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(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

About the System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

About System

This project is aimed at developing an online on-request courses coordination system that is of
importance to an IT organization which has a training department of its own.

The online on-request courses coordination system (ORS) is an Intranet based application that
can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept.

This system can be used to automate the workflow of the requests that come from various
departments for project specific trainings and their approvals.

The training department has to cater to the training of the fresh recruits. It has a regular calendar
and schedule to train the Fresher’s. In addition to this it has to handle the project specific training
requests coming from various departments. For this the department has appointed one person as
the on-request coordinator, who will be able to service the requests with help of ORS.

The whole process starting from logging the request by a dept to servicing the request is

There are features like logging the request, to check the existing training calendar and checking
the availability of respective faculties for the course, allocating the faculty for the course, if an
internal faculty is not free during that period getting faculties from outside, report generators etc
in this system.ORS.

 Modules:
 Login.
 Registration.
 Search Record.
 Update data.
 Change Password.
 View Course.
 Add Schedule.
 Download Material.
 Logout.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

User Characteristics

 login in the system.
 Manage the profile detail.
 Manage the change password.
 Manage the Instructor.
 Manage the Member.
 Manage the Courses.
 Manage the Classes.
 Manage the State.
 Manage the City.
 Provide Roles and Authentication to user.
 Logout into the system.

 Login into System.
 Manage the Profile Details.
 Manage the Change password.
 View the Own courses.
 View the Syllabus.
 Download the Syllabus.
 View the Own Class.
 View the Schedule.
 View Calendar in schedule detail.
 Logout into the system.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System


 Register into System.

 Login into System.
 Manage the Profile Details.
 Manage the Change password.
 View the Own courses.
 View the Syllabus.
 Download the Syllabus.
 View the Own Class.
 View The Next Schedule AND Time.
 View Calendar in schedule detail.
 Logout into the system.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Organization Overview and Organization


(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Organization Overview

“Sattva” word revolves around the purity. We believe in pure and crystal clear information
technology solutions to the clients with “Sattvik” approach. Our management strongly believes
in “SattvaGunas” which would not be compromised in any case by the company. We have
applied this belief in our daily work and regular practices.

SattvaSoft is a technology management consulting company dedicated to delivering quality

based services to the clients worldwide.

SattvaSoft offer services that include E-commerce development& Support, Mobile Application
Development, Software Testing Services and Framework development.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Organization Chart

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Hardware – Software Configuration

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System


Hardware Requirement (Recommended)

 Server Configuration

 Processer : 2.5 GHz or above

 RAM : 2 GB
 Hard Disk : 80 GB or above

 Client Configuration

 Processer : 1.5 GHz or above

 RAM : 1 GB or above
 Hard Disk : 40 GB or above

Software Requirement
 Server Configuration
 Server :
 Tool :
 Operating System :

 Client Configuration

 Browser : Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

 Operating System : window 7,window 10

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Features of Tool Used

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.

Modeled after C++, the Java language was designed to be small, simple, and portable across platforms
and operating systems, both at the source and at the binary level.

The Java language was developed at Sun Microsystems in 1991 as part of a research project to develop
software for consumer electronics devices—television sets, VCRs, toasters, and the other sorts of
machines you can buy at any department store.

Java’s goals at that time were to be small, fast, efficient, and easily portable to a wide range of hardware
devices. It is those same goals that made Java an ideal language for distributing executable programs via
the World Wide Web, and also a general-purpose programming language for developing programs that
are easily usable and portable across different platforms.

The JAVA Environment:

Feature of JAVA:

Object Oriented

Java is a pure Object oriented .everything in java is object. All programs and data reside inside objects
and classes.


The widely used protocols like HTTP and FTP are developed in java. Internet programmers can call
functions on these protocols. Java has networking facilities. So java can create application on network.


Java gives importance to memory management by using the technique called Garbage Collection and
Exception handling.


Java does not use memory pointer explicitly. All the programs in java are run an area known as the sand
box. Java uses the public key encryption system to allow the java application to transmit over the internet
in the encrypted form. The Byte code verifier checks the classes after loading.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Platform independent

Java provides the facility to “Write Once-Run Any Where”. Java provides the facility of cross-platform
programs by compiling in intermediate code known as Byte code. This Byte code can be interpreted on
any system which has java virtual machine.


The feature of java “Write Once-Run Any Where” make java portable. The Byte code generated by java
can be used on any machine. So it can be potable

Compile and Interpreted

Generally computer languages are either complied or interpreted. but java combines both compiler and

High Performance

The use of Byte code makes the performance high. The speed is also high with comparing c, c++.

Multithreading and interactive

Multithreading means handling more than one job at a time. Java supports Multithreading.

Dynamic and extensible

Java is a dynamic language. So it is capable of linking dynamic new classes, methods and objects. Java
supports functions written in c and c++ also. These functions are called native methods. During Run-
Time Native methods can be linked dynamically.

Simple in Understanding

Java is a simple and small language. The Syntax of java is just like C++, so it is very easy to learn.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

What is a Servlet?

Servlet can be described in many ways, depending on the context.

Servlet is a technology i.e. used to create web application.

Servlet is an API that provides many interfaces and classes including documentations.

Servlet is an interface that must be implemented for creating any servlet.

Servlet is a class that extends the capabilities of the servers and responds to the incoming request. It can
respond to any type of requests.

Servlet is a web component that is deployed on the server to create dynamic web page.

What is JSP?

JSP technology is used to create web application just like Servlet technology. It can be thought of as an
extension to servlet because it provides more functionality than servlet such as expression language,
jstletc.A JSP page consists of HTML tags and JSP tags. The jsp pages are easier to maintain than servlet
because we can separate designing and development. It provides some additional features such as
Expression Language, Custom Tag etc.

Life cycle of a JSP Page

The JSP pages follows these phases:

Translation of JSP Page Compilation of JSP Page

Classloading (class file is loaded by the classloader)

Instantiation (Object of the Generated Servlet is created). Initialization ( jspInit() method is invoked
by the container).

Reqeust processing ( _jspService() method is invoked by the container). Destroy ( jspDestroy()

method is invoked by the container).

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

What is Hibernate?

