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Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

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Modeling fish habitat condition in ice affected rivers T

Ian M. Knack , Fengbin Huang, Hung Tao Shen
Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, USA


Keywords: Hydro-morphological conditions in rivers can change significantly with the presence of ice. These changes can
Winter fish habitat affect fish habitat, which can have important effects on fish mortality during the winter months. It is important
River ice to consider thermal-ice processes and their interactions with channel morphology in fish habitat models. In this
Cold regions hydrodynamics paper, a review of wintertime fish habitat preference is presented and used to develop recommendations for
Numerical modeling
habitat suitability curves for the winter period. A case study was used to illustrate the importance of considering
River restoration
the winter period when determining changes to fish habitat due to river restoration efforts. The impact of the
dam removal on fish habitat quality for both open water and ice affected conditions were evaluated using
existing water habitat suitability curves as well as the developed winter curves. River conditions were simulated
with a two-dimensional hydro-thermal-ice-sediment river dynamic model coupled with an IFIM and PHABSIM
type fish habitat suitability model. The model considers thermal-ice as well as sediment and bed change con-
ditions in rivers to allow for more detailed habitat suitability evaluation than previous models. Simulations show
habitat quality will improve for both open water and ice affected conditions in the restored reach of the St. Regis

1. Introduction of the hydro-morphological changes through the winter (Knack and

Shen, 2017) as well as to minimize negative impacts to fish habitat
Winter is an important and difficult time for fish in ice-affected during the winter period.
rivers due to the physiological effects of cold-water temperatures, ice The objective of this study was to develop a numerical modeling
cover conditions, and frazil and anchor ice events (Annear et al., 2002; tool that can simulate the suitability of wintertime habitat. A habitat
Finstad et al., 2004; Huusko et al., 2007; Cunjak et al., 2013). The suitability model for the winter period requires coupling a river ice
change in energy demands and physiological stresses fish face during processes model with a habitat suitability model. A review of existing
the winter period in cold climates alters their habitat selection beha- wintertime habitat suitability models is presented below to justify the
viour in order to conserve energy, avoid starvation, and protect them- selection of a model for the present study. A review of fish behaviour
selves against predation, suspended ice crystals, in addition to being during the winter was conducted to establish a set of habitat suitability
trapped by ice formation or sediment deposition. Wintertime stresses on curves for the winter period. In order to illustrate the applicability of
fish can be exacerbated by anthropogenic changes to rivers (Alfredsen the proposed model to wintertime habitat assessment for river re-
and Tesaker, 2002; Annear et al., 2002; Linnansaari et al., 2009; storation projects, a case study of the removal of the Hogansburg Dam
Heggenes et al., 2018), which include hydropower development, river from the St. Regis River near Hogansburg, NY was conducted and
restoration, and instream flow control. It is important to evaluate these presented in the following sections.
changes to the quality and quantity of fish habitat to ensure the habitat
is not negatively impacted (Katopodis, 2005; Katopodis and Ghamry, 1.1. Wintertime habitat models
2007). The restoration of rivers and streams to improve stream quality
often involves improving ecological quality through the improvement Mathematical models can help to assess winter habitat conditions
of physical habitat characteristics by restoring hydro-morphological and evaluate the impacts of engineering projects, such as in-stream
function (Smith et al., 2002; Jones et al., 2003; Bernhardt et al., 2005; habitat restoration projects, and the operators of dams and hydropower
Linnansaari et al., 2009. The planning of river restoration must include stations (Katopodis, 2005). Also, biologists can use the models to de-
both the ice free and the ice affected periods to ensure the effectiveness termine potential changes to flow and habitat characteristics to help

Corresponding author at: 8 Clarkson Ave. Potsdam, New York, USA.
E-mail addresses: (I.M. Knack), (F. Huang), (H.T. Shen).
Received 2 June 2019; Received in revised form 20 February 2020; Accepted 4 May 2020
Available online 07 May 2020
0165-232X/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

