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For a Worthy Cause

After graduating from college, Ernie Pascual went on job hunting It was not difficult for him though to
land a job because of his admirable credentials. He graduated with honors in the premiere university in
the position country. He is a born leader with high ideals and a good set of values. Among the several
companies offering him a job, he chose the position of a Project Development Assistant in Realty
Holding, Inc. (RHI), a real estate developer. The job seemed challenging with a lot of feasibility and
project development studies to make. Although the remuneration package offered is not that attractive,
the career path presented to him was clear. He was deeply involved in the project of RHI in Bulacan. He
assisted in the acquisition of the 40 hectares property in Casipit. Young as he is, he has been a good help
in the project. When the development of the property commenced, he became a member of the 3-man
team tasked to secure government licenses, clearances and certification necessary to start the project.
They dealt with the barangay captains, the municipal government and other national government
agencies for the vital licenses. Enrie never imagined that dealing with the government would be a very
arduous task. One day, he approached the municipal Mayor's office to secure a clearance. He traveled
from Makati office to Bulacan very early in the morning to be in time with the Sam opening of the
municipal Mayor's office. He arrived there exactly Sam and proceeded directly to the Mayor's office with
all the documents necessary to support their application. Upon his arrival, he was asked to return
because Mayor cannot sign the papers immediately. The secretary said that the application would still
be evaluated and verified according to their proceedings. Months have passed and the management is
already impatient with the release of the clearance. Finally, when Emie called the Mayor's office, he was
informed that he should see the Mayor for the clearance. He arrived at the Mayor's office early. Again,
the secretary asked him to wait for the Mayor to arrive at 9 AM. While waiting for the Mayor to arrive,
he saw he secretary, the other assistants and some bystanders chat about some people's lives during
office hours. Soon more people entered the Mayor's office. Some clad in decent clothes but what caught
his attention are the people in shabby clothes waiting for the Mayor together with him. He waited until
10 AM when the Mayor arrived. Since he was the first to arrive, he was given the priority to see the
mayor. In the Mayor's office, he introduced himself and his company. As he spoke, he noticed a certain
glow in the eyes of the Mayor. When he finished, the Mayor did not sign the clearance but asked him to
go back tomorrow at 7 AM, not to his office but to his house not so far from the municipal hall. He was
also asked to bring with him preferably someone of higher authority. He went back to the Makati office
and reported to his supervisor and other team members the Mayor's request. The next day, Ernie and
his manager went to the Mayor's house at exactly 7 AM as requested. He noticed that this very in the
morning, many people, mostly in shabby clothes, were gathered outside the Mayo's house. Not long
after, Ernie and his manager were asked to go inside the house. They were assisted by the helper to the
dining room. It looked more like a meeting room but he was surprised to see a table prepared for at
least 15 people. Soon the Mayor walked into the room with a full smile. Ernie noticed that the Mayor is
holding the folder of their application with the clearance inside. It was already ready for his signature.
The conversation started with the Mayor's ression of full support to the project in his place of
jurisdiction. He was even encouraging more developers to enter in Casipit as they will not only help
improve the amenity of the municipal but also increase the value of the land. Slowly he went to discuss
the issuance of the clearance. He went to say that "I will help you earn your money through your real
estate project and I hope you'll help me too. Many townspeople are depending on me for their need.
You could see people waiting outside my house this early in the morning. These are people who are
asking money from me.... for their child who is sick, for their spouse or child who is dead and is waiting
burial, for they child who needs education or even job. You can name all reasons why they need money-
even for wedding reception-people will go to me for financial aid. How can I turn them down? If I will
not help them, they will accuse me of being 'ingrato (or walang utang na loob) and unfaithful to his
constituents. But if I did, they will ask for more even if I give them enough. I feel like if I give them my
hand, they will get my whole body instead. If I stop, they'll say bad things about me. But you see, what
can give them? I am just an ordinary person. I have nothing much. So, I'm asking you to help me finance
their needs. You also have to think about the farmers who will be displaced by your project. Definitely,
they will come to me for help when they have already used up the funds you gave to them. So, is P 10.00
per square meter of the land subject to the clearance good enough?"

Ernie and his manager were startled. The amount of P10.00 per square meter of the land will translate
to a huge P 4 million as representation expense! They left the Mayor with a promise that they will bring
the issue to higher management for decision

On their way back to the office, Erie and his manager were both quiet trying to digest the essence of
their conversation with the Mayor. They were already pressed for time, as the other clearances will start
from the Mayor's clearance. What makes the matter worst was that they have not anticipated the
representation expense and did not include in their budget approved by the management. Nonetheless,
they have to report the proceedings of the meeting to higher management. But should they recommend
the payment of the P4 million to the Mayor? What should they do?

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