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Grammar 1.


Devised and compiled by

Gerard Leary B.Sc., Grad. Dip. Spec. Ed, T.T.C.

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1.








Articles, Conjunctions & Prepositions



© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1.

Copyright: Hoopers Multimedia

First Published in 2001 by Hoopers Multimedia .

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Devised and compiled by Gerard Leary

Graphical Images from MS Publisher 98 Clip Art
Set in 12/14/16 pt Times New Roman

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

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The SuperLearning Series consists of educational CD-ROM

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© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1. “Worksheets”
Teaching Notes

Common Nouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1- 5

Proper Nouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 6 - 10

Collective Nouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 11 - 15

Abstract Nouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 16 - 20

Forming Nouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 21 - 25

Nouns - Number
Grammar 1. Worksheets 26 - 30

Nouns - Gender
Grammar 1. Worksheets 31 - 35

Nouns - Case
Grammar 1. Worksheets 36 - 40


© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.
A noun is a naming word. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. There are four main
kinds of nouns – common nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns and abstract nouns.

Common Nouns
A common noun refers to anything we can see, hear or touch. Common nouns do not need capital
These are examples of common nouns:-
truck hill girl
horse hat mountain
gate football orange

Proper nouns
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing. All proper nouns begin with a
capital letter.
These are examples of proper nouns:-
Wayne Easter Wednesday
France Margaret November
Volvo Germany Los Angeles
Murray London October

Collective Nouns
A collective noun is the name given to a group of persons or things.
These are examples of collective nouns:-
herd team bunch
flock cluster audience
school batch network
pack litter swarm

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Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun is the name of a thing that cannot be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt.
Abstract nouns are the names of states, emotions, qualities or processes that exist in your mind.
These are examples of abstract nouns:-
sickness horror evil
beauty anger jealousy

Nouns can be formed from other parts of speech.

Verbal Nouns
Another type of noun is called a gerund or verbal noun. A gerund or verbal noun is a verb ending
in –ing that is used as a noun.

These are examples of verbal nouns:-

Jogging is a healthy exercise.
Fishing is a popular pastime.
I like eating.

Other Nouns Formed From Verbs

Some verbs are changed to form nouns by adding endings like these:-
-ment, -tion, -iour, -ent, -ence, -ance, -or

Verb Noun
require requirement
study student
decide decision
perform performance
terrify terror

Nouns Formed From Adjectives

Some adjectives are changed to form nouns by adding endings like these: -ness, -ery, -ty, -ity

Adjective Noun
dark darkness
brave bravery
simple simplicity
anxious anxiety
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Nouns Formed From Another Noun
Some nouns are changed to form new nouns by adding endings like these: -er, -or, -ist

Noun New Noun

organ organist
council councillor
journal journalist

Compound Words
Many compound words are formed by combining two nouns.

Noun Noun Compound Word
foot + ball = football
cow + boy = cowboy
farm + house = farmhouse

Singular and Plural Nouns
Nouns have number, they can be either singular or plural. Singular means one, plural means more
than one.

Most nouns form their plural by adding –s to the singular form.

e.g. one card – a deck of cards one skateboard –two skateboards

Nouns that end in “ay”, “ey” or “oy” form plurals by adding “s” :-
e.g. one monkey - two monkeys one day - seven days

Nouns that end in “y” but have a consonant before the “y” form their plurals by changing the “y”
to an”i” and adding “es”:-
e.g. one lolly – a bag of lollies a berry – many berries

Nouns that end in “f” form plurals either by simply adding “s” or by changing the “f” to “v” and
then adding “es” :-
e.g. one chief – many chiefs one calf – three calves

Most nouns that end in “o” form their plurals by adding “es” :-
e.g. a tomato – a basket of tomatoes a hero – many heroes

Other nouns that end in “o” form their plurals by simply adding “s” :-
e.g. a piano – two pianos a studio – many studios

Some nouns have the same form for singular and plural :-
e.g. a mackerel – five mackerel a sheep – a flock of sheep

Some nouns have unusual plurals which you need to learn :-

e.g. a mouse – three mice a foot – two feet
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A noun is the name of a person or thing that is either masculine (male), feminine (female), neuter
(neither masculine or feminine) or common (either masculine or feminine).

Masculine Nouns
Masculine nouns are the names of male creatures.
These are examples of masculine nouns:-
man son uncle
rooster colt nephew

Feminine Nouns
Feminine nouns are the names of female creatures.
These are examples of feminine nouns:-
woman mare queen
daughter niece aunt

Neuter Nouns
Neuter nouns are the names of things that are neither male or female:-
These are examples of neuter nouns:-
hill school truck
plain house water

Common Nouns
Common nouns are the names of things that can be either male or female.
These are examples of common nouns:-
child horse kitten
dog teacher duckling

The term case refers to the position a noun has in relation to other words in a sentence. A noun
can either have nominative (or subjective), objective or possessive case.

Nominative Case
A noun is said to have nominative (or subjective) case if it is the subject of the verb.

Objective Case
A noun is said to have objective case if it is the object of a verb or preposition.

Possessive Case
A noun is said to have possessive case if it shows ownership.
The mechanic repaired the farmer’s tractor.
mechanic - (nominative case) tractor - (objective case)
farmer’s - (possessive case)
© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.
NOUNS (Common Nouns)

A common noun is used to name anything we can see, hear or


Choose a word to complete the sets of words.

bus rib cup pen

dog jet tree apple

1. leg, elbow, arm ……………….…

2. saucer, plate, bowl ……………..…

3. car, train, truck ………..………

4. pencil, biro, crayon ………………..

5. plane, helicopter, rocket ……………..

6. banana, pear, apricot ………..…..

7. cat, bird, sheep …………………..

8. shrub, plant, flower ……………….

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.
NOUNS (Common Nouns)

A common noun is used to name anything we can see, hear or


Choose a word to complete the sets of words.

hand stream peach helium

pony opal zinc dress

1. plum, orange, grape ……………….…

2. valley, mountain, river ……………….…

3. nickel, iron, lead ……………….…

4. cow, horse, donkey ……………….…

5. wrist, shoulder, foot ……………….…

6. ruby, garnet, diamond ……………….…

7. skirt, scarf, trousers ……………….…

8. oxygen, hydrogen, neon ……………….…

Name: ……………………….…..…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.
NOUNS (Common Nouns)

A common noun is used to name anything we can see, hear or touch.

Circle the common noun in each row that is out of place.

1. gorilla seal elephant rhinoceros

2. gum pansy elm maple

3. pork steak cheese mutton

4. radish celery coffee cabbage

5. octopus starfish worm squid

6. ear elbow wrist glove

7. kangaroo koala wombat zebra

8. scarf boot shoe slippers

9. cup plate saucer bath

10. beans carrots apples peas

11. banana apricot celery mango

12. sparrow robin magpie rabbit

Name: ……………………………..…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.
NOUNS (Common Nouns)

A common noun is used to name anything we can see, hear or


Choose the common noun described below.

jacket greenhouse lily heart

pineapple iron trumpet dentist

1. a musical instrument ……………….…

2. a place for growing plants ……………….…

3. something you wear ……………….…

4. blood is pumped by your ……………….…

5. a tropical fruit ……………….…

6. a water plant ……………….…

7. someone who looks after your teeth ……………….…

8. used to make steel ……………….…

Name: ……………………..…………….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.
NOUNS (Common Nouns)

A common noun is used to name anything we can see, hear or


Choose the common noun that best completes each sentence


kennel florist hive flag

lamb bulb atlas nose

1. Nostrils are part of your ……………………. .

2. A ……………………. sells flowers.

3. A daffodil grows from a ……………………. .

4. A ……………………. is a home for bees.

5. I put the puppy back in its ……………………. .

6. A young sheep is called a ……………………. .

7. A book of maps is called an ……………………. .

8. The Australian ……………………. has six stars.

Name: ……………………..…….. Date: …………….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.
NOUNS (Proper Nouns)

A proper noun is the special name of a person, place or thing.

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.

Select the word that names each group of proper nouns.

rivers cities planets months

states oceans mountains days

1. Earth, Mars, Jupiter ……………….…

2. Nile, Mississippi, Amazon ……………….…

3. Tokyo, Rome, Sydney ……………….…

4. Tasmania, Queensland, Victoria ……………….…

5. Wednesday, Sunday, Tuesday ……………….…

6. Kosciuzko, Everest, McKinley ……………….…

7. Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic ……………….…

8. June, May, April ……………….…

Name: ……………………..…….. Date: …………….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.
NOUNS (Proper Nouns)

A proper noun is the special name of a person, place or thing.

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.

Select the word that names each group of proper nouns.

deserts countries islands continents

days rivers seas cities

1. Murray, Yangtze, Ganges ……………….…

2. Tasman, Timor, Coral ……………….…

3. Sahara, Gobi, Kalahari ……………….…

4. Chicago, Los Angeles, London ……………….…

5. Saturday, Monday, Thursday ……………….…

6. Asia, South America, Antarctica ……………….…

7. Peru, Canada, India ……………….…

8. Kangaroo, King, Flinders ……………….…

Name: ……………………..…….. Date: …………….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.
NOUNS (Proper Nouns)

The names of the days of the week and the months of the year are
proper nouns.

Choose the correct proper noun to complete each sentence below.

December Friday March May

Wednesday Monday September Tuesday

1. The day before Tuesday is ……………….… .

2. ……………….… is the third month of the year.

3. The last month of the year is ……………….… .

4. The day after Tuesday is ……………….… .

5. The third day of the week is ……………….… .

6. The month before June is ……………….… .

7. The day after Thursday is ……………….… .

8. The ninth month of the year is ……………….… .

Name: ……………………..…….. Date: …………….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.
NOUNS (Proper Nouns)

A proper noun is the special name of a person, place or thing.

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.

Match the proper noun in the box with the common noun below.

Eyre Brisbane Mercury Thursday

Indian Snowy Matthew Indonesia

1. city ……………….…

2. river ……………….…

3. boy ……………….…

4. lake ……………….…

5. country ……………….…

6. ocean ……………….…

7. day ……………….…

8. planet ……………….…

Name: ……………………..…….. Date: …………….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.
NOUNS (Proper Nouns)

A proper noun is the special name of a person, place or thing.

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.

Add a proper noun from the box to complete each sentence below.

Rio de Janeiro Adelaide Fido Mazda

Wednesday Emily Thailand March

1. ……………………. is the name of our new dog.

2. My friend is a girl called ……………………. .

3. My sister’s birthday is in ……………………. .

4. The capital city of South Australia is ……………………. .

5. ……………………. is an Asian country.

6. The fourth day of the week is ……………………. .

7. Our new car is a ……………………. .

8. ……………………. is a South American city.

Name: ……………………..…….. Date: …………….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.
NOUNS (Collective Nouns)

A collective noun is the name given to a group of persons, animals

or things.

Choose the word from the box that names each collection of

crockery vegetables clothes furniture

meat stationery insects fruit

1. pen, ruler, paperclip and pencil …………….……

2. wasp, ant, fly and mosquito …………………. .

3. steak, mutton, veal and sausage ………………….

4. plate, cup, saucer and bowl …………………..

5. apple, apricot, orange and lemon ………………….

6. shirt, jumper, socks and trousers ………………….

7. bean, pea, turnip and lettuce …………………..

8. couch, stool, table and chair ………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.
NOUNS (Collective Nouns)

A collective noun is the name given to a group of persons, animals

or things.

Choose a collective noun from the box to fill each space below.

fleet team mob crowd

cluster network batch litter

1. a …………….…… of basketball players

2. a …………………. of kangaroos

3. a …………………. of stars

4. a …………………. of computers

5. a …………………. of onlookers

6. a …………………. of puppies

7. a …………………. of scones

8. a …………………. of ships

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.
NOUNS (Collective Nouns)

A collective noun is the name given to a group of persons, animals

or things.

Match each collective noun to the group it names.

locusts geese flowers thieves

stairs sheep shoes elephants

1. a flock of …………….……

2. a bunch of ………………….

3. a flight of ………………….

4. a plague of ………………….

5. a herd of ………………….

6. a gang of ………………….

7. a gaggle of ………………….

8. a pair of ………………….

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.
NOUNS (Collective Nouns)

A collective noun is the name given to a group of persons, animals

or things.

Write each noun under its collective heading below.

shrub cloves tuna harp

flathead cinnamon tree nutmeg

trombone grass cod guitar

Musical Instruments Spices

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Fish Plants

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.
NOUNS (Collective Nouns)

A collective noun is the name given to a group of persons, animals

or things.

Choose the collective noun that best completes each sentence


team hail shoal swarm

bunch crowd batch colony

1. The popstar was surrounded by a ……………………. of fans.

2. The farmer was attacked by a ……………………. of bees.

3. He shared the ……………………. of grapes with his brother.

4. The bus was booked by a ……………………. of footballers.

5. Their backyard was invaded by a ……………………. of ants.

6. Our grandmother baked a ……………………. of scones.

7. The gangster was shot in a ……………………. of bullets.

8. The trawler was surrounded by a ……………………. of fish.

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.
NOUNS (Abstract Nouns)

An abstract noun is the name of something that cannot be seen, heard,

smelled, tasted or felt.

Circle the abstract noun in each of the following groups of words.

1. seat fear deer beer

2. hope rope piano wattle

3. lion peace castle milk

4. finger misery bandit truck

5. woman tree wall failure

6. neighbour coat brooch hunger

7. ladder humour student stream

8. darkness wasp toilet duck

9. sledge shame sugar school

10. ceiling blanket plane pity

11. book truth tribe potato

12. street button field care

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.
NOUNS (Abstract Nouns)

An abstract noun is the name of something that cannot be seen, heard,

smelled, tasted or felt.

Match the abstract nouns that have similar meanings.

attempt desire fairness sorrow

excitement breakdown harmony fragrance

replacement fatigue loveliness start

1. justness …………….. 7. odour …..……………

2. peace …………….. 8. substitute …..……………

3. craving …………….. 9. grief …..……………

4. try …………….. 10. elation …..……………

5. beginning …………….. 11. beauty …..……………

6. weariness …………….. 12. decay …..……………

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.
NOUNS (Abstract Nouns)

An abstract noun is the name of something that cannot be seen, heard,

smelled, tasted or felt.

Choose the abstract noun described below.

loss pity poverty evil

disorder greed fun shyness

1. a state of untidiness ………………..

2. a feeling of being sorry for someone ………………..

3. a wicked or harmful activity or situation ………………..

4. nervousness in a social situation ………………..

5. when something goes missing ………………..

6. a state of being very poor ………………..

7. the desire for more than you need ………………..

8. an enjoyable and lighthearted activity ………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.
NOUNS (Abstract Nouns)

An abstract noun is the name of something that cannot be seen, heard,

smelled, tasted or felt.

Choose the abstract noun described below.

danger hunger pleasure thirst

love hate difference praise

1. a strong emotional feeling of affection ………………..

2. expression of strong approval ………………..

3. a feeling of happiness or satisfaction ………………..

4. the possibility of someone being harmed ………………..

5. the need or desire to eat ………………..

6. a strong dislike of something ………………..

7. the need or desire to drink ………………..

8. the way in which things are unlike ………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.
NOUNS (Abstract Nouns)

An abstract noun is the name of something that cannot be seen, heard,

smelled, tasted or felt.

Choose the abstract noun that best completes each sentence below.

wisdom force importance freedom

bravery fear joy impatience

1. Good soldiers are known for their ……………….. .

2. The ……………….. of the occasion was not lost on them.

3. People who hate waiting show ……………….. .

4. Animals that are locked up lose their ……………….. .

5. A frightened cat shows ……………….. .

6. ……………….. is a feeling of great happiness.

7. Clever people are known for their ……………….. .

8. The ……………….. of the wind destroyed the fence.

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.
NOUNS (Forming Nouns)

A verbal noun is a verb ending in “ing” that is used as a noun.

Choose the verbal noun that best completes each sentence below.

fishing littering cheating bleeding

reading chirping rowing planning

1. ……………….. for the trip had begun four months ago.

2. The river is well known for its excellent ……………….. .

3. Fines have been increased for ……………….. .

4. The casino is on the alert for ……………….. .

5. ……………….. is an Olympic sport.

6. The ……………….. of the birds grew louder.

7. ……………….. is an excellent way to acquire knowledge.

8. The bandage soon stopped the ……………….. .

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.
NOUNS (Forming Nouns)

A verbal noun is a verb ending in “ing” that is used as a noun.

Choose the verbal noun that best completes each sentence below.

building playing stopping croaking

delaying bullying washing cooking

1. We stood for the ……………….. of the national anthem.

2. ……………….. is no longer acceptable in the playground.

3. The ……………….. of the frogs was getting louder.

4. The ……………….. of the performance annoyed the audience.

5. We all loved mum’s ……………….. .

6. Place the ……………….. in the laundry basket.

7. The ……………….. has five storeys.

8. ……………….. is difficult with worn brakes.

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.
NOUNS (Forming Nouns)

Some nouns are formed by changing verbs by adding endings like :-

–ment, -tion, -iour, -ent, -ence, -ance, -ure etc.

Make nouns from each of the verbs below.

1. punish a severe …………….……

2. lose a sad …………….……

3. appear an untidy …………….……

4. choose an excellent …………….……

5. please an unexpected …………….……

6. invent a clever …………….……

7. weigh a heavy …………….……

8. perform a courageous …………….……

9. decide a quick …………….……

10. admire a strong …………….……

11. require a necessary …………….……

12. describe a glowing …………….……

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.
NOUNS (Forming Nouns)

Some nouns are formed from adjectives by adding an “–ness” ending.

If the adjective ends in “y” it is changed to an “i” before adding “ness”

Make nouns from each of the adjectives below by ending “ness”.

1. sad + ness = …………….……

2. lonely + ness = …………….……

3. happy + ness = …………….……

4. bold + ness = …………….……

5. fair + ness = …………….……

6. weary + ness = …………….……

7. crazy + ness = …………….……

8. ease + ness = …………….……

9. dark + ness = …………….……

10. fond + ness = …………….……

11. fancy + ness = …………….……

12. cold + ness = …………….……

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.
NOUNS (Forming Nouns)

Some new nouns are formed by joining two smaller words together. These
words are called compound words.

Divide these compound words into two smaller words.

1. flagpole …………….. ………………

2. classroom …………….. ………………

3. goldfish …………….. ………………

4. seashore …………….. ………………

5. rosebud …………….. ………………

6. backbone …………….. ………………

7. raincoat …………….. ………………

8. nightclub …………….. ………………

9. ballroom …………….. ………………

10. cowboy …………….. ………………

11. footprint …………….. ………………

12. pineapple …………….. ………………

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.
NOUNS (Number)

Nouns can be either singular (truck, box, woman, knife) or plural

(trucks, boxes, women, knives). Most nouns add “s” to form plurals :-
e.g. one room many rooms
one gate two gates

Fill in the missing words below.

1. One ……………….. Many cows

2. A tree A forest of ………………..

3. One ……………….. A bunch of flowers

4. A bee A swarm of ………………..

5. One ……………….. A flight of stairs

6. One ship A fleet of ………………….

7. A lion A pride of ………………..

8. One ……………….. A pod of whales

9. A taxi A fleet of ………………..

10. A ……………….. A bunch of grapes

11. One card A deck of ………………..

12. A book A library of ………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.
NOUNS (Number)

Nouns can be either singular (truck, box, woman, knife) or

plural (trucks, boxes, women, knives).
Nouns that end in “ay”, “ey” or “oy” form plurals by adding “s” :-
e.g. one monkey - two monkeys one day - seven days
Nouns that end in “y” but have a consonant before the “y” form their
plurals by changing the “y” to an”i” and adding “es”:-
e.g. one lolly – a bag of lollies a berry – many berries

Fill in the missing words below.

1. One valley Many………………..

2. A pony A paddock full of ………………..

3. A tray Five ………………..

4. A story Many ………………..

5. A family Several ………………..

6. One enemy Many ………………….

7. A lady A roomful of ………………..

8. One key A set of ………………..

9. A journey Many ………………..

10. A chimney Three ………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.
NOUNS (Number)

Nouns can be either singular (truck, box, woman, knife) or

plural (trucks, boxes, women, knives).
Most nouns that end in “o” form their plurals by adding “es” :-
e.g. a tomato – a basket of tomatoes a hero – many heroes
Other nouns that end in “o” form their plurals by simply adding “s” :-
e.g. a piano – two pianos a studio – many studios

Fill in the missing words below.

1. A photo An album full of ………………..

2. A potato A bag of ………………..

3. An echo Many ………………..

4. A hero Many ………………..

5. A video A box of ………………..

6. One torpedo Four ………………….

7. A memo Many ………………..

8. An ego Many ………………..

9. A radio Two ………………..

10. A domino Several ………………..

11. A stereo Five ………………..

12. A banjo Two ………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
NOUNS (Number)

Nouns can be either singular (truck, box, woman, knife) or

plural (trucks, boxes, women, knives).
Some nouns have the same form for singular and plural :-
e.g. a mackerel – five mackerel a sheep – a flock of sheep
Some nouns have unusual plurals which you need to learn :-
e.g. a mouse – three mice a foot – two feet

Fill in the missing words below.

1. A man Many ………………..

2. A cod A bag of ………………..

3. A pair of pants Three pairs of ………………..

4. An ox Four ………………..

5. A goose A gaggle of ………………..

6. One deer Ten ………………….

7. One child A class of ………………..

8. A salmon Many ………………..

9. A pair of scissors Two pairs of ………………..

10. A tooth A mouthful of ………………..

11. A pair of trousers Five pairs of ………………..

12. A woman Two ………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
NOUNS (Number)

Nouns can be either singular (truck, box, woman, knife) or

plural (trucks, boxes, women, knives).

Choose the plural noun that best completes each sentence below.

teeth colours wolves feet

skies keys sheep loaves

1. He locked his ……………………. in the car.

2. You should brush your ……………………. after meals.

3. The ……………………. of bread were baked last night.

4. The eagle is king of the ……………………. .

5. The …………………. were kept in the top paddock.

6. Red and white are the ………………. on the flag.

7. ……………………. hunt in packs.

8. Please wipe your ………………. before entering.

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
NOUNS (Gender)

A noun can be either feminine (female), masculine (male), neuter

(neither male or female) or common (either male or female).

Write each noun under the correct heading below.

grandfather child mother king

girl truck leaf hammer

person uncle doctor princess

Feminine Masculine

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Neuter Common

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
NOUNS (Gender)

A noun can be either feminine (female), masculine (male), neuter

(neither male or female) or common (either male or female).

Write each noun under the correct heading below.

bird grandmother table teacher

filly pliers duke heater

widower bride horse bridegroom

Feminine Masculine

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Neuter Common

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
NOUNS (Gender)

A noun can be either feminine (female), masculine (male), neuter

(neither male or female) or common (either male or female).

Write these nouns in the correct space.

buck mare pig father

ram husband ewe rabbit

queen grandparent wife king

stallion grandmother parent sow

Masculine Feminine Common

……………….. ……………….. horse
grandfather ……………….. ………………..
……………….. ……………….. sheep
……………….. doe ………………..
……………….. mother ………………..
boar ……………….. ………………..
……………….. ……………….. monarch
……………….. ……………….. spouse

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
NOUNS (Gender)

A noun can be either feminine (female), masculine (male), neuter

(neither male or female) or common (either male or female).

Write the correct gender of each of these nouns.

feminine masculine neuter common

1. heroine ……………….. 13. pencil ………………..

2. rooster ……………….. 14. witch ………………..

3. sheep ……………….. 15. painter ………………..

4. vixen ……………….. 16. boat ………………..

5. chair ……………….. 17. person ………………..

6. kitten ……………….. 18. bull ………………..

7. boy ……………….. 19. lord ………………..

8. peahen ……………….. 20. stewardess ………………..

9. horse ……………….. 21. school ………………..

10. stallion ……………….. 22. child ………………..

11. lady ……………….. 23. pillow ………………..

12. saucer ……………….. 24. count ………………..

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.
NOUNS (Gender)

A noun can be either feminine (female), masculine (male), neuter

(neither male or female) or common (either male or female).

Select the noun that best completes each sentence below.

aunt tigress colt cygnet

widow ewe gosling cub

1. A ……………….. is a female sheep.

2. A ……………….. is a young swan.

3. A ……………….. is a woman whose husband has died.

4. Your ……………….. is your mother’s or father’s sister.

5. A ……………….. is a young goose.

6. A ……………….. is a female tiger.

7. A ……………….. is a young male horse.

8. A ……………….. is a young bear.

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.
NOUNS (Case)

Nouns can be labelled according to case. There are three

main cases; subjective (the noun is the subject of the verb),
objective (object of the verb or preposition) and possessive
(shows ownership).
e.g. David thanked Sally’s dad.
(Subjective) (Possessive) (Objective)

Select correct case of each underlined noun in the sentences below.

subjective objective possessive

1. The bull broke the fence. ………………..

2. Dad built my sister’s swing. ………………..

3. The dog bit the postman’s leg. ………………..

4. The ferret chased the rabbit. ………………..

5. Michelle chose mum’s present. ………………..

6. The helicopter landed on the road. ………………..

7. The umpire bounced the ball. ………………..

8. The teacher’s watch is missing. ………………..

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.
NOUNS (Case)

Nouns can be labelled according to case. There are three

main cases; subjective (the noun is the subject of the verb),
objective (object of the verb or preposition) and possessive
(shows ownership).
e.g. David thanked Sally’s dad.
(Subjective) (Possessive) (Objective)

Select correct case of each underlined noun in the sentences below.

subjective objective possessive

1. We are staying at our grandmother’s house. ………………..

2. The pup chewed his new shoes. ………………..

3. The horse’s hoof is injured. ………………..

4. The heat melted the ice-cream. ………………..

5. The wind destroyed the crop. ………………..

6. They climbed the mountain. ………………..

7. Peter yelled with excitement. ………………..

8. Michael jumped the fence. ………………..

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.
NOUNS (Case)

Possessive nouns use apostrophes to show ownership.

Singular nouns add an apostrophe and “s” to the end of the word.
e.g. the tiger’s paw the teacher’s car
Plural nouns add an apostrophe to the end of the word if it ends in “s”.
e.g. the boys’ books the athletes’ medals
Plural nouns add an apostrophe and “s” to the end of the word if the word
does not end in “s”.
e.g. the children’s toys the geese’s food

Choose the possessive noun that best completes the sentences below.

horses’ teacher’s cupboards’ book’s

yacht’s cars’ lake’s teams’

1. The ……………….. desk is always tidy.

2. The ……………….. surface is frozen.

3. The ……………….. sails are bright yellow.

4. The ……………….. engines had overheated.

5. The ……………….. shelves are painted white.

6. The ……………….. manes are matted.

7. The ……………….. roster has been changed.

8. The ……………….. pages are torn.

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.
NOUNS (Case)

Possessive nouns use apostrophes to show ownership.

Singular nouns add an apostrophe and “s” to the end of the word.
e.g. the tiger’s paw the teacher’s car
Plural nouns add an apostrophe to the end of the word if it ends in “s”.
e.g. the boys’ books the athletes’ medals
Plural nouns add an apostrophe and “s” to the end of the word if the word
does not end in “s”.
e.g. the children’s toys the geese’s food

Rewrite these expressions to show where the apostrophe should go.

e.g. the ears of the pig the pig’s ears

1. the claws of the eagle ………………………………….

2. the pen belonging to Sue ………………………………….
3. the handbag of the lady ………………………………….
4. the coat of the teacher ………………………………….
5. the watch belonging to Ben ………………………………….
6. the diary of the woman ………………………………….
7. the plants of the gardener ………………………………….
8. the bike belonging to the boy ………………………………….
9. the toy of the baby ………………………………….
10. the pages of the book ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.
NOUNS (Case)

Possessive nouns use apostrophes to show ownership.

Singular nouns add an apostrophe and “s” to the end of the word.
e.g. the tiger’s paw the teacher’s car
Plural nouns add an apostrophe to the end of the word if it ends in “s”.
e.g. the boys’ books the athletes’ medals
Plural nouns add an apostrophe and “s” to the end of the word if the word
does not end in “s”.
e.g. the children’s toys the geese’s food

Rewrite these expressions to show where the apostrophe should go.

e.g. the tails of the dogs the dogs’ tails

1. the pages of the diaries ………………………………….

2. the tools of the workmen ………………………………….
3. the jokes of the comedians ………………………………….
4. the laughs of the children ………………………………….
5. the leaves of the trees ………………………………….
6. the claws of the lobsters ………………………………….
7. the rods belonging to the men ………………………………….
8. the nests of the rats ………………………………….
9. the wings of the wasps ………………………………….
10. the antlers of the deer ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Common Nouns
Worksheet 1
1. rib 2. cup 3. bus 4. pen 5. jet 6. apple 7. dog 8. tree

Worksheet 2
1. peach 2. stream 3. zinc 4. pony 5. hand 6. opal 7. dress 8. helium

Worksheet 3
1. seal 2. pansy 3. cheese 4. coffee 5. worm 6. glove 7. zebra 8. scarf 9. bath 10. apples
11. celery 12. rabbit

Worksheet 4
1. trumpet 2. greenhouse 3. jacket 4. heart 5. pineapple 6. lily 7. dentist 8. iron

Worksheet 5
1. nose 2. florist 3. bulb 4. hive 5. kennel 6. lamb 7. atlas 8. flag

Proper Nouns
Worksheet 6
1. planets 2. rivers 3. cities 4. states 5. days 6. mountains 7. oceans 8. months

Worksheet 7
1. rivers 2. seas 3. deserts 4. cities 5. days 6. continents 7. countries 8. islands

Worksheet 8
1. Monday 2. March 3. December 4. Wednesday 5. Tuesday 6. May 7. Friday 8.

Worksheet 9
1. Brisbane 2. Snowy 3. Matthew 4. Eyre 5. Indonesia 6. Indian 7. Thursday 8. Mercury

Worksheet 10
1. Fido 2. Emily 3. March 4. Adelaide 5. Thailand 6. Wednesday 7. Mazda
8. Rio de Janeiro

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Collective Nouns
Worksheet 11
1. stationery 2. insects 3. meat 4. crockery 5. fruit 6. clothes 7. vegetables 8. furniture

Worksheet 12
1. team 2. mob 3. cluster 4. network 5. crowd 6. litter 7. batch 8. fleet

Worksheet 13
1. sheep 2. flowers 3. stairs 4. locusts 5. elephants 6. thieves 7. geese 8. shoes

Worksheet 14
Musical Instruments: trombone, harp, guitar Spices: cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg
Fish: flathead, tuna, cod Plants: shrub, grass, tree

Worksheet 15
1. crowd 2. swarm 3. bunch 4. team 5. colony 6. batch 7. hail 8. shoal

Abstract Nouns
Worksheet 16
1. fear 2. hope 3. peace 4. misery 5. failure 6. hunger 7. humour 8. darkness 9. shame
10. pity 11. truth 12. care

Worksheet 17
1. fairness 2. harmony 3. desire 4. attempt 5. start 6. fatigue 7. fragrance 8. replacement 9.
sorrow 10. excitement 11. loveliness 12. breakdown

Worksheet 18
1. disorder 2. pity 3. evil 4. shyness 5. loss 6. poverty 7. greed 8. fun

Worksheet 19
1. love 2. praise 3. pleasure 4. danger 5. hunger 6. hate 7. thirst 8. difference

Worksheet 20
1. bravery 2. importance 3. impatience 4. freedom 5. fear 6. joy 7. wisdom 8. force

Forming Nouns
Worksheet 21
1. planning 2. fishing 3. littering 4. cheating 5. rowing 6. chirping 7. reading 8. bleeding

Worksheet 22
1. playing 2. bullying 3. croaking 4. delaying 5. cooking 6. washing 7. building
8. stopping

Worksheet 23
1. punishment 2. loss 3. appearance 4. choice 5. pleasure 6. invention 7. weight
8. performance 9. decision 10. admiration 11. requirement 12. description

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Worksheet 24
1. sadness 2. loneliness 3. happiness 4. boldness 5. fairness 6. weariness 7. craziness
8. easiness 9. darkness 10. fondness 11. fanciness 12. coldness

Worksheet 25
1. flag/pole 2. class/room 3. gold/fish 4. sea/shore 5. rose/bud 6. back/bone 7. rain/coat
8. night/club 9. ball/room 10. cow/boy 11. foot/print 12. pine/apple

Nouns - Number
Worksheet 26
1. cow 2. trees 3. flower 4. bees 5. stair 6. ships 7. lions 8. whale 9. taxis 10. grape
11. cards 12. books

Worksheet 27
1. valleys 2. ponies 3. trays 4. stories 5. families 6. enemies 7. ladies 8. keys 9. journeys
10. chimneys

Worksheet 28
1. photos 2. potatoes 3. echoes 4. heroes 5. videos 6. torpedoes 7. memos 8. egos
9. radios 10. dominoes 11. stereos 12. banjos

Worksheet 29
1. men 2. cod 3. pants 4. oxen 5. geese 6. deer 7. children 8. salmon 9. scissors
10. teeth 11. trousers 12. women

Worksheet 30
1. keys 2. teeth 3. loaves 4. skies 5. sheep 6. colours 7. wolves 8. feet

Nouns - Gender
Worksheet 31
Feminine: girl, mother, princess Masculine: grandfather, uncle, king
Neuter: truck, leaf, hammer Common: person, child, doctor

Worksheet 32
Feminine: filly, grandmother, bride Masculine: widower, duke, bridegroom
Neuter: pliers, table, heater Common: bird, horse, teacher

Worksheet 33
1. stallion, mare 2. grandmother, grandparent 3. ram, ewe 4. buck, rabbit 5. father, parent
6. sow, pig 7. king, queen 8. husband, wife

Worksheet 34
1. feminine 2. masculine 3. common 4. feminine 5. neuter 6. common 7. masculine
8. feminine 9. common 10. masculine 11. feminine 12. neuter 13. neuter 14. feminine
15. common 16. neuter 17. common 18. masculine 19. masculine 20. feminine 21. neuter
22. common 23. neuter 24. masculine

Worksheet 35
1. ewe 2. cygnet 3. widow 4. aunt 5. gosling 6. tigress 7. colt 8. cub
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Nouns – Case
Worksheet 36
1. subjective 2. possessive 3. objective 4. objective 5. possessive 6. subjective 7. objective
8. possessive

Worksheet 37
1. possessive 2. subjective 3. possessive 4. objective 5. subjective 6. objective 7.
subjective 8. objective

Worksheet 38
1. teacher’s 2. lake’s 3. yacht’s 4. cars’ 5. cupboards’ 6. horses’ 7. teams’ 8. book’s

Worksheet 39
1. the eagle’s claws 2. Sue’s pen 3. the lady’s handbag 4. the teacher’s coat 5. Ben’s watch
6. the woman’s diary 7. the gardener’s plants 8. the boy’s bike 9. the baby’s toy
10. the book’s pages

Worksheet 40
1. the diaries’ pages 2. the workmen’s tools 3. the comedians’ jokes 4. the children’s laughs
5. the trees’ leaves 6. the lobsters’ claws 7. the men’s rods 8. the rats’ nests 9. the wasps’
wings 10. the deer’s antlers

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1. “Worksheets”

Teaching Notes

Personal and Possessive Pronouns

Grammar 1. Worksheets 1 - 5

Relative and Interrogative Pronouns

Grammar 1. Worksheets 6 - 10

Demonstrative Pronouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 11 - 15

Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns

Grammar 1. Worksheets 16 - 20

Indefinite Pronouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 21 - 25

Distributive Pronouns
Grammar 1. Worksheets 26 - 30

Pronouns – Number and Person

Grammar 1. Worksheets 31 - 35

Pronouns – Gender and Case

Grammar 1. Worksheets 36 - 40


© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.
Pronouns are words used to take the place of nouns. Pronouns are used instead of nouns to
avoid repetition.

Pronouns can have number (singular or plural), person (first, second or third), gender
(masculine, feminine, neuter or common) and case (nominative or subjective, objective or

There are a number of different types of pronouns :- personal, possessive, relative,

interrogative, demonstrative, reflexive, emphatic, indefinite or distributive.

Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns replace nouns that refer to persons or things.

These are examples of personal pronouns:-

I you her
she we them
my your their

A personal pronoun is often used to replace a noun if the same noun would have been
repeated in a sentence or paragraph.

Michael was going fishing for the day so Michael took his lunch.
Michael was going fishing for the day so he took his lunch.

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Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are a special type of personal pronoun that show ownership.

These are possessive pronouns:-

Singular mine yours his hers its
Plural ours yours theirs

That bag is mine.
Which house is yours?

