time? Skil Listening for times Aint 1.1015 3.1200 41120 5.345 6750 Optional Activity Put the students in pairs and have them Took a the pictures of the watches at the top of the page. Have one student in each pair point to a picture and ask What time i it? The other student ives the answer, Have the students switch roles. Page 15 Listening 2 1.Track 19 Vocabulary ‘a morning person a night person fall asleep it depends night shift stay up late ‘getup Task 1 Still: Listening for numbers 2, 615, 1200 4,745, 1:00 5. 600,1000 6, 400, 800 Task 2 Skill 3.b 6a Page 16 Listening 3 cb 1 ack20 Vocabulary cereal chat () hang out subway text (x) video games newspaper Task 1 1. Peter, Amelia 2, Peter, Charlie 3, Peter, Amelia 4, Amelia 5. Peter 6. Amelia 7. Peter 8, Amelia, Charlie 9. Charlie 10. Charlie 11, Peter 1. False, True, False 2. True, False, False 3. False, True, True Page 17 Pronunciation cD 1,Fack21 Te focus of this pronunciation lesson is syllable stress in numbers. The objective of this lesson isto help students differentiate between numbers and improve their listening comprehension sills. Task 2 Ditrack22 2, sivteen 4, seventeen S.nineteen 6, fourteen Dictation O1ack3 Task 1 ERATE 1. fivefifteen 2. Five fifty 3. five fifty, five 4. six fifty train. fifteen 5. one fifteen Conversation Elicit daily activities from the students and write them on the board. Also ‘write the transitions First, Then, After ‘that, Later on, and Finally on the board ‘Model describing your daily routine using the activities and transitions on the board. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity ‘Students may use the sample language (on the board for support. Unita 5 Unit 5 Dates Page 18 Page19 Task1 Getting Rea Listening 2 OO Z dy D1, Track 25 i Skill: Listening for details Vocabulary se fifteenth sixteenth Vocabulary 7 - fifth sixth airport dental . 3 first tenth ‘Are you free? appointment fourteenth third book (aight) __Tesve from fourth thirteenth confirm Letme know Page 21 thirty-first - Task 1 Pronunciation D1, Tack27 ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is pronunciation of ordinal numbers. ‘The objective of this lesson is to help students differentiate between ordinal 1..813,930am. 2. 7/28, 800 pm. numbers and improve their listening +3. 8/10, 11:15am. comprehension skills. ee 4. 7/26, 3:00 p.m. 5. 9/22,600 pm. Task2 Vocabulary 6.872, 200pm ee i reck28 arrive vacation eave When did you get here? Skil Listening for dates Answers 1. Arived 1* —Willleave 14" z " snags, 2. Arrived 4" Willleave 13" 1False 2. True 3. False Dictation 3. Arrived 2" Willleave 10" 4 Fale 5.Tue 6. False DI, Track 29 4. Arrived 5" Will eave 15" 5. Arrived 3° — Willleave 31" Page 20 Task 1 6. Arrived 6® Wil leave 16% a tening 3 rape ee C01, Tack2s —— Optional Activity 1. August 16” 2, August 234 ‘Tell the students to write down an Vocabulary 3.224 4.77 imaginary arrival and departure date 5.224 6.31" oftheir wn. Then have them move amonth ago next month around the classroom, asking each barbecue smdy other about arrival and departure dates. exams this month i If the students are away from home, family party Conversation these dates could be the actual dates of a Elicit the months of the year and write ‘their arrival and departure in two months them on the board. Write Wen is ‘your birthday? and When is your father’ Task 1 birthday? on the board. Write answers Wawasan to these questions on the board as wel, 7 Model the questions and answers for ‘the students, Put the students in pairs G, and have them complete the activity irLanguage om Students may use the sample language ‘on the board for support. 6 Unit 5 Unit 6 Jobs Page 22 Task 1 bots Getting Read: Oe Pronunciation ig Ready Skil istening for gist coves Vocabulary ‘This pronunciation lesson focuses cn businessperson flight attendant syllable stress in jobs. The objective A nurse {.tesits mine eh of this lesson is to help students hear a me beni syllable stress in jobs and improve their construction worker taxi driver ame eee. listening comprehension skills. 5. Hasanewjob Answers will vary. Listening 1 1 Tack30 Vocabulary acting salesperson nursing sell office worker travel outside uniform receptionist Skil Listening for gist La 2b 3b 4a Ba 6b Page 23 Listening 2 iTackst Vocabulary bookstore my first week find ajob not anymore graduated still Just started What are you doing lawyer ae 6. Isnt working now 7. Has anew job 8. Has the same job Page24 Listening 3 1sTrack32 Vocabulary be on (one's) feet perfect be sick of (something) the money boss (alary) distance tips ics tiring Jong hours well-paid Task1 Skil: Listening for attitudes Answers” No 2.Yes 4Yes S.No Task 2 Skil Listening for key words 1. Dislikes, Likes 2, Likes, Dislikes 3. Likes Dislikes 4, Disks, Likes 5. Dislikes, Likes Task 2 1Track34 1. actor 2, electrician 3. musician 4, doctor 5. police officer 6, architect. Dictation tacks 2. architect 4, office 1. receptionist 3, make money 5. classes Conversation ‘Ask students to name things that rake a job a good one. If students are have trouble thinking of ideas, offer suggestions such as good salary, short hours, interesting, and opportunity for travel, Explain the phrase dream job to the students and model a description of ‘your dream job using the terms on the board. Put the students in pairs and have ‘them complete the activity. Students ‘may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 6 7 Unit 7 Favorites secret A EOCENE Page 26 Getting Ready Vocabulary actor sports team athlete ‘store movie TV show radio station ‘video game resaurant website singer Answers will vary. Listening 1 cD rck36 Vocabulary awesome score a goal beautful voice sneak finals take a break incredible talk show professional career ‘You're kidding! Skil Listening for gist Page27 Listening 2 cD 1,Track37 Vocabulary gossip mall stay in touch selection posta video website Task 1 Stil Listening for topics 8 Unit 7 1. Fase 2. Tue 3. Fake ae 5. False 6. True Optional Activity Have students work in small groups and answer the following questions: © Which of the websites in the listening would you like best? Why? + What is your favorite website in each of the categories listed in the coluran on the right Why? Page28 Listening 3 cD 1T0ck38 Vocabulary celebrities restaurant Good luck! store popular Task 1 Skill: Listening for topics AS BG C2 DI E4 B3 Task 2 Skil Listening for details he Be 3c 4a 5b 6a Optional Activity Put the students into pairs, Have the students listen to the recording again and write a question and an answer about two of the news tories. When everybody is finished, have each pair read their questions aloud for another pair to answer. Page 29 Pronunciation D1 Tack 39 ‘This pronunciation lesson focuses ‘on intonation of Wh- questions. The objective of this lesson is to increase ‘students’ awareness of question intonation in everyday English and improve listening comprehension skills. Dictation D1 Track 40 Task 1 1. What's your 2. What's 3, about 4. never seen 5. favorite Optional Activity Pat students in pts. Have them practice the dictation conversation agai, ‘this time talking about one of their own favorite TV shows. Conversation * Write TV shows, websites, movies, radio stations, singers, actors and athletes on the board. Elicit two or three examples of each category from students and write them under ‘the appropriate heading. Model the activity by telling students about your favorite person or thing in one of ‘the categories. Then put the students in pars and have them complete the activity, Students may use te sample language on the board for support. Unit 8 Sports and Exercise Page 30 Getting Ready Vocabulary (play) baseball (play) basketball (play) gott run (play) soccer ski (play) tennis (play) volleyball go toa gym ride a bike swim windsurf _ Listening 1 CD Trackat Vocabulary favorite pool fries skiing Stil: Listening for gist Answers = Aa B6 c D3 BS F Optional Activity White the following questions on the board 1, Does Rita like spors? 2. How often does Curtis play tennis? 3. How many times a week does Robert 0 swinning? 4. How many miles does Jon ride his bicycle each weekend? 5, Does the man go sking often? 6. How often does Joe walk to McDonald's? Play the recording again, stopping after each conversation so the students can write the answers to the questions om a piece of paper. Elicit the conrect responses and wirite them on the board. Tell the students its okay if their answers do not exactly match the ones on the board 1. No, she hates sports. 2, Every day after work 3. Three times a week. 44, About 20 miles. 5. No, it was his firs time. 6. about four times a week “Page 31 Listening 2 (1,Track a2 Vocabulary Let's see. work out: not really Page32 Listening 3 @.Track 43 Vocabulary can't stand energetic chess football fan during the week sports club Task 1 Stil Listening freuen “Answers 1. Bxercisesalot 2. Exercises alittle 3. Never exercises 4, Exercises alot 5, Exercises alittle Task 2 ed Re aa 5.b Page33 Pronunciation coistackee This pronunciation lesson focuses on ‘word stress in sentences. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize students with word stress patterns in everyday English and improve their listening comprehension skills. Task 2 €,Trackas 1% Idptonegin der dy 2. watcha lat of baseball on WV. 3, What dé you do on Weekends? 4, Do you play ténnis? Dictation CD Track a6 Task 1 2, favorite, volleyball 1. pay sports| 3. fun 4, How, play 5. twice, week 6, that Conversation Write Sports I play and Sports I watch on the board. Write one sport under each heading. Model the activity by explaining why you like each sport, writing any key words or phrases on the board. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for suppor. Unit 9 Unit 9 Locations Page 34 Getting Ready Vocabulary bed next to bedside on top of behind plant berween table bookcase window Answers 1. on top of the bookcase 2. behind the TV 3. between the bedside tables 4 next to the window 5. on the floor 6. under the table Listening 1 cD 2,Track2 Vocabulary cushions, tennis racket remote control Skill ‘Answers Lb 2b 3b ha Listening for location Optional Activity ut the students into pairs. Have them look at the incorrect pictures and describe them using prepositions of place. While one student describes a picture, the other tries to guess which one itis Have the students take turns describing and guessing. 10 Unit 9 Page 35, Listening 2 2,Treck3 Vocabulary across from magazine rack om the right/left plant stand to the right/left against the wall coffee table comer dinner table Taskt Skill: Listening for details {from left to right) Top row:7,5,3,1 Middle row: 8,2 Bottom row: 4,6 Skil Listening and making predictions mm Ab Be Ba ac 5b 6b ne Ba Page36 Listening 3 D2 tacks Vocabulary battery doorknob belt drawer bookshelf empty bottom hang case hook dictionary remind Task 1 Skill: Listening for details Answers E 1b Ra Be 4a 5b 6c Task? Sill: Listening for details swe = 1tue 2. Fake 3, Fase 4. Tue 5. Tue 6. False Page37 Pronunciation D2.Tacks ‘This pronunciation lesson focuses on contracted negative verb phrases. The objective is to familiarize students with how contracted verbs sound in everyday English and improve ther listening comprehension skill Task 2 a.Tacks 1.isntt 3. dontt Dictation 2,7 Task 1 1. doesn't 3. itis 5. dontt know 2. Don't you 4. they arentt Conversation Elicit prepositions of place from the students and write them on the board. ‘Model each preposition of place by using it to describe one object in the classroom. Have students name objects they see in the classroom and write them on the board. Model the activity by describing the location of an object in the classroom to the students. Have the students guess ‘the object. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. ‘Students may use the sample language on the board for suppor. Unit 10 The Family Page38 Getting Ready Vocabulary aunt nephew cousin niece grandparents uncle ‘great-grandfather 1. aunt unde - 3. grandparents 4. cousin S.nephew 6. nlece 7. mother-in-law 8, great-grandfather. Listening 1 2 Tacks Vocabulary in the middle oldest look like ‘on the right? (comebody) left looks young for (60) twins older Skill: Listening for gist Aa Bd 6 D2 ES 3 Optional Activity Put the students into groups. Each student should pretend to be one person {in one ofthe pictures. He or she then describes his or her “family” to the others in the group, and the group guesses which picture is being described, Page39 Listening 2 a,Tack9 Vocabulary boss (someone) around wish just youngest only child Takt Skil: Listening for details 1.0030 21,002 3.0010 4.0.21, 5. 0,0,0,0 Task 2 ee Skill Listening for details na Rb ec ab Ba Optional Activity Tel students to look at their completed charts for Task 1. Have each student secretly choose one of the names as his or her “secret identity” Then have students stand up and mingle, asking each other about their families and answering using the information in the chart, Have students continue asking and answering until they have guessed the identities of three of their classmates. Page4o Listening 3 cb2,Tackt0 Vocabulary be really into (something) library bird watching parrots cage software countryside wild free time Task 1 Skills: Listening for similarities Answers: 1. Sister 2. Mother 3, Father 4, Mother 5. Brother 6. Mother Task200 Skil: Listening for details ze 3d 5b be Optional Activity ‘Arrange the students into groups of four or five people. Have them ask one another which family member they're ‘most similar to, When finished, find out ‘which family member most students chose. Page 41 Pronunciation coa.Teack 11 This pronunciation lesson focuses on do, does, and are. The objective is for students to learn to recognize these reduced verbs and improve their listening comprehension skills Dictation coatacki2 Task 1 1. Doyou 2. How 3, What does 4, you like Conversation ‘Ask the students to scan the dictation activity for questions about family and ‘write their responses on the board. Elicit additional questions about family from the students and write them on the board. Model the activity by using the questions on the board to describe your own family. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 10 " Unit 11 Ent Page 42 Getting Ready Vocabulary computer games gym eat out park exercise rollerblading go dancing “Answers a Answers will vary. 7 Listening 1 cD2,Teack 13, Vocabulary action (movie) sand ride Skil: Listening for gist Optional Activity : Write the following questions on the board. 4. What did the speaker's friend say about the movie? 2. What will the weather be like on Saturday? 5. What time isthe game? 4. Who will hey go rollerblading with? 5. When will they go shopping? 6. Where will they ride to? Play the recording again, stopping after each conversation so the students can ‘write the answers to the questions on @ piece of paper. Elicit the correct answers and write them on the board. Tell the students that it’s okay if thetr answers do not exactly match the ones on the board. 