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Boring words!
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Leilen Shelton


To the teachers at Talbert, especially Amy Junge, Heather Harrison, and Donna Fraga,
who generously shared their ideas; to Beth Fockler at Fulton for mentoring me early on;
and to friend/fellow teacher Jennifer Mendoza.
To my principal, Cathie Abdel, who has always made me feel like a million bucks;
to Fountain Valley School District Superintendent Rosemarie Eadie who has been an
incredible source of encouragement over the years.
To my tutoring students Alexis Coco, Mark Gale, Mike Gale, Kate Gasparro,
Matt Gasparro, Anthony Ho, Jacqueline Ho, Joshua Lim, Leslie Lim, Sarah Lo, Tiffany Lo,
Jason Mar, Sean Myers, Ryan Nguyen, Jeffrey Wang, and Justine Wang.
Thank you, Donna, for cheering me on. Thank you Mom for watching the kids so
many times while I worked on the book with Dad. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dad.
Without your countless hours invested in the typesetting, editing, and design of this book,
it never would have happened. I owe you BIG TIME, Nudgy!

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

To Myles for knowing just when Mommy needed you to take a nap, to Sydney
who brings so much love and joy to my life, and to my husband, Jason, who has always
supported me. I’m blessed to have a partner like you.

Boring words!

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducible pages from this book for classroom use.
No other part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.
For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Editor: Sarah Longhi

Cover design by Jason Robinson
Interior design by Gene Toth
ISBN-13: 978-0-545-08303-4
ISBN-10: 0-545-08303-6

Copyright © 2009 by Leilen Shelton

All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Essay Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Action Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
“Said” Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
-ly Adverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Colors and Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Smell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Taste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Character Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Emotions/Feelings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Big/Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Beautiful/Ugly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Good/Bad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Interesting/Boring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A Little/A Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Easy/Hard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Compare/Contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Be Specific! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
50 Boring Words and Phrases to Avoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
My Own List of Interesting Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
During my first year as a middle school teacher, I quickly discovered that my
students had wonderful ideas for their writing, but struggled to express them clearly and
descriptively. They recognized strong and specific words, but couldn’t always retrieve them on
their own, and using a thesaurus was time-consuming. What they needed was a fast and easy
way to find the “right” words for their writing.
I developed a list of action verbs, which led to a list of more specific movement words.
Other word lists followed, and I soon had enough lists to make a small booklet for each student
to use. I was thrilled with the remarkable improvements in their writing and in their confidence.
They were so proud of their ability to choose their words so precisely and powerfully.
The booklet circulated to other teachers, and it wasn’t long before almost every English
teacher at my school was using the booklet. Within a year’s time, the booklet began showing

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

up with the students I privately tutored—students who attended other schools in my district.
Apparently, I wasn’t the only teacher searching for ways to empower students with strong,
specific words. I’m excited to share the culmination of that effort with you in this book.
Banish Boring Words—a collection of word lists containing dozens of options for
frequently used words and phrases—supports all types of writing. In some ways, it is like a
condensed thesaurus. The purpose of this book is to provide students with shortcuts to finding
descriptive words that will enable them to write with greater clarity and sophistication. It is my
hope that this book helps students achieve their full potential as writers.

How to Use This Book

The word lists are arranged by topics so students can flip quickly between related
pages, and example sentences are provided under the title of each word list to demonstrate
how each page should be used.
Some suggestions for using this book flexibly in the classroom include:
   • Making copies of the word lists for each student to use during independent writing time.
   • Providing copies of the word lists for groups of students to use as a resource during
writing workshop.
   • Photocopying one word list or section at a time when introducing a new lesson.
For example, you might use the Character Traits list (page 36) during a lesson on
character development.
   • Copying word lists for vocabulary-building exercises, including games and test
preparation for English language learners.
   • Making poster-size copies of the lists to serve as “word walls” in the classroom—
visible and accessible resources for interesting words.

For more information, visit my Web site at

· · · 4 · · ·
z  Boring:  So, dogs make the perfect family pet.
L Interesting:  Without a doubt, dogs make the perfect family pet.
For the Beginning
A bad At the beginning Initially One important
A good Before In the beginning The first
An important Early on In the first place To begin
As soon as First It started when To start
At first First of all One Yesterday

For the Middle

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

A better Another important Furthermore Next

Accordingly A second However Second
Additionally At the same time In addition Secondly
After A worse In fact Shortly thereafter
After that Before long In the meantime Soon after
Afterward Besides Later Suddenly
All at once During Later on Then
All of a sudden Equally important Likewise The next
Along with Following this Meanwhile The second
Also For example More importantly When
Another For instance Moreover While

For the End

Accordingly For this reason Later on Therefore
A final Furthermore Moreover The worst
After Hence Most importantly Thus
After that In brief Obviously To conclude
All at once In conclusion Of course To summarize
All in all In fact On the whole To sum up
All of a sudden In other words Shortly thereafter To this end
As a result In short Since Ultimately
At last In summary Soon after Undeniably
At the end In the end The best Undoubtedly
Clearly Last The final When
Consequently Last of all The last With this in mind
Eventually Lastly The most important Without a doubt
Finally Later Then Without question

· · · 5 · · ·
Essay Verbs for Writing About…
z  Boring:  The article “Butterflies” is about the migration habits of butterflies.
L Interesting:  The article “Butterflies” investigates the migration habits of butterflies.
attempts determines experiences learns strives
battles discovers faces realizes struggles
competes encounters figures out recognizes undergoes
copes endeavors finds out seeks understands
deals with endures grapples with sets out undertakes
Compare/Contrast Texts

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

analyzes contrasts emphasizes explores identifies
classifies considers examines focuses on presents
compares deals with explains highlights points out
depicts describes illustrates portrays presents
Informational/Expository Texts
analyzes defines explores identifies provides
answers describes features informs reports
classifies examines focuses on investigates reveals
deals with explains highlights presents traces
advises expresses illustrates reminds stresses
demonstrates focuses on implies reveals suggests
emphasizes illuminates points out shows teaches

Narrative Stories
chronicles describes follows presents retells
deals with details illustrates recounts tells about
depicts explores narrates relates traces
Persuasive Texts
addresses contends discourages exposes reasons
advises convinces disputes focuses on recommends
argues criticizes emphasizes insists refutes
asserts deals with encourages points out rejects
claims defends evaluates praises suggests
confronts denies examines proposes supports

