Basic Knowledge Test

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Basic Knowledge Test

True or False
1. Modern Withcraft began in the 1920’s.
2. Every Witch is a follower of Paganism.
3. There are 12 Sabbats.
4. The Burning Times was when people joined together happily for large
celebrations and fests around a giant fire.
5. The pentacle is the symbol of the 5 elements with the fifth element being Spirit.
6. Water is an element.
7. All Wiccan rituals are conducted casting the circle clockwise.
8. You must have the proper tools to conduct any ritual.
9. Witches are only allowed to wear black during rituals.
10. The main purpose of Wicca is to learn how to cast spells.
11. All ancient cultures worshipped a moon Goddess and sun God.
12. It is impossible to combine Wicca and Christianity.
13. The number 13 is unlucky to Wiccans.
14. A familiar must be a cat.
15. The cauldron is the symbol of death and regeneration.
16. The bell is a symbol of the element fire.
17. Charkas are energy vortexes in the body.
18. A ritual is a serious undertaking, which must NEVER be approached with humor.
19. Esbats are celebrations of the Full Moon.
20. Crystals and other rocks are used never used in ritual.
21. The only time to cast circle is when doing a ritual at night.
22. Rituals are never done on the New Moon

Multiple Choice
1. Wicca, or modern witchcraft, is also called
a. A modern Earth-based religion
b. A dangerous cult
c. A social movement
d. All the above

2. The word pagan comes from the Latin word Paganus, meaning
a. A country dweller
b. Non-Christian
c. Witch
d. Wise

3. What is magick?
a. Conjuring tricks
b. The connections and movements of scientific energy.
c. The art of changing consciousness and physical reality in accordance with
d. Sleight of hands, juggling balls, pulling rabbits out of hats, and etc.
4. In general,________________ are ____________, but not all _____________ are
a. Wiccans, Pagans; Pagans, Wiccans
b. Heathens, Asatu; Asatru, Heathens
c. Shamans, Druids; Druids, Pagans

5. A witch’s magic and psychic abilities usually

a. Are hereditary
b. Are the self-development of natural instinct, which is derived from the
natural potential found within everyone
c. Do not really exist
d. Are bestowed by the divine to only special followers

6. A male witch is called a…

a. Magus
b. Warlock
c. Witch
d. Consort

7. The book is the “bible” of the Witches

a. There is no such thing as a Witches’ bible.
b. Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
c. The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
d. Eight Sabbats for Witches by Janet and Stewart Farrar

8. How many Gods and Goddesses are there?

a. Two
b. Infinite
c. One
d. None

9. What defines a Wiccan or Pagan Tradition?

a. The length of time it has been practiced.
b. Whether or not there has been a book written about it.
c. Whether or not it has an unbroken lineage.
d. There is no set definition for traditions.

10. A Witch’s circle cannot be cast without which of the following tools?
a. Athame
b. Besom
c. Wand
d. Witch
11. What color is it suggested that your altar cloth be?
a. Black
b. White
c. Whatever color is appropriate for the season
d. What altar cloth? – Witches don’t bother with them.

12. Which of these should not be on the altar?

a. The cat
b. Candles
c. The priestess
d. Chalice

13. Once the circle has been cast, how may it be left or entered?
a. Cutting a door with an athame.
b. Only cats may leave a cast circle without disruption.
c. Once the circle is conjured, no one may enter or leave until the rite is
d. Osmosis.

14. Of the pagan Sabbats, how many of them are solar celebrations?
a. Four
b. Two.
c. Eight.
d. None; pagans follow a lunar calendar.

15. What is a spell?

a. A period of time.
b. A wish sent out into the universe with intent.
c. Mixing together different magickal ingredients.
d. The speaking of special words.

16. Incense is used to:

a. Purify a space
b. Create a cool mystical atmosphere.
c. Invole the East.
d. All the above.
e. None of the above.

17. A Sabbat is:

a. A Jewish Holy Day.
b. An excuse to take the day off work.
c. A say with specific meaning to Christianity.
d. A day with specific meaning during the Wheel of the Year.
18. An Esbat is:
a. One of the Wiccan holidays.
b. A full moon celebration.
c. A new moon celebration.
d. A made up word.

19. Meditation is:

a. A way of relaxing the body and expanding the mind.
b. A cool way to levitate.
c. A body of water near Italy.
d. None of the above.

20. What is Divination?

a. Something only gypsies do.
b. Telling the future through several different means.
c. The use of crystals in ritual.
d. Prophetic dreams.
e. Another word for Paganism.

Open Ended Questions

1. Name all four elements, their corresponding directions and two magickal
properties of each. (Example of a property: Love)
2. Write a general format for casting a circle. (A simple outline is fine.)
3. Why should a Witch/Wiccan have a Book of Shadows? What should he/she
put in it?
4. If someone asked you to write them a spell for healing what items could you
5. What is the rule of three in magick? (aka Tri-fold Law)
6. What are the three aspects of the Goddess and what do they represent?
7. Are Wicca and Witchcraft the same thing? Explain your answer.
8. What does being an Eclectic mean?

Bonus Questions (+5)

1. Name three people who played a big role in the development of Wicca or
Modern Witchcraft.
2. List the names of all the Wiccan Sabbats.
3. List five tools commonly found on an alter.

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