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Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

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Environmental impact assessment of advanced urban wastewater

treatment technologies for the removal of priority substances and
contaminants of emerging concern: A review
n M.T. Silva*
Joana F.J.R. Pesqueira, M. Fernando R. Pereira, Adria
Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering - Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LSRE-LCM), Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto,
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465, Porto, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conventional urban wastewater treatment plants are not designed to remove micropollutants, which
Received 20 November 2019 may have more long-term effects than previously thought. Advanced treatment technologies (such as
Received in revised form ozonation) are being employed at full scale to solve this issue. Nevertheless, one must consider the
10 March 2020
resources and energy additionally needed when implementing these systems and, as a consequence, the
Accepted 11 March 2020
Available online 14 March 2020
further environmental burdens. The negative contributions must be minimized so that the solution to
the initial problem does not result in other environmental impacts, and a tool suitable for this analysis is
Handling editor: Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemes the life cycle assessment (LCA), taking into consideration the full life cycle of these processes. A literature
review on the status of LCA application for advanced treatment of wastewater was performed in this
Keywords: study, with focus on the removal of priority substances (PSs) and contaminants of emerging concern
Life cycle assessment (CECs) of the Directive, 2013/39/EU, and the Watch List on the Decision, 2015/495/EU of March of 2015
Advanced treatment technologies updated by the Decision, 2018/840/EU of June of 2018. In total, 65 substances were included in this
Micropollutants research. Only 18 papers were found considering the environmental benefits (in terms of avoided im-
pacts) of the removal of such compounds by specific advanced treatments (mainly ozonation, Fenton-
Directive 2013/39/EU
based and granular activated carbon processes) and only 33 of the mentioned substances were
Decision 2018/840/EU
included in these studies. The lack of information on the effects that these pollutants and their trans-
formation products can have on living beings, compromises the LCA application and leads to an un-
derestimation of avoided impacts. Generated impacts result mainly from the production of energy (and
the respective energy mix) and the use of some specific reagents such as hydrogen peroxide. Some
promising alternatives might be solar-based treatments and other reagents/materials (e.g. carbon-based
materials as catalysts); however, studies are scarce, especially in terms of alternative chemicals. Many
processes have yet to be assessed with this approach, including heterogeneous photocatalysis, along with
combinations of different treatment options. For example, no studies were found regarding the LCA of
electrochemical oxidation, hydrodynamic cavitation, among others, for the removal of PSs and CECs
considered in the present review.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. LCA of advanced treatments for PSs and CECs removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Results and overall analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. Activated carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4. Membrane technologies and sand filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5. Ozonation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M.T. Silva).
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

2.6. UV-based processes and heterogeneous photocatalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.7. Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.8. Other processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.9. Results variability: analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Final remarks and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1. Introduction in the environment. The update also led to the removal of four
substances as it was considered that enough monitoring data
Water is essential for life, yet, one of the most threatened re- exists for them (triallate, oxadiazon, 2,6-ditert-butyl-4-
sources. Even though the planet has a large abundance of water, methylphenol and diclofenac), as well as a fifth substance, 2-
drinkable freshwater is scarce, and its reservoirs have been pro- ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate, which was eliminated from
foundly affected by pollution. In Europe, renewable water resources the list as its concentration in sediments is of higher importance
per capita were reduced in 24% between 1960 and 2010, with and monitoring data already exists for water (Decision, 2018).
several species and ecosystems being affected. According to the Many of these PSs and CECs have been found on water bodies
2018 European Waters Assessment (EEA, 2018a), the main at concentrations up to mg L1 (known as micropollutants - MPs)
responsible for poor chemical quality of surface waters are atmo- and originate from effluents from industries, households and
spheric deposition and the discharge of effluents from urban hospitals, leachates from landfills or runoff from agriculture and
wastewater treatment plants (UWWTPs). UWWTPs are a main livestock (Barbosa et al., 2016; Jurado et al., 2012). Despite being
source of pollution to water since several chemicals from industry quantified at usually very low concentrations, often lower than
or household use will inevitably enter the sewage system and be those that cause direct toxicity, MPs may have more long-term
directed to UWWTPs where, if the treatment does not remove effects than previously thought. Some may be potentially toxic
them, they will be discharged to surface waters. Although their or carcinogenic, and very persistent, having a tendency to bio-
impact on waterbodies has decreased over time, due to the accumulate (Gago-Ferrero et al., 2012; Munz et al., 2018). When
improvement of treated wastewater quality, other challenges arise, they reach conventional UWWTPs, they are transformed or
as new pollutants are found (EEA, 2018b). remain the same and, in many cases, end up on surface waters
The Water Framework Directive launched by the European after the post-treatment discharge (Tijani et al., 2013). In this
Commission intends to improve and maintain a good chemical context, it is of the upmost importance to develop solutions for
status for water bodies (surface and groundwater) in Europe, by their removal. One option consists on the implementation of
establishing limits for certain chemical pollutants e priority advanced treatment technologies in UWWTPs, completely
substances (PSs) e which must not exceed the Environmental mineralizing the micropollutants or at least transforming them
Quality Standards (EQS) of the Directive, 2013/39/EU. These PSs into less harmful by-products. Advanced oxidation processes
can cause harm to the aquatic environment, either via acute or (AOPs) are conceptually based on the production of highly
chronic toxicity or accumulation in the ecosystem/food chain, reactive non-selective hydroxyl radicals (HO), the second
and consequently, to human health (Directive, 2013). Directive, strongest oxidizing species (Pera-Titus et al., 2004), which can
2013/39/EU also led to the creation of a watch list of sub- attack and destroy organic pollutants. Hydroxyl radicals are
stances e contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) e which are commonly generated by using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone
not currently routinely monitored but may pose a significant risk (O3) or oxygen (O2), among others. Ozonation, ultraviolet radia-
due to potential toxicological effects when present in water tion (UV) combined with O3 or H2O2, and the Fenton process are
bodies. The effects that these compounds may have on the some of the most studied processes. Other treatments such as
environment and humans is still vastly unknown (Pal et al., heterogeneous photocatalysis, electrochemical oxidation and
2010). However, the constant, long term exposure may result in photocatalytic membrane processes are emerging as possible
chronic effects as verified by some studies (Kidd et al., 2007; alternatives in this field (Gomes et al., 2017; Jimenez-Tototzintle
Santos et al., 2010). These substances have first been listed in a et al., 2018; Mirzaei et al., 2017; Moreira et al., 2016; Rizzo et al.,
Watch List on the Decision, 2015/495/EU of March of 2015 and 2019a; Wang et al., 2018). More conventional treatments, such as
can be of synthetic or natural origin. The original Watch List activated carbon (powdered e PAC or granular e GAC) adsorption
included two pharmaceuticals (diclofenac and the synthetic and membrane filtration, have also shown potential to remove
hormone 17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2)), natural hormones (17b- PSs and CECs. Exploring the details on application and efficiency
estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1)), three macrolide antibiotics of these processes for the removal of micropollutants is not the
(azithromycin, clarithromycin and erythromycin), pesticides aim of this study, and such information can be consulted else-
(methiocarb, oxadiazon, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, thiame- where (Ribeiro et al., 2015; Rizzo et al., 2019b).
thoxam, clothianidin, acetamiprid and triallate), a UV filter (2- Treatment processes must be assessed in order to determine
ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate) and an antioxidant (2,6-di- which are the best economically, environmentally and socially, so
tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) (Decision, 2015). The list was their selection and implementation can be adequate. When
reviewed and updated by the Decision, 2018/840/EU of June of developing processes for solving a certain environmental issue,
2018, and three substances were added, the insecticide meta- one must be aware that the use of resources and energy by these
flumizone and the antibiotics amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin. processes will result in additional environmental burdens. These
Including these antibiotics is also a strategy for the improvement must be minimized so that the solution to the initial problem
of the knowledge of antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance does not result in other environmental problems. A tool suitable
J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078 3