Possessive adjectives are like possessive pronouns but are only used with a noun.
These are possessive adjectives:-
Singular my your his her its
Plural our your their
Your hair needs brushing.
My room is a mess.

Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns relate to a noun or personal pronoun. The noun or pronoun to which the
relative pronoun relates is called the antecedent (something which has gone before).

These are examples of relative pronouns:-

who whom which
that whose

Relative pronouns can be used to combine two smaller sentences to make one sentence.

We will take the torches that Dad gave us.
The runner who won the first race came from Canberra.
Sonia rang her new friend whom she met during her holidays.

Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.

There are five interrogative pronouns:-

who whom whose which what

Who wants another drink?
To whom am I speaking?
Whose is this tracksuit?
Which is the one you own?
What is likely to happen now?

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Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns stand for and refer to a noun.

These words are demonstrative pronouns:-

this these those that
He chose this, but I prefer that.
I would like to replace these with those.

If demonstrative pronouns are used in front of a noun they become demonstrative adjectives.
This car belongs to my uncle.
She has read these books.

Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive and emphatic pronouns are made by adding –self, -selves to the personal pronouns.

These are examples of reflexive and emphatic pronouns.

Singular myself yourself himself herself itself
Plural ourselves yourselves themselves

A reflexive pronoun is used to refer back to the personal pronoun which is the subject of the
She hurt herself.
They have themselves to blame.

An emphatic pronoun is used to emphasise a noun in a sentence.

The principal herself presented the award.
The players themselves took responsibility for the loss.

Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns do not stand for any particular person, thing or place. They are used to
give a general or specific indication of number or quantity.

These are examples of indefinite pronouns.

anybody somebody anyone
everyone nothing none

These are examples of indefinite pronouns used in sentences.

Everyone liked the performance.
It could have been left by anybody.
Nothing can be done.

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Distributive Pronouns
Distributive pronouns are used to point to separate things and are always followed by a
singular verb.

The distributive pronouns are:-

each either neither

These are examples of distributive pronouns used in sentences.

Each knew exactly what to do.
Neither was prepared to own up.

If each, either or neither are followed by a noun, they become distributive adjectives.
Either road leads to the sea.
Neither girl was selected for a final.

Pronouns have number. They are either singular or plural.

If the antecedent (the noun that comes before the pronoun) is singular, the pronoun is
singular, and if the antecedent is plural the pronoun is plural.

It (the table) is made from wood. (Singular)
They (the girls) are always well behaved. (Plural)
These (the answers) are all wrong. (Plural)

Pronouns have three different forms depending on their person.

First person
This is used to refer to the person who is speaking.
I am happy to help out.
We ride our bikes to school.

Second person
This is used to refer to the person being spoken to.
You need to hurry or you will be late.

Third person
This is used to refer to the person being spoken about.
I wouldn’t bother asking them.

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Like nouns pronouns have gender. They can be masculine, feminine, common or neuter
(either masculine or feminine). The pronoun has the same gender as its antecedent (the noun
which the person replaces).

Masculine pronouns he him his
Feminine pronouns she her hers
Common pronouns me you their
Neuter pronouns it that nothing

Like nouns pronouns have case. There are three main cases:-

Nominative (or subjective) Case

The pronoun is the subject of a verb.
e.g. He lived in the house on the corner.

Objective Case
The pronoun is the object of a verb.
e.g. The ball hit him on the left shoulder.

Possessive Case
The pronoun is used to show ownership.
e.g. The painting on the left is mine.

Below is a list of pronouns depending on the case.

Nominative Objective Possessive

I me mine
he him his
she her hers
it it its
we us ours
you you yours
they them theirs

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.
PRONOUNS (Personal and Possessive)

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Personal

pronouns replace nouns that refer to people or things.
e.g. I me we us our
she her his him them
you they he their

Rewrite each sentence and replace the underlined word or words

with a personal pronoun from the box.

her him it he they she

1. Tony said that Tony was happy to help.

2. Felicity said Felicity was walking to the shop.
3. The cat purrs when you pat the cat.
4. The swimmers train hard so the swimmers need plenty of rest.
5. Todd asked Clint to help Todd.
6. Margie said Jane could walk home with Margie.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.
PRONOUNS (Personal and Possessive)

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Personal

pronouns replace nouns that refer to people or things.
e.g. I me we us our
she her his him them
you they he their

Circle the word that the underlined personal pronoun replaces.

1. Blake kicked the ball and then he ran to the end of the field.

2. The plumber fixed the pipe then he fixed the tap.

3. Georgia said she was going to the movies.

4. The runners were exhausted so they stopped for a drink.

5. Julia will top the class if she continues to study hard.

6. The boys said they would help their dad stack the wood.

7. Isaac wanted to borrow my skateboard so I let him use it.

8. Sarah asked for the book so I gave it to her.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.
PRONOUNS (Personal and Possessive)

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Personal

pronouns replace nouns that refer to people or things.
e.g. I me we us our
she her his him them
you they he their

Choose the correct personal pronoun to fill each space below.

1. Where is the cat? I have not seen ……….. all day.

(him, it)
2. Are ………. coming to the swimming pool?
(you, us)
3. I gave Nadia’s video back to ………. .
(she, her)
4. Did I return it to ………. ?
(you, I)
5. Our grandparents always give ………. lollies.
(we, us)
6. ………. was the first girl to complete the course.
(she, he)
7. ……….. tried to make their escape down a back alley.
(he, they)
8. ………. am doing my homework tonight.
(I, we)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.
PRONOUNS (Personal and Possessive)

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Personal

pronouns replace nouns that refer to people or things.
e.g. I me we us our
she her his him them
you they he their

Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined word or

words with a personal pronoun.

1. Tamara and Paige went to the concert together.

2. Ben left his mobile phone at home.

3. The giraffe could reach the leaves at the top of the tree.

4. Jessica has seen that movie already.

5. “Liam was the first back,” said Liam.

6. The teacher had misplaced her keys .


Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.
PRONOUNS (Personal and Possessive)

A possessive pronoun is a special type of personal pronoun

that shows ownership.
e.g. mine yours his hers
its ours theirs

Choose a possessive pronoun to fill the spaces below.

1. The car is owned by Mr. Blackwell. The car is …………. .

2. The cassette player belongs to me. The cassette player is …….…. .

3. You won the prize. It is ………… .

4. The motorbikes are owned by them. The motorbikes are ……….. .

5. The glasses belong to Miss Hodder. They are ………… .

6. You now own the puppy. It is ………… .

7. We found the rock. It is ………… .

8. I bought the ticket. It is ………… .

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.
PRONOUNS (Relative and Interrogative)

Relative pronouns are often used to join sentences together.

These are the main relative pronouns:-
who whom whose (refer to people)
which that (refer to animals, places or things)

Choose the correct relative pronoun to fill each space below.

1. These are the coins ……….. are very valuable.

(that, who)
2. I know the boy ………. won the race.
(which, who)
3. You can catch the train ………. will be here soon.
(that, who)
4. She is the woman ………. cat is lost.
(whose, who)
5. This is the billycart ………. Casey made.
(who, which)
6. Do you know ………. bag that is?
(that, whose)
7. I loved the book ……….. was written by my favourite author.
(which, who)
8. Is this the bull ………. knocked down the fence?
(who, which)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.
PRONOUNS (Relative and Interrogative)

Relative pronouns are often used to join sentences together.

These are the main relative pronouns:-
who whom whose (refer to people)
which that (refer to animals, places or things)

Choose the correct relative pronoun, either who or that, to

complete each sentence below.

1. A garage is a building ……….. stores vehicles.

2. A calculator is an instrument ………. does calculations.

3. A coach is a person ………. trains athletes.

4. A kangaroo is an animal ………. carries its babies in a pouch.

5. A barber is a person ………. cuts hair.

6. A real estate agent is a person ………. sells houses.

7. A skunk is an animal ……….. gives off a strong smell.

8. A soldier is a person ………. fights wars.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.
PRONOUNS (Relative and Interrogative)

Relative pronouns are often used to join sentences together.

These are the main relative pronouns:-
who whom whose (refer to people)
which that (refer to animals, places or things)

Choose the correct relative pronoun, either who, whose or which,

to complete each sentence below.

1. A baker is a person ……….. bakes bread.

2. A firefighter is a person ………. job is to fight fires.

3. A teller is a person ………. works in a bank.

4. An elephant is an animal ………. has a trunk.

5. A seal is an animal ………. has flippers.

6. A chemist is a person ………. sells medicines.

7. A doctor is a person ……….. job is to care for sick people.

8. A kookaburra is a bird ……….laughs.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.
PRONOUNS (Relative and Interrogative)

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.

There are the five interrogative pronouns:-
who whom whose (refer to people)
which what (refer to animals, places or things)

Choose the correct interrogative pronoun to complete

each question below.

1. ……...….. wants another sausage?

(what, who)
2. …...……. do you want to do now?
(what, who)
3. …...……. is the skateboard?
(whose, who)
4. ….…..…. is the next song on the tape?
(what, who)
5. To ……...…. am I speaking?
(whose, whom)
6. …………. is the largest lake?
(whose, which)
7. ………….. is likely to happen now?
(which, what)
8. …………. chose that present?
(who, what)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.
PRONOUNS (Relative and Interrogative)

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.

There are the five interrogative pronouns:-
who whom whose (refer to people)
which what (refer to animals, places or things)

Rearrange these words to make questions that start with

an interrogative pronoun..

1. is coming to who dinner ?

2. mountain the is which tallest ?

3. your colour what favourite is ?

4. which the is book cheapest ?

5. bag green the is whose ?

6. player your who favourite is ?


Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.
PRONOUNS (Demonstrative)

Demonstrative pronouns stand for and refer to a noun.

These words are demonstrative pronouns:-
this that these those
If this, that, these or those is used in front of a noun it
becomes a demonstrative adjective.
e.g. These are the fish we caught. (Demonstrative pronoun)
We caught these fish. (Demonstrative adjective)

Choose whether the underlined word is a demonstrative pronoun

or a demonstrative adjective.

1. That dog has fleas. …………………..

2. This is the exact spot. …………………..

3. These clothes need washing. …………………..

4. Those are no longer needed. …………………..

5. She selected this. …………………..

6. These are the ones we are looking for. …………………..

7. That behaviour is not acceptable. …………………..

8. How did he learn all these facts? …………………..

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.
PRONOUNS (Demonstrative)

Demonstrative pronouns stand for and refer to a noun.

These words are demonstrative pronouns:-
this that these those
If this, that, these or those is used in front of a noun it
becomes a demonstrative adjective.
e.g. These are the fish we caught. (Demonstrative pronoun)
We caught these fish. (Demonstrative adjective)

Choose whether the underlined word is a demonstrative pronoun

or a demonstrative adjective.

1. This will surprise you. …………………..

2. She has read all these books. …………………..

3. This award will give her confidence. …………………..

4. That tent is too small. …………………..

5. Do you want that in your report? …………………..

6. What do you want me to do with these? …………………..

7. These shoes are too expensive. …………………..

8. Do you want me to remember that? …………………..

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.
PRONOUNS (Demonstrative)

Demonstrative pronouns stand for and refer to a noun.

This or that is used to refer to a singular (one) noun, these or those
is used to refer to a plural (more than one) noun.
e.g This movie is exciting. (Singular)
These movies are exciting. (Plural)

Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun or adjective to

complete the sentences below.

1. ……...….. were given to me by a friend.

(these, this)
2. …...……. car could do with a wash.
(those, this)
3. Do you know …...……. person?
(this, these)
4. ….…..…. is not what I asked for.
(these, that)
5. ……...…. are the ones we need.
(those, this)
6. …………. painting is not finished.
(this, these)
7. ………….. are a waste of time.
(these, that)
8. …………. is my first choice.
(that, those)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.
PRONOUNS (Demonstrative)

Demonstrative pronouns stand for and refer to a noun.

This or that is used to refer to a singular (one) noun, these or those
is used to refer to a plural (more than one) noun.
e.g This movie is exciting. (Singular)
These movies are exciting. (Plural)

Choose whether the demonstrative pronouns or adjectives have

been used correctly or incorrectly in the following sentences.

1. Those dogs are hungry. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

2. I know this answers are correct. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

3. When will these apple be ripe? …………………

(correct or incorrect)

4. This sweets are delicious. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

5. I hope that jacket is warm enough. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

6. I wish you could see this. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

7. Are you going to wear this jeans? …………………

(correct or incorrect)

8. Do not worry about that. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.
PRONOUNS (Demonstrative)

Demonstrative pronouns stand for and refer to a noun.

These words are demonstrative pronouns:-
this that these those
If this, that, these or those is used in front of a noun it
becomes a demonstrative adjective.
e.g. These are the fish we caught. (Demonstrative pronoun)
We caught these fish. (Demonstrative adjective)

Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them

in the space below.

1. fossils discovered these who ?

2. dirty glasses those are .

3. you with what this doing are ?

4. cute puppies these are .

5. month birthday my this is .

6. help with chores I those will .


Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.
PRONOUNS (Reflexive and Emphatic)

Reflexive/emphatic pronouns are formed by adding –self

or -selves to personal pronouns.
These are reflexive/emphatic pronouns:-
myself yourself himself herself itself
ourselves yourselves themselves
A reflexive pronoun is used to refer back to the personal noun or
pronoun that is the subject of the sentences.

Choose a reflexive pronoun to complete these sentences.

itself himself myself yourselves

yourself themselves herself ourselves

1. He made …………….…… a cup of tea.

2. They only have …………………. to blame.

3. We are pleased with …………………. .

4. The dog retrieved the paper by …………………. .

5. You have to answer the question …………………. .

6. I am happy to sit by …………………. .

7. She always liked to travel by …………………. .

8. You are all require to pay …………………. .

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.
PRONOUNS (Reflexive and Emphatic)

Reflexive/emphatic pronouns are formed by adding –self

or -selves to personal pronouns.
These are reflexive/emphatic pronouns:-
myself yourself himself herself itself
ourselves yourselves themselves
A reflexive pronoun is used to refer back to the personal noun or
pronoun that is the subject of the sentences.

Choose a reflexive pronoun to complete these sentences.

themselves itself yourself myself

ourselves himself yourselves herself

1. I would like to see it …………….…… .

2. Jacob often went running by …………………. .

3. The parrot learned to open the cage door by …………………. .

4. The teachers cleaned the classrooms …………………. .

5. Nicole was able to mow the lawn by …………………. .

6. You should all listen to it …………………. .

7. We have been asked to make it …………………. .

8. You will have to make it …………………. .

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.
PRONOUNS (Reflexive and Emphatic)

Reflexive/emphatic pronouns are formed by adding –self

or -selves to personal pronouns.
These are reflexive/emphatic pronouns:-
myself yourself himself herself itself
ourselves yourselves themselves
A reflexive pronoun is used to refer back to the personal noun or
pronoun that is the subject of the sentences.

Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them in the space below.

1. all grandmother by my herself housework did her .

2. himself use to Toby learned computer by the how .

3. finished Zoe the project and Lisa themselves .

4. intend myself visit I to her .

5. all yourselves taste are you can it .

6. horse feed itself the could .


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.
PRONOUNS (Reflexive and Emphatic)

Reflexive/emphatic pronouns are formed by adding –self

or -selves to personal pronouns.
These are reflexive/emphatic pronouns:-
myself yourself himself herself itself
ourselves yourselves themselves
An empathic pronoun is used to emphasize a noun in a sentence.

Choose a empathic pronoun to complete these sentences.

yourself myself herself

himself ourselves themselves

1. I …………….…… will repair the bike.

2. The drivers …………………. cleared the track.

3. The mayoress …………………. presented the award.

4. The milkman …………………. caused the accident.

5. You …………………. should check your gear.

6. We …………………. will repay the loan.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.
PRONOUNS (Reflexive and Emphatic)

Reflexive/emphatic pronouns are formed by adding –self

or –selves to personal pronouns.
Sometimes “me”, “I’ and “myself” are used incorrectly
e.g Mum gave Luke and myself some money. (incorrect)
Mum gave Luke and me some money. (correct)

Choose whether the pronouns have been used correctly or incorrectly

in the following sentences.

1. I helped myself to another drink. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

2. Louise and myself are going to the shop. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

3. Will you draw a portrait of myself? …………………

(correct or incorrect)

4. Louise and myself are going to the shop. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

5. I promised myself a week’s holiday. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

6. I helped me to another drink. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

7. I promised me a week’s holiday. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

8. Will you draw a portrait of me? …………………

(correct or incorrect)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.
PRONOUNS (Indefinite)

Indefinite pronouns do not stand for any particular person,

thing or place. They are used to give a general or specific
indication of number or quantity.
These are examples of indefinite pronouns:-
anybody somebody anyone something
everyone nothing none anything

Choose the best indefinite pronoun to complete these sentences.

1. ……...………. liked the new coach.

(everything, everyone)
2. …...……..…. has seen the missing book.
(nobody, nothing)
3. …...……..…. will give you a lift if you wait here.
(something, somebody)
4. There was ….……....…. to go by.
(nothing, nobody)
5. She received …….…….…. she hoped for.
(everyone, everything)
6. ………..……. liked the party.
(everything, everyone)
7. I will stay behind if …………..….. else can.
(nobody, nothing)
8. Check if there is …….,….……. in the letterbox.
(anyone, anything)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.
PRONOUNS (Indefinite)

Indefinite pronouns do not stand for any particular person,

thing or place. They are used to give a general or specific
indication of number or quantity.
These are examples of indefinite pronouns:-
anybody somebody anyone something
everyone nothing none anything

Choose the best indefinite pronoun to complete these sentences.

1. Is ……...………. interested in going for a walk?

(anyone, everything)
2. It will not be long before …...……..…. notices us.
(something, somebody)
3. It will be easier if …...……..…. helps.
(everybody, nobody)
4. I don’t think you have ….……....…. to worry about.
(nothing, anything)
5. Was there …….…….…. left in the packet?
(everything, anything)
6. ………..……. was interested in playing soccer.
(nobody, nothing)
7. I hope …………..….. returns next year.
(anything, everybody)
8. I would give …….,….……. for a ride in a spaceship.
(anything, anyone)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.
PRONOUNS (Indefinite)

Indefinite pronouns do not stand for any particular person,

thing or place. They are used to give a general or specific
indication of number or quantity.
These are examples of indefinite pronouns:-
anybody somebody anyone something
everyone nothing none anything

Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them in the space below.

1. enter anybody competition the can .

2. is hope I everyone comfortable .

3. something buy to remember sister your for .

4. cause the no-one fire the of knew .

5. own this somebody must .

6. money the found ever none of was .


Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.
PRONOUNS (Indefinite)

Indefinite pronouns should always be followed by

a singular verb.
e.g None of the buses were left in the car park. (Incorrect)
None of the buses was left in the car park. (Correct)

Choose the correct verb to complete these sentences.

1. Nothing ……...………. left to chance.

(is, are)
2. Everybody …...……..…. to be greeted with a smile.
(like, likes)
3. No-one …...……..…. happy with the result.
(was, were)
4. Nobody ….……....…. there now.
(lives, live)
5. Everybody …….…….…. help at times.
(need, needs)
6. None of the books ………..……. mine.
(is, are)
7. I hope somebody …………..….. up the mess.
(cleans, clean)
8. Everyone in our team …….,….……. with his right foot.
(kick, kicks)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.
PRONOUNS (Indefinite)

Sometimes indefinite pronouns are used incorrectly

as double negatives.
e.g We did not see nobody we recognized. (Incorrect)
We did not see anyone we recognized. (Correct)
We saw nobody we recognized. (Correct)

Choose whether the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

1. Jack knows nothing about it. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

2. I did not meet no-one I knew. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

3. Jack does not know anything about it. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

4. Erin did not have anyone to help her. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

5. Jack does not know nothing about it. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

6. I met no-one I knew. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

7. I did not meet anyone I knew. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

8. Erin did not have no-one to help her. …………………

(correct or incorrect)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.
PRONOUNS (Distributive)

Distributive pronouns are used to point to separate things and are always
followed by a singular verb. The distributive pronouns are:-
each either neither
If each, either or neither is used in front of a noun it becomes
a distributive adjective.
e.g Each knew exactly what to do.. (Distributive pronoun)
Neither girl was selected. (Distributive adjective)

Choose whether the underlined word is a distributive pronoun

or a distributive adjective.

1. Each looked to the other for support. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

2. Neither boy was sure of the answer. …………………..

(pronoun or adjective)

3. Dave was terrified each time he saw the dog.…………………

(pronoun or adjective)

4. You will like either book. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

5. Either would be a worthy winner. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

6. Neither was willing to speak out. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

7. I would be happy to live in either town. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

8. Each pear in the basket was rotten. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.
PRONOUNS (Distributive)

Distributive pronouns are used to point to separate things and are always
followed by a singular verb. The distributive pronouns are:-
each either neither
If each, either or neither is used in front of a noun it becomes
a distributive adjective.
e.g Each knew exactly what to do.. (Distributive pronoun)
Neither girl was selected. (Distributive adjective)

Choose whether the underlined word is a distributive pronoun

or a distributive adjective.

1. Either is capable of causing an upset. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

2. Neither wants to go first. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

3. Lara was nervous on each occasion. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

4. Each hoped to make the squad. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

5. Neither car was fitted with seatbelts. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

6. Either day would suit me. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

7. Each girl was expected to clean her room. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

8. Neither man was a confident public speaker. …………………

(pronoun or adjective)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.
PRONOUNS (Distributive)

Distributive pronouns are used to point to separate things

and are always followed by a singular verb.
The distributive pronouns are:-
each either neither

Unscramble the following sentences which contain a distributive pronoun

or distributive adjective and rewrite them in the space below.

1. do job the either will .

2. own kennel has each its dog .

3. politician winning of confident neither is .

4. worries time plays mother each he his .

5. was outdated each now book .

6. had neither street town lights .


Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
PRONOUNS (Distributive)

Distributive pronouns are used to point to separate things

and are always followed by a singular verb.
The distributive pronouns are:-
each either neither

Unscramble the following sentences which contain a distributive pronoun

or distributive adjective and rewrite them in the space below.

1. team a member each the of received metal .

2. very was neither dog friendly .

3. available either at am time I .

4. enough neither was big keep fish to .

5. happy to either be would I own car .

6. has either plenty river fish of .


Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
PRONOUNS (Distributive)

Distributive pronouns should always be followed by

a singular verb.
e.g Neither of the dogs were ours. (Incorrect)
Neither of the dogs was ours. (Correct)

Choose the correct verb to complete these sentences.

1. Neither of the animals ……...………. well trained.

(was, were)
2. Leah thinks either of the ideas ……...………. worthwhile.
(are, is)
3. Each of the presents …...……..…. expensive.
(was, were)
4. Each of the teachers ….……....…. long hours.
(works, work)
5. The teacher thinks each of her classes …….…….…. tremendous.
(are, is)
6. Neither of the girls ………..……. herself.
(help, helps)
7. Max thinks each of his parents ………..….. disappointed in him.
(are, is)
8. Neither of the solutions ……..….……. me.
(pleases, please)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
PRONOUNS (Number and Person)

Pronouns have number. They can be either singular (one) or

plural (more than one) depending on the noun they replace.
e.g. It (the jug) is made from plastic. (Singular)
They (the girls) are very excited. (Plural)

Decide whether the pronouns in the box are singular or plural.

he them those me ours neither

their they she these that themselves
this our its we theirs ourselves
her him either myself each yourselves

Singular ……………….… Plural ………….……..

Pronouns ……………….… Pronouns …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………
……………….… …………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
PRONOUNS (Number and Person)

Pronouns have number. They can be either singular (one) or

plural (more than one) depending on the noun they replace.
e.g. It (the jug) is made from plastic. (Singular)
They (the girls) are very excited. (Plural)

Decide whether the underlined pronoun is singular or plural.

1. Somebody is locked in the shed. …………………

(singular or plural)

2. These are not what we ordered. …………………

(singular or plural)

3. Those notes are hard to read. …………………

(singular or plural)

4. They are happy with the outcome. …………………

(singular or plural)

5. The drink spilt on her dress. …………………

(singular or plural)

6. The trees had lost their leaves. …………………

(singular or plural)

7. Neither is sure of the time. …………………

(singular or plural)

8. They are keeping the fish for themselves. …………………

(singular or plural)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
PRONOUNS (Number and Person)

Pronouns have number. They can be either singular (one) or

plural (more than one) depending on the noun they replace.
e.g. It (the jug) is made from plastic. (Singular)
They (the girls) are very excited. (Plural)

Decide whether the underlined pronoun is singular or plural.

1. Somebody has done the wrong thing. …………………

(singular or plural)

2. We are hoping for a fine day. …………………

(singular or plural)

3. She herself was the driving force. …………………

(singular or plural)

4. The families took their pets with them. …………………

(singular or plural)

5. No-one was willing to volunteer. …………………

(singular or plural)

6. It is about three metres long. …………………

(singular or plural)

7. We wanted to decide for ourselves. …………………

(singular or plural)

8. Let Rosie know if you need anything. …………………

(singular or plural)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
PRONOUNS (Number and Person)

Pronouns have number. They can be either singular (one) or

plural (more than one) depending on the noun they replace.
e.g. It (the jug) is made from plastic. (Singular)
They (the girls) are very excited. (Plural)

Choose the correct singular or plural pronoun to complete

each of the sentences.

1. ……...………. is the right time to start fishing.

(these, this)
2. Paul and Brodie wanted to try it for ……...………. .
(himself, themselves)
3. Sarah said …...……..…. got all her sums correct.
(she, they)
4. The girls are keen to continue ….……....…. work.
(their, her)
5. …….…….…. are eager to get home to their warm beds.
(they, he)
6. If either of the pears is rotten ………..……. should be thrown out.
(it, they)
7. Each of the boys is happy with …………..….. performance.
(their, his)
8. The tourists asked us to wait for ……..….……. .
(it, them)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.
PRONOUNS (Number and Person)

Pronouns have three different forms depending on their person.

First Person (refers to the person who is speaking)
e.g. We ride our bikes to school.
Second Person (refers to the person who is spoken to)
e.g. You need to hurry or you will be late.
Third Person (refers to the person who is spoken about)
e.g. They are all too excited to sleep.

Decide whether the following pronouns are in the first,

second or third person forms.

our you herself it we ourselves

them I him mine their themselves
himself she her they us yourself
your its myself me he yourselves

First Person
………… ………… ………… …………
………… ………… ………… …………
Second Person
………… ………… ………… …………
Third Person
………… ………… ………… …………
………… ………… ………… …………
………… ………… ………… …………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.
PRONOUNS (Gender and Case)

Like nouns pronouns have gender. They can be masculine

(male), feminine (female), neuter (neither male or female)
or common (either male or female).

Place each pronoun in the correct category.

himself you herself their

nothing she he this

Feminine Masculine

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Neuter Common

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.
PRONOUNS (Gender and Case)

Like nouns pronouns have gender. They can be masculine

(male), feminine (female), neuter (neither male or female)
or common (either male or female).

Choose whether the underlined pronoun is masculine, feminine,

neuter or common.

1. He often went jogging by himself. …………………..

2. Nothing was left to chance. …………………..

3. The cassette player was her prized possession. .…………………..

4. The magazines belong to us. …………………..

5. It was his best effort so far. …………………..

6. That was a tricky question! …………………..

7. We beat them at tennis. …………………..

8. She is keen to get back to school. …………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.
PRONOUNS (Gender and Case)

Pronouns must be in the same gender as the word

or words they stand for.
e.g. Each of the girls received its medal. (Incorrect)
Each of the girls received her medal. (Correct)

Choose the correct pronoun to complete each of the sentences.

1. The mare cared for ……...….. foal.

(her, his)
2. You should all bring …...……. own lunch.
(her, your)
3. I wanted …...……. own mobile phone.
(his, my)
4. The tree lost ….…..…. leaves.
(hers, its)
5. Fiona knew the handwriting was ……...…. .
(hers, its)
6. Each of the men kept …………. score.
(his, its)
7. Sam’s dad asked ………….. to cut the wood.
(it, him)
8. Brad was glad to be back in …………. own bed.
(his, her)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.
PRONOUNS (Gender and Case)

Like nouns pronouns have case. There are three main cases.
Subjective Case (the pronoun is the subject of the sentence)
e.g. They painted the wall.
Objective Case (the pronoun is the object of the verb)
e.g. The boys painted it.
Possessive Case (the pronoun is used to show ownership)
e.g. Mark washed his bike.

Choose whether the underlined pronoun is in subjective,

objective or possessive case.

1. Try to ignore it if they tease you. …………………..

2. Steven loved riding his horse. …………………..

3. She watched the brilliant sunrise. …………………..

4. It will be their turn soon. …………………..

5. The win surprised them. …………………..

6. Kristy was ashamed of her behaviour. …………………..

7. This stopped all the noise. …………………..

8. It turned out better than we expected. …………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.
PRONOUNS (Gender and Case)

Pronouns have person (first, second or third person), number

(singular or plural), gender (masculine, feminine, neuter or common)
and case ( nominative, objective or possessive).
e.g. I wished her well. (First person, singular, feminine, objective)
It is their problem. (Third person, plural, common, possessive)

Determine the person, number, gender and case of the underlined


1. They are excited about the trip.

(person) (number) (gender) (case)

2. Heath thanked us for looking after our pets.

(person) (number) (gender) (case)

3. Nothing will stop him from competing.

(person) (number) (gender) (case)

4. Her hair needs drying.

(person) (number) (gender) (case)

5. I kicked the ball onto the roof.

(person) (number) (gender) (case)

6. The company looked after its workers.

(person) (number) (gender) (case)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Personal and Possessive Pronouns

Worksheet 1
1. he 2. she 3. it 4. they 5. him 6. her

Worksheet 2
1. Blake 2. The plumber 3. Georgia 4. The runners 5. Julia 6. The boys 7. Issac
8. the book

Worksheet 3
1. it 2. you 3. her 4. you 5. us 6. she 7. they 8. I

Worksheet 4
1. They (Tamara and Paige) 2. He (Ben) 3. It (The giraffe) 4. She (Jessica) 5. I (Liam)
6. She (The teacher)

Worksheet 5
1. his 2. mine 3. yours 4. theirs 5. hers 6. yours 7. ours 8. mine

Relative and Interrogative Pronouns

Worksheet 6
1. that 2. who 3. that 4. whose 5. which 6. whose 7. which 8. which

Worksheet 7
1. that 2. that 3. who 4. that 5. who 6. who 7. that 8. who

Worksheet 8
1. who 2. whose 3. who 4. which 5. which 6. who 7. whose 8. which

Worksheet 9
1. who 2. what 3. whose 4. what 5. whom 6. which 7. what 8. who

Worksheet 10
1. Who is coming to dinner? 2. Which is the tallest mountain?
3. What is your favourite colour? 4. Which is the cheapest book?
5. Whose is the green bag? 6. Who is your favourite player?
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Demonstrative Pronouns
Worksheet 11
1. adjective 2. pronoun 3. adjective 4. pronoun 5. pronoun 6. pronoun 7. adjective
8. adjective

Worksheet 12
1. pronoun 2. adjective 3. adjective 4. adjective 5. pronoun 6. pronoun 7. adjective
8. pronoun

Worksheet 13
1. these 2. this 3. this 4. that 5. those 6. this 7. these 8. that

Worksheet 14
1. correct 2. incorrect 3. incorrect 4. incorrect 5. correct 6. correct 7. incorrect 8. correct

Worksheet 15
1. Who discovered these fossils? 2. Those glasses are dirty.
3. What are you doing with this? 4. These puppies are cute. or These are cute puppies.
5. My birthday is this month. 6. I will help you with those chores.

Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns

Worksheet 16
1. himself 2. themselves 3. ourselves 4. itself 5. yourself 6. myself 7. herself
8. yourselves

Worksheet 17
2. myself 2. himself 3. itself 4. themselves 5. herself 6. yourselves 7. ourselves
8. yourself

Worksheet 18
1. My grandmother did all her housework by herself. 2. Toby learned how to use the
computer by himself. 3. Zoe and Lisa finished the project themselves. 4. I intend to visit her
myself. 5. You can all taste it yourselves. 6. The horse could feed itself.

Worksheet 19
1. myself 2. themselves 3. herself 4. himself 5. yourself 6. ourselves

Worksheet 20
1. correct 2. incorrect 3. incorrect 4. incorrect 5. correct 6. incorrect 7. incorrect 8. correct

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Indefinite Pronouns
Worksheet 21
1. everyone 2. nobody 3. somebody 4. nothing 5. everything 6. everyone 7. nobody
8. anything

Worksheet 22
1. anyone 2. somebody 3. everybody 4. anything 5. anything 6. nobody 7. everybody
8. anything

Worksheet 23
1. Anybody can enter the competition. 2. I hope everyone is comfortable. 3. Remember to
buy something for your sister. 4. No-one knew the cause of the fire. 5. Somebody must own
this. 6. None of the money was ever found.

Worksheet 24
1. is 2. likes 3. was 4. lives 5. needs 6. is 7. cleans 8. kicks

Worksheet 25
1. correct 2. incorrect 3. correct 4. correct 5. incorrect 6. correct 7. correct 8. incorrect

Distributive Pronouns
Worksheet 26
1. pronoun 2. adjective 3. adjective 4. adjective 5. pronoun 6. pronoun 7. adjective
8. adjective

Worksheet 27
1. pronoun 2. pronoun 3. adjective 4. pronoun 5. adjective 6. adjective 7. adjective
8. adjective

Worksheet 28
1. Either will do the job. 2. Each dog has its own kennel. 3. Neither politician is confident
of winning. 4. His mother worries each time he plays. 5. Each book was now outdated.
6. Neither town had street lights.

Worksheet 29
1. Each member of the team received a medal. 2. Neither dog was very friendly. 3. I am
available at either time. 4. Neither fish was big enough to keep. 5. I would be happy to own
either car. 6. Either river has plenty of fish.

Worksheet 30
1. was 2. is 3. was 4. works 5. is 6. helps 7. is 8. pleases

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Pronouns – Number and Person
Worksheet 31
Singular Pronouns: he, me, neither, she, that, this, its, her, him, either, myself, each
Plural Pronouns: them, those, ours, their, they, these, themselves, our, we, theirs, ourselves,

Worksheet 32
1. singular 2. plural 3. plural 4. plural 5. singular 6. plural 7. singular 8. plural

Worksheet 33
1. singular 2. plural 3. singular 4. plural 5. singular 6. singular 7. plural 8. singular

Worksheet 34
1. this 2. themselves 3. she 4. their 5. they 6. it 7. his 8. them

Worksheet 35
First Person: our, we, ourselves, I, mine, us, myself, me
Second Person: you, yourself, your, yourselves
Third Person: herself, it, them, him, their, themselves, himself, she, her, they, its, he

Pronouns – Gender and Case

Worksheet 36
Feminine: herself, she Masculine: himself, he Neuter: nothing, this Common: you, their

Worksheet 37
1. masculine 2. neuter 3. feminine 4. common 5. masculine 6. neuter 7. common
8. feminine

Worksheet 38
1. her 2. your 3. my 4. its 5. hers 6. his 7. him 8. his

Worksheet 39
1. objective 2. possessive 3. subjective 4. possessive 5. objective 6. possessive
7. subjective 8. subjective

Worksheet 40
1. third/plural/common/subjective 2. second/plural/common/objective 3. third/singular/
masculine/objective 4. third/singular/feminine/possessive 5.
first/singular/common/subjective 6. third/singular/neuter/possessive

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1. “Worksheets”
Teaching Notes

Descriptive Adjectives
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1 - 12

Proper Adjectives
Grammar 1. Worksheets 13 - 15

Possessive and Distributive Adjectives

Grammar 1. Worksheets 16 - 20

Interrogative and Demonstrative Adjectives

Grammar 1. Worksheets 21 - 25

Numeral Adjectives
Grammar 1. Worksheets 26 - 28

Indefinite Adjectives
Grammar 1. Worksheets 29 - 30

Degrees of Comparison
Grammar 1. Worksheets 31 - 35

Forming Adjectives
Grammar 1. Worksheets 36 - 40


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Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.
An adjective is a describing word. They are used to describe nouns or pronouns. Adjectives
give us additional information about things, place, people, qualities or ideas. Adjectives can
be used to colour our language by helping us visualise a noun or pronoun better.

There are a number of different types of adjectives:- descriptive, proper, possessive,

distributive, interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite and numeral adjectives.

Descriptive Adjectives
Descriptive adjectives are the most common. They are used to describe nouns or pronouns.

These are examples of descriptive adjectives:-

wide orange large
young pretty clean

Proper Adjectives
Proper adjectives are formed from proper names and start with a capital letter.

These are examples of proper adjectives:-

Australian French German
American English Swedish

Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives indicate ownership of a thing, place, quality or idea.

