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Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric

Phase 2 Observational Practice Step 1

Student: Sebastian Camilo Guerrero Acuña

Tutor: Michael Darwin Romero

Course: Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning

code 518015_68


school of education: ECEDU

Step 2
Universal features of the L2 learner and the L2 learning process
Analysis Criteria Pros Cons
Age: 10 years understands the topics,
but has difficulty
pronouncing some
words, such as "ice
cream", for example.
Critical Periods . Internet Signal
Connection Factors
Cross-linguistics He performs most of the
influences proposed activities.
is proactive and creative
when developing activities
Influence of the knows how to use
environment in the technological tools such as Does not like to write,
acquisition process youtube videos materials and does not like to
Crossword puzzle, word practice pronunciation
Cognitive Contribution understands the topics and his pronunciation is
performs most of the incorrect.
proposed activities; if in * is not able to use
doubt, ask about what he morphological, syntactic
does not understand. and phonological
structures correctly.
Interlanguage it is easy for him to acquire
variability vs. new vocabulary, but it
systematicity and takes time for him to
developmental stages assimilate the meanings.
and sequences
Individual influences related to the differential rate of acquisition and
ultimate success in an L2-

shows an attitude of
learning a new language
Motivation is motivated by means of
games, songs to review
the topics
Effect he wants to beat his
peers in asserting
himself in answers
Attitude is an active student who
always shows interest in

theoretical support

Phonology is the branch of linguistics that deals with sound patterns.

It includes the pronunciation and distribution of words.
It works with a concept of phoneme, which allows for a distinctive and contractive
sound of the language.
A phoneme is the smallest part of pronunciation, it shares attributes with
lingusitics. Morphology is the part of grammar that deals with the structures of
words, the
variants they represent, how they perform in each segment in relation to the
elements that compose it.
It is usually divided into two branches, lexical morphology, inflectional
morphology, according to the perspective adopted is distinguished into synchronic
and diachronic morphology.
There is a great debate about how English should be taught in the
classroom, about how they learn to make grammatical constructions and
Yvette Coyle (2005), indicates that in spite of the cognitive capacity of children in
terms of how they acquire a second language, a formal teaching of English will
be necessary for its correct assimilation, as long as there is a previous contact of
at least two years in a non-formal
Piaget indicates that the interaction with children, their interaction with the
world and their focus on accommodating new knowledge, in this case a second
language, is the most important factor in the learning process.
Bates and Mac Whinney (1989) talk a little about the competitive world; this
means that the learner acquires some schemes of his mother tongue; these
compete with L2 schemes; when a new language is acquired, the cognitive
learning system
looks for patterns similar to L1, in order to understand and assimilate what has
been learned, this transfer of knowledge leads us to make mistakes to
According to Javier Valenzuela (2001) it is necessary to focus on the areas where
there is negative interference of the L1 with the L2; in order to prioritize a
resolution and give better attention to didactics and the practical pedagogical
process in teaching; it is also necessary a unnamed deepening for the realization
of specific activities in the phonetic and phonological part in the classroom.

Step 3
Only Krashen's teaching hypothesis in which the monitor's teaching;
That is, children and people take it as a subconscious process by trying to
pronounce the words, and not being conscious of the rules, there is more
dynamism in the learning process.
but we try to implement the acquired knowledge in daily situations, so that we
have an acquired knowledge, with which we practice our sociolinguistic skills..
postulates that the linguistic and grammatical knowledge resulting from
formal teaching (learned system) only plays the role of guide and
corrector of the formulations.
the proper functioning of the monitor depends on the following factors:
- the time needed by the learner to select and apply a learned rule
- the emphasis on the correctness of the linguistic production or focus on form
- the knowledge of the rules, which is determined by the learner's degree
of complexity of the rules

They proposed to carry out some experimental techniques in the classroom, on a

model of evaluation on the pronunciation of L2; this project is taken by Quijada

and Madrid 1999.

Objective: to pretend and test when teaching a second language such as

English; where a variety of didactic materials focused on phonetics and phonology

are implemented.

They intend to offer techniques for the evaluation of the phonetic performance

of the students, and according to what the data on the implementation of a

methodology yields, a study of perception in children, auditory perception,

discrimination of phonetic aspects, oral production test, etc., will be carried out.


• It will be determined that the phonics in the students can be improved

according to the learning process of each student, and there will be

acquired new teaching methodologies at the material, auditory, production


For which it is a benefit for teaching.

• Established parameters on a level of optimal pronunciation will be

determined, and in-depth knowledge of phonetics will be


• There will be a persuasion test where students will clarify their

shortcomings, they can study where they see their shortcomings in

pronunciation, and relate them to grammar.


• students are dissatisfied with a new evaluation model, which looks at the

level of persuasion at the end of each cycle.

• students feel frustrated when they do not understand the pronunciation

of some words, how to develop it in everyday sentences.

• children are concerned about pronunciation, that they cannot

concentrate, that they confuse concepts of grammar with the

pronunciation of words.

• The new teaching materials for teachers are complicated when it comes to

creating new teaching materials, but to a certain extent it helps to



Krashen, S. (2009). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition.

University of Southern California.9-


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