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Revised Curriculum for


Effective First Semester 2018-2019

Over the years, the Philippine education has been the focus of the
government’s social policy. Access to the promotion of quality education has
become the basic state policy. The Ifugao State University (IFSU) has done its
part in providing and improving its delivery of quality education to its clienteles.
It offers the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) in tow
campuses. Lamut and Alfonso Lista campuses.

The field of computing is ever dynamic; its advancement and development had
been rapid and its involvement is a continuous process (O’ Brien, 2008). To
face the challenges of advancement, the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) recognizes the need to be responsive to the current needs of the
country. It is essential and important that the country’s computing capability be
continually developed and strengthened to be at par globally.

Based on the guidelines on the implementation of CHED Memorandum Order

No. 46 s, 2012, it seeks to implement the “shift to learning competency-
based/outcome-based education”. It specifies the “core competencies”
expected of graduates of “Bachelor of Science in Information Technology,
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and Bachelor of Science in
Information Systems.

The face paced in the field of computing has driven policy-makers to craft
policies and guidelines in order to be responsive to the needs of the country
and be at par with that of other countries. CMO 46 series of 2012 seeks to
implement the shift to learning competency-based standards/outcome based

The College of Computing Sciences (CCS) at IFSU recognizes the shifting to

outcomes-based education, innovate curriculum to deliver the specified
competencies expected of an Information Technology (IT) graduate.

After series of workshops and activities involving the University and the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Board of Regents of IFSU
approved the revised curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Information
Technology as per Resolution No. 749 s, 2018.

This issuance also seeks to enhance the BSIT curriculum, specifically,
1. It seeks to globalize the curriculum, producing globally competitive
2. It aims at revising the curriculum which is responsive to the needs of the
country and abroad; and
3. It seeks to implement the “shift to learning competency-based
standards/outcomes-based education”


Graduate Attributes Graduate Outcome
Apply knowledge of computing, science and
Competent and
mathematics appropriate to Information Technology in
Technology Driven
providing efficient solutions to organizations.
Engage in professional advancements, analyse
complex problems and exhibit a creative and critical
Critical Thinker
thinking skills which are sensible solutions in solving
real-life problems.
Apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic
principles and assist in the creation of an effective
project plan, and to design, develop, implement and
Design, Develop,
evaluate computer-based systems, technology,
Implement and Evaluate
information systems and processes, components and
programs to meet desired requirements and needs
under various constraints in the environment to be
valuable and constructive for the community.
Apply knowledge through the use of current
Modern Tool User techniques, skills, tools, and practices necessary for
the IT profession.
Conduct research, create new valuable concepts and
act capably with practices necessary for the
environment yield with a resilient output using modern
IT tools.
Work productively as a member or leader of a
development team recognizing the different roles
Team Player and Manager
within a team to accomplish a common goal of
multidisciplinary and multi-cultural team.
Communicates effectively with the computing
Effective in community and with society at large about complex
Communication computing activities through logical writing
presentation and clear instructions.
Act in accordance in moral and ethical principles
Ethical and Value Driven personally and professionally in the local, national
and international environment especially
responsibilities in the utilization of information
Recognizes the need for and engage in planning as a
Life-long Learner foundation for continuing professional development in
order to strive for quality and excellence.
Preserve and promote the “Filipino Culture” and to
participate in various types of employment,
Well-rounded Citizen development activities, and to use, develop and
integrate knowledge, skills across disciplines for
building the nation and affect the global industry.



Course Requirements Units

a) Core Courses 24
Understanding the Self 3
Reading in Philippine History 3
The Contemporary World 3
Mathematics in the Modern World 3
Purposive Communication 3
Art Appreciation 3
Science, Technology and Society 3
Ethics 3
B. Elective Courses 9
Living in the IT Era 3
The Entrepreneurial Mind 3
Reading Visual Arts 3
C. Filipino 9
Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino (KOMFIL) 3
Filipino sa Iba’t-ibang Disiplina (FILDIS) 3
Dalumat Ng/Sa Filipino (DalumatFil) 3
D. The Life and Works of Rizal 3
Introduction to Computing 3
Computer Programming 1 3
Computer Programming 2 3
Data Structure and Algorithm 3
Information Management 3
Application Development and Emerging Technologies 3
Introduction to Human Computer Interaction 3
Information Assurance and Security 1 3
Information Assurance and Security 2 3
Database 1 3
Database 2 3
Integrative Programming and Platform Technologies 1 3
Discrete Mathematics 3
Quantitative Methods 3
Networking 1 3
Networking 2 3
Internship 3
System Admin and Maintenance 3
System Integration and Architecture 3
Ethical and Professional Issued in Computing 3
Capstone Project and Res. 1 3
Capstone Project and Res. 2 3
Operating System 3
Multimedia System 3
Computer Hardware, Components, and Peripherals 3
Systems Analysis and Design 3
Integrative Programming Tech. 2 3
Platform Technologies 3
Web Systems and Tech. 3
Object-Oriented Programming 3
H.1 Digital Arts
Graphic Design 3
Digital Design 3
Digital Arts 1 3
Digital Arts 2 3
H.2 Web Technology
Data Warehousing and Web Mining 3
Cloud Computing 3
Data Platform Technology 3
Web Engineering 3
H.3 Networking Technology
Advanced Routing and Switching 3
WAN Technologies 3
Network Security 3
Network Server Admin 3
H.4 Enterprise Resource Planning 3
Application Programming Technique 3
Business Intelligence Systems 3
Computerized Accounting in ERP Systems 3
Application Development 3
College Algebra 3
Trigonometry 3
Physical Education 8
Phonetics 3
Personality Development and Social Graces 3
Certification Plus 9

