02model Airplane News February 1934

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^ - *2 'v
u. s: Navy
B U IL D 4
Exact Vi-Inch to the Foot
fo r # 1 -2 5

OW, you can build four exact

N scale replica m odels of the
w orld's most fam ous aero­
planes for $1.25. Each kit set con ­
tains all the wood parts C U T T O
OUTLINE SHAPE as, fuselage,
wings, elevator, rudder, and pon­
toons. These parts are cut from
Balsa for all planes except the B-J
RTISS S W I F T B O E I N G X P 936 BOEING P-12-F B/J. P U R S U I T Seaplane, Boeing P-12-F, Autogiro,
and Boeing X t ’lKJti which com e with
pine parts only. Scale die east pro­
pellers, wheels, and radial m otors
are also included in the kits; to-·
gether with a full size scale plan,
paint, cement, insignia, and Other
materials needed to complete each
plane. These construction sets build
up into solid wood exact scale m od­
els. and when com pleted represent
the last word in solid scale model
These kit sets are not to be confused
with the (i inch replica model kits
CAMEL FOKKER S. E. 5A ALBATROSS supplying only blocks of wood and
---------------------------- ------- selling a t a much cheaper rate.
When you consider that all the
wood parts for OUR KITS com e cut
to shape, the propellers ready to
mount, wheels cast, and each ship
is exactly Vi inch scale to the
"p roto type” it represents, you. will
agree that we are producing kit
sets far superior to others on the
market. The wing spans for these
planes vary from about ·> inches for
the Curtiss Racer to over eleven
inches for the Bristol, according to
BRISTOL F IG H TE R ­ S P A D 13 HALBERSTADT the size of the real aeroplane.
Pfal z D111
Choose any four of these planes p ic­
tured.here and send us $1.25, anti we
will send the kit sets to you post­
Not e: This does not apply to the
Boeing Bom ber or Transport.

These models were exhibited at the

World’s Fair in Chicago 1933 ,


Now you can build the Boeing Transport or the Boeing Bomber pictured here and have ail exact ^4
inch scale replica model for I « B it
The kit sets contain all the wood parts cut to outline shape, two scale die cast W asp Motors, two scale die cast three bladed
propellers, all ready to mount, and cast wheels. These castings are made of Brittania metal and do not have to be hand_fin­
ished. A full size 18% inch wing, span plan, glue, paint, etc., com prise the kits. When you consider that the fuselage, wings,
rudder, and elevator are cut to Shape and NOT blocks of wood, motors and propellers arc ready to mount, and the size of- tin-
plane, 18% inch wing span, you will realize we have produced a construction set that is in a class by itself. W e Guarantee these
kits to be as stilted, and know you will be satisfied.
These kits can be'had in either balsa or pine at $1.65 E A C H , Postpai d.


4944- Irving Park Blvd.,
C H I C A G O ’S O L D E S T M O D E L A E R O P L A N E E S T A B L I S H M E N T
U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEW S -~ -^ Í 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 1

B uild these Famous B P A M odels



Here’ s a humdinger! A beauty to look 3 Γ - Post paid
at—a thrill to fly ! ...........·....................... D JC


Λ duration model, com- I C . Plus 5c postage
plete ..............................

E R E ’ S good advice! Now is the time to buy

H and build the famous BPA Models—before
prices go shooting skyw ard! Make your FOKKER D -8 FLYING SCALE
post paid
A wonderful biplane D C — P°st P*1'·* choice from the marvelous line of kits shown on
flyer ................................................... J J C this page—each is a de luxe BPA Flying Scale It’s a whiz!
Model K it—each 12" to 15" wing span— the kind
that the best model builders prefer! BPA stands
for the highest quality of kits and supplies at
the fairest, lowest prices. You get quick shipping
service, and money back or exchange privileges
if you are not satisfied!
D ealers!
W rite on letterhead for special discounts. B ig
profits in handling BPA Supplies. You get real
service and sales support.
Send 3c stamp to cover mailing cost.
You'll be surprised to see this beau­
tiful Catalog which PICTURES our
many wonderful supply items. Send
stam p with your order NOW !
_____post paid Each kit contains FU L L-SIZE 3-view plans. Isn’ t sho a peach!
A war-time lighting plane 35c K its are com plete with banana oil, cement,
formed wire parts, Balsa, Jap tissue, turned
Balsa wheels, etc. In sturdy cardboard boxes.
And rem ember these kits reach you post paid.
Order kits the convenient C.O.D. way— send no money. Mark
coupon " C .O .D ." and pay postman on delivery. If you send
cash, use Postal or Express Money Order. Canadians add
25c on orders up to $1.50, 15% on orders over $1.50. No
Canadian coins or stamps accepted— use International Money
Order. Print order clearly. Satisfaction guaranteed, ex­
changes made, or money refunded.

Popular war-time lighter.......... post paid
Δ biplane that’s a


4150 W. Roosevelt Road, Div. 42, Chicago, III.
( ) Send C.O.D. kits listed below. I will pay post­
man for kits, plus C.O.D. fee. No C.O.D. orders
accepted for less than 2 kits.
( ) I enclose $ .................. for kits listed below.

I Street -
Hero's a real knockout! .
post paid Late model Polish fighting piano .. 35c
Balsa Products Co. of America, subsidiary of Comet Model Airplane & Supply Co.

An absorbing story of the

Making The Air Safe purpose of and the prob­
lems embodied in Lind­
by H. Latane Lewis I I ............................................ 4 bergh’s recent tour of the
continents, by Fletcher
Keeping Pace With Model Science, Part No. 3
How You Can Build the
by Carl Goldberg .................................................. 7 Waco Cabin Plane, by
Joseph Kovel, gives you
complete data to build
Air Ways— Here and T h e r e .......................................... 10 one of the finest perform­
ing scale models that we
The Development of the Fokker Fighters have ever seen.
Robert Morrison gives in­
by Robert C. H a r e .................................................. 13 timate details of the la­
test airplanes, with three
The Thomas Morse MB-3 (3 \7iew) view drawings, in On the
Frontiers of Aviation,
by Ralph P ick a rd .................................................... 14 Part 2. (We were unable
to print this in our Feb­
ruary issue).
The Sopwith Pup (3 View) The Development of the
by Walter Westburg .............................................. 14 Fokker Fighters, by Rob­
ert C. Hare, continues to
tell you new and undis­
The N avy “ Admiral” in Detail closed features of Fokker
Planes that lead up to
by Joe Battaglia .................................................. 1 15 the successful D.7. type.
Build the Martin Bomber,
How The Aeroplane Was Created by Barnett Feinberg,
lives you complete data
by David C o o p e r .................................................... 19
from which you can cre­
ate a striking solid scale
miniature of the world’s
The National Aeronautic Association Junior fastest bombing plane.

Membership N e w s .................................................. 20 There will be also much

useful information and
many other fascinating
The Aerodynamic Design of the Model Plane articles, such as. How
You Can Make Hydro­
gen, the Aerodynamic
by Charles Hampson G ra n t.................................... 23 Design of the Model
Plane, and news of re­
How You Can Build A Flying Scale Boeing-247 cent contests, and model
b u i l d e r ’s a c t i v i t i e s
throughout the world.
by Wm. B. D u ra n d .................................................. 20
Order your copy of Uni­
versal Model Airplane
“ Shots” From The Ι.Λ.Α.Ρ.Ε. ......................................... 32 News from your news­
dealer now, or send $2.00
for your year’s subscrip­
The B ook pla te.................................................................. 32 tion to 125 West 45th St.,
New York City. Canadian
Aviation Advisory B o a r d ............................................... 34 subscriptions $2.00. Other
countries $2.50.

Published Monthly by JAY PUBLISHING CORP., Myrick Bldg., Springfield, Mass.

Editorial and General Offices, 125 West 45th Street, New York City.
George C. Johnson, President. Jay P. Cleveland, Secretary
Jay P. Cleveland, Advertising Manager, 125 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y.
Entered as second-class matter June 5, 1929, at the Post Office at Springfield, Mass., under the
Act of March 3, 1879.
Copyright 1933, by JAY PUBLISHING CORP.
Price 20c a copy. Subscription price $2.00 a year in the United States and its
possessions; also Cuba, Mexico and Panama.
$2.00 in Canada. All other countries $2.50 per year.
Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions, otherwise they are
taking unnecessary risk. Every possible effort will be made in our organization to return unavailable
manuscripts, photographs and drawings (if accompanied by postage), but we will not be responsible for
any loss of such matter contributed.

7’HERE YOU A R E ” MODEL· FANS f N e w — In terestin g

BUILD YO U R O W N AIR PO R T E du cation a l
C o m p le t e con stru c­
t io n k it t o th e last
d e t a il, a s t h e p ic tu r e
s h o w s , $5.00 o r ea ch
k it s e p a r a t e as lis te d
b e lo w .
1. Three Pylons... $.35
2. Post Office........ .25
3. Administration
Building .......... 1.00
4. Gas Station 1
5. Refreshment )- .50
Stand 1
6. Machine S h op ... .50
7. Radio Towers 1 .50
8. Radio Station f"
9. Three Hangers.. .75
to. Water Tower V.
II. Power House ( ' .50
12. Field Mat.......... .50
13. Six Commercial
Model K its........ .35
14. Six Sport Model
Kits .................. .35
complete kit .......... .
Scaled for Detail—Detailed for Scale For individual kits .10 ea.
Whether you prefer solid or flying scale models—here is a new con­ of course, a fleet of the most modern tiny replica planes that take their
structive thought for every model builder and a thrill that will hold place about the field or are to be seen in their hangar.
A full size, fully detailed plan with instructions guides you in the
throughout the year. simple and accurate construction of each unit. The wood for each
KNOW YOUR AIRPORT. The layout of a modern field, its buildings unit is cut to correct thickness, all details neatly printed out to assure
and equipment. you correct size of windows, doors and other detail. Glazing for all
openings, an assortment of brilliantly colored lacquers and necessary
National Midget Airport is so complete that you will feel yourself quick drying cement to build a most complete and colorful airport.
right in the atmosphere of the great airports of the country, as you The only tools needed are a sharp knife and paint brush.
build and arrange this colorful miniature layout. The Midget Airport is an ideal construction project for the individual,
The complete kit features ten buildings, three pylons and radio group or club. You can buy the complete kit for construction of the
towers. A large round plan 42” x 62" with its soft green back­ entire airport or any of the individual units, including ground plan,
ground, runways, aprons and location of buildings marked out. And, separately.

National Kits have proven a joy to every model builder. The accurate S3.00 each, plus postage. The price of each kit is governed by its size,
design, complete detail, ample and superior quality of all National Kits quantity and assortment of materials required to build a perfect flying
scale miniature of the plane to be modeled.
assures satisfactory results for the time and effort required to build.
You can be sure that every National Kit you buy, regardless of price,
More than 50 models to choose from, including modern and war-time offers excellent value and contains many exclusive features of our own
planes, sport and commercial ships. National Kits sell from 25 cents to deveopment and not to be found in other kits.
N A T IO N A L M IDG ET MODELS N O W SELL FOR 25, 35 and 50 cents each

Other 50c |2"

Midget Models:
Plus post. 10c

(New) Hawk P - 6 -E
Taylor Cub. A new n ť British S.E. 5. Easy to build Akron Fighter. T Boeing P-12
midget sport model.
Plus post. 10c
— an excellent flier. Ο Ε Ϊ Λ
Plus post 10c............
dirigible envoy... 50c Curtiss Falcon
Plus post.
25 in.-1" Flyino Scale Model Curtiss Helldivcr
G e e B e e S u p e r S p o r t s t e r ............. British Hawker Fury
P lu s p o s t a g e ...................................... .25 Polish P -6
12Lis i n .-V i" F l y i n g S c a le M o d e l
G ee B ee S u p er S p o rtste r. 25 Sikorsky Amphibian
P lu s p o s t a g e ....................... Bellanca Airbus
Texaco 13
Gee Bee Sporster 1931
Captain 3 ^ Lockheod Sirius
Fokker T r i p l a n c
mous war-time model 25c Rickenbacher’ s ship Plus post 10c .......... Lockheed Vega
Plus post. 10c Plus post. 10c
Other War-Time 35c models: Laird 400
Other 25c models: Plus post. 10c Albatross
Plus post. 10c Fokker D-7 Pfalz
Curtiss Robin Sopwith Camel
Nicuport Scout
Puss Moth The 28 National Midget Flying Scale Models, as il­
Heath Parasol lustrated and listed above, presents the largest selection
Bcllanca Liberty of kits offered at modest prices and which will appeal
to every air-minded fellow.
31 in. Lockheed Sirius ............................. $ 2 .5 0 These kits arc made from balsa wood. Eacli kit contains a
C o l o n e l L i n d b e r g h ’ s f a v o r i t e s h ip f o r fully detailed blue print and instructions, with all neces­
sary material, including correct colored dopes and insignia,
p r iv a t e flig h ts. to build a beautiful replica model.
P lu s p o s t a g e ............................................................... 2 5
Gee Boo Sportster..........25e Nieuport Scout..................25e
O th e r 24 in . m o d e l s : Laird 400.......................... 25c S>P.A.D............................... 25e
24” C u r t i s A r m y 24’ N a v y V o u g h t LAI EE BEE SPORTSTER Texaco 1 3 . . . . . . ...............25e
Hawk .................. $2.50 Corsair ............ $2.75 Add 10c postage for each of the models.
24" Boeing P - 1 2 .... 2.75 24’ S t i n s o n D c - NATIONAL lias gained a reputation for prompt service by making shipments of all orders the same day a3
24" Heath Parasol.. 2.00 troitcr ................ 2.50 received. Please write or print plainly your name and address on order. No order, accepted for less than 50c,
24" Laird 400............... 2.50 24’ Texaco 13............
24’ S. P. A. D.......... 2.25
plus postage. Remittance may be made in stamps up to $1.00. Otherwise, please remit by Post Office money
order or check. All cash remittances are at risk of sender. We Insure all packages without cost to you. I’ lcaso
24" Afbatross ............. 2.25 24’ Nicuport Scout.. 2.25 note the amount of postage and packing as required on eacli kit.
24" Fokker D -7........... 2.25 24’ British S.E .5 . . . 2.25 N ational Bulletin D ealers and A gen ts
24" Fokker Triplane 2.50 24" Goo Boo 1931... 2.50
Write today for your free copy of National Bulletin. National Kits and Supplies are In demand by model
Add tage on each of the above chuck full of interest to model builders. Complete price builders everywhere. Dealers featuring them arc en­
models 25c. list of supplies and many models illustrated. Include joying quick and profitable sales.
Other 18 in. models: 3 cents for mailing. Write today for dealer’ s discount.
18" Navy B o e i n g
18" Army B o o i n g
1 .5 0
National Model Aircraft & Supply Company
P -I2-E .......... 1 . 5 0
Curtiss C o n d o r
23 Avenue “E,” Bluebird Building, Dept. A-44
Bomber .............. $1.50 New Rochelle, New York
18" Curtiss A -8 S I . 5 0 British Super Ma- Canadian Distributor:
The Terror of the Skies marine .................. $1.50 St. John Bros. & Twomey. 644 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man., Canada
Add for parking and postage on each of the above Canadian prices 40% higher to cover duty.
models 15c.
Jimmy Doolittle’s Lockheed equipped with leading edge de-icing strips.

Making the A ir Safe

T OSSED and buffeted by a Developments of Genius W hich In the past, the only safe­
winter gale, the night mail guard against such tragic oc­
plane winged its solitary way A re Taming the Hazards of Flight. currences has been to avoid,
a mile above a storm-torn whenever possible, weather
earth. Sleet, with the velocity By H . L A T A N E L E W IS II that will produce the deadly
of b u c k s h o t , mercilessly menace of an ice coating on
pounded the fabric surface of wings and propeller. It is not
the big ship. Hunched for­ so much the weight of the ice
ward in the cockpit to protect that matters. The real danger
his face sat the bronzed young lies in the building up of the
pilot, the tiny light on the in­ ice on the leading edge of the
strument panel casting a weird wing, which changes its con­
glow over his tense features. tour and causes it to lose its
In the compartment up front lifting power.
rode 600 pounds of valuable Among the new safety de­
mail and express that had to vices for aircraft that are now
go through. being tested is the “ rubber
H ow an army plane with no de-icers looks after an ice storm.
The plane had begun to feel overshoe,” or “ De - leer,”
sluggish now and did not re­ which is designed to rid avia­
spond to the controls. Although the engine was running tion of one of its worst enemies.
at full throttle, the altimeter showed that the plane was “ De-Icers” consist of thin sheets of rubber cemented
settling rapidly. The pilot cast a hurried glance about to the leading edges of wings and tail surfaces. Each of
him. Suddenly an icy hand these sheets contains three
gripped his heart. Sleet, long inner tubes. These
with menacing swiftness, tubes are automatically in­
was building up on the flated and deflated when a
wings. plane is operated under icc-
Then the engine, until f o r m i n g conditions by
now faithfully droning out means of a pump driven by
its sonorous song, began to the engine. A valve, oper­
pound itself to pieces. Ice ated by the pilot, releases
had formed on the propeller compressed air into them,
and the unequal loading had causing an automatic expan­
caused it to go off balance. sion and contraction.
The pilot began a frantic At first the two outside
dive for the earth. It was tubes inflate; then, as they
too late now. The big ship deflate, the large center
had lost all of its lift and tube inflates. The pulsa­
had become just so much tion rate is one per minute.
dead weight in the air. The ice is cracked loose by
Turning over and over like, this “ breathing” action and
a wounded bird, it fell. A sonic altimeter installed in a Douglas, is ripped off by the air
U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS '— * ( 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 5

The diagram shows the

various stages o f operation
of the plane parachute.
The whole cabin with pas­
sengers are landed safely.

of Commerce, ever
ready to solve avia­
tion’s deepest problems,
has come forth with an
Theequipment, which
would be carried on all
airplanes, consists of a
compact radio trans­
mitting and receiving
set, both operating on
stream as soon as it forms. Λ similar arrangement elimi­ the same frequency. The transmitter continuously
nates the ice from the propeller. sends out signals which radiate in all directions from
These simple little devices are proving to be a real life- the plane. The receiving set, however, will receive sig­
saver. They have already been installed on a number of nals only when they are coming from directly in front
mail and passenger planes, of the plane, or within a
permitting them to get path thirty degrees wide
through even in blinding from the front. Thus, no
hailstorms. signal is received from an­
The problem of making other airplane unless the
the air safe has been vigor­ line of flight is directly to­
ously attacked by aeronau­ ward that airplane. When
tical engineers, both gov­ the pilot receives this warn­
ernment and civilian, dur­ ing, he maneuvers his ship
ing the past year and many so as to decrease the inten­
new devices have been pro­ sity of the received signal,
duced that have a far- which automatically takes
reaching effect. For while him out of the path of dan­
flying is the fastest means ger.
of transportation, it must The signals may be
also be made the safest. heard up to a distance of 3
This is the objective to­ miles when the planes are
wards which the industry Retractable landing gear of a Curtiss Condor. on approximately the same
has now turned its atten­ altitude. If, however, they
tion. “ Speed with safety” is to become the watchword are flying on a sufficiently different altitude when warning
of aviation. is not necessary, no signal is heard.
One of the greatest dangers has always been the pos­ Another interesting device for use in stormy weather
sibility of collision between when the ground is ob­
airplanes flying in opposite scured is the sonic altimeter.
directions along an airway. This insignificant looking in­
Then too, there is the risk strument gives the pilot his
of some plane that is not exact altitude above ground,
following the airway, but accurate to within two or
just barging along, crossing three feet. Present type al­
the path of ships operating timeters are barometric;
along the regular route. that is, they measure air
This danger is particular­ density and translate it into
ly great at night and in altitude above sea level. Pi­
stormy weather when visi­ lots flying over high, moun­
bility is restricted. Almost tainous country have some­
any pilot who has done times flown into the ground
much bad weather flying while their altimeter regis­
can tell a hair-raising story "\ir./.»'v
v'T' ·' tered several thousand feet
or two of missing a collision above sea level.
by “ the skin of his teeth.” The sonic altimeter blows
But now the Aeronautics a high-pitched whistle at
Branch of the Department Retractable landing gear with wheels down. regular intervals as the air-
6 1 - 9 - 3 - 4

Diagram showing layout o f sonic

altimeter. (Official Photo U. S. Army
Air Corps.)

plane flies along. The sound

travels down, hits the earth, and
is reflected back to the airplane,
where it is caught by a mega­
phone attached to sound filters.
The elapsed time between whis­
tle and echo is measured and is
indicated in feet on a dial in.
front of the pilot. As sound
travels at the rate of 1,100 feet
per second, a two-second inter­
val would indicate that the air­
plane was at 1,100 feet, it taking
one second· for the signal to
reach the ground and another second for it to travel back pilot could have done as Army pilots have frequently
to the plane. done— climbed up to a s-afe altitude and then have given
So sensitive is the device that it is possible to tell when the order to bail out.
houses and trees and other such ob­ However, it must be admitted that
jects are being passed over. under most circumstances there would
The mention of safety equipment hardly be sufficient time for 15 or 18
for airplanes always brings up the passengers to file through the single
much discussed question of equipping exit with which most transports are
passengers with parachutes. It is equipped. Moreover, many of them
argued by some authorities that would doubtless become panic-strick­
chutes should be standard equipment en and refuse to jump.
on airplanes just as life-boats are on Out at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio,
ocean liners. Major E. L. Hoffman, the Army’ s
In California, recently, a large parachute genius, has invented a de­
transport plane, heavily loaded with vice that may overcome the disadvan­
passengers, became pinched in by fog. tages of equipping each passenger
The gas was running low and the pi­ with an individual chute.
lot still could not find a hole in the The proposition is to construct
mist. He cruised around, coming transport planes with detachable cab­
lower and lower, feeling for the ins which a giant parachute could lift
ground in an effort to set the big plane Crash-proof tank unharmed by drop off into space in the event of an emer­
down. He flew into the side of a on concrete floor. gency, while the rest of the plane falls
house at high speed. A terrific explo­ to earth. The pilot would wear an in­
sion followed, killing everyone in the plane and also all dividual chute and when, like a true ship captain, he sees
the occupants of the house. his passengers well on the road to safety, he will leave his
If the passengers had been equipped with chutes, the ship, yank the rip cord, and join the Caterpillar Club.
The parachute, that M ajor Hoffman has developed for
this work is a big 80-foot Triangle chute designed to
Carry a load of 2,500 pounds, or the equivalent of a 12-
passenger cabin. It is housed in the top of the cabin with
the pilot chute tucked away in the tail.' A pull of the lever
by the pilot of the plane is all that is necessary to release
it. In three seconds the cabin is clear and descending at
a rate of 18 feet per second. The landing place may be
picked by manipulating the shroud lines on the way
Inventors are determined to make passengers bail out
in case of an accident whether they want to or not. Last
month a blind engineer from California demonstrated to
government officials at Washington a device that dumps
passengers out and sends them floating down to earth,
chair and all.
The pilot simply pulls a lever like an automobile brake.
With lightning rapidity, accordion-like exits beside each
seat fold back and long mechanical arms swing the seat's
A n 80 foot airplane parachute (Official Photo
U. S. Army Air Corps.) ( Continued on fa g e 45)
Keeping Pace
w ith
M odel Science
H ow Y ou Can Build the Baby The microfilm covered Baby R.O .G . that
set a world’s record of 9 min. 35 sec.
R .O X j . That Holds the W orld ’s
Record of 9 M in. 35 Sec. '
35 seconds on September 9th of this year.
This little crate on its first test did over 6
minutes; on the second 9 minutes, 2 seconds; on the third
T P HE original Baby R. O. G. was probably the greatest 8 minutes, 58 seconds. The two latter flights had the
fun-giving airplane ever invented. Compact, high-pow­ same number of winds, 2000. The next trial had 2100
ered, with flights full of breath-taking zooms and colli­ turns in the motor, and lasted 9 minutes, 35 seconds. On
sions, it really was a shame that this fine little ship had to the third official trial, with 2300 in the motor, the wing
be developed into a slow, steady-moving record type collapsed in the center during the take off, probably
model. However, civilization demands progress and so it because of a poor butt joint of the spars.
is also with model aviation. “ And one more Injun (our It would appear, that had this accident not occurred
little R.O.G.) bit the dust of progress.” at such a critical time, the model might well have flown
When first introduced to the brand new model building some 1 0 minutes, and this being the case, model build­
public of 1927, the year in which ers probably will not allow the 9j^
Colonel Lindbergh’s famous flight minute official mark to stand long.
brought out so much interest in In fact, it is not too unreasonable
aviation, the Baby R.O.G. had an to expect that the Baby R.O.G. rec­
average performance of 20 to 40 ord will stand at 12 minutes or bet­
seconds. The best generally known ter within a year of this writing.
performance was 50 seconds. This Before going on to discuss the
was gradually raised, quite unsen- construction of this particular mod­
sationally, until Herbert Owen of el, consider the necessary features
New Britain, Connecticut, stunned of the type. It must have wheeled
the Eastern group of model build­ landing gear, the wheels to be of
ers by winning first place in the not less than J2 inch diameter and
Baby R.O.G. event of the Decem­ The high wing gives stability and rolling freely, and the struts strong
the large propeller long duration.
ber 1932 Eastern States champion­ enough to adequately support the
ships, conducted by Universal ship while on the ground. The
Model Airplane News, with a record flight of 7 minutes, wing area is limited to Class A 30 sq. in. for Baby R.O.G.s.
30 seconds. Since Owen’s astonishing ship was covered Since the area is so limited, the aspect ratio, in order to
with microfilm, the lightest wing covering yet known, it be practical, is also limited in the ordinary case to about
was but natural that the East should become “ microfilm­ 8 to 1.
conscious” ; and with that, average durations moved up Experience has shown thus far that the only thing
accordingly. Several months later, John Tyskewicz of gained in raising the aspect ratio of so small a wing is
Hartford, Connecticut, turned in a flight of 7:43 officially, trouble, because -of the practical difficulties in getting
and in June several Philadelphia model builders sent the both the necessary torsional rigidity and lightness into
record past the 8 minute mark, to about 8:20. such an awkward, tiny framework. Because of limits on
At about this time, a group of New York enthusiasts, the aspect ratio, then, the span is limited, and accordingly
including John Young, Laurence Smithline, John Zaic, the propeller diameter. Since a small propeller is at best
Allan Penn, David Hecht, Edward Katzenberger, Jerome still inefficient, every bit of knowledge should be utilized
Kittel and myself, began to seriously study the problems in increasing the efficiency to the highest possible meas­
of obtaining great duration. It was found, among many ure.
other things, that by more carefully engineering the con­ With this end in view, the prop diameter is made as
struction, by weighing each tiny part in thousandths of large as will permit of satisfactory stability (that is, the
an ounce, a model could be made of sufficient strength and torque factor must not be allowed to become uncontrol­
yet much lighter. lable) and the “ blade angle” or “ block thickness-to-width
Out of the work of this group, then, was evolved the ratio” is made low. The latter may be compared to set­
Baby R.O.G. described herein, and with which I was for­ ting a wing at a low angle of incidence in order to get a
tunate enough to set a new official record of 9 minutes, ( Continued on -page 1 2 )

