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6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

Polymers have been used in drilling sources. Other, more-specialized poly-
fluids since the 1930s, when cornstarch mers are modified natural polymers,
was introduced as a fluid-loss-control while still other more-sophisticated
additive. Since that time, polymers have polymers are derived from synthetics.
become more specialized and their The unlimited potential of polymer
acceptance has increased accordingly. development makes polymers applicable
Polymers are part of practically every to virtually every drilling fluid function.
water-base system in use today. Indeed, With polymer technology, it is possible
some systems are totally polymer- to analyze a situation on a molecular
dependent and are termed broadly level and design a polymer with the spe-
as polymer systems. cific properties to address the situation.
A wide array of polymers is available For this reason, polymers have an
today. Some polymers — like starch, unlimited future in drilling fluids.
for instance — originate from natural

Polymer Chemistry and Applications

A polymer is a large molecule com- degree of polymerization. Polymers typi-
prised of small, identical, repeating cally have a degree of polymerization
units. The small, recurring units are greater than 1,000.
called monomers. Polymerization Polyethylene is an example of a
occurs when the monomers are joined homopolymer. Homopolymers contain
together to form the large polymer only one monomer. Other examples of
molecule. Polymers may have molecu- homopolymers are polypropylene and
lar weights in the millions or they polystyrene. Copolymers are polymers
may consist of only a few repeating that are prepared from two or more
units. Polymers that have only a few types of monomers. The monomers
A polymer repeating units are called oligomers. can be present in various ratios and
is a large To express the written formula for a in different positions in the chain.
polymer, the empirical formula of the Copolymerization offers a great deal
molecule simple recurring unit is expressed to more flexibility in designing polymers.
comprised the nth degree. For instance, the sim-
of small, plest polymer is polyethylene ((C2H4)n).
Ethylene is the result of the polymer- Polymers’ structures are classified as
identical, ization of the monomer ethylene linear, branched or crosslinked.
repeating (CH2=CH2). During the polymeriza- Examples are given below.
units. tion process, the double bond is lost and
the polymer polyethylene is formed.
n(CH2=CH2) → (CH2 – CH2)n
ethylene polyethylene Example:
The resulting polyethylene polymer CMC (Carboxymethylcellulose), PHPA
consists of a long chain of “n” repeating (Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide)
units. The number of times that the and HEC (Hydroxyethylcellulose).
monomers are repeated is known as the

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

Branched animals and bacteria fermentation.

The final product must go through
some processing — at least harvest-
ing, separating, grinding and drying
— before bagging. Natural polymers
have more complex structures than
synthetic polymers, and they typi-
cally have higher molecular weights
Example: Starch and xanthan gum. as well. Natural polymers also are less
Crosslinked temperature-stable than synthetic
polymers and have a lower tolerance
to degradation by bacteria.
Natural polymers used in drilling flu-
ids are composed of polymerized sugar
molecules and belong to a class of
compounds called polysaccharides.
Example: Crosslinked xanthan gum The monomers are the sugar units and
There is an infinite possibility of struc- they contain carbon:hydrogen:oxygen
tural variations. Some of the structural in the ratio of 6:12:6 (see Figure 1).
possibilities that affect the performance Polymerization of the sugar units
of polymers are listed below. occurs through a condensation reac-
• Type of monomer or monomers. tion wherein water is removed from
• Molecular weight. the individual sugar units. The result-
• Type and extent of subsequent ing polysaccharide consists of the sugar
chemical modification on the units linked together through common
polymer. oxygen atoms. Polysaccharides have a
• Number of branching or crosslinking C:H:O ratio of 6:10:5 or C6(OH2)5. The
groups in the polymer chain. backbone linkage of natural polymers
is more complicated than that of syn-
CLASSIFICATION OF POLYMERS thetic polymers. The backbone consists
Polymers in drilling fluids can be classi- of carbohydrate ring structures and the
fied in three ways. They can be classified oxygen atoms that link the rings
according to their chemistry, such as together. Synthetic polymers have a
anionic or nonionic; they can be classi- much simpler carbon-carbon linkage.
fied by their function, such as viscosifier
or filtration-control additive; or they can CH2OH
be classified simply by their origin. For O
this chapter, polymers are classified by H
their origin. The polymers used in
drilling fluids come in three types: OH H
…polymers • Naturally occurring. HO OH
• Modified naturally occurring.
used in • Synthetically derived. H OH
drilling Figure 1: Glucose.
fluids come Natural polymers are polymers pro- Starch is a natural polymer which
in three duced in nature, without Man’s inter- comes from a variety of plant and
types… vention. These materials are derived grain sources, with corn and potato
from natural sources such as plants, starches being the most important

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.2 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications


_______________________ H H H H

OH H α O


_______________________ H OH H OH H OH H OH

Figure 2: Amylose.

_______________________ CH2 Oα O O





α y

_______________________ O O
αO 3

O O O 1


Figure 3: Amylopectin.

source for drilling fluids. Starch con- pregelatination. Once dispersed, the
sists of two polysaccharides: amylose starch hydrates water. It is subsequently
and amylopectin. Amylose, a chain dried and bagged as the final product. It
of carbohydrate rings, makes up the is non-ionic and soluble in saturated
straight chain backbone of the starch saltwater as well as freshwater.
molecule. Amylopectin is a highly MY-LO-JELE is a cornstarch consisting
branched chain of carbohydrate rings of an average of about 25% amylose and
that branches off from an amylose 75% amylopectin. POLY-SALE is a potato
backbone. The ratios of the amylose starch which is slightly different from
and amylopectin fractions determine cornstarch. Potato starch has a slightly
the properties of the starch. higher molecular weight than corn-
Starch in Starch in its raw form is not water- starch and also has a higher concentra-
its raw soluble; it simply floats around as starch tion of amylose to amylopectin. For
particles. To make starch effective in these reasons, it functions somewhat
form is drilling fluids, it is necessary to rupture differently. POLY-SAL has greater tolerance
not water- the protective shell coating of amy- to hardness and a slightly higher tem-
soluble… lopectin to release the inner amylose. perature stability than MY-LO-JEL. It also
The starch granules are heated until the produces slightly more viscosity.
cells rupture, which allows the amylose The biggest drawback to the use of
to disperse. This process is known as starches is their tendency to ferment.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.3 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

