Lepofsky y Lyons 2003

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Journal of

Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

Modeling ancient plant use on the Northwest Coast: towards an

understanding of mobility and sedentism
Dana Lepofsky*, Natasha Lyons
Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada
Received 7 July 2002; received in revised form 12 January 2003; accepted 30 January 2003


Understanding patterns of mobility among ancient populations is inextricably linked to an understanding of fundamental aspects
of social and economic systems. On the Northwest Coast of North America, archeologists use attributes of the lithic assemblage, site
size and location, and to a lesser extent analyses of features and faunal remains to investigate patterns of mobility. Archeobotanical
data are not used in these assessments, despite the fact that explicit expectations about plant remains at different kinds of sites can
be derived from the region’s rich ethnographic record of plant use. In this paper, we present a model of ancient plant use in the Coast
Salish region of the Northwest Coast that can be used to distinguish sites which represent varying degrees of sedentism. Based on
the ethnographic and ethnobotanical literature, we characterize the expected patterning of archeobotanical remains in short-term
camps, base camps, and summer, winter, and year-round villages, according to richness, degree of specialization, density,
accessibility, and seasonality. We then apply the model to help interpret two archeological deposits from the Scowlitz site, a
multi-component site inhabited over a 3000-year span by Coast Salish peoples, and to refine the model further.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Northwest Coast; Complex hunter–gatherers; Paleoethnobotany; Coast Salish

1. Introduction The complexities of characterizing human mobility

patterns within and between yearly cycles are well
Anthropologists have long recognized links between illustrated among the complex hunter–gatherers of the
patterns of mobility and the development of social and Northwest Coast of North America. In the historic
economic systems [21,41,43]. Despite this, we continue period, mobility patterns of many Northwest Coast
to grapple with how to define mobility so it is meaning- groups involved the aggregation of families in repeatedly
ful both in terms of human behavior and can be occupied winter villages and the dispersal of those
identified in the archeological record (e.g., [40,59]). families to resource collecting areas in spring through
Recognizing the complexity of patterns of movement, fall. Some groups, however, made few, if any moves
several researchers have suggested the need to decouple away from their winter village because resources were
definitions of mobility, and its corollary sedentism, into available nearby throughout the year [38]. In the litera-
how much time a group spends at a particular location ture, Northwest Coast groups are variously described
in one year and how often they return to that location as sedentary or semi-sedentary, sometimes depend-
over several years (e.g., [6,13,30,34,41]). Archeologists ing on the length of time spent in the winter village (e.g.,
use various measures of the lithic, faunal, feature, and [2, p. 25]), but often these terms are not explicitly
botanical records to understand the amount of time defined.
human populations spend in a location both within and It is widely accepted that beginning at least 4000 years
between years (e.g., [6,7,10,44,53,60]). ago, and perhaps significantly before this, groups in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-604-291-3135;
many regions of the Northwest Coast became
fax: +1-604-291-5666. increasingly sedentary – both within and between yearly
E-mail address: dlepofsk@sfu.ca (D. Lepofsky). cycles [2,3,35]. However, within this general scenario, we
0305-4403/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1358 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

