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SOLAR ARCHITECTURE Components Essentially, economie considerations led architects and ‘building developers to seek alternatives to the conventional fossil fuel sources of energy. Today, equal emphasis is placed on the ecological necessity for change. By means of ‘energy conscious construction, the energy requirements of living accommodation can be reduced by around 50% in comparison to older buildings Energy balance of buildings Solar energy is availabe free of charge to every building Unfortunately, in many climatic areas, solar radiation is very low, so that other forms of energy must be used for oor heating, hot water, lighting and for the operation of electrical appliances. The greatest energy losses from a building conduction of heat through windows, walls, cei Considerations of energy conscious construction ‘There are three fundamental points which lead to a ‘considerable reduction in the energy requirement of 3 domestic building: (1) Reduetion of heat losses (2)increase in energy saving through the use of solar radiation (Conscious efforts by users to Improve the eneray balance ‘The choice of building location itself can reduce the heat losses from a building. Within a small area in a region, conditions will vary; eg. wind and temperature conditions vary with the altitude of a building site Relatively favourable microclimatic consltions result on south-facing slopes when the area of ground i situated on the upper third ofthe slope but away from the crest ofthe hil ‘The shape of the building plays an important role in 5 of energy conscious construction. The outer surface a on wt vb of the building isn divest contact with the external mate ae Ss ‘and gives up valuable energy to the outside air, The design beta se atthe building should ensure tht the smallest possible = external surface provoted ote outa in laton te tf ANS {he volume of the bulaing, The shape to be aimed fr Is 9 ye ? veg | tube alec» hemisphere inthe Weal eave. However eeAOS “| toTaoeasumtonappos ony Too Gloss hoes Le ra8 @ mit tion angle height of sun atthe geo 101

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