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HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs

Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer

and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

ABSTRACT effectiveness as a plan. The untimely interruption of these systems

Today’s production and control system heavily relies on a special can put human life in danger with the greater financial loss.
computer, programmable logic controller (PLC). It is used to auto- The control functionality of such industrial processes is facili-
mate and control the processes which requires high reliability and tated by a small industrial computer, called PLC. PLC is used to
accuracy. Many PLC are deployed on the internet which can have control critical electrical hardware like valves, pumps, centrifuges.
significant impact in terms of security. As they are time-critical in- These computers are interconnected in nature. Putting these com-
frastructure, disruption in their service can cause an economic and puters on the internet makes them an attractive target for attackers.
environmental problems. The increasing number of cyberattacks Already some significant attacks have been carried out on these

on this system is a serious problem for the infrastructure providers. computers disrupting its normal process. The famous attack on Nu-

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As security features are largely absent in PLCs, malicious code in- clear Enrichment Facility, Stuxnet [13], in Iran already showed how

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jection is possible. In such a scenario, honeypots are deployed to sophisticated the attacker and their methods are. Only powerful
identify and analyze the attack and the attacker’s technique. The institutions are capable to perform such sophisticated attacks that

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existing honeypots are far behind in capturing valuable data that need a huge preparation phase and vendor knowledge regarding
are required to understand and analyze the evolving attacking meth- the applied industrial equipment. A lot of honeypots have been pro-

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ods. Even these honeypots are easily identified as a fake system posed to better understand the attacker and their methods for PLCs.
by different tools. Moreover, the lack of capturing malicious code Though exists many, they are not sophisticated enough to gather
injected in PLC memory poses a serious limitation while analyzing information such as malicious code injected on a PLC. The lower
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the attacker’s strategy. To overcome the problem, a high-interaction interaction performed by these honeypots has a significant impact
honeypot, HoneyPLC, is presented which can capture the injected on the amount of data gathered. Even high-interaction honeypots
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malicious code and operate covertly simulating different PLC mod- simulation of network protocols used in real PLCs are not enough
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els and vendors. The results from the experiments conducted to to capture enough data. The step-by-step protocol simulation is
test its capacity back these features are posed by the HoneyPLC. a big challenge as the vendors of PLCs do not provide detailed
So, HoneyPLC can capture malicious code, and support covertness documentation of protocols publicly. Whereas different vendors
by providing a high interaction with an attacker. Hence, it can be a have different products and protocols used in their PLCs, creating
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great tool for information gathering in the ICS environment. a general framework is a daunting task.
The goal of this paper is to propose a high-interaction honeypot,
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ACM Reference Format:

HoneyPLC, the first honeypot which is capable of capturing mali-
Sajjan Dharel. 2021. HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs Mainly cious code injected into the PLC [1]. It provides advance enough
Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Commu- simulation of the network protocols such as SNMP, TCP/IP stack,
nications Security (CCS ’20) . In Proceedings of . ACM, New

S7comm, and HTTP. These protocols are actively found in real

York, NY, USA, 11 pages. PLCs. The advanced simulation of the protocols allows this honey-
nnnnnnn pot for high interaction with attackers. Similarly, the simulation of

the S7 Communication protocol used in PLC communication allows

1 INTRODUCTION HoneyPLC to capture the malicious ladder logic code injected into
PLC. It supports simulation of PLC of different vendors support-
With the advancement of technology, more industries are shifting
ing extensible features. With the advanced simulation of protocols
towards automation. Industrial automation is a process that helps
found in real PLCs, it can interact with attackers as real PLC devices
in controlling input, output, and the operations performed by ma-
hiding its nature from different reconnaissance tools like Nmap,
chinery with minimal human assistance. The critical infrastructure
Shodan API. This high-interaction honeypot, HoneyPLC, can be
such as the power grid, water, oil, gas, telecommunications is us-
a significant tool for ICS and serve reliably for understanding the
ing automation. Industrial automation in this infrastructure is to
attacker’s method and techniques. Aftermath, a subsequent security
make them run all the time for better productivity, usability, and
strategy can be developed based on the analysis of the attack.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or The seminar work is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces
Unpublished working
classroom use is granted without feedraft.
providedNot for distribution.
that copies are not made or distributed industrial control systems with typical components, vulnerabilities
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM and threats for PLCs as well as types of existing honeypots and their
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, limitations. Section 3 presents a detailed idea on HoneyPLC with
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a architecture, components, how components interact with technical
fee. Request permissions from
,, specifications. Section 4 presents the evaluation method, results,
© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. and the problems solved by HoneyPLC. Finally, the paper ends with
ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. . . $15.00 the conclusion.
2021-01-31 00:43. Page 1 of 1–11.
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)
BACKGROUND AND RELATED TOOLS like Structured Text (ST), Ladder Diagram (LAD), Instruction List
This section covers Industrial Control System (Sec. 2.1), Under- (IL), Function Block Diagram (FBD), and Sequential Function Charts
standing PLC (Sec. 2.2), Vulnerabilities and Threats in PLC (Sec. (SFC) are used to program a PLC. The codes are then compiled into
2.3), S7 Communication Protocol (Sec. 2.4), Related Tools (Sec. 2.5), MC7 assembly code and the code is uploaded to the PLC’s memory.
Injecting Malicious Code into PLC (Sec. 2.6), Famous ICS Attacks PLC programs are divided into different units like organization
(Sec 2.7), Types of Honeypots (Sec 2.8), Existing Honeypots (Sec block (OB), functions (FC), functions blocks (FB), data blocks (DB),
2.9), Limitations of Existing Honeypots (Sec 2.10). system functions (SFC), system function blocks (SFB) and system
data blocks (SDB). The actual code resides in OBs, FCs and FBs
2.1 Industrial Control System while SFCs and SFBs are built into PLC. DBs are to store data. SDBs
contain the current PLC configuration. Since, programmers can
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [2] de- access OBs, FCs, FBs, DBs, we describe these blocks in detail:
fines “Industrial control system (ICS)” as an information system
used to control industrial processes such as manufacturing, prod- • Data Blocks (DBs): They are used to store data that are going
uct handling, production, and distribution. The industrial control to be used by programs later. Different data types can be
system consists of different types of control systems including su- stored (e.g., Boolean, byte, integer).

pervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADAs) -used to • Functions (FCs): These hold the standard codes. User-written

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control geographically dispersed assets, as well as distributed con- codes reside in FCs. Generally, FBs are referenced and ran

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trol systems (DCs) and smaller control systems using programmable by an organizational block.
logic controllers (PLCs) to control localized processes. • Function Blocks (FBs): In general Function Blocks are like

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The industries which heavily rely on such industrial processes Functions, the only difference is they have their own memory.
are electric, water and wastewater, oil and natural gas, chemical, When a user creates a Function Block, an instance Data Block

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transportation, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, food and bever- is generated. When operation is more complex, it requires
age, and discrete manufacturing (e.g., automotive, aerospace, and memory in such sense Function Blocks becomes useful.
durable goods). These industrial processes are controlled by dif- • Organization Blocks(OBs): They form the interface between
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ferent control components like electrical, mechanical, hydraulic an operating system and the user program. They are called
to achieve an industrial objective. Moreover, these control compo- by the operating system and control. Whenever an event
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nents are controlled by numerous control loops, human interfaces, occurs, an OB is executed. There are several well-known
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and remote diagnostics and maintenance tools. OBs that serve specific roles. A PLC program consists of at
A control loop utilizes sensors, actuators, and controllers like least one organization block called OB1. It is used for the
PLCs to manipulate the controlled processes. The used sensors are cyclic execution of user programs. It is like a main function
used to measure the property and then send information to the con- in a traditional C program. OB35 for example works as a
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trollers. Controllers interpret the signal and generate corresponding standard watchdog that runs every 100ms. The execution
output based on the control algorithms used and the desired target. time of the main program is monitored by a watchdog which
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Furthermore, it sends the signal to the actuators which control the kills the main program if the execution time becomes too
valve, breakers, switches, and control used to directly manipulate long. So, OB1 and OB35 are the primary targets of attackers.
the controlled process based on commands from the controller.

Human interfaces are used to monitor and configure setpoints, 2.3 Vulnerabilities and Threats in PLC
control algorithms and to adjust and establish parameters in the Today’s ICS systems evolved by incorporating IT systems into the
controller. Operators and engineers use Human Machine interfaces

existing physical systems often replacing physical control mecha-

(HMI). HMI also display process status information and histori- nisms. The Fourth Industrial Revolution brought huge changes to
cal information. Lastly, diagnostics and maintenance utilities are the manufacturing industries by collecting and using the informa-
used to prevent, identify and recover from abnormal operations or tion in real-time to create smart factories. The goal is to sense, share
failures. and control health data, status, and operation of and product in
real-time effectively resulting in increased efficiency and flexibility.
2.2 Understanding PLC The digitization of the factory requires communications, IT inte-
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a small computer with gration into the existed system with physical elements like PLCs,
programmable memory to store program instructions and various HMI, and other machines.
functions. It consists of a processor unit, CPU, which interprets The involvement of IT systems in industries enables more au-
inputs using the control program stored in memory and send output tomation, more connectivity, easy control and maintenance, more
signals. So, it is capable of controlling manufacturing processes. As production, more data handling, and efficiency into ICS. The in-
it can control complex industrial processes, it is ubiquitous in ICS troduction of IT capabilities into physical systems also present
and SCADA environments. Most popular PLC manufactures are security challenges. Similarly, open standards such as Ethernet and
Siemens [15], Allen Bradley [16] and ABB [17]. web technologies have become ubiquitous in industrial control
The PLC’s memory block stores instructions to implement dif- systems resulting in cybersecurity risks.
ferent functions like input control, output control, counting, logic Attackers use the vulnerabilities found in IT systems to reach
gates, communication, and arithmetic operation. The memory blocks the control machines like PLCs and disrupt the whole ICS system.
are used to save data and code. Different programming languages Remote connection for workers, partners, and customers to ICS
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

brings new security threats to ICS. There are several vulnerabilities that, people having access to the PLC network can read and write
in PLCs themselves that are easier for attackers to target and cause memory block data easily.
chaos. Similarly, security features also lack in PLCs which facilitates
attackers. 2.5 RELATED TOOLS
PLC’s are used in stand-alone applications- providing control 2.5.1 Nmap. Nmap (‘Network Mapper’) [11] is a free and open-
for a single skid or an individual item of smart equipment that does source tool for network discovery and security auditing. It is de-
not form part of the main system. The isolated, small nodes such signed to rapidly scan large networks with an aim to find what
as PLCs are more likely overlooked and neglected when it comes services are running, what operating systems are running on hosts,
to implementing security. what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and many more. It
Much of the technology is also dated. A lifetime of a PLC can sends the raw IP packets to the scanning host and analyzes the
be 15 to 20 years. PLC that is designed today is not suitable in responses to understand the system. Though it could give benefit
terms of security for 15 years later. The design, therefore, do not to attackers to understand the system, system administrators can

address cybersecurity issues that largely did not exist at the time.