They are natural biodegrading materials process. Xanthan is water-soluble,

that must be preserved with a biocide slightly anionic and highly branched.
when used in drilling fluids. POLY-SAL It has a molecular weight in the 2 to
contains a biocide in the product. A sec- 3 million range, which is relatively
ond limitation of starch is its low ther- high for drilling fluids.
mal stability. Starch degrades rapidly Xanthan is a five-ring, repeating
when exposed to prolonged tempera- structure consisting of a two-ring
tures exceeding 225°F (102°C). backbone and a three-ring side chain.
Some environments are more con- The backbone consists of glucose
ducive to bacterial degradation than residues identical in structure to cellu-
others. The worst environments cen- lose. Branching off the backbone are
ter around bioactive makeup water. three-ring side chains of additional
Stagnant pond water is the worst sugar residue. Attached to the side
source, although any water sourced chains are various functional groups
through rivers or streams should be (carbonyl, carboxyl, hydroxyl and
considered suspect. Higher tempera- others) which give xanthan its unique
tures, neutral pH conditions and viscosifying properties.
fresher waters accelerate bacterial The long branching structure of the
growth. Bacterial problems in high- polymer, coupled with the relatively
salt systems and high-pH environ- weak hydrogen bonding among the
ments are less likely; however, they side groups, imparts unique viscosify-
do occur after time. ing properties to xanthan. When a cer-
Xanthan Xanthan gum is classified as a nat- tain concentration of the polymer is
gum is ural polymer although it is actually reached, hydrogen bonding develops
obtained in its bacterially produced among the polymer branches and the
classified as form rather than in its natural form. result is a complex, tangled network of
a natural The bacteria Xanthomonas campestris weakly bound molecules. The electrosta-
polymer… produces the gum during its normal tic interactions are weak, however, and
life cycle via a complex enzymatic when shear is applied to the system, the







M⊕ ≡ Na, K, 1⁄2/Ca

Figure 4: Structure of xanthan gum.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.4 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

attractive forces holding the polymers used instead of loading a fluid with clay
together are pulled apart. As the hydro- solids to obtain viscosity and suspen-
gen bonding breaks, the viscosity of the sion. This is beneficial in many ways,
fluid thins. When the shear is removed, most notably by maintaining optimum
the polymer chains resume their inter- suspension and carrying capacity in flu-
molecular hydrogen bonding and their ids without increasing solids loading.
original viscosified state returns. This property makes xanthan gum the
Xanthan polymer produces pseudo- polymer of choice for increasing viscos-
plastic or shear-thinning fluids and gel ity in extended-reach and horizontal
structures. As the shear is increased, vis- wells, especially when the wells involve
cosity is progressively decreased. When low annular velocities.
the shear is removed, the original vis- Xanthan has several properties that
cosity of the fluid is completely recov- make it an ideal polymer for clay-free
ered. Under high-shear-rate conditions “drill-in” and workover/completion
— in the drillstring, for instance — the fluid applications. It viscosifies brines,
viscosity of the mud system decreases. including seawater, NaCl, KCl, CaCl2,
Under the very high shear rates experi- NaBr and, to some extent, even CaBr2. It
enced in the drill bit nozzles, the fluid is degradable with oxidizers (bleach) or
thins dramatically until it behaves enzymes, and is acid-soluble for easy
almost like water. Under lower-shear- clean-up. It develops gel strengths and
rate conditions — in the annulus, for easily suspends acid-soluble materials
instance — hydrogen bonding forms like CaCO3. FLO-VIS is a special, clarified
again and viscosity increases. Under version of xanthan. The clarified version
static conditions, xanthan fluids dis- has been processed to remove any bac-
play thixotropic characteristics provid- terial residue for clean fluid applications.
ing gels. Xanthan gum and a similar
biopolymer called welan gum are two
Modified of only a few commercial polymers Modified natural polymers are very
natural that produce thixotropic properties common in drilling fluids. Cellulose
(gels) in water-base fluids. and starch are two natural polymers
polymers that frequently are used to produce
The concentration of xanthan neces-
are very sary to develop thixotropic properties modified natural polymers. The modi-
common depends on the makeup water. Only fied versions can have substantially
0.5 lb/bbl may be sufficient for a highly different properties than the original,
in drilling natural polymers. For drilling fluids,
weighted freshwater system while it
fluids. may take 2 to 3 lb/bbl in a KCl or a nonionic natural polymers — such as
high-salinity NaCl system. In high- cellulose and starch — are modified
salinity brines, xanthan polymer — like to polyelectrolytes.
other water-base polymers — does not Polyelectrolytes. Many polymers are
hydrate easily and, to some extent, not water-soluble and therefore are not
remains coiled. In freshwater, the applicable to water-base drilling fluids
polymer expands and the polymer — unless they are modified. To obtain
branches come in contact, allowing water solubility, polymers are some-
hydrogen bonding and the resulting times modified to polyelectrolytes. This
thixotropy to develop more easily. modification involves an alteration of
Xanthan gum (such as DUO-VIST and the repeating unit of the polymer. A
FLO-VIST) is added to drilling fluids for a polyelectrolyte is a polymer that dis-
number of applications. Most often, it solves into water, forming polyions and
is used as a clay substitute to impart counter ions of the opposite charge. A
thixotropic properties. Xanthan gum is polyion has charges that repeat along

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.5 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