These are examples of possessive adjectives:-

my your his
their her our

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Distributive Adjectives
Distributive adjectives refer to a particular group of people or things.

These are examples of distributive adjectives:-

each every
either neither

These are examples of distributive adjectives used in sentences:-

Each house has a red roof.
Neither girl was interested in training hard.

Interrogative Adjectives
Interrogative adjectives ask questions. However, they are not necessarily in sentences that end
in a question mark.

These are examples of interrogative adjectives used in sentences:-

What sort of car is that?
I want to know whose skateboard was left in the room.
Which main course are you having?

Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out which noun is being spoken of or written

These are demonstrative adjectives :-

this that those these such

These are examples of demonstrative adjectives used in sentences:-

This bike belongs to me.
Those boxes need to be thrown out.

Numeral Adjectives
Numeral adjectives describe the number or numerical order of things. There are two types of
numerical adjectives – cardinal or ordinal. Cardinal numeral adjectives refer to a number;
ordinal numeral adjectives refer to a position.

This is an example of a cardinal numeral adjective used in a sentence:-

There are seven trees in the garden.

This is an example of a ordinal numeral adjective used in a sentence:-

She was the sixth person to cross the line.

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Indefinite Adjectives
Indefinite adjectives refer to number but do not give the exact or definite number.

These are examples of indefinite adjectives used in sentences:-

Some people are very generous.
Very few athletes have run that fast.


Most adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called degrees of comparison.
The degrees of comparison are positive, comparative and superlative.

Positive Degree
This is the regular form of the adjective.

These are examples of adjectives used in the positive degree.

a fast car
a beautiful dress

Comparative Degree

This is used when two people or things are compared. We usually add “-er” to the end of
the adjective or place “more” in front of the adjectives when indicating the comparative

These are examples of adjectives used in the comparative degree.

a faster car
a more beautiful dress

Superlative Degree
This is used when more than two people or things are compared. We usually add “-est” to the
end of the adjective or place “most” in front of the adjective when indicating the superlative

These are examples of adjectives used in the comparative degree.

the fastest car
the most beautiful dress

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Choose the descriptive adjective that best completes each sentence.

bright hot clever red

fast huge blonde tall

1. An elephant is a …………….…… animal.

2. Richard is very …………………. for his age.

3. The new teacher had …………………. hair.

4. The insect was attracted to the …………………. light.

5. A dolphin is a …………………. animal.

6. Chips are cooked in …………………. fat.

7. A cheetah is a very …………………. animal.

8. The Japanese flag has a …………………. circle.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Choose the descriptive adjective that best completes each sentence.

thirsty heavy cold thick

strong lazy silver yellow

1. We rugged up because it was a …………….…… day.

2. A banana has a …………………. skin.

3. The …………………. pup drank all the water.

4. Lauren could hardly lift the …………………. bag.

5. The …………………. wind fanned the fire.

6. An elephant has …………………. skin.

7. The …………………. girl refuses to help.

8. Alex won a …………………. medal.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Choose the descriptive adjective that best completes each sentence.

new dangerous red hungry

famous savage sharp guilty

1. Paige cut her foot on a …………….…… shell.

2. Albert Einstein is a …………………. person.

3. Soldiers have a …………………. job.

4. The …………………. person was given two years in prison.

5. We ran from the …………………. dog.

6. The …………………. baby was crying for milk.

7. Nicki’s …………………. bike shines in the sun.

8. Brendan is the boy with …………………. hair.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined descriptive

adjective with one with a similar meaning from the box below.

boring nosey brash

clever difficult loyal

1. A dolphin is a smart animal.


2. He has always been a faithful family friend.


3. James has a very bold manner.


4. Our neighbour is a very curious person.


5. Jessie is good at solving hard problems.


6. My uncle works at a monotonous job.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined descriptive

adjective with one with a similar meaning from the box below.

parched defective drowsy

sugary gorgeous feeble

1. Those are very sweet drinks.


2. Sleepy drivers are dangerous on the road.


3. Anthony had a dry throat after the long walk.


4. The winning model had a beautiful smile.


5. The old man had a weak heartbeat.


6. The explosion was caused by a faulty switch.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Circle the descriptive adjective which has a different meaning

to the others in the group.

1. useless neat forlorn futile pointless

2. deserted horrible awful horrid frightful

3. angry icy furious enraged irate

4. wet damp moist soaked shallow

5. hungry weird strange odd eerie

6. dear costly snug pricey expensive

7. dangerous unsafe poor perilous hazardous

8. dark gloomy dim murky sleepy

9. cunning sly wily tame crafty

10. healthy confident sure certain positive

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

An adjective is a describing word. Descriptive adjectives

are the most common adjectives. Long, white, angry and
slow are examples of descriptive adjectives.
They tell us about the quality of a person or thing.

Circle the descriptive adjective which has a different meaning

to the others in the group.

1. clever tough brainy smart bright

2. cheerful small bright jolly merry

3. brave attractive valiant heroic courageous

4. trusty reliable simple sure dependable

5. serious fragile frail flimsy brittle

6. grubby grimy weak grotty filthy

7. fantastic furious wonderful fabulous marvellous

8. vacant vicious savage ferocious violent

9. funny amusing comical foolish humorous

10. faint weak awkward feeble frail

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.

Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place

of the overused adjectives.

massive slight marvellous huge

pleasant ghastly enormous miniature

disgusting concise delightful unsightly

Nice Ugly

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Small Big

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.

Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place

of the overused adjectives.

worthy scorching scalding sinful

frigid noble wicked boiling

evil frosty wintry reliable

Good Bad

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Hot Cold

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.

Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place

of the overused adjectives.

rigid current unbreakable mushy

ancient inflexible spongy antique

modern historic fluffy latest

Old New

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Hard Soft

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

Some descriptive adjectives (e.g. nice, small, big) are overused.

Choose other descriptive adjectives that could be used in place

of the overused adjectives.

narrow squat towering slender

high lofty broad dense

wide stunted fine stubby

Tall Short

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Thick Thin

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………………… ………………………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.
ADJECTIVES (Descriptive)

Descriptive adjectives are used in similes. A simile is an

expression in which a person, animal or thing is described as
being similar to someone or something else.

Choose the correct descriptive adjective to complete each

of the similes below.

slow agile cold busy

black blind sly old

1. as …………….…… as ice

2. as …………………. as coal

3. as …………………. as a fox

4. as …………………. as an ant

5. as …………………. as a bat

6. as …………………. as a monkey

7. as …………………. as a tortoise

8. as …………………. as the hills

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.

Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Proper

adjectives always start with a capital letter.
e.g. India – Indian Sweden - Swedish

Choose the correct proper adjective to complete each

of the sentences below.

Japanese Canadian Turkish American

Asian Italian German Tasmanian

1. San Francisco is a North ………..……… city.

2. The moose is a native ……..………… animal.

3. Bonn is the ………..……… capital.

4. Malaysia is an …………..…… country.

5. …………..…… delight is a popular sweet.

6. Hobart is the ………..……… capital..

7. Sumo wrestling is a popular …………..…… sport.

8. Pasta is a popular ……..………… meal.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.

Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Proper

adjectives always start with a capital letter.
e.g. India – Indian Sweden - Swedish

Choose the correct proper adjective to complete each

of the sentences below.

Israeli Indonesian Irish Scottish

Mexican Australian Swiss European

1. Kangaroos and wombats are native ………..……… animals.

2. Spain is a ……..………… country.

3. Jerusalem is the ………..……… capital.

4. The Matterhorn is in the …………..…… Alps.

5. Jakarta is the …………..…… capital.

6. A sombrero is a large ………..……… hat.

7. …………..…… pipe bands play the bagpipes.

8. The Isle of Man is in the ……..………… Sea.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.

Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Proper

adjectives always start with a capital letter.
e.g. India – Indian Sweden - Swedish

The following athletes represented their country at the Olympic

Games. Write the country they represented on the line provided.

Vietnam Peru Switzerland Ireland

Hungary China Cuba Jamaica

1. A Cuban boxer won his middleweight final. ………..………

2. A Chinese diver won the men’s springboard. ……..…………

3. The Jamaican relay team won the silver medal. ………..………

4. A Vietnamese table tennis player won gold. …………..……

5. The Peruvian men’s soccer team were sent home. …………..……

6. A Hungarian weightlifter set a world record. ………..………

7. An Irish runner won the men’s 5000 metres final. …………..……

8. A Swiss athlete won the women’s heptathlon. ……..…………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)

Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership of a thing,

place, quality or idea.
e.g. her leg its kennel their house
his fear our friends my thoughts

Choose the most appropriate possessive adjective to complete

each sentence below.

1. I want to make ……...………. own bed.

(my, her)
2. Conor deserves ……...………. success.
(their, his)
3. The hen protected …...……..…. chicks.
(its, her)
4. Fiona was determined to overcome ….……....…. fear.
(her, its)
5. The team had won …….…….…. last three matches.
(their, its)
6. Chantelle gave the dog ………..……. bone.
(his, its)
7. I decided to do it …………..….. own way.
(my, her)
8. You need to watch ……..….……. head.
(their, your)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)

Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership of a thing,

place, quality or idea.
e.g. her leg its kennel their house
his fear our friends my thoughts

Choose the most appropriate possessive adjective to complete

each sentence below.

1. The boys were expected to do ……...………. own washing.

(his, their)
2. The bull had broken ……...………. chain.
(her, his)
3. Ryan was pleased with …...……..…. results.
(his, their)
4. We were invited to stay at ….……....…. uncle’s farm.
(its, our)
5. The women were proud of …….…….…. achievements.
(their, its)
6. You should wash ………..……. hands before eating.
(their, your)
7. The mare had injured one of …………..….. back legs.
(his, her)
8. My mum was too scared to drive ……..….……. dad’s new car.
(its, my)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)

Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership of a thing,

place, quality or idea.
e.g. her leg its kennel their house
his fear our friends my thoughts

Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them in the space below.

1. should teeth your clean after you meals .

2. had engine power lost its the .

3. valued the its employees company .

4. from escaped the pen his ram .

5. players coach their supported basketball the .

6. hurt her filly the back .


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)

Distributive adjectives refer to a particular group of

people or things.
e.g. each member of the team either way
every parking spot neither decision

Select the most appropriate noun to go with the underlined

distributive adjective in each sentence below.

corner day golfer horse

outcome box hiker boat

1. Every …………….…… has its own groom.

2. Each …………………. carried her own pack.

3. We were happy with either …………………. .

4. There is a sign on every …………………. .

5. Either …………………. should hold twenty bottles.

6. Each …………………. gets longer as summer approaches.

7. Either …………………. could be used for waterskiing.

8. Neither …………………. was happy with his round.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.
ADJECTIVES (Possessive and Distributive)

Distributive adjectives refer to a particular group of

people or things.
e.g. each member of the team either way
every parking spot neither decision

Select the most appropriate noun to go with the underlined

distributive adjective in each sentence below.

vehicle girl computer movie

dog athlete worker branch

1. Each …………….…… had its own kennel.

2. There was a rose on every …………………. .

3. Either …………………. speaks very confidently.

4. Neither …………………. was fitted with a spare tyre.

5. Every …………………. received a pay rise.

6. Each …………………. has his own training program.

7. Neither …………………. did well at the box office.

8. Each …………………. was sold with a laser printer.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)

Interrogative adjectives are frequently used to ask questions.

e.g. Whose towel was left on the floor?
Which year were you born?
What truck does your dad drive?

Select the most appropriate noun to go with the underlined

interrogative adjective in each sentence below.

animal song poem bike

months team name idea

1. What …………….…… contains your favourite lyrics?

2. Whose …………………. did you forget?

3. Which ………………. carries its babies in a pouch?

4. What …………………. will you think of next?

5. Which …………………. have thirty one days?

6. Whose …………………. was read to the class?

7. Which …………………. has won its last four games?

8. Whose …………………. has a flat tyre?

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)

Interrogative adjectives are frequently used to ask questions.

e.g. Whose towel was left on the floor?
Which year were you born?
What truck does your dad drive?

Select the most appropriate noun to go with the underlined

interrogative adjective in each sentence below.

birthday animal time day

colour printer mountain money

1. Whose …………….…… was left to pay for the coffee?

2. Which …………………. will suit you best?

3. What ………………. goes with red?

4. Which …………………. needs a new cartridge?

5. What …………………. comes after Wednesday?

6. Whose …………………. is in October?

7. What …………………. has the best skiing?

8. Which …………………. has spots and a long tail?

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)

The interrogative adjective whose is used when referring to

people. The interrogative adjectives what and which are used
when referring to animals, places and things.

Select the correct interrogative adjective to complete

each sentence below.

1. ……...………. offer did Karen make?

(what, whose)
2. ……...………. car belongs to Mr. Davis?
(whose, which)
3. …...……..…. kindness restored her faith in people?
(which, whose)
4. ….……....…. idea was this?
(whose, what)
5. …….…….…. movie did you watch?
(what, whose)
6. ………..……. tree is the one you fell from?
(whose, which)
7. …………..….. area is best for growing tomatoes?
(what, whose)
8. ……..….……. selfishness caused this situation?
(which, whose)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)

Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out which nouns are

being spoken or written about.
These are demonstrative adjectives :-
this that those these such

Select the most appropriate noun to go with the underlined

demonstrative adjective in each sentence below.

month photograph flowers drawings

house athletes teacher nonsense

1. Those …………….…… are done with crayons.

2. That …………………. hates noisy children.

3. These ………………. have all represented their country before.

4. This …………………. has thirty one days.

5. Such …………………. will not be tolerated here.

6. Those …………………. will last for two weeks in water.

7. That …………………. needs a new roof.

8. This …………………. was taken in poor light.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.
ADJECTIVES (Interrogative and Demonstrative)

The demonstrative adjectives this and that are used

to point out a singular (one) noun.
e.g. this room that book
The demonstrative adjectives these and those are used
to point out a plural (more than one) noun.
e.g. those trees these pages

Select the correct demonstrative adjective to complete

each sentence below.

1. ……...………. channel only shows music clips.

(these, that)
2. ……...………. shoes need new laces.
(those, this)
3. …...……..…. pack of cards has two kings missing.
(that, these)
4. ….……....…. coins are not worth much.
(this, these)
5. …….…….…. month has twenty eight days.
(those, this)
6. ………..……. keyboard needs to be repaired.
(that, those)
7. …………..….. group of words are all verbs.
(that, these)
8. ……..….……. pigs are ready for market.
(this, those)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.

Numeral adjectives describe the number or the numerical order of things.

There are two types of numerical adjectives.
Cardinal (refer to a number) e.g. three, sixty
Ordinal (refer to a position) e.g. first, seventh

Choose whether the underlined word is a cardinal

or an ordinal numerical adjective.

1. Sam did not worry about his last placing. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

2. An octopus has eight tentacles. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

3. Emily took twenty dollars to spend on the trip. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

4. Tuesday is the third day of the week. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

5. September is the ninth month of the year. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

6. My dad will celebrate his fiftieth birthday soon …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

7. A triangle has three sides. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

8. The truck was licensed to carry ten tonnes. …………………

(cardinal or ordinal)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.

Numeral adjectives describe the number or the numerical order of things.

There are two types of numerical adjectives.
Cardinal (refer to a number) e.g. three, sixty
Ordinal (refer to a position) e.g. first, seventh

Select the correct numeral adjective to complete

each sentence below.

hundred sixth eight first

five seventh thirty seven

1. There are …………….…… days in a week.

2. Saturday is the …………………. day of the week.

3. There are one …………………. years in a century.

4. A pentagon has …………………. sides.

5. January is the …………………. month of the year.

6. June is the …………………. month of the year.

7. There are …………………. days in April.

8. A spider has …………………. legs.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.

Numeral adjectives describe the number or the numerical order of things.

There are two types of numerical adjectives.
Cardinal (refer to a number) e.g. three, sixty
Ordinal (refer to a position) e.g. first, seventh

Select the correct numeral adjective to complete

each sentence below.

three two four third

ten thirty last second

1. March is the …………….…… month of the year.

2. A bicycle has …………………. wheels.

3. December is the …………………. month of the year.

4. Monday is the …………………. day of the week.

5. A triangle has …………………. sides.

6. There are …………………. quadrants in a circle.

7. There are …………………. years in a decade.

8. There are …………………. days in November.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
ADJECTIVES (Indefinite)

Indefinite adjectives refer to the number of things spoken or

written about. However, they do not give an exact number.
These are examples of indefinite adjectives :-
some few many
most several much

Select the most appropriate noun to go with the underlined

indefinite adjective in each sentence below.

books times runners ways

peaches injuries cars time

1. Few …………….…… were left in the parking lot.

2. Much …………………. had been spent perfecting her swing.

3. We knew several …………………. to get to the beach.

4. Many …………………. were caused by a lack of flexibility.

5. Several …………………. were written about her epic journey.

6. We had visited the museum many …………………. .

7. Some …………………. are left on the tree.

8. Most …………………. had slowed to a walk.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
ADJECTIVES (Indefinite)

Indefinite adjectives refer to the number of things spoken or

written about. However, they do not give an exact number.
These are examples of indefinite adjectives :-
some few many
most several much

Unscramble the following sentences and rewrite them in the space below.

1. are responsible very adults most .

2. people afford price that few could .
3. are very people some generous .
4. concern much caused behaviour her .
5. blanket many had old holes the .
6. were missing several from pages magazine the .

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)

Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called

degrees of comparison.
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting

Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.

colder dearer heavy heaviest

dear coldest dearest cold

1. Saturday was a very …………….…… day.

2. This is a …………………. dress.

3. It is …………………. than yesterday.

4. Mercury is …………………. than lead.

5. This dress is …………………. than that one.

6. This is the …………………. day for two weeks.

7. Lead is a …………………. metal.

8. This dress is the …………………. in the shop.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)

Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called

degrees of comparison.
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting

Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.

long high hot longest

hottest longer highest hotter

1. The temperature will be …………….…… than yesterday.

2. Mount Everest is the …………………. mountain in the world.

3. The Mississippi is a …………………. river.

4. This is the ………………. temperature we have had all summer.

5. Mt. McKinley is a …………………. mountain.

6. The Amazon is …………………. than the Mississippi.

7. I sweat a lot on a …………………. day.

8. The Nile is the …………………. river of all.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)

Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called degrees of
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting

Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.

1. This is getting ……...………. unusual by the minute.

(more, most)
2. She was ……...………. cautious the second time around.
(less, least)
3. The puzzle is …...……..…. difficult than the one before.
(more, most)
4. These are the ….……....…. delicious peaches I have ever seen.
(more, most)
5. She will be …….…….…. careful next time.
(more, most)
6. This is the ………..……. interesting book I have ever read.
(more, most)
7. This is the …………..….. comfortable bed I have ever slept in.
(more, most)
8. He was the ……..….……. famous of all the explorers.
(less, least)

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)

Some adjectives form their comparisons in an irregular way.

Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. many good bad little far
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. more better worse less further
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. most best worst least furthest

Select the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence below.

best better further worse

least less worst good

1. Fourteen is …………….…… than nineteen.

2. The next town is …………………. away than we thought.

3. Good news is …………………. than bad news.

4. This earthquake is ………………. than the last one.

5. The win was the …………………. news we had ever received.

6. We were happy when we received the …………………. news.

7. The earthquake was the …………………. this century.

8. The rainfall was the …………………. amount ever recorded.

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.
ADJECTIVES (Degrees of Comparison)

Adjectives can be used in three different ways, which are called degrees of
Positive Degree (no comparison)
e.g. tall beautiful interesting
Comparative Degree (comparison of two things)
e.g. taller more beautiful less interesting
Superlative Degree (comparison of more than two things)
e.g. tallest most beautiful least interesting

Use your knowledge of adjectives to complete the table below.

Positive Comparative Superlative

………………….. colder …………………...

………………….. ………………….. easiest

tough ………………….. …………………...

………………….. more graceful …………………...

bad ………………….. …………………...

………………….. ………………….. sweetest

………………….. better …………………...

noisy ………………….. …………………...

………………….. ………………….. least sensible

Name: …………………………..…….….. Date: ……..….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)

Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding a “–y” ending.

If the noun ends in a single consonant it is normally doubled. If the noun
ends in “e” it is dropped before adding the “y”.
e.g. mist + y = misty sun + y = sunny bone + y = bony

Make adjectives from each of the nouns below by ending “y”.

1. sand + y = …………….……

2. nip + y = …………….……

3. storm + y = …………….……

4. noise + y = …………….……

5. spice + y = …………….……

6. soap + y = …………….……

7. fun + y = …………….……

8. craze + y = …………….……

9. wit + y = …………….……

10. hard + y = …………….……

11. pace + y = …………….……

12. health + y = …………….……

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)

Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding :-

–y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ious, -ous, -able, -ate, -ly, -tive etc.
e.g. misery + able = miserable season + al = seasonal
fury + ious = furious fortune + ate = fortunate

Make a suitable adjective from each noun in brackets.

1. a …………….…… day (wind)

2. a …………….…… dress (beauty)

3. a …………….…… position (centre)

4. an …………….…. car (expense)

5. the ………….…… team (nation)

6. a …………….…… suit (fashion)

7. a …………….…… soldier (courage)

8. a …………….…… decision (fortune)

9. a …………….…… teacher (anger)

10. a …………….…… chair (comfort)

11. a …………….…… stranger (mystery)

12. a …………….…… meal (spice)

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)

Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding :-

–y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ious, -ous, -able, -ate, -ly, -tive etc.
e.g. misery + able = miserable season + al = seasonal
fury + ious = furious fortune + ate = fortunate

Make a suitable adjective from each noun in brackets.

1. a …………….…… situation (danger)

2. a …………….…… day (cloud)

3. a …………….…… approach (care)

4. an …………….…. drug (harm)

5. the ………….…… accident (dread)

6. a …………….…… decision (doubt)

7. a …………….…… exhaust (noise)

8. a …………….…… coin (value)

9. a …………….…… beach (sand)

10. a …………….…… girl (study)

11. a …………….…… car (rely)

12. a …………….…… scene (peace)

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)

Some adjectives are formed from nouns by adding :-

–y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ious, -ous, -able, -ate, -ly, -tive etc.
e.g. misery + able = miserable season + al = seasonal
fury + ious = furious fortune + ate = fortunate

Make a suitable adjective from each noun in brackets.

1. an ……..…….…… road (ice)

2. a …………….…… apartment (luxury)

3. a …………….…… disk (flop)

4. an …………….…. politician (influence)

4. a …………….…… switch (fault)

6. an ….……….…… discovery (accident)

7. an …….…….…… jog (ease)

8. an ……….….…… baby (angel)

9. a ……..……..…… dog (faith)

10. a …………….…… sky (star)

11. an ……..…….…… worker (effect)

12. a …………….…… jumper (wool)

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.
ADJECTIVES (Forming Adjectives)

Some adjectives can be changed to have an opposite meaning by adding

a prefix such as :- im–, dis-, ir-, un-, in-
e.g dis + obedient = disobedient im + mature = immature
in + formal = informal un + intelligent = unintelligent

Make an adjective with an opposite meaning by adding

im-, dis-, ir-, un- or in- .

Prefix + Adjective = Opposite Meaning

1. ……… + patient = ……………………..

2. ……… + active = ……………………..

3. ……… + similar = ……………………..

4. ……… + possible = ……………………..

5. ……… + correct = ……………………..

6. ……… + proper = ……………………..

7. ……… + visible = ……………………..

8. ……… + clear = ……………………..

9. ……… + agreeable = ……………………..

10. ……… + happy = ……………………..

Name: ………………………….………... Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Descriptive Adjectives
Worksheet 1
1. huge 2. tall 3. blonde 4. bright 5. clever 6. hot 7. fast 8. red

Worksheet 2
1. cold 2. yellow 3. thirsty 4. heavy 5. strong 6. thick 7. lazy 8. silver

Worksheet 3
1. sharp 2. famous 3. dangerous 4. guilty 5. savage 6. hungry 7. new 8. red

Worksheet 4
1. A dolphin is a clever animal. 2. He has always been a loyal family friend.
3. James has a very brash manner. 4. Our neighbour is a very nosey person.
5. Jessie is good at solving difficult problems. 6. My uncle works at a boring job.

Worksheet 5
1. Those are very sugary drinks. 2. Drowsy drivers are dangerous on the road.
3. Anthony had a parched throat after the walk. 4. The winning model had a gorgeous smile.
5. The old man had a feeble heartbeat. 6. The explosion was caused by a defective switch.

Worksheet 6
1. neat 2. deserted 3. icy 4. shallow 5. hungry 6. snug 7. poor 8. sleepy 9. tame
10. healthy

Worksheet 7
1. tough 2. small 3. attractive 4. simple 5. serious 6. weak 7. furious 8. vacant 9. foolish
10. awkward

Worksheet 8
Nice: marvellous, pleasant, delightful Ugly: ghastly, disgusting, unsightly
Small: slight, miniature, concise Big: massive, huge, enormous

Worksheet 9
Good: worthy, noble, reliable Bad: sinful, wicked, evil
Hot: scorching, scalding, boiling Cold: frigid, frosty, wintry

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Worksheet 10
Old: ancient, antique, historic New: current, modern, latest
Hard: rigid, unbreakable, inflexible Soft: mushy, spongy, fluffy

Worksheet 11
Tall: towering, high, lofty Short: squat, stunted, stubby
Thick: broad, dense, wide Thin: narrow, slender, fine

Worksheet 12
1. cold 2. black 3. sly 4. busy 5. blind 6. agile 7. slow 8. old

Proper Adjectives
Worksheet 13
1. American 2. Canadian 3. German 4. Asian 5. Turkish 6. Tasmanian 7. Japanese 8.

Worksheet 14
1. Australian 2. European 3. Israeli 4. Swiss 5. Indonesian 6. Mexican 7. Scottish
8. Irish

Worksheet 15
1. Cuba 2. China 3. Jamaica 4. Vietnam 5. Peru 6. Hungary 7. Ireland 8. Switzerland

Possessive and Distributive Adjectives

Worksheet 16
1. my 2. his 3. her 4. her 5. its 6. its 7. my 8. your

Worksheet 17
1. their 2. his 3. his 4. our 5. their 6. your 7. her 8. my

Worksheet 18
1. You should clean your teeth after meals. 2. The engine had lost its power. 3. The
company valued its employees. 4. The ram escaped from his pen. 5. The basketball players
supported their coach. 6. The filly hurt her back.

Worksheet 19
1. horse 2. hiker 3. outcome 4. corner 5. box 6. day 7. boat 8. golfer

Worksheet 20
1. dog 2. branch 3. girl 4. vehicle 5. worker 6. athlete 7. movie 8. computer

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Interrogative and Demonstrative Adjectives
Worksheet 21
1. song 2. name 3. animal 4. idea 5. months 6. poem 7. team 8. bike

Worksheet 22
1. money 2. time 3. colour 4. printer 5. day 6. birthday 7. mountain 8. animal

Worksheet 23
1. what 2. which 3. whose 4. whose 5. what 6. which 7. what 8. whose

Worksheet 24
1. drawings 2. teacher 3. athletes 4. month 5. nonsense 6. flowers 7. house 8. photograph

Worksheet 25
1. that 2. those 3. that 4. these 5. this 6. that 7. that 8. those

Numeral Adjectives
Worksheet 26
1. ordinal 2. cardinal 3. cardinal 4. ordinal 5. ordinal 6. ordinal 7. cardinal 8. cardinal

Worksheet 27
1. seven 2. sixth 3. hundred 4. five 5. first 6. sixth 7. thirty 8. eight

Worksheet 28
1. third 2. two 3. last 4. second 5. three 6. four 7. ten 8. thirty

Indefinite Adjectives
Worksheet 29
1. cars 2. time 3. ways 4. injuries 5. books 6. times 7. peaches 8. runners

Worksheet 30
1. Most adults are very responsible. 2. Few people could afford the price. 3. Some people are
very generous. 4. Her behaviour caused much concern. 5. The old blanket had many holes.
6. Several pages were missing from the magazine.

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Adjectives – Degrees of Comparison
Worksheet 31
1. cold 2. dear 3. colder 4. heavier 5. dearer 6. coldest 7. heavy 8. dearest

Worksheet 32
1. hotter 2. highest 3. long 4. hottest 5. high 6. longer 7. hot 8. longest

Worksheet 33
1. more 2. less 3. more 4. most 5. more 6. most 7. most 8. least

Worksheet 34
1. less 2. further 3. better 4. worse 5. best 6. good 7. worst 8. least

Worksheet 35
Positive: cold, easy, tough, graceful, bad, sweet, good, noisy, sensible
Comparative: colder, easier, tougher, more graceful, worse, sweeter, better, noisier, less
Superlative: coldest, easiest, toughest, most graceful, worst, sweetest, best, noisiest, least

Forming Adjectives
Worksheet 36
1. sandy 2. nippy 3. stormy 4. noisy 5. spicy 6. soapy 7. funny 8. crazy 9. witty
10. hardy 11. pacy 12. healthy

Worksheet 37
1. windy 2. beautiful 3. central 4. expensive 5. national 6. fashionable 7. courageous
8. fortunate 9. angry 10. comfortable 11. mysterious 12. spicy

Worksheet 38
1. dangerous 2. cloudy 3. careful or careless 4. harmful or harmless 5. dreadful 6. doubtful
7. noisy 8. valuable or valueless 9. sandy 10. studious 11. reliable 12. peaceful

Worksheet 39
1. icy 2. luxurious 3. floppy 4. influential 5. faulty 6. accidental 7. easy 8. angelic
9. faithful 10. starry 11. effective 12. woollen

Worksheet 40
1. impatient 2. inactive 3. dissimilar 4. impossible 5. incorrect 6. improper 7. invisible
8. unclear 9. disagreeable 10. unhappy

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Grammar 1. “Worksheets”
Teaching Notes

Adverbs - General
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1 - 13

Adverbs – Similar and Opposite Meanings

Grammar 1. Worksheets 14 - 17

Forming Adverbs
Grammar 1. Worksheets 18 - 20

Adverbs of Time and Place

Grammar 1. Worksheets 21 - 26

Adverbs of Manner and Degree

Grammar 1. Worksheets 27 - 31

Interrogative and Modal Adverbs

Grammar 1. Worksheets 32 - 33

What Type of Adverb?

Grammar 1. Worksheets 34 - 35

Adverbs – Degrees of Comparison

Grammar 1. Worksheets 36 - 38

Using Adverbs Correctly

Grammar 1. Worksheets 39 - 40


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Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.

Adverbs are used to add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

Adverbs can add meaning to verbs.

e.g. Michael swam well.

Adverbs can add meaning to other adverbs.

e.g. Margaret sang extremely well.

Adverbs can add meaning to adjectives.

e.g. The very tall player was the first one chosen.


Most adverbs are formed by adding “-ly” to an adjective.

quick quickly
loose loosely

If an adjective ends in “l”, you still add “-ly”.

real really
careful carefully

If an adjective ends in “ll” you add “y”.

full fully
dull dully

If an adjective ends in “ue” you drop the “e” before adding “-ly”.
due duly
true truly

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If an adjective ends in “ic” you add “-ally”.
frantic frantically
specific specifically

There are a number of different types of adverbs, classified according to the way they modify
the meaning of other words in the sentence.

Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner tell how a particular action took place.

These are examples of adverbs of manner.

The dog reacted quickly.
The mouse crept silently to its hole.

Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of place tell where a particular action took place.

These are examples of adverbs of place.

Please wait there until you are called.
Come here where we can see you.

Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of time tell when a particular action took place.

These are examples of adverbs of time.

The new television was delivered yesterday.
I expect to be paid soon.

Adverbs of Degree
Adverbs of degree tell how much of something has taken place.

These are examples of adverbs of degree.

She reads very well.
He looked rather pale.

Numeral Adverbs
Numeral adverbs tell how often a particular action took place.

These are examples of numeral adverbs.

The football team was beaten twice in three weeks.
He read the contract thrice.

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Interrogative Adverbs
Interrogative adverbs are used to ask questions of time, place etc.

These are examples of interrogative adverbs.

When did you leave home?
Where did you put the hammer?

Modal Adverbs
Modal adverbs modify the verb to show a degree of probability.

These are examples of modal adverbs.

They have probably forgotten the starting time.
She is usually the first to start work.

Conjunctive Adverbs
Conjunctive adverbs join two or more clauses or sentences.

These are examples of conjunctive adverbs.

The cheque was mailed last week. However, it has not arrived.
The bridge was rickety; therefore we decided not to cross.

Like adjectives, adverbs have three degrees of comparison. The degrees of comparison are
positive, comparative and superlative. Most adverbs form the comparative by adding “more”
before the adverb and the superlative by adding “most” before the adverb.

Positive Comparative Superlative

slowly more slowly most slowly
faintly more faintly most faintly

Some adverbs of one syllable add “er” and “est” to form the comparative and superlative

Positive Comparative Superlative

high higher highest
soon sooner soonest
late later latest

A few adverbs form degrees of comparison in an irregular way.

Positive Comparative Superlative

well better best
much more most
little less least

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are words which are mainly used to help verbs.

They tell us how, when or where something happened.
e.g. She sang sweetly. (How)
They will arrive soon. (When)
The cat has gone outside. (Where)

Beside each adverb write how, when or where to show what the
adverb tells us.

Adverb How, when or where

1. quickly ……………………..
2. later ……………………..
3. down ……………………..
4. greedily ……………………..
5. yesterday ……………………..
6. there ……………………..
7. sadly ……………………..
8. down ……………………..
9. tightly ……………………..
10. somewhere ……………………..
11. brightly ……………………..
12. inside ……………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are words which are mainly used to help verbs.

They tell us how, when or where something happened.
e.g. She sang sweetly. (How)
They will arrive soon. (When)
The cat has gone outside. (Where)

Beside each adverb write how, when or where to show what the
adverb tells us.

Adverb How, when or where

1. now ……………………..
2. near ……………………..
3. roughly ……………………..
4. up ……………………..
5. here ……………………..
6. cleverly ……………………..
7. above ……………………..
8. gently ……………………..
9. early ……………………..
10. nowhere ……………………..
11. never ……………………..
12. suddenly ……………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are words which are mainly used to help verbs.

They tell us how, when or where something happened.
e.g. She sang sweetly. (How)
They will arrive soon. (When)
The cat has gone outside. (Where)

Select the adverb in each sentence below and write whether

it tells how, when or where something happened.

1. The sun is shining brilliantly.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

2. The train will arrive soon.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

3. Zoe was hoping to meet you here.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

4. We moved the glass carefully.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

5. It snowed yesterday.
…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

6. The snail moved slowly.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are words which are mainly used to help verbs.

They tell us how, when or where something happened.
e.g. She sang sweetly. (How)
They will arrive soon. (When)
The cat has gone outside. (Where)

Select the adverb in each sentence below and write whether

it tells how, when or where something happened.

1. Stuart scribbled quickly in his notebook.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

2. They must have hidden it elsewhere.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

3. They are moving today.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

4. The vacuum cleaner is stored upstairs.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

5. Ashley had recently arrived in the town.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

6. The children spoke excitedly to their teacher.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are words which are mainly used to help verbs.

They tell us how, when or where something happened.
e.g. She sang sweetly. (How)
They will arrive soon. (When)
The cat has gone outside. (Where)

Select the adverb in each sentence below and write whether

it tells how, when or where something happened.

1. Steven is sure to ring shortly.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

2. Mum worked inside on cold days.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

3. The cat crept silently towards the rat.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

4. Ella accepted the medal proudly.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

5. We must leave now.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

6. It is hot inside the shed.

…………………….. ……………………………
(adverb) (how, when or where)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are used to add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

e.g. Gemma sang well. (adds meaning to the verb)
Robbie ran extremely well. (adds meaning to the adverb)
The very poor farmer prayed for rain. (adds meaning to the adjective )

Choose whether the underlined adverb adds meaning to a verb,

an adjective or another adverb.

1. Last night the show finished early. ………..………

2. The extremely tiny insects were hard to see. ……..…………

3. The exhausted athlete looked rather pale. ………..………

4. We are going fishing tomorrow. …………..……

5. The very brave firefighters were local heroes. …………..……

6. The frightened cat stood still. ………..………

7. Leah did moderately well the second time around. …………..……

8. The tremendously loud noise startled everyone. ……..…………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are used to add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

e.g. Gemma sang well. (adds meaning to the verb)
Robbie ran extremely well. (adds meaning to the adverb)
The very poor farmer prayed for rain. (adds meaning to the adjective )

Choose whether the underlined adverb adds meaning to a verb,

an adjective or another adverb.