8 rEB9RU3R>4 >>-----' U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P LA N E NEWS
A I R .W A Y S
W hat Readers A re Doing to Increase
Their Knowledge of Aviation. “ A ir
Y our W ays” Here. The world’s fastest amphibian, the Seversky, by

H .ARLAN D C. WOOD may live in the

backwoods, so to speak, at Lyndonville, Vt.,
H . C. W ood.

a picture of a model and

but he is certainly up to the minute with his the photograph of an
airplanes. Perhaps he has more time to actual airport in a very
think calmly and accurately, far from the clever manner.
maddening throng of the cities, for he has The same applies to pic­
produced a very fine drawing of the latest ture No. 2 of the Northrop
'■■■a :?■ Al p h a . T h e m od el of
world’s record amphibian, the Seversky,
for our heading. Model fans will recall the Northrop Alpha has
that it set a new speed record of 180 Piet. N o. 1. A Boeing Y lP -2 6 solid scale model super­ b e e n superimposed
imposed on a picture o f a real airport, by C. O. Harrison upon a photograph of an
m.p.h. at the National Air Pageant,
held recently at Roosevelt Field, Long appropriate landscape. These are
Island. the two finest photographs that
we have received this month. Not
Mr. C. 0. Harrison of 1423 W ood­
only is the photography clever,
ward Ave., Springfield, Ohio, is mas­
but the models have been built
ter of the art of trick photography, as
with exceptional detail. On the
you will see from pictures No. 1 and
whole, this is a very fine job. The
No. 2. Picture No. 1 shows a new
span of the Boeing YIP26 is 694"
Boeing YIP26 resting at the airport,
and is made of mahogany includ­
ready for tuning up. It is hard to be­
ing the cowl and pants. The motor
lieve that this is not a full size ship. pj*ct> N o. 2. A beautiful (594 inch Northrop Alpha
is made of brass screws and steel
The part of the picture buili of mahogany, by C. O. Harrison
wires. The whole model has been
which shows the hanger
carefully constructed by hand. The
and the planes in the back­
Northrop Alpha is also made of ma­
ground was taken at an hogany and finished with filler and
actual airport. However, lacquer. The span of this ship is
the plane in the foreground
slightly less than 10^2 ".
is only a model. This
Picture No. 3 shows a solid scale
realistic effect was at­ model of a Curtiss Condor XB2, built
tained by super-imposing by R. Rinkel, of 39 Golden Hill St.,
Piet. N o. 3. A detailed scale “ Condor”
built by R. Rinkel. Alilford, Conn. Though Rinkel has
put himself into the con­
struction of this model,
we would say that it is
Piet. No. 4. A a pretty smooth job. All
neat solid scale
Hell Diver with
the details have been car­
landing lights, ried out ,even to bomb
by de Bremond racks, bombs and landing
Now we have another
solid scale model by Mr.
de Bremond Hoffman of
251 Churchill Ave., Palo
Alto, Calif. It is a Curtiss
Hell Diver, shown in pic­
ture No. 4. Here, also, de­
tails have been carefully
Piet. N o. 5. Lloyd Wcllner and worked out and include
_______ his detail model of a Bowlus
Piet. N o. 6. W infred Winters built this five foot Mohawk Pinto. sailplane. landing lights which work

— 10—
U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 11

Piet. No. 7. A group o f

models o f all sizes built
by George Barrett. The
Puss Moth on the left in
the picture is the best flier.

Piet. N o. 8. A novel de·;

vice rigged up by Jarden
McCorkle by means o f
which he makes Ills solid
models fly.

takes off after a run of about 10'. It placed

by a small size among the winners at the National Model
flashlight bat­ Show in Chicago last winter.
tery in the fuse­ George C. Barrett of Schenck Ave., Mat-
lage, mo v a b l e awan, N. J., has quite a collection of models,
controls and an which is shown in picture No. 7. The Puss
electric motor to Moth which you see in the left hand corner
turn the p r o ­ of the picture is a very stable flier, making
peller. a very beautiful take-off and landing. Fie
Lloyd Wellner Piet. N o. 9. A line o f new Curtiss Hawks lined up at the Hunjao recommends this ship for model builders
airport Shanghai, China, (Courtesy Gaudencio Orden).
o f 510 L e d a who wish to construct and fly a plane that
Place, Akron, Ohio, has will give flight satisfaction. We would
been kind enough to send us say that Barrett was extremely versa­
picture No. 5 of himself and tile, considering the various types and
his exact scale Bowlus sizes of airplanes which he has built.
“ Dragon Fly.” This model Picture No. 8 shows a novel device
recently flew for 24 minutes designed and built by Jarden McCorkle
and travelled a distance of of Gladwyne, Pa. The model Gee Bee
2y2 miles. The scale is 1" of 25" span is suspended by wires from
to 1'. The span of the model the end of a revolving arm. At the other
is 60". It weighs 1.15 oz. end of the arm is a weight which coun­
and has an area of 183 sq. in. terbalances the tveight of the model.
The glide is 20 to 1, which Piet. N o. 10. A very complete model airport built This model is pivoted and supported at
by Raymond Le Kashman. Lots o f action here.
Wellner attributes to the the top of a door. When the 12 volt
wing section which is an Eiffel motor built into the fu­
“ 400,” tapering to a Munk No. 12 selage, spins the pro­
Piet. 11. One of
at the tip.'W hile flying, at the the best flying peller, the model picks
time of the flight reported, it was scale Hawk P6Es up rapidly and attains a
at a 600' altitude and still going that we have
seen, by Jack
surprisingly high speed.
up when he lost it. A 150' tow line Seidenwand. It gives a very realistic
was used. The wind velocity was ef f ec t , t r ave l l i ng in
between 20 to 35 miles
an hour. Piet. N o. 12.
John Andrews
Winfred Winters of tunes up his five
813 Pipestone St., Ben­ foot Stinson “ R”
ton H a rb or, M ich ., for a flight.
sends picture No. 6 of Piet. N o. 14. A
his non-scale model of Lockheed Air-
Express built by
t h e M o h a wjc Pinto. Frank D is tle r ,
This ship is unusual in­ w ith a b o d y
asmuch as it has a wing made from news­
span of 60J4". All con­
trols are adjustable and
shock abs o r be r s are
spring action, single
acting, the springs be­
ing contained in an alu­
minum housing. Tires
are 3 " Firestone Bal­
loons. W h e e l s are
home-made with alu­
minum bearings. This Piet. N o. 13. A tailless model built by Piet. N o. 15. Oscar Adamoff is hard at work finishing this Savoia
model actually flies and Wm. Eymann» that flics for 100 seconds. Marchetti. H e expects it to fly when finished.
12 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 Υ*-----> U N IV ER SAL M ODEL A IR P LA N E NEWS

about a 20' circle. M cCorkle says he would like to hear Piet. N o. 16. A
faked photo of a
from readers who have done anything along this line. T r a v e la i r e flying
His device is certainly unique. over Fort Worth,
T e x a s, by W in.
Gaudencio A. Orden of 69 Point Road Terrace No. 288 Bennett.
Shanghai, China, sends us a picture, No. 9, all the way
scene which is
from Shanghai, China, which shows the great activity in
shown is not one
aviation now going on in this far-off country. It was
of a real airport
taken on Sept. 9 at the Hunjao Airdrome. This day was
but m e r e l y a
a memorable one because five new Curtiss Hawks which miniature a i r-
were recently received by the Chinese forces, were chris­ port which he
tened. The picture shows .«the line-up of Curtiss Hawks built. He tells us
except for the one at the extreme right, which is a Doug­ in his letter that
las. The ceremony was performed by the Boy Scouts and this was a
Girl Scouts. They even have these in China. We ap­ “ rushed” p h o-
preciate Orden’s contribution extremely, which shows us tography job and it can be improved. “ I will tell you the
how aviation is progressing rapidly in the remote parts mistakes 1 made before you yell at me.
of the world. “ (1) The lights arc too low. (2) The sheet background
Raymond Le Kashman of 277 West End AveV, New is not stretched tight. ( 3 ) 1 forgot that there is always a
York City, sends us a very unusual picture, No. 10. The ( Continued on page 46)

Keeping Pace With Model Science to throw the seam out o f line. The whole razor blade around the curved edge o f a
( Continued from page 7) is now baked in an oven at 300-350 de­ metal template, one side o f which has been
grees for about five minutes, taken out, cut and filed to the curve shown in the
good lift to drag ratio. Stability is still a and the gauze and former.removed. drawings. Ribs are 1 /3 2 " square.
prime problem because o f the large p r o p ; W ith great care and patience, glue the N ow assemble the spars and ribs into
therefore, a tail boom and high w ing clips seam with the least amount o f glue you can two wing halves, gluing each joint well
are employed. W ith regard to dihedral, manage. Incidentally, this glue or model but without any more glue than absolutely
here's one way to consider the matter. airplane cement as it is called, should be necessary. Remember to leave the \ving
Using much dihedral, it is true that the the very best you can g e t : colorless, fast­ halves separate, as each must be covered
wing suffers a slight loss in lift. However, drying, great strength, and not thick. In separately with microfilm. Now, with
fact, all materials must be o f the highest strips o f balsa 1 /6 4 " square, soaked thor­
the plane becomes so stable that the wing
class. Otherwise, you’ re handicapped be­ oughly in warm water, bend two w ing tips,
may be set at several different locations.
fore you start. The wood, rubber motor using a spool o f thread or any such article
Microfilm covering, unless the proper and microfilm have a great effect on the to bend around. Hold in the bent position
solution is used in the preparation, is like­ ship’s endurance, even if one does not around the spool at a short height above
ly to be a source o f difficulty and loss o f consider the workmanship. It pays to hunt a candle flame until dry. These tips are
patience. Most films now on the market around and get the best, even though in now attached with cement to the wing
are either brittle and crack easily, besides some cases you may be charged higher halves, which are then laid aside until the
w arping the w ing frame, or else they are prices. covering operation begins.
very sticky and have b ig holes torn out W ith regard to rubber, I can only re­ The stabilizer outline is made from
whenever they accidentally touch some­ peat the words o f Mr. Howard M cEntee: strips o f 1 /6 4 " square balsa bent, in the
thing. It is advisable to get a film solution Get the best and freshest obtainable, and same manner as the w ing tips just de­
whose films are not subject to these faults. use a good rubber lubricant. T o get back scribed. The ribs are also o f 1 /6 4 " sheet
Also, do not use films that are so thin as to the motor stick, now cut off one end at balsa. The rudder is made in identical
to be risky— the added duration over an angle (to reduce weight and increase fashion. The tail boom is 1 /1 6 " square
slightly heavier films is no more than sev­ propeller clearance) and cap both ends balsa tapering from that size at the joint
eral seconds, yet the increased amount o f with 1 /6 4 " sheet balsa, glued on, and to the stick to 1 /3 2 " square at the rear­
repairs necessary makes them extremely trimmed after the glue is set. N o can is most end. The boom extends upward to­
short in life. The proper color film would used, as this stick will not bend when prop­ wards the rear at a very slight angle. Also,
be in the red, green and blue range. Gun erly handled. Also, it hasn’ t been known it is not bent in order to cause the model
blue and gold, especially the latter, cannot to twist under the maximum torque o f the tc circle; but rather the rudder is attached
as a rule stand much damage and should motor. The thrust bearing and rear hook at an angle fo r this purpose. A careful
not be employed. T o construct the pres­ are made as shown, o f .010 music wire, study o f the drawings will reveal this.
ent record-holding R .O .G ., proceed as not tinned. Do not forget this; the rudder must be
follow s: I f you’ve already studied the plans (it ’s turned in order that the model fly at all.
The motor stick is made by sanding a a good thing to d o ), you’ ll have noticed In fact, to have greatest hope o f success,
sheet o f 1 /6 4 " balsa smooth and cutting that the wing is not centered above the it would be best to follow all directions
out a blank 8" long, 9 /1 6 " wide in the stick. In fact, it is deliberately offset a with the greatest minuteness and attention
center, tapering evenly on both sides to definite amount— Y " to be exact— and to accuracy o f each detail.
7 /1 6 " wide at the ends. This blank is its purpose is to eliminate the necessity for The landing gear struts are balsa 1 /3 2 "
sanded evenly throughout until it weighs much washin and washout on each wing X 3 /6 4 " at the point o f attachment to the
.002 ounce. A solid wood form er is now half, due to the torque o f the prop. Thus fuselage, and 1 /3 2 " square at the lower
made o f the proper cross section as shown it becomes possible to have the wing chords end. Each strut is 4J/2" long. T w o balsa
in the draw ing and tapered. In fact, the at different parts o f the span all at about wheels Yz" in diameter and 1 /6 4 " thick
form er appears exactly like the finished the same angle o f incidence, which in­ are employed. Each has a hub rolled from
stick will appear, except that the form er creases the wing efficiency and removes a piece o f letter paper ]/&" square. The
has smaller cross sections. the source o f a lot o f trouble on the take­ wire axles are .010 wire, and are glued
The motor stick blank is soaked in warm off due to the right wing usually washing to the struts and bent L shape at the outer
water (not b oilin g) and then carefully out and causing a crash dive. end to keep the wheels from slipping off.
bent around the former, with the two The wing spars are cut from 1 /3 2 " The wing clips are o f the shape shown in
edges com ing together to form the seam sheet balsa and are 1 /1 6 " wide in the cen­ the drawings and are also made o f .010
ar the top or point o f the former. A t the ter and 3 /6 4 " wide at the tips. Each o f music wire, and have one 1 /1 6 " longer
same time, one inch gauze is carefully the four spars is 6" long. The ribs are than the other. This becomes the front
w rapped around the affair, being sure not cut out o f 1 /3 2 " sheet balsa by passing a ( Continued on page 48)
The M-16B, a refinement of the M-16. This plane out-performed the The M-17, a miniature of the M-16, used as a pursuit ship.
Albatros of equal power. It led to the production of D .l.

The Development of the

j/\ . S THE fall months
of 1915 wore on, the
battle fronts took a dif­
Fokker Fighters put in his application for
a certain share but he
■ was flatly refused any
ferent aspect. Once more quota. He soon learned
Germany was directing her H ow the Advent of the German Albatros that the Albatros Flugzeug-
efforts toward Verdun. Once
more the sons of France
Resulted in the Production of Fokker Fighters werke of Berlin had been
able to pull the strings of
were called to her defense of Greater Efficiency— The M-16 and M-17. officialdom and have Fok­
at this strategic point. Each kers supply diverted to
day the weary ground troops By ROBERT C. HARE their Berlin plant for the
watched the darting Fokker PART SIX. new D .l Albatros. This was
monoplanes and the new done for two reasons sup
Nieuport biplanes engaged posedly: first, Fokker’s lat­
in combat over the lines. It est plane, the M-16, could
was timely for this Verdun outperform the Albatros
offensive. These Fokker D .l with the same motor.
monoplanes of Germany With the extra forty h.p.,
were fast becoming old and the D .l would naturally be
obsolete. It seemed that better. In order to prevent
with the new battle, new air Fokker from getting his
equipment should come into new motors and accomplish­
general use. It did. The M-16, upon which Fokker banked his future success in 1915; ing this feat, the Albatros
a single seater fighter.
However s l o w changes concern reminded the offi­
seemed at the fronts, there cials that Fokker was an
was always a busy back area. Shrouded in their usual alien and was sending his earnings to Holland. The latter
secrecy, German aero-scientists were turning out weird is not true.
and mean looking craft, true in every sense of the word, In spite of all the arguing Fokker could do with the
to substantiate their saying that “ if an aeroplane is right German authorities, he could not swing them to his side
it looks right.” From the pictures shown here one can and even in. the face of proof that his fighters would ‘be
gather that these planes looked right for their duties, that better than those o f Albatros with the new motor, they
of shooting the enemy out of the air. turned -against him.
The new aeroplanes were, however, at first little im­ On the morning of February 21st, 1916, at 7:15 o’clock,
proved over their earlier cousins. Performance was no the Battle of Verdun began. Instead of improved Fokker
better, although acrodynamically they were considerably types as the French might have expected, aviators en­
improved. What they really needed was a better and countered great numbers of speedy dark colored Albatros
more powerful motor than those on hand. la th e summer D .l scouts. From all appearances, the Fokker reign had
of 1915, German official engineers began experiments to ended. This was naturally a severe blow to Anthony
lighten the large 160 h.p. Mercedes motor generally in Fokker. He had given the German Imp-erial Air Force
use in two seaters at that time. It had been suggested that the best fighting aeroplanes in all of France and the syn­
this motor be used before, but it proved too heavy. Since chronized machine-gun. Yet when he should have had
there was not sufficient time in which to design a com­ the upper floor again, he was flatly turned down.
pletely new motor, the only alternative was to rebuild The plane on which Fokker had banked his future
the Mercedes Six to suit pursuit work. safely enough in 1915, was a speedy, tough looking biplane
This conversion was made in late 1915 and orders were known as the M-16 by factory designation. With a motor
at once placed by all manufacturers. Immediately Fokker of a 120 h.p., it could out-maneuver and out-speed the
14 Γ Τ ? 3 ΚΥ4 Vs---- ' U N IV ER SAL M ODEL A IR P LA N E NEWS

Albatros D.I, with the same motor. However, with the

additional forty h.p. of the Albatros, Fokker’s plane was
left behind.
In the side elevation, the fuselage of the Fokker M-16
looked much like the cross section of a streamlined strut
with the wings secured at top and bottom of the longerons.
The 120 h.p. Mercedes motor of the vertical type was well
streamlined by a number of formed aluminum plates. Four
steel tube longerons and wire braced uprights constituted
the fuselage structure. Doped fabric covered all but an
aluminum side cowling which was fastened to the frame­
work by a series of buckles. The cockpit was let in just
behind the fire wall, and to provide a good downward
view, a portion of the fuselage was cut away at this point.
On cither side of the cockpit large radiators were located The Albatros D .I, which competed with the Fokker ships for
German official favor in 1915.
in the slipstream of the propeller. An entirely modern look­
ing landing gear took the place of the old Fokker wire-
braced type. The usual Fokker tail assembly was still re­ biplane to carry independent ailerons and the first Fokker
tained in the M-16. product since the M -4 monoplane not to use wing warp
Twenty-two full sized ribs and two main spars formed control. Such control was fitted for strength and the freely
the wing structure in a conventional manner. Between each moving surface of an independent aileron would of course
full sized rib a-false rib was included to maintain an even impart greater lateral control.
airfoil section throughout the span of the wings. The upper Two sets of struts were built into each wing panel.
wing was fastened directly to the upper longerons by Wood faired steel tubes were the materials. Numerous
means of bolts and fittings. In this same plane the fourth landing and flying wires completed a rigging too compli­
and last ribs ran parallel to the compression members in cated to describe here. Because of the proximity of the
the internal structure of the wing. Strut fittings and in­ lower wing to the ground, skids were fitted to the wing
ternal wiring stations were welded to these compression tips. This, no doubt, was 'an important factor in rough
members. landings.
The M-16 was distinctive in that it was the first Fokker ( Continued on -page 40)
Six o f these Navy “ Admirals” flew 2100 miles in formation, from Virginia to Panama.

The N avy “A dm iral” in Detail

-Ll-S a result of design com­
Complete Description and Plans From
must be the shape of a
petition open to the Ameri­ wedge so that when the hull
can aircraft industry, the
W hich Y ou Can Create a Detail Scale has been completed you
M odel of the N avy’s Greatest Flying Boat. simply pull out this center
contract for a long distance
piece and the other two
naval patrol-type flying- By JOE BATTAGLIA pieces fall loose and are eas­
boat was awarded to the ily removed.
Consolidated Aircraft Cor­ Now put them all back
poration by the United together again and hold
States Navy. them thus by inserting a
dowel in each of the holes.
The ship was designed to
Now sand the block down
meet the strictest require­
to the proper width and pro­
ments set forth by the
ceed to make it the shape of
United States Navy and to
the hull.
properly qualify for govern­
A perspective view of
ment service, it had to be
this is shown on page “ B”
well designed and construct­
diagram “ A.”
The (P Y -1 ) as the ship is The Bulkheads
known, not only has inher­ The bulkheads are “ U”
ent flying qualities, as was shaped in cross section on
proven by the flight to Pan­ the real ship. If you wish
ama recently, but it has a you can make them of
great deal of detail and 3 /3 2 " sq. solid brass or if
clean lines. This flight to The cockpit o f the “ Admiral,” showing the controls, pilots’ seats
you’ll stick to absolute
Panama of approximately and instrument board. scale, you can use (.009)
2100 miles was made by six gauge sheet metal. If you
Commodore “ Admirals” in formation. Now here is a follow the latter method, lay them out by rule and scriber.
chance for you model builders to accomplish something Draw four parallel lines 3 /3 2 " apart about 4 " in
by following the dimensions and instructions carefully length (this being the safest length to work with) if you
and turning out an A -l model which will win one contest have a vise with 4 " jaws. Now cut along the two outside
after another for you. lines. Make several of these pieces. Then place each
Plenty of work lies ahead, so buckle down to business. one in the vise and bend them into “ U” shaped channels.
Let’s start with the hull. To do this you simply bend them along one of the inside
The Hull lines first and then place a 3 /3 2 " sq. piece of steel or
To obtain the best lined hull you must first make a jig brass about the same length as the strips to be bent,
or core on tvhich to build it. against the inside of the bent part. Open the jaws of
First cut down a block of soft balsa wood to the same the vise 3 /3 2 " apart and place this piece of metal ex­
depth and slightly wider than the inside width of each actly in the center of the opening so the sides of the
hull bulkhead. Drill a hole near each end of the block at square piece line up with the insides of the jaws. Place
the points which will form the sides of the hull, from one a piece of solid metal 3 /3 2 " thick by Υ " wide against
side through to the other. Then cut it into three pieces, the 3 /3 2 " sq. piece with the 3 /3 2 " side facing dowm and
each one the full length of the block. The center piece hammer it lightly until the (.009) sheet has been pressed

— IS
16 1 - 9 - 3 - 4

wing floats, engine nacelle,

As soon as the hull bottom
has been covered, remove the
jig and file out all the joints
where there is excess solder
and Avash it out with gaso­
line. Now cover the top part
of the hull from station “ C”
to station “ H.” Between sta­
tions “H ” and "I ,” you place
a piece of metal containing a
hole 9 /1 6 " diam. and a ring
f p i w r υ/rw o r TAIL I OOKIfLCAFTFROM ,V A .y ar o u n d thi s hole
--------------------- ------------------------------- - 1/16" t hi c k and
---------1--------- 2 3 /3 2 " in outside

St diam. D o the same
/Mu with the front gun­
ner’s pit and put in
the seats and side
racks as shown in
th e t h r e e v i e w
Now cover the
R FAR CMNNFRS PIT- — ”7 ^ ^ '
rest of the hull from
station “ I” to the
rear. Make the
controls for the
pilot’s cockpits
and set them
in. This accom­
plished, put the
sheet metal in
b etw een “ B”
and “ C,” but
into the vise. When the only temporarily, for you will have to con­
two edges are flush with nect the controls later. This allows you
the tops of the jaws, freedom to complete your work neatly.
tighten up the vise. Then take the “ U”
shaped channel out and go on to the The Tail
next one. After you’ve made a number
The ribs in the tail are built up similar to those in the
of these scratch lines on them to corre­
wing except that they are streamlined in shape. The cap
spond with the points where the bulkheads are bent at an
strips are made like the bulkheads ( “ U ” shaped “ cross
angle, file them along these lines with a sharp edged file
sectioned channels” ) and the bracing in the ribs are
and bend them at the proper angle. Now solder them
also made the same way. Make a template 1 /3 2 " thick,
at the bend.
bend the “ U” shaped metal over it and solder the trail­
T o make the bulkhead all from one “ U” shaped sheet­ ing edge; then slip out the template and solder the leading
ing, cut out a piece of metal 3 /3 2 " thick into the full edge. Do the same with all the ribs. A perspective view
shape of each bulkhead. Then place the bent metal over of the spar is shown in three view layout.
it and bend it at the angular joints, placing it in the vise
and squeezing it tightly. D o the same with all of the The spars and compression struts of the wing and tail
bulkheads and at the end of each of these operations, surfaces are also similar in construction to each other.
solder the free ends together. When they’re all finished, The “ U” channels for the spars can be made by cutting
a tube 1 /1 6 " x Y%" down through the center along the
slip each one on the jig at their respective stations,
shown on page “ A.” Y " side. A “ T ” shaped piece is placed inside the chan­
nel and strips of metal are riveted or soldered on each
To the outside of the bulkheads you solder the hori­
side of the “ T ” piece at an angle to each other as shown.
zontal metal stiffeners which are “ T ” shaped and are
shown on page “ B” diagram “ A ” and “ B.” Each stiffener As soon as you’ve completed the spars, make a jig for
is Υζ" apart, (starting at the top of the hull and measur­ each part of the tail surface onto a transparent piece of
ing outward from the center) at the widest point in the paper and paste each one on a flat board. Then hammer
hull and gradually coming closer together at the rear. in small headless wire brads along the outline.
When these are all soldered in place, cover the bottom Now slip the ribs onto the spars, set them into the jig
side of the hull with (.007) gauge sheet metal (this metal to line them up and solder all the joints together.
is to be used on all metal covered parts, like the outboard ( Continued on -page 36)



