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This book is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright
©2005-2020, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance
to organizations, places, events, or actual persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental. Copies of
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consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only.

MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2020. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the
Through the Breach logo, the Penny Dreadful logo, The Other Side logo, and all related character names,
places, and things are trademarks and copyright © 2005-2020 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game
system is patent pending, serial no. 12/821,427

First Printing: July 2020. Printed in China.


This text is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright © 2005-2020, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC.
All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations, places, events, or actual persons - living or dead
– is purely coincidental. Copies of materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve
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of the owner of the materials except for review purpose only.

MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2020. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through the Breach
logo, the Penny Dreadful logo, The Other Side logo, and all related character names, places, and things are trademarks and
copyright © 2005-2020 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game system is patent pending, serial no. 12/821,427
THE EXPLORER’S SOCIETY.............................................................................................................................................. 4
ROUND TABLE.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CRY HAVOC.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
UNCHARTED WATERS.......................................................................................................................................................................42
NOTHING IS FOREVER...................................................................................................................................................................... 62
STAT CARDS.............................................................................................................................................................................................86
UPGRADE CARDS..............................................................................................................................................................................160
KEYWORD INDEX.............................................................................................................................................................................. 162


Alpinist.......................................158 Harata Ngaatoro......................118 Orville Agassiz.........................116
Anya Lycarayen.......................138 Harpooner.................................122 Rough Rider..............................150
Archivist....................................... 99 Hopeful Prospect.....................159 Runaway....................................... 88
Artemis......................................... 92 Intrepid Effigy..........................152 Sand Worm...............................127
Austera and Twigge................134 Intrepid Emissary....................153 Shambling Nest.......................... 98
Bellhop Porter..........................156 Jedza............................................128 Sophie.........................................130
Bernadette Basse......................126 Jessie Halliday...........................149 Sovereign...................................140
Berserker Husk........................103 Kiya Manimi.............................117 Spelleater...................................101
Botanist.......................................157 Lamplighter...............................135 Surveyor.....................................143
Brocken Spectre.......................109 Lord Cooper................................ 86 Tannenbaum.............................132
Calypso Mk. II.........................121 Lucas McCabe..........................146 Tidecaller...................................119
Cornelius Basse........................124 Luna.............................................148 Ullr................................................. 93
Corvis Rook..............................141 Machinist...................................123 Vatagi Huntsman....................... 94
Crypsis Corps............................. 91 Malisaurus Rex........................... 89 Vernon and Welles..................155
Cryptologist...............................151 Maxine Agassiz........................114 Winston Finnigan....................142
Daeva..........................................112 Mikhail XVI..............................131
The Damned.............................133 Model 9........................................ 90
Dr. Beebe...................................120 Moorwraith...............................137
Dr. Meredith Stanley.............100 Mr. Mordrake...........................108
English Ivan..............................106 Mr. Ngaatoro............................154
Eva Havenhand........................111 Nexus............................................ 96
Eyes and Ears............................104 Nightsilk Creeper....................102
Gibson DeWalt.........................110 Nocturne....................................113
Grave Goo.................................136 Operative...................................144
T he mysterious is both sides of the same labyrinthine coin: the victory
of escape after a long and arduous journey and the paralyzing fear of
knowing the next turn could be your last. Understanding the Explorer’s
Society is much like navigating that paradoxical maze. Each path taken might
uncover the solution to an unsolvable riddle. But the more one discovers, the
more one might feel the weight of the walls that are slowly closing in.
The Society was originally founded by Lord Justin of Malifaux, and she utilized the Society’s many
Cooper, a man known to take the pleasures and resources to accomplish those goals. Likeminded
privileges his lordship afforded him to morally wealthy and curious leaders were gathered, expe-
gray heights. Bored and jaded by those experiences ditions funded, and secret knowledge plundered.
on Earth, he turned his eye to Malifaux, where Day by day, conundrums and enigmas became
one with enough means and will can do nearly facts and tools, information that all hinted at
anything without troublesome questions and more greater wonders and power. But the more she
troublesome laws. What now stands representing gained, the more she craved, and her appetite has
the Explorer’s Society, a palatial monument of become insatiable.
wealth in the heart of the Slums, began on a whim
and the desire to hunt. Beneath the many parties, fundraisers, and phil-
anthropic galas held on the Society’s first floor are
Malifaux stirred something deep in him. A land meetings of the well connected. One seat is filled
of eternal adventure beckoned out, and Cooper’s by the owner of the operation that has quite liter-
response was to invite his wealthy colleagues so ally linked the edges of Malifaux together. Anya
that they could relish the thrill of this wild hunt Lycarayen, the new head of Condor Rails, is the
together. Minor lords, jaded merchants, spoiled youngest member of the Explorer’s Society. Where
heirs, and others soon followed. But it would not her father saw unnecessary complication and pry-
be Lord Cooper that would shape the Explorer’s ing eyes, Anya sees opportunity and resources. She
Society to what it is today; it would be the woman believes rails are only the first profitable venture for
to whom he gave the Society key as his body was her company, and knowing where to invest next –
rebuilt from a near-fatal hunting accident. and how heavily – is exactly the type of information
the Society is willing to provide.
Gretchen Janus, an elderly woman of mysterious
origin – perhaps a Lady herself, lost foreign roy- Gathering that type of information is no easy task,
alty, or something else entirely - allowed her own but a little ingenuity and charisma can go a long
ambitions to delve deep into the unknown corners way. It takes a very specific set of skills to hang


on the walls like a shadow and hear the whispers For those who find peace in the exploration of
of private conversations. English Ivan, a man science, there are few organizations who are
characterized by his own secrets, was enticed by as deep pocketed and almost equally as inter-
Gretchen’s invitation; such a collaboration could ested in the outcomes of experimentation as the
provide him with resources well beyond his Society. This relationship has proven fruitful to
own impressive reach. What the Society offered the Explorer’s Society’s efforts. In Maxine Agassiz,
would forever change him, for better and worse, they have found someone with the intelligence
providing him with power and grief in equal and capabilities to go where few are able. Backed
measure, but this unlikely affiliation has allowed by the Society’s resources, she is able to spare no
him to maneuver in the dark as never before.  expense on her expeditions into Malifaux’s unex-
plored oceans and landscapes. Maxine’s allow-
But there are areas where even shadows refuse ance remains unlimited, so long as she is willing to
to linger, where darkness is absolute, and only cough up every minute detail to the greater cause.
the chittering of mites can be heard. An early But not even the hivemind or shadowman know
excavation of Gretchen’s ended up netting one of how far she has already reached into the abyss, or
her most valued assets: the hivemind known as what she has found dwelling there.
Cadmus. For a time immemorial they withered,
forgotten and locked deep within the earth. It falls upon the newly initiated, like Lucas
Their gratitude for being freed, fed, and given the McCabe, to do the Society’s dirty work: collect-
opportunity to truly stretch their legs cannot be ing the rare artifacts and fancy baubles meant to
understated. This connected consciousness has make their bookshelves shimmer. Unbeknownst
begun spreading their influence in ways that others to most treasure hunters, each curio has a secret
can only dream of, and now the Explorer’s Society of its own. If one with experience in dealing
has eyes and ears where many would never think to with subterfuge and secrecy were to map out
look... or listen. Despite Cadmus obtaining entire the worth and power connecting these relics, the
libraries of previously unobtainable knowledge, true aspirations of the Society’s head might be
the rest of the Society tends to keep their distance; revealed. But she’s smarter than letting those that
it is difficult to trust a weapon that was once made can connect the dots exist in the public eye. They,
to tear down kings and gods. alongside her true intentions, remain hidden in
the many secret passageways and trophy rooms
Others who have joined the Society stay far away of the Explorer’s Society manor.
for vastly different reasons. Making the most
of her precarious situation, Jedza has trekked Like the Tyrants of old, there will be a time and
along the winding roads of both worlds seeking place to reveal her grand plan, but there is still
answers, sometimes without even knowing the much work to be done.
right questions. But a debt was owed and a favor
was demanded, and so this eternal wanderer
cursed with immortality has been brought into the
fold and tasked with securing the unreachable.

Joining her on these expeditions is none other

than Cornelius Basse, who has quickly made a
name for himself in contract towns as the quiet
man with a big gun. While beholden to the
Guild, a much more lucrative offer has been
made – one that doesn’t intrude on his current
obligations. In both Jedza and the Society, he
sees opportunity and freedom, and is willing to
lend a hand so long as it means finding solace for
him and his daughter.


Matthew Majarucon

G retchen’s right index finger tapped gently against her leg as she
stared out of the carriage window. The subtle agitation was nearly
imperceptible, but both Mr. Ngaatoro and Ludvig had noticed. It was always
a journey of endurance, this necessary passage through the Southgate Slums.
It was all grime and poverty, all one decaying urban landscape passing like a
zoetrope. Endless. Repeating. Dilapidated. And boring, really. The carriage,
at least, offered a barrier of wealth Gretchen could rely on to keep herself
isolated. Ludvig cleared his throat, ignoring the glare Mr. Ngaatoro gave him.
“Will everyone be present this evening?” The horseless carriage rolled to a stop while
Malifaux’s elite milled about in the courtyard.
“Everyone in need of reminding,” Gretchen said Without another word, Gretchen slipped a pair
flatly, her gaze unmoving from the window. “The of silk gloves over her hands and straightened the
Society doesn’t run itself, as much as certain parties brooch at her collar. The carriage door opened and
think it does.” That was the end of it. Ludvig agreed Gretchen stepped out into the gentle evening. The
in silence, adjusting the valise at his side. The stench party was waiting.
of the slums gave way to a breath of fresh air. The
lights of the Society manor were calling the elite and
privileged, each one a moth to a hot flame.

The estate was a colossal edifice, especially for

something inside the Southgate Slums. Great pale
stonework almost shimmered with light; huge Mr. Ngaatoro pushed the Explorer’s Society doors
glazed windows hinted at the treasures kept just open, and Gretchen was met with a wave of laugh-
beyond their glassy barriers. Baroque towers in- ter, music, and light. She stood for a moment, drink-
terjected at regular intervals, ensuring the build- ing in the unspoken tribute each guest offered her.
ing appeared just as much like a fortress as it did Her dark eyes took in everything the hall offered in
a noble’s retreat. Gentle archways supported the a matter of seconds. Finnigan. Halliday. Archibal.
Society’s numerous arcades. Well-tended gardens McCabe and that dog he always had around.
offered a perfumed breeze. The sweetness of rho- Queeg. Durand. Lovelace, but neither of her sisters
dodendron, begonia, and dahlias bloomed along- - interesting. Representatives: Ridley, Innocence,
side more bitter ivies and shrubs. It was a rare the Council. Aristocrats and their sycophants... The
paradise within Malifaux City, a testament to hu- room had gone quiet, as though every voice had
manity and what discovery could build. A testa- been cut down by a silent scythe. Gretchen smiled
ment to what Gretchen had helped build. curtly to the crowd.


Round Table

A ripple of acknowledgment traveled through the “Fortunate that there’s no one more fitting than him
hall before everyone slowly went back to their to keep us informed on such fraudulence. Perhaps
conversations. Alcohol removed the nervous edge you could be of some service to our experts, Lucas,
Gretchen tended to introduce to a party. That, and particularly in our Egyptian collection. I recall that
the manor’s luxurious adornments. area was once your specialty.” Gretchen let herself
enjoy McCabe’s deepening color but ended the con-
The bookshelves alone climbed almost to the sec- versation before the man could respond. “I hope you
ond floor, and that wasn’t even considering the val- both enjoy this little party before your next assign-
ue of their contents. Glass displays stood next to ment. I’ll expect results.”
alcoves or longer window boxes, all filled with pre-
cious artifacts and neatly handwritten labels or
informative tags, even if most of them were em-
bellished. The Explorer’s Society’s great hall shone
with candlelight and reflections of glass and mir-
rors, the precious metals and polished stone bounc-
ing a multitude of soft colors against the walls and
curios. Gretchen ignored it all.

She drifted through the party like a shark, the crowd

parting nervously before her to ensure they provid-
ed a respectable, but noticeable, amount of space.
Everyone seemed to be enraptured in quiet con-
versation or very curious about the amount of bub-
bles in their champagne until their little procession
had passed. Her eyes continuously scanned
the room. She was searching. Ludvig hur-
ried into a fast waddle when Gretchen’s
stride became more purposeful. Her heels
clicked on the floor, a song that kept everyone
who heard it paralyzed.

“Lucas. Ms. Halliday.” Gretchen’s call made both turn;

McCabe started, embarrassed, eyes snapping up from
his companion’s backside. If she noticed, Jessie didn’t
make a scene; she smiled at Gretchen’s approach.

“You look stunning, Lady Janus,” Jessie compliment-

ed. She shifted, adjusting the awkward dress cinched
around her waist. McCabe looked more comfort-
able. Cleaned up, the treasure hunter almost fit into
the high society surrounding him: fake with inflated
worth, just like the trinkets he peddled. Jessie, on the
other hand, was clearly pining for her overalls.

“Just Gretchen is fine, dear. I’m sure you’ve been giv-

ing Lucas his first tour of our exhibits?” Gretchen
kept her eyes on McCabe, enjoying the discomfort of
a man who had been caught looking at something he
shouldn’t have.

Jessie nodded. “I have. He wouldn’t stop complain-

ing. ‘Mislabeled’ and ‘fake’ were some of his cri-
tiques, I believe.” She looked at McCabe, who had
turned a slightly deeper shade of pink. Gretchen
raised an eyebrow.

Round Table

Without another word, Gretchen left, Ludvig and Ludvig swore under his breath. Ngaatoro glared at
Mr. Ngaatoro in tow. She let out a faint sigh as she him again but shared the same feeling. The tattooed
walked. How she loathed small talk. It had already man stepped forward, but Gretchen lifted a finger
taken them longer than necessary to show. Gretchen away from her glass. Ngaatoro stopped. He loomed
appreciated subtlety, but the evening’s formalities behind Gretchen instead. A thin, nervous man was
had grown tedious… practically running towards the four, though it was
more of a rapid, awkward walk. He pushed stringy
“My lady?” The voice was refined but held a touch hair across his balding pate, dabbing his forehead
of nervousness. Ludvig looked up, pretending the with a handkerchief. He hadn’t stopped speaking
sudden intrusion hadn’t startled him. The voice the whole time on his way over to Gretchen. Other
belonged to a server, in his 40’s by Ludvig’s best guests knew better than to stare at the commotion;
estimate. He was well-dressed for the occasion: those who didn’t were quickly informed by their
pressed jacket, a small Explorer’s Society emblem neighbors.
on his lapel, proffering a tray populated with cham-
pagne glasses. Ludvig felt the beginnings of a head- “Ma’am?” he repeated, drawing himself up to his
ache forming, and Ngaatoro moved to remind the full, unimpressive height, “I am Ry- “
server of his place. Why did people always choose
parties to try and get access to Gretchen? It was just “Ryan Fairchilde, a representative of our mutually
unprofessional- beneficial organization,” Gretchen interrupted.
Ryan’s throat bulged as he swallowed nervously,
Gretchen held up a hand. She plucked one of the eyes flitting from Ludvig to Ngaatoro and back. He
glasses from the tray and smiled, genuinely this shook his head as though trying to clear Gretchen’s
time. words out of his ears. He enunciated his own words
with little thrusts of his hands.
“Thank you,” she said, sipping the drink before con-
tinuing. “Absolutely delightful. What’s your name? I “Then you know why I am here. We have much to
don’t believe we’ve ever met.” The question shocked discuss. You have not responded to any correspon-
the server, but he recovered quickly. dence, even those that have been explicitly marked
‘urgent’, and that is to say nothing of your lenience
“Humphrey, my lady,” he said, standing up a little in regard to detailed communications about-”
straighter. Gretchen pondered for a moment.
“Did you bring what I asked for?” Gretchen inter-
“If it’s not too much trouble, Humphrey, I’m having rupted. Ryan stuttered to a stop and seemed to visi-
a more exclusive gathering in one of the parlors. bly deflate.
Would you mind accompanying me and my guests
there to be our private waitstaff for the evening?” “I… well, I… what?”

The offer sped through the server’s mind; there was “Your hearing is apparently as absent as my request,”
fear, apprehension, then acceptance. It seemed like Gretchen scolded. “Did you bring it?”
he resisted the urge to salute, instead going with a
slight bow. The small man sponged at his forehead again. He
coughed, spluttering out what he assumed was a
“It would be my pleasure.” passable response. Gretchen raised her hand, and he
fell silent.
“Then that completes our attendance. Everyone is
waiting.” The annexes of the great hall beckoned; “Then we have really nothing to discuss until you
dozens of rooms that led deeper into the manor were get me what I want. Good evening, Mr. Fairchilde.
all locked, but Gretchen had every key. She began This will be our last conversation until you can
making her way through the party, but being in one fulfill your responsibilities. Take that however you
place for so long had invited others to try their luck will.”
and gain Gretchen’s attention.
Ryan Fairchilde did not make the mistake of trying
“My lady, Lady Janus!” to follow them, nor did any more guests dare speak a
word to Gretchen as she strode deeper into the man-
or’s halls. Fewer and fewer socialites occupied the
longer hallways and the rooms splitting from them.


Round Table

The tiniest bit of music and conversation made its anyone walk in silence and eased the pressure stone
way through the labyrinth, but for the most part it flooring caused on joints. A selection of sofas, chaise
was just soft footfalls on carpet that accompanied lounges, and side tables clustered near the fireplace
the four. The occasional electric light provided illu- and spread across the room to the east wall; they
mination, but many of the rooms were dimmed: a were mostly occupied, Gretchen was pleased to see.
precaution and a deterrent to keep tipsy guests from
wandering about where they shouldn’t. Neither Glass cases with ornate metal bindings stood
Ludvig nor Ngaatoro complained, and the server proudly next to this conference area. The firelight
followed dutifully with his tray. revealed tiny runes etched into the metal, and webs of
arcane power gave the glass an odd, almost watery
Gretchen stopped at a small paneled room occupied appearance. Gretchen knew each case’s contents.
by a heavy reading table and two overstuffed chairs. A selection of twitching, wooden limbs wrapped
Rich tropical wood lined the walls. The carvings in dark fabric. A tiny gold coin in the guise of a
started about four feet off the ground. Each panel 14th century English Florin, held very careful-
was carefully cut and fit with its neighbor. They ly by two warded prongs. Sealed oni jars from the
showed scenes of the world’s greatest mysteries: Three Kingdoms. Several anatomical taxidermies,
ships sailing on wooden waves, wrapped in the jaws ranging from human to Nephilim, were scattered
of underwater monsters; ornate jungles, each leaf about. A collective mixture of gears and flat me-
curling around idols and ziggurats; snow-blasted tallic plates, ancient yet advanced. Several color-
mountains above scorched, flowing dunes and the ful Soulstones held up by tiny jeweler’s displays.
legendary beasts that called such places home. Pieces of shattered stone, runes pieced back to-
gether in a rough circle and laid on cotton cush-
The work was breathtaking. And yet, Gretchen was ioning. Even from across the room, Gretchen could
unmoved. She strode to the opposite end of the feel the power emanating from the relics. The ar-
room and fit her signet ring into the eye of a three- cane shields were strong, but still, what the Society
headed lion under a desert sun. There was a small had managed to collect in such a time was nothing
click. The Soulstone embedded in her ring flashed; short of remarkable.
the server made a small gasp of surprise, despite
himself. A compass rose on the far wall rotated, “Gretchen! Lovely to see you again, my dear.”
pulling the panel open. Gretchen stepped inside. The voice was gruff but powerful, easily booming
Ludvig, Ngaatoro, and the server followed. Once all throughout the room. Gretchen allowed herself a
four had disappeared into the darkness, the panel smile.
slid shut without a sound.
“The same, Justin. I appreciate you making time out
of your party to attend this meeting. You’re looking

The smooth clicking of mechanical limbs signaled

Cooper’s approach. He was a large man, made more
The staircase behind the panel was long and dark; imposing by the sheer amount of metal forming his
for the server’s sake, Gretchen went slower than body. A crystal tumbler was clasped in one metal
usual. Twists and turns could be dizzying for the hand. A look of boredom had plastered itself across
uninitiated, and a server with a broken neck would his face, but Gretchen could see something else stir-
have been momentarily inconvenient. The few elec- ring beneath.
tric lights were extinguished, but Gretchen needed
no guidance. Her practiced hands easily found the “Good drink and better sport will do that,” Cooper
door she was looking for and slipped a key into the confirmed. “I can’t say the same about conversation,
lock. It clicked, and the world once again became though. Damnation, the old boy’s always on about
bright. some nonsense or another.”

The study was large, albeit darker and… cozy, was “Language,” a voice called warningly from the fire.
the word Gretchen had eventually decided on. It took Gretchen a moment to find where the own-
Bookcases lined the far walls; a massive hearth er of the voice was sitting, but she eventually forced
blazed in the west wall, banishing most of the shad- her eyes onto his immaculate black suit and white
ows cast by taxidermied beasts. Thick carpets let shoes.

Round Table

“Ivan,” Gretchen acknowledged. The well-dressed “Excellent. Humphrey, please feel free to set your-
man smiled, black Soulstone on the tip of his cane self down there for the time being. I’ll call for
appearing to darken. refreshment later,” Gretchen said. Ngaatoro stood
behind her chair, more a physical warning against
“A pleasure as always, Gretchen. I can’t thank you trouble than anything else. Ludvig settled his bulk
enough for keeping the lights dimmed. I’m sure it in a wider seat, fat fingers moving deftly to pull doc-
makes the old fossil feel right at home.” Ivan watched uments from his valise. The server took the spot
with a hint of amusement as Cooper grunted next to the dark-haired girl. She eyed the man
dismissively, walking towards a large bar with open contempt.
near the fireplace. The clink of a decanter
and the pouring of fragrant brandy did “I thought these meetings were private,”
nothing to soften his voice. she said callously. Gretchen raised an
eyebrow; Anya had collected a pile of
“Let’s make this quick. The blood is peanut shells in front of her, each one
up, and my hounds won’t wait for cracked open and left like a car-
your politics. Unless you want to cass in the desert.
offer them that fatty snack you’ve
brought with you.” The man
laughed around his cigar, wink-
ing at Ludvig. Cooper’s two
dogs were indeed present;
both looked at the heavyset
lawyer, who shuddered. The
larger dog licked his own jowls
before settling back down and closing
his eyes. Gretchen stepped around the
hounds. She placed her hands on the
back of a tall chair, its expensive
wood worn smooth with age.

“Then perhaps we can attend

to business that concerns only
our esteemed founder for
the time being? Would
the table have any
objections to that?”
Gretchen looked
at the others,
a young girl
with dark
hair and
her upright
The girl
offered a fake
smile. Ivan simply
lifted his hands, acqui-
escing to the change
in itinerary. Gretchen
nodded curtly. Cooper
sat himself down heav-
ily in a chair, which
groaned under the sud-
den weight.


Round Table

“We need someone to clean up these inconvenient “I do my Lord, but there are some financial matters
messes, Anya. Otherwise one might think we let to take care of first. The Society’s reimbursement for
children into the Explorer’s Society,” Gretchen your expenditures involving these gatherings need
countered, voice nearing frigidity. Anya reddened at to be signed.”
Gretchen’s comment, tossing one last shell onto the
table before leaning back, chewing. The server stood Cooper grunted, grabbing the proffered pen and
and produced a small handkerchief. He hesitated roughly signing. Ludvig tucked the document away.
before awkwardly moving to sweep the shells off
“And this one.”
the table. After another moment of unsuccessfully
looking for a trashcan, he simply folded the kerchief More scribbling.
and shells into a little packet and placed it inside his
waistcoat, sat, and folded his hands into his lap. “And these.”

Ludvig scanned the table and, seeing everyone set- More aggravated scribbling. Ludvig reached for
tled, began the meeting. “Regarding Lord Cooper, more papers.
there are only a few matters of interest. We’ve
received distressing reports on increasingly danger- “Give me one more damn piece of paper to sign and
ous flora and fauna encountered during the Society’s it’ll be your head on that wall,” Cooper growled, the
scientific ventures. Of course, we’ve saved the honor pen cracking in his grip. Ludvig’s neck bulged like a
of collecting any of these species for you, my Lord.” stressed frog, but Cooper had already stood, reach-
At this, Cooper’s bushy eyebrows raised. ing for the colossal hunting rifle leaned against his
“Dangerous, eh? More so than the beasts hanging
around this place?” “This politicking has taken up enough of the eve-
ning’s hunt.” Cooper tossed the pen onto the table.
Ludvig nodded. “If the reports ring true, sir, then I “I’ll expect that information to Fitzroyce by the
am afraid so.” week’s end. Consider the next Society event on me;
better that than signing papers all night,” he said,
Cooper stroked his mustache. “Interesting…” He glaring at Ludvig. The lawyer wilted, dejectedly
went silent for a moment, pondering. Eventually holding his many unsigned documents.
Anya huffed and sent a dark look towards Ludvig.
“Generous as ever, Justin. I’m sure the trophies will
“Is this where my money is going? Retirement plans?” be well worth any meetings you miss in the interim,”
The assembled looked up as one. None dared shat- Gretchen chided.
ter silence a second time; instead, they waited while
Cooper looked up, glaring at Anya from behind his “Yes, it’s a shame you can’t be in two places at once,”
spectacles. Ivan mused quietly, smiling.