1. Sarah ran quickly when chased by the dog. ………..………

2. It was a terribly hard decision. ……..…………

3. The skier was seriously injured. ………..………

4. It was a frightfully cold day. …………..……

5. Mark waited rather anxiously for the decision. …………..……

6. We were asked to stand absolutely still. ………..………

7. The totally exhausted swimmer did survive. …………..……

8. The taxi should arrive shortly. ……..…………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

e.g. He waited patiently.
She listened intently.
They spoke excitedly.

Complete each sentence by selecting the most appropriate adverb

from the three adverbs on the right.

1. I promised ………..……… . (dimly, faithfully, widely)

2. She arrived ………..……… . (punctually, weakly, snugly)

3. It crashed ………..……… . (proudly, tightly, violently)

4. He wrote ………..……… . (crossly, neatly, tenderly)

5. It flew ………..……… . (joyfully, swiftly, cowardly)

6. She worked ………..……… . (tirelessly, slightly, loosely)

7. It shone ………..……… . (recklessly, falsely, brightly)

8. They behaved ………..……… .(peacefully, hurriedly, badly)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

e.g. He waited patiently for the final result.
She listened intently to the coach’s speech.
They spoke excitedly about the school camp.

Select the most appropriate adverb to complete

each sentence below.

dimly inside wearily lamely

regularly smartly longingly patiently

1. The well behaved crowd waited ………..……… .

2. We had to remain ……..………… because of the rain.

3. The injured horse walked ………..……… into the stable.

4. The hungry boy looked …………..…… at the fresh pies.

5. The tired hiker climbed…………..…… into the tent.

6. The keen golfer plays ………..……… .

7. Mike was dressed …………..…… for his first job interview.

8. The sun shines ……..………… on cloudy days.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

e.g. He waited patiently for the final result.
She listened intently to the coach’s speech.
They spoke excitedly about the school camp.

Select the most appropriate adverb to complete

each sentence below.

everywhere foolishly monthly fearlessly

brightly upstairs soon cheaply

1. The moon should ………..……… appear on the horizon.

2. An unwise person behaves ……..………… .

3. The old documents were stored ………..……… .

4. The brave competitor rode her bike …………..…… .

5. In the morning the snow lay …………..…… .

6. The magazine was printed ………..……… .

7. The stadium lights shone …………..…… .

8. He moved a lot of old stock by selling it ……..………… .

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.
ADVERBS (General)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

e.g. He waited patiently for the final result.
She listened intently to the coach’s speech.
They spoke excitedly about the school camp.

Select the most appropriate adverb to complete

each sentence below.

often hopefully here accidentally

soon gleefully downstairs carefully

1. Cyclists should ride ………..……… in heavy travel.

2. We visited our grandparents ……..………… .

3. The happy winners were laughing ………..……… .

4. Mum …………..…… broke the vase.

5. The wine was stored …………..…… in the cellar.

6. Please wait ………..……… until I return.

7. She waited …………..…… for her test results.

8. We should leave ……..………… or we will be late.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.
ADVERBS (General)

An adverb can be used in place of a group of words.

e.g. The robbers left the scene in a hurry.
The robbers left the scene hurriedly.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words

with the most appropriate adverb from the box.

there occasionally painlessly

everywhere modestly cautiously

1. Liam went swimming from time to time.


2. The humble man always spoke in a modest way.


3. The dentist extracted the tooth without any pain.


4. The feathers were scattered all over the place.


5. The plane landed over in that place.


6. Ella opened the door in a very careful manner.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.
ADVERBS (General)

An adverb can be used in place of a group of words.

e.g. The robbers left the scene in a hurry.
The robbers left the scene hurriedly.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words

with the most appropriate adverb from the box.

softly daily soon

repeatedly accidentally annually

1. The horse race was held once ever year.


2. The old woman spoke in a very quiet way.


3. We have the newspaper delivered every day of the week.


4. The bus will arrive in the near future.


5. The waves pounded against the rocks without ever ceasing.


6. The truck driver without meaning to crashed into the road sign.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.
ADVERBS (Similar and Opposite Meanings)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

Many adverbs have very similar meanings.
e.g. strongly – vigorously simply - plainly
unhurriedly – slowly roughly - crudely

Match each adverb below with one in the box that has a similar meaning.

equally strangely foolishly hugely

viciously coolly hurriedly effortlessly
quickly continually luckily powerfully

1. briskly ……………….. 7. easily ………………..

2. enormously ……………….. 8. calmly ………………..

3. constantly ……………….. 9. hastily ………………..

4. fiercely ……………….. 10. fortunately ………………..

5. evenly ……………….. 11. oddly ………………..

6. strongly ……………….. 12. crazily ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.
ADVERBS (Similar and Opposite Meanings)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

Many adverbs have very similar meanings.
e.g. strongly – vigorously simply - plainly
unhurriedly – slowly roughly - crudely

Match each adverb below with one in the box that has a similar meaning.

keenly fearfully gracefully solidly

entirely broadly faintly awkwardly
fondly violently frigidly tidily

1. timidly ……………….. 7. wildly ………………..

2. warmly ……………….. 8. feebly ………………..

3. clumsily ……………….. 9. elegantly ………………..

4. eagerly ……………….. 10. vastly ………………..

5. coldly ……………….. 11. fully ………………..

6. neatly ……………….. 12. firmly ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.
ADVERBS (Similar and Opposite Meanings)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

Some adverbs have opposite meanings.
e.g. roughly – smoothly joyfully - sadly
inside – outside tightly - loosely

Match each adverb below with one in the box that has an opposite

hurriedly loudly anxiously never

brightly dangerously slowly courteously
fortunately cleverly courageously economically

1. safely ……………….. 7. calmly ………………..

2. cowardly ……………….. 8. slowly ………………..

3. wastefully ……………….. 9. rudely ………………..

4. softly ……………….. 10. dimly ………………..

5. quickly ……………….. 11. always ………………..

6. unluckily ……………….. 12. stupidly ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.
ADVERBS (Similar and Opposite Meanings)

Adverbs are mainly used to add meaning to verbs.

Some adverbs have opposite meanings.
e.g. roughly – smoothly joyfully - sadly
inside – outside tightly - loosely

Match each adverb below with one in the box that has an opposite

sadly skilfully often carefully

gradually energetically tightly quietly
accidentally early above worst

1. loosely ……………….. 7. late ………………..

2. best ……………….. 8. recklessly ………………..

3. seldom ……………….. 9. noisily ………………..

4. joyfully ……………….. 10. wearily ………………..

5. awkwardly ……………….. 11. deliberately ………………..

6. suddenly ……………….. 12. below ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.
ADVERBS (Forming Adverbs)

Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding “-ly” to the

end of the word. Often spelling changes are needed.
e.g. quick – quickly (add “ly”)
definite – definitely (add “ly”)
graceful – gracefully (add “ly”)
gentle – gently (drop “e” and add “ly”)
easy – easily (change “y” to “i” and add “ly”)
frantic – frantically ( add “ally”)

Form adverbs from the adjectives below by adding “ly” and make other
spelling changes where needed.
Adjective Adverb
1. complete + ly = …………….……
2. capable + ly = …………….……
3. clear + ly = …………….……
4. busy + ly = …………….……
5. basic + ly = …………….……
6. valuable + ly = …………….……
7. usual + ly = …………….……
8. humble + ly = …………….……
9. lone + ly = …………….……
10. fancy + ly = …………….……
11. heroic + ly = …………….……
12. real + ly = …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.
ADVERBS (Forming Adverbs)

Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding “-ly” to the

end of the word. Often spelling changes are needed.
e.g. quick – quickly (add “ly”)
definite – definitely (add “ly”)
graceful – gracefully (add “ly”)
gentle – gently (drop “e” and add “ly”)
easy – easily (change “y” to “i” and add “ly”)
frantic – frantically ( add “ally”)

Form adverbs from the adjectives below by adding “ly” and make other
spelling changes where needed.
Adjective Adverb
1. loyal + ly = …………….……
2. crazy + ly = …………….……
3. extreme + ly = …………….……
4. durable + ly = …………….……
5. historic + ly = …………….……
6. stupid + ly = …………….……
7. hungry + ly = …………….……
8. total + ly = …………….……
9. drastic + ly = …………….……
10. similar + ly = …………….……
11. occasional + ly = …………….……
12. remarkable + ly = …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.
ADVERBS (Forming Adverbs)

Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding “-ly” to the

end of the word. Often spelling changes are needed.
e.g. quick – quickly (add “ly”)
definite – definitely (add “ly”)
graceful – gracefully (add “ly”)
gentle – gently (drop “e” and add “ly”)
easy – easily (change “y” to “i” and add “ly”)
frantic – frantically ( add “ally”)

Form adverbs from the adjectives below by adding “ly” and make other
spelling changes where needed.
Adjective Adverb
1. loose + ly = …………….……
2. final + ly = …………….……
3. greedy + ly = …………….……
4. specific + ly = …………….……
5. friend + ly = …………….……
6. staunch + ly = …………….……
7. general + ly = …………….……
8. necessary + ly = …………….……
9. scenic + ly = …………….……
10. quick + ly = …………….……
11. accidental + ly = …………….……
12. steady + ly = …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Time and Place)

Adverbs of time tell “when” a particular action took place.

e.g. We expect to be served soon.
The recently restored car was very popular.
The photographs will be ready tomorrow.

Circle the adverb of time in the sentences below.

1. The injured driver’s condition was constantly monitored.

2. The speeches seemed to last forever.

3. The temperature was recorded hourly.

4. I always watch the television news.

5. Tomorrow Julia is leaving for a week’s holiday.

6. The movie will start soon.

7. They arrived late because of the roadblock.

8. The bus will depart immediately after the match.

9. I often walk to school in summer.

10. Today Sam is being presented with his award.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Time and Place)

Adverbs of time tell “when” a particular action took place.

e.g. We expect to be served soon.
The recently restored car was very popular.
The photographs will be ready tomorrow.

Circle the adverb of time in the sentences below.

1. The pizzas were delivered promptly.

2. The children instantly dispersed at the sight of the teacher.

3. The daffodils bloomed early this year.

4. We mow our lawn frequently in spring.

5. We visit the museum regularly.

6. The school concert was cancelled tonight.

7. My dad is currently working for the government.

8. The damaged tap was continually dripping.

9. The sun momentarily shone through the clouds.

10. Our teacher never forces anyone to read aloud.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Time and Place)

Adverbs of time tell “when” a particular action took place.

e.g. We expect to be served soon.
The recently restored car was very popular.
The photographs will be ready tomorrow.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined adverb

of time with one from the box with a similar meaning.

sooner momentarily presently

rarely continually immediately

1. Those birds are seldom sighted in this area.


2. That word is constantly misused.


3. The lion stopped fleetingly before disappearing into the trees.


4. We heard they will arrive earlier than expected.


5. He wants a drink now.


6. Her paintings are currently being exhibited.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Time and Place)

Adverbs of place tell “where” a particular action took place.

e.g. The teacher sat behind the class.
They stayed inside because of the cold wind.
The heaters were placed around the sides of the hall.

Circle the adverb of place in the sentences below.

1. Wait here until the floor dries.

2. The mystery parcel was hidden behind the cushion.

3. The building was centrally located.

4. We now live closer to the beach.

5. Jodie spun around and saw the tiger for the first time.

6. The shrub was planted near the back door.

7. The trophy was kept inside a glass case.

8. She always enjoyed playing outdoors.

9. The gas cylinders were stored externally.

10. The organically grown vegetables were sold locally.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Time and Place)

Adverbs of place tell “where” a particular action took place.

e.g. The teacher sat behind the class.
They stayed inside because of the cold wind.
The heaters were placed around the sides of the hall.

Circle the adverb of place in the sentences below.

1. The originals are stored elsewhere.

2. Andrew jumped when something moved overhead.

3. The letter was squeezed under the door.

4. The cat walked along the top of the fence.

5. He stayed behind to help finish the job.

6. The electrician climbed up the ladder.

7. The puppy could not be found anywhere.

8. All the land thereabouts was once owned by my grandparents.

9. Our car was parked alongside a new Mercedes.

10. She stared upwards at the skyscraper.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Time and Place)

Adverbs of place tell “where” a particular action took place.

e.g. The teacher sat behind the class.
They stayed inside because of the cold wind.
The heaters were placed around the sides of the hall.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined adverb

of place with one from the box with a similar meaning.

outdoors broadly skywards

underneath closer globally

1. The dirt was swept below the carpet.


2. The Olympic Games are broadcast universally.


3. The grass seeds were spread widely.


4. We always keep our pets outside.


5. Our cousins live nearer to school than us.


6. Everyone looked upwards as the jet passed.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Manner and Degree)

Adverbs of manner tell “how” a particular action took place.

e.g. The crowd cheered wildly.
The expectant father paced patiently.
The seal cleverly balanced the ball on its nose.

Circle the adverb of manner in the sentences below.

1. The victorious group sang joyfully.

2. The announcer speaks distinctly.

3. The boys stared hungrily at the pizzas.

4. The irresponsible driver drove recklessly.

5. The farmer gently eased the cow into the pen.

6. The season ended successfully for our team.

7. Her hair was tied loosely behind her head.

8. The guilty party spoke reluctantly.

9. The dancer waltzed gracefully across the floor.

10. The cautious man invested his money carefully.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Manner and Degree)

Adverbs of manner tell “how” a particular action took place.

e.g. The crowd cheered wildly.
The expectant father paced patiently.
The seal cleverly balanced the ball on its nose.

Circle the adverb of manner in the sentences below.

1. The horse trainer worked patiently with the young filly.

2. The charity desperately needs more funding.

3. The tired girl nodded her head sleepily.

4. The restored ship sailed majestically into the harbour.

5. The council had reliably served the community for many years.

6. Rebecca did her work quietly.

7. The ambulance officer accepted the certificate proudly.

8. The actors had performed marvellously.

9. We all laughed heartily at his jokes.

10. The defeated boxer had fought valiantly.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Manner and Degree)

Adverbs of manner tell “how” a particular action took place.

e.g. The crowd cheered wildly.
The expectant father paced patiently.
The seal cleverly balanced the ball on its nose.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined adverb

of manner with one from the box with a similar meaning.

charitably robustly genuinely

cautiously tenderly sluggishly

1. I am sincerely interested in your situation.


2. Her heart beat strongly.


3. My uncle generously gave his time to help others.


4. Slowly the fallen rider picked herself up from the mud.


5. The inexperienced team started nervously.


6. He handled the litter of pups gently.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Manner and Degree)

Adverbs of manner tell “how” a particular action took place.

e.g. The crowd cheered wildly.
The expectant father paced patiently.
The seal cleverly balanced the ball on its nose.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined adverb

of manner with one from the box with a similar meaning.

plainly separately faithfully

luxuriously abusively comfortably

1. The actress was simply dressed.


2 . Fiona preferred to work independently.


3. The operator responded rudely.


4. He settled restfully in the new armchair.


5. The dog waited loyally for his owner.


6. The flat was extravagantly furnished.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
ADVERBS (Adverbs of Manner and Degree)

Adverbs of degree tell “to what extent” a particular action took place.
They are also used to modify the meaning of adjectives.
e.g. The dragster started incredibly quickly.
The very strong surfer loved big waves.
The young mother was thoroughly exhausted.

Circle the adverb of degree in the sentences below.

1. The desk was very roughly painted.

2. The lost walkers were still reasonably hopeful of being found.

3. Laura always laughed extremely loudly.

4. The audience became quite restless because of the delays.

5. The boat was rather small.

6. My uncle’s farm is quite extensive.

7. He had been treated really badly in our opinion.

8. The skydiver was incredibly lucky to survive.

9. It is vitally important that he makes contact.

10. That solution is completely unworkable.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
ADVERBS (Interrogative and Modal)

Interrogative adverbs are used to ask questions of time, place etc.

e.g. When did Lucy leave the pool?
Where did you put the tape measure?
How will we be able to afford it?

Choose the most appropriate interrogative adverb to

complete each sentence below.

1. ……...….. did you leave the toothpaste?

(when, where)
2. …...……. was the equipment not packed away?
(why, what)
3. …...……. much shorter do you want your hair?
(how, when)
4. ….…..…. is the next public meeting?
(how, when)
5. ……...…. is it so difficult to convince her?
(why, when)
6. …………. is the time?
(why, what)
7. ………….. many games have you played?
(how, when)
8. …………. are my new training shoes?
(how, where)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
ADVERBS (Interrogative and Modal)

Modal adverbs modify (change) a verb, an adjective or another adverb

to show a degree of probability
e.g. They have probably missed the plane.
Hannah is rarely late for class.

Circle the modal adverb in the sentences below.

1. Harrison is likely to go surfing later.

2. Rosie is absolutely sure of her facts.

3. This house was probably built first.

4. Louise is barely tall enough to see over the fence.

5. It is possibly the first time it has happened.

6. Marcus has definitely been selected in the team.

7. She scarcely laughed all through the movie.

8. Dylan rarely does his homework these days.

9. Emily is certainly keen about attending the concert.

10. It is unlikely that will deter him.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
ADVERBS (What Type of Adverb?)

Adverbs are used to add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

There are a number of different types of adverbs:-
e.g. I am listening now. (Adverb of time)
The ring was found under the rug. (Adverb of place)
The triathlete finished strongly. (Adverb of manner)
He reacted rather calmly. (Adverb of degree)

Choose whether the underlined adverb is either an adverb

of time, place, manner or degree.

1. The mouse escaped through a hole in the wall. ………..………

2. The radio programme will start soon. ……..…………

3. The numbers were chosen randomly. ………..………

4. The dried flowers are stored indoors. …………..……

5. They worked extremely hard. …………..……

6. The roof racks were fastened tightly. ………..………

7. The meal will be ready shortly. …………..……

8. Our aunt lives nearby. ……..…………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.
ADVERBS (What Type of Adverb?)

Adverbs are used to add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

There are a number of different types of adverbs:-
e.g. I am listening now. (Adverb of time)
The ring was found under the rug. (Adverb of place)
The triathlete finished strongly. (Adverb of manner)
He reacted rather calmly. (Adverb of degree)

Choose whether the underlined adverb is either an adverb

of time, place, manner or degree.

1. Our friends recently purchased a caravan. ………..………

2. The winner smiled smugly. ……..…………

3. Our car was parked near the supermarket. ………..………

4. We arrived late because of the snow. …………..……

5. They principal smiled warmly. …………..……

6. He was quite shaken by the bad news. ………..………

7. The guest was already seated. …………..……

8. The guilty boy hung his head shamefully. ……..…………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.
ADVERBS (Degrees of Comparison)

Like adjectives adverbs can be used in three different ways which are
called degrees of comparison. Adverbs of one syllable add “er” and “est”
to form the comparative and superlative forms.
Positive Comparative Superlative
high higher highest
soon sooner soonest
late later latest

Select the correct form of the adverb to complete each sentence below.

nearer later late high

higher near highest latest

1. The mail arrived ………..……… again.

2. We live ……..………… the train station.

3. My paper plane can fly ………..……… than yours.

4. The Thompsons live…………..…… to the train station than us.

5. Today the mail arrived …………..…… than yesterday.

6. My paper plane can fly ………..……… .

7. Today the mail arrived the …………..…… it has all month.

8. My paper plane can fly ……..………… of all the planes.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.
ADVERBS (Degrees of Comparison)

Adverbs ending in “ly” form the comparative by adding “more” before the
adverb and the superlative by adding “most” before the adverb.
Positive Comparative Superlative
confidently more confidently most confidently
politely more politely most politely
faintly more faintly most faintly

Select the correct form of the adverb to complete each sentence below.

quickly most cruelly attentively more quickly

cruelly most quickly more cruelly more attentively

1. The dogs were treated ……………..……… of all the animals.

2. Sarah was listening …………..………… .

3. The winning sprinter ran ……………..……… than in the heat.

4. The dogs were treated ………………..…… .

5. That sprinter can run ………………..…… of all the athletes.

6. Sarah was listening …………….……… than her sister.

7. The winning sprinter ran ………………..…… .

8. The dogs were treated ……..….……..…… than the cats.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.
ADVERBS (Degrees of Comparison)

Some adverbs form degrees of comparison in an irregular way.

Positive Comparative Superlative
badly worse worst
well better best
little less least

Select the correct form of the adverb to complete each sentence below.

less best badly little

better least worse well

1. Oscar felt ……………..……… when he kicked an own goal.

2. Ryan eats …………..………… of all for breakfast.

3. Peter played ……………..……… than last time.

4. Lucy eats ………………..…… between meals.

5. Simone played ………………..…… when she won the trophy.

6. Lauren was voted …………….……… in the grand final.

7. Ben eats ………………..…… for breakfast than lunch.

8. Oscar felt ……..……..…… when he kicked a second own goal.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.
ADVERBS (Using Adverbs Correctly)

Adverbs and adjectives are sometimes confused and incorrectly used.

e.g. Tom played good. Incorrect (good is an adjective)
The team played well. Correct
The team finished real strongly. Incorrect (real is an adjective)
The team finished really strongly. Correct

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence below.

1. Kate shouted ….…….……. but there was no response.

(loudly, loud)
2. The team had very ………..……. support.
(good, well)
3. The wind blew ….…….……. strongly.
(real, really)
4. Julie had a ….……….…. sprained wrist.
(bad, badly)
5. We soon discovered that it was a …………..…. snake.
(really, real)
6. I felt …………..…. after letting down my friends.
(bad, badly)
7. The choir sang really ………..…….. .
(good, well)
8. It is now a ……..………. good time for trout fishing.
(real, really)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.
ADVERBS (Using Adverbs Correctly)

Adverbs and adjectives are sometimes confused and incorrectly used.

e.g. Tom played good. Incorrect (good is an adjective)
The team played well. Correct
The team finished real strongly. Incorrect (real is an adjective)
The team finished really strongly. Correct

Each of the sentences below has a mistake in adverb/adjective

usage. Correct the error and rewrite each of the sentences.

1. I was real sorry I missed them.


2. For two days it snowed continuous.


3. His leg was broken really bad.


4. I could see more easier in the brighter light.


5. Brooke was not feeling good so she had a rest.


6. Our dog barked loud at the visitor.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Adverbs - General
Worksheet 1
1. how 2. when 3. where 4. how 5. when 6. where 7. how 8. where 9. how 10.where
11. how 12. where

Worksheet 2
1. when 2. where 3. how 4. where 5. where 6. how 7. where 8. how 9. when 10.where
11. when 12. how

Worksheet 3
1. brilliantly / how 2. soon / when 3. here / where 4. carefully / how 5. yesterday / when
6. slowly / how

Worksheet 4
1. quickly / how 2. elsewhere / where 3. today / when 4. upstairs / where 5. recently / when
6. excitedly / how

Worksheet 5
1. shortly / when 2. inside / where 3. silently / how 4. proudly / how 5. now / when
6. inside / where

Worksheet 6
1. verb 2. adjective 3. adverb 4. verb 5. adjective 6. verb 7. adverb 8. adjective

Worksheet 7
1. verb 2. adjective 3. verb 4. adjective 5. adverb 6. adverb 7. adjective 8. verb

Worksheet 8
1. faithfully 2. punctually 3. violently 4. neatly 5. swiftly 6. tirelessly 7. brightly
8. badly

Worksheet 9
1. patiently 2. inside 3. lamely 4. longingly 5. wearily 6. regularly 7. smartly
8. dimly

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Worksheet 10
1. soon 2. foolishly 3. upstairs 4. fearlessly 5. everywhere 6. monthly 7. brightly
8. cheaply

Worksheet 11
1. carefully 2. often 3. gleefully 4. accidentally 5. downstairs 6. here 7. hopefully
8. soon

Worksheet 12
1. occasionally 2. modestly 3. painlessly 4. everywhere 5. there 6. cautiously

Worksheet 13
1. annually 2. softly 3. daily 4. soon 5. repeatedly 6. accidentally

Adverbs – Similar and Opposite Meanings

Worksheet 14
1. quickly 2. hugely 3. continually 4. viciously 5. equally 6. powerfully 7. effortlessly
8. coolly 9. hurriedly 10. luckily 11. strangely 12. foolishly

Worksheet 15
1. fearfully 2. fondly 3. awkwardly 4. keenly 5. frigidly 6. tidily 7. violently
8. faintly 9. gracefully 10. broadly 11. entirely 12. solidly

Worksheet 16
1. dangerously 2. courageously 3. economically 4. loudly 5. slowly 6. fortunately
7. anxiously 8. hurriedly 9. courteously 10. brightly 11. never 12. cleverly

Worksheet 17
1. tightly 2. worst 3. often 4. sadly 5. gracefully 6. gradually 7. early
8. carefully 9. quietly 10. energetically 11. accidentally 12. above

Forming Adverbs
Worksheet 18
1. completely 2. capably 3. clearly 4. busily 5. basically 6. valuably 7. usually
8. humbly 9. lonely 10. fancily 11. heroically 12. really

Worksheet 19
1. loyally 2. crazily 3. extremely 4. durably 5. historically 6. stupidly 7. hungrily
8. totally 9. drastically 10. similarly 11. occasionally 12. remarkably

Worksheet 20
1. loosely 2. finally 3. greedily 4. specifically 5. friendly 6. staunchly 7. generally
8. necessarily 9. scenically 10. quickly 11. accidentally 12. steadily

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Adverbs of Time and Place
Worksheet 21
1. constantly 2. forever 3. hourly 4. always 5. tomorrow 6. soon 7. late 8. immediately
9. often 10. today

Worksheet 22
1. promptly 2. instantly 3. early 4. frequently 5. regularly 6. tonight 7. currently
8. continually 9. momentarily 10. never

Worksheet 23
1. rarely 2. continually 3. momentarily 4. sooner 5. immediately 6. presently

Worksheet 24
1. here 2. behind 3. centrally 4. closer 5. around 6. near 7. inside 8. outdoors
9. externally 10. locally

Worksheet 25
1. elsewhere 2. overhead 3. under 4. along 5. behind 6. up 7. anywhere 8. thereabouts
9. alongside 10. upwards

Worksheet 26
1. underneath 2. globally 3. broadly 4. outdoors 5. closer 6. skywards

Adverbs of Manner and Degree

Worksheet 27
1. joyfully 2. distinctly 3. hungrily 4. recklessly 5. gently 6. successfully 7. loosely
8. reluctantly 9. gracefully 10. carefully

Worksheet 28
1. patiently 2. desperately 3. sleepily 4. majestically 5. reliably 6. quietly 7. proudly
8. marvellously 9. heartily 10. valiantly

Worksheet 29
1. genuinely 2. robustly 3. charitably 4. sluggishly 5. cautiously 6. tenderly

Worksheet 30
1. plainly 2. separately 3. abusively 4. comfortably 5. faithfully 6. luxuriously

Worksheet 31
1. very 2. reasonably 3. extremely 4. quite 5. rather 6. quite 7. really 8. incredibly
9. vitally 10. completely

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Interrogative and Modal Adverbs
Worksheet 32
1. where 2. why 3. how 4. when 5. why 6. what 7. how 8. where

Worksheet 33
1. likely 2. absolutely 3. probably 4. barely 5. possibly 6. definitely 7. scarcely 8. rarely
9. certainly 10. unlikely

What Type of Adverb?

Worksheet 34
1. place 2. time 3. manner 4. place 5. degree 6. manner 7. time 8. place

Worksheet 35
1. time 2. manner 3. place 4. time 5. manner 6. degree 7. time 8. manner

Adverbs – Degrees of Comparison

Worksheet 36
1. late 2. near 3. higher 4. nearer 5. later 6. high 7. latest 8. highest

Worksheet 37
1. most cruelly 2. attentively 3. more quickly 4. cruelly 5. most quickly 6. more attentively
7. quickly 8. more cruelly

Worksheet 38
1. badly 2. least 3. better 4. little 5. well 6. best 7. less 8. worse

Using Adverbs Correctly

Worksheet 39
1. loudly 2. good 3. really 4. badly 5. real 6. badly 7. well 8. really

Worksheet 40
1. I was really sorry I missed them. 2. For two days it rained continuously.
3. His leg was broken really badly. 4. I could see more easily in the brighter light.
5. Brooke was not feeling well so she had a rest. 6. Our dog barked loudly at the visitor.

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets”

Teaching Notes

Verbs - General
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1 - 17

Agreement of Subject and Verb

Grammar 1. Worksheets 18 - 28

Verb Tense
Grammar 1. Worksheets 29 - 33

Participles and Auxiliary Verbs

Grammar 1. Worksheets 34 - 36

Irregular Verbs
Grammar 1. Worksheets 37 - 38

Forming and Using Verbs

Grammar 1. Worksheets 39 - 40


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Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening. They are often called
“doing” or “action” words. Every sentence must have at least one verb or it is not a sentence.

Verbs often tell us about the actions people or things do or have done.
e.g. We swam across the lake.

Verbs often tell us about feelings that are being or have been felt.
e.g. We feel very excited.

Verbs may be about existing, being, appearing or becoming.

e.g. He appears to be very tired.
I am becoming very worried.

There are many ways of defining and classifying verbs - depending on how they are being


A finite verb is a verb that has a subject. A finite verb can stand alone without a helping verb.
There must be a finite verb in every sentence.

These are examples of finite verbs.

He ran to the end of the road.
She rings her mother every Sunday.

Finite verbs are tied to the subject of the sentence, they must agree with the subject in person
and number.

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Verbs can be either singular or plural. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. If
the subject is plural the verb must be plural.

For example:-
The boy rows the boat.
(Singular subject) (Singular Verb) (Object)
The boys row the boat.
(Plural subject) (Plural Verb) (Object)

The subject of a sentence can either be first person (the person/s speaking), second person
(the person/s spoken to) or third person (the person/s spoken about). The verb must agree
with the subject.

For example:-
I was drinking. (First person)
You were drinking. (Second person)
She was drinking. (Third person)

The tense of a verb tells us the time the process or action occurred. Tense tells us whether
something is taking place now (present), has taken place (past) or will take place (future).

e.g. She attended the local primary school. (Past)

She attends secondary college. (Present)
She will attend university in the city. (Future)

Non-finite verbs cannot stand alone in a sentence. There are two kinds of non-finite verbs:-
infinitives and participles.
The infinitive: to go, to do, to see
The present participle: going, doing, seeing
The past participle: gone, done, seen

Infinitives usually have “to” in front of them. Infinitives can function as nouns, adverbs or

These are examples of infinitives:-

To drive is essential. (Noun)
I have a house to paint. (Adjective)
It is time to go. (Adverb)

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Participles are divided into present participles and past participles. Participles need an
auxiliary (helping) verb to make a complete verb.

These are examples of present and past participles.

I am walking over the bridge.

(“walking” is the present participle, “am” is the auxiliary verb)
I had walked over the bridge.
(“walked” is the past participle, “had” is the auxiliary verb)

Present participles can act as nouns and are called verbal nouns or gerunds. They can also act
as adjectives and are called verbal adjectives.

e.g. Hiking is an enjoyable pastime. (Verbal noun or gerund)

We went on a sailing holiday. (Verbal adjective)


Verbs divide into two main kinds :- regular or irregular.

Regular Verbs
The tenses of most verbs are formed in a regular way. Regular verbs obey the same rules as
hundreds of other verbs in forming their present and past tenses, and also in forming present
and past participles.

The basic form of a verb is referred to as the “infinitive” with the word “to” in front of it.
e.g. to bake to try to laugh to appear to seem

Regular verbs obey the same rules when altered from the basic form.

Rule 1.

Regular verbs form the present tense by adding “-s” to the basic form when the person is the
third person singular (he, she, it).
e.g. He bakes the bread.
She appears to be very weary.

Rule 2.

Regular verbs form their past tense by adding “-ed” to the basic form. This rule applies to all
three persons of the past tense, both singular and plural. (Note: Verbs that end in “e” add only
“-d” and verbs that end in “-y” change the “-y” to “-i” and add “-ed”.)
e.g. He baked the cake.
She appeared to be very happy.

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Rule 3.

Regular verbs form their participles in a uniform way.

The present participle is formed by adding “-ing” to the basic form of the verb.
e.g. I am baking the bread.
The past participle is formed by adding “-ed” to the basic form of the verb.
e.g. She had appeared afraid.

Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are those that form their tenses in an unusual way. The special forms that
irregular verbs take occur when they alter from the basic form of the verb because of person
and/or tense.
The only way to become familiar with the special forms the irregular verbs take is to take the
time to learn them.
Here are the altered forms of the following common irregular verbs.

Infinitive Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle

to be am, is, are was, were been
to go goes went gone
to arise arises arose arisen
to become becomes became become
to do does did done
to fly flies flew flown
to give gives gave given
to ring rings rang rung
to speak speaks spoke spoken
to write writes wrote written
to take takes took taken
to eat eats ate eaten
to forget forgets forgot forgotten
to wear wears wore worn
to know knows knew known

Auxiliary verbs are subordinate words that join with a verb to form a verb group or verb
e.g. Have you combed your hair today?
have (auxiliary verb) plus combed (main verb)
e.g. We are painting the fence.
are (auxiliary verb) plus painting (main verb)

The most common auxiliary verbs are:-

be am is are was were
being been have has had having
will would shall should can could
may might must do does did

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening.

They are often called “action” or “doing” words. Every sentence
must have a finite (complete) verb or it is not a sentence. These
are examples of finite verbs in sentences.
e.g. We swim every morning. (Sentence)
The bus skidded off the road. (Sentence)
Kicking the ball on the roof. (Not a sentence - no finite verb)

Decide whether the following statements are sentences or not.

Do they contain a finite verb?

1. We ride our bikes to school. …………………

(yes or no)

2. Under the big tree at the end of the oval. …………………

(yes or no)

3. I like strawberry ice-cream. …………………

(yes or no)

4. Beside the road near the bridge. …………………

(yes or no)

5. I know the correct answer. …………………

(yes or no)

6. I did it all by myself. …………………

(yes or no)

7. Around the corner near the bus stop. …………………

(yes or no)

8. The helicopter above our house. …………………

(yes or no)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening.

They are often called “action” or “doing” words. Every sentence
must have a finite (complete) verb or it is not a sentence. These
are examples of finite verbs in sentences.
e.g. We swim every morning. (Sentence)
The bus skidded off the road. (Sentence)
Kicking the ball on the roof. (Not a sentence - no finite verb)

Decide whether the following statements are sentences or not.

Do they contain a finite verb?

1. The balloon burst. …………………

(yes or no)

2. I cooked the vegetables. …………………

(yes or no)

3. Never a dull moment. …………………

(yes or no)

4. We shared the sweets between us. …………………

(yes or no)

5. Hoping she would come. …………………

(yes or no)

6. I left the cinema to walk home. …………………

(yes or no)

7. Disappointed with the attendance. …………………

(yes or no)

8. We hurried inside. …………………

(yes or no)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening.

They are often called “action” or “doing” words. Every sentence
must have a finite (complete) verb or it is not a sentence. These
are examples of finite verbs in sentences.
e.g. We swim every morning.
The bus skidded off the road.

Choose a suitable verb to complete the sentences below.

reads swore kicks begged

climbed slithered bent swam

1. The stranded travellers ………..……… for assistance.

2. The electrician ……..………… onto the roof.

3. The boys ………..……… across the river.

4. Jason …………..…… he would never go sky diving again.

5. The snake …………..…… under the sheet of tin.

6. The football player ………..……… well with either foot.

7. The strong wind …………..…… the clothes line.

8. Chloe ……..………… the newspaper every morning.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening.

They are often called “action” or “doing” words. Every sentence
must have a finite (complete) verb or it is not a sentence. These
are examples of finite verbs in sentences.
e.g. We swim every morning.
The bus skidded off the road.

Choose a suitable verb to complete the sentences below.

shook bled fell flew

played joined arrived cancelled

1. The building ………..……… during the blast.

2. The plane ……..………… above the rim of the crater.

3. The bus ………..……… on time.

4. The kitten …………..……with the ball of wool.

5. The two islands were …………..…… by a bridge.

6. His nose ………..……… for at least five minutes.

7. They …………..…… the carnival because of the rain.

8. The broken twig ……..………… from the tree.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening. They
are used to described what someone is doing, feeling or thinking.

Select a verb from the box to match the subjects below.

writes serves designs drives

cooks fights climbs flies
steals carves studies operates

Subject Verb
1. an engineer ……………………….
2. a soldier ……………………….
3. a chef ……………………….
4. a sculptor ……………………….
5. a surgeon ……………………….
6. a student ……………………….
7. an aviator ……………………….
8. a journalist ……………………….
9. a thief ……………………….
10. a butler ……………………….
11. a mountaineer ……………………….
12. a chauffeur ……………………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening. They
are used to described what someone is doing, feeling or thinking.

