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OHAPTER VIII INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION AND BETA AND GAMMA FUNCTIONS 81. Reduction Formulz. It has been mentioned in § 1'6, that in some casé. of integration, we take recourse to the method of successive reduction of the integrand, which mostly depends on the repeated application of integration by parts. This is specially the case when the integrands are complicated in nature and depend on certain parameter or parameters. These parameters may be positive, negative or fractional indices, as for example, 2c, tan", (n? +a%)%, sin”2 cose etc. To obtain a complete integral of these trigonometric or algebraic functions, wo first of all define theso integrals by the letters J, J, U otc. introducing the parameter or parameters as suffixes, and connect them with certain similar other integral or integrals whose suffixes are lower than that of the original integral. Then by repeatedly changing the value of the suffixes, the original integral can be made to rest on much simpler integrals. This last integral can be easily evaluated and knowing the value of this last integral, by the process of repeated substitution, the value of the original integral can be found out. The formula in which a certain integral involving some parameters is connected with some integrals of lower order is called a Reduction Formula, In most of the cases the reduction formula is obtained by the process of integration by parts. 164 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Of course, in some cases the method of differentiation (See § 819 below) or other special devices are adopted (See § 820). In the next few pages methods of finding the reduction formulz of certain integrals are discussed. Case I. Integrals involving oné parameter. 8°2. Obtain a reiuction formula for § x"e™ dx. Let Ta= | atettan, os (1) Tategrating by parts, a” dna aren — {at tgt® dy (2) a or, In= ~ (3) Note 1. It may bo observed that the integral on the right-hand sido of (2) is of the samo form as the integral in (1) execpt for the power of 2, which is n—1, and which can bo obtained from (1) replacing n by n—Lon both sites. If m be a positive integer, prococding suecessively as above, Jn will finally depend upon Jo= fe** dz=eJa, and is thus known. Note 2. In ovaluating (3) from (1), we could intograte «” first but in that case I, would havo been connected with Invi, ie, with an integral whose suffix is greater than that of the original one, which is not usually desirable, A little practice will onable the students to choose the right function, D ~ gle a 8'8. Obtain reduction formula for (i) § sin"x dx ; (F sors dx. (ii) y cos"x dx ; {. cos"x dx. INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 165 (i) As in Article 6°10A(1) of the book, In=\ sin"s dx in? sin" *2 cost w—1 = — MDT con® WILY ing, n n fa ‘am da, o In Uae cose Baty, (I) is the required reduction formula. . Also by (1), taking limits of integration from 0 to 4a, aml. sintxdx="—4y,) (n>1). + () Similarly, 19 gf _ (ii) t={ cos" dx = °°" . a aes Ina *** (8) 5 n-1 and a= fi cos"a dan" Inna (n>1). ve (4) Note. If the intogrand be sinh"z or cosh"x, @ similar procoss may be adoptod. 84. Obtain reduction formule for = GG tants dx 5 Gi) (P tants ax (n, a positive integer. ) Here, hf tan"2 ae~ | tan"”*2. tan*e dx -| tan""*z . (see*a— 1) dae -f tan*-* 2 seo*a ae- | tan" a da 166 INTEGRAL CALCULUS © Thus, tan®-1 Le Spon dn “ - (12 Also, taking limits from 0 to 37, t tanta) (F anf tan"e d= |" 5 , -{% tan""*2 dx by (1) --1.-4, (2) n-1 oN Note 1. If n bo a positive intogor, ne gee thE" tiv [sore ase n-1 ~ n=8 Fn IE n be oda, the last term is (—1)#®—) f tan w de =(—1"—) jog see 2. If nm be oven, the Jast term is (— 184) f tanta de =(— 189) (tan 2-2). Note 2. If the integrand be cot", tanh"x, coth"x, the samo process may be adopted. 