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use it to assess their own networks for vulnerabilities. System ad-
Vendors have been slow to adapt the design the manufacture of ministrators can use Nmap to search for unauthorized servers or

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PLCs [26]. The number of security threats that exist in PLCs needs computers which don’t follow their security standards.
to be mitigated for a safer production environment. Some common

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attacks [25] that are possible in PLCs are presented below. 2.5.2 PLCScan. PLCScan[19] is a utility that helps to scan PLC
devices over S7 comm or Modbus protocols. It is a python script

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• Denial of Service Attacks: Bringing the system or PLC net- that helps to gather information about PLC devices. It can scan a
work down by overloading the memory or communication network of PLC devices and gather information about PLCs. This
process. information could be helpful to the assessment team who would
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• Spoofing:Intercepting communication to the host from the manually get information like configurations from each PLC device.
PLC and present as a legitimate PLC. Though it can cause issues on the production system taking devices
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• Man-in- Middle attack:A rouge PLC intercepts and changes offline.
messages from a valid source and forwards attack messages
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to the targeted PLC with the intention to gather data and 2.5.3 SHODAN. Shodan is a search engine [14] for finding out
disrupt the function. devices connected to the internet. The devices it indexes can be
• Rouge PLC Joining the Network:A rouge PLC impersonating power plants, the internet of things, webcams, refrigerators, PLCs,
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a legitimate PLC joins a factory network to create an attack routers, and more. Along with the devices, it also provides informa-
scenario. tion about which ports and services are running on those devices.
Moreover, it provides Shodan API [27], which can be used to lever-
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• PLC takeover:Changing the PLC program or boot image to

alter the intended operations. Inject malicious code to PLC age Shodan’s advanced features like Honeyscore. Honeyscore is
for the desired output. used to check whether a device is a honeypot or a real system.
• Exploit remote device management:Using remote device

2.5.4 SNMP Scanner. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

management services such as web managers, telnet, or se- is used to monitor devices connected to a network. For monitor-
cure shell(ssh) running over PLC -used for debugging- to ing purposes, it collects information about managed devices on

gain control of PLC or change its configuration. IP networks. Similarly, the information can be used to change the
behaviour of devices. In real-time, we can use the information to
2.4 S7 Communication Protocol identify and monitor the conditions of devices. SNMP scanner [18]
The S7 Communications protocol (S7 comm) is a Siemens propri- is a tool to facilitate scanning snmp devices and collect information.
etary protocol which is used for data exchange in PLCs and SCADA
system and for programming PLC. The S7 comm protocol relies on 2.6 Injecting Malicious Code into PLCs
the block-oriented ISO transport services. The search engine SHODAN comes in handy finding the industrial
Each block is named PDU (Protocol Data Unit) and its length is control devices connected on the internet. Though it may show only
negotiated during the connection. S7 Comm protocol is Function one PLC device inside a control system, that one device can be used
oriented or Command oriented which means each transmission as a gateway and perform scans on other devices of the network
contains a command or a reply to it. If the size of the command and manipulate them. PLC supports ISO over TCP connection, so a
does not fit in a PDU, then it must be split across more subsequent connection needs to be established prior to any other procedure.
PDU. At first, a TCP connection on port 102 is established then ISO Once connection is setup then commands can be used to request
over TCP setup is proceeded to negotiate the PDU size. Then the information from PLC or upload blocks to PLC. PLC offers a system
remaining communication on a higher level is on S7 comm protocol. library that contains a function to establish arbitrary TCP/UDP
The lower-level communication on the Network level is IP whereas communication. So, an attacker uses full TCP/UDP support to scan
data-link layer communication is on Ethernet. the local production network behind a PLC which is in front of the
The S7 Comm protocol enables applications to list available internet.
blocks, read/write data, upload and download blocks, transfer blocks Once the attacker scans the production network, he can leverage
into the file system, block info requests, and diagnostics. However, the internet-facing PLC as a gateway [5] to reach all the other
S7 comm protocol does not have any kind of security feature. So PLCs or network devices. To scan the production environment
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

attacker can inject SNMP scanner along with the normal code of payment application server which stored internal IP address and
PLC. At this point, the attacker should be aware of the timer. If the admin credentials for AS/400 system.
code execution takes more than 100 ms then OB35 (Organizational The compromised AS/400 system, which ran valve and flows
Block), which is used for watchdog will kill the execution of the control applications, is used to manipulate programmable logic
code. After complete scanning of the network attacker removes controllers that regulated valves and ducts that controlled the flow
the SNMP scanner and injects SOCKS 5 proxy [28] to the PLC of water and chemicals. Attackers were able to manipulate the
logic program. The next step is to connect with the discovered PLC settings of the application and the amount of chemicals used in the
devices. SOCKS is an internet protocol that exchanges network water supply. They were able to handicap the water treatment and
packets between client and server through proxy server. SOCKS production capabilities so that the recovery time to replenish water
5 additionally provides authentication to authorized users. Thus, supplies increased. The report also claimed that attackers lacked
SOCKS 5 proxy enables attacker to establish an error-free TCP the knowledge of the SCADA system so that the consequences
connection to target PLCs using the compromised PLC as a SOCKS were not serious.


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Finally, the attacker can use a tool like PLCinject to inject a ma- 2.7.3 German Steel Mill attack. The annual report of the German

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licious payload into the PLC. PLCinject is a research tool published Federal office for Information Security (BSI) in 2014 mentioned that
by the SCADACS team [4] [5] capable of injecting arbitrary com- hackers infiltrated the control system of a steel mill in Germany

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piled ladder logic programs into a Siemens PLC memory block [12] resulting in the loss of its blast furnace. The blast furnaces
PLCinject tool uses snap7 library [3] which simulates the Siemens contained molten metal heated to thousands of degrees. No physical

