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Cottage Claimant

We thank GOD almighty for guiding me throughout the project. We would like
to thank all those who have contributed to the completion of the project and helped
me with valuable suggestions for improvement. We are extremely grateful to the
HOD, Division of Information Technology for providing us with best facilities
and atmosphere for the creative work guidance and encouragement. We would like
to thank our internal Project Guide Swati Adhiya Ma’am and our Extenal Guide
Mr.pallav Mamtora , .Net Head, VNurture Ltd and Mr. Kashual Patel , Admin
VNurtur ltd for all help and services extend to us. We thank all Staff members of
our college and friends for extending their cooperation during my project. Above
all we would like to thank our parents without whose blessings; we would not have
been able to accomplish our goal.

Cottage Claimant

About The System

• This system is about a cottage claimant would be helping in finding cottages
and cottages rooms user friendly way the proposed website.This proposed
applets you book accommodations,check the category of cottages with
food and other arrengements and guide the user for the transport services
also,along with that the proposed website will show the offers and gallery
about the collages,dues tracking and alert will be one good feature will help
both users operate the app comfortable and hassle-free.More features are
• Location based Cottages
• Splash Screen
• Photo gallery.
• food Chart or Menu
• Rules and Regulation
• view search result  

• Easy to find cottage any where, any time,any place.
• comfortable
• payment process are not complex
• Easy to getting information about cottage's room,food.
• Comparison rooms
• Status

Cottage Claimant

Organization Overview

• COMPANY PROFILE: Educational institutions undoubtedly provide a

strong foundation for students to perform in the professional realm. Yet as
novices in the industry it becomes very difficult for them to find a sure
footing and at the same time it is difficult for the industry to channelize
their potential. Sighting an opportunity to bridge the gap in this scenario,
has been the basic vision behind the setting up of VNurture Technologies.
We offer a state-of-the-art Industry Readiness Program that shall effectively
connect the
• realms of education and professional employment.
• Our approach is to take the best which outsourcing models have to offer
including the ability to build teams offshore, the time-zone advantages
presented by distributed teams, the flexibility in resource allocation and the
need-based accessibility to domain and technology experts. We address a
range of technology domains through our various business practices and
incubated companies – all the while ensuring that the core values across all
of these remain the same VNurture Technologies has
• A Leadership team with vast industry experience with MNCs.
• Associations with leading colleges abroad.
• Most relevant and unique industry product definitions and project
• Tie up with leading employers and clear understanding of their
• A set up that shall expose potential professionals to the best in software

Cottage Claimant

Organization Chart

Cottage Claimant


Hardware platform
• 1 Processor: 1.6 GHZ
• 2.Primary Memory: 512 MB RAM or Higher
• 3. Hard Disk: 80 GB
• 4. Network Configuration: Internet
• 5. Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, safari, IE [HTML5, CSS3

Software Platform 
• 1. Windows XP and only compatible OS
• 2. Database: SQL server 2008
• 3. Web Server: IIS 6.0
• 4. Framework. Net Framework 4.0 

Development Tools
• 1. Microsoft Visual Basic 2012
• 2.Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Cottage Claimant

Features of The Tools Used

• MS Visual Studio 2010 :

• Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 provides a comprehensive, highly flexible set
of application lifecycle management (ALM) tools. With the introduction of
Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft made significant changes to simplify the
product line and make improvements in Visual Studio Team Foundation
Server licensing. Important new capabilities have been introduced, including
storyboarding, end user feedback, sprint planning and backlog management,
production load testing, use of IntelTrace in production, and more

ASP.NET with C# :
• ASP.NET is a server-side Web application framework designed for Web
development to produce dynamic Web pages. It was developed by Microsoft
to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web
services.ASP.NET is a programming framework built on the common
language runtime that can be used on a server to build powerful Web
applications. ASP.NET offers several important advantages over previous
Web development modelsJava Script:

• Java Script:
• A scripting language developed by Netscape Communication and Sun
Microsystems. Java script is limited in performance because it is not
compiled before execution, basic online application and function can be
added to web pages with java script but the number and complexity of
available application programming interface function are fewer than those
available with java. Java script code, which is included in a webpage along

Cottage Claimant

with the HTML code is generally consider easier to write than java
especially for new programmers.