8°5. Obtain a reduction formula for § sec"x dx. In -f seo"x se={ see” *2 sec*x da. Integrating by parts, In=sec””*a.tan a -f (n- 2) sec""*a.sec # tan z.tan « dx =seo""*z tan 2 —(m— 2) j sec””*a (sec*# — 1) dx =seo""*z tan 2 —(n—- 2) [ J seo"Z dx { soo'*e az]: INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 167 Transposing and simplifying, sec""*x tan x n-2 yt hn ) Note. If tho integrands are coseo"s, sech"x, cosech"z, then pro- eeoding as akovo we can got tho reduction formula for cach of them. 8°6. Obtain a reduction formula for fom cos"x dx. Let n= fo cos"a: de, Integrating by parts, me e™ £08 & n ry J 5, Ine e cos” tz. sin & dx wees e cos" , a fe' no . 1 nF ES OL gta. sin a tf a a ala a x {(0—1) con*-*a (sin a).sin a+ e08""*e.00s 2} dz] ax ae é ne “4 ge =" > cos"2 + a cos” *a.sin 2 ~ Zifer*{(n—1) cos" 4s (cos*2~ 1)+ costa} de _o” cos" 4x (a cos +n sin a) 2 a - a [ n fore cos"e dx —(u- fe cos"~*a az}: Transposing, (8) nn Cceeele a+n sin 2), m( on, Ta n* +a’ + e% cos" tx (a cos xn sin x), n(n~1 n? 168 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 8'7. Obtain a reduction formula for § (x?+a7)" dx. Let tan fle" +a°)" de. Integrating by parts (taking 1 as second factor), Tn = (a? + 0%)" -J nlo® +a°)""* 2a. da =a(e* +a") - an J (2* +a*)""*(e? +a* - a?) de mele? +a%)"— anf (e* +04) de + ana | (ot +a?!" de. Transposing, (L+ Qn) In = ale? +a°)" + Qna* Ina. X(x2+a7)" |, 2na? 2n+1 an+1 Note. It may be noted that hore » nood not ba an integer. Put n=d and compare with § 3°4(0). 88. Obtain a reduction formula for ( (ax?+bx+c)" dx. Let Ta= | (aot +e +o" da. If a be positive, Tana fe? EK)" de where 2-0 + 2» we and =AVSE, (1) and if a be negative, say = —a’, Ine(oy" far-2r de, da’ot b® * dal” ~ (2) where smog and k? INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 169 But (1) and (2) are similar to that of § 87 above, and can be evaluated by the same process. 8°9. Obtain a reduction formula for (arte (n¥1] Let Ta figs se then, Tans =\e: aye Integrating by parts, | ~ (2s: not = (84 qty (2? +a 24 +2n- vf" 2 a> —a* saa ot =a +2(n-1) In-1 ~ 2(n-1) a* Tn. ‘Transposing, 2 (n-I)a? In= apt + (20-38) Ina (ot +a . s—_—.. x Neo In 9q= Da? Fay 8°10. Obtain a reduction formula for lantinge da Let Ia fags Foe to)" ” oe (0) If a be positive, at an 2 pe a eee, In Ale tep where 2-04 579 ke = "80 4 (2) and if a be negative, say = —a’, Inw A eee in (aye) (Ga 28m hep? faletd* (gy en- Py ana atte where 2=a— 977’ and k 4a™ 170 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Both (2) and (3) can be integrated by the same process as in § 8'9 above. Note. In Article 5°/., Caso ZV of the book, wo have remarked that when the integrand is a rational fraction in which tho denominator contains factors real, quadratic but some repeated, in general roduction formula is required. Thus, to integrate such functions, soparate ropeatod and non-repoated quadratic factors and for repeated quadratic factors, use the result of the abovo Article. 811. Obtain a reduction formula for§ rds Jax’ where n is any positive integer. ode Lot nm Vax® + br+e Noting that, 2 =20®3 bboy . nat In L( (2ar+b)_ ta!) da i a’ “ 9a) Jax tbe (2ax + b) Ne Lae ho om J Jan? + bate =2 Jax*+bete fog me Jan! +80F6 de 2 (an? mont2 Jae a oly 1) (2% Man? + ba +0) 20"? Jaz* +b +o Un vf Jax*+be+o = 20") Jan" +be+e—An-1) Lalytblnea+cln-a . amt n-1 Se Tn" van*+bato- "=| ala t bln t Olas b aq Tn- n- ant -— Wo Nae" +b2te~(n-1) In INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 17 Transposing and simplifying, 1... - - Bo Waxttbx+e-2n=Ue Tn-1 ~m=ve In-2- Case II. Reduction formule involving two para- ‘motors. : 8°12. Obtain a reduction formula for § x" (log x)" dx (n, a positive intger). Here, since two parameters m, n are involved, wo shall dofine the integral by tho symbol In, n. laone | 2 logs de Integrating by parts, 5 log a= ate [altos ay" Ly mt . Ads mi nd Imam mi — = 2 log 2)" wil 2” (log 2)" de ati ** (log 2)" ~ ET tm ee - axe ny i, Iman 33 * (log x) ey Im nt. Note 1. Hero wo have conneetod, Im) 2 With Im, n-1 and by ‘auccessive change, the power of log # can bo reduced to uero i.e., after ‘» operations we shall get a torm Im, o, é.