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22-year cycle in the frequency of aurora occurrence in XIX century: Latitudinal


Article  in  Geomagnetism and Aeronomy · March 2017

DOI: 10.1134/S0016793217020116


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3 authors, including:

Natalia G. Ptitsyna M. I. Tyasto

St. petersburg Filial of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and… Russian Academy of Sciences


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ISSN 0016-7932, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2017, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 190–198. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017.
Original Russian Text © N.G. Ptitsyna, M.I. Tyasto, B.A. Khrapov, 2017, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2017, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 208–216.

22-Year Cycle in the Frequency of Aurora Occurrence in XIX Century:

Latitudinal Effects
N. G. Ptitsyna*, M. I. Tyasto, and B. A. Khrapov
St. Petersburg Branch, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation,
Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Received March 3, 2016; in final form, April 29, 2016

Abstract⎯The 22-year variation in the frequency of aurora occurrence is found through an analysis of data
of the Russian network of meteorological stations from 1837–1909. This variation is obtained in a form of
asymmetry between even and odd solar cycles. We found that the nature of the 22-year variation depends on
the latitude of the observation station. The annual number N of midlatitude auroras (geomagnetic latitudes
Φ < 56°) for about three years at the end of the descending part of solar cycles is larger for the even cycles than
for the odd. For high-latitude auroras (Φ ≥ 56°), the pattern is opposite: at the descending part of the solar
cycle, N is larger in the odd cycles than in the even. For the high-latitude sector, asymmetry of the polar sun
cycles (the period between two magnetic field reversals) is clearly observed: an increased N is observed during
the whole odd polar cycle (which starts approximately at the maximum of the odd Schwabe cycle) as com-
pared to the even cycle. Extrapolation of the modern picture of alternation of the sign of the global solar mag-
netic field back in time leads to the conclusion that the most geoeffective polar cycles in cycles 8–14 were
those in which the polar magnetic field in the orthern hemisphere was negative.

DOI: 10.1134/S0016793217020116

1. INTRODUCTION fields for the equatorial region (the difference between

Auroras are closely associated with geomagnetic the magnetic flux of positive and negative fields)
activity. Geomagnetic disturbances have the follow- maintained for 11 years from one polar field inversion
ing main sources in interplanetary space and in the to the other (Vernova et al., 2014). The global Sun’s
Sun (Simon and Legrand, 1989; Gonzalez et al., magnetic field returns to the same state through two
1993; 1994; Tsurutani et al., 1992; 2006; Love, 2011; full 11-year cycles. It should be noted that the 22-year
Vásquez et al., 2014): (1) transient events, coronal variation cannot be detected by direct statistical anal-
mass ejections, and (2) long-lived corotating high- ysis of solar data, such as the existing long series of
speed solar wind streams from coronal holes. The Wolf numbers; it is detected mainly in the form of
mid- and low-latitude auroras may be driven, in turn, asymmetry in the 11-year cycles. For example, a
by the first type of source, while high-latitudinal auro- 22-year variation was detected in the form of the
ras may be driven by the second (Liritzis and Pet- Gnevyshev-Ohl rule: the maximum Wolf number W
ropoulos, 1987; Vásquez et al., 2014; Ptitsyna et al., in the odd cycle is greater than the value W at the max-
2015). imum of the previous even cycle (Gnevyshev and Ohl,
1948). In (Makarov et al., 2002), a 22-year variation in
Solar activity is characterized by periodic variations the area of the Sun’s polar zone occupied by an uni-
of different time lengths. The most studied is the 11- polar magnetic field was found, which manifests itself
year Schwabe cycle in the numbers of the solar spots or in the increase and decrease of the area in successive
the Wolf numbers W (it is this cycle that is commonly Schwabe cycles. A 22-year mode is also observed in
called the solar cycle). The most fundamental is the variations of rotation of large-scale magnetic fields
doubled Schwabe cycle, about 22 years long. The 22- and the solar corona at lower latitudes, which mani-
year variation in polarity of the top solar spots was dis- fests itself in a faster rotation in the maxima of 11-year
covered by Hale and colleagues at the beginning of the even cycles than in the maxima of odd cycles (Tlatov,
XX century (Hale and Nicholson, 1925), and was later 2006a, 2006b).
related to the polarity reversal of solar large-scale
magnetic fields (Babcock, 1961). It is so-called the The solar magnetic field can be approximated by an
Hale cycle that manifests itself in both the polarity of inclined dipole, which is distorted by higher harmon-
the magnetic fields of spots and polarity of polar mag- ics (hexapole and quadrupole) (Bravo and Gonzalez-
netic fields. The sign of the imbalance of magnetic Esparza, 2000). The orientation and magnitude of the


