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22-42-2021 M4 [Ills the process that favilitates the equal partitioning of veplicated chromosomes into two identical. groups which show no deduction in the number of chromosomes) Answer b Mikoss o 15. [commences with the initial splicting of sister chromatids at their centromeres These daughter chromosomes then begin 40 separate from each Other, each moving away from the metaphase plate and toward one of the two spindle pale regions Answer : ¢. Anaphase 0 0 Translate the sentence below +0 endtish or £0 bohasa Indonesia 0 No Problems with blood composition or cireulation con Lead tO downstream tissue dysfunction Masaloh dengan Kompass atou sirkulos daroh dapat menyebabkan disfungsi jaringan hitir 0 AT. In 1904 Karl Landsteiner demonstrated the pxistence of blood group antigans On human red, load ce\Ls as Well as antibodies directed against those antigens in human sera Poda tahun 4901 Karl Londsteiner mendemonstrasikan adanya antigen golongan dorah pada sel. dorah merah maniisia Serta antibod yang ditujukan terhadap antigen tersebut dalam serum manasia 0 1B. Brood group O had neither A nor B aneigens on their ved blood cells but had both anti-A and anti-B in thier sera Golongan darah O tidak memiliki antigen A atau B pada sl davoh merahnya terapi memiliki anti-A dan anti-B dalam serumnya o 19 Saya bergolongan dorah 0, sementara kedua orang tuaku bergolongan daroh A dan B.

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