focus and plan fieldwork. This can be particularly important during the location in the river and at each time. A composite suitability index can
winter when fieldwork becomes more difficult, costly, and dangerous be determined for each location using a weighting factor for that fish
(Huusko et al., 2007; Weber et al., 2013). Winter habitat suitability species or river reach (i.e. minimum value, harmonic mean, etc.). In this
modeling generally combines a river ice model capable of simulating study, the mean of the suitability indices on each node. Additionally,
hydraulics and river ice processes with a habitat suitability model that the total weighted usable area (WUA) for the river reach can be cal-
uses the calculated physical characteristics of the river (e.g. depth, culated to give a value of the total area suitable for fish habitat:
velocity, etc.) to determine the suitability of the habitat for a particular n
fish species. Katopodis (2003) and Waddle (2007) developed a model WUA = ∑ Aj ∏ Si,j
for winter fish habitat using River2D and a habitat model using the j=1 i (1)
Instream Flow and Incremental Methodology (IFIM) and Physical Ha-
bitat Simulation (PHABSIM) (Bovee, 1986; Bovee et al., 1998) metho- where j is the node number, n is the number of nodes in the river reach,
dology (See next section for a detailed discussion of habitat modeling Aj is the area of node j, Si,j is the suitability index of factor i (i.e. depth,
with IFIM). River2D is a two-dimensional hydrodynamics model that velocity, water temperature, substrate, etc.) on node j. The WUA can be
can simulate flow conditions under an ice cover (Steffler and Blackburn, compared to the total area to determine what fraction of the total area
2002; Katopodis and Ghamry, 2007). The ice cover thickness and is suitable fish habitat. The WUA of different design options or pre- and
roughness are predefined throughout the domain by the user. The cover post- project can be compared to evaluate project benefits objectively.
can be the full river surface or part. Albers et al., 2002 developed a In order to use an IFIM habitat model in the winter, habitat suit-
suspended sediment model for RIVER2D but does not interact with the ability index (HSI) curves need to be developed for the winter period.
ice cover. The HABITAT model Alfredsen et al. (2004) and Alfredsen Despite the importance of winter to fish in cold climates, research on
and Tesaker (2002) is built into the River System Simulator (RSS) the winter behaviour and habitat preferences of fish has been limited
(Killingvot and Fossdal, 1994), which is a modeling platform that al- compared to other seasons (Heggenes et al., 2018) due to the inherent
lows multiple models capable of simulating different river processes to difficulty and field safety issues involved with locating and identifying
be integrated. For winter habitat modeling, the one-dimensional river fish habitat preferences (Huusko et al., 2007; Weber et al., 2013). There
ice model RICE (Lal and Shen, 1991) is used for simulating hydraulics is also significant variation in the conclusions drawn in different studies
and ice processes and HABITAT is used for determining physical fish about the behaviour and habitat preference of fish during the winter,
habitat from the output of the RICE model. RSS uses HEC-6 to simulate especially with regards to their preference for cover types. These dif-
sediment transport and bed change, which is included in the HABITAT ferences appear due to variations in the physical habitat in the rivers
calculations but does not consider the effect of the ice processes. RSS studied (Stickler et al., 2008), the ice processes in the rivers where the
has been used to simulate conditions on a number of Norwegian rivers studies were conducted, and the methods used to track fish during the
(Bjerke et al., 1994). winter (e.g. Weber et al., 2016). In order to develop a set of winter
Huusko et al. (2007) pointed out the need of modeling methods for habitat preferences for juvenile salmonids, such as Atlantic salmon and
predicting ice processes at different scales, especially at local scales. No brown trout, for habitat modeling, a literature review is presented in
existing model, to the authors' knowledge, includes the coupling of all the next section. From this information, a set of generalized habitat