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H ow 1
the Aeroplane
W as Created
H ow Early Attempts at Flight Laid the Foun­
dation for the Design of Our Modern Planes


P to this point we have found many advocates of the the resistance of the air by means of a suitable motive
principle of a rotating wing but in 1767 Pettigrew made power to force it to the requisite angle for support. Thus
known his views on the elas­ was born a new principle and
tic properties of this type of in 1810 he proposed a ma­
screw and a great revolution chine having an elastic form
took place in the construction of wings and driven by
of flying models. D. S. Brown screws. Pic further estab­
and Alphonse Pénaud also lished the fact that a curved,
advocated elastic wings and rather than a flat surface was
screws in lieu of rigid ones. desirable and should be rigid
Paucton, in 1768 set forth his instead of flapping. He is
treatise on the subject of also credited with the idea of
screws and suggested a ma­ hinging control surfaces to
chine with two screws, which •move laterally and horizon­
he called “ Pterophores.” In tally to secure directional
1769, Sir George Cayley gave A ctual Fably Dfsicns pla re no 3, control, and indicated that
inherent lateral stability was
a practical illustration of the
efficacy of this screw as ap­ obtained by uptilting the
plied to the air by construct­ wings at a dihedral angle.
ing a small machine in which The use of the internal com­
he used feathers for the ro­ bustion engine for powering
tating screws. This machine, aircraft, too, was Cayley’s
upon being wound and then suggestion and it can quite
released from the hand, made readily be realized why he
a swift upward flight, (fig 1— plate 3). was given the name of “ The Father of Aeronautics.”
Sir George Cayley came to the fore in 1809 and All ideas henceforth· seemed to have emanated from
created for himself undying fame by setting forth the these findings and a new era may be sa-id to have started
scheme of driving a plane surface into the air, opposing ( Continued on i>age 42)

N.A.A. Junior Membership Groups and Chapters unmanageable and not conducive to progress. A ll such groups
should have their own leaders and their own officers, but all
Wherever practicable, the Association desires that junior ac­
should be a part of the one local chapter. Provision should
tivities be under the guidance and supervision of a regular mem­
be made for admitting to membership only those who will
bership chapter. Therefore, a charter will be granted to a
definitely maintain active interest and participation in club ac­
junior membership club in a community that does not already
tivities. Make definite rules for cutting out dead timber and
have a chartered senior membership group, wTith the pro­
see that these rules are enforced.
vision that when a senior group is chartered, the junior group
Clubs should hold meetings at least once a week. Some of
will then become an affiliate of the senior group. In all cases,
these meetings may be enlivened by holding informal contests.
a junior membership club must have a club leader who is more
About every two months a real contest should be held. The
than twenty-one years of age, and is an officially appointed
records made at these contests are eligible for recognition by
N.A.A. Contest Director for model aircraft.
the Contest Committee of the N.A.A. if the competition rules
A club must agree to maintain not less than twenty-five junior
are followed and if sanction has been secured in advance. All
members in good standing at all times before the Association
contest activity naturally will improve the workmanship and
will grant it a junior membership charter. The fee for group
flying ability of the club members.
membership, payable in advance to the Association, is ten
A definite program of progressive assignments should be
cents per year for each junior member, with the minimum
worked out for each club to insure each member covering
annual fee for a group being S5.00. Thus, a group of fifty
certain necessary fundamentals. A system of proficiency ratings
or less members makes one lump sum payment annually of
$5.00. A group of 100 would pay $10.00, and so on. This club may be worked out to show that a member has made the va­
rious required steps.
fee provides for affiliation with the N.A.A., for bulk mailing to
All who are interested in forming such clubs are urged to get
the club headquarters of all junior membership news bulletins
in touch with their local N.A.A. chapter or with the National
and other informative matter that is issued by the Association
Aeronautic Association, Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C.
to the junior membership every three months, and covers the
Necessary forms, etc., xvill be provided.
contest sanction fees for four local model plane meets to be held
during the year for members of the club. Junior membership
pins, which are silver replicas of the senior membership gold
emblem, are provided by the Association at twenty-five cents MODEL PLANE RECORDS
Contest Committee Recognizes Records
How to Form a Junior Membership N.A.A. Club RECORDS for model aircraft have been officially recog­
Model airplane builders and flyers should be organized into nized by the Contest Committee up to December 10, 1933, as
local clubs. More rapid progress is thus insured because of the follows:
benefits to be derived from profiting by each other’s experiences INDOORS
and by comparing methods and models. Clubs help to spread STICK MODEL AIRPLANES, Hand-launched
and increase interest. Clubs provide contest groups, promoting
Min. Sec.
study and giving experience in contest flying which is so neces­
Class B
sary in competition.
If there is a National Aeronautic Association chapter in your Junior: Joseph Prus, Philadelphia ....................... 8 56
city or community, the junior group may be affiliated as a Class C
part of that chapter. This is the very best sort of arrangement
Senior: Norman Schaller, Philadelphia ............... 16 20 1/5
as it unites under one management and leadership all the va­
Junior: Richard Vogt, P h ila d elp h ia.......................15 50
rious correlated interests. If there is no regular N.A.A. chapter
in a community, the Association will grant a charter to a junior Class D
group. Twenty-five members are necessary for a charter. Fewer Senior: John Bartol, Roxbury, Mass........................17 47 3/5
than twenty-five may be affiliated with a regular chapter, or Junior: Merrell Malley, Atlantic C it y .................... 13 42
may work together as an unchartered group of individuals who
are all junior members of the Association. STICK MODEL AIRPLANES, R.O.G.
Each junior group, whether a separate club or not, should
have its own junior officers. The club should have as club Class A
adviser and leader, a man of experience in model plane work, Senior: Carl Goldberg, Purchase, N. Y .............. 9 34 4 /5
who can qualify for appointment as an N.A.A. Contest Direc­ Junior: Louis Shumskv, Atlantic C it y ................... 6 22 1/5
tor. Every community has several such men who would be
Class B
xvilling to help. Manual training teachers, airport officials
Junior: John Stokes, Huntington Valley, Pa. . . . 6 53 1/5
or employees, boys’ leaders, Y.M.C.A. officials, and many
others who have an enthusiastic interest in model airplanes, all
make good advisers and leaders. This club leader should get
right into the center of things and actually build and fly models Class A
along with the members. It is the surest way to maintain in­ Senior: Paul Karnow, P hiladelphia....................... 5 0 1 2 /5
terest. Junior: James Shivler, Philadelphia....................... 3 41 4/5
In large cities where there are often as many as one thousand
or more fellows interested in model planes, it is advisable to Class B
divide them into a number of separate groups averaging about Senior: William Latour, P h ilad elp h ia................. 5 4 1 2 /5
25 to 30 in a group. It has been found that larger groups become Junior: Alex Ostrow, P hiladelph ia..........................2 43

— 20—
GLIDERS. Hand-launched. STICK MODEL AIRPLANES. Hand-launched.
Class Λ Min. Sec.
Class D
Senior: John Zaic, New York C i t y ....................... 0 19
Senior: August Ruggeri, New York C it y .............. 7 36
Junior: Stanley Congdon, Glen Ridge, N. J............. 0 13 4/5
Junior: Alton DuFlon, Ridgefield, N. J................... 7 02

Class B Class E
Senior: John Young, New York C it y ...................... 0 294/5 Senior: David Ilertzson, Rock Beach, N. Y ................ 7 00
Junior: Stanley Congdon, Glen Ridge, N. J.............. 0 15 Junior: Merrell Malley, Atlantic City, N. J....... 3 372/5

Class C GLIDERS. Tow-line launched.

Junior: Stanley Congdon, Glen Ridge, N. J......... 0 17 Class D

Senior: Fred Korn, New Y o r k ‘C it y ....................... 1 161/5
STICK MODEL AUTOGIROS Junior: Stanley Congdon, Glen Ridge, N. J....... 0 451/5
Senior: Everett Ward, Newark, N. J. .................. 0 51 Class E
Junior: Alton DuFlon, Ridgefield, N. J. .............. 0 44 Junior: Stanley Congdon, Glen Ridge, N. J............. 0 401/5


Class B Senior: Ralph Kummer, St. Louis, M o.................... 2 06
Junior: Hyman Oslick, Philadelphia ................... 5 332/5
Class C Class D
Senior: Albert Levy, Toronto, C a n a d a ................. 8 56 Senior: Vernon Boehle, Indianapolis, lnd............... 8 43
Junior: Alton DuFlon, Ridgefield, N. J................... 7 25
Class E
Class D Senior: Joseph Kovel, Brooklyn, N. Y ................... 2 30

Senior: Allan Penn, New York C it y .........................10 05 Class F (Gas Engine) R.O.G.
Junior: William Sherwood, Tyrone, Pa.................. 4 283/5 Senior: Maxwell Bassett, Philadelphia ............... 28 18

Akron to Hold Next Champion­ records should he established in nearly all junior organization that seems destined
ship Meet of the events. to make much progress. Mr. Frank W.
Prospective entrants are requested not Hackett, President, has formulated a plan
THE 1934 National Championship to write to any of the sponsors until the for a number of Squadrons throughout the
Model Plane meet will he held in Akron, announcements in this publication indi­ city, each squadron to be about thirty
Ohio, June 28-29 under the combined cate that entry blanks are ready for dis­ members in size. The members of the va­
sponsorship of the Akron Women’s Chap­ tribution, which will probably be in May. rious squadrons are to be designated as
ter and Akron Men’s Chapter of the Full information and rules for this gi­ privates until they have passed an exam­
N.A.A., the Akron Chamber of Com­ gantic meet will be published in these ination for promotion, passing in succes­
merce Aeronautics Committee, and the pages. There will be seven separate events sion through the grades of military rank
Universal Model Airplane News; insuring similar to those in the 1933 meet with according to their progress.
a strong sponsoring group. slight variations in the specifications and Each squadron has its own organization
It is planned to hold the indoor flying rules. Look for further information next and is in charge of a squadron leader or
contest in the huge Goodyear-Zeppelin month. Captain, who in turn is responsible to the
Airdock. The outdoor flying will be con­ parent chapter.
ducted on either the Akron Airport or Toledo N .A.A. Chapter Forms Two squadrons have already been
the Goodyear-Zeppelin field. Considering Junior Group formed and it is more than likely that by
the near perfection of conditions, new THE Toledo, Ohio, chapter has started a the time this is in print there will he
several additional squadrons established.

Build Your Own Beam Balancing

N A T I O N A L A E R O N A U T I C A S S O C IA T IO N OF U. S. A. Scales
W A S H I N G T O N , D. C. YOUR model parts must be accurately
I hereby make application for membership in the National Aeronautic Association weighed so that you will know just how
as a Junior Member. light you are making your models. The
I enclose fifty cents for initiation fee and first annual dues. (Use check or money very light weight indoor models for con­
order.) test use cannot be satisfactorily made
Name ................................ without careful weighing. The outdoor
(Please print or type) models for contest use must weigh one
Street ............ ounce for each fifty square inches of wing
City ................ ......................................................State ........................ area.
Date of Birth Now you can build your own scales that
(Month, Day, Year) will weigh accurately to one thousandth
Approved of an ounce. On page 22 is a plan of a
(Parent sign here, if applicant is under eighteen)
successful scale made entirely of wire and
z\ Weights -actualsize (approχ)
make three, {.ozsin. wirě) S3
/«X-f balsa w
• c>
glue here S3
Square up and
/ / glue well
' Balsa fx$*lť rp * .......... .
D e a m ,Ť * i x/5 b a ls a ip
f i t t i n g s e x a c t ly one
inch a p a r t - glue w e ll

C o unterw eigh t-sh eet lead c

Make a// fittings of No. IZ (. 0 Z 9 i n ) music w ire. G lu e to g e th e r w ith r
several coats of model cement. Dope o r varnish well balance beam
and pan . Make counterweight heavy enough to balance sca/es //? the *0
position shown. Make three weights, . 0 ! oz., Joz.. .S o z . Use z
laboratory sca/es to insure accuracy o f your weights. Hang on edge
of table or shelf to use. C u t out and use o r tra c e a ccu ra te ly the
scale at bottom of drawing. These balances are sensitive to one
thousandth ounce.

.01 oz Gut out o r tra ce. Actual size.

./ OZ.
.5 oz.
i—i—ι—r-|-i—i—i—i—|—i ι nr i —τη—ι—ι—ι— ι—|—i—ι— ι— i—|—r ■i , I I ■ I Γ -Γ
i — i— i— i γ τ τ τ τ τ τ π |
.030 .0 4 0 .0 5 0 .0 6 0 ____ .0 8 0 .0 9 0
. 0/0 .020
.0 _ 3 1 .6 .7 .8
.2 _ 2 .5 3.0 3 ,5 4 .0 4£_
/.o /.S 2 .0 J2
The Aerodynamic Design
DIVE of the
Model Plane

T he Effects of the Distribution o f W eights on Y our A ir­
planes’ Directional Stability, and Causes of Spiral Diving.

By Charles Hampson Grant


that govern directional stability and in­ mass o f an object to a change o f motion The particular fact, important for you
stability, three important factors have or o f rest, is called its inertia. to realize, is that all o f the parts o f an
been considered. They a r e : ( 1 ) the fin Possibly many readers are beginning to airplane have inertia. For instance, the
area; ( 2 ) the w ing span ; ( 3 ) the tail wonder what all o f this “ d ry ” discussion tail unit tends to keep moving with the
moment arm. is about but we w ill not keep them in sus­ airplane along the straight line o f flight.
Now we come to the fourth factor, one pense much longer. Perhaps some o f I f a gust o f wind strikes the vertical tail
which causes more misconceptions than all you have already suspected what we have surfaces, tending to push it to one side
o f the others put together, possibly fo r the been preparing to say vrhen the word out o f the straight path along which it is
reason that actions induced by it are not “ inertia” w’as mentioned above. A t any traveling, it resists being moved out o f
thoroughly understood by the average rate, this is most important to a complete this path. The force with which it resists
person. In fact, the experts often become understanding o f stability problems. is proportional to its mass or its weight.
“ hazy” and indefinite when called upon The heavier the tail o f the airplane, the
to explain clearly its significance. greater is the resisting force.
In order to understand the effect on I f all o f the weights o f the airplane
the airplane in flight o f the position o f were concentrated at the center o f gravity,
the weights embodied in the airplane’s fig. No. 83, then when a wind gust turned
structure, we must consider carefully the the plane around its vertical axis side­
characteristics o f objects having weight ways, as shown by the dotted figure, no
when they are in motion and at rest. weights urould be moved and consequent­
First o f all, what is w eight? W e may ly the airplane would offer no resistance
say that it is the measure o f the pull ex­ to being displaced in this manner.
erted by the force o f gravity on any ob­ N ow however, i f we consider fig. N o.
ject or substance. The weight o f a chair 84 where the center o f weights o f the va­
or a table is the amount o f force with rious parts are located at a considerable
which gravity tends to pull each towards distance from the center o f gravity, we
the center o f the earth. The hard sub­ can see that any displacement o f the air­
stances form in g the earth’s crust, prevent plane about the vertical axis (dotted fig­
the objects from being drawn into the ure) w ill bring about a displacement o f
earth toward its center. These objects the various weights or masses. The force
therefore press against the substance tending to cause displacement w ill be re­
form ing the earth’s crust with a force sisted because o f the inertia o f the various
equal to the pull o f gravity. masses. The important fact to consider
In the case o f the airplane, gravity is is that the farther the centers o f weight
trying to pull the airplane to\vard the o f the parts (such as wings, tail, motor,
earth when it is in flight, while the im­ pilot, etc.,) are from the center o f grav­
pact o f the air particles on the wings ity o f the whole airplane, (C . o f G. fig.
exert a pressure opposite in effect to gravi­ No. 8 4 ), the greater w ill be their resis­
ty. I f this pressure is greater than the tance to displacement.
weight o f the airplane, the airplane rises. In other u'ords, the farther the weights
I f it is less, the plane drops toward the
o f the airplane are distributed from the
earth. Not necessarily at great speed,
(C . o f G .), the steadier the airplane will
be. The steadiness o f many o f the mo­
Now we come to a quality o f matter or dern airplanes is gained by making use
substance which has a great influence on
o f this fact. When a displacement takes
the directional stability o f the airplane,
place, it occurs slowly, yet none the less
and that is the tendency o f a material ob­
positively. I f the airplane’s weights are
ject to remain at rest in a given position
close to the center o f gravity, the displace­
or in motion in a given direction at a con­
ment takes place more quickly but less
stant speed. This quality o f matter exists
because o f its mass. D o not confuse mass
with weight. W eight is the result o f the The larger the airplane is, the less it
pull o f gravity on the mass o f an object will be disturbed in flight. Large bomb­
or substance. The mass o f any object is ers are very steady because o f this quality
proportional to its weight at any particu- fo r in such cases, the weights o f the parts
lai point on the surface o f the earth or in o f the ship are heavier and farther from
the air. The resistance exerted by the (Continued on -page 44)

— 23—
1934 will be a big year for Model Plane Builders —13
— and here are some low priced , authentic Cee-Dee models that are not to he duplicated anywhere at any price— fo r model builders
who have outgrown cheap TOY 66model airplanes” and are now entitled to the best obtainable. CM
. SO
a. <
Rounding the field after taking off, One of the most detailed Cleveland
an actual C -D photograph. Designed models ever produced.
The kit for this design comes complete with
This % " 8cale model, the prototype of everything needed including completely W
which is one of the latest additions to the routed out hand-sawed wheel shoes, ready &
famous Vought line of “ Corsairs*’ known for final shaping, 6 bottles of liquids, paper >
cement, blue, yellow, red and black, and r
over a good many years for their invaluable
silver dope. Cleveland’s new method
aid to ships for training and actual fighting
makes striping easy. New principle gray
services in Nicaragua, is a beautiful addi­ flying blade, simulating aluminum propel­
tion to any model enthusiast’s fleet. This ler. Blocks for both the men’s heads, P3
two place design is practically the same as which you can easily carve out with the r
the well known V80 with the exception of new instructions given for heads, large >
its being a single place job and with conse­ quantity of balsa tvood, including all
curved parts, printed out as well as all the 73
quent modification of fuselage and rudder
design. Besides being a reputable fighting necessary strips, tissue, celluloid, music r
plane, it is readily converted into an execu­ wire, hinge, wire, bracing thread, com­ >
tive transport. The flights of this model pleted turned wheels, a flying propeller 2!
for flying, or when building as some of the ribs, stringers, hub, material for the scale propeller, rub­ H
are quite similar to the Curtiss Helldiver,
but being a little heavier will be found to the ship, by using less dope, etc., you can increase flying ber, material for the flotation gear, motor 2
he more stable when being flown in gusty eliminating certain parts such ability greatly. and ring, etc.: its span is 27", length 1914", M
weather. It may be made as a super-detailed weight 4.2 oz. Complete Kit 3
All airplane pictures on this page are of actual C-D models. Built from
SF-41 at dealers or postfree, \ j . 5 U
exhibition model as well as a flying model
kits containing printed out tvood.
by the simple removal of the scale propeller anywhere.........................................

These designs are just as

interesting but space re­
stricts large photos and


•34" scale. Colored silver and red.
Span 24-34". length 1934". weight
3.7 or. Completo Kit SF-37, with
printed out wood, only $3.00.
•*4" model. Colored yellow and olivo
drab. Span 25 *4". lcnKth 21".
weight 3.9 oz. Complotc Kit SF-39,
with printed out wood, only $3.00.

1933 AERONCA C-3

Redesigned % " scale lightplane. Colored red 1932 Akron Fighter
and silver. Span 27", length
15*4", weight 1.9 oz. Complete
Kit SF-40, with printed out wood,
1933 GREAT LAKES SPORT TRAINER only $2.00. OR 1933 CURTISS F9C2 (For the Macon)
Authentic % " scale model of the world’s outstanding outside looping record air­ The prototype of this particular design was known as the Akron Fighter (the
plane. Used almost exclusively by a well known American school for train­ 1932 design employed in connection with the airship Akron before it came to its
disastrous end) which we modeled at the time of its construction according to
ing purposes. A real beauty, and highly respected by all. The redesigned
all available photographs and drawings so that it was not entirely complete with
model is far easier to build than our older No. SF-1E and SF-1F since it has no 1932 BOEING P26 respect to the airship arresting gear, tails, etc. Since this model was redesigned
carved out nose and now contains all wood parts printed out, all necessary ce­ - 4 " model. Colored yellow and to a certain extent and drawings available for the arresting gear, its new tail
olive drab. Span 20V4", length surfaces and the three leg type landing gear, we look it upon ourselves to re­
ments and enamel dope and all materials necessary, entirely com plete; and a very 17% ", weight 2.5 oz. Complotc
Kit SF-23, with printed out wood, design this little beauty which is very popular with enthusiasts generally. It is
fine drawing containing complete instructions for building an authentic scale ex­ only $2.25.
now a much flashier appearing airplane, with all these new details incorporated,
hibition model of the ship, or with the flying propeller attached, it is capable of including, as the photograph above shows, the neat new wheel “ open” shoes.
excellent flights due to its center of gravity being much ΙθΛν-er, with its heavier Incidentally, these wheel shoes are now supplied completely drilled, routed out
balloon wheels and dihedral in both wings and increased size of all tail surfaces. and bandsawed to shape, ready for carving. Completely turned wheels are now
Also includes Cleveland’s new method for striping, and grey flying' blade mane to supplied. Kit also includes Cleveland’s new method for striping, and new prin­
1932 LINCOLN SPORT ciple gray flying blade to simulate aluminum propeller. Span 19%", le n g iu
■/a , length
simulate aluminum propeller. Span 20", length 15%", weight 2.1 oz. 15%", weight, 2.2 oz. Colored silver wings, and tail surface, bal­
$250 •Yi" scalo. Colored cream and
Colored orange fuselage and rudder, balance black. Complete K it black. Span 15", length 12*6", ance blue, red and black. Complete K it SF -22B with printed
weight 1 oz. Complete Kit SF-36,
SF-1G with printed out wood, at dealers or postfree, on ly.............. with printed out wood, only $1.50. out wood, at dealers or postfree, on ly ..................................................... $ 2 ·50


Beginning with Issue No. 7 There will also be included will be more easily produced and mailed your 40c today (no stam ps) for the 7th
of ‘ ‘Cleveland Modelmaking articles on a brand new and on time, during the early days o f the copy at least.
News & Practical Hobbies unique scale model Railway season, making each issue as heavy as Some articles contem plated for future
which is NOW READY, the system that even aeromodelists that particular season requires This, our issues and upon which you may vote for or
policy o f this Engineering ser­ will crave, on boating and on experience shows, is the most logical way against are, all sizes and scales o f: A ir­
vice in magazine form is to architectural modeling. Since to publish the magazine instead of run­ planes, exhibition and flying; Balloons
be changed with only one some desire another scale for ning a continuous 24 pages every two and D irigibles; Railw ays and T rain s;
thought in mind. B E T T E R ­ flying model aircraft, we will months of the year. Subscription price Boats (Racing, Shells, Tugs, Liners, Old
MENT! for the first time, since their invention in is $1.50 per year, consisting o f the four timers, e t c .) ; Autom obiles, Trucks, Busses,
Therefore, in addition to other .articles, 1930, give draw ings for one of our % " scale seasonal copies which m ay be obtained R acin g Cars, Coaches, Military models
there will be found a beautiful % " scale flying models—a “ pip” o f a Supermarine separately at 40c per copy while the issues (Tanks, Cannons, etc.) Architectural and
drawing of the Vought Corsair V-63, com ­ S6.B. Many other varied and fascinating last. W e only plan to run a limited num­ Landscape Modeling, H istoric and Indus­
plete in every detail as are all Cleveland - features to follow, which never ber, setting aside a portion to be trial Scenes, Display Cases, Accessories to
Designed drawings This draw ing will, become "sta le.” The price must bound at the end o f the year in all foregoing, shop kinks, materials, etc.
of course, be much larger than those con ­ be increased substantially to Regular V o lu m e form . Serving N O TE : All back issues of CLE VELAN D
tained within 4, 5 and 6. The % " scale cover all this added engineering, non-subscribers will therefore M ODELM AKING NEW S and Practical
Packard Phaeton (touring car) drawings publication and mailing cost. be a case of “ first come, first H obbies are still available, but a few of
are to be included as will be com plete So, for the year 1934 there will served” for the limited extra the numbers are almost sold out, so, if

scale drawings for a ‘ ‘bread and butter” be only 4 issues beginning with copies to be published, so in you haven’ t com pleted your first volume,
type, jig-sa w -cu t, easily “ carved” E le­ Issue No. 7, ending with Issue order to avoid disappointm ent on send in your order for fill-ins (except No.
phant and Howdali. Numerous eighth No. 10 (issue numbers will con ­ these w orth-w hile quarterly sec­ 3, obtainable only with com plete sets) at
scale airplane drawings will continue, and tinue consecutively, volume only tions of a com plete model text­ the rate o f 25c per copy, 6 issues $1.50
since many requests have already been to change yearly), and pub­ book, with articles worth many instead o f the form er price of $1.00 for 6.
made for solid models of a slightly larger lished according to the seasons: times the price of its small cost, When "C leveland” Says It’ s Going to Be
size, we will include a few to the 3/16” W inter, Spring, Summer and we urge you to subscribe NOW. Better, You Can Bet Your Boots It’ll Be
scale to see how they will be accepted. Autumn. Thus the publication In the event you cannot, send Better. SUBSCRIBE. TODAY!

Ask Your Dealer for these and other Cee-Dee Kits— if he Do not patronise the dealer
who uses C-D’s as decoys in Send for Catalog showing latest C-D models, parts and
hasn't them, order direct and receive courteous, immediate Itis windows to sell you some-
'service thing “ just as good." supplies— send 3c stamp for your copy ■w

• so
4*. ►<
1866N2 West 57th St. Dependable Model Engineers Since 1919— 15 Years Cleveland, Ohio cn
-Í to
F uselage L ayout, T o p V iew . 7w
• 7}

N o . 1

B e /o w : F u s e l a g e F u s e l a g e L a y o u t , S id e V iew
C ross S e c t i o n A t W i n g R o o t .