Hibernate framework simplifies the development of java application to interact with the database.
Hibernate is an open source, lightweight, ORM(Object – Relational Mapping) tool.

An ORM tool simplifies the data creation, data manipulation and data access. It is a programming
technique that maps the object to the data stored in the database.

Advantages of Hibernate Framework:

There are many advantages of Hibernate Framework. They are as follows:

Open source and Lightweight:

Hibernate framework is open source under the LGPL license and lightweight.

Fast performance:

The performance of hibernate framework is fast because cache is internally used in hibernate framework.
There are two types of cache in hibernate framework first level cache and second level cache. First level
cache is enabled by default.

Database Independent query:

HQL (Hibernate Query Language) is the object-oriented version of specific queries. Before Hibernate, If
database is changed for the project, we need to change the SQL query as well that leads to the
maintenance problem.

Automatic table creation:

Hibernate framework provides the facility to create the tables of the database automatically. So there is no
need to create tables in the database manually.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Simplifies complex join:

To fetch data from multiple tables is easy in hibernate framework.

Provides query statistics and database status:

Hibernate supports Query cache and provide statistics about query and database status.

What is Spring ?

Spring is a framework that helps you to "wire" different components together. It is most useful in cases
where you have a lot of components and you might decide to combine them in different ways, or wish to
make it easy to swap out one component for another depending on different settings or environments.

This is what I've always understood "dependency injection" to be.

Spring is the most popular application development framework for enterprise Java. Millions of developers
around the world use Spring Framework to create high performing, easily testable, reusable code.

Spring framework is an open source Java platform and it was initially written by Rod Johnson and was
first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003.

What is My SQL?

MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be

anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate
network. To add, access and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database
management system such as MySQL.

My-SQL is a relational database management system. A relational database stores data I separate tables
rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility. The tables are linked
by defined relations making it possible to combine data from several tables on request. The SQL part of
MySQL stands for "Structured Query Language" - the most common standardized language used to
access databases.

My-SQL is Open Source Software. Open source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify.

Anybody can download MySQL from the Internet and use it without paying anything. Anybody so
inclined can study the source code and change it to fit their needs. MySQL uses the GPL (GNU General
Public License), to define what you may and may not do with the software in different situations. If you
feel uncomfortable with the GPL or need to embed MySQL into a commercial application you can buy a
commercially licensed version from us.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Why use MySQL ?

MySQL is very fast, reliable and easy to use. MySQL also has a very practical set of features developed
in very close cooperation with our users. You can find a performance comparison of MySQL to some
other database managers.

MySQL was originally developed to handle very large databases much faster than existing solutions and
has been successfully used in highly demanding production environments for several years.

Though under constant development, MySQL today offers a rich and very useful set of functions. The
connectivity, speed and security makes MySQL highly suited for accessing databases on the Internet.

MySQL is a client/server system that consists of a multithreaded SQL server that supports different back
ends, several different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and a programming interface.
MySQL has a lot of contributed software available. It is very likely that you will find that your favourite
application/language already supports MySQL.

MVC Architecture:-

Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces. It

divides a given software application into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal
representations of information from the ways that information is presented to or accepted from the user

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

System Description

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Existing System Study

 Existing system works manual where more manpower is required.

 All the records are maintained by manually.
 Lots of time is consumed for each report generation.
 In addition to this it has to handle the project specific training request coming from
various departments in the organization to handle to on request courses the department
has appointed one person as the on request courses coordination, who takes care of
servicing the request.

Need For New System

 The current Lifestyle application contains facility for the User and Visitor to
retrieve information about the particular Interested Area.
 As the Existing system of services the requests for training coming from various
department of an organization is entirely manual in nature it is a troublesome and time
consuming task to schedule the training allocate the faculties, arrangement of external
faculties, merging of the ongoing trainings with a new one wherein the formal started
 It is difficult to track the availability of the external faculties in the event of an internal
faculties being unavailable.
 The manual procedure is more prone to the error.
 Other problem includes more manpower and recovery of lost data which was store in
manual file etc.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Objective of the new system

 The new system must be user friendly.

 Process time can minimized.
 Simple and easy to manage.
 Easy and fast retrieve data.
 Maintain safe records

Time line chart

MONTH December January February March April

Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2



System Analysis

Database Design

webpage Design





Timeline Chart

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

System Documentation

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Feasibility Study
Feasibility study conducted once the problem is clearly understood. Feasibility study
is a high level capsule version of the entire system-analysis and design process. The objective is
to determine quickly and at the minimum expense how to solve the problem and to determine the
problem is solved. The system has been tested for feasibility in the following ways.

Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Economical feasibility

 Technical feasibility:

A study of function, performance and constraints may affect the ability to achieve
an acceptable system so, that necessary function and performance are achieved within the
constraints uncovered during system analysis. The software developed for the Order On Request
Courses Coordination System Application is used in user server architecture with SQL Server
5.2 as back end and PHP 5.0, HTML, CSS,JavaScript as front end. Since the application is
platform dependent and has predefined functions and constraints such as to locate the charges,
validating functions etc., so the project is technically feasible.

 Operational Feasibility:

The purpose of this project is to develop an  site based system which facilitates to view
the courses and download materials.. All the operators of this project are trained in this area. So,
this project is operational feasible.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

 Economical feasibility:

Economic analysis includes a broad range of concerns that include cost benefit
analysis, long term cooperative income strategies, cost of resources needed for development.
Since the cost of resources for development of system satisfies the organization, the software is
economically feasible.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

System Flowchart
Admin Flowchart –

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Project Manager Flowchart-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Human Resource Manager Flowchart-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Instructor Flowchart-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Employee/Developer Flowchart-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Entity Relationship Diagram-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