Then, a feral grin broke out over the older man’s Cooper grunted a rough agreement. “Ullr! Artemis!”
face. He let out a barking laugh, slamming his hand The two hounds immediately leapt to their feet, all
onto his chair’s arm. The wood splintered, but traces of sleep gone from their faces. The larger one,
Cooper didn’t seem to notice. Ullr, let out a deep bark. Cooper laughed, rubbing
the dog’s head as he threw the hunting rifle easily
“Ha! I like the cut of your jib, girl! Where did you over a shoulder.
find this little rebel again, Gretchen? Daresay she’s a
lot more interesting than you layabouts.” “What are you hunting?” Anya asked. Gretchen
raised a penciled eyebrow; she knew that tone all too
Anya made to speak, but Cooper moved forward in well. It was dangerous. It was admiration. Cooper
his chair. stopped, limbs whirring as he turned. A joyless smile
cut across his face. In the light of the fire, Cooper’s
“Now then, let’s get down to brass tacks. Inform my
eyes looked almost yellow.
man Fitzroyce about the location of these beasts. At
least someone in this blasted Society ought to do “Perhaps I’ll take you along one day and you’ll see.”
some actual exploring, eh?” Cooper let out another With that, the hunter opened another heavy door
sharp laugh, throwing back his latest snifter of in the parlor’s rear. Cooper called his hounds,
brandy. He rounded on Ludvig. “You have the infor- who led the way through the underground passage.
mation on these new quarries, yes?”

Round Table

The hunter followed, and the door slammed shut back, pink flesh filled with black veins; these same
unceremoniously behind them. worm-like vessels emerged from beneath his rapidly
paling skin. Anya looked on in horror as the mon-
“Well, now that our Lord Cooper has been sorted, strous server’s pitch-black eyes sparkled.
we can proceed to the matters at hand.” Ludvig
cleared his throat, then readjusted his seat. “Several “We burned the old papers and made others us when
key relationships remain strained. The Guild contin- they did not listen. Some of us know the rails are
ues to make life difficult. The cost of bribery alone important, we can see it done, we did it. We remain
has started to become annoying, and our beloved unnoticed.” Something in its body crinkled wetly. It
Governor-General seems determined to truly upset stuttered, the server’s body twitching as it tried to
the status quo. Despite the aid of Condor Rails,” he get the words out. “We talk… talked… talking to the
paused, looking over at Anya, “travel and the move- ones in masks, the ones in power. We fear them, but
ment of delicate resources continues to encounter are important enough to speak with them. We do not
obstacles. With the Guild tightening control over like them, empty husks, hungry, difficult and smart
expansions to contract towns, we’ve already lost because of that one. We are tired but get the papers,
quite a bit of headway.” the important papers with many signatures, will get
the remainder soon.” The server’s head swung heav-
Anya’s eyes narrowed. ily to Anya, unblinking and almost absent.
“Everything this organization does runs on my rails, The color drained from Anya’s face, and she shifted
and with my scrip,” Anya said proudly. She round- uncomfortably. Something about the server’s tone
ed on Gretchen. “Let me be very clear. Those are suggested that it didn’t mean the Society members
your obstacles, and clearing those obstacles is exact- when it said ‘we’. It continued, black veins twitch-
ly why I agreed to sit at this table in the first place. ing in its neck.
Those delays go away as soon as the contracts get
signed. And not for a penny less than what we al- “They fear, worry, what they cannot control. Not
ready agreed on.” She sat back, the coldness behind us, we tell them all is well, many of us, many times.
her eyes giving the girl a look of maturity far beyond We suggested alternatives, ad-.” The server stopped
her years. speaking for a moment. One eye spasmed, and then
it resumed speaking. “-dendums. They sign, some
Gretchen smiled, lips pressed thinly together. will tonight. All are pleased. Makes us calm and
“Condor Rails will get the contracts, at the proper pleased. The papers with the winged train, we are
price. It will just take time.” Gretchen’s tone offered packing them away and carry them to the meeting
no argument, but Anya frowned. soon, we wonder if Margaret has made pot roast
for dinner...” The server stopped again, a very brief
“Time. Throw enough money at it and suddenly
look of confusion coming over its features. It hesi-
the clock starts working again. And when money
tated and then went quiet. The veins retreated back
doesn’t work…” she paused. “You need to fix their
under its skin.
lawyers. We will not be getting our hands dirty.”
“We have ensured the pacts will be made in your
“No one is expecting you to. Perhaps my associate
favor.” Its voice was now heavier and more present.
can better inform the table about those matters.”
Gretchen indicated to the server. All eyes fell on Anya didn’t speak for a long while. “Fine,” she even-
Humphrey, who began trying to look at all the aris- tually said, sitting back. “As long as Condor Rails gets
tocrats at once. our contracts, you all can do whatever the hell you
want.” She moved her seat away from Humphrey,
“My lady? I… I don’t understand what you’re asking.
putting another six or so inches between them. The
My connections to the Guild are- “
server’s dark eyes just watched, as though it was
He stopped, as though trying to listen to a sound curious about the phenomenon playing out before
only he could hear. Eventually, he shuddered, eyes it. Ludvig continued unperturbed.
filling completely like black pools, body stiffen-
“Lucas McCabe and Jessie Halliday appear to work
ing and warping like a piece of paper being crum-
well together, and we plan to continue sending them
pled into a balled fist. His neck sank and his fingers
into the field for retrieval. Their latest prize, that
seemed to elongate, gripping the edges of his chair
piece there,” Ludvig motioned to the case in the
like a spider surrounding its meal. His mouth pulled


Round Table

center of the conference area. Its middle shelf was “On that, well…” He seemed to lose himself for
occupied by a series of interlocking gears, smooth a moment. It was surely a trick of the light, but it
and beautiful despite their age. But that hadn’t been seemed like Ivan’s shadow flickered, as though it had
the only prize. Gretchen could sense it, feel the tiny whispered something in his ear.
runes shining in her eyes. How beautiful they were.
Dark as the depths and cast upon the ever-changing “I couldn’t possibly comment,” was what Gretchen
colors of the sea. She could see each one: Ra. Koreh. thought she heard, but Ivan’s murmur was difficult
Atlah. R’lon… to make out. The moment left as quickly as it came.


The older woman blinked, trying to hide her dis-

traction. She looked up at Ivan, eyes narrowing
imperceptibly. The man stared before he gently
repeated his question.

“Are there any plans to send out more

teams to acquire new items for the
Society? Aside from Mr. McCabe and
Ms. Halliday? What about that Basse
fellow you spoke about some time ago?”

“Of course. McCabe and Halliday

already have their next assignment,
and the good sheriff will be fulfilling
his part shortly. I’d concern yourself
more with your own tasks, Ivan. How
are the Arcanists and the Union faring?”

“Troublesome,” Ivan admitted. “Dangerous.

Collapsing in on themselves. It’s not ideal, but
Kaeris and Ironsides have found some common
ground. It won’t take that much to push them over
the edge again, but this alliance has made it more
difficult to acquire the items you were interested
in.” The gentleman acquiesced, raising his hands
in defense. “Now I pride myself on being a man
who admits when he’s not performing to expecta-
tions. It may take a little bit more time to investi-
gate Ramos’ warehouses and Arcanist holdouts, but
it will be done.” He winked, ever charming despite
Gretchen’s needling.

Gretchen contemplated. Her darkened eyes met

Ivan’s without wavering. “I will continue to assume
you are more than capable of delivering on our
requests, especially considering the little bauble
we’ve loaned you from the Bayou. More quickly
than your friends in the Foundry, I would expect.”

There was no question in Gretchen’s last statement.

Ivan swirled the ice in his glass. He slowly rotated
his ivory cane, eyes never leaving the jet-black
Soulstone capping it, seemingly devoid of light
despite the illumination filling the room. He chose
his words carefully.

Round Table

English Ivan stood, setting his glass down. He sent “Make sure he sticks to his deadlines, won’t you?”
the table a casual smile, ever the picture of refine- she asked. The shade tipped its hat, gingerly placing
ment. “On that note, I will take my leave. The night the glass back on the table. It poured across the sofa
is still young, and I must tend to other matters that and seemed to slither into a crook of shadow near
do not involve my fellows. The Arcanists will be the wall. In a moment, it was gone. “I believe we
handled, and the lady shall have the books and relics accomplished what needed to be done.” Gretchen’s
she asks for.” He bowed slightly in Gretchen’s direc- eyes drifted across the room as Ludvig replied.
tion before donning his black bowler hat. “I trust no
one has an issue if my better half takes my place?” “I would say so. There are still a few minor notes to
go over. Contacting Mrs. Agassiz to see about bring-
At that, a shadow peeled away from the wall. It ing her in, corroborating findings and all that. Some
appeared to be something close to English Ivan; Council business, of course. Preparing new cases for
thanks to the darkness of the room, the outline of a when Jedza returns…” Ludvig trailed off. Gretchen
suit was just visible. The shadowy face would have seemed far away. She was tapping her finger again.
been handsome if anything but its eyes were visible.
Both Ivan and the shadow doffed their hats to one “All matters for another day. The party should still
another in unison. The shade took Ivan’s place, set- be going on upstairs. If both of you wouldn’t mind
tling down on the chair with long fingers politely mingling with the riffraff? I’ll join you shortly.”
placed over his knees. English Ivan walked into the
Ngaatoro and Ludvig looked at one another but
shadow that his own had emerged from. There was
complied. Ngaatoro made his way across the hall
a brief flash from the runes Ivan wore beneath his
and was starting up the stairs before Ludvig had
clothing. As soon as his coattails passed through the
unseated himself. The Guild man followed, valise
umbral portal, the gloom resumed obeying the laws
and legal papers forcing him into a very unbalanced
of the room’s natural light and faded.
waddle as he made his way back to the party.
The shadow gently leaned over to the table, reach-
ing with its long fingers for Ivan’s abandoned drink.
It took a try or two, but eventually managed to grab
the half-empty glass. It rested the tumbler on its
knees, more appreciating the feeling than making
any effort to sip. Gretchen enjoyed the silence for a When she sensed the room was empty, save for
moment before announcing: herself and Humphrey, Gretchen stood. The server
mimicked her and followed as Gretchen walked over
“Well, it appears that most of our group has taken to to one of the walls near the cases. She smirked at the
their own interests. I believe we can call this meet- idea of hiding magic amidst magic; none of the oth-
ing adjourned.” ers had an inkling of an idea. Gretchen whispered a
few words, and mechanical clicks issued down the
Anya wasn’t past her first word before Gretchen
wall. A dark line blossomed from the doorframe.
held up a hand.
Gretchen breathed in deeply, cool air prickling her
“You’ll be receiving several messages in the next lungs. The server followed her inside and closed the
few days from the Guild regarding the Innocence door after it.
line and others. I think you’ll find the compensation
The server waited patiently. Its black eyes watched
more than agreeable. The Society takes care of its
Gretchen walking around the room. The magi-
own, Anya. Remember that.” Gretchen let the threat
cal wards here were harsh, strong. Despite them,
slowly dissolve in the air.
it could feel the ancient power held inside these
“I will… I look forward to it.” Anya pushed herself cases, far surpassing the treasures on display out-
out of her chair, straightening her coat. She gave side. In its oldest mind, the server could taste it. It
one last disgusted stare at the server and a sidelong was familiar. Terrifying. It knew Gretchen appreci-
glance at the shadowy apparition before leaving, ated the objects of its focus. Each one had been hid-
her accountant quietly in tow. Gretchen turned her den, lost, abandoned. And now, they were found.
attention to the man-shaped shadow.
“Can you remember any of it?” Gretchen asked soft-
ly. She knew the answer by heart, but always hoped
for something different. The server clicked its jaw.


Round Table

“We cannot always. She kept us away for so very “As it should be. Come, I don’t want you to burn out
long. But they are familiar, some of them.” this vessel. He’s been useful.” Gretchen said, barely
audible. The pair left the chamber and its potent
A golden sundial split into concentric rings with lit- cocktail of magic; the warded door sealed itself and
tle petroglyphs depicting three-legged creatures, blended seamlessly into the wall. They returned to
with half of its face missing but also present. A piece the table, where Gretchen took a seat next to the
of heavy stone that reeked of death, trapped safely server. She heard him make a soft squelching noise.
behind dim glass. Three large hammers hung side by The host’s skin regained its color as the limbs relaxed
side. Glass crusted with filth spreading from a blade and the black veins retracted deep into his body. She
held daintily within; a sphere of perfect, flawless looked back to the hidden door: it was closed and
frost and a leather-bound book inscribed with burn- invisible. The vessels never remembered anything,
ing runes. It hurt to look at, even from behind the but it never hurt to double check. A surprised breath
wards. Gretchen read the title over and over, feeling brought back Gretchen’s attention; Humphrey’s
the insanity and magic burning within. It was like mind had returned. He blinked several times, as
looking at the sun; eventually, she pulled her gaze though he’d been brought into a bright light.
away. There was so much more to see.
“My… my lady?” Humphrey’s confusion was evident,
A collection of gears and spindles, beautifully and he was frightened. Gretchen adopted a face of
worked with a brilliant red gem but only part of a concern.
whole; a knife, if one could call it that, with a blade
that was nothing, yet twisted. Bones laid on cloth, “Are you all right?” she asked, feigning worry. “You
far too large and strange to be human, rune-marked, seemed to faint for a moment.”
the area around these sigils like burned crystal.
Gretchen stopped at a case and smiled, reaching to The panic of the working class rapidly splashed
both sides and unlocking the top. It lifted open and across Humphrey’s face. Apologies and self-depre-
the servant’s infested body shivered with the new cation poured out of him in a stream, but Gretchen
magic that washed out, unrestrained by the case’s raised a hand to calm him. “It’s nothing to apologize
wards. “It’s taken so much time, but we’re close. for; we’re all human. I’m just glad to see you’re still
The link was just one more piece.” Gretchen’s long in good health.”
fingers removed the brooch from her throat. A prac-
Humphrey looked immediately relieved. The sec-
ticed motion saw the heavy green Soulstone loosed
ond wave of apologies and thanks fell out of him
from the jeweler’s setting. She stared at the stone, its
while he stood and fetched his tray. Gretchen rose
depths misty and swirling in the presence of such
and placed a hand on Humphrey’s back to guide him
magic. Gretchen allowed herself a small chuckle.
towards the stairs.
The Soulstone fit right into its place, held in a stand
made of black iron. A dirt-covered monocle lay “Perhaps returning to the party would do us some
beside it, the lens splintered. The Soulstone flick- good? There are always so many interesting faces
ered, but Gretchen ignored it, closing the case and to mingle with, wouldn’t you agree?” Humphrey
resealing its wards. The server had never stopped nodded, politely listing the attendants he’d had the
looking at her. pleasure to encounter during the evening. Gretchen
wasn’t listening. She already knew about all of them,
“This new world is large, different than we remem-
about the secrets their eyes and ears told her.
ber. She is returned to the old forest, where the blade
now sits. A potent weapon and prize.” The server It was all just one more piece. One more little link
murmured to itself. “We are learning much. We are in the chain. Ra. Koreh. Atlah. R’lon…
seeing much. We understand.” Its wet eyes looked
at one of the cases, tall and empty, as though built to
house the sword it spoke of. Gretchen took another
deep breath, satisfied with the room’s contents.

Graeme Stevenson

“H appy birthday, sir!” exclaimed Poultice. Lord Justin Cooper

regarded the twitching basket with reservation. He noted that the
wicker was not in the least bit wine or brandy shaped, nor did it appear to
have a recognizable caliber, but he dutifully lifted the cloth cover, as it would
not do to seem ungrateful to one’s men.
He was immediately assailed by two small furry mis- “They will serve you well, sir,” Poultice said.
siles: one latched its mouth around his outstretched
hand, the other went for his boot. Both growled furi- “Indeed they will. Excellent examples of their breed.
ously and with enthusiasm, play-fighting his limbs Thank you, Poultice.”
with a gusto that far exceeded their capabilities.
The other man retreated to the general crowd, glow-
“The purest of breeds, sir,” Poultice was saying. ing with praise. The tent was full to groaning with
“Their lineage can be traced all the way to Belgium; associates and well-wishers – perhaps a dozen fel-
to the very Saint-Hubert Monastery itself, I daresay.” low hunters and members of the Explorer’s Society
– and, spilling out behind them into the surrounding
Cooper looked down at the bloodhound pup gnaw- grounds, their attendants, servants, and the like.
ing and slobbering on his index finger. The huge ears
and drooping chops were already forming, the red Being the founder of the organization and held in
coat was smooth and burr-free, and the pup had that such high esteem both as a hunter and a gentleman,
heavy-boned and muscular stance characteristic of Lord Cooper’s gatherings were always well attended
the breed. More than that, his eyes were bright and by the most notable of guests, such as Colonel
fearless as he subdued Cooper’s finger, an indication Bluefeld, who had one side of his face reduced to a
of the powerful animal he would become. rasher of bacon by a lion in the Kenya Colony but
nevertheless kept his feet and killed it with a bayo-
Despite his usual reserve, Cooper had to smile. net; or Mrs. Peregrine Darling, notable for her skill
with a .44 caliber Henry repeating rifle.
“I shall name you Ullr,” he said to the pup, draw-
ing a mutter of approval from the watching crowd. An unknown fellow stepped forward from the
“And you,” he said to the other, who had lost interest throng, a long box in his arms. He was well-groomed
in Cooper’s unresponsive boot and was sniffing her and dressed, but had an air of deference about him
way along the ground in pursuit of a beetle, “I shall that told Cooper he was a messenger.
name Artemis.”
“Whose man are you?” he asked, as the skinny new-
There was another soft rumble of agreement and comer stopped at the edge of the tiger rug under
pleasure from the assemblage. “Capital names, very Cooper’s chair.


Cry Havoc

“My name is Sullivan Brody. I bring a gift from Earl “I too have a gift for you, sir, only this one isn’t so
Peter Clancy of Sunderland, with well wishes and easily presented,” Fitzroyce laughed. “And I daresay
fond remembrance on the occasion of Lord Cooper’s it would be the very devil to wrap!”
birthday,” the man said with a bow.
There was general laughter as the crowd began
This was interesting; low comments rippled through to cotton on to the man’s meaning. Fitzroyce was
the crowd. The Earl of Sunderland was a powerful notorious for arranging “exotic” hunts, and had a
industrialist in England, and supposedly had the ear network of trackers and poachers whose sole task it
of the King himself. If the gift was anywhere near as was to find some of the strangest and rarest beasts to
esteemed as its patron, this was high praise indeed serve as trophies for the discerning hunter.
for Lord Cooper.
“Am I to understand that you have organized an
Cooper accepted the heavy mesquite box, oiled to excursion on my behalf?”
a high shine, and set it across his knees to open it
while a servant ushered away the yipping puppies. “You are, sir. I have everything set up for you in the
The polite interest turned into loud roars of con- Quarantine Zone.”
gratulation as Cooper lifted out a customized .577
An excited murmur filled the tent, and Cooper felt
Nitro Express Holland & Holland single-shot hunt-
his own pulse respond to the thought of a new oppo-
ing rifle.
nent, a new kill.
It was an exquisite piece; carefully balanced, wal-
“Then we shall go directly,” he said and got to his
nut stocked, and with the trigger guard, fence and
barrel all silver plated and engraved. He broke the
action open and peered down the barrel. Machined At his back, two shaggy hulks rose in tandem –
to perfection. Vatagi huntsmen from Ivanovo, Russia. They had
been Cooper’s companions ever since an
“Bravo!” churned the eager crowd. “Handsomely done!”
expedition to hunt brown bears on the
“A true huntsman’s weapon, for a true huntsman!”
Kamchatka Peninsula, where they
“You will convey my profound thanks and my very had led him to a phenomenal spec-
best regards to Earl Clancy,” Cooper said to the wait- imen – a huge bear that stood 11
ing Brody. “Please assure him that his gift is one of the feet tall and took eight shots
finest I have ever had the good fortune to receive, to drop. The men seemed
and that were he ever inclined to test its mettle in half bears themselves:
the grounds of my estate, it would be my honor to heavy-set, hairy, and
receive him.” garbed in animal furs,
with barely a dozen
More rumbling and slapping of thighs, and the Earl’s words of English
man bowed his way out of the tent. between them.

Even with the distraction of the animated crowd

and the beautiful firearm in his hands, Cooper had
noticed that an old associate of his, Harold Fitzroyce,
was grinning fit to burst. He had one hand over his
face, already more than halfway obscured by his
walrus mustache, and appeared to be giggling with

“Fitzroyce?” Cooper called. “You seem more pleased

than most with Earl Clancy’s gift.”

“Apologies, my Lord, but it could not have come at

a better time.”


Cry Havoc

They shared his passion for the hunt, however, and

this gave them an understanding that went beyond

“Assemble my trackers,” he said. “Let us give the

Earl’s gift a worthy blooding.” The creature had not gone far.

The camp began to swarm like an anthill. They came up on it in an alley, several hundred
yards from the plaza, crunching on the upper torso
of a luckless manservant. Superficially, it resembled a
bear, but it was far too large and muscular. It had six
limbs, four of which were engaged in pulling apart
the manservant’s remains. Tusk-like spines pro-
The expedition into the Quarantine Zone was larger jected through its thick, brown fur, each as long as
than Cooper would normally have permitted, but as a man’s forearm.
it was his birthday there was an understandably large A Slate Ridge mauler.
number of well-wishers keen to see him make use of
his new rifle. The ruins deadened the spread of sound “What a tremendous beast,” Cooper murmured
or scent far better than a savanna or even a forest as he took the safety off his new rifle. “Well done
would, so it gave scant advantage to his prey. indeed, Fitzroyce. You have exceeded yourself. I
don’t know how you managed to capture the brute
Just what he was facing became foremost in his mind
in the first place.”
as they rounded a wall of black brick and came upon
a small plaza sporting a tall iron cage. The spectacle “Not without difficulty, sir,” admitted Fitzroyce with
of such a large quarry would have been impressive, some modesty.
but the twisted and empty cage with the scattering
of dead manservants around it was far more so. “Quiet now. Time to put the Earl’s gift through its
“Great Scott!” Fitzroyce exclaimed, running for-
ward. “The beast has escaped!” Lord Cooper crept forward, leaving the dozen or so
associates and trackers behind, as was his privilege to
Rather than causing frustration or alarm, this only claim the beast’s hide for his own.
heightened Cooper’s anticipation. He fingered the
bent bars and extracted a tuft of matted brown fur The group watched with mixed excitement and anxi-
while Fitzroyce ran about, shouting orders to search ety as the hunter made his way along the alley, closing
the area and pick up the animal’s tracks. the distance with slow and measured steps so as not to
disturb the rubble.
They were not difficult to find.
Cooper’s pulse was racing now, as it always did in the
“Bear?” ventured Poultice, crouching over a broad
anticipatory moments before the kill. The Holland
five-clawed blood print on a flagstone.
& Holland came up slowly, its gleaming stock set
“Too large,” Cooper countered, seeing another track against his shoulder in preparation for the impres-
in soil further on. The track was driven deep into the sive kick of a .577 shell.
earth by a tremendous weight.
The beast’s anatomy was unknown to him. Its torso
Fitzroyce came up breathlessly. “I’m most dread- was immense and no doubt well-armored, so he had
fully sorry, my Lord – the confounded beast got free settled on a head shot; the eye socket or through
before I had a chance to show it to you.” the soft palate of the mauler’s mouth, should it be
so obliging as to roar at his approach. The heavy slug
Cooper waved him silent. “On the contrary, my dear would have little difficulty in penetrating bone. He
fellow. This only adds to the game.” had, after all, downed bull elephants through the
bony plates of their skulls with just such a weapon.
His Vatagi hunters appeared at his side; one had the
Earl’s rifle over his shoulder and wordlessly handed Finally, the mauler noticed his approach. It reared
it to Lord Cooper. on its hind legs to peer at him, ribbons of meat
“Let us begin.”


Cry Havoc

hanging from its jaws. Cooper’s advance paused Screaming - perhaps his own, perhaps that of his
involuntarily. It was far larger than even he had audience. The crackle of rifle fire and thudding
anticipated – surely 15 feet in height. blows to his chest and abdomen. He saw a huge red-
rimmed eye, felt hot breath against his bare skin.
Part of his mind was already trying to figure out just Grinding bone and splintering wood.
where that gigantic head was going to be mounted
back at Ashford Estate while he drew a bead along He felt the mauler jerking its head to the left, throw-
the polished virgin barrel, drawing the rifle tight ing him bodily through the air, with both his arms and
against himself and bracing his legs for the inevita- the twisted ruin of the Earl’s rifle still in its mouth.
ble recoil.
A final stunning impact, then blackness.
Without ceremony or display, the mauler dropped
and charged him. Cooper’s world shrank to the 50
yards between the beast and him, to the determined
panting and rumble of its approach, to the first tinges
of its carrion stink.
Time passed, but the extent of its passage went
At 30 yards, he had his target and took a final breath,
unnoticed and unmeasured. Day or night, alive or
held it.
dead, it was impossible to tell.
At 20 yards, he squeezed the trigger slowly.
Faces swam out of the darkness, voices echoed
At 10 yards, the rifle gave a dry and impotent click. inside his head, but he could not recognize the fea-
tures, could not understand the words.
The rest was disjointed.
Slowly, he began to discern a cycle when for a time
it was less gray, followed by a time when there were
no ghosts to torment him. This finally crystalized
into pale dawns and black nights, and he understood
on some level that he had survived.

The ghosts gradually reformed into people.

Wilberforce, his steward. Fitzroyce. His loyal
Vatagi. Others he did not know who had
kind but concerned faces, and who
returned frequently to frown at him.
Doctors. Surgeons.

Gradually, his world dilated

further and he began to take
in his surroundings.

Firstly, his own body. It ached

abominably, and the slight-
est effort left him gray
with exhaustion. The
thin starched sheet
he lay under may as
well have been a ton
of fallen masonry
for the all the suc-
cess he had in trying
to move under it.

Cry Havoc

The bed he lay in was his own – he recognized the during the subsequent enquiries it came to light that
carved corner posts as those he purchased from a Captain Burrage had been to Sunderland Castle and
merchant in Florence – as was the room. He had had met the Earl, and more importantly Mr. Brody.
commissioned Walter Crane to provide the tiger A fat, jovial man and really nothing like the scoun-
and long grass motif for his bedroom wallpaper, and drel that delivered the Earl’s rifle. Further question-
looking at it now made his trigger finger itch. ing proved fruitful. Before the imposter expired, he
admitted that his real name was Silas Everidge, and
So he was back in Malifaux City, at Ashford Estate. that he had been tasked with intercepting the real
That gave him some comfort at least, although the Mr. Brody to dispose of him and commit the afore-
array of glass bottles filled with clear, amber, and mentioned sabotage on the gifted rifle.”
ruby liquid hanging from stands at his side did not,
nor the snaking rubber tubes that vanished beneath Fitzroyce pulled uncomfortably at his collar, but
his immovable bedsheet. Cooper knew what was coming next.

