Unit Teacher Date Grade 7А Theme of the lesson: Warm-up

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Unit Unit 1.

Hobbies and leisure

Teacher Mirzayeva N.F
Date 27.09.21
Grade 7А Number present Number absent
Theme of the lesson Review use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics
and some curricular topics spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of familiar
Learning Objectives:
general and curricular topics use infinitive forms after a limited number of verbs and adjectives; use gerund
forms after a limited variety of verbs and prepositions on a growing range of familiar
general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
Give a talk about a hobby
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives:
to write an email describing a hobby
Some learners will be able to:
express opinions, compare objects using a good lexical and grammatical accuracy
Stage Teacher’s actions Learner’s Evaluation Resources
Timing actions
Beginnin The lesson greeting. Discussion
g The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the lesson.
What is hobby? Answers the
What hobbies can people have?
What hobbies are popular in your family?
questions and
Lesson objectives for our lesson: plays the
10 min 1. consolidate the studied lexical material game.
2. apply linkers in writing and oral speech
3. write an email describing a hobby
The teacher organizes the game.
Students need to divide cards with hobby names
into 2 groups: hobbies that people do outdoors, and
hobbies that people do indoors.
Also, students should say what kind of equipment
is needed for each of the hobbies.
Middle Organizes listening (SB p.111 ex.7). Listen to the audio and
complete the task. listens and
True / False
1. He was a great collector of different things.
does the task Discussion
10 min 2. When he was older he became fond of music.
3. He was playing different sport games at school.
4. Working with computers became his profession.
5. And now he is a writer

Organizes work in groups.

The whole class should be divided into 3 equal
teams. Students need to write an email about a
10 min hobby without naming it. Students need to use the
plan from exercise 4 on page 15. The other teams Participates in
have to guess this hobby. conversation.
Revise the using of linkers (SB p. 15 ex.3 )
The key: Student’s Book
2 Collecting seashells is cheap and easy to do, as Discussion
5 min well. Does the task
3 Playing video games is fun, however, playing
too much isn't good for us.
4 Paintballing is great exercise though it can hurt.
5 Rock climbing is difficult. It's tiring, too.

Reflectio How well do I understand? evaluates Students’ Self-Evaluation

n 4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else. himself feedback
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
3 min 2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Hometask Explains hometask: SS ex4.p15 Writes down Student’s Book
5 min hometask

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