1. Context Level

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

2. Admin First Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

3. Admin Second Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

4. Project Manager First Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

5. Project Manager Second Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

6. Human Resource Manager First Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

7. Human Resource Manager Second Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

8. Instructor First Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

9. Employee/Developer First Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

10. Employee/Developer Second Level DFD-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Data Dictionary

1) Member Details –
Description – It is Store Information about
the Members
No Field Type Size Constraints Description
1 MemberId Int 11 Primary Key Member ID
2 FirstName Varchar 20 Not Null First Name
3 MiddleName Varchar 20 Not Null Middle Name
4 LastName Varchar 20 Not Null Last Name
5 DateOfBirth Date - Not Null Date Of Birth
6 Gender String - Not Null Gender
7 UserType String - Not Null User Type
8 Email Varchar 20 Not Null E-Mail id
9 Password Varchar 20 Not Null Password
10 Doj Date - Not Null Joining Date
11 DepartmentId Int 11 Not Null Department ID
12 Address Varchar 100 Not Null Address
13 City Varchar 11 Not Null State ID
14 State Varchar 11 Not Null City ID
15 ContactNo int 10 Not Null ContectNumber
16 Qualification Varchar 20 Not Null Qualification

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

2) Approval –
Description – It is Store Information about
the Approved Employees Course Requests
No Field Type Size Constraints Description
1 ApId Int 11 Primary Key City ID
2 EmpName Varchar 20 Not Null City Name
3 Subject Int 20 Not Null State ID

3) Course_Master –
Description – It is Store Information about
the Course
No Field Type Size Constraints Description
1 CourseId Varchar 11 Primary Key Course ID
2 Title Varchar 20 Not Null Course Title
3 Description Varchar 100 Not Null Course Description
4 Status E-num - Not Null (Active/Deactivate)
5 Duration Varchar 15 Not Null Course Duration
6 Fees Int 20 Not Null Course fees

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

4) Request Master
Description – It is Store Information about
the Request of Employees Courses
No Field Type Size Constraints Description
1 ReqId Int 11 Primary Key ID
2 EmpId Int 11 Not Null Cource ID
3 EmpName Varchar 20 Not Null Employee
4 Subject Varchar 20 Not Null Subject Name
5 Message Varchar 150 Not Null Message

5) Instructor
Description – It is Store Information about
the Instructor/Internal Guide/External
No Field Type Size Constraints Description
1 InstId Int 11 Primary Class ID
2 Name Varchar 20 Not Null Class Name
3 Gender Varchar 20 Not Null Gender of Instructor
4 ContectNo Decimal 10 Not Null Instructor Contact Number
5 Doj Date - Not Null Date of Joining to the
6 TeachCourse Varchar 20 Not Null Course Teaching Name
7 Email Varchar 20 Not Null Email of Instructor
8 Password Varchar 20 Not Null Password to Given Instructor
9 Qualification Varchar 20 Not Null Qualification of Instructor

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

6) Schedule_Master –
Description – It is Store Information about
the Schedule
No Field Type Size Constraints Description
1 ScheduleId Int 11 Primary Key Schedule Master ID
2 ClassId Int 11 Foreign Key Class ID
3 Date Date - - Schedule Date of Courses
4 Time Time - - Schedule Time of Courses
5 ScheduleTitle Varchar 50 Not Null Schedule Title

7) ContectUs/Feedback
Description – Its store Information
About Contacted / Feedback Users
No Field Type Size Constrains Description
1 Cid Int 11 Primary Key Contact ID
2 Name Varchar 20 Not Null Name Of
3 Email Varchar 20 Not Null Users Email
4 Subject Varchar 50 Not Null Subject For
5 Message Varchar 50 Not Null Message

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Screen Layouts with Descriptions-

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Home page -

This is a Home Page. This is the First Page which is by default Shows to
all the Users. Here Given all the Manus are Common for all the Users.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

This is the Mani Service which is provided by our Company. Online

Recruitment System. In the given Systematic Manner. Like - Login,
Registration, Candidate Administration & Question Administration

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

About Us –
This About Us Page tells about our company, About our ORS (On-
Request Coordination System) ,About our Visions.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

And the Information about our Developers and Employees given like as
par given below. (E.G. – Dipen Soni).This same things done for all the
other Developers.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Services – (Our Works)

This Page Shows Our Companies Services, which is Provided by the

Company. And this whole Project and on Training Courses for the
Employees / Developers. Here Shortly given Details about the Courses
Training For more Details they need to click on that Link “Click here”.
And Controller will be Redirect on Login Form. For Collecting a Brief
in formations about the Course Employees / Developer need to Login.
And if They are not Registered then They Should be first Register. And
then the Controller will automatically redirect on that Particular page or
Panel as par its user type.
If there is registered user is Project Manager then After Registration that
user redirect on pmpanel / Project Manager Panel. Likewise Process will
be Proceed further for all the Other Users.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Feedback Form –
This Feedback for the Employees / Developers to give Feedback anout
the Company , about Instructor, about Course, about Learn or etc..

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Contact Us-
Here in Contact with us page We have given our Company address as
well as our location image.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Footer –

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Users Login Form Page

- Common Login Form for all the Users.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

- Login page with wrong User Name and Password.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

- Login Form with Correct User Name and Password

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Registration Form –

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Registration Form

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Validation Error in Registration Form

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin Module / Panel

This Panel will be Redirect after admin can with Login Successfully.

This is a Header of the Admin Module. And all defined all those menus
which is only used by the Admin not from other users. And all those
menus define a wright given to the Admin

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin.Employee Course Request Process-

Here Admin can be able to view all those request for the Learning
Courses from the Employees. So , Admin can be able to Modified to it.
Like (Add , Update , Delete).

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 1.Add Request

Admin wants to add or insert any record of Employee Course Request .
then he can do with this Add Request form. Admin just need to click on
add button and the add request form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Add Request form with Filled Details by the Admin.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Once Admin can fill whole form and click on submit button than the
record will be inserted in the request table and its related message can
shows here “Your Record Inserted Successfully”. And it will be Reset
all the Fields.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 2.Update Request

Admin wants to Update any record of Employee Course Request . then
he can do with this Update Request form. Admin just need to click on
Update button and the Update request form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Update Request form with Filled Details by the Admin.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Once Admin can fill whole form and click on submit button than the
record will be Updated as par the new Details in the request table and its
related message can shows here “Your Row Updated Successfully”. And
it will be Reset all the Fields.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 3.Delete Request

Admin wants to Delete any record of Employee Course Request after
compilitation of his course learning. then he can do with this Delete
Request form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

By Mistake Admin will put Request ID wrong. Then this message will
print on Admin Screen “No Such Record Avilable”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin have to put Request ID in RequestID field.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

From the Request ID It will delete whole record. And display message
on the Screen is “Record Deleted Successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin.Course Process-
Here Admin can be able to view all those Learning Courses. And Admin
can be able to Modified to it. Like (Add , Update , Delete).