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S7comm protocol [20] and can be used to read/write whole PLC injuries were reported except the massive damage to the facility.
memory, perform block operations, control the PLC, set password, This attack is one of only few attacks on industrial systems known
and more. to have caused damage like Stuxnet damaging centrifuges in Iranian
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nuclear plant.
The attack started with spear-phishing campaign-emails targeted
2.7 Famous ICS Attacks
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towards individuals-to obtain sensitive information. The targeted
This section will briefly mention the notable cyber-attacks on ICS.
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emails helped attackers to extract the information they need to gain

access to the plant’s office network and eventually the production
2.7.1 Stuxnet. In 2010, a sophisticated attack on Iranian nuclear
system. The report claimed that the attacker possesses an aptitude
enrichment facility, Stuxnet, made Cybersecurity professionals to
for OT (Operational technology) and IT (Information Technology)
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change the way they think in their security approach. Though

system as well as the software used to oversee and administer, once
discovered in 2010, it is believed to be developed since 2005 with the
inside the mill’s network. Attackers overrode the controls of a blast
combined effort of the US and Israel. This sophisticated attack used
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furnace blocking access and preventing workers from regaining

four vulnerabilities found in the operating systems and services
the control. Workers were not able to shut down the blast furnace
and caused damaged to centrifuges used in a nuclear program. This
as a result of the attack.
attack targeted only the PLCs made by Siemens and changed the

ladder logic code to cause the damage. PLCs were used to control
the rotation of centrifuges. The injected malicious code changed the
2.8 Types of Honeypots
Honeypot is specifically designed to allure attackers and gain in-

frequency of rotation of centrifuges resulting damage in centrifuges.

This kind of attack needs a detailed understanding of the facility, formation on what process and techniques they used to disrupt the
devices, security system, operating system, protocols being used. system. Honeypot is purposefully let open to attackers in a network.
Stuxnet is initially spread using an infected USB drive then uses the So, it requires to be unrecognized as a fake system by providing
vulnerabilities of the system. It even disguised itself from different interaction like a real system. Though it does not have value on its
security software used in the system by registering as a service own, once the attacker interacts with it, the information gathered
with certificates signed with a stolen key. Stuxnet is designed so by it becomes valuable. The data can be highly valuable to find out
carefully to hit only the targets and leaving other machines. This the new attack methods, new types of malicious codes and patterns.
attack proved how sophisticated the attacker and their methods Depending upon the design criteria honeypots are categorized as
can be. low-interaction and high-interaction honeypots while based on
their use it can be classified as Research honeypots and Production
2.7.2 Kemuri Attack. In 2016, a monthly IT security breach report honeypots.
from Verizon Security Solution described that a water treatment
system run by Kemuri Water Company was attacked [21]. As a 2.8.1 Levels of Interaction. Honeypots can be categorized into dif-
result, attackers were able to manipulate the valve controlling the ferent types depending upon the amount of interaction they can do
flow of chemicals, change water flow level, and around 2.5 million with the attacker. More interaction it does, more information can be
records containing customer payment information were stolen. gathered. Commonly categorized honeypots are Low-interaction
The water’s Utility’s SCADA platform was powered by an IBM honeypots and high interaction honeypots.
AS/400 system and used to connect both OT such as water dis- • Low-Interaction Honeypots: These types of honeypots
trict valve and flow control application and IT functions such as provide a minimum level of interaction to the attackers.
financial systems that store customer and billing information was It means it provides minimum functionality by simulating
targeted by the attacker. They exploited the vulnerability on the those resources which are mostly requested or targeted by
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

attackers. It gathers limited information about attackers and Gridpot [22] is an open-source tool to simulate electricity grids.
requires minimal setup to do so. But there is nothing more While Conpot [9] was designed to simulate a particular PLC device.
to keep the attacker engaged for longer-term which may, By default, it simulates Siemens S7-200 PLC and designed to be
in turn, reveal it as a honeypot and the attacker might not easy to deploy, extend and modify. It can be modified to support
try to complete the attack. These can be set up with simple additional profiles by editing an XML file. It provides templates in
scripts or commands like listening on a port 80. This kind the form of XML files. It supports S7comm, Modbus, SNMP, and
of honeypot has nothing more to offer to attackers to try HTTP protocol. Though it supports a lot of protocols, it is still a
all their skills which makes these kinds of honeypots inef- low-interaction honeypot. The interaction with these protocols is
fective in industrial systems gathering information about not advance.
attack vectors. The high interaction honeypot like S7commTrace [24] is based
• High-Interaction Honeypots: High Interaction honey- on Siemens s7 protocol. It supports more function and subfunctions
pots are the opposite of low interaction honeypots which codes in protocol simulation which results in high interaction with

provide interaction like a real system. This kind of inter- the attacker.

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action engages an attacker for a longer time making him CryPLH [23] is a high interaction honeypot which is largely in-

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try all weapons. The purpose of this type of honeypot is to distinguishable from the real device from the attacker’s perspective
capture more information from attackers and understand simulating services on a Linux host. It simulates HTTP, HTTPS,

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the methods and logic used in attacks. Building this type of S7comm, and SNMP services on a Linux host and accepts connec-
honeypot requires more effort, resources. Because it inter- tions on specific ports. The S7comm protocol is simulated by show-

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acts like a real system, it is hard to detect but is expensive to ing incorrect password response and TCP/IP Stack is simulated via
maintain. For setting up these kinds of honeypots, we need Linux Kernel.
to run either a virtual host or setup up a physical machine
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hosting the services required for honeypots. 2.10 Limitations of Existing Honeypots
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2.8.2 Classification Based on Purposes. Honeypots can be classified Though several honeypots exist, no honeypot is capable of cap-
turing ladder logic code. Similarly, the existing honeypots have
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into Research and Production honeypots based upon the purposes

they are set up in the environment. limitations that limit their functionality of gathering information.
So, this section will detail the limitations of existing honeypots.
• Research Honeypots: These types of honeypots are set up
• Covertness: The goal of honeypot is to gather information
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to collect more information about attackers, how they attack,

as much as it can. If the attacker recognizes that the machine
what kinds of tools they use, and the malicious codes they
is a honeypot, then he will stop investing time and resources.
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inject. The sole purpose is learning. So, this kind of hon-