for this purpose is the life cycle assessment (LCA), which allows 2. LCA of advanced treatments for PSs and CECs removal
for the determination of potential environmental impacts of
these systems on humans and resources, and consequent emis- 2.1. Methods
sions throughout a life cycle (i.e. from all phases since resource
extraction, production, use, end of life, recycling and final For the selection of literature for review, the SCOPUS database
deposition). Its “cradle-to-grave” approach avoids transferral of was employed, in February, March and August of 2019, selecting as
environmental impacts from one part of the life cycle to another. keywords different combinations of:
Consequently, it can be used to improve environmental perfor-
mance and help decision makers define priorities and reformu- (i) the names of the substances listed in Table SI1(all substances
late projects and policies (ISO, 2006a). LCA is a standardized and on the Directive, 2013/39/EU and the Watch List on the
widely accepted tool, a part of the ISO 14000 group on envi- Decision, 2015/495/EU of March of 2015 and its update by the
ronmental management. Details can be found on ISO Decision, 2018/840/EU of June of 2018);
14044:2006, which defines the requirements and guidelines for (ii) the process designation or related words (i.e. ozonation,
its execution. activated carbon, membrane, filtration, photocatalysis, pho-
LCA consists of four iterative stages (ISO, 2006a, b): (i) definition tocatalytic, UV, TiO2, electrochemical, sonolysis, hydrody-
of goal/scope; (ii) inventory assessment; (iii) impact assessment; namic cavitation, catalytic wet oxidation) according to the
and (iv) interpretation. During the definition of the goal/scope (i), technologies described for this purpose by Rizzo et al.
the frontiers of the system (i.e. unit processes included in the study) (2019b);
are defined. The goal constitutes the intended application, the (iii) related expressions (e.g. catalyst, catalysis, advanced oxida-
reasons to perform the study, the intended audience and to whom tion, oxidation, adsorption, pharmaceutical and personal
the results will be disclosed. The scope includes the system to be care products (PPCPs), micropollutant, microcontaminant
studied, its functions and boundaries, the functional unit, the pesticide, among others);
impact categories and methodologies that will be used, the (iv) life cycle assessment, water or wastewater.
required data and its quality, assumptions, limitations and the final
review format. The functional unit is the reference flow for the Even though the technologies described for micropollutant
mathematical normalization of the data and is related to the benefit removal by Rizzo et al. were taken as basis for the search, and the
that results from the system. In the following stage (ii), an in- focus is on PSs and CECs, all treatment processes that were analysed
ventory is prepared which includes all incoming and outcoming by LCA for this purpose (as additional treatment for micro-
data to the system, for each process unit, from inputs (such as pollutants removal) were taken into account. Only papers submit-
materials, energy and secondary processes) to outputs (such as ted after standardization were considered (i.e. from 1997 on) and
products, co-products, waste, and emissions to environmental solely if they applied all four stages of LCA indicated on the ISO, as
compartments). Cut-off criteria are used to decide which data is described above. Papers considering the treatment of other types of
included and which is not, based on a mass or energy contribution, effluents (hospital wastewaters, laundry greywater, among others)
environmental significance, or other adequately justified reasons. were not included in this study, even if these wastewaters are
At this point, the life cycle impact assessment can be performed typically sent for treatment in a UWWTP, because its composition is
(LCIA), during which the life cycle inventory (LCI) results are clearly very different from that actually being treated in a UWWTP. This
classified and associated to different impact categories, which are was done to ensure that the studies being compared are based
then calculated (characterization). The impact assessment stage solely on real or a simulation of secondary-treated urban waste-
(iii) clarifies the environmental significance of the inventory. waters, reducing the differences between studies and allowing for
Category results provide information on the environmental issues better comparability.
associated with the inputs and outputs of the system. Finally,
during interpretation (iv), the results from the previous stages are 2.2. Results and overall analysis
discussed so decisions and recommendations can be done (ISO,
2006a, b). A total of 178 papers were found within the scope of water/
A fifth, optional stage of LCA corresponds to the scoring and wastewater treatment life cycle assessment. However, some of
weighing. It is not mandatory as there is no scientific basis to these papers have studied the environmental impact of whole
translate LCA results as a single score. Weighing requires value water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants or both (the
choices and implies subjectivity. Choosing environmental impacts whole water cycle) rather than specific advanced treatment tech-
and models for its determination also introduces some subjectivity nologies. Others assessed the advanced treatment of other effluents
to the LCIA phase, and so transparency is critical throughout. instead of urban wastewater, such as: landfill percolation waste-
Overall, different products/services can be compared by LCA water or contaminated groundwater, dye removal/textile waste-
studies only if their context and the assumptions are equivalent. In waters, industrial wastewaters, paper and pulp production
order to compare different systems, they should have the same wastewaters, drinking water production, among others. Some
function and be quantified in reference to the same functional manuscripts focused on other purposes, such as: disinfection and/
unit. Otherwise, differences must be explained and stated. Addi- or nutrient removal; the impact of micropollutants discharge on
tionally, the cut-off criteria and other data limitations during LCI water; or did not consider micropollutants when assessing the life
may leave out considerable inputs and outputs. The development cycle of advanced treatment of urban wastewater. Table SI3 on
level of the characterization model, the uncertainties and sensi- Supplementary Information lists all these references. Only 18 pa-
tivity analysis may affect results. Also, if spatial and temporal pers refer to the advantage of the removal of the abovementioned
boundaries are too restrictive, there is the risk of problem transfer compounds by the integration of advanced treatments into
(ISO, 2006a, b). UWWTPs. The 18 articles are summed up in Table 1 and additional
A literature review on the status of application of LCA for information can be found on the corresponding technology review
advanced wastewater treatment, particularly taking into account that follows section 2.2. Surprisingly, studies fully assessing the
the removal of PSs and CECs, was performed in the present study. environmental impacts of advanced treatments on UWWTPs for
PSs and CECs removal are still scarce, up to three studies being
4 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

Table 1
Studies on the life cycle assessment of different environmental technologies for the treatment of micropollutants present in urban wastewaters after secondary treatment (real
or simulated).
Year Advanced Treatment Locationa Functional Unitb Data Originc LCIA Methods (and Ref.
Categories e)