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 1.AddCourse
Admin wants to add any new Technologies as well as Programming
Language. Then and can simpally click on the add button and this add
button and Add CourseForm will be Display.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Add Course Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

When all the Details will be filled. Admin Click on Send button and than
that record will be inserted in the Database and the appropriate message
will display “Row Inserted Successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 2.Update Course

If Admin wants to update any course record. Then just he needs to do
click on the update button and the Update Course Form will be open.
And Admin fill all those records he wants to update.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled update course form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

When Admin Click on Send button it will update that particular record
in database and shows related message “Updated Row Successfully”.
And it will reset all the Fields.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin.RequestApprovalView Process-
Here Admin can be able to only view all those records of employees
course request accepted by the Project Manager.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin.Instructor Process-
Here Admin can be able to view all those records of instructor who haier
by Project Manager. And Admin can be able to Modified to it. Like
(Add , Update , Delete).

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 1.AddInstructor
If Admin wants to add any Instructor Record. Then he have to just click
on add button and Add Instructor form will be display.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Add Instructor Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Record will be Inserted Successfully. And appropriate message will be

displayed “Instructor Detail Inserted successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 2.UpdateInstructor
If Admin wants to change any details of any Instructor Record. Then he
have to just click on update button and Update Instructor form will be

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Update Instructor Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

When all the fields and fill up then admin click on send button. So,
updated that particular row in database and appropriate message will be
shows “Row Updated successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 3.DeleteInstructor
If Admin wants to delete any Instructor Record. Then just click on
delete button and Delete form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin need to put the Instructor ID in InstructorId field that Admin

want to Remove or Delete.
If Given Valuse record is not available than it shows message “No Such
Record Are Avilable”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

And if that record is Available than it will be Remove or Delete that


(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin.Schedule Process-
Here Admin can be able to view all those records of Scheudle. And
Admin can be able to Modified to it. Like (Add , Update , Delete).

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 1.AddScheudle
Admin want to Add Scheudle record . then he needs to do click on the
Add button and than Add Schedule Form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Add Schedule Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

After inserted data in the Fields , Admin Can click on the send button
and schedule record inserted in the database and the message will be
shows “Schedule Created Successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 2.UpdateScheudle
Admin has to changes in the Created Schedule Records then click on the
Update button and update Schedule form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Update Schedule Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Click on send button, and Row updated. And message will be display
“Row Updated Successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin – 3.DeleteScheudle
Admin want to delete any schedule record then he needs to click on the
delete buttons and Delete Schedule Form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin needs to put the ScheduleId of that row. He wants to delete. And
filled Delete Schedule Form. If the record belongs to given id is
available than it will delete it. Otherwise show messgage “No Such
Record Avilable”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

If Record Available.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Admin can be able to only view the feedbacks which is given by the

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Project Manager-

Header of Project Manager

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Project Manager. Approved Request Process

Project Manager have main process is that the request comes from the
employees he has to approve them requests.

Once he Approved the Request of Employees .All the Records are

inserted in to Approved Employees Table.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Project Manager. Haier Instructor Process

When Project Manager cans haier Instructor from out bound. He needs
to give all the information to the admin as well as Human Resource
Manager. So for that he needs to insert that instructor details.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

When he Click on Add Instructor button the page will be Redirect on the
Add Instructor Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Add Instructor Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Once he filled out the details in the Fields he Click on send button the
message will be shows “Instructor Details Inserted Successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Project Manager. View Schedule Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Project Manager. View Feedback Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Human Resource Manager

Header of HR Manager

Human Resource Manager. View Employee Request Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Human Resource Manager. Create Schedule process

By Default all the records will be display to the Hr Manager. But he
want to create a new record in that Schedule then he needs to click on
create Schedule button. And this form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

When he Click on create Schedule button this form will be open.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Create Schedule Form.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

After fills the entire field with proper Details. Click on send button and
the schedule record will be inserted in the database. And the message
will be shows “Schedule Created successfully”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Human Resource Manager. View Instructor Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Human Resource Manager. View Feedback Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Instructor Module

Instructor Header

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Instructor. View Schedule Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Employee Module

Employee Header

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Employee. Select Course Process

Here given one Course List , Employee have to select any one among

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

For E.g. – User have select PHP and FreamWork . so, when Employee
Click on that PHP and Freamwork Link. That link redirect employee to
the page in which shows that the course how long starting and its topic
which will be Covered in this Duration.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

When Employee Click on Sent Request Button, it will redirect on the

Course Request form where Employees need to provide and fills all the
Details for which fields are given.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Filled Course Request Form by the Employees.

en Employee Fill up all the details in the fields . he click on the send
button and them requests are sends. And the message will be shows
“Your Request will be Sent”.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Employee. View Schedule Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Employee. View Instructor Process

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Testing Plan
 A test plan is a systematic approach to testing a system such as a machine or software.
 The plan typically contains a detailed understanding of what the eventual workflow will
 A test plan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that a product
or system meets its design specifications and other requirements.
 Depending on the product and the responsibility of the organization to which the test
plan applies, a test plan may include one or more of the following:

 Design Verification or Compliance test ‐ to be performed during the development or

approval stages of the product, typically on a small sample of units.

 Manufacturing or Production test ‐ to be performed during preparation or assembly of

the product in an ongoing manner for purposes of performance verification and quality

 Acceptance or Commissioning test ‐ to be performed at the time of delivery or

installation of the product.

 Service and Repair test ‐ to be performed as required over the service life of the

 Regression test ‐ to be performed on an existing operational product, to verify that

existing functionality didn't get broken when other aspects of the environment are
changed (e.g., upgrading the platform on which an existing application runs).

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Testing Strategy

 The testing strategy followed by the company is unique in its own way.
 The developer first takes into account the UNIT Testing.
 Then the Integration testing is conducted to check the over functionality of the system.
 Then the Validation Testing is performed once the whole project is done. Alpha and
Beta testing are done once by the testing team and the clients respectively.
 Then the over System testing is done and after that Acceptance testing is done.