of the significant ice related processes for wintertime habitat modeling preferences were developed for salmonids during the winter were de-
(i.e. unsteady hydrodynamics, thermal-ice dynamics, sediment trans- veloped for use in modeling. It is hypothesized that these habitat pre-
port and bed change). In this study, an IFIM habitat model was added to ferences, combined with a comprehensive river ice processes model,
the two-dimensional hydro-thermal-ice-sediment river dynamics could be used as a tool to further study and refine the understanding of
model, RICE2D (Knack and Shen, 2018a), which is capable of simu- the effect of wintertime conditions on fish habitat quality and quantity.
lating the thermal-ice and sediment processes at different temporal and This tool could also be used to help design field studies to improve our
spatial scales. The model improves on existing fish habitat models by understanding of winter fish habitat preference.
including thermal-ice dynamics and sediment transport and bed change
on fish habitat. RICE2D is an extension of the model RICE (Shen et al., 1.3. Winter effects on fish habitat
1995), DynaRICE (Shen et al., 2000), and CRISSP2D (Liu et al., 2006),
which includes unsteady hydrodynamics, thermal-ice dynamics (water During the summer months, salmonids prefer riffle sections with
temperature, frazil ice production, production and transport of surface relatively high velocity. These areas provide better feeding habitat and
ice, anchor ice growth and release, ice cover formation and decay, higher dissolved oxygen. The shift to winter habitat selection behaviour
undercover frazil jam, breakup, and surface ice jam), and sediment has been found to be triggered by a reduction in water temperature to
transport and bed change. The model has been applied and validated 4~8 ° C beginning in late Autumn (Jensen and Johnsen, 1986; Griffith
for numerous field cases (Shen, 2010) including freeze-up (Huang et al., and Smith, 1993; Scruton and Clarke, 1999; Huusko et al., 2007).
2012; Knack et al., 2015; Wazney et al., 2019), ice jam formation and Salmon and trout become less active, seek shelter in deep pools and
release (Shen and Liu, 2003; Knack and Shen, 2018b), and ice breakup coarse substrate, and become more nocturnal during the winter
(Knack and Shen, 2018b). The details of the IFIM habitat model coupled (Rimmer et al., 1984; Cunjak and Power, 1986; Fraser et al., 1993;
to the RICE2D model are presented below. Linnansaari et al., 2008; Watz et al., 2014; Heggenes et al., 2018). Cold
water temperatures reduce the metabolic demands of fish and greatly
1.2. IFIM and PHABSIM model details reduce time spent feeding (Chapman, 1966; Brett, 1979). Swimming
efficiency is also greatly reduced in cold water (Rimmer et al., 1985).
The habitat model used in River2D, HABITAT, and the present Despite the thermal stress caused by lower water temperatures, sal-
model are based on the Instream Flow and Incremental Methodology monids are capable of adapting to the stress through acclimation and
(IFIM) and Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) (Bovee, 1986; behavioural adjustments (Angilletta et al., 2002; Elliott and Elliott,
Bovee et al., 1998) methodology. These habitat models use suitability 2010; Shuter et al., 2012; Araujo et al., 2013; Crozier and Hutchings,
index curves developed for particular species and life stages of fish, 2014; Gerken et al., 2015). The reduction in feeding needs and meta-
which describe the preference of those fish for certain physical habitat bolic demands necessitates a reduction in energy expenditure to pre-
characteristics such as velocity, depth, substrate size and availability, vent starvation. Fish are forced to move to areas of low velocity when
dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended sediment concentration (see Fig. 1). they are active such as pools (Simpkins et al., 2000; Hiscock et al.,
IFIM habitat models use the physical habitat characteristics in a river to 2002; Vehanen and Huusko, 2002; Mäki-Petäys et al., 2004; Heggenes
determine the habitat suitability index for each characteristic at each et al., 2018) and areas with cover such as border ice, ice cover, or

