Design Principles and Methods For Military Turbojet Engines

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J.P. HERTEMAN, Technical Director

M. GOUTINES, Assistant Director for Research
SNECMA Villaroche

1. INTRODUCTION - the contribution of the aircraft

engine to electromagnetic stealth, both infra-
The design of turbojet engines for military red and in the radar bands.
aircraft is at present undergoing a
transformation, due among other things to As far as costs are concerned, the requirement
changing demands from customers, who are is to design hi-tech engines at low cost. In
either modifying their initial performance practice this means that the desirable
priorities, or introducing new specifications. technologies are those which provide high
Basing ourselves on this new order, we can performance at low cost, and not necessarily
draw up a list of those technologies, methods, those which provide maximum performance.
or know-how areas which require research It should be noted that a given technological
and development effort. advance, for example, improved blade
aerodynamics, can be used in different ways;
As far as military aircraft are concerned, the to maximise engine efficiency, to reduce the
first thing to note is that the usual five number of blades, or as a trade off between
performance criteria, i.e. specific fuel the two.
consumption, thrust to weight ratio on take-
off, acceleration and deceleration times, flight 2. ENGINE ARCHITECTURE
envelope limits and reliability, can be ENHANCEMENT AND
weighted in different ways to produce a COMPONENT INTEGRATION
global performance criterion. The individual
weights of the different performances will
2.1 Advanced technology components for
vary, depending on the mission or missions
conventional thermodynamic cycle engines
assigned to the aircraft, and this can produce
different engine architectures.
The high level of coupling between the
different modules generally means that the
In recent years, armed forces and government
optimum design is not simply an assembly of
departments have frequently been concerned
the optimum designs of each module. This is
with two requirements which initially
obviously true for the design of compressors
appeared less critical, i.e.
and turbines linked on the same shaft.
- the reduction of costs of all types,
The emphasis placed on cost, electromagnetic
from production costs to the costs of
stealth and qualities such as reliability, means
maintaining equipment with a long service
that optimisation work is now based on
overall multidimensional criteria and

The figures are in the French version of this Address

Paper presented at the RTO AVT Symposium on “Design Pn’nciples and Methods for Aircraf Gas Turbine Engines “,
held in Toulouse, France, 11-15 May 1998, and published in RTO MP-8.

expressed in terms of the engine or not made right from the design stage.
aircraft/engine system. Previously, this was achieved by means of
scale mock-ups, which in fact were ill-suited
There is a considerable amount of to the job of obtaining an optimal
aerothermodynamic interaction between configuration within a reasonable time frame.
modules. For example, care should be taken The use of numerical mock-ups produced by
to ensure that the unsteady distortions of CATIA V4 type 3D design and display
stagnation pressure and velocity vector software has enabled spectacular reductions in
produced by the air inlet during high angle of removal/installation times as well as in design
attack manoeuvres remain compatible with an costs of the build-up. Figure 3 shows the
acceptable level of deterioration of the surge numerical mock-up of a subassembly of a
line of the low pressure compressor. The military engine.
optimum aircraft can only be achieved by a
judicious trade-off of specifications between 2.2 Advanced thermodynamic cycles and
the air inlet (maximum permissible complex architectures
distorsion) and the LP compressor (minimum
surge margin to be ensured). Figure 1 shows New concepts are being examined to enable
the aerodynamic simulation, measurement improvements in of performance and
and computation facilities developed to operational qualities. Among others are the
ensure air inlet/engine compatibility both at variable cycle or hybrid concepts, which can
the design stage (computation) and prior to be used to produce a variable by-pass ratio
flight testing ( engine or LP compressor HP compressor, air or power bleeds, vectored
tested on a ground test rig). The radial thrust, and in the longer term a fixed or
clearance between the casing and the blade variable area turbine nozzle. The main
tips of a rotor, or between the rub strip of a difficulty presented by these new techniques
honey comb structure and its sealing fins can is to keep costs and reliability at the same
have a critical influence on turbojet engine levels as those achieved on conventional
performance. This type of interaction and the engines. In particular, one of the major
way in which it develops is conditioned to a problems is to obtain an acceptable degree of
great extent by the dynamic and thermal complexity for the regulation system
behaviour of the engine considered as a responsible for engine management and
whole. In addition, under real operating control. In the same way, integration of the
conditions, engines are subjected to various different modules into this type of engine will
types of transient effects : imbalance, deck become more complex.
landings, high-g manoeuvres etc..
Figure 2 shows a dynamic model of a The future of advanced architecture engines
complete engine and illustrates how it can be will depend on the ability of designers to keep
used to reduce the strain on an engine fastener life cycle costs close to those of conventional
during deck landings.This type of calculation engines.
is necessary to ensure that the resulting
engine is both as light as possible and capable 3. TECHNOLOGIES FOR
of running for a sufficient number of cycles STRUCTURES AND
under military operating conditions. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS
Finally, the assembly-disassembly of an
Progress needs to be made to reduce the costs
engine and its many accessories and hoses can
and improve the reliability of control systems
be long and costly operations if efforts
for variable geometry control surfaces. We
towards rationalisation and simplification are

