Boulanger-PascualPuigdevall2021 Article BorealForestsWillBeMoreSeverel

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Boreal forests will be more severely affected by projected anthropogenic

climate forcing than mixedwood and northern hardwood forests in eastern

Article  in  Landscape Ecology · June 2021

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-021-01241-7


1 177

2 authors, including:

Yan Boulanger
Natural Resources Canada


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Impacts of climate change on boreal bird habitats View project

Classification and mapping of forest disturbance regimes View project

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Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Boreal forests will be more severely affected by projected

anthropogenic climate forcing than mixedwood
and northern hardwood forests in eastern Canada
Yan Boulanger . Jesus Pascual Puigdevall

Received: 5 November 2020 / Accepted: 25 March 2021 / Published online: 3 April 2021
Ó Crown 2021

Abstract composition towards more thermophilous species.

Context Increased anthropogenic climate forcing is Climate-induced impacts were much more important
projected to have tremendous impacts on global forest and swifter under RCP 8.5 after 2080 suggesting that
ecosystems, with northern biomes being more at risk. eastern Canada’s forests might cross important tipping
Objectives To model the impacts of harvest and points under strong anthropogenic climate forcing.
increased anthropogenic climate forcing on eastern Conclusions Boreal forest regions will be much less
Canada’s forest landscapes and to assess the strong resilient than mixedwood or northern hardwoods to the
spatial heterogeneity in the severity, the nature and projected changes in climate regimes. Current harvest
direction of the impacts expected within northern strategies will interact with anthropogenic climate
forest regions. forcing to further modify forest landscapes, notably by
Methods We used LANDIS-II to project species- accelerating thermophilous species AGB gain in
specific aboveground biomass (AGB) between 2020 southernmost regions. Major changes to harvest
and 2150 under three climate (baseline, RCP 4.5 and practices are strongly needed to preserve the long-
RCP 8.5) and two harvest (baseline harvest, no term sustainability of wood supply in eastern Canada.
harvest) scenarios within four forest regions (boreal Adaptation strategies should be region-specific.
west, boreal east, mixedwood and northern
hardwood). Keywords Climate change  Harvest  Landis-II 
Results Climate change impacts within the boreal Boreal forests  Mixedwood  Northern hardwood 
forest regions would mainly result from increases in Eastern Canada
wildfires activity which will strongly alter total AGB.
In the mixedwood and northern hardwood, changes
will be less important and will result from climate-
induced growth constraints that will alter species Introduction

Increased anthropogenic climate forcing is projected

Supplementary Information The online version contains
supplementary material available at to have tremendous impacts on global forest ecosys-
s10980-021-01241-7. tems (Heyder et al. 2011). Changes in temperature and
precipitation regimes since the last decades have
Y. Boulanger (&)  J. Pascual Puigdevall
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada,
already modified natural disturbances as well as forest
Laurentian Forestry Centre, Québec, QC, Canada productivity in several forest regions worldwide.

1726 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

Among all forest biomes, northern forests will prob- temperate biomes where several tree species are
ably be among the most impacted by climate change, currently reaching either their southward or northward
with temperatures projected to increase at much higher thermal tolerance (Leithead et al. 2010; Brice et al.
rates than elsewhere (Price et al. 2013). In Canada, 2019). On one hand, one could expected that projected
temperatures have already risen by 1.7 °C since 1948, increases in temperatures might favored the northward
a rate twice as fast as the global average (NRCan migration of e.g., thermophilous hardwood species at
2019). During this time period, wildfire activity has the expanse of boreal conifers, leading to a slow but
significantly increased (Hanes et al. 2019), boreal tree steady northward progression of the northern hard-
species productivity have declined (Girardin et al. wood forest region either through increased recruit-
2016) while warmer temperatures might be responsi- ment or better growth conditions (Duveneck et al.
ble for recent modifications in forest insect outbreak 2014). On the other hand, more suitable growth
regimes (Pureswaran et al. 2015). Tipping points are conditions as projected in the short-term or under mild
likely to be crossed under aggressive anthropogenic climate forcing (D’Orangeville et al. 2018) could
climate forcing (e.g., RCP 8.5) potentially resulting in favor boreal species productivity in northern locations
biome shifts (Stralberg et al. 2018). No doubt that leading to faster and larger biomass accumulation as
these alterations of northern forest ecosystems will well as to closed-crown forest encroachment in sites
severely impact ecosystem services including carbon where productivity is currently climate-limited.
storage (Kurz et al. 2008), timber supply (Gauthier Despite suitable recruitment and growth conditions,
et al. 2015; Boucher et al. 2019; Brecka et al. 2020) propagule availability might restrain the expansion of
and wildlife habitats (Tremblay et al. 2018; Cadieux warmed adapted species, making virtually impossible
et al. 2019, 2020). for these species to keep pace with the northward
Although alterations of northern forest ecosystems displacement of isotherms which would introduce a
are projected to be significant, strong spatial hetero- migration lag in the southernmost part of the boreal
geneity in the severity, the nature and direction of the forest (Sittaro et al. 2017; Taylor et al. 2017).
impacts is to be expected. Such heterogeneity would Furthermore, unsuitable, acidic soil conditions within
likely result from the complex interactions between the boreal forest could also restrain the northward
climate change and natural and anthropogenic distur- expansion of hardwood species (Brown and Vellend
bances, forest productivity, seed dispersal and bio- 2014) although recent analyses showed that soil
physical variables (e.g., soil conditions). Disturbance characteristics represent a rather minor impediment
severity and types strongly vary across the temperate to such transitions (Brice et al. 2020). Yet, it is still
to the boreal forest biomes and as such, are likely to unknown how these agents of change will ultimately
differently impact successional pathways, notably cumulate and interact at multiple spatial and temporal
when interacting with climate change. For instance, scales to alter forest landscapes over areas experienc-
annual burned area is projected to strongly increase in ing distinct current and future environmental
central and western Canadian boreal forests when conditions.
compared to eastern boreal forests (Boulanger et al. In commercial forests, anthropogenic impacts such
2014), resulting in different impacts on productivity, as harvest are likely to cumulate with climate change
biomass accumulation and successional pathways to further modify forest ecosystems (Boulanger et al.
(Boulanger et al. 2016; Cadieux et al. 2019). Moderate 2016; Cadieux 2019). Harvest-induced increases in
and potentially selective disturbances (e.g., host- disturbance rates might modify the system’s inertia
selective insect outbreaks) occurring at the temper- and accelerate climate-induced changes by removing
ate-boreal ecotone could favor transitions to temperate resident communities and providing resources for
forests while climate-induced increases in severe warmed-adapted establishment and growth (Steenberg
stand-replacing disturbances would promote either et al. 2013; Brice et al. 2020). Indeed, it was shown
transient or permanent transitions to pioneer states that alike canopy gaps (Leithead et al. 2010), moderate
within the boreal forest (Payette and Delwaide 2003; harvest-induced disturbance rates under warmer tem-
Johnstone et al. 2016; Brice et al. 2020). Important peratures could favor co-occurring thermophilous
modifications in species composition are to be pioneer but also shade-tolerant species, and hasten
expected at the transition zones between boreal and their northward migration within the boreal forest