2 Unit 11 ertainment 1. He said the story 2. Hot and sunny. was great, 3. 200 4. Theays 5 5. Saturday 6, Theppark. afternoon, ee Pages Listening 2 Pronunci fans co2,Tack6 Vocabula The focus ofthis pronunciation lesson "y fs the reduction of caw and can’ in fine with me Some inertine, _uvey tnginh The ebjetve ie free maybe. to help students distinguish between Taloveto, but... Sure these sounds and improve listening comprehension Task 1 — — ~ Task2 ‘Skill: Listening for details 2, Tacki7 1 Tue 2. false 3. False Tant 2.can A false 5. True Baan cant Task 2 .. ~ Dictation Skill: Listening for details 1. Sorry 2 cant Page 44 3. cango 4, think so 5. 69h Listening 3 bad o coa.tacks Vocabulary Conversation appointment —_seea movie Write Weekend Activites on the board Elicit activities the students enjoy and sounds gre Coa Cia! ‘write them on the board. Elicit phrases a for coffee ‘used in invitations, accepting invitations, Task 1 and refusing invitations and write them om the board, Model the activity using the language on the board. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for support and refusals 3. Refuse 6. Accept 1. Refuse 2. Accept 1. Accept 5, Refuse Unit 12 Prices Page 46 Getting Ready Vocabulary (a pair of) sneakers laptop DVD movie ticket digital camera ‘newspaper Answers will vary. Listening 1 co2racki9 Vocabulary camera on sale ‘earrings shoes Tiltake (something) try Gomething) {just looking. on Skill: Listening for details “Answers 1,955 2. $1,899 3.53695 4.52695 5. $14.25 6. $125 Optional Activity Tell the students to listen again and write down how the speakers say they ‘want to or do not want to buy an item, Play each conversation again, Elicit the answers and write them on the board “Answers 1. No, thanks. 2. Thats okay 'm just looking. 3, Thanks, anyway. 4. [think wil take them). 5. Hltake them, 6, Well ll think about it. Pages? Listening 2 cD 2,Track20 Vocabulary aogether change That comes to (otal ‘That’ (total) ‘wo for (a dollar) Task 1 Skil: Listening for numbers 1. Total: $7.50, Change: $12.50, 2, Tota: $27.90, Change: $2.10 3. Total: $9.65, Change: $1035, 4, Total $12.15, Change: $785 5. Tota: $12.49, Change: $7.51 6, Total $1825, Change: $1.75 Task 2 Skill: Listening for details Riiswers 1. soup, shampoo 2. DVD, batteries 3. newspapers, magazines 4. Tshirt, socks 5. chocolates, cookies ‘6. magazines, book Page 48 Listening 3 2.tacka Vocabulary afford public schools clinic reasonable hospital (price) keep the price down teat“) neighborhood rich ont tuition population ‘twice that private schools Cee) Skil Listening fr comparisons 1. Cheaper 2. Cheaper in their country 3. Cheaperin the US. 4. Cheaperin the US. 5. Cheaperin the US. 6 Cheaper in thei country 1. False 2. True 3. True 4, True 5. False 6. False Optional Activity ‘Arrange the students in six groups and have them look at the completed chart for Listening 3 Task 1. Assign each group one of the categories (cars, rents, clothes, etc) and have them discuss ‘whether those things are cheaper or ‘more expensive in their countries than in the US, When everyone is finished have each group share their conclusions with another group. Page 49 Pronunciation .. 02,Tack22 This pronunciation lesson focuses on syllable stress in large numbers. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize students with the stress patterns and rhythms of large numbers and improve listening comprehension skis. Dictation Da. Tiack23 1. $329.99 3. $1,000 2. $2,199.99 4.3799 Conversation ‘Draw a pie chart on the board with the following categories: Food, Rent, ‘Transportation, Entertainment, Shopping. Fill in the pie chart with your monthly spending for each category. Model the activity forthe class using the pie chart. ‘Ask students to create their own pie charts and complete the activity. Unit 12 B Unit 13 Restaurants Page50 Getting Ready Vocabulary appetizer ice cream apple pie juice broccoli main dish cake peas carrots: salad chicken shrimp cocktait coffee soup desserts steak drinks tea fish vegetables Appetizers: salad, soup, shvimp cocktail ‘Main dishes: steak, fish, chicken Vegetables: carrots, peas, broccoli Desserts: apple pie, cake, ice cream Drinks: coffee, juice, tea Listening 1 coa,Tack24 Vocabulary cheesecake soda. fries spaghetti riled special ived tea spicy order (w) stirfry roast chicken Skill: Listening for details nswers 1. house salad, spaghett with meat sauce, tea 2. soup of the day, Greek salad, ice cream, coffee 3. hamburger with fries, milk 4 Unit 13 Pagest Listening 2 CD a,Tack25 Vocabulary cola frozen delicious ‘ice cream ary send (food) back fresh slices (of pizza) fried starving Task 1 Skil: Listening for gist 4 Task 2_ Skil Listening for attitudes 1. Notpleased 2, Pleased 3. Notpleased 4, Not pleased 5. Pleased 6. Not pleased Page 52 Listening 3 oa, Tack2s Vocabulary