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Doc Locum®

Work Breakdown Structure

Project Name: DOC LOCUM®

Department: Recruitment Department
Focus Area: Medical and Health Sector
Product/Process: Short term Recruitment of Doctors & Doctor on Call (DOC)

Prepared By
Document Owner(s) Project/Organization Role
Mr. Umair Awan Short term Recruitments (call centre)

Project Closure Report Version Control

Version Date Author Description
Ver.1.1 17-05-2011 Mr. Umair Awan To Provide short term recruitment of
Doctors in Peshawar.

Project Management
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure

Doc Locum®

Work Breakdown Structure Purpose:

The purpose of this worksheet is to:

Identify the work to be done.
Identify the types of resources required for the work.
Develop estimates for each work element.
Identify storage locations.
Who will perform the work?
When the work will be completed.

Project Management Page 2 Created By: Umair Awan

Work Breakdown Structure

Doc Locum®

Work Breakdown Structure Organization Chart

DOC Locum

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Registration of Request Availability of Text to all Response Data Common Confirmation of Execution &
Doctors from Doctors Related Regtd from Verification Support Equip Doctors Implementation
Hospital Doctors Doctors

1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.8.1 1.8.2
Updating on Updating Updating on Received Reply of VOIP phone Email Documents VOIP Database Send Checklist Confirmation to
Database on Website SMS text site Email Email Calls Reply Updating Phone & other things Hospital

Project Management Page 3 Created By: Umair Awan

Work Breakdown Structure

Doc Locum®
Work Breakdown Structure Worksheet
Work (Completion Estimated
ID Work Name Description Criteria) Customer Asset Type Complexity Effort Work performer Storage/Location
1.0 DOC locum System Recruitment Process - - - - - Administrator DOC Locum
1.1 Registration Doctors Registration 1 hour Doctors Database Correct info: Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.1.1 Updating on database Updating 1 hour Doctors Database Correct info: Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.1.2 Updating on website Updating 1 hour Doctors Website Correct info: Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.1.3 Updating on text site Updating 1 hour Doctors Text site Contact No: Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.2 Request from Hospital Doctor Requirement - Hospital Email / Call Doc Availability Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.2.1 Received Email From Hospital - Hospital Email A/c Correct info: Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.2.2 Reply to Email To Hospital - Hospital Email A/c Correct info: Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.3 Availability of Doc On database 1 hour Hospital Database Criteria Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.4 Text to all Regtd Doctor From SMS text site 1 hour Doctors Text site Received Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.5 Response from Doctor Through Email 2 hours Doctors VOIP Phone Interesting Up to date Administrator DOC Locum
1.5.1 VOIP Phone calls From doctor 2 hours Doctors VOIP Calls Working Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.5.2 Email Reply From Doctor 1 hour Doctors Email A/c Correct info: Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.5.3 Documents Updating In database 1.5 hours Doctors Database Correct info: Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.6 Data Verification Verify the data 2 hours Both Database Correct info: Up to date Administrator DOC Locum
1.7 Common Support Equip Equipments - Both Database Maintenance Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.7.1 VOIP Phone Internet phone - Both VOIP Phone Maintenance Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.7.2 Database Doctor database - Both Database Maintenance Up to date Compliance Officer DOC Locum
1.8 Confirmation of Doctor To Hospital 2 hours Doctor VOIP Phone - Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.8.1 Send checklist & Others To Doctor 1 hour Doctor Email / Fax - Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.8.2 Confirmation to Hospital To Hospital 1.5 hours Hospital Email A/c - Up to date Coordinator Officer DOC Locum
1.9 Execution & Implementation Execution 2 Days Both Documents - Up to date Administrator DOC Locum

Project Management Page 4 Created By: Umair Awan

Work Breakdown Structure

Doc Locum®

1.0 DOC locum System

1.1 Registration
1.1.1 Updating on database
1.1.2 Updating on website
1.1.3 Updating on text site
1.2 Request from Hospital
1.2.1 Received Email
1.2.2 Reply to Email
1.3 Availability of Doc
1.4 Text to all Regtd Doctor
1.5 Response from Doctor
1.5.1 VOIP Phone calls
1.5.2 Email Reply
1.5.3 Documents Updating
1.6 Data Verification
1.7 Common Support Equip
1.7.1 VOIP Phone
1.7.2 Database
1.8 Confirmation of Doctor
1.8.1 Send checklist & Others
1.8.2 Confirmation to Hospital
1.9 Execution & Implementation

Project Management Page 5 Created By: Umair Awan

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