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 1727

(Steenberg et al. 2013; Brice et al. 2019, 2020; Mina conducting such analyses requires extensive knowl-
et al. 2020). When cumulated with increasing natural edge about fine-scale biophysical variables (e.g.,
disturbance rates, harvest could bring total disturbance current and future climates, soil, initial forest compo-
rates outside their range of natural variability (Berg- sition) that are sometimes not available at large extent.
eron et al. 2006; Cyr et al. 2009), resulting in Running these simulations also necessitates relatively
regeneration failures and long-term changes in suc- important computation power. Over the last decades,
cessional pathways (Splawinski et al. 2019). By significant advances regarding the estimation of
favoring structural and compositional diversities, critical variables for FLM simulations were completed
ecosystem-based forest management was suggested in eastern Canada in order to make such analyses
to promote forest resilience under increasing climate feasible. Furthermore, cloud computing and increases
warming (Duveneck et al. 2014; Duveneck and in workstation power now enable FLM analyses over
Scheller 2015a; Boulanger et al. 2019). Still, this large territories.
business-as-usual strategy that is now extensively In this study, we modeled the impacts of harvest
applied throughout northern forests might not be and increased anthropogenic climate forcing on the
efficient in order to keep or restore functional diversity entire commercial forest (54.3 M ha) of Quebec,
under climate change (Boulanger et al. 2019; Mina Canada by using the LANDIS-II FLM. Simulations
et al. 2020). It has to be assessed how such a strategy were conducted in four forest regions (northern
might interact with climate-induced changes and how hardwood, mixedwood, boreal east and boreal west)
it could affect forest inertia within different forest in eastern Canada and covered one of the largest area
ecosystems that will experience contrasting distur- ever simulated with a FLM. More specifically, our
bance- and climate regime changes. In this context, objectives were to (i) assess how and how much forest
quantifying the effects as well as the importance of landscapes in each of these forest regions will be
harvest-induced impacts relative to those generated by specifically altered under different climate scenarios.
climate change over different forest regions should Furthermore, (ii) we explored how harvest in the
offer new insights about potential adaptation avenues context of climate change, might differently affect
(Messier et al. 2019). forest inertia and the nature of changes projected
Evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of future within those forest regions. We hypothesized that
climate- and harvest-induced changes in forest ecosys- (i) climate change will severely alter forest landscapes
tems is paramount in order to understand how specific with large changes driven by fire in the boreal forest
drivers of forest changes are projected to proceed. regions while changes in productivity will favor
Furthermore, estimating the rate and nature of the hardwoods over coniferous species especially in the
shifts as well as their overall impacts on harvest would mixedwood region. Also (ii) harvest will accelerate
help identify efficient and specific adaptation mea- climate induced-changes by favoring species turnover.
sures, notably to ensure the continuous provision of
forest ecosystem services. Harvest and anthropogenic
climate interactions on forest landscapes might be Methods
realistically projected using spatially-explicit process-
based model simulations. Forest landscape models Study regions
(FLM) were proven successful in order to project
future changes in forest composition and structure We projected forest landscapes over the entire com-
according to different climate and harvest scenarios mercial forest in the province of Québec (54.3 M ha,
(e.g., Scheller and Mladenoff 2008; Steenberg et al. Fig. 1). The area is bordered on the southeast by the
2013; Duveneck and Scheller 2015a, b, Boulanger northern extent of the Appalachian Mountains. In this
et al. 2019). Yet, FLM simulations are frequently area, valleys covered by glacial till and humo-ferric
conducted over territories spanning less than 10 M ha podzols are intermingled with broadly rolling mosaic
(with few notable exceptions, see Wang et al. 2014) of upland plateaus sitting between 200 and 800 m
which impeded the consideration of the heterogeneity above sea level. Most of the area located north of the
in climate- and harvest-induced changes over a wide St. Lawrence River belongs to the Canadian Shield.
range of environmental conditions. Indeed, Landform and soils in this area are dominated by

