University of Cagayan Valley: College Freshmen Program

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022


Course Code: GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT

Course Title: Living in IT Era
Credit Units: 3 units
Course Description:

This course explores the science, culture and ethics of information technology, its various uses and
applications, as well as its influence on culture and society. It will provide knowledge on new
technologies, modern innovations, technology trends and the history of Information Technology
age. It aims to strike a balance between conceptual instruction and socially and culturally oriented
discussions as it not only explains the basic concepts or key terms in IT but also features the major
IT trends along with the issues and challenges these developments bring.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, students are expected to:


➢ Describe the emerging technologies / current trends of information technology.

➢ Apply emerging technologies

➢ Explain the key features of emerging technologies and their relevance to the digital world


➢ Distinguishes the key aspects of a new technology and describe those attributes to others.
Intended Learning Outcomes:

➢ Identify the importance of emerging technologies

➢ Identify the continues of existing technology.
➢ Asses the value of new technique or development in technology.

GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 1
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022


Learning Activities:

Information technology is an industry on the rise, and business structure, job growth, and emerging
technology will all shift in the coming years. Current trends are improving and presenting new
functions in fields like medicine, entertainment, business, education, marketing, law enforcement,
and more. Still, other much-anticipated technology is only now coming on the scene. Innovations
in IT change internal company processes, but they are also altering the way customers experience
purchasing and support — not to mention basic practices in life, like locking up your home, visiting
the doctor, and storing files. The following trends in information technology are crucial areas to
watch and viable considerations that could influence your future career choices.

Current Trends in Information Technology

The latest technology methods and best practices will primarily stem from current trends in
information technology. Advancements in IT systems relate to what the industry is leaning toward
or disregarding now. Information technology is advancing so rapidly that new developments are
quickly replacing current projections.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a network of resources a company can access, and this method of using a
digital drive increases the efficiency of organizations. Instead of local storage on computer hard
drives, companies will be freeing their space and conserving funds.

Cloud storage and sharing is a popular trend many companies have adopted and even implemented
for employee interaction. A company-wide network will help businesses save on information
technology infrastructure. Cloud services will also extend internal functions to gain revenue.
Organizations that offer cloud services will market these for external products and continue their

Mobile Computing and Applications

Mobile phones, tablets, and other devices have taken both the business world and the personal
realm by storm. Mobile usage and the number of applications generated have both skyrocketed in
recent years.
GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 2
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer
or any other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link.

Big Data Analytics

Big data is a trend that allows businesses to analyze extensive sets of information to achieve variety
in increasing volumes and growth of velocity. Big data has a high return on investment that boosts
the productivity of marketing campaigns, due to its ability to enable high-functioning processing.
Data mining is a way companies can predict growth opportunities and achieve future success.
Examination of data to understand markets and strategies is becoming more manageable with
advances in data analytic programs.


Another current trend in the IT industry is automated processes. Automated processes can collect
information from vendors, customers, and other documentation. Automated processes that check
invoices and other accounts-payable aspects expedite customer interactions. Machine processes
can automate repetitive manual tasks, rather than assigning them to employees. This increases
organization-wide productivity, allowing employees to use their valuable time wisely, rather than
wasting it on tedious work.

GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 3
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Emerging Trends in Information Technology

The term “emerging technology” has been growing in popularity, particularly in the IT and
academic world. However, emerging technology is relative as someone may see a technology as
emerging, and others may not see it the same way. Additionally, this term takes on different
meanings depending on the industry. For example, professionals in IT will view it drastically
different than someone immersed in social media or medicine. So, what is emerging technology?
While there is no universal definition of emerging technology, according to Business it is the concept as a new technology that is currently being developed or will be
developed within the next five to ten years. Finally, this term applies to technologies that are
currently creating or will create lasting economic or social effects.

What is Emerging Technology?

Emerging technology is a term generally used to describe a new technology, but it may also refer
to the continuing development of an existing technology; it can have slightly different meaning
when used in different areas, such as media, business, science, or education. The term commonly
refers to technologies that are currently developing, or that are expected to be available within the
next five to ten years, and is usually reserved for technologies that are creating, or are expected to
create, significant social or economic effects.

