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This question paper contains 3 printed puges. 1796 Tie Rl No B.Sc. (H1) /Computer Science /IV Sem. A Paper 404 - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Admissions of of 2001 and onwards) Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks Write your Roll Na, on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Non - Programmable calculator is allowed. 1. Thecurve y(x) of an inextensible flexible homogeneous cable hanging between two fixed points is obtained by solving y"=K Ji +y® where the constant K depends on the weight. Find and graph y(x) assuming that K =I and those fixed points are (-1, 0) and (1.0) in the vertical xy - plane. 2. Show that y=xe* isa solution of the differential equation = 10y' +25y=0 Finda linearly independent solution by reducing the order. Define Euler - Cauchy equation. Convert the differential equation 4x2y" + 24xy' 1 25y = 0 into the differential equation with constant coefficients and solve. 4. Define the Wromkian of two solutions y,(x) and y,(x) of the second order differential equation. State a necessary and sufficient condition for the solutions y,(x)and y,(x) to be linearly independent. Prove that e*cos x ande' sin x are linearly independent solutions of the differential equation. 4+ 2y =0. 5. Usethe method of variation of parameters to find a general solution of the differential equation. xy’ y= GB xt et 6. Find the particular integral and hence find the general solution of the differential equation, y' -2y +4y=e%cosx + x sinh x 7. State the condition forthe existence of power series solution of the 2™ order linear differential equation. Does the power series solution of the differential equation. y = 241 exists 2 Discuss 8. Define Bessel’s function of first kind of ordern show that fx" J Gy de= xT 4C and deduce }x7J,(x) dx 47964(800) a) 10. 4 Show the following fi) Abad 2! Oo (i) 1,08 Determine the radius of convergence of the tollowing power series Sam eam @ F ™ mo Pa Using Laplace transform, solve the integral equation y(t) f yD) Sin24- Td 0 Find the inverse laplace transform of the f Find the current (t) in the circuit in the figure given below ifa single square wave with voltage V,,is applied. ‘The circuit is assumed to be quiescent before the square wave is applied. ve) va) Use Laplace transform to solve the initial value problert xT ax = 0 MOYEN (080 where cos 2, OStS 20 to 0.1520 17981(800) @ u R 15, Solve the system of differential equation using laplace transform, yy" ty, = - 5 Cos 2t Cos 2 17964800) (3)

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