the polymer chain. The charges can be occurs when polymers become entan-
positive, as in a cationic polymer, or gled with one another by clinging to
negative, as in an anionic polymer. A a limited amount of water.
few examples of cationic polymers exist,
but most often polymers in drilling
Polymer fluids are negatively charged. Polymer solubility is affected by pH.
solubility The effectiveness of a polyelectrolyte The pH often determines the extent of
depends on the number of available the ionization of the functional groups
is affected along the polymer chain. For instance,
sites on the polymer which, in turn,
by pH. depends on the following factors: the most common functional group
• The concentration of the polymer. found in water-base polymers is the
• The concentration and distribution carboxyl group. The ionized carboxyl
of the ionizable groups. group is a distinguishing feature in
• The salinity and hardness of the fluid. most anionic polymers including
• The pH of the fluid. CMCs, PHPAs and xanthan gums,
to name a few.
With an increasing number of ionized
sites on the polymer, it tends to extend
and uncoil. This is due to mutual charge
repulsion that elongates and stretches C
the polymer into a configuration that
gives the maximum distance between
like charges. In spreading out, the poly- Figure 5: Ionized carboxyl group.
mer exposes the maximum number of
charged sites. Spreading out allows the As seen in Figure 5, the ionized car-
polymer to attach to clay particles and boxyl group has a double-bonded oxy-
to viscosify the fluid phase. gen and a single-bonded oxygen on the
terminal carbon. Ionization is accom-
CONCENTRATION EFFECTS plished by reacting the carboxyl group
As discussed, polymers assume a with an alkali material such as caustic
stretched or elongated configuration soda. By ionizing the previous insolu-
when dissolved in the water phase of ble carboxyl group, solubility of the
a drilling fluid. This configuration is polymer occurs (see Figure 6).
not rod-like but twisted and curled
to obtain the maximum distance O O–
between like charges on the polymer. C
In dilute concentrations, the polymer
hydrates a thick envelope of water
(about 3 or 4 water molecules). There Insoluble Soluble
is an electrostatic repulsion between
these envelopes, whose surfaces are Figure 6: Polymer solubility.
large when the fully extended shape
The sodium carboxylate group draws
is assumed. This large surface area
water to it through its anionic charged
contributes to the viscosity effects
site. When the polymer is added to
As the of the polymer.
water, the sodium ion releases from the
polymer As the polymer concentration
polymer chain and leaves behind a neg-
increases, the envelopes of water sur-
hydrates rounding the polymers decrease. As
atively charged site. The polymer is now
anionic and free to hydrate water. As the
water… more polymer vies for less water, the
polymer hydrates water, the envelope
viscosity effect is an increase in viscosity. This
Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.6 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

surrounding the polymer increases in (Polyanionic Cellulose) or xanthan

size, and viscosity increases. gum may require twice their normal
The optimum solubility of the car- concentration, or even more, to perform
boxyl group occurs from 8.5 to 9.5 pH. in a saline environment.
Enough caustic to reach 8.5 pH is nec-
essary to ionize and make the polymer
soluble. If greater amounts of caustic When divalent ions such as calcium
soda are added, the viscosifying char- and magnesium are present in a drill-
acteristics are suppressed slightly. If a ing fluid, their effect on the system
pH reversal occurs — i.e., the solution can be dramatic. Like the sodium ion,
pH drops to acid conditions (less than which also hydrates water and limits
…calcium 7) — then the carboxylate group overall water availability, calcium and
and magne- returns to its original carboxyl form magnesium ions hydrate even more
and the polymer loses its solubility. water than the sodium ion. This
sium ions makes polymer hydration in their
hydrate even SALINE EFFECTS presence very inefficient.
more water Salinity plays a very big role in deter- Anionic polymers have an addi-
mining the effectiveness of a polymer. tional problem with calcium in that
than the Salt inhibits the unwinding, elongating calcium reacts with the anionic group
sodium ion. effect that occurs when a water-soluble on the polymer. In doing so, the poly-
polymer is added to water. Rather than mer becomes flocculated and can
uncoiling and expanding, the polymer be dropped from the system. For
takes a comparatively smaller, balled this reason, soda ash is often recom-
shape and its solubility is likewise mended to treat calcium from the sys-
reduced. This results from the greater tem. Polymers that are only slightly
Salt limits competition for water. Salt limits the anionic, such as xanthan gum, and
the availabil- availability of water in which a polymer polymers that are nonionic, such as
can hydrate and expand. As salinity starch, are not precipitated by calcium.
ity of water increases, polymers neither hydrate They are affected, however, by the
in which a as much water nor increase viscosity strong hydration characteristic of
polymer can as readily. calcium and their efficiencies are
When salt is added to a freshwater diminished in its presence.
hydrate and system in which polymers are fully
extended, the addition usually triggers
a viscosity hump. As salt hydrates Cellulose is a natural polymer that is
water and strips it from the polymers, insoluble in water. To become a useful
the system may be at least temporarily additive in drilling fluids, it is modi-
destabilized, and an increase in viscos- fied to Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC).
ity occurs. Polymers become entangled CMC is an example of a polyelec-
with drill solids and other polymers trolyte. Figures 7 and 8 show how the
while shrinking back to their balled repeating ring structure for cellulose is
state. Once the polymers assume their modified by introducing the anionic
balled state, viscosity is greatly reduced. carboxymethyl group. Now the modi-
Typically, the effectiveness of poly- fied polymer, through the anionic
mers in saline environments is reduced, group, has an affinity for water and
but this can be overcome with addi- is water-soluble.
tional treatment. For instance, PAC

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.7 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

_______________________ H OH CH2OH H OH CH2OH

_______________________ HO H H

_______________________ OH H OH H
_______________________ H H H

_______________________ CH2OH H OH CH2OH H OH

Figure 7: Cellulose.

_______________________ H O H

_______________________ 4 I
_______________________ O O
_______________________ CH2OCH2COO Na – + – +

Figure 8: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, D.S. = 1.0.

Carboxymethylcellulose is formed figure above, there is exactly one sub-

by the reaction of the sodium salt of stitution on each ring structure. That
monochloroacetic acid (ClCH2COONa) means the D.S. is 1.
with cellulose. A substitution occurs In the example above, the substitu-
most often at the (-CH2OH) group to tion occurred only on the methyl
form a soluble polyelectrolyte. hydroxy (-CH2OH) group. Substitution
The properties of sodium carboxy- also could have occurred at either of
methylcellulose are dependent on the two hydroxyl (-OH) groups, giving
several factors: a potential D.S. of 3. Water solubility is
• The Degree of Substitution (D.S.). achieved when the D.S. reaches 0.45.
• The Degree of Polymerization (D.P.). The typical D.S. range for CMC is 0.7
• The uniformity of the substitution. to 0.8. High-viscosity CMC has the
• The purity of the final product. same D.S. as medium- or low-viscosity
The degree of The degree of polymerization refers CMC. The only difference is their
to the number of times the ring struc- respective D.P. Relatively higher substi-
polymeriza- tuted CMC often is called Polyanionic
ture is repeated. The ring structure is
tion refers to the repeating structure that defines Cellulose (PAC). PAC has the same
the number the polymer. The higher the D.P., the chemical structure and the same D.P.
higher the molecular weight. Viscosity as CMC; only the D.S. for the two
of times the polymers is different. The typical D.S.
increases as the D.P. for CMC increases.
ring structure High-viscosity CMC has a higher mole- range for PAC is 0.9 to 1.0.
is repeated. cular weight than low-viscosity CMC. The higher D.S. produces a polymer
The degree of substitution refers to that is more soluble than CMC. This
the number of substitutions that occur makes the performance of PAC gener-
on a single repeating ring structure. In ally better than that of CMC. Both
the sodium carboxymethylcellulose materials perform about the same in