awful salty chocolate mousse seafood creamy ‘steamed vegetables egg rolls tasty oily tough Task 1 Skil: Listening for attitudes ‘Answers e 1. the appetizer’ Liked themain dish: Didnt ike thevegetables: Liked the dessert: Liked 2. theappetizer: Liked the main dish: Liked thevegetables: Liked thedessert: —_Didn'tlike theappetizer: Liked ‘the main dish: Liked the vegetables: Didn't like thedessert: Liked ‘A. theappetizer Didn't like ‘the main dish: Didn't like the vegetables: Liked thedessert: Liked Task 2 ee Skills: Listening for details Answers Ee 1. Tue 2. False 3. Fase 4. Tue Page5s3 Pronunciation co2Tack27 “The focus of this pronynciation lesson is contractions wasn’t anti weren't. The objective of the lesson is to familiarize students with everyday speech and {improve listening comprehension skills. Dictation D2, Track28 Task 1 2. wasn't great 1. was 3. spicy 4. vasnttas Conversation Write Appetizers, Main dishes, Vegetables, Desserts, and Drinks on the board. Elicit foods from each category and ‘write them on the board. Point to different words on the board and elicit descriptions of them, eg., French fries are salty. and write them on the board. ‘Model the activity using the words on the board, Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity Students may use the sample language om the board for support. Unit 14 Small Talk _ Page ss Getting Ready Vocabulary end a conversation Its been great set seeing you Hope to see you again again soon. It sen mice How have you talking to you. been? Keep in touch. How's everything? Nice to see you Thaven't seen you again. for along time. ‘Talk to you later, 1. End a conversation 2. Greet someone 3. End.a conversation 4, Greet someone 5. End a conversation 6. End a conversation 7. Greet someone 8, Greet someone 9. Greet someone 10, End a conversation Listening 1 coa.rack29 Vocabulary get together look at the time got to run these days inages Shill: Listening for greetings and comersation endings Answers 1. Greeting someone 2. Ending a conversation 3. Greeting someone 4, Ending a conversation 5. Greeting someone 6. Greeting someone 7. Ending a conversation 8, Greeting someone Optional Activity Play the recording again, stopping after each monologue. Have the students suggest appropriate responses to each greeting or conversation ending. Page ss Listening 2 02, Track30 Vocabulary guess not too bad Task 1 Skill Listening for topics tip (n) work late a 2b 3b AC Bc 6&b Tc BC Page sé Listening 3 2, Track31 Vocabulary appear (in movies) look forward to bea big star (something) leave the company surprise You're kidding! 1. New information 2. Already knows... 3. New information 4, Already knows 5, Already knows 6. New information 1b 2b Ba ac sa 6b Pages? Pronunciation 2 Tack ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is reductions of Wh- questions. The objective of the lesson is to familiarize students with these common reductions in everyday speech and improve listening comprehension skills Dictation D2Tack33 Task 1 “ 2. What have 4, howare 1. new 3. how's your Conversation ‘Write Gretings on the board and elicit phrases that can be used to greet someone you haven't seen ina long time, Write students’ responses on the board. Then write Topics for small talk on the board and elicit topic ideas from the students. Model the activity using the greetings and one of the topics on the board, Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 14 5 Unit 15 Vacations Page 58 Getting Ready Vocabulary all right really great awful 5050 fantastic terrible not bad terrific nothing special very disappointing wonderful pretty boring Didn’tlikeit —_—_Liked ita little ful allright pretty boring not bad very disappointing soo nothing spect terrible Liked it a lot really great fantastic terrific wonderful Listening 1 coatack3s Vocabulary getatan quiet go away (on vacation) relatives {g0 out of town stay home peaceful sunshine Skil: Listening for gist Ee 1b 2a b&b 5b 6a nb Ba Page 59 Listening 2 D2 Tack 35 Vocabulary crowded 16 Unit 15 Task 1 Skill: Listening for attitudes no yes 300 Ano 8. yes S.yes 7. yes Task 2 Skill: Listening for details Optional Activity Put students in small groups and ask. them to think of their last vacation. Have them describe their vacation to their group, including three good or bad points. Use the recording as a model to help them state these points, eg. The food swas fantastic, The hotel was disappointing The museums were too crowded. Page6o Listening 3 cb 2,Tack36 Vocabulary camping museums cooking course sightseeing fall off (skis) slept hard (difficulty _stay on (skis) ‘kept warm sunburn pews Prlen @ irLanguage son Task ‘Skill: Listening for details aS eae. 1. False 2. Tre 3 Fase 4, False 5. False 6. True Page6t Pronunciation co2.tack37 ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is different sounds used in past tense verbs, The objective ofthe lesson is to familiarize students with past tense endings and improve listening comprehension skis Task 2 D2, Track38 Binet Lidl Rid) aid) 5.1 Dictation (€02,Track39 Task 1 1. rented 3. walked on 5. decided 2. house 4. shopped for 6 want Conversation Write My favorite vacation on the board. ict questions about your favorite vacation, eg., Where did you go?, What did you do?, How tong did you sta? ect. from the students and write them on the board. Answer the questions on the board to model the activity. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for suppor. Unit 16 Apartment Living Pages2 Getting Ready Vocabulary bathroom mattress bathtub microwave bee piano bedroom refrigerator coffee table shower dresser sofa . kitchen stove living room toilet Livingroom Bedroom sofa bed coffee table mattress piano dresser Bathroom Kitchen toilet refrigerator bathtub stove shower microwave Listening 1 coayrackao Vocabulary apartment huge comfortable small Sls Listening for gist Optional Activity Write the following questions on the board 41, Why does Ken distike his apartment? 2. Why does Celia tke her apartment? 3. Why does joe disike his apartment? 4, What does Ellen dstike about her apartment? Play the recording again, stopping after cach conversation so the students can Write the answers to the questions on a Piece of paper. Elicit the correct answers and write them on the board. Tell the students that it’ okay if their answers do not exactly match the ones on the board. 1. Its pretty small 2. its really big. 3. I's very small. Seven people live with him. ‘4, She has the small bedroom. Page 63 Lister O2,Trackat 1g 2 Vocabulary floor furniture take a bath Task 1 Sti Ustening for git 1. False 2. False 3. Tue 4. Tue Pagees Listening 3 cDaracks2 Vocabulary all over (the floor) find bookshelf managed to ‘cheap ‘MP3 player check out pick up (buy) ‘Skill: Listening for details | Answers 1. bookshelf, TY, dinner table 2. TV, MP3 player BTV dimer be soa 4. bookshe MPS aye sa 1. Twue False 2. False, True 3B. Tue Fale 4, True, False Pages Pronunciation cD2,Trackas ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is the contraction of ther is and there are the objective is to familiarize students with this common element of everyday speech and improve their listening ‘comprehension skills Dictation DaTrackaa 1, There're two. 2, there's also 3 there's 4 sale Conversation ‘Write Bedroom, Livingroom, Kitchen, and Bathrooms on the board. Elicit things typically found in each room and write them on the board. Point to objects in the classroom and use prepositions to describe their locations. Write the prepositions on the board, Model the activity using the language on the board. Put students in pairs and have them complete the activity. ‘They may use the simple language on the ‘board for support Unit 16 7 Unit 17 Hopes and Plans nena A ET A AE SET Page 66 Getting Ready Vocabulary be famous berich get married graduate (from college) have children travel . Tskt Skills: Listening for plans ee ab 4. 5.b Task 2 Task1 Skil; Listening for details ta Rb 3b 4a 5a 6b Task 2 Skil Listening for certainty Answers Answers will vary. Listening 1 0 3,Tack2 Vocabulary actor pool at the moment professional Better you than me! singer dangerous surf doctor yard garage Skills Listening for gist . TAnwers AS BG “3 Ds ET F2 Page67 Listening 2 (0 3,Tack3 Vocabulary babysit nervous clothing store part-time job excited relax hang around spend time (with hhang out (with someone) someone) take it easy make money unfortunately movie theater 8 Unit 17 1, Not looking forward to the summer 2. Not looking forward to the summer 3. Looking forward tothe summer 4, Looking forward to the summer 5, Looking forward to the summer 6. Not looking forward to the summer Optional Activity ‘Write these questions on the board: 1. When ll Molly be ale to hove fun? 2. Where will Peter probably work? 3, How wil Cara stay in ouch with er friends? 4. Who will John live with this summer? 5. What did Nick do last summer? 6. What does Julia want to do this summer? Play the recording again, Stop aftr each ‘monologue so students can write the answers, Elicit the answers. 2, Sure 1. Not sure 3. Notsure 4, Sure 5. Sure 6, Not sure Page 69 Pronunciation coa.racks ‘This pronunciation lesgpn focuses on the reduction of want fo going , and hoge to. The objective ofthis lesson is to familiarize students with these common reductions and improve listening ‘comprehension, Dictation (3,Tack6 1, Next summer 2. Aclothing store or a movie theater 3. She will text them 4, With a Spanish family 55. He had a job 66, Hang out with her friends Pageos Listening 3 cD3,Track Vocabulary break up (with someone) ‘dream about medical school medical degree right away J. goingto 2, totravel 3. going to 4, like to 5. change Conversation Write job, Family, and Travel on the board. Write one plan under each category. Elicit other plans from students for each category and write them on the board. Put the students in paits and have them complete the activity. Students ray