know few details about how mobility patterns differed many aspects of their distant past (e.g., [36,39,45]), and
among groups and how these patterns shifted through the general similarities among the ethnobotanical
time. In the few studies where detailed analyses examine records of all Coastal First Nations [54,55], indicate that
degrees of sedentism, it is clear that there was consider- the recorded knowledge of plant use has a long time
able variability in patterns of movement across time and depth. This is particularly true of plants used for food
space (e.g., [1,8,9,46]). and technology, whose culturally significant properties
Based on models from the ethnographic record, (e.g., how well they preserve, how they taste, how well
Northwest Coast archeologists often place archeological they burn) are unchanging.
sites along a continuum of increasing sedentism within In our model, we also rely on current vegetation
the yearly cycle. By convention, the continuum is often patterns in our study area to understand the distribution
divided into discrete site types: short-term camps, base of plants in the past. Recent paleoecological studies in
camps, summer villages, winter villages, and year-round the Fraser Valley region reveal that there were minor
villages. Progressing along the continuum, sites are climatic fluctuations over the past three millennia that
generally larger, are occupied for longer periods, and are have in turn influenced fire frequencies [16,17]. Although
associated with increasingly more permanent structures. these changes may have had some effect on the relative
More permanent sites were occupied by larger and more dominance of hardwoods to coniferous trees in any
complex social groups, who conducted a broad range of particular location within the forests, it is unlikely that
social and economic activities. the overall species mix was affected. Further, at the level
Determining where sites fall along this continuum is of the landscape, these changes in fire frequency are
key to understanding not only how each site fits into the unlikely to have had any noticeable effect on the mosaic
mosaic of regional social relations, but also for under- of plant species available. This overall consistency in
standing the social dynamics within that site. On the vegetation is reflected in the pollen record for the region,
Northwest Coast, archeologists use attributes of the which shows no major changes in vegetation in the
lithic assemblage, site size and location, and to a lesser past 2500 years [33]. Together, both current vegetation
extent analyses of features and faunal remains to assess patterns and the strong ethnobotanical record provide a
degree of sedentism. Typically, plant remains are not firm foundation for building models of past plant use in
used in these assessments, despite the fact that explicit the Coast Salish region.
expectations about plant remains at different kinds of
sites can be derived from the region’s rich ethnographic 3. Archeobotanical correlates of Coast Salish plant use
record of plant use.
In this paper, we present a model that incorporates According to the ethnographic and archeological
ethnobotanical and archeobotanical data into the in- records, the Coast Salish, like other Northwest Coast
terpretation of sites in the Coast Salish region of the peoples, were hunter–gatherers who spent their winters
Northwest Coast. Based on the ethnographic literature, in permanent villages, using stored resources collected at
we characterize the expected patterning of archeo- other times of the year [4,35,50]. In most cases, plants
botanical remains in five increasingly sedentary site used for food, technology, medicine, and rituals were
types according to richness, degree of specialization, collected during the growing season from resource har-
density, accessibility, and seasonality. We then use this vesting areas located at some distance from the winter
model to interpret two archeological deposits at the village [4, pp. 39–40, 241; 11, pp. 25–26; 49, pp. 11, 15].
Scowlitz site, located in southwestern British Columbia Short-term camps, base camps, and summer villages
(Fig. 1), and to refine the model further. were used as a base of operations during harvests.
Year-round occupations, though rare, are also noted in
2. Modeling ancient plant use among the Coast Salish the ethnographic literature of the Coast Salish [4, p. 31;
5]. In these cases, a village was situated close enough to
In modeling ancient plant use among the Coast a wide range of seasonally available resources to be used
Salish, we rely heavily on the extensive ethnobotanical as a year-round base of operations. Diverse activities
record of the Coast Salish and other Northwest Coast involving the harvesting, processing, and use of plant
peoples (see references listed in Table 1). This expansive resources were conducted at each of these sites (Table 1).
record depicts plants as a principle ingredient in the These activities should leave distinct signatures in the
social, economic, and ritual relations of Coastal First archeobotanical records of these different sites.
Nations during the protohistoric and historic periods On the Northwest Coast, most archeobotanical
and provides details on the nature and timing of assemblages are dominated by “seeds” (including
collection, processing, and use of plant foods and endocarps, true seeds, achenes, and so on) and wood
technologies. While there have undoubtedly been charcoal. Based on the ethnobotanical record, seeds
changes in plant use over the past millennia (see review originate from plants used for food and other purposes.
in [24]), the strong connection among the Coast Salish to Seeds from food plants primarily originate from fruits
D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371 1359

Fig. 1. Map of region, showing location of Scowlitz site.

that were eaten fresh or preserved for future consump- harvested for other plant parts [55]. Charcoal assem-
tion. Seeds from non-food plants originate from plants blages are composed of wood collected and burned
used for technology, medicine, and ritual, and from primarily for fuel, and to a lesser extent of woods that
weedy, invasive plants whose seeds were accidentally were collected for technological uses and then were later
introduced to the archeobotanical record. In our experi- burned.
ence, weedy, invasive seeds dominate the non-food seed Based on our understanding of the variation in plant
category of the Northwest Coast, both because relatively use activities between sites and our experience analyzing
few seeds themselves had ethnobotanical uses, and/or the archeobotanical record of the Northwest, we devel-
because plants were generally not bearing seeds when oped a model of the expected archeobotanical correlates
1360 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

Table 1
Activities involving plants in Coast Salish seasonal round and associated site type

Season Activities involving plant use Associated site type

Winter Production and repair of housewares and technologies; Winter village, year-round village
consumption of stored plant foods for daily meals and
occasional feasts; production of ceremonial items

Spring Consumption of fresh greens, cambium; collection of Winter village, year-round village, base camp, short-term
inner bark; consumption of first fruits; harvest, camp
processing and consumption of root foods; collection of
basketry items and other “technological” plant resources

Early summer Harvest of planks, trees and “technological” plant Year-round village, summer village, base camp,
resources; repair of nets, snares etc.; collection of short-term camp
medicines and spices; consumption of fresh foods;
harvest, processing and consumption of root foods and

Late summer and Use of nets, cordage, and basketry technologies for Year-round village, summer village, base camp,
early fall fishing; exchange of plant foods, raw plant resources, short-term camp
and finished items; consumption of fresh foods;
processing and consumption of berries and roots

Late fall Re-assembly of plank houses; storage of dried foods for Winter village, year-round village
winter; marking of edible roots; cutting of nettles;
collection of fire wood; begin consumption of stored
plant foods
Sources: [4,11,12,15,19,20,22,47–52,54–58,61,62].