2007 PF (followed or not by SBR) and Spain Removal of more than 80% total organic carbon (TOC) Lab-scale tests CML Farre et al.
SPF (sunlight), from a 1.25 L of diuron and linuron saturated effluent ARD, GWP, ODP, HTP, (2007)
Europe (TOC: 50 mg L1) FETP, METP, POP, AP,
(energy) AEP
2008 SF, OZ, MBR Denmark 1 m3 of treated wastewater (Removal of heavy metals, e EDIP Hoibye
endocrine disruptors e e.g. E2, EE2 e and a detergent) GWP, AP, NE, FETP et al.
2008 SF, OZ, MBR Denmark 1 m3 of treated wastewater (Removal of heavy metals, e EDIP Wenzel
endocrine disruptors and detergents) FETP, GWP, AP, NE et al.
2009 OZ (with and without H2O2) Spain The supply of 1 m3 for irrigation in agriculture (Removal Lab-scale tests USES-LCA and EDIP Munoz
of 84 pollutants, including substances in the Water GWP, FETP, TETP, HTP et al.
Framework Directive and PPCPs) (2009)
2011 SPF (with and without SBR) Spain Removal of 93% of TOC present in 250 mL of water Lab-scale tests CML Serra et al.
(sunlight), polluted with 500 mg L1 of a-methyl-phenylglycine GWP, ODP, AEP, AP, (2011a)
(energy) POP, ARD
2011 SPF, EF, SPEF Spain 70% TOC removal (a) or 90% TOC removal (b) in a 250 mL Lab-scale tests CML Serra et al.
(sunlight), aqueous solution of 500 mg L1 of a-methyl- GWP, ODP, AEP, AP, (2011b)
Europe phenylglycine; (a) is used for comparing all AOPs, (b) HTP, POP, FETP, METP,
(energy) compares those that can achieve such removals TETP, ARD
2012 OZ Spain 1 m3 of treated wastewater (Removal of diuron, Lab-scale tests IPCC, USES-LCA and Rodriguez
ibuprofen, diclofenac, sulfamethoxazole, erythromycin, EDIP et al.
bezafibrate, gemfibrozil, atenolol, carbamazepine, AETP, TETP, HTP, GWP (2012)
hydrochlorothiazide, caffeine and N-acetyl-4-amino-
2012 OZ Luxembourg, Treatment of 1 m3 of wastewater (Removal of atenolol,
Pilot and full-scale EDIP, ReCiPe and Igos et al.
Germany, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, plants of the PILLS USEtox (2012b)
Netherlands, partners
cyclophosphamide, diclofenac, lidocaine, paracetamol, AP, GWP, FETP, METP,
Switzerland sulphametoxazole, trimethropim) TETP, AEP, HTP, ODP,
2013 OZ Luxembourg, Treatment of 1 m of wastewater (Removal of atenolol, Pilot and full-scale EDIP, ReCiPe Igos et al.
Germany, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, plants of the PILLS AP, GWP, FETP, METP, (2012a)
Netherlands, cyclophosphamide, diclofenac, lidocaine, paracetamol, partners TETP, AEP, HTP, ODP,
Switzerland sulphametoxazole, trimethropim) POP, LU, IR, PMF, FD,
2015 OZ, GAC, UV þ H2O2, algae-based United States of Treatment of 10 million gallons per day of secondary e Unspecified. LU, EU Colosi et al.
tertiary treatment America effluent containing typical concentrations of pertinent (2015)
wastewater constituents including several relevant
estrogens: 17b-estradiol, 17a-ethynylestradiol and
2016 Biochar (wood, biosolids) and United States of 75% removal of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) from Lab-scale tests EPA’s TRACI Thompson
coal-derived PAC America 47 300 m3/day (12.5 mgd) of secondary wastewater ODP, GWP, POP, AP, et al.
effluent over 40 years AEP, FD, HHC, HHNC, (2016)
2017 SPF Cyprus The treatment of 1 m of secondary-treated urban Pilot-scale tests IPCC and ReCiPe Ioannou-
wastewater, completely removing trimethoprim and GWP, ODP, AP, FEP, MEP, Ttofa et al.
ofloxacin and sufficiently reducing its organic load and HTP, POP, PMF, TETP, (2017)
toxicity, achieving an effluent quality that allows safe FETP, METP, IR, ALU, NLT,
discharge into the environment WD, MD, FD, HH, RES,
2018 OZ, UV þ H2O2, RO, GAC United States of 1 m of influent wastewater (Removal of 19 PPCPs, 2 e TRACI, USEtox and IPCC Rahman
America pesticides, 4 natural and/or synthetic hormones, and 11 AEP, AP, GWP, ODP, et al.
industrial and commercial chemicals) ECOT, HHC, HHNC (2018)
2018 Solar (natural and simulated), Greece The effective removal of 1 mg of 17a-ethynylestradiol Lab-scale tests ReCiPe Foteinis
UV-A, UV-A þ TiO2, UV-C, UV- per litre of treated wastewater HH, RES and ECO et al.
C þ H2O2, SPF (with and without (2018)
2018 GAC, NF, SPF, OZ United Treatment of 1000 m3 of effluent from conventional e ReCiPe and USEtox Tarpani
Kingdom wastewater treatment (Removal of diclofenac, GWP, FD, MD, WD, ODP, and
ibuprofen, erythromycin, trimethoprim, MEP, FEP, AP, IR, FETP, Azapagic
sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, estrone, 17b- METP, TETP, HTP, NLT, (2018)
estradiol and triclosan) ULU, ALU, PMF, POP
2019 Acidic and Neutral SPF (both Spain; France; Treatment of 1000 m3 of secondary effluent per day Pilot-scale tests ReCiPe and USES-LCA Gallego-
with and without NF) Morocco; (Removal of 35 micro-contaminants) GWP, FD, MD, ODP, FEP, Schmid
Algeria MEP, AP, FETP, METP, et al.
TETP, HTP, POP, WD, IR, (2019)
2019 OZ, GAC, RO e One cubic meter of secondary-treated wastewater, e TRACI and USEtox Li et al.
including the substances in the wastewater (Removal of ECOT, HH, GWP, ODP, AP, (2019)
126 PPCPs and toxicity reduction) FD, EUTRO, POP
2019 OZ, PF Spain
J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078 5

Table 1 (continued )
Year Advanced Treatment Locationa Functional Unitb Data Originc LCIA Methods (and Ref.
Categories e)

The disposal of 1 m3 of secondary effluent (the Real WWTP ReCiPe and USEtox Arzate
equivalent of 0.9 m3 of reclaimed water to irrigate) plants (CPC, OZ), GWP, ODP, AP, FEP, MEP, et al.
(Removal of 25 micropollutants) Theoretical plant HTP, POP, PMF, TETP, (2019)
Considered for calculations.
And studied micropollutants, if not clear from the functional unit.
Other than literature, calculations and suppliers.
AC e Activated Carbon; CPC - solar compound parabolic collector; EF e Electro-Fenton; FBR e Fixed Bed Reactor; GAC e Granular Activated Carbon; MBR e Membrane
Bioreactor; MF e Microfiltration; NF e Nanofiltration; OZ e ozonation; PAC e Powdered Activated Carbon; PF e Photo-Fenton; RO e Reverse Osmosis; RPR - Raceway Pond
Reactor; SBR e Sequencing Bath Reactor; SF e Sand Filtration; SPEF e Solar Photoelectro-Fenton; SPF e Solar Photo-Fenton; VUV - vacuum-ultraviolet.
AEP - Aquatic Eutrophication potential; AETP e Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; ALU e Agricultural Land Use; AOD e aquatic oxygen demand; AP e acidification potential;
ARD e Abiotic resource depletion; ECO e Ecosystem; ECOT e Ecotoxicity; EU e Energy Use; EUTRO e Eutrophication; FD e Fossil Depletion; FEP e Freshwater eutrophication
potential; FETP e Freshwater ecotoxicity potential; GWP e Global Warming Potential; HH eHuman Health; HHC e Human Health Carcinogenics; HHNC e human Health non-
carcinogenics; HTP e Human Toxicity Potential; IR e Ionising Radiation; LU e Land Use; MD e Metal Depletion; MEP e Marine Eutrophication potential; METP - Marine
ecotoxicity potential; MRD e Mineral resource Depletion; NE - Nutrient Enrichment; NLT - Natural Land Transformation; ODP e Ozone depletion potential; PMF e Particulate
Material formation; POP e photochemical oxidation potential; RES e Resources; RESP e Respiratory Effects; TEP e Terrestrial Eutrophication Potential; TETP e Terrestrial
Ecotoxicity Potential; ULU e Urban Land Use; WD e Water Depletion.

membranes, such as reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF).

It must be also noted that only one report (Foteinis et al., 2018)
considered heterogeneous photocatalysis (using TiO2), despite
previous investigations showing its great potential for micro-
pollutants removal. In fact, the most analysed technologies (Fig. 2)
are ozonation (61% of the studies), followed by Fenton-based pro-
cesses (44%) and activated carbon adsorption (28%). Among
Fenton-based treatments, solar photo-Fenton (SPF) constitutes the
most assessed so far. The category “Other” includes solely 1 study,
that considers an algae-based treatment for estrogenicity reduction
(Colosi et al., 2015).
The most studied locations are in Europe, particularly Spain
(Table 1). It is often considered as representative of the Mediter-
Fig. 1. Number of papers published per year corresponding to the established criteria. ranean region, which suffers frequently from droughts and needs to
invest significantly in water reclamation, as other affected countries
(Cyprus, Greece, Morocco and Algeria). The Mediterranean region is
published per year so far (Fig. 1).
also very rich in sunlight, and it comes as no surprise that many
Fig. 1 and Table 1 show that still much work must be done (only
studies in these countries are focused on sunlight-based treat-
18 papers assessed this topic within the total of 178 papers that
ments, such as solar photo-Fenton.
were found within the scope of water/wastewater treatment life
As for the functional unit considered as basis for the life cycle
cycle assessment), especially when it comes to treatments based on
inventory and impact assessment, it is typically defined as a certain

Fig. 2. Percentage of papers analysing each treatment process.