use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 18 The Weather Page70 Getting Ready Vocabulary cloudy rainy cold snowy cool sunny dry warm hot wet humid windy Answers will vay. Listening 1 (3,Track7 Vocabulary expecting heavy (rain, snow) rain the high (temperature) the low (temperature) weather forecast Skil Listening for gist : Answers 1. cold, windy 2, warm, wet 3. cloudy, rainy 4. windy, cold 5. cloudy, wet, hot 6, hot, dry Page 71 Listening 2 (D3,Tracks Vocabulary No way! pool put Gomething) on snowball fight swim _Task2 Skill: Listening for details Page 72 Listening 3 D3, Track Vocabulary coming out cooler set warmer/ooler 0 down (temperature) snowstorm storm, Task 2 1. Worse 2. Better 3. Worse 4, Worse 5. Better 6. Better, 7. Better 8. Worse Optional Activity Have the students listen to the recording again and write down the different ‘ways the speakers ask about the weather Play the recording, stopping after each conversation to elicit the question, and write it on the board. 1. What’it ike outside today? 2. How the weather now? 3. Isitnice outside? 4, What it ke outside? 5. Isitanice day today? 6. How’ the weather? 7. Whats the weather lke? 8. Isitstill snowing? Page 73 Pronunciation D3 Track 10 ‘This pronunciation lesson focuses on the intonation of words ina list or series. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize students with common intonation patterns in everyday speech and improve listening comprehension. Dictation Task’ Answers — 1. very hot 3. small soda 2. front of Conversation Write What isthe weather like today? and responses from the students. Then elicit activities that are good to do in that kind of weather. Write these activities on the board. Model the activity for the students using the language on the board, Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 18 19 Unit 19 Shopping Page 74 Getting Ready Vocabulary bookstore necklace clothing store running shoes drugstore shampoo envelopes sporting goods tore grocery store stationery tore Jewelry store tie . magazines vegetables, Lf 2b 8d ha Be 69 Te Listening 1 (€D3,Track 12 Vocabulary fresh look nice on (somebody) mystery pair (of shoes) play a (CD) (CD 3,Track13| Vocabulary Cash or credit? customer Just looking around zing (something) up salespeople take (purchase) 20 Unit 19 3.0 4.00 5. yes 6. yes 7.00 8.n0 Task 2 a 2b 3b Ab Ba 6&b 7a Bb Page76 Listening 3 cD 3,Tack 14 Vocabulary air mail ‘narrow be crazy about Pockets (something) regular mail cotton short sleeves dry clean silk fabric stripes: ‘hand wash (watch) band linen blend machine wash wide Task 1 Skill: Listening for topics Een 1b 2b 3b ha 5a 6b Task 2 Skill: Listening for details Optional Activity Have the students listen to the first three conversations again and write down the ‘way the customers make requests. 1. Gan try on that shir, please? 2. lke to buy some envelopes. 3. Cant see that watch, please? Page 77 Pronunciation D3 Tack 5 ‘The pronunciation lesson focuses on using word stress to contrast choices, such as large or small. The objective of the lesson is to familiarize students with common stress patter in everyday speech and improve both speaking and listening comprehension skills Dictation CD 3,Tiack 16 Task 1 2, silver band 4: paying 6. cash 1. just looking 3. black band 5. pay Conversation Elicit items that students commonly shop for and write them on the board. Point to each item and elicit where students can buy it. Write student responses on the board. Choose one thing you commonly shop for from the items on the board and model the activity for the students. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for suppor. Unit 20 Describing Things Page78 Getting Ready Vocabulary ‘backpack Jost and found briefcase strap checked striped design suitcase handbag wallet initials. wheels leather Listening 1 D3,Track17| Vocabulary case left (x) credit cards frames (glasses) sunglasses Skil Listening for gist Answers La 2b a Page 79 Listening 2 CD3,Track 18 Vocabulary aircraft on board business papers plastic cheap-looking pull out handle running shoes hurts Task 1 St Listening for git Task 2 4c 5.b 6a . Optional Activity Put the students into pairs. Have the students describe each object in the pictures. Then have them imagine an alternative function for each object (for example, using the umbrella asa cane). ‘When everyone is finished, have each pair share their ideas with another pair. Page 80 Listening 3 03, Tracki9 Vocabulary beach bag novel coffee shop passport driven pocket knife get off (the bus) rings keys subway letter travel abroad newsstand Task 1 Listening for gist Answers 1. wallet 2. glasses 3. keys 4, credit card 5. passport 6, newspaper Pages Pronunciation €03,Track20 ‘The pronunciation lesson focuses on syllable stress in adjectives. The objective of the lesson is to familiarize students ‘with common stress patterns in everyday speech and improve both speaking and listening comprehension skills, Task 2 3,Tack2t 1. comfortable 2, attractive 3. plastic 4, running 5. beautiful 6. interesting tation (CD 3,Track22 Task 1 1. cell phone 2. every day 3. purple 4, unusual colors 5. information 6. pocket Conversation Place four items from the classroom in clear view of all the students. Slowly describe one object, writing descriptive words on the board as you ‘go. Have students guess which item ‘you are describing. Once students have guessed, hold up another object and elicit descriptions of it. Write students’ responses on the board. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 20 2 Unit 21 Directions Page 82 Getting Ready Vocabulary block (caffe) light comer on the righv/left gostraight for... takea righv/eft go through ‘turn right/left imerseetion gi D3,Track 23 Vocabulary (same as Getting Ready vocabulary) Sl isenng or git —Raswers Lb 2b Ba ha Optional Activity : Have the students work in pairs. Using the incorrect maps (1a, 22, 3b, and 4b), have one student in each pair give directions to one of the four places, ‘without naming the building, The other student says which place he or she is being directed to Page 83 Listening 2 D3,Track24| Vocabulary end of the block g0 up/down ‘on the corner of... and. 22 Unit 21 Task 1 Ski Listening for detals (from left to right) Top row: 3, 6,1 Bottom row: 2,5, Task 2 Shi: Listening for 1. straight, blocks, turn 3. then,up 5. left left Optional Activity 4 detai 2. on, comer 4. from 6. end Put the students into pairs. Have cone student describe the location of individual buildings on the map, eg, It's on the corner of Ford and Second, ‘The other student points to the building, Have the students take turns describing and guessing. Page 84 Listening 3 D3, Track25 Vocabulary church come out of (the subway) footbridge gas station lass building hotel intersection my place pick up river snacks supermarket tennis racket Lbooda Optional Activity Put students into small groups, Using the recording in Listening 3 as a model, have each student give directions to his/her home from the nearest subway ‘or bus stop. The other students write down the important parts. When everyone is finished, have the students compare notes and directions Page ss Pronunciation 0 3,Tackas ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is the use of rising intonitfon to confirm information given by another speaker. The objective of this lesson is to make students aware of how intonation can change a statement into an implied question and to improve their listening comprehension skills, Dictation €D3,Track27 Task 1 ggg A. Thetourst «at 3. light 4. On the Conversation Model the activity for the students by giving directions from your school to your home. Write key phrases such as turn left, go straight, atthe corner of... etc. on the board. Put the students in pairs and have them complete the activity Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 22 People We Know Page as Task 2 Getting Read; ; , ; ig Heady Ski Listening fr details Vocabulary Bere aie eazy at times lay i da” Ra easygoing serious ab 5b 6b funny shy generous smart Pages hardworking sociable Listening 3 kind talkative oe x a Vocabulary ‘answers wil vary. ‘be in a bad mood make funny faces chew gum. make people Listening 1 easy to talk to teugh (€D3,T1ack28 friendly outgoing forget share Vocabulary get along, talk to (oneself) expect (something) present in return tall jokes Taskt _ laugh sb ictont nm a top student Sil: istening fr opinions Skil Listening for gist 1. Likes personality and sense of humor, doesnt like habits * 2. Likes habits, doesn't like personality ‘or sense of humor 3. Likes sense of humor, doesnt ike personality orhabits 4, Likes personality, doesn't ke sense of humor or habits 0 3,Tack29 Task 2 Vocabulary ——— aa just like similar Skil Listening for attitudes kind of (alittle) skipped chs GEER party (x) cr dyes 2no 4 yes perfect for (someone) Task 1 _ Pagess a: a Pronunciation Skil Listening for similarities coumaat and differences ‘This pronunciation lesson focuses on. the differing pronunciations of sin third person verbs. The objective of this lesson is to increase students’ awareness of these pronunciations and improve listening comprehension skill. 3. different 5. different 6. similar 1. different 2. similar 4, similar Task (cD 3,Track32 Wt Rh) BL AIS! Dictation © 3,Teck33 Task 1 1, He si 2, talks 3. laughs 4, sounds nice 5. tellsjokes 6. seemstike 7 aailiend Conversation Choose a student in the class ora ‘well-known celebrity. Elicit descriptions of the person's personality from the students and write them on the board Continue describing other individuals until you have a broad lst of descriptive terms on the board, Model the activity by describing someone you have recently met using the language on the board, Put the students in pairs and have ‘them complete the activity. Students may use the sample language on the board for support. Unit 22 23

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