The door connecting to his servant’s quarters opened “The Vatagi were successful in prying the name of
and Fitzroyce stepped through. He had a newspaper Mr. Everidge’s employer from him before the end.
folded under his arm and, humming softly under his They were very thorough.”
breath, made his way to the high-backed wing chair
in the bay window in a manner that suggested he’d “The Beast Man,” Cooper croaked.
been following this routine for some time.
“Indeed, sir. Marcus was the assailant named.”
His friend had just about settled down with the
There was no love lost between Lord Cooper and
paper when Cooper spoke.
the elusive Master of Beasts; rumors and warning
“Water.” had been circulating since Cooper’s first arrival in
Malifaux of Marcus’ virulent disapproval of his pro-
Fitzroyce almost swallowed his mustache in sur- fession and activities, and he knew that it was only a
prise but hurried to comply and gingerly poured a matter of time before they came into conflict.
bit of water into his dry mouth from the jug and glass
at his bedside. With the arrival of the Earl of Sunderland’s man and
his notable present in time for Cooper’s birthday
“My Lord Cooper, how do you feel?” Fitzroyce asked celebration, it would have been too sweet an oppor-
as soon as he felt it prudent. tunity for him to resist. What better comeuppance
for a notorious hunter than to die at the hands of the
Cooper had no time for platitudes. “How long?” very beast he sought to slay?
“Eight days, sir. We thought you might have been “The damage?” he asked.
partially awake yesterday - at least your eyes were
open but you did not reply when we spoke to you.” Fitzroyce made a show of getting a doctor, protest-
ing it really wasn’t his field of expertise, but Cooper’s
Cooper absorbed this slowly. baleful glare drew out the truth.
“The rifle,” he said at length. “The mauler took your arms,” he said eventually.
“Your body was badly gored and when it threw you
Fitzroyce’s expression hardened, and he looked like
against the wall, it smashed your left leg and your
there was bitter news to be delivered.
skull took a frightful knock. The doctors had to
“It was no misfire, sir. We retrieved the weapon and remove much of what was left of your injured limbs
despite the damage, it was quite clear. The firing pin due to gangrene, and a number of your inner vitals.”
had been sabotaged.” He indicated the hanging rubber tubes and glass
bottles. “They’ve been keeping you fed and watered
Cooper was already wearied by this short exchange, through pipes. It’s astonishing that you’ve recovered
but he had to know the rest and he fixed his subor- this far, actually.”
dinate with a glare.
Fitzroyce tried to sound jaunty, touching his fore-
“Your Vatagi were able to retrieve the messenger, head. “They even put a steel plate in your skull
‘Mr. Brody,’ before he left the camp. As it turns out, where the fall broke it. Always knew you were hard-
headed, sir, but I say!”


Cry Havoc

Cooper looked down and for the first time realized They gathered one evening in his bedroom. A fire
how empty the bed seemed, other than the central had been lit even though it was barely autumn;
hump of his torso. He could still feel his limbs, but Cooper felt more vulnerable to the bite of cold since
they were gone now; and with them all the things his accident. The pups loved it, however, and were
that he loved best – hunting through grassland and both draped over his remaining leg, soaking up the
forest, across plain and prairie, the weight of a rifle warmth from the fireplace while his companions
in his hands, the wild land under his boots. waited for him to speak.

He brooded. Was that it, then? Was that to be the “As it is now apparent that my limbs are not growing
end of Lord Justin Cooper, gentleman hunter and back,” he began, to dutiful chuckles, “I have decided
founder of the Explorer’s Society? A useless stump that I must seek outside assistance in regaining my
in an empty manor, living out his last days in igno- mobility. There is no question of remaining like this.”
miny? He would have balled his fists, if he still had
them. “No indeed,” agreed Poultice.

“Leave me,” he snarled. “If my skull can be rebuilt with steel, why not the
rest of me? We are in the Age of Technology, after
Fitzroyce bowed and left him to his thoughts. all. Surely there is an artisan who could give me
back the life I had before.”

Poultice’s eyes widened. “Victor Ramos!” he blurted.

“My sister’s beau has a cousin with very good con-
tacts in the M&SU who-”
Some days passed and Cooper’s mood grew darker “That oaf?” Cooper snapped. “You would have me
as the true extent of his remaining capabilities clanking and steaming around like a boiling kettle?
became clear. I’d sooner you took off my remaining leg and be
done with it.”
He had always been fiercely independent, and each
new day brought fresh humiliations to be heaped They fell silent for a moment.
upon him; spoon feedings, dressing changes, bed
baths. “Well,” began Fitzroyce cautiously. “I may know
of another. A maestro with machinery, no doubt.
The doctors congregated frequently at first, prod- Though… he is a bit of a recluse. There’s no telling
ding his stumps, muttering about redirected blood that he would accept, sir.”
flow and suture grouping, poring over what was
left of his body with barely a thought for the man “If he is as good as your word, Fitzroyce, then money
that was trapped within it. The nurses were worse; is no object. Find him and bring him here.”
professional smiles and professional detachment,
Cooper instructed him to make all necessary intro-
breezy and cheerful and vacuous.
ductions, and to have him brought to Ashford Estate
They continued to tend their helpless charge long as soon as possible. If this craftsman could be per-
after the doctors had lost interest, in much the same suaded to give him even a fraction of the mobility
way as the maid continued to dust and polish the afforded to those lethal, mechanical dancers, even to
other useless ornaments of the house. allow him to hold a rifle again, it would be worth
any price.
His respites came in the form of Fitzroyce, Poultice,
and his Vatagi, who still regarded him as the man he
had been before this calamity, and his bloodhound
pups who loved him unconditionally whether he
could pat them or not.
While Fitzroyce was about his duties, Cooper tasked
Something Fitzroyce had said about the metal plate
Poultice with something more his speed – to arrange
in his head would not leave him; the phrase lodged
an audience with Gretchen Janus.
in his subconscious, and when it had germinated
into a hope he called his most trusted attendants She arrived within the week, and masked her shock
together for a proposition. at his diminished appearance well. Ever the diplomat.

Cry Havoc

He sent Wilberforce down to the kitchen for refresh- Cooper offered a grim smile. “All in good time, my
ments to give them privacy, and offered her a seat. dear. All in good time.”

“I was greatly saddened to hear of your accident,

Justin,” she said.

“As was I,” he commented dryly. “It is no small thing

to regain consciousness and find oneself half the
man he was before.” A few days after Gretchen’s visit, Fitzroyce brought
him the artisan.
“You must forgive the tardiness of my visit, but I was
in the westlands; an expedition to the stone tombs. He seemed humble enough at first: an old and slight-
I only returned to the city very recently. Your man ly diminished man in unassuming garb with clipped
Poultice found me the day I arrived and gave me the gray hair around a high crown. When he looked
dreadful news.” closer, however, Cooper saw the deep intelligence
in his eyes and the long skillful fingers folded polite-
“Quite all right. In fact, that’s partly why I asked you ly across his middle.
to come.”
“Mr. Vincenzo Campagnolo,” Wilberforce announced.
She waited for him to elaborate.
“Your servant, sir,” the man bowed.
“The box by your elbow,” he prompted.
“I am exceedingly grateful to you for accepting my
She gave it a curious look, then opened it. The Society invitation, Mr. Campagnolo,” Cooper responded.
Key. He’d had Wilberforce dig it out earlier in the day. “You’re a tough man to find.”

“In my present condition I find my ability to lead Campagnolo feigned a smile and nodded. “One can
the Society is somewhat compromised. I am taking get lost in one’s work.”
steps to remedy the situation, but it may take some
time and there is no guarantee of success.” “Yes, of course.” Cooper agreed. “My good man,
Harold here, has told me much of your craftsman-
“Surely when your strength has returned you will be ship. A maestro of machinery, he says!”
able to resume your duties?” she argued, but he had
seen her expression when she first saw the Key, and Fitzroyce nearly blushed.
knew he had made the right decision.
It was clear from the artisan’s expression that he had
“It is more than that, as I think we both know. My already guessed Cooper’s intent – and how could he
proclivities and the purpose of the Explorer’s Society not? A limbless man abed, confessing his admiration
have diverged as of late. I shall retain my member- for his capabilities – it was the most obvious thing in
ship, of course, and a position of seniority, but I feel the world. But so much the better; Cooper was eager
that you are far better suited to guide us forward. for the man’s answer.
You understand the central premise of pushing back
“Mechanisms,” Campagnolo said. “The illusion of
the veil of the unknown, and divining the cultural
life, but wholly artificial. Not the fusion of flesh and
richness of those new lands to augment our own.”
To his satisfaction, Gretchen closed the box and
“You feel such a fusion would be impossible?”
placed it on her lap.
“On the contrary, sir,” Campagnolo said with a flash
“You are very kind to say so, Lord Cooper. I hum-
of a smile, there and gone in an eye blink. His long
bly accept your proposal. Together, you and I can
fingers rippled. “Such an undertaking would rep-
unravel the mysteries of both worlds.”
resent a higher art form – a marriage of man and
“Good, it’s settled, then! I am certain you will prove machine, and be superior to both.”
most efficacious,” Cooper said.
Cooper grinned. “Then, sir, may I press upon you to
“And you?” she asked. “These remedial steps you accept a commission?”


Cry Havoc

“A most intriguing proposal,” Campagnolo said. “I He had approved the conversion of the second library
myself know something of you, Lord Cooper. If the into a laboratory and workshop for Campagnolo’s
many impressive mounted heads and trophies are an use, along with adjoining private quarters, and the
indication of your greatest passion, then this work man had begun his preparations. Wagons began
will require not only a return of your locomotive to arrive at Ashford Estate, and more wagons, and
faculties but an augmentation of your physicality. more again. Equipment of every description was
An augmentation of sufficient precision that you unloaded and man-handled into the second library;
may rely unthinkingly upon the instincts your brain inscrutable devices of every conceivable design, as
already possesses, secure in the belief that your new well as a bewildering array of technical equipment,
body will express them.” lathes, presses, and the like.

Cooper agreed wholeheartedly. Much depended on Bills began to flood in from mechanical distributors
the final second of a hunt, when body and mind had and factories all over Malifaux, but Cooper never
to be in perfect unison to bring down the charging doubted the capabilities of his new associate, and
prize and avert calamity. There was no greater only wished for some sign of progress beyond his
example of that belief than his present predicament. inexorably shrinking fortunes.

“I believe this fusion you seek may be achieved,” There were weeks of measurements and plaster
Campagnolo said. “I confess that the proposition to mold-making of Cooper’s body – Campagnolo
remake a living man using my skills appeals to me wanted to understand the “canvas upon which he
greatly. I warn you, however, that this goal cannot would paint”. The Explorer’s Society alumnus bore
be attained quickly, nor without great cost.” it with as much patience as he could muster.

“I assure you that my finances are considerable. I Blueprints were beginning to appear on the walls
will meet your price, whatever it may be.” of the library, and each time Cooper was wheeled
down there on a gurney it seemed fuller with tech-
“A handsome offer, my Lord, though I speak not of nical equipment than the last. These blueprints,
the scrip so much as the labor,” Campagnolo flashed drawn in a small and exact hand, were the first real
another of his tiny fleeting smiles. His teeth were expressions of what Cooper one day hoped to see
very small and very white. “I speak, sir, of the art wrought in metal.
of creation. A body fit for a hunter such as yourself
cannot simply be hammered out of iron plate. We He was pleased that the designs were functional,
are not building a steam shovel for the Union.” robust, and pragmatic-looking, having harbored
quiet reservations about being presented with the
Cooper snorted. “Indeed not. Idiots.” limbs of a steel ballerina to be affixed to his thick
masculine torso.
“We must find the shapes in the steel,” the artisan
continued, his long fingers moving again. “It must be When confided in, Campagnolo had laughed and
more than articulation and tensile strength; we must said “No, my friend. We are not making a dancer.
find the grace, the precision. And we must form a We are making a predator. There will be beauty, but
bond – a perfect bond – between the old and the in function rather than in form.”
new if either are to function. All of this takes trial,
error, and above all, time.” Around this time, the artisan began talking about
an “engine”, a powerhouse strong enough to sus-
“If you can make me the man I was,” Cooper said, “I tain both Cooper’s vitality and the augmented body
will do anything you say.” that would contain it. An explosive flurry of blue-
prints was followed by a period of precise construc-
“I will do that and more,” Campagnolo said. “I will
tion, the building of tiny and exceedingly complex
make you better.”
devices that would not have looked out of place in a
very accurate timepiece.

These components were gradually attached to one

another until a mechanism was built – about the size
of a melon and dense with moving parts. Once com-
Despite their auspicious first meeting, progress over plete, Cooper was privy to an informal activation
the following months was infuriatingly slow for ceremony, where Campagnolo inserted a glass vial

Cry Havoc

holding a row of sparkling crystals that shone with a Winter had come and gone at Ashford Estate by
powerful inner radiance. He had seen such crystals the time Cooper saw the first of prototype limbs
before – Soulstones. that Campagnolo was building. Another explosion
of blueprints had covered the walls of the library,
The device came to life immediately, but there was incongruously still referred to by that name despite
no hissing or puffing, no rude smoke or mechanical looking more like a combined hospital and factory.
noise. The device was almost entirely soundless, and
worked with ceaseless internalized motion, glisten- More surgeries followed; Campagnolo assured
ing with light lubricating oil. It seemed both sleek him that these would be the last of the laborious
and potent at once. procedures, and were concerned with reinforcing
his torso and joints, as well as fixing sockets at the
“The heart of a warrior,” Campagnolo said. shoulders and left hip for the limbs that would even-
tually be fitted to his trunk. These were the worst
Other, less immediately obvious, devices followed
times for Cooper – weeks of confusion and murky
suit - strange leathery bags, pumps, armfuls of glis-
drug-smothered pain while his battered body had
tening rubber tube. Cooper gave up asking the iden-
cunningly shaped steel components bolted to his
tities of each and satisfied himself with Campagnolo’s
skeleton. Due to the severity of these operations,
explanation that while enough of his vitals had sur-
they had to be staggered to provide time to heal, and
vived the mauling to sustain life in its present form,
it was autumn once again before Cooper was ready
they would be woefully insufficient for a full-limbed
for the next stage.
and vigorous man.
He spent much of the time between surgeries with
Surgeries began soon after. His body cavity was
his dogs, Artemis and Ullr. They had grown quickly
opened repeatedly to allow the implanting of these
and were already exceptionally large for their breed,
new devices in preparation for the articulated limbs
although they still had that ungainly manner associ-
that would follow, and while his convalescence from
ated with youth.
each operation seemed never-ending, he did begin
to feel stronger and more capable with each recov- Their loyalty rivaled that of his Vatagi, and their
ery. Whatever these mechanisms were, they were joyful and riotous behavior when allowed to visit
working. him was a great comfort. He longed to take them
hunting, to track boar and deer through the woods,
to be free of this flesh prison. Their energy and exu-
berance were promises of what he too one day could
enjoy again.

Fitzroyce had secured a very reputable trainer, and

the dogs were shaping up to be excellent hunt-
ing companions, though what they seemed to
enjoy most was lolling shapelessly across him
at night, fast asleep and twitching while in
pursuit of a dreamed rabbit.

At long last came the time Cooper had

been looking forward to the most.

Campagnolo had been working on

a fully articulated leg, and finally
decreed that it was ready for ini-
tial trials. The process of attach-
ment was painless, but it took his
brain some time to get used to
the sensation of having a real leg
instead of a phantom limb.


Cry Havoc

The first tests were made from Cooper’s gurney; So too did the complexity of the engineering, and
interminable hours of Campagnolo’s instructions. by the following spring Campagnolo had worked
“Pivot the ankle forward. Good. Now back. Good. through a half-dozen refined iterations, and Cooper
Again. Good. Now the knee. Good.” was able to walk around unaided on his replacement
leg which now had a fully working knee and ankle
The absence of sensation was extremely strange; joint and a foot that matched his own in dimensions.
this test limb had no pressure sensors and so he
felt nothing, and had to affirm visually that the leg As the weather warmed and the ice and snow van-
was doing what his brain told it to. The responses ished, Cooper began to venture outside. At first, he
were initially sluggish and faltering, but after some stayed within the immediate grounds of the estate,
tweaking from the artisan and practice from Cooper, plodding slowly and heavily up and down the
they became more assured. south lawn, followed by his dogs and the watchful
Vatagi. The pleasure of being outside with the wind
“When can I walk?” he demanded. against his face again was indescribable. He was also
pleased that there was no joint pain, and despite the
“When you have two legs,” was the brusque reply.
long, long months of incarceration and inactivity he
“I have two legs,” he persisted. already appeared to have deep reserves of stamina.

“This is not a leg,” Campagnolo said, waving his Ashford Estate was set on the edge of the Quarantine
screwdriver at the metal limb. “This is a stick. A Zone. The grounds were nowhere near as expansive
post. But, with refinement, it may serve as a precur- as his estates back in England or Africa, no more
sor to a prototype which, eventually, we may ven- than six or seven acres of grass with a small orchard
ture to call a leg.” sporting oranges and lemons, but to Cooper they
were an exciting new wilderness to be explored.
Cooper knew he was correct, but it had been close Before he knew it, the conscious limp in his gait had
to two years since his accident; two years of immo- vanished and both legs worked in unison to over-
bility and dependence, when liberty and individual- come the terrain.
ity were now so close.
Despite various rubber coatings on the sole of his
Time crawled on, and the day finally came when machine leg, traction was frequently a problem,
Campagnolo had Cooper’s gurney tilted up to a 45 especially over rough scree and gravel. Finally,
degree angle, with a burly huntsman on either side Campagnolo fitted splaying claws to the toes, sharp
to hold him. On the artisan’s signal, they hoisted and more than strong enough to gain purchase even
Cooper upright and onto his feet - one flesh, the on sheer rock. Cooper rather liked how they had
other steel. been styled on the clawed foot of the beast that had
deprived him of his original leg; it seemed most apt.
“Now walk,” the artisan said.
Campagnolo had also fitted Cooper with arms,
Cooper’s head swam – he hadn’t been fully upright though these were devoid of articulation and de-
in so long, he seemed terrifyingly high off the ground signed purely to keep his sense of balance and mo-
and extremely unstable – but this was the moment mentum correct while he learned to walk again,
he’d been dreaming of for so long that his fear was and soon enough, it was time for more suitable
quickly overcome with exhilaration. replacements.
He fell flat on his face – so abruptly and so quickly Many smashed cups and split lips followed, despite
that neither of the Vatagi reacted in time to catch the artisan’s protests. Cooper had sworn to him-
him. self that the day he got his arms back would be the
last he spent like a huge mustached baby while
“Good,” Campagnolo said with a nod. “This is prog-
being spoon-fed his meals, and he was determined
ress. Now we pick him up and we try again.”
to keep his word. His initially clumsy spasmodic
Cooper fell and fell again, trying to shuffle the dis- motions knocked over plates and cups, bent spoons
tance he would have covered in a single stride before and threw gobbets of food over himself and his
the mauler, but the Vatagi were ready. Each time surroundings without bias but he would not be
they caught him and propped him up for another dissuaded, and eventually willpower and growing
go. Cooper persevered, and his balance gradually hunger triumphed.

Cry Havoc

That evening’s supper of semolina, buttered toast, “I need a moving target,” he told Fitzroyce.
and spiced brandy tasted like victory.
“We are a bit early for the rutting season but perhaps
By the summer, he was finally ready to hunt. we could find you an impressive stag,” suggested his
Campagnolo had redeveloped his arms a dozen colleague.
times, with each new variant stronger and more
dexterous than the last, to the point where he felt he “I have halls filled with antlers already,” Cooper said.
could handle a gun again.
“A bear, then?”
The first time, Fitzroyce brought him a Spencer
“An eminently stupid animal. I want something
repeating carbine and a box of ammunition from
challenging. Something cunning.”
his gun cabinet and they went out together to set up
some stationery targets on the south lawn. Just glass Fitzroyce chewed his lip, then snickered.
bottles and clay jugs, but it felt so good to be stand-
ing under his own power and squinting down the “If it’s cunning you’re after, I should have a word
iron sights of a rifle again that it was all he could do with the scrawny fellow that keeps stealing the sil-
not to laugh. verware from my mother-in-law’s cottage. Blighter
had the temerity to wave at me the last time as he
The rifle only fired .56-56 rim fire cartridges, a com- made off over the fence. Of course, the Guild have
paratively light load to what he was used to when been alerted but what can they do, really?”
hunting big game. It was abnormally still in his grip
– the recoil against his shoulder went unnoticed, Cooper thought it over.
and it wasn’t long before he was smashing every bot-
tle and jug in turn at a hundred, then two hundred “Offer him two thousand scrip,” he said.
“Offer… I beg your pardon, my Lord?”
A few days later, Fitzroyce resupplied their make-
“Two thousand to run,” Cooper clarified. “I’ll set
shift firing range at three hundred paces with more
him a boundary, say one thousand yards. I will have
bottles and a .44 Winchester. Cooper picked off
only one cartridge, a single shot. If he reaches the
every bottle, firing faster and more accurately than
boundary or if I miss, the money is his to keep.”
he could have as a normal man, and with no recoil to
speak of. The .44-40 Winchester cartridges packed Fitzroyce’s mouth was working, but no sound was
more of a punch – he knew this from memory, but coming out.
the gun’s recoil was almost non-existent in the grip
of his new steel limbs and his aim never wavered “Good,” Cooper nodded. “You handle the proposi-
once. tion. I’ll expect his answer on the morrow.”

“Bring me a real gun,” he said.

Fitzroyce came back with a Sharps 1874 rifle,

loaded with .50-140 cartridge; a long-range cannon
designed for felling bison with a single shot. Cooper
As it turned out, the man wasn’t fast enough.
had his eye back by now, and he fired off a dozen
rounds without a single miss at the full length of the It also opened a whole new kind of hunting that
south lawn, almost six hundred paces. The recoil Cooper had never considered before, and another
was a trifling matter, an inconvenience, no match for excursion was organized. And then another.
the heavy steel insulation of his new body.
In a frontier world like Malifaux, everything was for
Cooper regarded the heavy rifle thoughtfully. Even sale, even life. Many were drawn to the new world
at the height of his physical prowess he had come with the promise of a better future, or a chance to
home from safaris bruised and aching from firing a shuck off the past. Unfortunately, for most it was
rifle as high powered as this, but now...? Possibilities a fool’s hope. Misfortune and destitution often fol-
began to form in his mind. lowed close behind, and for every full belly there
were a hundred others that went empty.


Cry Havoc

Cooper was rapidly discovering that no animal

quite equaled the resource and cunning of a man,
and it was in those desperate moments when life
hung by a thread that a man, that any man, was at
his most dangerous.

They understood the rules, of course; they were to

be hunted through a landscape of Lord Cooper’s
choosing, be it the ruins of Malifaux’s Quarantine
Zone or a wyrdwood forest. Were they to escape
or otherwise meet the conditions of the hunt, then
their life was their own once more.

The drunks and the fiends were poor sport, he

soon found, but those with a secret hope were
the ones that really got his blood up – those
who pushed themselves beyond their endur-
ance and embraced their deepest animalis-
tic guile in an effort to evade his pursuit
– they were the most rewarding hunts of all.

Poultice started to call them Runaways, and

Cooper saw no reason to correct him.

While Campagnolo himself seemed

unfazed by the practice, some
within the Explorer’s Society
felt it was uncultured, even
barbaric. Cooper saw it as a
viable commercial exchange.
The desperate always had something to sell;
besides, he was not above sparing a life had they
led him a truly exhilarating chase.

Over the following months, Cooper hunted.

He hunted men through the crumbling spires and

broken alleys of the Quarantine Zone, flushing them
out with his faithful bloodhounds, now trained and
fully adult trackers of the very highest quality. He
was indefatigable; his remaining leg was strong and
heavily muscled once more, his machine limbs and
organs unrelenting in their pursuit.

They truly became one among the ruins of that former

civilization; a perfect alloy of man and machine, honed
to razor’s edge on the whetstone of human prey.

“These new limbs,” he said one evening after a

particularly satisfying hunt. “These enhancements.
They are remarkable.”

“And unfinished,” Campagnolo replied from one

of his many workstations, tinkering. “We are not
done yet.”

Cry Havoc

“And yet already I have surpassed what I thought No elephant, rhinoceros, or even a Slate Ridge
was physically possible. I am more than I was before. mauler would be able to withstand such a massive
Stronger. More accurate.” impact.

“And unfinished,” came the response again. Cooper immediately went on safari.

“I need a weapon that matches my capabilities,”

Cooper said. “The rifles I have now are… insufficient.”