1728 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

Fig. 1 Location of the study area as well as the four forest regions considered for analyses

uplands and wetlands, where Precambrian granitic the mixedwoods as well as the boreal east and boreal
bedrock outcrops alternate with ridges encompassing west (Robitaille and Saucier 1998). Species-rich
coarse texture hummocky deposits of glacial origin. northern hardwood forests dominated by deciduous
Climate is more typical of the temperate continental mesophytic species are located in the southern part of
region in the southernmost part of the study area, the study area. Forest gradually transitions to mixed in
whereas the northernmost part is typical of boreal the mixedwood forest region and finally to conifer-
regions. The study area covers wide latitudinal and dominated forests with increasing latitude in both
longitudinal temperature gradients (mean annual boreal forest regions. Recurrent spruce budworm
temperature south MAT = 6.6 °C; north MAT = - (SBW) outbreaks are the most important natural
3.1 °C and total annual precipitations west TAP = disturbance in the mixedwood forest region (Boulan-
600 mm; east TAP = 1200 mm, Robitaille and ger et al. 2012), and small windthrows and single-tree
Saucier 1998). A wide variety of forest ecosystems mortality drive natural forest succession in the north-
occur within the area and as such, the study area was ern hardwood forest region. Wildfires are most
divided in four forest regions based on the Quebec’s prevalent within the boreal portion of the study area
bioclimatic subdomains, i.e., the northern hardwoods, with fire return intervals decreasing from ca 400 years

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 1729

in the east to ca. 100 years in the drier, western part forest inventory plots (FIP). These maps were raster-
(Boulanger et al. 2014). Timber harvest occurs at ized at a 250-m (6.25 ha) resolution. Each of these
various rates over the entire study area, with cutblock cells was then assigned to a spatial unit (i.e., ‘‘land-
size and proportion of biomass harvested typically type’’) with homogeneous soil and climate conditions.
increasing with latitude. Single-tree and small-patch Grid cells with more than 50% of their area covered
harvest are most prevalent in the northern hardwoods, with non-forest cover types were classified as inactive.
whereas clearcuts reaching more than 100 ha are more
common in the boreal regions. These prescriptions Forest succession and species growth potential
follow ecosystem-based forest management guideli-
nes and aim to emulate natural disturbances in each of We used the LANDIS-II Biomass Succession exten-
these regions. sion v 3.2 (Scheller and Mladenoff 2004) to simulate
forest succession in each 250-m cell. This extension
Climate data simulates modifications in cohort aboveground bio-
mass (AGB) over time by taking into consideration
We produced monthly time series for baseline climate tree species’ cohort age, life-history traits, and
by interpolating data from climate station records species-specific landtype responses (Suppl. Mat. S2).
(McKenney et al. 2013). We obtained future climate We used species’ life-history traits information col-
projections from the Canadian Earth System Model lected from various sources including several previous
version 2 (CanESM2) for each of two different LANDIS-II publications conducted for North Amer-
radiative forcing scenarios, i.e. RCP 4.5 and RCP ican forest landscapes. Species were classified as
8.5. Radiative forcing is assumed to stabilize at either thermophilous or boreal according to their
4.5 Wm-2 after 2100 in the RCP 4.5 scenario, thermal preference in growing degree-days (Suppl.
without an ‘‘overshoot’’ pathway. In the RCP 8.5 Mat. S2). We also classified species according to
scenario, the forcing reaches 8.5 Wm-2 in 2100 and which successional stage, e.g., either pioneer or mid-/
keeps on increasing afterwards (van Vuuren et al. late-successional, they are mostly associated, consis-
2011). Under these scenarios, the CanESM2 projects tent with their shade tolerance and longevity.
mean annual temperature increases of ca 3.9 °C (RCP We parameterized and calibrated three sets of
4.5) to ca 8.5 °C (RCP 8.5) throughout the study area dynamics inputs sensitive to soil and climate condi-
by 2100 (compared to circa 2000), while average tions, i.e., (i) species establishment probabilities
precipitation is projected to increase by 7% (RCP 8.5) (SEP), (ii) maximum possible aboveground net pri-
to 10% (RCP 4.5). For both RCPs, CanESM2 is rather mary productivity (maxANPP), and (iii) maximum
on the warm and dry side relative to 26 other models aboveground biomass (maxAGB). Parameterization
generally used to project climate change impacts in was conducted using the individual tree-based, forest
Quebec (Suppl. Mat. S1). We bias-corrected data from patch model PICUS version 1.5 (Lexer and Honninger
CanESM2 for the 1900–2100 period by expressing 2001; Taylor et al. 2017). PICUS simulates the
temperatures as differences and precipitations as ratios dynamics of individual trees on 10 9 10 m patches
relative to the CanESM2 monthly means for the across forest stand areas and accounts for spatially-
1961–1990 period. explicit interactions among patches via a 3D light
module. PICUS simulates the effects of climate and
LANDIS-II forest landscape simulation model soil properties on tree population dynamics (Lexer and
Honninger 2001). Using individual tree species
LANDIS-II is a spatially-explicit raster-based forest parameters, we ran PICUS simulations for 17 tree
landscape model that simulates disturbances, seed species occurring in the study regions (Suppl. Mat.
dispersal, and forest succession (Scheller et al. 2007). S2). A complete description of the model and how it
Species are defined using unique life-history attributes was parameterized and validated can be found in
and are represented in each grid cell as 10-year age- Taylor et al. (2017). In order to determine the three
cohorts. Forest composition and structure in each cell dynamic input parameters for Biomass Succession
were initialized using provincial ecoforestry maps and extension, we simulated mono-specific 1-ha stands
cohort data from provincial permanent and temporary with PICUS for each of the 17 tree species. A factorial