· · · 6 · · ·
z  Boring:  The soccer player moved fast.
L Interesting:  The soccer player streaked past opponents and sprinted toward the goal.
Fast Slow
biked jerked skittered ambled loitered staggered
bolted jolted slammed biked lollygagged stalked
bounded jostled slapped brewed lounged stamped
burst jumped slashed coasted lugged stepped
crawled lumbered stomped
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

bustled kicked sliced

charged knocked smacked crept lurked straggled
chased lashed smashed cruised marched strayed
clamored leapt snapped dawdled meandered strode
crashed lunged snatched dillydallied moped stroked
darted mauled sped dragged moseyed strolled
dashed drifted napped strutted
nabbed sprang
dripped paced swaggered
dodged outpaced sprinted
edged plodded swayed
dove outran stampeded
floated plopped tiptoed
erupted plunged streaked
flowed poked toddled
flailed pounced swiped
frolicked prowled trailed
fled quickened swooped
froze relaxed traipsed
flew raced tackled
gallivanted roamed traversed
frisked ran tore rocked
glided treaded
galloped rode trotted hiked roved trekked
grabbed rushed whirred hobbled sauntered tromped
grasped scampered whisked inched shuffled trooped
gunned scooted whizzed jogged skipped trudged
hastened scrambled wrestled journeyed slinked undulate
hightailed scurried yanked lagged slithered ventured
hurried scuttled zapped limped slogged waited
hustled shot zigzagged lingered slowed walked
jabbed shoved zipped loafed snuck wallowed
jammed skipped zoomed lobbed sputtered wandered

· · · 7 · · ·
Action Verbs
z  Boring:  The hungry students ate their lunches.
L Interesting:  The hungry students scarfed down sandwiches and devoured cookies.
arrived overwhelmed jolted revolutionized
alighted pounced jostled transfigured
appeared raided knocked transformed
disembarked rushed pounded transposed
dismounted stormed rattled
entered struck shook chased
landed slammed charged
reached began smacked drove

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

activated thudded
ate commenced thumped hounded
attacked incited thwacked hunted
chowed initiated pursued
consumed instigated caught rushed
devoured instituted apprehended sped
feasted introduced bagged tracked
gobbled launched busted
gorged originated captured cheered
grazed pioneered hooked applauded
inhaled started lassoed clapped
munched nabbed hailed
nibbled broke nailed praised
noshed busted netted rooted
pecked cracked plucked saluted
picked crushed snagged yelled
porked demolished snared
scarfed fractured snatched clapped
snacked severed applauded
wolfed shattered changed cheered
smashed adapted patted
attacked snapped altered slapped
ambushed split converted
assaulted tore evolved climbed
besieged metamorphosed ascended
bombarded bumped modified clambered
charged banged mutated crawled
combated bounced reformed escalated
infiltrated butted remodeled mounted
invaded collided renovated rose
jumped jarred reorganized scaled
mugged jerked restyled soared
· · · 8 · · ·
Action Verbs
closed cried danced disappeared
blocked bawled boogied absconded
bolted bemoaned frolicked dissolved
buttoned bewailed hopped ebbed
clenched blubbered hustled evanesced
clogged grieved jigged evaporated
corked groaned jitterbugged faded
locked howled jived fled
obstructed lamented jumped melted
plugged moaned leapt receded
screened mourned pranced retreated
sealed sniffed rocked vanished
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

shut sniveled waned

stuffed sobbed spun
wailed strutted dragged
covered wept swayed hauled
blanketed whimpered swung lugged
buried whined tangoed schlepped
camouflaged tapped towed
carpeted cut twisted trailed
cloaked amputated waltzed transported
clothed carved whirled tugged
coated chiseled yanked
concealed chopped annihilated
disguised cleaved crushed drank
eclipsed clipped decimated chugged
enclosed cropped demolished consumed
enfolded curtailed eradicated downed
enshrouded diced exterminated gargled
enveloped gashed extinguished gulped
hid hacked leveled guzzled
masked lacerated quashed lapped
obscured lopped quelled sipped
screened nicked ravaged slurped
shaded pierced razed swallowed
shrouded punctured ruined swigged
veiled ripped sabotaged toasted
wrapped sheared shattered
slashed smashed escaped
crashed sliced totaled absconded
crunched slit trashed bolted
sideswiped snipped vandalized circumvented
smashed split wasted deserted
totaled whacked wrecked disappeared
· · · 9 · · ·
...more Action Verbs
escaped (cont’d) flew found relinquished
dodged buzzed discovered supplied
ducked circled located
eluded crossed pinpointed grew
evaded darted recovered abounded
fled dashed spotted amplified
dove uncovered broadened
exploded drifted unearthed developed
backfired floated doubled
blasted gathered enlarged
blazed fluttered
aggregated expanded
burst glided
assembled extended
detonated hovered

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

clustered flourished
erupted jetted collected heightened
ruptured maneuvered congregated increased
shattered scudded convened inflated
split skimmed converged lengthened
thundered soared corralled matured
swooped crowded multiplied
fell whisked flocked produced
collapsed whooshed herded rose
declined zipped hoarded shot
descended zoomed huddled spread
dropped rallied sprouted
plunged reunited stretched
poured fought
battled stockpiled swelled
sunk bickered swarmed thickened
toppled boxed thronged waxed
tottered brawled united widened
tripped clashed
tumbled contended gave held
disputed awarded clasped
fixed bequeathed cleaved
dueled bestowed clenched
adjusted feuded
corrected conferred clung
grappled contributed clutched
doctored jousted
mended donated cradled
overhauled quarreled endowed embraced
patched scuffled entrusted enclosed
rebuilt skirmished gifted grasped
reconstructed sparred granted gripped
repaired tussled handed hugged
restored warred presented palmed
revamped wrestled provided squeezed
· · · 10 · · ·
...more Action Verbs
hit draped jumped disappeared
bashed drooped bobbed ditched
beat fastened bounced eloped
boxed hooked bucked embarked
clipped suspended cantered escaped
clobbered dove exited
clocked hurt hopped fled
clubbed abused hurdled scrammed
cuffed ached jerked split
flailed afflicted leapt vacated
hooked ailed loped vanished
jabbed belted lunged withdrew
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

knocked bit lurched

nailed bruised parachuted
pelted burned made
plummeted assembled
popped cut skipped
pounded disabled built
sprang constructed
punched flailed tripped
slapped flogged created
vaulted fashioned
slugged harmed
smacked impaired forged
socked injured laughed formed
struck kicked burst framed
swatted lacerated chortled
thrashed lashed chuckled
thumped mauled giggled
guffawed produced
walloped nipped shaped
whacked pierced hee-hawed
pinched howled
roared mended
hugged pricked cured
clung pummeled screamed
shrieked doctored
cradled punched fixed
cuddled punctured simpered
embraced snickered healed
enfolded slugged sniggered improved
enveloped squeezed snorted patched
grasped stabbed tee-heed rebuilt
nestled stung tittered reconstructed
pressed throbbed whooped recovered
squeezed tore recuperated
whacked left remedied
hung whipped abandoned repaired
attached wounded departed restored
dangled wrung deserted revised
· · · 11 · · ·
...even more Action Verbs
opened played reached quaked skipped
bore cavorted extended quivered bounded
burst clowned grasped rattled cantered
cleared frolicked lunged reeled flitted
reveled seized rocked hippety-hopped
romped strained ruffled hopped
stretched shimmered leapt
revealed pulled pranced
ruptured dragged repaired scampered
slit hauled cured scooted
spread heaved doctored skedaddled
jerked swayed