It was true enough. Even the .600 Nitro Express

rifle Poultice had procured for him felt like a cork
gun, where before just carrying such a weight for a Over the next six months, Cooper traveled through
single day would have exhausted him. Africa and India with a steadily growing contingent
of subordinates and attendants, hunting incessantly.
The artisan looked up from his bewildering jumble It was a test of before and after, to hunt something
of machinery, a glint in his eye. familiar and gauge what he once was against what
he had become.
“Soon enough,” he said. “I have foreseen this.”
He bagged lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards, and
It wasn’t long before Cooper saw for himself tigers with terrifying ease and rapidity; marching all
Campagnolo’s solution to his problem. day through baking equatorial heat or dense jungle
“A customized repeating rife,” the man explained without pause, regularly leaving his trackers behind.
one morning, pulling away an oilcloth to reveal the Only Artemis and Ullr could match his stamina. He
fearsome weapon. “Influenced by the lever-action took down game daily, and with impunity. Whether
Winchester 1873 model, but bored to a far higher bulls-eyeing a buffalo at a thousand yards or killing
caliber, as befits your new stature. It takes a custom a pouncing tiger at point-blank range, he brought
.950 Nitro Express cartridge, which I am confident them all down.
will provide satisfactory recoil and stopping power.” And it was all so easy, and strangely unfulfilling.
Cooper lifted the huge gun, more than twice the mass The legend of his recovery and ferocious hunting
of anything he’d handled before. Rather than being appetite was already spreading, and he had received
absurdly bulky, it felt comfortable and appropriate. telegrams of astonishment and congratulation from
“The telescopic sight is from August Fiedler of colleagues in the Explorer’s Society, but the praise
Austria but you can replace this with something of felt empty and unearned. He felt unchallenged.
your own choosing, of course,” Campagnolo con- Brooding, he returned to Malifaux and hunted Slate
tinued. “I also took the liberty of incorporating a Ridge maulers, wondering whether pitting him-
retracting blade under the fore stock, here. The rifle self against the beast that had almost done him in
is cast from such heavy gauge steel that it seemed would rekindle that spark of peril and adventure.
remiss not to provide an enhancement that would He tracked and killed four, each time allowing it to
benefit from your prodigious new strength.” catch his scent and charge.
“Of course,” Cooper muttered absently, setting Frustrated that his incredible new body had appar-
the giant cannon to his shoulder and sighting ently robbed him of the thrill of the hunt, he delib-
experimentally. erately withheld his shot on the final mauler attack
“One hundred rounds have been pressed already, in a moment of madness, instead sidestepping the
with more on order, so you should feel free to field massive creature’s lunge and ripping the blade of
test it immediately while I tend to other matters.” his new rifle along its spine, from neck to rump. The
beast flopped open like a well-read book, quite dead.
And field test it Cooper did.
His men gathered around, exultant at his bravery
The weapon was astonishingly powerful. Quite and method of dispatch, but Cooper himself was
apart from the deafening noise when discharged, disconsolate.
the enlarged caliber rounds smashed through brick
and steel with equal disregard, and left melon-sized Men were cunning, but weak. The beasts lacked guile.
holes in everything they hit. He needed more dangerous game.


Cry Havoc

“With you on safari, I found myself with time on my

hands and an abundance of parts. I thought he may
prove a useful companion for you. Inspired by some
of my previous creations, he does not speak, but nor
does he sleep or waver in his allegiance – qualities
His trackers and agents were closing in on their
that might benefit a man of your confrontational
new target, and Cooper had spent the last few days
nature.” The artisan flashed his momentary grin
quickly putting together supplies for an expedition
once again.
into the Wildlands. He was eager for this test, and
understood that success here would flush out an “Indeed he will,” Cooper noted. “Handsome work,
even greater prize – bringing him both triumph and my good man. I am once again in your debt.”
revenge in one stroke – and it was with great impa-
tience that he answered a last-minute request from “You have paid amply for my services,” Campagnolo
Campagnolo. said with a bow. “And I have grown in skill and stat-
ure accordingly. We have both benefitted.”
Services paid for or otherwise, he owed a certain
debt to the man that had given him back his life, and
so he traveled back to Ashford Manor, and to the
second library.

“My good fellow,” he started immediately upon

arrival. “I’m truly grateful for all that you’ve done,
but you must understand that this visit interrupts
vital preparations for what may prove to be my fin-
est hour. I haven’t the time.”

There was a metal figure stand-

ing in the middle of the room
– blank faced and motion-
less, yet strangely familiar.
Campagnolo stood beside
it, closing an access panel
with his nimble fingers.

“The final incarnations of your

new limbs are unsurpassed,” he said.
“Some of the finest work I have ever
done, as a matter of fact. Even the earlier
models were of intrinsic value though
eventually rendered comparatively obso-
lete. It seemed a shame to waste them.”

Cooper stepped closer to review this automaton. It

was of similar dimensions to his own, and indeed he
recognized its limbs to be his own, or at least earlier
versions of them.

“I call him Model 9, as you are now fitted with

the tenth incarnation of my designs. It seemed

Something that sounded like clockworks started up

deep in the chest of the mechanism and it came to
life, stepping forward with a grace that reminded
Cooper of the dancers at the Star Theater.

Cry Havoc

Fitzroyce and the Vatagi were waiting for him when He burrowed steadily further south like a persistent
he stepped outside. The Russians frowned at his tick, and soon enough was in Marcus’ territory,
sleek new metal shadow, but Fitzroyce’s expression spoiling Marcus’ lands, eating Marcus’ food, kill-
was triumphant. ing Marcus’ animals. The insult could not be borne.
There would have been a bloody altercation in
“Good news, my Lord. They found her.” which all of Cooper’s traveling circus would have
been butchered and the wrath of the newly arrived
Explorer’s Society invoked, had Myranda not sug-
gested a more subtle approach.

Another traveler had arrived in Malifaux – an agent

The stream was deliciously cool. from Earthside looking for a guide. He had a hand-
some weapon for Cooper, to be presented on the
Myranda drank her fill and now lounged on the soft occasion of his birthday. It would be a simple thing
moss of the bank, trailing bare toes in the water and to intercept this gift – by the time Cooper realized
letting it drain away the excess heat of the afternoon. the sabotage, the beast he was trying to slay would
already have eaten him.
The wyrdwoods of the forest were outnumbered by
the bronze crowns now, having spread their brassy And it had worked perfectly, except that now he was
canopies and dark, fruity-smelling sap in profusion back – and worse than ever.
following the return of the Autumn Queen. The
breeze still carried the scents of jasmine and hon- In an attempt to stop the man, they had apparently
eysuckle, and the musky odors of witch head mush- created a monster.
rooms and horse moss could still be found closer to
Myranda knew that there would now be a direct
confrontation between them; the alphas would
Dandelion seeds spiraled lazily through the shaft of duel for the claim of supremacy and sooner or later
golden light over her head, and the tinkling water Marcus would throw down his foe and the balance of
and sighing canopy conspired to steal the afternoon nature would be restored. Of that, she had no doubt.
from her with their siren song of indolence. Whatever foul agencies Lord Cooper had employed
to bring about his resurgence would prove a poor
Truth be told, this was a welcome relief. Marcus was match for the power and savagery of nature.
agitated at the resurgence of the hunter, Cooper.
Her mate had become almost unbearable in recent The breeze changed direction and her nose twitched.
weeks, pacing his den with a restlessness that was
Sweat. Soap. Expensive cologne. Gun oil.
as infectious as it was unwanted. It was said that the
Explorers Society alumnus had returned in recent She was already moving before the gun report –
months from what many presumed was the grave, shatteringly loud against the tranquil ambience of
regenerated and reinvigorated somehow, and was the woodland – and launched herself towards the
butchering animals with a greater fervor than ever water even as the bullet blasted the ground behind
before. her into a geyser of soil.
It had all come about shortly after Cooper’s arrival.
Under the thin pretense of an organization dedi-
cated to exploration, he had begun traveling the
wildernesses of Malifaux and bringing with him his
bloated entourage of fawning sycophants, baggage
handlers, personal chefs, and whatever else a Lord Cooper stomped down from the ridgeline to the
required to keep himself comfortably civilized. The water’s edge, cradling the massive .950 Nitro Express
intrusion itself could perhaps have been stomached rifle in both arms while he reviewed the scene.
for a while, except that Cooper insisted on shooting
Trackers were already racing down both banks of
every new discovery he made in the apparent name
the river in pursuit of his baying hounds, but they
of science, and piling their carcasses on wagons.
would find no trail. He had seen through the scope
how the woman twisted even as he squeezed the
trigger; stretching and shimmering into something


Cry Havoc

half snake, half fish that plunged into the river trail followed the deer despite an absence of foot
and scythed downstream faster than a horse could prints, and it was only then that Cooper’s experi-
gallop. enced eye picked out a sixth deer trail where before
there had been only five.
So the rumors were true. Marcus’ woman was a
shape-changer. This would make the game very This sixth “deer” followed her kin for a day, and
interesting. once again they lost her. And once again, the
bloodhounds proved their worth. A fox trail, barely
“Fitzroyce,” he roared over the shouting of the visible even to the trackers, peeled off from the deer,
trackers. “Call them back. I don’t want her too badly which turned north. His hounds followed it through
spooked just yet. We’ll camp here tonight and pick dense scrub and forest, across multiple streams.
up her trail in the morning.” They ranged up and down river until they found
where she emerged, swinging back to the south
“Very good, my Lord.”
before finally reverting to her more recognizable
As the men busied themselves bringing up the bag- human prints.
gage train and setting up Cooper’s tent, he settled on
Cooper caught up with her under the light of a near-
a camp chair and lit up a cigar.
full moon, sheltering among the broken stones at the
He was still confident that this tactic would suc- base of an escarpment. Before he had the chance to
ceed. Marcus was far too wily to ever walk into take his shot, that fool Poultice charged in with a net
an ambush unwittingly, no matter how carefully and found himself facing not a slender woman but a
crafted. Similarly, his territory was vast and it would towering razorspine rattler.
be an impossible task to box him in - let alone find
Myranda escaped, and they gave Poultice a quick
him - unless he wished it.
burial before pressing on at dawn.
Still, it stood to reason that if he couldn’t come to
One week became two, became three.
Marcus, the next best thing was to have Marcus
come to him. Which he would only do if Cooper had They lost her trail again a good way south, and for
something he wanted. Like his woman, Myranda, days they roved back and forth without luck. Even
for example. Artemis and Ullr seemed puzzled – the trail just
stopped with a deep imprint in the earth, as though
Cooper wasn’t overly concerned about whether
their quarry had taken a leap into the air.
Myranda survived the hunt or not – he expected
Marcus would be every bit as incensed to confront The air.
him over her murder as her capture. In fact, the
outrage might overpower his natural caution to the Cooper ordered the beaters and trackers out, rang-
extent where he would fall foul of an ambush after all. ing in all directions for miles and miles. It seemed
likely that Myranda had taken the form of a bird, but
The hunter chewed his cigar and pondered. Inter- it was also likely that her shapeshifting had a cost.
esting. Very interesting. Her periods as deer, foxes, boars, and the like had
been growing shorter, and her human prints more
prevalent. He doubted she could hold the form of a
bird for long – perhaps half a day at most.

They almost didn’t find her trail. Trackers had gone

The hunt continued. over the area twice without luck, and Cooper only
continued to move southwest because that had
They found her trail two days later, emerging from seemed to be her prevailing direction at the time.
the river some ten miles downstream and heading
south, deeper into the Wildlands. He was on the verge of calling the hunt off after four
days without sign, when Artemis abruptly began
The woman had guile, it had to be said. On the third snuffling and growling. Ullr quickly followed suit
day, her trail overlapped that of a family of deer and and both dogs began to move north with increas-
abruptly vanished. They would have lost her then ing certainty. By mid-afternoon, they were racing
but for Artemis and Ullr – his dogs insisted that the through the undergrowth in what appeared to be

Cry Havoc

the tracks of a gecko or some other tiny lizard – until This was no elephant or tiger, no dumb brute plac-
they found a bare human footprint beneath a bush idly awaiting the bullet that would transform it into
and the hunt was on once more. a wall trophy; this was a dangerous, resourceful foe
and perhaps the first true equal he had faced since
Cooper realized that he felt truly alive for the first his recovery.
time since his accident. Here was a genuine chal-
lenge – an amalgam of human cunning and bestial Cooper was filled with enthusiasm and good cheer,
savagery the likes of which he could never have to such extent that his entourage quickly forgot
hoped to master as an ordinary man. Now, thanks about the unfortunate idiocy of poor Poultice and
to the machinations of the artisan and his own stub- strained forward as one for the kill, as eager at the
born refusal to accept defeat, he had the endurance leash as his faithful hounds.
and the reflexes to meet this challenge head on.
Victory was close – they could smell it.

Myranda was nearing exhaustion.

The hunter had pursued her doggedly for almost

four weeks. She had tried everything she could
think of to lose him - even taken to the air as a bird
and put miles between them - but she could not hold
any form other than her own indefinitely, and when
forced to return to the earth, somehow he found her

The Wildlands were full of his beat-

ers and trackers, all moving in con-
centric circles around the central
hunting party as they flushed her
from cover again and again.

She had run south and west, until

the terrain became unfamiliar and
the woods turned hot and swampy. Down here the
wyrdwood was still king, and every bough hung low
from the weight of marsh vines and exotic climbing
plants whose flowers studded the gray trunks with
brilliant splashes of red and blue.

It had a beauty of its own; a more riotous, tumul-

tuous quality than the neighboring woods of the
Autumn Queen, but also more primal. She had
sensed things down here that were dangerous even
to her, dark beasts and Fae that cared nothing for
her skills and would harm her if they could.

But perhaps in that danger lay her salvation.

She understood now that she would not be able to

escape Lord Cooper by subterfuge alone. He was
too experienced a huntsman and his endurance was
inhuman. He would run her down until he had her
in a corner from which there was no escape.


Cry Havoc

There was still a chance, however, if he and his party vegetation up ahead. Myranda was close – he could
were waylaid by something more immediate; a dis- almost smell her – and that’s what made him uncom-
traction, giving her the breathing room she so des- fortable. She should have been running.
perately needed to find a way back north to Marcus.
The dogs were nervous; he could hear them baying
And she had an idea how that could be arranged. and growling back up at the camp. They too sensed
something was amiss, had perhaps caught a strange
scent in the air.

Cooper stopped, and the men at his back followed

Fitzroyce was grinning under his walrus mustache “Something’s wrong,” he whispered to Fitzroyce,
as he trotted up, his face smeared with dirt. his eyes sliding over the ground ahead of them,
searching for the source of his raised hackles. “We
“Our scouts report she’s gone to ground in a gully
shouldn’t have come down here.”
up ahead, my Lord,” he said. “It narrows to a dozen
feet or so near the southern end, and is choked with It was true enough. The walls of the gully were steep
vines and vegetation.” and crumbling, there was no way out other than the
shallow mouth to the north. They had unintention-
It was apparent from his pleasure that he thought
ally corralled themselves.
they had her trapped, but Cooper was less certain.
He had come to know Myranda’s mind intimately “We’re backing up. I don’t like this terrain.”
over the last four weeks of forest terrain, and the one
thing she definitely wasn’t was short-sighted enough Fitzroyce looked frustrated, but nodded without
to back herself into a dead end. comment and shouldered his rifle.

“Indeed,” he mused, scratching his chin with steel And just then, the gully was filled with a loud ululat-
fingertips. “Fan the men out on the ridges on both ing cry – it sounded strange and exotic like the call
sides. We’ll take the gully from the north. If she of some immense alien bird, and it echoed back and
tries to break out to the south she’ll have to run the forward repeatedly, making a terrific din.
gauntlet of snipers on the ridges.”
“What is that?” exclaimed Fitzroyce, wincing.
“Very good, sir.”
“Myranda,” Cooper said.
Cooper still harbored a doubt, and paused his sub-
ordinate with a look. “Oh, and Fitzroyce – keep the Cooper hunkered low as the pebbles around him
dogs well back from the gully. I don’t trust this devi- began to shiver from rapidly approaching tremors,
ous woman and I’ll suffer no harm to them.” audible even over the cacophony of alien howling.

“As you say, my Lord.” “A distress call?” Fitzroyce asked.

Cooper shook his head, angry at his own idiocy for

walking into an ambush. “A dinner bell.”

The mass of vegetation erupted at the southern end

of the gully and a titanic nightmarish shape emerged,
His doubt grew to an apprehension as they descended the source of the thunderous footfalls.
into the shadowy gully. Even with a dozen rifles up
on the ridge on both sides, and the presence of his Cooper had traveled to every continent on Earth
Vatagi, Fitzroyce, and others at his back, Cooper’s and had hunted animals on each one. He was no
instincts told him there was an ambush up ahead. stranger to the ferocity of nature in all its guises and
felt himself more or less inured to the terrible splen-
The ground down here was stony from the river dor of an apex predator in full attack.
that had long since dried up, and his attention flit-
ted between the traces of movement among the He’d never seen anything like this, however.
smooth pebbles and soil, and the green rat’s nest of

Cry Havoc

A lizard. A monstrous lizard 20 feet or more in

height, trailing vines that snagged and tore against
the profusion of spikes that ran the length of its
spine. It walked on its hind legs, which were mas-
sive, and as it strode forward, Cooper’s keen hunter’s
eye noted how the long-armored tail counterbal-
anced the head.

And what a head – the size of a small wagon, and

equipped with a set of jaws so large he would have
laughed with derision at the improbability, were they
not snapping furiously on the air before his very


Cry Havoc

The creature surged into the gully, suddenly seem- As though the two had reached the same accord, the
ing all the smaller for being filled with its bulk, monster surged forward, stalking on long hind legs
shaking that huge head from side to side as it tried to that ate up the distance between them in seconds.
locate the source of the howling. Cooper caught sight of its absurdly short forelegs,
which seemed to serve no practical purpose at all,
Cooper could hear the exclamations of astonish- but the fledgling naturalist in him had no more time
ment and fear from his own men, and in truth was for speculation as the beast was already upon him.
himself quite daunted at the prospect of tackling
this horror. Lions and tigers were all very well, but He put his first round into its skull in the crease
this thing was more than twice the body mass of the around what would have been a cheekbone on a
largest bull elephant he’d ever faced, and a hundred man, and was astonished to see the high-powered
times more ferocious. bullet cut a deep trench in the lizard’s thick flesh but
otherwise ricochet ineffectually off the bone. His
The ululating cut off as abruptly as it started, and next two shots were aimed at the chest, and punched
Cooper caught a glimpse of a brilliant bird-like in more satisfactorily but seemed not to trouble it.
creature just as it shrank to a tiny brown mouse,
which shot away between the splayed feet of the His snipers on the ridge had already opened up,
new arrival. The trap was sprung, and now she but they were armed with smaller rifles – beestings
made good on her escape. against the flanks of such a monster.

“Touché, madam,” Cooper muttered. Fitzroyce gave the beast one barrel of his .600 Nitro
rifle to the sternum and while it made a sizeable
The beast snapped its jaws shut and surveyed the impact, it otherwise did nothing to slow the charge.
gully, noticing for the first time the half-dozen small It did, however, distract the target of that charge
bite-sized figures crouching a distance away. Its tiny away from Cooper.
eyes rolled with fury. Clearly this creature was ter-
ritorial and Myranda’s piercing call had been a clear The monster steamed past him like a derailed loco-
threat to its sovereignty – it was here to defend its motive, going for the astonished Fitzroyce. And it
lair and kill any intruders. would have had him, had one of his fearless Vatagi
not launched a spear that struck the creature’s neck,
Namely Cooper and his hunting party. checking the assault.
The huge jaws yawned open but, instead of a roar, Evidently of limited tactical capacity, the beast
out boiled a nest of swarming tentacles that lashed turned to meet this new attack. Even as the Vatagi
and whipped at the air and sprayed warm froth was drawing another weapon – a heavy cleaver –
across the stony ground. Whatever this creature the monster’s lashing tentacles snapped around him
was, it did not conform to any of the laws of nature. and slurped him into the air with a disturbing “man-
eating-a-bowl-of-hot-noodles” action. The massive
Cooper found himself frozen with indecision.
jaws slammed shut, two furry boots tumbled to the
On the one hand, Myranda had played her ace card ground; one convulsive swallowing action later and
brilliantly and reeled them in like prize carp. She the man was gone.
had proven herself a more-than-worthy quarry,
“Fiend!” Fitzroyce exclaimed, blasting his other bar-
which only made him ache all the more to resume
rel into the monster.
the chase and run her to ground again.
The impacts were beginning to register – Cooper
On the other, here was a magnificent speci-
knew the powerful slugs were being driven through
men that neither he nor likely anyone at the
the protective lattice of flesh and muscle of its chest
Explorer’s Society had ever laid eyes on
wall, and a dark sluggish blood had begun to ooze
before. It was the sort of encounter that one
and spatter from the accumulating wounds, but the
has perhaps once in a lifetime and he knew
beast was far from down.
that he couldn’t let that opportunity pass.
It went for him again, but was distracted by a whirl
The main entrance hall at Ashford Manor
of glistening metal – Model 9 cartwheeled past in a
would need to be knocked down and extended
flash of blades that left parallel razor slashes along
to accommodate this brute’s skull, but it would
its muzzle.
be worth the extra expense.

Cry Havoc

The beast was far quicker than any lizard had a right “Wish you joy, sir!” one said. “A tremendous shot!”
to be. Its movements were more characteristic of a congratulated another.
bird than a reptile, and when globules of its blood
struck his face as the immense tail whipped around, “Get my man out of there,” he snapped by way of
he found it was hot. response. “He was a Vatagi huntsman, and he’ll have
a huntsman’s burial.”
His remaining Vatagi attacked its flank while the
infuriated monster continued to chase Model 9, but He left them to their work, marched back up the
the stabbing spears were cut short when that huge incline to the makeshift camp where his dogs anx-
tail swatted them into the gully wall. iously awaited his arrival. He gathered them up in
his arms, relishing their frantic licks as they simul-
Cooper went to one knee and reloaded, taking stock. taneously welcomed him back and cleaned his face
of gore.
The monster’s hide was pock-marked with bullet
holes now, though he knew that the vast majority “What a beast that chap was, hey?” he said, ruffling
had barely penetrated the first layer of that spiny their thick fur. “No doubt you two would have had
skin. Cooper himself had pumped half a dozen .950 him, though, hey? Straight for the throat, the pair of
cartridges into its chest and he could see the breath- you, hey?”
ing was becoming labored, the thick lather between
the lashing tentacles was turning pink. They yowled their agreement, whipping his legs
with their excited tails.
And, for all its tremendous size, this prize was a
biped. It had greater mobility, but with that came “Excuse me, sir,” Fitzroyce interrupted him.
Cooper straightened up to find Fitzroyce carrying
“Model 9!” he roared, raising the custom rifle to his what could only have been a gigantic egg, partially
shoulder again. “Turn it to face me!” wrapped in canvas.

Without apparent effort or concern, the dancing, “Sorry to disturb,” he said. “Only a couple of the
flashing machine abruptly reversed course and the boys found these on the other side of the gully. Some
beast followed suit, snapping with frustration at its sort of nest, by the looks of things.”
elusive prey.
Sure enough, a handful of men were coming up the
As it turned, Cooper fired. slope behind him, each one struggling with a heavy
The bullet, traveling at some 2,500 feet per second,
struck the creature’s bony ankle with a tremen- “Thought you might fancy an omelet,” Fitzroyce
dous crack that echoed around the gully. The beast chuckled, then his eyes widened. “I’ll tell you what,
roared in pain, stumbled, tried to take a step on the though – imagine one of these buggers hatched, eh?
wounded joint, and pitched forward full-length with What a sight that would be! You could keep it as a
a sound like a collapsing building. pet!”

Cooper raced forward, planting his clawed foot on He laughed riotously until he saw Cooper’s expres-
the downed beast’s muzzle and fired again at point sion, and his smile fell off.
blank range, hitting it square in the center of its
“Oh, I say,” he said.
skull. The bony plate shattered and the massive slug
tore through its tiny brain, turning it to pulp. One
last violent lash of the tail and the thing was dead.

The men were already scrambling down from the

gully walls and he could hear shouts going up behind
him for tanners and butchers – they knew as well The warmth of the camp fire eased the ache in
as Cooper the prestige such a mighty skull would Myranda’s bones, and the familiar scent of home
bring. They crowded around, sharpening their long eased her spirit.
flensing knives and setting down pails to collect the
meat and gore.


Cry Havoc

She crouched in the darkness, watching the flames

dance, content to acknowledge their beauty with-
out understanding the meaning of the shapes. After
the pursuit she had endured, such contemplation
was a luxury.

The past weeks had taken their toll. She was drawn
and weakened, lashed by branches in her constant
flight. Her feet were cut, her nails cracked.
Had the ambush with the Fae not
worked, she could not have resisted
the pursuit much longer. As it was,
she did not even know how effective
it had been. There was a chance that
Cooper was already dead, although
in her heart she doubted it.

A figure came out of the darkness behind

her. She recognized his movements and his scent
long before he stepped into her field of view.

Marcus looked down at his mate. He touched a

scratch on her temple with infinite tenderness,
rubbed her blood between thumb and forefinger.

His face was a gathering storm.