6 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

volume of wastewater to be treated (or treated wastewater) or a In sections 2.3 to 2.8, the results found (18 abovementioned LCA
certain percentage of removal, which suits the aim of the LCA. Most studies) are discussed in terms of technology ranking by environ-
papers do not include the assessed PSs and CECs (specific com- mental performance and main impacts at midpoint and endpoint
pounds or parameters such as TOC or COD) in their functional unit; categories when available. Table SI2 provides an overview of the
however, these studies make clear that the “treatment of” or the operational details of the technologies applied and it can help to
obtaining of “treated” wastewaters implies the removal of such clarify differences among the different studies. The main intention
substances. The most studied substances are sulfamethoxazole, of the following sections is to shed light on the main environmental
carbamazepine, trimethoprim, diclofenac, atenolol, erythromycin, hotspots in each case, in order to show where the focus should be to
ibuprofen, ciprofloxacin, E2, EE2, caffeine, gemfibrozil, diuron and improve the environmental performance of these treatments. It
naproxen. Figure SI1, at supplementary information, can be con- must be highlighted that LCA studies can only be compared if they
sulted for further information on all PSs and CECs. Only 8 out of the address an object that shares the same function. All analysed LCA
18 reports refer to 10 or more micropollutants in their studies, and studies shared the same function e i.e. using an advanced tech-
many (7 publications) considered up to 3 MPs in their studies. nology in a UWWTP in order to treat a secondary treated urban
Studies are missing for dichloromethane, fluoranthene, among wastewater-type effluent for the removal of micropollutants e and
many others from the Water Framework Directive (2013), and in general had similar functional units. Despite the fact that the
methiocarb, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, among others from the applied methodology resulted in a selection of papers with similar
Watch List of the Decision, 2015/495/EU (updated by the Decision, boundaries, wastewater composition and functional units, these
2018/840/EU) (Decision, 2015, 2018). Some reports mentioned that are still different, based on different assumptions, affected by ge-
studies are not more complete because data on characterization ography and time, and determine their impacts using distinct
factors is uncertain or unavailable (Gallego-Schmid et al., 2019; Igos methods (among other differences). Therefore, a direct comparison
et al., 2012a; Li et al., 2019; Rahman et al., 2018; Tarpani and might not be recommended and sometimes, not even possible.
Azapagic, 2018). Typically, LCA studies also did not consider However, comparisons can be made to some extent and always
transformation products, only in a few being mentioned (Foteinis with awareness regarding the differences and how they affect the
et al., 2018; Gallego-Schmid et al., 2019; Igos et al., 2012a, 2012b; results. Thus, when comparing studies, we mention these when
Rahman et al., 2018). System boundaries were similar to all LCA relevant. Additionally, when presenting rankings, it was assured
studies and a typical delimitation is shown in Fig. 3. that those resulted from the same study. This also led to opting for a
While the selected studies usually took into consideration all of more qualitative, rather than quantitative analysis, as the reader
the operating stages of each treatment, the main differences in will find in the following sections.
terms of system boundaries resulted from the inclusion or not of
infrastructure, its construction and end of life, as well as the impact
of the treated effluent on the environment. As these differences 2.3. Activated carbon
affect final results, and in order to facilitate the understanding of
the results to be presented in the following sections, Table 2 dis- Activated carbon has similar, but usually lower impacts than
closes if these were or not included in each study. ozonation, and lower impacts than reverse osmosis and UV (with or
Regarding the origin of collected data (Table 1), most LCA without H2O2 dosage), in most categories. It underperforms
studies recurred to data from lab-scale tests (7 out of 18) or cal- nanofiltration (Colosi et al., 2015; Igos et al., 2012a, 2012b; Rahman
culations from literature averages (6 out of 18). Solely five reports et al., 2018; Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). The choice between
employed data from pilot, semi-industrial or full-scale plants. The activated carbon and ozonation comes down to the electricity
most used LCIA method was ReCiPe (7 out of 18), followed by EDIP source used for O3 production (Igos et al., 2012a). Granular acti-
(6 out of 18). Single-issue methods such as IPCC and USEtox were vated carbon (GAC) has a lower removal efficiency than ozonation
often used to complement other methods. Results were mainly and reverse osmosis; however, it is considered the best option at
shown as midpoint categories. The most analysed categories (in at long term as it consumes less electricity (Li et al., 2019). The impacts
least a quarter of the publications) were: global warming potential are significantly reduced if its regeneration and reuse in the process
(GWP), acidification potential (AP), ozone depletion potential is considered (i.e. instead of always using fresh adsorbent), as
(ODP), freshwater ecotoxicity potential (FETP), human toxicity po- regeneration requires lower electricity and resources (coal) when
tential (HTP), photochemical oxidation potential (POP), terrestrial compared to the production of fresh activated carbon. Rahman et al.
ecotoxicity potential (TETP), marine ecotoxicity potential (METP), (2018) verified that the reduction of total impacts can be of 50% and
fossil depletion (FD), aquatic eutrophication potential (AEP), over, and of about 75% for toxicity-related impacts (both ecotoxicity
ionizing radiation (IR), metal depletion (MD), particulate matter and human toxicity) (Rahman et al., 2018).
formation (PMF) and water depletion (WD). When comparing ozonation, nanofiltration, solar photo-Fenton
and granular activated carbon Tarpani and Azapagic (2018)

Fig. 3. Typical system boundaries defined in the analysed LCA studies.

J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078 7

Table 2
Details on the system boundaries of each study (infrastructure construction, end of life and final effluent impact).

Reference Infrastructure - Construction & End of life Final Effluent Impact

Farre et al. (2007) Not included Not included

Hoibye et al. (2008) Included Included
Wenzel et al. (2008) Included Included
Munoz et al. (2009) Not included Included
Serra et al. (2011a) Not included Not included
Serra et al. (2011b) Not included Not included
Rodriguez et al. (2012) Not included Included
Igos et al. (2012b) Not included Included
Igos et al. (2012a) Not included Included
Colosi et al. (2015) Unspecified Unspecified
Thompson et al. (2016) Unspecified Not included
Ioannou-Ttofa et al. (2017) Included Not included
Rahman et al. (2018) Included Included
Foteinis et al. (2018) Included Not included
Tarpani and Azapagic (2018) Included Included
Gallego-Schmid et al. (2019) Included Included
Li et al. (2019) Only construction Included
Arzate et al. (2019) Included Included

Fig. 4. Characterization results for granular activated carbon (GAC), nanofiltration (NF), ozonation (OZ) and solar photo-Fenton (SPF) by Tarpani and Azapagic (2018) (ReCiPe and
USEtox). Results per 1 m3 of wastewater.