Match the verbs in the box with their meanings below.

to suspect to skip to query to pester

to loathe to ache to rush to injure
to scowl to waddle to nudge to explode

Verb Meaning
1. ………………………. to feel a continuous dull pain
2. ………………………. to move quickly
3. ………………………. to jump from one foot to another
4. ………………………. to burst open violently
5. ………………………. to think something is likely to be true
6. ………………………. to push gently
7. ………………………. to frown when you are angry
8. ………………………. to annoy or bother someone
9. ………………………. to walk swaying from side to side
10. ………………………. to have a strong dislike of something
11. ………………………. to ask a question
12. ………………………. to damage part of your body

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are words or groups of words that show what is happening. They
are used to described what someone is doing, feeling or thinking.

Match the verbs in the box with their meanings below.

to practise to puncture to guard to retain

to forget to guide to pinch to glow
to appoint to reveal to recall to totter

Verb Meaning
1. ………………………. to walk in an unsteady way
2. ………………………. to keep something
3. ………………………. to protect something
4. ………………………. to lead someone in a particular direction
5. ………………………. to remember something
6. ………………………. to do something regularly to improve
7. ………………………. to make a small hole in something
8. ………………………. to shine with a dull, steady light
9. ………………………. to choose someone for a position
10. ………………………. to squeeze with your fingers
11. ………………………. to fail to remember something
12. ………………………. to uncover something

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.
VERBS (General)

Verbs can be used in sentences in a number of ways.

A verb can be used to express an action (e.g. run, kick), to express
a feeling (e.g. love, dislike), to express a spoken action (e.g. yelled,
whispered) or express a state of being (e.g. am, has).

Select the verb in each sentence below and decide whether it

expresses an action, a feeling, a spoken action or a state of being.

1. The happy children chatted for hours.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

2. The kangaroo jumped the fence.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

3. The teacher asked for our attention.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

4. Sally is always in good spirits.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

5. Potters mould clay into different shapes.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

6. I dislike rude people.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.
VERBS (General)

Verbs can be used in sentences in a number of ways.

A verb can be used to express an action (e.g. run, kick), to express
a feeling (e.g. love, dislike), to express a spoken action (e.g. yelled,
whispered) or express a state of being (e.g. am, has).

Select the verb in each sentence below and decide whether it

expresses an action, a feeling, a spoken action or a state of being.

1. Mum often worries about us.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

2. The boys rowed the boat across the lake.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

3. Patrick has some ambitious plans.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

4. Our dog often scratches itself.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

5. They are all happy now.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

6. The lifeguard shouted at the young surfers.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.
VERBS (General)

Verbs can be used in sentences in a number of ways.

A verb can be used to express an action (e.g. run, kick), to express
a feeling (e.g. love, dislike), to express a spoken action (e.g. yelled,
whispered) or express a state of being (e.g. am, has).

Select the verb in each sentence below and decide whether it

expresses an action, a feeling, a spoken action or a state of being.

1. The waiter greeted the customers cheerfully.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

2. Laura likes her new hairstyle.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

3. Sarah threw the ball to me.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

4. The shoes were behind the chair.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

5. The coach yelled at the lazy players.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

6. A kid is a young goat.

…………………….. ……………………………
(verb) (action, feeling, spoken or being)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express an action.

e.g. The cat pounced on the mouse.
She signed her name on the poster.

Match each action verb below with one in the box that
has a similar meaning.

hurry climb flatten make

hack leap overpower entrap
scribble pursue limp clap

1. hobble ……………….. 7. applaud………………..

2. capture ……………….. 8. chop ………………..

3. scale ……………….. 9. produce………………..

4. jump ……………….. 10. chase ………………..

5. scrawl ……………….. 11. crush ………………..

6. defeat ……………….. 12. rush ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express an action.

e.g. The cat pounced on the mouse.
She signed her name on the poster.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined action

verb with one from the box with a similar meaning.

hassled brushed slammed

swerved quarrelled encircled

1. The trailer crashed into the rock wall.


2. The champion was surrounded by fans.


3. Mum swept the dust off the piano.


4. The two neighbours had feuded for many years.


5. The referee was badgered by the angry spectators.


6. The truck veered to miss the wombat.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express an action.

e.g. The cat pounced on the mouse.
She signed her name on the poster.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined action

verb with one from the box with a similar meaning.

dashed leap bowed

collapsed plummeted reeked

1. The paper plane plunged to the ground.


2. The rotten fish stank for days.


3. A frog can hop further than a rabbit.


4. The exhausted walker slumped on the stretcher.


5. The large fish bent the rod in half.


6. The children charged out of the classroom.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express how a person is speaking or has

spoken. These verbs are known as spoken verbs.
e.g. The children chatted excitedly.
The teacher appealed to everyone to remain calm.

Match each spoken verb below with one in the box that
has a similar meaning.

yell query demand promise

murmur beg giggle whimper
object snarl tattle predict

1. protest ……………….. 7. shout ………………..

2. chuckle ……………….. 8. sob ………………..

3. forecast ……………….. 9. growl ………………..

4. pledge ……………….. 10. plead ………………..

5. question……………….. 11. gossip ………………..

6. insist ……………….. 12. whisper………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express how a person is speaking or has

spoken. These verbs are known as spoken verbs.
e.g. The children chatted excitedly.
The teacher appealed to everyone to remain calm.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined spoken verbs
with one with a similar meaning from the box below.

gloated moaned squealed

murmured welcomed warned

1. The young girl shrieked when she saw the snake.


2. Mum greeted the visitors at the front door.


3. The shy boy muttered his name.


4. The lifeguard alerted the swimmers about the shark.


5. The triumphant coach crowed about the win.


6. The unhappy residents whined when the decision was announced.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express how a person is thinking or

feeling. These verbs are known as thinking or feeling verbs.
e.g. We thought the rain had ceased.
I dislike windy and wet weather.

Match each thinking or feeling verb below with one in the

box that has a similar meaning.

entertain humiliate worship understand

like select lament appear
excite despise astound distrust

1. regret ……………….. 7. doubt ………………..

2. thrill ……………….. 8. amuse ………………..

3. enjoy ……………….. 9. comprehend………………..

4. amaze ……………….. 10. seem ………………..

5. choose ……………….. 11. hate ………………..

6. belittle ……………….. 12. idolize………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.
VERBS (General)

Verbs are often used to express how a person is thinking or

feeling. These verbs are known as thinking or feeling verbs.
e.g. We thought the rain had ceased.
I dislike windy and wet weather.

Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined thinking or

feeling verbs with one with a similar meaning from the box below.

assumed considers shocked

doubts comforted respects

1. The shoppers were alarmed at the price increases.


2. Everyone admires emergency workers.


3. The counsellor reassured the upset student.


4. Our friends supposed that we would be there on time.


5. The principal disbelieves his story.


6. The judge contemplates all the facts before making a decision.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

The subject of a sentence must agree with a verb in number.

If the subject is singular the verb must be singular. A plural
subject must have a plural verb.
e.g. The boy paints the fence.
(Singular subject) (Singular verb) (Object)
The boys paint the fence.
(Plural subject) (Plural verb) (Object)

Select the subject in the sentences below and state whether

it is singular or plural.

1. The whales swim in large numbers.

…………………….. ……………………………
(subject) (singular or plural)

2. The price is too high.

…………………….. ……………………………
(subject) (singular or plural)

3. The children need new shoes.

…………………….. ……………………………
(subject) (singular or plural)

4. The dog had five pups.

…………………….. ……………………………
(subject) (singular or plural)

5. They lived in the new brick house.

…………………….. ……………………………
(subject) (singular or plural)

6. Those are kept in good condition.

…………………….. ……………………………
(subject) (singular or plural)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

Most verbs in singular form end in an “s”.

e.g. he kicks the lake freezes she tries
Most verbs in plural form do not end in an “s”.
e.g. they kick the lakes freeze they try

Fill the spaces below with either a singular or plural verb.

Singular Plural

1. the tree ……………. the trees grow

2. the bird flies the birds …………….
3. the spectator cheers the spectators …………….
4. the glass ……………. the glasses break
5. the ball rolls the balls …………….
6. the chef ……………. the chefs cook
7. the diamond sparkles the diamonds …………….
8. the fire burns the fires …………….
9. the judge ……………. the judges decide
10. the baby cries the babies …………….
11. the clock ……………. the clocks chime
12. the girl ……………. the girls laugh

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

The subject of a sentence must agree with a verb in number.

If the subject is singular the verb must be singular. A plural
subject must have a plural verb.
e.g. The boy paints the fence.
(Singular subject) (Singular verb) (Object)
The boys paint the fence.
(Plural subject) (Plural verb) (Object)

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence below.

washes rides eat read

ride reads wash eats

1. My sister ………..……… a piece of fruit for breakfast.

2. Cecily ……..………… her bike to tennis training.

3. The twins ………..……… their lunch too quickly.

4. Our teacher …………..……us a story on Thursday afternoons.

5. My dad …………..…… the car every weekend.

6. The cyclists ………..……… together on Sunday morning.

7. My parents …………..…… the newspaper every morning.

8. My grandparents ……..………… their car regularly.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

The subject of a sentence must agree with a verb in number.

If the subject is singular the verb must be singular. A plural subject must
have a plural verb. Commonly confused verbs are:-
Singular Verb Plural Verb
is was has does are were have do

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences below.

1. Mark ……...………. his homework every night.

(does, do)
2. The truck ……...………. sixteen wheels.
(has, have)
3. The cakes …...……..…. delicious.
(was, were)
4. The wattle trees ….……....…. in blossom.
(is, are)
5. The kittens …….…….…. blue eyes.
(has, have)
6. Samantha ………..……. hoping to be chosen.
(is, are)
7. The boys …………..….. their best to please the teacher.
(does, do)
8. The drinking water ……..….……. polluted.
(was, were)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

The subject of a sentence must agree with a verb in number.

If the subject is singular the verb must be singular. A plural subject must
have a plural verb. Commonly confused verbs are:-
Singular Verb Plural Verb
is was has does are were have do

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences below.

1. The holiday ……...………. the day before my birthday.

(was, were)
2. All the houses ……...………. damaged roofs.
(has, have)
3. Michael …...……..…. help when he is asked.
(does, do)
4. Sandy soil ….……....…. easy to dig.
(is, are)
5. The young birds …….…….…. ready to leave the nest.
(was, were)
6. A pentagon ………..……. five sides.
(has, have)
7. These shoes …………..….. too tight.
(is, are)
8. The friends ……..….……. help each other.
(does, do)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

The subject of a sentence must agree with a verb in number.

Collective nouns are regarded as a single unit and need a singular verb.
e.g. The pod of whales is stranded on the beach. (Singular)
The whales are stranded on the beach. (Plural)

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences below.

1. The thieves ……...………. difficult to catch.

(is, are)
2. The litter of puppies ……...………. soon sold.
(was, were)
3. The dolphins …...……..…. left the bay.
(has, have)
4. The team of athletes ….……....…. disappointed with the loss.
(is, are)
5. The gang of thieves …….…….…. difficult to catch.
(is, are)
6. The puppies ………..……. soon sold.
(was, were)
7. The athletes …………..….. disappointed with the loss.
(is, are)
8. The school of dolphins ……..….……. left the bay.
(has, have)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

Subjects that have two nouns joined by “and” take a plural verb.
e.g. Mark and Tim are good friends. (Plural)
Subjects that have two nouns joined by “or” or “nor” take a singular verb.
e.g. Liz or Dianne is expected to win. (Singular)

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences below.

1. A car and a truck ……...………. parked in the driveway.

(was, were)
2. Neither Hayley nor Emily ……...………. rap music.
(likes, like)
3. Potatoes and peas …...……..… my favourite vegetables.
(is, are)
4. Red and blue ….……....…. two of the primary colours.
(is, are)
5. Coffee or tea …….…….…. available.
(was, were)
6. Neither Wendy nor Cecily ………..……. has seen the movie.
(has, have)
7. Matt and Damon …………..….. good friends.
(was, were)
8. Either Liam or Stephanie ……..….……. telling the truth.
(is, are)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

Mistakes in subject and verb agreement are sometimes made when the
subject is a pronoun. You need to be aware of which verb form goes with
which pronoun.
he she it I we you they
is was does has am was do have are were do have

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentences below.

1. ……...………. was washing the car.

(he, they)
2. Why isn’t ……...………. here yet?
(they, she)
3. …...……..… is happy to wait to the end.
(I, he)
4. ….……....…. has a bad cold.
(she, I)
5. …….…….…. have only one chance left.
(he, you)
6. ………..……. does not work like that.
(it, they)
7. …………..….. am sorry to hear you are not well.
(she, I)
8. I’m afraid ……..….……. aren’t here yet.
(they, it)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

Mistakes in subject and verb agreement are sometimes made when the
subject is a pronoun. These pronouns always need a singular verb.
everything everyone anybody anyone no-one
each every someone something nobody
nothing anything somebody none either

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences below.

1. Each of the boys ……...………. a trophy.

(receives, receive)
2. Nothing ……...………. left in the cupboard.
(were, was)
3. Every plant …...……..… in hot weather.
(wilts, wilt)
4. Everybody ….……....…. the new building.
(like, likes)
5. Nobody …….…….…. in the old house anymore.
(lives, live)
6. Neither of the babies ………..……. to be awake.
(seem, seems)
7. Every player …………..….. the coach.
(support, supports)
8. Nobody ……..….……. a sound when the principal speaks.
(makes, make)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

Mistakes in subject and verb agreement are often made by using

the wrong form of the verb.
e.g. He don’t agree with me. (Incorrect)
He doesn’t agree with me. (Correct)

Rewrite the following sentences and correct the mistakes in subject

and verb agreement by including the correct verb form.

1. They doesn’t know any better.


2. Each of the chairs have a broken leg.


3. She don’t argue with me anymore.


4. Two metres of carpet were needed to finish the job.


5. You was lucky you didn’t get caught.


6. Somebody were responsible for this mess.


7. We does a lot of study for tests.


8. None of the team were ready to quit.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.
VERBS (Agreement of Subject and Verb)

Mistakes in subject and verb agreement are often made by using

the wrong form of the verb.
e.g. He don’t agree with me. (Incorrect)
He doesn’t agree with me. (Correct)

Rewrite the following sentences and correct the mistakes in subject

and verb agreement by including the correct verb form.

1. The pride of lions keep to itself.


2. Twenty years are a long time.


3. Red and black is my favourite colours.


4. Some of the dogs is barking.


5. The team of investigators were fired.


6. Each of the times were inconvenient.


7. All of the workers is hoping for a pay rise.


8. A fleet of yachts were in the bay.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
VERBS (Verb Tense)

The tense of a verb tells the time when an action, thought

or feeling occurred.
There are three main verb tenses:- present, past and future.
e.g. Lily visits her grandmother regularly. (Present)
Lily visited her grandmother yesterday. (Past)
Lily will visit her grandmother next weekend. (Future)

Decide whether the underlined verb/s is used in the present,

past or future tense.

1. The windows need a good wash. …………………

(present, past or future)

2. The truck crushed the motorbike. …………………

(present, past or future)

3. This jacket fits perfectly. …………………

((present, past or future)

4. The radio station will ring if you win. …………………

(present, past or future)

5. They rested after the long walk. …………………

(present, past or future)

6. I will speak to her later. …………………

(present, past or future)

7. Our teacher tested our spelling yesterday. …………………

(present, past or future)

8. I will open the shop if the need arises. …………………

(present, past or future)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
VERBS (Verb Tense)

The tense of a verb tells the time when an action, thought

or feeling occurred.
There are three main verb tenses:- present, past and future.
e.g. Lily visits her grandmother regularly. (Present)
Lily visited her grandmother yesterday. (Past)
Lily will visit her grandmother next weekend. (Future)

Select the correct verb tense to complete the sentences below.

climbed prepare will listen

prepared listen listened
will climb climb will prepare

1. I ………..……… the stairs every day.

2. I ……..………… to the instructions more carefully next time.
3. I ………..……… my own lunch every day.
4. I …………..……to the news every morning.
5. I …………..…… the stairs yesterday.
6. I ………..……… my lunch tomorrow morning.
7. I …………..…… the stairs from now on.
8. I ……..………… my lunch last night.
9. I ……..………… to her complaints all of last week.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
VERBS (Verb Tense)

Most verbs form the past tense of the verb by adding “-ed”.
Some verbs simply add “-ed” or “-d” if the end in “e”
e.g. greet + ed = greeted cease + d = ceased
Some verbs double the final consonant then add “-ed”
e.g. fit + ed = fitted
Some verbs change the “y” to “i” then add “-ed”, others just add “-ed”
e.g. deny + ed = denied play + ed = played

Form the past tense of these verbs by adding “-ed”.

Present Tense Past Tense

1. plead + ed = …………….……
2. beg + ed = …………….……
3. appeal + ed = …………….……
4. reply + ed = …………….……
5. stagger + ed = …………….……
6. trot + ed = …………….……
7. look + ed = …………….……
8. prefer + ed = …………….……
9. cry + ed = …………….……
10. fold + ed = …………….……
11. trim + ed = …………….……
12. display + ed = …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
VERBS (Verb Tense)

Most verbs form the past tense of the verb by adding “-ed”.
Some verbs simply add “-ed” or “-d” if the end in “e”
e.g. greet + ed = greeted cease + d = ceased
Some verbs double the final consonant then add “-ed”
e.g. fit + ed = fitted
Some verbs change the “y” to “i” then add “-ed”, others just add “-ed”
e.g. deny + ed = denied play + ed = played

Form the past tense of these verbs by adding “-ed”.

Present Tense Past Tense

1. hurry + ed = …………….……
2. bump + ed = …………….……
3. slog + ed = …………….……
5. insist + ed = …………….……
5. try + ed = …………….……
6. laugh + ed = …………….……
7. tug + ed = …………….……
8. rot + ed = …………….……
9. grumble + ed = …………….……
10. copy + ed = …………….……
11. call + ed = …………….……
12. abhor + ed = …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
VERBS (Verb Tense)

The tense of a verb tells the time when an action, thought

or feeling occurred.
There are three main verb tenses:- present, past and future.
e.g. Lily visits her grandmother regularly. (Present)
Lily visited her grandmother yesterday. (Past)
Lily will visit her grandmother next weekend. (Future)

Rewrite the following sentences, changing the verb to the tense

given in brackets.

1. There are eight people at the bus stop. [past]

2. The successful coach bragged about the win. [future]
3. We will wait until nightfall. [past]
4. The jacket fits her perfectly. [future]
5. My uncle worked for the council. [present]
6. The business struggles in winter time. [future]
7. The flag flutters in the light breeze. [past]
8. The concerts were very popular. [present]

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
VERBS (Participles and Auxiliary Verbs)

Participles are a form of the main verb that need to be combined with an
auxiliary (helping) verb to make a complete verb. There are two types of
participles – present and past.
e.g. The dog is attacking the postman.
(Subject) (Auxiliary Verb) (Present Participle) (Object)

The postman had been attacked by the dog.

(Subject) (Auxiliary Verbs) (Past Participle) (Object)

Select the auxiliary verbs and the participles in the sentences below.

1. Brooke is standing next to the heater.

……………….. ……..………… ………………….
(auxiliary verb) (participle) (present or past)

2. The view was blocked by the large truck.

……………….. ……..………… ………………….
(auxiliary verb) (participle) (present or past)

3. The cat had hidden under the house.

……………….. ……..………… ………………….
(auxiliary verb) (participle) (present or past)

4. The visitors were quickly moved to the next room.

……………….. ……..………… ………………….
(auxiliary verb) (participle) (present or past)

5. Simon is chewing on a lamb bone.

……………….. ……..………… ………………….
(auxiliary verb) (participle) (present or past)

6. The coach was desperately trying new moves.

……………….. ……..………… ………………….
(auxiliary verb) (participle) (present or past)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.
VERBS (Participles and Auxiliary Verbs)

For regular verbs the present participle is formed by adding “-ing”.

e.g. cook – cooking hug – hugging solve - solving

For regular verbs the past participle is formed by adding “-ed”.

e.g. cook – cooked hug – hugged solve - solved

Complete the table of regular verbs below.

Verb Present Participle Past Participle

1. to swallow …………………… …………………...

2. to chew …………………… …………………...
3. to knock …………………… …………………...
4. to fold …………………… …………………...
5. to grill …………………… …………………...
6. to bounce …………………… …………………...
7. to snip …………………… …………………...
8. to chop …………………… …………………...
9. to crawl …………………… …………………...
10. to dance …………………… …………………...
11. to toast …………………… …………………...
12. to crunch …………………… …………………...

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.
VERBS (Participles and Auxiliary Verbs)

Participles are a form of the main verb that need to be combined with an
auxiliary (helping) verb to make a complete verb. There are two types of
participles – present and past.
e.g. The dog is attacking the postman.
(Subject) (Auxiliary Verb) (Present Participle) (Object)

The postman had been attacked by the dog.

(Subject) (Auxiliary Verbs) (Past Participle) (Object)

Select the best participle to complete the sentences below.

surprised begging blocking cooking

cooked blocked surprising begged

1. Mum had ………..……… the cake last night.

2. The entrance had been ……..………… by a large vehicle.

3. The student had ………..……… for more time.

4. The organizers had been …………..……by the huge numbers.

5. Security officials are …………..…… the doorway.

6. The chef is ………..……… a four course meal.

7. It is …………..…… that this wasn’t noticed before.

8. The dog is ……..………… for scraps of food.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.
VERBS (Irregular Verbs)

Irregular verbs do not follow the rules like regular verbs. They do not
form the past tense or past participle by adding “-ed”. Some of the
most commonly used irregular verbs are :-
to be, to do, to go, to get and to have.
Verb Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle
to be am, is, are was, were been
to do does, do did done
to go goes, go went gone
to have has, have had had

Select the correct verb to complete the sentences below.

been went did are

gone was done am

1. The festival ………..……… better than previous years.

2. Emily and Tess ……..………… great friends.

3. Melanie has ………..……… home for over an hour.

4. The boys have …………..…… cycling.

5. Nathan admitted he had …………..…… it too quickly.

6. I ………..……… very happy to give you a hand.

7. If he …………..…… it he should pay for it.

8. Dad ……..………… back to the car to get his sunglasses.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.
VERBS (Irregular Verbs)

Irregular verbs do not follow the rules like regular verbs. They do not
form the past tense or past participle by simply adding “-ed”. The past
tense and past participle forms of irregular verbs need to be learned.
e.g. Verb Past Tense Past Participle
to speak spoke spoken
to begin began begun
to break broke broken

Complete the table of irregular verbs below.

Verb Past Tense Past Participle

1. to take …………………… …………………...
2. to ring …………………… …………………...
3. to give …………………… …………………...
4. to bring …………………… …………………...
5. to throw …………………… …………………...
6. to fly …………………… …………………...
7. to spin …………………… …………………...
8. to catch …………………… …………………...
9. to wake …………………… …………………...
10. to steal …………………… …………………...
11. to drive …………………… …………………...
12. to eat …………………… …………………...

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.
VERBS (Forming and Using Verbs)

When using verbs in sentences it is important to select the correct

form of the verb as regards number and tense.
e.g. pure – purify beauty - beautify
hard – harden light - lighten

Form verbs from the nouns or adjectives by adding “-ify” or “-en”.

1. sharp ……………….. 9. deaf ………………..

2. fresh ……………….. 10. fort ………………..

3. fat ……………….. 11. wide ………………..

4. terror ……………….. 12. black ………………..

5. ripe ……………….. 13. red ………………..

6. horror ……………….. 14. weak ………………..

7. thick ……………….. 15. class ………………..

8. bright ……………….. 16. glory ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.
VERBS (Forming and Using Verbs)

When using verbs in sentences it is important to select the correct

form of the verb as regards number and tense.
e.g. The team were happy to finish second. (Incorrect)
The team was happy to finish second. (Correct)
She has already went to the beach. (Incorrect)
She has already gone to the beach. (Correct)

Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verb.

1. The dog had (to hide) under the shed.


2. They came out of the house once the fire had (to pass).

3. I (to buy) my lunch at the canteen yesterday.


4. The mouse is (to creep) across the carpet.


5. Another world record has been (to break).


6. The sheep were (to shear) yesterday.


7. The real estate agent (to show) us the house last week.

8. The friends had not (to speak) since the argument.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Verbs - General
Worksheet 1
1. yes 2. no 3. yes 4. no 5. yes 6. yes 7. no 8. no

Worksheet 2
1. yes 2. yes 3. no 4. yes 5. no 6. yes 7. no 8. yes

Worksheet 3
1. begged 2. climbed 3. swam 4. swore 5. slithered 6. kicks 7. bent 8. reads

Worksheet 4
1. shook 2. flew 3. arrived 4. played 5. joined 6. bled 7. cancelled 8. fell

Worksheet 5
1. designs 2. fights 3. cooks 4. carves 5. operates 6. studies 7. flies 8. writes
9. steals 10. serves 11. climbs 12. drives

Worksheet 6
1. to ache 2. to rush 3. to skip 4. to explode 5. to suspect 6. to nudge 7. to scowl
8. to pester 9. to waddle 10. to loathe 11. to query 12. to injure

Worksheet 7
1. to totter 2. to retain 3. to guard 4. to guide 5. to recall 6. to practise 7. to puncture
8. to glow 9. to appoint 10. to pinch 11. to forget 12. to reveal

Worksheet 8
1. chatted / spoken 2. jumped / action 3. asked / spoken 4. is / being 5. mould / action
6. dislike / feeling

Worksheet 9
1. worries / feeling 2. rowed / action 3. has / being 4. scratches / action 5. are / being
6. shouted / spoken

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Worksheet 10
1. greeted / spoken 2. likes / feeling 3. threw / action 4. were / being 5. yelled / spoken
6. is / being

Worksheet 11
1. limp 2. entrap 3. climb 4. leap 5. scribble 6. overpower 7. clap 8. hack 9. make
10. pursue 11. flatten 12. hurry

Worksheet 12
1. slammed 2. encircled 3. brushed 4. quarrelled 5. hassled 6. swerved

Worksheet 13
1. plummeted 2. reeked 3. leap 4. collapsed 5. bowed 6. dashed

Worksheet 14
1. object 2. giggle 3. predict 4. promise 5. query 6. demand 7. yell
8. whimper 9. snarl 10. beg 11. tattle 12. murmur

Worksheet 15
1. squealed 2. welcomed 3. murmured 4. warned 5. gloated 6. moaned

Worksheet 16
1. lament 2. excite 3. like 4. astound 5. select 6. humiliate 7. distrust 8. entertain
9. understand 10. appear 11. despise 12. worship

Worksheet 17
1. shocked 2. respects 3. comforted 4. assumed 5. doubts 6. considers

Agreement of Subject and Verb

Worksheet 18
1. the whales / plural 2. the price / singular 3. the children / plural 4. the dog / singular
5. they / plural 6. those / plural

Worksheet 19
1. grows 2. fly 3. cheer 4. breaks 5. roll 6. cooks 7. sparkle 8. burn 9. decides 10. cry
11. chimes 12. laughs

Worksheet 20
1. eats 2. rides 3. eat 4. reads 5. washes 6. ride 7. read 8. wash

Worksheet 21
1. does 2. has 3. were 4. are 5. have 6. is 7. do 8. was

Worksheet 22
1. was 2. have 3. does 4. is 5. were 6. has 7. are 8. do

Worksheet 23
1. are 2. was 3. have 4. is 5. is 6. were 7. are 8. has
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Worksheet 24
1. were 2. likes 3. are 4. are 5. was 6. has 7. were 8. is

Worksheet 25
1. he 2. she 3. he 4. she 5. you 6. it 7. I 8. they

Worksheet 26
1. receives 2. was 3. wilts 4. likes 5. lives 6. seems 7. supports 8. makes

Worksheet 27
1. They don’t know any better. 2. Each of the chairs has a broken leg.
2. She doesn’t argue with me anymore. 4. Two metres of carpet was needed to finish the job.
5. You were lucky you didn’t get caught. 6. Somebody was responsible for this mess.
7. We do a lot of study for tests. 8. None of the team was ready to quit.

Worksheet 28
1. The pride of lions keeps to itself. 2. Twenty years is a long time.
3. Red and black are my favourite colours. 4. Some of the dogs are barking.
5. The team of investigators was fired. 6. Each of the times was inconvenient.
7. All of the workers are hoping for a pay rise. 8. A fleet of yachts was in the bay.

Verb Tense
Worksheet 29
1. present 2. past 3. present 4. future 5. past 6. future 7. past 8. future

Worksheet 30
1. climb 2. will listen 3. prepare 4. listen 5. climbed 6. will prepare 7. will climb
8. prepared 9. listened

Worksheet 31
1. pleaded 2. begged 3. appealed 4. replied 5. staggered 6. trotted 7. looked 8. preferred
9. cried 10. folded 11. trimmed 12. displayed

Worksheet 32
1. hurried 2. bumped 3. slogged 4. insisted 5. tried 6. laughed 7. tugged 8. rotted
9. grumbled 10. copied 11. called 12. abhorred

Worksheet 33
1. There were eight people at the bus stop. 2. The successful coach will brag about the win.
3. We waited until nightfall. 4. The jacket will fit her perfectly.
5. My uncle works for the council. 6. The business will struggle in winter time.
7. The flag fluttered in the light breeze. 8. The concerts are very popular.

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Participles and Auxiliary Verbs
Worksheet 34
1. is / standing / present 2. was / blocked / past 3. had / hidden / past
4. were / moved / past 5. is / chewing / present 6. was / trying / present

Worksheet 35
1. swallowing / swallowed 2. chewing / chewed 3. knocking / knocked
3. folding / folded 5. grilling / grilled 6. bouncing / bounced
7. snipping / snipped 8. chopping / chopped 9. crawling / crawled
10. dancing / danced 11. toasting / toasted 12. crunching / crunched

Worksheet 36
1. cooked 2. blocked 3. begged 4. surprised 5. blocking 6. cooking 7. surprising
8. begging

Irregular Verbs
Worksheet 37
1. was 2. are 3. been 4. gone 5. done 6. am 7. did 8. went

Worksheet 38
1. took / taken 2. rang / rung 3. gave / given
4. brought / brought 5. threw / thrown 6. flew / flown
7. spun / spun 8. caught / caught 9. woke / woken
10. stole / stolen 11. drove / driven 12. ate / eaten

Forming and Using Verbs

Worksheet 39
1. sharpen 2. freshen 3. fatten 4. terrify 5. ripen 6. horrify 7. thicken 8. brighten
9. deafen 10. fortify 11. widen 12. blacken 13. redden 14. weaken 15. classify 16. glorify

Worksheet 40
1. The dog had hidden under the shed. 2. They came out of the house once the fire had
passed. 3. I bought my lunch at the canteen yesterday. 4. The mouse is creeping across the
carpet. 5. Another world record has been broken. 6. The sheep were shorn yesterday. 7.
The real estate agent showed us the house last week. 8. The friends had not spoken since the

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets”

Teaching Notes

Grammar 1. Worksheets 1-8

Conjunctions - General
Grammar 1. Worksheets 9-11

Coordinate Conjunctions
Grammar 1. Worksheets 12-15

Correlative Conjunctions
Grammar 1. Worksheets 16-17

Subordinate Conjunctions
Grammar 1. Worksheets 18-25

Grammar 1. Worksheets 26-38

Confusing Prepositions
Grammar 1. Worksheets 39-40


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Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.

There are only three articles:- the, a and an. They describe nouns and are adjectives of a
special kind.

Definite Article
“The” is known as the definite article. It is definite because it refers to a specific thing.

For example:-
The book is on the small table.
The cat is upstairs.

Indefinite Articles

“A” and “an” are known as indefinite articles. They are indefinite because rather than
referring to a specific thing, they refer to any one of a group of things.

For example:-
A dog is barking outside.
A book was placed on the table.

“An” is used before nouns or adjectives which begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or nouns or
adjectives that begin with a silent “h”. Using “an” rather than “a” makes the words easier to

For example:-
An ant can carry many times its own weight.
An hour has passed since they rang.

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A conjunction is a joining word. Conjunctions can be used to join words, phrases and clauses.
There are three types of conjunctions:- coordinate, subordinate and correlative.

Coordinate Conjunctions
Coordinate conjunctions join single words, groups of words and sometimes whole sentences

The common coordinate conjunctions are:-

and but for nor
or so yet

These are examples of coordinate conjunctions in sentences.

Cows and pigs are domesticated animals.
It snowed lightly, but then the sun broke through.
She was a talented athlete yet she was reluctant to train regularly.
The champion player was injured, so he was unable to complete the game.

Subordinate Conjunctions
Subordinate conjunctions join parts of a sentence. They frequently join adverbial clauses to
other clauses. Subordinate means of secondary or lesser importance.

These are examples of subordinate conjunctions in sentences.

I want to go to university after I finish college.

I want to go to university ……. (is the main or principle part of the sentence)
when I finish college …… (is the subordinate clause)

Common subordinate conjunctions are:-

after before now since until
when whenever while where wherever
for why whereas although though
however whether as except if
unless than once because how

As well as joining parts of a sentence, subordinate conjunctions give information about time,
place, cause, concession, condition, degree, purpose or consequence.

Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions exist in pairs.

Common correlative conjunctions are:-

neither …… nor either …… or
whether …..or not only …..but also
as ….. as both ……. and
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These are examples of correlative conjunctions used in sentences:-
Neither Sarah nor Michelle was fit to play.
Both David and Robert left as soon as they could.
You either start now or it will be too late.

A preposition comes before a noun or a pronoun and indicates something about its position,
place or time in connection with other words in a sentence.

Commonly used prepositions are:-

above after across against among

at before below between by
down during for from in
into near of off on
over since through under up
with without

The word preposition means “to place in front of”. These are examples of prepositions that
tell something about the relationship between the noun or pronoun that it comes in front of
and other words in the sentence.

e.g She shared her winnings among her family.

The teacher stood beside the whiteboard.
He dived into the deep pool.

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.

There are three articles “the”, “a” and “an”. “The” is called the
definite article because it refers to a specific thing.
e.g. I know the name of her dog.
“A” and “an” are called indefinite articles because they are not
specific, they refer to any one of a group of things.
e.g. A rock was thrown through our window.

Choose whether the underlined article is a definite or indefinite article.

1. The book is hard to put down. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

2. I would like a salad roll for lunch. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

3. He was asked to sit next to the mayor. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

4. It was not an easy task. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

5. A fox is a very cunning animal. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

6. We visit the museum regularly. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

7. A good friend will always listen. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

8. The house needs new windows. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.

There are three articles “the”, “a” and “an”. “The” is called the
definite article because it refers to a specific thing.
e.g. I know the name of her dog.
“A” and “an” are called indefinite articles because they are not
specific, they refer to any one of a group of things.
e.g. A rock was thrown through our window.

Choose whether the underlined article is a definite or indefinite article.

1. We saw an elephant at the zoo. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

2. An hour had passed since her phone call. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

3. When you discover the answer let me know. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

4. The thirsty runner was desperate for a drink. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

5. The start was not far away. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

6. Have you been using the scissors? …………………

(definite or indefinite)

7. A trophy was presented to the winning driver. .…………………

(definite or indefinite)

8. The shower needs to be fixed. …………………

(definite or indefinite)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.

“A” and “an” are the indefinite articles because they refer to any
one of a group of things.
e.g. A lizard is an animal.
“An” is used instead of “a” in front of most words that begin with
a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or words that begin with a silent “h”.
e.g. an elephant an egg an honour

Write “a” or “an” before each word or group of words below.

1. ……. nasty habit 13. ……. hyena

2. ……. ocelot 14. ……. old man
3. ……. albatross 15. ……. ibis
4. ……. heated argument 16. ……. finch
5. ……. idea 17. ……. uncle
6. ……. high tide 18. ……. humming bird
7. ……. egg cup 19. ……. minibus
8. ……. windy day 20. ……. honour
9. ……. otter 21. ……. merchant bank
10. ……. bloodhound 22. ……. orchestra
11. ……. human being 23. ……. northerly direction
12. ……. electrical storm 24. ……. radar screen

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.

“A” and “an” are the indefinite articles because they refer to any
one of a group of things.
e.g. A lizard is an animal.
“An” is used instead of “a” in front of most words that begin with
a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or words that begin with a silent “h”.
e.g. an elephant an egg an honour

Write “a” or “an” before each word or group of words below.

1. ……. elk 13. ……. pineapple

2. ……. recent event 14. ……. aardvark
3. ……. serious accident 15. ……. honeymoon
4. ……. emu 16. ……. owl
5. ……. roundabout 17. ……. hedgehog
6. ……. hour 18. ……. eagle
7. ……. early night 19. ……. hollow log
8. ……. antelope 20. ……. heir
9. ……. easy task 21. ……. level crossing
10. ……. panther 22. ……. earthworm
11. ……. millionaire 23. ……. igloo
12. ……. ostrich 24. ……. elevator

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.