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 1. Atlantic Salmon habitat suitability curves (adapted from Stanley and Trial, 1995).

coarse substrate when they are inactive to minimize energy expenditure abiotic factors.
(Stickler et al., 2007; Linnansaari and Cunjak, 2013) and avoid pre- Ice formation plays a significant role in the habitat selection and
dators (Meyers et al., 1992; Young, 1995; Cunjak and Power, 1986). survival of fish (Calkins, 1990). The inherent difficulty and safety issues
The change in water temperature alters the period of salmonid activity involved with locating and identifying fish habitat preferences in the
from the daytime during the summer, to the night-time during the field (Huusko et al., 2007; Weber et al., 2013) has limited research on
winter (Linnansaari and Cunjak, 2013; Heggenes et al., 2018), although habitat preference. Along with significant differences in the physical
Linnansaari and Cunjak (2013) found that the level of fish activity habitat and ice processes in the rivers studied (Stickler et al., 2008), and
during the night drops significantly during frazil ice events in the the methods used to track fish during the winter (e.g. Weber et al.,
freeze-up period, with most fish seeking shelter or resting in pools 2016) has led to varied conclusions on habitat preference during the
during the events. winter. To address this, winter ice processes are discussed below, and
The selection of habitat by fish, throughout the year, can be divided the fish behaviour discussed for each.
into two factors: density-independent abiotic and density-dependent The most common method for studying fish behaviour and habitat
biotic (Alfredsen and Tesaker, 2002). Density-independent abiotic fac- preference during the winter is through the use of radio transmitters
tors are physical characteristics of the river that influence habitat se- (e.g. Brown et al., 2000) and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags
lection. These factors include depth, velocity, substrate, and vegetative (e.g. Roussel et al., 2004; Linnansaari et al., 2009; Stickler et al., 2008;
or physical cover. Density-dependent biotic factors include factors such Weber et al., 2016). PIT tag tracking has a limited detection range with
as predation, competition, and social interaction. The reduction of the size tags that can be used with juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown
metabolic requirements of all fauna in the river system reduces the trout, which are the most commonly tracked during the winter. This
importance of the biotic factors affecting habitat selection. Predation is limited range makes their use in detecting fish in pools during the
greatly reduced during the winter, with the exception of some en- winter more difficult (Stickler et al., 2008) and has been found to have
dothermic terrestrial predators (Annear et al., 2002), semi-aquatic reduced detection probability with increased ice thickness (Weber
mammalian predators, e.g. mink, otter, mergansers (Carss et al., 1990; et al., 2016). Despite the limitations of PIT tag tracking of fish, sig-
Linnansaari and Cunjak, 2013), and cold active fish predators, e.g. nificant gains have been realized through recent studies using the
burbot. Reduced feeding needs of the fish themselves, lessens compe- method.
tition between fish, and there has been an observed reduction in social Frazil ice is typically the first ice to form in a river other than border
behaviour and competition during the winter (Cunjak and Power, 1986; ice. Supercooled water and frazil ice can be very stressful for salmonids
Mäki-Petäys et al., 2004; Stickler et al., 2008). The increased need to (Brown et al., 1999). Frazil ice will cause fish to move to more suitable
preserve energy while avoiding the potential dangers of changing ice habitat to reduce exposure to the coldest water and frazil ice at night
conditions and the predation that remains, increases the relative im- when the fish are active (Brown et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2011;
portance of abiotic factors (Alfredsen and Tesaker, 2002). The modeling Simpkins et al., 2000; Stickler et al., 2007). Suitable habitat for
of habitat preference for the winter period is generally limited to avoiding frazil ice can include three types of cover: coarse substrate
physical habitat, which is justified by the shift in relative importance of (Cunjak and Power, 1986; Roussel et al., 2004; Stickler et al., 2008;