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.8 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

freshwater, but in saline and hard HEC (Hydroxyethylcellulose) is

waters, PAC outperforms CMC. another type of modified cellulose
Sometimes CMC and PAC — with polymer. It is produced by soaking cel-
identical D.P., D.S and purity — per- lulose in a caustic soda solution, then
form differently. This is due to the reacting the alkali cellulose with ethyl-
uniformity (or lack of uniformity) of ene oxide. The result is a substitution
the substitution along the chain. A of hydroxyethyl groups on the hydroxy-
good-quality CMC or PAC has uni- methyl and hydroxyl sites. Even
form substitution along the polymer. though the polymer is non-ionic, the
A poorly performing CMC or PAC hydroxyethyl groups have sufficient
may have substitution occurring at affinity with water to make the poly-
only one end or in the middle of the mer water-soluble. In addition to the
polymer. This results in a polymer D.S., the structure of the polymer is
with limited solubility and, therefore, affected also by the D.P. of the ethoxy-
poor performance. lated side chains. The D.P. of the side
POLYPACT is a POLYPACT is a high-quality polyanionic chains is called the Molar Substitution
high-quality cellulose. It provides fluid-loss control (M.S.), or the average number of ethyl-
in freshwater, seawater, NaCl and KCl ene oxide molecules that have reacted
polyanionic systems. It forms a thin, tough, pliable with each cellulose unit. Once a hydrox-
cellulose. filter cake which limits the loss of fil- yethyl group is attached to each unit, it
trate to permeable formations. It also can further react with additional groups
produces excellent viscosity in both in an end-to-end formation. As long as
saltwater and freshwater. POLYPAC is ethylene oxide is available, this reaction
recommended over CMC for use in can continue. The greater the M.S., the
seawater, saltwater and waters with sol- greater the water solubility of the
uble calcium levels above 400 mg/l. A polymer and, therefore, the greater
table with the technical specifications the tolerance to salt and hardness.
and limitations of CMC and PAC is Typically, M.S. values range from
found below. 1.5 to 2.5 for HEC.
HEC is used primarily for viscosity
Product Mol. Wt D.P. D.S.
_______________________ and fluid-loss-control in workover and
PAC LV 140-170 850-1,000 0.9-1.0
completion fluids. It is compatible with
_______________________ PAC HV 200-225 1,130-1,280 0.9-1.0
CMC LV 40-170 850-1,000 0.7-0.8
most brines including seawater, KCl,
CMC HV 200-225 1,130-1,280 0.7-0.8
NaCl, CaCl2 and CaBr2. It is a very
_______________________ clean polymer and is acid-soluble,
Table 1: CMC and PAC.

_______________________ O
_______________________ H H H O OH H

Cellulose + C C OH H H O
_______________________ H H
_______________________ H OH CH2OCH2CH2OH
Ethylene oxide n

_______________________ Figure 9: Hydroxyethylcellulose.



Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.9 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

which makes it ideally suited for gravel- structure. Also like CMC, the sub-
packing and other operations where the stitution occurs most readily at the
completion fluid contacts the produc- hydroxymethyl group.
…HEC…does tion interval. Since HEC is non-ionic, it THERMPACT UL, a carboxymethyl
not react as does not react as strongly with charged starch, controls fluid loss with a
surfaces as do ionic polymers. This fur- minimum increase in viscosity in
strongly with ther enhances its role as a completion most water-base drilling fluids. It is
charged fluid additive. an alternative to PAC materials in
surfaces HEC has a temperature limitation of systems requiring tight filtration con-
250°F (121°C). It is not affected greatly trol and low rheological properties.
as do ionic by pH (above 10 pH, there may be a THERMPAC UL performs more like a
polymers. minor loss of viscosity) and it is resistant CMC material than a starch. It has a
to bacteria. It is not a thixotropic poly- temperature stability similar to CMC
mer (does not generate gel structures for and PAC (up to 300°F (149°C)) and
suspension) and, in fact, provides little if does not require a bactericide.
any Low-Shear-Rate Viscosity (LSRV), THERMPAC UL is most effective when
although it produces a great deal of applied in drilling fluids containing less
overall viscosity. than 20,000 mg/l Cl– and 800 mg/l
Starch derivatives. As stated earlier in Ca2+. It performs at any pH level and is
this chapter, starch is useful in many compatible with all water-base systems.
applications without chemical modifi- Hydroxypropyl starch. Another
cation. But with chemical modification, example of modified starch is
starch derivatives can be made to have Hydroxypropyl (HP) starch. It is pro-
different properties. Starch can be mod- duced by reacting starch with propylene
ified in such a way that it no longer is oxide. The resulting modified starch is
susceptible to bacterial degradation. It nonionic and is water-soluble. The mod-
also can be made significantly more ification actually adds to the water solu-
temperature-stable with simple modifi- bility of the starch. As with CMS and
cations. A few examples of modified HEC, the substitution occurs at either
starches are given below. the hydroxymethyl group or at either
_______________________ Carboxymethyl Starch (CMS). of the two available hydroxyl groups
Another example of a modified polymer on the ring structure. Also like CMC
is carboxymethyl starch. Like CMC, and CMS, the substitution occurs most
_______________________ carboxymethyl starch undergoes a readily at the hydroxymethyl group.
_______________________ carboxylate substitution at either the The result is a substitution of
hydroxymethyl group or at either of propoxylated groups. The D.P. of the
the two hydroxyl groups on the ring propoxylated groups is known as the

_______________________ CH2OH CH2OCH2COO– CH2OCH2COO– CH2OH

_______________________ O O O O
_______________________ H H H H

OH H α O


_______________________ H OH H OH H OH H OH

Figure 10: Carboxymethyl starch, D.S. = 1.0.


Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.10 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications


CH2OH CH2OCH2 – CH – O – CH2 – CH – OH CH2OH CH2OCH2 – CH – OCH2 – CH – OH




Figure 11: Hydroxypropyl starch, D.S. = 0.5, M.S. = 2.0.

Molar Substitution (M.S.). The M.S. is is thermally stable to 250°F (121°C) in

the average number of propylene oxide brine applications.
molecules that have reacted with each Mor-Rex.E An enzyme-hydrolyzed
starch unit. Once a hydroxypropyl cornstarch which has been chemically
group is attached to each unit, it can modified to a maltodextrin. The hydrol-
react further with additional groups ysis of the starch results in a product
in an end-to-end formation. The reac- that is much lower in molecular weight
tion of propylene oxide with starch (less than 5,000) and imparts a slightly
has similarities to the reaction of cel- anionic character to the polymer.
lulose with ethylene oxide. In each Mor-Rex has been used in lime-
case, substitution occurs with a repeat- base drilling fluids almost exclusively.
ing structure that must be defined by This is due primarily to its tendency
its M.S. to increase the calcium solubility in a
Many types of HP starch are avail- lime-base fluid environment. In such
able. The properties vary with the D.P., an environment, the Mor-Rex polymer
the D.S. and the degree of polymeriza- is further hydrolyzed and Ca2+ attaches
tion of the substituted group (M.S.). to the free carboxylate groups formed
FLO-TROLE . An HP starch used primar- during hydrolysis. This results in an
ily for fluid-loss-control in FLO-PROT increased concentration of soluble
systems. It works in conjunction with calcium. In other words, a lime-base
calcium carbonate to form an easy-to- system treated with Mor-Rex contains
remove, acid-soluble filter cake. Like more soluble calcium than the same
starch, FLO-TROL is compatible with lime-base system without Mor-Rex.
most makeup brines including seawa- It is thought that the additional Ca2+
ter, NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, NaBr, CaBr2 and provides additional inhibition benefits.
formate brines. It does not require a Functionally, Mor-Rex acts as a
bactericide. deflocculant, which is consistent with
FLO-TROL has unique viscosifying its size and anionic character. Typical
characteristics that make it suitable for concentrations for Mor-Rex in a lime/
“drill-in” fluid applications. Unlike PAC Mor-Rex system are 2 to 4 lb/bbl. Like
…FLO-TROL products, FLO-TROL contributes to LSRV. traditional starch, it is thermally stable
contributes It works synergistically with FLO-VIS to to about a 200°F (93°C) circulating
increase Low-Shear-Rate Viscosity (LSRV). temperature and requires a bactericide.
to LSRV. Recommended FLO-TROL concentra-
tions are 2 to 4 lb/bbl for most applica-
tions, although higher concentrations Synthetic polymers are chemically
are used to achieve lower filtration synthesized, usually from petroleum-
rates. Temperature stability for FLO-TROL derived products. Unlike natural and
is better than most starch materials. It modified natural polymers, synthetic

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.11 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

polymers are “built up” from relatively During the drilling of a well, the
Synthetic smaller molecules. Synthetic polymers interaction between the drilled solids
polymers afford an almost unlimited flexibility has a profound effect on the proper-
in their design. They can be tailor- ties of the mud. There is a natural ten-
afford an made to fit almost any application. dency for flocculation to occur (see
almost Their size and chemical composition Figure 13). Flocculation results in an
unlimited can be made to produce properties for overall increase in the rheological
almost any function. properties of the drilling fluid.
flexibility in Frequently, synthetic polymers are
their design. prepared from substituted ethylene. The
polymerization process occurs through
an addition reaction wherein the substi-
tuted ethylene groups are added to the
end of the polymer chain. In the figure
below, the substituted group “A” can be
any functional group.
CH2 = CH
Note the carbon-carbon backbone and
the unlimited substitution possibilities.
The carbon-carbon backbone is a more
stable linkage than the carbon-oxygen
linkage encountered earlier with starch-
and cellulose-base polymers. The carbon-
carbon linkage is resistant to bacteria
and has temperature stability in excess
of 700°F (371°C). The substitution
groups most likely will degrade before
the carbon-carbon linkage. Figure 13: Flocculation of drill solids.
Polyacrylate. The polymerization of
SPA functions as a deflocculant at low
acrylic acid and the subsequent neutral-
molecular weights (less than 10,000).
ization with sodium hydroxide yields
It is highly anionic and adsorbs on
the polymer Sodium Polyacrylate (SPA).
the active solids in drilling fluids. The
SPA is an anionic polymer that can
adsorbed polymer neutralizes the posi-
function either as a deflocculant or a
tive charges on aggregated particles,
fluid-loss control additive, depending on
which results in mutual repulsion and
the molecular weight of the polymer.
deflocculation. This is best accom-
plished with a small polymer. Short-
chain polymers create maximum
adsorption on the particle surfaces and
C CH C CH eliminate the flocculating effect that
occurs when one polymer adsorbs to
COO–Na+ COO–Na+ several particles (see Figure 14).

Figure 12: Sodium polyacrylate.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.12 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

20 lb/bbl bentonite equivalent and the
– mud weight is less than 12 lb/gal.

– TACKLET is also affected by soluble cal-
+ – +

+ cium, although it is still effective in
+ –
+ seawater applications.
+ –
– Copolymerization. So far, this chap-
+ – ter has dealt only with homopolymers,


i.e., polymers prepared from identical
– – –
+ + + units (or monomers). It is possible to
+ –
start with more than one type of
monomer and undergo polymerization
A copolymer and end up with a copolymer. A copoly-
contains Figure 14: Diagram of SPA and clays.
mer contains two or more different
types of monomers.
two or more Many mud companies use low- Through copolymerization, polymers
different molecular-weight sodium polyacrylate can be made which have different prop-
types of as their primary deflocculant for low- erties than any of the homopolymers
solids, non-dispersed and other poly- alone. Adding more monomers creates
monomers. mer systems. It can be prepared as a a completely new dimension for design
dry powder but usually is available in possibilities. It is possible to use more
liquid form. than a single monomer to impart spe-
SPA functions at much lower concen- cific properties to the finished polymer
trations than lignosulfonates. Typically, product. For instance, one monomer
concentrations of 0.25 to 1.0 lb/bbl are can be used to extend temperature sta-
sufficient to control rheological proper- bility and a second monomer can be
ties. SPA does not depend on alkaline used to inhibit shale.
TACKLE is an pH and can tolerate temperatures to TACKLE is an example of a copolymer.
example of a 500°F (260°C). It performs best in poly- It is prepared from two monomers:
mer systems but is sometimes used as a sodium acrylate (as in SPA) and a
copolymer. stand-alone product in spud mud and monomer known in the industry as
in geothermal applications. AMPS (2-acrylamido-2-methyl propane
SPA is sensitive to high concentrations sulfonic acid). The AMPS monomer
of solids. Since it is a surface-active provides a sulfonate group that imparts
material, it can get overwhelmed in a greater temperature stability and toler-
high-solids environment. It works best ance to solids, salinity and hardness
when the CEC of the mud is less than than the sodium acrylate group alone.