of seeds originating from food plants (hereafter, “food assemblage reflects the range of species deposited
seeds”), seeds from non-food plants (hereafter, “non- through cultural or natural means, although a paleo-
food seeds”), and charcoal at different site types (Fig. 2). ethnobotanist’s ability to estimate richness of the
Other plant tissues have not yet been recovered in archeobotanical assemblage is influenced by sample size
sufficient quantities in Northwest Coast sites to include (number and/or volume of sediment examined) ([44];
in the model at this point. We characterized each of also [14]). To estimate the effects of sample size on
the three categories of remains by differences in rich- taxonomic richness, and to determine how close the
ness, degree of specialization, density, accessibility, and estimated richness is to the true maximum number of
seasonality. In this model, patterning of food seeds taxa in that record [23, p. 187], number of identified
reflects food-related activities (e.g., processing, con- specimens can be plotted against number of taxa, in a
sumption, rehydration), patterning of non-food seeds method similar to that used in a species-area curve in
largely reflects the distribution of accidentally intro- ecology. If the curve begins to level off, sample size is
duced weed seeds (e.g., collected incidentally with other sufficient to assess taxonomic richness represented in the
deliberately collected resources, introduced via seed record [27].
rain), and patterning in charcoal largely reflects fuel use. Other paleoethnobotanists have used archeobotanical
We have not incorporated taphonomic factors in the richness of food plants in the context of diversity
model which might affect the relative preservation and measures (which combine richness and evenness) to
therefore abundance of specific taxa. Currently, our assess degree of sedentism and/or intensity of use [7,41].
knowledge of the paleoethnobotanical record of the Our use of richness differs from these other applications
Northwest Coast is not sufficiently detailed to make because it examines assemblage richness on its own. We
these kinds of predictions. do this both because an examination of richness alone
provides a more readily interpretable assessment of the
3.1. Richness composition of the archeobotanical assemblage, and
because paleoethnobotanical assemblages on the North-
In our model, richness refers to the number of west Coast are generally not sufficiently large to use
identifiable taxa per deposit. The richness of an established diversity measures [42].
D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371 1361

In our model, richness of both food seeds and char- characteristic of Northwest Coast archeobotanical
coal varies with length of occupation, since a greater assemblages than established indices (cf. [42]).
variety of plants will be harvested, processed, and used We expect the degree of specialization represented by
during longer occupations (Fig. 2a, c). For food plants, charcoal and food seeds to be inversely correlated with
we expect richness in the winter and year-round village the length of time spent at a location (Fig. 2a, c). That
to be similar to the summer village, since few additional is, archeobotanical assemblages at short-term camps
food plants would have been harvested during the should contain a small number of taxa with a few
winter. Richness may be somewhat lower in winter dominating, reflecting the task-specific focus of those
villages, however, since summer plant foods eaten only sites [7]. At villages, though people will use a wider range
in season will not be represented in those deposits of taxa, some taxa will always be preferred for food or
(denoted by a break in the line). In the case of wood technology, and thus those assemblages should also
charcoal, we expect length of stay to closely correspond display some degree of specialization. The reliance on a
to richness, since the number of tasks involving wood few species in particular, but the utilization of many,
for fuel and technology will be greatest at longer-term is consistent with expectations for complex hunter–
occupations. gatherers [3, pp. 25–26].
The richness of non-food seeds (Fig. 2b) will be
influenced both by site type and context. Since the 3.3. Density
non-food seed category is in large part composed of
weed seeds that entered deposits via natural seed rain, Density is the relative abundance of archeobotanical
outside processing and disposal areas will have more remains in an assemblage [37] and is measured here by
non-food seed taxa than inside structures. Further, the the average number of seeds/liter or grams of charcoal/
longer a site is occupied, the more such seeds it will liter. In general, density of plant remains will reflect
contain (Fig. 2b, top line). We expect the inside of some combination of the number of people occupying a
houses to contain relatively fewer non-food seed taxa site, how intensely the site was used, and the likelihood
because such contexts would be protected from seed rain that remains will be preserved [41,44]. In our model,
(Fig. 2b, bottom line). density of all classes of remains is most affected by
whether deposits are inside or outside contexts and by
3.2. Specialization length of stay (Fig. 2 a–c). In outside contexts, we expect
densities to be relatively higher because cleaning was
We define specialization as the degree to which an minimal and processing involving fires was probably
assemblage is dominated by a few, abundant species. more common. Conversely, we expect the interiors of
Specialization reflects choices made about resource structures to display lower densities of remains due to
selection, and thus does not apply to the accidentally regular cleaning of floors (cf. [18]). In both inside and
introduced, non-food seed taxa in our samples. We outside contexts, density should correlate with length of
assess the degree of plant food specialization in an stay.
assemblage by calculating the percent of the number of
identified food seeds represented by the three most 3.4. Accessibility
common food taxa. Similarly, specialization of fuels is
represented by the percent of number of identified The accessibility of plant remains refers to whether a
charcoal specimens represented by the three most particular plant resource was harvested within easy
common charcoal taxa identified at least to genus. For access of the site (local) or from more distant locations
both food seeds and charcoal, a measure of 90%, for (non-local). We base our assessment of accessibility on
example, would indicate a highly specialized assemblage, the distribution of modern ecosystems, which as we
whereas 40% would indicate a relatively unspecialized noted earlier, are suitable proxies for the past. We define
assemblage. local plants as those that could be harvested within a
Our use of the term specialization is closely related to three-hour walk or canoe paddle from a site, and thus
the idea of dominance-diversity relations in ecology [23]. are accessible in a day trip. Non-local plant resources
Our method of characterizing specialization differs from required at least an overnight trip to harvest, or were
indices that assess evenness or diversity (which combines accessed through trade. In coastal settings, an exception
richness and evenness) because it focuses on the species to the latter would be the harvest of non-local woods
that dominate the assemblage rather than the entire available locally as driftwood [26].
distribution (though the number of identified taxa will In general, we expect that local foods and fuels will
affect the percent). At this point, we have no clear dominate the archeobotanical record. Small term camps,
predictions about the relative evenness of all plant base camps and summer villages should contain pri-
remains at different site types. Our measure of specializ- marily local resources because these sites are situated
ation is more appropriate for the small sample sizes near harvesting locales. Non-local resources, however,
1362 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