1730 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

simulation design was used to simulate all mono- System for Territorial Ecological Classification (Berg-
specific stands for tree species and landtype, under eron et al. 1992). This system classifies forest stands
climate conditions for specific periods (2000–2010, according to their potential natural vegetation type,
2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100) and forcing which is a function of climatological and geomorpho-
scenarios (baseline, RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5). Simulations logical constraints on vegetation growth and succes-
were run for 300 years, starting from bare-ground and sion. We simulated ecosystem-based forest
used the landtype-specific soil and the period- and management (EBFM), a harvest scenario that should
climate scenario specific climate data. Values for SEP, closely mimic the historical disturbance regimes
maxANPP and maxAGB were then derived from these (wildfires, spruce budworm outbreaks, single-tree
simulations (see Boulanger et al. 2016). Previous mortality, small gap openings) occurring in the study
analyses (Boulanger et al. 2016, 2017a, 2019) have area. Rotation length time and biomass removal levels
shown good agreement between successional path- were fixed according to current harvest regulations
ways predicted by LANDIS using these parameters and expert advices as in Boulanger et al. (2019).
with those reported in the literature. Furthermore, bias Harvest rates were held constant throughout the
observed between remote sensing based specific simulations unless not enough stands qualified for
biomass as in 2011 (Beaudoin et al. 2014) as well as harvest. In this latter case, harvest proceeded until
biomass at initialization was minimal for most species there were no more stands available.
(Fig. S3.1). However, some relatively minor discrep-
ancies were observed with balsam fir (mostly in Natural disturbances
eastern part of the study area; - 1.09 t ha-1 on
average), sugar maple (mainly in southwestern Que- Fire, and spruce budworm (SBW, Choristoneura
bec; - 0.93 t ha-1 on average) and trembling aspen fumiferana [Clem.]) outbreaks, were considered as
(- 1.13 t ha-1 on average) initial biomasses being natural disturbances in the LANDIS-II simulations.
underestimated while black spruce (1.47 t ha-1) and Both disturbances historically had major impacts on
jack pine (? 2.32 t ha-1) initial biomass appeared to Quebec’ forest landscapes (e.g., Bouchard et al. 2006).
be slightly overestimated overall. These discrepancies SBW outbreaks are mostly prevalent within the
might come from both various steps at initialization mixedwood region whereas fires are more important
(e.g., determination of age cohorts from sample plots, within the boreal regions. The LANDIS-II Base Fire
differences between ecoforestry maps and remote v3.0 extension was used to simulate stochastic fire
sensing) as well as from slight bias in growth events dependent upon fire ignition, initiation and
parameters (see Taylor et al. 2017 for validation). spread. Fire regime data (annual area burned, fire
Slight underestimation of balsam fir might have occurrence, and mean fire size) were summarized into
caused SBW outbreaks to be less severe than expected ‘‘fire regions’’ corresponding to the intersection of the
in eastern portion of our study area. Otherwise, we are study area and the Canadian Homogeneous Fire
confident that these rather small bias should not Regime zones of Boulanger et al. (2014). Baseline
significantly alter succession pathways and subse- and future fire regime parameters within each fire
quent climate impacts as simulated here. Readers can region were calibrated according to models developed
refer to Supplementary Material S4 for maxAGB by Boulanger et al. (2014) and further updated for
maps. different RCP scenarios (Gauthier et al. 2015) and fire-
age structure negative feedback (Boulanger et al.
Forest harvest 2017b; see also Fig. S2.2 for validation of annual area
burned by forest region). Annual area burned (AAB)
The Biomass Harvest extension (v3.0; Gustafson et al. will remain minimal within northern hardwoods,
2000) was used to simulate forest harvest. Relevant regardless of climate scenarios whereas it will reach
information regarding harvest parameters such as maximum values [ 2% after 2080 in boreal west
mean harvested patch size and total harvested area, under RCP 8.5 (Supplementary Material S5).
was summarized by forest management units (FMU). The Biological Disturbance Agent (BDA) v3.0
Harvest was set to vary according to potential extension (Sturtevant et al. 2004) modified to account
vegetation as defined by the Quebec’s Hierarchical for specific SBW parameters was used to simulate

