Polyamides - Still Strong After Seventy Years: Review

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years

Dedicated to the memory of Kalev Pugi, 1925–1984, innovator and inventor in the manufacture of
polyamides and polyamide monomers, friend and inspiring leader to many of us in the DuPont

Keith Marchildon

Polyamides are a subject of enduring interest because of their variety, their complex internal
structures, their commercial importance and versatility, and their various chemistries of
preparation and of long-term use. The present review introduces these polymers and then
discusses the first of the above aspects, namely the variety of the poly-
amides. Here, together, the full family is presented, classified con-
veniently according to the types and combinations of monomers from C
which they are constructed. N H
- O C
Introduction C
This introduction presents information about definitions,
origins, and structure of the polyamides. It then explains
the eight classifications that have been chosen for the
present survey. Definitions
Polyamides have been with us since the 1930s – the dawn
of the synthetic polymer age. The development of poly- A polyamide is a polymeric substance, generally linear,
amide technology established many of the principles and with recurring amide groups as an integral part of the
practices for polymerization in general, laying the ground- polymeric chain. Since the nitrogen atom bears only one
work for the great array of materials that have followed. hydrogen atom, these amides are of secondary type. The
Polyamides continue to enjoy a respected place among group is illustrated in Formula 1, along with other
polymeric materials and, although they have been sup- structures that form the linkages in other polymers.
planted in some applications by newer better-suited Polyamides, and the other polymers based on the
formulations, they remain important in both volume and linkages of Formula 1, are among the class of polymers
in their ability to meet specific needs. In fact some of the generally formed by the mechanism of ‘‘step-growth,’’ in
competition has been internal, in that newer types of which reaction takes place between multifunctional
polyamides with superior properties have sometimes (usually difunctional) molecules, where each new bond is
edged out (but more often augmented) the old originals. created as a separate step, neither depending on or causing
Of the polyamides, it may be said that nature and the any other step. Polyamides are formed from low-molecular-
chemists have given a gift of great practical utility to weight starting materials (monomers), forming molecules
humanity. In terms of engineering, the polyamides embody of increasing length which react with each other and with
reaction engineering in its most general sense where a residual monomers until a material of useful average
combination of chemical and physical transformations is molecular size is achieved. In some cases (e.g., nylon 6 or
engineered to make useful products. PA 6) there is a ‘‘chain-growth’’ polymerization path where
monomer (caprolactam) is continually added to the
K. Marchildon growing chain, but the reversibility and relative slowness
842 Nordic Avenue, Kingston, Ontario K7M 4T1, Canada of this mechanism distinguishes it from the chain growth of
E-mail: keith.marchildon@sympatico.ca vinyl polymers.

Macromol. React. Eng. 2011, 5, 22–54

22 ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim wileyonlinelibrary.com DOI: 10.1002/mren.201000017
Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


O O Keith Marchildon is a professional engineer with

Bachelor’s degree and PhD in chemical engineer-
N ing from McGill University, Montreal. He worked
H a C H c for DuPont (and more recently for Invista) from
C C 1964 to 2008. His principal field was the poly-
O b C merization of nylon, with inventions, low-cost
O expansions, mathematical models and company-
O wide training courses, all based on his funda-
N N H f mental studies of the processes and chemistry.
H H For this and other work he was awarded Dupont’s
d C C
Pedersen Medal and was promoted to the highest
C technical rank of DuPont Fellow. He participates
e C
in the teaching of Process Design and of
Formula 1. Common polymer linkages (a: amide, b: ester, Mathematical Modeling at Queen’s University
c: urethane, d: urea, e: imide, f: ether). in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He resides in
Kingston with his wife Joan.

The monomers of the earliest polyamides were straight- conjugation occurs between the benzene double bonds and
chain, aliphatic, and difunctional. Subsequently monomers the acyl double bond of the amide link, adds further to the
have been introduced containing aliphatic rings, aromatic strength and temperature-resistance of the polymer.
rings, and additional functionality; also, in some cases, the Good starting points for a broad general view of the
monomers are joined with non-amidic monomers. polyamides are the articles by Weber[5] and Zimmerman.[6]
Some common terms used with polyamides are Other, more expansive, references are the handbooks edited
by Kohan[7] and by Becker et al.[8]
 Nylon, defined by the US Federal Trade Commission[1] as
any polyamide having less than 85% of the amide
groups directly connected to two aromatic groups. This
definition is specifically for a fiber but is conveniently The two original polyamides, nylon 66 and nylon 6, were
extended. invented in the 1930s, but their origins were in the 1920s
 Aramid, a polyamide having 85% or more of the amide when Herman Staudinger developed the concept of natural
groups directly connected to two aromatic groups. polymers as large molecules comprising repeating small
 Polyphthalamide (PPA), defined by the American Society units or segments.[9,10] On this basis, Wallace Carothers,
for Testing Materials[2] (ASTM) as a polyamide in which working for DuPont, reasoned that synthetic polymers
the residues of terephthalic acid (TPA) or isophthalic acid could be made by the chemical joining of small molecules,
(IPA) or a combination of the two comprise at least and he eventually settled on diamines and diacids as the
55 mol-% of the dicarboxylic acid portion of the molecules of choice, reacting them with each other to
repeating units in the polymer chain. PPAs are produce amide linkages and large molecules consisting of
considered as nylons. 100 and more repeat units. The reaction is shown in
Scheme 1.
Along with its essential role in joining small molecules Many combinations of diacid and diamine were tested
into large ones, the amide group, because of its polar nature, and the choice was finally made of the two six-carbon
dictates most of the character of the polymer. Amide groups starting materials hexamethylenediamine (HMD) and
participate in hydrogen bonding to one another, which adipic acid, as shown in Formula 2. Contributing to this
restricts inter-chain mobility, resulting in strength and in decision were at least three factors:
strength retention as temperature increases. In most poly-
amides, hydrogen bonding pulls many of the chains into  The high melting point (255–265 8C) and good strength
ordered crystalline regions, which further augment the of the polymer.
strength and melting point of the polymer. Hydrogen bond-
ing also takes place between polymer and water and other
polar absorbed substances. If in the crystalline region the O
amides happen to align in the same direction, the polymer NH + C + H2O
displays notable behavior under electrical stimuli.[3,4] Aug- H C N
menting the effect of the amide dipole, the more recent
incorporation of aromatic monomers, particularly where Scheme 1. Direct formation of amide linkage.

Macromol. React. Eng. 2011, 5, 22–54

www.MaterialsViews.com ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
K. Marchildon


H + N- N – (CH2)5 – C – N –

Formula 2. Hexamethylenediamine (HMD) and adipic acid.

Scheme 2. Growth by transamidation in PA 6.

 The low, manageable co-production of cyclic products. PA 66 is formed by step-growth polymerization. PA 6 is

 The potentially relatively low cost of raw materials formed by a combination of step-growth identical to that of
because their six-carbon content allows them to be PA 66 and, to the extent that transamidation and addition of
produced from benzene. the ring takes place, a mechanism with somewhat of a
chain-growth character. However, the latter route is still
The material was first made on February 28, 1935, and a gradual compared with the rapid reaction of highly active
patent[11] was awarded on February 16, 1937. The first chain ends in the addition polymerization of vinyl
commercial plant for fiber from this first polyamide – called compounds.The invention and development of PA 6 is
nylon 66 (or, more generically, PA 66) because of the six described by Matthies and Seydl.[16]
carbons in the diamine and diacid, respectively – started up The polyamides of Carothers and Schlack were made
in Seaford Delaware in December 1939. Concurrently from aliphatic monomers. In the 1960–1970s, Stephanie
DuPont was also manufacturing nylon 66 in the form of Kwolek of Dupont invented the polyamide fiber Kevlar1
bristles and monofilaments (e.g., fishing line) and as a made wholly of aromatic monomers. This material is still
molding resin. Two accounts of the invention and commer- probably the best known of the wholly-aromatic class of
cialization of nylon 66 are by Bolton[12] and by Hounshell polyamides. Compared with the best of the aliphatics, it
and Smith.[13] provides a doubling or tripling of strength and more than a
At IG Farben, Paul Schlack took note of Carothers’ two- 100 8C increase in the temperature of use. Realization of this
monomer polyamide and he set out to make a single- great advance required chemical and process development
monomer version, using a starting material with both of at least the same difficulty as for the original polyamides.
amine and carboxyl functionalities. Carothers had, in fact, Working with colleagues at E. I. duPont de Nemours, Kwolek
attempted to do this using 6-aminocaproic acid but had et al.[17] devised a process for making the polymer,
achieved only a low degree of polymerization.[14] Schlack formulated an optically anisotropic ‘‘dope’’ with molecular
chose instead the condensed form of this acid, namely the orientation in the liquid phase from which the fiber could be
ring compound e-caprolactam. These two compounds are spun,[18] and produced the first fibers of this new class.[19]
shown in Formula 3 Fitzgerald and Irwin[20] provide an account of the devel-
On the historic date of January 29, 1938, using acid opment of Kevlar1.
hydrolysis of pure caprolactam, he was able to make a
polymer that could be drawn into a textile fiber of good
properties and could also be molded into a strong rod.
Because the polymer was made from a single starting Any meaningful survey of the polyamides has to take note
material and because that material possessed six carbon of the internal structures that result from the choice of
atoms, Schlack’s polymer is called PA 6. His employers monomers: this is because structure is a prime determinant
developed a very speedy interest in the new material. A US of properties. As previously stated, the polarity of the amide
patent[15] was awarded on May 6, 1941. Like PA 66, PA 6 saw group along with the rigidity of rings (if present) – aliphatic
immediate use as a textile fiber and as a monofilament and, especially, aromatic – dictate the character of the
for brushes. The key difference in chemistry of formation polymer. With regard specifically to the amide group, it has
of the two polymers – the difference which avoided a a dipole moment of 3.7 D (12.3  1030 C  m), implying, if
conflict of patents – is that PA 66 is formed by direct the separation of hydrogen and oxygen is 0.34 nm as
amidation whereas PA 6 depends also on transamidation, shown in Figure 1 (taken from Aharoni[21]), that there is a
as shown in Scheme 2. Much of the chain growth is achieved charge of 3.6  1020 C (0.23 electrostatic units) on each of
by the direct reaction of chain amine ends with the amide these atoms.
link contained in the caprolactam molecule. At least some part, and sometimes all, of the solid state
of any polyamide sample is amorphous, with the molecules
lying in random or semi-random orientation relative to one
H another. Free rotation about carbon–carbon bonds, which
NH would make this part of the structure mobile, is impeded by
the hydrogen bonding between amide groups in different
Formula 3. e-Aminocaproic acid and e-caprolactam. chains, as well as by bulky ring segments and/or side

Macromol. React. Eng. 2011, 5, 22–54

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


and crystalline are significantly affected by the conditions

of solidification.
C The melting temperature sets an absolute limit to
temperature of use, and in practical use is never closely
approached. It also sets a lower bound above which any
C melt-processing has to be carried out. A high melt
temperature generally correlates positively with max-
imum temperature of safe use and also, because it results
H N C from a high internal coherence and extent of crystallization,
correlates with mechanical strength of the polymer.
In the survey to follow, much reference is made to the
C values of Tg and Tm as indicators of the nature of the
amorphous and crystalline regions of the polyamides
0.1 nanometer
Classification of the Polyamides
Monomeric content is the most basic and important aspect
of a given polyamide. It largely determines:

Figure 1. Scale schematic of hydrogen-bonded amide linkages.  cost of the polymer, based greatly on cost and
availability of the monomers;
 requirements of the polymerization process;
 properties and end-uses – directly and via its effect on
substituents. The temperature at which the chains do internal structures.
achieve freedom of movement, the glass transition
In the following survey the polymers are categorized
temperature, Tg, is an important characteristic of a
according to the types of monomers and combinations
given polyamide type. Below Tg the polymer has
thereof. Differences in properties are examined within
relatively high strength and modulus (stress/strain) and
categories and between categories. Within each category
relatively low toughness. Above Tg, assuming there is
are identified typical property-based end uses.
enough of a crystalline fraction to hold the polymer
The following eight groups are considered:
together, the polymer has significantly reduced strength
and modulus, compensated for by increased toughness.
Depending on the application it may be necessary to 1. polymers from exclusively straight-chain aliphatic
employ a polymer with Tg either above or below the monomers;
temperature of use. 2. polymers incorporating at least one monomer that
Depending on the regularity of the amide groups along contains one or more cycloaliphatic rings;
the polymer chains, some of the chains are drawn into 3. polymers incorporating at least one monomer that
orderly regions of crystallinity. Electrical attraction contains an aromatic ring but where that ring is
between amides in different chains (or in the same chain separated by one or more methylene groups from the
if folded back on itself) pulls the molecules into hydrogen- carboxyl and/or amine end groups;
bonded sheets. These sheets stack up, one behind the other, 4. polymers incorporating at least one (but not
at fixed spacing, held together by van der Waal’s forces. The all) monomer that contains an aromatic ring that is
exact form of the crystalline configuration has been much directly connected to the carboxyl and/or amine end
studied and is found to have a number of variations, groups;
strongly determined by monomeric content: crystallinity is 5. polymers from exclusively monomers that contain
favored by regular spacing of amide groups and absence of aromatic rings, with the rings all directly connected to
bulky side-groups along the chains. Crystalline regions the carboxyl/amine end groups;
require temperature, a solvent or a reagent to break them 6. polymers incorporating at least one monomer that has
up. The melting temperature, Tm, is the temperature at one or more side substituents;
which the crystallinity loses coherence: some crystalline 7. polymers incorporating at least one monomer that has
forms have greater internal coherence than others and, as a a special purpose such as end-capping, branching, or
consequence, have higher melting points. For a particular chain coupling, the monomer often being of function-
solid sample, the relative fractions which are amorphous ality other than two;

Macromol. React. Eng. 2011, 5, 22–54

www.MaterialsViews.com ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
K. Marchildon