R2 = 0.0048 well as the Yakutsk network of observation stations,

100 the author calculated the difference in the frequency
of auroral occurrence in the odd/even and even/odd
80 minima. On average, their signs turned out to be
N(Φ ≥ 56°)

60 In our previous work (Ptitsyna et al., 2015), indica-

tions of the existence of a 22-year cycle in the occur-
rence of auroras registered in Russia in 1837–1900 at a
wide range of latitudes are obtained. The main objec-
tives of this study were (1) to extend the studied series
20 by one cycle of solar activity; (2) to examine the
22-year mode separately for mid- and high-latitude
segments, and to specify its features at different lati-
0 25 50 tudes; (3) to relate these features to sources on the Sun
N(Φ < 56°) and in the heliosphere. One of the new aspects of our
research is to study the observational data on auroras
Fig. 1. Mutual correlation of frequency of auroras in mid- with respect to the dipole cycle of the Sun.
and high-latitude segments.

dipole, as well as the contribution of higher harmon-
ics, vary over time. Their cyclic variation is similar to We supplemented the catalog (Ptitsyna et al., 2015)
the 11-year variation of solar activity but is shifted in with pre-1909 auroral observations. As a result, the
time. The polarity variation at the poles takes place obtained catalog includes single-appearance auroras
near the maximum of the solar cycle. The interval occurring in 1837–1909 at 141 stations located both in
between two changes of polarity (approximately the European and Asian parts of Russia at a wide range
between the two maxima) is called a dipole or polar of latitudes and longitudes. It contains ~3000 events
cycle (Legrand and Simon, 1991). Although the polar (N). As is common practice in the preparation of
cycle and solar activity cycle (the Schwabe cycle) are aurora catalogs (Angot, 1896; Křivský and Pejml,
closely related and overlap each other in space and 1985; Silverman, 1992; Vásquez et al., 2014), the fre-
time; in many cases, it is useful to divide these cycles quency N of auroras was calculated as the number of
in the time series of solar–terrestrial parameters, to days when the phenomenon was observed and
understand what dominates in the studied processes, summed over the year, regardless of the number of sta-
the polarity of the groups of spots (sunspot cycle) or tions where the event was recorded. The weather con-
the orientation of the main dipole (polar cycle). ditions are not taken into account, which may lead to
It is known that the large-scale structure of the a somewhat underestimated value of N (Tromholt,
heliospheric magnetic field depends mainly on the 1881; Ptitsyna et al., 2015).
solar dipole direction, i.e., on the polar cycle. When We divided the data array into mid- and high-lati-
the polarity of the global solar magnetic field is posi- tude segments at the geomagnetic latitude Φ = 56°
tive in the northern hemisphere, the interplanetary (average latitude of St. Petersburg’s observatories).
magnetic field is directed outward from the Sun over The table shows the frequency N of auroras in the mid-
the heliospheric current sheet and towards the sun and high-latitude segments in the period of 1837–
beneath the sheet. Obviously, the high-speed streams 1909. N (Φ ≥ 56°) accounts for auroras recorded only
of the solar wind from the polar coronal holes are con- in the high-latitude stations.
trolled by polar cycle; however, coronal mass ejections
may also depend on the orientation of the solar dipole Figure 1 shows a cross-correlation of auroras N in
(Bothmer and Rust, 1997; Bothmer and Schwenn, the mid- and high-latitude segments. It can be seen
1998; Mulligan et al., 1998; 2000). that the mid- and high-latitude auroras are weakly
correlated, i.e., the data are practically independent.
The Hale cycle was also discovered in geomagnetic Figure 2 shows the frequency of aurora occurrence at
activity and other geophysical parameters in the form different latitudes and the number of sunspots W. It is
of asymmetry of 11-year cycles of their activity (Cher- seen that a there is a significant increase in N t high lat-
nosky, 1966; Russell, 1974; Val’chuk et al., 1978; itudes in 1837–1909. The analysis presented in our
Cliver et al, 1996; Nagovitsyn et al., 2009; Shnirman paper (Ptitsyna et al., 2015) for the period of 1837–
et al., 2009; Libin et al., 2012). 1900 showed that, despite the contribution that may
The auroral activity of the Hale cycle was not really be caused by the new high-latitude stations appearing
studied. We can only note the results of (Zaretskii, at the end of the XIX century, the increase in N in the
1980). According to the observations of auroras in high latitudes is probably real. A detailed study of this
Norway, Denmark, Germany, the United States, as growing trend is presented in (Ptitsyna et al., 2015).