For a technology to be classified as emerging, it is characterized by rapid growth, impact, radical

novelty, coherence, and, sometimes, uncertainty and ambiguity. Each of these emerging
technologies has the potential to create a significant competitive advantage for businesses in the
near future. For example, artificial intelligence can be used in many different industries, including
IT, medicine, finance, and more. This technology is making our smartphones smarter, providing
deeper, more valuable insight into data, and making cloud based tools more efficient. In terms of
impact, this technology has the power to change the way we work. AI is just one example of
emerging technology. The global positioning system (GPS) is another notable example of new
technology. We use it in every part of our lives. When we get into our cars, an aircraft, or even the
local commuter train, GPS plays an important role. It not only gets us where we want to go, but it
also provides information that keeps us safe by tracking the movements of other vehicles and
providing accurate time and distance information.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technology used for equipping computer systems with the ability
to make decisions like humans. Being one of the trending technologies, when AI programs are fed
to systems, the aim is to imitate human intelligence for performing complex tasks such as pattern
recognition, speech recognition, weather forecast and medical diagnosis. AI is used in navigation-
based applications like Uber, voice assistants like Siri, video streaming services like Netflix, IoT
devices and in search engines like Google and Bing. AI helps in automating tasks such as traffic,
scheduling trains, making business predictions, and designing driverless cars.

AI technology trends, including products like AlterEgo, a mind-reading wearable, and citizen
robots like Sophia, are promos on how big AI technology. Companies like Domino's and Doordash
are already experimenting with drones and robot delivery.

Data Science

Data Science is the technology that helps to make sense of complicated data. You know that data
is produced in a huge amount every day by companies. This includes business data, sales data,
customer profile information, server data, and financial figures. Most of this data is in the form of
huge data sets that are unstructured. The role of data scientists is to convert these unstructured data
sets into structured datasets. Then, these data sets can be analyzed to identify patterns and trends.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

These patterns are useful for understanding the company’s business performance, customer
retention, and how these areas can be improved.

Internet of Things

The IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of devices that are connected to each other. Their devices
can interact and share data with each other. These devices may be connected via WiFi, and they
share data about their environments and how they are being used. These devices have a computer
chip that facilitates this exchange. It is predicted that more than 41 billion devices powered by IoT
will be used by 2025.IoT not only enables the connection between different devices but also their
remote access. For example, you lock doors of your car remotely, preheat your ovens and geysers.
The Fitbit that you use for tracking the number of calories you burn also runs on IoT technology.
IoT chips embedded on machines help businesses to assess the performance of those machines and
assist in their maintenance. Learn about the real world IoT applications in 2020.


Blockchain is the foundational technology that powers electronic currencies such as

Cryptocurrencies. In simple terms, a Blockchain is an electronic ledger that can be shared among
different users. This helps in creating a record of transactions that cannot be altered. Each of these
records is time-stamped and linked to the previous one. So, every time a new transaction is added
to the ledger, it is stored as another block in the chain of transactions – hence the name. Blockchain
is updated after the different parties contributing to the ledger agree. After new data is fed into a
block, it cannot be erased. This makes technology verifiable and secure. This validation of
transactions helps companies reduce their costs as no third party has to be paid. The system is very
secure and there is no need for paying for centralized entities, as the technology is decentralized.
Transactions are easier to track using Blockchain.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology used for automating daily tasks, similar to
artificial intelligence. Here, the software is used for automating repetitive tasks such as handling
and replying to emails, processing transactions, and handling business data.

This technology is used for automating tasks for low-level employees to higher-ranking officials.
RPA can automate more than 40% of daily tasks. According to McKinsey, more than 60% of all
repetitive tasks can be partially automated using RPA. So, this technology is going to threaten a
lot of jobs. The most popular vendors that provide RPA tools are Pega Systems, Blue Prism,
UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Work Fusion. Companies such as Accenture, Deloitte, and

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Capgemini use RPA tools to automate their daily operations. So, the demand is huge for
professionals skilled in RPA.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR is the technology by which you can immerse yourself in an environment that seems
astonishingly realistic. It is the use of computer technology for creating a simulated environment.
It is very popularly used for playing computer games. Unlike traditional games where you
experience the gaming environment by viewing it on the screen, you are directly placed in the
environment! Senses such as touch, hearing, smell, and vision are simulated in these environments.
Using VR gear such as headsets, you can walk around and play the game in that 3D world.