8. polymers incorporating more than the minimum coherence of the crystalline region. Amide frequency is
number of monomers required for polymerization, generally defined as 100 times the ratio of amide links to
resulting in co-polymerization. total along-chain atoms.
PA 6 has frequency of 1/7 and PA 66 has frequency of 2/14
In some cases the same polymer may occur under more or also 1/7. The data show a large (almost linear)
than one category, with different aspects being considered. dependence of Tm on this index. This relationship is typical
of such groups of polyamide homologs.
The single-monomer polyamides are treated in the
Polyamides From Straight-Chain Aliphatic monograph by Aharoni[21] and the polymerization of the
Monomers specifically lactam-based single-monomer polyamides is
described in the text by Puffr and Kubanek.[26]
Polymers built from only straight-chain monomers are the Turning to the polyamides based on a separate diamine
original and still dominant group. The charter members, and a diacid, these materials are commonly designated as
nylon 6 and nylon 66, i.e., PA 6 and PA 66, together AABB polyamides, denoting the diamine and diacid
constitute about 90% of the world’s overall polyamide components, and individuals are referred to as PA mn
usage[22] and 99% of polyamide fibers (Anton[23]). Con- where m is the number of carbon atoms in the diamine and
sidering first the polyamides which incorporate only a n is the number of carbon atoms in the diacid. They are most
single monomer (e.g., caprolactam), these materials are notably represented by nylon 66 or PA 66, made from HMD
commonly designated as AB polyamides, denoting the and adipic acid. Other commercial nylons are PA 610, PA
opposite-end amine and acid functionality, and individuals 612, and PA 46. With two contributing monomers there are
are referred to as PA n where n is the number of carbon many more possible AABB polymers than there are AB
atoms in the monomer. Along with PA 6, other commer- polymers, but in practice there are about the same number
cially significant members of the single-monomer nylon of commercial straight-chain aliphatic offerings for both
family are PA 11 and PA 12. PA 7 has properties that might types. Compared with the AB polymers, the dry-state glass
have let it, rather than PA 6, be the material of common use: transition temperatures for the AABB polymers are a little
it makes a good fiber (Horn et al.[24]), has a much lower higher, 40–80 8C, and, again, not much dependent on amide
equilibrium content of troublesome residual monomer frequency. Tg values for PA 46 are reported separately as
compared with nylon 6 and has a higher melting point 60 8C (Yamanobe et al.[27]), 75 8C (Powell and Kalika[28]), and
(230–235 8C) than nylon 6. However, it has seen limited 80 8C (Kohan[7]). Like the AB polymers, the melting points
commercial use; it has potential niche applications because show strong (though not exclusive) dependence on amide
of its piezoelectric property.[3] frequency, as seen in Figure 2, which draws on data for 46
The glass transition temperatures of PA 6 (dry state), PA different AABB polyamides, much of it from the survey of 31
11 and PA 12 are all reported to be in the 40–50 8C range. The even-even nylons by Jones et al.[29]
melting points are, respectively, 225, 175–191, and 180 8C. A Because of its relatively high melting point (265 8C), PA 66
long-chain single-monomer polyamide, PA 22, is men- can be considered for applications up to 165 8C and, with
tioned by Ehrenstein at al.[25] as having melting point of appropriate additives, into the range 180–190 8C (Moore,[30]
145 8C. The glass transition temperatures for PA 6, 11, and 12 BASF[31]). PA 46, with melting point 295 8C, is advertised as
show that, although the amide inter-attraction in the useful to 220 8C and, for short periods, to 250 8C, with the
amorphous region certainly helps to immobilize the chains help of suitable stabilizing additives (DSM[32,33]).
(otherwise Tg would be much lower), the along-chain But all of the polymers so far described have glass
frequency of amides does not much matter. However, transition temperatures that lie below the temperatures
Table 1 shows, via the melting temperatures, that along-
chain frequency matters a great deal to the extent and 420
Melng Point, Tm, C

Table 1. Melting points: straight-chain aliphatic AB polyamides. 320
Polyamide Amide frequency Melting point 220 PA66
-C PA1034
PA6 14.3 225 0 10 20 30
PA11 8.3 183 Amide Frequency
PA12 7.7 180 Figure 2. Melting points: straight-chain aliphatic AABB poly-
PA22 4.3 145 amides.

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


of some desired uses, especially in automotive and Polyamides From Cycloaliphatic Monomers
electrical applications. Also, the glass transition tempera-
tures of PA 6 and PA 66 are seriously reduced when Polyamides incorporating one or more aliphatic rings are
absorbed moisture is present. For some of today’s generally of the AABB type, where either the diacid or the
critical applications that require dimensional stability diamine incorporates the ring. The objective is to alter one
at elevated temperature, the straight-chain aliphatics – or both of the amorphous and crystalline regions. The
even the most robust, PA 46 – are inadequate. On the bulkiness and stiffness of the ring is expected to interfere
other hand, this remarkable ‘‘first family’’ of polyamides with inter-chain movement in the amorphous phase, thus
has been and will continue to be adequate for most raising the glass transition temperature. In the crystalline
applications. phase, the ring may or may not preclude an ordered
PA 46 was introduced in the 1980s by DSM and is one of a structure: in some applications the result is a reduction in
group of polyamides based on 1,4-diaminobutane, also crystallite size to the point where the polymer becomes
called tetramethylenediamine. An early account of the transparent.
polymerization and properties of PA 46 is provided by
Gaymans et al.[34] Heard and Mascone[35] write about the
Cycloaliphatic Diacids
commercialization of the product by DSM. Recently,
Yamanobe et al.[27] presented a study of the structure The cycloaliphatic or alicyclic monomer is usually the
and characterization of PA 46. Gaymans et al.[36] also diamine but there are a few instances of a ring-based diacid.
presented results on PA 42, showing useful properties, a Bulacovschi and Simionescu[47] prepared cyclopropane-1,2-
favorable dry-state glass transition temperature of 120 8C, dicarboxylic acid (CPC), 1-methylcyclopropane-1,2-dicar-
only moderate moisture absorption, but a high melting boxylic acid, and cyclobutane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, as
temperature of 388–392 8C which makes it impractical for shown in Formula 4. These polymers were intended to
melt processing. Koning et al.[37] prepared and studied PA serve as modifiers to reduce the melting point of aromatic
410 and PA 412 and foresaw potential commercialization. polymers. However, a polymer of pure CPC and HMD was
In fact, a recent press release[38] from DSM says that PA 410 prepared and found to have melting point of 308 8C,
will be commercialized, based on the fact that the 10-carbon indicating high crystallinity. No value for Tg was given.
diacid, sebacic, can be derived from a natural source, Schmitt et al.[48] claimed polyamides made from
castor oil. 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid or 1,3-cyclohexane
BASF, also, has announced[39] a PA 610 that is based on dicarboxylic acid (1,3-CHDA) along with a mixture of
naturally sourced diacid. Similarly, PA 11 is being promoted straight-chain HMD isomers, 2,2,4-methyl-HMD and 2,4,4-
from the same natural source. Nieschlag et al.[40] prepared methyl-HMD) each having three pendant methyl groups.
PA 1313 based entirely on components derived from erucic The irregular diamines made the polyamides fully amor-
acid oils, derived from various seed plants. Evonik phous and transparent. Dimensional stability was mea-
Industries[41] manufacture PA 610 polymer (Vestamide1 sured up to 110–120 8C, indicating an increase in Tg of over
Terra HS) of partially natural source and also a PA 1010 the 40–60 8C of the straight-chain aliphatics and making
polymer (Vestamid1 Terra DS) with both monomers this amorphous polymer useful at normal and somewhat
derived from castor oil. DuPont[42] has also introduced above normal ambient temperatures. Campbell and Hill[49]
renewably sourced PA 610 and PA 1010 as part of their Zytel also made a polymer with 1,4-cyclohexane dicarboxylic
RS1 family. Smock[43] has recently reviewed these ‘‘green’’ acid (1,4-CHDA), combined in this case with 1,9-nonane-
developments, explaining that they are based mainly on
castor oil as the source and mentioning that the Rhodia HOOC
company is also marketing a partially renewably-sourced C
PA 610. a C HOOC C C
The higher polyamides have been studied, with the C C
objective of reducing some of the polarity and obtaining
properties somewhat closer to those of the polyolefins. C C
Bennett et al.[44] prepared nylon 1818. Ehrenstein et al.[25] C COOH
made PA 624 and PA 634 (6 34) to develop a compatibilizer
for nylon/olefin blends. Ehrenstein et al.[45] exploited a
source of 34-carbon diacid to make polyamides 234, 434, c C C C C COOH
834, 1034, and 1234, with possible applications as fibers and
Formula 4. Cycloaliphatic diacids – a: cyclopropanedicarboxylic
as compatibilizers. Mutlu and Meier[46] made polyamides acid, b: 1-methylcyclopropane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, c: cyclobu-
220, 420, 620, and 820 from renewable sources: in this case tane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, d: 1,3-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid,
the diacid was unsaturated. e: 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid.

Macromol. React. Eng. 2011, 5, 22–54

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K. Marchildon


a b


Formula 5. 1,3-Adamantanedicarboxylic acid. H₂C CH₂

diamine possessing a pendant methyl group on the
mid carbon. Melting points were typically 270–283 8C H₂C CH₂
and dry-state glass transition temperatures 100–110 8C. c
The polymer could be made into a fiber of favorable Formula 6. Single-ring cycloaliphatic diamines – a: 1,4-diamino-
properties. Aramaki and Maekawa[50] claimed a polyamide cyclohexane, b: 1,3-cyclohexanebis(methylamine), c: 1,4-cyclohex-
in which 1,4-CHDA constituted between 10 and 80% of the anebis(methylamine).
diacid segments, with an aliphatic diamine, and they stated
this polymer as suitable for automotive, electrical, electro- on the orientation of the methyl amine groups relative to
nic, industrial, and domestic uses because of its resistance to each other. Isomeric forms of 1,4-diaminocyclohexane are
heat, light, moisture, and mechanical stress. Bennett shown in Figure 3. (This isomerism is not to be confused
et al.[44] polymerized an 18-carbon diamine with the with the ‘‘chair’’ and ‘‘boat’’ forms of aliphatic rings. The
tricyclic 1,3-adamantanedicarboxylic acid (ADA)[51] (see monomers are almost exclusively in ‘‘chair’’ form.) Bell
Formula 5) to make a fully amorphous polymer which studied the trans form and the cis form separately and
melted at around 100 8C. This did not represent an measured the melting points of polymers with about eight
improvement over the other polymer which they made, different straight-chain diacids. The trans isomer yielded
namely partially crystalline PA 1818, which had Tg of 45 8C much higher values of Tm, e.g., with adipic acid, 345 8C
and Tm of 163 8C. The ineffectiveness of ADA in raising the compared with 244 8C for the cis isomer; with dodecane-
glass transition and melting temperatures to higher levels dioic acid, 277 8C compared with 210 8C for the cis isomer.
may have been because of the extended methylene chains: Although no glass-transition data were given, it was
it would be instructive to try it with a shorter diamine. concluded from the Tm comparison that the trans isomer
makes the stronger polymer and is the preferred form. In
recognition of this preference, Butte[57] developed a method
Cycloaliphatic Diamines
of isomerizing cis-1,4-CBMA into trans. In the case of adipic
Turning to the cyclic diamines, the simplest are the single as the diacid, Bell et al. prepared a series of polymers with
rings with (a) amines directly attached or (b) separated from various ratios of cis to trans-1,4-CBMA. The melting points
the ring by a methylene or higher group. The DuPont of the mixtures displayed the ‘‘V’’ shaped depression typical
company at one time advertised[52] availability of one of the of copolymers, with a minimum at around 80% cis. Bell
former type, a monomer with directly attached amines, 1,4- et al.[58] patented a family of polyamides made from 1,4-
diaminocyclohexane, but as a curing agent for epoxy resins. CBMA and 1,3-CBMA with a wide variety of diacids. One
Currently, INVISTA markets 1,2-diaminocyclohexane, as important and unexpected disclosure was that CBMA-
DYTEK1 DCH-99. With its adjacent amine groups it would containing polymers have much greater resistance to acid
not generally be suitable as a polyamide component. Under degradation than does PA 66.
the tradename ‘‘1,3-BAC,’’ Mitsubishi[53] markets 1,3- The cis/trans distinction applies as well to the cycloali-
cyclohexane bis(methylamine), a diamine of the latter phatic diacids (already discussed) and, for instance,
type with a methyl group between ring and amino group. It Aramaki and Maekawa[50] state a trans/cis ratio of between
too is advertised as an epoxy reagent but, in fact, Inoue and 50/50 and 97/3 for their polymers.
Hoshino[54] have prepared and studied polymers of this A variation on 1,4-CBMA is 1,4-cyclohexanebis(ethyl-
diamine with a series of straight-chain diacids. Endo amine) (CBEA), with two methylene groups lying between
et al.[55] report, for the polyamide of 1,3-BAC and adipic
acid, Tg of 107 8C and Tm of 227 8C. Cyclohexanebis(methyl- NH₂ H
amine), both the 1,3 and 1,4 isomer, is commonly referred to H₂N H₂N
as CBMA. These structures are shown in Formula 6. H NH₂
Bell et al.[56] used the 1,4 version of CBMA to make H H trans
polyamides, with very instructive results around the fact
that the saturated ring has two isomeric forms depending Figure 3. Cis and trans configurations of 1,4-diaminocyclohexane.

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ring and amide. For polymers of adipic acid and for various H₂C CH₂ H₂C CH₂
cis/trans ratios of this diamine, Bouboulis[59] showed
melting points generally about 10 8C higher than for the
methylamine analog. The polymers showed higher crystal- H₂C CH₂ H₂C CH₂
linity, lower moisture absorption, higher modulus, and H H
higher elongation and were claimed to combine the best H₃C-C CH₂ H₂C C-CH೤
properties of the polyamide of 1,4-CBMA with adipic acid and MACM
PA 66. Among his examples Bouboulis included polymeriza- H₂N-CH₂-CH CH-CH₂- CH CH-CH₂-NH₂
tion of CBEA with 1,4-cyclohexanediacetic acid, i.e., a polymer
in which both monomers are of the alicyclic type.
Ridgway[60] presented an extensive comparison of CBMA
and CBEA with several straight-chain acids, from adipic to PACP
dodecanedioic. Comparing the trans versions: for equal H₂N-CH₂-CH CH-- C-- CH CH-CH₂-NH₂
overall along-chain methylene frequency, the CBEA polymers |
tended to have slightly higher melting points but Tm tended H₂C CH₂ CH೤ H₂C CH₂
to fall off rapidly as the acid length increased. For the cis
versions, the CBEA polymers had much lower melting points,
sometimes in the vicinity of 100 8C. Ridgway also presented Formula 7. Two-ring alicyclic diamines: para-bis(4-aminocyclo-
zero-humidity Tg data. Among the trans polymers the CBMAs hexyl)methane (PACM), para-bis(4-amino,3-methylcyclohexyl)-
were in the range 170–187 8C, the CBEAs in the range 135– methane (MACM), para-bis(4-aminocyclohexyl)propane (PACP).
163 8C, i.e., all favorable for high-temperature applications.
Among the cis polymers, Tg of the CBMAs were in the range for a PACM-containing polyamide with a mixture of these
130–140 8C, the CBEAs around 100 8C. All of these values are forms, Tm and Tg both increase with trans-trans fraction.
significantly higher than that of, say, PA 66, indicating the Zimmerman[6] stated that the PACM used in Qiana1 was
effectiveness of incorporating a ring into the chain. about 70% trans-trans.
The most widely used of the cycloaliphatic diamines is Hill et al.[71] studied a related dicyclic diamine, para-
para-bis(4-aminocyclohexyl)methane (PACM). An impor- bis(4-aminocyclohexyl)propane (PACP), incorporating a
tant commercial product, Rhodia’s Trogamid CX series,[61] is pair of methyl groups attached to the central carbon (also
made from the combination of PACM with dodecanedioic shown in Formula 7). Reacted with a series of straight-chain
acid, i.e., PA PACM12. This material is reported to have glass diacids, it proved to have outstanding properties of
transition temperature of 132–140 8C and, although semi- transparency, chemical and mechanical stability, and
crystalline, has crystallite size too small to scatter visible high-temperature retention of properties. With adipic acid,
light. Endo et al.[55] reported Tg of 131 8C and Tm of 246 8C. It for instance, it had a glass transition temperature of 185–
is transparent and is used for, among other things, reading 191 8C, compared with 169 8C for PA PACM6. For polyamides
glass lenses. A study of the hardness of this material was PACP12 and PACM12 the comparative Tg’s were 150 and
made by Yang et al.[62]. Patents and patent applications by 132 8C. One specific polymer was selected for detailed study,
Buehler and colleagues[63–65] claimed compositions incor- PACP combined with a 60/40 molar mixture of azelaic acid
porating PACM as a component, as well as a related cyclic and adipic acid.
diamine: para-bis(4-amino-3-methylcyclohexyl)methane One other cyclic diamine should be mentioned, the
(MACM). These double-ring diamines are shown in Formula single-ring isophorone diamine, shown in Formula 8. It is,
7. Meyer et al.[66] claimed a polymer of PACM with carefully for instance, a component of a novel series of biodegradable
selected and proportioned mixtures of diacids to yield copolyamides described by Arvanitoyannis et al.[72,73]
polymers of good transparency, chemical and dimensional Finally, consider as an alicyclic, piperazine (PIP), a
stability, low melt viscosity, and practical processing diamine that is unusual in the inability of its linkages to
temperature. In the 1970s, the DuPont company patented
a process for preparing PA PACM12[67] and for spinning it CH೤
into ‘‘ . . . a soft, bulky yarn with a high level of sheen . . .
without developing objectionable glitter.’’[68] This yarn was H₂N - CH₂ NH₂
sold under the tradename Qiana1. Blondel and Monta-
nari[69] claimed amorphous polyamides incorporating
PACM with a mixture of diacids including the aromatic TPA.
The question of isomeric form arises doubly with PACM CH೤
because of its two rings. It can exist in three forms: cis-cis,
cis-trans, and trans-trans. Prince and Pearce[70] showed that, Formula 8. Isophoronediamine.

