Evidencia 3: Inglés VII

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Inglés VII

Evidencia 3

Nombre:Martin Jhossefan Sánchez Pineda

Fecha: 01/02/2022
I Answer the Following exercise. Answers will vary

A. PAST PERFECT (already or not yet) Write examples using Past Perfect

1. At 7:45, I had gotten dressed already, but I hadn’t had my coffee yet.

2. At 6:45, I had already woken up, but I hadn’t taken _a


3. At 7:15, I had already worked out, but I hadn’t brushed my teeth


4. At 10:00, I had already taken a shower, but I hadn’t had lunch


5. At 8:00, _ I had already watched tv, but I hadn’t made my


B. PAST PERFECT (What you had done before a past time) Answers will vary

6. Before I came to the U.T, I had searched for a new school

7. Before I went to bed last night, I had watched a serie on netflix

8. Before I got dressed this morning, _ I had already taken a shower

9. Before I ate lunch yesterday, _ I had worked out in the park

10. Before I went to work, ____ I had taken a breakfast


The present perfect means up to now. The past perfect means up to a past time.
Change the sentence to the past

I’m not hungry. I’ve just had lunch.

At this time yesterday, I wasn’t hungry. I had just had lunch.

11. My sister is working. She has started work already.

At this time yesterday, My sister wasn’t working, she had just started
12. The trees are flowering. They have enjoyed the rain.
At this time last year, the trees hadn’t flowered, they didn’t get water yet

D. MORE PRACTICE Answers will vary

13. What had you done before you went on vacation?

I had looked for a flight

14. What had you done before you turned in your homework?
I had prepared my dinner.

15. What had you done before you registered at this school?
I had finished highschool

16. What had you done before you got your first job?
I had studied in UT.

17. What had you done before you came into this room?
I had run in the park

Aspectos Criterio Ponderación

Formato y extensión Se identifica el documento
con el formato correcto 1
requerido para el nombre
del archivo.
El trabajo contiene portada
con nombre del alumno y
La actividad está redactada
en forma clara y concisa,
se apega a la solicitud de
extensión del contenido
Evaluación del Se reescribe correctamente 6
contenido los ejemplos con pasado
Contesta correctamente las
Ortografía y redacción La ortografía y la 3
redacción es la adecuada

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