¢., f 2 de, which is easily integrable, Thus, step by step substitution, Im,» can be cvaluated. It may bo noted that when two parameters aro involved, this is the usual practice. Note 2. Students must be cautious in defining theso integrals. Hore as for illustration Im)» In m 172 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 8°18. Obtain reduction formule for w {atben dx. 7 dx (i) j x(a+ bx)" () Let Im, fore” da, In #1] Integrating by parts, . m m Fem It a Se Ia ERE 4 Tato w Gi) Let Tn n= Sama + bai Integrating by parts, nb In n= Ga 1x” (a+ ba)" m=1 a4 bays 1 ~ (m= I)r™-3(a+ bar)" 2 ( (w+br)-a - 1 — (m= 1)a™-(a+ ey my Tm wt PG Tm meee OT ay =a amtnal y mai GaN tla) t mT Im Changing » to »—1 on both sides, m+n-2 Ie STAT eee st) Note. Formula (2) or (8) can be taken as the reduction formula for (ii). (8) is more rapidly converging. The other ways in which these integrals can be expressed are left to the students, [See also § 22, Ez. 9.) INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 178 8°14. Obtain reduction formula for (fxmd-xr ax Gy [x12 ax @) Let Ty nw fama dx 42 = Elaine =a)" + a™* (1-@)" > dr mel mi . ae 5 | em ay she mC m+ + cy | fm aan dos } Transposing and simplifying, Inge ba” ny mae mtntimtnti 1 (ii) Tf Tm, n= {i a"(1- a)" dx, by above, this -E Oca) 2 n+1 mtntl n Tons mint Note. In Integral Calculus Jy,» is usually denoted a8 Bq,» the first Bulerian integral. Tt is also rofcrred to as the Beta-fungtion. erin int ota-funeti { Sco § 827 below ] Jims n-4- Tiny nos It is interesting to note that Jnn=Jum ie, Pma=Bn,m although Im,» % Ins mm 8°15. Obtain reduction formule for i) Inn=f sin™x cos"x dx ; ae (i) Inn=f, sin™x cos"x dx (m, m being positive integers ). 174 INTEGRAL CALCULUS In Article 6°10, Case B of the book, we have discussed’ it fully and obtained anol, ma men 2 nen Tiny 0 = Using § 6'8(iv), we also see that Jims n= 816. Obiaina reduction formula for \ METS dx. [nzé1] Let Im, of sin” cos "a da. +" o (1) Consider I'p, | sin”s cosa dr sin?**z cost *2 , g- i, 7 ms 4-2 ptq pta [by § 8°15 above | Changing g to 9+ 2, r _sin’*r cose, gti py mate neg 49 pegtg ine ‘Transposing, . _sin?**z costa | p+gt2 Tm a7 ae ay Tm are (2) (q+1 #0] Now, replace p by m and q by —n in (2) and use the: definition (1). INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 115 Then, (2) becomes Im, pete x _ ma n+2 | ™""n-leos™'x n-1 ™** OX sin™x cos"x 8'17. Obtain a reduction formula for | + [n¥1] Tat ts 0 | a cate Consider as before, Ina -f sins costs dz sin? 60: [as in § 8'26(2) above | Replacing p by -m and q by—n and using the def. Jia, m Im 9 ee tn me n-1 sin™'xcos™'*x n-1 Im, n-2- 8°18. Obtain a reduction formula for Ima -f cos™x cos nx dx, connecting with (i) Im-1, n-11 (it) Ins, n. (om # tn) i) Let Tmyn -f cos” cos nx da mp os cos™r.sin me _m - . . = - | cost ‘@.(— sin «) sin na da. n “ (1) 176 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Since, sin na sin 2 =cos (n — 1)x— cos nz cos a, mp os Oe Ty 2 8. BS ME mf cos” *z. feos (n - 1)x n - — cos nx cos z} dx cose sin na, m [ } SONS ners nei ~In af n va | Zinmas naa Linn Simplifying, Te, pee sin ox, _ my ™e m+n m+n '™* (i) From (1), te gj Tiny 9 = OE ESO mi (cos*"*a sin «).sin ne da. Again integrating by parts, cos™r sin nz, m cos™ "te sii Fin ———— cos na n n + a {(m—- 1) cos™~*x (- sin x). sin x +cos””*2.cos a} cos nz ae | {(m - 1) cos”? a (cos*a— 1) +cos™2} cos na da in) cost" 4n (n_ sin na cos a—m cos na ne (msi ne cos = m_c08 na n +5 j {u-1+1) cos™z cos nat ~(m-1) cos™ 7x cos na} dx costa (n sin nx cos #—m cos na sin 2) + [ m In n—(m—-1) Im-a+ «| INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 17 Transposing and dividing, Imane sin nx cos X—m Cos nx sin x m,n nom _m(m~-1) n* —m? -cos™-1x Im-2, n. ‘There are three other integrals of a similar type. (i) j cos™z sin ne dx, (ii) j sin™s cos nx dz, and (iii) J sin”z sin nz de, which can be treated in a similar manner, and connected by a reduction formula either with Sint, n-1 or with In-ey n in each caso. For instance, (m +1) fost sin nx dx = —cos™r cos nt+m Ina, n-3 5 (x? - m4) faints cos ne dex =(n sin na sin 2 +m cos nx cos x) sin™-*z —m(m~1) Ina, 5 ete. Case III. Special devices. 