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form hydrogen bonds. Vinken et al.[74] prepared PA 214, PA dipropionic acid – i.e., with, respectively, one and two
PIP14 and various copolymers of the two. The pure PIP14 methylene groups separating the ring from the amide link.
formed a semi-crystalline polymer but the absence of inter- The highest melting point was 259 8C for PA 6BDA and the
chain hydrogen-bonding left the polymer with a melting highest measured glass transition temperature was 110 8C.
point of 142 8C, compared with 242 8C for PA 214. Whatever These results did not, at that time, support pursuit of this
stiffening of the amorphous region achieved by the ring family of polymers. Wang and Zhang[77] have revisited
structure was negated by the low melting point. Katz[75] this family, polymerizing BDA (which they refer to as
was more successful with PIP in combination with IPA and p-phenylenediacetic acid) with each of 10-, 11-, 12-, and
with TPA. Zimmerman[6] discussed piperazine-containing 13-carbon straight-chain diamines and obtaining proper-
polyamides. ties for PA10BDA similar to those of the PPA PA 9T (to be
In summary, the incorporation of common cycloaliphatic discussed in the next section). There are differences in the
monomers raises the glass transition temperature signifi- melting points reported by these workers and those of
cantly above that of polyamides based solely on straight- Saotome and Komoto.
chain monomers. This increase is ascribed to interference The aralifatic diamines are the more studied and one in
with amorphous-phase chain mobility. At the same time particular, meta-xylenediamine, MXD, is the only commer-
many of these monomers also find a place in the crystalline cialized member of the family. It is made by Mitsubishi Gas
structure because melting points are maintained in the Chemical Company. It is polymerized with adipic acid to
200–330 8C range. However, the use of these monomers is make PA MXD6 and is sold as a molding compound by
complicated by the existence of the two isomeric forms, cis Mitsubishi as Reny1 and by Solvay Advanced Polymers
and trans, one of which produces polymer properties much (under license from Mitsubishi) as Ixef1. The polymer is
inferior to that of the other. Also, as with all monomers, cost classified as a polyarylamide and is a member of the nylon
and availability are key. family (as opposed to the aramid family). The polymer has
modest thermal properties with Tm of 243 8C and Tg of
110 8C (dry state). In molding applications it is always
Polyamides From Link-Separated Aromatic heavily reinforced, e.g., with glass fiber. Its advantages
Monomers include good dimensional stability at normal temperatures
of use and excellent surface appearance, but the major
Turning now to monomers containing aromatic rings, a feature of PA MXD6 is that it is a barrier to the permeation of
class of polyamides based on these monomers has been gases and of liquid fuels. It is sold by Mitsubishi as MX-
defined as the aralifatics, in which the ring is separated on Nylon for protection of foods and beverages from harmful
both ends by one or more methylene groups from the amide gases such as oxygen. It is sold by Solvay as a modified Ixef1
linkage. If the separation is by a single methylene group which helps meet increasingly stringent limits on emis-
then the polymer is alternatively call a polyarylamide. The sions from fuel systems.
monomer has both aromatic and aliphatic character, hence A very instructive ‘‘History of Nylon MXD6’’ is available
the name. The significance of the separation is that: on the Mitsubishi[78] web page. It explains, for instance, that
the polymer is capable of achieving 31–33% crystallinity
 in the case of a diacid it precludes conjugation of the but that the speed of crystallization is much different from
amide carbonyl double bond with the double bonds of that of PA 66 or PA 6. Whereas the latter two polymers are
the ring, and able to crystallize further even at ambient temperature (and
 it retains a measure of the flammability associated with hence, disadvantageously, to change dimensions), PA
aliphatic chains. MXD6 is (1) much slower to crystallize even at its maximum
rate (at 170 8C), and (2) essentially unable to crystallize (and
The ring, therefore, acts in much the same way as the is therefore dimensionally stable) at ambient temperature.
alicyclic rings discussed above, i.e., contributing its bulki- Sprague and Singleton[79] considered PA MXD6 as a
ness to the crystalline and the amorphous regions, with textile fiber candidate. However, they found several
effects on the melting and glass transition temperatures deficiencies relative to PA 66:
and other properties.
The ring in an aralifatic can be in the diacid, in the  less elongation for the same strength;
diamine, or in an AB type monomer. In practice, AB  elastic modulus very sensitive to moisture and tem-
monomers do not appear commercially, and the diacids perature;
have been little studied. Two aralifatic diacids were  excessive shrinkage during exposure to boiling water.
examined by Saotome and Komoto[76] who polymerized
them with a series of straight-chain diamines. These diacids Meta-xylenediamine is obtained from meta-xylene,
were para-benzenediacetic acid (BDA) and para-benzene- which is obtained from coal tar or petroleum as part of a

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mixture of ortho-, meta-, and para-isomers. The latter two H

are easily separated from the ortho and they are typically in CH₂ -NC- (CH₂)ೣ
the ratio of 70:30 meta to para. Mitsubishi[78] initially made H
polymer with a mixture of MXD and para-xylenediamine - (CH₂)ೣ -CN- CH₂
(PXD), in this naturally occurring ratio, and found the
resulting PA MXD6/PXD-6 to have higher Tm (258 vs.
243 8C) and about 10 8C higher Tg than PA MXD6. But the H H
need for control over composition and over crystallization - (CH₂)ೣ -CN- CH₂ CH₂ -NC- (CH₂)ೣ PXD6
rate impelled them to develop facilities for pure MXDA.
Schein et al.[80] compared polymers of adipic acid and (a)
pure MXD, and (b) a 13–15% inclusion of PXD in the dia- H H
- (CH₂)ೣ -CN- CH₂ -CH₂ CH₂ - CH₂ -NC- (CH₂)ೣ
mine. The latter polymer had Tm about 5 8C higher and some
indication of better heat resistance and thermal stability. PBE6
Polymers made from pure PXD have received significant
Formula 9. Meta-xylenediamineadipamide (MXD6), para-xylene-
study, which surprisingly has not led to any commercia-
diamineadipamide (PXD6), para-phenylenebis(ethylamine)adipa-
lization, given the favorable properties of the PXD polymers. mide (PBE6).
Vogelsong[81] examined the crystal structures of polya-
mides PXD6, PXD7, PXD9, and PXD10. The even-numbered
polymers provided more clear-cut observations: Vogelsong have the disadvantage of the cis/trans duality. The
chose PXD10 for detailed study and was able to quantify the aralifatics have superior thermal properties when the para
shape and dimensions of its crystalline structure. form of diamine is used but this monomer is more difficult
Bell et al.[56] (already mentioned) in their study of CBMA to source than the meta form. The success of MXD-based
included comparisons with PXD-based polyamides. The polyamide (i.e., MXD6) arises from its combination of good
melting points of the latter were close to, but always at least economics and superior barrier properties.
10 8C lower than, the melting points of the corresponding
trans-CBMA polymer. Considering the adipic-based poly-
Polyamides of Semi-Aromatic Composition
amides, the following comparative Tm values are of
This class of monomer has no methylene group between
ring and amide link and may be called link-adjacent. The
 trans-CBMA6: 345 8C.
four chief representatives are 1,3- and 1,4-phenylenedia-
 PXD6: 333 8C.
mine and 1,3- and 1,4-phthalic acid. They are alternatively
 MXD6: 243 8C.
called meta-phenylenediamine (MPD), para-phenylenedia-
 cis-CBMA6: 242–246 8C.
mine (PPD), I or IPA, and T or TPA. There are a host of other,
more complex substances that satisfy the definition and
Ridgway’s[60] study (already mentioned) provided com-
that have been used in making polyamides, at least
parisons of PXD-based polymers with those based on CBMA
and CBEA, as well as comparisons with a polymer based on a
In this group of polyamides we consider an aromatic
variant of PXD, namely para-phenylenebis(ethylamine)
monomer of this type connected to one or more aliphatic
(PBE). This monomer incorporates two methylene groups
(usually straight-chain) monomers or, in some cases, a pair
between the ring and the amide link. Polymers from this
of aromatic monomers of same functionality (i.e., both
monomer had Tm about 25 8C higher than PXD-based poly-
diamine or both diacid) connected to one or more aliphatic
mers possessing the same along-chain methylene fre-
monomers of opposite functionality. This group of poly-
quency. In general they also exceeded the corresponding
amides includes, but is not restricted to, the PPAs.
trans-CBEA polymers. The measured glass transition tem-
On the basis of the predominance of diamines over
peratures of PXD and PBE polymers were similar, in the
diacids in usage among the cycloaliphatic and aralifatic
120–140 8C range, and inferior to those of the CBMA and
monomers, it might be thought that the phenylene
CBEA polymers. The three adipic-acid-containing aralifatic
diamines would be the major players in this new category
polymers that have been discussed here (MXD6, PXD6,
of polyamide. In fact, however, the path of commercializa-
PBE6) are illustrated in Formula 9.
tion has been through the aromatic acids, TPA and IPA, and
To sum up, the aralifatic polymers have properties
particularly TPA. There are four reasons:
similar to those of the cycloaliphatic polymers, in that both
are effective in raising the glass transition temperature and  the two acids are inexpensive because they are widely
both are susceptible to the effects of moisture – as are the produced, being used extensively in other polymers (e.g.,
straight-chain aliphatic polyamides. The cycloaliphatics polyesters);

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 TPA and adipic acid are of similar length so, if desired, with no advantage for one or the other. But Morgan and
can be co-polymerized with minimal disruption of the Kwolek measured a very high 9.1 wt.-% moisture in PPD6
solid-state crystalline structure; under conditions of saturation, indicating much higher
 terephthalic-based polymers are noted for their low susceptibility to moisture than for the TPA-based poly-
moisture absorption and for the limited effect amides.
which moisture has on mechanical and electrical As defined earlier, if a combination of TPA and IPA
properties; residues constitute at least 55 mol-% of the dicarboxylic acid
 most importantly, the double bond of the terephthal- portion of a polyamide, then the polymer is termed a PPA.
amide carbonyl group is in the right position to This demarcation is somewhat arbitrary but it does
conjugate with the double bonds of the ring, forcing correspond to the point where the aromatic diacid is
rigidity on the structure. considered to exert a more significant influence on polymer
properties such as melting point. The third member of the
To pursue the third point, these polyamides may absorb phthalic family, orthophthalic acid, does not enter the
as much moisture as PA 66 (Sprague and Singleton) but picture, because polymerization is ‘‘short-circuited’’ by
generally are reported to absorb significantly less: Chap- imide formation which results from the two adjacently
man et al.[82] 0.8 as much, Glasscock et al.[83] 0.42 as much. located carboxyl groups, as explained by Katz.[75] Other
Jackson[84] and Nielinger et al.[85] state that glass transition directly connected aromatic acids, e.g., naphthalenic acid
temperature is practically independent of moisture con- (see, for instance, Kawase et al.[88]), are not covered by the
tent; Chapman et al. measured a significant drop in Tg with current PPA definition but might be expected to produce
moisture but still much less than that suffered by PA 66. In similar polymers. Yang et al.[89] presented data for
any case the terephthalic-based polymers are found to offer polyundecamethylene-2,6-naphthalamide (i.e., PA 11N),
significantly improved dimensional stability and retention showing Tg of 139 8C, Tm of 294 8C, and mechanical
of properties in the face of varying humidity. Additionally, properties similar to a PPA which has recently entered
Martins and Mutel[86] have claimed, for a range of 66/6T the marketplace, PA 9T.
formulations, ‘‘excellent salt stress corrosion cracking,’’ The simplest form of PPA is that formed by a single
which makes these polymers ‘‘especially useful for vehi- straight-chain aliphatic diamine and a single aromatic acid,
cular parts that are exposed to contact with salts . . . on TPA or IPA. The series of diamines, from 2-carbon to
roadways.’’ 13-carbon, with TPA has been studied in parts by various
What of the phenylene diamine polymers? PPD and MPD workers: Shashoua and Eareckson,[90] Morgan and
were polymerized with straight-chain diacids of several Kwolek,[87] Wang and Zhang,[91] Wang et al.,[92] Jackson,[84]
lengths by Morgan and Kwolek[87] and the polymers were Prochase Enterprise Co., Ltd., and [93] Novitsky et al.[94]
characterized. As part of the same study, phthalic-based Melting and glass transition temperatures of these poly-
polymers incorporating straight-chain diamines of various mers are shown in Figure 5.
lengths were also prepared and characterized. Using these The melting data show the odd/even difference that is
data, Figure 4 compares melting temperatures and glass common to polymers with straight-chain monomers. The
transition temperatures for PPD-based and TPA-based glass transition data probably reflect the differences in
polymers, using the total number of non-ring carbons as
the basis for comparison. The two families behave similarly,

Temperature, C

200 mTPA_Tm
150 PPDn_Tg
100 mTPA_Tg
0 5 10 15 20

Number of Straight-Chain Carbons

Figure 4. Comparison of polymers based on diamine and diacid Figure 5. Melting points and glass transition temperatures of TPA-
aromatics. based polyphthalamides.