Fig. 2. Model of archaeobotanical remains at different site types. (a) Expectations for food seeds; (b) expectations for non-food (weed) seeds;
(c) expectations for charcoal.
D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371 1363

Fig. 2. (Continued).

should be found in small quantities in winter and year- For short-term camps, base camps, and summer
round villages, because resources were brought to these villages, seasonal indicators represented by food and
more permanent residences from more distant collecting non-food seeds should correspond directly to the
sites. In addition, the more complex social relations month(s) of occupation (Fig. 2a, b). A winter village
associated with these sites are more likely to result in should be characterized by the absence of plant foods
non-local plant resources acquired through exchange that cannot be processed and the presence of plant foods
(Fig. 2a, c). All non-food seeds, as defined here, will be that can be preserved for storage. At winter villages, the
local. absence of fires during the growing season will result in
the preservation of few non-food seeds introduced via
3.5. Seasonality seed rain. Year-round villages will contain food seeds
both from plants that were stored and those that were
Since most Northwest Coast plants go to seed during eaten in season; in addition, outside contexts will con-
relatively restricted periods in the growing season, tain non-food seeds introduced via seed rain throughout
archeobotanical seeds have the potential to be ideal the growing season.
indicators of late spring through fall site use. However,
we know from the ethnobotanical record that many
plants were processed and then stored for winter use, 4. Paleoethnobotany at the Scowlitz site
and thus cannot be used as reliable indicators of season
of occupation. In our model, we use only those plants The Scowlitz site, located in the upper Fraser Valley
that were not stored for later use as seasonal indicators. of southwestern British Columbia, is strategically
These include seeds from food plants which, according situated at the confluence of two major rivers and within
to the ethnobotanical record, were never stored by access to a broad spectrum of ecosystems (Fig. 1).
coastal First Nations because they were not suited for Excavations in the main part of the site have revealed a
preserving (e.g., watery berries such as strawberries), complicated site history that began some 3000 years ago
and seeds from non-food plants. [28]. As is typical of riverine coastal sites with no shell to
1364 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

counteract the acidic forest soils, faunal remains are 5. Application of the model to the Scowlitz
absent or poorly preserved at Scowlitz. Consequently, archeobotanical record
the analysis of botanical remains was central to our
understanding of shifting site use. The analysis of At the outset of our analysis, we suggested that
lithics at the Scowlitz site is ongoing; the addition of this structure 3 was a house that could have been occupied at
line of evidence will contribute significantly to our least during the winter, based on the interpretation
interpretation of site use. of structural remains and other features. The burned
We focused our paleoethnobotanical analyses on orange deposit, on the other hand, appeared to be
two chronologically distinct occupations. The first is a associated with activities conducted outdoors, probably
village, composed of several large houses (c. 3000 to in the non-winter months. Applying our model to the
1800 BP [uncalibrated]; [28,32]). Our paleoethnobotan- archeobotanical record of the Scowlitz site allows use
ical samples from the village come from a large house to refine and expand our understanding of these two
called “structure 3” (c. 2400–2200 BP). Over 100 m2 of deposits (Table 3).
structure 3 has been excavated to reveal a sequence
of building episodes that produced a palimpsest of 5.1. Richness
floors, formed hearths, postholes, pits, and benches. The
repeated rebuilding of structure 3 indicates a high degree We plotted the number of identified seed taxa
of between year sedentism of a particular household against the number of identified specimens recovered
group, spanning several generations. The size and to determine whether our sample sizes were large
permanency of post holes, hearths, and other features enough to compare richness of food and non-food
suggests the house was occupied at least during the cold seeds between deposits (Figs. 3 and 4). These plots
and wet winter months, but could have been occupied at illustrate that for both structure 3 and the burned
other times of the year as well. We hoped that the orange deposits the number of food and non-food
paleoethnobotanical analysis would augment our under- seeds are approaching the true maximum number of
standing of what activities were conducted in the house, taxa, and are thus sufficient to compare richness. The
and in which seasons. comparison between the two deposits reveals that both
The second occupation, a more ephemeral occu- the food seed and non-food seed assemblages from the
pation called the “burned orange deposit” (BOD), is burned orange deposit are richer than the structure 3
associated with intensive food processing but no struc- assemblages (Table 3).
tural remains (c. 1000–800 BP). The deposit is primarily In contrast to seeds, charcoal richness is greater in
composed of burn features that are distributed in a structure 3 than the burned orange deposit (Table 3).
haphazard fashion across a series of thin, overlapping This difference is especially dramatic when the number
surfaces. No structural features were found in the of identified taxa is compared to the number of ident-
approximately 80 m2 excavated, indicating the activities ified specimens in each deposit (Fig. 5). For the structure
associated with this occupation took place outdoors or 3 assemblage, though the examination of 470 specimens
within a temporary structure and thus was unlikely to resulted in the identification of 16 taxa, the slope indi-
have been occupied during the winter. As with structure cates that the sample is not yet adequate to represent the
3, the burned orange deposit displays a high degree of richness of species in this deposit. However, for the
between year sedentism, being occupied repeatedly over burned orange deposit, a sample of 175 specimens was
at least a 200-year period. The goals of the paleoethno- sufficiently large to represent the range of charcoal taxa
botanical analysis for this deposit were to the seasons of present. The actual difference in richness between the
occupation and the range of activities conducted. two deposits is thus even greater than the current sample
We analyzed 28 (1 and 2 l) flotation samples from indicates.
structure 3 and the burned orange deposit. Samples were The relatively higher richness of non-food seeds in the
selected from hearths, floors, and a pit from structure 3 burned orange deposit than structure 3 (2.3 times
(n=16) and burn features, surfaces, and a cooking higher) is consistent with our prediction that outside
feature from the burned orange deposit (n=12). Sample contexts will contain greater amounts of weed seeds
analysis followed standard procedures for the sorting introduced via seed rain than enclosed structures. The
and identification of plant macroremains [32]. difference in richness between the two deposits holds
Forty-two plant taxa from 26 plant families were when we include the unidentified taxa represented by
identified in the paleoethnobotanical analysis. These are seeds in the totals (BOD, 20 unidentified+7 ident-
represented primarily by seeds and charcoal, with ified=27 taxa; Str.3, 9 unidentified+3 identified=12 taxa;
needles and non-woody tissue making up a much BOD:Str.3 =2.3:1). Though we cannot at this time
smaller part of the assemblage ([32]; Table 2). Over 20 identify these specimens, we are confident that most, if
additional taxa were represented by specimens that not all, of these seeds originate from non-edible plants.
could not be identified [32]. We assert this because we have substantially greater
D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371 1365