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

unblocked fixed tottered skittered
lugged healed sprang
unbolted trembled
plucked improved
uncorked schlepped tremored
mended twittered slept
uncovered towed patched vibrated catnapped
unfastened tugged rebuilt crashed
unfurled wrenched waggled
reconstructed dozed
unlatched yanked waved
recovered dreamed
unlocked wobbled
recuperated hibernated
unsealed restored napped
bulldozed shrunk
unwrapped revised reposed
crowded compressed
vented elbowed retired
ripped condensed slumbered
ventilated gored constricted
impelled clawed snoozed
frayed contracted snored
planned jammed decreased
jostled gashed
arranged shredded deflated smiled
launched diminished
brainstormed muscled slashed beamed
devised slit dwindled grinned
engineered split lessened simpered
formulated railroaded tore narrowed smirked
rammed reduced
shouldered shook shortened spun
shoved chattered shriveled gyrated
outlined waned
squashed jarred pirouetted
plotted squeezed jerked wasted reeled
schemed squished jogged weakened revolved
sketched steamrolled joggled withered rotated
strategized thrust jolted wrinkled twirled
· · · 12 · · ·
...even more Action Verbs
spun (cont’d) stopped swam took cheated
twisted barred bathed abducted conned
wheeled blocked dove bagged confused
whirled ceased floated borrowed deceived
discontinued glided captured defrauded
stayed disrupted paddled clutched duped
continued finished raced commandeered fooled
lodged halted stroked confiscated hoodwinked
remained hindered
submerged filched misled
sojourned impeded
waded grabbed outwitted
visited intercepted
hooked scammed
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

paused swung lifted shafted
stole dangled nabbed swindled
abducted quit
refrained flapped pinched trapped
blackmailed oscillated plucked
burglarized restrained
stalled pivoted pocketed twisted
cheated rocked coiled
terminated seized
swayed snagged contorted
suffered swerved snatched corkscrewed
ached swiveled stole curled
agonized twirled swiped entwined
kidnapped ailed whirled intertwined
lifted endured
looted trapped spiraled
grieved threw ambushed spun
pilfered strained
pillaged catapulted beguiled squirmed
tormented chucked cornered swiveled
pinched winced
pirated fired corralled turned
plagiarized flung deceived twined
plundered hurled duped twirled
poached besieged launched ensnared weaved
purloined circled lobbed entangled wiggled
ransacked encased pegged entrapped wound
shoplifted encircled pelted fooled wrapped
snatched enclosed pitched wrenched
stripped encompassed scattered tricked wriggled
swindled engulfed showered bamboozled writhed
swiped inundated tossed beguiled wrung
thieved wrapped volleyed charmed zigzagged
· · · 13 · · ·
“Said” Synonyms
z  Boring:  “I don’t want to go,” she said.
L Interesting:  “I don’t want to go!” she whimpered.
agreed objected chitchatted sighed romanticized
acknowledged opposed gabbed sniffled overstated
assented protested gibbered sniveled
conceded quarreled gossiped sobbed explained
concurred quibbled jabbered wailed clarified
consented squabbled prattled wept described
seconded detailed
whimpered illustrated
asked commented yammered
animal sounds challenged interpreted

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

mentioned yowled paraphrased
barked grilled noted
chirped inquired summarized
interrogated opined criticized translated
croaked remarked blasted
crowed pried
growled probed stated chastised gasped
hissed queried chided choked
howled questioned complained disapproved gulped
panted quizzed bemoaned lambasted heaved
roared requested bewailed nitpicked panted
snarled fretted reprimanded snorted
begged fussed zinged wheezed
squeaked beseeched griped imitated
yapped entreated groaned declared aped
yelped implored grumbled announced echoed
petitioned moaned asserted impersonated
answered pleaded pouted broadcasted mimicked
reacted prayed sniveled confirmed mocked
remarked pressed whimpered informed parodied
replied requested whined proclaimed parroted
responded urged yammered professed
retorted interrupted
returned blamed cried exaggerated blurted
accused inserted
argued alleged bawled boasted
bemoaned bragged interfered
bickered attacked interjected
contended charged bewailed distorted
contested claimed blubbered elaborated intimidated
contradicted rebuked grieved embellished badgered
countered reproved groaned enhanced browbeat
debated howled expanded bullied
denied chatted lamented expounded coerced
disagreed babbled moaned fabricated harassed
disputed blabbed mourned inflated hounded
· · · 14 · · ·
“Said” Synonyms
intimidated persuaded rejoiced twittered inferred
 fi (cont’d) cajoled celebrated warbled insinuated
taunted coaxed cheered yodeled intimated
threatened convinced exulted offered
exhorted hooted scolded proposed
joked insisted jubilated berated recommended
bantered urged reveled chastened
jested chided tattled
jived wheedled
wooed remembered criticized blabbed
joshed lectured blurted
kidded brooded
rebuked gossiped
predicted recalled
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

reprimanded leaked
laughed conjectured recollected
reproached rumored
cackled forecasted reflected snitched
chortled foretold reminisced
chuckled screamed spilled
guessed bawled squeaked
giggled inferred retold
howled bellowed
roared presumed narrated blared teased
snickered prognosticated quoted blurted bugged
sniggered prophesied recited cried harassed
snorted speculated recounted exclaimed mocked
supposed repeated hollered needled
nagged surmised roared pestered
badgered revealed shouted razzed
hounded promised announced shrieked ribbed
needled agreed confessed shrilled roasted
pestered assured confided squealed taunted
prodded wailed
ensured declared yelled
guaranteed disclosed warned
observed yowled admonished
detected pledged divulged
swore expressed advised
discerned stuttered alerted
discovered vowed proclaimed faltered
noted cautioned
professed hesitated exhorted
noticed raged uttered sputtered
perceived forewarned
boiled stammered
bristled sang stumbled whispered
ordered foamed chanted
charged trembled breathed
commanded fumed chirped buzzed
decreed ranted crooned suggested hissed
demanded raved hummed advised mumbled
directed spit serenaded hinted murmured
instructed stormed trilled implied muttered
· · · 15 · · ·
-ly Adverbs
z  Boring:  He backed away from the growling dog.
L Interesting:  Slowly and carefully, he backed away from the growling dog.
angrily calmly clumsily easily happily
bitterly harmoniously absentmindedly coolly cheerfully
coldly peacefully accidentally effortlessly contentedly
furiously placidly awkwardly freely ecstatically
indignantly serenely carelessly simply joyfully
sharply ungracefully skillfully merrily
apparently continually hesitantly