Mike Wallace

I n all chaos, there is order. It was the mantra of the scientist, the simple
belief that there is no true chaos, merely patterns that have not been
defined, or new variables that alter existing ones into unfamiliar forms. All
one needed was time, and the necessary calculations, to break them down
into something that could again be codified.
Maxine Agassiz’s study had become an apt analogy Maxine started, roused from her churning thoughts.
of this. Her normally pristine office had been slowly “Hm? What?” She turned. Her husband, Orville -
transformed from a place of organized peace to a who up until now had been more interested in trying
cluttered nightmare. Papers - covered in notes and to forge an aeroplane design out of his handkerchief
addendums of notes - formed mountains on the desk – looked at her.
and tables, surrounded by empty ink pots and long-
forgotten cups of tea. “You said something very grand. Philosophical. ‘Pit
your mind against the frenzied vagaries of disorder
Maxine sat in her favorite chair, one hand absently and make them fall in line.’ Or something like that.”
spinning a sepia-toned globe of the Earth marked Orville threw his cloth aeroplane and became
with red pins. London. San Francisco. Points of the crestfallen when it landed on the floor in a soft heap.
world where the Cult of the Burning Man - or some Despite herself, Maxine smiled.
other force - had opened their portals to that distant
world of Malifaux, permitting the horrors of that “The portals, Orville. It’s still the portals.”
place to spill forward.
She went to a corkboard next to her messy desk,
Within arm’s reach was an old chalkboard, marked thumping a thin fist against the pages she’d torn out
with weaving calculations of mathematical formulas. of various journals and publications. Many of the
It was pure disconnected nonsense to anyone who insights given to her were underlined or circled.
tried to read it, and yet Maxine’s months-long A map of Earth hung close by, stuck with bright
studies had pointed to no other possibilities. She orange pins linked together with yarn. Maxine had
simply couldn’t turn the nonsense into a pattern. been looking at the same repeating numbers and
articles for weeks. Rubbing her eyes in frustration,
She ran a hand through tousled, gray hair and she turned to a collection of dog-eared, heavily
straightened her jacket. Wild eyes, heavy with dark annotated copies of her most promising research
circles, picked over every disheveled detail. guides, published by the finest minds of the age:
Luminous Bridges, by Atoz; Stabilization of Inter-
“What was that, dear?” Dimensional Tunnels, by Heinsman; Mechanized
Magic: A Journey From Superstition to Science, by
Ramos. She had a heck of a time getting her hands


Uncharted Waters

on that one after all of his books were banned. But “Yes. Atoz’s book, Luminous Bridges, states that
it was another that caught her eye, just briefly. Earth is suffused with ley lines, natural currents of
Hidden away under another stack of papers, but unbound aetheric energies - magic - that crisscross
always within reach: a heavily abridged, excessively the planet. Even in a weakened state, these currents
censored copy of The Flammae by none other than can be measured and accounted for. These energies
Ephraim Wade himself. are like rivers, or electricity, always moving along
the path of least resistance.”
Acquiring the thin book had taken weeks of time,
money, and manpower, hiring more than 200 “To where?”
individuals and paying them handsomely to risk
their sanity transcribing each individual page.
Peeling away the pseudo-religious gibberish and
superstitious hearsay, dampening the memetic
effects the book had on the mind until all that was
left were some curiously informative notes on the
nature of dimensional portals, the greatest weapon
the Cult had against the rest of the world.

“Not diving too deeply into that crazy man’s book,

are you dearest?” Orville asked, peering over
Maxine’s shoulder as best he could from his wife’s
desk chair.

“Hush,” Maxine said. She grabbed a handful of pa-

pers. “Here. You’re looking positively bored.” He
gleefully began folding the papers together while
Maxine turned to the chalkboard and the mathe-
matical formulas that took up every inch of avail-
able space. “It makes no sense.”

Orville was well into crafting the third plane for his
paper fleet. “Why don’t you talk it out, dearest? Like
we did in our ol’ academic days!”

Maxine exhaled, trying to wipe her mind clean and

start from the beginning.

“From these books I’ve learned that portals - even

small ones - require a tremendous amount of power.
More than can normally be sustained by a single
person, or a group or people, even with a steady
cache of charged Soulstones.”

Orville gave it some thought. “That makes sense.

Where is this power coming from?”

She pointed at him. “I’m getting to that. My point

is that these energies normally disperse. Ley lines
form and scatter, but they don’t gather. Until now.
Aetheric energies are gathering in these ley lines.

“Bloating? Like a tick?” Orville offered hopefully.

Maxine hesitated, chewing on the imagery, but

Uncharted Waters

“Nowhere!” Maxine said, almost wailing, throwing “Just come here.” Maxine dragged her husband into
her hands into her hair. “Dissipation. Entropy! It the study, kicking piles of paper and books out of the
doesn’t make any sense. Mathematically, we should way. She parked him in front of the slate and pointed
be able to chart when the lines swell with power, but to her latest equation. “This, here. Does that make
they just don’t seem to behave in any sort of fashion. sense? Does the formula equal out?”
The Burning Man is just… madness.”
Orville stroked his walrus-like whiskers and fur-
Orville frowned through his mustache. Maxine’s rowed his brow. A few moments later, a wide smile
shoulders slumped. She looked so tired. But if there broke across his face. Maxine exchanged glances
was one thing Orville had learned, it was that he with her husband, eyes brimming with tears of relief.
couldn’t stop Maxine from tackling the hardest
problems in the scientific world. He hugged her, He smiled at her, a twinkle in his eye. “Shall I tell
kissing her forehead. Kiya to ready the Superior?”

“Well, ticks or not, you don’t get any energy from She practically jumped into his arms, and he spun
ley lines. We’ve missed you at dinner. I hear Martin her around, the two of them laughing.
is making his famous roast turkey. Mashed potatoes.
Butter. Maybe even rolls.” Orville smacked his lips
overdramatically. Maxine gave him a quiet smile but
didn’t look up. Orville squeezed her again before
scooting out the office door. “I’ll have him save you
a plate.” Barely a week later, the crew of the EVS were
assembled in the helm. Maxine stood in front of
The chalk-filled slate loomed over Maxine. It was them, still tired but looking much healthier than she
chaos, but wherever there was chaos there had to had in a long while. She cleared her throat.
be order. The cover of the Flammae drew her eye.
Puckered leather made up the cover, stamped with “Thank you all for your patience and trust. I know
runes to ensure the book’s latent magic couldn’t affect things have been rather secretive these past few
anyone nearby. One corner was cracked, the leather weeks, but now is the time to reveal why I’ve dragged
split into little spiderwebs from a central point… us all out here.”

A tick. Maxine’s eyes raced, brain barely keeping The first to speak was the newcomer, Doctor Ogden
up with her rapid calculations. She raised her hand Beebe. A hands-on engineer type in frayed pinstripe
and pinched the back. The skin went pale from the trousers and a vest, he looked as frazzled as Maxine
pressure, then returned to its normal color when felt, though far better rested, and he’d solved the
she let go. It was a gathering, an abundance, a flood, problem of messy hair by keeping his head shaved
based on where pressure had been applied… smooth. “And why would that be?”

Scrambling for her chalk, Maxine whispered to her- Maxine stared at him a moment, trying to figure out
self, tracing back over her calculations. She cleaned if the small smile Beebe wore was mocking or just an
off a new space with her sleeve and immediately understanding of academic stress. “Portals, Doctor.
filled it in with another long string of looping vari- We’re discussing portals. Specifically, the portals
ables and numbers. She stepped back, feverishly that have plagued the Earth in recent years.”
looking over her work.
“Just recently?” Harata Ngaatoro stood up straighter,
“Orville. Orville!” arms folded over his bare chest. The young Maori
man blended the traditional culture of his people
Orville’s voice grew louder as he meandered back with the practicalities of modern conveniences:
down the hall. facial tattoos and a necklace accompanied a belt and
“Changed your mind about that turkey, my love?
I would offer to carry you down the stairs, but the “More consistently,” Maxine corrected herself.
knees aren’t as spry as they used to be. What say She drew a map from her desk, upending several
you hop on my back? Might be easier to get better scattered papers to free it from under the pile. She
leverage. Fulcrums. Maybe I could make some sort spread the map out in front of them, revealing a
of launching device...” handful of spots marked with blue ink.


Uncharted Waters

“Here, here, and here. Points that correspond to the “Of course not,” Maxine said, brushing the notion
most recent openings.” She paused, frowning, then aside, “but that’s hardly relevant. This is the culmi-
took up a pen, dabbed it in a few ink pots to find a nation of my research. I believe I have discovered a
fresh supply, and marked a fourth and final location formula. This formula, combined with the detection
somewhere off the coast of Greenland. “This point and sampling equipment onboard the Superior, is
marks the newest build-up.” what has led us to this spot.” She jabbed a finger at
the mark over the Atlantic. “If my theory is correct,
Kiya Manimi, a powerfully built Abyssinian woman a portal will open on this very location. And if that
with a perpetual scowl, curled her eyebrow at the is the case…”
display. “Ma’am, have you been getting enough sleep?”
“It would mean you can detect Cult portals before
they open,” Kiya said. Her eyes went wide. “A mil-
itary force could mobilize to contain their attacks
before they even began.”

“Not just the Cult’s,” Beebe

agreed, “but the wild breaches to
Malifaux, the ones that have allowed
so much of their ecosystem to run rampant
on Earth. The Gibbering Hordes, in particular.”

The gathered audience looked over the map. “How

did you detect these build-ups?” Kiya asked. “Even
my people do not have the means.”

Maxine’s eyes wandered to an empty corner of the

room, and she tucked away a few errant locks of
hair behind her ear. “Well, that is - my careful - very
careful - studies into The Flammae have revealed
an emphasis on certain geological constants that-”

“Wait,” Beebe asked, holding up a hand. “The


Maxine nodded, and continued nodding as she

shoved a pile of papers aside, muttering something
under her breath, and brought up a leather-bound
book branded with the image of the Burning Man

Everyone, except perhaps Orville, who merely

chuckled, took a step back from the tome.

“Kāpene,” Harata spoke, one hand up in a gesture

of warding. “You are aware of that book’s effect on

Uncharted Waters

“I wouldn’t go poking at this thing if I hadn’t carefully “Any questions?”

abridged and censored it,” Maxine said. She flipped
it open, revealing tear marks from missing pages The crew leaders exchanged practiced glances.
and entire passages covered in pitch-black ink. “It Then Harata replied. “What do you need us to do?”
cost a fortune in research aids, but it’s perfectly safe.
Maxine smiled. “Tomorrow we’ll begin collecting
Mostly. The levels of cognitive hazard are minimal
data. Kiya, I want the ship’s systems focused on
with brief exposure.”
sample collection. Harata, that means you, too. You
There was silence throughout the small room. know the water better than most. I’ll need your
Maxine could feel the seconds ticking by, and sud- perspective on the portal’s effects.” She looked
denly she felt very small. Orville’s hand on her to Beebe. “I’d like Calypso ready for a dive in the
shoulder was a comfort, and she tried to take a deep morning. Time to get her sea legs.”
“With gusto,” Beebe agreed.
Harata finally spoke. “I trust you. If the waters told
“And Orville-” Maxine paused, noting Orville had
you to be here, then I am here, too.” A grunt of agree-
begun putting a trio of paper aeroplanes through
ment from Kiya, and Beebe eventually shrugged his
a series of loop-de-loops. “Get your wings charged
and ready. I want airborne surveillance, at least out
“I’ve heard stranger hypotheses before. These are to a half mile from our coordinates.”
strange times, but if anyone could figure out that
Orville hopped up, letting the planes scatter about
blue matchstick’s patterns, it would be you.”
the room, one of them lodging itself in his windswept
Maxine closed The Flammae and tucked it into a white hair. “Ah, you know exactly how to liven the
desk drawer, relieved. “Thank you all. From this mood!”
moment on, we’re in this together, thick or thin.”
She lovingly rolled her eyes. “Just don’t be up late
“That still doesn’t explain our escorts,” Kiya said, tinkering. I won’t have you falling asleep in mid-
glaring out the windows at the two heavy Guild flight again. We all need to stay sharp for when
steamships a few hundred yards away from the this thing opens. If it opens,” Maxine added, softly
Exploration Vessel Superior. enough so none of the departing crew could hear.

“Ah, yes,” Maxine sighed. “This expedition has been

outsourced for funds, I’m afraid. It was that or sell
the family copper mine, which I will not do.”

“You could have easily brought this formula to

The weather was not agreeable the next day. The
Abyssinia,” Kiya said. She folded her arms. “They
Atlantic always seemed to be miserable. So cold,
would have funded it as eagerly as the Guild.”
dark, and gray; a far cry from the soothing blues
“Or the King’s Empire,” Beebe added with a shrug. and warm winds of the Pacific. But the Atlantic had
“Not to pick favorites, Ms. Manimi.” a prize, and that made it worth the extra layer of
“I’m aware of all your concerns on this,” Maxine
admitted. “Trust me when I say the decision was not Even at the crack of dawn, the deck of the Superior
completely mine. I believe my investigations drew was bustling. Work crews moved to Kiya’s
their attention, and when it became known that I commanding chatter through the aethercoms.
was seeking to test my theory, they approached Beebe’s team was already preparing Calypso for the
me first, and I didn’t have time to turn this into a crane at the aft section of the ship. The spherical
competition over something like money. The portal construct coincidentally reminded Maxine of a
could be open at any moment, and the Guild has the squid, with a series of mechanical legs holding it up,
naval forces to face whatever comes through the and a collection of crab-like limbs extending from
portal. When it opens. Hopefully.” its sides that included gripping pincers, cutting and
welding tools, and an assortment of manipulators
She exhaled, feeling far more tired than she had a and sample-collectors that served Calypso’s primary
moment before. Presentations always exhausted her. purpose as a scientific exploration submersible.


Uncharted Waters

To her surprise, Beebe was not crammed into the the Breach. Aether detection and ranging systems,
tiny cockpit of the Calypso, instead unpacking a siz- hydroacoustics, electrical and temperature detec-
able control console that his team was disassem- tors, and more. Each console required its own mas-
bling and carrying in pieces into the submersible. It ter’s degree to understand. Maxine, of course, had
looked advanced but confusing, the work of a man them all.
who had not built Calypso’s controls with an ‘every-
man’ interface in mind. Kiya entered, ducking under the bulkhead frame.
“Morning.” Maxine returned the greeting.
“Not taking a dive yourself?” Maxine asked as she
approached. “Ship’s in good shape, Kiya?”

Beebe gave her a bashful smile. “I considered, but “Yes, ma’am. All systems are a go, excluding Beebe’s
decided I haven’t had a chance to field-test her under contraption.”
these conditions yet. Besides, I didn’t spend half my
“Just wait till you see her in action,” Beebe insisted,
research grant on two frequency-tuned Soulstones
working under his control console with a screw-
just to leave them sitting in a crate.”
driver. “She’s impressed everyone so far, and I think
He hefted a portion of the console and began heading even your sourpuss will appreciate such a fine bit of
for the ship, and Maxine fell into step beside him. engineering!”

“What’s the range on your console?” Kiya snorted, a hint of a smirk on her face. “We’ll
have to divert power from the generators to carry
“One thousand meters,” Beebe said, nearly bragging. the additional drain. It shouldn’t be a problem as
“Give or take. About the same length as her tether, long as we’re not running the engines.”
and a few hundred below her maximum safe depth.
I designed the transmitter and receiver to use the “Moving the ship while Calypso is submersed is
ocean water as a natural conductor, so we should a bad idea anyways,” Beebe said, emerging from
get a clear signal.” under the console. “It’s basically an anchor while
it’s tethered, and I don’t intend to drop it into the
“I’m curious that you choose a remote console over Atlantic.”
a logic engine,” Maxine remarked.
Maxine nodded in agreement. “What about the
“Oh, she has one,” Beebe said. “Not much more Guild escorts?”
advanced than a dog, though. In the event of a trans-
mission failure, or if the pilot is disabled, she’s pro- Kiya’s lip twitched. “The Hammer is maintaining its
grammed to return to the surface and begin emitting escort distance. The Hoplite is engaging in combat
a reclaim code.” drills. The feel of those guns hanging over my
“Ah,” Maxine said. “I guess it wouldn’t help to have
her doing her own thing while a pilot is trying to “I know, I know. We all feel the same way,” Maxine
steer her.” said, “but this is my vessel. You have my approval
to do anything necessary to ensure the safety of this
Beebe’s smile became a little wary. “Experience has ship and its crew. Even from the Guild.”
taught me that when you’re underwater, the last
thing you want is for the machine to decide it doesn’t The broad Abyssinian woman barely let a smirk
want you on board.” touch her face. “Of course, ma’am.”

“Understandable,” Maxine said. “As long as the “Good. Now, where’s Harata?”
readings stay clear.”
“Fishing,” Kiya said, “at the prow.”
“No worries on that,” Beebe agreed.
“Then I’ll check on him next. Call me before you
They arrived in the scanning room, and Maxine launch Calypso, Doctor. I’d appreciate being there
stepped aside for Beebe to continue the installa- for her first sea voyage.”
tion of his console in a corner of the room. Around
“It would be my honor.”
him, teams of machinists made use of some of the
most advanced equipment seen on either side of

Uncharted Waters

Maxine smiled and left the scanning room, strolling “Make way!” Came a cry from above. Maxine turned
down corridors of her ship, appreciating the feel of and ducked as Orville’s bare foot swept past her
it being alive. The Superior was not a new vessel head. He kicked and twisted, catching a headwind
by any means, having been built around the turn and soaring upward on a pair of broad mechanical
of the century. It had been paid for - and partially wings strapped to a rocket-propelled thruster pod
built from - the rich copper mine she owned, and on his back. It coughed a puff of black smoke and
that made it as much a part of her legacy as the mine blue-green flames, fighting the wind. “Pardon me,
itself. Maxine had spared no expense ensuring that dear!”
the Superior benefited from the most advanced
materials and technologies she could buy or build “Where is your shoe, you idiot?” Maxine shouted.
herself. It was an older ship, but the halls were filled
“A few hundred feet below us, I’m afraid!” Orville
with discovery.
said. “It was causing a bit too much drag anyway!”
As Maxine emerged near the prow, she took note of
She sighed, rubbing her temple before shouting:
the harpoon guns that lined the deck. The armaments
“Did you at least get breakfast before you took off
were one such recent addition, a necessity when so
this morning?”
much of the world’s oceans now held Malifaux’s
aquatic horrors. Fending off sea monsters had “You know I never fly on an empty stomach!”
become a very real part of sailing Earth’s seas. He answered, letting out a whoop as he did an
impromptu flip. “This wind is a fighter! But I won’t
Kiya had contributed her own expertise to the task,
go down like some two-bit boxer. Have at!”
improving the guns to Abyssinian standards and
building crude interpretations of Abyssinian shock- “Well, report your findings!” Maxine called out,
spears that would deliver a lethal jolt to whatever fighting against the smile tugging at the corners of
they hit. Expensive, but Maxine would rather have her mouth.
them and not need them, than vice versa.
“Plenty to see!” Orville said, swooping low and
Harata was standing alone near the prow, staring landing on the deck. “Oh! This deck is cold!” The
into the waters below. The chill, wet wind of the wings retracted with a stiff, robotic motion, though
Atlantic seemed to have no effect on him. His eyes the thruster pod continued to hiss and smoke.
were shut, flinching only slightly against the spray of
the ocean, and he held a tethered net in both hands. “Focus, Orville. We’re here for a reason.”

“The sea is restless,” he spoke, just loud enough to be “Yes, yes, of course, dear. Well, I see no hide nor
heard over the wind. A look of concern flashed over hair of any large fish,” Orville said, readjusting the
Maxine’s features; Harata was inscrutable. straps on his flight pack. “Anything bigger than a
mackerel is giving the area a wide berth. And there’s
“Restless in a bad way?” Maxine asked nervously. discoloration in the water, extending to almost a
Harata laughed; it was a reassuring sound. thousand meters in every direction.”
“Not at all, kāpene. The Atlantic is temperamental, “The water around us is warmer than that beyond,”
but talkative. Jealous maybe, of her warmer sisters. Harata added, transferring fish from his net to a
But proud.” large bucket filled with water.
Maxine quirked an eyebrow. “And our objective?” “Interesting,” Maxine mused. “The aetheric buildup
could be part of it. Unless…” She frowned and tapped
“There is a power here,” he nodded. He cast the net
her chin. “Unless the portal is already open, in some
into the waters, letting it trail from its rope along the
minute form. Exchanging water from Malifaux to
starboard side of the ship. “An energy that does not
feel natural or native to these waters. I believe we
are in the right spot.” “Not yet. The sea would make it known,” Harata
said. “The variations between the oceans of Earth
He hauled the rope up, his muscles straining as he
and Malifaux are distinct. Like when a tide and a
brought up a net half-full of struggling fish. “It draws
stream meet in an estuary, in a manner of speaking.”
many hungry mouths.”


Uncharted Waters

“We can bring samples aboard when Beebe’s bath- “Harata mentioned the seas of Malifaux would be
o-sphere launches,” Orville piped in, slowly enunci- different from ours, possibly chemically. Give me a
ating the unfamiliar word. He was standing on one read on that when you can.”
foot, pressing his bare toes to his trousers in an effort
to warm them. “Well, we can look into water quality,” Beebe said.
He steered the Calypso about, circling the Superior.
“All the more reason for us to see it off. Let’s go, After a few minutes of exposure to the water, a sensor
Orville. We’ll find you some shoes.” ticker began printing information out in a long, thin
ribbon of paper. Beebe tore a fragment away and
“Yes, dear,” Orville said with a chuckle. began studying it. “Hm, looks pretty typical. Looks
like oil’s in the water, probably from our friendly
Guild escorts. Oh, this is interesting. Something else
is showing up, too.”

“What is it?”
The Calypso hit the water with a splash, bobbing for
“Er, well. It’s tough. Too complicated for Calypso,”
a few moments before beginning to sink, the cable
Beebe said. “Sinewy. Dense. Hard to say if it’s native
that fastened it to the Superior slowly uncoiling.
or not. Hm.”
In the scanning room, everyone had gathered around
“What do you think it means?”
Beebe’s control console, watching the engineer
deftly work the complex controls. “Readings are a go “My guess? Remnants from lunch,” Beebe said.
across the board, seals are airtight. So far so good.” “Could be old muscle tissue, but doesn’t look like
anything I’ve seen before.”
“Can we see what she sees?” Maxine asked, hovering a
little over Beebe’s shoulder. She couldn’t help herself. Maxine pursed her lips. “That could from be
She’d witnessed submersibles and bathyspheres anything. Sharks. Gibbering Hordes.”
before, but she had hired Beebe because his designs
were the most promising, the most ambitious. She “Yes,” Beebe frowned, reading more of the printout.
was eager to see what the engineer could do. “Maybe they know something we don’t.”

“In just a moment,” Beebe said. “She makes Watcher Maxine turned to Kiya, who had been watching
tech look like the common bird.” He flipped switches impassively. “Make sure everyone is alert. Keep
and hit buttons, and a flat, murky green lens about them armed and ready for trouble.”
the size of a dinner plate rose out of the console,
flickering with static until it revealed dark waters “Yes ma’am,” Kiya said. She turned to leave the
and a glint of the Superior’s underbelly, silhouetted room.
from the dull sunlight above.
“And Kiya?” Maxine called out to her. “Remind our
“Magnificent,” Maxine breathed. “The picture is so escorts, as well.”
Kiya flinched but managed a smile. “I had nearly
“Not just a picture,” Beebe explained. “Everything forgotten.”
Calypso feels is fed to this console’s readings.
“Anything else Calypso can tell us?” Maxine asked,
Pressure, temperature, even chemical information
turning back to the viewing screen.
- though that last one takes a few minutes to be
properly broken down into data.” “For the moment, no,” Beebe admitted. “But if she
picks up anything unusual, I’ll make a note of it.”
“What can she tell us for now?” Maxine asked.
Maxine pursed her lips. It wasn’t proof of a portal,
“She’s drifted down to twenty yards below sea level,
but it was the next best thing. She clapped her hands
temperature is currently holding at a chilly seven
together. “Keep Calypso swimming as long as you
degrees Celsius. Current is northeasterly. Pressure
can. Inform me the moment you have something. I
is… oh, about thirty-six pounds per square inch.”
feel we’ll have answers before the day is over.”

Uncharted Waters

only one who seemed rested at all, though the heavy

circles under his eyes proved otherwise. His hands
worked over Calypso’s controls, taking reading after
It had been four days. Maxine sat on the bridge of
the Superior, a cup of thin coffee cooling next to “How many launches is that, Doctor?” Maxine asked.
her. The sun hadn’t come up yet, but she was already
“This would be her seventh.” He glanced up from
fending off a headache and dreading the approach-
the viewing lens. “I thought a night dive might help
ing dawn. Her anxiety grew as she glimpsed the first
me work out the last of her sea trials. I’ll definitely
flickers of light through the bridge’s viewport.
have to upgrade her lenses for low-light conditions.
An aethercom console beeped loudly, and she The torchlights don’t help much if they have nothing
flinched away from it. A static-filled voice filtered to illuminate.”
through. “Communications deck to Doctor Agassiz.
She rubbed her temples. “Has there been any change
It’s the Hammer. They’re requesting another update.”
in your readings? Anything at all?”
Maxine stalled for time by sipping her lukewarm
He offered an apologetic smile. “Nothing. Readings
coffee. “Every four hours now. Tell him we’re
are unusual for the waters, but the only change has
beginning the day’s operations. We’ll send word as
been the dissipation of the organic compounds we
soon as they’re under way.”
first read.” He rubbed his eyes before letting his
“Yes, Doctor.” hands fall into his lap. “It’s possible we missed the
event you described. Perhaps a portal did open, but
Maxine swore, earning a chuckle from Kiya as the we arrived days late-”
Abyssinian woman entered the bridge. She handed
Maxine a list, which the doctor read over. “I don’t believe that,” Maxine insisted. “We’d have
detected something prior to our arrival.”
“We still have a few weeks’ worth of standard rations
and fresh water. Nothing to worry about yet.” Beebe nodded. “We’ll keep looking, but-”

Maxine chewed her lip. The numbers were fine, Something on Calypso’s console beeped, a small
but even with Harata catching fish, she didn’t savor light blinking red. Frowning, Beebe turned to the
the prospect of living on tinned food. “What about console and began working the controls.
engines and power?”
“What’s wrong?” Maxine asked. She couldn’t really
“We’re at half a tank, fuel-wise. Batteries are still keep the hope out of her voice, even if a red flashing
charged, but every time Beebe takes Calypso out for light rarely meant anything good.
a swim, they need to be recharged. Maybe two or
three more weeks before we need to return to port.” “Unsure,” Beebe said. “Calypso’s retrieval beacon
There was a moment of silence, as Kiya hesitated. just activated. She’s trying to return to the surface.”
“Waiting isn’t always a bad thing, ma’am. Like you
The viewing lens from Calypso showed nothing but
said, the Burning Man is unpredictable…”
darkness, so it was impossible for Maxine to see if
“I know. I don’t regret being out here. I just wish we what was wrong, or if anything was. The aethercom
had something worth being prepared for.” Maxine box near the door rang, making everyone jump.
sipped her watery coffee and donned her coat. “You Maxine snatched the handset off it.
have the bridge for now, Kiya. I’ll see how Beebe is
“What is it?” she asked.
“Kāpene, it’s here,” Harata’s voice carried through a
“Yes, ma’am.”
burst of static and wind.
Maxine didn’t have far to walk. The scanning room
“What did he say?” Beebe asked, fighting with
was just down the corridor from the bridge. A
Calypso’s controls. “Something’s pulling Calypso
tired-looking team was working over the consoles,
down and preventing her from returning to the
blinking and bleary-eyed even as they remained
committed to their work. Beebe seemed to be the


Uncharted Waters

“What’s here?” Maxine asked, acknowledging “I… theoretically. The gripping claw is fitted to lift
Beebe’s concern. Calypso’s weight.”