nCH = CH2 + nCH = CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2

x y x y
Monomer A Monomer B n

Figure 15: Copolymerization.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.13 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

AMPS is a fairly expensive monomer; other polymer systems like PHPA. In

however, it can give high temperature addition to providing fluid-loss con-
…SP-101 stability in the presence of contami- trol, SP-101 has a stabilizing effect on
has a nants, which is more than PAC and drilled cuttings. SP-101 attaches to clay
modified starch can give. particles and provides some encapsula-
stabilizing tion of the drilled cuttings. Sometimes,
effect on CH2 CH a viscosity hump is seen when SP-101 is
drilled first added to a system. Once the poly-
mer is worked into the system at a suffi-
cuttings. C=O
cient concentration to encapsulate the
solids, the system thins back and stabi-
NH lizes. Typically, this concentration
occurs at about 1 lb/bbl, but it can be
CH3 C CH3 slightly more or less, depending on the
solids load. SP-101 is an effective defloc-
culant, especially in high-temperature
applications and polymer applications.
While SP-101 does not provide the
SO3– immediate thinning effect that is seen
2-Acrylamido-2-methyl propane sulfonic acid with TACKLE, it provides stabilization
of the rheological properties when the
Figure 16: AMPS monomer. concentration exceeds 1 lb/bbl. SP-101
is very effective at stabilizing the rheo-
TACKLE…is TACKLE, due to the AMPS monomer,
logical properties of many freshwater
more func- has greater contamination resistance
systems including PHPA; geothermal;
and tolerance to solids than SPA
tional in and low-solids, non-dispersed systems.
alone. Like SPA, it still is better suited
seawater to polymer systems and low-solids,
copolymer. Partially Hydrolyzed Poly
than low- non-dispersed applications. It also
Acrylamide (PHPA) is often used to iden-
has trouble controlling viscosity in a
molecular- high-solids environment. However,
tify the copolymer polyacrylamide/poly-
acrylate. The end product of a PHPA is
weight SPA. it is more functional in seawater
the same polymer that is formed by a
than low-molecular-weight SPA.
polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer-
SP-101T is a medium-molecular-weight
ization. Even though the product is fre-
(±300,000) polyacrylate used primarily
quently referred to as PHPA, it actually is
for fluid-loss control. It is stable to very
made by the copolymerization of acry-
high temperatures (>400°F (204.4°C))
lamide and sodium acrylate monomers.
and is often applied in geothermal
For the sake of simplicity, the material
applications. Like TACKLE, it is not pH-
will be referred to as PHPA.
dependent or subject to bacterial degra-
The properties of PHPA are affected
dation, but it is susceptible to soluble
by the molecular weight and by the
calcium contamination. It is recom-
ratio of the carboxyl groups to the
mended that soluble calcium be main-
amide groups. Polyacrylamide by itself
tained at a concentration of 300 mg/l
is insoluble, so it must be copolymer-
or less for optimum performance. It is
ized with sodium acrylate to obtain
most effective in freshwater systems.
water solubility. Copolymerization with
SP-101 is most often used in low-
sodium acrylate results in an anionic
solids, non-dispersed systems and
polymer that is water-soluble. The ratio

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.14 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

of sodium polyacrylate to acrylamide shale-inhibiting properties, it also pro-

at the beginning of the process deter- vides drilled cuttings encapsulation
mines the ratio of the two functional and viscosity in freshwater systems.
groups on the final copolymer. The The shale-inhibition feature of PHPA
two monomers that make up the occurs when the polymer attaches to
copolymer are shown below. clays on the wellbore and blocks the
hydration and dispersion that nor-
CH = CH2 CH = CH2 mally occurs. The anionic carboxyl
groups attach to the positive charges
on the edges of the clay particles.
Since the polymer has a high molecu-
COO–Na+ O NH2 lar weight and is relatively long, it
Sodium acrylate Sodium acrylamide combines with several sites along the
wellbore. This has the effect of coating
Figure 17: Sodium acrylate/acrylamide.
the wellbore and restricting water
During copolymerization, the two from entering the clay.
monomers are linked together in a The same effect is seen on the
random fashion to form a linear, carbon- drilled cuttings. The polymer helps
carbon backbone. The resulting copoly- preserve the integrity of the cuttings,
mer has carboxyl groups and amide which allows for much easier cuttings
groups randomly distributed along its removal at the surface.
PHPA also backbone. The resulting copolymer is PHPA also aids in shale stabilization
aids in shale shown in Figure 18. by thickening the water phase. PHPA
Note that due to the carbon-carbon increases the viscosity of the drilling
stabilization fluid filtrate, which has the effect of
linkage, the polymer has exceptional
by thickening thermal stability and is resistant to limiting the filtrate depth of invasion.
the water bacteria. Also note that the polymer Although water may penetrate far into
is anionic, meaning it is affected by a shale, a thick polymer filtrate faces
phase. much greater resistance due to the rapid
hardness and cationic surfaces like
those found on clays. buildup of capillary pressures. This has
POLY-PLUS.T The most commonly the effect of reducing the amount of fil-
used PHPA in drilling fluids is the high- trate water available for hydration. It
molecular-weight version which is also limits the ability of a filtrate to
prepared with 65 to 70% acrylamide enter a small fissure or fracture plane
and the remaining percentage acry- within a shale.
late. Molecular weights range up to Shale studies have established that a
20 million. POLY-PLUS is used as a shale 70:30 ratio of acrylamide units to acry-
inhibitor and solids-encapsulating late units is optimum for drilling flu-
polymer in freshwater, seawater, NaCl ids. This often is referred to as 30%
and KCl systems. In addition to its hydrolysis. It has also been determined