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

allegedly ceaselessly enthusiastically dubiously
carefully constantly ardently
evidently falteringly
attentively continuously eagerly
incidentally haltingly
cautiously endlessly energetically
seemingly indecisively
conscientiously eternally excitedly irresolutely
beautifully gingerly incessantly passionately reluctantly
alluringly mindfully perpetually zealously skeptically
prudently persistently
charmingly tentatively
vigilantly relentlessly fearfully
daintily uncertainly
warily alarmedly
creatively apprehensively
elegantly watchfully honestly
artistically cowardly
enchantingly cleverly frantically admittedly
exquisitely casually imaginatively tremblingly frankly
glamorously aimlessly genuinely
gracefully informally cruelly finally sincerely
majestically nonchalantly brutally conclusively truly
radiantly offhandedly malevolently decisively truthfully
stunningly unceremoniously maliciously eventually veraciously
ruthlessly lastly
bravely savagely ultimately humorously
adventurously viciously amusingly
audaciously clearly comically
wickedly gently
boldly naturally jokingly
courageously obviously dramatically faintly playfully
daringly surely charismatically meekly
fearlessly undeniably emotionally mildly initially
gallantly undoubtedly melodramatically softly firstly
heroically unmistakably suspensefully sweetly originally
valiantly unquestionably theatrically tenderly primarily
· · · 16 · · ·
-ly Adverbs
intelligently politely quietly tragically suddenly
brilliantly affably breathlessly unfortunately abruptly
cleverly cordially gently unhappily immediately
ingeniously courteously inconspicuously wistfully instantly
graciously noiselessly startlingly
kindly silently shyly unexpectedly
affectionately respectfully bashfully
compassionately tactfully humbly
regularly surprisingly
fondly commonly modestly
graciously powerfully sheepishly actually
faithfully amazingly
lovingly forcefully frequently skittishly
sweetly intensely timidly astonishingly
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

mightily incredibly
loudly strongly invariably slowly interestingly
boisterously vigorously normally casually ironically
clamorously violently ordinarily eventually remarkably
deafeningly periodically gradually shockingly
noisily repeatedly hesitantly unbelievably
piercingly pridefully lazily
steadily unknowingly
riotously arrogantly patiently
systematically unpredictably
shrilly boastfully sluggishly
egotistically tirelessly
thunderously typically tiredly
uproariously haughtily sneakily
unchangingly exhaustedly
pompously cunningly
luckily usually deviously drowsily
smugly sleepily
auspiciously secretly
favorably rudely slyly weakly
purposely churlishly wearily
fortunately stealthily
happily consciously disrespectfully surreptitiously
opportunely deliberately harshly suspiciously wildly
prosperously intentionally impertinently ferociously
knowingly impolitely strangely fiercely
nervously voluntarily impudently magically passionately
anxiously willfully inconsiderately miraculously
insolently recklessly
apprehensively mysteriously roughly
restlessly quickly oddly viciously
shakily sadly supernaturally
briskly cheerlessly
skittishly busily
worriedly dejectedly stupidly wisely
hastily despondently foolishly discerningly
occasionally hurriedly dismally indolently judiciously
irregularly impatiently dolefully mindlessly perceptively
periodically speedily mournfully moronically prudently
sporadically swiftly sorrowfully obnoxiously sagaciously
· · · 17 · · ·
Colors and Shapes
z  Boring:  The blue sky had some white clouds.
L Interesting:  In the azure sky dangled marshmallow white clouds.
ebony crow jet onyx shadowy
charcoal dingy licorice pitch slate
clouded dusky murky raven soot
coal ink obsidian sable starless

aqua blueberry electric porcelain steel

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

aquamarine cerulean indigo robin’s egg teal
azure cobalt navy royal turquoise
baby blue delft midnight sapphire ultramarine
beryl denim peacock sky violet

almond chestnut hazel nutmeg sorrel
amber chocolate henna oak tan
auburn cinnamon khaki ochre tawny
beige cocoa mahogany pine teak
brick coffee mud russet terra-cotta
bronze copper muddy rust toast
buff fawn mulch sandy umber
burnt sienna ginger nut sepia walnut

ashen drab iron oyster slate
clouded dun lead pearly smoky
dapple dusky leaden peppery somber
dingy grizzled metallic shaded steel
dove heather mousy silvery stone

apple emerald kelly moss sage
aquamarine evergreen leafy olive sea
avocado fir lime pea spinach
beryl forest lush peacock verdure
celery grassy malachite pine viridian
chartreuse jade mint pistachio willow

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Colors and Shapes
apricot copper gold pumpkin tangerine
brass coral ochre salmon terra-cotta
bronze flame peach sandy titian
burnt sienna glowing persimmon shrimp topaz
amethyst heliotrope maroon pansy royal
bluish red lavender mauve plum violaceous
fuchsia lilac mulberry pomegranate violet
grape magenta orchid puce wine
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

blood cherry flushed pink russet
bloodshot claret fuchsia raspberry rust
blush coral garnet rose salmon
brick cranberry geranium rosy scarlet
burgundy crimson magenta rouge strawberry
candy-apple fiery maroon ruby tomato
cardinal flame persimmon ruddy wine
alabaster chalky immaculate oyster powdery
ashen cream ivory pale pure
blanched fair light pallid silvery
bleached frosted marble pasty snowy
blond frosty marshmallow pearl spotless
bloodless ghostly milky platinum stainless
amber buff chartreuse lemon straw
apricot butter chrome mustard sunny
aureate buttercup citron ochre tan
beige butterscotch cream orange tangerine
bleached canary gold saffron tawny
blond champagne golden sand topaz
angular conical hexagonal proportional spherical
circular cylindrical octagonal rectangular spiraled
concave elliptical oval squared triangular

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z  Boring:  The cave was dark.
L Interesting:  A shadowy gloom settled in the pitch-black cave.
To See
admire gaze mark peer spot
examine glance note perceive spy
eye glare notice recognize stare
eyeball glimpse observe review survey
focus glower ogle scan view
gape goggle peek search watch

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

gawk inspect peep sight witness

A Sight
appearance hallucination impression reflection view
display illusion mirage scene vision
exhibition image picture spectacle vista

apparent crystalline lucid transparent unobscured
cloudless distinct translucent unclouded visible

alight illuminated lit moonlit sunny
fluorescent incandescent lucent phosphorescent sunshiny
golden lighted luminous starry well-lit

black inky nebulous pitch-dark sooty
blackish lightless obscure pitchy sunless
blackness muddy pitch-black somber unlit

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ablaze beaming brilliant glaring radiant

aglow blazing flaming glowing vivid

bleary dusky fuzzy murky shadowy
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

blurred faded gloomy opaque shady

cloudy faint gray overcast tarnished

dreary foggy lackluster pale unclear

burnished glassy glistening polished shining

crystal gleaming glittering satiny silvery

dazzling glimmering glossy sheeny sparkling

flickering glinting jeweled shimmering twinkling

ashen drab hazy mousy opaque

cloudy dreary indistinct muddy plain

colorless dusky lackluster murky subdued

dead faded low muted toned-down

dismal flat matte obscure unlit

· · · 21 · · ·
z  Boring:  Suddenly, a sound came from the basement.
L Interesting:  Suddenly, an ear-piercing shriek came from the basement.
To Hear
catch detect eavesdrop listen overhear

