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Module 5 
Pre-Test 5 
1.  A. 
2.  B. 
3.  D. 
4. B. 
5.  C. 
6.  A. 
7.  D. 
8.  B. 
9.  C. 
10.  B. 
Test Yourself: 
1. Kartilya ng Katipunan was written way back July 07, 1892, by Emilio Jacinto. It serves as a guide or
rules for the katipuneros at that time. Andres Bonifacio saw as he read the Kartilya that it was more
superior to the one he wrote. The Kartilya ng Katipunan played an important role as it served as a
borderline for peace and knowledge among them despite the situation they are in (time to gain power
to create a massive revolution that will free the country from the tyrants). 
2. He has the authority to write the Kartilya ng Katipunan as Andres Bonifacio trusts him a lot. He also
named the Brains of Katipunan for his authorship. His intentions why he wrote the context is to remind
the Katipuneros about aspirations and ethical values as he presented not only priciples but also
3. Kartilya ng Katipunan was used as the foundation of the moral and intellectual manner of
the Katipuneros. The importance of it in Philippine History is to speak the vision of fairness and morality
sound of the Filipinos during that time. It can also be used as a primary source since it was written at the
time of the revolution that brought the Philippines to its freedom. 
4. Emilio Jacinto's pananaw pangkasaysayan is Pantayong Pananaw as he wrote the Kartilya for his
fellow Filipinos, written in the Filipino language that can be understood easily by us. He wrote it to
remind us about manners and teach us not only superiority but also fairness and lessons. 
1. Ang kabuhayang hindi ginugugol sa isang malaki at
banal na kadahilanan ay kahoy na walang lilim, kun di damong makamandang. o The life that is not
consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a poisonous
weed.  It simple tells us that we must know our purpose in life. Everyone should have to set our own
goals and to make our life more meaningful because without knowing our purpose, we will suffer from
unwanted situations just like what happens in our society, sometimes we forget our purpose with God,
sometimes we became selfish and doing things and making decision without God. So now he make a
way for us to realize how much important to have him with us all the time. Even he didn't want it to
happen and because of forgetting our purpose then it all happened.  
2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa pagpipita sa sarili,
at hindi talagang nasang gumawa ng kagalingan, ay di kabaitan o To do good for personal gain and not
for its own sake is not virtue.  This means that we must not be selfish. We must do good deed not only
for ourselves but to do it with our whole heart for other people. Not only must we think of ourselves as
benefiting from something, we must also learn to appreciate the needs of other people who will be
affected. In this kind of situation (pandemic) we must work together so that we all get up at once and no
one is left behind.   
3. Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang pagkakawang gawa, ang pagibig sa kapwa at
ang isukat ang bawat kilos, gawa’t pangungusap sa talagang katuiran. o It is rational to be charitable and
love one’s fellow creature, and to adjust one’s conduct, acts and words to what is in itself
reasonable.  Help other people who are in need without waiting them to pay it back or anything in
return. One of the example is that if someone needs help, help them without thinking of what will
you earn after helping that people. At this kind of pandemic, that charcteristic is what we need, a kind, a
good and a helpful person.   
4. Maitim man
at maputi ang kulay ng balat, lahat ng tao’y magkakapantay: mangyayaring ang isa’y higtan sa dunong,
sa yaman, sa ganda…, ngunit di mahihigtan sa pagkatao. o Whether our skin be black or white, we are all
born equal: superiority in knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by
nature.  The main meaning of this is EQUALITY. We are all equal and we are born to be that no matter
what race, status in life, and educational background we have. Society may have divided us
into groups but we must all know that all of us are equal and no one is in a highest rank. Just like today,
sometimes there are favoritism which is not good that can affect people for being unfair. No one must
treat a special status, we must be all equal no matter what.  
5. Sa taong may hiya, salita’y panunumpa. o To the honorable man, his word is sacred.  It says we must
keep our promises. We must not just keep our promises as words, but also deeds. Just like people who
promise to help the poor because of the hardships of life that are happening today. They must do what
they promised because they cannot take back again on what they have been said. 
Module 6 
Pre-Test 6 
1.  D. 
2.  B. 
3.  A. 
4.  B. 
5.  A. 
6.  B. 
7.  A. 
Test Yourself: 
1.  On the Philippine Revolution of 1896 and its aftermath was written by Emilio Aguinaldo way
back 1896 and it was all about what happened during Philippine Revolution this was where other
Filipinos can no longer endure the suffering from the Spanish rule which led them to make a plan to
rose against the Spaniards . Mga gunita ng himagsikan was also written by Emilio Aguinaldo way
back 1964 were it was based on his diary that he kept during that time, documents he preserved,
and his family lore gathered from this elders. 
2.  Emilio Aguinaldo is the President of the Philippines that time and the one who experienced
what he has written. As part of the Philippine Revolution and its Aftermath, Emilio has the right to
create this account to make history and spread the word around the world what happen and how
did the Filipinos take back its own country. 
3.  The importance of Emilio Aguinaldo’s account is very important in the Philippine history
because this is one of the biggest things that happen in our country on how we conquer our country
back from the Spaniards. This makes us educated on what happened on our past and keep it
spreading ‘till the future. 
4.  The readings all about the start of the Philippine revolution and what happened that time. This
includes the places where the revolution started and what makes us win the battle that time. 

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