8°19. Obtain a reduction formula for § a soa dn tas nef gaiitesp Consider P= Gibenart os ~ (1) ap dx _ cos (a+b ¢ cos a) =(n-1)(a+b cos 2)"-(—-b sin a).sin @ (a +6 cos 2)*7F 178 INTEGRAL CALCULUS cos # (a+b cos 2)+(n—1) b(1 -cos*e) (a+ cos 2)" in Nb +a cos #— (n= 2b cos*x (a+b cos x)” 08 2)" (on y) (2) (a+b cos au Then comparing the coefficients, A+ B.a+ Ca? =(n-1)b, B.b+ 2Cab=a, Cb® = -(n- 2)b. Solving, n-2 bm = (n- ES, Ba(en-s) 21 om FB. (9) substituting these values of A, B, C in (2), we get dP, _(n—1%a*-b"), 1. dz b (a+b cos a)" 4 (Qn- 3)a, L _m-2 1 . b (atbeosa)** b (a+b cos 2)** Integrating both sides with respect to 2, and using the definition of In, -1%e" 3" _ - _( aa “OY, (One 9M, 25. P= é n he sin x ve =F “(a+b cos om 1 + (2n-3)a = a? =p Ie ane =F bee Alternative method. Let P= (5h and V=a+b cos 2. INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 179 : v- a, ve copaa nye dP _ d (sin )- cos _(,_ 4) sin 2 (-} sin 2) da da\v"*}) y™* v" an PPh ~7] _ (n= 1a? 8788) a (2u— 3) _ (n- by" bv" b Integrating both sides w.r.t.% and using the definition In -| anr the result follows. Note. When nis « positive intoger, by a repoated application of tho above roduetion forraula, 7, will ultimately depend on T,, which is easily integrable ( See § #4 ). 8°20. Obtain reluction formule for | x™a+bx")? dx. In this integral, usually denoted as binomial differentials, three parameters are involved and this integral, written as Tm 0 of a™(a+b2")” dx can be connected with any one of the integrals below : () Tineny ny va = Sa™** (a+ ba")P* de. (i) Tn, ny va = fo™ (a + b2")?* de (iii) Imy my nea = Sx" (a ba") dee. (iv) Tmany my pea = Sa™" (at ba")? de. (V) In—m m p= fa (a+ ba)? dee. (Wi) Tmany me v= fa" (a+ b0") de, 180 INTEGRAL CALCULUS (i) Ins md ool ” G +bz")? dz. Integrating by parts, In, m v= mC + ba")? ski foto + bx" nba” he de amt em +1 nl (atta Tuam ms ous (1) Again, as above, amt Im, mPa (a + ba”)? — nbp. ne )p-3 win fee (at be" = a)lat ba")? de [writing amin 1 a (a+ ba" —a) . ‘Transposing and simplifying, aM at be"? anp__ Jas mv aptmtL + ptm da Imm oe (2) Changing p to p+1 in (2) and transposing, wo get a connection with the integral (iii), viz., a2 (q+ be) an (p+ 1) aptl)tmt1 ve (3 +m ant 1) Try my peas (3) Tiny ny Also changing m to (m-n) and p to p+1 in (1) and transposing, we get M—N+L (a + be")Ptt Jim 9 nb (pF 1) + EE mem mais (A) a’ INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 181 To get a connection with Inn, n, » and Imin, ny p Write arm d,(ores nia) n » Imm ond Jerr t2"Paat* de. Integrating by parts and simplifying, a2 (qt hat Pt r Unp +m+ 1) Ins n= _ alma 0) 5 fee tena ~ 6) Changing m to m+n in (5) and transposing, L a (gt int PtE my na p= a(m +1) b tment — Hoon N Tesmsnine (6) These six formule of In, n, » can be obtained by another method. Write P=ai!! (a+ bo", where 4 and y# are the smaller indices of « and (a+ba”) respectively in the two expressions whose integrals are to be connected. Bind 4? and express it as linear combination of the two integrands. On integration the result can be obtained. To illustrate the above statements we shall find a con- nection of Imm, » With Inns nyo 182 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Here evidently A=m, u=p. ©. P=a™ (a+ ba)", + Palme ta (at ba + (pt 1a” nba Hat ba")? = (m+ 1)n™(a + ba")? (a+ bn") + nb(p + 1a" "(a + ba")? =(m + 1)ax™a + be")? + np + nt mt La™*"(a + ba"). Integrating with respect to 2, P=(m+1)a Im, n, pt Urp tnt mt) Lngns ny v Pt Unptnt+m+1) ‘alm +1) Lminy ns v Imy ns p which is the same as (6). Similarly the other five results can be obtained. For another illustration see sum no. 7, § 8°22. 