A Sound
din noise note resonance tone


Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

harmonic mellifluous melodious sonorous symphonious
harmonious melodic rhythmical symphonic tuneful

boisterous ear-piercing grating piercing rowdy
clamorous ear-popping monotonous raucous shrill
deafening ear-splitting noisy riotous whiny

bang clamor crackle scream stomp
bawl clang crash screech thud
bellow clank holler shriek thump
blare clap pop slam whack
blast clash racket slurp wham
boom clatter rattle smash whir
burst crack rumble snore whoop

bark grumble jeer shout snort
bellow hiss roar snap sputter
growl holler scream snarl yell

cry scream shriek stammer whimper
gasp screech squall stutter yelp

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bawl groan sigh sob weep
blubber howl sniffle squall whimper
cry moan snivel wail yowl

cackle giggle laugh snicker tee-hee
chortle guffaw roar snigger titter
chuckle howl shriek squeal whoop
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

bubble creak hum pitter-patter swish
buzz drone hush plink tick
calm fizz mumble rustle tinkle
click gurgle murmur sigh twitter
clink hiss mutter sizzle whisper

breathless inaudible muted quiet speechless
hushed mouthed noiseless soundless still

bang clang peal strum trill
beat clink plunk thump twang
boom hum rattle tinkle warble
chant jingle ring toll whistle
chime jangle rumble toot yodel

bark cluck honk purr squeal
bleat coo hoot quack twitter
bray croak howl roar whimper
buzz crow meow screech whinny
cackle gobble mew snarl yap
caw growl moo snort yelp
cheep grunt neigh squawk yip
chirp hiss peep squeak yowl

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z  Boring:  The milk smelled bad.
L Interesting:  The stench of the curdled milk turned his stomach.
To Smell
inhale scent sniff snuff whiff

A Smell
aroma fragrance odor perfume scent

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

No Smell
deodorized odorless scentless unseasoned unscented

Good Smelling
appealing enticing luscious rich tempting
delightful exquisite mouthwatering savory well-seasoned
divine heavenly pleasing tantalizing zestful

antiseptic earthy minty pure starchy
clean fragrant new sanitary sterile
crisp laundered piney soapy washed

aromatic citrus fragrant perfumed sweet-scented
buttery cloying fruity rich sweet-smelling
candied coconut honeyed saccharine toothsome
chocolaty flowery nectarous sugary vanilla

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Bad Smelling
detestable loathsome odious raunchy sickening
disgusting malodorous offensive reeking stinky
fishy nasty putrid repellent tainted
foul nauseating rancid repugnant unappealing
gross noxious rank repulsive unpleasant

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

burning fumy gaseous smoky sooty

curdled fetid musty polluted repulsive
damp foul noisome putrefied rotted
dank gross noxious putrid ruined
decayed mildewed offensive rancid spoiled
decomposed moldy overripe rank tainted

acrid biting harsh piercing salty
astringent cutting intense pungent vinegary

acidic fermented soured tart unwholesome
curdled rancid sourish turned vinegary

cinnamic gingery piquant spiced zesty
distinctive peppery seasoned spirited zippy

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z  Boring:  The cake tasted good.
L Interesting:  He savored each heavenly mouthful of the rich, chocolaty cake.
To Taste
lick sample savor sip slurp

A Taste
bite morsel mouthful nibble sample

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

bland flat insipid unflavored unseasoned
dull flavorless tasteless unsavory vapid

appetizing divine mouthwatering rich tasty
delectable flavorful palatable savory well-prepared
delicious flavorsome pleasant scrumptious well-seasoned
delish luscious pleasing tantalizing zestful

bland flat offensive repulsive undesirable
burnt flavorless oily savorless unpalatable
detestable gross rancid sickening unpleasant
disgusting insipid rank tainted unripe
distasteful loathsome raunchy tasteless unsavory
dull nasty repellent unappealing unseasoned
fishy nauseating repugnant unappetizing vapid

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buttery cinnamic fruity saccharine sweetened
candied citrus honeyed sugar-coated syrupy
candy-coated cloying nectarous sugared toothsome
chocolaty coconut rich sugary vanilla

acidic briny fermented soured tart
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

biting curdled rancid sourish vinegary

curdled foul offensive rancid rotted
decomposed gross overripe rank spoiled
fetid moldy putrid repulsive tainted

acidic biting garlicky metallic tangy
acrid bitter harsh pungent tart
astringent burning medicinal stinging vinegary

biting fiery peppery seasoned spirited
cinnamic gingery piquant snappy zesty
distinctive hot racy spiced zippy

acrid brackish highly flavored pungent well-flavored
alkaline briny over-salted salted well-seasoned

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z  Boring:  The blanket felt soft.
L Interesting:  I snuggled up in the cozy, satin blanket.
To Touch
brush frisk hug poke sting
caress grab itch rub strike
cuddle grasp nudge scratch stroke
dab graze pat smooth tag
embrace handle paw snuggle tap
feel hit pinch squeeze tickle

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

baking feverish lukewarm searing sweltering
blazing fiery ovenlike sizzling tepid
blistering flaming roasting steamy tropical
boiling flushed scalding summery torrid
burning humid scorching sweaty warm
arctic chilly frigid numbing snowy
biting cool frosty piercing stinging
bitter crisp frozen polar tingling
bleak cutting glacial shivering trembling
brisk freezing icy shuddering wintry
arid bare droughty powdery stale
baked barren dusty sapped thirsty
bald dehydrated parched shriveled torrid
damp drizzling muggy slushy soggy
dank foggy pouring snowy sopping
dewy humid rainy soaked steamy
drenched misty showery soaking teary
dripping moist slippery sodden watery
clammy gluey gummy pasty syrupy
gloppy gooey gunky sweaty tacky

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creamy fluid glossy silky slippery
flat flush polished sleek velvety
flowing glassy satiny slick waxy

bearded choppy jagged ragged scratchy
brambly coarse knotty ridged stony
bristly craggy leathery rocky tangled
bumpy grainy lumpy rugged unshaven
bushy gritty matted sandy wiry
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

chapped hairy prickly scraggy woolly

barbed knife-edged pronged ridged spiny
briery needlelike ragged serrated splintery
horned peaked raggedy spiked tapered
jagged pointy razor-sharp spiky thorny

callous iron packed solid thick
dense leathery rigid stiff tough
firm metal rocky stony wooden

comfy doughy foamy powdery squashy
cozy downy furry satiny squishy
creamy feathery fuzzy silky tender
cushy fluffy mushy spongy velvety

beefy fleshy loaded pulpy thick
bulky hefty massive stout weighted
chunky leaden meaty swollen weighty

airy dainty ethereal fluffy powdery
bubbly downy feathery frothy sheer

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z  Boring:  The room was a mess.
L Interesting:  The disheveled room was littered with beat-up toys and filthy clothes.
bedraggled disorderly grubby raunchy sloppy
botchy disorganized ill-kempt ruffled slovenly
careless filthy lax rumpled uncombed
cluttered foul littered shabby unkempt
dirty frowzy muddled slack untidy
disheveled frumpy mussy slapdash wrinkled
disordered grimy nasty slipshod wrinkly