It stands for Cascading Style Sheet. Style sheet refers to the document itself.
Style sheets have been used for document design for years. They are the technicall
specifications for a layout, whether print or online. Print designers use style sheets
to insure that their designs are printed exactly to specifications. A style sheet for a
Web page serves the same purpose, but with the added functionality of also telling
the viewing engine (the Web browser) how to render the document being viewed.
CSS is one of the most powerful tools a Web designer can learn because with it
you can affect the entire mood and tone of a Web site. Well written style sheets can
be updated quickly
CSS is one of the most powerful tools a Web designer can learn because
with it you can affect the entire mood and tone of a Web site. Well written style
sheets can be updated quickly and allow sites to change what is prioritized or
valued without any changes to the underlying XHTML.
The challenge of CSS is that there is so much to learn. But it doesn’t
seem like it. After all, there are only around 60 properties in CSS Level 1 and
around 70 in CSS Level 2. Compared with the number of HTML tags and
attributes to learn, that can feel like a cake walk.But because CSS can cascade, and
combine and browsers interpret the directives differently, CSS is more difficult
than plain HTML. But once you start using it, you’ll see that harnessing the power
of CSS will give you more options and allow you to do more and more things with
your Web sites.

SQL Server Management Studio :

It is a main administrative console for SQL server installation. It
provides you with a graphical "birds-eye" view of all of the SQL Server
installations on your network. You can perform high-level administrative functions
that affect one or more servers, schedule common maintenance tasks or create and

Cottage Claimant

modify the structure of individual databases. You may also use SSMS to issue
quick and dirty queries directly against any of your SQL Server databases. Users of
earlier versions of SQL Server will recognize that SSMS incorporates the functions
previously found in Query Analyzer, Enterprise Manager and Analysis Manager.

Database :

A database management, or DBMS, gives the user access to their data

and helps them transform the data into information. Such database management
systems include dBase, Microsoft SQL Express, SQL Server .These systems allow
users to create, updates and extract information from their database. A database is a
structured collection of data. Data refers to the characteristics of people, things
and bank. SQL Server stores each data item in its own fields. In SQL Server, the
fields relating to a particular person, thing or bank are bundled together to form a
single complete unit of data, called a record (it can also be referred to as raw or an
occurrence). Each record is made up of a number of fields. No two fields in a
record can have the same field name.
During an SQL Server Database design project, the analysis of your
business needs identifies all the fields or attributes of interest. If your business
needs change over time, you define any additional fields or change the definition
of existing fields.SQL Server stores records relating to eachother in a table.
Different tables are created for the various groups of information. Related tables
are grouped together to form a database.

Cottage Claimant

Detailed Description of The System

Existing System

• The cottage claimant is easy to find your Choice of

cottages and rooms you can chose multiple facilities like
food , ac , transport.
• And also you can find your cottage state and city wise.

• Time consuming
• Easy to find
• Many Facilities are available.

Proposed System

• The purpose of this System is to develop a dynamic website

which will be helpful to users to find Cottages and also helps the
users to get information regarding Cottages available in the State
and the city.

Cottage Claimant

• This system is very easy to use, for using this system user have to
register themselves on our website and easy to find Cottages.
• This system in which user get some new features like timing
available to visit , Transport facilities available, Rent agreement,
Due payment reminder, Feedback and Reviews all such facilities
we are going to provide in our system.

System Documentation
a. Feasibility Study
• Feasibility is the measure of how beneficial the development of information
system will be to an organization.
• The feasibility analysis is categorized under four different types.  
1. Operational Feasibility
2. Technical Feasibility
3. Schedule Feasibility
4. Economic Feasibility

• 1.Operational Feasibility:
• The System is to be developed for any user who wants to use it. We want
our system user friendly and easy to use.
• The administrator also may be non-technical, so the user interface will be
designed in such a way that it gets comfortable for non-technical person to
operate easily.

• 2. Technical Feasibility:
• It is a partially measurement of specific technical solution and the
availability of technical resource and expertise. The analyst must find out
whether the current technical resources, which are available in the system
is capable of handling the job. If not, then the analyst with the help of

Cottage Claimant

developer should confirm whether the technology is available and capable

or not. 

• Better Considering:
• Here we have to consider those tools which are required for developing the
project. As far as basic knowledge concerned we have studied basic of

• 3. Schedule Feasibility:

• Schedule feasibility corresponds to whether sufficient time is available to

complete the project.
• Factor considered: 
• Schedule of the project in phases
• Time by which project has to be completed
• Test Plans, Wire-Frames, Mock-ups, Coding Standards and Project
Development Specifications Scheduled by the Project Manager
• Reporting period

• Economic feasibility:
• Economic feasibility is a measure of cost effectiveness of a project or
solution. For declaring that the system is economically feasible,the benefits
from the project should not exceed or at least to the equal to the cost of
development. As the features and requirement were fixed before the
development so team have not exceed the economics limit and will deliver
the project as per the economic statics.