Unit Testing

Integration Testing

Validation Testing

System Testing

Acceptance Testing

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Testing Strategy
Test Methods

Software testing methods are traditionally divided into white and black‐box testing.
These two approaches are used to describe the point of view that a test engineer takes when
designing test cases.

Unit Testing

Black Box Testing

Whether the particular class meets the requirements mentioned in the specification.

White Box Testing

The tester looks inside that class and checks if there is error in the code which is not found
while testing the class as a black box.

Integration Testing
User Interface Testing
Testing is done by moving through each and every menu item in the interface either in top‐
down manner or bottom‐up manner.

Interaction Testing
When the system performs data processing, Interaction between various classes is tested.
The functionalities of each class as a whole and as a part of particular package are tested within
For Integration Testing stage, we have performed functional test cases and the results are
compared in the form of actual and expected outcomes.

Validation Testing
For Validation Testing stage, we have performed functional test cases and the results are
compared in the form of actual and expected outcomes. The testing proved that the Validation
was compliant with the requirements as specified in the Use Case and SRS (Software
Requirement Specification). Integration of forms Designing, Login, Admin Management &
Rights and Salary
Management were tested and found to be successful.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

System Testing

It is carried to see that functionality related sets of units used together function as
designed. The system test specifications, incorrect operation of the system is narrowed down to
incorrect operation of unit(s) and is taken care of by filing the units. Test data covers the possible
values of each parameter based on the requirements.

Acceptance Testing

After each module completion, the system tester tested the system to check user
acceptance. When the tester and other user were not satisfied, changes were made to fulfill user

Test Cases

Exhaustive testing of almost any non‐trivial system is impractical due to the fact that
domain of input values to most practical software systems is either extremely large or infinite.
Therefore we must design an optimal test suite that is of reasonable size and can uncover as
many errors in system as possible. The test cases to consider in the project are

 Separate authentication for both the front end as well as back end.
 Inclusion of all eligible data and modules to be tested.
 Testing individual module according to requirement.
 Privacy to the admin as well as the user who becomes the part of System.
 Updating of the information from time to time

The purpose of the test cases is to test the various input and see whether the output produces
any error or not. There are different test cases according to the system. A correct system must
accomplish the following:

 Compute correct results.

 Operate safely, and cause the system containing the software to operate safely.
 Perform the tasks required by the system containing the software, as explained in the
software applications.
 Achieve these goals for all inputs.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Test Cases

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Testing – Test Data & Test Cases:

1. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : AddCourse
Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data Title – Android, Course Inserted Course Inserted
of Title, Description – Successfully Successfully
Description, Android is most
Status, Duration, Popular in now
Fees times, Status –
Active, Duration – 6
months, Fees – 3000
Case 2 Enter valid Input Title – Android12, Please Insert a Please Insert a
of Title, Description – 123 Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
Description, times, Status – 123, Fees its Value does Fees its Value
Status, Duration, Duration –6, Fees – not match with its does not match
Fees dnfd datatype – Sql with its datatype –
Error Sql Error
Case 3 Enter valid Input Title – Android, Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of Title, Description – Field – Validation Field – Validation
Description, Android is most Error Error
Status, Fees Popular in now
But Duration is times, Status –
equal to empty Active, Duration –
“” months, Fees –
Case 4 Enter valid Input Title – “”, Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of Description, Description – Field – Validation Field – Validation
Status, Duration, Android is most Error Error
Fees But Title is Popular in now
equal to empty times, Status –
Active, Duration – 6
months, Fees – 3000
Case 5 Enter Valid Data Title – Java, Course Inserted Course Inserted
of Title, Description – Java is Successfully Successfully
Description, most Popular in now
Status, Duration, times, Status –
Fees Active, Duration – 6
months, Fees – 3000

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

2. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard: AddCourseRequest

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data EmployeeId – 001, Course Request Course Request
of EmployeeId, EmployeeName– Added Added
EmployeeName, Urvish, Subject – Successfully Successfully
Subject,Message Android, Message–
Android is most
Popular in now
Case 2 Enter Valid Data EmployeeId – 002, Please Insert a Please Insert a
of EmployeeId, EmployeeName– Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
EmployeeName, Urvish, Subject – Subject and The Subject and The
Message But 123, Message– Value Does not Value Does not
Subject has Android is most match with its match with its
Invalid Input Popular in now datatype datatype
Case 3 Enter Valid Data EmployeeId – “”, Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
ofEmployeeName, EmployeeName– Field – Validation Field – Validation
Subject,Message Urvish, Subject – Error Error
EmployeeId is 123, Message–
equal to empty Android is most
Popular in now
Case 4 Enter valid Input EmployeeId – 005, Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of Description, EmployeeName– Field – Validation Field – Validation
Status, Duration, Urvish, Subject – Error Error
Fees But Subject “”, Message–
is equal to empty Android is most
Popular in now
Case 5 Enter Valid Data EmployeeId – 007, Course Inserted Course Inserted
of EmployeeId, EmployeeName– Successfully Successfully
EmployeeName, Chirag, Subject –
Subject,Message Java, Message–
Java is most Popular
in now times

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

3. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : AddInstructor

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data of Name – Vrajesh Instructor Added Instructor Added
Name, Gender – Male, Successfully Successfully
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ –
Email, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET,
Qualification Email –,
Password –
Case 2 Enter Valid Data of Name – Vrajesh Please Insert a Please Insert a
Name, Gender – Male, Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Email and The Email and The
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ – Value Does not Value Does not
, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET, match with its match with its
Qualification Email –“”, datatype datatype
But Emai is equal Password –
to empty VrajeshSoni123
Case 3 Enter Valid Data of Name – Vrajesh Email has Email has
Name, Gender – Male, Required @ - Required @ -
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Validation Error Validation Error
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ –
, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET,
Qualification Email –
But Emai has not,
followed its actual Password –
formate VrajeshSoni123
Case 4 Enter Valid Data of Name – Prakash Password has Password has
Name, Gender – Male, Required one Required one
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Capital letter , one Capital letter , one
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567891, DOJ – Small letter Small letter
, Emai, 3-4-2017, PHP,
Qualification Email –
But Password has,
not followed its Password –
actual formate prakashaj123