Table 2
Plants recovered from the burned orange and structure 3 deposits

Frequency by deposit (ubiquity)

Scientific name (common name) Burned orange Structure 3 Ethnobotanical useb Seasonal availabilityc
Food seeds
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (kinnikinnick) 1 (8) 1 (6) F, S (U/F/W)
Cornus canadensis (bunchberry) 1 (8) – F (U)
Crataegus douglasii (black hawthorn) 6 (33) – F (U/F/W)
Fragaria sp. (strawberry) 1 (8) 10 (22) F S
Gaultheria shallon (salal) 158 (58) 55 (33) F (U/F)
Maianthemum dilatum (lily-of-the-valley) 2 (17) – F (U)
Ribes sp. (currant) 1 (8) 1 (6) F (S/U)
Rosa sp. (wild rose) 4 (25) 2 (11) F U/F/W
Rubus cf. spectabilis (salmonberry) 27 (83) 10 (22) F S
Sambucus racemosa (red elderberry) 107 (100) 35 (72) F (S/U)
Satureja cf. douglasii (yerba buena) 2 (17) 2 (11) B U

Non-food seeds
Dicentra formosa (bleeding heart) 2 (17) – W? U
Chenopodium sp. (chenopod) 34 (75) 2 (12) W U/F
Compositae (aster) 1 (8) – W? U/F
Poaceae (grass) 4 (33) 2 (11) T, W U/F
Polygonum lapithifolium (smartweed) 1 (8) – W U
cf. Portulaca – 1 W U/F
cf. Potentilla sp. (cinquefoil) 1 (8) – W U/F
Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) 1 (8) – W, T F

Abies sp. (true fir)d – 4 (20) I, (D)
Acer cf. macrophyllum (broad-leaved maple) 97 (75) 175 (55) P, I
Alnus cf. rubra (red alder) 24 (50) 65 (50) P, I, D
Betula cf. paperifera (paper birch) 18 (50) 24 (25) I, O
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (yellow-cedar)d – 1 (5) I, (C)
Cornus sp. (dogwood) – 1 (5) (I, D)
cf. Lonicera (twinberry) – 3 (15) ?
Picea sp. (spruce) 5 (25) 3 (10) (O, C, I, D)
Pinus sp. (pine) – 1 (5) O, (C, I)
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) 41 (67) 31 (45) P, I, (C) T
Pyrus fusca (Pacific crabapple) 1 (8) 1 (5) I
Rubus sp. (raspberry) – 4 (10) I
Salix/Populus (willow/cottonwood) 12 (17) 55 (60) P, C, I
Taxus brevifolia (western yew) 6 (17) 8 (15) I
Thuja plicata (western redcedar) 13 (50) 28 (35) P, C, I, D, R?
Tsuga sp. (hemlock) 11 (42) 4 (15) (O), I, D

