Hermetism Practice THEORIZABLE

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A practical guide to use the 7
Hermetic Laws and create the life
of your dreams.

B y T h e o r i z a b l e' s O w n e r s
“His greatest work art is to live in fullness”
For more than 7 years I dedicate myself to Human
Development through the in-depth study of the
ancient wisdoms of The Occult Sciences, such as
Hermeticism, along with the most modern in the
area of mental improvement and High
What is

“The lips of the wisdom are closed,
except to the ears of understanding.”

Hermeticism is the study and practice of occult

philosophy, magic, mysticism, astrology and alchemy that
have given rise to several other aspects of studies that
we know today..

It is associated with writings attributed to the god Hermes

Trismegistus, "Hermes Three-Times-Great", a sincretic
deity that combines aspects of the Greek god Hermes, the
Egyptian god Thoth and the Roman god Mercury.

By Theorizable
Hermes Who is Hermes
Trismegistus Trimegistus?
Hermes Trismegistus or "Hermes Three-Times-Great", was a great
sage of the early Egyptian dynasties, he is the father of the occult
arts, having taught alchemy, astrology and philosophy to his
disciples. He was considered after his death as "The Source of
Wisdom", having lived for 300 years, having possibly been
contemporary to Abraham.

After his death, he was worshipped by the Egyptians as god Toth,

god who symbolized the organized logic of the universe, related
to lunar cycles, which express the harmony of the universe. God
of the verb and wisdom, was naturally identified with
Hermes. As the god of wisdom Toth was assigned as the writer of
a series of Egyptian sacred texts describing the secrets of the
universe. Ancient Hermetic texts can also be considered retainers
of teaching and an initiation base to the ancient Egyptian
religion .

One of the localities of Worship to Toth was in Greater Hermópolis.

With the establishment of the Ptolemaic dynasty in that region
Greeks immigrated also to the holy city of Toth. From this
immigration of Greeks comes the identification of Hermes with
The Seven What are
Hermetic Laws they?

The seven main hermetic laws are based on the principles

included in the book Kybalion which brings together the
basic teachings of the Law that governs all things
manifested. The word Kybalion in the Hebrew language
means tradition or precept manifested by an upper-east.
This word has the same root as the word Kabbalah, which
in Hebrew means reception.

In it are the descriptions of the 7 Hermetic Laws

that govern the whole universe and which will be
summarized later in this book..

Among the most important works associated with

Hermes are also the texts compiled in corpus
hermeticum and the emerald tablet, which exerted great
influence on Greek philosophy of the third century and
which came back to the fore during the Middle Ages
and Renaissance, times when alchemy experiments
were in vogue.

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The Seven

Hermetic Laws
Getting to know the laws

By Theorizable
Here I will introduce you to the 7 Hermetic Principles so that later
they will be explained individually

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Principle of MENTALISM
"The whole is mind; the universe is mental."

P r in c I p l e o f C O R R E S P O N D ENCE
"What is on top is like what's underneath.
What's inside is like what's outside."

P r i n c i p l e o f V I B R AT I O N
"Nothing is still, everything moves,
everything vibrates."

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P r i n c i p l e o f P O L A R I TY
"Everything is double, everything has two
poles, everything has its opposite. The
equal and the unequal are the same thing.
Extremes meet. All truths are half-truths.
All paradoxes can be reconcilable."

P r i n c i p l e o f R HY T H M
"Everything has flow and reflux, everything
has its tides, everything rises and falls,
everything is manifested by compensated
oscillations; the measure of the movement on
the right is the measure of the movement on the
left; the pace is the compensation."

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P r i n c i p l e o f C A U S A L I TY
"Every cause has its effect, all effect has its
cause, everything happens according to the
Law; the Chance is simply a name given to an
unrecognized law; there are many causality
plans, but nothing escapes the Law."

P r i n c iple of G E N D E R
"Gender is in all: everything has its male and
female principles, gender manifests itself in all
plans of creation."

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Principle I
Principle of Mentalism
"The whole is mind; t h e universe is mental."