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 5 Enter Valid Data of Name – Prakash Course Inserted Course Inserted
Name, Gender – Male, Successfully Successfully
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567891, DOJ –
, Emai, 3-4-2017, PHP,
Qualification Email –
But Password has,
not followed its Password –
actual formate prakashaj123

4. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : AddSchedule

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C7, Schedule Added Schedule Added
of ClassNo, CourseName – Successfully Successfully
CourseName, Python, Instructor –
Instructor, Date, Priyank , Date – 3-
Time 4-2017, Time –
Case 2 Enter Valid of ClassNo – C7, Date is Not Empty Date is Not Empty
EmployeeId, CourseName – – Validation Error – Validation Error
EmployeeName, Python, Instructor –
Message But Priyank , Date – “” ,
Subject has Time – 9:00:00
Invalid Input
Date is equal to
Case 3 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C7, Time is Not Empty Time is Not
of ClassNo, CourseName – – Validation Error Empty –
CourseName, Python, Instructor – Validation Error
Instructor, Date, Priyank , Date – 3-
Time Time is 4-2017, Time – “”
equal to empty
Case 4 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C9, Schedule Added Schedule Added
of ClassNo, CourseName – IOS, Successfully Successfully
CourseName, Instructor – Vishal ,
Instructor, Date, Date – 6-4-2017,
Time Time – 10:00:00

Case 5 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C11, Schedule Added Schedule Added

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

of Title, CourseName – PHP, Successfully Successfully

Description, Instructor –
Status, Duration, Prakash , Date – 7-
Fees 4-2017, Time –

5. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : DeleteCourse

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output

Case 1 Enter Valid Data CourseId – 02, Course Record Course Record
of CourseId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted

Case 2 Enter inValid CourseId – abc12 Please Insert a Please Insert a

Data of CourseId Valid Input Valid Input

Case 3 CourseId is equal CourseId – “” CourseId should CourseId should

to empty not be Empty – not be Empty –
Validation Error Validation Error

Case 4 Enter inValid CourseId – 99, No Such Recors No Such Recors

Data of CourseId are Avilable are Avilable
which is not
Avilable in the

Case 5 Enter Valid Data CourseId – 04, Course Record Course Record
of CourseId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

6. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard :

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data RequestId – 02, Request Record Request Record
of RequestId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted
Case 2 Enter inValid RequestId – abc12 Please Insert a Please Insert a
Data of RequestId Valid Input Valid Input

Case 3 RequestId is equal RequestId – “” RequestId should RequestId should

to empty not be Empty – not be Empty –
Validation Error Validation Error
Case 4 Enter inValid RequestId – 99, No Such Recors No Such Recors
Data of RequestId are Avilable are Avilable
which is not
Avilable in the
Case 5 Enter Valid Data RequestId – 04, Request Record Request Record
of RequestId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted

7. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : DeleteInstructor

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data InstructorId – 02, Instructor Record Instructor Record
of InstructortId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted
Case 2 Enter inValid Instructor Id – Please Insert a Please Insert a
Data of abc12 Valid Input Valid Input

Case 3 InstructorId is InstructorId – “” InstructorId should InstructorId should

equal to empty not be Empty – not be Empty –
Validation Error Validation Error
Case 4 Enter inValid InstructorId – 99, No Such Recors No Such Recors
Data of are Avilable are Avilable
InstructorId which
is not Avilable in
the Recordset
Case 5 Enter Valid Data InstructorId – 04, Instructor Record Instructor Record

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

of InstructorId Successfully Successfully

Deleted Deleted

8. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : DeleteSchedule

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data ScheduleId – 02, Schedule Record Schedule Record
of ScheduleId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted
Case 2 Enter inValid ScheduleId – abc12 Please Insert a Please Insert a
Data of Valid Input Valid Input

Case 3 ScheudleId is ScheduleId – “” ScheduleId should ScheduleId should

equal to empty not be Empty – not be Empty –
Validation Error Validation Error
Case 4 Enter inValid ScheudleId – 99, No Such Recors No Such Recors
Data of are Avilable are Avilable
ScheudleId which
is not Avilable in
the Recordset
Case 5 Enter Valid Data ScheudleId – 04, Scheudle Record Scheudle Record
of ScheudleId Successfully Successfully
Deleted Deleted

9. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : UpdateCourse

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data CourseId - 001 Course Updated Course Updated
of CourseId, Title – Android, Successfully Successfully
Title, Description –
Description, Android is most
Status, Duration, Popular in now
Fees times, Status –
Active, Duration – 6
months, Fees – 3000
Case 2 Enter valid Input CourseId - 002 Please Insert a Please Insert a
of CourseId, Title – Android12, Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
Title, Description – 123 Fees its Value does Fees its Value
Description, times, Status – 123, not match with its does not match
Status, Duration, Duration –6, Fees – datatype – Sql with its datatype –

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Fees dnfd Error Sql Error

Case 3 Enter valid Input CourseId - 003 Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of CourseId, Title – Android, Field – Validation Field – Validation
Title, Description – Error Error
Description, Android is most
Status, Fees Popular in now
But Duration is times, Status –
equal to empty Active, Duration –
“” months, Fees –
Case 4 Enter valid Input CourseId – 004 Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of CourseId, Title – “”, Field – Validation Field – Validation
Description, Description – Error Error
Status, Duration, Android is most
Fees But Title is Popular in now
equal to empty times, Status –
Active, Duration – 6
months, Fees – 3000
Case 5 Enter Valid Data CourseId - 003 Course Updated Course Updated
of CourseId, Title – Java, Successfully Successfully
Title, Description – Java is
Description, most Popular in now
Status, Duration, times, Status –
Fees Active, Duration – 6
months, Fees – 3000

10. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard :

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data RequestId - 01 Course Request Course Request
of RequestId EmployeeId – 001, Updated Updated
EmployeeId, EmployeeName– Successfully Successfully
EmployeeName, Urvish, Subject –
Subject,Message Android, Message–
Android is most
Popular in now

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 2 Enter Valid Data RequestId - 02 Please Insert a Please Insert a

of RequestId EmployeeId – 002, Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
EmployeeId, EmployeeName– Subject and The Subject and The
EmployeeName, Urvish, Subject – Value Does not Value Does not
Message But 123, Message– match with its match with its
Subject has Android is most datatype datatype
Invalid Input Popular in now

