Environmental Problems - Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Name: Palade Edith

Class: (3h /week)
No of students:
Highschool: “Garabet Ibraileanu”
Lesson: Environmental Problems
Type of lesson:
Lesson aims:
- to create a pleasant atmosphere
- to create interest in the topic of environmental problems
- to understand important causes of environmental problems and some
- to extend Ss understanding of lexis connected to climate change and
environmental issues
- to take notes and retell information to others
- to increase the capacity of understanding oral information
- to use expressions of certainty when discussing events likely to happen in
the future;
Didactic strategies:
a) methods & skills: b) materials and aids:
- conversation - hand-outs
- exposition - blackboard/whiteboard
- individual work - Ss’ notebooks
- pair/group work - markers
- reading
- speaking
- writing


Aims: - to create a pleasant atmosphere

- to create interest in the topic of environmental problems

Procedure: - T checks the materials necessary for the lesson and if Ss are ready for the
- T writes on the blackboard/whiteboard the title “Environmental Problems”
and asks Ss what they are thinking of when reading it. More than 3 Ss are
expected to give an answer. When listening to their answers, T writes on
the blackboard some words used by the students which she considers
important for the theme of the lesson.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 5’


- to understand important causes of environmental problems and some
- to extend Ss understanding of lexis connected to climate change and
environmental issues

- Ss are supposed to find meanings of some words related to the topic.
Using the Brainstorming method T checks the meaning of the words,
writing them on the blackboard. Ss are supposed to write them on their
notebooks, too.
- Ss have to answer 5 questions related to the topic, using their own knowledge. T
reads the questions and after each question the students are supposed to answer.
T expects that to each question will be given 2-3 answers from different Ss. Each
last student that answers a question must write its answer on the blackboard.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, S-S
Timing: 10’


- to verify the Ss’ understanding of the text
- to take notes and retell information to others
- to increase the capacity of understanding oral information
- T splits the Ss into six groups. She gives each group one card
containing a text about the environment. Ss are supposed to read the text and than to
summarize it in 1-2 phrases. Each group has to choose a leader who must share their
summary with the other Ss. While listening to their classmates, Ss have to write on their
notebooks what they find important in the summarize which they are listening to.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, S-S
Timing: 23’


- to use expressions of certainty when discussing events likely to happen in
the future;
- Ss are supposed to say if ten given statements will happen, could
happen, or won’t happen in the next 50 years. When giving an answer they
must use expressions of certainty that they think are proper. T reads what

the Ss are required to do in this exercise and then for each statement one
student is asked to read it and then to give his/her answer. They must give
arguments for the answers chosen.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, S-S
Timing: 10’


Procedure: T assigns the homework for the next time: Ss have to write an essay entitled
“Heal the world, make it a better place”. (25-30 lines)
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 2’

- chalk/markers
- blackboard/whiteboard
- notebooks
- handouts

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