IV/77. Durand.
The completed framework The connecting rod propeller
ready for the covering drive may be seen at the front

H ow Y ou Can Build a Flying Scale

Y, OU will find that Boe­ placed at a slant. Notice
ing’s new, high speed twin
motor transport, technically
Boeing that the longerons are y%"
square balsa while most of
known as the 247, makes an the uprights are 3 /32"
unusually interesting model square balsa. It is a very
to build. This fast, modern easy matter to form the
ship with its three-mile-a- A Unique Propeller Drive Makes This curved longeron in the nose
minute top speed and its low M odern Transport M odel a Fine Flier t)f the fuselage; just press
landing speed of 59 miles small dents into the balsa
and Interesting to Build
per hour is making history on the inner side of the curve
on America’s air lines and is with your thumb-nail. Space
proving the superior speed, re­ By W M . H. DURAND these dents about 1/16 of an
liability and economy of the inch· apart. This makes the
medium size transport plane. wood very pliable, and it may
The problem of applying easily be bent into the desired
power to the two outboard pro­ curve. This method is much
pellers in a flying model of the quicker and easier than soak­
twin motor variety is solved in ing or heating the balsa. After
a unique manner in this design the entire fuselage has been
which uses no unsightly motor assembled, these bent parts
sticks, expensive air or gas en­ should be doped in order to re­
gines, nor the inefficient pulley store their original strength.
transmission. The Boeing 247 When both sides of the
model to be described here uses fuselage have been completed,
the crankshaft and connecting lift them off the board on which
rod type of transmission which you are-working and proceed to
is very simple and canoot pos­ give each of the uprights a
sibly slip.' This transmission curve similar to that shown in
system is shown in detail on The model banking in full flight
the cross section view in· draw­
drawing number 5 which ac­ ing No. 1. Use the same
companies this article. Besides being easy to construct, method as was used in forming the curve on the fuselage
the new system makes winding and launching easy and nose longeron; that is, by forming the \vood between the
does not spoil the appearance of the model since the mov­ fingers with the aid of your thumb-nail. This gives the
ing connecting rod is a mere blur when the plane is in fuselage sides a rounded efTect like that produced by ce­
flight. There is very little vibration, only a slight buzz menting small bulkheads to the sides of a rectangular
being audible when the transmission is in operation. fuselage, only the new method is much less tedious as well
The model is very true to scale except that tail surface as lighter. Just a word of caution— don’ t give both sides
areas and dihedral have been increased in order to insure the same curve; make one right side and one left side.
good flying qualities. Although this is not an extremely Your next job is to join the sides with the top and bot­
difficult model to build, it is not recommended for begin­ tom “cross braces which are formed into a slight curve be­
ners. fore cementing in place. You will notice on the plan that
Fuselage the upper cross members are shorter than the lower ones.
Now you are ready to fine up the structure and secure
It is convenient to begin the model by constructing the it by the addition of the 1/16" square diagonals shown in
fuselage. Refer to drawings 1 and 2. Lay out the two the plan. At this stage you may also place the 1/16"
fuselage sides flat in the usual manner, but disregard all square stringers around the nose. Bulkhead “ A” is not
diagonal braces except the heavier members that may be ( Continued on -page 3 8 )
Wm. Durand.
Wm. D u r a n d
F ront V iew (S c g / e ; - /
' §
G ive each w ing enough ctihecf- *•5
No. 5 r a i so t h a t th e t ip s a re eyen
w ith th e to p /ongerons o f
th e fuse/acjo. Ί
B e /o w : P i c t o r i a l V iew Of T ransm ission Sy s t e m .
Bar/so n o se jo /e c e
on n a c e /te . A bam boo c o n n e c tin g r o d
N o t e : U se p /e nty o f
yya sbers where f r ic -
t/on is o p / t o
o c c u r;

W ire guide a ffo ch e d

to t w o tower
io n g e r o n s . OZOJ

«St a b i l i z e r .

Around The World

In Eight Days
By Post and Qatty
Introduction by W ill Rogers
The Loughcad Duo-4 Olympic with its peculiar looking arrangement Rand McNally & Co. $ 2 .5 0
o f its two Menasco 165 b.p. engines.

Review By
Edwin T. Hamilton

H e r e is a book well worthy o f recom­

mendation to all fliers, to those who some
day hope to be fliers, and to every arm­
chair flier with an ounce o f romance and
adventure left in his veins. A trip around
the world fo r the price o f a good dinner!
Jules Verne’s imagination gave it to us in
eighty days, but he didn’ t g o himself and
those who read that seemingly fantastic
The Blériot world’s record long distance monoplane, snapped by Albert Rossi o f Brooklyn story knew it.
just before it hopped off from Floyd Bennett airport. But Post and Gatty did g o and they
take the reader with them every step o f the
way. They have the happy faculty o f mak­
in g you feel the rush o f the a ir; hear the
“ Shots” from the I.A .A .P.E . roar o f the m otor; thrill with the sense o f
adventurous unknown, and learn to love
that never-to-be-forgotten favorite o f the
J h i n g s are getting along very well W ar, in the 14th Photograph Section.
air, the “ W innie M ae.”
with the I.A .A .P .E . at present. Due to Lieut. Johnson was also one o f the Judges
New York, H arbor Grace, Chester,
our little notices in U N IV E R S A L in the I.A .A .P .E . contest a little while
Hanover, Berlin, Moskva, Nova-Sibirsk,
M O D E L A I R P L A N E N E W S , the sec­ back, and so we can be sure that the photo­
Irkutsk, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk,
retary has been swamped with queries as graphs that won mention surely must have
Nome, Fairbanks, Dawson, Edmonton,
to our organization. A s a result o f this deserved praise with so able a man ju d g ­
and Cleveland may be only names to you
we are forced to state that we can not ac­ ing them. The I.A .A .P .E . extends their
now, but when you have read this true ad­
cept any more members for a period o f sympathy to his relatives and friends.
venture story, they, their location, and the
another month or two, in order to allow Unfortunately Art W hitm er’s name people who welcomed these modern Magel-
us time to straighten up on our present was omitted from the club roster, pub­ lans on their arrival become well-known
membership. This ought to give interested lished a few months ago, and I should like towns in close-by countries, peopled by
aircraft photographers who are not mem­ to rectify this mistake, as A rt is really one happy friends.
bers as yet, a chance to build up their col­ o f the oldest members o f the I.A .A .P .E . Illustrated generously by actual on-the-
lection and thus rate membership, at the Several persons tell me that Gordon spot photographs, your reviewer defies
end o f this time. W illiam s’ nickname is “ Needlenose.” Can anyone to thumb through it and not read
W e regret extremely the untimely this be so? from cover to cover. Starting with W ill
death o f Lieut. R. G. Johnson which oc­ The National A ir Pageant held at R og er’s hilarious introduction and end­
curred when he crashed recently. Lieut. Roosevelt Field, in New York, was quite a ing with fifteen pages o f true facsimiles of
Johnson was a well known A erial E xplor­ success from a photographic standpoint, the L og Book that Harold Gatty kept on
ations Photographer, and he served under as there were a great number o f different the trip, the reader will never come to
the famous Čapt. A . Stevens in the W orld ( Continued on page 39) earth until he has completed the last page.

I Am Still Alive
By Dick Qrace
Rand McNally & Co. $2.50
Dick Grace is the boy who tells you how
it’s done. In this fascinating book, written
by the man who “ crashes” planes for a
living, you will find how such things are
done in the movies. D o you remember how
you held your breath while watching
planes crash in such pictures as “ W in gs,”
“ Lilac T im e,” “ Y oung E agles,” “ The Air
A new Cessna racer in the Howard Ike class. Warner engine, 110 h.p. ( Continued on -page 39)
AR4 33

These 10 Big fokker d- v iii

I d e a l -O -P l a n e

F ly in g
M odels
offer you uiiniatcliecl
Building and Flying Sport!
Every Model full-fuselage type, with constructed
body, cambered wings, shockproof landing gear, BRITISH 9. E. S
carved balsa propeller, stamped motor plate and
other high class features. They fly, too— and how !
Kits are complete in every detail. Accurately
printed balsa ready to cut, wire parts formed and
ready to use, colored Jap tissue, balsa strips, bam­
boo cut to size, hardwood wheels, live rubber,
cement, and everything needed to build the Model
is included. All details are shown on the full-size
PUSS MOTH Plan. Send along your order now for two or more
of these fine Models.

Your choice o£ any two SOPWITH CAMEL

Plus 10c
Kits Postaoo
(No Stamps, Please)





April 18, 1933

Build Your Next Model

N e w T r u S U .
^ D i l d way
This new, patented method is the simplest, easiest and quickest way to construct
a Model. Each kit contains a set of forming jigs, or moulds, die-cut from cardboard.
Simply thumb-tack theso jigs in place on the full-size Plan. Place the balsa strips,
bulkheads, spars, ribs and other parts into the proper slots and notches, and cement
together. When dry. Just lift the finished parts ott the jigs. No chance for warping;
no more twisted bodies; every Model truo and accurate.
MONOPLANE Look at these fine Models; two of the most popular Ships. Kits contain all materials
IG IN. MODEL and complete Instructions.

Send a Stamp 16 in. “ T ru-bild” Flying M odels _ EACH

for Neiv Bulletin of
D E A L E R S Latest Models. N orthrop Gamma o r Bellanca J U C ( ^ s t a m p s , ^ i S
We make more thnn 100 different sets
of Model Airplanes and Ships; only a
few arc shown here. W rite us for de­
tails of the entire line— You cazi make IDEAL AEROPLANE 6c SUPPLY CO., In c.
more money on ID E A L models. 20-24 WEST 19th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y.
Canadian Branch: Canadian Model Aircraft. 3007 St. Antoine St., Montreal.
Pacific Coast Branch: Model Boat & Aircraft Co., 1356 Fifth Ave., San Diego, Cal.
Η E R E are a few more answers to ques­ Here is a question Warren Steely o f 32
Second St., Shillington, Pa., sent in.
manner, greater shock absorbing qualities
can be obtained. Also, two small wheels,
tions that have puzzled you. Paul Prout o f
327 Hutchins Ave., Columbus, Ind., asks Question: I have a 4 ft. flying model one behind the other, offers less frontal
a question the answer to which many o f o f a “ Curtiss Falcon.’ ’ In order to get the area and therefore less air resistance than
you would probably like to know. He says: proper flights out o f it how much angle one large wheel. This possibly had some
“ Often when I construct a scale model I should the propeller blades have if the bearing upon the choice o f this type of
paint it or dope it with banana oil colored propeller is 16 " long and 2 Y " wide. The landing gear.
dope. This has a natural lustre at first but area o f the blades is approximately 1 2 % Question: What is the small rudder for
after a time it loses this lustre and the o f the wing area; which is 359 sq. in. which appears at the end o f the modern
general appearance is lowered. Is there Answer: A propeller with the dimen­ ships?
any sort o f polish or is there any way o f sions given usually has about 30 sq. in. Answer: This small rudder is to trim
restoring lustre to models covered with area. This is approximately 8 % o f the the controls so that it will not be neces­
banana oil dope? wing area. In order that this blade area sary for the pilot to hold the controls in
Answer: It has been the experience o f shall be sufficient to propel the plane prop­ any position to obviate a side wind or other
expert model builders that the follow ing erly the pitch o f the propeller should be forces affecting the ship. By this means,
procedure gives the best results. Dope or approximately 12". In other words, the the controls may be kept in neutral and
lacquer the surface which you wish to fin­ block from which it is cut should be four yet have the ship perfectly trimmed. This
ish. The color is immaterial. Then sand times as wide as it is deep. I should ad­ small rudder is also being used to steer the
very lightly all over the surface with very vise Steely to cut the propeller from a ship, the action o f it forcin g the large rud­
fine sandpaper. Be sure not to sand heavi­ block 1 6 " long, 3 " wide, by Y " deep. der in the desired direction. This means
ly in order not to injure the surface to any o f operation is very smooth and the action
Clayton Sherry o f 25 Oswego Street,
degree. A fter this has been done take a o f the ship is not erratic.
Springfield, Mass., honors us with a few
sheet o f rubber and polish the surface with
questions :
it. This w ill smooth and harden the finish. Here are a few questions from Fred H.
When this has been done and the surface Question: W hy has Ben H ow ard’s Parish o f 165 Springfield Ave., West Kil-
has become lustrous apply some sort o f racer got double wheels and what advan­ danan, W innipeg, Man., Canada, which
polish, such as Johnson’s W ax. Rub this tages or disadvantages have they? he asked in a recent letter to us, but
in thoroughly until high lustre has been Answer: The landing gear o f Ben H ow ­ which we were unable to answer in our
attained. ard's racer has no shock absorbers. It is last issue:
Harry Short o f 5647 Normal Blvd., therefore necessary to give a great deal o f Question: W hat is air pilotage?
Chicago, 111., comes to us with one o f his shock absorbing quality to the wheels Answer: A ir pilotage is the act o f pilot­
troubles. He says: “ I have a Fokker D -7 themselves. In order to do this, the tires ing an airplane.
that glides perfectly but when I fly it un­ are inflated to a very low pressure so that
der power it stalls. W hat is the cause o f the tires themselves absorb a great deal Question: What is the time log o f an
this? o f the shock. However, the weight o f the airplane?
Answer: When a plane glides the im­ machine is too great fo r one wheel on a Answer: The time log o f an airplane is
petus or forw ard motion is given to the side and the tires pumped to a low pres­ the exact record or biography o f the air­
ship by the weight o f the plane acting at sure. Therefore, two wheels are placed plane from the time it goes into service un­
the center o f gravity. When the ship is in on a side so that each wheel will have to til the time its services are discontinued.
flight the forw ard motion is caused by the support one-half the usual weight. In this ( Continued on -page 48)
thrust on the propeller. A s Short’s plane
stalls when under power it is evident that
the propeller is pulling from a point con­
siderably below the center o f gravity.
The best way to correct this trouble is
to build the ship and change it so that the
center o f gravity or center o f weight is
below the line o f thrust. Then, when the
airplane is adjusted fo r a glide it will fly
under power with the same adjustment.
Another way to make this plane fly more
steadily is to increase the size o f the tail
surfaces, especially the stabilizer. Be sure
that the angle o f the stabilizer is not more
than one or two degrees less than the an­
gle o f the wings. I f the stabilizer has too
much negative angle it will nose up the
ship sharply when it attains speed under Here is the latest and fastest development in amphibians, designed and built by Mr. Sever­
power. sky, who flew it at a rate o f 180 miles per hour, a world’s record.

— 34—
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________— v 1-9-3-4 35

j More testimonials that speak fo r

themselves about WOBURN’S
Dear S irs:
l received, my wood yesterday and was
very -pleased with it. N o t a piece was
broken ( thanks to your g ood pitching)
and not a piece was missing. 1 have al­
1 ◄ LOW P R ICES r
ready built a H eath-Parasol with your
wood and can say that it is the best
wood l have ever used and I have built
a lot o f planes.
The last company l ordered wood from
Read what 2 of the
didn’ t send me as many pieces as 1 had
many satisfied Woburn ordered and I thought they would never


patrons say in unso­ send it. Thanking you fo r your service.
licited letters of ap­ Very truly yours,
proval. We have many S ID N E Y LOTZ,
more like these. 2018 Tuam A v e.,
Houston, Texas.

Just received order and I was highly
WOBURN SUPPLIES satisfied with the splendid quality o f the
wood, and the accurately cut pieces. This
is the second order I have given you and
known by model builders everywhere for
you may expect more orders in the future.
their uniform high quality, accu ra cy and I highly recommend your wood and sup­
plies fo r quality, size, and remarkably
BALSA WOOD PROP BLOCKS Enthusiastically yours,
Best quality in America 5 " ............ 3c
21" Lengths (> " ............ 4o IIIR A M SHOUS,
1 /3 2 x 1 /1 6 ........... 1 for 7 ,, 5c Plankinton, S. Dakota.
1 /1 6 x 1 /1 6 ............1 for 8 " ............ tie
1 /1 6 x 3 /3 2 ........... 3 for 1 0 " ............ 7o
1 /1 6 x 1 /8 ...........3 for ] O" He
1 /1 6 x 3 /1 6 ........... 2 for 1 4 "............ 10O
1/1 6 x1 /1 ...........3 for 1 6 "............ 14c
1 /1 6 x 1 /2 ...........3 for RUBBER PURE PARA
3 /3 2 x 3 /3 2 ...........2 for
3 /1 6 x 3 /1 6 ...........2 for
3 /1 6 x 5 /1 6 ...........2 for 1/32 sc. ..
The Best in the Long Bun
Complete 4 4 c P. P.

Woburn’s Famous
1 /4 x l /4 ........... 2 for .045 so. .. 15c

00 each
1 /8 x l / 8 ........... 2 for 3 /6 4 Hat .. 15c A d e lig h t to
1 /8 x l /4 ...........2 for 1/16 fiat .. ........ 50 ft. 17c build! A thrill
1 /4 X 1 /2 ............... 1 for 3 /3 2 flat .. 19c to fly. The m ost

1 Post
15" Flying Model Kits
1 /2 x l /2 ........... 1 for 1 /8 flat .. 2 On com plete kits of
1 x l / 2 ........... 1 for 3 /1 6 flat .. 22c their kind. Nine
1 xl ........... 1 for10c JAP TISSUE
m odels to se­
1 x2 ........... 1

All colors.
Red. white, bluo, green,
orange, b r o w n , yellow,
lect from. Paid Your choice of 14 good scale models. Each
1/64 x2...............1 for 6c black. Grade B, 3 for 5c. kit contains a liberal supply of everything
1/32 x2...............1 for 2c Red, white and green only
1/16 x2...............2 for 5c BEARINGS to build perfect planes.
3/3 2 x2...............2 for 7c 15c doz. large or small
1 /8 x2...............1 for 4c ALUMINUM TUBING

3 /1 6 x2...............1 for 5c 1 /1 6 ......................... 1 ft. 5e
1 /4 x2...............1 for 7c 3 /3 2 ..........................1 ft. 6c
5 /1 6 x2.............. 1 for 8c 1 /8 ....................... 1 ft. 7c
1 /2 x2...............1 for 10c 3 /1 6 ......................... 1 ft. 8c

2 x2............... 1 for 25c STRAIGHT MUSIC WIRE
2 x3............... 1 for 30c No. 5, 6, 8, 10. 12. 16, 18
2 x6...............1 for 55c 2 ft. for lc

1 ft. 1/10 O. 1)........... 5c diam...............2c pr. BOEING 247 TRANSPORT

BANANA OIL OR ■V diam...............3c pr.
1 diam...............4c pr. Spad Pursuit Boeing 247
All same price 1% ' diam...............6c pr.
' diam...............10e pr.
Curtis Swift Transport 4 4
Large bottle................. 4c RUBBER TIRED L. W. Pursuit (illustrated)
1 oz. 8c, 2 oz..............16c ALUMINUM Sparrow Hawk Boeing P 26,
4 oz. 25c, 6 " t u b o .... 10c DISC WH EELS Vought Corsair Low Wing
% pint. .50; 1 pt........80c Lockheed Orion Glostcr Seaplane
1 Vr ' diam................. 18 pr. Texaco Skv Chief Boeing P 12F
POLISHED DURALU­ 1% ' diam................. 20 pr. Monocoupe Pursuit Lockheed Vega Supermarine SOB
MIN MOTOR PLATES o ' diam..................25 pr. Bellanca Bernardi Pursuit
For 1 % ", .08; 2 ". .10; BAMBOO
3", .12 Flat, 1/16x1/4x11 Laird Super Pfalz
6 for 5c Solution Fokker Amphibian
2 "
1*4" Diameter.............. 15
" .20
Flat. 1/16x1/4x15
6 for 7c
SPARE PARTS K IT Boeing P 12 B Polish P.Z.L.
3 " " .30
5 " diam.....................4c each 1 sheet tissue.....................................05 D. H. Tiger Moth Ansaldo Pursuit
4 " " .40
6 " diam................... 5c each 20 strips 1/16 X 1/16 x 12.......... 10 ■ ■
CELLULOID WHEELS 1" diam.....................6c each
% " diam...................... 05 10 strips '/a x 'U x 12........................10 ®
8 " diam................... 10c each
1 " diam........................ 07 10" diam................15c each 100 strips bamboo.............................. 25 Ě ” 1 Λ
1?£" diam........................ 09 ALUMINUM WHEELS Colored dope....................................... 05 Ě | I y
1 % " (Ham........................ 11 1 " diam.............10c pr.
314" diam........................30 2 Prop, blocks.....................................03
1*4" diam.............12c pr.
WHEEL PANTS l* ,i" diam.............15c pr. Baby Bullet plan.............................05
A ," or 1 " ...........15 pr. 1 % " diam.............18c pr.
1 % " or 1 % " ...........25 pr. WASHERS — POSTPAID
Propeller Carving Knives % and 14" diam. 2c doz. Total value...........................................63COMPLETE
Every M o d e l B u i l d e r REED
should have one ot theso 1/32. 1 /1 6 . % .. 2 ft. lc SENT FREE W I T H O R D E R S O F $1.00
tine knives. P r l c o only PROPELLER SHAFTS OR O V E R
.50 each. Large or s m a ll...2 for 5c
15 inch FOKKER D-8
Send 3c Stamp for prico list. Complete Kit 4 4 c P. P«
HEATH BA B Y BULLET N’ o orders under 25c accepted. Canadian orders same
as U. S. Dealers and Clubs write for discounts.
Complete kit with plans for 7'/2" fly-
ing model..............

W OBURN *» * »
Post Paid


This model is a winner for endurance and stabil­
ity. Plans for 2-ft. Stinson Detroiter, ί f k f k
10c each...................................................... J L .U U
19 B e lm o n t S t r e e t D e p t. U M -2 W o b u r n , M a ss.
36 1 - 9 - 3 - 4

The Navy “Admiral” in Detail struts, make the two outboard wing floats.
( Contiftued from -page 16) The construction o f these is identical to
Make the stabilizer first, then the ele­ that o f the hull, fo r they are really minia­
vator and when these have been finished, ture hulls in themselves.
solder in the cable horns. W hen you have finished these, fit them
to the lower ends o f the struts as shown
G-inch The ribs in the rudders and vertical fins
are shaped like the w ing airfoil. The cam­ on page “ A ” front and side views.
Seale M o d e l K its bered sides face toward the inside while The Engines
2 fo r 3 5 c p o stp a id the flat sides face outward, as shown on Both engines are identical, so you can
(If insured 5c extra) page “ A ” top view. use the same material and mould fo r the
Including scale drawing, instructions, balsa wood. 2 wheels,
metal prop, sandpaper, cement and Iaccjutr. Your choice of These are similar in construction to the two o f them. T o make the model o f the
the following 24 snappy models:
NC 13 British Super-
other ribs with the exception o f the above crankcase, trace it from the draw ing o f the
NC I Gee-Bee Sportster
NC 2 Lockheed Sirius
marine mentioned features. D o not cover each engine on page “ C ” . When you cut the
NC 14 Hawkes’ Sky Chief
NC 3 Wcdcll Williams NC 15 Boeing Multi Mo­ part o f the tail group as you finish it for
Racer tor Transport model to the shape o f the template, sand it
NC 4 Heath Parasol NC 16 Boeing P26 Pur­ if this is done, by the time you are ready down smoothly and give it a coat o f
NC S Lockheed Vega suit
NC 6 Fairchild 24 NC 17 Curtiss A8 Shrike to paint the model, the fabric might sag shellac. Now make a small box o f thick
NC 7 Boeing Pursuit NC 18 Pitcairn Auto Giro or wrinkle. File out all the excess solder
NC 8 French Breguet NC 19 Vought Corsair metal consisting o f two halves and having
NC 9 Pitcairn Super- NC 20 British Gloucoster in the joints o f the framework and clean a hole at each end. Each half should be
Mailwing Fighter
NC 21 Bristol Fighter each part in gasoline; then lay them all flanged around the sides so they can be
NC 10 Curtiss Pursuit NC 22 German Fokker
NC II DeHaviland Gypsy 1918 aside. clamped together. Fill one o f the halves
Moth NC 23 Niouwport 1918
NC 12 Curtiss Fledgeling NC 24 Spad 1918 The Wing with casting· sand and press the model in
Use the same method o f construction until only half o f it is visible. Then fill
10" C on stru ction K its 3 5 c postpaid
NC 51 Boeing Transport . . . world’s fastest multi- in making the wing as is used in making the other side and press both halves to­
NC 52
motored transport
Curtiss Condor . . . new twin-motor biplane,
the tail. Make flanged channels fo r the gether.
N. Y. to Washington service cap strips and internal bracing o f the air­ Now melt your metal in a small ladle
NC 53 Sikorsky Amphibian . . . Pan-American Clipper
ship. 4 propellers foil. The rib is made in three separate until it runs. Then pour it into the mould
NC 54 Northrop Gamma . . . Hawkes new speed ship
NC 55 Becing P-12 . . . new service biplane parts. First is the trailing end which ex­ through one o f the holes. D o not place it
NC 56 Curflss Hawk . . . great army favorito tends from tlie rear spar to the trailing into water to cool off for it is D A N G E R ­
P A U L K. G U IL L O W edge o f the w in g; secondly, the center OUS. When it has cooled sufficiently,
Wakefield Mass. section which extends between the two take out the casting and file it smoothly.
spars and thirdly, the front end which Scoop out the inside o f it on a lathe, then
,τ. c Th a r l e s h o t e l form s the nose o f the rib and extends from drill the holes on all nine cylinder blocks
the front spar forward. fo r the cylinder skirts to fit into. Make a
The rib is joined and soldered at the small model for the cylinder heads out o f
Bathing direct from hotel above mentioned points only after the in­ wood and shellac it. Then turn the cylin­
Am erican and European Plan ternal bracings have been fastened in each der barrel on the lathe; fasten the cylinder
R A T E S G R E A T L Y R E D U C E D _______ section o f it and they are slipped onto the head model to the latter firmly, then cast
spars. this as you did with the crankcase. You
T o make the spars, follow the perspec­ can use the same mould fo r this purpose.
tive view on page “ A ” . Then make the
The Engine Nacelles
NEW! wing jig , using the same method as in the
tail surfaces. Lay the spars between the These are shells which cowl the rear
BuHders Knife
wire brads, slip in all the rib sections and
solder them at the joints to the spars.
end o f the engine. They are made in twe
halves by hammering them into the block
CHANGEABLE KNIVES The rear sections o f the ribs at that por­ o f hard balsa wood: D rill holes in these
Not to he confused with ordinary
razor hlade knives. Blades aro
made of superior carbon steel ab­
solutely unbreakable. Λ durable
life time tool, especially do-
signed for every branch of model
Plus 5e for Pack­
tion o f the wing where the aileron is
hinged should not be fastened in for. the
aileron also carries a spar onto which the
to accommodate the struts which hold up
the engines. Line these up with the en­
gines and then dismantle the wing struts
airplane construction. ing and Postage
hinges are fastened. When you have fin­ and so on. Wash all the parts off thor­
Set includes: (1) Straight blade for cutting sheet oughly with gasoline and place them aside.
and plank balsa. (2) Curved blade for accurately carv­ ished soldering all joints on the ribs and
ing propellers, cowlings and other shaped parts. CD
spars, run a “ T ” shaped strip (similar to Now run the control cables out to the
Nickel-plated handle, knurled for steady grip! Just
snap with the thumb to interchange blades! No other the metal bulkhead stiffeners) along the tail end o f the hull. Cover the tail surface
model building knlfo on the market to compare with it.
Kvery model builder everywhere needs one of these leading edge o f the wing and fasten it in. with silk (fine China silk being the best
utility cutting tools. Send for yours today. fo r this type o f cov erin g ). T o do this,
Now solder a 1 /3 2 " diam. rod around the
/ tack the silk on a large flat board around
tips and along the trailing edge o f each
rib. the edges o f the w ing and tail surfaces,
Bend a strip o f sheet-metal around the but before doing this, wrap silk thread
We carry the L argest V ariety of leading edge and tip o f the w ing as shown, around the leading and trailing edges and
K IT S · S U P P L IE S · PLAN S (top view page “ A ” ), 7 /1 6 " from the tips o f the surfaces to be covered. Paint
CONSTRUCT-A-PLANE IDEAL edge on either side. these over with clear nitrate aerodope so
CLEVELAND COMET it will hold firmly.
SCIENTIFIC MADISON N ow make the aileron as shown on page
SELLEY o VIKING · ALLENTOWN “ B ” , the construction being the same as A fter tacking the silk down, pass a
All at Regular Advertised Prices
Buy your favorite models and materials from one con­ that o f the wing. Fasten in the hinges brush with aerodope over the edges, let­
cern. You save on postage. Just send us one order for
all your needs, and add 10% of entire amount of order. and line them up on the wing. ting it penetrate to the thread. When
(West of .Mississippi add 10% .)
Before setting the wing aside, make all the dope has dried, cut closely around the
12 pg. Illustrated Price List Free: 3c stamp
for postage. the fittings for the struts and solder them edges o f the wing and tail and dope the
JOBBERS! DEALERS! SCHOOLS! CLUBS! loose edge onto the thread. Turn each
Send for Special Discounts in.
BRO AD W AY AERO CLU B Make the struts next. surface over and repeat the operation. Now
4996 BROADWAY (near 212th St.) NEW YORK For the strongest struts, use 3 /3 2 " dope all the edges again and when they
diam. tubing for struts marked “ A ” (on have thoroughly dried, sand them down
front view o f the three view layout) and lightly with tine sandpaper. The best way
Read Our Liberal Offer 7 / 6 4" diam. tubing for struts marked to dope these surfaces is with a spray-gun.
“ B” . Then wrap (.0 0 6 ) gauge sheet But if you haven’ t one, apply with a wad
o n P a g e 38 metal around them and solder along the o f cotton on a small round dowel o f wood.