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measurement method and conditions of the different Table 2. Melting behavior of isophthalic-based polyphthalamides
(after Gorton[99]).
sources. In any case, the Tg data all lie well above the PA 66 or
PA 6 range. The high melting points of polymers containing
Number of Melting Melting point
a diamine with less than nine carbons would make them
carbon atoms in (or softening) of corresponding
difficult to melt-process without excessive degradation.
straight-chain point of TPA-based
Nylon 9T is more tractable and has been patented by
aliphatic nylon nI polymer
Kuraray Co., Ltd (see Oka et al.[95]). Ems-Chemie AG (see
diamine, n
Kaiser[96]) have introduced a new PPA ‘‘based on long-chain -C -C
diamines’’ obtained from the castor bean plant, hence
probably 1,10-decanediamine. One advantage of these 2 292–310 455
higher diamines is low moisture absorption and conse- 3 240–288 399
quent stability of shape and of glass transition temperature. 4 230–245 433
Wang and Zhang[91] have made and tested semi-aromatic 6 170–230 370.5
polymers containing 10, 11, 12, and 13-carbon straight-
10 166–194 313
chain diamines. Jackson[84] and Liu et al.[97] have studied PA
10T. Quynn[98] spun fibers from PA 6T, following the lead of
Sprague and Singleton. However, the properties did not
justify the burden of using a solution-spinning process measured samples. The isophthalics crystallize slowly and
(with sulfuric acid as solvent). Compared with PA 66, the only under the right conditions.
new polymer was slower to crystallize, so that there was Table 3 compares properties of polyamides 66, 6T, and 6I,
further crystallization in the solid phase and also ambiguity as well as three of the polymers discussed earlier. It is seen
in crystal habit. that, while PA 6I is much weaker than PA 6T, it maintains a
Gorton[99] has measured the melting points of poly- Tg similar to that of PA 6T: its benzene ring is equally
amides made from straight-chain diamines and the other effective in immobilizing the amorphous region. It is also
pillar of the PPA family, namely IPA. Using diamines with 2, seen that the Tg’s of polyamides PXD6 and trans-CBMA6 are
3, 4, 6, and 10 carbons, he prepared polyamides 2I, 3I, 4I, 6I, in the same league as the phthalics, but these two materials
and 10I. The melting points are shown in Table 2. may be more susceptible to moisture: hence the phthalics
Two observations may be made: (1) the melting are generally the polymers of choice for dimensionally
temperatures of the IPA-based polymers are, on average, critical applications at elevated temperatures.
about 150 8C lower than those of the corresponding TPA- Although the single-diamine, single-diacid PPAs are
based polymer, and (2) a range, of considerable width, is attractive for their simplicity, most of the commercial
given for each IPA-based polymer. The former observation products are more complex. Chapman et al.[82] prepared
reflects a less organized crystalline structure, the latter PPAs from HMD and mixtures in various proportions
reflects uncertainty in the extent of crystallinity in the of TPA and IPA. Melting point dropped from 210 8C for

Table 3. Properties of some ring-containing polyamides. Ridgeway [60], Jackson[84], Nielinger et al.[85], Morgan and Kwolek[87],

Polymer Melting Glass transition Tensile

temperature temperature strength
(at 0% relative

-C -C MPa

nylon 66 265 60 490

nylon 6T 370 125 480
nylon 6I 210 (170–230) 120–130 57–65
nylon MXD6 243 90
nylon PXD6 333 150 (extrapolated)
t-CBMA 345 190 (extrapolated)

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all-isophthalic, to 190 8C for 15:85 T:I, and then climbed In summary, the PPAs, often referred to as high-
steadily as T:I ratio increased, reaching 370 8C for all- temperature nylons, are now an established and important
terephthalic. A polymer of 65:35 proportions had a melting part of the nylon plastic family. They have extended
point of 300 8C, making it practical to process, and was the reach of the polyamides into difficult applications,
studied in more detail including as a fiber, with properties especially in the automotive and electronic industries.
that were found to lie generally between those of PA 66 and The key, enabling monomer is TPA which is found in all
the polyester poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET). the various PPA formulations. IPA plays a supporting
DSM[100] announced an addition to their Stanyl1 line – role, helping to reduce melting point while at the same time
‘‘ForTiiTM’’ – described as nylon 4T. Given the extreme contributing its bulkiness to the immobilization of
melting point of this compound (430 8C, see Figure 4 or 5), it amorphous regions and the maintenance of high glass
may be significant that a DSM patent (Rulkens and transition temperature.
Crombach[101]) claims polymers of terephthalic with
mixtures in various proportions of 4-carbon diamine and
6-carbon diamine (i.e., tetramethylenediamine and HMD). Fully Aromatic Polyamides
PA 6T melts at 370 8C but, because of interference of the two
diamines in the crystalline phase, mixtures have melting Polyamides built totally (or at least 85%) from link-adjacent
points lower than either of the pure polymers, with a aromatic monomers are the aramids. It was long recognized
minimum (eutectic) melting point of 331 8C for a 40:60 mol- that very favorable properties might accrue to a polyamide
% 4T:6T mixture. made entirely of aromatic rings directly connected to the
The Oka et al.[95] patent for PA 9T covers also the amide links. These properties would result from the
incorporation of a co-diamine, 2-methyl-1,8-octanedia- stiffness and stability of the rings and the complete absence
mine, for adjustment of properties. DuPont (Glasscock of aliphatic content. However, making such polymers and
et al.[83]) makes the following family of PPAs: maintaining them in a liquid state, necessary for forming,
presented difficulties. These obstacles were overcome by
 a 100% terephthalic polymer with a mixture of researchers at the DuPont company in the early 1960s, who
diamines–HMD plus 2-methylpentamethylenediamine developed the polymerization process[106] and the fiber
(MPMD); spinning system[107] to make a polyamide (MPDI) of MPD
 a 100% HMD polymer with a mixture of adipic acid and and IPA. McCune[108] described this product and its
TPA, with the latter in sufficient proportion to qualify properties, referring to it as PA ‘‘HT-1’’: it is now known
the polymer as a PPA; as Nomex1 as sold by DuPont or Teijinconex1 as sold by the
 a 100% HMD polymer with a mixture of adipic, TPA and Teijin company. The initial objective for this new material
IPA, with the sum of the latter two sufficient to qualify was simply to replace PA 66 in applications where
as a PPA. temperature, oxidative degradation, or hydrolytic attack
would destroy the mechanical properties of PA 66. McCune
Further information on DuPont semi-aromatic polymers stated, for instance, that, whereas the tenacity of unsta-
is obtainable from Zielezinski[102]. Chen et al.[103] also claim bilized PA 66 falls to 0 at 200 8C, the tenacity of PA MPDI
PPAs of single diamines (e.g., HMD) with mixtures of adipic, drops by only 50% at 300 8C. Also after 100 h of air exposure
TPA, and IPA. Rulkens[104] of DSM claims mixtures of TPA at 175 8C, PA 66 loses 66% of its tenacity, PA MPDI only 4%.
and adipic acid with mixtures of 4-carbon and 6-carbon And after less than 50 h in water vapor at 155 8C, PA 66 loses
straight-chain aliphatic diamines. Besides the manufac- 50% of its strength, whereas after 400 h PA MPDI loses only
turers mentioned above there are several other makers of 5%. Not all property comparisons are as favorable but there
PPAs of various compositions and properties, generally for were no serious negatives to impede the rapid commercia-
use as increasingly important members of the family of lization of the new product.
engineering polymers. One important use of Nomex1 is as a replacement for the
Because of their thermal resistance the PPAs could also rag paper used in electrical insulation in motors and
find use in specialty fiber applications. Melt spinning is the transformers. This new ‘‘paper,’’ formed from Nomex1
simple preferred route but Reichmann[105] pointed out that fibers, has superior electrical properties and it retains them
high melt viscosity can cause excessive pressure loss and to higher temperature.
temperature rise in the liquid streams upstream of fiber A very familiar usage is in fire-resistant clothing.
formation. He found that addition of an alkali halide Nomex1 is difficult to ignite [its limiting oxygen index
(preferably lithium chloride or bromide) reduced the (LOI) is around 30] and when it is exposed to high
viscosity, presumably by disrupting hydrogen bonding temperature it tends to form a protective char rather than
within the liquid. This effect and these additives are also volatilize. LOI is defined as the volume percentage of oxygen
made use of in the processing of the all-aromatic aramids. in an oxygen/nitrogen mixture required to support a flame

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under prescribed conditions. By comparison, a polymer

from the partially aliphatic polyamide group was found to
have LOI  22, i.e., very close to natural atmospheric
Unlike the PPAs which require the specific inclusion of
terephthalic or isophthalic segments, the aramids con-
stitute a ‘‘bigger tent.’’ For instance, to make aramid
polyamides Yang et al.[109] used a diacid based on
naphthalene, Mehdipour-Ataei et al.[110] used a diamine
based on naphthalene, and Rabjohns et al.[111] used a
diamine based on anthracene. Benzene rings with side
substituents have been studied for possible enhancement
of properties. Some other monomers, in use or under study,
comprise two benzene rings separated by an oxygen atom
or sulfur atom or a methyl or similar group. For instance, the Figure 6. Conformation of meta and para aramids.
Teijin company provides their Technora1 aramid based
partly on 3,40 -diaminodiphenylether. Preston[112] and
Gallini[113] provide wide surveys of the aramids and their of their respective meta and para structures. Figure 6 is
many types. Very recently, Garcia et al.[114] have presented intended to illustrate the difference: the rings represent the
an extensive review of the synthesis, structure, and aromatic diamines and diacids, the connecting lines
applications of a broad range of ‘‘high-performance represent the amide linkages which join the rings together.
aromatic polyamides.’’ As seen in Figure 6, successive meta rings have a ‘‘choice’’
The invention of Nomex1 or PA MPDI polyamide was the of direction relative to the previous ring; para rings have no
first step in the aramid story. Although PA MPDI is valued such choice. Further, the benzene rings adjacent to an amide
for its high-temperature retention of properties, some of link force the link into trans form. Consequently, even in
those properties, at ambient temperature, are not sig- solution, PA PPDT molecules assume the shape of rods over
nificantly superior to those of PA 66 or PET. Importantly, the long stretches of their extent. Fitzgerald and Irwin[20] stated
tenacity of PA MPDI is about the same as that of PA 66. A that this ‘‘persistence’’ length is typically about 20% of the
second breakthrough was needed, about ten years later, to length of the molecule, compared with 2% for PA MPDI and
realize the full power of aramid technology. This step was less than 1% for PA 66. The orientation of these long sections
the invention (also by DuPont) of Kevlar1, PA PPDT, made is random in the 20% solution in sulfuric acid from which
from the monomers PPD and TPA. The preparation and the PA PPDT fiber is spun but, during the draw-down and
spinning of this all-para polyamide presented a new set of coagulation of the spinning process, the molecules become
problems, which were overcome by Kwolek and co- oriented along the fiber axis. Unlike other polyamides
workers[17–19] (most notably Herbert Blades and Paul (including MPDI) with their crystalline/amorphous regions,
Morgan), as described earlier. With carefully designed PPDT is considered all crystalline, interrupted only by
spinning and drawing conditions this fiber can be made to a imperfections. Unlike other fibers where subsequent
tenacity more than double that of high-strength PA 66. drawing increases the orientation, PA PPDT fibers can only
Wilfong and Zimmerman[115] presented the new product be modified thermally (under tension or pressure) to
(termed Fiber B) as a candidate for tire reinforcement, increase the perfection of their crystallinity.
superior to PA,66 polyester, rayon, wire, and glass. The crystalline structure of PA PPDT has been studied by
Fitzgerald and Irwin[20] recounted the development and several workers. The sheet formed by hydrogen-bonding of
properties of Kevlar1. The Teijin company also makes a PA parallel molecular is shown in Figure 7.
PPDT fiber and sells it under the name Twaron1. The sheets stack one behind the other at a known fixed
PA PPDT sees use as a continuous fiber which can be used distance but, with regard to the lateral positioning of
to make high-strength cordage and which can be woven parallel sheets, two different opinions were initially
into reinforcing fabric for tires. In staple form it is an proposed. The issue was resolved by Gardner et al.[116].
important reinforcing fiber for plastic components, e.g., Fukuda and Kawai[117] have studied changes in crystallite
canoes, boat hulls, rubber, and brake-shoes. size during moisture content change.
Polyamides MPDI and PPDT are similar in that both The DuPont company markets more than one version of
benefit from their aromatic nature and exclusion of Kevlar1 fiber. The original two (early 1970s) were Kevlar
aliphatic content. Both are stable and notably heat 291 and Kevlar 491, the latter with about the same tensile
resistant. Both require solution spinning because of their strength as ‘‘29,’’ almost twice the tensile modulus, and
high melting temperature. Their differences arise because about 65% of the breaking strain. These differences are

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H sis[121] to study the structural changes accompanying these

H treatments and found that, among the Kevlar products,
N Kevlar 1491 possesses both better molecular orientation
N and better crystalline perfection.
To put some of these properties into perspective, a
NH comparison is made in Table 4 among the Kevlar1 products
NH as well as with high-tenacity industrial-grade PA 66 (using
H properties for the latter as given by Cook[122]) and with
N Nomex1 fiber.
N The aramids absorb appreciable moisture if left suffi-
H ciently long under high humidity. DuPont[123] reports
NH almost 10% by weight in Nomex1 paper at 100% relative
NH humidity, but without negative impact on dielectric or
mechanical properties. Shubha et al.[124] report around
4–5% in Kevlar 491, with a disordering effect on crystalline
structure that may reduce mechanical strength and
Two studies of interest concern the incorporation of
pendant groups onto the aramid chain. Ferreiro et al.[125]
Figure 7. Poly( para-phenyleneterephthalamide) sheet structure. added pyridyl rings to the isophthalamide component
simply in order to make the polymer more tractable and
easy to work with in the liquid phase, while trying to
thought to result from extra annealing under tension of the minimize impact on final properties. Chaudhuri et al.[126]
‘‘49’’ which has the result of making the crystal structure tried various organic and other substituents on MPD in
more perfect. In 1987 DuPont announced[118] Kevlar 1491, a order to enhance resistance to burning. They were able to
new version with 30–40% higher modulus than ‘‘49’’ and raise LOI from its value of 30 for unsubstituted polymer (e.g.,
with only about one-half the moisture absorption of Nomex1 and Kevlar1) to as high as 44 using chloro
existing aramids. Compared with ‘‘49,’’ the new fiber had substitution. Char yield deteriorated with many other
about 90% of the strength and 65% of the breaking strain: its substituted groups but remained high with the chloro
selling point is its high modulus, which is close to that of additives, equal to around 60%, the same as for the
high-tenacity graphite fibers. Dobb and Robson[119] used unsubstituted polymers. Char is desired because it insulates
X-ray analysis to compare the various commercial Kevlar1 the unburnt part of the fabric from the heat source.
and Twaron1 offerings and they determined that the An obvious question is why amino benzoic acid, meta or
crystallites in ‘‘149’’ were significantly larger. DuPont has para, is not used to make aramid polymers. Like capro-
also marketed Kevlar 9811, with modulus and breaking lactam in aliphatic polyamides, this aromatic analog
strain similar to that of ‘‘49’’ but with strength about 10– incorporates within itself all the functionality it needs to
15% higher. Rao et al.[120] confirmed the effect of heat- form the polymer. In fact polybenzoamide (PBA) has been
tensioning on fiber modulus and also examined the effect of made successfully. However, Preston[112] noted that PA
imposing pressurized steam. They also used X-ray analy- para-PBA is only about one-half as strong as PA PPDT.