8°21. Beta and Gamma Functions. In many problems in the applications of Integral Calculus, the use of the Beta and Gamma functions often facilitates calculations. So we give below an account of those functions—their definitions and important properties, some of which are however mentioned without any proof.* Definitions : 1 (a) x91 apt ax denoted by Bm, n) [m>0,n>0] is called the First Hulerian inteyral or Beta function. “Results (»), (vi) and (viii) are given without any proof hero, as tho Proofs are basod on “doubie integration” which is beyond tho scope of ‘the prosent book. Novertheless, the results are extremely important in applications end are to be carefully remembered. INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 183 (B) 6, ex x"t dx denoted by I(n) [n> 0] is called the Second Eulerian integral or Gamma function. Here m and n are positive but they need not be integers. Properties : (i) By property (iv) of Art. 6°8, we get 1 1 flier aay? de= flea ay? ae, * Bim, n)=B(n, m). oo Gy Da [Por dem. {See Hx. 1, Illustrative Kxamples Art. 72] o Ti=1. (iii) As in Ex. 9, Illustrative Examples Art. 7'2, it can be shown that even when n is not a positive integer, ff ea” de= ofr eta" * da. ° o T(n+1)=nT(n). When 7 is a positive integer, Taat+ij=n! (iv) Writing ka for x in (B), we easily get ff o“bex-1 ax=2@). [4 >0,n > 01 A (v) Bim, n)= Toy Fa) * . 184 INTEGRAL CALCULUS (vi) Pm) TA -m)= 7 (0 0,n>90] 8°21 (A). Standard Integrals. rH) sas w fr sin’ coste do= “an(Ee) Beri 2 cid Left side = J ° (sin*6)!” (1 - sin26)!* do 1 pt +1. naflPP aa ae (on putting 2 =sin®¢ ] +1,04+1)_ pea =a (PE 7 2 ) =Rignt side by (v). [ Compare § 6°10B) INTEGRATION LY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 185 @) fi ein? ao~|* od wet) ° in! 0 cos om Ye) ea) The proof is similar to (1) [ Compare § 610A ] @) \° on™ dx=4 Jz. Left side = i ot as {on putting 2? =z] =4D() by (B)=4 Ja by (vii). { Compare Art. 7°83] 8°22. Illustrative Examples. Ex, 1. Obtain a reduction formula for {tants dz and hence or otherwise find (i) {ante de (i) j tanta de. an Ieee From § 84 formula (1), In= {tants de wo. Ty ftan’s de=$ tante—Ie s=4 tan’2—I, where J, ian x deelog see 2. I,=% tantz—} tan?z+log so3 x. Gi) Tyg=8 tan°e-J, ; I,=4 tanta—Ty ten 2 I,= Ty where Iy= =Saeme 3, a tant tonto, oa in [ Campare § 8°4, Note 1 in those two cases. ] 186 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Ex. 2 Obtain a reduction formula for facets dz, Honce find (i) f seote de (i) j seo'a de. + ee. 1,={ soe daa Bee'nsone, 4 y, +3 dai 1-4 soc"a dz=tan 2. seotz tana, 4 sec’ tan 2 24 I= B 5 3 +35 tan 2. (i) Also T;= f soot de= secte tenes & 5 rentertesen ey 9 7, 1a8oe tone, Ty, L = [sce a de=log (sec e+ tan 2). 6 108 (sou 2+ tan a). Ex. 8. Obtain a reduction formula for [Pe * cos" du(a > 0) and hence find the value of ie e-** costa de. From § 8°6, replacing a by —a, Tam | or cost dx n(n=1) To Fytta? tna Lt e-*+0 fora > o] aco is the reqd. reduction formula. INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 187 4, 54 74 Le set peels ratats 4 4,6 Tee gry get arya a5 tag 75 4, 708, hppa To 54855 Ex. 4. Obtain a reduction formula for § du (?+0%)* Honce find the value of | a (2? +a? Lot 1-4 de. Integrating by parts, etait can Cts (c* +a")? 2 dz pe eo \ (240%) “(e407 ae tnt na Inve (+a? Changing n to n—2 on both sides, Teg @ "gg $02) Ina (0-2) 4? In eta)" : z n-3 “ aay Ge This result can be obtained from § 8°7, by substituting ~ 5 Fin place of n and changing the definition of I,. “fo jee? (a*eayt ba” free! 2 "i errant 85a (gry gyt * ost wait 188 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Ex.5. With the help of a reduction formula, find the value of From § 8°16, wo get the general form of the reduction formula ns sin a 1__sin’t*n _ m—n+2 Fann egy Sgn ned Eee Cm xed] . 1 + 1sin®s_ 8 . Too fe BNE bts Toy oe Pee B Toa Me 5 Ty =e’? 