are concerned here with the variable by-pass engine in real time. This enables the use of
ratio of compressors, twin parameter nozzles mutivariable regulations, which are not the
(and/or vectoring), variable mixing etc.. same as independent variable regulation
techniques and which enable significant
New structural materials concepts, with improvements in the following fields :
greater incorporation of different thermal and
mechanical functions, will be used to reduce - reduction of acceleration and deceleration
engine weight. Figure 4 shows the use of an times. Figure 5 shows that the time required
organic matrix composite ( “PMR 15” to achieve 95% of full thrust has been
carbon/resin ) for the fan duct of the Rafale reduced by 17%, all other conditions being
MW2 engine. This figure also shows the use equal.
of ceramic matrix thermostructural
composites (carbon/Sic) for the outboard - use of regulation modes adapted to different
flaps of the nozzle of the SNECMA M 88-2. aircraft missions. For example, regulation
Eventually, thanks to their high temperature modes which minimise the infrared emission
tolerance properties, composite materials such created by combustion products and the
as CERASEP (Sic/Sic), will be used for hot temperature of the jet, or so-called “peacetime
divergent nozzle flaps and other component modes” which reduce part damage caused by
elements of afterburners and afterburner thermomechanical fatigue.
- reduction of the cost and time required for
More advanced bearing shaft bearings, debugging regulation systems.
bearings and sealing systems will be used in
turbojet engines. The aim will be to stop leaks The numerical model of the engine stored in
while reducing heat generation and of course, the onboard computer can also be used to
extending the lifetime of these components. detect the failure of sensors which monitor
engine status ( rotation speeds, pressures,
4. REGULATION SYSTEMS temperatures etc..). To a certain extent, an
“alternative” to the basic regulation system
4.1 Numerical systems can be implemented to lessen the effects of
these failures and to provide a dramatic
Full authority numerical regulation has been improvement in operational availability.
adopted on all recent projects. In the future, Figure 5 shows the “compensation” for a
safety and reliability requirements will temperature measurement drift T23 (outlet
necessitate the use of “numerical core” from LP compressor) during an acceleration.
distribution techniques in preference to the It will be noted that the visible disturbance is
proliferation of separate processing channels very moderate and that the rotation speed of
These technologies will enable us to the HP compressor (XN25) increases in
reconfigure computers and thus avoid the quasi-linear fashion, as required.
consequences of localised failures. It will
therefore be possible to meet safety and 4.2 Mechanical and hydraulic systems
reliability specifications at a lower cost than
is the case with present day architectures, or Current research work aims at reducing the
alternatively, achieve a higher availability weight, cost and the number of parts in the
rate for an equivalent cost. systems which control the injection of fuel
and actuate engine components. It is, for
The most advanced regulation codes simulate example, planned to use a single fuel pump
overall thermodynamic operation of the (instead of a main pump and a pump for the