“A” and “an” are the indefinite articles because they refer to any
one of a group of things.
e.g. A lizard is an animal.
“An” is used instead of “a” in front of most words that begin with
a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or words that begin with a silent “h”.
e.g. an elephant an egg an honour

Complete the sentences below by inserting either “a” or “an”.

1. Their trip was cancelled for ……… second time.

2. ……… oak tree produces acorns.

3. The shed was built on …..… cement slab.

4. The carnival is coming to ….…end.

5. A black swan is .…… graceful bird.

6. We were keen to make ….… early start.

7. The toddler had ….… endearing smile.

8. You can choose an apple or .…… banana.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.

“A” and “an” are the indefinite articles because they refer to any
one of a group of things.
e.g. A lizard is an animal.
“An” is used instead of “a” in front of most words that begin with
a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or words that begin with a silent “h”.
e.g. an elephant an egg an honour

Complete the sentences below by inserting either “a” or “an”.

1. It is always pleasant to receive ……… gift.

2. It pays to be careful around ……… electric fence.

3. The house was surrounded by …..… high fence.

4. The dent was made by ….…flying rock.

5. The house was left in ….… appalling condition.

6. ….… obese person is grossly overweight.

7. A gulf is ….… very large bay.

8. Car theft is now .…… serious problem.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.

“A” and “an” are the indefinite articles because they refer to any
one of a group of things.
e.g. A lizard is an animal.
“An” is used instead of “a” in front of most words that begin with
a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or words that begin with a silent “h”.
e.g. an elephant an egg an honour

Complete the sentences below by inserting either “a” or “an”.

1. ……… artist is a person who paints or draws.

2. The goalkeeper had ……… outstanding year.

3. A centimetre is …..… unit of measurement.

4. A wombat is ….…Australian native animal.

5. The frightened colt broke into ….… gallop.

6. The unfortunate man had ….… incurable disease.

7. ….… impatient person gets annoyed easily.

8. The attic was used as .…… storeroom.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.

When writing a list of items, each individual item should be

preceded by “a”, “an” or “the”.
e.g. She ate an apple, peach and a banana. (Incorrect)
She ate an apple, a peach and a banana. (Correct)
The watch, the pen and wallet were stolen. (Incorrect)
The watch, the pen and the wallet were stolen. (Correct)

Find the mistake in the following sentences and rewrite them below.

1. The bag contained a pen, a ruler and notebook.


2. Jim ate an orange, a peach and apple.


3. The walls, the windows and roof were all damaged.


4. The new enclosure housed a panther, cougar and ocelot.


5. The cage housed a pigeon, magpie and ostrich.


6. The fence, house and the shed were all painted red.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.

A conjunction is a joining word. A conjunction can be used to join

words or groups of words.
e.g. knife and fork
do or die

Write the word that best matches the words below.

chips later cream wrong

sauce never lemons key
over square pepper span
out spice bacon down

1. sooner or ……………….. 9. salt and………………..

2. up and ……………….. 10. lock and………………..
3. right and ……………….. 11. over and ………………..
4. oranges and ……………….. 12. peaches and ………………..
5. sugar and ……………….. 13. fair and ………………..
6. now or ……………….. 14. pie and ………………..
7. down and ……………….. 15. spick and ………………..
8. fish and ……………….. 16. eggs and ………………..

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.

A conjunction is a joining word. A conjunction can be used to join

words or groups of words.
e.g. sooner or later along the path and over the wall

A conjunction is also used to join two sentences together.

e.g. I can walk but I cannot run.

Identify the conjunction in each sentence below and write it in the

space provided.

1. We were tired but we were keen to finish. …………………


2. Kangaroos and emus are Australian animals. …………………


3. An elephant is huge but a fox is cunning. …………………


4. We were thirsty so we asked for a drink. …………………


5. It was snowing yet it wasn’t cold. …………………


6. Falcons and hawks are birds of prey. …………………


7. The tomatoes were rotten so I threw them out. …………………


8. Lead is heavy but feathers are light. …………………


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.

A conjunction is a joining word. A conjunction can be used to join

words or groups of words.
e.g. sooner or later along the path and over the wall

A conjunction is also used to join two sentences together.

e.g. I can walk but I cannot run.

Identify the conjunction in each sentence below and write it in the

space provided.

1. I won’t go running unless you go too. …………………


2. The crop will be ruined if it continues to rain. …………………


3. The piano and the tuba are musical instruments. .………………


4. His letter was short yet interesting. …………………


5. Jamie said it was his because he found it first. .…………………


6. The donkey is small but it is strong. …………………


7. Orange or blue is my favourite colour. …………………


8. I was tired so I decided to go home. …………………


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.

Conjunctions that join words or group of words are known as

coordinate conjunctions.
The main coordinate conjunctions are:-
and but nor or so yet

Choose the best coordinate conjunction to complete the

sentences below.

1. Pineapples ………. bananas are tropical fruits.

(and, or)
2. I have finished it ………. I am not satisfied.
(yet, so)
3. Lucy won the race fair …....… square.
(and, yet)
4. It was scorching …...…. we went to the pool.
(so, yet)
5. Her entry was late .….…. it was still accepted.
(but, so)
6. We were starving ..……. we stopped for a snack.
(so, but)
7. Claire was small …..….. very determined.
(but, or)
8. Surfing .……. skiing is my favourite sport.
(or, and)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.

Conjunctions that join words or group of words are known as

coordinate conjunctions.
The main coordinate conjunctions are:-
and but nor or so yet

Choose the best coordinate conjunction to complete the

sentences below.

1. The letter was short ………. it made an impact.

(yet, so)
2. My mum ………. dad is picking me up.
(and, or)
3. The old truck has suffered a lot of wear …....… tear.
(and, yet)
4. Red …...…. blue are two colours on the Australian flag.
(and, or)
5. You can have money to buy a drink .….…. a salad roll.
(yet, or)
6. I was dead tired ..……. I couldn’t get to sleep.
(yet, so)
7. They had a flat tyre …..….. we stopped to help.
(so, but)
8. I barrack for Hawthorn .……. my brother supports Sydney.
(but, for)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.

Coordinate conjunctions can be used to join two sentences.

e.g. I had eight hours sleep. I still felt tired.
I had eight hours sleep but I still felt tired.
I kicked the ball well. It sailed through the goals.
I kicked the ball well and it sailed through the goals.

Join the two sentences using the coordinate conjunctions “or” or “but”.

1. Jane spends a lot of time training for athletics.

She always does her homework.

2. Don’t spend all your money on lollies.
You won’t have enough for the bus fare.
3. We shouldn’t have another turn.
We will be late home.
4. They tried to attract attention.
They were not noticed.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.

Coordinate conjunctions can be used to join two sentences.

e.g. I had eight hours sleep. I still felt tired.
I had eight hours sleep but I still felt tired.
I kicked the ball well. It sailed through the goals.
I kicked the ball well and it sailed through the goals.

Join the two sentences using the coordinate conjunctions “so” or “and”.

1. Sam found his bike.

It was not damaged.

2. The door was left unlocked.
We went inside.
3. The ticket sales were very poor.
The concert was cancelled.
4. A Mazda was the first car to finish.
A Ford finished in second place.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.

Some conjunctions exist in pairs. These conjunctions are called

correlative conjunctions. Common correlative conjunctions are:-
both … and either ... or neither ... nor as …. as
not only .... but also whether ... or not ... but

Circle the correlative conjunctions in the sentences below.

1. Neither the cold wind nor the rain could stop him training.

2. Lucy not only finished first but also broke the record.

3. I wasn’t sure whether Dad was serious or joking.

4. Both Jane and Sarah won merit awards.

5. We ran home as fast as we could.

6. The teacher is either very angry or she is a good actress.

7. She had won the lottery not once but twice.

8. We could either pay or return the goods.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.

Some conjunctions exist in pairs. These conjunctions are called

correlative conjunctions. Common correlative conjunctions are:-
both … and either ... or neither ... nor as …. as
not only .... but also whether ... or not ... but

Circle the correlative conjunctions in the sentences below.

1. Both the zebra and the giraffe were born at the zoo.

2. It will be either a huge success or a major flop.

3. He repaid the loan as quickly as he could.

4. I didn’t care whether I won or lost.

5. Neither Wendy nor Kate enjoyed running.

6. The notes were not long but informative.

7. Peter was not only keen but also very talented.

8. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.

Conjunctions that join the main clause and the subordinate clause
of a sentence are known as subordinate conjunctions.
e.g. I want to travel when I finish my studies.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Conjunction) (Subordinate Clause)

Other common subordinate conjunctions are:-

after while wherever as although
unless where since because until

Circle the subordinate conjunctions in the sentences below.

1. I was the first to arrive because I caught the early bus.

2. Mum does the ironing while she watches the television.

3. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

4. These weeds will ruin the garden unless they are removed.

5. This is the spot where I saw the snake.

6. Please wash your hands before you eat.

7. We are not allowed in until the teacher arrives.

8. We all felt happy when the storm passed.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.

Conjunctions that join the main clause and the subordinate clause
of a sentence are known as subordinate conjunctions.
e.g. I want to travel when I finish my studies.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Conjunction) (Subordinate Clause)

Select the best subordinate conjunction to complete the sentences below.

1. I was late for class ……...………. I did not hear the siren.
(because, where)
2. We must wait here ……...………. it stops raining.
(since, until)
3. The dog came quickly …...……..… it was called.
(before, when)
4. I have not seen the cat ….……....…. I fed it last night.
(since, unless)
5. This is the hotel …….…….…. our friends stayed.
(where, until)
6. Susie did not come ………..……. she was not allowed.
(before, because)
7. The coach will not help you …………..….. you try harder.
(unless, when)
8. Tom still won the race ……..….……. he was not fully fit.
(although, unless)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.

Conjunctions that join the main clause and the subordinate clause
of a sentence are known as subordinate conjunctions.
e.g. I want to travel when I finish my studies.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Conjunction) (Subordinate Clause)

Select the best subordinate conjunction to complete the sentences below.

1. We waited at the bus stop ……...………. we promised.

(after, as)
2. Do you homework ……...………. you watch television.
(before, since)
3. I want to go to the circus …...……..… mum can afford it.
(unless, if)
4. I will not share the sweets ….……....…. you help me.
(unless, though)
5. The truck will rust …….…….…. it is painted soon.
(where, unless)
6. Paige got into trouble ………..……. it was not her fault.
(since, although)
7. We warmed up …………..….. we swam the race.
(until, before)
8. The frogs begin to croak ……..….……. it rains.
(whenever, where)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.

Subordinate conjunctions can be classified as conjunctions of time,

place, reason etc.
e.g. after until while (conjunctions of time)
where wherever wherein (conjunctions of place)
because why since (conjunctions of reason)

Choose whether the underlined subordinate conjunctions are

conjunctions of time, place or reason.

1. I have not heard from Jane since we met at the party.

2. I kept out of the yard because I did not trust the dog.
3. We visit our grandmother whenever we can.
4. Jack is allowed to go after he finishes raking the grass.
5. As the rain had drenched the oval, the game was cancelled.
6. Those keys must be found wherever they are.
7. You must remember where you left the keys.
8. I often wonder why they left the town.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.

Subordinate conjunctions can be classified as conjunctions of time,

place, reason etc.
e.g. after until while (conjunctions of time)
where wherever wherein (conjunctions of place)
because why since (conjunctions of reason)

Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “after” or “before” .

1. I combed my hair.
I had a shower.

2. Robert put on his shoes.
He went out into the backyard.
3. Tracey studied very hard.
She had her final test.
4. Molly hung her jacket out to dry.
She walked in the rain.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.

Subordinate conjunctions can be classified as conjunctions of time,

place, reason etc.
e.g. after until while (conjunctions of time)
where wherever wherein (conjunctions of place)
because why since (conjunctions of reason)

Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “after” or “before”.

1. James let out a loud scream.

He was bitten by the ant.

2. Dad trained for six months.
He ran the half marathon.
3. The paper plane soared upwards.
It crashed to the ground.
4. We boiled the billy.
We lit the fire.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.

Subordinate conjunctions can be classified as conjunctions of time,

place, reason etc.
e.g. after until while (conjunctions of time)
where wherever wherein (conjunctions of place)
because why since (conjunctions of reason)

Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “although” or “because” .

1. Caitlan keeps trying hard.

She found the work difficult.

2. Roger did not enter the competition.
He was afraid of losing.
3. The road was closed.
It was covered in ice and snow.
4. The band played very well.
They had never practised together.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.

Subordinate conjunctions can be classified as conjunctions of time,

place, reason etc.
e.g. after until while (conjunctions of time)
where wherever wherein (conjunctions of place)
because why since (conjunctions of reason)

Join these two sentences using the conjunctions “although” or “because” .

1. Sam could not go on the school camp.

He had the measles.

2. The bird could still fly.
It had a damaged wing.
3. They won the match.
They used the ball better.
4. We still enjoyed the picnic.
The weather was not that brilliant.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Find and circle the preposition in each of the sentences below.

1. The ball rolled under the car.

2. The cherries are in the bucket.

3. The sun is breaking through the clouds.

4. Remember to share the sweets among your friends.

5. The horse cantered onto the racetrack.

6. The weeds grew quickly after the rain.

7. We buy our meat from the supermarket.

8. The bull ran towards the river.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Find and circle the preposition in each of the sentences below.

1. She was standing near the mirror.

2. Dad was waiting for us at the station.

3. The painting is below the clock.

4. I am sorry about the noise.

5. There is a mess under the sofa.

6. The photograph is on the bookcase.

7. Would you like a biscuit with your drink?

8. My sister is very good at tennis.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.

It is easy to confuse adverbs with prepositions. They sometimes look

the same; however, the difference is in the way the word is used.
e.g. He tumbled down.
(“down” is an adverb of place)
Ben tumbled down the bank.
(“down” is a preposition linked to the noun “bank”)

Decide whether the underlined word is an adverb or a preposition.

1. Will you please come in.

2. The fuel was stored below.
3. The bridge stretched across the river.
4. The apples were placed in a box.
5. The tent fell down.
6. The ball hit her below the knee.
7. It will be ferried across.
8. The log floated down the river.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.

It is easy to confuse adverbs with prepositions. They sometimes look

the same; however, the difference is in the way the word is used.
e.g. He tumbled down.
(“down” is an adverb of place)
Ben tumbled down the bank.
(“down” is a preposition linked to the noun “bank”)

Decide whether the underlined word is an adverb or a preposition.

1. She went to the beach without a towel.

2. The riverbank caved in.
3. The band had never recorded before.
4. You will have to go without.
5. We had to go home before nine o’clock.
6. They have nothing to live on.
7. The keys were left in the car.
8. She went to school on the bus.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.

A preposition can tell the place or time of a noun or pronoun in

relation with other words in a sentence.
These are examples of preposition of place:-
above down across near
These are examples of preposition of time:-
after before since during

Decide whether the underlined word is a preposition of place or a

preposition of time.

1. The kitten crept under the blanket.

2. Wash your hands before the meal.
3. We waited until the last race.
4. We drove around the island.
5. It was hidden beneath the old papers.
6. The siren sounded during the school assembly.
7. We camped under the large tree.
8. We needed a rest after the performance.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.

A preposition can tell the place or time of a noun or pronoun in

relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of preposition of place:-
above down across near
These are examples of preposition of time:-
after before since during

Decide whether the underlined word is a preposition of place or a

preposition of time.

1. I usually get up at seven o’clock.

2. The tree was growing beside the garage.
3. We met the actors after the show.
4. The bird flew out of its cage.
5. They sheltered until the storm eased.
6. The class are going to the zoo on Friday.
7. The plane flew over the lake.
8. The tree fell across the road.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.

A preposition can tell the place or time of a noun or pronoun in

relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of preposition of place:-
above down across near
These are examples of preposition of time:-
after before since during

Choose the best preposition of place or a preposition of time to complete

the sentences below.

before on below into

against through over after

1. The plane flew ……………….… the mountain.

2. Please wipe your feet ……………….… you enter the room.

3. The bird flew ……………….… the open window.

4. Place your plate ……………….… the bench.

5. The plants grew strongly ……………….… the rain.

6. The cellar is ……………….… the hotel.

7. The baseball bat was leaning ……………….… the wall.

8. The teacher rushed ……………….… the classroom.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.

A preposition can tell the place or time of a noun or pronoun in

relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of preposition of place:-
above down across near
These are examples of preposition of time:-
after before since during

Choose the best preposition of place or a preposition of time to complete

the sentences below.

down at between until

since after above during

1. The kite flew ……………….… the trees.

2. We helped wash the dishes ……………….… the meal.

3. The jet landed ……………….… the airport.

4. The shed was damaged ……………….… the storm.

5. Amy fell ……………….… the hole.

6. I will stay ……………….… you return.

7. I squeezed ……………….… the two cars.

8. We have not seen them ……………….… last Christmas.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

1. Try not to get too angry ……...………. him.

(to, in, with)
2. All my friends are keen ……...………. water skiing.
(for, on, with)
3. My jumper is similar …...……..… yours.
(to, for, from)
4. She can take the blame ….……....…. that.
(for, in, at)
5. You can always rely …….…….…. me.
(of, on, with)
6. She takes pleasure ………..……. helping others.
(with, at, in)
7. I am very happy …………..….. my results.
(with, in, by)
8. I am tired ……..….……. being woken in the night.
(at, for, of)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

1. I know I can depend ……...………. you.

(on, with, in)
2. Who else was ……...………. the party?
(in, on, at)
3. I am looking …...……..… my pen.
(to, with, for)
4. The teacher is disappointed ….……....…. the whole class.
(with, at, for)
5. Chris has a strong thirst …….…….…. knowledge.
(with, at, for)
6. I haven’t been fishing ………..……. ages.
(from, at, for)
7. Would you like a drink …………..….. the meal?
(with, at, for)
8. I am familiar ……..….……. this type of computer.
(with, in, at)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

1. We always buy our bread ……...………. the same bakery.

(in, from, for)
2. Sally is capable ……...………. doing much better.
(in, for, of)
3. That movie would appeal …...……..… a younger audience.
(to, with, in)
4. You need to aim ….……....…. the centre of the target.
(for, in, at)
5. My mum has a craving …….…….…. chocolate.
(with, in, for)
6. She protesters are opposed ………..……. logging in this area.
(with, at, to)
7. The principal said she was very pleased …………..….. you.
(in, at, with)
8. I trust ……..….……. your advice.
(in, with, on)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

1. The sign warns ……...………. the danger of strong currents.

(at, of, for)
2. I never haggle ……...………. the price of something.
(with, at, over)
3. We were disgusted …...……..… her attitude.
(with, at, in)
4. The weary hikers yearned ….……....…. a good night’s sleep.
(with, in, for)
5. Can you spot the difference …….…….…. the two pictures?
(among, between, from)
6. The police were in pursuit ………..……. the car thief.
(with, in, of)
7. Your entry was worthy …………..….. mention.
(with, at, of)
8. We found it difficult to part ……..….……. our pets.
(with, in, from)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.

A preposition tells the position, place or time of a noun or

pronoun in relation to other words in a sentence.
These are examples of prepositions in sentences:-
e.g. The dog jumped over the fence.
The zebra bolted before we could photograph it.
The car is parked near the tree.

Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

1. My brother is good ……...………. remembering facts.

(in, with, at)
2. The team was inspired ……...………. the captain’s example.
(with, in, by)
3. The unfortunate camper was struck …...……..… a falling branch.
(with, on, by)
4. Your dress is similar ….……....…. mine.
(to, with, at)
5. You should allow …….…….…. some extra expenses.
(with, for, in)
6. We were asked to write ………..……. our excursion.
(to, about, for)
7. He found it difficult to deal …………..….. his fame.
(with, in, at)
8. They started to long ……..….……. a fine and sunny day.
(at, with, for)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.

The prepositions “in” and “into” are sometimes confused.

“in” shows position in one place
“into” shows movement from one place to another
e.g. The butter is in the cupboard.
The kitten ran into the laundry.

Select the correct preposition, either in or into, to complete

the sentences below.

1. David jumped from the cliff ……...………. the water.

2. When it started to hail we rushed ……...………. the hall.

3. The car was parked …...……..… the garage.

4. The documents were kept ….……....…. the safe.

5. The old music tapes were stored …….…….…. a plastic box.

6. The crocodile slid from the bank ………..……. the river.

7. He kept his money …………..….. a tin under the bed.

8. The golf ball rolled ……..….……. the long grass.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.

The prepositions “between” and “among” are sometimes confused.

“between” is used when something is shared by two
“among” is used when something is shared by three or more

e.g. The sweets were shared between Greg and Alice.

The winnings were divided among the whole family.

Select the correct preposition, either between or among, to complete

the sentences below.

1. The basketball cards were shared ……...………. Simon and Matt.

2. The funds were divided ……...………. all the charities.

3. These countries are …...……..… the poorest in the region.

4. It was found ….……....…. the tap and the back fence.

5. He felt more comfortable …….…….…. his own family members.

6. It was a very close contest ………..……. Jenny and Lisa.

7. My dad is …………..….. the oldest to complete the event.

8. The argument was ……..….……. the school and her parents.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Worksheet 1
1. definite 2. indefinite 3. definite 4. indefinite 5. indefinite 6. definite 7. indefinite
8. definite

Worksheet 2
1. indefinite 2. indefinite 3. definite 4. indefinite 5. definite 6. definite 7. indefinite
8. definite

Worksheet 3
1. a 2. an 3. an 4. a 5. an 6. a 7. an 8. a 9. an 10. a 11. a 12. an 13. a 14. an
15. an 16. a 17. an 18. a 19. a 20. an 21. a 22. an 23. a 24. a

Worksheet 4
1. an 2. a 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an 8. an 9. an 10. a 11. a 12. an 13. a 14. an
15. a 16. an 17. a 18. an 19. a 20. an 21. a 22. an 23. an 24. an

Worksheet 5
1. a 2. an 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an 8. a

Worksheet 6
1. a 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an 7. a 8. a

Worksheet 7
1. an 2. an 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an 8. a

Worksheet 8
1. The bag contained a pen, a ruler and a notebook. 2. Jim ate an orange, a peach and an
apple. 3. The walls, the windows and the roof were all damaged. 4. The new enclosure
housed a panther, a cougar and an ocelot. 5. The cage housed a pigeon, a magpie and an
ostrich. 6. The fence, the house and the shed were all painted red.

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Conjunctions - General
Worksheet 9
1. later 2. down 3. wrong 4. lemons 5. spice 6. never 7. out 8. chips 9. pepper 10. key
11. out 12. cream 13. square 14. sauce 15. span 16. bacon

Worksheet 10
1. but 2. and 3. but 4. so 5. yet 6. and 7. so 8. but

Worksheet 11
1. unless 2. if 3. and 4. yet 5. because 6. but 7. or 8. so

Coordinate Conjunctions
Worksheet 12
1. and 2. yet 3. and 4. so 5. but 6. so 7. but 8. or

Worksheet 13
1. yet 2. or 3. and 4. and 5. or 6. yet 7. so 8. but

Worksheet 14
1. Jane spends a lot of time training for athletics but she always does her homework. 2.
Don’t spend all your money on lollies or you won’t have enough for the bus fare. 3. We
shouldn’t have another turn or we will be late home. 4. They tried to attract attention but they
were not noticed.

Worksheet 15
1. Sam found his bike and it was not damaged. 2. The door was left unlocked so we went
inside. 3. The ticket sales were very poor so the concert was cancelled. 4. A Mazda was the
first to finish and a Ford finished in second place.

Correlative Conjunctions
Worksheet 16
1. neither …. nor 2. not only ….. but also 3. whether …. or 4. both …. and
5. as …. as 6. either …. or 7. not ….. but 8. either ….. or

Worksheet 17
1. both …. and 2. either ….. or 3. as …. as 4. whether …. or
5. neither …. nor 6. not …. but 7. not only ….. but also 8. whether ….. or

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Subordinate Conjunctions
Worksheet 18
1. because 2. while 3. when 4. unless 5. where 6. before 7. until 8. when

Worksheet 19
1. because 2. until 3. when 4. since 5. where 6. because 7. unless 8. although

Worksheet 20
1. as 2. before 3. if 4. unless 5. unless 6. although 7. before 8. wherever

Worksheet 21
1. time 2. reason 3. time 4. time 5. reason 6. place 7. place 8. reason

Worksheet 22
1. I combed my hair after I had a shower. 2. Robert put on his shoes before he went into the
backyard. 3. Tracey studied very hard before she had her final test. 4. Molly hung her jacket
out to dry after she walked in the rain.

Worksheet 23
1. James let out a loud scream after he was bitten by the ant. 2. Dad trained for six months
before he ran in the marathon. 3. The paper plane soared upwards before it crashed to the
ground. 4. We boiled the billy after we lit the fire.

Worksheet 24
1. Caitlan keeps trying hard although she found the work difficult. 2. Roger did not enter the
competition because he was afraid of losing. 3. The road was closed because it was covered
in ice and snow. 4. The band played very well although they had never practised together.

Worksheet 25
1. Sam could not go on the school camp because he had the measles. 2. The bird could still
fly although it had a damaged wing. 3. They won the match because they used the ball better.
4. We still enjoyed the picnic although the weather was not that brilliant.

Worksheet 26
1. under 2. in 3. through 4. among 5. onto 6. after 7. from 8. towards

Worksheet 27
1. near 2. at 3. below 4. about 5. under 6. on 7. with 8. at

Worksheet 28
1. adverb 2. adverb 3. preposition 4. preposition 5. adverb 6. preposition 7. adverb
8. preposition

Worksheet 29
1. preposition 2. adverb 3. adverb 4. adverb 5. preposition 6. adverb 7. preposition 8.

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Worksheet 30
1. place 2. time 3. time 4. place 5. place 6. time 7. place 8. time

Worksheet 31
1. time 2. place 3. time 4. place 5. time 6. time 7. place 8. place

Worksheet 32
1. over 2. before 3. through 4. on 5. after 6. below 7. against 8. into

Worksheet 33
1. above 2. after 3. at 4. during 5. down 6. until 7. between 8. since

Worksheet 34
1. with 2. on 3. to 4. for 5. on 6. in 7. with 8. of

Worksheet 35
1. on 2. at 3. for 4. with 5. for 6. for 7. with 8. with

Worksheet 36
1. from 2. of 3. to 4. at 5. for 6. to 7. with 8. in

Worksheet 37
1. of 2. over 3. with 4. for 5. between 6. of 7. of 8. with

Worksheet 38
1. at 2. by 3. by 4. to 5. for 6. about 7. with 8. for

Confusing Prepositions
Worksheet 39
1. into 2. into 3. in 4. in 5. in 6. into 7. in 8. into

Worksheet 40
1. between 2. among 3. among 4. between 5. among 6. between 7. among 8. between

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets”

Teaching Notes

Capital Letters
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1- 5

Statements, Questions and Exclamations

Grammar 1. Worksheets 6 - 9

Grammar 1. Worksheets 10 - 18

Speech Marks
Grammar 1. Worksheets 19 - 22

Apostrophes - Contractions
Grammar 1. Worksheets 23 - 30

Apostrophes - Possession
Grammar 1. Worksheets 31 - 34

Grammar 1. Worksheets 35 - 40


© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.
Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written text to clarify its meaning to the
reader. The most commonly used punctuation marks are capital letters, full stops, question
marks, exclamation marks, commas, quotation marks, apostrophes, colons, semi-colons,
hyphens and parentheses (brackets).

Capital letters are used to:-
(a) Begin a sentence.
e.g. We live next to the football ground.

(b) To write the first letter of proper nouns:- the names of people, titles, towns, states,
countries, streets etc.
e.g. Mrs Mary Green, South Australia, Denmark, Arthur Street

(c) Write the first letter of days of the week, months and special times of the year.
e.g. Thursday, September, Easter

(d) Write the first letter of book titles, TV shows, song titles etc.
e.g. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Blue Heelers, Annie’s Song

(e) Write the proper pronoun “I”.

e.g. I am looking forward to the weekend.

(f) Write the first letter of companies, languages, schools etc.

e.g. Newspower Pty Ltd, French, Boat Harbour Primary School

(g) Write the first letter of the beginning word inside quotation marks.
e.g. The referee shouted, “Calm down or you will be asked to leave the field.”

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Full stops are a basic and important part of punctuation. Full stops have two main functions in
written text.

(a) Full stops are used to end a sentence. The use of full stops makes what someone
has written easier to understand and to read fluently.
e.g. Please shut the door.

(b) Full stops are used in abbreviations if the first letter and part of the word is used.
e.g. Sept. = September
Vic. = Victoria
Capt. = Captain
Cres. = Crescent

Note: Full stops are generally no longer used after contractions (abbreviations that end in the
same letter as the full word).
For example:
Mrs Mr Pty Ltd Qld St Rd

Full stops are generally no longer used in abbreviations that are made of more than one
capital letter.
For example:

A question mark is used at the end of a sentence that is in the form of a direct question. It is
used in place of a full stop.
For example:-
Where are you going after the game?
What is the name of the new coach?

A question mark is used in direct or reported speech when a question is asked.

For example:-
‘How many oranges do you want?’ asked the greengrocer.

A question mark is not used after an indirect question. Note the difference between direct and
indirect questions.
Direct Question: Why are you doing this?
Indirect Question: Tell me why you are doing this.

A question mark is not used for a request or command in the form of a question.
For example:-
Will you make sure you clean up before you leave.
Would you close the fridge door, please.

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An exclamation mark is used to show strong feeling about a person or event being written
about. That feeling might be extreme surprise, excitement, anger, indignation or

An exclamation mark replaces the full stop at the end of a sentence.

For example:-
What an exciting result!
Good heavens!
Get out!

An exclamation mark is used for strong orders or commands, but not for milder instructions.
For example:-
Sit down in front you idiot!
Kindly resume your seat.

An exclamation mark can be used for sentences that sound like questions but do not require
an answer.
For example:-
Will you take a look at that!
Isn’t that a waste of time!

Commas are used in sentences to make the meaning clearer by separating parts of the
sentence. They also indicate to the reader to take a short pause.

Commas can be used in the following ways:-

Commas and Lists

Commas are used to separate items in a list.
For example:-
My favourite vegetables are carrots, peas, potatoes and cabbages.
My uncle has a dog, a parrot and a cat for pets.

Commas with Adjectives and Adverbs

Commas are often used when two or more consecutive adjectives or adverbs occur in a

For example:-
Peter is an intelligent, polite, cheerful boy.
The snake silently, slowly slid towards the opening in the wall.

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Commas and ‘Asides’
Asides are words or phrases that add non-essential information to the meaning of a sentence.
For example:-
Speaking bluntly, I do not like your attitude.
I want you, Alana, to take a leadership role for the rest of the game.
The maxi yacht, a past winner of the event, was disqualified for not sticking to the

Commas Used in Direct Speech

Where direct speech is a statement, a comma is placed at the end of the quotation.
For example:-
‘I’ll see you again tomorrow,’ she said.
Where direct speech is interrupted by the words to explain who is speaking those words are
enclosed by commas.

For example:-
‘I am willing,’ he replied, ‘to help in any way I can.’

Speech or quotation marks are used when someone’s direct speech is written down. They are
not used for indirect speech. Indirect speech is when what someone has said is reported
without writing down the actual words that have been said.

For example:-
Direct Speech: ‘Our arrival time will be known soon,’ said the hostess.
Indirect Speech: The hostess said the arrival time will be known soon.

When punctuating direct speech, you have the choice between using single quotation marks (‘
….’ ) or double ( “ …. “ ). Either is acceptable, but you should stick to whichever you choose
throughout a piece of written text.

The speech marks are inserted after a comma, an exclamation mark or a question mark.

For example:-
“I am not feeling well,” complained Jennifer.
“Has it stopped snowing?” asked Caroline.
“What an incredible story!” exclaimed Bradley.

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in contractions and to indicate
possession in nouns.

Apostrophes and Contractions

This is the most common use of apostrophes. A contraction is normally an abbreviation of
two words, the apostrophe is used to indicate where letters have been omitted.
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These are examples of commonly used contractions:-
couldn’t = could not can’t = cannot
didn’t = did not doesn’t = does not
don’t = do not shouldn’t = should not
hasn’t = has not haven’t = have not
isn’t = is not wouldn’t = would not
I’m = I am he’s = he is
she’s = she is there’s = there is
that’s = that is who’s = who is
you’re = you are they’re = they are
we’re = we are I’ll = I will, shall
you’ll = you will, shall they’ll = they will, shall
we’ll = we will, shall I’ve = I have
you’ve = you have we’ve = we have
we’d = we did, we would they’d = they did, would
I’d = I did, would he’d = he did, would

Note: In written text contractions are normally used when reporting what someone has said or
direct speech. In more formal written text contractions are normally not used.

Apostrophes for Ownership

As a general rule, singular nouns indicating ownership have an apostrophe before the ‘s’ and
plural nouns have an apostrophe after the ‘s’.

Apostrophes for Singular Nouns

Ownership of single nouns is shown by adding an ‘s’ to the end of the word with an
apostrophe before it.
For example:-
the pig’s ears the horse’s legs
the truck’s tyres the girl’s wishes

Note: Nouns that end in ‘s’ or ‘ss’ follow the general rule for ownership for single nouns.
For example:-
the princess’s crown the actress’s agent

Apostrophes for Plural Nouns

Ownership of plural nouns is shown by adding an apostrophe to the ‘s’ at the end of the word.
For example:-
the pigs’ ears the horses’ legs
the trucks’ tyres the girls’ wishes

Note: Nouns that form irregular plurals indicate ownership by adding an ‘s’ to the end of the
word with an apostrophe before it.
For example:-
the children’s toys the women’s ideas

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.
PUNCTUATION (Capital Letters)

A capital letter is used for the first letter in a sentence. Capital

letters are also used for the first letter of the names of people, days
of the week, months, cities, rivers, countries, book titles etc.
e.g. Richard Thursday Paris New Zealand

Select and write the two words in each group that should
begin with a capital letter.

1. cabin, chris, july, carpet ……………. …………….

2. table, spoon, amy, london ……………. …………….
3. zambia, toy, december, truck ……………. …………….
4. flower, wednesday, coin, tracey ……………. …………….
5. issac, plane, bird, germany ……………. …………….
6. cross, malaysia, september, crayon ……………. …………….
7. friday, saucer, banana, brisbane ……………. …………….
8. plate, sarah, perth, tree ……………. …………….
9. melbourne, train, darren, horse ……………. …………….
10. elbow, sunday, rocket, india ……………. …………….
11. darwin, computer, february, shrub ……………. …………….
12. brazil, arm, plant, tuesday ……………. …………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.
PUNCTUATION (Capital Letters)

A capital letter is used for the first letter in a sentence. Capital

letters are also used for the first letter of the names of people, days
of the week, months, cities, rivers, countries, book titles etc.
e.g. Richard Thursday Paris New Zealand

Select and write the two words in each group that should
begin with a capital letter.

1. sunday, steven, helicopter, bowl ……………. …………….

2. peach, hobart, opal, brett ……………. …………….
3. monday, cow, skirt, geelong ……………. …………….
4. rodney, mountain, belgium, trip ……………. …………….
5. valley, lucy, october, plum ……………. …………….
6. pacific, diamond, metal, wayne ……………. …………….
7. ben, thursday, trousers, grape ……………. …………….
8. zinc, david, peru, wine ……………. …………….
9. river, michael, pencil, ireland ……………. …………….
10. anthony, ruler, scarf, april ……………. …………….
11. tulip, football, michelle, japan ……………. …………….
12. january, shark, stephen, potato ……………. …………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.
PUNCTUATION (Capital Letters)

A capital letter is used for the first letter in a sentence. Capital

letters are also used for the first letter of the names of people, days
of the week, months, cities, rivers, countries, book titles etc.
e.g. Richard Thursday Paris New Zealand

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters

where required

1. pete and warren went skiing at mount buller.


2. both christine and ben have birthdays in april.


3. the capital city of tasmania is hobart.


4. i saw lisa and jennifer in high street.


5. our family gets together for easter and christmas.


6. the world’s highest mountain is mount everest.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.
PUNCTUATION (Capital Letters)

A capital letter is used for the first letter in a sentence. Capital

letters are also used for the first letter of the names of people, days
of the week, months, cities, rivers, countries, book titles etc.
e.g. Richard Thursday Paris New Zealand

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters

where required

1. our new teacher is mr. david lynch.


2. the capital of new zealand is wellington.


3. anzac day is a special day in australia.


4. my friends, leesa and judy, live in adelaide.


5. the murray river is australia’s longest river.