—A n O pportunity seams at the rear o f each strut. Place a Give it five or six coats and sand every
fitting at each end o f the struts and then second coat with fine emory paper, lightly.

fo r a R eal Saving give the model a preliminary rigg in g to

see that everything is well lined.
Before dismounting the wing and
When this is done assemble the tail onto
the fuselage and connect the control cables.
( Continued on fu ge 40)
U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS v----- -- ffB
9R.u3ARí 37

Λ. Λ. ± AA..A..A··
.γ i _ - η i
η . Building M egow Models ie líke taking a course
Λ/1 n n p l β Ťnrít h I ·ν i ill airplane construction, because each and
ID LILL LI IV IU U U L S LIL U L A L y ♦ cvcry kit is an exact detailed duplication of an
original ship. And flying Megow models will give you genuine tIirills, as if you were in the
plane yourself. Bet valuable instruction out of model airplane building. Get some live
pointers on Aviation by building and flying M egow models.
T V ▼ T V T-T ▼ ▼ ▼

Megow Models are Real Flyers!

New! C U R T IS S P U R S U IT
The latest army fighter. Does it look
fast? Imagine a kit to build this 24"
Megow's High Wing Pursuit
A beautiful 22Vz" model of a well A snappy striking model and how model ...............................................
known commercial job.................... she does fly 1 Complete kit ............

The best
world war

This is the type plane being
ordered by the U. S. n a v y ....

H E L L DIV ER army
Pride of the U. S. Navy fighter
13" Model
18" Model

18" WACO CA BIN fighting
You can now build the Waco plane.
accurately from our kit......... Spad


C h oice Each
18" B E L L A N C A S K Y R O C K E T G EE-B EE IS O of Above Postpaid
Just think of it! A scale model A 24" flying model of the fastest land |
of this famous plane................ plane ..................................................... 3 Kits
Postpaid Postpaid
M egow kits contain ail wing ribs, fuselage formers and other parts
printed on balsa sheets; cement, paper and all the necessary material.
Every Ifit is designed from a model that lias been built, tested, balanced,
and then duplicated line for line, and piece for piece. Buy M egow
Models and get proven planes!

Plans for this model scaled ^ DEALERS: Write for Details and Discounts
down from real plane..............
Postpaid When ordering remit cosh or U. S. Postal Money Orders obtained at any P ost Office.
38 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 ---- - U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS

How You Can Build a Flying Scale Transmission Installation

SUBSCRIBE NOW! ( Continued from 'page 27)
The success o f your model depends
largely upon the care with which this part
W E W IL L EN RO LL YOU o f the \vork is done. Follow instructions
notched as the stringers run over it in­
IN T H E JR. N. A. A. OR and plans carefully. Construct the center
stead o f through the customary notches.
G ive You a Curtiss H aw k P -6 -E K it Sand the longerons down to a quarter bearing, P, o f Y\ x J4 hard balsa, punch­
round section, then add the pilots’ cabin in g or drilling a hole through its center
and nose block. and cementing / l \" copper washer to each
side to be used as bearings fo r the motor
Wings shaft. I f you so desire, you may insert
ACTUAL SIZE A s usual, the first jo b here is to cut and cement a 1 /1 6 " bras’s eyelet or bush­
Yes sir, when you subscribe to U N I­ out the ribs. These are made from 1 /1 6 " in g in the washer hole as this makes a
for one year we w ill pay your initia­ sheet balsa. It is advisable to sand a much smoother running unit.
tion fee and first annual dues in the slight lower camber into the left wing T o make the connecting rod, use the ma­
National Aeronautic Association. You
will receive membership card and pin ribs to assist in overcoming propeller terial specified and cut it so that it is at
and be enrolled in the N .A.A. as a full- torque. Cement the ribs in position on the least j 4 " longer than the distance between
lledged Junior Member. This is a fifty
cent value and entitles you to all the upper w ing spars, allowing fo r dihedral the two propeller shafts. Then with the
privileges of Junior Membership. The in the root ribs. Next install the nacelle cranks on both prop shafts at absolute
pin is a silver replica of the gold pin
worn by regular adult members. The base (see F ig. 3 & 4 ) and the leading and lower dead center, slip a 1 /1 6 " brass eye­
subscription price to U N I V E R S A L trailing edges, as well as the sheet balsa let or bushing on each crank pin. Put a
MODEL A IR P L A N E N E W S is only $2
per year and just think of what you’re w ing tips. Cement the wings in position small drop o f cement on the top o f each o f
getting ! Twelve issues of your favorite on the fuselage as indicated in drawings the two bushings. Another bushing should
magazine packed full of model-making
news . . . AND a junior membership in 1 and 2 and join the two halves o f the be cemented to the under-side o f the con­
an organization that numbers am ong its w ing and the fuselage by means o f the necting rod at the exact center and a small
many fam ous members Comdr. Frank /
τ \" X y% " lower root spar. Place the
Hawks, Capt. A1 W illiam s, Jimmie W e- drop o f cement should also be placed near
dell, Jimmie D oolittle, Adm iral Byrd, remaining miscellaneous braces as shown each end o f the rod. N ow slide the rod
and many others. W ith the Junior
Membership you receive the N.A.A. in the plans. through the fuselage and into each nacelle
Pin and membership card. F or those Nacelles and set it down so that it will be cemented
who are already subscribers to U N I­
V E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E N EW S First cut out bulkheads B, C, D, E and to each o f two bushings, on the propeller
a separate application blank fo r mem­ the dummy motor, G, all o f which are shafts. It is important that both shafts
bership in the N.A.A. will be found on
page tw en ty-on e of this issue. made from 1 /1 6 " sheet balsa. These are are at absolute lower dead center during
shown in F ig. 4. Mount bulkheads B and this operation! Assemble the motor crank­
C on the nacelle base and proceed to finish shaft in the center bearing as shown in
the dummy motor by wrapping thread F ig . 5. The position o f the center bear­
around each cylinder to represent cooling ing, P, as shown in F ig. 1 is only approxi­
fins; then cement in place the small bam­ mately correct, the exact location being de­
boo push rods which, besides adding to termined as fo llo w s :
the appearance o f the model, keep the W ith the motor shaft assembled in the
cylinders from breaking off with the grain center bearing, the crank pin is slipped
o f the wood. Assemble dummy motor and forw ard into the center bushing on the
nose block as shown in the plan. The connecting rod. Meanwhile, the connect­
12“ Curtiss I f cr.uk P -6 -E steel thrust bearing is next cemented to in g rod should be level, both prop shafts
Or if you do not w ish to take advan­ being at lower dead center. W ith the
tage o f the Junior N.A.A. Membership the nacelle base in the position indicated
we will give you a 12" Curtiss H awk center motor shaft in an absolute lower
in the drawings. It may be necessary to
P -6 -E kit instead. This fifty cent kit dead center position, cement the bearing
contains genuine blue print, full size flatten out a standard type thrust bearing
block, P, to the fuselage members, using
three view s with all important details and bend it to the desired shape. Cement
illustrated and com plete instructions. filler blocks where necessary.
It is all ready fo r you to sit right down a washer to the nacelle nose block and
W ait until you are sure the cement has
and build one o f the most beautiful install the crankshaft. W ith this done you
models you ever constructed. set. Then remove the rod with bushings on
H urry up, fellows, and send in your are ready to assemble the remaining bulk­
by bending the center forw ard far enough
$2 subscription fee. Rem ember to mark heads and place the stringers around
plainly on the coupon below whether so that the center bushing can slip off the
you want the Junior N.A.A. Mem ber­ them. Remember that there is an uncov­
front o f the center crank pin. It is then
ship or the Curtiss H aw k kit. ONLY ered gap in each nacelle through which the
ONE OF TH ESE O FFERS W IL L BE an easy matter to disconnect the rod from
GIVEN W IT H T H E SUBSCRIPTION. connecting rod runs.
the outer shafts. Remove the rod and
This offer expires February 8th, 1934 Landing Gear give each bushing a generous coating o f
A fter careful consideration it was de­ cement, binding it with silk thread i f nec­
Jny Publishing Corp. cided that a permanently.retracted landing essary. When you are satisfied that the
125 West 45th St., Desk I25 gear would be »practical and very appro­ bushings are cemented to the connecting
New York City.
Enclosed lind $2.00 for which please send me
priate fo r the Boeing twin motor transport rod permanently, snap the rod into posi-
U NIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLAN E NEWS for model since this is one o f the most distin­ sion again and give the system a few
one year. It Is understood that I am to receive
either a Junior N .A.A. Membership and the guished features o f the real plane. turns with the hand to be sure that none
N .A .A . pin OR the Curtiss Hawk P -6 -E kit with
my subscription. I am checking below which one I f you are still steadfast in your belief o f the m oving parts bind or otherwise fail
of the two offers I desire. to work properly. Realign i f necessary.
that the model needs the conventional land­
National Aeronautic Associa­
ing gear,'you may gather sufficient in for­ Propeller Installation
tion Junior M e m b e r s h ip
& N .A .A . P in .....................( mation from photographs o f the real ship
1 check only one The propellers are carved from blanks
Curtiss Hawk P -6 -E K i t . . . ( to enable you to construct this type.
like that shown in F ig. 5. Give the blades
Name ................................................................................... Tail Surfaces plenty o f area and slight camber. The
(Pleaso print or typo your name and address)
These are built up o f 3 /3 2 " square simplified free wheeling system which
Street ................................................................................. balsa spars with thin bamboo ribs and oqt- works by air pressure alone without the
City ...............................................Stato........................... lines. This type o f construction was de­ use o f springs or rubber tension is used in
cided upon because it was found to be connection with the propellers. This is
Date of Birth ...................................................................
month day year light and exceedingly warp proof. Cover shown in detail in F ig. 4, the side view o f
the tail structures before assembling them the nacelle showing the propeller in free
Approved .........................................................................
(To ho signed by parent if applicant is under 18) on the fuselage. D on’ t cement them in wheeling and the top view o f the nacelle,
Parent’s Signature required only if subscriber place too securely at first as they may have showing the prop engaged. The person
desires N .A .A . Membership. to be cut loose and their setting changed flying the model engages the props before
during test flights. launching. (Continued on page 40)
U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS *___^ 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 39

“ Shots” from the I.A.A.P.E.

( Continued from 'page 32)
type “ crates” to “ shoot” . The I.A .A .P .E .
y Just Landed
was well represented here as fou r o f the
N. Y. boys were there covering it. They
were Harold Martin or as he is called
In Selley’s Model
"D octor M artin.” A lso there were Jim
Hawkins and Justin Durrenberger, win­
ners o f the I.A .A .P .E . Contest, 1st and 6 Brand New Models 2 5 c ea.
2nd respectively, and lastly (but not least, ScttiiiK the pace . . . creatiiiK new fast fliers . . . giving you the hest
fur the lowest price is the demand of the 8 KLLEY reputation. The
I H O P E ) was Ye Scribe himself, the presentation of the new sensational lleet pictured here is another
SKULK Y scoop. . . . Look at the value you got for only 25c . . . 14
"B aron” Fritz. One o f the most prized inch wing-span with all materials necessary to complete tile model
ships to photograph was the Seversky you select and an unmatchable assortment. Including AERONCA,
Amphibian, which broke the w orld’s A m ­ VEVILLE AIR COACH, BUHL BULL PUP. Order yours TODAY! Fairchild
phibian record at a speed o f about 180
m.p.h. with amphibian gear attached.
W ally “ T ex” Jackson o f Elizabeth
Y ou'll Agree These
drops me a line, just to let me know "H e is
still alive” and so I pass the word on. Here
A-8 Attack Are Knockouts-Bargains at 95c ea.
goes, "Jackson is still alive” (A m e n ). Model fans who saw theso great kits exclaimed, "They are
knockouts.” You will too . . . it’s no wonder . . . they represent
There are a great many new ships in the highest achievement in designing, workmanship and perfection.
All 18" wingspan with complete accessories only 95c each. A
Production and testing at present. The dandy selection including BOEING PI2 . . . A-8 ATTACK . . .
Curtiss X P -32 is being tested now, by the BEE SUPER-SPORTSTER.
Army. The X P -32 is the Navy Curtiss
X F 1, F11C-2 Model Goshawk in the
Army. The Douglas Company is working
on a new Transport Am phibian known as
the Y1C-29. Look At These 50c Kits!
Bargain hunters! Look no further . . . here's a value we may
The Grumman People have delivered a never duplicate again . . . order quickly. Be one of the lucky
new Fighter to the N avy known as the ones to get in on this sensational low price deal . . . quality
and super kits such as these cannot he matched at 50c each.
X F2F-1 Grumman Fighter. Details o f Every one lias 15" wing span and is furnished witli complete
accessories ami ensv working plans. Your choice of these models:
this plane cannot be furnished as this is BOEING PI2. VOUGHT CORSAIR. CURTISS HAWK P6-E.
one o f the latest ships in the N avy and is SWALLOW SPORTSTER. Rush your order.
undergoing tests at present. It has been Here’s W hat
rumored that the Berliner Joyce two All Selley Kits Contain:
seater fighter for the Navy, known as the
B /J X F2J-1 has been scrapped in favor o f
Rush Your Order - Be First With Selley! FULL SIZED PLAN. CONSTRUC­
HE F IR S T ! Speed In ordering with these startling offers is as important RUBBER, CEMENT, MUSIC WIRE.
the Douglas X F D -1 , also a two seater as speed in flying. Make your order fly to SELLEY. Send your remittance HAKONE PAPER. WHEELS. AD ­
along with itemized list of models you select. Add 10c postage for each kit HESIVE. BAMBOO. REED. TURNED
job, built along somewhat similar design . . . 15c if west of Denver. Write name ami address plainly. We ship by PROP HUB. BALSA WOOD. ALL
return mall . .. Don’ t hesitate . . . our money hack guarantee protects you MATERIALS N E C E S S A R Y TO
as the B /J. against risk. BUILD A COMPLETE MODEL.
Admiral B yrd’s expedition has left for
its jaunt to the South Pole. Am ongst his
equipment is a Curtiss Condor o f the new
type on pontoons. The pontoons, built SELLEY ACCESSORIES----- Send 5c £or Catalog
by the Edo Co., are probably the largest DIE

set o f pontoons ever built fo r an airplane.

Again members are requested to send in
Drag Open Closed
Ring Faco Faco
10 15 15
news and information o f interest. T ill next Tail Wheel Fork, with swivel l ’i " 18 18 I 18
joint. W ill take wheel up to on 20 20 1 20
month. 3 / 4 " Long................ 4 % dla. 3" 28 28 1 28
Ye “ Baron Fritz.” 1" Long................ l^s Complete, 10c, Postpaid. Postage Co
1 1 /2 " Long................ 5
RING MOUNT 1" Dummy Rachet.......... 10c Set of 21 Army Planes on Die-Cast
THE BOOKPLATE U Í " ................................... 25c 2" Double Action.......... 15c Brlstlo b o a rd .....................25c Hawk Standard
1 -V ' ................................... 30c ________ Postage 3c________ Dla. 2-Bladed-3 2-Bladed-3
10 I 10
About Army Airplanes, their
I 'f
marking and colors. All tech­
( Continued from page 32) TORPEDOES Anti-aircraft Guns ......... 25c
nical data. Just what you've 4"
Dummy Flood Light . ...2 5 c 30
Postage 3c been loklng for ............... 10c
Postage 3c each
Circus,” and “ The F lyin g F ool” ? Dick STREAMLINE METAL SQUADRON INSIGNIA
For Struts. Landing RUBBER THREAD
Grace, the author o f this book, is the man Gears, Etc.
81 in pairs, all different 25c
210 ft. Skeins
who handled the stick in those planes. T o Cross CUT OUT LETTERS 1 /3 2 "
sq. 2 ft. 1 ...........35e
1 /1 8 "
sq. 2 ft. 1 ...........45c
say “ handled” is quite proper, for Mr. Section Black Gummed paper in \m"flat 1 ft................. 60c
1 3 / 1 0 " ................................. 5c View packages of 50 assorted
I V ' ............................... 10c 3 /1 8 "
flat 1% ft................. 90c
Grace plans and executes each crash with 3 " Torpedoe ............. 15c
12" Lengths Balsa LETTERS or NUMBERS.
3 /1 6 .. ..10c length.. >4 " slzo ............ 50c BAMBOO
the fine precision o f the engineer. >4.. . ,10c length.. % " ............................... 80c 1 /1 8 " Tncoatcd ...2 4 for 5c
LIGHTS 5 /1 6 .. ..15c length.. .. 4c 1" ............................... 75c 1 /1 8 " Sq. Coated. 5c doz.
It is not the luck o f the dare-devil, but WING AND TAIL '•s.. .. 20c length.. i?4” ...................... si.no 1 / I d " X Vi" X 15" 10c doz.
.Tust what you 7 /1 6 .. . . 20c length
the careful, exact timing o f a fearless ' s want to m a k o .. 2Γ>π length CLEAR CEMENT DOWELS
Postage 5c length The fastest drying, lightest 1 /1 8 " . 3 /3 2 " . ’ V '
“ crack-up engineer,” as he calls himself, your model per-
and strongest cement known. 12" Lengths . . . . 6 for 5c
r&-, feet. 3 lights to ADHESIVE
which has allowed him to make over thir­ a set. Large bottle ..................... 5c Waterproof. MUSIC WIRE
For 12" model ........... 10c set 1 oz. j a r ............................. 10c 1 oz. jar ......................... 10c Nos. 8. 8. 10, 12
ty successful crashes before the cameras. For 15" model .......... 15c set 2 oz. jar ............................. 20c 2 oz. jar ........................... 20c 3 ft. Lengths ........ 2 for 5e
% pt. can ......................... 35c
W e assume that all must have been suc­ For 21" model ........... 20c set 1Λ P BAMBOO PAPER 1 pint ................................80c REED
Backing and postage 3c set 21\38" sheet ................... 10c
cesses, or his book would never have been DOPES
1/1 6 . 3 /3 2 , % "
BANANA OIL 3 ft. Lengths 2 for 5c
written. It only takes one failure in any COLORED JAP TISSUE Same price as cement. Comes
Acetone or Thinner in following colors:
Bed, Orange. Black. Blue. Large 2 oz. j a r ................. 10c SEND FOR YOUR KIT
crash to silence the best o f authors, and Green. Tan. Pint ran ........................... 80o
2llx21" s h e e t.......... 3 for 10c MAROON, BLUE. GREEN. SKI,LEY products arc guar­
Dick Grace is very much alive. RUBBER LUBRICANT SILVER. YELLOW. GREY. anteed and may he returned
1 oz. jar ............................. 10c WHITE, KHAKI, BLACK, If not entirely satisfactory.
If you’ re looking for thrills, exciting WHITE HAKONE
TISSUE Send Postage on All Supplies Ask your dealer for SELLEY
reading, and something to talk about, don’ t :>ηχ·11" s h e e t .......... 2 for 5e 10r,r of order— Μ ΛΧΙΜ ΓΜ 15c KITS AND SUPPLIES.
miss this chance. The illustrative photo­
graphs are worth the price alone, as each
o f them packs a thrill. SELLEY M fg. Co., Inc. DEPT. F BROOKLYN, N. Y.
40 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 > U N IV ER SAL M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS

How You Can Build A Flying through the end, the entire length o f the
Scale Boeing 247 hub. Then turn out flanges, one on each
end to accommodate the clamps. Polish
(Continued from page 38)
the hub with fine emery cloth and cut it
Finishing Touches down to proper length.
W ith the entire model assembled and The blades are next. Make a template
the transmission operating correctly, you the shape o f half o f the blade and turn
are ready to cover. Contrary to popular the stock down to the shape o f the tem­
opinion the color o f the real Boeing is not plate every so often, applying the template
aluminum but gray, which is the natural to get the correct curve o f the blade. When
color o f anodically treated duralumin with you finish them all, cut them off to the
no pigment finish. W hite or a light green proper length and grind or file each one to
are probably the closest colors you can get the shape o f an airfoil. Polish them off
in the form o f colored tissue. Colored smoothly and chrome-plate them. Now
dope is too heavy fo r the purpose. A sin­ drill a hole through the hub to accommo­
gle strip o f celluloid on each side o f the date the shaft and solder the shaft to it.
cabin is covered with tissue except fo r the N ow plate the hub, insert the finished
open spaces left fo r windows. Leave small blades and the prop is complete.
sections under the front and rear rubber The Color Scheme
hook uncovered to permit winding and re­ Entire ship is o f natural aluminum fin­
placement o f rubber. Balsa, aluminum, ish with red, white and blue color bars
celluloid, or paper cowlings may be used on the rudders. Stars are on the wing,
around the dummy motors. I f you are one on each end. U .S .N . is painted on the
using aluminum anti-drag rings, it is ad­ hull underneath the tail.
visable to cement a narrow strip o f ordi­
nary paper around the motor and then ce­ The Development of the Fokker
ment the metal cow ling to the paper. I f Fighters
you feel that you cannot afford a ready
made cowling, you may use a tw o-ply pa­ (Continued from page 14)
per drag ring similar to those furnished In the design o f the M -16, Fokker made
with many o f the present “ two bit” kits. the same mistake that the designers o f the
Better yet, bend a strip o f celluloid around Sopwith Dolphin made when they placed
the motor and paint it to match the fuse­ the pilot’s head on a level with the top
lage. Propellers are finished in alumi­ plane. This was dangerous fo r in event o f
num and the motors are, o f course, black. a crash in which the plane turned over on
Numbers may be cut from black tissue and its back, the pilot might receive a broken
doped down to the wing. You may refer neck or serious head injury.
to photographs o f the large plane fo r fu r­ N o doubt the M -16 had a high landing
ther decorating. This makes a beautiful speed. W ith the weight o f the Mercedes
model to hang in your room and the free motor, the large radiators and the struc­
wheeling propellers will spin in a light tural weight, the w ing loading was nec­
breeze. essarily high. A t the same time a probable
low power loading gave the ship a high
Flight Tests speed o f about 93 miles per hour. In its
I f you have follow ed the plans, your day, this speed was something to be con­
model should not be difficult to balance. sidered as exceptional fo r a water-cooled
The model when hand launched should fighter.
make a long, flat glide. I f it turns sharp­ Still unable to obtain better motors,
ly and dives, examine the wings to see that Fokker was forced to the only expedient o f
they have sufficient dihedral. The trouble refining the M -16 to obtain better per­
might also be in the rudder setting. I f the formance.
model seems nose heavy, give the stabilizer The next Fokker product was almost
a* greater angle o f negative incidence, or identical to the M -16. Although outward­
give it a smaller angle i f the model seems ly different, it is essentially the same de­
tail heavy and tends to stall. When you sign and wartime records serving as a
have it glidin gsatisfactorily you are ready basis fo r these articles, do not give it a
to test it with power. Have a friend hold new classification. Because o f the simi-
the model and connecting rod stationary laritv, we w ill call the new ship the
while you wind the motor from the rear by M -16B .
means o f a winder and S hook attachment. A s can be gathered by comparing pho­
Give it about 30 turns with a 4 to 1 winder tos o f the M -16 and its brother, the M -16B
and launch the model level. refinement was carried out in three direc­
tions: first, reduction o f head resistance;
The Navy Admiral In Detail second, a lighter construction; third, gen­
eral refinement o f design. A ll three o f
( Continued from fa g e 36) these improvements bear heavily on the
N ow paint the fuselage and tail at one success o f each other.
time. Then paint the w ing while it is still In reducing head resistance, Fokker
unassembled. Connect the ailerons to the did away with those monstrous M -16 ra­
wing and fasten the control cables to them. diators and substituted smaller cooling
N ow paint the struts and the outboard systems o f about one-fourth the size o f
floats. Connect the wing, struts and floats the old types. The cow ling around the mo­
to the hull when dry. N ow place the in­ tor was constructed o f fabric-covered
signia on the wings and on the other parts framework in this case instead o f sheet
o f the ship. metal. Better wood streamlining was add­
The Propellers ed to the w ing and landing gear struts. By
A n y metal can be used fo r the propel­ streamlining, the structure was lightened
lers, (brass, steel, etc.). T o make the hub, as in the case o f the radiators. These fac­
turn a piece o f metal stock to the size o f tors o f refinement led to the possibility o f
the largest outside diam. Next drill a hole a cleaner all-around design.
1 - 9 - 3 - 4 41

