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were re-enacted by later councils, and found their way into

ALBONI, MARIETTA (1823-1894), Italian opera-singer, was

Cordillera of the Andes, as far as 5 deg. 36' S. lat.; then it

however, Amedeo, abandoned by his partisans and attacked

Byzantium and a native of neighbouring Hierapolis (q.v.),

of fine particles of sand, blowing from the desert towards the

Egypt. Eight others were founded in his lifetime, numbering 3000

(Bibliographic astronomique, Paris, 1803) could obtain

Colonel Strauch, president of the International Association,

of the 5th of August 1890, by which Great Britain recognized

largest of all, lying close along the east coast of Greece;

subjects. He took national themes, and his work is in

degree, rendering, for instance, gelatine perfectly insoluble

value. More serious works are: William Sandby, The History

close for his portion of his common pasture, and also his

atom of the grid below it is also changed to sulphate. There

of the vine, Judg. ix. 13). Later writers spoke of a ``tree

in America; from the Fr. ambassadeur, with which compare

matrimonial state, was founded in 1846 by the Rev. Henry James

regarding Adonis as the swine-god, characterizes the Adonia

line, and to attempt to conclude treaties with chiefs who

known commercially as ``concentrated alum'' or ``sulphate of

since this disk becomes the less harmful with au increasing

dwellers in the Alps, save from the scanty acocunts preserved

heretics gained ground in the south, and in 1119 the council

States Coast Survey, and presented a full account of them

they were in Castilian, but any such inference would be

being unlike anything Nilotic. If that be so, the period

friend of Mazzini, he discouraged the latter's premature

future, and that while the cardinal principles of justice are

related to agriculture and the mechanic arts . . . in order to

sword. On the same spot `Amr built a city named Fostat (``the

at hand there is no appearance in the least corresponding

1773, leaving to his son Timur the kingdom he had founded.

edition (1889); M. Manitius, Geschichte der christlich-

Suebic tribes had now moved westward. In later times the

when it of course comes into contact with the purely alpine

from titles like the following, which is quoted by J.

interests both of the British government and of Afghanistan

the process by leading to the substitution of broad bands of

Purely Mahommedan higher schools exist at Algiers, Tlemcen and

the god by Myron stood; it had probably been carried off to

-6 deg. 0.120 0.1193 -0.0125 +0.060

streams. The Semliki receives directly or indirectly the

Yoruba-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast (1894); H. Ling

thus giving a vortex atom, or of an intrinsic strain of some

example of successful Mahommedan rule, it is well to remember

who died at Kufa in 661, of the wound inflicted by a poisoned

most important) book of Adam's History, Variously entitled

used as a kind of shorthand for verbal expressions. This

ALBANY, a city and the county-seat of Albany county, New

was either untrained or negligent. These experiments led the

dramatic accompaniments, to which the Greek celebration,

and there is a garrison in the town. King George Sound,

perhaps by cutting back, would belong entirely to the Negro

relations with foreign powers. Eventually he renounced his

ascending the Orinoco river, met some Portuguese slave-traders

1880 12,027,000 $279,899,420 21,231,000 $341,761,154

occupant of the see; though hitherto only a catechumen, he was

increases the capacity and life by strengthening the mass

from twenty-two slaves, and, when threatened by his opponents

north, Laon in the centre, and Soissons and Chateau-Thierry

not more than twenty years old, has been given to show the

but eventually difficulties of transport and the topography

of Corinth and Iuka (see below), was thereupon ordered

married in 515 to Eutharic, an Ostrogoth of the old Areal

The Bavarian Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen was

command swept all before them. The victory was decisive,

and rapids, or cachoeiras, as they are called throughout

made that of the judiciary six years, provided for quadrennial

may be helped to do so by prayer and by the sacrifice of the

portal is remarkable for a figure of the Virgin and other

At Jalalabad the winter and the climate generally assume an

mayor is elected from such of the aldermen as have served the

but on the 11th of February 1888 he signed a treaty with J.

extends over four days in mining shares and three days in other

the newspapers for a few days, however, the whole thing was

four are primary, the last one a tertiary, the other three

Oxford in 1854, together with various pamphlets on sanitary

TABLE XXXIX.--Number and Value of Farm Animals Exported from the

50 ft. high; the branches do nor spread, even where there is room,

parish; by purchase or agreement in eighteen parishes; by hire

AUTHORITIES.--For a discussion of absenteeism from the economic

1525. His hostility towards the reformers, however, was

guano, and the best methods of modern tillage, have greatly

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