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

chipper groomed orderly snug trim
clean-cut immaculate organized spick-and-span uncluttered
combed kempt prim spruce unwrinkled
detailed meticulous shipshape tidy well-groomed
fastidious natty snappy trig well-pressed

abandoned dated historical primordial tattered
aged decayed moth-eaten raggedy threadbare
ancient decrepit neglected rickety time-worn
antiquated deteriorated old-fashioned run-down traditional
antique dilapidated outdated rusty used
archaic discarded outmoded scruffy worm-eaten
broken-down dowdy out-of-date shabby worn
cast-off faded outworn shoddy worn-out
crusty hackneyed primitive stale wrinkly

advanced fresh newfound stylish untouched
brand-new latest new-sprung trendy untrodden
contemporary modern novel ultramodern unused
current modernistic original unfamiliar up-to-date
cutting edge new-fashioned recent unspoiled youthful

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black greasy mucky smeared stained
contaminated grimy muddy smudged sullied
cruddy grubby murky soiled sully
dingy grungy nasty soily tainted
draggled icky polluted sooty tarnished
dreggy impure raunchy sordid unclean
dungy mangy scummy splotched unsanitary
dusty mildewed scuzzy spotted unsightly
filthy moldy slimy squalid unswept
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

blank fresh sanitary squeaky unsoiled
bright hygienic shining stainless unsullied
cleansed immaculate shiny taintless untainted
clear impeccable sparkling tidy untarnished
dirtless laundered spick-and-span unblemished washed
flawless pure spotless unpolluted white

beat-up cracked dismembered mutilated shivered
bent crippled flawed peeling shot
blemished crumbled fractured pulverized shredded
broken demolished fragmented ripped slivered
burnt destroyed impaired ruptured smashed
burst dinged injured separated split
busted discolored mangled severed tattered
collapsed disintegrated marred shattered wrecked

complete mint secure steady unimpaired
entire perfect set unblemished uninjured
faultless permanent settled unbroken unmarked
firm plenary shipshape uncut unmarred
fixed preserved solid undefiled unruffled
flawless replete sound undivided unscathed
full rooted stable unharmed untouched
intact safe steadfast unified whole

· · · 31 · · ·
z  Boring:  The ballerina was thin.
L Interesting:  Petite and slender, the ballerina twirled like a dainty flower.
angular frail malnourished scrawny slight
bony gangly narrow skeletal slim
emaciated gaunt petite skin-and-bone stick
dainty lanky puny skinny twiggy
ethereal lean rawboned slender underweight


Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

beefy burly heavy-set plump round
big-boned chubby husky plumpish shapeless
bloated chunky lumpy portly solid
brawny dense massive potbellied stocky
broad elephantine obese pudgy stout
bulging full-bodied oversized robust thick
bulky gargantuan paunchy rotund wide

compact little pint-sized stunted tiny
dwarfed low runty stubby undersized
dwarfish miniature squat stumpy wee

alpine gangly lanky skyscraping stretched
beanstalk giant lofty stick towering

decrepit effeminate feeble fragile puny
delicate emaciated flaccid frail sickly

beefy burly muscular robust solid
brawny firm powerful rugged strapping

athletic healthy shapely toned trim

· · · 32 · · ·
z  Boring:  She had pretty hair.
L Interesting:  Long, flowing locks of strawberry blonde hair curled down her back.
cut locks mop tendrils tufts
fuzz mane strands tresses wisps

bouncy flaky groomed shiny stringy
clean flowing messy silky tangled
coarse fluffy neat sleek thick
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

dingy flyaway oily smooth thin

drab frizzy puffy soft tidy
dry glistening raggedy springy trimmed
dull glossy ratty straggly wiry
fine grimy shaggy straw-like unkempt

buzzed cropped mid-length shaved shoulder-length
chin-length long receding short waist-length

afro cowlick kinky pinned stiff
bangs crimped knotted pleated straight
bobbed curled layered ponytail teased
bowl cut curly nappy ringlets tussled
braided feathered mohawk shaved twisted
bun flattop permed slicked uneven
buzz gelled pigtail spiked wavy

amber chestnut flaxen platinum straw
ash-blonde coal black frosted raven strawberry blonde
auburn copper golden red streaked
black dark gray russet tawny
bleached dirty blonde highlighted sandy blonde towheaded
blond fair jet black silver washed out
bronze fake light silvery white
brunette fiery red pale snowy white yellow

· · · 33 · · ·
z  Boring:  He had an unusual face.
L Interesting:  He had droopy eyes, pointy ears, and a crooked nose.
bony chubby full hollow round
chipmunk dimpled high puffy sunken

dimpled double long pointy square

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

elephant elf floppy pointy shell-like

arched bushy high penciled-in thin
broad defined narrow thick wide

dark full long short thick

almond-shaped bright droopy puffy slit
beady bug narrow round squinty
bloodshot cat oval slanted wide

Facial Hair
beard clean-shaven mustache scruffy sideburns
bristles goatee scratchy shaven whiskers

broad flat high long pronounced

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cracked full pouty pursed thin
fat plump puckered supple wide

crooked gaping open slack-jawed wide

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

blunt button flat pug straight

broad crinkled hooked Roman tiny
bulbous crooked long ski jump upturned
bumpy delicate pointy slender wide

broad flared narrow pointy wide

aged clear healthy pimply splotchy
albino cold leathery pockmarked supple
ashen dark light rosy swarthy
ashy dimpled milky white rough tan
baby fair moley ruddy taut
blanched flushed oily sallow washed-out
bleached freckled old scarred weathered
blotchy freckly olive sensitive white
blushing ghastly white pale sickly wrinkled
bruised ghostly white pallid smooth wrinkly
clammy glowing pasty white soft youthful

bucked chipped crooked pointy straight

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Character Traits
z  Boring:  The nurse was nice to her patient.
L Interesting:  The tender and compassionate nurse never left her patient’s side.
bossy ingenious enthusiastic funny irresponsible
aggressive innovative ardent amusing careless
controlling inspired eager comical flighty
demanding inventive earnest entertaining forgetful
domineering original excited hilarious inattentive
forceful unique exuberant humorous undependable
intimidating passionate hysterical unreliable
overbearing determined zealous witty untrustworthy
tyrannical driven
evil generous jealous

