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Grading Policy for Music Class

Music class will have two grades. One is the weekly participation grade
and the second is a cumulative graded activity.

Participation accounts for 10 percent of your overall grade. Every week,

each student has the chance to earn 10 points towards their participation
grade. The grading rubric for participation is as follows:

10 points:

10 points is awarded to students who follow directions and participate in

class, in addition to, providing correct answers, actively raising their
hand to volunteer, and/or supporting their fellow peers.

9 points:

9 points is awarded to students who follow directions and participate in

class. The student occasionally provides correct answers, raises their
hand to volunteer, and/or supporting their fellow peers.

8 points:

8 points is awarded to students who follow directions and participate in

class. The student does not actively engage with the lesson by providing
correct answers, volunteering for activities, and/or support their fellow

5 points:

5 points is awarded to students who do not follow directions and

participate in class. 5 points is also awarded to students who are absent
that week for specials.
Cumulative graded activities account for 90 percent of a student’s
overall grade. Every student has the chance to earn 100 points during
cumulative graded activities. These occur every 4 weeks but may change
based on the needs of the student group. The grading system for
cumulative graded activities are based on the activity itself. However,
here is an example:

Grade 4 Cumulative Graded Activities:

Lesson: Shake the Papaya Down

Activity: Student will clap and speak the TI TA TI TA-TA rhythm on


Assessing: Students will be assessed on rhythm standards for Grade 4.

Standard (4)1.2P Students will demonstrate rhythmic patterns by

95 points:

Student demonstrated mastery by clapping and speaking the rhythm

correctly. The student kept a steady beat. The student was clear when
speaking the rhythm.

85 points:

Student demonstrated knowledge by clapping and speaking the rhythm

correctly. The student kept a somewhat steady beat. The student was
clear when speaking the rhythm.

75 points:
Student demonstrated a little mastery by clapping and speaking the
rhythm somewhat correct. The student needs more work on this

50 points:

The student refused to perform: The student was absent.

Make up:

Students can make up cumulative graded activities by contacting me and

scheduling a time to earn their points. The student will not be penalized
when earning make up points.

Participation points cannot be earned after the session is over.

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