O NH2 O O– O NH2

Figure 18: PHPA.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.15 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

that higher-molecular-weight poly- salinity of the water increases, the PHPA

mers encapsulate shale better than does not hydrate free water as readily,
low-molecular-weight polymers. and the polymer remains somewhat
As mentioned earlier, it is necessary coiled. This leads to a decrease in the
to copolymerize with sodium acrylate viscosifying characteristic of the poly-
to achieve water solubility; however, mer. The polymer is still anionic, how-
a 100% polyacrylate does not provide ever, and is still adsorbed on the active
as much inhibition as the 70:30 ratio. sites on the wellbore.
Even at similarly high molecular Applying PHPA to salt-base drilling
weights, the 70:30 ratio provides fluids simply means that more PHPA
better shale inhibition. polymer must be added to obtain the
It is thought that a high-molecular- same encapsulating and filtrate-thick-
weight polyacrylate has too much affin- ening effects. Since salt muds, particu-
ity with the positive charges on clays. larly KCl muds, impart a great deal of
Similar to lignosulfonates, as the poly- shale stabilization on their own, a salt
mer remains in the system and attaches PHPA mud offers exceptional shale-
to active clay edges both in the fluid sys- stabilization characteristics. The salt or
tem and on the wellbore, strong attrac- KCl provides excellent shale stabiliza-
tive forces may actually pull the clays tion and the PHPA provides a viscosi-
apart and cause them to disperse into fied filtrate that limits invasion depth.
One of the the system. The amide group helps by One of the drawbacks to PHPA is its
drawbacks providing some distance between the sensitivity to soluble calcium. Like poly-
strongly anionic carboxyl groups and acrylate, the anionic carboxyl site reacts
to PHPA is the cationic sites on the clay particles. with calcium. This is particularly a prob-
its sensitivity When the amide groups and the car- lem in freshwater systems, where cal-
to soluble boxyl groups are distributed evenly cium can precipitate the PHPA polymer
along the polymer chain, the bulkiness as well as whatever solids the polymer is
calcium. of the amide group prevents the car- adsorbed on. In some cases, PHPA func-
boxyl group from getting too close to tions as a flocculant in the presence of
the clay charges and breaking the calcium, particularly when the solids
clays apart. content of the drilling fluid is low.
The acrylamide group also has an When the solids content is low and cal-
affinity with the clay surface, but it is cium is introduced, flocculation occurs
a relatively weak hydrogen bond com- and the solids precipitate and settle out
pared to the strong ionic interaction of the mud. In high-solids systems, the
between the carboxyl group and posi- introduction of calcium flocculates the
tively charged edges on clay particles. system and very high viscosities result.
The acrylamide group is capable of In a salt mud, the PHPA polymer
forming hydrogen bonds along the remains relatively coiled and is not as
clay surface. While not nearly as susceptible to the flocculating effects
strong as the ionic interaction taking of soluble calcium. It is still affected
place alongside, it serves to hold the by Ca2+, at least to some extent. Since
polymer/clay interaction in place as the Ca2+ reacts directly on the polymer
well as to provide distance between with an anionic site, that anionic site
the free charges. is no longer available for an active
In a salt environment, PHPA is still wellbore site. In short, more polymer
very effective in a shale-stabilizing must be used to overcome the effect
capacity, although its concentration of calcium.
must be increased to obtain a signifi- It is recommended to treat soluble
cant effect on filtrate viscosity. As the calcium to below 300 mg/l in PHPA

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.16 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

systems. This is easier to perform in PHPA AS A BENTONITE EXTENDER,

low-solids, low-density applications, SELECTIVE FLOCCULANT AND
particularly when the solids are not that TOTAL FLOCCULANT
hydratable. When the solids concentra- Depending on its molecular weight
tion is relatively high, such as a mud and ratio of acrylamide to acrylate
weight over 10 lb/gal and an MBT monomers, PHPA can serve several
above 20 lb/bbl bentonite equivalent, functions in a water-base drilling fluid.
then it is more difficult to treat calcium. GELEX.T An example of PHPA used as
Removing Removing calcium from the system a bentonite extender. When the condi-
calcium from requires adding a carbonate source, tions are right, very low concentrations
such as soda ash or bicarbonate of soda, of PHPA can extend the viscosity of
the system which may flocculate the system. bentonite. When the total solids of the
requires A similar analogy is made with mag- system are less than 4% by volume,
adding a nesium contamination. Magnesium and the total bentonite concentration
also is attracted to the anionic carboxyl is less than 20 lb/bbl, PHPA can attach
carbonate site. To treat magnesium, it is necessary to the positive sites on a bentonite clay
source… to increase the pH to the 10.0 to 10.5 particle. With the bentonite particle
level. Since the reaction that occurs at attached to part of the polymer and
that pH is reversible, the pH must be the remaining polymer free to hydrate
maintained at that high level to pre- and/or attach to other clay particles,
vent the now-insoluble magnesium the result is an increase in viscosity. In
from becoming soluble again. PHPA effect, the PHPA polymer is hydrated
systems are non-dispersed systems and and uncoiled and in suspension with
do not tolerate alkaline pH easily. Like colloidal bentonite particles.
any non-dispersed system, the addition For PHPA to extend the yield of ben-
of caustic soda has a flocculating effect tonite effectively, several conditions
on PHPA systems. The hydroxide ion other than bentonite and total solids
(OH–) is very reactive and goes straight concentrations must be met. First, the
to the unprotected clays in the system. system must be a freshwater system and
The result is the same that is seen when relatively free of calcium (< 200 mg/l)
caustic soda is added to spud mud, for the bentonite to hydrate properly.
which is flocculation. Second, the amount of polymer must
Hydrolysis of Hydrolysis of the PHPA polymer be in the 0.05 to 0.1 lb/bbl concentra-
the PHPA occurs at any pH, but it is insignifi- tion range. Third, no dispersants — or
cant until a pH of 10 is reached, when any other additive that adsorbs to the
polymer…is a more rapid hydrolysis begins. The bentonite — can be in the system.
insignificant hydrolysis is nowhere complete at pH The process of extending bentonite is
until a pH 10, but since hydrolysis results in the fragile and limited to low-solids, non-
release of ammonia gas (NH3), which dispersed applications. The addition of
of 10 is is very noticeable at low concentra- only a small amount of PHPA causes an
reached… tions at the rig site, it is something to immediate increase in viscosity. As the
avoid. Hydrolysis is actually a fairly concentration of PHPA is increased, the
slow process at pH 10, taking a very viscosity reaches a maximum value and
long time for the reaction to proceed then, as additional polymer is added,
through the coiled polymer. The proc- breaks back. The effective range of poly-
ess can be accelerated by high temper- mer concentration is very narrow. Too
atures. At temperatures above 300°F little polymer concentration, and the
(149°C), hydrolysis occurs at a much system is little more than a gel slurry
higher rate. with a low concentration of bentonite.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.17 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