This principle shows us the truth that All that exists manifest is part of This concept reveals to us that the Universe exists as a MENTAL
the mental creation of THE WHOLE (God). And THE WHOLE is Creation of THE WHOLE, subject to the Laws of Things created, and
translated by the essence that exists in all the manifestations and that all that exists within this Universe are Verses (Faces) of a UNO
appearances that we can know, through our 5 Senses, in the Material (TODO). In this way, we live, move and have our existence in the mind
plane, refers to natural phenomena, the different fields of energy and of THE WHOLE..
everything else that may exist in the Universe.
As if every human being were a camera that recorded all the
experiences of a life and dying, it returned all that information to the
In a great movement, the Big Bang began to expand the entire universe
great consciousness of the WHOLE. So that he whole can have its
and so that this great universal consciousness could feel itself, it divided
divine experience of self-knowledge. Thus, any and all extent of your
into countless fragments, each individual, every tree, every leaf, every
infinity in something individual is just a way of feeling this great
existing animal, every cell and every atom was a small portion of itself, so
strength of God..
that, through these small fragments, the universe could feel itself
Understanding this Hermetic Principle of Mentalism is the key to
THE WHOLE is in Everything. Therefore, it is UNCOLLECTIBLE and understanding the Laws of the Mental Universe and applying them to
INDEFIABLE in itself, if we try to define it we will be limiting it to your happiness and manifestation of your True Will.
something, so it will no longer be the THE WHOLE but something.
As we expand our consciousness, we will not be a drop of water that will
dissolve in an ocean, but rather a drop of water that will be an ocean. So
The WHOLE can be regarded as an infinite living mind when EVERYTHING exists for your consciousness this will be of the
and universal. WHOLE.

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Knowing that every existence is a Creation of the MIND OF THE WHOLE, know that everything that your mind can
create, both positive and negative, can also manifest itself in matter through the next Laws that we will see, it all
depends on the intensity that that thought has.

Idealize your greatest Goals and write or represent them on a physical object to practice viewing them every day when you
wake up and sleep.

If we are part of a "Journey of self-knowledge" of todo, then we can be the experimentation of

the good part, of happiness, through the alignment of our thoughts and actions with the Greater
Will and not with the inferior and individual desires.

The whole doesn't judge what's good or bad, it just does it without discretion. So
take care of your thoughts so that they are always more benign than evil, so you will
be attracting opportunities and positive aspects to your life.

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Principle II
Principle of Correspondence
"What is on top is like what's underneath. What's inside is like what's outside."

The understanding of this Law shows us that, in all that we perceive The principle of correspondence can also be perceived at the level of
with the 5 senses and also what is hidden from them, there is a pattern feelings and emotions. When, for example, we identify a certain
of manifestation. emotion in another person, it means that it exists within us, only for that
we can know that emotion is expressed that way. Let's use anger as an
What exists in the higher planes exists in similarity in the lower example, I just know that one person is angry because I've felt anger at
planes of the manifestation. In this way, what is obscure our some point in my life and I have the knowledge of her to identify her in
understanding, such as the spiritual world, can be understood by the other.
similarity to the aspects we can understand, such as the formation of
Nature itself. With this example we can notice the correlation of correspondence with
mentalism, where we can only know and identify something outside of us
We can also perceive correspondence when we are with our mind if it exists first within our own mental universe.
focused on a particular subject and we come to see it much more
often in the outside world than we saw it before, psychology calls it
mental projection. This does not mean that the object or subject did Everything already exists in the mind of THE WHOLE, our job is to
not exist before, but simply that his perception of it became greater manifest this existence in the higher planes of our particular universe
and, consequently, began to perceive that manifestation much more and, by correspondence, it will exist in the manifested planes of matter.
often in his life
By understanding an atom, we can understand the entire universe.

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Since everything that exists outside exists within us on a smaller scale, seek to internalize and know yourself
better to increasingly expand your perception of reality and bring to your life what was not previously perceived .

When we get to know ourselves deeply we begin to understand what we really want and not simply what we want
momentarily. This makes it much easier for our mind to focus on what will really bring an abundant and full life to us
without wasting energy on distractions.

If you complain, for example, that you don't have the money to pay your bills, you'll be focusing
your mind on "I don't have any money" and "pay bills." This will bring, by correspondence, only
the aspects linked to these two factors, causing you to lose a greater angle of perception of the
possibilities and opportunities around you.