Thus, no more information can be gathered. So, Not being
eypots does not provide direct benefit to the organization
identified by reconnaissance tools like Nmap, ShodanAPI
however the information gathered from them can be much
is a general requirement for honeypot. In such a sense, the
more valuable. Research honeypots are mainly found in uni-

SCADA HoneyNet project does a decent job. But the CryPLH

versities, military organizations, government organizations,
which uses a Linux host for simulation is caught up by the
and research laboratories. They are difficult to configure and
Nmap tool revealing the nature. HoneyPLC is far ahead com-

pared to other honeypots by advanced network simulations
• Production Honeypots: Production honeypots are deployed
to deceive the reconnaissance tools.
inside an organization’s environment for their benefit. They
• Malware collection: Attacker and the malware are get-
mimic the production network and devices they inhabit.
ting better day by day. So, capturing the actual logic codes
They are easier to deploy and configure as they offer far
becomes important for better understanding and analysis.
less functionality needed for a particular environment. They
Thus, honeypots become important in such a sense. The
are deployed with other security measures to improve the
above mentioned previously existed honeypots has no such
overall security of a system. As they offer far less functional-
capability. HoneyPLC provides a novel feature of capturing
ity, the amount of information gathered is also limited.
the logic codes targeted for PLCs.
• Extensibility: Since there are different types of PLCs with
2.9 Existing Honeypots different kinds of protocols and services running, a single
There are several honeypots that have been proposed and used honeypot that requires to simulate these devices is complex.
in PLCs. The low interaction honeypots like SCADA HoneyNet The existing honeypots out of box support one or two devices
Project [6]is the first framework to simulate a variety of industrial like Conpot supports S7-200 PLC but can support others by
networks like SCADA, DCs. It is recognized as a low-interaction manual editing an XML file. The manual editing might lead
honeypot being its services partially implemented using Python to error and reveal nature to an attacker. So, the limited
scripts. extensibility has been a drawback, and it requires a new
Gaspot [10] is used for the simulation of gas tank gauges used honeypot to eliminate this issue. The HoneyPLC performs
in the oil and gas industry helping with fuel inventory. It can be better in this case by simulating 5 different devices out of
used to change temperature, tank name, and volume. It was also box and with simple customization, it can support more.
written as a Python script. The extensibility feature makes HoneyPLC a better suited
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

honeypot for ICS environments containing PLCs of different

• Limited Interaction: The more interaction with the at-
tacker, the more information can be gathered from them.
For more interaction, the protocols and services need to be
simulated as possessed by real plc. Since PLC manufacturers
don’t reveal the detailed documentation of the protocols, it
is hard to simulate the actual protocols. But the existing hon-
eypots even does not support the TCP/IP stack simulation,
which stops the honeypots from extracting valuable informa-
tion. The low-interaction honeypots don’t have this facility
whereas the high interaction honeypots also don’t simulate

properly. HoneyPLC eradicates this problem by simulating

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various network protocols.

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Figure 1: HoneyPLC Architecture

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This section will provide a detailed idea of how HoneyPLC works,
its components, and interaction together with use case scenario
eliminating the limitations of existing honeypots mentioned in request is handled by the integration framework. This contains two
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section 2.10. major components Subsystem Virtualization and Personality En-
gine. Personality Engine allows HoneyPLC to provide sophisticated
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3.1 Components TCP/IP stack simulation that fools tools like Nmap. Subsystem vir-
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3.1.1 PLC profile repositories: It is a database for a collection tualization enables redirecting network traffic to simulated services
of different kinds of PLC profiles. It contains data that are required in the Network Services module. It sits in between attackers and
to simulate different kinds of PLCs. It communicates with the other different services offered by HoneyPLC forwarding traffic in be-
two modules Integration framework and Network Services. It con- tween them. This component helps in alleviating the problem of
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tains three different datasets required for HoneyPLC to simulate limited extensibility.
different services offered in real PC. 3.1.3 Network Services: This module in HoneyPLC is responsi-
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• SNMP MIB: The industrial control system consists of net- ble for simulating different kinds of network protocols used in real
work devices that need to be managed. The PLC in such PLCs. Different components inside network services handle differ-
a system are the SNMP agents and sends up-to-date infor- ent operations. S7comm server provides the simulation of Siemens

mation to the SNMP manager. Since, SNMP protocol needs proprietary protocol, which is used for communication between
to be simulated, the PLC devices hosting SNMP agents are PLCs, accessing PLC data from SCADA, and used for diagnostic pur-

responsible for providing management information. In such poses. It also helps in capturing the ladder logic program injected by
a case, MIB describes a set of objects. Thus, a custom MIB is the attacker providing a novel feature in the honeypot. SNMP agent
necessary for Honeypot to provide a simulation of the SNMP provides an advanced simulation of SNMP protocol with plausible
protocol. data. Any SNMP request will be handled by this component. The
• NMAP fingerprint: When an attacker tries to fingerprint HTTP server within Network Services is responsible for hosting
a device, they use reconnaissance tool like Nmap to gather the websites found in real PLCs by providing simulation.
information. Thus, HoneyPLC profile records Nmap finger-
3.1.4 Interaction Data: It is a repository which is used to keep
print of real PLC devices. It is just a plain text file to simulate
track of all the interaction by attackers to the HoneyPLC and the
TCP/IP Stack of a particular PLC device. This fingerprint
maliciously injected code. It holds two different types of data. The
allows honeypot to effectively engage and disguise tools like
logs produced by components of Network Services: S7comm server,
SNMP agent, HTTP server are kept in Interaction Data. Similarly, it
• Management Website: Some of the PLC devices even con-
also records the malicious ladder logic program which is injected by
tain a website used for configuration and other purposes. The
the attacker via the S7comm server. This module interacts with the
PLC profile contains a copy of such a website with the nec-
Network Services Module where all the components are configured
essary files like CSS, image and HTML needed for complete
to maintain logs.