Harata hesitated. “The water is in pain.” “We’ll test the theory,” Maxine urged. “Just do it fast.”

“What? Harata, what are you saying?” Maxine put the headset down and headed back
towards the bridge, taking the stairs two at a time.
“I think we need to leave…” Harata’s voice trailed off. She found Kiya gripping the captain’s chair and
barking orders, with Orville peering through the
“Harata? Harata!” Maxine frowned, then let out
a gasp as the entire ship shuddered and groaned.
Alarm lights began to flash in the corridor. She “Get the engine room on the com,” the
jabbed buttons on the aethercom. “Kiya, what’s Abyssinian woman snapped, and the
happening?” two machinists leapt to obey.
“Unknown, ma’am!” Kiya answered. “Turbulence
off the port bow!”

“I’m coming up!” Maxine said. “Beebe, where’s Calypso?”

“One moment,” Beebe said. He wiped sweat away

from his brow, eyes darting from one reading to the
next. “This isn’t possible.”

“What now?”

“Temperature and pressure spikes in the water,”

Beebe said. “Wait a moment, wait a moment...”

He flicked on Calypso’s torchlights, shining on the

tether cable holding Calypso to the Superior. Beebe
maneuvered Calypso, turning her viewing lens
downward, and Maxine saw a bright orange gash in
the water, like splintered glass floating in the dark.

“Incredible,” Maxine breathed, the rippling portal

reflected in her eyes. That feeling of hope rose even
as her mind tried to focus on the potential prob-
lems on her ship. “How deep is that, Beebe?”

“Calypso is seventy meters down,” Beebe

said. “But it’s getting- no. It’s pulling
Calypso towards it!” The depth meter
on the console began to rapidly descend.
Beebe’s hands worked furiously, fight-
ing the current. “I’m bringing her up.
Emergency main ballast blow.”

“Kiya, get the engines up! Get us away

from the event!” Maxine said into the
headset. “How will we get Calypso aboard?”

Beebe winced. “Not sure. The tether is still

holding, but it may take several minutes to get her
back. She’s fighting against the current.”

“We don’t have that time. Can it grab hold of the

Superior? Without damaging the ship?”

Uncharted Waters

“Look!” Orville cried, pointing to the starboard A geyser of water burst from the portal, exploding
side of the Superior. All eyes went to the Atlantic into the air. Maxine’s mind raced faster, compiling
waters, where an erratic pattern of shifting color fluid mechanics and physics to figure out what
was beginning to glow deep under water. “Maxine, would happen next. She gasped as she saw another
could that be your portal?” He hooted a laugh. “You threat; the shifting waters had propelled the Hoplite
did it, my dear! Right again!” directly into the Superior’s path.

“Yes,” Maxine said, feeling the blood draining from “Kiya!” Maxine shouted, even as she prepared for the
her face. “Too right.” inevitable impact. The Abyssinian woman snarled,
struggling to keep the Superior on its course.
“It’s opening right under us!” Kiya swore. “Engines!
Get us away from the portal!” A great echo of metal reverberated through the
ship as the two vessels impacted, a glancing blow
“We’re trying, captain!” came the static-filled response. that nevertheless threw everyone off their feet. The
Maxine went even paler as the colors beneath the Hoplite, much larger and heavier than the Superior,
ocean began to shift with more rapidity. continued on while the Superior was forced aside,
the clanging metal turning into a pitched shriek of
“Hail the Hammer and Hoplite and inform them of
steel-on-steel that dragged across the hull of the
the portal’s opening!”
The Superior shuddered as the turbine engines
“Damage report!” Kiya immediately shouted into
began to rumble to life, but already she could feel
the coms.
the tug of the shifting waters as the portal began to
fully form. She snatched up the aethercom speaker. “We’re taking on water!” The aethercom officer said.
“Engine room reports a breach in the aft-engine
“All hands, battle stations! All hands-!”
The bridge crew tumbled back as the Superior
“Get everyone out of there!” Kiya said, “then seal it!”
lurched to starboard. The entire ship leaned dan-
Maxine clung to Orville as Kiya wrestled with the
gerously over the water. Metal groaned as a force
Superior’s controls, fighting a losing battle against
greater than any ocean current started to pull on the
the forces of nature. For a moment, the groan of
hull. Maxine struggled to regain her balance, push-
metal continued to echo throughout the bridge. The
ing her wild hair from her eyes.
stench of burning diesel filled the air, and the thrum
“It’s opening!” Orville said, pressed against the of electricity was filling the air with static. Then,
forward windows. “Look at that.” the Superior just stopped. A look of concern passed
across Maxine’s face.
Maxine managed to drag herself towards her
husband and gazed in shock at what she beheld. “Have the aft-batteries gone down?” she asked.
A maelstrom had formed just off the side of the
“Yes ma’am, but we’re still on forward and auxiliary,”
Superior, draining into the glowing portal a few
Kiya responded. The Abyssinian woman was as
dozen feet below the surface, which seemed to grow
confused as Maxine was. That wasn’t a good sign.
as it took in the Atlantic’s waters.
“Then why are we slowing?” Maxine asked as a
“Unreal!” Orville proclaimed, beaming.
chill ran deeply down her spine. “I need eyes on the
The maelstrom slowed, and then for a few tense portal. Now. What’s happening?”
seconds, ceased. The Atlantic calmed again. The
The maelstrom had caught all three vessels, the
Superior’s engines managed to drive it away from
whirlpool now hundreds of yards wide. She
the portal, even as the Guild destroyers Hammer
watched as the Hoplite, its smoking cannon turrets
and Hoplite began to approach, their cannon turrets
hanging over the side of the vessel, was destroyed
turning towards the portal’s entrance.
by the impossible force of the maelstrom. The metal
“Is it closing?” Orville asked. hull snapped and tore apart, dragging the stern
down and severing it from the aft section, triggering
Maxine frowned, calculating a dozen potential a chain reaction of explosions. What little was left of
scenarios in her head. “Worse. It’s reversing! Brace the Hoplite was quickly pulled into the hole in the
yourselves!” sea.


Uncharted Waters

They were being pulled in. Maxine struggled to breathe, her eyes still flashing
with images of what she’d beheld. She shook her
The Hammer vanished into the yawning portal, head, trying not to gasp at the pain that tore through
swallowed like a snack. Maxine found Orville’s her arm. Orville roused nearby, slowly pushing
hand as they grabbed onto the bridge’s railing, himself out from a pile of navigational equipment
steeling themselves for one final encounter with and maps.
the unknown as the Superior fell into the darkness
between realities. “Report!” Kiya shouted, already back on her feet.
“All stations, report!”
For many agonizing seconds, Maxine wasn’t sure if
her eyes were closed or if the interior of the portal It took a few moments, but the Superior’s crew fed
was completely lightless. But then she didn’t feel the information over the static: engines down, batteries
deck plates under her or feel her husband’s hand in out, coms spotty.
hers. She turned her head but saw nothing, heard
nothing. For a panicked moment, she wondered “Where are we?” Maxine asked. She hissed when
if this was what waited on the other side of death: Orville tried to help her stand. Something was
emptiness and nothingness. definitely broken, but she shooed away her husband’s
concern. Her eyes sparkled, almost dancing with
But pinpricks of light began to blossom in the the colors that the portal had shown. “Did you see?
corners of her vision, like fireworks viewed from Inside the portal, did you see it?” she asked Orville
miles away. Darkness turned to a kaleidoscope of eagerly.
patterns, each distinct in their own way, and each
of those exploded into further patterns. No, not “See what?” he asked. “I saw only the portal and
patterns… things. Bodies, disgusting parodies of then we were here.”
biology, twisting and fusing into impossible shapes:
Maxine frowned, noting the response. Then,
tongues, eyes, pustules, rippling gills. Claws melted
Orville’s statement sparked a question. “Where is
into tendrils which spawned infinite howling faces
here? Where are we?”
that in turn were reabsorbed into the swirling
tessellations of the portal’s interior. It was silent, and Orville helped her to her feet, and the pair went to
as loud as creation itself. the forward viewport, now sporting a web of cracks.
The seas were dark but calm.
It was chaos, and yet Maxine beheld a pattern to them
all. Creation. Probability. Whole universes that were “Maxine, look,” Orville said, pointing skyward. She
mere scraps of cloth on the mosaic that was eternity. traced his finger to a moon hanging low over the
Vibrant jungles, blasted wastelands, frozen oceans, horizon… and then a second, appearing to follow in
alien deserts, impossible geometries, creatures both its wake. “Malifaux has two moons, doesn’t it?”
familiar and utterly without description, realities
her senses could only perceive as a kind of mental She continued looking at the stars. “That it does.
pain. Multi-limbed orbs forging cities of crystal, But we’re perhaps further into the unknown reaches
slug-like beasts lurching in the muck. And above all than any human before us. We could be thousands
those worlds, a sun. of kilometers from Guild territory.”

No. Not a sun. “The Burning Man.” He smiled. “Another first for the Agassizes.”

The Superior burst forth from blue-green waters “Orville, I-”

like a surfacing whale, its bow hanging in the sky
for a few tense milliseconds before it splashed back He put a hand on her good arm. “No time to lose
down. Water spilled off the decks, washing away confidence now, dearest. Let’s get everyone home
debris and bodies. Glass shattered in the viewport, first. Then we can surrender ourselves to dread.”
metal screeched, and anything that wasn’t tied or
While the two exchanged bittersweet looks, Kiya
bolted down scattered across the floor.
turned to Beebe. “We need to restore the ship’s
Maxine found herself on her knees, every nerve systems. Have you seen the engine specs?”
on fire. Orville was sprawled out beside her, still
“Of course, but-”
clutching her hand, though she could not remember
his touch moments before. The bridge was dark, the
crew groaning and coughing.

Uncharted Waters

“Go then,” Kiya ordered. “You know what you’re shuddered again, the deck plates trembling beneath
doing. Try and get them up and running.” She saw them. The vibrations made Maxine’s bones grate
Beebe’s apprehensive look and sighed. “I’ll order the against each other, and starbursts of pain clouded
crew to get Calypso when we’re sure the ship is not her vision for a moment.
in danger.”
“Was that from their engines? Or were those ours?”
Beebe looked satisfied but grim. “Thank you. I’ll Maxine asked, breathing sharply.
see what I can do.” He quickly left the bridge.
“Neither, ma’am,” Kiya said. “Look!”
“I want a full report on the engines,” Kiya continued,
A dark shadow had welled up from below the two
“runners between decks if the coms start dying. If
ships, turning the steady seas into a dome of roiling
you’re injured, organize duties as appropriate.”
water. The two watched as a shape burst out of the
“You got it,” a machinist said, squeezing his way water and crawled onto the side of the Hammer’s
through the bridge door. He eyed Maxine as he midsection. It looked like some horrid combination
passed; the scientist was clearly in pain, but had of a crab and an eel, extending a long fleshy neck and
gritted her teeth against making a scene. gaping maw from under a hardened shell. Dozens
of eyes peered from beneath, and thin pincers on
“Let’s go see if we can determine our location,” long limbs extended out to pluck up men from the
Maxine said. “Orville, fetch your pack. Find Harata Hammer’s deck.
and send him up if he’s not injured.”
Chaos erupted on the Guild destroyer. Gunfire could
“Of course!” Orville said, unable to keep the be heard in distant pops, joined by flares of magic in a
excitement out of his tone. He gave Maxine a peck spectrum of colors that burned, chilled, or electrified
on the cheek before scooting off. the beast’s shell. It fed with a ravenous hunger, seem-
ingly oblivious to resistance. One of the Hammer’s
“Kiya,” Maxine continued, “can we see if the Hammer deck guns fired, missing the beast entirely. The shock-
made it through the portal?” wave it produced made the creature release the ship
and dip back into the water, but Maxine could still see
The Abyssinian woman grabbed a pair of binoculars
it gripping the destroyer’s underbelly.
before helping Maxine carefully outside. Maxine
scanned the waters for a moment before her search “Great ancestors,” Harata whispered.
was rewarded.
The crew of the Superior, drawn to the distant
“There’s the Hammer,” she said. “It looks like they sounds of battle, found themselves transfixed by the
made it!” sight. When the creature’s claws began to tear at
the Guild ship’s hull, fear turned to panic. Shouting
Kiya looked through the binoculars. “I see sailors on
and screaming erupted on the Superior. Even Kiya
the deck. They’re trying to signal us by semaphore.”
looked stunned beyond words.
She studied the flag-waving man on the Hammer’s
deck, frowning. “Looks like their engines are down Maxine looked about, her hands shaking. They had
as well, ma’am.” to do something. They had to help the people of the
“Could have been some kind of surge from the
portal,” Maxine mused. Harata approached; the No. What could they do against such a beast? The
Maori man was bleeding from a few cuts, but Superior’s meager defenses were nothing compared
otherwise seemed unharmed. to the Guild destroyer’s, and it wasn’t saving them.
“The sheer amount of power… we’re lucky we But there was more at stake than just survival.
weren’t all consumed by it,” he said. He glanced at Catastrophe or not, her theory had been proven
Maxine, almost staring through her. “You felt it too, right. Her formula worked. The only thing that
kāpene?” mattered now was getting it back to Earth. To save
countless lives. The split in the hull of the Hammer
Maxine gently bobbed her head. Orville didn’t have
was already opening like a peeling orange. The beast
an ounce of magic in him, but the Maori mage had to
had pressed its body to the open gap, its feeding arms
have seen what was inside the portal. A discussion
spreading into the exposed decks. Water flooded the
for another time, if they survived. The Superior
ship. It was doomed.


Uncharted Waters

“Kiya,” Maxine said, trying to keep her voice steady. “Cut all non-essential power,” Maxine said as she
“We need to leave. Now.” The order made her burst into the ruined room. “I want engines and
nauseous, like her guts had turned to bile. coms, nothing else! Turn out every light you can and
keep quiet! That beast is being drawn to us!”
Kiya blinked, unsure of how to answer, but then
she found her steel. Her face calmed into grim Kiya swore at the realization. She pressed buttons
determination. “Yes, ma’am.” She turned to the and flipped switches, cursing quietly after each one.
terror-struck machinists loitering on the deck. The Superior began to fall quiet, save for the rumble
“Listen up, all of you! Get back to your posts and get of its engines.
this ship going! You’ll have worse things to fear than
some big lobster if you don’t move! Let’s go!” “Harata, find Doctor Beebe and bring him!” Maxine
continued. “We’ll need you both here.”
A hive of activity swarmed to life around Maxine,
but the scientist continued to stare at the dying Harata deftly avoided the bridge’s mess and ran
Guild ship. down the stairs. Kiya began steering the Superior
away from the Hammer and its gargantuan attacker.
“Harata. What can you tell me?” Maxine watched from the windows, squinting
against the darkness. Dread replaced the guilty
The mage looked pale, turning his gaze back towards bile in her stomach; the monstrosity was definitely
the Hammer. “Besides the obvious? Nothing. This moving closer to the Superior.
is a far greater beast than I ever knew existed. It is
hungry. Alien. Its mind is simple but untouchable.” “Faster, Kiya!” Maxine urged.

“Can we use that to our advantage? What about “We’ll be lucky to manage this much, ma’am,” Kiya
your magic-” said grimly.

“Even here, my magic is small compared to that of Maxine hit controls on the aethercom console. “All
my ancestors. They barely defeated Horomatangi, hands, prepare for combat. I repeat, prepare for
and this creature is unlike anything on Earth. Even combat!” A small commotion near the door drew
with the firepower of that Guild ship...” Harata both women’s attention. Harata and Beebe emerged
shook his head. “We cannot defeat it. You made the from below decks, breathless and smudged nearly
right call, kāpene.” head to foot in engine grease.

The deck lights on the Superior flickered to life, “Your man said we were being attacked?”
faded, and then came back. The alarm lights came
back on, and a klaxon began to wail over the boat. “The Hammer went down,” Maxine said. “That beast
Maxine frowned, turning her gaze back towards the is after us now. What are our options?”
beast and the Hammer. The creature had paused
“A broadside?” Kiya suggested. “Turn us about and
in its attack and looked towards the Superior. The
hit it with every shock harpoon we’ve got?”
Hammer was already folding in half as it sank, the
few survivors aboard either clinging to the far ends “The Guild unleashed everything they had on it,”
of the ship or drowning into the icy waters below. Harata said. “It didn’t flinch.”
“The lights and sound,” Maxine realized. “It’s calling “Outrunning it is our only option then,” Maxine
the creature!” confirmed. “Doctor, what would our top speed be if
you could repair the engines?”
Harata’s eyes widened, and he broke into a run
back towards the bridge. The Superior shook as its “There’s a breach in the engine room. It would take
engines roared to life. a day to drain and reinitialize,” Beebe said. “Right
now, thirteen, fourteen knots at best.”
“Turn out the lights!” Harata shouted up at Kiya.
“The creature can hear and see us!” “I could fly out there,” Orville offered. “Drop some
charges and distract the old beastie.”
Kiya frowned, unable to hear him over the blare of
the klaxons. Harata hesitated, then turned to help
Maxine. The pair sped to the bridge.

Uncharted Waters

“Those wouldn’t hurt it,” Kiya and Beebe said in Harata shifted, and Beebe ran down to the main deck
unison. The two engineers looked at each other to receive Calypso. Kiya followed. Harata breathed
in surprise, but it quickly gave way to depressing deeply, doing his best to control the wave of water
silence. Then, Maxine looked up. to deposit the bathysphere as gently as possible onto
the deck. The sound of metal on metal boomed and
“Distract,” she said. “Orville, that’s it! Fly out a few vibrated through the hull. Maxine cradled her arm,
hundred meters away from us and the Hammer and doing her best to keep the grinding bones steady.
drop a charge there. It might break off to investigate,
giving us time to get away!” “Doctor, can you adjust the Calypso’s retrieval
beacon? Intensify it? The sound would be deafening
“I’ll buy us some time,” Orville promised, activating to a creature that detects prey by vibration.”
his flight pack and smiling like a young man freed
from the school day. Beebe frowned, the happiness of having his bathy-
sphere back quickly dashed by Maxine’s implica-
“Kiss for luck?” he asked. tion. “I think I could. Not really the glamorous end I
planned for her, but-”
She kissed her fingertips and tapped the lens of his
goggles. “Be careful.” “If this works, Doctor, I’ll build you a fleet of
Calypsos,” Maxine said. The idea of not dying and
“I’ll give him what for!” Orville proclaimed, and
gaining a bathysphere navy put Beebe in the right
his pack rocketed him up into the air. When he was
mindset. He opened Calypso’s hatch and clambered
almost a hundred feet up the wings extended, and
inside. He worked his hands over the controls, but
he soared over the dark waters towards the pursuing
stopped. “Something’s wrong. She’s not responding.”
“Could the same overcharge that affected the ship
“All right, let’s hope he can buy us some time.” Maxine
be affecting her?” Kiya asked.
turned to Beebe. “Doctor, if we get the winch running,
can you get Calypso up to the deck?” “Very likely,” Beebe said. “She came through the
portal with us. Damn. We needed a jumpstart to get
Beebe looked even more crestfallen than before.
the Superior’s batteries back on. I’ll need something
“The portal opened too quickly to get her back on
with a suitable kick, but not strong enough to make
board. Her signal is gone.”
her batteries burst.”
“No. She’s still with us.” They all turned to Harata;
Kiya drew her shock spear. “I got it.” She flicked
his eyes were closed, and a very faint bit of
the single control on the shaft, and a blue arc of
magic flowed across his hands. He concentrated,
electricity joined the pronged tip of the spear.
whispering. His hands turned upwards, as if trying
to lift a great weight. Sweat beaded on his forehead, Beebe smiled. “That would do it.”
but Harata continued to raise his arms. The sound
of displaced water drew everyone’s attention again. Kiya smirked and accepted Beebe’s proffered hand.
Something much smaller seemed to be making The pair quickly set to rewiring the Calypso’s
its way towards the Superior. Maxine watched in alarms. “Ma’am, if you want more than just noise, I
amazement as the spherical body of Calypso rose can try and take shock coils from our harpoons
from the ocean. and work them in.”

An explosion broke out over the water like a “We can turn Calypso into a floating mine!” Beebe
thunderclap. All eyes turned to see the spray of piped from within the bathysphere. Maxine whole-
water into the air as Orville dropped the first of heartedly agreed.
his charges. The devices were designed to aid in
hydroacoustic detection, a deafening firecracker “Harata, get as many shock harpoons as you can.
of a thing underwater, and as Maxine had hoped, That might be enough to encourage it to leave us
the pursuing beast thrashed in the water, slowing alone.”
considerably. They’d bought themselves a few
Harata nodded, still sweating from his spell. The rest
minutes, at best. Orville circled, preparing to drop
of the team moved quickly, spreading out onto the
deck where they could see the black shadow of the
beast steadily gaining on the Superior. Even with


Uncharted Waters

the sinking Hammer now falling into the distance, his hands on his hips. “How are things down here,
they could not keep ahead of the monster for long. Beebe? Oh, hello Kiya,” he said, peering into the
Another charge detonated, far closer than before. bathysphere. The sight of his jetpack sent another
The sea monster lunged out of the water with one neuron flaring in Maxine’s head.
of its big claws but missed Orville by a country
mile. Maxine could practically hear her husband “Orville, do you have that spare Soulstone for your
whooping as he flew out of its reach. They still had pack?” She watched her husband furrow his brow
time, but it was running short. and dig into his pockets. Several tiny paper airplanes
fell out before he pulled out a softly glowing stone
“Harata, where are those harpoons?” Maxine called. with an “a-ha!” He presented it to Maxine, who
offered it to Beebe.
“Here!” he yelled back, bringing two big armloads.
Kiya reached down from Calypso and accepted the “Would this work?”
weapons. In seconds, the broken hafts fell from the
bathysphere as the Abyssinian engineer removed Beebe considered. “I think it just might.” He
their shock coils. frowned when Kiya grabbed the Soulstone first
and disappeared back into Calypso. His displeasure
“Do we have any way to give these an extra jolt?” was short-lived; after a few sparks and the stench
Beebe asked. “Calypso’s batteries are drained as it is. of ozone, the entirety of the bathysphere began to
We’ll need an external power source, otherwise this crackle with electricity, arcing from coil to coil.
will just be a little spark instead of a lightning bolt.”
“We’re ready!” Kiya said, carefully exiting Calypso.
Kiya’s voice echoed from inside Calypso. “The
doctor is right, ma’am. Abyssinian coils are strong, Beebe sighed sadly. “We’re all counting on you.”
but they need more.”
“She’s good construction, Doctor,” Kiya offered in
Another explosion rocked the open waters, and way of consolation.
Orville came swooping in for a landing. The beast
“Harata, now!” Maxine said. The Maori man
shrugged off the blast, not slowing in the slightest.
dropped into a squat, every muscle in his body
“He’s got wise to my game!” Orville said, his wings tensing up. Malifaux’s oceans rose to meet him, a
retracting as he landed. “I could throw another column of water hovering mid-air before engulfing
dozen at him and he wouldn’t flinch!” He placed Calypso. Harata moved slowly, pulling the crackling
bathysphere down into the waters below. He swung
his fists and jabbed at the open air, each gesture
matched by a wave that struck the back of the
Calypso, propelling her forward. The water began
to thrum and vibrate as the coils electrocuted their
surroundings while the beacon sent out pulses of
discordant noise.

As Calypso distanced itself from the Superior, ev-

eryone watched the sea monster’s murky silhouette
beneath the water, worried of their plan going awry.
Seconds ticked past, the only sound on deck being
Harata’s movements.

But Maxine felt the shift in the deck as the

monster began to veer away. Perhaps it
was curious, or maybe it hated the noise
of Calypso more than the Superior,
but it turned and followed the small
exploration pod.

Uncharted Waters

“Kiya,” Maxine whispered, “get to the bridge. Make Kiya set her jaw. “We’re down to quarter rations.
sure they keep us on course. Beebe, get to the engine The local fish - if there are any - aren’t biting, despite
room. Do whatever you can to improve our power. Harata’s efforts. We’ve got another week of fresh
I don’t want to stop until we’re sure that thing is far water.”
behind us.”
“Anything on the coms? Even a whisper?”
Beebe frowned, wanting to stay behind and watch
Calypso’s final fate, but Kiya patted his shoulder, and Kiya shook her head.
he nodded, following her.
“And the engines?” Maxine asked.
“I can’t tell if it’s working,” Orville said, leaning so
“Two days’ worth of fuel, at best. The batteries might
far off the deck Maxine felt the urge to grab hold of
last a little longer.”
his belt and pull him back.
Maxine rubbed her eyes in frustration. “This is
Harata continued until the beast suddenly lurched
pointless,” she muttered. “Two weeks without sight
out of the water. Its enormous eel-like maw hung
of anything. I feel like this whole world is ocean.”
open, and it made to strike at the bathysphere. Each
time it did, the net of electricity around Calypso “Assuming this place is Malifaux, as you theorized, it
cracked out with power audible even from hundreds made sense to turn west. That the continent holding
of feet away. The beast thrashed and writhed, Malifaux City might be analogous with North
crashing back below the waves before resurfacing America back on Earth.”
again and again, refusing to allow Calypso’s survival.
“Assuming this is even Malifaux. We could be
Maxine placed her good hand on Harata’s shoulder. anywhere…”
He stopped, taking deep breaths as he pulled himself
back to the present. He shook from exertion but They entered the scanning room. It was empty, save
tried to keep his voice even. for Beebe, who was sitting near Calypso’s console,
and Orville, who had turned one of the few crude
“My magic is stronger here. But I am out of practice.” maps of Malifaux they had on board into a paper
“You did well,” Maxine said before addressing the
Superior’s remaining crew. “Now. Absolutely no “Anything on these scanners?” Maxine asked.
one cheers. I want us to get as far away from that
thing as possible without drawing its attention.” “For the fifth day, no,” Beebe snapped, but he cleared
his throat and sat up straight. “That is, no, sorry. I
The deck hands nodded, but their wide-eyed smiles couldn’t even tell you if there was an ocean floor
spoke of their relief. under us.”