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Linnansaari et al., 2009; Linnansaari and Cunjak, 2013) deep, low ve- 4~8 ° C threshold. A decrease in the water temperature to below 5 ° C
locity pools (Brown and Mackay, 1995; Jakober et al., 1998), and under will be used in the model to indicate a switch to winter habitat suit-
ice cover. The reported cover preference of salmonids during frazil ice ability curves. The review above indicates only that, during the winter,
events varies widely by study. Many studies, especially early ones, re- fish move to areas that provide protection from predation, high velo-
ported a preference for deep, slower habitats such as pools (e.g. Baltz cities, and frazil ice. There is currently no information about fish pre-
et al., 1991; Brown and Mackay, 1995; Cunjak and Power, 1986; ference for depth or velocity during the winter, and it is likely far less
Chisholm et al., 1987; Hiscock et al., 2002; Mäki-Petäys et al., 2004; signifcant during the winter. Therefore, the RICE2D model considers
Heggenes et al., 2018). Deep pools can protect fish from frazil ice by two HSIs during the winter period: a cover suitability index and a frazil
reducing flow velocity and turbulence, which allows the frazil ice to suitability index. The details of these indices are presented below.
float to the surface. These pools also allow ice covers to form earlier in
the season. Fish have been found to be forced out of pools by the for- 1.3.1. Cover
mation of hanging dams from frazil deposited on the underside of the Cover on a river can be from brush, debris, ice, or substrate. A cover
cover reduced the flow depth in the pool and increased the flow velo- can provide both visual protection from predators and reduce velo-
city (Brown and Mackay, 1995; Brown et al., 2000). These phenomena cities, which benefit fish during the winter. In the present model, there
would be limited to a pool that is located directly below an open-water are three primary covers considered for winter habitat modeling: sur-
rapid section but is of significance to fish habitat modeling. The for- face ice, substrate, and low velocity pools. Although low velocity pools
mation of an ice cover in streams has been found to increase fish be- do not have significant visual protection from predators, it does offer
haviour in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Rimmer et al., 1984; Saraniemi velocity protection and protection from frazil events which is sig-
et al., 2008; Linnansaari et al., 2009). nificant during the winter. Based on the review of fish preferences
A number of other studies have found that fish prefer coarse sub- above, the following conclusions about fish behaviour have been drawn
strate to ice cover for shelter from frazil ice events (Cunjak and Power, about the use of cover during the winter period:
1986; Linnansaari et al., 2008, 2009; Stickler et al., 2008). Each of these In open water river sections:
studies were conducted in low embedment, coarse sediment streams
where fish had access to coarse substrate for protection. Therefore, it • Low embedment substrate is preferred,
may be that fish prefer the coarse substrate to the ice cover for the • If no substrate is available, or if the substrate is covered by anchor
added protection from predation when substrate is available (Heggenes ice, deep, slow pools are suitable.
et al., 2018). Three of the studies also focused on shallower portions of
the study sites (Linnansaari et al., 2008, 2009; Stickler et al., 2008) due In ice covered sections: substrate, deep pools, or the ice cover itself,
to limitations of the PIT tags as discussed earlier. This limited detection can provide adequate cover.
of fish in deeper pools and under thicker ice covers may have under- Thomas and Bovee (1993) developed a cover suitability index (CSI)
counted the use of ice cover and pools during frazil ice events in these for adult brown trout based on velocity shelter and visual isolation
studies. effects of cover, giving regions that are open water or that provide no
In streams with coarse substrate and strong turbulence, the frazil ice velocity protection (i.e. ice velocity is greater or equal to water velo-
can accumulate on the bed forming anchor ice (Kerr et al., 2002; Dubé city) a CSI of 0.72, and ice-covered regions with velocity protection a
et al., 2014). In streams with coarse substrate anchor ice often forms in CSI of 1.0. Because the present model can simulate the change of pro-
the night and releases during the day (Kempema and Ettema, 2011). portion of sediment sizes in the bed, in addition to ice conditions and
Juvenile salmonids adjust their behaviour to avoid being trapped in hydraulics, this cover suitability index was expanded using the cover
anchor ice by being active at night when temperatures are the coldest preferences outlined above:
leading to anchor ice events (Alfredsen and Tesaker, 2002; Linnansaari
and Cunjak, 2013). Many studies found that fish are forced to move out • If substrate is available, taken as a substrate suitability index (SSI)
of coarse substrate when anchor ice forms (e.g. Brown and Mackay, greater or equal to 0.7, i.e. Fig. 1, and there is no anchor ice (see
1995; Jakober et al., 1998; Brown et al., 1999; Stickler et al., 2007; next section), the CSI is 1.0 for all ice conditions;
Heggenes et al., 2018), while others have found that fish will take cover • If the SSI is less than 0.7, or there is anchor ice present, the CSI of
in the substrate during anchor ice events (e.g. Cunjak and Power, 1986; Thomas and Bovee is used;
Roussel et al., 2004; Stickler et al., 2008; Linnansaari et al., 2009; • Surface ice that provides velocity shelter was modified from the
Linnansaari and Cunjak, 2013). Stickler et al. (2008) and Linnansaari criteria of Thomas and Bovee to include ice concentration as an
and Cunjak (2013) found fish trapped under anchor ice with no re- indication of visual protection: the CSI increases linearly from 0.72
ported mortality as they were able to escape after the anchor ice re- when the ice concentration is below 0.2, to a maximum of 1.0 when
leased. The significant characteristics of anchor ice events for fish the surface ice concentration reaches an aerial concentration of 0.6,
mortality are their severity and whether the ice is solid or loosely ac- which indicates the initiation of an ice cover.
cumulated (Stickler et al., 2008; Linnansaari et al., 2009; and 1.1.1 Anchor ice
Linnansaari and Cunjak, 2013). Loose accumulations allow fish to swim
out and continue to use the substrate and anchor ice as shelter. The RICE2D model simulates anchor ice with a porosity of 0.4 and a
Sediment transport and deposition can also have an increased im- flow in the substrate below the anchor ice (Shen et al., 1995). The
pact on habitat suitability during the winter. Suspended sediment can model does not calculate how solid or loose the accumulation of anchor
be detrimental to fish all year, but particularly during the winter when ice is, which does not allow for determination of whether or not fish
fish increasingly rely on coarse substrate to avoid predation. The in- could push through. Therefore, all anchor ice is considered to make the
creased flow resistance of the ice cover increases sediment deposition substrate unavailable to fish and the substrate suitability index is set
during the winter, which can reduce usable substrate for shelter. equal to zero.
The above studies were used here to develop habitat suitability
index curves (HSI) for salmonids during the winter. These HSI are based 1.3.2. Frazil ice
on observations from the studies above but should be further verified Although the minimum volumetric concentration of frazil ice that
and validated. Temperature variation is not significant to fish when the fish can tolerate is not known, they are known to avoid frazil ice, as
water temperature drops below 4~8 ° C (Heggenes et al., 2018). As a discussed above. Therefore, it is assumed that frazil ice concentrations
result, water temperature is used as a indication of habitat preference above 0.001 m3 m−3 would cause fish to move. To treat this condition
change rather than for habitat suitability when it drops below the in the model, the frazil ice suitability index decreases linearly from 1.0