Augmented reality (AR)

Is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual
elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology. It is a growing trend among
companies involved in mobile computing and business applications in particular.

Augmented Reality (AR) is the technology used for improving this virtual environment. The VR
technology is not only used for entertainment, but it is also used by the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard
for training staff. They use a VR game called Virtual Ship. AR and VR are used by doctors while
performing surgery. Visitors in an amusement park or a museum can also use the technology to
enhance their experience.

GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 7
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Human Augmentation - Enhancing Cognitive Abilities

Human augmentation can be defined as a process by which a person’s physical and cognitive
ability is strengthened. Once implanted in a human being, it will enable the person to execute tasks
that were earlier impossible for him.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is the latest technology trend that is getting famous by the day. The technology is
based on the philosophy of bringing computing power as close to the data source. This helps in
reducing bandwidth and latency. The technology aims to run fewer processes in the cloud and
shifting those processes to locations such as the user’s system or an edge server. Bridging this gap
between the data and the computation reduces the long-distance communication between the
server and the client, which in turn enhances the speed of the process. This is why edge computing
is used for handling time sensitive data stored in remote locations that have limited connectivity
to the central location. The technology will make cloud computing and IoT devices faster. It is
estimated that by 2022, the edge computing market will be worth $7 billion. The technology will
be popular in areas such as healthcare, retail, is expected that the salary range of an Edge
computing professional will be around $100,400 to $123,000 per annum.

GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 8
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Autonomous Driving - An Easy, Safe Driverless Drive

You must be apprised of companies like Tesla, Alphabet, and Waymo, and the one thing that is
common among them is their objective, which is to craft impeccable autonomous vehicles. The
idea of a driverless car in itself generates a considerable amount of excitement.

Tesla and SpaceX founder and chief Elon Musk already has the future design of autonomous
vehicles and aims to go big in this industry. During an interview Elon has stated, “From our
standpoint, if you fast forward a year, maybe a year and three months, but next year for sure, we’ll
have over a million Robo-taxis on the road.”

3D printing

is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D
printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by
laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be
seen as a thinly sliced cross-section of the object.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

A few examples:

• consumer products (eyewear, footwear, design, furniture)

• industrial products (manufacturing tools, prototypes, functional end-use parts)
• dental products
• prosthetics
• architectural scale models & maquettes
• reconstructing fossils
• replicating ancient artefacts
• reconstructing evidence in forensic pathology
• movie props


5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G,
and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone
and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.

5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low latency,
more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user
experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency empower new user
experiences and connects new industries.

GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 10
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022

Intelligent apps

Intelligent apps are software applications that make use of AI components such as machine
learning, deep learning, data analytics, robotics, and natural language processing. They help you
in making decisions based on real-time data or historical data. Examples of Intelligent apps are
voice assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. As companies such as Google, Apple,
and Oracle continue investing in these applications, it is bound to create a lot of jobs in the

Importance of Emerging Technologies

Emerging technology can change the way we do business, making our world smarter, more
efficient, and safer. While the invention of the computer, telephone, and internet has transformed
the way we communicate with each other and how we do business, emerging technology seeks to
further those advancements to further benefit both businesses and citizens. In using these emerging
technologies, not only can we find a better way to do business, but we can also create a safer,
healthier world. For example, the US Department of Transportation is currently looking into
vehicle-to-vehicle communication to help drivers communicate with each other and warn of
hazardous road conditions. They hope this technology will reduce the number of car accidents on
US roads. In the medical world, emerging technologies can help diagnose illness faster or help
cancer patients receive better care. Finally, many new technologies are being used for
environmental conservation. We can now use technology to create eco-friendly automobiles,
beauty products, light bulbs, cleaning products, and more. Harnessing the power of emerging
technology can allow us to drive economic growth and gain valuable insight into how to make our
world a safer, healthier, and more efficient place.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines


First Semester, School Year 2021-2022



Prepared by:


GEEL 1 / Elective 1MT | Living in the Information Technology Era | Current Trends & Emerging Technology 12

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