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 1731

SBW outbreaks. From the most to least vulnerable, the fire regime parameters and so, parameters were
host tree species for SBW included balsam fir (Abies held constant for the 2071–2150 period.
balsamea), and white (Picea glauca), red (P. rubens)
and black (P. mariana) spruces (Hennigar et al. 2008). Analyses
Outbreaks are simulated as probabilistic events at the
cell level with probabilities being a function of the site We tested for the impacts of climate change and
and neighborhood resource dominance (e.g., host current harvest practices on forest landscape by
species occurrence within a 1-km radius) as well as calculating dissimilarities between projected forest
regional outbreak status. Outbreak-related tree mor- landscapes and those under baseline climate. Analyses
tality is contingent on these probabilities as well as on were performed by calculating Bray–Curtis dissimi-
host species- and age-specific susceptibility. SBW larity (dBC) using species-specific AGB. First, species-
outbreak parameters were calibrated and validated specific AGB was averaged at the landtype-level at
using various studies conducted within the boreal and each timestep among replicates. Dissimilarities were
mixedwood forests (Hennigar et al. 2008). Regional then calculated relative to projections at time t as well
outbreaks were calibrated at the highest severity level as according to the harvest scenario under each climate
possible, were set to last one-time step (10 years) and forcing scenario separately. Landtype-level dissimi-
to recur every 40 years in accordance with historical larities were then area-weight averaged at the forest
regional cycles (Boulanger et al. 2012). region level.
Dissimilarities between projected and baseline
Simulation design forest landscapes can arise from changes in species-
specific abundance (AGB), from changes in species
As the study area is one of the largest ever simulated composition per se, or from both (Baselga 2013).
with LANDIS-II, we had to split it into five sub-areas Separating these components helps to identify the
that were simulated separately for computational empirical patterns underlying changes in species
reasons. In order to consider some potential edge composition (Baselga 2013). We therefore decom-
effect related to these zones pertaining to e.g., seed posed all dBC values into their two additive compo-
dispersal or fire spread from nearby regions, we nents i.e., the fraction linked to balanced variation in
simulated each sub-area with an additional 50-km abundance (dBC-bal) and the one linked to abundance
buffer overlapping the adjacent sub-areas. Simulations gradients (dBC-gra) (Baselga 2013). dBC-bal informs
were run according to a factorial design, i.e., under the about change in species composition or species
three climate projections, (corresponding to baseline, turnover whereas dBC-gra is related to change in
and the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 radiative forcing species abundance. We then assessed trends in these
scenarios) and two harvest scenarios. The two harvest two components according to climate and harvest
scenarios were no harvest and a baseline, EBFM scenarios in each of the four forest regions. All dBC
harvest where current parameters described above components were calculated using the betapart v1.5.2
were applied. Five replicates were run for 130 years package (Baselga et al. 2020) in R 3.6.2 (R Core Team
for each harvest and climate change scenario combi- 2019).
nation, starting in the year 2020, and using 10-year
time steps. Except for scenarios involving the baseline
climate, we used the fire regime parameters projected Results
for the 2011–2040 periods for the 2020–2040 simu-
lated years. Also, fire regime parameters were allowed Climate change impacts across forest regions
to change in 2041–2050 and 2071–2080 according to
the average climate corresponding to each forcing Generally speaking, dissimilarities were highest for
scenario. Fire regime parameters for 2071–2080 were boreal west and appeared sooner in the simulations
held constant up to 2150. Dynamic growth and while being lowest for the northern hardwood
establishment parameters (SEP, maxANPP and max- throughout the simulated period, regardless of the
AGB), were allowed to change according to each climate scenarios (Fig. 2). That being said, dissimi-
climate scenario following the same schedule used for larities increased over time and with increasing

1732 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

Fig. 2 Temporal trends in Bray–Curtis dissimilarities (dBC) Dissimilarities were calculated against the respective harvest
under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 and the two harvest scenarios scenario under baseline climate
(EBFM = ecosystem-based forest management; no harvest).