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

brave persevering corrupt benevolent covetous
adventurous persistent fiendish charitable envious
audacious steadfast hateful magnanimous green-eyed
bold immoral noble possessive
chivalrous dishonest monstrous selfless
courageous corrupt sinful self-sacrificing kind
daring deceitful sinister unselfish caring
dauntless deceptive vile compassionate
fearless devious wicked hard-working considerate
gallant disingenuous ambitious courteous
heroic untruthful forgiving assiduous gentle
knightly gracious diligent gracious
valiant disobedient magnanimous loving
valorous defiant merciful honest soft-hearted
insubordinate honorable sweet
cowardly lawless friendly forthright sympathetic
fearful rebellious affable sincere tender
gutless undisciplined amiable straightforward thoughtful
passive unmanageable amicable trustworthy warm
spineless unruly congenial truthful
timid convivial lazy
weak driven cordial hostile heavy-footed
industrious genial aggressive idle
crazy sedulous good-natured antagonistic indolent
demented warm argumentative languorous
disturbed studious belligerent slothful
insane fun combative slow-moving
lunatic energetic amusing contentious unmotivated
maniacal active convivial pugnacious
animated enjoyable quarrelsome loyal
creative enthusiastic entertaining committed
artistic high-spirited exciting humble dedicated
clever lively imaginative meek devoted
gifted sprightly lively modest faithful
imaginative vivacious playful self-effacing steadfast
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Character Traits
mean positive rude strange mischievous
barbarous cheerful boorish awkward scheming
brutal hopeful churlish bizarre shrewd
cold-hearted idealistic discourteous eccentric sly
cruel optimistic disrespectful mysterious sneaky
heartless sanguine impertinent odd wily
insensitive impolite outlandish
practical peculiar
malevolent impudent uncaring
malicious level-headed unusual apathetic
logical inconsiderate
ruthless insolent weird callous
uncaring rational surly cold
unkind uncivil stubborn heartless
realistic hardheaded
vicious reasonable indifferent
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

sensible selfish insensitive

moral egocentric obstinate unsympathetic
chaste prideful greedy persistent
ethical arrogant miserly stiff-necked understanding
noble boastful parsimonious strong-willed accepting
principled conceited self-centered willful empathetic
pure egotistical stingy perceptive
righteous haughty stupid sensitive
virtuous narcissistic brainless sympathetic
serious foolish
pompous austere
negative smug idiotic unforgiving
vain humorless imbecilic
critical intense mindless begrudging
cynical respectable solemn moronic bitter
defeated admirable somber simple embittered
hopeless honorable stern unintelligent merciless
pessimistic laudable witless resentful
sarcastic praiseworthy silly
reputable childish talented unsocial
outgoing upright clownish accomplished introverted
convivial immature adept reclusive
extroverted responsible nonsensical artistic reserved
gregarious conscientious senseless brilliant solitary
personable dependable experienced standoffish
sociable dutiful smart unsociable
mature expert
social bookish gifted withdrawn
unreserved reliable bright
trustworthy ingenious
brilliant skilled wise
polite revengeful clever skillful discerning
affable malicious ingenious enlightened
civil punitive intellectual tricky insightful
cordial retaliatory intelligent conniving judicious
courteous spiteful knowledgeable crafty perceptive
gracious vengeful quick-witted cunning prudent
respectful vindictive sharp devious sagacious
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Emotions / Feelings
z  Boring:  The singer on the stage was scared.
L Interesting:  Trembling in terror, the panic-stricken singer stood frozen on stage.
afraid angry ill-tempered reposeful disappointed
aghast boiling irritable restful disconcerted
alarmed cross irritated serene discontented
apprehensive enraged moody soothing discouraged
blanched fiery peeved still disenchanted
cowardly fuming peevish stormless disgruntled
cowed furious petulant tranquil disheartened

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

heated sulky undisturbed disillusioned
incensed sullen unruffled dissatisfied
indignant temperamental waveless downhearted
inflamed vexed windless embittered
distressed infuriated frustrated
faint-hearted irate ashamed resentful
fearful maddened apologetic saddened
frightened outraged contrite thwarted
frozen provoked disappointed ungratified
horrified rabid mournful unsatisfied
intimidated raging penitent vanquished
panicked riled regretful
panicky vexed remorseful embarrassed
panic-stricken wrathful repentant abashed
rueful disconcerted ashamed
petrified disoriented
rattled annoyed sorrowful chagrined
agitated sorry distracted disconcerted
scared dizzy
bothered disgraced
shaken flummoxed
crabby calm humbled
shocked flustered
cranky harmonious humiliated
spooked disgruntled mellow muddled mortified
startled displeased peaceful mystified shamed
stunned dissatisfied placid perplexed
terrified frustrated quiescent puzzled excited
terror-stricken grouchy quiet stumped agitated
trembling grumpy relaxed unglued animated
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Emotions / Feelings
aroused joyous jumpy heartbroken surprised
awakened jubilant nervy heartsick agape
charged lighthearted restless heartsore aghast
delighted merry skittish heavy-hearted amazed
eager mirthful tense inconsolable astonished
emotional overjoyed uneasy languishing astounded
enthusiastic peppy uptight low-spirited
feverish perky worried lugubrious
hyper playful melancholy
miserable dumbstruck
hysterical pleasant proud
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

jumpy pleased contented morose

mournful floored
lively sunny dignified
passionate thrilled gratified somber overwhelmed
stirred upbeat honored sorrowful shocked
thrilled pleased troubled speechless
weeping staggered
wild lonely satisfied
wistful startled
happy forlorn sad stunned
blessed forsaken bereaved thrown
blissful isolated brokenhearted thunderstruck
blithe lonesome crestfallen
cheerful reclusive crushed upset
cheery rejected dejected humble agitated
chipper secluded depressed introverted bothered
chirpy solitary despairing meek disconcerted
content unsocial despondent modest dismayed
contented withdrawn devastated mousy disquieted
convivial disconsolate quiet distraught
delighted nervous dismal rabbity
ecstatic anxious doleful distressed
elated apprehensive downcast disturbed
exultant concerned forlorn self-conscious stressed
gleeful distressed gloomy sheepish troubled
gratified flustered glum skittish unglued
jolly high-strung grief-stricken timid unsettled
joyful jittery grieved unassertive worried
· · · 39 · · ·
Big / Small
z  Boring:  The cat was big and the mouse was small.
L Interesting:  The monstrously oversized cat towered over the teensy mouse.
Big Small
ample major baby piddling
behemoth mammoth bite-sized pint-sized
broad massive bitty pocket-sized
bulky mighty cramped puny

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

burly mountainous diminutive runty
capacious monstrous dwarfish scanty
colossal monumental inconsequential scrubby
overgrown inconsiderable short
oversized insignificant shrimp
prodigious light skimpy
roomy limited slight
sizable little smallish
spacious meager stubby
staggering microscopic stunted
stupendous mini teeny
substantial miniature teensy
hulking titanic miniscule tiny

humongous towering minor toy

husky tremendous minute trifling

immeasurable unrestricted modest trivial
immense vast narrow truncated
jumbo voluminous paltry undersized
magnificent whopping petite wee
· · · 40 · · ·
Beautiful / Ugly
z  Boring:  The haircut was ugly.
L Interesting:  The frightful haircut bordered on grotesque.
Beautiful Ugly
adorable grand abnormal monstrous
alluring handsome appalling nasty
appealing ideal awful nauseating
attractive impressive bad-looking obnoxious
beckoning interesting beastly odd
becoming inviting bizarre outlandish
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

bewitching lovely creepy piggish

breathtaking luring deformed plain
captivating magnificent disagreeable repellent
charming majestic disfigured repugnant
classy marvelous disgusting repulsive
comely mesmeric distasteful revolting
cute pleasant distorted shocking
dazzling pleasing eerie sickening
delightful pretty foul sordid
divine radiant freakish sorry
elegant ravishing frightful strange
enchanting refined grisly terrible
engaging resplendent gross unalluring
enthralling shapely grotesque unappealing
enticing sightly grungy unattractive
excellent splendid hag-like uncomely
exquisite statuesque hard-featured undesirable
fair stunning hideous uninviting
fascinating sublime homely unnatural
fetching superb horrid unpleasant
fine tantalizing horrifying unseemly
glamorous well-formed ill-favored unsightly
good-looking well-groomed inelegant vile
gorgeous winsome loathsome weird
graceful wonderful misshapen wretched
· · · 41 · · ·
Good / Bad
z  Boring:  The weather was bad, but we had a good day.
L Interesting:  Despite the foul weather, we still had a sensational day at the park.
Good Bad
admirable mind-blowing abominable horrifying
amazing miraculous appalling loathsome
astonishing notable atrocious lousy
astounding noteworthy awful lurid
awe-inspiring outrageous base mean

