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Makayla Gomperts

Idea 7
2nd nine weeks

1. Hades - Topic # 15
The conflict in this story is that Hades kidnaps Kore. She was picking flowers in the meadow
and a dark storm cloud (Hades) covered the area. Hades then turned invisible and stole her. He
took her to the underworld. Meanwhile, Demeter grieves and stops all plant growth in the world
(grass, trees, flowers, etc.). Kore changes her name to Persephone and is given the role of
queen of the underworld. Demeter grieves even more and finally forces Zeus to tell her where
Kore went. He told her that Hades took her to the underworld. Hermes then went to return Kore
the world but she had eaten 6 pomegranate seeds. She is forced to stay in the underworld for 6
months and the real world for 6 months.
(66 pages, Written by George O’Connor)
2. Growing Up in a Coal Country
(122 pages, Written by: Susan Campbell Bartoletti)
3. One for the Murphys- Topic #11
At the end of the novel I would have let Carley stay and live with the Murphys. I never really
liked Carley’s mom. Also I really thought Carley would make a really good big sister to Adam
and Michael Eric. Daniel would be about the same age as her, but they would be really good
friends because Carley helped Daniel with basketball. Mrs. Murphy also really loved Carley
because she would help make dinner and then clean the whole mess by herself. Mr. Murphy
loved Carley because she would even watch baseball with him. She also has to move when she
leaves with her mother, so she can never see Toni again. If she had stayed with the Murphys
she would have seen Toni whenever she wanted. At the end I would have changed it so she
could stay with the Murphys.
(224 pages, Written by: Lynda Mullaly Hunt)
4. The Kill Order – Topic # 7
If I could become a character in the book, I would become Dee Dee. She is immune to the flare
and that is really helpful when you have a bunch of lunatics with the flare chasing you. Dee Dee
and Trina were captured near Asheville with people who had the flare. She did not catch the
flare but Trina most likely did. Dee Dee was shot with a dart when flare was initiated. She
should have gotten the flare and been killed. She can also now find a cure for the flare without
catching it. At the end of the book Mark sends her through the flat trans to find a cure with a
note. The note said that she was immune, so use her. I would become Dee Dee, the little girl, so
that I would not catch the flare.
(368 pages, Written by: James Dashner
5. In a Glass Grimmly- Topic #10
I think the lesson of this novel is don’t afraid to be yourself. Jack is always getting teased by
Marie and the other boys. He wishes that the boys would like him and stop teasing him. Jill is
always giving her approval to her mother but she never receives any compliments back. She
wishes that she was someone else. Then Jack and Jill go on a quest to find the seeing glass, a
treasure a king could trade his kingdom for. After killing giants, tricking goblins, and making a
friend with a giant salamander Jack and Jill find the seeing glass. Then they return home only to
find teasing and no compliments. Jack and Jill go live in the woods. They eventually have little
kids wanting to come play with them and then adults listening to their story about the seeing
glass. Jack and Jill eventually figure out the message on the back of the seeing glass, which
turns out to be showing them their selves. I think the lesson of this novel is don’t afraid to be
(352 pages, Written by: Adam Gidwitz)
6. After Eli – Topic #4
My favorite character in the novel is Danny. I have so much respect for a character that can
stand up to his friends even though it may ruin his social reputation. This is what happened to
Danny. Danny has also gone through hard times with his family. Eli, his perfect brother, ran over
a bomb and got himself killed. His mom won’t talk to anyone, and his father yells at him every
time he does something wrong. He toughs it up and tries to get over the loss of his brother. He
creates a book of the dead and ruins his brother’s room. Danny stands up to himself, his friends,
and his family. My favorite character in the novel is Danny.
(256 pages, Written by: Rebecca Rupp)
7. Lions of Little Rock – Topic # 20
Besides Marlee, the main character, the most important minor character is Liz. The whole book
revolves around Liz and her people. Marlee meets Liz at school not knowing that she is black.
Liz suddenly drops out of school and Marlee doesn’t know why. Rumors start to spread that Liz
is black. Marlee starts meeting Liz in secret places until one day they are almost caught by JT
and Red. Liz then has to wear a disguise and rarely ever go out in the public. Then after Red
almost explodes Liz’s house her mother makes her promise not to see Marlee again. Marlee
and Liz will still be friends they just cannot see each other. Liz is the most important minor
character because the story revolves around Marlee and her.
(320 pages, Written by: Kristin Levine )
8. Here Lies Linc – Topic #9
My favorite scene in the novel is when Delaney and Linc are at Ms. Raintree’s house. I think is a
great scene because this is where Linc first meets his grandmother. Addie Raintree runs away
from Linc the first time she sees him because she thinks that he looks a lot like her son, or later
you figure out Linc’s dad. Then Linc and Delaney got to her house and she invites them in. They
talk about Linc’s dad for a while and Linc forgets to tell his grandma that his dad died of a
heart attack a few years ago. I think my favorite scene in the novel is when Delaney and
Linc are at Ms. Raintree’s house. This is a scene that is very emotional and meaningful.
(320 pages, Written by: Delia Ray)
9. Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
(304 pages, Written by: Gabrielle Zevin)

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