anthropogenic climate forcing in all regions (Fig. 2, most notably after 2100 (Fig. 4). In boreal west, these
see also Suppl. Mat S6). Dissimilarities under RCP 4.5 declines would occur much sooner, i.e., as soon as
and RCP 8.5 strongly diverged in all regions in 2050 under milder (RCP 4.5) anthropogenic climate
2080–2100, showing a sharp increase under RCP 8.5 forcing. Under RCP 8.5, the total decrease in AGB
(Fig. 2). relative to baseline climate was highest in this latter
There were important differences in dBC-bal trends region (-54%) whereas AGB decline in other regions
between regions and scenarios (Fig. 3). dBC-bal tended would reach between 35 and 40% by 2150 (Fig. 4).
to be higher in the mixedwood and northern hardwood AGB decreases under RCP 4.5 would be much lower
forest regions, especially under RCP 4.5, while being in any region. Under this scenario, total AGB in
lowest in the boreal west where it never exceeded 30% mixedwood and northern hardwood forest regions
after 2050 (Fig. 3). In 2150 under RCP 4.5, more than would decrease by 10 to 15% relative to baseline
50% of the dissimilarities were related to dBC-bal in the climate while differences in AGB between RCP 4.5
northern hardwood and mixedwood forest regions. and the baseline climate would be virtually nil
Under RCP 8.5, dBC-bal never exceeded 60% in 2150 in (Fig. 4).
any regions and was highest in the mixedwood and In all forest regions, decrease in total AGB is
boreal east (Fig. 3). dBC-bal tended to increase with mostly associated with important declines in boreal
time in all scenarios except under RCP 8.5 in both conifer AGB (Fig. 4, Suppl. Mat S7). These declines
mixedwood and northern hardwood regions. In these were more important with increasing anthropogenic
regions, dBC-bal sharply dropped under RCP 8.5 up to climate forcing and with decreasing latitude. AGB
2100 and increase thereafter (Fig. 3). declines were particularly important for white and
Dissimilarities linked to gradient in abundance can black spruces regardless of the climate scenarios
be associated with the strong climate-induced decline (Fig. 4). More notably, declines in black spruce in
in total AGB throughout the study under RCP 8.5, boreal west, which is by far the most common species

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 1733

Fig. 3 Temporal trends in the proportion of Bray–Curtis abundance gradient, i.e., dBC-gra = 1 - dBC-bal under RCP 4.5
dissimilarities shown in Fig. 2 linked to balanced variation in and RCP 8.5 and the two harvest scenarios. Results are shown
species abundance (dBC-bal, Baselga 2013). Recall that dBC-bal is for the two climate and two harvest scenarios separately
the inverse of the variation in Bray–Curtis dissimilarity linked to

Fig. 4 Stacked trends in species AGB for each of the four forest regions simulated under either baseline, RCP 4.5 or RCP 8.5 climate
scenario. See Suppl. Mat. S2 for species abbreviations. Only simulations considering baseline harvest are considered here

under current conditions in this region, would be 2150 under RCP 8.5 (Suppl. Mat S7). Balsam fir and
dramatic as it would almost completely disappear by red spruce would also decline throughout the study

1734 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

area but mostly under RCP 8.5. Throughout the study species proportions strongly increased relative to
area, climate-induced decreases in boreal conifer AGB baseline climate in boreal (? 10–50%) but also in
would not be compensated by an increase in ther- mixedwood (? 10–25%) forest regions while this
mophilous species biomass which would rather main- increase was much smaller in the northern hardwood
tain stable biomass relative to baseline climate region (Fig. 6). Increases were particularly important
(Fig. 4). Notable exception includes red maple AGB under RCP 8.5, notably after 2100 and in the boreal
that would mostly increase under RCP 8.5 especially west region. Increases in pioneer proportions were
in the boreal east and mixedwood forest regions mostly resulting from increases in trembling aspen
(Fig. 4). (boreal regions) and red maple (mixedwood) AGB
As such, higher dBC-bal in southernmost forest (Fig. 4).
regions can be interpreted as gradual species turnovers
from boreal to thermophilous species (Fig. 5). Harvest impacts in the climate change context
Increases in thermophilous proportions were highest
in the mixedwood forest region (8–25% depending on Harvest was projected to generate more dissimilarities
scenarios with increased forcing) and were likely due (higher dBC) between projected forest landscape and
to an increase in the proportions of red and sugar those under baseline climate than when it is not
maples as well as American beech (Fig. 4). Overall included in the simulations, for both the mixedwood
increase in thermophilous proportions were relatively and northern hardwood forest regions, regardless of
small (\ 10%) in both boreal forest regions compared the climate scenario (Fig. 2, see also Suppl. Mat S6).
with baseline climate (Fig. 5). In these regions, Although overall dBC were low, harvest had the most
changes in species composition were mostly related important impacts on dissimilarities in northern hard-
to transition from mid-/late successional species to woods when compared with scenarios without harvest
higher proportions of pioneer species (Fig. 6). Pioneer (Fig. 2). As opposed, in both boreal regions, virtually

Fig. 5 Temporal trends in proportions of thermophilous species differences with simulations conducted under baseline climate
(see Suppl. Mat. S2, Table S2.1 for definition) under the three and no harvest at time t
climate and two harvest scenarios. Results are expressed as