Case 3 Enter Valid Data RequestId – 04 Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of RequestId EmployeeId – “”, Field – Validation Field – Validation
EmployeeName, EmployeeName– Error Error
Subject,Message Urvish, Subject –
EmployeeId is 123, Message–
equal to empty Android is most
Popular in now

Case 4 Enter valid Input RequestId – 05 Please Fill out this Please Fill out this
of RequestId EmployeeId – 007, Field – Validation Field – Validation
Description, EmployeeName– Error Error
Status, Duration, Urvish, Subject –
Fees But Subject “”, Message–
is equal to empty Android is most
Popular in now

Case 5 Enter Valid Data RequestId – 07 Course Request Course Request

of RequestId EmployeeId – 006, Upated Updated
EmployeeId, EmployeeName– Successfully Successfully
EmployeeName, Chirag, Subject –
Subject,Message Java, Message–
Java is most Popular
in now times

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

11. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : UpdateInstructor

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data of InstructorId – 001 Instructor Updated Instructor Updated
InstructorId, Name – Vrajesh Successfully Successfully
Name, Gender – Male,
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ –
Email, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET,
Qualification Email –,
Password –
Case 2 Enter Valid Data of InstructorId - 003 Please Insert a Please Insert a
InstructorId , Name – Prakash Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
Name, Gender – Male, Email and The Email and The
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Value Does not Value Does not
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ – match with its match with its
, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET, datatype datatype
Qualification Email –“”,
But Emai is equal Password –
to empty VrajeshSoni123
Case 3 Enter Valid Data of InstructorId - 001 Email has Email has
InstructorId , Name – Vrajesh Required @ - Required @ -
Name, Gender – Male, Validation Error Validation Error
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ –
, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET,
Qualification Email –
But Emai has not,
followed its actual Password –
formate VrajeshSoni123
Case 4 Enter Valid Data of InstructorId – 002 Password has Password has
InstructorId , Name – Prakash Required one Required one
Name, Gender – Male, Capital letter , one Capital letter , one
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Small letter Small letter
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567891, DOJ –
, Emai, 3-4-2017, PHP,
Qualification Email –
But Password has,
not followed its Password –
actual formate prakashaj123

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 5 Enter Valid Data of InstructorId - 002 Course Updated Course Updated
InstructorId , Name – Prakash Successfully Successfully
Name, Gender – Male,
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 123456789, DOJ –
, Emai, 3-4-2017, PHP,
Qualification Email –
But Password has,
not followed its Password –
actual formate prakashaj123

12. Test Module – Admin -> Dashboard : UpdateSchedule

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data ScheduleId – 001 Schedule Updated Schedule Updated
of ScheduleId, ClassNo – C7, Successfully Successfully
ClassNo, CourseName –
CourseName, Python, Instructor –
Instructor, Date, Priyank , Date – 3-
Time 4-2017, Time –
Case 2 Enter Valid of ScheduleId - 002 Date is Not Empty Date is Not Empty
ScheduleId, ClassNo – C7, – Validation Error – Validation Error
EmployeeId, CourseName –
EmployeeName, Python, Instructor –
Message But Priyank , Date – “” ,
Subject has Time – 9:00:00
Invalid Input
Date is equal to
Case 3 Enter Valid Data ScheduleId - 002 Time is Not Empty Time is Not
of ScheduleId, ClassNo – C7, – Validation Error Empty –
ClassNo, CourseName – Validation Error
CourseName, Python, Instructor –
Instructor, Date, Priyank , Date – 3-
Time Time is 4-2017, Time – “”
equal to empty
Case 4 Enter Valid Data ScheduleId – 002 Schedule Updated Schedule Updated
of ScheduleId, ClassNo – C9, Successfully Successfully
ClassNo, CourseName – IOS,
CourseName, Instructor – Vishal ,
Instructor, Date, Date – 6-4-2017,
Time Time – 10:00:00

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 5 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C11, Schedule Added Schedule Added
of Title, CourseName – Successfully Successfully
Description, PHP, Instructor –
Status, Duration, Prakash , Date – 7-
Fees 4-2017, Time –

13. Test Module – PM -> Dashboard : AddInstructor

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data of Name – Vrajesh Instructor Added Instructor Added
Name, Gender – Male, Successfully Successfully
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ –
Email, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET,
Qualification Email –,
Password –
Case 2 Enter Valid Data of Name – Vrajesh Please Insert a Please Insert a
Name, Gender – Male, Valid Input for the Valid Input for the
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Email and The Email and The
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ – Value Does not Value Does not
, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET, match with its match with its
Qualification Email –“”, datatype datatype
But Emai is equal Password –
to empty VrajeshSoni123
Case 3 Enter Valid Data of Name – Vrajesh Email has Email has
Name, Gender – Male, Required @ - Required @ -
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Validation Error Validation Error
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567890, DOJ –
, Password, 2-4-2017, .NET,
Qualification Email –
But Emai has not,
followed its actual Password –
formate VrajeshSoni123

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 4 Enter Valid Data of Name – Prakash Password has Password has
Name, Gender – Male, Required one Required one
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo – Capital letter , one Capital letter , one
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567891, DOJ – Small letter Small letter
, Emai, 3-4-2017, PHP,
Qualification Email –
But Password has,
not followed its Password –
actual formate prakashaj123
Case 5 Enter Valid Data of Name – Prakash Course Inserted Course Inserted
Name, Gender – Male, Successfully Successfully
Gender,ContactNo, ContactNo –
DOJ, TeachCourse, 1234567891, DOJ –
, Emai, 3-4-2017, PHP,
Qualification Email –
But Password has,
not followed its Password –
actual formate prakashaj123

14. Test Module – HR -> Dashboard : CreateSchedule

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C7, Schedule Created Schedule Created
of ClassNo, CourseName – Successfully Successfully
CourseName, Python, Instructor –
Instructor, Date, Priyank , Date – 3-
Time 4-2017, Time –
Case 2 Enter Valid of ClassNo – C7, Date is Not Empty Date is Not Empty
EmployeeId, CourseName – – Validation Error – Validation Error
EmployeeName, Python, Instructor –
Message But Priyank , Date – “” ,
Subject has Time – 9:00:00
Invalid Input
Date is equal to
Case 3 Enter Valid Data ClassNo – C7, Time is Not Empty Time is Not
of ClassNo, CourseName – – Validation Error Empty –
CourseName, Python, Instructor – Validation Error
Instructor, Date, Priyank , Date – 3-
Time Time is 4-2017, Time – “”
equal to empty