6. the large department store is in bourke street.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.
PUNCTUATION (Capital Letters)

A capital letter is used for the first letter in a sentence. Capital

letters are also used for the first letter of the names of people, days
of the week, months, cities, rivers, countries, book titles etc.
e.g. Richard Thursday Paris New Zealand

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters

where required

1. the tasman sea is between australia and new zealand.


2. bradley and robert are holidaying in alice springs.


3. pitt street is a main street in sydney.


4. kangaroo island is in south australia.


5. wollongong is a city in new south wales.


6. cape horn is on the southern tip of south america.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.
PUNCTUATION (Statements, Questions and Exclamations)

All sentences begin with a capital letter. If a sentence is a statement it ends

in a full stop, if it is a question it ends in a question mark and if it is an
exclamation it ends in an exclamation mark.
e.g. There is a horse in the next paddock. (Statement)
Where did you leave the remote control? (Question)
Look out, it is a huge spider! (Exclamation)

Decide whether the following sentences should end in a full stop,

a question mark or an exclamation mark.

1. When is Michael coming to stay

2. We are going to the movies on Saturday night

3. Are you going on the bus

4. What an amazing sight

5. Our teacher’s name is Mrs. Thomas

6. Too many sweets can cause tooth decay

7. Hurry, it’s urgent

8. Do you know how much the tickets cost

9. The disks are on the top shelf

10. It’s not fair

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.
PUNCTUATION (Statements, Questions and Exclamations)

All sentences begin with a capital letter. If a sentence is a statement it ends

in a full stop, if it is a question it ends in a question mark and if it is an
exclamation it ends in an exclamation mark.
e.g. There is a horse in the next paddock. (Statement)
Where did you leave the remote control? (Question)
Look out, it is a huge spider! (Exclamation)

Decide whether the following sentences should end in a full stop,

a question mark or an exclamation mark.

1. They live in the white house on the corner

2. Has the gardener arrived yet

3. Run for your life

4. July is the seventh month of the year

5. What do you think you’ll do when you leave school

6. Good luck to you

7. Our class are going on an excursion tomorrow

8. What a beautiful baby

9. The cat had twelve kittens

10. Where did you buy that shirt

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.
PUNCTUATION (Statements, Questions and Exclamations)

All sentences begin with a capital letter. If a sentence is a statement it ends

in a full stop, if it is a question it ends in a question mark and if it is an
exclamation it ends in an exclamation mark.
e.g. There is a horse in the next paddock. (Statement)
Where did you leave the remote control? (Question)
Look out, it is a huge spider! (Exclamation)

Each line contains two sentences. Rewrite the two sentences and punctuate
each correctly. Remember capital letters, full stops, question marks
and exclamation marks.
e.g. i am searching for the scissors have you seen them
I am searching for the scissors. Have you seen them?

1. who won the last race i missed it

2. you’re so clever how did you come up with that idea
3. what is the exact time peter said it was about ten o’clock
4. i am looking for our dog have you seen it anywhere
5. i see you won first prize in the painting competition well done

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.
PUNCTUATION (Statements, Questions and Exclamations)

All sentences begin with a capital letter. If a sentence is a statement it ends

in a full stop, if it is a question it ends in a question mark and if it is an
exclamation it ends in an exclamation mark.
e.g. There is a horse in the next paddock. (Statement)
Where did you leave the remote control? (Question)
Look out, it is a huge spider! (Exclamation)

Each line contains two sentences. Rewrite the two sentences and punctuate
each correctly. Remember capital letters, full stops, question marks
and exclamation marks.
e.g. i am searching for the scissors have you seen them
I am searching for the scissors. Have you seen them?

1. i have to mow the lawns and rake the leaves will you help me
2. what colour is the book cover i think it is blue
3. how foolish you are where did you leave it
4. where is the best ski run is it over on the next slope
5. steve has a brand new skateboard have you seen it yet

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.

Commas are used in sentences to separate words in a list.

e.g. Lions, tigers, zebras and giraffes are African animals.
In the basket you will find apples, peaches, pears and plums.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. The last four months of the year are September October November
and December. ……..……………………………………………
2. Cows pigs sheep and goats are all farm animals.
3. My favourite sports are football tennis squash and baseball.
4. Prawns oysters scallops crabs and clams are all shellfish.
5. My best friends are Ben Shane Tony and David.
6. Lima Tokyo Paris Washington and Canberra are all capital cities.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.

Commas are used in sentences to separate words in a list.

e.g. Lions, tigers, zebras and giraffes are African animals.
In the basket you will find apples, peaches, pears and plums.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. We have seen a hawk an eagle an owl and a parrot in the last day.
2. Thailand India Vietnam and Sri Lanka are Asian countries.
3. The first four months are January February March and April.
4. My favourite vegetables are peas beans carrots and parsnips.
5. Her best friends are Paige Ellie Lucy and Melanie.
6. The cake was made from flour eggs milk butter and sugar.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.

Commas are used in sentences to separate words in a list.

e.g. Lions, tigers, zebras and giraffes are African animals.
In the basket you will find apples, peaches, pears and plums.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. The net contained a shark a skate a swordfish and a lot of mullet.

2. We watched an ibis a flamingo and a pelican at the lake.
3. I like to read novels short stories magazines or newspapers.
4. The toolbox contained a saw a drill a hammer and nails.
5. Mangoes pineapples pawpaws and lichees are tropical fruit.
6. The car dealer sold Fords Mazdas Toyotas and Volvos.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.

Commas are used in sentences to separate words that stand

for the same person or thing.
e.g. The neighbouring country, Turkey, had strict laws.
I expect you, Michelle, to help without being asked.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. Our cat Fluffy sleeps on the end of the bed.

2. The principal Mrs. Taylor spoke to the whole school.
3. The next day Wednesday was the day we had waited for.
4. Listen Brian you are not being very fair to others in the group.
5. The leading yacht Blue Moon had established a huge lead.
6. My best friend Damon could be moving to the mainland.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.

Commas are used in sentences to separate words that stand

for the same person or thing.
e.g. The neighbouring country, Turkey, had strict laws.
I expect you, Michelle, to help without being asked.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. My favourite football team Hawthorn is the greatest team of all.

2. The last town Devonport had an excellent caravan park.
3. Our new teacher Mr.Rollins has taught at the school previously.
4. Their dog Benny is not as fierce as it looks.
5. Your friend Samantha is a powerful swimmer.
6. The movie Jaws was very popular at the box office.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.

Commas are used in sentences to separate clauses and phrases.

e.g. Shane Crawford, the team captain, is a courageous player.
His mother, who works at the bank, travels by train.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. The new library which opened earlier in the year was very busy.
2. France which is a beautiful country produces a lot of wine.
3. The plant nursery which only opened last year has already closed.
4. Jessica my youngest sister is a very good singer.
5. My dad who is about forty runs in the race every year.
6. The champion skier because of a torn muscle withdrew from the
downhill event. ………………………………………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.

Commas are used in sentences to separate clauses and phrases.

e.g. Shane Crawford, the team captain, is a courageous player.
His mother, who works at the bank, travels by train.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. Richard my cousin is five years older than me.

2. Bianca the class captain is popular with everyone.
3. Canberra which is Australia’s capital city can be cold in winter.
4. Penguin a little town in Tasmania is very popular with tourists.
5. The horse which belongs to my friend is kept in our back paddock.
6. Ben who is fond of the water was the first to dive in.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.

Commas are used in sentences to separate clauses and phrases.

e.g. Shane Crawford, the team captain, is a courageous player.
His mother, who works at the bank, travels by train.

Rewrite the following sentences adding commas where required.

1. The Davidsons who live next door are our best friends.
2. The van which was badly damaged was towed away.
3. The volcano which had been dormant for years erupted.
4. The tug boat that was involved in the rescue has arrived in port.
5. The bird that had the broken wing is now ready to fly.
6. Last Christmas the one when we stayed home was the best ever.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.

The inserting of a comma can change the meaning of a sentence.

e.g. Shane Crawford, the team captain, is a courageous player.
His mother, who works at the bank, travels by train.

Rewrite the following sentences adding a comma to make each

sentence make more sense.

1. Soon after eating David decided to go to bed.

2. After we finished washing the television was turned on.
3. After eating our dog likes to lie in front of the fire.
4. When we cooked the man at the next barbecue complained about
the smoke. …..…………………………………………………
5. As Bradley was drilling his arm became stiff.
6. Looking round Mr. Thompson noticed his car had been hit.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.
PUNCTUATION (Speech Marks)

Speech marks are used to show the actual words spoken.

e.g. “I need more help,” yelled the teacher.
Adrian shouted, “Watch out, it is a crocodile!”
“How long will you be in the shower?” inquired Dave.

Rewrite the following sentences adding speech marks

where required.

1. I have never seen this before, whispered Zoe.

2. Ryan asked, Do you have room for another passenger?
3. What time do you think they will arrive? queried Luke.
4. How come the washing machine won’t work? inquired Mum.
5. What incredible luck! screeched Leah.
6. You all should have known better, said the teacher.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.
PUNCTUATION (Speech Marks)

Speech marks are used to show the actual words spoken.

e.g. “I need more help,” implored the teacher.
Adrian shouted, “Watch out, it is a crocodile!”
“How long will you be in the shower?” inquired Dave.

Rewrite the following sentences adding speech marks

where required.

1. Get a move on, or you’ll be late! yelled Dad.

2. Jane screeched, Leave me alone, you are a nuisance!
3. Has it stopped snowing yet? asked the bus driver.
4. Joseph asked, Can I come next time?
5. Why do I always have to go last? complained Jessica.
6. That shirt looks outrageous! screamed Paula.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.
PUNCTUATION (Speech Marks)

Sometimes we need to use speech marks on either side

of the person speaking.
e.g. “Please help,” pleaded Mum. “I only have two hands.”
“Watch out!” yelled Adrian. "It is a crocodile!”

Rewrite the following sentences adding speech marks

where required.

1. Keep trying, shouted the captain, the game is not over yet.
2. Please don’t ring again, pleaded Holly. I am too busy.
3. Help me! cried Jarrod. I can’t swim any further.
4. Stay there, demanded the tour guide. I will return soon.
5. How long before the next stop? inquired Sam. Is it far?
6. What time does the bus leave? asked Tom. I need to know.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.
PUNCTUATION (Speech Marks)

Sometimes we need to use speech marks on either side

of the person speaking.
e.g. “Please help,” pleaded Mum. “I only have two hands.”
“Watch out!” yelled Adrian. "It is a crocodile!”

Rewrite the following sentences adding speech marks

where required.

1. Do you want a sweet? I said. I have plenty.

2. Have you seen my coat? inquired Aaron. I have looked
everywhere. ……………………………………………………
3. My age, said the elderly lady, is none of your business.
4. That’s enough noise for now, insisted Mr. Thomas. Be quiet!
5. Turn off the light, said Mum, we are going out.
6. Watch out! yelled the firefighter. That could fall.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in

contractions and they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and
leaving out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show
where the letter or letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Write the contractions made from the two words below.

1. where + is = …………………………
2. do + not = …………………………
3. we + had = …………………………
4. could + have = …………………………
5. you + are = …………………………
6. should + have = …………………………
7. has + not = …………………………
8. they + have = …………………………
9. he + will = …………………………
10. there + is = …………………………
11. would + not = …………………………
12. let + us = …………………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in

contractions and they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and
leaving out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show
where the letter or letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Write the contractions made from the two words below.

1. they + had = …………………………

2. I + am = …………………………
3. are + not = …………………………
4. would + have = …………………………
5. there + will = …………………………
6. is + not = …………………………
7. was + not = …………………………
8. you + have = …………………………
9. what + is = …………………………
10. should + not = …………………………
11. could + not = …………………………
12. they + would = …………………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in

contractions and they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and
leaving out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show
where the letter or letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Write the two words that make up each contraction.

1. ……..…… + ………….. = they’re

2. ……..…… + ………….. = I’ll
3. ……..…… + ………….. = should’ve
4. ……..…… + ………….. = it’s
5. ……..…… + ………….. = we’re
6. ……..…… + ………….. = haven’t
7. ……..…… + ………….. = they’d
8. ……..…… + ………….. = aren’t
9. ……..…… + ………….. = let’s
10. ……..…… + ………….. = isn’t
11. ……..…… + ………….. = you’ll
12. ……..…… + ………….. = he’s

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in

contractions and they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and
leaving out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show
where the letter or letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Write the two words that make up each contraction.

1. ……..…… + ………….. = wasn’t

2. ……..…… + ………….. = didn’t
3. ……..…… + ………….. = we’d
4. ……..…… + ………….. = he’ll
5. ……..…… + ………….. = you’d
6. ……..…… + ………….. = weren’t
7. ……..…… + ………….. = we’ve
8. ……..…… + ………….. = where’s
9. ……..…… + ………….. = you’ve
10. ……..…… + ………….. = wouldn’t
11. ……..…… + ………….. = they’ll
12. ……..…… + ………….. = he’d

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in

contractions and they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and
leaving out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show
where the letter or letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Choose the best contraction to complete each sentence below.

should’ve you’re I’m isn’t

it’s she’ll wouldn’t who’s

1. ………..……… lucky you have a spare set of keys.

2. I ……..………… asked her again.
3. ………..……… going to finish this by myself.
4. …………..……freezing at this time of the year.
5. …………..…… responsible for all this mess?
6. You ………..……… asked for more money.
7. Georgia is sure …………..…… perform better next time.
8. It ……..………… fair that they get to choose again.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in

contractions and they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and
leaving out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show
where the letter or letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Choose the best contraction to complete each sentence below.

what’ll aren’t where’s she’ll

you’ll wouldn’t I’ll wasn’t

1. He ………..……… know if a shark bit him.

2. ……..………… the back door key?
3. Her answers ………..……… always right.
4. Bethany is convinced …………..……win next time.
5. …………..…… regret your poor choice later on.
6. It ………..……… the right time to discuss her behaviour.
7. …………..…… happen when the teacher sees this.
8. ……..………… finish it later myself.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in contractions and
they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and leaving
out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show where the letter or
letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words

with a contraction.

1. They are not going to the disco, however I am going.

2. We have tried everything but it will not start.
3. I would have phoned if I had known.
4. We are leaving soon so you had better get ready.
5. I will wait and help as long as you will give me a lift home.
6. I have checked but you are not on the list.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Contractions)

Apostrophes are used in two main ways. They are used in contractions and
they are used with nouns to indicate ownership.
A contraction is a word made by joining two words together and leaving
out some of the letters. An apostrophe is used to show where the letter or
letters have been left out.
These are examples of some commonly used contractions.
I’m = I am don’t = do not she’s = she is
we’re = we are they’ve = they have you’ll = you will

Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words

with a contraction.

1. We need not worry as it will not start on time.

2. They had climbed it before and they will climb it in the future.
3. They would like to know if you are interested.
4. That will be satisfactory if it is as you say.
5. We are willing to help if it is for a good cause.
6. Alex is happy to go if it is not raining.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Possession)

An apostrophe is used to show a person or thing owns something.

In general, single nouns add an apostrophe before an “s”
e.g. the car belonging to the man = the man’s car
the paw of the dog = the dog’s paw
In general, plural nouns add an apostrophe after an “s”
e.g. the cars of the teachers = the teachers’ cars
the ears of the cows = the cows’ ears

Write the word with the apostrophe in the correct place.

1. the tusks of the elephants = the ……………….. tusks

2. the branches of the tree = the ……………….. branches
3. the toys of the babies = the ……………….. toys
4. the bow of the ship = the ……………….. bow
5. the wheel of the skateboard = the ……………….. wheel
6. the hopes of the girls = the ……………….. hopes
7. the tail of the dog = the ……………….. tail
8. the rays of the sun = the ……………….. rays
9. the hideout of the thieves = the ……………….. hideout
10. the socks of the boy = the ……………….. socks
11. the flags of the countries = the ……………….. flags
12. the whiskers of the cat = the ……………….. whiskers

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Possession)

An apostrophe is used to show a person or thing owns something.

In general, single nouns add an apostrophe before an “s”
e.g. the car belonging to the man = the man’s car
the paw of the dog = the dog’s paw
In general, plural nouns add an apostrophe after an “s”
e.g. the cars of the teachers = the teachers’ cars
the ears of the cows = the cows’ ears

Write the word with the apostrophe in the correct place.

1. the health of our family = our ……………….. health

2. the stairs of the building = the ……………….. stairs
3. the wishes of the teachers = the ……………….. wishes
4. moons of Jupiter = ………………..….. moons
5. the problems of life = ……………..…….. problems
6. the parents of our friends = our ……………….. parents
7. the boot of the car = the ……………….. boot
8. the siren of the police car = the ……………….. siren
9. the office of the boss = the ……………….. office
10. the claws of the cat = the ……………….. claws
11. the horns of the goats = the ……………….. horns
12. the books of the students = the ……………….. books

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Possession)

An apostrophe is used to show a person or thing owns something.

In general, plural nouns add an apostrophe after an “s”
e.g. the cars of the teachers = the teachers’ cars
the ears of the cows = the cows’ ears
For irregular plural nouns add an apostrophe before an “s”
e.g. the cavities of the teeth = the teeth’s cavities
the cries of the children = the children’s cries

Write the word with the apostrophe in the correct place.

1. the backs of the sheep = the ……………….. backs

2. the dresses of the girls = the ……………….. dresses
3. the beaks of the geese = the ……………….. beaks
4. the meeting of the women = the ………..…..….. meeting
5. the sides of the boxes = the …...…………... sides
6. the yokes of the oxen = the ……………….. yokes
7. the feathers of the birds = the ……………….. feathers
8. the holes of the mice = the ……………….. holes
9. the covers of the books = the ……………….. covers
10. the bags of the children = the ……………….. bags
11. the room of the men = the ……………….. room
12. the tails of the foxes = the ……………….. tails

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
PUNCTUATION (Apostrophes - Possession)

An apostrophe is used to show a person or thing owns something.

In general, single nouns add an apostrophe before an “s”
e.g. the car belonging to the man = the man’s car
the paw of the dog = the dog’s paw
In general, plural nouns add an apostrophe after an “s”
e.g. the cars of the teachers = the teachers’ cars
the ears of the cows = the cows’ ears

Choose the best word to complete each sentence below.

eagles’ principal’s children’s book’s

referee’s horses’ bike’s city’s

1. The ………..……… tyres were flat.

2. The ……..………… foals were in the same paddock.
3. The ………..……… whistle fell in the mud.
4. My parents met my teacher in the …………..……office.
5. The …………..…… lights could be seen for kilometres.
6. The ………..……… nest was high on the cliff face.
7. The …………..…… playground had two new swings.
8. The ……..………… cover was in bad condition.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.

Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written

text to clearly convey its meaning to the reader.

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters, full stops,

question marks or exclamation marks where required.

1. which mountain is the highest mountain in australia

2. my grandparents live in south frankston in victoria
3. i will be away on a fishing trip next friday and saturday
4. what an amazing story
5. my best friends are bree and jessica
6. are you going to new south wales for your holidays

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.

Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written

text to clearly convey its meaning to the reader.

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters, full stops,

question marks, exclamation marks or commas where required.

1. geelong ballarat warrnambool and bendigo are all victorian cities

2. the basket contained plums pears apples and peaches
3. which is the largest planet of neptune pluto saturn and mars
4. jack neil cameron and ryan are all in my class
5. there are thirty days in april june september and november
6. why are leah amy and bethany always late

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.

Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written

text to clearly convey its meaning to the reader.

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters, full stops,

question marks, exclamation marks or commas where required.

1. sydney which is a beautiful city hosted the 2000 olympic games

2. our principal miss davis is popular with all the students
3. the boat which was owned by our neighbours was in good
condition ………………………………………………………
4. my brother patrick goes to parkdale secondary high school
5. robert the most experienced climber was the first to attempt the
climb …………………………………………………………
6. the supermarket which opened recently was doing a roaring trade

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.

Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written

text to clearly convey its meaning to the reader.

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters, full stops,

question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes
or speech marks where required.

1. can anyone else see venus asked stephanie

2. my favourite colours are blue yellow and red stated phillip
3. aaron asked do you want to come surfing with us
4. kristy turned and whispered i have forgotten my homework
5. i will finish reading the novel before christmas said allan
6. where can I buy a sandwich and a cup of coffee inquired the
tourist ….………………………………………………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.

Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written

text to clearly convey its meaning to the reader.

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters, full stops,

question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes
or speech marks where required.

1. i like watching adventure movies said erin do you

2. that is enough time said miss thomas put your pencils down
3. look out yelled rose here comes a car
4. our dog blinky is lost said william will you help me look for him
5. where is my jumper said lucy I have looked everywhere
6. ouch yelled melanie that is my sore arm

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.

Punctuation is a system of marks or symbols used in written

text to clearly convey its meaning to the reader.

Rewrite the following sentences adding capital letters, full stops,

question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes
or speech marks where required.

1. the tea coffee and sugar are here said sophie but wheres the milk
2. no i cant come answered declan i have to do my homework
3. hurry up and get ready shouted trent or youll miss the bus
4. yes ill help replied amber if youve another pair of gloves
5. im not feeling very well said jane you better go on by yourself
6. where do you feel the pain inquired the doctor does this hurt

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Capital Letters
Worksheet 1
1. Chris, July 2. Amy, London 3. Zambia, December 4. Wednesday, Tracey 5.Issac,
Germany 6. Malaysia, September 7. Friday, Brisbane 8. Sarah, Perth 9. Melbourne, Darren
10. Sunday, India 11. Darwin, February 12. Brazil, Tuesday

Worksheet 2
1. Sunday, Steven 2. Hobart, Brett 3. Monday, Geelong 4. Rodney, Belgium 5. Lucy,
October 6. Pacific, Wayne 7. Ben, Thursday 8. David, Peru 9. Michael, Ireland 10.
Anthony, April 11. Michelle, Japan 12. January, Stephen

Worksheet 3
1. Pete and Warren went skiing at Mount Buller. 2. Both Christine and Ben have birthdays in
April. 3. The capital city of Tasmania is Hobart. 4. I saw Lisa and Jennifer in High Street.
5. Our family gets together for Easter and Christmas. 6. The world’s highest mountain is
Mount Everest.

Worksheet 4
1. Our new teacher is Mr. David Lynch. 2. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
3. Anzac Day is a special day in Australia. 4. My friends, Leesa and Judy, live in Adelaide.
5. The Murray River is Australia’s longest river. 6. The large department store is in Bourke

Worksheet 5
1. The Tasman Sea is between Australia and New Zealand. 2. Bradley and Robert are
holidaying in Alice Springs. 3. Pitt Street is a main street in Sydney. 4. Kangaroo Island is in
South Australia. 5. Wollongong is a city in New South Wales. 6. Cape Horn is on the
southern tip of South America.

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Statements, Questions and Exclamations
Worksheet 6
1. question mark 2. full stop 3. question mark 4. exclamation mark 5. full stop 6. full stop
7. exclamation mark 8. question mark 9. full stop 10. exclamation mark

Worksheet 7
1. full stop 2. question mark 3. exclamation mark 4. full stop 5. question mark
6. exclamation mark 7. full stop 8. exclamation mark 9. full stop 10. question mark

Worksheet 8
1. (a) Who won the last race? (b) I missed it. 2. (a) You’re so clever! (b) How did you come
up with that idea? 3. (a) What is the exact time? (b) Peter said it was about ten o’clock.
4. (a) I am looking for our dog. (b) Have you seen it anywhere? 5. (a) I see you won first prize
in the painting competition. (b) Well done!

Worksheet 9
1. (a) I have to mow the lawns and rake the leaves. (b) Will you help me? 2. (a) What colour
is the book cover? (b) I think it is blue. 3. (a) How foolish you are! (b) Where did you leave
it? 4. (a) Where is the best ski run? (b) Is it over on the next slope? 5. (a) Steve has a brand
new skateboard. (b) Have you seen it yet?

Worksheet 10
1. The last four months of the year are September, October, November and December.
2. Cows, pigs, sheep and goats are all farm animals. 3. My favourite sports are football,
tennis, squash and baseball. 4. Prawns, oysters, scallops, crabs and clams are all shellfish. 5.
My best friends are Ben, Shane, Tony and David. 6. Lima, Tokyo, Paris, Washington and
Canberra are all capital cities.

Worksheet 11
1. We have seen a hawk, an eagle, an owl and a parrot in the last day. 2. Thailand, India,
Vietnam and Sri Lanka are Asian countries. 3. The first four months of the year are January,
February, March and April. 4. My favourite vegetables are peas, beans, carrots and parsnips.
5. Her best friends are Paige, Ellie, Lucy and Melanie. 6. The cake was made from flour,
eggs, milk, butter and sugar.

Worksheet 12
1. The net contained a shark, a skate, a swordfish and a lot of mullet. 2. We watched an ibis, a
flamingo and a pelican at the lake. 3. I like to read novels, short stories, magazines or
newspapers. 4. The toolbox contained a saw, a drill, a hammer and nails. 5. Mangoes,
pineapples, pawpaws and lichees are tropical fruit. 6. The car dealer sold Fords, Mazdas,
Toyotas and Volvos.

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Worksheet 13
1. Our cat, Fluffy, sleeps on the end of the bed. 2. The principal, Mrs. Taylor, spoke to the
whole school. 3. The next day, Wednesday, was the day we had waited for. 4. Listen, Brian,
you are not being very fair to others in the group. 5. The leading yacht, Blue Moon, had
established a huge lead. 6. My best friend, Damon, could be moving to the mainland.

Worksheet 14
1. My favourite football team, Hawthorn, is the greatest team of all. 2. The last town,
Devonport, had an excellent caravan park. 3. Our new teacher, Mr. Rollins, has taught at the
school previously. 4. Their dog, Benny, is not as fierce as it looks. 5. Your friend, Samantha,
is a powerful swimmer. 6. The movie, Jaws, was very popular at the box office.

Worksheet 15
1. The new library, which opened earlier in the year, was very busy. 2. France, which is a
beautiful country, produces a lot of wine. 3. The plant nursery, which only opened last year,
has already closed. 4. Jessica, my youngest sister, is a very good singer. 5. My dad, who is
about forty, runs in the race every year. 6. The champion skier, because of a torn muscle,
withdrew from the downhill event.

Worksheet 16
1. Richard, my cousin, is five years older than me. 2. Bianca, the class captain, is popular with
everyone. 3. Canberra, which is Australia’s capital city, can be cold in winter. 4. Penguin, a
little town in Tasmania, is very popular with tourists. 5. The horse, which belongs to my
friend, is kept in our back paddock. 6. Ben, who is fond of the water, was the first to dive in.

Worksheet 17
1. The Davidsons, who live next door, are our best friends. 2. The van, which was badly
damaged, was towed away. 3. The volcano, which had been dormant for years, erupted.
4. The tug boat, that was involved in the rescue, has arrived in port. 5. The bird, that had the
broken wing, is now ready to fly. 6. Last Christmas, the one when we stayed home, was the
best ever.

Worksheet 18
1. Soon after eating, David decided to go to bed. 2. After we finished washing, the television
was turned on. 3. After eating, our dog likes to lie in front of the fire. 4. When we cooked,
the man at the next barbecue complained about the smoke. 5. As Bradley was drilling, his
arm became stiff. 6. Looking round, Mr. Thompson noticed his car had been hit.

Speech Marks
Worksheet 19
1. “I have never seen this before,” whispered Zoe. 2. Ryan asked, “Do you have room for
another passenger?” 3. “What time do you think they will arrive?” queried Luke. 4. “How
come the washing machine won’t work?” inquired Mum. 5. “What incredible luck!”
screeched Leah. 6. “You all should have known better,” said the teacher.

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Worksheet 20
1. “Get a move on, or you’ll be late!” yelled Dad. 2. Jane screeched, “Leave me alone, you
are a nuisance!” 3. “Has it stopped snowing yet?” asked the bus driver. 4. Joseph asked,
“Can I come next time?” 5. “Why do I always have to go last?” complained Jessica. 6. “That
shirt looks outrageous!” screamed Paula.

Worksheet 21
1. “Keep trying,” shouted the captain, “the game is not over yet.” 2. “Please don’t ring again,”
pleaded Holly. “I am too busy.” 3. “Help me!” cried Jarrod. “I can’t swim any further.”
4. “Stay there,” demanded the tour guide. “I will return soon.” 5. “How long before the next
stop?” inquired Sam. “Is it far?” 6. “What time does the bus leave?” asked Tom. “I need to

Worksheet 22
1. “Do you want a sweet?” I said. “I have plenty.” 2. “Have you seen my coat?” inquired
Aaron. “I have looked everywhere.” 3. “My age,” said the elderly lady, “is none of your
business.” 4. “That’s enough noise for now,” insisted Mr. Thomas. “Be quiet!” 5. “Turn off
the light,” said Mum, “we are going out.” 6. “Watch out!” yelled the firefighter. “That could

Apostrophes - Contractions
Worksheet 23
1. where’s 2. don’t 3. we’d 4. could’ve 5. you’re 6. should’ve 7. hasn’t 8. they’ve
9. he’ll 10. there’s 11. wouldn’t 12. let’s

Worksheet 24
1. they’d 2. I’m 3. aren’t 4. would’ve 5. there’ll 6. isn’t 7. wasn’t 8. you’ve 9. what’s
10. shouldn’t 11. couldn’t 12. they’d

Worksheet 25
1. they + are 2. I + will 3. should + have 4. it + is 5. we + are 6. have + not 7. they + had
or they + would 8. are + not 9. let + us 10. is + not 11. you + will 12. he + is

Worksheet 26
1. was + not 2. did + not 3. we + had or we + would 4. he + will 5. you + had or you would
6. were + not 7. we + have 8. where + is 9. you + have 10. would + not 11. they + will 12.
he + had or he + would

Worksheet 27
1. you’re 2. wouldn’t 3. I’m 4. it’s 5. who’s 6. should’ve 7. she’ll 8. isn’t

Worksheet 28
1. wouldn’t 2. where’s 3. aren’t 4. she’ll 5. you’ll 6. wasn’t 7. what’ll 8. I’ll

Worksheet 29
1. They’re not going to the disco, however I’m going. 2. We’ve tried everything but it won’t
start. 3. I would’ve phoned if I’d known. 4. We’re leaving soon so you’d better get ready. 5.
I’ll wait and help as long as you’ll give me a lift home. 6. I’ve checked but you’re not on the

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Worksheet 30
1. We needn’t worry as it won’t start on time. 2. They’d climbed it before and they’ll climb it
in the future. 3. They’d like to know if you’re interested. 4. That’ll be satisfactory if it’s as
you say. 5. We’re willing to help if it’s for a good cause. 6. Alex’s happy to go if it isn’t

Apostrophes - Possession
Worksheet 31
1. elephants’ 2. tree’s 3. babies’ 4. ship’s 5. skateboard’s 6. girls’ 7. dog’s 8. sun’s
9. thieves’ 10. boy’s 11. countries’ 12. cat’s

Worksheet 32
1. family’s 2. building’s 3. teachers’ 4. Jupiter’s 5. life’s 6. friends’ 7. car’s 8. police
car’s 9. boss’s 10. cat’s 11. goats’ 12. students’

Worksheet 33
1. sheep’s 2. girls’ 3. geese’s 4. women’s 5. boxes’ 6. oxen’s 7. birds’ 8. mice’s
9. books’ 10. children’s 11. men’s 12. foxes’

Worksheet 34
1. bike’s 2. horses’ 3. referee’s 4. principal’s 5. city’s 6. eagles’ 7. children’s 8. book’s

Punctuation Revision
Worksheet 35
1. Which mountain is the highest mountain in Australia? 2. My grandparents live in South
Frankston in Victoria. 3. I will be away on a fishing trip next Friday and Saturday. 4. What
an amazing story! 5. My best friends are Bree and Jessica. 6. Are you going to New South
Wales for your holidays?

Worksheet 36
1. Geelong, Ballarat, Warrnambool and Bendigo are all Victorian cities. 2. The basket
contained plums, pears, apples and peaches. 3. Which is the largest planet of Neptune, Pluto,
Saturn and Mars? 4. Jack, Neil, Cameron and Ryan are all in my class. 5. There are thirty
days in April, June, September and November. 6. Why are Leah, Amy and Bethany always

Worksheet 37
1. Sydney, which is a beautiful city, hosted the 2000 Olympic Games. 2. Our principal, Miss
Davis, is popular with all the students. 3. The boat, which was owned by our neighbours, was
in good condition. 4. My brother, Patrick, goes to Parkdale Secondary High School. 5.
Robert, the most experienced climber, was the first to attempt the climb. 6. The supermarket,
which opened recently, was doing a roaring trade.

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Worksheet 38
1. “Can anyone else see Venus?” asked Stephanie. 2. “My favourite colours are blue, yellow
and red,” stated Phillip. 3. Aaron asked, “Do you want to come surfing with us?” 4. Kristy
turned and whispered, “I have forgotten my homework.” 5. “I will finish reading the novel
before Christmas,” said Allan. 6. “Where can I buy a sandwich and a cup of coffee?”
inquired the tourist.

Worksheet 39
1. “I like watching adventure movies,” said Erin. “Do you?” 2. “That is enough time,” said
Miss Thomas. “Put your pencils down.” 3. “Look out!” yelled Rose. “Here comes a car.”
4. “Our dog, Blinky, is lost,” said William. “Will you help me look for him?” 5. “Where is
my jumper?” said Lucy. “I have looked everywhere.” 6. “Ouch!” yelled Melanie. “That is my
sore arm.”

Worksheet 40
1. “The tea, coffee and sugar are here,” said Sophie, “but where’s the milk?” 2. “No, I can’t
come,” answered Declan. “I have to do my homework.” 3. “Hurry up and get ready,” shouted
Trent, “or you’ll miss the bus.” 4. “Yes, I’ll help,” replied Amber, “if you’ve another pair of
gloves.” 5. “I’m not feeling very well,” said Jane, “you should go on by yourself.” 6. “Where
do you feel the pain?” inquired the doctor. “Does this hurt?”

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets”


Teaching Notes

Sentences - General
Grammar 1. Worksheets 1 - 10

Grammar 1. Worksheets 11 - 16

Grammar 1. Worksheets 17 - 26

Simple Sentences
Grammar 1. Worksheets 27 - 30

Compound Sentences
Grammar 1. Worksheets 31 - 34

Complex Sentences
Grammar 1. Worksheets 35 - 38

What Type of Sentence?

Grammar 1. Worksheets 39 - 40


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Teaching Notes – Grammar 1.


A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand alone as a sentence
as their meaning is not complete.

A phrase can do the work of an adjective, adverb or noun.

e.g. The boy with short hair is a good skater. (Adjective)

She left the basket near the tree. (Adverb)
The outcome of the survey will be known next week. (Noun)


A clause is a group of words that contains a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses – a main (principal or independent) clause and a subordinate
(dependent) clause.

Main Clause
A main (principal or independent) clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone and be a

e.g. Michael was given a stamp collection which belonged to his grandfather.
The dog that was barking ran across the paddock.

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Subordinate Clause
A subordinate (dependent) clause does not make sense standing on its own. To make a
complete sentence a subordinate clause must be added to a main clause.

A subordinate clause does the work of an adjective, adverb or noun.

e.g. The elephant, which was twelve years old, was the star attraction. (Adjective)
Every night, just before the sun set, he would feed the birds. (Adverb)
I told him he should reconsider. (Noun)

A sentence is a group of words with at least one finite verb ( a verb with a subject). In speech
and writing the basic unit of meaning is a sentence. A sentence has a complete meaning. A
sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, question mark or exclamation

There are four types of sentences – statements, questions, commands or requests, and

A statement simply states something or gives information and ends in a full stop.

e.g. The bread is ready.

I am freezing.

A question is a sentence that asks something and ends in a question mark.

e.g. Where are you going?

Why do you prefer that one?

Commands or Requests
A command or request direct someone to do something or give advice or warning and ends
with a full stop.

e.g. Take your marks.

Watch out for broken glass.

An exclamation expresses the strong feeling of the speaker or writer about something.

e.g. You’re fired!

Don’t stare at me like that!
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There are three different kinds of sentences – simple sentences, compound sentences and
complex sentences.

Simple Sentences
A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the finite verb is a part.
e.g. The cat chased the mouse.

The verb is chased and it is finite because the cat is the subject. The rest of the sentence,
chased the mouse is the predicate.

Sometimes a simple sentence does not appear to have a subject.

e.g. Stay there!

Even though the word is not actually said, the speaker or writer is referring to you. They are
really saying, (You) stay there! The subject is said to be understood.

Compound Sentences
A compound sentence consists of two or more main (principal or independent) clauses joined
by one or more conjunctions.

e.g. The stolen car sped away and the police chased after it.

This compound sentence has two main clauses. They are:-

“the stolen car sped away”
“the police chased after it”

The two main clauses are joined by the coordinate conjunction “and”.