Total seeds (N) 381 131

Total identified charcoal (N) 300 470
Only identified charcoal and seeds are presented here. See Lyons [32] for complete list of plant remains recovered.
Ethnobotanical uses: Food seeds: B=plant used in beverages, F=food, S=leaves smoked as tobacco; Non-food seeds: T=unspecified
technological use, W=weedy species, likely introduced incidentally; Charcoal: FC=construction, D=dyeing/tanning product, I=for making
implements, O=occasional fuel, P=preferred fuel, R=ritual use.
Seasonal availability: S=spring, U=summer, F=fall, W=winter (winter refers to fruits which sometimes stay on the branch throughout the
winter). Wood charcoal is available year round. Seeds from plant parts that could have been stored are indicated by a parenthesis around the season
available. These plants are not included in the determination of seasonality of the deposits.
Yellow-cedar and true fir are not local to the Scowlitz site; they grow at high elevations.

knowledge and a far more complete comparative collec- taxa were represented only by single seeds in one or
tion of seeds originating from food plants than from both of the deposits (two taxa are represented by
non-edible, weedy taxa. Thus, if these specimens two seeds), which is also consistent with occasional,
originated from food plants, we probably could have non-deliberate introductions into the record. Taken
identified them. The great majority of these unidentified together, these data support our original supposition
1366 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

Table 3
Summary of paleoethnobotanical results by components of the model

Burned orange Structure 3 Interpretation

Food seeds (N of taxa) 11 7 Non-food seeds suggest burned orange deposit is outside
Non-food seeds (N of taxa)a 7 3 context, structure 3 is inside; charcoal richness indicates
Charcoal (N of taxa) 10 16 structure 3 occupied longer than the burned orange deposit,
but food seeds indicate the converse. Taphonomic factors
possibly affecting seed richness.

Food seeds (% of total food seeds) 93.9% 85.5% Burned orange deposit shorter-term camp than structure 3;
Charcoal (% of taxa identified to genus) 71.0% 67.6% supported by ubiquity measures. Plant food use appears
more specialized than fuel use. High specialization values of
seeds may in part be related to taphonomic factors.

Food seeds (N/l) 20.7 6.6 Less clean-up in burned orange deposit than structure 3;
Non-food seeds (N/l) 2.9 0.3 burned orange deposit is outside context, structure 3 is
Charcoal (g/l) 6.5 29.8 inside. Ratio of charcoal in hearth:floor is more accurate
Charcoal by context (g/l): Surface 6.8 Floor 9.16 reflection of degree of clean-up.
Burns 4.9 Hearths 48.7
burn:surface 1:1.4 hearth:floor 1:0.2

Food seeds Local: 100% Local: 100% Structure 3 is a winter or year-round village?
Charcoal Local: 100% Local: 98.9%

Seasonality Spring through fall Spring through fall Both contexts at least three seasons; winter occupancy
cannot be determined.
The difference in richness of non-food seeds between the two deposits holds when unidentified seeds are included in the totals (BOD=27, Str.
3=12). While we obviously cannot definitively determine whether these seeds belong to the non-food seed category, our substantially greater
knowledge of food seed morphology suggests to us that this is the case (see text).

that structure 3, but not the burned orange deposit, was We are on firmer ground when we consider charcoal
an enclosed structure. richness. Since charcoal used as fuel presumably has an
The conclusions we can draw from the richness of equal chance of preserving in both deposits, charcoal
food seeds and charcoal are more equivocal. Based on richness should more closely reflect length of occupation
our model, we predicted that richness of both food as predicted by the model. These data suggest that
seeds and charcoal would correlate with length of stay, structure 3 was occupied for longer periods of time than
and thus we would expect these two classes of remains the burned orange deposit.
to co-vary. However, in our analysis, food seeds are
somewhat richer in the burned orange deposit than 5.2. Specialization
in structure 3 (1.6 times), while charcoal is richer in
structure 3 than in the former (more than 1.6 times Both the burned orange deposit and structure 3
richer). assemblages are dominated by a few, abundant species,
We suspect that a combination of taphonomic and and are thus highly specialized (Table 3). Of the food
cultural factors explain the discrepancy between food seeds in both assemblages, salal and red elderberry
seeds and charcoal. The higher richness of food seeds, are most abundant (percent abundance of salal,
and indeed all seeds, in the burned orange deposit could BOD=50.8%, str. 3=47.9%, and red elderberry,
in part be explained by the fact that seed taxa are more BOD=34.4% and str. 3=31.6%), with Rubus (8.7%
likely to preserve through charring in this intensively in BOD) and/or strawberry (both 8.5% in structure 3),
used deposit. However, the fact that there are 2.3 times being the third most abundant. Historically, both salal
more non-food seeds but only 1.6 times more food seeds and red elderberry were preferred foods among many
in the burned orange deposit than structure 3 suggests Coastal First Peoples, and were eaten in season and
that differential preservation through fire alone may not processed for winter use (e.g., [54,61]). The high pro-
account for seed richness. portion of these two species may in part be associated
D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371 1367

Fig. 3. Number of identified food seed taxa plotted against the number
of identified specimens. (a) Burned orange deposit; (b) structure 3. Fig. 4. Number of identified non-food seed taxa plotted against
the number of identified specimens. (a) Burned orange deposit;
(b) structure 3.