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 1735

Fig. 6 Same as Fig. 5 but for pioneer species proportions

no difference in dissimilarities with baseline climate Discussion

was projected between scenarios with or without
harvest with the exception of boreal west under RCP Our results showed that climate change impacts will
4.5. Moreover, harvest had little impacts on how be striking in eastern Canada forest regions. Simulated
climate induced dissimilarities with baseline forest changes were most important within the boreal forest
landscapes. Indeed, difference in dBC-bal values were regions, where they mainly translated into very sharp
rather small (Fig. 3) with dBC-bal tending to be slightly decreases in AGB. Important increase in wildfire
higher under harvest than under no harvest. activity which could reach [ 2% of area burned per
Harvest promoted and accelerated the proportion of year by 2100 under RCP 8.5 (Suppl. Mat. S5) could
thermophilous species AGB within the mixedwood explain these declines, most notably in boreal west.
forest region regardless of climate scenario, but most Increased annual area burned will result in extensive
notably under RCP 8.5 (Fig. 5). In this region, conversion of old-growth boreal-dominated stands
thermophilous species proportions were at least 5 into regenerating and young stands, which comprise
points of percentage higher with harvest than no much lower AGB (Boulanger et al. 2016). Very short
harvest under RCP 8.5. That being said, thermophilous fire intervals (\ 30 years) under RCP 8.5 in boreal
species also expanded with harvest when compared to west could also extensively preclude the regeneration
simulation without harvest, but at lower rates, under of non-pyrophilous and late-successional species such
no or milder anthropogenic climate forcing in this as white spruce and balsam fir, further contributing to
forest region. Harvest impacts in this regard were this decline. Most importantly, such an increase in
relatively small in other forest regions (? 1–2 points wildfires could also impede black spruce regeneration
of percentage). As expected, harvest also promoted by preventing individuals from reaching sexual matu-
pioneer species AGB virtually everywhere (Fig. 6). In rity. Overall, such declines might cause large areas in
the mixedwood and boreal west forest regions, harvest eastern Canada’s boreal forests to experience ‘‘regen-
impacts were slightly more important under RCP 8.5 eration failures’’ which would further decrease the
than under RCP 4.5. long-term ability of the boreal forest to accumulate

1736 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

AGB (Gauthier et al. 2015; Splawinski et al. 2019). strongly outpaced by the northward shift of the
This result is particularly dramatic as it could lead to isotherms even under moderate forcing (Brice et al.
the widespread extirpation (Suppl. Mat. S7) of black 2019; Prasad et al. 2020). Considering their limited
spruce, Canada’s boreal flagship species, in the boreal dispersal abilities, we projected that thermophilous
west. As a corollary, increased disturbance rates under species would colonize sites only few tens of km north
higher climate forcing will favour pioneer species, of their actual northern range (Suppl. Mat S7),
most notably trembling aspen, which were projected to although suitable conditions would expand much
mostly expand in boreal regions. Aspen was shown to further north under increased climate forcing (Suppl.
increase with more frequent anthropogenic distur- Mat S4). Additionally, some thermophilous species
bances, including fires, within the last 200 years in (e.g., sugar maple) might face important growth
eastern Canada’s boreal forest (Danneyrolles et al. constraints, presumably drought-induced (Taylor
2016) and is also projected to strongly increase with et al. 2017) even north of their current range under
climate-induced changes throughout the boreal forest aggressive climate forcing (Suppl. Mat S4), compro-
(Boulanger et al. 2016, 2017a; Brecka et al. 2020). For mising their potential expansion within the boreal
tractability purposes, it is worth mentioning that, forest. Notwithstanding the increased disturbance
although our simulations do implicitly considered fire- rates, thermophilous species are therefore less likely
stand age negative feedbacks (Boulanger et al. 2017b), to extensively compensate AGB losses by boreal
we did not aim to dynamically simulate future fire species by introducing a significant ‘‘migration lag’’
regime as a function of climate and forest landscape within the boreal forest (Taylor et al. 2017; Prasad
changes. Gradual increases in deciduous, and less et al. 2020).
flammable vegetation proportions within boreal land- In the more southern mixedwood and northern
scapes either as a function of a warmer climate or hardwood regions, changes will be less important than
because of an increase in fire activity could in turn within boreal regions and will further result from
reduce future annual area burned through fire-vegeta- alteration in species composition. Thermophilous
tion negative feedbacks (Terrier et al. 2013). Conse- species proportions within those two forest regions
quently, fire activity as simulated within this study is will strongly increase at the expanse of boreal species.
likely overestimated; lower vegetation-induced future Climate-induced changes in growth directly altered
fire activity could in turn temper boreal forest the competitive abilities of boreal species, making
alterations. these more likely to be outperformed by co-occurring
Increased natural disturbance rates within the thermophilous species (Fisichelli et al. 2014; Reich
boreal forest regions likely cumulated with climate- et al. 2015; Boulanger et al. 2016). As opposed to
induced growth constraints to most boreal species to boreal forest regions, this co-occurrence allows ther-
further reduce total AGB. Strong warming, especially mophilous species to partially compensate the decline
under RCP 8.5, will gradually reduce the potential in boreal species AGB in the mixedwood and northern
productivity of several boreal species throughout hardwood. Notably, reduced climate-induced recruit-
eastern Canada, except in the northernmost and most ment for balsam fir following SBW outbreaks could
elevated lands (Suppl. Mat S4), as species will have allowed for co-occurring hardwood species
experience conditions further from their optimal turnover, leading to permanent thermophilization of
climate tolerance. Similar declines in productivity the ecotone (Brice et al. 2019, 2020). Combined with
have also been projected for boreal species within the boreal migration lag mentioned above, this
most of their range under aggressive climate forcing suggests that the mixedwood forest region might
(Girardin et al. 2016; D’Orangeville et al. 2018), strongly contract in the upcoming decades, making the
primarily as a result of increased metabolic respiration ecotone between the northern hardwood and boreal
following more frequent and severe drought condi- forest much more abrupt.
tions (Girardin et al. 2016). Lack of propagules of Our results suggested that the boreal forest regions
warm-adapted species within most of the boreal range will be much less resilient than northern hardwoods to
impeded potential AGB recovery from boreal conifer the projected changes in climate regimes. The boreal
decline. In fact, thermophilous species migration forest is known to have been particularly resilient to
towards more northern, suitable conditions will be variations in climate and disturbance regimes during