“Orville? Anything?”

“The twin moons and odd stars suggest Malifaux,”

Orville said, “but with nothing to properly navigate
them by, we might as well be flipping coins and
It had been nearly two weeks since the Superior
making up astrological signs.”
passed through the burning portal. The ship floated
on the water, little more than a metal shell that A silence descended on the cabin. The thought they
was quickly becoming a husk. On the bridge, Kiya could have been traveling in the wrong direction
flipped through a ledger. for the whole journey wasn’t a pleasant one by
any means, but everyone looked up at the sound of
“I have the inventory count as requested ma’am,
footsteps. Harata stepped halfway into the cabin.
“Kāpene, I think you need to be here for this.”
Kiya glanced up at Maxine, who sat in the captain’s
“For what?” Maxine asked.
chair on the bridge, looking like she hadn’t seen a
bath in a week. None of them had. Her arm was in “He’s coming,” Harata said, sounding grim and
a sling made from something that looked like it was walking back towards the fore of the ship.
once some sort of signal flag. “I know it’s not good
Kiya. No need to pretend otherwise.”


Uncharted Waters

“Who’s coming?” Kiya asked. Confused, the crew “Hm. Koia kei a.” He gave the young Maori a low
followed him outside. Harata was at the stern of the nod, then turned to face Maxine again. “Your name
ship, gaze turned upward. precedes you, Doctor Agassiz, and my employers
would hate to see all the knowledge on this ship lost.
“What is it, Harata?” Maxine asked. “Something in We’re here to take you to back to Malifaux City.”
the water?” The man’s tone didn’t invite argument, but Ngaatoro
waited while Maxine absorbed the news.
“That beast hasn’t been seen in days,” Beebe said.
“Don’t tell me it’s found us.” Her eyes darted to each of them, hesitating for
the briefest moment. “That’s very generous, Mr.
“No,” Harata said. “It’s in the sky. Look.”
Ngaatoro. Is there enough room for our entire
Maxine had to strain her eyes, but through the crew?”
cloudless blue she spotted a tiny speck of black.
Ngaatoro nodded. “We have enough room for all on
“What is it?”
board, but I’m afraid your vessel will have to remain
Harata frowned. “He’s found us.” behind.”

“Who?” Orville asked. The thought of leaving the Superior, even under
these circumstances, sent a trickle of sadness
“Slow the ship,” Maxine said. “Kiya, slow us down. through Maxine, equal to losing a crewmember.
Full stop!” She dwelt on it for just a moment before wistfully
nodding to Kiya.
It didn’t take long before the black speck had grown
close enough that Maxine could make out the “You heard the man!” Kiya said. “Take only what
shape of a zeppelin. The Superior’s machinists had you can carry! We may not be back for some time, so
gathered on the deck as well, craning their necks to be sure you can’t part with what you bring! Move!”
see, some of them laughing, their relief palpable. The Superior’s crew and Ngaatoro’s men began
rapidly gathering everything they could carry.
As the zeppelin came to hover overhead, it dropped
several ropes, which the Superior crew hastily tied Maxine approached Harata, cradling her arm. She
to the ship. Then a rope ladder uncoiled down to the spoke quietly. “Is he your father?”
deck, and they secured it as well. One figure climbed
down, moving with confidence and dressed in fine The younger man turned away from the scene,
clothes. He was Maori, like Harata, but much older, busying himself with wrapping up his harpoon and
broad-shouldered, with a serious expression. nets.

“You’re a difficult woman to find, Doctor Maxine “He’s blood, nothing more. He’s more interested to
Agassiz. Word back on Earth is that you went down learn about the formula that brought us all this way.
with all hands. I’m glad to see the rumors were false.” Very interested. He represents a specific group of
The man extended a large hand. “Ngaatoro.” people not unlike your crew. They’re good for their
word, but watch what they say.”
Maxine glanced at Harata, who didn’t move, then
at Orville, who was gazing up at the zeppelin with “You sound like you don’t trust him, Harata. He did
glee. Maxine’s mouth worked for a moment before come out all this way to save us.”
she found her voice, shaking Ngaatoro’s hand. “I-
Harata looked out at the ocean, as if hoping to see
yes. If you don’t mind me asking, er, Mr. Ngaatoro,
the monster once more, then turned and stared up
how did you find us? We’ve heard nothing over the
at the airship. “Did he?”

Ngaatoro glanced at Harata. “Blood calls to blood.”

He paused. “Kei te ora koe.”

“Ko au,” Harata responded coldly.

Matthew Majarucon

“I ’ll have as much blood as you by the time we reach her!” Mikhail
shouted after swatting at a mosquito nearly the size of his hand.
“For once, something else wants you around and yet softly with every step, and the lanterns hung from
you fight it off?” came Jedza’s retort.  her ribs clattered while they lit the way into the
marshy Bayou. The tied-up bundle slung across her
The night was muggier than usual, and the Bayou back had stopped cursing at them long ago. After
had brought out its insects by the swarm. Every step hours of travel, the unwilling occupant simply gave
through the accursed marshland was like walking up, too exhausted to keep protesting.
through a tar pit; Mikhail could no longer tell what
was sweat and what was bog water. There was already Mikhail nudged the large bag and was rewarded
thick muck to fight through, alongside ankle-grab- with a low groan. Satisfied with the response, but not
bing roots and slithering amphibious predators just the situation, he stopped to swat at another insect.
waiting for an unaware foot to step into their sink- After a few unsuccessful attempts, Mikhail man-
hole. The overpowering smell of rotting vegetation aged to land a swift slap, crushing it with a bloody
was a perfect, final insult to the horrible evening. splat between both hands. He grimaced. Sometimes
he envied his companions, deathless as they were.
Ahead, he heard the squelch of mud followed by No skin or blood for the annoying bastards to feed
expletives in a few languages grumbled into the on. Mikhail wiped the smashed bug on his coat and
humid air. sighed. Jedza and Sophie had already walked sever-
al yards ahead by the time Mikhail had finished his
“What is it, starushka?” Mikhail asked. Despite the
musing. He hurried through the sludge as best he
weather, he couldn’t keep the slightest bit of a smile
could to catch up. “Are you sure there isn’t an… eas-
from his face. “Did the mud steal one of your feet?”
ier way?” Mikhail asked, peering out from under his
In response, a gloved hand dismissively waved back sweat-soaked hair.
at him. “Watch your tongue, or I will make sure the
“Nyet. There is only one way.” Jedza continued walking.
old hag takes it,” Jedza scolded. Her voice was like
a stone worn down over the centuries. Even from a “Maybe next time she can come to us.”
few yards away, Jedza cast a curious silhouette. She
was covered from head-to-shoe in layer after layer “Maybe you should ask her,” Jedza responded, decep-
of clothes and scarves, with a traveler’s pack taller tively passive.
than her resting comfortably on her back.
Mikhail shifted the sword across his back and
Sophie, the only being always able to keep up with squeezed parts of his coat to drain it of bog water.
Jedza, happily lumbered beside her. The skeletal He looked forward to removing the grime from his
auroch carried saddlebags and blankets piled high boots in the morning. They were old and well-worn,
on her back. She didn’t seem burdened in the slight- but he maintained them as though they were an
est. Little bells strung on her horns and ribs rang heirloom.


Nothing Is Forever

His coat was similarly aged, a gift from Jedza during

their first winter together. Mikhail argued that he
didn’t need anything of such quality, but she assured
him that it would keep him warm and he could toss
it aside in the spring if he disliked it that much. More
than thirty springs later, the coat was as much a part
of who he was as the sword on his back. There were
a few rips and bloodstains that even a washboard
couldn’t get out, but he valued the memories it held
more than he hated how much it stuck to him in this

“Come. The evening is already here, and it is not wise

to be in this place when the sun sets,” Jedza said, not
unkindly. Mikhail silently agreed. Unnatural things
always seemed to gravitate towards Jedza, and some
were hungrier than others.

They had gone maybe half a mile more, when Jedza

spoke again.

“You must tell me when you get tired,” she said. “I do

not mean to forget.” The words were quiet, almost
soft. Mikhail shook his head, chuckling.

“I am fine. So long as you do not let the witch cast a

hex on me.”

“Maybe I should let her turn you into a frog. It

would finally get me some peace and quiet.”

By the time they approached the hut, Mikhail was

covered in mud up to his knees, exhausted. Even
after so many visits to the witch’s home, he wasn’t
sure that he could find it without Jedza as a guide.
It looked the same as it always did, perched atop lit-
tle stilts that seemed to buckle and bow under its
weight. A soft light emerged from the windows
and gaps in the walls. Pufftoads and glowbugs
occupied the space around the hut, making an eerie
cacophony of raspy croaks and pulsing lights. Jedza
nudged Mikhail’s arm.

“Look. Your new family,” she chided, pointing at

the toads. Mikhail decided to change the subject.

“Should we?” he asked, gesturing to the bag thrown

across the auroch. Jedza shook her head.

“He will not go anywhere. Stay here, Sophie,” Jedza

said, stroking the auroch’s skull. “We will be back

Nothing Is Forever

“We?” Mikhail asked. His eyes darted to Sophie, as a stitched, lopsided grin. It struggled for a moment
though he was expecting the auroch to speak up and before pushing the door open enough for the two
defend him. Sophie was more interested in a tiny of them to enter, waving them in with a flourish. As
snaptooth creeper that was biting ineffectively at they walked past the strange puppet it began strug-
the skeletal teeth trying to eat it. gling again. Mikhail gave the door a tiny nudge to
help the voodoo doll along.
Jedza looked up at him, bracelets clinking as she
adjusted her pack. “Da. Or would you like to stay
with the alligators and prizraki?”

Something heavy splashed around nearby, sending

up a plume of brackish water. A gurgling shriek fol-
lowed. Mikhail imagined Jedza lifting an eye- Zoraida had drawn an intricate symbol in chalk on
brow as she cocked her veiled head at him. the floor of the hut. Knickknacks and curios were
scattered everywhere: a bottle of moonshine sat
Jedza’s hand stopped mid knock when nearby, along with a variety of cloudy jars filled with
the hut’s door creaked open on uneven things only the swamp witch could identify. Dried
hinges. There, low on the floor and peek- plants hung from beams supporting the hut, along
ing out from behind the door, was a with a multitude of strange bottles, urns, and books
small voodoo doll with large button eyes and stacked on stained tables. Shelves filled with pup-
pets and voodoo dolls that stared blankly, as though
they were watching for intruders. A cauldron domi-
nated the room; it lazily bubbled over a small fire.

Zoraida mumbled to herself, briefly rubbing the

bags under her eyes. The dead toad in her grip
had started to twitch and kick. She turned,
pufftoad squirming in between her knobby
knuckles. In the doorway was a bundle of rags
shaped roughly like a woman. A larger man
stood behind her, avoiding the witch’s gaze.
Though Zoraida knew Jedza’s eyes were long
gone, the witch could almost see a sparkle
behind the veil.

“Did you miss me?” Jedza asked, slowly mak-

ing her way into the hut.

“Miss you? I miss my clean floor. You gonna

clean this up?” Zoraida snapped, giving
Mikhail a dark look, which the man did not
meet. She swore as the toad slipped from her
grip and started hopping around, leaving its
insides behind.

“Now, that is no way to greet an old friend,”

Jedza interjected, crossing her arms.

“We can agree on that. You are old. You make

him look like he was just born yesterday,”
Zoraida snorted, jerking a thumb at Mikhail.

Jedza adjusted the pince-nez on her veil. “Have

you seen yourself lately? I am sure you have
a mirror somewhere in all
this mess.”


Nothing Is Forever

Zoraida chuckled, then picked up the toad’s still “Gretchen. She finally called her favor in… I do not
breathing lungs and tossed them into the cauldron. like the job, or the fact she is sending people along
She turned and waited for Jedza to shrug off her with me, some lawman and his malyshka. You know
pack before the two embraced. After a moment, how manipulative that ved’ma is. She is all great
both sat down at the nearby table. There were only machines and old gods. She does not understand
two chairs, so Mikhail simply leaned against the stirring up the past can cause trouble.”
doorframe. The swamp witch eyed him, but turned
her attention to Jedza. Zoraida sipped her tea and squinted at her old
friend. “What’s she got on the lawman? I thought
“So, what brings you here this time? Finally gonna he’d be one to avoid her claws.”
let me jar and pickle him?” Zoraida asked, watch-
ing the bubbles slowly burst on the surface of her Jedza shrugged. “She did not share and I did not ask.
cauldron. I was too irritated. I have Mikhail. It has been centu-
ries since I have needed to rely on any other. It does
“Can I not be here to just enjoy your company?” not sit well.”

“You only come here when you need something, and Zoraida finished her drink. She grabbed Mikhail’s
you always bring trouble with you,” Zoraida said empty cup and stared at the leaves in the bottom.
sarcastically. “Tea?” She poked at them with a gnarled finger and made a
small noise of surprise before setting it back down.
Mikhail appeared to stiffen when he realized the Mikhail narrowed his eyes in concern, but Zoraida
question was directed at him. ignored him and peered at Jedza. “Look at it as a
debt no longer owed.”
“Da. That would be… nice,” Mikhail said.
Jedza nodded. “Mm. You are lucky to be done with
“Made a whole pot of it.” Zoraida either didn’t no-
her.” She watched through her veil as Zoraida
tice the green pallor that came over his face or just
chuckled, leaning back in her chair.
didn’t care. She gave him a toothy, wicked grin be-
fore standing. Joints clicking, the old woman hov- “Doesn’t seem like it. What do you want?” Irritation
ered in front of her cauldron for a moment, savoring crept into the hag’s voice. She already knew the
the apprehension from Mikhail, before reaching answer, but just needed to hear it come from Jedza.
down and retrieving a small kettle that had been
steaming on the coals beneath. “A thread.”

“To your health,” Zoraida said, pouring the tea into Zoraida scanned Jedza with one rheumy eye. “You’re
a pair of cups until both were filled with pungent, playing a dangerous game.”
watery brew.
“If I thought there was another way, I would not be
“Za zdorov’ye,” he said flatly, raising his tea and here.” Jedza held Zoraida’s gaze while the old witch
draining it in one go. He placed the empty cup leaned back in her chair. “I know you can do it.”
back down on the table with a grimace. The witch
downed a good portion of her own. “You know there’s a cost.” Zoraida gave a sideways
glance toward Mikhail. “Is that why you brought
Jedza was uncharacteristically quiet during the him inside this time?”
toast. She absently fiddled with something in one
hand. “Nyet,” Jedza retorted quickly. “We brought our
“What’s that you’ve got there?” Zoraida asked, set-
tling noisily back down into her chair. Zoraida’s sunken eyes flashed with excitement as
she stroked her pointed chin. “Interesting. Didn’t
Jedza lifted a large coin and tossed it onto the table. think you had it in you.”
Its golden face shimmered, even in the dim light of
the hut. “As if you did not already know.” Jedza shrugged. “It is someone who will not be
missed. But that does not answer my question,” she
“I do, but I don’t know why you’re fidgeting.” continued. “Will you do it?”

Nothing Is Forever

“A favor given is a favor owed,” Zoraida said Mikhail quietly made for the door, dodging the odd
ominously. little puppet that seemed determined to follow him
about. Zoraida chuckled as she placed a few jars
A deep sigh came from Jedza’s robes. “Another on the ground next to the doomed man.
debt. I imagine I will be dead before all of them are
paid.” “What makes you think you can stay for the fun?
Can’t pull a thread if the dead won’t die!” she said
“Stop your whining. It’s not like I’m asking you to to Jedza. “That old willow out front should be far
kill anybody,” Zoraida snorted. Her voice dropped enough, I reckon. Now, where’d those pins and
slightly as she pointed a crooked finger. “I know needles get off to?”
what you’re going after, and I want you to ask it a
question. You agree to come right back here and tell Jedza stood and picked up her pack. The hut floor
me what it says, and I’ll get you that thread. Let the groaned as she made her way out the door. Legless
lawman handle the rest. Deal?” newts and eyeballs watched her go from their jars.
They scrabbled in the cloudy, liquid prisons for a
“It is a deal,” Jedza agreed.  moment, but eventually fell still again.
With the arrangement made, Mikhail left the hut “You’ll know when we’re done,” Zoraida cackled,
to retrieve the “gift” Jedza had insisted they bring voice carrying out into the Bayou night. 
along for Zoraida. The two women sat in silence, the
moment quickly broken by Sophie’s bells rattling The lights leaking out from the cracks and windows
and a fresh stream of muffled curses. of the hovel winked out, one by one. Mikhail fol-
lowed Jedza, who led Sophie towards a heavy wil-
The steps to the hut groaned again and Mikhail low tree a few yards from the hut. They both tried
re-entered, the wrapped bundle across one broad to ignore the screams and crunches, like cracking
shoulder. “On the floor?” he asked, indicating the eggs sizzling over a fire, that echoed out across the
chalk outline drawn there. Bayou.
Zoraida rubbed her hands together. “The center.”

Mikhail heaved the struggling burlap sack. It landed,

hard. Mikhail cautiously avoided touching any part
of the chalk circle as he stepped back.
Far away from the sodden Bayou, on the dusty hard-
“Convenient of you to have that drawn up before we pan of the Badlands, two eggs joined a slab of bacon
got here,” Jedza mused while Zoraida undid a knot over a small frying pan and began to cook. Cornelius
at the end of the bag. Basse adjusted the pan over his small campfire,
which mimicked the others his frontiersmen had
“Anything to get you out of here faster,” the swamp
made to fend off the oncoming dusk. A larger man
witch huffed. “Now, who did you bring me?” She
took a swig from a canteen, his metal hands reflect-
finally got the rope undone and peeled away part of
ing the dim firelight. 
the bag to reveal a filthy, gagged man, red-faced and
streaked with sweat. “All I’m saying is, you need to watch what you say
around those folks,” Jonathan Reichart grunted.
“Ooh,” Zoraida exclaimed, bending to get a closer
“Can’t be too careful with them.”
look. “You were right. Nobody will miss him!” She
poked the man’s face with a dirty fingernail. “Yes. Across the fire, Bernadette Basse’s posture was
He’ll do just fine.” The bound man snarled and con- almost a mirror of her father’s: tired, but enduring. 
tinued to try and fight his way out of the burlap.
“Look at you,” she chided. “A big old executioner
Zoraida rolled her eyes. She made an arthritic ges- scared of a few grouchy fossils.” A look from her
ture, barely any effort on her part, and the man father made Bernadette turn her attention to the egg
seized up. sizzling over the fire. She poked it with a stick. 
Jedza turned to Mikhail. “Wait outside. I will not be


Nothing Is Forever

“If I’ve learned anything from the Guild, it’s that you Reichart grumbled. “Even so.” He eyed the long suit-
need to watch out for paper pushers over gunsling- case next to him. “A shotgun deals with a sand worm
ers,” Reichart shot back. “I know what they can get better than these claws do.”
people into. You getting called up doesn’t sit right,
especially since we still have a lot of work to do out “We haven’t seen a worm out here in weeks,”
here.” The executioner looked over at Cornelius, Bernadette said. Cornelius grunted in agreement.
who hadn’t moved.
“True.” Cornelius paused for a moment before look-
“Don’t need to worry about that,” Cornelius re- ing up at Reichart. “These frontier folk are still peo-
sponded calmly. “Just take care of the folks in Dust ple, Jon. Hard-working. They want to feel safe like
Point for a few weeks. It’s nothing you don’t everyone else. I trust you can make the right calls
know how to handle.” till we get back.” The sheriff’s tone didn’t offer any

Reichart sighed deeply. “Fine. I’ll make sure no-

body steals pies from any window sills.” With
that, the big man pushed himself to his feet
and made for his tent, suitcase in hand.
“Just... be careful, Basse.”

Once he was well out of earshot, Bernadette

picket up the skillet and set it on the ground,
picking at its eggy contents with a fork.
“He seems grumpier than usual.”

Nothing Is Forever

Cornelius stared into the dying campfire. “Nerves. Don’t stare? What did that even mean?
He’s just being cautious. Can’t blame him for being
suspicious of people with power. Guild works with When he saw them walking towards the wyrdwood
the Society from time to time, but he’s right. We do tree a few hours later, he knew.
need to be careful.”
The auroch the Society had identified as her pack
Bernadette pondered. “So we’re helping the Guild?” animal was taller than he was and loaded with boxes
and bags. But that wasn’t what really caught his eye.
“Not exactly.” The fact that it was an animate skeleton, walking
along like it didn’t have a care in the world, seemed
“But isn’t that why we took this job?” worth mentioning. Somehow, the Explorer’s Society
hadn’t thought so.  Cornelius nudged Bernadette,
“Malifaux’s a big place, Bee. We do what we have to.”
who was absentmindedly carving a stick.

“What is that?” Bernadette asked, tossing the stick

aside and squinting.

“Our companions,” her father replied.

The Basses had traveled several days north to reach
“So Reichart was right. Don’t trust them.”
their destination: an old, solitary wyrdwood a few
dozen miles south of the Hollow Point Pumping “Why?”
Station. Cornelius leaned against the tree with the
edge of his hat pulled down to cover his face, while “Because they’re clearly… necromancers?”
Bernadette collected small sticks to keep their
campfire going.  Cornelius raised an eyebrow. “So you can judge
without speaking to them first?”
The missive that Cornelius received a few weeks
ago had once again found its way into his hand. He “It’s a skeleton! They gotta be Ressers.”
scanned it again in the last of the evening’s sun, try-
Cornelius held his tongue, staring at Bernadette
ing to see if he had missed any information about
until she shifted uncomfortably.
their assignment: 
“Fine. I’ll wait. But at least now I get the warning.”
“Sheriff Cornelius Basse,
Bernadette watched as the group came closer. One
Your reputation of integrity, honesty, and of the figures stood out amongst the others.
capability in the field precedes you; as such,
She appeared thin, almost frail, but a huge pack
we were pleased to hear you have decided to
stuffed with what looked like scrolls sat on her back
accept our mutually beneficial arrangement.
without a problem. She held an umbrella over her
Thusly, you will be cooperating with another hooded head, despite there being no rain. Small trin-
member of our Society and her retinue. You are kets, or what Bernadette guessed were bracelets and
not to interfere with her process; simply provide jewelry, decorated her neck and wrists.
protection and ensure any items of interest are
The large man beside her looked to be a decade or
directly returned to the Society manor. 
two past middle age and weather-beaten. Despite
You will be properly rewarded and this, he seemed capable, and dangerous. His beard
compensated upon successful completion of this and hair were long, both tied with golden bands.
task. Please find enclosed the necessary maps A heavy coat rested around his shoulders. A huge
and additional information for this venture. sword was visible on his back; the weight didn’t
appear to slow him down in the least. 
L. von Clausewitz As the three approached, Bernadette felt her nerves
tingle. She looked up at her father, who bore the
P.S. To avoid any unfortunate same stoic expression he always did. Bernadette
miscommunication or errors, we give this took a deep breath and set herself the same way.
advice beforehand: Don’t judge, don’t shoot,
and don’t stare.”


Nothing Is Forever

The curious group stopped a few yards from the “Bernadette Basse... ma’am. Nice to, er, make your
Basses. Nobody moved for a few moments until the acquaintance.” Surprisingly, Bernadette’s voice
bearded man gently nudged his veiled companion. didn’t break when she felt the skinless bones held
He said something in a low voice before the woman inside the glove.
stiffly thrust out a hand.
“Bernadette. It is a pleasure.”
“Privetstvuyu, druzya. I am Jedza. This is Mikhail
and Sophie. You are the ones who were directed to “And this is my father, Cornelius,” Bernadette
accompany us?” She waited.  continued. 

“Go on, Bee,” Cornelius said quietly. A pained look Cornelius tipped his hat to Jedza and Mikhail.
came over Bernadette’s face as she silently pleaded “We’ll rest here tonight and set off tomorrow, if
with her father to take the lead, but the lawman that’s alright with everyone.” He shot a look at
didn’t move. Knowing that fighting was pointless, the auroch, who had candle wax dripping into an
she squared her shoulders and reached out to shake empty eye socket. “You... do rest, right?”
Jedza’s proffered hand.

Nothing Is Forever

“Everyone rests,” Jedza replied cryptically. Bernadette seemed puzzled. “Only a few days?
Guess this’ll be easier than we thought.” She ignored
“I suppose so,” the lawman said, inviting the new- her father’s glare, but he secretly felt the same. 
comers to gather around their fire. “Should we talk
about the mission? I’d like to know what you need “You are here because Gretchen needed someone
from us.” Cornelius watched Sophie meander about, living, and trustworthy. That is rare in Malifaux.
though she stayed close to Jedza. The old woman The second part, that is.” Jedza watched Bernadette
had yet to take a seat. grow uncomfortable at the mention of “living”.

“Da. It is a simple job. It should not keep you for “So you are Ressers?” Bernadette blurted. Cornelius
more than a few days. We go, we ask questions, we hadn’t moved, but his shotgun was within arm’s
get what we need, we return.” reach. To their surprise, Jedza laughed, shaking her

“No, I am not a necromancer. Where we are going,

my… condition does not allow me to easily go. There
are some places only I can safely travel, but there are
others where things must stay dead. Do you under-
stand?” Jedza asked.

Bernadette slowly frowned, “No?”

“Do not worry. In time, you will.”