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

awesome outstanding beastly nasty
beautiful overwhelming contemptible nauseating
breathtaking phenomenal cursed obnoxious
brilliant prodigious deplorable obscene
commendable remarkable despicable odious
distinguished sensational detestable offensive
excellent spectacular disagreeable raunchy
exceptional splendid disgusting repellent
exciting stirring dreadful reprehensible
extraordinary striking foul repugnant
fabulous stunning frightening repulsive
fantastic stupendous frightful revolting
fine superb ghastly scandalous
glorious superior grim scary
illustrious terrific grisly shameful
impressive thrilling gruesome shocking
incredible unbelievable hateful sickening
inspiring unreal heinous terrible
legendary unrivaled hideous terrifying
lofty valuable horrendous unpleasant
magnificent wonderful horrible vile
marvelous wondrous horrid wretched
memorable abhorrent horrific
· · · 42 · · ·
Interesting / Boring
z  Boring:  The book was boring.
L Interesting:  The dull, monotonous book left me feeling uninspired.
Interesting Boring
absorbing colorless
alluring commonplace
amusing dead
appealing drab
arresting dreary
captivating drudging
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

charismatic dull
compelling flat
curious ho-hum
delightful humdrum
enchanting insipid
engaging interminable
engrossing lackluster
entertaining lifeless
enthralling monotone
entrancing monotonous
exceptional platitudinous
exciting repetitious
exotic routine
fascinating spiritless
gripping stale
impressive stereotypical
intriguing stodgy
provocative tedious
refreshing tiresome
riveting trite
spellbinding unanimated
stimulating unexciting
stirring uninspired
striking uninteresting
thought-provoking vapid
unusual wearisome
· · · 43 · · ·
A Little / A Lot
z  Boring:  The night sky had a lot of stars.
L Interesting:  The stars were numberless in the night sky.
A Little A Lot
a few abundant
a handful of bounteous
a scattering of bountiful
a sprinkling of copious
inconsequential countless

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

inconsiderable endless
infrequent immeasurable
insufficient incalculable
limited infinite
meager innumerable
minor limitless
minute many
negligible multifarious
occasional multiple
paltry multitudinous
petty myriad
piddling numberless
rare numerous
scant plentiful
scanty plenty of
scarce scads of
scarcely any several
skimpy swarming with
slight teeming with
slim uncountable
some unlimited
sparse voluminous

· · · 44 · · ·
Easy / Hard
z  Boring:  The homework was easy, but the test was hard.
L Interesting:  The homework was manageable, but the test was complicated.
Easy Hard
accessible arduous
apparent backbreaking
basic bothersome
clear-cut burdensome
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

direct challenging
effortless complex
elemental complicated
elementary confusing
evident demanding
facile difficult
manageable exacting
obvious exhausting
painless formidable
plain grueling
routine involved
self-explanatory laborious
simple painful
smooth perplexing
straightforward problematic
uncomplicated puzzling
undemanding strenuous
understandable troublesome
uninvolved trying
workable unclear

· · · 45 · · ·
Compare / Contrast
z  Boring:  Tennis is played on a court, and baseball is played on a field.
L Interesting:  Tennis is played on a court, whereas baseball is played on a field.
Comparing Words Contrasting Words
alike although
at first glance at first glance
besides but
both by contrast

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

by comparison contrast
comparable conversely
compare despite
compared to differ
in common differences
in comparison to different
in the same manner different from
in the same way even though
just as however
like in contrast
likewise instead
on the one hand on the contrary
resemble on the other hand
resemblance opposite
share unlike
similarities variations
similarity varied
similarly vary
similar to whereas
the same while
the same as yet

· · · 46 · · ·
Be Specific! How to avoid using the word “thing.”
z  Boring:  Frogs and toads have many things in common.
L Interesting:  Frogs and toads have many characteristics in common.
achievement effect ideal problem talent
accomplishment aftermath intention challenge ability
advancement consequence objective concern capability
contribution outcome plan conflict genius
feat ramification difficulty gift
improvement result issue dilemma power
progress argument disadvantage skill
success effort controversy frustration strength
action focus hardship
Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

belief attempt question type

conviction endeavor subject predicament category
feeling step quagmire description
theme quandary
idea stride topic example
notion undertaking struggle form
opinion trial genre
enjoyment item trouble
position article group
theory activity weakness kind
understanding amusement object proof model
view diversion particular pattern
entertainment data sort
possession evidence
chance hobby product fact variety
opportunity interest statistic
possibility pastime part testimony value
prospect recreation verification advantage
aspect benefit
characteristic experience component importance
detail reason
aspect adventure argument meaning
attribute affair element merit
factor explanation
distinction encounter justification purpose
feature enterprise feature significance
particular motive
peculiarity escapade pretext use
property event section worth
segment rationale
quality exploration
trademark exposure situation way
trait involvement place circumstance approach
ordeal area episode course
choice participation locale event direction
alternative undertaking location happening manner
decision venture scene incident method
option setting issue mode
possibility goal spot matter style
preference aim site occasion system
selection ambition vicinity occurrence technique
· · · 47 · · ·
50 Boring Words and Phrases to Avoid
Don’t get stuck in old writing habits! When you find yourself about to use these
tired words and phrases, search for more specific and lively ones!

Boring Word/Phrase Page Boring Word/Phrase Page

A little . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
A lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Asked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Loud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Bad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26, 42 New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Beautiful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Big . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Purple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Boring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 See . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–15
Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Slow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Dirty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Easy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Smell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26, 42 Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 27
Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Tall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Happy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 39 Thing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Hard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 45 To end this paper . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Hear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ugly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Hot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Interesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

· · · 48 · · ·
My Own List of Interesting Words

Instead of…
moved, I could use
_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 7)

said, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 14)

big, I could use

Banish Boring Words © Leilen Shelton, Scholastic Teaching Resources

_____________, _____________, _____________

(see page 40)

small, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 40)

beautiful, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 41)

ugly, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 41)

good, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 42)

bad, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 42)

interesting, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 43)

boring, I could use

_____________, _____________, _____________
(see page 43)

· · · 49 · · ·

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