with the fact that they were processed [29]. Strawberries,

however, which were recovered in relative abundance in
both deposits, are too watery to have been processed for meaningful. To further explore specialization, we com-
winter stores. Additional plant food taxa are represented pare ubiquity values as proposed by Bonzanni [7]. She
by limited numbers in both assemblages (Table 2), suggests that plant remains at shorter-term, specialized
suggesting that they were eaten only incidentally in the sites will be more ubiquitous than at longer-term occu-
season of availability. pations since a narrower range of activities will occur
Like the seed assemblage, the distribution of char- throughout shorter-term sites. In our analysis, all com-
coal taxa in both deposits illustrates a preference mon taxa, with the exception of Salix/Populus wood, are
toward specific taxa (Table 3). In both deposits, there more ubiquitous in the burned orange deposit than
is a strong preference for maple wood (str. 3=44.3%, structure 3 (Table 2). This lends additional support to
BOD=42.5%). In the burned orange deposit, the next the interpretation that the burned orange deposit was a
two taxa are Douglas-fir (18.0%) and alder (10.5%), relatively more specialized occupation than structure 3.
and in structure 3, they are willow/cottonwood (15.1%)
and alder (8.2%). Each of these taxa was highly valued 5.3. Density
as fuel woods [55]. In both assemblages these are
followed in abundance by woods which are reported to The two deposits differ markedly with regards to
have been used more occasionally as fuels, as well density of remains. For seeds, the burned orange deposit
as woods that were used in other technologies [55] has about three times as many food and non-food seeds
(Table 2). The structure 3 assemblage has a greater on average per liter than structure 3 (Table 3). Con-
number of species known ethnobotanically for use in versely, much greater densities of charcoal were recov-
aboriginal woodworking technologies than does the ered from structure 3 than the burned orange deposits.
burned orange assemblage. This patterns holds when the charcoal is examined by
Based on our model, the relatively higher specializ- context, and is particularly striking when the hearths
ation indices for charcoal and food seeds in the burned and burns are compared (Table 3).
orange deposit suggest that it is a shorter-term occu- The discrepancy in relative density of charcoal versus
pation than structure 3. However, we note that the seeds prompted us to further examine charcoal density.
differences between deposits are slight and may not be When we examine charcoal densities by context within
1368 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

deposit can be explained by the absence of cleaning and

relatively greater frequency of processing with fire which
resulted in the charring of more plant remains.

5.4. Accessibility

The majority of seed and charcoal taxa recovered in

the two assemblages could have been harvested locally,
in habitats close to the Scowlitz site (Table 3). The
exception to this is the small amounts of two non-local
wood taxa, yellow-cedar and true fir, that were recov-
ered from structure 3. Yellow-cedar could have been
harvested in the mountain ecosystems near the site, at
approximately 800 m elevation. True fir (Abies sp.)
could either be A. grandis, a low elevation species which
does not grow in the forests near the site today, or more
likely A. amabalis, a high elevation species that grows
over 500 m elevation. Both could have been collected in
a long day trip, but more comfortably on an overnight
trip. Thus, while all taxa used by the occupants of
the burned orange deposit were harvested locally, the
occupants of structure 3 occasionally traveled some
distance to bring desired woods back to the village, or
Fig. 5. Number of identified charcoal taxa plotted against the number perhaps received this wood via exchange. Based on our
of identified specimens. (a) Burned orange deposit; (b) structure 3. model, the presence of a small amount of non-local
resources in structure 3 is consistent with a winter or
year-round village.
the floors/surfaces we see that the hearths and burns, not
surprisingly, are driving the densities (Table 3). The 5.5. Seasonality
greater density of charcoal in structure 3 relates to the
nature of the hearth features, which were deep and Based on the seeds recovered, both structure 3 and the
obviously intended to be used repeatedly. In contrast, burned orange deposit were inhabited for a minimum
the burns in the burned orange deposit were shallow, duration of spring, summer, and fall (Tables 2 and 3). It
ephemeral features. These contained less charcoal due to is not possible to distinguish whether the absence of
their low volume combined with the fact that charcoal definitive winter indicators reflects no winter occupation
will more likely burn to ash in a shallower feature. or reflects the paucity of reliable winter indicators in the
Comparing charcoal densities in burn contexts to archeobotanical record of the Northwest Coast.
those in the associated floors/surfaces, we see dramati-
cally different depositional patterns in the burned orange 6. Discussion
deposit and structure 3. In particular, a much greater
proportion of the charcoal from hearths and burns was Applying our model to the Scowlitz archeobotanical
deposited on the surfaces of the burned orange deposit data allows us to expand our understanding of the
than the structure 3 floors (charcoal g/l; BOD burns:sur- deposits, which were initially based solely on structural
faces: 1:1.4; str. 3 hearths:floors: 1:0.2). This difference is remains (Table 3). The archeobotanical data lends sup-
likely due both to the fact that the deeper structure 3 port to our initial interpretation that structure 3 was an
hearths limited the spread of charcoal and because more enclosed structure and the burned orange deposit an
of the charcoal on the floor of structure 3 was swept outside context. This is supported, in particular, by the
away than in outdoor contexts. richness of non-food seeds which suggests that the
In our model, we suggested that the most dramatic burned orange deposit, but not structure 3, was
differences in densities should be associated with inside regularly exposed to seed rain. The density of all classes
versus outside contexts. Thus, the considerably lower of remains further indicate that the regular clean-
density of all remains in structure 3 relative to the ing of surfaces—which we associated with inside
burned orange deposit is consistent with the likelihood houses—played a greater role in the formation of the
that the structure 3 deposit is derived from inside a deposits in structure 3 than the burned orange deposit.
structure whose floor was regularly cleaned of debris. Other lines of evidence further suggest that structure
The higher density of remains in the burned orange 3 was a year-round village, while the burned orange
D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371 1369