Cottage Claimant

Flow diagram

Cottage Claimant


is A?

Admin Owner User

if No if No
Registration Registration Search Cottage
Registrer Registrer
Yes Yes
View Cottage
Login Login
View Rooms
If If No
Authorized? Authorized? If
Yes Yes

Manage state

Manage User Manage City

No Valid
Manage Report Manage Cottage

Manage state Manage Rooms Booked

Manage City if give No

Manage Cottage Yes

Manage Rooms


Cottage Claimant

Entity relationship diagram

Cottage Claimant

Context Daigram

Cottage Claimant

Data FlowDiagram

Cottage Claimant

Cottage Claimant

Cottage Claimant

Cottage Claimant

Cottage Claimant

Cottage Claimant

Cottage Claimant

Data Dictonary

NO Field Datatype(size) Constraints Description

1 State_ID Int Primary Key To store state id.

2 State_name Varchar(20) Not Null To store state


1 .Table name :- State

2. Table name :- City

Cottage Claimant

No Field Datatype(size) Constraints Description

1 City_ID Int Primary Key To city id.

2 City_name Varchar(15) Not Null To store city


3 State_ID Int Foreign key To store state id


3. Table name :- Area

No Field Datatype(size) Constraints Description

1 Area_ID Int Primary Key To area id.

2 Area_name Varchar(30) Not Null To store area


3 City_ID Int Foreign key To store city id


4 .Table name :- User_reg

Cottage Claimant

No Field Name Data type(size) Constrain Description

1 User_ID Int Primary To store user id
2 User_name Varchar(10) Not Null To store user name

3 Password Varchar(10) Not Null To Store the password

4 Email_id Unique Key Not Null To store email address

5 Gender Varchar(6) Not Null Describe gender

6 Phone_no BigInt(10) Not Null To store Phone number

7 Address Varchar(25) Not Null Valid address

8 State_ID Int Foreign Store the state id.

9 City_ID Int Foreign Store the city id.
10 Area_ID Int Foreign Store the area id.

5 .Table name :- CottageOwner reg

Cottage Claimant

No Field Name Data type(size) Constrain Description


1 owner_ID Int Primary To store Cottage owner id


2 owner_name Varchar(20) Not Null To store Cottage owner


3 User_name Varchar(20) Not Null To store user name

4 Password Varchar(20) Not Null To Store the password

5 Gender Varchar(6) Not Null Describe gender

6 Address Varchar(25) Not Null To store address

7 State_ID Int Foreign To store state id

8 City_ID Int Foreign To store city id

6.Table name :- Cottage

No Field Name Data Constraints Description


1 Cottage_ID Int Primary key To store Cottage id.

2 Cottage_name Varchar(50) Not Null To store Cottage name.

Cottage Claimant

3 Cat_ID Varchar(15) Foreign key To Store the category of

(category) Cottage.
4 State_ID Varchar(20) Foreign key To store state id.
5 City_ID Varchar(6) Foreign key To store city id.
6 Area_ID Int Foreign key To store the area id.
7 Description Varchar(40) Not Null To store the description of
8 Image Image Not Null To store image of the Cottage.

9 Price Int Not Null To store price of Cottage.

10 owner_ID Int Foreign key To store Cottage owner id.


7.Table name :- FeedBack

No Field Datatype(size) Constraints Description

1 Feedback_ID Int Primary Key To store feedback id.

2 Name Varchar(10) Not Null To store name who send

the feedback

Cottage Claimant

3 Date Varchar(8) Not Null To store date

4 Email-ID Varchar(20) Not Null To store email-id

5 Message Varchar(40) Not Null To store feed back


8 .Table name :- Booking

No Field Name Data type(size) Constraint Description


1 Book_ID Int Primary key To store Cottage owner


2 Cottage_Id Varchar(20) Not Null To store Cottage owner


3 Room_Id Varchar(20) Not Null To store Room name

4 Cottage_Name Varchar(20) Not Null To store user name

5 User_ID Varchar(20) Not Null To Store the password

6 Eamil_id Varchar(20) Not Null To Store the Email_id

Cottage Claimant

6 Cottage_cost Varchar(6) Not Null Describe gender

7 Check_in_date Varchar(20) Not Null The select the date in

8 Check_out_date Varchar(20) Not Null The select the date out
9 Phone_no Number(10) Not Null To store Phone number

10 Fname Varchar(20) Not Null To store fname.

11 mname Varchar(20) Not Null To store fmame.