(Fig. 4), calculated that granular activated carbon has similar im- potential (AP) due to SO2 emissions from aluminium sulphate
pacts to solar photo-Fenton on the global warming potential (GWP) production and hard coal burning, used during its production.
category (both close to 250 kg CO2 equiv./1000 m3), which is 25% Despite, solar photo-Fenton is the most impactful in this category
lower than the impact determined for ozonation (316 kg CO2 equiv./ (AP). Nanofiltration has lower impacts on the ozone depletion po-
1000 m3), but higher than nanofiltration (191 kg CO2 equiv./ tential (ODP), but activated carbon is the second best option (10.2
1000 m3) (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). and 16.2 mg CFC-11 equiv./1000 m3, respectively). GAC also has the
The main responsible for the impact on global warming po- lowest ionizing radiation potential (IRP), as it consumes the least
tential (GWP) in the activated carbon treatment is the production of electricity, and the source of the ionizing radiation in this LCA study
fresh adsorbent, followed by energy for its regeneration. The same is nuclear power in the electricity mix. In the eutrophication po-
tendency was found for the fossil resource depletion potential tential category (freshwater and marine eutrophication potential,
category. As for water consumption, mainly a result of electricity FEP and MEP), while activated carbon has one of the lowest impacts
generation, granular activated carbon and nanofiltration have the on freshwater (FEP), it is the most impactful for marine (MEP),
lowest impact on the water depletion potential (WD). On the other approximately 65% higher than any of the other treatment pro-
hand, activated carbon has high impacts in terms of acidification cesses evaluated by Tarpani and Azapagic (2018) (Fig. 4), mainly
8 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

due to its disposal and release of bound nitrogen. Activated carbon studies, the impacts on freshwater ecotoxicity (FETP) of the
has one of the lowest, or the lowest impacts in all toxicity categories effluent, both before and after treatment, are underestimated, as
(freshwater - FETP, marine - METP, terrestrial - TETP, human - HTP), more substances than the evaluated are present (Hoibye et al.,
and only nanofiltration performs better. Along with the latter, 2008). Indeed, when Wenzel et al. (2008) (Table 3) included 5
activated carbon results in the least particulate matter formation additional heavy metals in the assessment, membrane bioreactors
potential (PMF) and photochemical oxidants formation potential did lead to higher avoided impacts than their operation generated
(POP). But it is the worst option in terms of urban land use (ULU), (Wenzel et al., 2008).
due to its operational requirements (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). Nanofiltration was found to be one of the most environmentally
Rahman et al. (2018) compared reverse osmosis, UV þ H2O2, friendly technologies. For instance, Tarpani and Azapagic (2018)
ozonation and granular activated carbon and also found that the (Fig. 4) compared ozonation, nanofiltration, solar photo-Fenton
latter had low impacts on toxicity, and one of the lowest impacts on and granular activated carbon and inferred that nanofiltration
the global warming potential (GWP), ozone depletion potential had the lowest impact on 13 out of the 18 assessed categories,
(ODP) and acidification potential (AP) categories as it uses low namely global warming potential (GWP), fossil resource depletion
amounts of energy (Rahman et al., 2018). Contrarily, when (FD), ozone depletion potential (ODP), toxicity categories, particu-
comparing granular activated carbon with ozonation and reverse late matter formation (PMF), photochemical oxidants formation
osmosis, Li et al. (2019) found that granular activated carbon per- (POP) and urban land use (ULU), and was one of the least impactful
formed the worst on the categories of ecotoxicity and human in the remaining categories (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018).
toxicity cancer, since it has a low removal efficiency of micro- Regarding reverse osmosis, the high energy associated to its
pollutants. The difference is likely due to the number of micro- application results in it being quite impactful. Rahman et al. (2018)
pollutants considered in this study, which was superior to the cases compared reverse osmosis, UV þ H2O2, ozonation and granular
mentioned before. Li et al. (2019) took into consideration 126 activated carbon and found that reverse osmosis has the highest
micropollutants (i.e., including other substances than the 65 impacts in the global warming potential (GWP), ozone depletion
included in this review), while Rahman et al. (2018) considered potential (ODP) and acidification potential (AP) (Rahman et al.,
only 10 and Tarpani and Azapagic (2018) focused on 9. Granular 2018). The same was found by Li et al. (2019) (Fig. 5) when
activated carbon was still the recommended technology by Li et al. comparing ozonation, granular activated carbon and reverse
(2019) due to low long-term energy use (Li et al., 2019). osmosis. In this study, reverse osmosis was the worst option for
When compared to other adsorbents, Thompson et al. (2016) most analysed categories (global warming potential, acidification
verified a moderate capacity of wood biochar for 75% removal of potential, fossil depletion, smog) (Li et al., 2019).
sulfamethoxazole in comparison with powder activated carbon Some studies (Hoibye et al., 2008; Wenzel et al., 2008) evaluated
(PAC). Despite having a higher impact on eutrophication (EUTRO) sand filtration and it was considered an environmentally friendly
and human health carcinogenics (HHC), moderate capacity wood approach (low energy use, high efficiency), with less environmental
biochar might be a better option environmentally allowing for a impacts (energy and resource use) than those it prevents (discharge
significant reduction of the carbon footprint (Thompson et al., of micropollutants).Therefore, among the abovementioned mem-
2016). Therefore, while granular activated carbon shows high brane/filtration options, nanofiltration and sand filtration appear as
environmental potential in comparison with other technologies, the most environmentally appropriate technologies for the removal
more studies are needed comprising adsorbents from different of PSs and CECs.
sources and prepared by different, environmentally friendly tech-
nologies since they may result in an even lower footprint
(Thompson et al., 2016). 2.5. Ozonation

Ozonation is one of the most assessed technologies by studies

2.4. Membrane technologies and sand filtration focused on PSs and CECs. It was considered as a more environ-
mentally sound solution (i.e. contributes to less impacts) than
Membrane-based technologies in LCA studies included nano- membrane bioreactors, reverse osmosis and UV, but less appro-
filtration, reverse osmosis and membrane bioreactors. priate than sand filtration or nanofiltration (Colosi et al., 2015;
Membrane bioreactors have been pointed out to induce more Hoibye et al., 2008; Igos et al., 2012b; Rahman et al., 2018; Tarpani
environmental impacts than they prevent due to high energy and Azapagic, 2018). It shows similar impacts to activated carbon
consumption. They underperformed, with higher environmental (Colosi et al., 2015; Igos et al., 2012a, 2012b). Some studies indicate
impacts than other processes, such as ozonation and sand filtration that it produces higher environmental impacts than it prevents
as verified by Hoibye et al. (2008) (Table 3) for the categories of (Hoibye et al., 2008; Li et al., 2019; Rodriguez et al., 2012). However,
global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP) and Hoibye et al. (2008) (Table 3) concluded that the avoided impacts
nutrient enrichment (NE). Membrane bioreactors were able to are underestimated since these technologies remove more than
mitigate impacts in terms of reduced freshwater ecotoxicity (FETP). just the assessed pollutants (Hoibye et al., 2008). Thus, if additional
It must be highlighted, however, that as in many other analysed substances are included in the analysis, ozonation results in less

Table 3
Results found for studies assessing the life cycle impacts of sand filtration (SF), ozonation (OZ) and membrane bioreactors (MBR) using the EDIP method (Hoibye et al., 2008;
Wenzel et al., 2008).

Hoibye et al. (2008) Wenzel et al. (2008)

Category Units SF MBR OZ SF MBR OZ

Global Warming Potential mPET.year/m3 1.8 48 14 2.7 45 14

Terrestrial Acidification 1.6 13 2.7 0.9 13 6.5
Nutrient Enrichment 1.5 9.8 2.3 0.6 10 3.5
Freshwater Ecotoxicity 11 14 11 8.5 14 8.0
J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078 9

Fig. 5. Characterization results for granular activated carbon (GAC), reverse osmosis (RO) and ozonation (OZ) by Li et al. (2019) (TRACI and USEtox). Results per 1 m3 of wastewater.