8 7, 9; Also Tay of sinte de sin*a cos @_ _sinte cos a 5 2 cose 3 [ From § 8'3(1) ] ‘ a isin’e_ 1) “ 5 cos'e 15'cos*x 1 int. 4s 49 + 5 :sin*s cosat + ~ 3 (Bey & 3 cos &. Ex, 6. From the reduction formula for j cos" cos nx daz obtain [cst ot de From § 8'18 (1), In, jf cos"2 cos nw de ng, om mn Wnty mene Here, m=3, n=5; 1 aa cos's cos Sr d= oo a sin bry 8 Invi ‘ Ty OOF PME Tay 5 Tay pe EH E Ty, sin 9x, Toy anf 008 Be do 1, , xtoste sin be, costs sin 4a, cos « sin So , sin 22, we Tavs “ie 32 INTEGRATION BY SUCOESSIVE REDUCTION 169 Ex. 7. With the help of the different reduction formula for 2” (at ba")? de, find the value of @ f eXorie4) az. (Eis () Hore, m=3, n=2, p=4, and since p=4 is positive, .’. (i) can be connected with § 8°20 (1) or (2). Using (1), Tay ay oot ote) 8b Tg +br*)*_ 2.6.38 Tay poate 288 7, gg * (abe)? Twat Ott 208 7 1 at'? (atbr?)_ 2.0 ova 30 jo Tava Tus wo=f 8 Day ay gett (Ot BEY _ bee (at bn)? Det (a+ ba)? _d%x'? (athe?) , bt at®, 10 5 12 Using § 8°20(2) the result can be obtained in a different form. (ii) For this, the suitable formula aro § 8°20 (8) or (4). Using (3), roplacing p by —4, at 2(-8)+3-41 1 Tor 904 9a(=5) G+ bz?) 2a(—3) Tr 1 ; ‘ga 28 a 25 2(-2)+341 + 2a(—2) Terao 190 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Ex. 8 Find the reduction formula for j athe ams (n¥-1), and hence obtain \oe _.0" dae a Let Iw J (a¥2b2+ cx)" a? de Consider In-as 9™) ig 2be-+ 00%)" Tntegrating by parts, wot an (_a™*(2er+2h) Toa 9 1)(a+2b0-t 6x2)" Pm ) Tae Bet ca?)ti 1 = em a” foc ade (n= te 2b2-+ 00%)" m—1 US (a+ 2ba+en7)4* ade, +28 ade caen} Ohanging n to (1-1) on both sides, =, og Oe ml fo, 5 Ta-a 1 Onesie abet cat) Pind {eo Tony 226 Ime iy af) Dividing and transposing, 2 Be(n —1)la+ Qbe+ ex*)"-* Lous n= = 1 + 3eGn-1) * @) -j 2 da SER a 3) ae Bho ory (a+2be+ca%)" 4 Tay nF 2D Tenis tO Tony we Substituting and simplifying, Loewe--s emt ab(mam) my 9 6 Qn —m—i)(a+ 2ba+ ce2)"-*” c(@n—m—1)“™* (2) Either of (1) or (2), may be regarded as a reduction formula. INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 191 Heneo, using (2), (a=5, b=—2, c=1, here ), Bea [-z pm tate Dr, +521, 20 -4(— Ta om -sgercigrap)yt OY? ta ot § Tove 2 _ 2 Tos fp eri So gaat 2 -\ ye [ Putting 2= 2-2 ] 433 Bs = uot & tan™'2 [ Using § 8°9 successively ]=A (say). __ 194 Then, Ty, 47-6 5a+20 2 _124x4, 21 Tu =— 5756+ *'5® 1, = 38954 48 65" 2096 4 AS 199,518 tags Save tye tanta =- 8433 tanta, s Bx.9. If anafa ot sin 2 dz (n> 0), proce that tnt n(n 1) Una = nde)". Integrating by parts, eof ea=[ -2".c08 a]3+n \z at! cos @ dz =n{[2"-* sinc] Fata i a? sin 2 de} = n(dn)-* —n(n-1) uaa ste Untn(n 1) tpn = (he) 192 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 4 sin (Qn—1) 2 ‘Am (sin nev ., rasa 1 ef a yl an integer, show that Sati =Sn=h0, Vari —Va= Satie Obtain the value of Va. ¥ sin (2n+1) e—sin (2n—1): 2 a, Hero, Snv.—Sa= (F ao Qnsi 5 a\F ae er s8in waffome 0 sing o =2- vin ano '=0 for all intogral values of 1. Sav, =Sn=Sn- 1 = 8). Now, 8, iF SF age F ae=3 Sas, = Same. 4 sin’ * Also, Vass “Varn a MA ME BinHe ag -|? sin (n+ 1)e.8in 2 7, 0 Ped F sin (n+ 1) -\9 sing (Sar Vn — Vanes = Sn=h, Vay — Vawa= 4m, —Vi=de adding, Va—Vi=(n—1) 5° Since, i= i da=ir, 1. Vaegne, Ex. 11. Show that @ PQ =A8 es rwre=3, + on (ii) iad sin‘8 cos® dd=\*" sin®® cos*e db = ayn. INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 198 @ r@=re@+)="(9 C+. Pn + 1)=nP(n) Art. 821(iii) =40(8+ = 84.00) = 6.48.004+1) = 8.4400) aN [ By Art. 821(vii) } (ii) Lett side=1(3)P(1—3) “ine ( By Art 821(vi)} = bs me (iii) By Art, 8°21(A)(1), First Intogral= 9 one abd W wtb NF a ar By Art. 6'8(iv), Second Integral = First Integral. Ex. 12. Show that Png) LOD) a, 2**P(u-+1) rnty= (2783) =r(2"yT41) =o Ip (yp ) [ By Art. 821(0i4) 1 _%m—1,,(2n—8 aye? +1) _2n—1_2n—3,,(2n—8) oes ) 2m 1 2n—8 In—5 3.2.4 r(2) a) 2 2 aaa \e [ By repeated application of the result of the above Article. } = (2n —1)(2n — 8)(2n — 5) +++ 6.3.1, =“ ee Nr @ ow, multiply numerator and denominator of (1) by Qn(2n —2)(2n— 4) «+ 4,9. In(In —1)(Qn — 2)(2n — 2".2.n.2(n — 1).2(n—9) L(Qn+1) “9?.2".n(n—1)(n 2) PQn+1) (n P(n4+3)= 13 104 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Note 1. The above result can be written in the form PEC An) =2""~ trae (n+ 3). It is an important result often used in Higher Mathomatics. Note 2. The right side of (1) can be writton as (3)nI'(3) whore the notation (a)a denotes a(a+1)(a+2)---(a-+n—1). 