12 lname Varchar(20) Not Null To store lmame.

13 gender Vchar(5) Not Null To store gender.

14 dob Varchar(20) Not Null Select the dob.

9 . Table name :- Roomes Details

No Field Name Data Constraints Description


1 Room_ID Int Primary key To store Cottage id.

2 Room_name Varchar(50) Not Null To store Cottage name.

3 Room_Type Varchar(15) Foreign key To Store the category of

(category) Cottage.
4 Room_Date Varchar(20) Foreign key To store state id.

Cottage Claimant

5 Facilities Varchar(20) Foreign key To store city id.

6 Photo_Room Varchar(20) Foreign key To store the area id.

10.Table name :- Facilites

No Field Datatype(size) Constraints Description

1 Food Varchar(30) Not Null To facilities food

2 Ac Varchar(30) Not Null To facilities Ac

3 Non Ac Varchar(30) Not Null To facilities non


4 Transport Varchar(30) Not Null To facilities to


Cottage Claimant

Screen Layout

This is a Admin Login page

Cottage Claimant

This is a Registration Page

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel state page

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel City page.

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel Add Cottage

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel edit delete

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel Rooms

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel Add Rooms edit delete

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel change password

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel in register user

Cottage Claimant

This is a Admin panel owner

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner Login

Cottage Claimant

This is registration page

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Add Cottage

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Add Cottage

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Room

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Rooms

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Add State

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Add City

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel Change Password

Cottage Claimant

This is a Owner panel forgot password

Cottage Claimant

This is a User Login

Cottage Claimant

This is a User registration page

Cottage Claimant

This is a user Home page

Cottage Claimant

This is a user search page

Cottage Claimant

This is a user page and top cottage page

Cottage Claimant

Display Discover the State

Cottage Claimant

Display the selected state’s city

Cottage Claimant

Goa city are display

Cottage Claimant

Display the cottage booking page

Cottage Claimant

Display Thank you Page

Cottage Claimant

Rooms of Core Cottage

Cottage Claimant

Display core cottages rooms details

Cottage Claimant

Display the room booking page

Cottage Claimant

Display Thank you Page

Cottage Claimant

Display the Cottage

Cottage Claimant

This is a Green cottage Room

Cottage Claimant

This is a Green Cottage rooms

Cottage Claimant

Room are not available in this Cottage

Cottage Claimant

This is a Grick Cottage

Cottage Claimant

Test Case
1 . Sign up

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Actual Output

Tk1 First Name ,Middle Patel,Kavita,kushikbhai Registration Registration
name,lastname, Pig Road Narayan Park, Successful Successful
Address,city,mno, Nadiad, 985632147, And display And display
Gender,Email_id,password Female,, booking form booking form
TK2 First Name ,Middle Rana,Trupti,Bharabhai, Registration Registration
name,lastname, Salun Bazar Vachhevad, Successful Successful
Address,city,mno, Ahemdavad,7383282963, And display And display
Gender,Email_id,password Female,, booking form booking form
Tk3 First Name ,Middle Shah,khushbu,Manishbhai Registration Registration
name,lastname, Shiripal Sos,Vaniyavad,Boroda, Successful Successful
Address,city,mno, 9556632873,female, And display And display
Gender,Email_id,password m booking form booking form
Tk4 First Name ,Middle Rathor,prasant,bhikhabhai, Registration Registration
name,lastname, s.g highway near sbl bank,Ahemdavad, Successful Successful
Address,city,mno, 9542631873, male, And display And display
Gender,Email_id,password Piyu9988 booking form booking form
Tk5 First Name ,Middle Patel,priynka,bharatbhai, Registration Registration
name,lastname, Isanpurgeetamadir satnd ,baroda, Successful Successful
Address,city,mno, 965874123,female,priynka24898@gamil.c And display And display
Gender,Email_id,password om booking form booking form
Tk6 First Name ,Middle Dalwadi,Amit,Rajubhai, Registration Registration
name,lastname, Tirveni soc ,kota,98563214, Successful Successful
Address,city,mno, Male,, And display And display
Gender,Email_id,password Amit141098 booking form booking form

Cottage Claimant

Tk7 First Name ,Middle Patel,Roshni,dineshbhai, Enter valid Enter valid

name,lastname, Salun bazaar vachhevad ,Nadiad, email addres email addres
Address,city,mno, 9998665231,female,,
Gender,Email_id,password Fffrosu7785