impacts generated than avoided, a conclusion supported by Munoz warming potential (GWP), fossil depletion (FD), smog and eutro-
et al. (2009). These authors confirmed that the application of phication categories. However, it is an energy intensive treatment
ozonation for the removal of micropollutants before discharge is and might not be considered the most favourable option for a long-
more environmentally beneficial than discharge without treatment term perspective (Li et al., 2019).
(or even direct reuse), and that employing H2O2 in ozonation did In general, higher usage of O3 increases PSs and CECs removal;
not significantly alter its environmental impacts (Munoz et al., however, it also requires higher energy, originating additional im-
2009). pacts particularly in terms of global warming potential. In fact, all
Tarpani and Azapagic (2018) (Fig. 4) compared ozonation with the mentioned studies concluded that energy production is the
granular activated carbon, solar photo-Fenton and nanofiltration. In highest impacting stage in ozonation. For this reason, Rodriguez
this comparative LCA study, ozonation was the worst performing in et al. (2012) refers that it is better to opt for lower O3 inputs, if a
out 4 of 9 midpoint categories (global warming potential, fossil balance between toxicity reduction and greenhouse gas emissions
depletion, water depletion, and ionizing radiation), and the second is aimed (Rodriguez et al., 2012). The main conclusion from this
worst option in other 3 (metal depletion, ozone depletion and section is that the energy mix of the location where the ozonation
freshwater eutrophication potential). The main reason behind its process will be implemented is expected to have a significant effect
impact on global warming (GWP), fossil depletion (FD), ozone on the environmental impacts and, as consequence, in the final
depletion (ODP) and ionizing radiation (IR) is the intense electricity decision in comparison with other technologies. Ozonation (in
use (in this LCA study partially from nuclear power). Water combination with other processes) is considered as one of the most
depletion yield a particularly interesting result, as ozonation was efficient technologies for the removal of organic micropollutants
estimated to consume 1230 m3 per 1000 m3 of water treated, i.e. from secondary urban wastewater, actually being implemented at
consuming more water during electricity generation and sodium full scale at UWWTPs in Switzerland (McArdell, 2015). Thus, the
hydroxide production (used in this case to ensure alkalinity) than it “break even” point (i.e., when the environmental impacts of the
treats (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). Since different locations have treatment process are compensated by the reduction of impacts
different sources to produce energy, this is not always the case. For
instance, Arzate et al. (2019) concluded that ozonation had a low
contribution to water depletion (between 0.005 and 0.02 m3 water Table 4
consumed for each cubic meter of secondary effluent treated) Results by Foteinis et al. (2018) for the life cycle assessment of solar and UV-based
(Arzate et al., 2019; Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). Contrarily to treatments using the EDIP method.

Tarpani and Azapagic (2018), Rahman et al. (2018) inferred that Treatment type Units Single Score
ozonation had less impacts on global warming (GWP) and ozone Solar, natural mPT 2.00Eþ00
depletion (ODP) than activated carbon. As chemical and energy Solar, artificial 1.10Eþ01
production contribute most to these categories, the difference may Solar, artificial þ 5 mg Fe2þ/L 4.77E-01
result from the different energy mixes (United States and United Solar, natural þ 5 mg Fe2þ/L 8.90E-02
Solar, natural þ 15 mg Fe2þ/L 4.70E-02
Kingdom/Germany) (Rahman et al., 2018).
Solar, natural þ 5 mg Fe2þ/L þ 10 mg H2O2/L 1.00E-02
The comparative LCA study on granular activated carbon, Solar, natural þ 5 mg Fe2þ/L þ 17.2 mg H2O2/L 3.56E-04
ozonation and reverse osmosis published by Li et al. (2019) (Fig. 5) Solar, artificial þ 5 mg Fe2þ/L þ 17.2 mg H2O2/L 1.87E-03
found that ozonation was never the most impactful process in any UV-A 3.09E-01
category. Ozonation had one of the lowest impacts on the acidifi- UV-A þ 10 mg TiO2/L 9.20E-03
UV-C 1.17E-01
cation potential (AP), human toxicity non-cancer (HHNC), global UV-C þ 10 mg H2O2/L 1.38E-02
10 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

generated by effluent discharge) will dictate which is the best so- not for the process itself) (Farre et al., 2007). For the same reason,
lution in each case. electro-Fenton results in higher impacts (for some categories, up to
one order of magnitude higher) than solar photo-Fenton and solar
2.6. UV-based processes and heterogeneous photocatalysis photo-electro Fenton (Serra et al., 2011b).
After energy production, H2O2 production is generally consid-
When using light-based processes, the origin of photon gener- ered the main responsible for the total environmental burden in
ation is once again determinant for total environmental impacts photo-Fenton processes (Farre et al., 2007; Foteinis et al., 2018;
(Colosi et al., 2015; Foteinis et al., 2018; Igos et al., 2012b; Rahman Serra et al., 2011a, 2011b). However, Ioannou-Ttofa et al. (2017)
et al., 2018). Both natural and simulated solar light have low effi- refers that the reagent that contributed most to overall impacts
ciency, and as consequence, the treated effluent discharge has high was NaOH, which was used, along with H2SO4, to adjust the pH
impacts. before and after the treatment, and only then H2O2 (Ioannou-Ttofa
In a comparison between UV-A and UV-C, without H2O2 or any et al., 2017). H2SO4 and FeSO4 use is always negligible (Farre et al.,
catalyst use, Foteinis et al. (2018) (Table 4) concluded that UV-C is 2007; Foteinis et al., 2018; Ioannou-Ttofa et al., 2017; Serra et al.,
approximately 3 times less harmful than UV-A, as it is significantly 2011a, 2011b). Foteinis et al. (2018) concluded that not using
more efficient, removing micropollutants such as EE2 at a much H2O2 (i.e. applying a light-based treatment and using Fe, but not
higher rate, despite also using more power. If H2O2 is added to the H2O2) results in even higher impacts overall (Table 4) (Foteinis
UV-C treatment, its environmental footprint is reduced further, up et al., 2018).
to 88%. In all cases in this study, UV light (both UV-A and UV-C) had When choosing between solar photo-Fenton, electro-Fenton
larger impacts on the endpoint category Human Health, followed and solar photo-electro Fenton, solar photo-Fenton at stoichio-
by Resources and only then on Ecosystems (Foteinis et al., 2018). metric amount of H2O2 is the most environmentally sound option,
Rahman et al. (2018) compared reverse osmosis, UV þ H2O2, having the lowest footprint in all categories. Serra et al. (2011) also
ozonation and granular activated carbon. While reverse osmosis analysed the possibility of applying solar photo-Fenton at twice the
resulted in the highest impacts on this study, the UV þ H2O2 pro- stoichiometric amount, but benefits were not found, as the impacts
cess was the second worst option, resulting in higher environ- increased and were not compensated by the total removal of
mental burdens in all categories compared to ozonation and micropollutants. Although solar photo-Fenton results in lower
granular activated carbon (Rahman et al., 2018). The same was burdens, as solar photo-electro Fenton takes less time to remove
found by Igos et al. (2012). Similarly to reverse osmosis, the the micropollutants, at larger scale the results may be influenced by
UV þ H2O2 process is quite energy intensive and such is reflected in the lower reaction volume expected in this case (Serra et al., 2011b).
the impact categories, e.g. global warming (GWP), ozone depletion In the present study, the focus was on advanced treatments that
(ODP) and acidification potential (AP). High energy needs imply the could be added to a UWWTP, in order to remove micropollutants, as
generation of more electricity leading to high life cycle toxicity, the final treatment step before effluent discharge. However, some
which can be up to two to four times higher than that of the studies analysed advanced treatments not as the final treatment
UWWTP without reverse osmosis or UV þ H2O2 (Igos et al., 2012a, process, but as an additional step before biological treatment, used
2012b; Rahman et al., 2018). to improve the biodegradability of the effluent beforehand and
In the realm of heterogeneous photocatalysis, there is still a lot facilitate micropollutants removal. Coupling artificial/simulated
to be done despite its potential to remove micropollutants. Solely light photo-Fenton or solar photo-Fenton and sequencing batch
one study was found that applied LCA for this purpose. Foteinis reactors (SBR), for example, led to lower electricity and H2O2 use,
et al. (2018) (Table 4) compared UV-A and UV-C, as mentioned arising as the best option (Farre et al., 2007; Serra et al., 2011a).
previously in this section, but also tested the possibility of Farre et al. (2007) (Fig. 6) compared photo-Fenton, photo-Fenton
enhancing the UV-A process using TiO2. While it was found that followed by a sequencing batch reactor and solar photo-Fenton and
UV-A was the worst option in comparison to UV-C, and that UV- found that for all categories, the best performing in environmental
C þ H2O2 was an even more environmentally friendly option, if UV- terms was the coupling of photo-Fenton with the biological treat-
A is combined with TiO2 the environmental performance of the ment, which resulted in less or up to 50% less impacts than photo-
process exceeds that of UV-C with or without H2O2 (even though Fenton in all categories except for the aquatic eutrophication po-
TiO2 has a slightly higher footprint than H2O2). A 97% reduction of tential (AEP). In the AEP category, the resulting impact is approxi-
the total environmental burden of UV-A resulted from TiO2 addi- mate for all cases as most of it results from the fact that while the
tion, as the treatment required less time and consequently a lot less analysed herbicides (linuron and diuron) are oxidized the urea
energy, which is the cause behind most of the environmental group is removed and nitrogen is released as ammonia ion (Farre
damages (approx. 88% of the environmental footprint of UV-driven et al., 2007). Serra et al. (2011) also concluded that solar photo-
AOPs). Such conclusions show that there is an interest in analysing Fenton followed by a biological treatment resulted in lower im-
and testing these options more deeply, for example coupling UV-C pacts in most categories (7 out of 10), except for the aquatic
with TiO2 (Foteinis et al., 2018). eutrophication potential (AEP), the global warming potential
(GWP) and the photochemical oxidation potential (POP) categories.
2.7. Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes The combination resulted in higher global warming potential
(GWP) due to the additional CO2 emissions from the biological
Fenton reaction without light for the removal of micropollutants treatment. As for photochemical oxidation potential (POP), the
has not yet been thoroughly submitted to LCA. Most studies in this combined treatment higher burden results from the excess sludge
field applied LCA to the Fenton process using light (photo-Fenton). management by landfilling. Landfilled sludge undergoes anaerobic
For this reason, energy use is once again the main hotspot during digestion, which results in emissions to air that are burned in
treatment (i.e. the main reason behind the generated environ- biogas flares. CH4 and NOx are then released to the atmosphere,
mental impacts) (Farre et al., 2007; Ioannou-Ttofa et al., 2017; Serra which impacts the photochemical oxidation potential (POP) cate-
et al., 2011b). Solar photo-Fenton is more sustainable than photo- gory and also contributes to global warming potential (GWP) (due
Fenton with artificial/simulated light, as the solar process does to CO2 and CH4 emissions). Landfilling of sludge also contributes to
not require energy use (note that external electricity may be the aquatic eutrophication potential (AEP) due to the leaching of
necessary for the functioning of the equipment, such as pumps, but compounds with nitrogen. Despite the good results, Serra et al.
J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078 11