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 2. The St. Regis River and surrounding locations.

in an area with a frazil ice concentration of zero to a suitability index of impacts on winter fish habitat.
0 at a concentration of 0.001 m3 m−3 or larger. To illustrate the applicability of the model, the open water and ice
affected habitat of Atlantic Salmon was examined to determine the
effect on fish habitat due to the removal of the Hogansburg Dam.
2. Case study: Hogansburg Dam Removal, St. Regis River Atlantic Salmon was selected as the species of interest because it is a
historically important fisheries species to the region, especially to the
The extended RICE2D model, with the habitat model, was applied to St. Regis Mohawk Tribe which lives along the river. The change in
a reach of the St. Regis River, near Hogansburg, New York, USA (Fig. 2) physical habitat conditions during open water and freeze-up conditions
to determine the relative change in physical habitat quality for Atlantic are examined by simulating each for both the pre- and post- dam re-
Salmon due to the decommissioning and removal of the Hogansburg moval bathymetries, to give a total of four cases. The area upstream of
Dam. The pre- and post-dam removal bathymetries are shown in Fig. 3. the Hogansburg Dam, before the removal of the dam, was inaccessible
An analysis was done for both the open water and ice-affected periods. to Atlantic Salmon. Because it was inaccessible, it could be removed
The modeled section of river extends from Helena, NY, to the con- from the WUA which would guarantee a large increase in WUA for the
fluence with the St. Lawrence River. The Hogansburg Dam was re- post-removal conditions. Therefore, rather than focusing on change in
moved during the Summer of 2016 to increase habitat connectivity and usable area, the focus of the analysis is on whether the newly accessible
improve overall habitat condition and availability in the St. Regis River. habitat will be suitable for Atlantic Salmon throughout the year, which
The removal of the Hogansburg Dam reconnected the St. Lawrence will aide in the reestablishment of Atlantic Salmon in the St. Regis
River with 442 km of stream habitat upstream of the dam. Removal of River.
the dam was expected to benefit migratory fish such as Atlantic salmon,
American eel, brook trout, brown trout, walleye, lake sturgeon, and
muskellunge (McKenna et al., 2015). The pre-removal condition of fish 2.1. Model domain
habitat and the distribution of fish species in the study area was eval-
uated before the removal of the dam (McKenna et al., 2015). The post- The model domain for this study includes a 13.5 km reach of the St.
removal habitat assessment was limited to an assumed post-removal Regis River from Helena, NY, at the upstream end, to the town of St.
main channel water depth of 0.15 and 0.3 m and the associated flow Regis, NY downstream, at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River (Figs. 2
conditions for those depths. The change in sediment mobility and 100- and 3). The St. Regis River has an average width of 240 m in the study
year flood plain for the pre- and post-removal hydraulic conditions was reach and an average depth of 1.7 m upstream of the dam location and
evaluated by Jantzen and Mitchell (2018). However, no study on the 3 m downstream near the confluence with the St. Lawrence River. The
fish habitat using simulated conditions for open water or ice affected average bed slope in the study reach is 0.05%. A 1.3 km section of the
periods were conducted to determine if there would be any significant river near the Hogansburg Dam was surveyed in 2012. The remainder

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 3. Bathymetry of the study reach of the St. Regis River for a) pre- and b) post-dam removal, c) and d) show the corresponding bathymetry in the vicinity of the

Table 1 of the river was surveyed on September 26, 2017 (Jantzen, 2018), in-
Model parameters. cluding 386 cross sections between Helena, NY and the St. Lawrence
Parameter Description Value Units River. Cross sections had a typical spacing of 30 m except near the
confluence with the St. Lawrence River where they increased to 150 m.
ni Manning's ice roughness for a single layer ice 0.02 S M-1/3 The spacing of survey points along cross sections were 1.5 to 4 m in the
main channel and 30 to 150 m in the floodplain. The surveyed bathy-
ni,max Maximum Manning's ice roughness for an ice 0.06 S M-1/3
metry was used to create a triangular finite element mesh for the do-
vb Buoyancy velocity of frazil ice 0.01 M S−1 main. The Hogansburg Dam was included in the model domain by in-
ti,0 Initial thickness of frazil pans 0.01 M cluding the elevation of the weir in the finite element mesh at the site
ep,0 Initial porosity of frazil pans 0.40 M3 M−3 (Fig. 3c) which was removed for the post-dam removal bathymetry
ϕ Angle of repose for rubble ice 46°
(Fig. 3d). The mesh has 12,376 nodes and 22,607 elements with an
vcr Critical velocity for ice erosion from bottom 1.50 M S−1
of ice jam average side length of 3 m near the dam site and 15 m outside of the
Frcr Critical Froude number for ice entrainment 0.09 dam site. This nodal spacing put the mesh resolution close to the re-
hwa Linearized heat transfer coefficient between 20.0 W C°−1 M−2 solution of the survey point spacing along the cross sections. The total
air and water
area of the model domain is 2.02 km2.
Detailed sediment data is not available for the study reach.
However, from site visits and information available in Jantzen and
Mitchell (2018) and McKenna Jr. et al. (2015) indicate the bed material

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 4. Velocity suitability index for open water conditions for a) pre- and b) post-dam removal bathymetry, c) and d) show the corresponding bathymetry in the
vicinity of the dam.