For the first time, balanced ailerons

were used. The area was increased by sev­
eral square feet over ailerons o f the M -l 6.
A t the same time their efficiency was im­
proved by virtue o f a high aspect ratio.
Because o f the greater speed brought
BOY SI 24 f l y in c
out through the above mentioned im prove­
ments, a smaller rudder was made possi­
ble. A t the same time this reduction in size
reduced drag somewhat. W ith a change in
shape, the rudder was lightened and
strengthened at the same time. The com­
bination elevator and stabilizer was essen­ These Kits are complete in every detail with
full size plans, cement, dope, wire, rubber,
tially the same as used on previous Fokker
prop, wheels, balsa sheet and strip, tissue, etc.
types. MOTH 25c
The fuselage o f the M -16B in profile
was curved on top and bottom instead of 24" SE5 24" I'USS MOTH
being flat. This was necessitated by the
deeper fuselage o f the M -16B . A small
tail skid sprung on rubber finished the
By raising the upper w ing above the
level o f the pilot’s eyes, the gap was in­
creased and wing efficiency improved. Vis­
ibility was increased by leaving uncovered Remember 1 These
are not to be con­
the center section o f the wings, in addi­ fused with ordinary
25c models. Each
tion to large cut out spaces near the fusel­ model has a wing­
span of 2 feet— un­
age. heard of at this
With the above mentioned refinements price.
in design, the performance o f the M -16B 24" BRITISH S. E. 5 25c 24" SOPWITH CAMEL 25c
was probably much better than the M - l 6.
The high speed could be set a t '100 miles S C A L E
per hour. No doubt the general maneuver­
ability was improved by the use o f bal­ MODELS
anced surfaces. However, there must have (6" to 8" wingspread — the
been very few “ bugs” in the design or it Plus 5c Postage only K its with printed bodies)
Pfalz Scout SE5
would not have lasted as long as it did. Rumpler Nicuport
Still unable to get any o f the new Mer­ Camel Spad
Travelair A-8 Attack
cedes Six motors, Anthony Fokker de­ Boeing PI2 E Akron Fighter
cided to try a small light scout, to be built 8" CURTISS A-8 ATTACK
Built entirely from our 10c kit
around the supply o f 80 h.p. rotary mo­
tors left over from his early monoplanes. G. H. Q. MODEL AIRPLANE CO. 558 S. Blvd., New Y ork , N. Y.
For a design, he took the efficient M -16B
and reduced it to approximately one-half
the latter’s size and fitted an 80 h.p. re­
volving motor. DRAGON FLY
The new ship, known as the M -l 7, can Unofficial Record 25 Min.
justly be called a pocket edition o f the
M -16B. Its size can be ju d g ed from the W ILSO N
fact that only seven ribs were provided for MODEL AIRCRAFT
each wing panel. W e could safely estimate Manufacturers $ 2 .2 5 P· P. M. O. ONLY U. S. ONLY
the ribs to be one foot apart and allow ing 129 S. Howard St., KIT CONTAINS BALSA TISSUE CEMENT DOPE, WHEEL TOWLINE,
thirty inches for the fuselage width, we FUČL SIZE PLAN AND MANY NEW FEATURES
Akron, Ohio
have a wing span o f something like 16 Design— Lloyd Wellner Dealers: Write
feet, 6 inches! I f the aspect ratio o f 5
were used (which is not at all im proba­
ble) the three foot chord would give a D IS TIN C TIV E MODELS
Allentown Models represent some of the truest scale flying models produced on the
wing area o f 84 square feet! By compar­ market today. They are outstanding for their beauty of detail, phenomenal flights,
ing dimensions o f w ing and fuselage o f unsurpassed design and strength in model construction.
the earlier monoplanes, the biplane cellule OTHER KIT
o f the M - l 7 would allow a much longer Monocoupc 110 Large full size de­
fuselage in proportion to span, about 14 Springfield Racer tailed plane, balsa
Beechcraft w o o d in s u r p lu s
foot overall length in this case. By com­ Vought Corsair amounts, wire parts,
paring the tires which were probably 24 Hawk P-fiE f l y i n g p r o p , s c a le
BcJanca Skyrocket prop material, balsa
inches in diameter with the rest o f the G. II. Sportster parts shaped, tissue,
M -l 7, we have a gap o f slightly over three Eaglet washers, dope, ce­
Fokker D-7 ment, bamboo, insig­
feet, and an overall height o f about 6 feet. Fokker I)-8 nia, instruction sheet,
Fokker Triplane colored dope, wheels,
This was indeed a backyard fighter i f Laird Super-Solution rubber, etc.
there ever was such ! Fairchild This is a three dol­
Peddler BERLINER-JOYCE P-IC lar value at the price
In general disposition, the M -l 7 was a Pathfinder ARMY PURSUIT listed below.
one bay biplane without stagger or dihe­ This plane is an excellent glider and proportionately better flier. It is capable of five hundred
dral. Steel tubing was used exclusively in foot flights with ease. Color is khaki and yellow and stands aloof in attractiveness and dis­
tinction, characteristic of Allentown Kits. Weight 2 oz. ή&Τ fffk
the fuselage framework which was fabric- Kit com plete............................................................................................................................φΑ .Ο Α Τ
6 SOLID SCALE MODELS at 15c each P.P.
covered up to the firewall. Aluminum (Large full size plan— insignia— 2 colored dopes— cement— body balsa— printed balsa sheet)
covered the motor end in much the same Wedell Williams Curtiss Condor Transport Laird Super-Solution
Boeing P-26 Pursuit Boeing Low-Wing Transport Pitcairn Cabin Autogiro
manner as that employed in the early mon­ Send for illustrated folder on kits and supplies. All Kits Sent Postpaid
oplanes. Mr. Dealer: All dealers acquainted with our line are handling them exclusively. It pays
well to handle distinctive models. Write now for your prices.
The M -l 7 must have been designed for
( Continued, on page 42)
Allentown Model Airplane & Supply Shop a l l e n t o w n ,t p e n n a .
42 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 Vs— ' U N IV E R SA L M ODEL A IR P L A N E NEWS

The Development O f The sociated with Henson, now designed and

Fokker Fighters built a much im proved model along the
W E P A Y PO STAG E same lines. This model, highly success­
AMOUNTING TO 51.00 OR OVER ( Continued from fa g e 41) ful, was destined to make history being
Majestic Quality Unbeatable a run o f small pilots, for our imagination the first powered model to make an exten­
18" Lengths Blue. Red, Brown, Orange. can’ t connect a characteristic obese Ger­ sive recorded flight. It was a monoplane
1/1 6 x1 /1 6 . . . .00 for .05 20x24 .................. 2 for .05 man and the iM-17! However, access was propelled by a highly efficient steam en­
1 /1 6 x 1 /8 02 for .05 BUSHINGS
1 /1 6 x 1 /4 20 for .07 4 for ................................02 allowed through a small door which swung gine and weighed only eight pounds.
1 /8 x l /S ____ 18 fur .08 MUSIC WIRE
1 / 8 x 8 / 1 6 : . . . 1 8 for .09 2 f e e t ................................ 01 backward. Vision downward was aided S tringfellow ’s feat is considered a mile­
1 /8 x l / 4 ____18 for .12 DUMMY MOTORS
3/16 x3 /1 6 9 for .06 174" diam..........................16 by removing part o f the top o f this door stone fo r he certainly set a mark fo r others
3 /1 6 x 1 /4 8 for .07 3 " diam......................... 30 to shoot at.
•1/4 x l / 4 ......... 8 for .08 RUBBER and also a section o f the lower wing.
1 /4 x 3 /8 6 for .08 1/32 so................. 50 ft. .12 One Spandau machine-gun wras fitted It is interesting to note that in 1859
1 /4 x l / 2 ......... 5 for .09 1/16 SO................. 50 ft. .16
8 /8 x 3 /8 4 for .09 1 /8 Hat ............ 50 ft. .17 slightly to the left o f the pilot. Since the a patent was granted to H. Bright on a
1 /2 x l / 2 ......... 4 for .10 3 /1 6 H a t .............50 ft. .22
Sheets— 18" Lengthts 3 /3 2 Hat ............ 50 ft. .17 gun butt extended so far into the cockpit, machine sustained by vertical screws and
1/32x1 ................. 4 for .04 ALUMINUM ITEMS the end was probably protected and
1/32x2 ................. 3 for .05 TUBING in 1863 models were shown by d ’Am e-
1/16x1 ................. 4 for .03 1 /8 O. D ........................ ft., .07 padded against the possibility o f the pilot court, Landelle and Nodar, the latter two
1/16x2 ................. 6 for .10 3 /1 6 O. D ......................ft., .09
1 /8 x 1 ................. 4 for .05 1 /4 O. I)......................... ft., .11 injuring himself in case o f a rough land­ operated by clock-w ork springs and shift­
1 / 8 x 2 ................. 2 for .10 DRAG RINGS
3/16x1 ................. 2 for .06 1 " .................................... 15
ing. in g weights but all unsatisfactory because
3/16x2 ................. 2 for .08 174" ........................... 15 In the M -17, the disadvantage o f the o f their frag ility and their flights were
1/4 xl ................. 2 for .07 2 " .................................... 19
1/4 x2 ................. 2 for .09 274" ............................23 pilot having his head above the level o f all o f short duration.
1 /2 xl ................. 2 for .11 3 " .................................... 28
1 / 2 x 2 ................. 2 for .15 SHEET ALUMINUM the top plane was nicely taken care o f. In 1866, F. H. Wenham, thinking to
PLANK BALSA 12" « Ido Perhaps a broken neck or two inspired the
1x1x18.............................. 08 .003 ft., .15 improve upon Henson, designed several
1x2x18 .............................. 12 .005 ft.. .19 steel tubing superstructure in front and machines, two o f which plans are given fo r
1x3x18 .............................. 15 N. A. C.A. COWLINGS
1x6x18 25 1" .................................... 15 above the cockpit. In the event that the here. They were long narrow plane sur­
2x2x18 .............................20 174" ........................... 15 plane should nose over, this structure
2x3x18 ............................ 25 2 " .................................... 19 faces and lay in tiers like shelves. W en-
2x6x18.............................. 45 274" ................. 23 would hold the weight o f the plane off the
PROPELLER BLOCKS 3 " .................................... 29 ham’s theory was that when these were
74x -lix 5 ........... 6 for .05 WASHERS pilot’s head. driven forw ard, the vanes would rest upon
H r ? ix 6 ........... 8 for .07 Largo size: For a tail assembly, the M -17 Fokker
% x l X 7 ........... 3 for .05 O. 1). .0174 doz.. a stratum o f undisturbed air and thereby
.15 for 100
% xl x 8 ........... 2 for .05
Small size: had simply a reduced M -16B type, testi­ give greater support than a single wing,
% xl 74x10 .......... 2 fo r .n 9
*ixl 74x1 1 ........... 2 for .10 74 O. I). .0174 doz..
.15 for 100
mony o f the efficiency o f design. The M -17 the combined area being equal to a single
% x l’/,x l2 ...................... 06
74x174x12 ...................... 07 MAJESTIC CEMENT was another o f the “ Einstlg” machines. large surface. Thus 7vas born the multi­
11174 X13 ...................... os 1 oz. t u b e ........................ 0i A n M -17 “ Zweistlg” also follow ed. The
74x174x14 09 2 oz. t u h o ........................ 08 plane, a serious attempt to get away from
1x1*4x16 ...................... 15 4 oz. c a n s ........................ 16 performance o f the M -17 Einstlg is un­
DOWELS CLEAR DOPE the single bird w ing, (see plate 6 .)
18" Lengths 2 oz.................................... 09 known. It was powered with a 7 cylinder
1 /8 0174
4 oz.................................... 17 T w o years later Stringfellow made a
COLORED DOPE Le Rhone rotary motor.
3 /1 6 ........................... 02 Red. blue, orange, yellow, second model, com bining W enham’s aero­
1 /4 ........................... 03 silver, biack and olive A photograph o f the 1916 Albatros
BAMBOO drab.
planes with screws. The result was a tri­
1/16x1/4x12..........01 each 2 oz.................................... D .I is shown here in order to show the
doz...................................... 10 4 oz....................................20
12 plane with an undoubtedly prophetic
1/16x1/4x15 ...0174 each lead the Albatros W erke 7vas getting on trend o f design— it contained an aggre­
doz.......................................11 Otherwise known ns the Fokker concern. W ith the large, re­
SHREDDED BAMBOO thinner gate surface area o f approximately 36
1/64x1/64 04doz. 2 oz.................................... 09 liable Mercedes six motor, the Albatros square feet and the engine developed about
1/82x1/32 ............05 doz. 4 oz.................................... 17
JAPANESE TISSUE Werke was able to produce an aeroplane
White 20x24 ____3 for .05 Small .025 holo:
THRUST BEARINGS one-third horsepower, w eighing complete,
o f good dimensions. On the other hand, in
XTRA FINE TISSUE Doz., 15 . . . each. 0174 less than 12 pounds. A wire cable sup­
20x15 ...............................05 Large .035 hole: the M -17 Fokker you can see what this
CELLULOID WHEELS Doz.. 15. . . each. .0174
ported the machine and after gaining
........................06 pair great designer was driven to do without
1 " ........................ 08 pair Pkge................................... 05
speed in its forw ard travel, was supposed
1*4" ........................ 13 pair SAND PAPER
this motor. to lift itself. Stringfellow claimed that
174" ........................ 15 pair 2 sheets ....................... 05 Part seven o f this series w ill show how
REED BRUSHES it did, but there is no definite proof, de­
1/16 or 1 /8 . . . 1 ft. .01 each .................................03 the M -17 developed into the Fokker D .I,
spite the fact that it seemed to have more
HOW TO ORDER— We pay postage on all orders In the planes that started Fokker on the road
tho United States amounting to $1.00 or over. We do than sufficient power. A t any rate, be­
not accept C. O. D .'s or foreign money. All Canadian to success once more. cause o f compactness o f design and es­
orders 25c additional for package postage. All orders
under $1.00 add 15c for package and postage. Add pecially the efficiency o f its engine, it took
10c additional when plank balsa Is ordered.
the 100 pound prize at Crystal Palace in
Majestic Model Airplanes How the Aeroplane Was Created
London. A lthough the monoplane was
Orders Shipped 30 Minutes After We Receive Them (Continued from fa g e 19) S tringfellow ’s bid to fame, his triplane is
given here to show how advanced this de­
with Sir George Cayley. Experimenters sign was at that time.
such as J. Degen in 1816 and Ottoris Ponton d ’ Amecourt again comes to the
Sarto in 1823, constructed models follow ­ fore in 1868 showing a steam helicopter
ing the principle o f the helicopter set forth in London; this revived interest in this
GASOLINE ENGINE by Cayley, with fair success and W . H.
Phillip in 1842 built a steam-driven model
type although it was not a success, being
able to lift only one third its own weight.
FOR helicopter which according to his own ac­ Thomas M oy showed about the same time
count, made a few flights, but o f short an aerial “ steamer” with much promise.
Model Plane Builders duration. This “ steamer” had two large wings and
Planes powered with this motor W . S. Henson in 1843 follow ed in Cay­ two very large screws. However it was
carried olT the first place honors in ley’s footsteps and designed his “ A ero­ doomed to disappointment and finally
The Moffett International Contest, stat” , a machine resembling remarkably abandoned.
The Mulvihill outdoor event, today’s type o f flying machine, as w ill be Pénaud after carefully studying the
seen from the accompanying plan. It had foregoin g, decided that it was best to
The Stout outdoor event, and
a boat-like car with a single oblong w ing abandon the idea o f rigid screws and sub­
The Texaco Trophy at the National Meet
surface cambered after Cayley’s and the stituted flexible ones instead. A t about
at Roosevelt Field, L. I., last June. tail or rear surface copied the dove. This, this same time, D . S. Brown wrote in sup­
The Improved Model of this motor, fo r horizontal control, while a rudder port o f flexible biplane wings and further,
which now holds the official world’s
record, is in production. placed underneath steered the machine. by his experiments, proved that two
Powered with a steam engine, Henson’s elastic aeroplanes, when placed on the
For full particulars communicate with “ Aerostat” was the most pretentious at­ same axis and separated by a wide inter­
JUNIOR MOTORS CORP. tempt on a large scale tried up to this time,
and the first to combine an extensive flat
val, produced a greatly increased stability.
However, Pénaud constructed first, a
BROAD STREET STATION BLDG., supporting surface in combination with helicopter copying closely Cayley’s de­
PHILADELPHIA, PA. propelling screws. sign. This was successful as fa r as this
Stringfellow , who had earlier been as­ type o f device went, reaching an altitude
UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS v___ ^ 1 - 9 - 3 ■4 43

at times as great as fifty feet. Next, he

turned his attention to the aeroplane type S C I *
as illustrated in figure 3 and made several Accuracy! Completeness! Value! Performance!
models which flew rather haphazardly, it
being exceedingly difficult to control them.
Pénaud overcame this difficulty, how­
ever, by the addition o f a smaller w ing
a ft o f the main one: this, in effect, was a
qualities and more too! Every kit proves it! ^
further practical demonstration o f the -lAwTlI’S N O R T H R O P G A M M A Ä The New Model Airplane Sensation!
principle advocated by Brown. Stability
was greatly improved in this model which
on being released from the hand, de­
scended a short distance to gain momen­
tum, and then flew as fa r as fifty feet or
more, at an average height o f seven to nine
Pénaud, still far from being satisfied,
associated himself with the helicopter,
thinking that perhaps success lay here. Here's a thriller! An exact copy o f Frank Hawk’ s real
He and A . H. de Villeneuve, building con­ ship. A thoroughly tested model that provides unlimited
pleasure and thrills building and flying it. (Weight Wingspan 72", Length 43". Weight 12 oz.
temporaneously, each constructed models only 1 oz.). Complete with everything. Post- $ 1 . 0 0 Colors: Yellow and Black

on different lines, Pénaud selecting the 2 6 !/2 " Š Ť IŇ S O Ň Ť R Í M O Ť O R GUARANTEED TO FLY 500 Ft.
bird with flexing wings, while the latter’s
was a copy o f bat wings. De Villeneuve’s
machine possessed great liftin g power,
being able to lift itself from the ground
with ease and fly horizontally fo r a dis­
tance o f 24 feet, at a speed o f 20 miles an Finished drilled propeller. Finished drilled balsa wheels
hour. Pénaud’s model had very flexible with brass bushings. Finished drilled nose plug with brass
bushing. Finished drilled balsa cowling. Finished drilled
wings, the margins o f which were per­ An impressive looking trimotored model you’ ll be proud balsa cowl front. Finished wire fittings. Tissue, rubber
of. A sturdy model and a swell flyer. You’ ll enjoy motor. All balsa strips cut to size. Largo bottle banana oil,
mitted to give a rolling motion as it moved it thoroughly. Complete to the last detail. CO ΠΠ cement, and light-weight colored dope. Full-size plans
Postpaid ...................................................................... φ ζ ,.υ υ and explicit instructions.
up and down.
The energy fo r driving these models
was derived from India rubber in a state
o f tertion, one end o f which was connected
G u aran teed to JVty!
each kit
to a crank arm, which imparted the up I - X C I I E A C H
Every Kit contains Finished drilled nose plug 2 sheets colored tissue Rubber motor
and down movement to the wings by means Finished wire fittings Bottle banana oil All balsa strips cut to size
Finished drilled propeller All ribs, bulkheads, fairings, Tube cement Full size plans and explicit
o f arms. This “ Flapping W in g ” machine Finished drilled wheels printed on balsa. Washers instructions.
o f Pénauďs, made quite a few flights and
by the introduction o f a rear surface like
the tail o f a bird it possessed a fa ir de­
gree o f stability. It w ill be noted that he
used twisted rubber strands fo r motive
power whereas practically all o f his pre­
decessors used steam or clock-w ork sys­
Unquestionably, Pénaud added much
to the store o f knowledge on hand at that
time and contributed new ideas that were
to play a large part in the development
o f the heavier-than-air-craft.
Soon after, Charles A . Parson, a ma­
rine turbine engineer, built a remarkably
compact and efficient steam engine and an
aeroplane closely follow in g the general
lines o f design in use. This machine made
some flights o f one hundred yards or more
but did not signally contribute anything
startling in the form o f original design.
In retrospect, we find that up to this
point, about the year 1889, man has form ­
ulated a very promising system o f sup­
port in a wing surface and ascertained the
fact that a curved or cambered rather than
a flat surface, improved its efficiency: de­
veloped a practical method o f lateral and
horizontal control by the use o f pivoted
surfaces, and subsequent use o f dihedral
in the wings and also placement o f addi­
tional supporting surfaces fore or a ft to
further accomplish this. A d d to this, a
fair basis for a satisfactory source o f driv­
ing energy in the form o f the steam en­ 20" BELLANCA “ PACEMAKER 50c Plus Postage 20" FAIRCHILD “ 22” 50c Plus Postage
gine. It appeared then, that what was
Dealers: Send for discounts on R em em ber there is only one . . .
needed was a better ratio o f power to sup­
porting surface. This, we shall see is what tific’s new 16-page catalog. IV ; S C I E N T I F I C M O D E L A IR P L A N E C O .
is being slowly but surely accomplished. 95ε FREE. 277 HALSEY ST. DEPT. N-2 NEWARK, N. J.
44 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 )*----- - UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS

The Aerodynamic Design resistance to recovery, because o f its in­

W HAT PRICES! of the Model Plane ertia. I f this same model was propelled
24 HR. SERVICE— MATERIALS GUARANTEED (Continued f rom -page 23) by a gasoline engine, thus insuring a con­
dition o f more concentrated weights,
BALSA WOOD BALSA PROP BLOCKS the (C . o f G .) than in smaller airplanes,
18" Strips per dozen (without the weight o f rubber at the tail),
1 /1 0 sa...................200 for 25c 4hX 44x5 ___ a model fo r instance.
1/16x44 ............... 200 for 27c it would recover its balance more readily.
3 /3 2 S(|................... 200 for 3Uc >/4x 44x6 . . . . ................... 6c
Model builders with experience know
4s SO........................200 for SSo In other words, fo r quick recovery from
that they cannot depend upon the inertia
44 X44 ................... 200 for 90c % xl xS . . . . any disturbance, the weights o f the model
44 so........................100 for 75c % xi4 6xio . . . o f their planes to keep them from being
44 m ....................... 25 for 50c 44x144x12 . . . .................. 30c should be as close to the center o f gravity
1 so......................... 0 for 25c 1x1*4x12 . . . disturbed, lt is necessary to design and
18" Sheets 1x144x15 . . . as possible.
1/32x2 ................. 20 for 20c build their models so they w ill recover
BAMBOO I f the weights o f your plane are not
1/10x2 ................. 20 for 23c 1 /1 6 " sq. X 12'' .per cr. 25c their balance after they have been dis­
3/32x2 ................. 20 for 25c 1/32x44x8" .. . . per doz. 6c concentrated, it w ill be necessary to make
44x2 ....................... 20 for 29c
1/16x2 x l5 " . ..p e r doz. 7c
U x 2 ........................ 20 for 50c the vertical fin larger. This w ill increase
18" Plank Balsa COLORED DOPE Because o f this necessity, model build­
2 x 3 ............................. 1 for 19c Vi oz. bottles. per dz. ..3 5 c the recovery force exerted by it. This
2x0 . , ......................... 1 for 32c 3 oz. cuns per 4a dz. ...6U c ers have given long study to the problem
force will then be sufficient to overcome
(All above sizes available 1 qt.................
o f inherent stability. Their knowledge
In 36" lengths— double cost the greater momentum o f the tail swing
of 18". 44 oz.hottlcs, per dz. ...3 0 c o f this important quality is far superior
CELLULOID WHEELS 3 oz. cuns. per 44 dz. . ,59c due to the remote distribution o f weights.
41", per iloz........... 1 qt................. to the average large plane designer for
1", per doz............ ........ 26o RUBBER I f the fin area is not large enough, the
Per 225 ft. skein this reason. The large airplane is not
directional stability o f the ship will be
1 % ". per doz........... ........ 61c 1/16 SO.. .015, % Hat ...5 0 c easily disturbed and when it is, the action
BALSA WHEELS 3 /1 6 flat ..........................75c poor. Usually it w ill have a tendency
41". Per doz............ COLORLESS CEMENT o f the ship is comparatively slow, which
1", per doz............ .........15c 44 oz. tubes, per doz. ...3 5 c to spin or “ crab” from one side to the
1 n " , per doz............ 1 07.. tubes, per doz. ...0 0 c gives the pilot plenty o f time to operate
3 oz. cans, per Vi doz. ,60c other.
144", per doz............ .........35c the controls in the proper manner to bring
2", fier doz............ ........ 13c 1 qt....................................75c Summarizing our discussion, we would
JAP TISSUE: White, like silk. 1 doz.. 12c: red. yellow,
the plane back to-normal flight. Thus the
say that directional stability is obtained
orange, blue, per doz., 15c. REED: 1/10 dam.. 50 ft. average large plane designer depends
for 15c; 46 dlam., 50 ft. for 15c. WASHERS: Small, 100 by the proper application o f the follow ­
for 5c: large. 100 for 6c. THRUST BEARINGS: Small upon the pilot to stabilize his ship. The
or large, per doz., 8c. BUSHINGS: Small, per 100. 15c.
model builder obviously must build his ing features.
WIRE: .016, 100 ft. for 18c; .020, 100 ft. for 20c; .034, First, the vertical tail surface should be
1O0 ft. for 25c. model so it will recover its balance by
Ordering Instructions: 1. No orders under SI.50 accepted. large in order to insure quick recovery
2. Add 104c IM\ (W c reserve right to ship by exp. when itself.
necessary). 3. Remit by cash or money order. from a displacement and reduce the mag­
Many readers have had the experience
nitude o f the sw ing o f the tail.
MODEL AIRPLANE U TILIT Y CO. o f trying to fly a model built to the exact
Second, the w ing span should not be
1140— 53rd Street Dept. D.D. Brooklyn. N. Y. scale and design o f a fu ll size plane, with
the result that it is very unstable, its big excessive, rather, as small as possible in
order that impulses o f air gusts on the
brother is just as unstable but the pilot
corrects its eccentricities with the con-
tiols. The scale model lacks two things
wings will not have too much leverage
tu twist the machine about the vertical
by means o f which the large plane re­
tains its equilibrium ; first, inertia be­ Third, the tail moment arm should be
50c cause its size and weights are small and as long as possible (about to 3 /5
second, a pilot to operate controls so as wing span). This is fo r extreme direc­
to keep it in correct flight position tional stability.
$3.00 It is obvious therefore that if large Fourth, the center o f weight o f the
planes were designed in such a manner units com posing the airplane should be
that they embodied the stability charac­ as close to the center o f gravity as pos­
teristics o f a model, as well as having sible in order to insure quick and posi­
Sond the advantage o f great weight and con­ tive recovery from a directional displace­
price sequent resistance to disturbance, they ment about the vertical axis o f the air­
list would be more foolp roof. Planes will have plane.
and to be designed this way before the public Spiral Stability
Send 10c can take to flying universally with safety.
for Lt. Powers’ Aero­
nautical Dictionary. Such planes will be built when designers Because o f the desire on the part o f the
READY TO ASSEMBLE look upon the flying model as a valuable model builder to endow his plane with
Use your Xmas Gift Money to buy a kit made from means o f experiment rather than child’s plenty o f directional stability, he often
original factory designs, with parts cut to size,
notched and turned ready to assemble. play. One might say that their dignity produces one which is spirally unstable.
Aircraft Models Co. of America and shortsightedness is defeating their He puts a large vertical fin on his model
29 Bartholomew Avenuo Hartford. Conn.
purpose. to make it directionally stable and neg­
In any case, model or large plane, the lects to give sufficient dihedral to the
condition o f widely distributed weights wings to overcome the spiral instability
is a distinct advantage from a standpoint which the large fin has a tendency to
o f resistance to displacement. This in produce.
conjunction with the operation o f the con­ A s we stated in the first part o f the
trols by the pilot .is about the whole story chapter on stability, the proper propor­
to a large plane designer. However, this tion between fin area and dihedral should
N E W ! B O E I N G 247, 1 3 Vi is only half the story to the model build­ exist i f the airplane is to be spirally sta­
New, solid replica model. 1344" wing 3pan. Com­ er. Let us consider the other vital factor ble. However, before we proceed to dis­
plete body block; 3 blade prop, blocks; silver-nitrate
dope; Boeing Insignia; nose block; turned cylin­ relative to the distribution o f weights cuss the theory underlying spiral stabil­
drical nacelles and cowlings. Wheels, sandpaper,
wire, celluloid for windows and windshield, wlngwood. that he must (and the large plane de­ ity, let us thoroughly understand what
cement, bamboo. Plans, complete, to make a beau­ signer should) take into account. it is. F ig. No. 54 shows a plane which
tiful model which you will be proud to have made.
Price only 45c, post paid. Whereas large, heavy planes with is spirally unstable executing the maneu­
weights distributed so that they are a con­ ver which invariably results under these
GEE-BEE SUPER SPORTSTER siderable distance from the center o f grav­ conditions, a spiral dive. This results
An 8 " replica of the Gee-Bee Super Sportster. Body from too little dihedral fo r the amount o f
block; turned cowling; wings; wheels, red and white ity, have resistance to a displacement,
dope; celluloid for windshield; propeller: rudder; they are extremely difficult to bring back fin area used. Spiral instability may be
stabilizer; struts; wire; cement. Everything to
make a beautiful model that you will be proud of. into normal flight attitude when 07ice they defined as that quality in an airplane
Price, 35c, post paid.
have been displaced. For instance, a which gives it a tendency to turn, dive
Wc also have (lying models from 15c to $1.00.
heavy model with the rubber band motor and roll over sideways about its longi­
Write today (or FREE price list.
distributed throughout the whole length tudinal axis simultaneously.
Dallaire M o d e l Aircraft C o. o f the fuselage is steady in flight, but Let us analyze this maneuver and de­
10140 Crscuslawn Avenue Detroit. Michigan once it is thrown out o f flight position, its termine the causes. Suppose we have an
resistance to disturbance causes a great airplane which is flying level, as shown

in the first position in fig. N o. 54. An raise the w ing into the position shown by
air gust or some other force turns it over the dotted lines. This raises the effective QUALITY MODELS
sideways so that one w ing droops. When side area o f the w ing and therefore the ω
this occurs, the w ing loses its lift and the side pressure o f the air as shown by ar­ Are the Choice of Thousands
plane begins to slide down sideways as row W . The resultant side pressure is z Who Want the Newest Kits at
in the second position. This side slip­ therefore raised and acts at a point as in­ H Prices They Can Afford to Pay!
ping causes the air to strike the side dicated by arrow R . Now this pressure
o f the fin. Thus the tail is held up is above the C.G. arrow, so we have a <
while, the nose continues to drop. A t couple which tends to turn the plane oyer Introducing a New Deal
this juncture, i f there is sufficient di­ to the left and therefore into a position
hedral in the wing, the side slipping w ill c f normal level flight. This is what we
To Make New Friends .
cause the plane to rock back into level fly­ want. It is accomplished by raising the 6" SOLID MODEL KITS, each postfree

ing position and it w ill continue in flight. side pressure caused by the dihedralled
Boeing P-12F, Texaco Sky-Chief, Spad l''okker
D -V II Lockheel Vega, S.E.5. 10«
However, when the plane has not w ing. 15" FLYING MODEL KITS, each postfree..
Fokker D -V II, Curtiss Robin.
$ 1.00
enough dihedral to rock it back again, it The same effect may be obtained by
continues to turn over sideways about its increasing the value o f the side pressure postfreo ........................................................
longitudinal axis and the nose drops more caused by the wing, through the use o f Texaco Sky-Chief. Monocoupo. Boeing
P-12F. Akron Fighter, Boeing P-26. Curtiss
until it is divin g nearly straight down greater dihedral on the w ing. This gives Vought Corsair, Spad.
as shown by plane in position three in greater w ing side area and therefore a
fig. No. 54. The turning, divin g and greater w ing side pressure. This causes
rotating about the longitudinal axis con­ the resultant side pressure shown by R,
tinues without correction until the plane to act at a higher point on the body, as
strikes the earth. Usually with shocking arrow R.
results. Thus we see that not only an increased P-I2-F
It can be plainly seen that by g ivin g dihedral angle corrects spiral diving, but
the w ing sufficient dihedral, the rotating raising the w ing and therefore its pro­
will cease and the ship w ill then be flying jected side area is a way to cure the trou­
level laterally, with the nose down. A s ble also. I f the w ing is straight very
the plane is nosed down, the speed in­ little benefit is derived. There should be
creases and the ship zooms up again into at least a slight amount o f dihedral to Fokker
level flight. provide the w ing with an effective side D-V1I
It is obvious too that if the fin area is area.
comparatively small, the tail will not be In summarizing we would say that the
held up to as great an extent while the cure fo r spiral divin g or nosing into the
nose drops. Thus the whole ship w ill ground when banking on a turn is greater
slide sideways without a dive developing dihedral, a higher wing, a smaller fin
as quickly as in the case o f large fin area. or a proper combination o f these changes. Texaco
What is the fundamental cause o f the This w ill right the plane preventing the
ship rolling over sideways about its lon gi­ nose from dropping, and the ship from
rollin g over sideways to a dangerous de­ And Here’s Our SPECIAL OFFER!
tudinal axis, in the first place? Let us For a Limited Time Only . . . So Act Fast!
see. Suppose a plane is thrown into a gree.
position shown by the second figure in I f the foregoin g discussion does not I 20" FLYING MODEL KIT $1.00 ALL FOR
make the matter clear, take a small model I 15" FLYING MODEL KIT .35
diagram No. 54. It starts to slip side­ 3 6" SOLID MODEL KITS .30
ways. The air, therefore, strikes the side plane and hold it in the several positions
o f the ship, causing a pressure against shown in diagram No. *54. W hile it is V a lu e ......................................... $1.65 POSTPAID
the side. In fig. No. 85 a plane is shown in each position, visualize the action gravi­
in a slipping position. It is sliding side­ ty and the air will have upon it. This FOR OUR 1934 CATALOG
ways in the direction shown by arrow should give you a better understanding o f
C. G. The sideways pull o f the center o f the whole problem. MONEY MAKING LINE FOR DEALERS
Next month we w ill try to explain Heatho branded kits and supplies give you a long
gravity is acting at the point and in the prolit. Write for confldentlal, wholesale prices. Get
direction indicated by the arrow. The away the mysteries o f longitudinal sta­ on our mailing list. CLUBS will do well to Inves­
tigate Heathe before buying elsewhere.
center o f pressure o f the air striking the bility. Until then, happy landings.
wing is shown by W . (T h e low wing,
heavy lines). The center o f pressure act­ Making the Air Safe HEATHE M ODEL AIRPLAN E CO.
438-B2 EAST 98th ST. BROOKLYN. N. Y.
ing on the body, landing gear, etc. is
( Continued from 'page 6)
shown by arrow B. The resultant pres­ A N APPRO XIM ATE V IE W
sure o f these two pressures acts as shown through the exit, where a lock is auto­
by arrow R, at the center o f side area
o f the airplane. I f the distribution o f the
matically tripped. The chair falls clear,
pulling the chute out from a container car­ r 1"” PARACHUTES *»■""
side area o f the body and landing gear is ried under the fuselage o f the plane. The M ake Y o u r Model Ac­
such that a large part o f it is below the whole process takes only two seconds. Pas­ cessories Complete.
center o f gravity, we w ill have the re­ sengers. who made the demonstration Serviceable All Silk
sultant side pressure acting below the jum ps declared that they were out o f the Parachutes Are Cata­
center o f gravity as shown in this case, plane and descending safely before they pulted Into A ir In
in Fig. No. 85. Faring between the land­ even realized what was happening. M any W ays. Also
ing gear struts and a low bellied body Since the earliest days o f aviation, fire Dropped From Model
together with a straight w ing or one with has presented a serious hazard. A ircraft Planes And Kites.
very little dihedral, usually causes this fires usually follow the smashing o f the
Sent With Full Directions Postpaid
condition. gasoline tank in a crack-up when the
14" Lobe Chute 50c 20” Lobe Chute $1.00
Now what will happen when the plane liquid sprays over the hot engine, or is
ignited by an electrical spark. In some SALES AND EXCHANGE DEPT.
slips sideways? The center o f gravity is W e are the Nucleus By W hich Thousands
pulling the plane to the right and the air tanks, compressed air is built up to force W ishing to Save M oney on Model Planes,
pressure is acting below it to the left, this the gasoline into the carburetor. When Books, Courses, Radios, etc. Co-operate.
this type o f tank is broken, a veritable Join Our Dept. By W riting and Telling Us
form ing a couple which tends to roll the W h at You H ave to Barter. A Small Charge
airplane over to the right still farther. An shower o f gasoline is thrown out. —20c—Makes You a Member for 6 Months.
N ow a crash-resistant tank constructed W e Put You in Touch W ith Interested
airplane with this condition in a turn is Parties.
sure to roll over sideways into a beautiful o f fabric and rubber has been produced. No Stamps Please
spiral dive. D uring recent tests, the tank was filled
Now let us see what happens when we ( Continued on page 46) 404 EDWARD STREET BURLINGTON, WISCONSIN
46 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 ---- - UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS

Making the Air Safe usually fine workmanship. It is o f the

( Continued, from page 45) usual Balsa construction, covered with
• tissue and doped.
with water and dropped on concrete from
John Andrews o f 145-36 19th Ave.,
a considerable height. Instead o f burst­
Whitestone, Lon g Island, has been treat­
ing, as metallic tanks did during the same
ing himself to a real thrill. He has just
test, it simply doubled up and bounced
built a 5' Stinson “ R ” from Mr. Bristol's
like a rubber ball. plans which appeared recently in our mag­
Another method o f combating the fire azine. Andrew s is shown adjusting the
menace has recently appeared in France, model in picture N o. 12. He regrets ex­
it is a gasoline which is not inflammable tremely that he cannot send us a flying
under ordinary conditions. Now the pilot picture o f it right now as it was damaged
ž-U who absent-mindedly looks into his tank while on exhibition at a recent scale model
“ |2 with a lighted match need have no fear o f
=< contest. However, we do not doubt his
waking up in another world. word that it will perform beautifully. He
Although the pilot’s cockpit o f an air­ says, “ This ship embodies details such as
plane is no place fo r an absent-minded exhaust pipe, Venturi tube, air speed in­
man to be, human nature is much the same dicator, dummy lights, step, door, instru­
the world over and an occasional bit o f fo r ­ ment board, control wheels, 3 overstuffed
getfulness causes trouble in aviation as chairs, safety belts and a door in the rear
elsewhere. Pilots flying planes with re­ o f the cabin through which the motor
m > tractable landing gears have sometimes at­ stick passes. This plane weighs approxi­
on <
LU c tempted to land with the wheels still drawn mately lb., with the chairs and extras
up inside the fuselage— a disastrous mis­ removed. I took about one month and one-
take with a heavily loaded transport ship. half o f my vacation to complete it.”
T o guard against this danger, the giant W illiam C. Eymann o f 609 Riley St.,
new 18-passenger Curtiss Condors are be­ Atchison, Kansas, recently built a tailless
ing equipped \vith a special warning de­ plane from plans in a recent issue o f this
READY-BUILT vice. I f the pilot cuts his motors while the magazine, which is shown in picture No.
FLASH M ODELS wheels are retracted, a klaxon horn blows 13. He tells us that “ It has a duration o f
in his ear and two red lights flash on the 60 to 100 seconds and is as stable as a
instrument panel, reminding him to let rock.” He does not say that it flies like
down his wheels before making contact one, but instead, it climbs very quickly
with the ground. This apparatus has after a beautiful take-off. This plane
proved to be an effective way o f jo g g in g would undoubtedly afford several hours
faulty memories. o f pleasure to those boys who like to make
Had it been in use a few years ago it “ different” ships.
would have saved a famous aviator from W e have another unusually fine model
considerable embarrassment. He took off by Frank Distler o f 130 Tremont Ave.,
from the water in a fast amphibian for a Fort Thomas, Ky., shown in picture No.
V Ready to cross-country flight to an airport far in­ 14. It is a 2 4 " Lockheed Air-Express,
TT. 3. ARMY FIGHTER (1*12). Fully constructed and land. Upon arrival at the field, he circled completely built up even to the fuselage.
detailed as shown with 1mm. air-cooled 9 cylinder radial
cncino, aluminum speed rlnc. Army insipne. Pilot cockpit, about over the crowd o f spectators wait­ The unusual part o f this ship is that the
with ADJUST A RLE CONTROL for circles or straight fuselage is made from newspaper. Distler
Ulehl. Take oil' at high speed with long flights and 9 point ing to welcome him and then proceeded to
landings. Only $2.50. Postpaid. set the ship down on its pontoon, crashing says, “ It is just as strong as a solid wood
OTHER READ Y-BU ILT MODELS one. It is built in layers. There are no
ARM Y PURSUIT — IS" span—$2.25 it beautifully.
III - WING CABIN — IS" span—$2.25 bulkheads in the fuselage to give it shape,
AKRON FIGHTER — IS " span— $2.50
M ID-W ING SCOUT — 18" span— $1.00 but there are some to divide the cabin
Any model in larger 24" size 75c extra. “ Air-Ways” —Here and There from the rest o f the ship. Details are com­
Order direct from this ad. Money order or cash. No C.O.D.
(Continued from -page 12) plete, even to cabin chairs and a tiny seat
Box 88 P O R T L A N D , PA. in the cockpit fo r the pilot, also an instru­
background o f some sort at every air­ ment board and controls.” W e would like
drome. ( 4 ) The flags are not blow ing to say that this is a swell job . Distler has
IT’S REALLY DIFFERENT while the wind-sock is. ( 5 ) I could have
put in more lead figures. Some field, with
shown great ingenuity in adapting a new
This 3 Foot Span Scale Model method o f construction, namely layers o f
no em ployees! newspaper. Possibly the leaders would be
FLYING WING JUNKERS I f you look carefully you will notice a interested in hearing about the technique
(N on-flying) smudge directly back o f the center section he used in building this fuselage.
o f the Keystone “ Commuter.” This is Oscar Adam off o f 74 Market St., Pas­
caused by the lights being too low. A word saic, N. J., has recently completed the
about the models in the picture. The one framework o f a Savoia Marchetti, which
coming in fo r a landing is a Bellanca is shown in picture N o. 15. W e selected
Standard Pacemaker, as is the one goin g this picture because o f the fine workman­
out. In front o f the Raleka Hangar, which ship. Adam off tells us that he will let us
is incidentally, the name o f my airline, is know how it flies when he has finished it.
A great big model, in every detail, of a Fairchild “ 7 1.” Next is a Keystone, then Picture No. 16 is not a picture o f an
color' and shape, exactly like the big an airport gasoline truck. The last is a airplane resting on a patch-work quilt
all-m etal, 4-m otored G-38 Junkers. Lockheed “ Speed Sirius.” A ll these mod­
Beal European model entirely different nor is it an airplane flying over a big city,
from the usual models. For beginners els are built to 3 /1 6 " scale which gives as it apparently shows. It is another case
as well as advanced model builders this them an average wing span o f 6 " . They
is a fine plane for dem onstration. o f trick photography originated by W il­
Complete kit (everything in- ffi*i rtrt are all hollow, containing scale furniture liam R . Bennett o f P. O. Box 2017, Fort
eluded) ...................... postpaid sP correctly placed, full controls, dashboards Worth, Texas. The effect was accom­
G RAF ZEPPELIN , a 5 foot model of this great made under a m agnifying glass, etc. These plished by super-imposing a picture o f a
dirigible in natural colors and complete in every
detail— beautiful and striking. Complete Q 1 models may be seen by anyone who wishes 1' scale model Travelaire “ Mystery Ship”
kit ready to cut and assemble, postpaid.. T” to if they communicate with me in ad­ on another picture taken from a plane
LEVIATHAN, a trans-Atlantic steamship model, vance.” over Fort W orth, Tex.
feet long. A marvellously Interesting C * ? C O
model ........................................................... In picture No. 11 is shown a Curtiss These young men who are now getting
All models sent postpaid. Hawk P6E, built by Jack Seidenwand an education in trick photography should
BILDO N CO. Dept. A 70L k eÄ ft.enuo o f 2361 E. 82nd St., Cleveland, Ohio. be in great demand in the moving picture
This is a flying scale jo b and shows un­ industry.
UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS v-----^ 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 47

CLUB NEWS eral contests. W e wish this budding young

club all the success in the world.
Junior Aviation League— Boston
' Probably many o f you are fam iliar B. Henry Pring o f 498 South River
with the activities o f the Junior Aviation St., W ilkes-Barre, Pa., is an experienced
League o f Boston. This league held its and enthusiastic model engineer. He has
first meeting in A pril, 1929. A t the pres­ endeavored to promote the art o f model
ent date, it has a membership o f over building and flying by form ing a model
3,000. Meetings are held every Saturday club in his town. A fter a great deal o f
in the assembly hall o f the Jordan-Marsh time and work promoting his idea through
Company, who have stimulated interest the Y . M. C. A ., high schools and Boy
by having pilots and officials from the Scout troops, 61 applications were re­
Boston A irport address the boys occa­ ceived, 41 o f which materialized into
sionally. A m ong the prominent speakers memberships. A t the end o f the sixth
in the past were included M r. Guiseppe week o f existence o f this club, the mem­
Bellanca, Mr. Russell Boardman, Mr. bers asked fo r and received permission
John Polando, Capt. Julian Dexter, Lt. to hold a contest at the local park. Sev­
Com. Carl E. Shumway, Capt. Frank enteen o f the members competed and the PIONEER SECRET PURSUIT
Fellows, we think this the most beautiful flying model
Hawks and Jimmie Doolittle. owner o f the fastest plane was given a ever offered at any prieel B ig 21" span, weight only 1.5
set o f parts to build a model o f the G raf ο/... designed around the Twin Wasp Jr. motor. Our test
A weekly two page news sheet “ W in g model consistently flies CO-65 seconds. K it contains
Overs” helps to keep each member ac­ Zeppelin. This contest boosted the mem­ stamped parts, full size blue prints, semi-formed cowling
and wheel pants, standard steel shape hand carved prop.,
quainted with the activities that are being bership sharply, members enrolling who and all other parts and material needed to properly com­
lived as far as 15 miles away. These con­ pleto the model, just like the picture. R fl
carried on. Further interest is stimulated Kit NX29.................................................post-paid
and a great deal o f model information ac­ tests are now held once a month and stim­
quired through the contests which are ulate great interest.
conducted once a month. This organiza­
tion sponsors the New England Cham­ Some enterprising young men have re­
pionship meet held annually. Invitations cently formed the Geneva Model Airplane
to participate in this contest which in­ Club at Geneva, N. Y. Harold DeBolt o f
7 N. Main St., Geneva, N. Y., is the presi­
cludes both indoor and outdoor flying are
dent. Three-fourths o f their members
sent to all active groups in New England.
competed in their first contest.
A scale model contest has been conducted
yearly since the club started. Usually one Bamberger Aero Club
model is selected fo r all the boys to build. The rumor is about that the Bamber­ Here's another looks great in the air! A
In every case the builders have had an 20" span model, and flies 40-45 seconds. The
ger A ero Club o f Newark, N. J., has been cockpit cover and cowling are built on the same
opportunity to inspect the full size ship experimenting diligently with a new gas principle as the K it is complete with hand
carved prop., full prints, and all parts and
before the contest. The league is under engine model. This model is a Curtiss supplies needed to complcto your flying model as shown
the directorship o f Captain W illis C. above. <ff>f> o r *
“ Junior,” built to scale. It has a wing Kit N X 44................................................ post-paid
Brown, who has been a model builder span o f 6 ' to 7 ' and uses a Brown Jr. en­
since 1914. His experience has been sup­ gine. It seems that these engines run beau­
plemented by aeronautical work at the tifully but are rather tricky and one must
Massachusetts Institute o f Technology. have a little experience with their eccen­
This club is one o f the leading model tricities in order to get them turning over
organizations in the country. Recently, as properly, fo r as yet the builders o f the
you will remember, two o f its members, plane have been unable to get it running
John Bartol and W ilbur Tyler, distin­ properly. Therefore, we have no news o f
guished themselves in the Indoor Endur­ flights being made by this model and we
ance Contest o f the 1933 Nationals by are waiting expectantly fo r some inform a­
placing first and second. tion regarding their progress.
Gordon L. Everett o f 408 Adams St., Correspondents
Freeland, Pa., writes us that he has W e have recently received a letter from
formed a very progressive model club Mr. E. Shaffhauser o f 1520 Liberty St.,
with the aid o f a friend. They have been Allentown, Pa. He says, “ I have started a
able to provide workrooms and space to group o f model clubs and would like to
fly their models through the courtesy o f extend them throughout the Lehigh Val­
the local Y. M. C. A . superintendent. They ley. They are drawn up on plans similar Ι3·/2" CURTISS HAWK FIGHTER
have been very active this summer at sev­ ( Continued on -page 48) (if you want a smaller model)
Here’ s a new kit just offered for tho first time. This 1 3 % "
model looks and performs a lot llko the big ship. Ivlt con­
tains wood cut to dimension, full size bluo print, carved
STATEM ENT OF THE O W N E R SH IP , M AN AGEM ENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., R E ­ propeller, and all other materials needed to complete tho
O f U N IV E R S A L M O D E L A IR P L A N E N E W S published monthly at Springfield, Mass., fo r October Kit N X 3I.....................................................post-paid O -* C
1st, 1933. State o f New York, County o f New York.
Before me, a Notary Public in and fo r the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared George C.
Johnson, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Publisher o f
U N IV E R S A L MODEL A IR P L A N E N E W S and that the follow ing is, to the best o f his knowledge and
belief, a true statement o f the ownership, management (and if a d aily paper, the circulation), etc., o f the
aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the A ct o f March 3, 1933, em­
bodied in Section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse o f this form, to wit:
1. That the names and addresses o f the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are:
Publisher, George C. Johnson, 125 W . 45th St., New York, N . Y. E ditor, Charles H. Grant, 125 W .
45th St., New York, N . Y. Managing E ditor, George C. Johnson, 125 W . 45th St., New York, N . Y.
Business Manager, George C. Johnson, 125 W . 45th St., New York, N . Y.
2. That the owner is: Jay Publishing Co., 125 W . 45th St., New York, N . Y . George C. Johnson, 125 HAWK, PRIDE OF THE PURSUIT!
W . 45th St., New v ork, N. Y.
Designed to stunt just like the real ship—will fly inverted.
3. That the known bondholders, m ortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent Λ neat, detailed model, 15" span— verv easy to build, due
or more o f the total amount o f bonds, m ortgages, or other securities are: None. to Pioneer's copyrighted method of building. -i I
4. That the two paragraphs next above, givin g the names o f the owners, stockholders, and security Kit NX23................................................. post-paid φ - L . J - U
holders, if any, contain not only the list o f stockholders and security holders as they, appear upon the Model Flyer’ s Guido and Catalog 10c
books o f the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books Postal Insurance 5c Extra
o f the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name o f the person or corporation for
whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affi­
ant’ s full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and secu­ mo del ouiLoena si nce ioii

rity holders who do not appear upon the books o f the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a
capacity other than that o f a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other per­
son, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other secu­
rities than as so stated by him.
George C. Johnson, publisher. Sworn to and subscribed beford me this 14th day o f December, 1933.
Charlotte Shapiro. (M y commission expires March 30, 1935.) Champaign, Illinois
48 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 Υ*---- > UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS

Air Ways— Here and There N ow fo r the covering. Make the micro­
Classified Directory film by pouring h alf a teaspoonful on the
(Continued from page 47)
Advertise in this directory for quick results. Rate: 10c to the P. M. A , A , o f Philadelphia. The water in the bathtub. D o this slowly and
per word. Cash with order. Minimum space, 16 words. clubs are to be called the Lehigh Model carefully. A fter a couple o f minutes have
March ads must be in January 4th.
MODEL AIR PLA N E S— PLANS— MATERIALS. ETC. Engineers. Each club will be called a passed, you may lift the sheet gradually
BOYS! Jlere's Fun Galore! Make your trnii wood “ flight” and there will be monthly con­ off the water, using a hoop made from a
turning lathe out of scrap material; make wheels,
cowlings, etc. Our perfected plans show you how. Only tests. Instructions will be given on model wire clothes hanger. Take off a number
25c. Aero House, .'iHill Clifford. Latonia, Ky. o f sheets made in this manner, and lay
design. Mr. Shaffhauser would like to
KEAD Y-TO -FLY, $1.25 each. All 2U" Wcdell W il­
liams Racer, Curtiss Coupe, Curtiss Swift, - 4 " He have any young man or young woman in them aside to dry. When most o f the
Haviland $1.50. Julian Ranks .Model Supplies, 832 L in­ water has evaporated, you may cover the
coln Ave., Lockland. Ohio. the Lehigh Valley .who is interested in
MARVELOUS new engineering system can construct Hy­ enjoying a progressive model club com ­ w ing halves, rudder and stabilizer by coat­
ing airplanes from one ounce to live pounds. M in­
utely accurate. Technicalities simplified. 10c coin posted municate with him. ing the spars and ribs with water or what­
on letter brings information. It. Ferguson. Model A ir­ ever adhesive jou use (banana oil will not
craft Engineer. 2121 Wellington St.. Montreal. Canada. Sam Simons o f 9 9 9 /4 E. 40th St., Los
FLYING Scale Construction Kits. 25c to 95c. Kits Angeles, Calif., would like to correspond d o ), and pressing the framework onto the
complete In every detail. Send for our free catalogue. sheet o f film while still on the hoop. A
Wholesale and Retail. Hornet Aircraft Co., 7414 Santa with boys from other countries about
Monica RlviL, Hollywood, Calif,_________________________ red hot wire is used to trim the covered
model airplane building, preferably from
BEAM scalo Kit, 50c postpaid, simple design, weight
objects from 1/1000 oz. up.; Indispensable to scientific the Hawaiian Islands and Canada. He portions out o f the sheet.
builders. Interested in “ Indoor Supplies.” Send 3c The w ing halves are now securely glued
for catalog. "Jasco,” 328 East 6th St.. New York City. guarantees to answer every letter. (Som e­
FREE Price. Your address on it post card brings itT times this is very dangerous, considering together and when the joint has dried
■Model Aero Shop, Huntington, N. Y.____________________
the interest in model aeronautics in all solid, the wing clips are attached as pre­
SAVE Money! Balsa Scrap Bundle. All wood usable.
Liberal assortment of strips, sheets, blocks. $2.00 value parts o f the world. One is liable to get viously specified. The tail assembly is
for 75c postpaid. Limited supply. .Model Co., 1110 53rd
St., Rklvn, N. Y,_________________________________________ writer’s cramp in a very short time.) completed and butt-jointed to the fusel­
12“ R. O. G. Kit 15c postpaid. Guaranteed complete. Bernard C. Campbell o f 216-14 Ave. age. Be careful that everything lines up
Orion Aero Shop. 349 So. 21st St., Irvington. X. .1.
TRAVIS M ulti-Flex Bearing— amazing performance, S., St. Cloud, Minn., who is 18 years old true. N othing should be lopsided, else it
automatically self-adjusting. Price 30c. Travis Model may have an adverse effect on the flying
Airplane Co.. Colorado Springs, Colo. and extremely interested in aviation,
DEALERS and Clubs— Write for our Price 1,1st of Model would like to have anyone in the world qualities.
Airplane Supplies. We guarantee you won’ t he sorry. Little remains to be said, as the ship
Prices lower than ever! Wltolc3ale only. United Model write to him concerning aeronautical
Supply Co.. 1*. O. Box 351, 16 Court S.t, Rklyn, X. Y, matters. is extremely easy to fly. The rubber motor
JAPANESE Model Airplane Tissue. 32 rolors. also
Wood Veneer. Send for samples. See our ad., this is about a 10" loop o f 1 /3 2 " x 1 /3 0 "
paper with Jap. G irl’ s Face. Whitfield Paper Works. brown rubber. Lubricate after every
Importers, 12 Vestry Street. New York City. Keeping Pace With Model Science
______________ AIRPLANES— EQUIPMENT____________ ( Continued jrotn page 12) flight. When attaching (w oun d) to the
BROTHER can you spare a dim e! If you can. send it to stick, be careful not to exert undue strain,
me and I’ ll send you my 1933 Low Priced Aviation Mate- wingclip, giving the desired angle o f in­
rial Catalogue. Karl Ort, 699 W, Poplar St., York, Pa, as the thin walls may collapse, although
ARMY Air Corps gives one year free dying course. 25U
cidence to the wing. These clips are glued
they take ordinary strains easily. I f you
hours solo Hying, salary while learning. Information to the left front and rear wing spars, after
booklet telling how to qualify and apply. 20e. Used
the covering and final assembly o f the two do have such an accident, thoroughly
Airplanes $85 and up. Catalog 10c. Federal Equip­
ment Co.. Dept. 10. Deerpark. Ohio. moisten the collapsed part after straight­
wing halves has taken place, at a point
CAMERAS ening it out, and then let it dry well. It
CAMERAS 55c. Developing.. Printing Paper, Films, y%" to the right o f the wing center.
etc. Extra Printing paper, 10c package. (10c extra for will be able to give you plenty o f service
Postage.) C. W. James Co., 86 Ncwhall St., Lynn. Mass.
The propeller is carved from a clear,
as long as you continue to handle with
light, straight grained piece o f balsa 8"
the greatest care. The approximate wing
X 1 " X Y&", taking about four hours fo r
placement has the front clip about 1^4'
the job . i f you usually have poor success
from the nose o f the stick.
in making props, it is a good idea to force
I f you ’ ve read this article thoroughly,
yourself to take even longer than four
no doubt you have noticed how very much
hours by sanding slowly and very care­
the word “ care” is used. W ell, it’s the
fully, and frequently holding it up to the
keynote o f good model-building. Follow
POSTAGE P A ID AKYAVTIERE light to find the thick spots which need
on all orders over 50c the plans and instructions closely, do your
thinning down. Naturally, the greatest
18“ Lata Balsa Strips Rubber
thickness should be at the hull, gradually work patiently and accurately, put into it
1 /1 6 x 1 /1 6 ____10 for 5c In neat and convenient
1/16 X 1 /8 ........... 5 for 5c IK-kgs.. 1 /8 Hat or 1/16 sq.
tapering outward along the blade until at your heart and soul, never use a piece that
1 / 1 6 x 3 / 1 6 _____5 for 5c Big Ten Foot Package 8c
1/16 X 1 /4 ........... 4 for 5c the tips the thickness is about equal to that isn’ t 1 0 0 % satisfactory to yourself. Then
1 /8 X 1 /8 ........... 4 for 5c Largo or small . ,3c a doz. the fellow s w ill crowd around and say,
1 /8 X 1 /4 ...........3 for 5c o f a page o f Universal Model Airplane
5 /1 6 X 1/4 ___ 2 for 5e Miniature Airplane
News. The thickness at the hub is about “ Gee! W here’d ja get the dandy work­
1 /4 s 1 /4 ........ 3c each Motors
3 /8 X 3 /8 ........ 4c each IV· in. dia..................... 25c
1 /3 2 ". The camber o f the blades is about manship?” And a little later when you
1 /2 X 1 /2 ........5c each 3 in. dia......................... 45c
lx l ........ 10c each Whitfield Jap Tissue 1 /3 2 " deep. Get the prop blade shape as release the model, it’ll be, “ Gosh! Look
18" Sheets and Planks White ............... 3c a sheet
close to that shown in the drawing as you at that baby F L Y !”
1 /3 2 X 2 ............ 2 for 7c Colors ................ 5c a sheet
1/16 X 2 ............ 2 for 9c Colors: Red, Blue, Yel­
1 /8 X 2 ............ 2 for 10c low.. Green. Khaki, Black.
can; it’s important. W eight o f the prop
3 /1 6 X 2 .............. 6c each Orange. without shaft and washers should be no Aviation Advisory Board
1 /4 x 2 ............. 7c each New Hollow Aluminum
1 x 2 plank ..20c each Wheels more than .004 ounce. The shaft is made
2 x 2 plank . .30c each Very light, strongest type,
o f .010 wire to the shape shown. A fter (Continued jrotn page 34)
Lata Balsa Propeller don’ t need bushings. TRY
Blocks THEM. being inserted in the prop, about 3 /3 2 " In the log are recorded the flights that it
1/2.X 3 / 4 x 5 . . . . .2c each 1" dia................... 12c a pair
l / 2 x 3 / 4 x 6 . . . . 3c each 1·% is bent over at the top and glued. One well- makes, the crashes, the overhauls and who
3 /4 X 1 X 7 . . . , .4c each 1% dia.................. 15c a pair
dia..................20c a pair
3 /4 X 1 X 8 . . . ,.5c each oiled washer is used. Be very careful that piloted the sh ip; in fact, every detail con­
3 /4 X 1 X 9 . . . ,6c each Straightened Music Wire
Balsa Veneer Paper .014 and .028. 5 for 2c the prop is balanced and runs true. cerning the operation and maintenance.
10" X 15" .................... 5c Cement in Convenient
Windshield Celluloid Cans
2 x 6 ............................... 4c 1 ounce 10c. 2 ounces. 18c Lifelike Replica of the
U. S. Insiqnia Sheets Genuine Clear Wing
2 " and 2 % " ................. 5c
. Bamboo
1 ounce 10c, 2 ounces. 18c
1 /1 6 X 1 /4 X 1 1 . . . lc each New Catalog 5c
DEALERS Get Our Discounts!!! with MOORING MAST
Curtiss Hawk P6E—
a very beautiful fly­
ing 3calc model big liuild This New KIT COMPLETE
enough to make sen­ Model Creation!
sational flights. This
GIANT 24 In. ship is A realistic scale model of the world’ s oldest and most

a snap to build with famous llghtcr-than-air. craft—one of the most beau­
V IK IN G 'S new tru- tiful miniature models ever designed. Simple enough
size plans. Itemized for anyone to build. The finished model is extremely
instructions. special desirable for decorative use.
balsa templates, and Kit Includes all parts to complete the ship and
a super quality kit. nas everything you need and mast, with full size plan and Instructions. (Length of
ship 694"; height of mast 3 " ; colors: black and red:
plenty of it. including new aluminum wheels, special elevators and ludder; red. white and black.
insignia, windshield, two colors of tissue, dope, lots Dealers and Clubs:
Send now for one or more of these kits. Λ practical
of cement. AAA balsa, contest rubber, etc. Write for Special hobby for young and old.
Complete Hawk P6E— Only $1.35 Postpaid
Dept. 1-B Hamilton, Ohio
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad W olfi
. . . and who is this big ba,tl wolf of the Model
Airplane Industry? . . . Competition, of course!
. . . But Madison will still continue to give High
uii* * » *Prnmnt
* w*“ r v Sprvinp and VaJur*
*>,v‘ *·νν *'**" · at the Low-
------ -
est Possible Prices in spite of competition. Let’s
prove it to you NOW!

W ith each purchase of $1.00 or more,
com plete kit to build a lifelike replica o f

wi doounpart Dirigible LOS ANGELES

with MOORING M AST. K it includes
2-in-l K I T everything! Send you r order NOW !
Contains the around-thc-world
(Illustrated below) and the Colored Dope
Bkg.................................... 5c Highest quality pigment­
All Balsa shown hero in Genuine straight grained,
ed itope. Do not confuse

(above) no-knot TONKIN liam- Music Wire
IS" lengths can also ho Imo. S t r o n g and light. Strong, springy wire; sold w i t h i n f e r i o r grades.
Both 15" wing spans. K it contains full-size hud in 30" lengths, if Leaves a smooth even rolur
plans, bulkheads, large tube of cement and a ,
requested. Half the quan­ Splits easily. Doz. in this new. convenient
1/10 X 1/1 X 1 1 " _____lie manner. upon drying.
good supply of all other necessary inaterals tity at the same price. Blue, Bed. Yellow, Or­
needed to complete these two wonderful models. Add 10c for 1/32 X 1 /4 X 8 " _____So 1 ft. lengths— straight
Balsa Wood 1/16 V 1/16 X 9 " ___ 5c .011. .020. .1128. .084 ange. Silver, Black, Ol­
Send your order now! Postage ive Drab.
This balsa is clear, Japanese Tissue 6 feel for 2c.
straight grained stock. It Dummy Motors 2 oz.cans...................... 9c
A tine tissue for covering 4 oz.cans .....................17c
is strong, light, and free f l y i n g s c a le m o d e ls . The very thing for adding
from defects. If hard or t h a t realistic t o u c h to 1 pint c a n s .................. 75c
Strong, light, and takes Clear Dope
soft wood is desired, spec­ dope well. scale a n d flying s c a l e
ify when ordering. 20 X 24................ 3 for 5c models. Extremely light. .lust suited for the model
Nine cylinders. user’ s requirements.
18" Lengths Veri-Fine Tissue 2 oz. cans ...................... 7c
l / l i i .80 for 5c One of the lightest tissues W z " diam....................... 15c ■I oz.cans ............. . ..,1 3 c
1/S .21 for i*c known. Excellent for en­ 3" diam.......................28c 1 pt.cans.......................75c
1 /4 .21 for 7c durance models, because of Rubber Thread ALUMI NUM ITEMS
1/S 1 / s .24 for 8c its extremely light weight. Careful testing has proven Drag Rings
8 / Ifi .24 for He 211 X 1 5 .........................................l c this rubber to be the Used on the real ships for
1/1 .24 for 1’Je­ Colored Tissue highest in energy content cutting down wind resist­
3 /lfi . 10 for de .lust the tiling for the new per unit of weight. This ance. Makes a beautiful
1/4 . 10 for 7c bright colored ships that means more turns and less addition to any radial
1 /4 .10 for 8c are so popular nowadays. breakage. motored model.
1/4 3 /8 •fi for 8c Red. O r a n g e . B r o w n ,
Blue. Green.
.045 sq. . ..5 0 ft. for 12c
3 /3 2 f l a t ...50 ft. for 13c
IVá" diam ............15c
1/4 1 /2 .6 for 9c 1 /8 f l a t ...50 ft. for 13c
3 /8 .6 for He 20 X 24................... 2 for 5c 2Vá" diam.......... .......... 2 Jr
1 /2 .6 for lďc Wood Veneer Paper 3 /1 6 f l a t ...50 ft. for 16c 3" diam.......... ... J.r»r
1 /2 .4 for 10c Very useful in scale and Washers N.A.C.A. Cowlings
. . 2 for 10c living-scale models. For indoor, outdoor, and No dummy motor needed
Strong, yet light enough flying scale models. when this cowling is used.
Three separate T!T7ng stick models; :: fuselages, 40" Lengths Has a hole fo r 1 hr ii st.
5 wings, and .1 propellers. For a H IG H -PER-
‘ V, Large size. Vi 0.11.
1/S X 3 / 8 . . . 5c 20 X 80........................... 17c Dozen lV ic; Per 160.; 10c bearing in the nose.
KORMA.WE H.O.G., a SKN10B It.O.G., and
1 /s X 1 / 2 . . . 6c
Celluloid Wheels Small slze. Víi O.D. __
1V4" diam............ ____ 15c
3 /1 6 X 3 / 8 . . . rlenec h as p r o v e n Dozen. 1 V4c; Per 100, 10tr .2" diam.......... .......... 17c
retail -price for these 3 models is less than 3/16 X 1 / 2 . . . 10c 2V4" diam.......... .......... J.'lc
these wheels best for fly-
some ask for plane alone.
Plans tor 3-in· I Kit— 10 18" Sheet Balsa ing scale models. l ’air
Clear Cement
The fastest drying, light­ 8" diam. i.;. .
1 /82 X 2 .......... .4 for 3c •V' wheels ................. 5c est . and strongest, cement, Aluminum .Tubing
1/16 X J.......... . 1 lor d(- wheels ................. 7c on the market. Try some .'bio wall thickness ft.
1/8 X 2 .......... 1 for 9e I N " wheels ................... tie now. You'll be amazed al 1 /8 O.D............· . . : . . . 7c
3/10 X 2 .......... .2 for Sc 1 wheels ..................lie its marvelous properties. 3 /lf i O.D. ................... So
1/4 X 2 .......... He Bushings 1 oz. tidies . . . . 1 /4 ' O.D........................ 9c
1/2 X 2 .......... .2 for 13c for w.heels ....... I for 2c 2 oz. tubes ........ Aluminum Leaf
■1 oz. i•ans .......... Real sheet aluminum yet
36" Plank Balsa Thrust Bearings almost as light as paper.
6 .............. Li gin strong hearings. 1 pint c a n s ........
Makes a beautiful cover­
2 X 3 .............. 40c Hole Is truly centered. Acetone ing job.
1 X G................ .. 38c Large size ea. doz. For thinning out liquids. .0003 thick
i X 3 ............ .. 25c .085 h o le .... 1 tác 151- 2 «)/.. »ans .......... .......... te 3 ’ i " wide— 5 ft. for .05
, .73c Small size 1 oz. i•nns .......... ........ 13c 12" Sheet Aluminum
Prop Blocks
.025 hole. 1tác 15c 1 pt. cans.......... .lie::. 12c i t .; .005. 12 · ft,
% X ví X 5 . . .8 for 6c .010. 25c ft.
!i X
% X
% X
0 ...8
7 ..S
for 7e
for 8 c
PLANS Insignia
Γ. S. Army and Navy typo
% X 1X 8 ... I for fie 21" Flying Model Twin Pusher........ 10c Improves the appearance
O U T D O O R T W IN P U S H E R •r. X ivá X 8 . .., . J for 7c Travel Air Puss Moth Do of models by 100/7. Each
sheet contains 4 stars in
The twin pusher that has actually flown 12 minutes on numerous •11 X 11- X 10.. .1 for 9c "Texaco 13” ......... 25c liayiland
% ϊ 1(4 J 11. . .J for 7r Flying Scale circles for the wings, and
occasions. It has many exclusive features: Bcllanea Fare red. white ami blue stripes
TO-inch " Λ ” frame that is a marvel for ik X IK- X 11..,. J for Se Model. 1 2 "........ 10c

Flying Scale R. O. G. 3 d r a w in g for both sides of tho rud-
lightness and strength; .'id-inch high cam­ % X i VI X 12.,. . J for 7e Model 1 4 "........... 15c
for fle c o n s is t in g o f S r. tier,
bered. tapered wing, and two 12-inch, high % X 1V4 X 12 . .2 Loeltheed Vega Sheet
pitch props, powered by OX feet of % flat , % X IVá X 14.. .2 for 10c It.O.G. E n d u r a n c e
Winnie Mac T r a c t o r and h i g h 1" diam...............
rubber. KR contains complete plans and in ­ Elylng Scale 1<á" diam............... ___ To
structions. stamped ribs, and all other mate­ performance R. ((. G.
1 /8 X 30___ 1 for 3c Model 1 5 "......... 15c printed on one sheet. 2" diam............... . . . . 5e
rials needed for the construction of tho model. 3 /lf i X 3 0 ....1 for 3VL-C 2>.i" diam............... . . . .do
Cabin Tractor____10c 10c
1/1 X 31!___1 for I'i-c Sandoapcr
1 /8 X 12___ 1 for lc Large Size Sheet.

On Order for Prompt Delivery Please

READ BEFORE ORDERING: Comply W ith Instructions -Below.
1. Orders under 25c not accepted—due to our very low ifrices. 2. Add 15c for packing and postage on
orders up to 81.50; on orders for $1.51 and over add 10/7- for ■packing and postage charges. 3. Add Ilk-, extra,
to above charges on Balsa plank orders less than $1.50 west of the Mississippi and* Canada. 4. Postage
stamps, Canadian or Foreign t'oin not accepted ns payment. 5. Remit by cheek, postal or express money
order. Make payment to MADISON MODEL, AIRPLANES, Inc., 1.34 Livingston Street. Brooklyn. N. Y.
fi. Add 5c for insurance against breakage In transit.
Canadian Charges—Add 25c for pocking and postage on orders up to $1.50., On orders of $1.50 and over
add 15'7 packing and postage. Postage stamps, Canadian or foreign coin not accepted as payment.


This all-balsa model plane has a double surfaced, high lift
wing, 30-inch span, all-lialsa fuselage, extra strong landing
gear to Withstand the shocks of outdoor flying, and a large,
widc-hladed propeller to keep It up for long DEALERS AND CLUBS WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST
endurance flights. Designed along accurate
engineering lines. K it contains complete
plans and Instructions, stamped ribs, large
tube cement, 1 oz. bottle clear dope, pair
75 ,
Ask for Madison’s Kits and Supplies ■ They Are on Sale
At Leading Department Stores Everywhere
rellulolil wheels, and all materials needed Add 10c for
to complete the model........................................... Postage
Sweeping the Country in Popularity
The Great N ew
C U R T IS S -
24" Wingspan— 19" long
Comet’s latest and greatest triumph—the Curtiss-
Falcon—a strikingly realistic model of the ship
that is the Army's most valuable aid during
war. It has been truly called “ The Eyes of the
Army.” Comet has reproduced in a true flying
scale model, the newest ship of this type, fully
equipped for observation and light bombing. Every
detail of this big plane has been faithfully incor­
porated in this dandy model, as the photograph at
the left shows you. Note the realistic observer’s
machine-gun, the streamlined wheel pants, the
exhaust pipes and other details. This kit is abso­
lutely complete—it is equipped with Comet’s well-
known thoroughness. Both flying and scale pro­
peller are furnished. Here is a real value—it took
all of Comet’s skillful engineering, manufacturing
genius and added facilities in its
new big plant to produce this out­
standing kit at the low price of . . . . $1.95

25Vz" Wingspan
The design and construction of the Wedell-Wllliams shown above
is typical of Comet’s leadership. Comet uses a simple system of
fuselage construction which makes this model easy to build. The
large, actual size plan is carefully engineered, not merely drawn up
in any old way—and is chuck-full of details. All formers, bulkheads,
etc., are imprinted on Balsa wood—all you need do is cut out the
parts with a razor blade. Difllcult parts are semi or completely
finished. And Comet gives you plenty of surplus material.............. $1.95

a n d th e BOEING
T R A N S P O R T 247
23" Wingspan
This flying scale represents the big 23" wing span BOEING
TRANSPORT 217 Plane which is called “ The Flying City!” Such
features as heat and light plants, a telephone system and other
features make the Boeing Transport Wasp-powered plane of
United Air Lines the latest thing in design and construction.
Complete Kit! Printed balsa rib, bulkhead sheets—longeron
strips—sandpaper—rubber motor—balsa leading, trailing edges
—I j.b" dia. wheels—printed prop, blade outline—silver dope—
shred, bamboo—noseblock—cement—banana oil—window cello­
phane—Boeing insignia, numerals—balsa cylindrical .nacelles,
engine cowlings—package with washers, prop,
shafts, rear hook, bushings, fitting. Two FULL
size detailed plans. Jap tissue, waxed tissue......... $1.50
250!) W. Cermak Itoad, Dept. M-24, Chicago, U. S. A.
( ) Send articles listed. I’ll pay postman for articles, C.O.D. I 100% Satisfaction
I fee, postage, on delivery. I D ealers! Colored
I ( ) I enclose $.............. for articles listed. Comet pays postage SALES GUAR-
I A N T E E 1) ο n Order the convenient C.O.D. way: mark, mail
I I Comet’ s g r e a t coupon— pay for planes. C.O.D. fee. poslago
I) e a 1 e r Plan, on delivery! We pay poslaní· on cadi orders. Only 5c
I I hacked by Na­ Remit cash by Money Order— If Check, add 15c
tional Advertis­ extra. CANADIANS: No 0 .0 .1 ).. stamps, nor F I n o s t catalog
I NAME ................................................................... I ing! Fine profits coin. International Money Order only, plus 2(1% out! S e n d for
made! W RITE! extra. HURRY! ORDER NOW -FAM OUS yours — HURRY I
I STREET ................................................................. I COMET SERVICE W ILL A .MAZE YOU!
I CITY .............................. ......................... STATE I
L .1 Buy from Comet Dealers— or Send Direct

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