192 PTITSYNA et al.



In this section we analyze the behavior of the 25

annual number N observed at different latitudes in the
maxima and minima of solar activity cycles. In order 0

to eliminate the effect of unequal cycles, the data were
normalized to the maximum value of W for each cycle.
The minima between cycles n and n + 1 are denoted as Year
n + 1. The upper panel of Fig. 3 shows the numbers W N Φ ≥ 56°
and normalized annual numbers of auroras N/W in 100
the high-latitude segment in the maxima (Fig. 3, left
panel) and minima (Fig. 3, right panel) of solar cycles.
The bottom two panels of Fig. 3 show similar N/W
curves for the midlatitudinal segment.
First, it should be noted that W curves satisfy the 0

known Gnevyshev-Ohl rule: the number W in the
maxima of odd cycles is larger than in the maxima of
even cycles. The only exception is the maximum of the Year
even 8th cycle, where W is larger than in the subse- W
quent odd cycle. In addition, it is clear that this rule is 150
also true for minima. 100
Figure 3 shows that the characteristic pattern of 50
asymmetry between even and odd cycles is clearly 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
observed for the high-latitude auroral activity at the 0 1833
minima of solar activity. For the normalized number
of high-latitude auroras in cycle lows, there is a clear Year
difference between odd/even and even/odd pair of
cycles: at the minimum between an odd and even Fig. 2. Wolf numbers W and frequency of auroras N in the
cycle, N/W is higher than in the minimum between an mid- and high-latitude segments in 1837–1909.
even and odd cycle. That is, there is a 22-year varia-
tion. N/W is systematically growing in the maxima of
cycles in high-latitude segment. For the midlatitude from about the maximum of cycle n to the maximum
segment, most striking feature is a big N/W leap (Fig. 3, of cycle n + 1, where there is a change in the dominant
bottom panels) at the maximum of 12th cycle and sub- polarity of the magnetic field. An even polar cycle is
sequent minimum, which is designated by the number one for which n is even, and an odd cycle is one for
13; this jump in the frequency of auroras occurrence in which n is odd. Each cycle is divided into ten equal
1888–1889 biennium is also seen in Fig. 2 (upper time intervals. A phase of the cycle is defined as F =
panel). In minima of cycles, the difference in N/W (t – tmin 1)/(tmin 2 – tmin 1), where t is the current year,
between odd/even and even/odd pairs of cycles is tmin 1 and tmin 2 are years of successive minima. The
nearly not observable. It is also absent for the maxima method of linear interpolation was used upon reduc-
of the cycles. Thus, a clear 22-year variation in the tion of the number of auroras to the phase of solar
normalized number of auroras N/W is observed only cycle. The dependence on phase rather than on time
for the high-latitude segment in the form of asymme- allows one to reduce the effect of different lengths of
try between even-odd and odd-even lows. solar cycles. The maximum of the Schwabe cycle falls
on F = 0.4, and the minimum falls on F = 0. Inversion
of the magnetic field occurs one to two years after the
4. THE SCHWABE CYCLE AND POLAR CYCLE: cycle maximum (Webb et al., 1984; Makarov and Siv-
DEPENDENCE OF THE VARIATIONS araman, 1989); we assume that the polar cycle begins
This section presents the results of analysis of Figure 4 shows the difference in the behavior of W
changes in auroral activity in the Schwabe and polar in the even and odd cycles during the Schwabe cycle
cycles separately for the midlatitude and high-latitude and polar cycle. The left panel shows that W curves
sectors. For this analysis, the superposed epoch practically coincide on the descending branch of the
method was used to build averaged curves of W and N Schwabe cycle, while, on the ascending branch of the
dependencies on the phase F of the solar activity cycle. curve, W in the odd cycle is higher than in the even
The analysis was conducted separately for the even (8, cycle (according to the Gnevyshev-Ohl rule). It is
10, 12, 14) and odd (9, 11, 13) Schwabe cycles and for clear from the right panel that, if the descending
even and odd polar cycles. A polar cycle is measured branch of the polar cycle shows the same pattern as on



N/W Min Φ ≥ 56° Max Φ ≥ 56° N/W
15 140 1.5
10 1.0
5 0.5
0 0 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of the solar cycle Number of the solar cycle
Max Φ < 56°
Min Φ < 56° N/W
W N/W 140 W 0.50
15 4
3 105
2 70 0.25
5 35
0 0 0 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of the solar cycle Number of the solar cycle

Fig. 3. Wolf numbers W (open circles) and normalized frequency of auroras N/W in minima and maxima of the Schwabe cycles
for different latitudes.