1(n+3)= @)aP(a). Ex. 13. Show that Bim, n) Bon-+n, ) = Bln, 2) Bln+1, m). aU Gn) Pn) P (m+n) PQ) _ POCO) E(u), Lett sido i Gen) Pmt) P(e) aP (DUC) PQ), P(l+m-+n) Similarly, right side- fence the result. Ex. 14. Evaluate i thay BARAT gg, and jind ats value when a=, Put w=ly, .. du=tdy; when 2=0, y=! 1 2k = k= raf ee rAsentyesh- ig BH Nay wm ptt 8+2K=1, V+ ALB +H), U(a+p+2k) When a=p=4, ape THEE) Tee Pak) 2 SOE E Ea) (Dy Be 12 and Note (2) above } [ By Ez. 12 and the Note (2) of Art. 8:22] = on Bee : INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 195 EXAMPLES VIII 1. Obtain a reduction formula for fa"e~*dz, (n# -1) and hence find fa*e"*da. " 2. Show that fa*e* de" (a°x* - 8a°a® + Gax- 6). 3. Find the reduetion formula for (i) feot"s dx. (ii) Seosec"x da. 4, If In=fsinh"0 d6, then show that nT, =sinh"~*0 cosh 0-(n~- 1)In-z- 5. Obtain the reduction formula for (i) Séanh"e do. (ii) fsech"0 da. 6. Show that if Ju= fe“ sin"bx da, then asin bomb cos bt ax usp, mn 1)b® = at tn%o* 6 sin ba + Oe age Ie 7% It In=JSe" cos br de and Ju=JSa” sin ba dz, then show that i) bIn=2” sin br - nIn-s- (ii) bn = - 0" cos bat nIn. 1. (iii) 6°, =a" 7 (be sin be +n cos bx) — n(n 1)In-a- (iv) B°Jn =a" 7 (0 sin ba — be cos ba)- nln -1)In-2. 8. Find the values of the integrals : @ j (@?-Ga+7)° de. i) fertox In ii) J eH, (iv) J — ee. @¥eFl) Ja? — In +2 9. Show that > pla®+e)¥ na? Ta [fat +7) anata t2") + dna find also Js. 196 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 10, If In=f(L+0)"e% de, (nm > 1), deduce that In~ alte Dr’ we Dp ~ dete 2M (tot, 11. Show that if wn=Je" Ja*—a* dz, then = ot 4a? att 1 un nea tye 12. Find the reduction formula for rn fin a nee ) Ja » dat -1 18. It In=Sx” Ja~x dr, prove that (20+ 3)fn=2anIn-s ~ 22"a- 2). a*tin-o. a - Hence, evaluate i a Jan-2* da. dr 14. It maf I waa (n+ Aatngs + (Qn + Ubun + nein. =" Jax + br +e. 15. If In=J(sin «+cos a)” da, thon nIn= — (sin x + cos 2)"~*.cos 2a + 2A(n—-1)In-a- 16. Show that @ mf; a > show that +e @ \ a to ao 17. Show that if J.= ‘ae de, In-2(m > 2). (i) In= In. (i) Ine” INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 197 18. With a suitable substitution, using the previous example, find the values of @ o ‘of qi de Gi) fe at + (n being a positive integer. ) 1 19. Prove that a= fia" tan” * da, then (n+ Duin + (2 - Vun—a = 3 - i. +1 20. If n>2 and i= G-2"7 cos mar da, then m?In=2n(2n ~ 1)Iy—1— 4nkn - 1)In—2. - 7 21. If vax? 6 sin"@ dé and n>1, prove that - J men to, + 22. (i) Obtain a reduction formula tor + “rn ba? and (ii) fina” (rat "tae [ Put 2=tan 0 23, It stn) ["6 "2" * log a da, show that b(n +2) - (Qn + dln +1) +n? 4(n)=0. = = 24, If nf. tan"@ dé, prove that nes +In-a)= 1. . 25. Show that f* a (log a) da (2 dyn. 198 INTEGRAL CALCULUS : 1 26. Show that if Bn. n= f ° a™"(1-a«)""*dz, then _(m-1)! (n- 1! Bon n= Bos me nyt { m and n being integers, each > 1 ). 27. If m,n are positive integers, then O b— Inn -f (w-a)™(b-a)" de = ee a Tn, n-1. mete Hence, prove In, n=" i é Ora. 28. Find the values of (i) fi sin®s cos*x da. (ii) iy sin? cose da. 6 (iii) J £08. ae, (iv) J 4 sme sin| ake 29. If Im, n=JScos« sin"x da, show that (m+ n\n + m-2)In, n ={(n- 1) sin*e - (m1) cos*z} cos™ ‘a sin” *x +(m~IWn-In-ay n-a- 30. Obtain a reduction formula for In, n= Soos™2 sin na dr, and deduce the value of wo, jp cos ein 3a dx, 81. If Ln, n= Seine cos nz dx, show that = 008 cod nat, Sin # sin ne sin na nem? In n= sin” 72 m(m— 1) a Im-as n- neem doe 0 INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 199 a 32. If In, n= 0 sin” cos na da and x 3 Tm, of sin”« sin ne dz, show that (mt n\n, n= sin 4nz-mMIm—r, 0-1 (m > 1). 