Complex Sentences
A complex sentence has at least one main (principal or independent) clause and one or more
subordinate (dependent) clauses.
e.g. The sofa was very cheap because it was old and tattered.

The main (principal or independent) clause is:-

“the sofa was very cheap”

The subordinate (dependent) clause is:-

“because it was old and tattered”

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 1.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete

thought. A sentence must contain a finite verb and
make sense by itself.

Decide whether the following groups of words are sentences.

1. Winter started early this year. …………………

(yes, no)

2. If you keep doing that. …………………

(yes, no)

3. I listened to the radio broadcast. …………………

(yes, no)

4. Georgina is my younger sister. …………………

(yes, no)

5. At the back of the factory. …………………

(yes, no)

6. When you knock on the back door. …………………

(yes, no)

7. Without waiting to hear the result. …………………

(yes, no)

8. The television is in the other room. …………………

(yes, no)

9. Deacon is a great friend of mine. …………………

(yes, no)

10. At the start of the day’s play. …………………

(yes, no)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 2.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete

thought. A sentence must contain a finite verb and
make sense by itself.

Decide whether the following groups of words are sentences.

1. There was a book on the desk. …………………

(yes, no)

2. I will walk home with you. …………………

(yes, no)

3. After I locked the back door. …………………

(yes, no)

4. We visited every two weeks. …………………

(yes, no)

5. In the middle of the performance. …………………

(yes, no)

6. The waves broke over the small boat. …………………

(yes, no)

7. Over the fence by the gate. …………………

(yes, no)

8. On top of the video recorder. …………………

(yes, no)

9. During a long pause. …………………

(yes, no)

10. Pass me the blue pencil. …………………

(yes, no)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 3.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. A

sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
e.g. Angus rode his new bike.
Leah walks to school.

Rewrite the following groups of words adding the appropriate

verb from the box to make a complete sentence.

flew like travels

sing washed snowed

1. My cousin to school by bus.


2. Last night it heavily.


3. Tamara her dirty hands.


4. The eagle back to its nest.


5. The three girls in the school choir.


6. I chocolate ice-cream.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 4.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. A

sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
e.g. Angus rode his new bike.
Leah walks to school.

Rewrite the following groups of words adding the appropriate

verb from the box to make a complete sentence.

rode planted flew

live slithered croak

1. My grandparents in Adelaide.

2. I the horse without a saddle.


3. The gardener the seedlings.


4. The lizard under the rock.


5. The frogs at dusk.


6. We the kite on the oval.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 5.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. A

sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
e.g. Angus rode his new bike.
Leah walks to school.

Rewrite the following groups of words adding the appropriate

verb from the box to make a complete sentence.

ate works wrecked

climbed fed sleeps

1. The crash the new car.


2. Our dog in its kennel.


3. I the scraps to the seagulls.


4. My dad at the service station.


5. We lunch before we went to the football.


6. We down the rope ladder.


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 6.

There are four types of sentences:- statements, questions,

commands and exclamations.
e.g. This is an excellent meal. (Statement)
How old are you? (Question)
Wipe your feet, please. (Command)
What a brilliant effort! (Exclamation)

Decide whether each sentence is a statement, question, command or


1. Do you need any help? …………………

2. I will see you later this afternoon. …………………

3. What an incredible sight! …………………

4. My friend has moved to Perth. …………………

5. Come in and shut the door. …………………

6. What a glorious morning! …………………

7. Be quiet, please. …………………

8. Is this water fit to drink? …………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 7.

There are four types of sentences:- statements, questions,

commands and exclamations.
e.g. This is an excellent meal. (Statement)
How old are you? (Question)
Wipe your feet, please. (Command)
What a brilliant effort! (Exclamation)

Decide whether each sentence is a statement, question, command or


1. There was a red rose in the vase. …………………

2. What colour is the new car? …………………

3. An eagle is a majestic bird. …………………

4. Why did the show start early? …………………

5. What a magnificent sight! …………………

6. Move your shoes off the sofa, please. …………………

7. I can’t believe it! …………………

8. Keep off the garden. …………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 8.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. A

sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
e.g. Angus rode his new bike.
Leah walks to school.

Rearrange the words below so they make a complete sentence.

1. mouse caught cat the a has


2. blew to game the whistle the umpire start the


3. zoo the zebras saw the at we


4. jumper at my school I left


5. our tomatoes in grow garden we


6. willing help to is someone you


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 9.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. A

sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
e.g. Angus rode his new bike.
Leah walks to school.

Rearrange the words below so they make a complete sentence.

1. the hit ankle on the him ball


2. for making Mum pizza is tea a


3. was the attracted light mosquito the by


4. burnt house the old down was


5. pet vet took the parrot Greta to her


6. very is dolphin animal a intelligent a


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 10.

A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. A

sentence must contain a finite verb and make sense by itself.
e.g. Angus rode his new bike.
Leah walks to school.

Rearrange the words below so they make a complete sentence.

1. from house coming smell the beneath the was


2. lesson the ended science a with quiz


3. carry is twenty licensed the passengers to bus


4. egg in there nest the one remaining was


5. covered were blossom in trees the pink


6. between was the hammock two tied trees


Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 11.

A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand

alone as a sentence as their meaning is not complete.
e.g. with long hair through the open gate the opening score

Select the best phrase to complete each of the sentences below.

on the skateboard after the disco

in a huge mess in our class
under the log when the waves improve
through the thick scrub with the large leaves

1. There are twenty eight students …………………....……….

2. The surfing contest will begin ……………..…...………….

3. We went straight home …………………….…..……….

4. The boy …………….……….…..…… is my brother.

5. The snake slid …………………..…………….…..…… .

6. The tree ……………………...……… is very fast growing.

7. We made slow progress …………..………………..…….

8. The untidy hikers left the camp site ……………..………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 12.

A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand

alone as a sentence as their meaning is not complete.
e.g. with long hair through the open gate the opening score

Select the best phrase to complete each of the sentences below.

at the supermarket towards the bus stop

in the valley into four pieces
with the red hair for over two minutes
from the tree in the thick jungle

1. The man sprinted ……………………………....……….

2. The girl ……………..………....………… is my cousin.

3. My brother has a job …………………….…..……….

4. The cabin …………….……….…..…… is made from pine logs.

5. The rope was cut …………………..…………….…..…… .

6. The tiger disappeared …………………………...……… .

7. The top spun …………..………………….…..…….

8. The broken twig fell ………………………..………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 13.

Phrases can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.

e.g. The final result will be known soon. (Noun)
The flower with the yellow petals is a daisy. (Adjective)
I am leaving at six o’clock. (Adverb)

Decide whether the underlined phrase does the job of a noun,

an adjective or an adverb.

1. I had forgotten the name of the town. …………………

2. The golf ball rested on the lip of the hole. …………………

3. Did you see the television news? …………………

4. The lady with the fur coat is our neighbour. …………………

5. The top of the car was covered in mud. …………………

6. I left my towel at the swimming pool. …………………

7. The house with the high fence needs painting. …………………

8. The sledge was dragged by four strong horses. …………………

9. The time of the robbery was not known. …………………

10. The dog running in the park is mine. …………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 14.

Phrases can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.

e.g. The final result will be known soon. (Noun)
The flower with the yellow petals is a daisy. (Adjective)
I am leaving at six o’clock. (Adverb)

Decide whether the underlined phrase does the job of a noun,

an adjective or an adverb.

1. Many vehicles skid because of the ice. …………………

2. Hovercrafts skim over the surface of the water. …………………

3. I cannot remember the name of the movie. …………………

4. The rabbit with long ears is rather cute. …………………

5. All the grapes were thrown into a large tub. …………………

6. The final score was embarrassing. …………………

7. The dolphin playing in the waves is young. …………………

8. His nose bled for at least five minutes. …………………

9. The room with the broken window is in a mess. …………………

10. The next race will be his last. …………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 15.

A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand

alone as a sentence as their meaning is not complete.
e.g. with long hair through the open gate the opening score

Write a word from the box to replace the phrases below.

favourite enough ledge dense

aloft now crust carefully
fragile password false ice

1. thickly packed together …………….……

2. as much as needed …………….……
3. a secret word …………….……
4. up in the air …………….……
5. the one you like best …………….……
6. with great care …………….……
7. frozen water …………….……
8. the hard outer part …………….……
9. right at this moment …………….……
10. easily broken …………….……
11. a narrow shelf …………….……
12. not true …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 16.

A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Phrases cannot stand

alone as a sentence as their meaning is not complete.
e.g. with long hair through the open gate the opening score

Write a word from the box to replace the phrases below.

soon immediately heavy here

fade twig equipment elegant
useful bald century jumble

1. very hard to lift …………….……

2. straight away …………….……
3. without any hair …………….……
4. in a short time …………….……
5. becomes less bright …………….……
6. graceful in appearance …………….……
7. in this place …………….……
8. a hundred years …………….……
9. a small branch …………….……
10. helpful to have …………….……
11. things for a particular job …………….……
12. an untidy muddle of things …………….……

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 17.

A clause is a group of words that contain a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A main clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone.
A subordinate clause does not make sense by itself but adds
information to the main clause of the sentence.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Decide whether the underlined clause is the main clause or the

subordinate clause in each of the following sentences.

1. The watch, which was given to me for my birthday, is lost.

(Main or Subordinate)

2. When the baby stops crying, I will have my dinner.

(Main or Subordinate)

3. I read the newspaper after I brushed my teeth.

(Main or Subordinate)

4. Alex did not compete because he was unwell.

(Main or Subordinate)

5. They will help you if you make an effort yourself.

(Main or Subordinate)

6. After the rain fell, the grass grew strongly.

(Main or Subordinate)

7. I fed the dog even though it tried to bite me.

(Main or Subordinate)

8. This is the café where we had lunch.

(Main or Subordinate)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 18.

A clause is a group of words that contain a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A main clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone.
A subordinate clause does not make sense by itself but adds
information to the main clause of the sentence.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Decide whether the underlined clause is the main clause or the

subordinate clause in each of the following sentences.

1. We must stay inside until the cyclone passes.

(Main or Subordinate)

2. After I have mowed the lawn, I am watching television.

(Main or Subordinate)

3. They built the new house where the former building had stood.
(Main or Subordinate)

4. You will not pass unless you work harder.

(Main or Subordinate)

5. The police chased the thieves who had stolen our car.
(Main or Subordinate)

6. When we arrived at the bus stop, the bus had already departed.
(Main or Subordinate)

7. The dog, which has a loud bark, lives next door.

(Main or Subordinate)

8. I just caught the train, which was on time for once.

(Main or Subordinate)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 19.

A clause is a group of words that contain a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A main clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Select the best main clause to complete each of the following sentences.

I know the man I spoke to the detective

that is the athlete we are going for a coffee
we missed the school bus I looked after the neighbour’s cat
the sun shone brightly we are buying a new computer

1. …………………..………who was investigating the robbery.

2. ……..………....………… who broke the long jump record.

3. After the clouds broke up, …………………….…..……….

4. …………….…………………..…… although I didn’t like it.

5. …….………….………...…… who won first prize in the lottery.

6. …………………………...……… when we can afford it.

7. When the concert ends, …………..………………….…..…….

8. …………………….……..…………which left early.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 20.

A clause is a group of words that contain a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A main clause makes sense by itself and can stand alone.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Select the best main clause to complete each of the following sentences.

the lesson will finish now I am going straight home

we needed a rest he spoke to the driver
they went for a swim Gemma did not enjoy the party
this is the horse you are in trouble

1. …………………….…..………so they could cool off.

2. ……..………..……..………… who owns the red dragster.

3. …………………….…….…..……… as much as I did.

4. Unless you have a good excuse ………………………..…….

5. When school finishes …….………….…….………...…….

6. …………………………...……… after we cleaned out the shed.

7. …………..………………….…..…… that can jump the hedge.

8. So you can go early, ……………………..….……..………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 21.

Some sentences contain two main clauses. If a sentence has two main
clauses they are joined by a coordinate conjunction, such as:-
and but or so yet nor
e.g. The novel was short yet it was a bestseller.
I play soccer but my brother plays basketball.

Join the two main clauses to make a sentence using the coordinate
conjunction “so” or “and”.

1. it rained solidly for three days

the rodeo was cancelled
2. a runner wearing an orange top finished first
a runner holding a drink bottle finished second
3. the teacher found his briefcase
the contents were undamaged
4. the school will close at two o’clock
we can go home before the river floods

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 22.

Some sentences contain two main clauses. If a sentence has two main
clauses they are joined by a coordinate conjunction, such as:-
and but or so yet nor
e.g. The novel was short yet it was a bestseller.
I play soccer but my brother plays basketball.

Join the two main clauses to make a sentence using the coordinate
conjunction “or” or “but”.

1. we tried to get back into the game

it was too late
2. she spends a lot of time studying
she still finds time to relax
3. we should start packing up now
we will hold up the next group
4. you should not lie in the sun for long periods
you will regret it one day

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 23.

A clause is a group of words that contains a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A subordinate clause does not make sense by itself but adds
information to the main clause of the sentence.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Select the best subordinate clause to complete each sentence below.

when it saw the hunter when the car scraped the fence
if you say that again unless he gets his own way
if the restaurant is closed so they moved very carefully
although the snow was poor if it meets these sales forecasts

1. …………………….……...………..……, he gets very angry.

2. The business will succeed ……..………….…..……..………….

3. I enjoyed the skiing …………………….……….….…..……….

4. The deer ran for its life ………………………………..…..…….

5. The car door was damaged …….………….…….………...…….

6. They sensed the danger ………………….……………...……….

7. ………….…..…………….…..……, you will be asked to leave.

8. ………………………..….…….. , we will cook for ourselves.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 24.

A clause is a group of words that contains a finite verb and its subject.
There are two types of clauses:- a main clause and a subordinate clause.
A subordinate clause does not make sense by itself but adds
information to the main clause of the sentence.
e.g. We often visited the old man because we were worried about his health.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Select the best subordinate clause to complete each sentence below.

before you sit at the table if you don’t pack them away
while he calmed down that she was stepping down
if you are early while we waited for the ferry
what we intended to do if you sit down and rest

1. We played cards ……………………..…………….…..……….

2. He went for a long walk ……………..………..……..………….

3. Madeline asked …………………….………….….…..……….

4. I will throw the magazines out …………………….……..…….

5. …….…….……….……...……, you are sure to get a good seat.

6. Go and wash your hands ……………….……………...……….

7. …………..……………………….…..……,you will feel better.

8. The coach announced ……………………..….……..………….

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 25.

Subordinate clauses can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.

e.g. The bus driver announced that there would be a delay. (Noun)
The horse, which is standing over there, is a champion. (Adjective)
We ran into the gymnasium when it began to rain. (Adverb)

Decide whether the underlined subordinate clause does the job of a noun, an
adjective or an adverb.

1. We left the beach when the sky clouded over.

2. I don’t know where the keys are kept.
3. The car, which you are washing, is owned by the principal.
4. I asked the policewoman who was standing on the corner.
5. I cannot help you because I am not very good at maths.
6. What could happen in the future is anybody’s guess.
7. Ben returned the book that I lent him last month.
8. The taxi driver did not know which was our street.
9. Mum told Emily that she could stay the night.
10. Stephanie did not compete because she had a sore shoulder.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 26.

Subordinate clauses can do the job of a noun, an adjective or an adverb.

e.g. The bus driver announced that there would be a delay. (Noun)
The horse, which is standing over there, is a champion. (Adjective)
We ran into the gymnasium when it began to rain. (Adverb)

Decide whether the underlined subordinate clause does the job of a noun, an
adjective or an adverb.

1. The teacher spoke to the boy who broke the window.

2. Sophie said she had no plans for the weekend.
3. The lady, who lives next door, is very good to us.
4. Winter is the time when our power bill goes up.
5. The principal announced that Friday will be a holiday.
6. I asked the new student where she had come from.
7. We visited the farm after we ate lunch.
8. What she does next depends on what opportunities arise.
9. After we finished our jobs we headed for the beach.
10. We picked the mushrooms which were growing in the backyard.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 27.
SENTENCES (Simple Sentences)

A simple sentence has one main clause. It contains a finite verb and makes
sense on its own. A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the
finite verb is a part. The subject of a sentence can be a single noun or
pronoun, a noun with an adjective or a group of words acting as a noun.
e.g. The yacht sailed across the lake. (The subjects are underlined)
The huge octopus gripped his leg.
Lettuces and peas are green vegetables.
The top of the cupboard was out of reach.

Choose the subject in each of the simple sentences below.

1. Jennifer brushed her hair. …………………………

2. Next year is a leap year. …………………………
3. The team of footballers filled the bus. …………………………
4. Our cat and dog are good friends. …………………………
5. The police pursued the bank robbers. …………………………
6. The savage dog chased the builder. …………………………
7. Our teacher is leaving the school. …………………………
8. The baby played with the rattle. …………………………
9. The bottom of the bucket was rusty. …………………………
10. The old house should be condemned. …………………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 28.
SENTENCES (Simple Sentences)

A simple sentence has one main clause. It contains a finite verb and makes
sense on its own. A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the
finite verb is a part. The subject of a sentence can be a single noun or
pronoun, a noun with an adjective or a group of words acting as a noun.
e.g. The yacht sailed across the lake. (The subjects are underlined)
The huge octopus gripped his leg.
Lettuces and peas are green vegetables.
The top of the cupboard was out of reach.

Choose the subject in each of the simple sentences below.

1. Our television set is broken. …………………………

2. His uncle drives racing cars. …………………………
3. You have won the raffle. …………………………
4. Our supply of food has run out. …………………………
5. Maria sings in the school choir. …………………………
6. A hungry dog ate the scraps. …………………………
7. The rose bush grew near the gate. …………………………
8. He needed a brief rest. …………………………
9. The donkey kicked the gate. …………………………
10. The bottom of the boat was slippery. …………………………

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 29.
SENTENCES (Simple Sentences)

A simple sentence has one main clause. It contains a finite verb and makes
sense on its own. A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the
finite verb is a part.
e.g. The dog chased the frightened child.
(Subject) (Predicate)

Choose the appropriate subject to complete each of the simple sentences.

several boys my dad

the white kitten the old car
a flock of pigeons dogs
the large spider oranges and lemons

1. …………………..……played with a ball of string.

2. ……..………..…………are loyal pets.

3. ………………….………… were kicking the ball in the park.

4. …………………..…..…… watches the news on television.

5. ….………….……...…… had broken down.

6. …………………...……… flew over the house.

7. ………….……...………… are citrus fruits.

8. ……………………….. crawled across the ceiling.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 30.
SENTENCES (Simple Sentences)

A simple sentence has one main clause. It contains a finite verb and makes
sense on its own. A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate of which the
finite verb is a part.
e.g. The dog chased the frightened child.
(Subject) (Predicate)

Choose the appropriate predicate to complete each of the simple sentences.

was arrested recently landed on the beach

are in bloom fell from the stallion
enjoyed our holidays is an Australian native animal
attacked the intruder sat on the clothes line

1. The jockey …………………………………………..…… .

2. A koala ………………………………..………..………… .

3. A blue wren …………………………………….………… .

4. Many flowers …………………..……..…………..…..…… .

5. The leader of the gang ….……………………….……...…… .

6. The guard dog ………………………………………...……… .

7. A flock of seagulls ………….……………………...…………. .

8. We …………………………………………………………….. .

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 31.
SENTENCES (Compound Sentences)

A compound sentence has two or more main clauses which are joined by
coordinate conjunctions (joining words).
e.g. I may go to the beach or I could do my homework.
(Main Clause) (Conjunction) (Main Clause)

Choose the best coordinate conjunction to join the main clauses

of these compound sentences.

1. The weather was brilliant ……….. the waves were poor.

(so, but)
2. We don’t have any money left ………. we won’t be able to go.
(so, and)
3. I used to swim a lot ………. I only swim occasionally now.
(so, but)
4. The idea is great ………. I think it will work.
(and, but)
5. I am going on a holiday ………. I intend to enjoy myself.
(but, and)
6. I hate eating vegetables ………. I still eat them.
(yet, and)
7. Sarah should win the race……….. she will be disappointed.
(or, yet)
8. I cleaned out the shed ………. I washed the car.
(but, and)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 32.
SENTENCES (Compound Sentences)

A compound sentence has two or more main clauses which are joined by
coordinate conjunctions (joining words).
e.g. I may go to the beach or I could do my homework.
(Main Clause) (Conjunction) (Main Clause)

Choose the best coordinate conjunction to join the main clauses

of these compound sentences.

1. The shed was unlocked ……….. we were able to enter.

(so, but)
2. I went to the city ………. I bought a present for Mum.
(and, yet)
3. Emma found her bag ………. she did not find her camera.
(so, but)
4. I may go surfing ………. I may just lie on the beach.
(but, or)
5. Alex searched under the desk ………. he could not find the ruler.
(and, but)
6. I love science lessons ………. I am not keen on maths lessons.
(but, so)
7. Hannah played brilliantly……….. she won the best player trophy.
(and, yet)
8. Don’t stand there ………. you may get drenched.
(and, or)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 33.
SENTENCES (Compound Sentences)

A compound sentence has two or more main clauses which are joined by
coordinate conjunctions (joining words).
e.g. I may go to the beach or I could do my homework.
(Main Clause) (Conjunction) (Main Clause)

Rewrite the following compound sentences as two simple sentences.

You will need to leave out the coordinate conjunction joining
the two main clauses.

1. Don’t spend all your money on presents or you won’t have enough
money for the movies.
2. The test was fairly easy so everybody achieved good marks.
3. Clare searched the whole house but she could not find her glasses
4. The water in the pool looked inviting but there was no-one

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 34.
SENTENCES (Compound Sentences)

A compound sentence has two or more main clauses which are joined by
coordinate conjunctions (joining words).
e.g. I may go to the beach or I could do my homework.
(Main Clause) (Conjunction) (Main Clause)

Rewrite the following compound sentences as two simple sentences.

You will need to leave out the coordinate conjunction joining
the two main clauses.

1. The cupboard needed repainting and one of the sliding doors was
2. Matthew struck the ball well and it sailed through the goals.
3. You had better clean up this mess or Miss Nicholson will be
absolutely furious.
4. The wind blew the doors shut and several windows were broken.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 35.
SENTENCES (Complex Sentences)

A complex sentence has at least one main clause and one subordinate clause.
e.g. The outdoor concert has been cancelled because the weather is so bad.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Decide whether the underlined clause is the main clause or

the subordinate clause of the following complex sentences.

1. It is healthy to eat fruit because they are full of vitamins.

(Main or Subordinate)
2. The film is a box-office success, although the critics didn’t like it.
(Main or Subordinate)
3. I lost the race because I took a wrong turn.
(Main or Subordinate)
4. Although I am only twelve, I know what you are talking about.
(Main or Subordinate)
5. The police are looking for the witness who saw the robbery.
(Main or Subordinate)
6. After I finished my homework, I went skateboarding.
(Main or Subordinate)
7. We have to stay inside until the weather improves.
(Main or Subordinate)
8. Because I had been sick, I wasn’t allowed to go surfing.
(Main or Subordinate)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 36.
SENTENCES (Complex Sentences)

A complex sentence has at least one main clause and one subordinate clause.
e.g. The outdoor concert has been cancelled because the weather is so bad.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Decide whether the underlined clause is the main clause or

the subordinate clause of the following complex sentences.

1. The teacher was late because her car had broken down.
(Main or Subordinate)
2. Brendan broke his arm when he fell off his bike.
(Main or Subordinate)
3. Until Sam returns from injury, his place will be taken by Brad.
(Main or Subordinate)
4. The runner staggered on until she reached the drink station.
(Main or Subordinate)
5. The river has improved because of the pollution controls.
(Main or Subordinate)
6. He has been very lonely since his wife passed away.
(Main or Subordinate)
7. When the fireworks concluded, I went straight home.
(Main or Subordinate)
8. We visited the museum where my uncle works.
(Main or Subordinate)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 37.
SENTENCES (Complex Sentences)

A complex sentence has at least one main clause and one subordinate clause.
e.g. The outdoor concert has been cancelled because the weather is so bad.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Add a subordinate clause from the box to the main clauses to complete
the complex sentences below.

when we were late home since the factory closed

unless it rains soon when I can afford it
when her name was read out after the snow storm
although they had very little who helped her move

1. …………………………………....…… the skiing was fantastic.

2. I am buying a play station …………………………..………… .

3. My parents were worried ……………………..…….………… .

4. …………………..……..…..……, the population has declined.

5. They were happy ….……………….…………….……...…… .

6. ………………………….…...……… the crops will be ruined.

7. My aunt thanked everyone ………….……………….………. .

8. Melinda was excited ………………………..……………….. .

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 38.
SENTENCES (Complex Sentences)

A complex sentence has at least one main clause and one subordinate clause.
e.g. The outdoor concert has been cancelled because the weather is so bad.
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Add a main clause from the box to the subordinate clauses to complete
the complex sentences below.

I will have one as well you should check your e-mail

I need a good rest you should wash the walls
there is the dog Mum cleaned the bathroom
she gets good marks I placed the meal in the oven

1. ………………………………....…… before you start painting.

2. Before you turn off the computer, …………………..………… .

3. ……………………..………….………… that has a loud bark.

4. ……………….……..…..……because I am totally exhausted.

5. ….………….……………...…… after I removed the wrapper.

6. …………………………….……… although she never studies.

7. Since you are paying, ………….…………………….………. .

8. ………………………..………….. before she went to the shop.

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. Worksheet 39.
SENTENCES (What Type of Sentence?)

There are three types of sentences:- simple, compound and complex.

My parents were born in Queensland. (Simple Sentence)
(Subject) (Predicate)
I broke the vase and I cleaned up the mess. (Compound Sentence)
(Main Clause) (Main Clause)
The desert bloomed after it had rained. (Complex Sentence)
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Read each sentence and decide whether it is a simple, compound

or complex sentence.

1. After the movie finished, he went straight home.

(Simple, Compound or Complex))

2. I am happy with the result and I am going to ring my friends.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

3. I bought a book that I had wanted for ages.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

4. Simon won the long jump and he set a record with the javelin.
(Simple, Compound or Complex)

5. Dianne is the most popular girl in our class.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

6. Although he is only five, he knows he was naughty.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

7. We went to the pool but we did not go in the water.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

8. My favourite vegetables are carrots and potatoes.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001
Grammar 1. Worksheet 40.
SENTENCES (What Type of Sentence?)

There are three types of sentences:- simple, compound and complex.

My parents were born in Queensland. (Simple Sentence)
(Subject) (Predicate)
I broke the vase and I cleaned up the mess. (Compound Sentence)
(Main Clause) (Main Clause)
The desert bloomed after it had rained. (Complex Sentence)
(Main Clause) (Subordinate Clause)

Read each sentence and decide whether it is a simple, compound

or complex sentence.

1. My mother and my grandmother go for a walk every morning.

(Simple, Compound or Complex))

2. Darren can be a pest yet he is a good friend.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

3. I enjoy going to school but I would prefer to be surfing sometimes.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

4. His performance improved when he practised regularly.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

5. Dad mowed the lawn and he pruned the rose bushes.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

6. Ryan and Mitchell went on a fishing trip.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

7. The mail was late because the plane was delayed.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

8. Kangaroos and wombats are Australian native animals.

(Simple, Compound or Complex)

Name: ………………………….….…….. Date: ……….….

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Grammar 1. “Worksheets” ANSWERS

Sentences - General
Worksheet 1
1. yes 2. no 3. yes 4. yes 5. no 6. no 7. no 8. yes 9. yes 10. no

Worksheet 2
1. yes 2. yes 3. no 4. yes 5. no 6. yes 7. no 8. no 9. no 10. yes

Worksheet 3
1. My cousin travels to school by bus. 2. Last night it snowed heavily. 3. Tamara washed her
dirty hands. 4. The eagle flew back to its nest. 5. The three girls sing in the school choir. 6.
I like chocolate ice-cream.

Worksheet 4
1. My grandparents live in Adelaide. 2. I rode the horse without a saddle. 3. The gardener
planted the seedlings. 4. The lizard slithered under the rock. 5. The frogs croak at dusk.
6. We flew the kite on the oval.

Worksheet 5
1. The crash wrecked the new car. 2. Our dog sleeps in its kennel. 3. I fed the scraps to the
seagulls. 4. My dad works at the service station. 5. We ate lunch before we went to the
football. 6. We climbed down the rope ladder.

Worksheet 6
1. question 2. statement 3. exclamation 4. statement 5. command 6. exclamation
7. command 8. question

Worksheet 7
1. statement 2. question 3. statement 4. question 5. exclamation 6. command
7. exclamation 8. command

Worksheet 8
1. The cat has caught a mouse. 2. The umpire blew the whistle to start the game. or To start
the game the umpire blew the whistle. 3. We saw the zebras at the zoo. 4. I left my jumper at
the school. 5. We grow tomatoes in our garden. 6. Someone is willing to help you.

Worksheet 9
1. The ball hit him on the ankle. 2. Mum is making a pizza for tea. 3. The mosquito was
attracted by the light. 4. The old house was burnt down. 5. Greta took her pet parrot to the
vet. 6. A dolphin is a very intelligent animal.
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Worksheet 10
1. The smell was coming from beneath the house. 2. The science lesson ended with a quiz.
3. The bus is licensed to carry twenty passengers. 4. There was one egg remaining in the
nest. 5. The trees were covered in pink blossom 6. The hammock was tied between two

Worksheet 11
1. There are twenty eight students in our class. 2. The surfing contest will begin when the
waves improve. 3. We went straight home after the disco. 4. The boy on the skateboard is
my brother. 5. The snake slid under the log. 6. The tree with the large leaves is very fast
growing. 7. We made slow progress through the thick scrub. 8. The untidy hikers left the
camp site in a huge mess.

Worksheet 12
1. The man sprinted towards the bus stop. 2. The girl with the red hair is my cousin.
3. My brother has a job at the supermarket. 4. The cabin in the valley is made from pine logs.
5. The rope was cut into four pieces. 6. The tiger disappeared in the thick jungle. 7. The top
spun for over two minutes. 8. The broken twig fell from the tree.

Worksheet 13
1. noun 2. adverb 3. noun 4. adjective 5. noun 6. adverb 7. adjective 8. adverb 9. noun
10. adjective

Worksheet 14
1. adverb 2. adverb 3. noun 4. adjective 5. adverb 6. noun 7. adjective 8. adverb
9. adjective 10. noun

Worksheet 15
1. dense 2. enough 3. password 4. aloft 5. favourite 6. carefully 7. ice 8. crust 9. now
10. fragile 11. ledge 12. false

Worksheet 16
1. heavy 2. immediately 3. bald 4. soon 5. fade 6. elegant 7. here 8. century 9. twig
10. useful 11. equipment 12. jumble

Worksheet 17
1. subordinate 2. subordinate 3. main 4. subordinate 5. main 6. main 7. subordinate
8. main

Worksheet 18
1. subordinate 2. main 3. main 4. subordinate 5. main 6. main 7. subordinate
8. subordinate

© Hoopers Multimedia 2001

Worksheet 19
1. I spoke to the detective who was investigating the robbery. 2. That is the athlete who
broke the long jump record. 3. After the clouds broke up the sun shone brightly. 4. I looked
after the neighbour’s cat although I didn’t like it. 5. I know the man who won first prize in
the lottery. 6. We are buying a new computer when we can afford it. 7. When the concert
ends, we are going for a coffee. 8. We missed the school bus which left early.

Worksheet 20
1. They went for a swim so they could cool off. 2. He spoke to the driver who owns the red
dragster. 3. Gemma did not enjoy the party as much as I did. 4. Unless you have a good
excuse you are in trouble. 5. When school finishes I am going straight home. 6. We needed
a rest after we cleaned out the shed. 7. This is the horse that can jump the hedge. 8. So you
can go early, the lesson will finish now.

Worksheet 21
1. It rained solidly for three days so the rodeo was cancelled. 2. A runner wearing an orange
top finished first and a runner holding a drink bottle finished second. 3. The teacher found
his briefcase and the contents were undamaged. 4. The school will close at two o’clock so
we can go home before the river floods.

Worksheet 22
1. We tried to get back into the game but it was too late. 2. She spends a lot of time studying
but she still finds time to relax. 3. We should start packing up now or we will hold up the
next group. 4. You should not lie in the sun for long periods or you will regret it one day.

Worksheet 23
1. Unless he gets his own way, he gets very angry. 2. The business will succeed if it meets
these sales forecasts. 3. I enjoyed the skiing although the snow was poor. 4. The deer ran for
its life when it saw the hunter. 5. The car door was damaged when the car scraped the fence.
6. They sensed the danger so they moved very carefully. 7. If you say that again, you will be
asked to leave. 8. If the restaurant is closed, we will cook for ourselves.

Worksheet 24
1. We played cards while we waited for the ferry. 2. He went for a long walk while he
calmed down. 3. Madeline asked what we intended to do. 4. I will throw the magazines out
if you don’t pack them away. 5. If you are early, you are sure to get a good seat. 6. Go and
wash your hands before you sit at the table. 7. If you sit down and rest, you will feel better.
8. The coach announced that she was stepping down.

Worksheet 25
1. adverb 2. noun 3. adjective 4. adjective 5. adverb 6. noun 7. adjective 8. noun
9. noun 10. adverb

Worksheet 26
1. adjective 2. noun 3. adjective 4. adverb 5. noun 6. noun 7. adverb 8. noun
9. adverb 10. adjective

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Simple Sentences
Worksheet 27
1. Jennifer 2. next year 3. the team of footballers 4. our cat and dog 5. the police 6. The
savage dog 7. our teacher 8. the baby 9. the bottom of the bucket 10. the old house

Worksheet 28
1. our television set 2. his uncle 3. you 4. our supply of food 5. Maria 6. a hungry dog
7. the rose bush 8. he 9. the donkey 10. the bottom of the boat

Worksheet 29
1. The white kitten played with a ball of string. 2. Dogs are loyal pets. 3. Several boys were
kicking the ball in the park. 4. My dad watches the news on television. 5. The old car had
broken down. 6. A flock of pigeons flew over the house. 7. Oranges and lemons are citrus
fruits. 8. The large spider crawled across the ceiling.

Worksheet 30
1. The jockey fell from the stallion. 2. A koala is an Australian native animal. 3. A blue
wren sat on the clothes line. 4. Many flowers are in bloom. 5. The leader of the gang was
arrested recently. 6. The guard dog attacked the intruder. 7. A flock of seagulls landed on
the beach. 8. We enjoyed our holidays.

Compound Sentences
Worksheet 31
1. but 2. so 3. but 4. and 5. and 6. yet 7. or 8. and

Worksheet 32
1. so 2. and 3. but 4. or 5. but 6. but 7. and 8. or

Worksheet 33
1. (a) Don’t spend all your money on presents. (b) You won’t have enough money for the
movies. 2. (a) The test was fairly easy. (b) Everybody achieved good marks. 3. (a) Clare
searched the whole house. (b) She could not find her glasses anywhere. 4. (a) The water in
the pool looked inviting. (b) There was no-one swimming.

Worksheet 34
1. (a) The cupboard needed repainting. (b) One of the sliding doors was missing.
2. (a) Matthew struck the ball well. (b) It sailed through the goals. 3. (a) You had better clean
up this mess. (b) Miss Nicholson will be absolutely furious. 4. (a) The wind blew the doors
shut. (b) Several windows were broken.

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Complex Sentences
Worksheet 35
1. main 2. subordinate 3. main 4. main 5. subordinate 6. subordinate 7. main
8. main

Worksheet 36
1. main 2. subordinate 3. subordinate 4. main 5. subordinate 6. subordinate 7. main
8. main

Worksheet 37
1. After the snow storm, the skiing was fantastic. 2. I am buying a play station when I can
afford it. 3. My parents were worried when we were late home. 4. Since the factory closed,
the population has declined. 5. They were happy although they had very little. 6. Unless it
rains soon, the crops will be ruined. 7. My aunt thanked everyone who helped her move.
8. Melinda was excited when her name was read out.

Worksheet 38
1. You should wash the walls before you start painting. 2. Before you turn off the computer,
you should check your e-mail. 3. There is the dog that has a loud bark. 4. I need a good rest
because I am totally exhausted. 5. I placed the meal in the oven after I removed the wrapper.
6. She gets good marks although she never studies. 7. Since you are paying, I will have one as
well. 8. Mum cleaned the bathroom before she went to the shop.

What Type of Sentence?

Worksheet 39
1. complex 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound 5. simple 6. complex 7. compound
8. simple

Worksheet 40
1. simple 2. compound 3. compound 4. complex 5. compound 6. simple 7. complex
8. simple

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