1. General Education Courses 45
a. Core Courses 24
b. Elective Courses 9
c. Filipino 9
d. Life and Works of Rizal 3
2. Common Courses 18
3. Professional Courses 66
4. Professional Electives 12
5. Special Tracks 12
6. Additional Math Requirements 9
7. PE 8
8. NSTP 6
9. Institutional Course 15
TOTAL No. of Units 188

First Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
PDSG 111 Personality Development and Social Graces 1 2 3 None
FIL 111 Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino 3 3 None
MATH 111 College Algebra 3 3 None
GEC 111 Mathematics in the Modern World 3 3 None
IT 111 Introduction to Computing 2 1 3 None
IT 112 Computer Programming 1 2 1 3 None
GEC 112 Purposive Communication 3 3 None
PE 111 Self-Defense 2 2 None
NSTP 111 NSTP 1 3 3 None
TOTAL No. of Units 19 4 26

Second Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
Math 121 Trigonometry 3 3 Math 111
GEC 121 Understanding the Self 3 3 None
IT 121 Computer Programming 2 2 3 3 IT 112
GEC 122 Readings in Philippine History 3 3 None
GEC 123 The Contemporary World 3 3 None
IT 122 Networking 1 2 3 3 IT 111
PE 121 Swimming 2 2 PE 111
NSTP 121 NSTP 2 0 3 NSTP 1
TOTAL No. of Units 18 6 23

Summer (Other programs use the phrase “Short Term/Third Term)

Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
IT 131 Networking 2 2 3 3 IT 122
IT 132 Multimedia Systems 2 3 3 IT 111
IT 133 Ethical and Professional Issues in Computing 3 3 None
TOTAL No. of Units 7 6 9
First Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
GEC 211 Ethics 3 3 None
IT 211 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 Math 111
Math 121
Fil 211 Filipino sa Iba’t-ibang Disiplina (FilDis) 3 3 Fil 111
GEE 211 Living in the IT Era 3 3 None
IT 212 Computer Hardware, Components and Peripherals 2 3 3 IT 111
PR Elect1 Web Systems and Technologies 2 3 3 IT 132
IT212 Data Structure and Algorithms 2 3 3 IT 121
GEE 212 The Entrepreneurial Mind 3 3 None
RZ211 The Life and Works of Rizal 3 3 None
PE211 Dual Sports 2 2 PE 121
TOTAL No. of Units 26 9 29

Second Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
GEC 221 Art Appreciation 3 3 None
GEC 222 Science, Technology and Society 3 3 None
Engl 221 Phonetics and Speech Communication 3 3 GEC 112
IT 221 Operating System 2 3 3 IT 212
IT 222 Integrative Programming and Technologies 1 2 3 3 IT 121
IT 223 Database Systems 1 2 3 3 IT 111
IT 121
GEE 221 Reading Visual Arts 3 3 None
Track 1 Special Track 1 2 3 3 1st Yr Standing
PE 221 Team Sports 2 2 PE 211
TOTAL No. of Units 22 12 26

Summer (Other programs use the phrase “Short Term/Third Term)

Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
IT 231 Information Management 3 3 2nd Yr Standing
IT 232 Systems Analysis and Design 3 3 2nd Yr Standing
IT 233 Data Base Systems 2 2 3 2nd Yr Standing
TOTAL No. of Units 8 3 9
First Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
PRElect 2 Object-Oriented Programming 2 3 3 IT222
PRElect 3 Integrative Programming and Technologies 2 2 2 3 IT222
IT311 Systems Integration and Architecture 1 2 3 3 IT232
IT312 Human Computer Interaction 2 3 3 2nd yr
IT313 Quantitative Methods 2 3 3 2nd yr
Track 2 Special Track 2 2 3 3 Track 1
TOTAL No. of Units 12 15 18

Second Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
Fil 321 Sosyedad at Literatura: Panitikang Panlipunan 3 3 Fil 211
IT 321 System Admin and Maintenance 2 3 3 IT 311
IT 322 Info Assurance and Security 1 3 3 IT 231
Track 3 Special Track 3 2 3 3 Track 2
IT 323 Application Development and Emerging 2 3 3 Prelect 3
IT 324 Capstone Project 1 2 3 3 All 3rd yr first
sem subjects
TOTAL No. of Units 14 12 18

Summer (Other programs use the phrase “Short Term/Third Term)

Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
IT 331 Certification Plus 3 18 9 3rd yr standing
TOTAL No. of Units 3 18 9
First Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
IT 411 Info Assurance and Security 2 2 3 3 IT 322
Prelect 4 Platform Technologies 3 3 IT 323
Track 4 Special Track 4 2 3 3 Track 3
IT 412 Capstone Project 2 2 3 3 IT 324
TOTAL No. of Units 9 9 12

Second Semester
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
IT 421 Internship (486 hours) 9 9
TOTAL No. of Units 9 9

Note: Students are required to choose one (1) track
Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
DA1 Graphics Design 2 3 3
DA2 Digital Design 2 3 3
DA3 Digital Arts 1 2 3 3
DA4 Digital Arts 2 2 3 3

Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
WT1 Web Engineering 2 3 3
WT2 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 2 3 3
WT3 Cloud Computing 2 3 3
WT4 Data Platform Technology 2 3 3

Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
NT1 Adv. Routing and Switching 2 3 3
NT2 WAN Technology 2 3 3
NT3 Network Security 2 3 3
NT4 Network Server Administrator 2 3 3

Course Pre-
Course Name Lec Lab Units
No. requisite
ERP1 Application Programming Tech. 2 3 3
ERP2 Business Intelligence Systems 2 3 3
ERP3 Computerized Accounting on ERP System 2 3 3
ERP4 Application Development 2 3 3

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