deposit was a three-season base camp from which a We found that the degree to which a surface was
variety of activities were conducted. Based on the regularly cleaned is best assessed by examining the ratio
seasonality of the archeobotanical remains themselves, of charcoal in hearths to floors rather than just deter-
both deposits were occupied a minimum of spring mining overall density of remains. We have observed at
through fall. The archeobotanical record does not allow other sites in the Northwest that house floors tend to be
us to evaluate whether the deposits were also occupied in relatively devoid of plant remains, that hearths contain
the winter, however, the fact that the burned orange relatively more remains, and outside contexts have the
deposit was not enclosed argues against its use during highest density [25,27].
the cold and rainy winters typical of this region. While it A final refinement of the model would be to make
is possible that structure 3 was used for three seasons, predictions about how individual plant taxa enter the
and then abandoned during the winter, we can think of archeological record. Ideally, this would require year-
no reason why people would have left such a structure round sampling of soils in different ecosystems to deter-
for one season, only to return in the following spring. mine the extent of seed rain. Further, we would benefit
The fact that the structure 3 assemblage is less special- from observing how different traditional processing
ized than that of the burned orange deposit and contains techniques affect the likelihood that different taxa will
a small amount of non-local resources, is also consistent preserve in the record. Ultimately, these details would
with structure 3 being a year-round village. Charcoal add considerably to our ability to decipher the small
richness, which is higher in structure 3 than the burned sample sizes characteristic of paleoethnobotanical
orange deposit, supports the interpretation that struc- assemblages on the Northwest Coast.
ture 3 was a year-round occupation. Despite these limitations, the model, combined with
Taken together, these results indicate that structure 3 our extensive knowledge of the features, resulted in a
and the burned orange deposit display varying degrees broader understanding of shifting patterns of mobility
of sedentism. While both deposits were occupied repeat- at the Scowlitz site. In many projects, however, the
edly over a 200-year period, only the occupants of archeologists do not have the opportunity to conduct
structure 3 lived in permanent structures and were large, areal excavations, and interpretations must
sedentary for much or all of the year. Some 1200 years instead be based on limited samples collected from a
later, occupants of the burned orange deposit lived in series of test units. The analysis of paleoethnobotanical
temporary structures for some portion of three seasons. remains in the context of this model would signifi-
They apparently moved elsewhere during the winter cantly advance the understanding of site use, in ad-
months, but returned to the Scowlitz site repeatedly dition to complementing others kinds of more standard
throughout two centuries. Our on-going archeo- analyses (e.g. faunal analyses). At sites where faunal
botanical research at other sites in the region will remains are poorly preserved, such as the non-shell
help us determine how these shifting settlement patterns bearing sites on the Northwest Coast, archeobotanical
at Scowlitz fit into other changes in the regional remains may be one of the few lines of data that
socio-economy. can be used in conjunction with lithic analyses to
While our model has helped us to expand our in- determine patterns of mobility.
terpretation of the deposits at the Scowlitz site, some The development and use of models such as this
aspects of the model require modification. In particular, should not, however, replace careful and extensive
we were surprised by the high degree of specialization in sampling of the archeological record, nor should it
food plants observed in the burned orange deposit encourage us to standardize discussions about ancient
(93.9%), as this is more consistent with our expectations plant use. Lyman [31] has discussed the problems of
for a short-term camp than a site that was occupied for limited sampling and misinterpretation of sites on the
as long as three seasons. Undoubtedly, taphonomic Northwest Coast at length, and our analysis demon-
factors, in particular the mass processing of fruits for strates that if archeologists wish to retrieve the range of
storage, inflated the abundance of species such as salal variation in plant assemblages, then floors, hearths, and
and elderberry. Thus, though the comparison of our outside contexts should be sampled. Yet, if a range of
specialization indices for food seeds against ubiquity deposits can be sampled, even from test pits, the appli-
values suggests that our measure of specialization does cation of this model should provide an avenue by which
reflect real differences in behaviour, the numbers them- to explore mobility patterns that would otherwise not be
selves may be meaningful only for general comparisons. available in limited scale projects.
Our assessment of specialization of charcoal should not
be subject to the same biases, and thus should more
closely mirror choices that were made about the use of Acknowledgements
Another area of revision to the model is in density This research was supported in part by a SSHRC
measures, which we used to assess degree of clean up. Research Grant (#410-96-1575), an SSHRC small grant
1370 D. Lepofsky, N. Lyons / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 1357–1371

(#31-631359), a Simon Fraser University President rainforests of southwestern British Columbia based on sedimen-
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