Fig. 6. Characterization results for granular activated carbon (GAC), reverse osmosis (RO) and ozonation (OZ) by Farre et al. (2007) (CML). Results per 1.25 L of wastewater.

(2011) noted that as solar photo-Fenton takes less time than the et al. (2017) calculated that the treatment of 1 m3 of wastewater by
sequencing batch reactor and solar photo-Fenton combination to solar photo-Fenton represents only 1.6% of total CO2 emissions
remove micropollutants, the results may be different at larger scale associated to the total treatment of the daily effluents of a Cyprus
(Serra et al., 2011a). resident (Ioannou-Ttofa et al., 2017).
In order to have an idea of the magnitude of the impact of solar Interestingly, solar photo-Fenton conducted at neutral pH per-
photo-Fenton, which emerges by many studies as the possible forms worse than at acidic pH in most categories, as found by
preferable when it comes to Fenton-based processes, Ioannou-Ttofa Gallego-Schmid et al. (2019) (Fig. 7). This study compared the solar

Fig. 7. Characterization results for solar photo-Fenton (SPF) and nanofiltration (NF) combinations e SPF at acid conditions (black), SPF at acidic conditions followed by nanofiltration
(grey), SPF at neutral conditions (striped) and SPF at neutral conditions followed by nanofiltration (dotted) - by Gallego-Schmid et al. (2019). Results per 1000 m3 of wastewater.
12 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

photo-Fenton process at acidic (acidic SPF) and neutral (neutral 2.8. Other processes
SPF) conditions, and the possibility of combining each of those with
nanofiltration (NF). Neutral solar photo-Fenton (without nano- In accordance with the aim of analysing technologies that can be
filtration) performed worse in most categories, except for 3, in included in an already existing UWWTP, to minimize the discharge
which acidic solar photo-Fenton (without nanofiltration) under- of PSs and CECs to aquatic ecosystems, one study was found (Colosi
performed (on the metal depletion - MD, acidification potential - et al., 2015), considering an algae-based treatment (Table 5). This
AP and particulate matter formation e PMF categories) due to system was compared to granular activated carbon adsorption,
requiring more CPC modules and consuming more H2SO4 and ozonation and UV, and all were modelled to achieve the same limits
NaOH (Gallego-Schmid et al., 2019). for biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, total
Energy use was the main reason behind the processes impacts, phosphorus, total nitrogen and faecal coliform concentrations, but
both at neutral and acidic pH. The production of the chelating agent not the same removal of estrogenicity. The proposed system has the
used in the neutral process (ethylenediamine-N,N0 -disuccinic acid highest impact in terms of land use and required the longest
e EDDS) consumed the highest amount of energy, particularly retention time to obtain the abovementioned limits. However, as
during the fabrication of its chemical precursors. NaOH and H2SO4 bulk algae biomass undergoes anaerobic digestion to produce
production followed EDDS in energy consumption requirements, methane, used for electricity, it is the only among the tested in this
and the operation of the treatment processes was the third highest study that generates more energy than it uses, while reducing
energy consumer. Since in this study the main energy source are estrogenicity substantially. Using this system also deems denitri-
fossil fuels, impacts on the global warming potential (GWP) are fication and phosphorus precipitation in other stages of a UWWTP
relevant, but also on several other categories, including those unnecessary. Ozonation and granular activated carbon result in
toxicity-related, e.g., on the human toxicity potential (HTP) in significant energy consumption, and UV does not achieve signifi-
consequence of the emissions of manganese to water from the cant pollutant removal. The algae-based system appears as the
mining of coal. Therefore, the process at neutral pH was the worst most environmentally sound option, followed by granular activated
option, followed by its acidic counterparts. While the coupling with carbon, ozonation and UV (Colosi et al., 2015).
nanofiltration increases the operational energy use, it lowers It is thus important to better explore not only the more
chemical use and, in both cases, the addition of nanofiltration accredited technologies, but also other less conventional alterna-
reduced total life cycle impacts. In consequence, the process at tives. In fact, no studies were found regarding the LCA of electro-
acidic pH coupled with nanofiltration had the lowest environ- chemical oxidation, sonolysis, hydrodynamic cavitation or catalytic
mental burdens (Gallego-Schmid et al., 2019). wet oxidation processes for PSs and CECs removal, most probably
Overall, solar photo-Fenton has low environmental impacts and because these processes are not being widely considered for the
when compared to other treatments, only nanofiltration was less treatment of secondary wastewater in large scale UWWTPs.
impactful (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). Foteinis et al. (2018)
compared UV-A (with and without TiO2) and UV-C (with and
without H2O2) to solar photo-Fenton, and while the UV-A þ TiO2 2.9. Results variability: analysis
process had quite low impacts, solar photo-Fenton still had the
least significant environmental footprint, as a consequence of not As mentioned in section 2.1., each study considered different
requiring electricity (in this study, fossil fuel-based), which is the boundaries, impact assessment methods, energy mixes, among
main environmental hotspot for the light-based technologies other differences. Therefore, comparisons might not be direct. The
(Foteinis et al., 2018). The exception was the LCA study by Tarpani methodology for papers selection intended to minimize these dif-
and Azapagic (2018) which compared solar photo-Fenton with ferences to ensure that studies could be reliably compared.
ozonation, nanofiltration, and granular activated carbon. It It was verified that the studies had comparable results, even if
concluded, that solar photo-Fenton resulted in the highest envi- they applied different impact assessment methods. The highest
ronmental impacts (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). The same was variability actually resulted from the evaluation of avoided impacts,
found by Arzate et al. (2019) when comparing ozonation and solar in terms of avoided toxicity, removal efficiency of micropollutants
photo-Fenton (Arzate et al., 2019). For example, a global warming or TOC (which are all related). Different studies took into consid-
potential of 5000 kg CO2 equiv./1000 m3 was found compared to eration different substances and number of substances.
Mun ~ oz et al. (2007) that calculated a mean value of value of 248 kg As many micropollutants do not yet have validated character-
CO2 equiv./1000 m3 (Mun ~ oz et al., 2007). This difference results ization factors included on the different impact assessment
from the fact that Tarpani and Azapagic (2018) considered higher methods, some studies chose not to evaluate them, while other
H2O2 and catalyst use, and such parameters affect solar photo- studies proposed values for these parameters. In this area, there is
Fenton’s impacts significantly (Tarpani and Azapagic, 2018). yet no consensus and for this reason, we have not explored it into
Heterogeneous Fenton processes require more LCA studies. Solar much detail. It became clear that there are relevant toxicity im-
photo-Fenton has received more attention, and as energy use is the pacts, both for ecosystems and human health, that can be avoided
bottleneck in terms of these processes’ environmental performance, by eliminating micropollutants from wastewaters typically dis-
it arises as the most interesting option among Fenton-based pro- charged to water bodies, and so this is an area whose development
cesses using light. It may, however, underperform ozonation, nano- could be of great value.
filtration and granular activated carbon, depending on chemical use. Despite, all papers focused on a balance between avoided and
generated impacts and overall resulted in the same rankings.