3.1.2 Integration Framework: The integration framework is 3.2 Profiler Tool to create Profile
also called Honeyd Framework. Integration framework uses the A HoneyPLC profile tool is an essential tool for creating profiles
Honeyd framework [7] and sits in the middle between the attacker that are later stored in Profile repositories and used to simulate a
and services offered by HoneyPLC. When an attacker tries to fin- PLC. This tool only requires the IP address of a real PLC to create
gerprint the honeypot using tools like PLC scan and Nmap, the a profile. With a series of queries, the tool will be able to create a
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

complete profile with 3 different data sets in a custom directory S7 comm server within network service is responsible for the sim-
to simulate a target PLC. This tool interacts with 3 different ap- ulation of S7comm and exposes several memory blocks via TCP
plications: Nmap, wget, and snmpwalk. Nmap is used to get the port 102. So, for the simulation, the information obtained from
TCP/IP stack fingerprint of the actual PLC which is later served to the Wiki Wireshark [8] and third-party project Snap7 project is
the attacker. To get a better fingerprint all well-known TCP and used. The Snap7 project is recompiled and added some features
UDP ports are also scanned. Wget is used to download the website like logging the interactions and ladder logic capture along with
which is stored in real PLC if present. snmpwalk is used to collect the PLC specifications like CPU model, serial number, and others.
all the object IDS which is used for creating a MIB. After all, OIDs The newly added feature capturing ladder logic program makes
are collected an identical MIB to real PLC is generated. this HoneyPLC a sophisticated honeypot. With this feature, the
uploaded ladder logic code can be analyzed at later point to extract
3.3 Simulation of Protocols new attack patterns. This feature mitigates the problem mentioned
in section 2.10.
To simulate different network services offered by HoneyPLC, vari-

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ous Honeyd’s Capabilities including personality engine, configu- 3.3.3 SNMP agent: The SNMP agent installed within the Honey-
ration files, and subsystem virtualization are used. Configuration

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PLC framework provides an advanced simulation of SNMP protocol.
file (Syntax 1) is a simple text file that should follow context-free SNMP agents are installed in real PLCs which are used for monitor-
grammar with correct syntax. The commands used in configuration

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ing purposes and listens to requests over UDP port 161. In practice,
files allow Honeyd to change the personality of a honeypot. The an SNMP setup includes Manager and Agent where Manager asks

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commands consist of creating a subsystem and setting up a virtual for up-to-date information from the agent. An SNMP agent exposes
host with the required personality, port behaviour, and network a set of data known as Management Information Base or MIB. So,
space commands. At first, a base subsystem is created then a host to implement the agent, the SNMP agent in the Network services
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is created by cloning the base subsystem. This host acts as an ac- module uses snmpsim which simulates based on real-time data or
tual virtual honeypot, and the personality can be set as desired by archived MIB data. When the attacker request data, the SNMP agent
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assigning IP and port to it. replies with OID as real PLC.
Honeyd simulates the TCP/IP stack of computer systems as well
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as TCP and UDP services. It provides interaction at the network 3.3.4 HTTP Server: The HoneyPLC’s HTTP server provides the
level only because of it’s low- interaction nature. Summing up Hon- simulation of the HTTP server of real PLCs and server websites.
eyd is just a small daemon that creates many virtual hosts on a Most Siemens PLC devices include optional HTTP service for con-
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network and these hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services. figuration purposes. Lighttpd, a lightweight web server that is
The personality can be adapted to appear as the desired system. designed for high performance is used to handle this service. When
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an attacker requests service, lighttpd server handles queries and

create base replies with website data stored in the PLC profile.

add base subsystem "/honeyd/s7commServer" shared restart 3.4 Attack Module and Response by HoneyPLC
A Honeypot is set up to attract attackers so that they can interact
with it. At first, attackers try reconnaissance tools like Nmap and

clone host1 base

set host1 personality "Siemens Simatic 300 PLC" PLCScan in the information-gathering phase. When HoneyPLC gets
a request, it is handled by Personality Engine based on features pro-
bind host vided by the Honeyd tool. Honeyd simulates a particular device and
Personality Engine will use the appropriate fingerprint contained
in the PLC profile tool. Once the attacker is convinced the device is
Syntax 1: Honeyd Configuration File
not honeypot, it tries further attack methods communicating and
3.3.1 TCP/IP simulation: Representing a particular device and requesting more services with honeypot.
providing details about the device is done by Honeyd. When an Later, the attacker tries to initiate an S7comm connection to find
attacker tries to fingerprint a device to understand and find a vul- out the PLC memory blocks. The connection at first is handled by
nerability in a system, they use tools like Nmap. So, HoneyPLC Honeyd framework then later forward to the Network Services
needs to interact with the attacker and provide information about module eventually to S7comm server. S7 comm which exposes
devices and services to the attacker. For this, HoneyPLC at first several memory blocks, replies with the appropriate information,
fingerprints a real PLC device using Nmap to generate a detailed and Integration Framework forwards the replies to the attacker.
TCP/IP Stack. Then these fingerprints are integrated with the Hon- At the same time, the S7 comm server is logging all the inter-
eyd fingerprint database by appending fingerprints to Honeyd’s actions including the attacker’s IP address, the accessed memory
nmap-os-db text file. At a later point when the attacker tries to block, and timestamp.
fingerprint using Nmap then HoneyPLC Integration Framework When an attacker finds the appropriate memory block, he tries
replies with appropriate information. to upload the malicious code into the memory. Tools like PLC inject
are used to inject the malicious code overwriting the existing code.
3.3.2 S7 communication (S7 comm) simulation: It is a Siemens An example is presented in Syntax 2 showing how PLC inject tool
proprietary protocol that runs on PLCs of S7- 300/400 family. The commands work. Once malicious code is injected, the HoneyPLC
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

