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Think about how change impacts your day to day job. Is the impact positive or negative? How do you react
to change in your job? How do the people around you react? WRITE a 1-2 paragraph discussion on how
change impacts your day to day job. The impact of the job where I am employed is a negative and a
positive. The positive impact gives me an increase in my finance and the negative impact interferes with my
personal plans. In this organization you never knows what time you are getting off or what time you have to
come in because there is always a change in the work schedule.


DESCRIBE a change effort that you have been involved in – either in your current position or in a past
position. Was the change effort successful? How did you measure success? Why do you think it was
successful? If it was not successful, what went wrong?


PROVIDE a 100-200 word answer, using both theory and experience, for each of the following
discussion questions. Make sure to cite any sources using APA format. Respond to three of the four

a. Some people resist changing while others accept change. Why is this so? I think people resist
change according to the presentation of the change. The difference in their choice between the
responses can depend on how you communicate that change and what employees see as
opportunities for success. People feel out of control. People have to be lead through the
changes not force them to accept it otherwise.
b. All organizational leaders and managers are change agents. Discuss why you support this view
or dispute this view. Make sure to include professional examples.
c. If you had a change to make in your department or organization, what three things would you
do to make the change process smoother? Tell us a little about what you would change and the
things you would use in your process. If I was the head of a department or organization I
would be in the position to make positive changes. I will do as many things as the organization
will allow me to create appositive climate for the potential workers. The changes I would make
would be the balance the scorecard system, make calculation changes to better capture the
true essence of the event, to enhance employee understanding of its operational and strategic
d. Describe an unsuccessful change effort you have witnessed and explain what you could have
done differently to help ensure the success of the change effort. As a supervisor years ago I
tried to change people, which I come to realize. My perception of change was so wrong; being
new my attitude was bad. I tried to change the way the employees perform the production.

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