Table 5
Results by Colosi et al. (2015) for the life cycle energy use of an algae-based system compared to granular activated carbon (GAC), ozonation (OZ) and UV for estrogenicity

Metric Units Algae-based OZ UV GAC

Energy return on investment MJ energy produced/MJ energy used 6.50E-01 2.40E-01 4.70E-01 3.50E-01
Normalized energy use MJ/g estrogenicity removed 6.05Eþ04 3.10Eþ05 2.30Eþ06 1.80Eþ05
J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078 13

Granular activated carbon was found to perform best environ- Materials which have better adsorptive capacity and catalytic ac-
mentally than ozonation by all papers that compared their life cy- tivity might be a solution, but have yet to be assessed via LCA, to the
cles (Colosi et al., 2015; Li et al., 2019; Rahman et al., 2018; Tarpani best of our knowledge.
and Azapagic, 2018). Whereas, ozonation performed worse than When opting for Fenton-based processes, using simulated light
sand filtration (Hoibye et al., 2008; Wenzel et al., 2008) and better may not be advised, as electricity production causes the major part
than reverse osmosis (Li et al., 2019; Rahman et al., 2018). Following of its impacts. For this reason, solar photo-Fenton reveals signifi-
solar photo-Fenton by a biological treatment, namely SBR, is always cantly diminished impacts, particularly in acidic conditions. In
better than applying it by itself (Farre et al., 2007; Serra et al., neutral conditions, an iron complexing agent is needed, and the
2011a). As for the environmental hotspots of treatments, production of iron complexing agents such as EDDS (ethylenedi-
consensus was also found, with all studies identifying electricity as amine-N,N0 -disuccinic acid) may be highly impactful, and so the
the major responsible, followed by chemical use. total life cycle environmental footprint of the treatment is higher
than at acidic conditions. It must be highlighted that other com-
3. Final remarks and conclusions plexing agents might be less impactful but studies are not yet
available. Solar photo-electro Fenton is less advisable but requires
First and foremost, we must highlight that to minimize the less treatment time. Coupling sequencing batch reactor to solar
amount of chemicals by measures for reduction at source is more photo-Fenton is wise, still, using just solar photo-Fenton also re-
important than to optimize the treatment of the pollutants once quires less time. Nanofiltration has shown even greater potential,
they reach UWWTPs. Regardless of this requirement, advanced and coupling it with solar photo-Fenton yields interesting results
treatments will unquestionably be necessary to avoid micro- because despite the energy mix used for its operation, the addition
pollutants in the effluents of UWWTPs. As it was seen, these of nanofiltration implies less chemical use.
treatment options will avoid the impacts caused by the pollutants UV lamps have greater efficiency than simulated solar light but
they remove, but not without also causing new impacts, due to cause significant impacts due to high energy use. As expected, UV-C
further resources consumption and energy use. The LCA tool has lamps appear as the best option compared to UV-A, especially with
proven its potential to become, in the future, an effective and H2O2 addition. Processes such as heterogeneous catalysis have
suitable way to help in the optimization of processes and identifi- shown great potential for PSs and CECs removal, but their impacts
cation of the “break-even” point (that is, the point at which the have yet to be analysed thoroughly.
additional environmental impacts generated by the process are Benefits from LCA application to this topic were previously
surpassed by the reduction in environmental impacts generated by mentioned. However, some issues arise. Most papers mentioned
effluent discharge), which depends on the applied treatment. This the fact that only a few pollutants were assessed, and that these
potential can only be fulfilled if research effort is put into this aim, processes have also the potential to remove other pollutants, which
such as the development, determination and standardization of implies that avoided impacts might be underestimated. However,
characterization factors for micropollutants which are not yet on another hand, transformation products were not considered and
addressed in the different environmental impact assessment may be more harmful than the analysed parent compounds. A
methods. Despite this not being possible at the moment, LCA has remarkable part of the studies is based on calculations, average data
proven its value to identify environmental hotspots and help and lab-scale tests, but in some cases, results should ideally be
optimize advanced treatment technologies. compared considering pilot-scale and full-scale data for clarifica-
Thus far, not many published papers have taken into consider- tion of some issues.
ation the environmental benefit estimated via LCIA of removing Overall, energy and chemical production were the main stages
micropollutants (by using advanced treatment technologies) from responsible for most environmental impacts. Hence, it is crucial to
secondary wastewaters that are typically discharged to water find alternatives to the used reagents or to their production
bodies. One of the reasons why LCA has not yet been applied more methods, and to bet on cleaner energy sources. Such fact also
profoundly to this issue is the lack of information on the effects that highlights the need to take into consideration that results are
these pollutants can have on living species. The concern over highly affected by local conditions, such as the energy mix.
micropollutants is also still relatively recent and, therefore, there is Finally, LCA is a robust tool to help with decision making,
still a lot to be done in order to solve this problem, in a sustainable providing a detailed overview of the environmental impacts.
way. Many additional processes and their impacts have yet to be However, decisions must result from a balance between environ-
analysed, throughout their life cycle. Characterization factors for mental sustainability, cost, time, available resources, social impacts
the determination of the impacts of micropollutants need to be and other relevant variables.
calculated and validated, in order to improve the accuracy of LCIA
results considering these compounds. Declaration of competing interest
From the already assessed treatment technologies, some con-
clusions can be drawn. Membrane bioreactors may constitute a The authors declare that they have no known competing
good option in this field as they avoid more impacts than they financial interests or personal relationships that could have
generate. Reverse osmosis does not appear to constitute an envi- appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
ronmentally sound option under the analysed conditions as it is
very energy intensive. The potential of ozonation highly depends Acknowledgements
on the energy source. If using activated carbon, it is always better to
regenerate and reuse it. In the case of adsorption-based methods, This work was financially supported by project NORTE-01-0145-
other adsorbents (e.g., wood biochar) may be less impactful than FEDER-031049 (InSpeCt PTDC/EAM-AMB/31049/2017) funded by
activated carbon. Adsorption is interesting as the removal efficiency FEDER funds through NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional
of micropollutants from water is overall good and transformation Regional do NORTE and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/
products are avoided, but it must not be forgotten that the pollut- MCTES. We would also like to thank the scientific collaboration
ants are not mineralized in this case, they only change compart- under Base Funding - UIDB/50020/2020 of the Associate Laboratory
ment, and so treatment of the sorbent is necessary and will LSRE-LCM - funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PID-
determine how impactful the process actually is over its life cycle. DAC). JP acknowledges the PhD research grant from FCT (Ref. SFRH/
14 J.F.J.R. Pesqueira et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121078

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