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Quantitative Questions Problem Solving Solve the problem and indicate the best of the answer choices given ‘Numbers: Ail numbers used are real numbers. Figures: All figures accompanying problem solving questions are intended to provide information useful in solving the problems. Figures are drawn as accurately as possible. Exceptions will be clearly noted. Lines shown as straight are straight. and lines that appear jagged are also straight. The positions of points, angles, regions, etc., exist in the order shown, and angle measures are greater than zero. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated. Last month a certain music club offered a discount to prefered customers. After the frst compact disc purchased, preferred customers paid $3.99 for each additional compact disc purchased. Ifa preferred customer purchased a total of 6 compact discs and paid $15.95 for te fst compact dsc, then the doar amount thatthe customer paid forthe 6 compact «iss is equivalent to which ofthe folowing? (a) 514.00)+ 15.90 (8) 54.00+15.95 (C) 54.00)+ 16.00 (0) 5(4.00-0.01)+ 15.90 (€) 514.00 - 0.05) + 15.95 ‘The average (arithmetic mean) of the integers from 200 to 400, inclusive, is how much greater than the average of the integers from 50 to 100, inclusive? 150 (6) 175 () 200, (0) 225 (€) 300 The sequence a, 2, 25, dy) IS such that Fat5 222 for a n23. Ifag=4 and a; =20 what is the value of ag ? wi @) 16 20 (0) 24 ©) 28 4 ‘Among a group of 2,500 people, 35 percent invest in muncipal bonds, 18 percent invest in al stocks, and 7 percent invest in both municipal bonds and oi stocks. if | person is to be randomly selected from the 2,500 people, what is the probabilty thatthe person selected will be one who invests in municipal bonds but NOT in oil stocks? oF closed cylindrical tank contains 36n cubic feet of water and i filed to haf its capacity. When the tank is placed upright on its circular base on level ground, the height ofthe water in the tank is 4 feet. When the tanks placed onits side on level ground, what isthe height, in feet, ofthe surface of the water above the round? w2 8) 3 4 oO 6 ) 9 ‘A marketing firm determined that, of 200 households surveyed, 80 used neither Brand A nor Brand B soap, 60 used only Brand A soap, and for every household that used both brands of soap, 3 used only Brand B ‘soap. How many of the 200 households surveyed used both brands of soap? w 15 ®) 20 ©) 30 ©) 40 ©) 45 A certain club has 10 members, including Harry. One of the 10 members isto be chosen at random to be the president, one ofthe remaining 9 members is to be chosen at random to be the secretary, and one of the remaining 8 members is to be chosen at random to be the treasurer. What isthe probabilty that Harry willbe either the member chosen to be the secretary or the member chosen to be the treasurer? ® a ey oO ¢ o 4 ei 2 Fa certain toy store's revenve in November was = ofits reverue in December and its revenue in January was + ofits reverue in November, then the store's revenue in December was how mary times the average (arithmetic mean) ofits revenues in November and January? nd Wa 1 @® a 2 oa ©) 2 wa 10. A researcher computed the mean, the median, and the standard deviation for a set of performance scores. 15 were to be added to each score, which of these three statistics would change? (A) The mean ony (8) The median only (0) The standard deviation only (0) The mean and the median (€) The mean andthe standard deviation In the figure shown, what isthe value of vexty+ 24? 45 ® 90 () 180 270 (©) 360 a. 12, 13, 4. Of the tireedigitintegers greater than 700, how many have two digits that are equal to each other and the remaining digt diferent from the other two? 90 82 (80 o 45 ©) % Posttve integer y is 50 percent of 50 percent of positive integer x, and y percent of x equals 100. What is the value of x? 50 100 (200 (0) 1,000 (€) 2,000 If sand tare positive integers such that >= 64.12, which ofthe following could be the remainder when s is divided by t? a e © 2 ©) 45 Of the 84 parents who attended a meeting at a school, 35 volunteered to supervise children during the school picnic and 11 volunteered both to supervise children during the picnic and to bring refreshments to the picnic. i the number of parents who volunteered to bring refreshments was 1.5 times the number of parents who neither volunteered to supervise children during the picnic nor volunteered to bring, refreshments, how many ofthe parents volunteered to bring refreshments? W 25 ®) 3% 38 42 ©) 45 15, 16. V7, 18. 19, The product ofall the prime numbers less than 20 is closest to which of the folowing powers of 10 ? a 10% (8) 108 (c) 107 (0) 10° (E) 108 I WB=2x = V2x +1, then 432 = wool eB) 4 (0) 2-2x (0) 4x-2 (E) @x-1 1 nm fats te vate of i? wg ‘B) + (cy ; a? (E) 3 Hf nis the product ofthe intagers from 1 to 8, incisive, how many different prime factors greater than 1 does n have? (A) Four (8) Five (C) Six (0) Seven (€) Eight If kis an integer and 2 < k< 7, for how many different values of kis there a triangle with sides of lengths 2,7, and k? 1A) One (8) Two (C) Three (0) Four (€) Five 20. 22 ‘A right circular cone is inscribed in a hemisphere so that the base of the cone coincides with the base of the hemisphere. What is the rato ofthe height of the ccone to the radius of the hemisphere? Ww V1 @ 11 1 @ fa oO) V2: © a John deposited $10,000 to open a now savings account that earned 4 percent annual interest, ‘compounded quarterly f there were no other transactions in the account, what was the amount of ‘money in John's account 6 months after the account was opened? $10,100 ®) $10,101 (©) $10,200 ©) $10,201 €) $10,400 AA container in the shape of a righ circular cylinder is 5 fil of water. the volume of water inthe container is 36 cubic inches and the height ofthe container is 9inches, whats the diameter of the base ofthe cylinder, in inches? we ® oF o £ © af 23. 24. Ifthe positive integer xis a multiple of 4 and the postive integer yis a multiple of 6, then xy must be a ‘multiple of which ofthe following? Lo 8 12 18 () Monly (8) Land iionly (C)_ 1 and tl only (0) Wand only. ©) land ‘Aaron will jog from home at x miles per hour and then ‘walk back home by the same route at y miles per hour. How many miles from home can Aaron jog so that he spends a total of t hours jogging and walking? w # Y @ ot x « o © Quantitative LA 2D 3. £ 4B 5B BA ne BE 9D 10. ¢ 1. 12. ¢ 13. E 4. B 16. ¢ 16. E w. 18, 19, 20. au, 22. 23. 24, oamones>o Quantitative Answer Keys

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