Table 4. Mechanical properties of some high-strength polyamide fibers.

Fiber Tensile strength Tensile modulus Elongation to break

GPa rel.a) GPa rel.a) % rel.a)

Kevlar149 3.0 1 130 1 2.7 1

Nylon 66 1.15 8 17
Nomex1 1.4 14 10–28
Kevlar 291 1 0.5 1.5
Kevlar 1491 0.9 1.3–1.4 0.65
Kevlar 9811 1.10–1.15 1 1

Relative to Kevlar491.

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


Consequently the commercial aramids comprise separate the Evonik polymer TROGAMID1 T, or Polyamide 6-3-T as
diamine and diacid components. named by Degussa, the originator of the polymer.[128] It is
amorphous, is highly transparent, and has favorable
mechanical and electrical properties. It has ‘‘good chemical
Polyamides From Monomers with Side resistance compared to other plastics’’ and suffers low
Substituents shrinkage in the mold.
A patent by Schmitt et al.[48] described the use of
There are two distinct locations where a side substituent trimethyl HMD in combination with cyclohexane dicar-
may be attached: (a) the hydrocarbon part of the monomer boxylic acid (1,3-CHDA and 1,4-CHDA) and in combination
segment, and (b) the amide link, specifically to the nitrogen with mixtures of this acid with terephthalic and IPAs. The
atom of the link. If the attachment is on the non-amidic polymers so made were transparent and had mechanical
(hydrocarbon) part then the substituent is usually part of properties comparable to properties of polymers in which
the monomer; if on the amide link then the substituent is only TPA was used, plus the benefit of greater solubility in
almost always added after polymerization. ordinary solvents which is necessary for formation into
Considering non-amidic locations first, some instances ‘‘cast films, varnish films, etc.’’
have already been noted of monomers possessing a methyl Poppe and Chen[129] patented a novel crystalline
or other group attached to a methylene carbon in the main copolymer based on a mixture of HMD and trimethyl
chain. Alkyl pendant groups, whether on a straight chain or HMD. The diacid consisted of TPA and adipic acid or TPA,
on an aliphatic ring, are non-reactive and have little or no IPA, and adipic acid. Poppe et al.[130] patented a crystalline
effect on the progress of the polymerization. The purpose of copolymer also based on HMD and trimethyl HMD
providing such an inert addition is generally to affect the combined with TPA alone. Both families of polyamide
size and molecular packing of the crystalline regions. Other, enabled them to be used in critical molded objects such as
more reactive, pendant groups may be introduced to automobile hoods, lawn mower shrouds, and chain saw
provide functionality for such purposes as dyeing, flame guards. These are applications requiring minimum deflec-
retardancy, and bonding to other substances. In this case tion at elevated temperatures.
the extra chemistry may or may not affect polymerization. Magat[131] sought to increase the initial modulus of
Consider first the several instances of methyl group side terephthalic-based polymers by providing methyl substi-
substituents. tuents on the aliphatic diamine monomer. This modifica-
Campbell and Hill,[49] already mentioned for their use of tion was successful in some cases, not so in others. Based on
1,4-CHDA, employed as diamine a mixture of isomers, observation, Magat established a rule for choosing diamine.
primarily 5-methyl-1,9-nonanediamine but also 2,4- Diamines of excessive length were not only ineffective but
dimethyl-1,8-octanediamine and 2,4,6-methyl-1,7-hepta- also exhibited spectacular shrinkage properties, indicating
nediamine. The particular mixture may have been the post-spinning crystallization. Magat did not test 2-methyl-
naturally occurring composition of the raw material from pentamethylenediamine (2-MPMD), which is now dis-
which the diamine was produced. It is inferred that these cussed.
methyl-bearing monomers, rather than simple 1,10-decan- The INVISTA company manufactures and markets a
ediamine, were used in order to reduce an excessively high number of products under the DYTEK1 trade name.[132]
melting point, e.g., to the range 260–310 8C, while at the DYTEK1A is, 2-MPMD, which has a variety of uses, one of
same time retaining a favorable Tg of 90–130 8C. which is as a polyamide monomer. This molecule is shown
Oka et al.,[95] previously cited for their PPA containing 60– in Formula 10. Menczel et al.[133] prepared polyamide from
100% TPA as diacid, used, for at least 60% of the diamine 2-MPMD and TPA: they found the polymer slow to
component, a mixture of 1,9-nonanediamine, 2-methyl-1,8- crystallize on solidification and to possess three different
octanediamine, or a combination of the two isomers. This crystal forms. Villasenor et al.[134] prepared polymers of 2-
formulation produced good heat resistance, low water MPMD with adipic acid (six carbons) and sebacic acid (ten
absorption, and enhanced chemical resistance. A polymer carbons) and they observed quite different crystal struc-
with diamine component comprising 80 mol-% of the tures from the simple polyamides 56 and 510 which also
straight-chain diamine and 20 mol-% of the methyl- have a 5-carbon linear diamine chain. A series of papers
substituted version had melting point of 302 8C, which from DuPont, by Stouffer et al.,[135] Keating et al.,[136] and
makes for practical processing. Starkweather et al.,[137] describe polymers of 2-MPMD in
A trisubstituted diamine is available as a commercial combination with adipic acid and in combination with
product from Evonik Industries: VESTAMIN1 TMD, consist- dodecanedioic acid.
ing of approximately equal parts of 2,2,4-trimethylhexa- Although 2-MPMD has the same atomic composition as
methylenediamine and 2,4,4-trimethylhexamethylene- HMD it is a considerably more complicated monomer. First,
diamine.[127] This monomer, combined with TPA, forms the carbon atom to which the pendant methyl group is

Macromol. React. Eng. 2011, 5, 22–54

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K. Marchildon


attached is asymmetric, so that the diamine has two stereo -CONH CONH -
isomers. Second, the molecule is unsymmetrical about the
middle carbon in the main body, so that it can enter a
growing polymer chain in two orientations. The pendant
group therefore has four possible positions in the diamine SO₃⁻ ⁺Na
segment in the polymer. The result is an inherently
disordered crystalline structure and one which displays
two different crystalline forms – that is, it is polymorphic.
Formula 11. Sodium salt of 3,5-dicarboxybenzene sulfonate in
2-MPMD finds its application, not as a stand-alone polymer.
monomer, but as a co-diamine, in combination generally
with 1,6-hexamethylenediamine, where it serves as a
crystalline modifier to reduce the temperature of melting: of formaldehyde and a mono-alcohol, as shown in
see, for instance, Mok and Pagilagan.[138] Scheme 3.
Another product from Invista is DYTEK1EP: 1,3-diami- This addition had the effect of making the polymer
nopentane (or, alternatively, 1,3-pentanediamine), denoted soluble in alcohol, which facilitated its use in coatings and
as DAMP in Formula 10. Like 2-MPMD it has the same stereo films. The polymer could also be spun into a highly
and structural asymmetry. A feature is that the ethyl- extensible fiber. This N-alkoxymethyl polyamide has found
hindered amine end is only one-hundredth as reactive as use for instance in the preservation of art objects (see
the other end, resulting in a 9:1 selectivity for the other Sease[144]). The family of such polymers was denoted by
end.[139] As a polyamide monomer the product finds use in DuPont as their ‘‘Type 8.’’ Le Sueur Cairns[145] also patented
‘‘coatings, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers’’ where it the addition of alcohols possessing a separate carboxyl
modifies the viscosity and flexibility of straight-chain functionality, e.g., glycolic (hydroxy acetic) acid. Formalde-
diamine based polymers. hyde again provides the linkage. This family of N-
Among the cycloaliphatic monomers, Buhler and carboxyalkoxymethyl polyamides has the sometimes use-
Rytka[65] found it ‘‘an advantageous variant’’ to substitute ful property of solubility in water. The side substituent is
for PACM diamine a quantity of the methyl-substituted terminated by simply leaving the carboxyl group or by
diamine, MACM (see Formula 7). attaching a metal atom or an ammonium group, or by
An example of new functionality introduced by a attaching an organic radical via an ester linkage. Mechani-
pendant group is the addition of the sodium salt of cally, this material can be drawn into a clear tough film.
3,5-dicarboxybenzene sulfonate[140,141] to increase the The DuPont ‘‘Type 8’’ polymers provided the starting
receptivity of PA yarns to basic dyes. This additive point for an alcohol-insoluble hydrophilic microporous
(see Formula 11), a functionalized form of IPA, is co- membrane suitable for aqueous desalination. This state
polymerizable with other PA monomers such as adipic acid. was achieved by an acid-catalyzed cross-linking reaction in
Gomez-Valdemoro et al.[142] studied the ion-extractive which alkoxymethylated amides were joined to free
capability of a polymer of MPD and IPA, with some of the amides, as seen in Scheme 4. This polymer, surprisingly,
latter monomer supporting crown ether groups and some of was significantly more heat resistant than its base resin, PA
it supporting urea groups, to trap cations and anions, 66. The process and product are described in the patent by
respectively. Johnson.[146] In this connection, Le Sueur Cairns[143] also
An example previously cited is the work of Chaudhuri spoke of the conversion of a ‘‘Type 8’’ polymer into an
et al.[126] in incorporating various substituents on the alcohol-insoluble and infusible state simply by heating at a
phenylene diamine ring to enhance resistance to burning. temperature above 100 8C, presumably by a cross-linking
The addition of side substituents to the amide linkage mechanism.
is now considered. Le Sueur Cairns[143] obtained a patent
on the catalyzed reaction of polyamides with a mixture H
O \
|| + + R - OH
-C–N– /
C H3 O
C C ||
H3 C C C DAMP -C–N– + H₂O
H2N |
C H₂ - OR
Formula 10. 2-Methylpentamethylenediamine (2-MPMD); 1,3-
diaminopentane (DAMP). Scheme 3. Alkoxymethylation of amide.

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


O H Polyamides Incorporating Special-Purpose

|| -C – N – Monomers
-C–N– + ||
| O
Commercial polyamide products commonly incorporate
C H₂ - O R
O additives, of which there are a great variety, designed to
impart desired properties to the base polymer. Some of
these additives are amide-forming compounds themselves
C H₂ + ROH and they co-polymerize with the main product. Three
| classes of such materials are considered here: namely
 endcappers or stabilizers;
 branching agents;
Scheme 4. Cross-linking of alkoxymethylated amides.  chain-couplers or chain-extenders.

End capping is accomplished by including a mono-func-

Fitko and Ravve[147] used formaldehyde to attach a tional carboxylic acid or a monofunctional amine, usually
phenol ring to the amide nitrogen. This ‘‘adhesive . . . graft the former, during the polymerization process. Acetic acid is
copolymer’’ is useful as a constituent for cements, coatings, the most common for aliphatic polymers, benzoic acid is the
sealants, etc., and possibly also for easy-dyeing fibers most common for aromatic polymers. The acid amidates
and for casting, potting, and molding applications. The with a polymeric amine functional group (i.e., an ‘‘amine
chemistry is shown in Scheme 5. end’’) and creates a stabilized or inert end. The effect is to
Haas et al.[148] took a different route from formaldehyde reduce the molecular weight achievable under whatever
intermediation and reacted amide-nitrogen directly, with conditions the polymerization is being carried out. Particu-
ethylene oxide. The product was N-hydroxyethyl nylon. The larly in batch processing, it is frequent practice to produce,
side substituent could have various lengths depending on using the same equipment and processing conditions, a
the self-reaction of the oxide, as seen in Formula 12. range of products with different optimum molecular
This class of polymer is considered to incorporate weights. The conditions can be set for the product with
desirable features of the polyamide and of the poly(ethy- the highest desired molecular weight and then, for other
lene oxide). products, an endcapper (i.e., stabilizer) can be added. Table 5
shows the effect of concentration of an acidic stabilizer on a
polymer being polymerized to a fixed product of ends
(concentration of carboxyl ends multiplied by concen-
tration of amine ends), which is usual for batch processing.
O All concentrations are in units of milliequivalents per kilo-
-C–N– gram of polymer. The numbers in Table 5 are based on the
following equations:
CH₂ - CH₂ - O - ( CH₂ CH₂ O )n - H
C  A ¼ PE
Formula 12. Polyether attachment to amide.

A ¼ CDE ¼ CDE0 S
OH OH rhffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiiffi
DE0 þ S þ ðDE0 þ SÞ2 þ 4  PE
+ H₂C = O , C¼
O where C, A, and S are concentrations of carboxyl, amine,
and stabilized ends, and DE0 is the pre-existing difference
-C – N –
between carboxyl and amine before addition of stabilizer.
In this calculation DE0 is chosen as 30 and PE is chosen as
|| 4 000, both typical values.
+ -C-N– OH A branch point is an atom or ring from which three or
H more polymer chains emanate. Since polyamides are
generally intended to be linear polymers, such points are
Scheme 5. Phenol attachment to amide. not usually welcome and efforts are made to avoid their

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K. Marchildon


Table 5. Effects of end-group stabilization.