Your results correspond your efforts. Meditate on it

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Principle III
Principle of Vibration
"Nothing is still, everything moves, everything vibrates."
By interpreting this principle we find the maximum that everything The principle of vibration also explains to us that, just as in physics
that exists manifested in the Universe vibrates at different intensities. movement generates centripetal and centrifugal force, we can also
Being the material, energetic, mental and spiritual plan results of the attract or radiate energy through our vibrations and influence the
different orders of Vibration. world around us.

If placed on a scale, spiritual vibrations are in a higher position, The Universe is Love, THE WHOLE does not judge what is right or
vibrating at a very high speed and the coarser vibrations of matter wrong, it just does it in correspondence with the vibrations
are in a smaller position on the scale, slow vibrations, appearing to emanating. Therefore, it is important to be with your mind aligned
be almost still. with the True Will of the higher planes to then correspond the
vibrations of your Mind with the Mind of THE WHOLE and thus
This law, which governs the manifestation, can be perceived by manifest in the physical plane what you desire.
science from the composition of an atom that has electrons vibrating
around a nucleus to the functioning of the solar system or even a For example, if you say "I need a job!" you might even find the
galaxy. opportunities but none will be satisfactory. However, by defining
more specifically how and why you crave it, you will be vibrating
Although hermetic principles are works dating from ancient Egypt, more precisely and, by correspondence, there is the same opportunity
they are associated with concepts of modern physics. In the case of that is seeking to be completed by that vibration, then by
the Law of Vibration, a recent theory that stands out is string "coincidence" you will find that opportunity.
theory. I will not go into details about her so as not to extend this

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Every vibration can be transmuted. If you are having negative thoughts, or going through a bad day, remember a
unique moment where you have had a great achievement or a moment of pure happiness and project your mind to that
vibration. This can completely change the course of your day.

Both pessimistic and optimistic thoughts are vibrations. It is up to you to decide on which of them you will Vibrate your
Actions and consequently reap your results.

It's no use just mentalizing and vibrating what you want to achieve in life if you don't have the
motivation to really take action and make it happen. Motivation is the Reasons for Taking action.
Think of yours and keep them in sight to view them daily.

We don't attract what we want but what we are. So put yourself in the vibration of
what you aim to achieve.

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Principle IV
Principle of Polarity
"Everything is double, everything has two poles, everything has its opposite. The equal and the unequal are the same
thing. Extremes meet. All truths are half-truths. All paradoxes can be reconcilable."
Polarity can be understood as the consequence of the Vibration Let us imagine that the manifestation takes place in the shape
principle, which varies in high and low frequencies. Therefore, we of a pyramid. Everything at the base of the pyramid needs to
understand that these vibrations form poles, which are nothing more be dual to manifest itself. However, THE WHOLE, standing at
than extremes of the same element. Differing then, only by different the tip of the pyramid, is One and love. Thus, there is no
degrees but still being of the same nature or scale. hierarchy of elevation in the horizontal dualities of the
material world, but in the subtlest planes, which go vertically
In the manifested universe there are no absolutes, where there is one towards Unicity, this hierarchy exists. Being the virtues of a
thing there is also its opposite. The equal and the unequal are the more sublime nature superior to those of a denser nature in
same thing because in everything they depend only on the absence or the act of manifestation.
presence of the same element. Take the example of heat, which is the
Can you say that the heat is superior to the cold? No, because it will
opposite of cold. On a scale of temperature, heat and cold are
be relative to circumstance and its moral view, regardless of degree,
opposite, but the cold is nothing more than the absence of heat. What
this particularity is not Universal. So you won't go near the top of the
changes is the degree to which it vibrates. Therefore, the higher the
frequency, the closer to the polarity of heat, and so on.
On the other hand, if we consider love and hate we will see that love
The same goes for feelings. Hate is nothing more than the absence of really brings us closer to the WHOLE and hatred takes us away from
love. In saying that extremes touch, this principle concerns the fine line this uniqueness, being then one polarity superior to another on the
that exists between these two feelings. Since love is the state of scale.
balance, hatred and passion become the two extremes; and we can see
Therefore, as we align our will with the right vibrations and virtues,
that they often go together.
we will find the keys to climb the degrees in the pyramid towards the
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The key to the Law of Polarity is the ability to choose the degree of vibration among the things that exist within you
to harmonize your life toward your goals. What kind of feelings do I want in my life? What is the focus of my
thoughts and attitudes to achieve my goals?