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740 1737

the last several millennia (Carcaillet et al. 2010). total biomass over [ 3% of the territory per year) in
Indeed, stand-replacing disturbances (e.g., fires) that the mixedwood and northern hardwood, as oppose to
are mostly occurring within the boreal forests were relatively infrequent but severe clearcuts (removing
hypothesized to promote resilience by favoring the 90–100% of the biomass over \ 1% of the territory
recovery of resident species (Liang et al. 2018). per year) in the boreal forests, potentially affected
However, projected disturbance rates in the boreal forest inertia more severely over a large portion of the
forest will likely fall outside the range of natural territory, hence accelerating species turnover in these
variability, triggering potential important ecosystem southern regions. Moderate disturbances such as these
shifts (Bergeron et al. 2006). Cumulative impacts of harvest strategies were shown to strongly decrease
wildfires and productivity decline within the boreal forest inertia and favor species turnover by promoting
west could result in alternative stable states (Stralberg hardwood species recruitment and growth at the
et al. 2018) toward landscapes more reminiscent of temperate-boreal ecotone (Brice et al. 2019, 2020).
open parklands or taiga (Girard et al. 2007). Therefore, As after natural disturbances that these harvest man-
this extensive disturbance- and climate-induced biome agement strategies are emulating, climate-induced
shift projected for the next century would be unprece- growth constraints on boreal species make them less
dented since the last glaciation in this area. Similar likely to recolonize small gaps in areas where they co-
transitions from boreal forest to open parklands or occur with thermophilous species (Leithead et al.
prairie ecosystems is also projected for several regions 2010). Furthermore, natural disturbances are projected
in western Canada as a result of increase drought and to remain stable and/or infrequent (wildfires, wind-
wildfire activity (Stralberg et al. 2018). Diversified throw) or even to decrease (SBW outbreaks) in the
forests were shown to be more resilient under mixedwood and northern hardwood (Boulanger et al.
increased anthropogenic climate forcing (Duveneck 2014, 2016). This makes harvest more likely to alter
et al. 2014; Mina et al. 2020). Higher species diversity forest inertia in these regions than within the two
along with diversified functional traits and low boreal forest regions, especially boreal west, where
projected disturbance rates will help northern hard- climate impacts on disturbance rates will overwhelm
wood forest landscapes being more resilient to those generated by harvest even in the short term.
climate-induced changes although species turnover The forest sector is currently one of the most
will likely occur. important industry in eastern Canada, representing
Our analyses showed that current harvest strategies $11.5 MM, i.e., 4.4% of Quebec’s GDP in 2006
will strongly decrease forest inertia and will interact (MFFP 2016). Alterations in biomass, age structure
with anthropogenic climate forcing to further modify and species composition resulting from changes in
forest landscapes notably in the southernmost forest natural disturbances and climate-induced growth
regions. In the mixedwood forest region for instance, constraints would likely reduce timber supply (Gau-
harvest will accelerate climate-induced changes by thier et al. 2015; Daniel et al. 2017; Boucher et al.
hastening the increase in thermophilous species AGB, 2019; Brecka et al. 2020) which would greatly affect
promoting a more rapid biome shift toward commu- supply value chains (Yemshanov et al. 2018). A
nities more typical of the northern hardwoods than posteriori analyses showed that strong anthropogenic
under no harvest. Increased disturbance rates are climate forcing will reduce harvested biomass by as
known to catalyze changes toward more adapted much as 40% by 2150 (Suppl. Mat. S8). Furthermore,
species (Thom et al. 2017). We showed that harvest concurrent with the overall decline in harvested
will favour opportunistic species such as red maple, a biomass, strong compositional shifts towards decidu-
species known as a ‘‘supergeneralist’’ for which ous species in the mixedwood could have serious
historical harvest already contributed to its swift economic implications as conifers are generally pre-
expansion throughout northeastern North America ferred by the industry. The type and quality of wood
(Danneyrolles et al. 2016), notably by interacting with products that companies can manufacture (Brecka
climate change (Brice et al. 2020). Harvest strategies et al. 2020) could thus be seriously affected. In this
likely played a role to affect forest inertia differently context, increased costs, timber supply shortages and
between forest regions. Frequent and widespread important impacts on the supply value chains are to be
partial cutting (typically removing * 25–40% of expected throughout the study area, with a potential

1738 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:1725–1740

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parameters and climate data respectively. Dominic Cyr helped Rammer W, Sainte-Marie G, Beaudoin A, Guindon L,
parameterize LANDIS-II. This research was funded by Natural Mansuy N (2016) Climate change impacts on forest land-
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Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with
simulation model with flexible spatial and temporal reso-
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lution. Ecol Model 201:409–419
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