S7comm server writes the malicious code into a repository managed Each PLC was connected to the host and used the Profiler Tool to
by the Interaction Data module. create a profile of each. Creating a profile just needs an IP address of
After these, two things might happen. First attacker may con- the PLC and the name of the directory. When Profiler Tool started
tinue interacting with HoneyPLC to get more information or sec- querying for different data sets needed in creating profiles, the
ondly stop further communication. progress messages were displayed including error messages. Little
difficulty was faced on downloading PLC websites including images
and HTML paths. Similarly, to get a better Nmap fingerprint, the
plcinject -c -p OB1 -b FC1000 -f /home/user/PATH number of ports to be scanned was expanded.
The experiment took around 5 minutes to create each profile.
The manual modification was done for the broken links in HTML
files. These results were saved for the remaining experiments. The
Syntax 2: Example PLC Inject. This command injects OB1
future work on this honeypot should be able to remove the manual

with function block FC1000 located at /home/user/PATH.Then
changes needed for creating a profile.

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downloads all blocks in /home/user/PATH and the modified

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OB1 back to PLC. 4.1.2 Allen-Bradley and ABB PLCs. Since Siemens PLC profiling
was not a difficult task, testing different vendors PLC would prove

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3.5 Logging how well the HoneyPLC extensibility feature works. The same en-
The HoneyPLC module is written to collect logs and those logs are vironment as Siemens PLC was set up for Alan-Bradley MicroLogix

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stored in Interaction data. S7 comm server keeps a record of the 1100 and the ABB PM554-TP-ETH PLCs. In addition, the software
IP address of the attacker, timestamp, memory block ID. S7 comm tool provided by them were used to configure the IP address needed
server writes all logs including malicious code into the Interaction for HoneyPLC Profiler Tool.
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Data module. Similarly, snmpsim logs IP information, what OIDS is Though successful profiling was possible for both PLC, few chal-
accessed, and timestamp while Lighttpd web server logs IP address, lenges were faced because of the different protocols, ports, and
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timestamps, and the accessed web files into Interaction data. All services they use in their PLC. As Siemens PLC Allen-Bradley Mi-
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these data are important for analysis at a later point. This makes croLogix 1100 used port 80 for a light web server, ABB PM554-TP-
HoneyPLC a better honeypot compared to all. ETH does not support this feature. In addition, both these PLCs fail
to support SNMP service hindering to retrieval MIB database. More-
3.6 Ladder logic code Injection and Collection over, Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100 PLC uses Ethernet/IP protocol
t f he

The novel Ladder Logic capture in HoneyPLC is supported by the for configuration purposes and uploading ladder logic program m
S7 comm server. As the S7comm server uses the snap7 library for compared to Siemens S7comm protocol. Whereas ABB PM554-TP-
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the simulation of the S7comm protocol used by Siemens PLCs, ETH PLC uses Nucleus Sand Database for database record keeping.
it exposes several memory blocks to an attacker. Then attacker So, to co-operate well little changes were required for HoneyPLC
uploads malicious code using PLC inject tool into that memory like scanning port 2200 and open port 1201 to simulate Nucleus

block trusting to be a real PLC. The S7 comm server will then write Sand DB.
these codes into Interaction Data, which can be analyzed at a later These results clearly proved that HoneyPLC supported out of box
point to understand the attack vector with other interaction logs 5 different PLCs as compared to other honeypots which support one

like IP address, timestamp, the accessed memory block. to two PLCs. Though it supported simulation of 5 different PLCs,
supporting a greater number of PLCs is a task for future work.
The HoneyPLC is designed to mitigate the problems stated in sec-
4.2 Concealing its Nature
tion 2.10. In this section, we are going to present how these prob- Honeypot revealing its nature to the attacker will stop the attacker’s
lems are tackled by HoneyPLC and become one of the sophisticated motive and resources. So, concealing its nature from different kinds
honeypots for PLC. of reconnaissance tools is an essential characteristic of honeypot.
Results from experiment tools like Nmap and PLCScan is compared
4.1 Extensibility with other existing honeypots will be presented below.
For the experiment, two different computers were set up. One
Featuring different kinds of PLCs from different manufacturers is a
for installation of Nmap, PLCScan, and one for HoneyPLC. In the
challenging task. Since the manufacturer has its own proprietary
HoneyPLC host, additional components like Honeyd, Lighttpd, sn-
protocol and services running on different ports, one honeypot
mpsim, and s7comm server were also installed. The laptop con-
featuring a distinguished profile becomes difficult. This section will
taining Nmap also includes the three Siemens PLCs fingerprints in
cover up experiments and results based on the extensibility feature
Nmap’s fingerprint database nmap-os-db.
of HoneyPLC with different vendor-specific PLCs.
Additionally, another host was setup with three different Siemens
4.1.1 Siemens PLC. Three different Siemens PLCs: the S7-300, PLC (S7-300, S7-1200, S7-1500) for baseline comparison with hon-
S7-1200, and the S7-1500 were again chosen for the experiment. eypots. Each PLC model and honeypots were scanned with Nmap’s
These PLCs were connected with ethernet cables to setup an IP OS detection 10 times. Similarly, PLCScan was used to scan each
address with Siemens Step7 Manager whereas a laptop host was PLC profile in same way. In addition S7comm Trace, SCADA Hon-
deployed with Python3 and HoneyPLC Profiler Tool. eyNet and Conpot was scanned with Nmap’s OS detection enabled
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

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Figure 2: Nmap Scan Results. All three profiles received at Figure 3: Shodan Honeyscore Results.HoneyPLC profiles are
least 90 percent confidence rate. assigned similar score to real PLCs.