pre-dam removal was generally gravel and boulders below fine sedi- December to early January. Therefore, for this study, the upstream
ment accumulation. Post-dam removal, it is expected that the flows will boundary condition for open water conditions was taken as the mean
flush the fine sediment out of the headpond and into the St. Lawrence November flow rate, 34.0 m3/s, and the mean January flow rate was
River (McKenna Jr. et al., 2015). used for the freeze-up cases, 28.3 m3/s. A steady flow rate is used in this
study to evaluate the changes in physical habitat due to the dam re-
moval rather than short term changes due to unsteady flows. During the
2.2. Boundary and initial conditions open water simulation, the air temperature was assumed to be a con-
stant 10 ° C and the water at the upstream boundary was 10 ° C. During
The model boundary conditions are based on typical conditions the freeze-up simulation, the air temperature was a constant −20 ° C
during the periods being simulated. For both open water and freeze-up, and the water at the upstream boundary was 0.01 ° C. The initial se-
the downstream water level was taken as the historical mean water diment conditions consisted of 50% coarse gravel (20 mm) and 50%
level of the St. Lawrence River at the mouth of the St. Regis River, sand (0.4 mm) which represents average conditions in the river
47.0 m (NAD83). The water level in the St. Lawrence River is highly (Jantzen, 2018). The sediment boundary condition was the equilibrium
controlled and varies by less than 1.25 m. The downstream water level transport of the sediment at the upstream boundary.
at the St. Lawrence River has limited impact on hydraulics upstream of
the dam because of a steep cascade downstream of the dam site (CH2M,
2015). November is typically the end of the open water season, with air 2.3. Model calibration
temperatures consistently dropping below freezing at night starting in
mid-December. Freeze-up of the St. Regis typically occurs in late The model was not calibrated to measured water levels and flow

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 5. Depth suitability index for open water conditions for a) pre- and b) post-dam removal bathymetry, c) and d) show the corresponding bathymetry in the
vicinity of the dam.

rates because the only measured water levels are at the St. Lawrence at discussed in Section 1 are used. A water temperature of 5 ° C was used
the downstream boundary, and 10 km upstream of the upstream as a switch between open water and winter habitat preference. For
boundary of the model. No comparison was made to the Jantzen and water temperatures above 5 ° C, the mean of the suitability indices for
Mitchell (2018) study because the flows in that study were much higher water temperature, velocity, depth, and substrate suitability were used
than the present study and was similarly uncalibrated to field data. Ice to determine the composite suitability. For water temperatures below
condition data is also limited to general observations of midwinter ice 5 ° C, the mean of the cover and frazil suitability indices was used to
conditions pre-dam removal. Although the model was not calibrated for calculate the composite suitability. The distribution of suitable habitat
the study site, the objective of the case study was to evaluate the re- and the weighted usable area and total available area for all four cases
lative change in habitat suitability after removal of the dam. Therefore, is calculated and compared.
typical model parameters were used, with the exception of Manning's
bed roughness for the model domain. The bed roughness was estimated
from the bed material size (coarse sand), which gives nb = 0.025. 3. Results and discussion
Additional model parameters selected for the simulation are provided
in Table 1. Although the model is fully unsteady, for the purposes of this case
study, steady state conditions were simulated. Therefore, simulations
were run until steady conditions were reached throughout the domain.
2.4. Fish habitat analysis For the freeze-up simulations, the simulations were run long enough for
changes in ice conditions to be relatively small with time. The condi-
For this analysis, the habitat suitability indices for Atlantic Salmon tions at this time represented typical freeze-up conditions for

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 6. Substrate suitability index for open water conditions for a) pre- and b) post-dam removal bathymetry, c) and d) show the corresponding bathymetry in the
vicinity of the dam.

comparison of fish habitat. uniform temperature suitability index of 0.5.

The simulations show that the most significant changes between Freeze-up conditions varied significantly between the pre- and post-
pre- and post-dam removal were located near the site of the dam. For dam removal cases. Pre-dam removal an ice cover formed over nearly
both open water and freeze-up conditions, the water velocity was all of the domain due to the lower velocities from the dam. The pre-
higher post-dam removal near the dam site because of the reduced sence of the ice cover reduced frazil ice concentrations throughout the
depths with no impoundment behind the removed dam. The velocity domain. Post dam removal an ice cover formed from the confluence
suitability index (SIvel) is shown in Fig. 4. The change in velocity from with the St. Lawrence to the downstream end of the removed dam. The
the removal of the dam is reflected in the change in SIvel, with only a lack of a cover allowed for continual frazil ice production and relatively
localized reduction because of the higher velocities at the dam site post high frazil ice concentrations, as high as 0.001 m3/m3. The freeze-up
removal. Before the removal of the dam, the majority of the river is suitability indices are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The cover suitability
deeper than Atlantic Salmon prefer (Fig. 5). After the removal of the index (SIcover) is shown in Fig. 7. The SIcover is higher for the post-dam
dam there is an improvement in depth suitability near the dam, but the removal conditions due to the availability of coarse substrate
overall depth suitability remains low. The increased velocities flushed throughout the domain and no anchor ice, even where ice did not
the fine sediments and left coarse gravel as the primary sediment with a provide velocity shelter. For the pre-dam removal conditions velocity
size of 25 mm, improving the substrate suitability index throughout the protectant surface ice formed including everywhere below the dam, and
domain (Fig. 6). The temperature suitability index for the open water some in the headpond just above the dam, compensating for the sub-
period before the freeze up is not shown because simulations showed strate being too small to provide cover. No significant anchor ice
temperatures close to 10 ° C throughout the domain, giving a nearly formed in either case, which appears to be typical for this area based on