Within the same nature, poles can be sublimated or vulgarized but cannot be transmuted into another nature. You can
sublimate ignorance into wisdom, but you cannot turn ignorance into heat, for example. Therefore, it is essential to
understand the nature of the issue itself, to apply polarization appropriately.
Staying in "Whatever" will not bring you closer to the WHOLE, so you will never have a full
and prosperous life. Know the natures that need to be sublimated in you and vibrate them by
aligning your Will with the Will of The WHOLE.

The Inspiration to do something either comes from within or comes from outside
you. If you don't choose the degrees of polarity of the vibrations that influence you,
they choose you.

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Principle V
Principle of Rhythm
"Everything has flow and reflux, everything has its tides, everything rises and falls, everything is manifested by
compensated oscillations; the measure of the movement on the right is the measure of the movement on the left; the
pace is the compensation."
Just as we have seen that everything has two poles (principle of Since everything has a rhythm to manifest, care must be taken with
Polarity) and that nothing is stable (principle of Vibration), the the pendulations that move far away from the center. When
principle of Rhythm tells us that the universe is in a constant vibrating in the extreme polarity of something, if you cannot turn it
movement similar to that of a pendulum or a spiral, when saying into a normal state, the opposite intensity of compensation will be
that everything has flow and reflux and that everything rises and much higher, taking it directly to the opposite side of what you
falls. wished to be. And because you're too far away from the desired
vibration, you're going to have to make a huge effort to get back to
Rhythm can also be understood by the need for compensation for a it.
movement or action, both on the physical, mental or spiritual level.
Therefore, if we have a very strong emotion of joy it is natural that then That's why Neutralization applies to the Rhythm Act. That suggests
comes a period of sadness of the same intensity. always keeping the vibration in a controlled manner as close as
possible to the center, focusing on vibrating enough to be able to go
towards your Will, but also being able to bring that high vibration to a
In everything there is a rhythm or cycle. Everything is born, grows,
state of normality. That way, making the Pendulum Axis rise in a
matures, dies and is reborn. From a physical body or a creative idea
controlled and positive direction.
of the mind to the cycle of the 4 seasons of planet Earth and its
gyrations around the Sun. Those who understands this Law understands that the pendulum never stops
and, therefore, will always seek the balance that, however ephemeral it may
Rhythm is necessary for there to be a constancy and for everything be, is the point where one can sublimate the vibrations with control towards
to exist in harmony in the planes of existence. the True Will.

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The secret here is that if you have ever understood that everything vibrates and that you vibrate actions that will take
you to the state of reality that you want to be, in the intensity that you manage to manifest, now you MUST sustain
this high vibration until it becomes a normal state in your life, so that, then yes, you can climb one more step on the
vibrational manifestation ladder.

Try to raise the vibration from little to little, always managing to sustain the level of reality as being something
normal, assuming a new increasingly high rhythm, within our current vision of world and manifest reality, then
we can seek the new vibrational step that will take us closer to that great vision.

The neutralization of large oscillations is the key to controlling the pace of things. Therefore, try
not to be carried away by both emotional or mental impulses so that then it does not return with too
much intensity to the opposite polarity.

Keep in mind that there are several pendulums of different natures and grandeurs in
our life. Know their polarities and you can have much more clarity and control over
the oscillations of each.

