Environment 1

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Task 1. Answer the questions:
1. What is the weather like in your region?
2. What weather do you like? Why?
3. Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays?
4. What do you do to prevent the environment from pollution?
5. Are you worried about climate change?
6. What do you consider to be the most serious environmental issues in the world today?
7. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?
8. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

Task 2. Check you understand the words below and complete in the chart:

Task 3. Divide the words into facts and opinions:

good / nice / hot / lovely / glorious / fi ne / wet / rainy / sunny / fair / dry / beautiful / windy /
stormy / perfect / bad / awful / dreadful / terrible


Task 4. Match the words with the definitions:

1) pebble A) the land along the edge of the sea or a lake

2) coast B) a small stone you fi nd on a beach
3) rough sea C) an area of the coast where the land goes in to form a curve
4) horizon D) a hill that goes up quickly from a low place to a high one
5) harbour E) the area of land that is close to or next to the sea or an ocean
6) shore F) an imaginary line between the land or the sea and the sky
G) the sea has big waves
7) a steep cliff
H) a place where ships or boats are tied up and protected from the sea
8) bay

Task 5. Complete the sentences with a suitable word from Task 4:

1) When it’s stormy, the sea gets very ________________.

2) The _______________ protects the little boats in bad weather.
3) You can’t climb the cliff; it’s too __________________.
4) At one end of the beach there are rocks and _____________________, but the other end is quite
5) I can see a boat on the __________________________.

Task 6. Do the pairs of expressions below have similar meaning?

1) endangered species / species which are on the brink of extinction

2) die out / become extinct
3) the environment / natural habitat
4) to destroy the environment / to conserve the environment
5) to harm the environment / to damage the environment
6) to pollute the environment / to protect the environment
7) environmental protection / conservation of the environment
8) to pump out exhaust fumes / to dump chemical waste
9) to have a negative impact / to have a devastating effect
10) to negatively impact the environment / to affect the environment negativel

Task 7. Check you understand the words below and fill in the chart:

Task 8. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the word:

1) In my opinion, we need to pay more attention to __________ (CONSERVE) of our natural resources
not only because they are the main source of our daily needs but also because they are limited.
2) To help save the environment, one should try decreasing energy and water _________ (CONSUME)
as well as changing their eating and transportation habits
3) Three Rs (reducing, reusing, and _______ (RECYCLE) help us to be more _________________
(ENVIRONMENT) friendly.
4) It is a well-known fact that emissions from cars are _________ (HARM) to the environment.
5) One of the ways of protecting wildlife is ensuring that plastic is _____ (RECYCLE) to avoid
_________ (POLLUTE) of the environment.
6) I am absolutely convinced that we need to find ways of producing energy without____________
(DAMAGE) the environment.

Task 9. Cross out words which do not normally go together with the word in capitals:

1) DISPOSABLE bags / coffee cups / books / nappies / lamps / gloves

2) environmental / dramatic / negative / disastrous / effective / damaging IMPACT
3) protect / save / reduce / care about / damage / limit THE ENVIRONMENT
4) WASTE water / classes / time / money / energy / electricity / natural resources

Task 10. Fill in the gaps. There are two words which you do not need:

A) decreasing /impact /resources/ educate /disposable/ save /consumption/ friendly

In your letter you asked me about what can be done to help (1) _______ the environment. I think that it
is a good idea to try (2) ________ energy and water (3) __________. You can also change your eating
and transportation habits to conserve natural (4) _________. Talking about the most important steps
one can take to be more environmentally (5) __________, I can say that they are reducing, reusing, and
recycling. You can also engage in activism to help (6) _________ others.

B) landfills / impact /decompose/ reusable/ harm/ mistake/ save/ reusable/ disposable

You asked me about the dangers of (1) ____________ grocery bags. As you probably know, plastic bags
end up in (2) ______ or in other parts of the environment. They can (3) ______________ animals who
get stuck in them or may (4) ______________ them for food. Also, it takes hundreds of years for the
bags to (5) ______________which results in soil pollution. Talking about what my family does to help
the environment, I can say that whether we are shopping for food, clothes or books, we use (6)
______________ bags.

C) detrimental/ care/ reduce/ appliances/ positive/ energy-efficient/ protect/ turn off

You asked me about what steps our school takes to (1) __________ the environment. Unfortunately,
some teachers make us print all our home assignments as if they don’t understand that using so much
paper has a (2) __________ effect on the environment. Personally, I decided to print on both sides of
the page to (3) __________ the amount of paper used. Talking about my family, we try to save
electricity — we use (4) __________ light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. Also, we make sure we (5)
__________ lights, the TV, and other (6) __________ when we are not using them.

D) limit/ environmental /habits /tackle/ shortage/ protect/ waste/ pollution

Now let me answer your questions. You asked me about the biggest (1) ______________ concern in my
country. Well, I believe that it’s the (2) ______________ of drinking water. Unfortunately, a lot of
people (3) ______________ water without realizing it. As for what can an individual do to (4)
______________ this problem, I can say that we must turn off the faucet as we’re brushing our teeth
and (5) ______________ our water usage as we wash dishes. Changing old (6) ______________ will
be good for both the environment and your wallet!

E) efficient/ landfills /impact/ exhaust/ fumes/ shortage/ options/ harmful

Back to your questions. You asked me about (1) _________ ways of lowering your environmental (2)
_________. Well, it’s a diffi cult question. I believe that cars are (3) _________ to the environment as
they pump out (4) _________. So, taking public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are
better (5) _________ that help the environment and your budget.

Task 11. Express the following in English:

1) Я убежден, что плохая погода не может портить людям их планы на отпуск. Во-первых,
информация о погоде на ближайшее время является общедоступной каждому человеку. Поэтому
можно спланировать свой отпуск, изучив прогноз погоды перед тем, как ехать. Для этого можно
использовать соответствующие сайты в интернете. Таким образом, погода не помешает вам
насладиться своим долгожданным отпуском.

2) Тем не менее существует противоположное мнение. Часто утверждают, что невозможно хорошо
провести время на каникулах, если погода испортится. Если человек планировал пляжный отпуск, то
природные катаклизмы, такие как ураган, цунами или извержение вулкана, могут значительно
повлиять на качество досуга.

3) По моему мнению, действительно слишком много финансов тратится на защиту дикой природы.
Во-первых, на сегодняшний день существует масса других насущных проблем в жизни общества, на
которые стоит тратить деньги в первую очередь. Например, система здравоохранения во многих
развивающихся странах находится в крайне плохом состоянии. Таким образом, правительствам
стоит инвестировать деньги в строительство учреждений здравоохранения, чтобы улучшить
качество жизни населения.

4) Однако есть люди, которые уверены, что защита дикой природы является приоритетом. Они
говорят, что многие виды находятся под угрозой вымирания и что сохранение экосистемы крайне
важно для будущего нашей планеты. Следовательно, защита дикой природы должна осуществляться
любой ценой.

Task 12. You are considering membership in a green party and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5
minutes you are going to ask fi ve direct questions to fi nd out about the following:

1) how to become a member

2) membership fee
3) how often the meetings are
4) special clothes
5) date of nearest event

Adapted from:
1) Разделы "Письмо" и "Говорение" / К. А. Громова, С. А. Орлова - Москва: издательство "Эксмо"; 2020 г. - 168
с. (Серия "ЕГЭ. Тематические тренировочные задания").


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