afterburner) Effort is also being put into to be able to make provision for blading
generally simplifying the mechanical systems flutter envelopes and for the dynamic
which drive the variable setting stators, and characteristics of stator wake/rotor blade
the nozzle valves and mobile flaps (actuators, aerodynamic excitation and vice versa.
synchronisation systems etc. .) Structural sizing will be more accurate and
the probability of not having to go back and
5. COMPRESSORS alter the compressor design will be much
5.1 Design and analysis methods
Finally, the provision of aerodynamic
Aerodynamic analysis shows a general calculations which allow for unsteady
tendency to use 3D Navier-Stokes equations phenomena should improve compressor
in which turbulent phenomena are represented efficiency predictions particularly with regard
as a temporal average by means of to stall and surge limits. The technologies
sophisticated models (K, E etc...). Modern used for active control of compressor surge
compressors are optimised using codes which could also benefit from the advances made in
are always applied to steady flows, but which unsteady aerodynamics design methods.
are capable of solving flow through a series
of fixed and variable cascades.Transfer of the In so far as concerns the structural sizing of
boundary conditions obtaining at the rotors and stators, special efforts are being
interfaces between cascades makes use of a made in the fields of :
simplification involving circumferential
averaging of the flow. Figure 6 shows the - modelling of the damage caused by
field of the Mach number for the cascades in the intake of foreign bodies (stones, birds
the first stage of an HP compressor (inlet etc..) . The objective here is to be able to
guide vane + rotor + outlet guide vane). correctly assessthe consequences of impacts
These results are very useful, not only for in terms of plastic deformation, fracture and
optimising the profiles but also for adapting retention of debris,
each blading to the flow produced by the
upstream cascade. As modern compressors - prediction of rotor lifetimes under
are subject to increasing aerodynamic loads, real operating conditions and allowing for
it is important when carrying out digital minor manufacturing inaccuracies and
analyses to allow for the so-called small scale imperfections. The aim is to fully understand
effects such as blade tip radial clearance, the behaviour of materials which are loaded
leaks through the walls of the duct, hydraulic for long periods in the presence of small
jumps etc..Figure 7 gives an example of localised irregularities (scratches, welded
quantification of the influence of radial areas etc. .)
clearance at the tip of a loaded blade which,
while allowing the fluid under pressure from 5.2 Advanced materials and
the pressure side to escape to suction side of manufacturing processes
the neighbouring channel, induces a
significant eddy and reduces compression The increase in pressure ratio and therefore in
efficiency. compressor outlet temperatures explains the
adoption of powder metallurgy nickel based
The “unsteady” versions of these 3D Navier- alloys for parts downstream of the rotor. It is
Stokes calculation codes are being developed also planned to use titanium aluminides for
and tested with the aim of rapidly qualifying the medium temperature parts of the casings
them for industrial applications. The aim is

and guide vanes which are at present made of

steel. The main aim is to reduce weight. 6.1 Design and analysis methods

In the medium term, there are some Whereas in the past empirical methods were
developments on Sic/Ti type metal matrix widely used, today’s combustion chambers are
compound materials (CMM). These materials, designed using 3D numerical codes to
which have a high stress to elastic simulate the flow of viscous, chemically
limit/density ratio, will enable considerable reactive fluids. The realistic simulation of jet
weight reduction. In this type of architecture, fuel combustion phenomena means looking at
the conventional disks are replaced by thin two-phase flows (fuel droplets/burnt gases
CMM rings which take up the centifugal and air) and ensuring that the turbulence
strain of the rotating vanes.The ring + blade models are suited to the problem. Figure 9
assembly forms a one-piece unit. shows the temperature maps obtained in three
different throughflow sections of a double
In the longer term, it is planned to use headed combustion chamber. This type of
intermetallic matrix compound materials calculation is used in conjunction with a
(CMIM), which would produce unequalled parametric study to produce a design which
structural performances. One of the major minimises temperature irregularities. It is
difficulties lies in the development of important that the use of this type of
reproducible production processes at calculation includes all the small cooling
acceptable cost. devices (perforations, slots generating cold
films etc..), as the prediction of heat flows is
5.3 Design trends for future compressors an essential element in the sizing of the walls
which make up the chamber. Research is
Cost reduction constraints mean that today’s under way to develop unsteady combustion
compressors must achieve the same efficiency codes capable of predicting the instability
with less stages. This is accomplished by domains. This will be very useful for sizing
using the advances made in aerodynamics to afterburner systems, one of the requirements
increase the aerodynamic load factor GIAJZ, of which should be the absence of instability
which is between 0.5 and 0.6 on recent caused by acoustic coupling/combustion
machines. A good illustration of present reactions, or “screech”.
trends is the recently produced SNECMA
experimental HP compressor with Concerning the design of combustion devices,
a pressure ration of 11.4, in 5 stages (cf. Fig an effort should be made to generalise
8). Compared to the state-of-the-art, this modelling of the viscoplastic behaviour of the
compressor presents an aerodynamic load walls, as well as lifetime prediction.
(GI/U2) increased by 20% with the same
efficiency, or alternatively an increase in 6.2 Design trends for future combustion
efficiency of 2 points with the same chambers
aerodynamic load.
In order to reduce the size and weight of
Finally, the advanced materials described in future engines, combustion exit temperature
the above paragraph will be used either to will be increased to typically 2100K on outlet
reduce weight or to increase rotational speed from the HP turbine nozzle. Infrared
without any weight penalty. discretion requirements will lead to
reductions in the emission of smoke and other
6. COMBUSTION CHAMBER AND secondary combustion products (NOx etc. .).
AFTERBURNER One of the architectures which meets these