Schwabe cycle Polar cycle

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3
Phase of the solar cycle Phase of the solar cycle

Fig. 4. Wolf numbers W averaged over all Schwabe and polar cycles (1837–1909). Left panel: W in even (gray line) and odd (black
line) Schwabe cycles. Right panel: W in even (gray line) and odd (black line) polar cycles.

the left panel, then W in the ascending branch of the substantial excess of auroras in the even cycles as com-
even polar cycle is higher than in the odd cycle. This is pared to the odd. This result is in agreement with the
because the polar cycle consists of two halves of solar known fact that the geomagnetic activity (according to
activity cycles having different numbering, i.e., the the geomagnetic indices) in the second half of an even
second half of an even polar cycle is the first half of an solar cycle is higher than in the second half of an odd
odd Schwabe cycle. cycle (Chernosky, 1966; Russell, 1973; Feldshtein
et al., 1979).
Figure 5 shows the annual number of auroras in the
odd and even solar cycles. A clear asymmetry of cycles Figure 6 (left panel) shows for the high-latitude
can be seen in the left panel of Fig. 5 for the high-lati- sector that the curve N for an odd polar cycle (starting
tude sector: the number N of auroras in the first half of at the maximum of the odd Schwabe cycle) is higher
cycle in the even cycles is larger than in the odd ones, than for an even polar cycle. A generalized pattern is
while for the second half of the cycle the situation is visible in a comparison of the curves of the polynomial
opposite. Thus, Fig. 5 (left panel) indicates the pres- trend. The difference between the values in the even
ence of a 22-year variation in the frequency of high- and odd polar cycle is the highest for descending
latitude auroras. At midlatitudes, there is a more com- branch (F = 0.8) and at the beginning of recovery
plicated picture for N in the odd and even solar cycles (F = 0.1), when it is about 400% and 200% respec-
(Fig. 5, right panel) for most the cycle. Only at the end tively. At the minimum of the cycle (F = 0), the differ-
of the second half of a cycle (F = 0.8; 0.9) is there a ence is about 60%.


194 PTITSYNA et al.

Φ ≥ 56° Φ ≥ 56°'
150 N 150 N

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Phase of Schwabe cycle Phase of Schwabe cycle

Fig. 5. Frequency of auroras N averaged over the entire Schwabe cycle in 1837–1909. Left panel: N in high-latitude sector in even
(gray line) and odd (black line) Schwabe cycles. Right panel: the same for midlatitude sector.

N Полярный цикл, Φ ≥ 56° N Полярный цикл, Φ < 56°

140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3
Фаза цикла Швабе Фаза цикла Швабе

Fig. 6. Annual number of auroras N in the averaged even and odd polar cycle. Left panel: geomagnetic latitudes Φ ≥ 56°. Right
panel: geomagnetic latitudes Φ < 56°. The averaging was performed over all cycles in 1837–1909. Odd polar cycle: N (black line),
trend (solid thin line). Even polar cycle: N (gray line), trend (dashed line).