Product Stabilized Difference Carboxyl Amine Total sum Mn a)

of ends, ends, S of ends, ends, C ends, A of ends,

(mequiv.  kg1)2 mequiv.  kg1 mequiv.  kg1 mequiv.  kg1 mequiv  kg1 mequiv.  kg1 g  mol1

4 000 0 30 80 50 130 15 400

4 000 10 40 86.3 46.3 142.6 14 000
4 000 20 50 93 43 156 12 800
4 000 30 60 100 40 200 10 000

Equals 2E6/(C þ A þ S).

creation, which always takes place to some extent through Turning to carboxyl-based trifunctional branching
undesirable side reactions (see for instance Schaffer agents, the most widely used is trimesic acid (TMA),
et al.[149]). Avoidance means minimizing time, temperature, consisting of a benzene ring supporting three directly
impurities, and ingress of oxygen into the production attached carboxyl groups, equi-spaced – i.e., at the 1, 3, 5
processes. These measures tend to be successful and positions. Mention should be made of an isomer, trimellitic
unintended branching is not a major factor in most acid, with carboxyl groups at the 1, 2, 4 positions but, rather
processes. than a branching agent, it serves as a precursor to imide
Sometimes a controlled amount of branching is helpful in polymerization. TMA was used by Costain et al.[152] to
the development of specific properties. There are several increase the viscosity of a particular PA 66 feed to spinning
trifunctional branching agents available for this purpose. and molding operations, where the unbranched material
Workers at Imperial Chemical Industries Limited[150] used had less than optimum viscosity for spinning continuity.
bis(hexamethylene)triamine (BHMT) to achieve higher As TMA content was raised, yarn tenacity and modulus
receptivity to anionic (acidic) dyes in yarn. Such dyes dropped but apparently stayed within the allowed limits.
attach themselves to amine ends but, if an increase in the Kiyotsukuri et al.[153] made polyamide film using straight-
concentration of these ends is achieved simply by chain diamines with carbons from 4 to 12 combined
imbalancing the polymer (more diamine, less diacid), then with TMA as the sole acid. Proportions were such as to
the molecular weight and melt viscosity decrease below balance the concentrations of carboxyl groups with amine
that required for spinning of the yarn. The viscosity is groups in each case. The polymer was cast from solution,
regained by adding BHMT, which at the same time supplies then further polymerized into transparent, flexible films
three amine ends per molecule. In this application the agent that were insoluble in usual polyamide solvents such
is not desired to yield an actual branch, just a dye site. as sulfuric acid. Polymers with the shorter diamines (e.g.,
Selivansky and Southern[151] claimed the use of BHMT and 4-carbon) had the higher densities and the higher heat-
also of ‘‘TAN’’ [4-(aminomethyl)-1,8-diaminooctane] to deflection (distortion) temperatures, presumably
make a yarn more receptive to the development of ‘‘crimp’’ because the benzene rings were closer together. Dai
during false-twist texturing. The alternative was to take the et al.[154] co-polymerized PA 6 with TMA to produce a
polymer to a considerably higher degree of polymerization, portion of molecules that were star-shaped. As TMA
with attendant degradation and loss of productivity. The concentration was raised, strength, elongation, and initial
molecular structures of BHMT and TAN are shown in modulus all suffered but elasticity stayed about the same.
Formula 13. Molecular weight dropped but this may have been due to
excess of carboxyl ends over amine. Nijenhuis et al.[155]
H₂ N – ( CH₂ )₆ -N – ( CH₂ )₆ - NH₂ claimed a randomly branched polyamide that is intrinsi-
H cally gel-free, the significance being that induced branches
BHMT added to the branches formed by subsequent high-
H₂ N – ( CH₂ )೤೤ -CH – ( CH₂ )₄ - NH₂ temperature processing have the potential to cross-link
| the polymer and create regions of non-flowable gel. The
CH₂ - NH₂ patented formulation used an AB base polymer and the
addition of enough diacid or diamine to balance, respec-
TAN tively, a triamine or a triacid branching agent: the specific
Formula 13. Amine-based trifunctional branching agents BHMT proportions of the components are claimed to prevent gel
and TAN. formation.

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


A chain coupler or chain extender is a bi-functional ism of extension. The interior structure was more elaborate,
compound which can react with the ends of two polymeric consisting of a central diamine or diol residue connected on
molecules and unite them into a single, larger molecule. each end to a terephthaloyl residue which in turn supported
When the polymer is a polyamide, the chain extender must the caprolactam rings. The central part of the compound
be able to react with one or other of carboxyl or amine ends. could be varied, thus providing specific desired function-
The bonds which the extender forms may or may not be ality. The amount of any of the extenders relative to the base
amidic. The three desirable characteristics of an extender polymer is small, scaled to approximately the number of
are: polymer residual ends available for reaction. However, the
expense of constructing these chemical extenders even in
 high speed of reaction; small amounts is an economic consideration.
 minimal effect on polymer properties; Wang et al.[158] discussed and claimed the use of chain-
 absence of by-product. extended polyamides in medical applications, including
in their claims the family of bislactams. They note
The use of a chemical chain extender is an alternative to BRUGGOLENE1 M 1251, ‘‘an extender product described
chain-extension by further amidation in the melt or solid as a modified polyamide 6’’ and sold by Bruggemann
phase or to the use of branching agents. One application is Chemical.[159] Many of their examples made use of,
in the regeneration of fiber waste, to impart sufficient carbonylbis(caprolactam) (CBC), a product of Dutch State
molecular weight to make it suitable for molding or extru- Mines[160] in which the two caprolactam rings are held
sion. Two main families of extenders are the bislactams and together by a simple carbonyl C ¼ O group. Loontjens and
the bisoxazolines. Plum[161] also experimented with this extender. The
Zahr[156] claimed, in a patent, a set of three compounds: reaction of this extender with an amine end is illustrated
adipoyl, isophthaloyl, and terphthaloyl biscaprolactam, in Scheme 6.
denoted, respectively, ABC, IBC, and TBC. They consisted in Wang et al. also discuss a second family of chain
each case of a central diacid segment connected on each end extenders, the bisoxazolines. The simplest is 2,2’-bis(2-
by an amide link to a caprolactam ring. The chain-extending oxazoline) (BOZ) consisting of two five-membered rings.
action takes place when amine ends of the polymer break Each ring can be broken by a polyamide terminal group – in
open these caprolactam rings and form new amide this case the carboxyl ends, as illustrated in Scheme 7. Lu
linkages. These compounds are shown in Formula 14, et al.[162] discuss the chemistry and the resultant polymer.
where the arrows indicate the point of ring scission. There is a decrease in crystallinity because of chain
The reaction is fast, typically between 0.5 and 10 min, the disruption by the presence of ester linkages but the melting
shorter times applying when catalyst and moisture are point remained the same.
present. With these short times the operation can be carried
out in a screw-type melt extruder with good mixing
followed by a brief holding period. There is no by-product. C O O C

The chemistry, producing only amide links, causes minimal (CH₂)5 (CH₂)5 + H₂ N -
alteration of the base polymer although there is some N C N

disruption to the regularity of the chains. O

Stier and Schweizer[157] described a set of chain extenders C O
also of the bis(N-acyllactam) type, terminating like Zahrs in (CH₂)5
a pair of caprolactam rings and having the same mechan- N C N (CH₂)5 C N-


C O O C Scheme 6. Chain extension using carbonylbis(caprolactam).

(CH₂) 5 (CH₂) 5
N C -A-C N C N N C
O O C C + HOOC -
ABC ( CH₂ )₄
C C N CH₂ CH₂ O C-

Formula 14. Bis(N-acyllactam) chain extenders: ABC, IBC, and TBC. Scheme 7. Chain extension using bisoxazoline.

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C N N C  a polymer containing two (or more) AB type monomers,

C C e.g., caprolactam and laurolactam;
C O O C  an AABB type polymer containing more than one diacid
and/or more than one diamine;
Formula 15. 2.2’-(1,3-Phenylene)-bis(2-oxazoline) (PBO).  a polymer containing a mixture of AB-, AA-, and BB-type
monomers, e.g., a copolymer of PA 6 and PA 66.

A more elaborate member of the family is 2,2’-(1,3- The motivation for such combinations is to obtain some
phenylene)-bis(2-oxazoline), supplied by Degussa and also balance of properties not attainable with a single polya-
by DSM as ALLINCO1 PBO; use of this extender (among mide or attainable only with a polyamide requiring a
others) for the recovery of PA 66 is described by Hong monomer that is not readily available. Instead a suitable
et al.[163] DSM suggest a range of addition of 0.2–0.8 wt.-%, copolymer can sometimes be made from an appropriate
which corresponds roughly to the amount of carboxyl ends combination of relatively inexpensive monomers obtain-
typically available for reaction near the end of the able in bulk, such as caprolactam, adipic acid, hexamethy-
polyamidation process. lenediamine, TPA, and IPA. Some examples have already
Lu et al.[164] experimented with both BOZ and PBO been discussed:
(sometimes called MPBO). The starting polymer, PA 6, had
carboxyl content of 71.5 mequiv.  kg1 and it was found  the PPAs, where the combined molar content of
that the optimum addition of chain extender was 0.75– terephthalic and IPA segments can be as low as 55%,
0.77 wt.-%. Amounts in excess actually produced less implying that the rest of the diacid content is something
increase in molecular weight. At 240 8C, a hold time of 5 min else;
was found to produce most of the benefit, e.g., 90%. BOZ was  the inclusion of 3,5-dicarboxybenzene sulfonate as a co-
found to be more effective than MPBO. Comparative diacid, to provide a pendant sulfonic group that
molecular weights at 240 8C for 10 min: with no extender, increases the receptivity of PA yarns to basic dyes.
33 300; with MPBO, 38 000; with BOZ, 46 500. PBO is shown
in Formula 15. The most common and obvious way to make a copolymer
Wang et al.[158] list several other versions of bisoxazoline is to polymerize the monomers together and to obtain what
extenders. They also mention oxazines, which are 6- is generally assumed to be a random distribution of mono-
membered rings, and which DSM report as a product under mer types along the polymer chains. Such a copolymer may
development. This phenylenebisoxazine, ALLINCO1 PBOX, be termed a chemical mixture. By contrast, fully polymer-
is said to work much faster than PBO and two to three times ized materials are often brought together as a physical
as fast as CBC. mixture, i.e., a ‘‘blend,’’ where the components are mixed
Acevedo and Fradet[165] tested a pair of bisoxazolones as at some level often down to the molecular but not within
chain extenders. Unlike the bisoxazolines, these com- the molecular chain. Both chemical and physical mixtures
pounds react with amine ends and were found to ‘‘react have their practical and mutually exclusive applications.
very efficiently.’’ The reaction is shown in Scheme 8. However the distinction becomes blurred because, if a
physical mixture is held in the molten state and, assuming
the blend components are reactive with each other, chemi-
Polyamide Copolymers cal inter-reaction can take place, initially producing chains
with long sections (blocks) of one polymer and then long
In many applications the covalently bonded amidic blocks of the other but eventually approaching the limit of
structure contains a redundancy of monomeric types. random distribution. There is generally no incentive, and
Some examples are: good reason not, to allow time for this final state to be
reached, but it is common for physical blends to undergo
some small extent of cross-reaction in the normal residence
H₂C N N CH₂ time of melt processing. Thus the distinction is made
C R C + H₂ N - between random copolymers and block copolymers. Ken-
O=C O O C=O ney[166] compares and contrasts the usefulness of these two
entities. The present review deals only with random copo-
O lymers.
R N CH₂ C N Copolyamides comprise exclusively polyamide-forming
monomers, i.e., amino carboxylic acids, diacids, diamines,
and simple derivatives thereof. Polyamides can also form
Scheme 8. Chain extension using bisoxazolone. copolymers with other monomer types that happen to

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Polyamides – Still Strong After Seventy Years


possess functional groups that can react with amine or acid The curve marked ‘‘Tm, rand’’ shows values for fully
ends: some of the resulting linkages are shown in Formula randomized along-chain distribution of monomer seg-
1. So, polyester amides (PEAs), polyether amides, polyur- ments and it reveals a marked depression, below the value
ethane amides are all found in commercial uses. Similarly, even for the lower-melting component, at approximately
physical blends are often formed by polyamides with other equal concentration of the two components. This behavior
polymeric species with which they do not react. is common to random copolymers and reflects the mutual
These combinations may be summarized as follows: disruption of crystalline structure by the two polymers. For
comparison, the curve marked ‘‘Tm, block’’ is taken from the
 random copolymers of polyamides with polyamides; patent by Coffman[168] and is for PA 6/PA 66 mixtures that
 blends of polyamides with polyamides, generally as have been formed by blending the homopolymers and
block copolymers; allowing sufficient time for them to react into a block
 copolymers of polyamides with non-polyamides; copolymer but not to randomize. This block copolymer
 purely physical blends of polyamides with non-poly- shows a monotonic rise in Tm from the lower melting to the
amides. higher melting polymer; as stated, block copolymers will
not be discussed.
The present discussion concerns materials mainly of the Harvey and Hybart[169] further explored this copolymer
first group and, to a limited extent, the third. In this paper system in its randomized state, measuring melting points,
there is no discussion of block copolymers or of physical crystallization rates, and densities for 12 different propor-
blends, although they certainly constitute important com- tions, from 100% PA 66 to 100% PA 6. Crystallization was
mercial offerings of the plastics industry. found to require lower temperatures (i.e., to be more
The discussion is grouped as follows: difficult) for the mixtures. Extent of crystallization was
inferred from density, crystalline regions being more dense:
although the densities of the two pure components differed
 full-range studies, where the properties of a copolymer
by only 0.006 g  cm1, the density of the 50:50 copolymer
pair are measured over the complete range of propor-
fell by 0.03, indicating a major loss of crystallinity. Figure 9
tions (0–100% of each polymer);
shows the variation of crystal fraction as a function of
 modification by co-polymerization, where the properties
composition: the curve should be compared with the curve
of a homo-polymer are adjusted by addition of a second
for Tm of random copolymer in Figure 8, with which it is very
polyamidic component;
similar in shape. In Figure 9 composition is expressed as
 low-melting copolyamides, suitable for adhesives,
mol-% of PA 6, where mole fraction is here defined as
coatings, or transparent applications;
concentration within the polymer of caprolactam residue
 copolymerization with non-amidic monomers or
divided by the sum of concentrations of residues of
caprolactam, HMD, and adipic acid.
Suehiro et al.[170] obtained the same general results for
this copolymer and found that subsequent annealing
Full-Range Copolyamide Studies
brought little change. They also examined the system PA
It is appropriate to begin with combinations of the two 6 with PA 68 and made similar findings.
main polyamides, PA 6 and PA 66. Allen[167] presents a pair Zilberman et al.[171] made an extensive study of the
of curves for the melting points of such mixtures, as seen in system nylon 6/nylon 69. The variation in four parameters
Figure 8. are summarized in Table 6, all indicating lower crystallinity
Melng temperature, C

240 %crystal.
220 65.00
200 60.00
180 55.00
160 Tm, block 50.00
140 Tm, rand. 45.00
120 40.00
100 35.00
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Wt.-% Nylon6 Mol-% Nylon 6

Figure 8. Effects of random and block copolymerization on melt- Figure 9. Crystallinity of PA 66/6 random copolymers (Harvey and
ing points of the system PA 6/66 (Allen). Hybart).

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Table 6. Loss of crystallinity in the copolyamide system PA6/PA69 (after Zilberman et al.[171]).

Sample Melting temperature Heat of fusion Average crystal size Crystallinity

-C J  g1 nm %

pure nylon 6 221 60 14.1 42

pure nylon 69 211 46 8.5 34
a) b) c)
minimum value 126 15 5.9 17d)

At 55 wt.-% PA 69; b)At 70 wt.-% PA 69; c)At 56 wt.-% PA 69; d)At 55 wt.-% PA 69.

in the polymer. Conclusions were drawn about the nature differing only in the lengths of the monomeric segments.
and inter-mingling of crystal forms, and observations were However, the mismatch of segment lengths was enough to
made of spherulite formation. cause crystalline disruption and a bottoming of melting
Johnson et al.[172] co-polymerized PA 6 and PA 7 and points (127 8C for a 50:50 molar mixture compared with
concluded that the components were randomly distributed. 197 8C for pure PA 8 and 176 8C for pure PA 12). On the other
Pure component melting points were measured as 219 and hand there was no minimum in density, only a smooth
222 8C, respectively; for 45:55 mol-% mixture of PA 6 to PA 7 monotonic variation between the values of the densities of
the melting point went through a minimum of 151 8C. the pure components. The densities were subjected to a
One of the main reasons for copolymerization is to alter rigorous interpretation to estimate the fraction of crystal-
mechanical properties, often to sacrifice tensile strength linity: the fraction was indeed suppressed but not nearly to
and modulus in favor of gaining toughness. The powerful the extent of some of the other copolymer systems, thus
effect of mixing of monomers is illustrated by the results of indicating that the crystals were able to partially accom-
Garner and Fasulo[173] for the combination of PA 6 and PA modate the different monomeric lengths but still were
12, polymerized together from a mixture of caprolactam weakened and more easily melted than the crystals of
and laurolactam. Data taken from their table of Tensile and either parent polymer.
Impact Properties are reproduced in Table 7. Goodman and Stouffer et al.[135] copolymerized PA 66 with PA D6, where
Kehayoglou[174] also worked with PA 6/12 copolymers and ‘‘D’’ is the designation for 2-MPMD. As was previously
obtained similar results. noted, this isomeric form of hexamethylenediamine has an
All of the above binary copolymers comprise compo- asymmetric carbon atom and therefore two chiral forms.
nents which, in their pure state, have crystal structures that Additionally, the methyl side group is situated at unequal
happen to be different in nature from each other. distances from the two ends, so that the monomer adds to a
Kehayoglou and Arvanitoyannis[175,176] studied the ran- growing chain in two different ways. The result is that PA
dom copolymer of PA 8 and PA 12, a pair of components D6 crystallizes much more slowly than PA 66 and, as
which in their pure state have similar crystalline structures, Keating et al.[136] found, it has two different forms of

Table 7. Mechanical properties of PA6/PA12 copolyamides (after Garner and Fasulo[173]).