38. If f(m, n= [cose cos na dx, show that Fm, ») =mtgdln -1,2-1) == D fim - 2, n) inn fom 1,n+#1), and henee show that (on, m)= parks” 84, Obtain a reduction formula for j fatbnin ey 35. Find the values of d: d Ol area cosa Sa te gina)! (@S1): 36. Using the integral fa"(a + bx")? dz, find the values of @) fore +o} ae. ) f-- [ Use § 8°20(5)] [ Use § 820(4) } ‘1 Gi) ji ari gu Lose §.6'20(6)] 87. Find the reduction formula for fz” /2aa-2* dx. amt? (2m+1)! ‘2a a Hence, show that [2! Jat demo) mf 200 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 00 38. If rol 2™e"* cos x dx and 20 In= [" a™e"* sin aw da, then prove that (m being an integer > 1) G@) Im=4mTm—1-Tm-2). i) Tm = 4mm + Jin-1)- (ii) Im— mIm—1 + 4mm - 1)Im—_ = 0. an 39. Show that fr sin Ine cot x de= tn. 40. (i) If = feos n@ cosec 6 dé, then show that tin ting = gona eo, ii _{ sin (Qn-1) 2 _ [si (1 Pa j sing 2% Q j show that n(Pai1— Pn)=sin Que and Qnta~ n= Pasa. 41. Prove that if _ (7 Lecos na , we a 1 cos # dx, where n is a positive integer or zero, then Tava t In= Wnts: z F gin? nO nn. Hence, prove that i sin’ 27 9 gt 42. (i) Prove that J ain nd o sin @ n is an even or odd positive integer. do=0, or, x according as (ii) By means of a reduction formula or otherwise, prove that f sin’ 29 49 = nn, n being a positive integer. o sin’6 * INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 201 43. Show that if m is a positive integer, then 2 cos (n—1)x — cos na J 0 1—cos # dam In 2m 53, 2 and deduce that j (e2te) d= nn. o \sin 4a 5 44. Tf In of cos”x sin na dx, show that 2 Im, m= gana [o+%, + 45. Show that i ee sin"2 de nln —1)(n- 2) 1 2)-*-3. _ * Gi +n? Ma? + (a 28}? +8) aF +1 if nis odd ; — nln Wm— Ber Bl A fa? + n*Ha? + (n— 2)"}--(a? +2") a if nis even. F 46. If = i (a cos 0+ sin 6)" do, then tly = ab a"? + 6" *) + (nv - 1a? +b?) Inna 47. If In=JS(a cos*a + 2h sin x cos x +b sin?) da, prove that A(n + 1Xab—h®) Ingg — X2n+ Ya tb) Inga +4nIn ig yitt ( Apply the alternative method of § 819) 202 INTEGRAL CALOULUS 48. Show that «y (72 Tp +1)1(¢ +1) 1 = 2)? dg = gerats Up +I)Mq +1), (i) i (14 2)"(1- 2)" de =2' tra) (p>-lq>-1] [ Put 1+2=2y)] Gi) fam 2) de = (—aynenrs Net DED [m>-1n>-1] ( Put e-a=(b-a)y] 49. Show that ~ \: oe atde=au(*F}) fa >-11 ( Put 2% =y.) 50. Show that 22 oo j ent arx| emt dr = o 0 U Put a*=2)] nm. 8/2 51. Show that Bin, n) Bon +n, )= Bn, 1) Blu + l, m) = B(I, m) Bil +m, n). 52. Show that TS) T8)-+-+- TG) = sen". { Combine Ist and last factors, 2nd and last but one, ele. and apply formula (vi), § 8:81. ] 53. Show that 1 ode _n = [ Put x=2] oq —_et 3° INTEGRATION BY SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION 203 54. Show that the sum of the series 1, m(m+1), 1 nti ™ntat 81 “nes melon +1)(m +2) 1 3! ate toe h(n + )T(1 =m), Ww >- . Tor=meay Where n > ~Land m <1 [ R,S8.= Lt, sm)=fj 2"(1—a)-" de etc] 55. Show that He gin®™=49 cos™™™0 agg, Tom) 10) 0 (a sin*0 +b cos*o)"** “ ab" Lon + 0) C Apply Art. 824 (VIII) 1 ANSWERS ™ ont # cosec”~*r , n—2 3.6) eT Cll) - 1, n-1 nm-1"* 5.4) Tom MET. a) Tomb tah =D _ na-l 8. (i) (3) [ri=s meet) - Pale 6x47) +006 (Got T)* .] — 20.16.12 2 - 5 11.9.7,5.8 ba (a) ae 41)? tae? nme oath tan“'z, ox 4 2e+1, (i) gegetaeaytoteraesay ts yo 8 (in) SA SEET 354-94 sinh-Me—1). 204 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 9. gz (a?-+a%)! + ga%e(a?+0°) + ga" log (e+ Na" Fa 12, (i) nIy= — 2"! Saga + (22-1) aly-y. 2 i Tn- a+ 48, () Am =3 2 ‘ TAME B oon? itm is odd. / mdm 3 17 itm is even nm n-2 22 “— ;) 22 —3.2n— lim, (i) op -on—a ag? eh and D+ if n=1. 22. (i) In= Qi (Ley Ji a2) 2-2. In —4 ) a= Ven- _) om aay _ 0038's , 4 costz, 8 sin x 28. (1) og" Gi) —Scintet 3 sine? , (iv) 20 3 tan! +2 tan? 2 —4 cot! 2). —coR™ 2 COR 112°, 1 80. Tm n= mbna Tmersn-1 BA. (v— 1a? —b2) Ty= pO 8, + (Qn —3)a In — (0-2) Tanne sin 2)*~ 35. (i) 5 - (2+c08%a) cosec*a, dete 3) 1 _ecos x 2 -y ian, . wy + conn (an dete) 36. (i) Geet [o0m« 3627 +8 } Gi) 41422") (e* 1). (iii) 2.3. a" ar—a2)t | (Qm+1)a 81 Ta ned m+

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