2 . Sign up

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output

Tk1 Email_id , Login successful Login successful
Paasword trupt131096 And display And display
registration screen registration screen
Tk2 Email_id , Login successful Login successful
Paasword Kavita5698 And display And display
registration screen registration screen
Tk3 Email_id , Invalid email try Invalid email try
Paasword Manish768 again letter again letter
Tk4 Email_id , Login successful Login successful
Paasword Shital131096 And display And display
registration screen registration screen
Tk5 Email_id , Invalid email try Invalid email try
Paasword Tpendr56 again letter again letter

3. State
Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Tk1 State,image, Goa, Successful and Successful and
price images.56.jpg, display city screen display city screen
Tk2 State,image, Rajesthan, Successful and Successful and
price Images .30.jpg, display city screen display city screen
Tk3 State,image, Ahemdavad, Invalid State Invalid State
price Images.60.jpg
Tk4 State,image, Kerala, Successful and Successful and
price Images.12.jpg display city screen display city screen
Tk5 State,image, Gujrat, Successful and Successful and

Cottage Claimant

price Images.59.jpg display city screen display city screen

Tk6 State,image, Jaipur, Invalid state Invalid State
price Images.15.jpg

4 . City

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output

Tk1 City,State Jaipur Successful and Successful and
image images.5.jpg, display cottage display cottage
screen screen
Tk2 City,image, Rajesthan, Successful and Successful and
state Images .30.jpg, display cottage display cottage
screen screen
Tk3 City ,image, Aanad Invalid City Invalid city
State Images.60.jpg

Tk4 City,image, Ahemdavad Successful and Successful and

State Images.12.jpg display cottage display cottage
screen screen
Tk5 City,image, Kota Successful and Successful and
State Images.59.jpg display cottage display cottage
screen screen
Tk6 City ,image, Kelifoniya Invalid state Invalid State
State Images.15.jpg

5 . Booking

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Actual

Output Output
Tk1 First Name, Khushbu Successful and Successful
Last Name, shah ThankYou and
Date of Birth, 17-11-1996 Screen ThankYou
Email Address, Screen
Gender, Female
Phone no, 9726448555
Check-In-Date, 13-May-2017
Check-Out-Date 16-May-2017
Tk2 First Name, Dhwanika Successful and Successful

Cottage Claimant

Last Name, Patel ThankYou and

Date of Birth, 17-10-1995 Screen ThankYou
Email Address, Screen
Gender, Female
Phone no, 9033985566
Check-In-Date, 16-April-2017
Check-Out-Date 18-April-2017
Tk3 First Name, Saumya Invalid Email Invalid Email
Last Name, Barot Address Address
Date of Birth, 12-1-1976
Email Address,
Gender, Male
Phone no, 989662547
Check-In-Date, 11-Jun-2017
Check-Out-Date 12-Jun-2017
Tk4 First Name, Jainam Successful and Successful
Last Name, Jain ThankYou and
Date of Birth, 12-12-1992 Screen ThankYou
Email Address, Screen
Gender, Male
Phone no, 9700422255
Check-In-Date, 8-Jun-2017
Check-Out-Date 12-Jun-2017
Tk5 First Name, Jinal Successful and Successful
Last Name, shah ThankYou and
Date of Birth, 10-11-1997 Screen ThankYou
Email Address, Screen
Gender, Female
Phone no, 9725884733
Check-In-Date, 23-July-2017
Check-Out-Date 26-July-2017
Tk6 First Name, Aanand Invalid Check – Invalid Check
Last Name, Bhanyshali In_Date –In_Date
Date of Birth, 4-5-1990 Room Already Room
Email Address, Booked Already
Gender, Male Booked
Phone no, 9066982775
Check-In-Date, 12-Nov-2017
Check-Out-Date 18-Nov-2017

Cottage Claimant

Crystal Report

Display all city of Rajasthan

Cottage Claimant

Display cottages of arpora city.

Cottage Claimant

Display owner name which is strated with s

Cottage Claimant

Display register user which is register on 1/1/2017

Cottage Claimant

Display States

Cottage Claimant

Scope And Limitions

• Scope
There are 3 type of users. Admin And Owner can add hole the
User can view cottages state and city wise .
• Limitions
Cottage details are displayed for the limited number of days.
It doesn’t cover the international market.
Advance search facility is available for only registered user.
Only few cities Cottage can be uploaded.
It doesn’t have online agreement facility.

Cottage Claimant

Future Expansion

Following features can be added throught changes in programming with the

existing database in future.
 User can view the vedio of cottage or room.
 Many facilities are available.
 User are chanting with as.

Cottage Claimant

Reference and Bibliography


Cottage Claimant


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