Overtreat with polymer, and the system • Geometry and size of the settling pit.
thins out too much. • Retention time.
The degree of bentonite extension • Temperature.
depends on the following factors:
It is recommended that FLOXIT be
• The MW and the ratio of acrlyamide
mixed in dilution water at a concen-
to acrylate.
tration of 1 to 2 lb/bbl before adding
• The size and hydration of the particle.
it to the system. Again, pilot testing is
• The salinity and hardness of the
necessary to determine the optimum
makeup water.
• The concentration of the PHPA
PHPA also FLOXIT.E PHPA also can be used as a
flocculant. Flocculation is the process by Due to the thermally stable carbon-
can be used carbon linkage that makes up the
which individual particles are connected
as a in loosely bound, large aggregates by a backbone of synthetic polymers, high-
flocculant. flocculating polymer. The resulting mass temperature polymers are synthetically
of linked particles increases to the point derived. Several high-temperature poly-
at which the solids agglomeration falls mers are available for drilling fluids. A
out of suspension. Settling is most number of them are prepared from the
effective when the system is static. AMPS (2-acrylamido-2-methyl propane
The mechanism involved in floccula- sulfonic acid) monomer. AMPS was
tion is very much like the mechanism covered earlier in this chapter in con-
used for bentonite extension. PHPA is junction with TACKLE. AMPS is used in
also effective in both applications. It the preparation of TACKLE to improve
should be noted that PHPA is not as tolerance to solids, salinity and hard-
effective at flocculating systems that ness at high temperatures.
contain bentonite. Since bentonite AMPS is also used to improve the
breaks up into colloidal-size, hydrated high-temperature tolerance to conta-
solids, bentonite does not settle. The minants in fluid-loss-control additives.
small hydrated particles do not have Examples of copolymers and terpoly-
enough density to settle. mers that incorporate the AMPS
The use of FLOXIT is limited to clear- monomer or other sulfonated monomers
water drilling applications. Once solids are the Hoechst’s Hostadrill 2825,
build in the water or the system is Drilling Specialties’ Driscal-D and SKW’s
weighted, the product is no longer use- Polydrill. The manufacturers of these
ful. Determining the optimum concen- materials claim that their respective
tration of FLOXIT must be determined by polymers withstand salt and hardness
pilot testing. The effectiveness of the at temperatures to 400°F (204°C).
flocculation depends on the interaction Chemical structures for Hostadrill and
of the polymer with the solids, which Polydrill are given in Figures 19 and 20.
in turn depends on the following: An example of a high-temperature
• Hydratability of the solids. polymer that functions to prevent high-
• The concentration of the solids. temperature gelation is a Sulfonated
• Salinity of the water. Styrene Maleic Anhydride (SSMA)
• Hardness of the water. copolymer. Generally, it is applied to
• Chemical characteristics of the wells at high temperatures prior to log-
polymer. ging runs and at other times when the
• Polymer concentration. drilling fluid is not circulated for an
• Rheological properties of the system. extended period of time. It has the effect

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.18 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

6 Polymer Chemistry and Applications

polymers. RHEOSTAR is a dry powder that

_______________________ CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2 CH
is readily functional in seawater and
_______________________ C= N CH3 C=O freshwater. It is stable to 450°F (232°C).
Typical concentrations vary from 6 to
NH C=O NH2 12 lb/bbl.
_______________________ DURASTAR.E DURASTAR provides high-
_______________________ temperature filtration control in the
CH2 POLYSTAR 450 system. It is a crosslinked
copolymer prepared from acrylamide
_______________________ SO3Na
n monomer, a sulfonated monomer and
_______________________ a crosslinking monomer. The degree of
Figure 19: Hostadrill 2825.
_______________________ crosslinking in the polymer structure
plays an important role in the poly-
_______________________ OH mer’s solubility and fluid-loss control
_______________________ characteristics. Too much crosslinking
_______________________ OH R’ results in a polymer that is rigid and
poorly hydrated, while too little
crosslinking results in a polymer that
_______________________ has properties similar to PHPA, which
_______________________ is long and linear with little tolerance
SO3–Na+ SO3–Na+
n to contamination.
Due to its crosslinked structure,
Figure 20: Polydrill. DURASTAR is compact and globular in
of maintaining stable gel strengths at structure. It retains a compact, spheri-
high temperatures. It is not a fluid-loss cal shape compared to the expanded,
control additive or a deflocculant (see uncoiled forms of linear polymers (see
Figure 21). Figure 22) which uncoil into linear-
shaped particles.




Figure 21: SSMA.

The M-I The M-I POLYSTARE 450 system is based

POLYSTARE 450 on synthetic polymers. One product,
RHEOSTAR,E is used to control high- Figure 22: DURASTAR.
system is temperature gelation, high-temperature An advantage to its compact shape
based on bentonite flocculation, and to provide is that DURASTAR is more protected
synthetic thinning or deflocculation. Due to the and, therefore, more thermally stable
complex nature of high-temperature,
polymers. water-base environments, RHEOSTAR is
and resistant to solids and hardness.
DURASTAR is stable to 450°F (232°C) in
actually a blend of three low-molecular- both freshwater and seawater applica-
weight synthetic polymers. These tions. Typical concentrations range
polymers are different from the from 5 to 10 lb/bbl. It is available as
more traditional AMPS acrylate-base a 30% active inverse emulsion.

Polymer Chemistry and Applications 6.19 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

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