For the midlatitude sector (Fig. 6, right panel), for (Cliver et al., 1996) is associated with possible changes
three years near the minima, there is an excess of N in of the global solar magnetic field from cycle to cycle.
the even cycles compared to the odd cycles; the excess Indeed, such evidence was found. Changes in the
is about 200%. Thus, a 22-year variation in auroras angle of inclination of the heliospheric current layer
occurrence is observed in our set of data, but the ratio from 70° to 30°, which are obtained from the analysis
of curves N is opposite for the midlatitude and high- of the coronal magnetic field (Hoeksema et al., 1983;
latitude sectors. Hoeksema, 1989), occur more slowly in cycle 21 com-
pared to cycle 22 (Cliver et al., 1996). The same asym-
metry is observed in the behavior of the neutral line in
5. DISCUSSION the maxima of the cycles 19 and 20 (Cliver et al.,
The mechanism of 22-year variation in geomag- 1996). A 22-year variation in the area of the polar
netic activity is known. The most common view is that zone of the Sun taken by the unipolar magnetic field
this variation is mainly the result of a combination of was found in a longer database (1870–2000) (Makarov
the Russell-McPherron effect and the Rosenberg- et al., 2002). These results can be interpreted as evi-
Coleman effect of polarity (Rosenberg and Coleman, dence of the existence of an internal source of 22-year
1969; Russsel, 1973; 1974; Russell and McPherron, mode, as opposed to a purely geometric Russell-
1973; Svalgaard, 1977). As a result of the combined McPherron mechanism. The global magnetic field of
impact of these effects, the heliospheric magnetic field the Sun is transferred by solar plasma into interplane-
and magnetosphere turned out to be linked in various tary space to the Earth’s orbit; it takes part in the for-
ways for periods of different mutual position of solar mation of the heliospheric current sheet and thereby
and terrestrial dipoles (parallel or antiparallel). This is controls the geomagnetic activity. Changes in the
purely a geometrical mechanism. parameters of the polar magnetic field from one cycle
A competing hypothesis could be the presence of to another, depending on their parity, should generate
an internal source of the Sun, which would change a 22-year variation of the solar wind in the plane of the
with a period of 22 years. A 22-year variation of recur- ecliptic, which is reflected in geomagnetic activity. At
rent high-speed streams of the solar wind detected in the same time, it can be expected that this variation



Frequency of auroras N in 1837–1909 in different latitudinal segments

Year Φ < 56° N Φ ≥ 56° N Year Φ < 56° N Φ ≥ 56° N Year Φ < 56° N Φ ≥ 56° N
1837 16 0 1862 6 4 1887 26 16
1838 22 1 1863 1 7 1888 29 29
1839 10 17 1864 1 4 1889 24 27
1840 5 11 1865 4 5 1890 8 22
1841 4 3 1866 4 32 1891 6 52
1842 0 16 1867 0 15 1892 21 32
1843 1 6 1868 1 12 1893 21 73
1844 1 7 1869 10 27 1894 19 41
1845 1 6 1870 43 33 1895 17 57
1846 2 8 1871 31 25 1896 10 84
1847 9 12 1872 31 29 1897 9 73
1848 19 1 1873 11 53 1898 14 69
1849 3 4 1874 11 17 1899 2 74
1850 3 11 1875 28 14 1900 1 46
1851 12 10 1876 2 20 1901 8 37
1852 15 25 1877 11 8 1902 1 84
1853 14 7 1878 1 29 1903 4 38
1854 5 10 1879 8 29 1904 7 59
1855 2 8 1880 16 14 1905 3 63
1856 1 12 1881 19 25 1906 5 76
1857 6 3 1882 34 26 1907 15 66
1858 7 24 1883 30 28 1908 5 61
1859 12 23 1884 5 41 1909 14 65
1860 17 13 1885 2 17
1861 3 7 1886 7 22

will be most clearly observed in the geomagnetic activ- In a recent paper (Abunina et al., 2015), 300 coro-
ity controlled by high-speed streams of the solar wind nal holes were studied; they were observed in the
from coronal holes. Indeed, the 22-year mode is well 2002–2013 biennium. We found that the coronal holes
observed in the 27-day variation of geomagnetic indi- of the northern hemisphere with negative polarity and
ces (аа, Ap) in the form of alternation of its lower and coronal holes of the southern hemisphere with a posi-
higher amplitude in successive cycles (Cliver et al., tive polarity are more geoeffective (higher Kp index of
1996; Apostolov et al., 2004; Shnirman et al., 2009). geomagnetic activity). The results (Abunina et al.,
We found (Figs. 5 and 6) that the 22-year periodic- 2015) on the polarity of the solar magnetic fields, cor-
ity has a different character for auroras observed at dif- onal holes, and geomagnetic disturbances were
ferent latitudes, which is inconsistent with the hypoth- obtained from spacecraft measurements in the last
esis of a single, common mechanism for a 22-year decade. Such parameters were not measured in the
variation dependent only on the relative position of the nineteenth century. Direct measurement data on the
Sun and the Earth. Thus, our results confirm the pres- magnetic fields of the Sun and their repolarization are
ence of an internal solar power that contributes to the obtained only in the twentieth century. Extrapolating
22-year variation of geomagnetic activity. backward current data on the alternating polarity of
the solar magnetic field (Makarov and Tlatov, 2000),
Figure 6 demonstrates the excess of N for high-lat-
we find in 1837–1909 (8–14th Schwabe cycles) that
itude auroras in the odd polar cycles compared to the
negative polarity of the solar magnetic fields was
even. Since high-latitude auroras are caused by high-
speed streams from coronal holes, our results can be observed in the northern hemisphere in the odd polar
cycles (see table).
interpreted as evidence that coronal holes in theodd
polar cycle were more numerous and/or more vigor- Thus, it follows from Fig. 6 that a higher N, i.e.,
ous in 1837–1909, and, accordingly, that high-speed higher geoeffectiveness, is observed for odd cycles,
streams were more geoeffective. i.e., when the polarity of the Sun’s polar regions in the