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Principle VI
Principle of Causality
"Every cause has its effect, all effect has its cause, everything happens according to the Law; the Chance is simply a
name given to an unrecognized law; there are many causality plans, but nothing escapes the Law."
The understanding of this Law shows us that there is no chance, Similarly, if you wake up in a pure sense of happiness and gratitude
everything happens for a cause, so chance is just the definition of an for your life, your day will possibly be very good and good
existing phenomenon to which we do not know its cause. And every opportunities will arise.
cause is an effect of a previous cause. Thus generating a rhythm of
action and continuous reaction where everything that happens or That shows us that we are responsible for everything that happens in
ceases to happen is due to a series of internal or external causalities of our lives. And that one thing does not generate another identical, but
the being, which, combined, will generate a new effect. rather a previous cause generates the conditions for another to
succeed. Therefore, man is not only a product of his environment, he
Nothing escapes the law. Therefore, it is wise to assume a posture of is producer of his actions and reactions to the middle.
banning chance and accept the causality of life, otherwise a molecule
that escapes the Law would not be the WHOLE and so would be As we saw in the Rhythm Principle, if we manifest vibration in a
subject to question the existence of the WHOLE. pendulous manner, the closer you to your Center the more you can
generate positive causes in your life, the more on the edges the more
Through the intensification of a certain Vibration, by an amplification you will be the cause of other things.
effect of this Vibration, it may manifest a much greater effect, both in
the positive and negative point of view. Causality exists in all planes of existence being those that are more at
the top of the pyramid, close to THE WHOLE, easier to be
For example, a day where you wake up with negative thoughts and manifested because they approach the equilibrium point. And those
start vibrating an emotion of hate, it's possible that your whole day who move away from the Uno more difficult to manifest, because
will get bad if you don't neutralize that vibration by sublimating it to they approach the base of the pyramid where the pendulums oscillate
the positive pole. much more and are subject to other vibrations of the same intensity.

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Every cause has an effect though, sometimes you can cause something but return with a much greater
intensity. That's because the universe isn't static, there are several causes happening simultaneously. If you throw a
rock at someone very angry he can give you back with a shot.

If you master the above principles you will have a fuller awareness of yourself in higher planes such as mental and
spiritual, thus being able to have lucidity in your actions and the way you will react to external causes.

The idea here is that you can only cause good things and high vibrational impact at levels of
extreme subtlety. Thus, avoiding thoughts, actions, virtues and desires negative or that do not
harmonize with the higher Will.

The more the cause elevates you to the WHOLE, on a vertical vibration scale, the
more effective it will be.

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Principle VII
Principle of Gender
"Gender is in all: everything has its male and female principles, gender manifests itself in all plans of creation."

For the manifestation to happen it is necessary that there be Genders, so Gender can also be perceived on the mental plane. We have the
in the Law of Polarity we saw that everything has two poles, everything Objective Mind and the subjective Mind where our Psyche will
has its opposite, and here we will see that everything has its male and manifest itself in it.
female principle, positive and negative, Yin Yang, among other names.
We are not our body or our operative mind, but something that wears that
When we refer to male and female we are not referring to the sexual body and controls it with the mind. In this way, consciousness perceives
gender, but to its essential characteristics. The Male is the active, the Ego and the Self.
positive, daytime, luminous and warm principle, symbolically
associated with the Yang, Sun or Sky, while the Female is passive, Ego is the female mental matrix, which creates products of all kinds in
negative, nocturnal, dark and cold, symbolically associated with the our actions, speeches and reactions in the middle. Ego is responsible
Yin, Moon or Earth. for perceiving the world and internalizing the sensations captured by
our 5 senses.
The association made would be because in the act of life generation, the
man ejaculates (active) and the woman receives and forms (passive). But The I would be the Male matrix, which projects energies for the
if we raise the principle of gender on a larger scale, we can consider a Feminine to shape and create them. The Self is the states of mind
supernova a principle of male expansion and a black hole a principle of that will vibrate an energy so that the Ego can manifest them in
female reception, the Sun emitting rays as something active and the Moon existence, the male mind fertilizes the female mind so that ideas
reflecting as something feminine. Or in the microcosm, a positive charge and actions can arise.
nucleus and a negatively charged electron, forming an atom. Thus, it is
safe to say that gender manifests itself in all the plans of creation. The Masculine is also the will, while the Feminine is creativity in
generating thoughts, concepts and ideas in subtle or concrete planes.

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Every man and every woman has male and female polarities within them. By understanding the essence of this
principle, the ideal is to balance this pendulum, thus being able to masterfully sustain the creation of new ideas,
actions or virtues in your life.

If we live a life focused only on the Ego without developing the I will be living without the Male Pole. So the Feminine
will develop only ideas and wills of other people.

It is interesting to delve into the symbolism of what male and female represents to better
understand their own functioning on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

As long as you have no Noble ends, aligned with the Will of THE WHOLE, it is
better that you do not develop the latent powers of the mind. Otherwise I'd just be
taking a shortcut to the bottom of the Abyss.

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Now you have in your hands the master key of the 7 Hermetic Principles
and their practical applications to co-create the life of your dreams.

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