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 7. Cover suitability index for freeze-up conditions for a) pre- and b) post-dam removal bathymetry, c) and d) show the corresponding bathymetry in the vicinity
of the dam.

limited field observations and small sediment sizes. The frazil suit- availability of substrate in the post-removal bathymetry means that
ability index is shown in Fig. 8. The pre-dam condition has a higher Atlantic Salmon could hide during frazil ice events but would need to
suitability index due to the lower concentration of suspended frazil ice move to find more suitable habitat in the long term. The weighted
in the headpond of the dam (0.0001 m3/m3 in the headpond vs. usable area (WUA) and Total Wet Area (total surface area of the domain
0.0004m3/m3 in the rapids sections). The slower moving water in the that has depth greater than 0.1 m) for all cases are given in Table 2.
headpond allows the frazil to come out of suspension and deposit on the WUA is given as both a total area and as a percentage of the Total Wet
underside of the ice cover. There is also a longer open water area in the Area. The simulation results show that there is a significant improve-
post-removal simulation that allows for more frazil ice generation and ment in overall habitat suitability for Atlantic Salmon in the St. Regis
lower frazil suitability index (as high as 0.001 m3/m3 in many rapids River after the removal of the Hogansburg Dam for open water condi-
areas throughout the domain). tions. This result was expected and was a major motivator for the re-
The composite suitability on each node is calculated as the mean of moval of the Hogansburg Dam (McKenna et al., 2015). The simulation
the suitability indices on the node. The composite suitability for all four results also show that there was not a significant change in WUA during
cases is shown in Fig. 9. The comparison of the composite suitability freeze-up because of the removal of the dam. As mentioned earlier, the
distribution shows increased habitat suitability throughout the domain most significant contribution to fish habitat from removing the Ho-
after the removal of the Hogansburg Dam for open water conditions, gansburg Dam is the removal of the barrier to fish passage, opening up
primarily due to the flushing of fine sediments from the course gravel. the rest of the St. Regis River to migrating fish species such as Atlantic
For the freeze-up conditions, there is a decrease in habitat suitability Salmon. What was important was that the removal of the dam create
post-dam removal, due to the increased frazil ice production. The high conditions during the winter that would impact the long-term effort to

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 8. Frazil suitability index for freeze-up conditions for a) pre- and b) post-dam removal bathymetry, c) and d) show the corresponding bathymetry in the vicinity
of the dam.

encourage fish to return to the river. The simulations show that there is ability to gain insight into the changing habitat of fish during the cold
no significant negative impact on wintertime fish habitat from the re- winter period, although it is also applicable to non-winter conditions.
moval of the Hogansburg Dam. The model was shown to be a useful assessment tool, especially for
exploring fish habitat during the winter ice periods and evaluating the
success of restoring fish habitat for all seasons. The removal of the
4. Summary Hogansburg Dam on the St. Regis River, Hogansburg, NY was evaluated
using the model. The simulation results showed that the removal of the
The quality of fish habitat in a stream or river is an important aspect dam will increase fish habitat for open water conditions due to im-
in the design and execution of river restoration projects. Combining proved substrate conditions and increased velocities and reduced
habitat suitability modeling with detailed river models can provide depths near the original dam site. The simulations also showed that
valuable insight into the biological side of river quality. The study re- there would be no significant overall loss of wintertime fish habitat
viewed existing studies on fish behaviour during the winter in ice af- from the removal of the dam, despite increased frazil ice production
fected climates and presented proposed fish habitat preferences for from the removal of the dam.
salmonids in winter. The habitat suitability curves that were developed Since there is a very limited understanding on fish habitat pre-
were used in the two-dimensional hydro-thermal-ice-sediment river ference in winters, additional research on the effect of various winter
dynamics model, RICE2D, coupled with a PHABSIM, IIFM fish habitat thermal-ice phenomena of fish behaviour will be needed. The model
model. This is the first two-dimensional model to combine unsteady can be used to assist the planning of such studies when it is difficult to
hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, ice dynamics, sediment transport, observe all the physical variables such as flow and thermal-ice
and habitat suitability in a single model. This model provides a unique

I.M. Knack, et al. Cold Regions Science and Technology 176 (2020) 103086

Fig. 9. Composite suitability index for a) pre-dam removal bathymetry, open water conditions, b) post-dam removal bathymetry, open water conditions, c) pre-dam
removal bathymetry, freeze-up conditions, and d) post-dam removal bathymetry, freeze-up conditions.

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