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 4 Enter Valid Data of ClassNo – C9, Schedule Created Schedule Created
ClassNo, CourseName – IOS, Successfully Successfully
CourseName, Instructor – Vishal ,
Instructor, Date, Date – 6-4-2017,
Time Time – 10:00:00

Case 5 Enter Valid Data of ClassNo – C11, Schedule Created Schedule Created
Title, CourseName – PHP, Successfully Successfully
Description, Status, Instructor –
Duration, Fees Prakash , Date – 7-
4-2017, Time –

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

15. Dashboard: Registration

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Input Given all All the Valid Values Registration Registration
the Valid Values UserType - Successfully Successfully
UserType Employee
FirstName, FirstName - Dipen
MiddleName, MiddleName – G.
LastName, DOB, LastName - Soni
Gender, Add, DOB – 25-10-1996,
City, State, Gender -Male
ContectNo, DOJ, Add -
Department, kjnsdnvlsndvlj City
PanNo, – nadiad
BloodGroup, State - Gujarat
Qualification, ContectNo –
Email, Password, 9033341943
DOJ – 2-4-2017
Department -
PanNo – 123Abc
BloodGroup – b+
Qualification - BCA
Email –
Password –

Case 2 Invalid value of EmailId – @ must be @ must be

Email Required in Email Required in Email
Case 3 Invalid Password DipenSoni The Password must The Password
Contain at lest one must Contain at
Digit lest one Digit

Case 4 Invalid Password DipenSoni Password must Password must

Contain minimum Contain minimum
10 Charactors 10 Charactors

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Case 5 Registered User UserType – Redirect on Redirect on

are Employee Employee Employee Panel Employee Pane

16. Dashboard: Login

Test Id Description Test Data Expected Output Actual Output
Case 1 Value Given UserName – Login Successful Login Successfull
Valid to
UserName , Password –
Password DipenSoni123
Case 2 Value of Email is UserName – @ must required in @ must required
given in Invalid UserName in UserName
Case 3 Value of Password – Password must Password must
Password in given dipensoni contain at least one contain at least
in invalid formate Alphabet and one one Alphabet and
Digit one Digit
Case 4 Value of UserName – Invalid UserName Invalid UserName
UserName and or Password or Password
Password is iven Password – dipen
Case 5 Value of UserName – Please first Please first
UserName and Registered then Registered then
Password are Password – knsdnsn login logins
given outside
from stored
records in

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Scope and Limitations

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

The scope of the Online Course Co-ordination system includes the following

Course Management

Add, approve, and maintain course data, including prerequisites and co-requisites, distribution
and division designations, titles, descriptions, cross-listings, enrollment restrictions, and
enrollment exclusions..


Create and maintain course offerings by duration. Each offering includes the instructor(s),
section information, course meeting day/time(s), enrollment preferences, and information about
course meetings in addition to lectures Course data will be integrated with a classroom
scheduler (product to be determined) to assign classrooms for all course-related meetings based
on collected/stored classroom requirements and location preferences.


Manage a registration calendar for various constituencies. Provide online registration for
students, an automated approval process for advisors and course instructors, and a priority-based
system for placing students into courses. Provide online capability for adding and dropping
courses at the beginning of each semester.

Student Records Management

Maintain students' biographical, status, and academic information in a secure, accessible system.


Here we can upload and download required assignments and relevant course
content of the system

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System


Some Limitations which we following functionality is not implementation.

 No Backup Features
 Grading the member for his or her course
 News or Feeds
 Test and quizzes
 Chat
 Lessons or Assignments

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

Future Enhancement
Following Features Will be included in Future.

 Assignments

Create or grade online and offline assignments

 Calendar

Maintain deadlines, activities and site related events

 Chat

Engage in real-time conversations with site participants

 Discussion Forum

Create moderate and manage discussion topics, groups and private messages

 Drop Box

Share files privately with site participants

 Grade book

Calculate, store and distribute grade information to students.

 News

Display custom news content from dynamic online sources via cms

 Profile Management

Create a profile and content with others using a social networking model

 Resources

Post, store and organize material related to the site

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

 Site Roster

View a list of site participants and their pictures

 Syllabus

Post a summary outline of course requirements

 Test and Quizzes

Create and manage online assessments

 Wiki

Create and edit web content collaboratively

 Lessons

Lessons allows an instructor to organize resources, activities, and media on a single page

 Upload & Download Material

Material of all the Technologies and Languages are allowed online and Employees can
download it for free. Which is provided by the Instructor / Guide?

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

I am Glad to conclude that I have completed the assigned work i.e. all modules, Admin,
Instructor and (Employee) Member. In admin module, he or she is having all privileges to
manipulate data of the system. In instructor module I have done some functionality like, View
Course, Add Material and Create Schedule for concern trainee. And in Members module I have
done, View Schedule for concern registered candidate who can view course, view schedule and
make payment regarding courses. Apart from that there were some information pages like home,
about us, contact us, registration etc.

Further this is to conclude that the project assigned to me was worked upon with a
sincere effort. Most of the requirements have been fulfilled up to the mark and the requirements
which have been remaining, can be completed within a short extension. The application may be
used by the company for the further development into a content management system.

I had a very good experience of an extremely professional environment to work under

and a good project to work under the guidance of experienced and skilled employees. I am able
to learn through the company, management of a project, how to analyze the given task and
handle it swiftly.

Also I am able to learn Java Technology which would help me a lot when I put my first
step in the industry. It is worthwhile to conclude that this project has in many ways being
educative. More knowledge Ire gained in the aspect of Client-server Architecture, UML
Modeling, Object Oriented Concept and simulation of Real World scenarios, although
assumptions were made in order to achieve a close to real world scenario. It is very important to
point out that this project is in no way very perfect, hence it leave room for further research,
improvement and development.

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System

References and Bibliography

(ORS) On-Request Course Coordination System


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