specifications is the double headed

combustion chamber (two axially offset Cooling technologies play an essential role in
injectors) (cf fig. 9). These combustor the design of HP compressors. High
technologies will be combined with new temperatures could not in fact be achieved
technology injection systems which will without very efficient cooling systems to limit
improve the quality of fuel spray and the the ventilation flow rates and prevent any
spatial distribution of fuel. fall-off in efficiency which would otherwise
cancel out the gain achieved on the
Reduction in chamber wall cooling rates (or thermodynamic cycle. Among the
increased lifetime with the same cooling air) technologies being considered for future
will be achieved by the use of advanced engines are :
technologies (multi-perforations, pin tiles
etc. .) associated with zirconate coatings - cooling systems composed of small
acting as thermal barriers. The use of ceramic channels located near the pressure side and
matrix compound materials (SiC/SiC) for the suction side walls,
chamber walls is another area worthy of - the use of sophisticated internal
interest. disturbance devices producing an increase in
turbulent thermal convection inside the
7. TURBINES blades,

7.1 Design and analysis methods - fairing and flare-out of the “cold”
film effusion holes in order to improve their
In the same way as for the design of quality,
compressors, turbine design uses 3D Navier-
Stokes equations with sophisticated - improvement of the properties of
turbulence models. Considerable progress was monocrystalline alloys and ceramic thermal
made when it became possible to do the barriers.
design calculations for several cascades
simultaneously (for example nozzle guide Figure 11 shows a prototype of a new
vane + rotor) and allow for radial clearance at generation casting designed to achieve an 8%
the blade tips. Figure 10 illustrates the improvement in thermal efficiency on present
relative Mach number profile obtained from state-of-the-art, at the same ventilation flow
an HP turbine stage; the compatibility of rate.
boundary conditions at the guide vane/rotor
interface can only be achieved for 7.3 Design trends for future turbines
circumferentially averaged values. An
accurate description of cooling fins and The achievement of high specific thrust and
internal flow distributions will shortly be reduced fuel consumption requires high
included in the 3D Navier-Stokes codes to turbine inlet temperatures (2 1OOK), which, as
enable detailed modelling of heat flows in the we have already menioned, means that
guide vanes. cooling flow rates must be kept to acceptable
levels. The increase in HP compressor
Current research into structural design pressure ratios, while keeping rotation speeds
methods essentially concerns the use of at moderate levels so as not to penalise
viscoplastic damage calculation methods for weight, will lead to high aerodynamic load
improved life cycle prediction. factors for the HP turbine, typically GI/U2>2.

7.2 Cooling technologies and materials


Advances in aerodynamics will be used to - colocation of operational teams right

reduce the number of moving blades and from the initial design phase. These teams are
guide vanes. The objective is typically to made
increase pitch-to-chord ratios by 20% up of members of design,
compared to those produced using production, after-sales and logistics support
conventional criteria. Three dimensional teams.
designs will be used, with allowance for the
behaviour of the blade boundary layers in the - a high level of integration between
unsteady environment created by the engine and aircraft manufacturers.
alternation of stators and rotors.
From a technical point of view, we can no
Finally, we note that a reduction in the longer release a design without making full
number of blades on the HP turbine rotor, three-dimensional fluid mechanics and
together with their unit cost, and an increased structures evaluations.
blade lifetime, are decisive factors in the
reduction of maintenance costs. In fact, the No significant reduction of development lead
replacement or repair of these parts during times can be achieved without the creation of
engine overhaul operations represents a major “technology nurturing” programmes or
percentage of maintenance costs. exploratory developments designed to remove
the major risks before the launch of an engine
8. FUTURE TRENDS IN THE programme. Figure 12 gives the schedule for
MANAGEMENT OF MILITARY a derived military engine which is being
developed and manufactured in accordance
with this type of approach. It should be noted
CONCLUSIONS that the first engine turn-over is previewed 16
months after the start of the design studies
Even the best technologies can prove quite and flight qualification after a total of 36
worthless unless they are implemented as part months.
of a suitably controlled and optimised engine
development-production process.

In this respect, the application of integrated

multidisciplinary design is of benefit to the
development of military engines, even though
certain constraints, budgetary or otherwise,
may complicate the situation. The essential
results are improved customer satisfaction, a
30% to 40% reduction in non-recurrent costs
and better development/production lead

The three key success factors in such an

approach are :

- stringent project management :

progress charts, phasing, risk identification

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