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with the hope that the attacker can inject malicious code and then
10 times.
that can be analyzed later to reveal the attack methods. An experi-
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The result seemed exciting with Nmap as real PLCs get the best
ment was set up with three different HoneyPLC profiles setup in
confidence with HoneyPLC following closely. Fig-2 clearly shows
AWS EC2 instances (Ubuntu 18.04) and 4 AWS instances for Gaspot,
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how close the HoneyPLC profiles are with real PLCs, Similarly,
S7commTrace, SCADA HoneyNet, and Conpot exposing TCP ports
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PLCScan experiments were successful as HoneyPLC showing real

80, 102, and UDP port 161. Then another host with Ubuntu 18.04
PLC data for all PLC profiles. While as Nmap results for SCADA
LTS is installed with the PLCinject tool which is used to upload
HoneyNet was identified as Siemens CP 343-1 plc and others were
ladder logic code which consists of code.
identified as Linux OS with 100 percent. PLCScan identified Conpot
t f he

An AWS Instance with HoneyPLC installed runs the S7comm

as S7-200 while others showed the empty report. HoneyPLC clearly
server and exposes several memory blocks where malicious lad-
wins against other honeypots.
der logic programs can be uploaded. So, by using the PLCinject
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Similarly, Shodan Honeyscore part of Shodan API which checks

tool, sample code was injected in HoneyPLC. Similarly, the log was
whether the device is honeypot or not. Both Shodan and its API
maintained with the uploaded code and timestamp. While Gaspot
are actively used in practice to find out the devices on the internet
honeypot shows it is not possible to inject. Conpot shows TCP con-

and to match whether a particular device is a honeypot or not with

nection over 102 but program upload is not possible. S7commTrace
a high degree of accuracy. As Honeyscore works only when the
with no connection established. But SCADA HoneyNet shows the
system is deployed on the internet, the testing systems were put in

upload function started but after the function ends there was no
a public environment. The score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. 0 meaning
sample code saved or even transmitted. This experiments also miti-
the host is a real system and 1.0 means it is a honeypot. Shodan
gates the problem stated in section 2.10.
uses its own algorithm to assign the scores.
The experiment was set up with three different HoneyPLC profiles
4.4 Interactivity
setup in AWS EC2 instances (Ubuntu 18.04) and 4 AWS instances for
Gaspot, S7commTrace, SCADA HoneyNet, and Conpot exposing Comparing with honeypots used for the experimental purposes in
TCP ports 80, 102, and UDP port 161. the above cases, HoneyPLC performed better in every aspect. Its
It took about a week for Shodan to index these instances on the capability to capture ladder logic code, supporting different brands
internet. The results of the Shodan experiment are depicted in of PLCs and covertness against reconnaissance tools proved its
Fig-3. Shodan Honeyscore assigned 0.0 to S7-300 profile while S7- interaction with protocols, services, and devices are much better
1200 and S7-1500 were assigned 0.3 scores. Conpot instance was than other honeypots. The advanced simulation of different proto-
also assigned a 0.3 Honeyscore. Whereas other honeypot instances, cols supported by real PLC in HoneyPLC provided high-interaction
Gaspot, S7comm Trace, SCADA HoneyNet were even not index by as real PLC. These high interactions are important for extracting
Shodan as they crashed while Shodan’s crawler tried to interact valuable information from attackers and their tools.
with them. This adds more evidence to our HoneyPLC, that it is 4.4.1 Interaction with Step7 Manager. To test the capabilities of
effective at maintaining covertness. the HoneyPLC S7Comm server against Step7 Manager another test
was designed. Step 7 manager which is a Siemens software used to
4.3 Experiment on Ladder Logic Capture configure, program, test, and diagnose PLCs.
The goal of this experiment is to demonstrate the novel feature of For this experiment, a Windows XP virtual environment installed
HoneyPLC, Ladder logic capture. A test environment was created on a desktop host was setup. Additionally, HoneyPLC with three
and exposed on the internet to check this capability of HoneyPLC profiles and other honeypots used in previous experiments were
HoneyPLC: Advanced Honeypot for PLCs
Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

setup in different Ubuntu 18 LTS VMs and connected them to the Geo-Location S7-300 S7-1200 S7-1500
Windows XP host.
United States 359 142 250
Then,Step 7 manager was used to list all memory blocks, up-
Russia 28 12 14
load memory blocks and then download the uploaded block in all
China 42 16 26
honeypots to test its compatibility with the honeypots.
Netherlands 22 13 11
The results proved that HoneyPLC can handle all these functions
Germany 18 9 12
whereas other honeypots threw connection timeout error. Though
Japan 8 2 2
S7comm Trace provides simulates the S7comm protocol well, Hon-
France 10 5 7
eyPLC simulation of S7comm protocol through the S7comm server
Romania 6 2 4
is better by supporting more functions and sub-functions.
HoneyPLC supports 13 functions and 18 sub-functions whereas Table 1: S7comm Connections Received by Geolocation
S7comm Trace supports 12 and 14, respectively. The extra function

error response function and sub-functions delete, insert block are

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important when injecting ladder logic code. Moreover, HoneyPLC’s

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novel feature capturing ladder logic code is not available in the proposed a high interaction honeypot, HoneyPLC, a high interac-
S7comm Trace honeypot. tion honeypot for the programmable logic controller in ICS. With

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results from the experiments provided above, this honeypot is a
4.4.2 Internet Interaction Experiment. An additional experiment
much better honeypot among the remaining honeypots. The novel

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was set up to find out how HoneyPLC interacts with external agents
feature capturing ladder logic code, providing better covertness,
like attackers. As the attacker tries to find the exposed devices on
and supporting PLCs of different vendors make HoneyPLC a better
the internet, HoneyPLC profiles were put on the internet. Three
honeypot which can be a helpful tool for critical infrastructure.
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AWS EC2 instances were deployed exposing TCP ports 80, 102, and
UDP port 161 with each one equipped with HoneyPLC profiles
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for S7-300, S7-1200, and s7-1500. These instances were put on the REFERENCES
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received different S7comm function commands. This proved that
t f he

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Mainly Based on 27th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS ’20)

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