PA6:PA12 Tensile strength Tensile modulus Elongation at break Impact strength

mol-% MPa GPa % J  m1

100/0 89 3.2 21 20
90/10 66 2.7 60 55
80/20 38 1.8 160 110
70/30 51 0.63 580 700
60/40 53 0.45 530 no break
50/50 50 0.50 560 no break
40/60 43 0.55 500 no break
30/70 49 0.72 270 350
20/80 – – – 160
0/100 – – – 60

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crystals. In 66:D6 copolymers containing up to well over Below 50% 6I fraction the polymer developed significant
50% D6 the dominant crystal form was still that of 66. Over crystallinity after spinning and drawing. In order to
all ranges there was no evidence of coexistence of the two maximize the terephthalic fraction but still maintain a
nylons within the same crystal structure and, because of workable processing temperature, a 35:65 ratio of 6I to 6T,
this fact, the equation of Flory[177,178] was expected to be with melting point 300 8C, was chosen for evaluation.
followed. This relationship predicts the decrease in melting Properties examined and compared with PA 66 and PET
temperature of a semi-crystalline polymer diluted with a were tenacity, modulus, elongation, elastic recovery,
non-cocrystallizing copolymer. shrinkage, moisture uptake, dyeability, toughness, tire
flatspotting, cord-to-rubber adhesion in tires, and textile
ðTm Þ1 ¼ ðTmo Þ1 RðDHL Þ1 lnðXÞ wrinkle recovery. In some case the new product met its
objective: dyeability and moisture uptake closer to poly-
where Tm is the melting temperature (K), Tmo is the melting amide than to PET, modulus higher than both polyamide
temperature of the pure polymer (K), R is the gas constant and PET, glass transition in the same range as PET (and
(8.314 J K1 mol1), DHL is the heat of fusion of the repeat higher than PA 66), flat-spotting closer to PET (i.e., low) than
unit of the starting semi-crystalline polymer (J  mol1), to PA 66. However, the copolymer had lower tenacity than
where a mole here equals one repeat unit (weighing, for PA PA 66 and PET, lower recovery from strain, and poorer
66, 226 grams), and X is the mole fraction of the semi- wrinkle recovery. The net balance of disadvantages and
crystalline polymer (in this case, PA 66). advantages, along with the need to process at 15–20 8C
A plot of inverse temperature against logarithm of X higher temperature, appear to have stopped any commer-
produced a straight line and indicated a DHL value of about cialization.
42 000 J per repeat unit or 188 J  g1, which agrees well with The Rulkens, Crombach DSM patent[101] provided melt-
the value 190 obtained by a different means by Stark- ing point data across the whole range of proportions of the
weather et al.[179] system PA 4T/6T, as shown in Figure 11. The two
A copolymer of both scientific and commercial interest is components in pure state would require melt processing
the combination PA6I/6T. At a diacid ratio of 2:1 the at temperatures which appear impractical from the
material is fully amorphous and is a commercial product standpoint of thermal degradation. However, the 60 mol-
sold, for instance, as DuPont Selar1PA 3426 and % 6T copolymer has a melting point of 331 8C, which brings
described[180] as a ‘‘ . . . resin which exhibits superior it into a possibly processable range.
transparency, good barrier properties to gases, water, Generally speaking, the incorporation of an aromatic
solvents and essential oils and high temperature structural monomer into an aliphatic polymer has the effect of raising
properties which make it suitable for consideration in a the glass transition temperature but lowering the melting
number of packaging applications.’’ Chapman et al.[82] point due to disruption of crystallinity. While the latter
made a more extensive study of the 6I, 6T copolymer effect may be beneficial to the ease of melt processing, it
system, with a view to finding a polymer, based on forces down the upper temperature of use of the material.
inexpensive monomers, for a fiber that would combine Consequently it was a significant discovery by Edgar and
some of the best features of PA 66 (e.g., good dyeing, Hill[181] that polyamides 66 and 6T form copolymers with
moisture regain) with those of PET (e.g., dimensional no minimum in melting point: Tm rises smoothly from
stability). Melting point of the random copolymer went that of PA66 (265 8C) to that of PA 6T (367 8C) and Tg
through a minimum at 85% 6I, as seen in Figure 10. rises smoothly from that of 66 (e.g., 60 8C) to that of 6T
(125–180 8C). The diacids adipic and terephthalic are said to
400 be isomorphic because the two polymers, 66 and 6T, are
Melng temperature, C

Melng temperature, C


300 420
250 380
150 320
0 20 40 60 80 100 300
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage 6I
Mole percent 6T
Figure 10. Melting behavior of the copolymer system PA 6I/6T
(Chapman et al.). Figure 11. Melting points of PA4T/6T copolymers.

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K. Marchildon


thought to co-crystallize without significant disruption of modification studies are often driven by a need to obtain
the crystal structure. This effect relies on two factors: the specific changes to a polymer’s properties. A typical
similarity in lengths of the residual segments of adipic and example is the work of Morhenn et al.[185] who found
terephthalic, and the force of hydrogen bonding that that the dye receptivity of PA 6 fiber can be
overcomes the differences in shape and orientation of the improved by copolymerization with a small amount
two segment types. The latter point is evinced by the fact (20–25 mol-%) of a combination of PA 66 and either
that in polyester, with no hydrogen bonding, adipic and polyamide 11 or 12.
terephthalic do not form an isomorphic pair. Yu and Men and Rieger[186] studied several aspects of the
Evans[182] pursued the examination of polyamide iso- copolymer of polyamides 6 and 66, in molar ratio 4:1.
morphs and found that other straight-chain aliphatic The material showed moderate differences from pure PA 6
diamines besides hexamethylenediamine worked equally in the form and quality of its crystalline fraction, a
well with these two acids. However, the isomorphicity was reduction in melting point to 199 8C (from 220–225 8C of
destroyed when meta-xylene diamine or a diamine with pure PA 6), and little change in glass transition temp-
alkyl side substituents was used. Levine and Temin[183] erature – which is not surprising since the two components
listed other isomorphic systems: have similar Tg’s. Jo and Baik[187] and Baik and Jo[188]
widened the consideration of PA 6 modification by pairing
 sebacic and para-benzenedipropionic acids (in combi-
it with each of several different copolymer partners:
nation with hexamethylenediamine);
polyamides 66, 6T, 6I, PXD6, MXD6, and MXDI (where
 octamethylenediamine and 1,4-bis(b-aminoethyl)ben-
PXD and MXD are para and meta xylene diamines), each at a
zene (in combination with adipic acid);
number of molar contents, some up to 33%. As above, the Tg
 bis(3-aminopropyl) ether and heptamethylenediamine
with PA 66 was little changed, but it was increased by
(in combination with adipic acid).
pairing with the aromatic monomers due to hindrance of
chain mobility in the amorphous phase. The important
They produced two new isomorphic pairs: epsilon amino
point was established that the extent of co-crystallization
caproic acid (i.e., PA 6 monomer) with para-aminocyclohex-
varied with the nature of the second polymer. It was
ylacetic acid; and epsilon amino caproic acid with para-
concluded that PA 66, because it is similar in shape and
aminomethylbenzoic acid. They also experimented with
dimensions to PA 6, enters into the crystal domain,
the meta forms of the two co-acids and found them not to
although distorting and weakening it and causing a
form isomorphs.
decrease in melting point. But polyamides 6T and MXDI
The discovery of the ability of adipic acid and TPA to form
each remain almost wholly in the amorphous domain,
copolymers with no loss of high-temperature properties
leaving only the PA 6 to crystallize: with heavy loading of
and improvement of low-temperature properties (espe-
the second polymer, the PA 6 segments are separated from
cially Tg) has led to the class of PPA polyamides. In some
one another and able to form only small and sparse
formulations part of the terephthalic is replaced by IPA,
crystalline zones, causing an even bigger drop in melting
which has no isomorphic capability but which raises glass
point. The other co-polymerizing additives – MXD6, PXD6
transition temperature equally well. This addition helps to
and 6I – showed evidence of partial inclusion in the crystals.
moderate the melting point. Another useful component is
Jo et al.[189] measured thermal shrinkage in oriented films
2-MPMD (see Formula 10), added to replace part of the
made from of PA 6 with from 4 to 33 mol-% of PA 66 and also
hexamethylenediamine in order to disrupt some of the
films made from PA 6 with from 2 to 13.5% PA PXD6.
crystallinity and again restrain the melting point to a
Shrinkage is a key property for end-use applications. At low
workable range. In this case the adipic acid component can
temperatures, 20–120 8C, the 66-containing films shrank
be eliminated, allowing terephthalic (with or without
with temperature to an extent independent of composition.
isophthalic) to be used alone. In their patent, Mok and
But the shrinkage of the PXD6-containing films fell
Pagilagan [138] have explored various combinations of these
significantly with PXD6 content. At higher temperature,
ingredients. Leboeuf[184] has produced a high-temperature
up to near the melting point, both families of copolymer
copolymer from HMD and 2-MPMD, with TPA and an
displayed increased shrinkage with co-additive content, the
aliphatic diacid, claimed to have improved shrinkage and
PXD6-containing films more so than the 66 films. The
mechanical properties.
favorable low-temperature results for PXD6 were explained
as due to the hindering by PXD6 of amorphous-domain
chain mobility, because initial shrinkage takes place due to
Modification of Homo-Polymers by Copolymerization
molecular movement in this region. The high-temperature
This topic follows naturally from the above full-range results were explained as due to weakening of crystallinity,
studies. However, in contrast to the full-range studies, PA PXD6 being less able than PA 66 to co-crystallize with
many of which were mainly scientifically motivated, the PA 6.

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In developing packaging films, Scarfato et al.[190] pre- additive for fibers, with the benefits[132] of ‘‘Less crystal-
pared copolymers of PA 6 with 5 wt.-% of (separately) four linity, fewer line breaks, more flexibility, less gel, longer
different co-components: polyamides 6I, 66, 69, and a pack life, lower melt and quench temperatures, improved
cycloaliphatic-aromatic polyamide. All melting points were water absorption, ease of dyeing, softer feel, and abrasion
slightly reduced, all glass transition temperatures were resistance.’’
slightly raised (except for the 66 copolymer). All materials Kudo et al.[197] copolymerized PA66 and PA PPDT in
showed higher elongation-at-break than PA 6 and the two various proportions up to 30 mol-% PPDT. As PPDT was
aromatic-containing co-additives raised the tensile mod- increased, an initial decrease in melting point was followed
ulus by about 30%. Most important, the aromatic-contain- by a rise back to that of pure PA66. Partial co-crystallization
ing copolymers, especially that with PA 6I, showed a major of the four components (66, 6T, PPD6, and PPDT) was
improvement in barrier to the transfer of carbon dioxide, postulated. The authors suggested that such a copolymer
oxygen, and nitrogen. could be commercially attractive because of its strength-
Rusa and Rusa[191] sought to increase the impact giving crystallinity, its moderate melting point, and its
resistance of PA 6 by copolymerizing caprolactam with likelihood of being more thermally stable than pure PA 66.
laurolactam, the precursor of PA twelve (PA 12). This Besides PA 6 and PA 66, other polyamides are also
operation was carried out by anionic polymerization. beneficially modified by co-addition. In the work of Zhang
Concentrations up to 50% by weight of PA 12 were tested. et al.[198] PA 11 was the base resin and PA 66 was introduced
It was concluded that only the PA 6 crystallized, so that as a modifier. These two polyamides are not fully miscible
there was a decrease in percentage crystallinity from 52% when blended, so instead the 66 polymer was dissolved into
for pure PA 6 to 20% for the 50:50 mixture and a decrease in 11-aminoundecanoic acid monomer at the start of PA 11
melting point of 15–20 8C. Impact strength, as measured by polymerization. The result was a random copolymer and,
the Notched Impact procedure, indeed rose, approximately not only was the question of immiscibility circumvented,
linearly with weight % PA 12: as little as 13 wt.-% of PA12 but the two polymers entered into co-crystallization.
doubled this indicator of toughness. This improvement was Melting point was depressed from 202 8C for pure PA 11
at the expense of flexural modulus which fell 27%. to 192 8C for 5 wt.-% of PA 66 addition and to 181 8C for
The above studies all had PA 6 as the base polymer. 10 wt.-% addition.
Turning to PA 66, the reasons for modifications are
somewhat different from those of nylon 6. The melting
point is about 40 8C higher and the susceptibility (because of Low-Melting-Point Copolyamides
the adipic acid segments) to thermal degradation is higher.
This class of polyamide must suffer enough disruption of
Like nylon 6, pure nylon 66 is sometimes overly stiff and
hydrogen bonding to significantly lower their crystallinity
unnecessarily strong for some applications. The crystal
and melting point but retain enough internal bonding to
fraction in nylon 66 tends to be greater than that in nylon 6.
keep them strong enough for their intended end use. These
DeWitt[192] found it helpful to co-polymerize succinic acid
requirements are in contradiction to each other but three
with PA 66 in a fiber –spinning process. Pressure gradient
ways have been found to jointly satisfy them:
through the molten-polymer supply piping was reduced,
allowing either higher throughput or higher molecular  in some of the amide links, replace the hydrogen atom
weight to be implemented. Dewitt also claimed improve- with an organic group–already discussed in the Section
ments in yarn tenacity and decreased spin breaks. It is ’Monomers with Side Substituents’;
uncertain to what extent succinic acid acted as a  use ‘‘dimer acids’’ as the diacidic component – a common
comonomer, since it is also known to cyclize into an imide component of adhesives (see, for instance, Johnson
which then acts as a mono-functional chain-stopper. et al.[199]);
Hammond and Marks claimed reductions in gelation  co-polymerize a mixture of polyamides – the subject of
propensity when they copolymerized various alternative the present discussion.
diamines with the HMD of nylon.66 These comonomers
were ethyltetramethylenediamine,[193] trimethylenehexa- Zytel 611 was an early offering of the DuPont company
methylenediamine,[194] and pentamethylenediamine.[195] and consisted of a terpolymer of polyamides 6, 66, and 610
Because of the high crystallinity of nylon 66 it has (see Kohan[200] and see Brubaker et al.[201]), probably in the
sometimes proved energy-intensive and time-consuming molar proportions 40:30:30 (see Larose[202]). An important
to achieve good dye penetration. Kobsa and Windley[196] feature of this copolymer is its solubility in alcohol: Larose,
found that the addition of 6–12% by weight of nylon 6 as a for instance, was able to prepare a solution in ethyl alcohol.
copolymer component resulted in a large reduction in Beachell and Carlson[203] used a powerful alcoholic solvent
energy requirement. In the same vein, the INVISTA to dissolve nylon 6, 66, and 610 individually and also Zytel
company markets DYTEK1A (i.e., 2-MPMD) as a monomeric 611 and found Zytel 611 to dissolve the most readily. An