196 PTITSYNA et al.

northern hemisphere is negative. This result is consis- 3. The frequency N of auroras in the high-latitude
tent with the result of (Abunina et al., 2015), which sector (Φ ≥ 56°) demonstrates the opposite behavior:
found that coronal holes with a negative polarity of the in the second half of solar activity cycles (the Schwabe
magnetic field (for the northern hemisphere) are the cycle), N in the odd cycles is larger than in the even
most geoeffective. This can be explained by the fact ones, while the picture is the opposite for the first half
that the polar cap boundary change with a 22-year of the cycles.
interval in such a way that area of the polar cap in the 4. For the normalized annual number N/W of
northern hemisphere in odd polar cycle is larger than high-latitude auroras, there is a clear difference at the
in even cycle (Makarov et al., 2002). minima of the Schwabe cycles in pairs of cycles
Generally speaking, one can not a priori assume odd/even: N/W at the minimum between odd and
that the solar-terrestrial processes in earlier eras pro- even cycles is higher than at the minimum between
ceeded the in same way as in the modern era. The even and odd cycles.
characteristics of solar magnetic fields and solar–ter- 5. For high-latitude auroras, N is higher in most
restrial processes have being changing over time odd polar cycles than in even cycles. Thus, the period
(Lockwood et al., 1999; Love, 2011; Du, 2011; Echer between the maximum of odd Schwabe cycle and the
et al., 2004). For example, it was shown in (Lockwood next maximum is the most geoeffective.
et al., 1999) that the overall flux of the solar magnetic 6. For the considered period of time (1937–1909),
field has increased by 2.3 times since 1901, which the the most geoeffective polar cycles were those in which
authors associated with chaotic changes in the the polar magnetic field in the northern hemisphere
dynamo that generates the magnetic field of the sun. was negative.
Geomagnetic activity (aa index) also began increasing
at the end of the XIX century (since 1868); however, The results indicate that internal solar power con-
this trend cannot be assumed to be linear or mono- tributes to the generation of the 22-year variations in
tonic (Love, 2011). In the XX century, starting with geomagnetic activity, as opposed to the explanation of
cycle 14, geomagnetic activity lags behind solar activ- this variation that only refers to the Russell-Makfer-
ity, but this was not observed earlier in cycles 8–13 rona mechanism, which is associated with the slope of
(Love, 2011; Ptitsyna et al., 2015). It is indicated in the solar equator to the ecliptic plane. The increased
(Shirman et al., 2009) that the evolution of the 22-year geoeffectiveness of odd polar cycles, which in our case
variation underwent a regime change in 1912, when implies an increased frequency of high-latitude auro-
the 22-year mode (in a 27-day spectral component) ras, can be caused by the increase in these periods of
vanishes for sunspots and appears in the aa index. In the area of the polar zone occupied by the magnetic
this regard, Love (2011) warns against extrapolating field of one polarity. Apparently, the properties of the
the solar–terrestrial relations forward or backward. source of the 22-year periodicity in the global solar
However, in our case, a backward extrapolation of magnetic field remained unchanged for the past 180
modern data on alternation of the polarity of the polar years. The nature of the internal mechanism of this
magnetic field of the Sun and geoeffectiveness of this variation is currently unclear and requires further
field led to correct results. This may indicate that the investigation.
properties of the internal power of the 22-year period-
icity of the solar polar magnetic field remained REFERENCES
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2. The annual number of midlatitude auroras N Bothmer, V. and Rust, D.M., The field configuration of
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