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Classroom is a learning environment where students can explore about learning that will allow them to correct their

error in a way that still makes them individuals with dignity, deserving of utmost respect.

My conducive learning environment should always have an encouraging atmosphere especially towards students who
are anxious and afraid of trials. I subscribe to the idea of holistic teaching that requires both patience and consistent
facilitation of classroom management from the teacher. As a teacher, the involvement of students in the beautification of the
classroom should transpire because to create a conducive learning environment requires exchange of thoughts from both the
teachers and the students. The classroom should reflect the ideal room of the students, so as to establish their concern towards
their own room. The room must be filled with information and corners that will stimulate or pique the students interest to
reflect on themselves, to speak for their thoughts, to appreciate them, to give advice, or to just simply allow them to have the
space to do their hobbies or talents. The room must have ideas that will constantly remind them about important general
knowledge, important data, and important advices.

Conducive learning environment is also about the atmosphere in the classroom. My classroom must ensure students
freedom to explore learning, wherein teachers, as facilitators and manager of the class, shall only impose corrective measures
that are not harsh and is appropriate to correct behaviors. The lasting impression of conducive learning environment is when
students can freely express themselves in a respectful and dignified manner with their teacher.

My conducive learning environment is free from learning obstacles and threatening mental anxiety brought by
teachers or other students. It must be open for discourse. Students shall be sanctioned in a manner that maintains their
dignity, following teacher’s ethics.

BookTube: A Localized Research on Improving Reading Performance in English Literature of Selected Grade 10 Students
Doctana & Andrade (2021)

BookTube is a literary phenomenon that has informally enabled tracking and monitoring reading strategy. Understanding that
this phenomenon had influenced reading habits among readers in the social networks, could this globally trending literary
phenomenon can increase reading performance among learners?
This study utilized BookTube with students by the use of sequential-explanatory design. The research presents comparison of
the six Grade 10 students’ reading comprehension in both Traditional and BookTube reading strategy. This also shows how reading
comprehension improved among the student-participants by thematically analyzing BookTube videos that reveals emergent reading
strategies that allows better comprehension to the selected literatures. Also, this study presents drawbacks and advantages of
BookTube as experienced by students.
Findings conclude that BookTube can be applied as a reading instruction to improve reading comprehension and reading
strategies among students. This further suggests others future researchers to replicate this study with wider sample and longer span of

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