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K. Marchildon


important use of Zytel 611, applied as a solution, is in home construction. Chen et al.[208] also experimented with
conservation, where it is used to protect paper and other piperazine in hot-melt adhesives and found, as they
art objects.[204,205] (Another alcohol-soluble polyamide, N- increased its content, that it lowered both the crystallinity
methoxymethyl nylon, that was mentioned earlier in the and the glass transition temperature.
Section ’Monomers with Side Substituents’, is also used for Hot-melt adhesives are used in the manufacture of
this purpose.) clothing, where they have to satisfy a number of require-
No melting point is given for Zytel 611 because, being ments:
completely amorphous, it has no sharp solid/liquid
transition. However, Davis[206] obtained some revealing  high bond strength;
results working with a similar terpolymer, ‘‘RDG 114T,’’  resistance to dry-cleaning solvents;
from Elf Atochem, consisting of polyamides 6, 66, and 612.  resistance to washing temperature up to 80 8C;
Quenching this polymer from the melt at usual speeds  melting point below 115 8C, and preferably less, to allow
(seconds) produced a verifiably amorphous solid. However, application to temperature-sensitive fabrics.
the glass transition temperature is 20 8C, so that even at
normal temperatures of use the polymer has the potential Raabe and DeJong[209] copolymerized PA 6, PA 11, and PA
to develop any latent crystallinity–which is what occurred. 12 (individually) with HMD polymers of various aliphatic
When the process was accelerated by annealing at 75 8C diacids to achieve polymers with melting points as low as
then, upon reheating, a strong endothermic peak (i.e., at 90 8C. No component accounted for more than 40 or less
melting point) developed at 107 8C. Crystallinity was than 15 wt.-% of the copolymer. Poessnecker et al.[210] co-
estimated at 10%. Presumably similar results would be polymerized polyamides 6 and 12 and a mixture of diacids
obtained with Zytel 611. Some generalizations may be and diamines to achieve melting points in the range
made from this finding. When a copolyamide is made from 79–121 8C. The diacids that were tested included both
the combination of PA 6 and PA 66 alone, the minimum aliphatic and aromatic; the diamines included hexamethy-
melting point is around 160 8C. It is considered that a low lene, 2-MPMD and piperazine.
level of crystallinity remains, due to similarity in dimen- Also concerned with adhesives for use with fabrics,
sions of the monomeric components. When a third polymer Besshaposhnikova et al.[211] started with a copolymer of PA
is added, e.g., PA 610 or PA 612, it is enough to make the 6 and PA 66 melting at 160–165 8C, then attempted to lower
material completely amorphous under normal quench the melting point by adding agents to interfere with amide-
conditions. However, there still remains a potential for link hydrogen bonding. The starting material consisted of a
long-term crystalline development, a possibly de-stabiliz- 60:40 wt.-% mixture of caprolactam and PA 66 salt. Several
ing factor in end uses. chemicals were able to lower the melting point but only to
A second (and wide-spread) use for low-melting poly- around 140 8C: further addition began to weaken the peel
amides is as hot-melt adhesives. Again a disruption of strength of the adhesive. Among the additives were castor
hydrogen bonding is sought. Horn et al.[207] achieved this oil, acetic anhydride, and formaldehyde. The last named
end by combining two means: co-polymerization, and use would be expected to react with an amide link in the
of secondary amines to produce amide links with no manner shown in Scheme 9.
hydrogen-bonding capability. The copolymer components Two patent applications by Degussa AG claimed
were PA 6 (or, alternatively PA 12 or other mono-monomeric compositions for transparent decorative films suitable for
polyamide) and a di-monomeric polyamide (AABB type) vehicles, sporting goods and other items. These films melt
consisting of an aliphatic or cycloaliphatic diacid and a mainly in the range 180–195 8C, which lets them tolerate
diamine combination containing some fraction of diamines thermal processes such as printing. They are resistant
with secondary amines. For this purpose, piperazine (see to scratches and to weather and solvents. In one of
Formula 16) was used. This product showed good strength these applications, Wursche et al.[212] claimed copolymers
and resiliency over a wide range of temperature and was of metaxylenediamine and higher straight-chain aliphatic
claimed as suitable for bonding in furniture making and in diacids (ten carbons and higher), sometimes with a small

HN NH H H ||
O \ / -C – N –
|| + C |
O -C – N – || HCH
C N N C H |

Formula 16. Piperazine and non-hydrogen-bonding amide links. Scheme 9. Methoxy-substituted amide link.

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amount of paraxylenediamine also present. In the other amidic component in the form of pre-formed dimers that
application, Baumann et al.[213] claimed copolymers allowed sequences of one, two, or three amide groups in a
comprising HMD or decamethylene diamine plus a row. Co-polymerized with an adipic-butanol polyester, the
cycloaliphatic diamine (with one or two rings) with sebacic length of these sequences had a major effect on the crystal-
or dodecanedioic diacid. One of the features of these lization of the copolymer. In the three-adjacent-amide
materials is that, unlike the lactam-containing copolymers copolymers the crystals consisted mainly of nylon; in the
with which they compete, they do not leave monomer two-amide copolymers nylon and polyester co-crystallized;
deposits. and in the single-amide case the polyester alone crystal-
lized. Since the objective of including polyamide is to take
advantage of its strongly bonded crystals it would seem
Copolymerization with Non-Amidic Monomers that the long amide sequence is preferred. Subsequently,
Garg et al.[219] reported on the morphology of the copolymer
Copolymerization of polyamide monomers with non-
with two-amide sequences.
amidic monomers takes advantage of valuable properties
Thermoplastic elastomers are a class of block copolymers
that polyamides bring to the partnership. The amide
in which periodic crystallizable ‘‘hard’’ segments are
linkage, with its hydrogen-bonding capability, can supply
interspersed with ‘‘soft’’ segments, each of the latter
strength, crystallinity, thermal stability, and resistance to
consisting of a long block of non-crystallizing polymer.
chemical attack, while leaving its non-amidic partner to
The most common choice for the soft segments is a
supply the properties for which it has been chosen.
polyether, formed from three-carbon or four-carbon mono-
Copolymerization is made possible typically by reaction
mers, these monomers being either diols or cyclic oxides.
of carboxyl ends with the hydroxyl ends of a polyester or of a
Each hard segment is a relatively short length of a polymer
polyether or by reaction of amine ends with the isocyanate
with capability to bond (generally through hydrogen
ends of a polyurethane. Four applications are examined
bonding) with other hard segments. Polyamides are an
obvious candidate. Under stress, the soft segments of the
 Copolymerization with polyester to make biodegradable solid TPE extend greatly but are eventually restrained by the
polymer. mutually bonded hard segments. On the release of stress,
 Use of polyamide as hard segments in thermoplastic the soft segments retreat into their random configuration.
elastomers (TPE). At a sufficiently high temperature the hard segments de-
 Inclusion as part of a liquid crystalline polymer. bond and the polymer becomes a uniform melt, processable
 Provision of sites for acid-dyeing. as any other linear polymer.
In particular, the polyether block amides (PEBAs)
To quote Garg et al.,[214] ‘‘Aliphatic PEAs have gained constitute an important family of TPEs. Flesher[220]
much interest as potential candidates for biomaterials as introduced the PEBAX1 family as Elf Atochem’s offering,
they combine favorable properties of polyamides (high classifying these materials as Engineering Polymers. Yang
mechanical and thermal stability) and polyesters (higher and Tsai[221] analyzed PEBAX 3533 and found it to be
degradation rate through hydrolytically labile ester composed of poly(lauryl lactam), i.e., PA 12, poly(tetra-
groups).’’ One such PEA is a copolymer of 1,4-butanediol, methylene ether) glycol, and adipic acid (to supply required
adipic acid, and 6-aminohexanoic acid, typically with 40% carboxyl ends). The percentages by weight of the three
ester bonds and 60% amide bonds. The product was desig- components was determined to be 36.3, 60.1, and 3.6,
nated as BAK, based presumably on the names of its com- respectively. Arkema Inc.,[222] now producing the PEBAX
ponents: Butanediol, Adipic, Kaprolaktam (i.e., e-caprolac- line, advertise it as bridging the gap between thermo-
tam). Wiegand et al.[215] studied the full degradation of BAK plastics and rubber. Properties depend on the relative
1095 by microorganisms. Ferre et al.[216] studied degra- amounts of polyamide and polyether. Chen[223] evaluated
dation by warm water and by enzyme catalysis. They also PEBAX2533 (not 3533) as a polymeric membrane for gas
examined replacement of the adipic by glutaric or succinic separation processes. Evonik Industries[224] supplies a
acid. For reconstructive surgery, Hemmrich et al.[217] family of VESTAMID1E polyamide 12 elastomers. In a
examined the promising use of non-woven fabric formed document by the former supplier Degussa AG,[225] the
from a PEA comprising these three components. A second benefits of employing a hard segment of polyamide, and in
product, BAK2195 consisted of HMD, adipic acid, and 1,4- particular PA 12, are stated as the chemical resistance of
butanol. However, Bechthold et al.[218] reported that ‘‘pro- polyamides and the low moisture absorption of PA 12.
duction of BAK was stopped in 2001 due to economic Further, on TPEs, a group under the leadership of
reasons.’’ In these PEAs the distribution of the various Gaymans has explored the effect of polyamide hard
monomer segments may have been completely random. segment length or position, using segments of uniform
Garg et al.[214] investigated the effect of incorporating the length in each evaluation. This work is in the same spirit as

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K. Marchildon


that of Garg et al.[214] and all of these studies are of interest if require injection molding to very close tolerances, e.g.,
only for the techniques used to generate the oligomers of complex electronic connectors.’’
uniform lengths. In the first of two studies, van der Schuur With its amine ends, a polyamide can provide sites for
et al.[226] worked with poly(propylene oxide), capped on the acid dyes in a copolymer where the other components are
ends with toluene diisocyanate. An amine-ended substance inert to these dyes. Wang and Hu[231] blended a copolya-
was then used to join the ends, reacting with the isocyanate mide with poly(trimethyleneterephthalamide), i.e., (PTT)
ends to create urea linkages. Three candidates for this polymer, to produce an acid-dyeable fiber. The copolyamide
amine-ended substance were tested: HMD by itself, a trimer consisted of HMD and adipic acid and also the trifunctional
consisting of two HMD segments attached to a terephthalic diethylenetriamine (DETA). The last provided an extra
segment, and a pentamer consisting of three HMD amine end beyond that required for polymerization. The
segments and two terephthalic. These compounds were, study demonstrated optimum results with weight ratio of
respectively, denoted as ‘‘6,’’ ‘‘6T6,’’ and ‘‘6T6T6.’’ Part of the 95 to 5 of PTT to copolyamide and with the DETA
van der Schuur arrangement is shown in Formula 17. constituting 25 mol-% of the copolyamide. The desired
Using only ‘‘6’’ (i.e., HMD) produced just urea links, which dye uptake was achieved and with little adverse effect on
were shown not to hydrogen-bond with one another. ‘‘6T6’’ mechanical and thermal stability. Because the copolyamide
introduced two amide links and ‘‘6T6T6’’ introduced four and the PTT are immiscible, a compatibilizer (Surlyn1) was
amide links, which were shown to form crystalline regions required.
by bonding with hard segments in other chains. The result
was an increase in modulus and melting temperature and
an improvement in elastic properties, at no cost to favorable Reflections
mechanical properties. Arun et al.[227] also used trimers of
HMD and TPA (‘‘T6T’’), this time to join hydroxyl-ended The amide linkage is truly a prodigy among organic
poly(trimethylene oxide). They varied the number and functional groups. It combines covalent strength with a
position (end-chain, mid-chain) of the hard segments and powerful polarity, producing stable polymer molecules that
studied the effects on crystallinity and mechanical proper- adhere to one another and that can often form bodies of
ties. Finally, Stephen et al.[228] used ‘‘T6T6T’’ to successfully high-melting coherent crystallinity. Many of the polymers
add a crystallizing component to the amorphous Engineer- that take advantage of these qualities are made from quite
ing Polymer polysulfone. The resulting polymer has high inexpensive starting materials. It is no surprise that
dimensional and solvent resistance. An important observa- polyamides have had seventy years of popularity.
tion was that the mono-disperse ‘‘T6T6T’’ segments New polyamides and copolyamides continue to be
retained their integrity in spite of high-temperature melt developed. The biggest step so far has been the incorpora-
polymerization with the co-component. tion of monomers containing aliphatic and/or aromatic
The Hoechst Celanese company have marketed a liquid rings. These structures have helped to keep polyamides in
crystalline polymer, VectraTMB-950 in which some of the the midst of the general effort to insert polymers into
links are amidic. Kuixiang et al.[229] state a molar applications that currently use metals and ceramics,
composition for this material of 60% 6-hydroxy-2- applications that generally feature high-temperature
naphthoic acid, 20% TPA, and 20% para-aminophenol. An and/or other extreme conditions. Other uses have entirely
objective evaluation of this relatively new PEA was given by different requirements, for which polyamides have also
Goodfellow.[230] It is truly thermotropic in the sense that it been tailored, sometimes by actually tempering the very
can be processed in the melt, requiring no solvent. It is coherence and stiffness of the base polymer.
classed as a self-reinforcing polymer (SRP) because of the While the number of possible monomers is limited (not
high stiffness and orientation of the molecules. It is forecast least by economics), the number of monomer combinations
to be useful in ‘‘mechanical and electronic components that is limitless. The search for new copolymer formulations will
continue to be worthwhile both for academics and
Poly(propylene oxide) Unfortunately, enthusiasm for polymer development is
O CH CH₂ O CH CH₂ O C N often dampened by the realization that the cost of novel
H CH₃ monomers precludes commercialization, unless the poly-
CH₃ CH₃ Toluene
mer has properties that are superior and/or unique and that
diisocyanate NH
O O are highly valued by processors. Some of the effort that goes
N (CH₂)₆ N C C N (CH₂)₆ N C O into developing polymers might wisely be redirected into
developing ways to make cheaper monomers.
HMD-TPA chain joiner
Increasing attention is being paid to the source of
Formula 17. Amide-based hard segment in a polyether. monomers. Materials that are derived from vegetable (or

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