“No one ever does at first. It is no matter. Let

us eat!” Mikhail interrupted, walking to Sophie
and retrieving several bags filled with vegeta-
bles, dried meat, and utensils. He placed a small pot
over the fire and filled it with water from a jug. A
chunk of soup bone followed. When that was done,
he took the sword from his back and placed it care-
fully next to his bags.

“You’ve any bread to break?” Mikhail asked.

Cornelius considered, pulling up his own bundle.
He unwrapped it: hard bread, a chunk of cheese,
strips of jerky, some ground coffee, and a few hand-
fuls of berries.

“That work?” he asked.

“With this, I make a feast!” Mikhail exclaimed, try-

ing to put everyone at ease. “Did you travel far? So
out-of-the-way, this place is!” He spent the next few
minutes slicing vegetables and talking to Cornelius,
whose short answers punctuated Mikhail’s throw-
ing more ingredients into the pot. Both contin-
ued talking while the soup came along, though the
swordsman seemed more excited about the prospect
of cheese and bread than anything. 

Jedza continued to stand, albeit with the overlarge

haversack still clinging to her shoulders. Cornelius
nudged Bernadette. Mikhail had already sat
down, and Bernadette perked up when she real-
ized what her father meant.


Nothing Is Forever

“Can I take your pack for you?” Bernadette offered. Basse tensed for a moment, but relaxed when
Mikhail pulled out a whetstone, rag, and oil from a
Jedza chortled, pulling the fabric taut around her pocket – seemingly some of the only things the man
jaw as she waved off the younger woman.  actually carried – and set to work sharpening the
“You can try, but I am not sure all of us together
could carry that thing,” Mikhail explained.  “That must take all night,” Cornelius commented.
“Mikhail is right.” Jedza slipped one of the straps off “A good tool can stay with you forever as long as you
her shoulder. She let the pack down, the heft of it treat it right,” Mikhail said, focused on the sword’s
kicking up a small dust cloud. edge. “Give me four hours to cut down a tree and I
will spend three sharpening my axe.” 
Bernadette watched as the dust settled around the
bag. “Just what have you got in that thing?” Basse exhaled. That was a sentiment he could agree
with. He watched until the soup began to bubble.
The warmth in Jedza’s voice was evident. “A bit of
He cleared his throat, which caught Mikhail’s eye.
this and a little of that. Tchotchkes I have collected
“Mind if I?” he asked, indicating to the fire. 
over the years, mostly. Curiosities.”
“No, please, help yourself,” Mikhail said happily.
“You got a deck of cards in there? Maybe we can
“It is good to break bread with new friends.”
get a game of hold ‘em in before dinner’s ready.”
While Cornelius ladled soup, Jedza started re-
“Ah, card games. I prefer Nine Men’s Morris. Or
packing the piles of items back into her pack. She
madiao. We could play them, if Mikhail had not lost
grabbed a small bundle, and Bernadette expelled
the pieces.” Jedza began rummaging. Sophie settled
the tiniest sound in protest and immediately flushed
down nearby with a clatter of bones and bells. A few
red. Jedza didn’t seem to mind. The old traveler had
packs of playing cards landed near Bernadette, one
stopped and was examining the collection she held. 
after the other.
A few bright red sticks of licorice sat atop her jum-
“Maybe a full deck if you mix them all together. bled batch of things.
I do not know. Keep them.”
“I do not have much use for sweets. Sometimes I for-
Bernadette picked the cards up, slowly shuffling get what I carry,” Jedza said, handing the bundle of
through them. One of the decks had numbers and slightly linty candy to Bernadette. The Basses shared
suits she didn’t recognize, and another was just tarot a moment of unspoken debate before Bernadette
cards. “What else you got in there?” she ventured. reached out and took the licorice.

“One question with too many answers,” Mikhail “I haven’t had good licorice since we came through
smiled. the Breach. Thank you,” she said, offering one to her
father. The lawman seemed to debate with himself
“Da, you are full of questions. Come. Let me show for a moment, and then took one.
you.” Jedza began digging through her pack again.
She pulled out an armful of scrolls followed by a cast “After dinner.”
iron frying pan, three yards of purple silk, and an
Bernadette rolled her eyes, but put the tempting lic-
ornately carved lens of crystal that she rewrapped
orice to the side. “Fine, fine.”
in the silk and carefully leaned against the growing
pile of knickknacks. She almost climbed into the Jedza finished packing and sat down by the fire, look-
bag head first to dig through things deep within. ing quite pleased with herself. Sophie allowed Jedza
to rub her skull. Mikhail and the Basses relished
Cornelius looked at Mikhail and the growing pile
their food, but Cornelius noticed that Jedza wasn’t
of trinkets and baubles that Jedza set aside after
eating. He made no comment, but kept watching the
briefly explaining what they were.
strange woman. She sat very still, staring back.
“Does she do this a lot?” he asked.
“Where do you come from?” Jedza’s sudden ques-
“More than you know,” Mikhail chided. After sitting tion broke the sounds of spoons hitting bowls.
back down, he picked up the large blade lying next Bernadette glanced at her father, gaining a silent
to him.  permission.

Nothing Is Forever

“The, er, Badlands, probably, but we move around,” Mikhail only half-listened. This was a tale he had
Bernadette started. heard many times before, and he knew how it ended.
Before he drifted off, Mikhail told Cornelius to let
“I do not mean here. I mean where do you come the campfire die; Jedza would keep watch through
from? On Earth.” the night.
Mikhail turned and gave Jedza a look, but she waved She always did.
him away. He returned to his soupy potatoes and

“Oklahoma,” Cornelius said slowly. “America.”

“Ah. ‘Land of the free,’ yes? I have been there once

or twice, but not as you know it. Why are you here?” Cornelius woke to the scent of salt pork sizzling on
the fire and fresh tea. Jedza and Bernadette were
“Uh,” Bernadette cleared her throat. “Well-” already awake and talking; the old woman’s auroch
was investigating the wyrdwood tree. Mikhail offered
Her father interjected. “We have to be here.” a plate and cup, and Cornelius groggily accepted.
“As must we all,” Jedza replied, nodding. “And here? “Thanks,” he said. The first few bites drew Cornelius’
Where did you say home was?” attention. The pork was strongly seasoned. A small
“The Badlands, I guess. Far southwest,” Bernadette wedge of bread slathered in what looked to be some
pointed in the rough direction. “It’s dry. Dusty. sort of jam was nestled in the corner along with a
Nothing green for miles. Just dirt and clay. It’s not mixture of potatoes and eggs. Basse took a moment
for everyone. But we’re tough.” Bernadette seemed to take a sip of tea. “This is good,” he said. The law-
to swell with pride. “We’ve traveled all over and man’s pleased tone made Mikhail laugh.
helped keep the peace. But yeah,” she finished. “It’s “I am glad you think so. The road is not always gen-
dusty.” erous, but I have learned to make do with what I have.”
Only the crackling fire made any noise for a while. Cornelius shook his head and raised his cup.
Some crickets joined in occasionally.  Bernadette wandered over a moment later with an
“The Society was light on details. Where are we going, empty plate. Mikhail beckoned, and she held out her
exactly?” Cornelius asked, setting his empty bowl down. dish. In a few moments she had a new hill of potatoes,
eggs, and pork. She plopped down next to her father
“An old place that is far away from here. Northwest,” and began eating. Cornelius furrowed his brow.
Jedza said, pointing out the direction with her chin.
“Is that your second plate?” he admonished quietly.
“Far away? I thought you said it was only a few Bernadette chewed more slowly, as if trying to fig-
days,” Bernadette questioned. ure out the best way to both keep her breakfast and
avoid her father’s scolding.
“Da. We will find our way faster than you think,”
Jedza replied. “Some of the greatest journeys take “It is no trouble,” Mikhail interjected before shoul-
the least amount of time. Shall I tell you of some dering his blade. “Better to eat than let it go to
while you have dessert?” waste.” He stood and left the Basses to their break-
fast, moving to help Jedza up onto Sophie’s back. 
Bernadette mulled the proposal over, nibbling on
her licorice. “Alright. Shoot.” When everyone had finished breakfast, the auroch
began to trundle forward, bells jingling softly. Mikhail
Jedza adjusted her scarves and leaned forward. “I followed, and the Basses brought up the rear. 
have traveled many places. I have seen many things.
Long ago, I spoke to a man who claimed he had Bernadette glanced around, making sure their new
been across the great deserts in the East. The sand companions were out of earshot before she spoke.
was gold beneath the sun. So hot you would think it “So?”
was a great coin pulled from a furnace and flipped
up into the sky…” “They’re a bit odd,” Cornelius said in a low voice.


Nothing Is Forever

She snorted. “A bit? That’s an understatement.” company. And Sophie.” He laughed. “It is an honor
to travel in Jedza’s shadow.”
Cornelius shrugged.
Cornelius nodded. Honor he understood. Bernadette
“Do you think those stories she was telling were still seemed confused.
true?” Bernadette continued.
“So you’ve been with her since you were born?”
“Maybe.” Bernadette asked.
“Sometimes you’re not very helpful, Dad,” Bernadette “Not quite. I became her new
grinned before sloshing around her canteen. “And Mikhail when I was
tea? I mean, it’s okay, but it’s no coffee.” about twenty.”
Basse ruffled Bernadette’s hair, earning admonition
from his daughter in the process. “Come on, let’s
catch up before they get too far ahead.”

The Basses picked up their pace. They reached

Mikhail first. Bernadette, ever inquisitive, pressed
the big man for more details. 

“Hey, so I gotta ask… you’re alive, right?”

He laughed softly. “Yes, I am alive. But so are they.

In a strange way.”

“Then what got you mixed up with them?”

Mikhail didn’t answer at first. He hesitated, as if try-

ing to figure out how best to answer such a weighty
question. Before the silence stayed for too long,
Mikhail began to speak; the prospect of sharing his
story with someone other than an immortal collec-
tor or a cow got the better of him.

“A promise was made. I am not the

first Mikhail. There were many
before me,” he answered.

Bernadette was more con-

fused than when she started.
“What does that mean?”

Mikhail stopped and took the heavy

blade from his back. Instead of bring-
ing the sword to bear, Mikhail held it by
the haft. He pointed to a list of markings that
ran from the very edge of the hilt down to almost
the center of the blade. Cornelius noted that they
were heavily weathered and written in a language
he didn’t recognize.

“My family always has a Mikhail that accompanies

Jedza. When it is time, we etch our birth name into
this sword and then become the new Mikhail. We
are chosen for a lifetime. It is a heavy burden,” the
man joked, hefting the blade back up and starting
to walk again. “But I have my ancestors to keep me

Nothing Is Forever

“That makes you what, the fourth or fifth Mikhail?” “A fine afternoon to you all! We were wondering if
you would make it before evening. It is my privilege
“If the blade has kept a good count all these years, to welcome you aboard.” He opened the wide door
then I am the sixteenth.” to one of the train cars. Mikhail helped Jedza up the
steps, and Sophie clumsily followed; awkward as she
Silence shrouded the conversation for a moment.
was, the carriage was wide enough to easily accom-
Bernadette counted off on her fingers, expression
modate the auroch’s bulk. 
growing more stunned. “Uh. How old is she?”
Bernadette couldn’t help but give a low whistle
Mikhail just shrugged. “She is Jedza. She was old
when she stepped inside. The interior was opulent
when she saved my people, and that was many cen-
to say the least. Four booths upholstered in rich
turies ago.”
leather sat in the center of the car. Each had its
“Oh.” The realization weighed on the Basses.  own table adorned with a lamp and lace tablecloth,
framed by heavy gray curtains that could be pulled
The three went quietly for a time, and soon caught to shutter the large windows. They were hung on
up to Jedza and Sophie. Bernadette briefly glanced rods capped with stylized condors, as if to remind
over at the skeletal woman riding atop the auroch, the passengers just whose train they were riding on.
oversized bag behind her and umbrella over one The light reflected off polished fittings and decora-
shoulder. Despite Bernadette’s curiosity, she couldn’t tions that made the car feel more like a rolling work
quite will herself to touch anything near the undead of art than a mode of transportation. 
bovine. Instead, she focused on the landscape ahead.
Booths had not been installed in the far edge of the
So far, it had been nothing but flat brushland, with car; something close to a stable occupied that space
only an occasional shrub or tree to break up the instead. Sophie trotted over to this spot and laid
monotony.  down, evidently familiar with the space intended for
her. Jedza settled into one of the booths, and Mikhail
“So where exactly are we going?” Bernadette piped sat opposite her. The Basses didn’t have time to sit-
up. Jedza looked down. uate themselves before the conductor, who had fol-
lowed them into the car, addressed them.
“A railway. Close by, but I am told it has not been
used in some time.” “Madame, sir, I am told this is your first time riding
with us,” he said pleasantly. “I trust you will find the
Before Bernadette could ask, Cornelius stopped and
accommodations of this locomotive sufficient. If you
interjected. “Wait. I thought you said we were head-
want for any food or drink, our staff will be more
ing someplace northwest. Trains don’t even run out
than happy to oblige. Please do not hesitate to men-
here anymore, far as I’m aware.”
tion any discomforts or desires. We at Condor Rails
Jedza’s voice was relaxed. “Do not worry. You are do our best to make every guest as comfortable as
not the only ones helping us on this journey. It is too possible. We will begin our departure promptly.” He
difficult for me to travel through a city. Not every- doffed his cap again and left the car, sliding the door
one is as accepting as you. Nyet, the Society has shut behind him.
arranged for something special.”
“Wow. Better than baking under the hot sun, huh?”
Cornelius cocked his head at Bernadette, and his Bernadette said, elbowing her father in the ribs.
daughter understood: stay alert. Hours later, weath- She ran and slid into one of the seats, stretching out
ered railroad tracks came into view, occupied by a her whole body. “Oh, I could get used to this! Beats
massive black locomotive with three luxury cars walking, that’s for sure,” she exclaimed.
in tow. The logo of the Condor Rails prominently
Jedza chortled. “I am sure Mikhail feels the same.
adorned the side of engine: a winged train, painted
It is not our usual way, but it will do. Devushka
in gray. As they made their way towards the train, a
Lycarayen likes to make sure everyone knows how
small statured man stepped from the locomotive and
moshchnyy she is. Strong. Powerful,” Jedza clarified
waved to them.
on seeing the looks of confusion on the Basses’ faces. 
“Afternoon,” Cornelius called, his eyes still scanning
“Who else is on this thing?” Bernadette asked to no
for trouble. The conductor tipped his cap before
one in particular as she looked around.
addressing the group.


Nothing Is Forever

“No one but the staff,” Jedza replied. “All to ourselves.” Jedza shook her head. “Nyet. We must travel a ways
more. Where we must go, the rails do not reach.”
It suddenly hit Bernadette: this was a private train. She stood, umbrella in hand, and poked Mikhail to
Custom built, too, by the look of things. rouse him from his slumber. 
Cornelius stumbled a bit when the train began mov- He yawned, and began to instinctively prepare him-
ing; the opulence and thought of another good meal self for travel again. His eyes began to linger on the
had distracted him long enough for the locomotive Basses’ coats and boots as he tiredly gathered his
to start lurching forward as it picked up speed. He own belongings. “Are your jackets cleaner? And
took a seat near Bernadette and continued taking in boots oiled?” he asked, giving a sidelong glance to
the view. “How long did you say this would take?” the mostly empty bottle of spirits on his table.
he asked.
Jedza waggled her finger at Mikhail. “That is what
“About a day or so,” Mikhail replied as he got up to you get for drinking too much. No oiled boots for
inspect several expensive-looking bottles in a small you,” she chided, before leading Sophie out of the
bar that was next to Sophie’s stable. He picked up rail car. Mikhail followed, and the pair started to
one full of clear liquid and undid the cap, smelling loudly banter back and forth in what Cornelius
the spirits within. He gave it a look of approval and assumed was some form of Russian. 
picked up three small glasses. 
The Basses collected their things. Bernadette gave
Cornelius held up two fingers; Mikhail caught on to the interior of the train car one last look before sigh-
what he meant and set one down. Bernadette qui- ing heavily. Even though it had only been a day, she
etly huffed in disappointment, but the soft cushions would miss riding in this lap of luxury.
helped Cornelius ignore her pouting. For the first
time in a long while, the lawman relaxed. Maybe the “Back to walking I guess,” Bernadette lamented. She
Society wasn’t all that bad. picked up her small bundle of sandwiches, unwrap-
ping another as she followed her father out of the
train car. He stopped suddenly, and Bernadette col-
lided into him. “Dad!” she exclaimed. A playful jab
died in her throat when she gave a small squeak of
excitement. Up ahead, floating above the empty
The trip was more than easy; food was plentiful, contract town, was a dirigible.
as was drink, and the Condor Rails attendants had
“Maybe not,” Cornelius said, taking in the craft’s
even been able to provide Jedza with some interest-
bulbous gray and gold balloon and ornate gondola.
ing books and maps. A few of these made their way
“I guess it pays to have friends in high places.” 
into her pack, but nobody said a word.
Jedza gave a dry laugh. “Not always. Come. This will
Aside from meals, the group had been left mostly
take us close to where we need to go. A few hours,
undisturbed. Another member of the staff came by
maybe less. It will be up to the wind.” She walked
to tend to their clothes. Cornelius and Bernadette
up to the dirigible’s cabin crew, who looked suspi-
tentatively, but graciously, accepted. Mikhail, sleep-
ciously like mercenaries garbed in Condor Rails
ing off one too many drinks, didn’t respond to the
gray. “Dobryy den’.”
offer. The Basses’ boots and dusters were whisked
away to be cleaned and returned in a few hours “Ma’am,” said one, a taller, clean-shaven man. He
along with a light lunch. The train continued into looked like he was about to say something to the
the evening, the dark world speeding by outside. other crewman, but thought better of it. Without
Cornelius allowed himself to fall asleep, rocked by another word, he pulled open the stylized metal
the gentle shaking of wheels on rails. doors that led into the dirigible’s passenger space.
“Welcome aboard.”
Bernadette was working through a plate of small
sandwiches when the train pulled into a dilapidated Jedza walked into the awaiting gondola with Sophie,
station far west of Ridley, almost a day later to the which protested under the weight of her pack
minute.  and the auroch. Basse felt his stomach flip into his
throat and instinctively reached for one of the seats.
“Are we here?” Bernadette asked, pulling on her
Mikhail laughed as he brought up the rear.
newly oiled boots. 

Nothing Is Forever

“We aren’t even off the ground yet!” he said, patting climb the step-like protrusions of stone without any
the lawman on the shoulder. problem. The Basses struggled at this elevation.

“Not afraid of heights like your father, are you, When they finally reached a small plateau, Jedza
malyshka?” Jedza followed up, a playful lilt tinting stopped. They stood in front of an opening: it was
her words.  tall and rectangular, with the appearance of an
established, if abandoned, mine. Before anyone
Bernadette shook her head. “Not me,” she said.  could enter, Jedza took a rod hung with lanterns
from Sophie’s pack. She placed her umbrella care-
Cornelius’ jaw twitched. “Just wait, Bee. This won’t
fully alongside Sophie’s boxes and bags.
be anything like climbing back home.”
“It is too dangerous to take you with us. You must
Bernadette’s confidence quickly evaporated when
wait for us, dear,” she said to Sophie, laying her hand
the airship shuddered. With the sound of thrumming
on the auroch’s head.
engines, the dirigible rose into the air. Cornelius
swore under his breath as his stomach turned and The auroch knelt and Mikhail unhooked a large roll
attempted escape. Both he and Bernadette kept from her back. He laid it on the ground, and Sophie
their eyes forward until only passing clouds and tiny gingerly stepped on top. She settled down. Jedza
snowflakes offered any indication they were moving gave her another pat and headed into the mine.
at all.
“What was that about?” Bernadette asked.
Just as Jedza had said, the dirigible took only an
hour to go further northwest, past Slate Ridge. To Mikhail shrugged. “Sophie tends to roll around.
Cornelius, it felt like an eternity. Every gust of wind Watch.”
that shook the gondola sent another wave of para-
Bernadette kept her eyes on Sophie as the four
lyzing dread through the lawman’s body, squeezing
walked into the cave. Sure enough, once they had
his stomach and making him feel as though his mus-
gone far enough, the auroch’s bones clattered into a
cles would shatter his bones. Jedza’s reassurances
gentle, inanimate heap. Bernadette shuddered, and
that the echoing groans of metal and the scream-
stuck close to her father as the cavernous entrance
ing winds outside the cabin were “completely nor-
swallowed them all.
mal” and “nothing to worry about” did little to help
Cornelius’ situation.

“That right there wasn’t natural,” he said to Mikhail

when they landed. “Just give me a horse next time.”

“A few deep breaths and you will feel better,” the The wooden braces that kept the mine shaft open
guardian said, steadying him while the lawman were clearly old; the sound of wind cutting through
regained his footing. Cornelius looked around, fight- the tunnel was unnerving, as was the creaking that
ing down a bit of nausea. Graying, craggy mountains came from the beams. 
towered around them, almost swallowing the entire
horizon. To the south, there was little more than “You sure this is safe?” Cornelius asked. He felt
blasted tundra that gave way to tufts of brown grass.  something tight close around his chest. He was a
frontiersman, and not being able to see the open sky
After disembarking, Jedza spoke to the crew. was uncomfortable. 
“Blagodaryu vas. You will wait for us, please,” she
said. The two saluted before closing up the gondola Jedza nodded. “Da. We are not the first ones to come
against the cold breeze. Cornelius looked at the dirigi- this way. But part of the tunnel ahead has collapsed;
ble with dread. If it were to leave, they’d be stranded. we must move carefully there. One at a time.”

“They will not depart until we return. This I prom- True to her word, the mine shaft seemed to get
ise,” Jedza said, walking past her companions. “Come. smaller and more claustrophobic as the group
The way ahead is difficult, but we are close.” crept on. The braces had buckled in some places,
and Cornelius saw the piles of rocks and boulders
Jedza and Mikhail seemed unbothered by the rocky that had fallen from the ceiling. Jedza passed first,
terrain and thin air; likewise, Sophie managed to followed by Mikhail. Cornelius kept an eye on his


Nothing Is Forever

daughter, and felt the cold spike of adrenaline when Bernadette was clearly shaken. “What happened?”
she suddenly recoiled. she asked. 

“What is it, Bee?” Cornelius whispered, moving Jedza shook her head. “An accident, I am told. He
quickly to her side. She pointed, embarrassed, at the met his end regardless. Come. We must continue.”
base of the rock pile. There was a skeleton, its lower
half crushed by the stones. It appeared to be dressed Bernadette swallowed a lump in her throat and
in old mining gear, although time had reduced many glanced back at the dead miner. The body kept
of the clothes to tatters. Dried skin still clung to reaching out, jaw moving wordlessly, until it was
parts of the body, but the thing had started to gently at the very edge of Jedza’s light. Then, it collapsed
spasm and move as though alive. into a pile once more. It did not move again, but
Bernadette still saw its emaciated face and bushy
“Do not worry,” Jedza said calmly. “Once black beard in the darkness of the mine.
we move on, his bones will be quiet.
I should have warned you.”  The group picked their way through the tunnel
for another few moments before it split in
two. Before taking the rightmost path,
Jedza stopped and tapped her staff on
the ground.

“This is a dangerous place.” Her voice was

calm, but the weight was evident. “I will
warn you now. This is where lost things
go to be forgotten. What is inside has been
locked away for a reason. Do not touch
anything. Do not go off on your own. Do
not believe what your eyes tell you. If you
feel you are losing yourself, focus on this.”

Nothing Is Forever

She lifted the staff hung with lanterns. “It is meant to A large dusty mirror rested against one column; bot-
keep the darkness away. Do you understand?” tles and broken glass twinkled under Jedza’s light.
Pendants hung from blades like jeweled spider
Everyone nodded. Jedza turned to Cornelius. webs, though there were just as many mundane bits
of metal, cloth, and bone strewn throughout.
“You are krepkiy, salt of the earth, so I do not worry
about you, but keep your little one close. That gun Carved columns supported the enormous weight of
may come in handy, but only fire if I say. These walls the mountain above; strange taxidermy glared out of
could collapse, and even a mind as tough as yours the gloom. The walls glowed iridescent in spots and
can be fooled, da?” absorbed light elsewhere. Thick dust covered the
floor, but a central trail had been swept clear. Jedza
“Guess I’ll keep my eyes on those lanterns,”
stopped for a moment, bending to look at the ground
Cornelius responded.
before continuing, muttering to herself. The group
“Wise,” Jedza agreed. She tapped the end of the staff pressed on. 
on the floor and began to set off down the dark path,
Mikhail navigated his way through the hoard of
greenish light doing its best to fight off the shadows
strange items and trinkets. As Jedza passed, the
born deep inside the mountain.
bones of a human arm began to slowly rattle. It came
Tiny dust devils swirled across the ground in places crawling towards Jedza, as though it still had a bit of
and streams of powdered stone fell in others, mimick- its previous owner’s fiery temperament.
ing the sound of soft footsteps. Sometimes the shad-
She sidestepped the appendage and looked to
ows cast by lantern-light looked human; Cornelius
Mikhail. “Do you think she would want it if we took
had to stop himself from flinching and turning when
it back to her?”
they beckoned and flitted across the edges of his
vision. He felt like he was being watched, but no Mikhail chuckled. “I think she prefers her new one.
gleaming eyes emerged from the dark. Mikhail kept A bottle of whiskey would do better.” He used the
a firm gaze on Jedza’s lanterns, but he seemed to end of his sword to move the arm out of the way and
react as Cornelius did. Little movements triggered held up his hand to stop the Basses from advancing
the swordsman’s instincts, only to reveal there was further.
never anything there.
Jedza shrugged off her pack. She reached into one
The echoes in the distance were worse. Every foot- of its side pockets and carefully removed a length
step sent out noise, which came back distorted and of thread. It was difficult to see, even with the light.
unsettling. They slid through the air and changed The edges were both colorless and wondrous, like
into other things entirely: familiar voices and false the night sky reflected in a prismatic pool of water.
whispers wrapped around everyone. For a moment, the thread captured everyone’s atten-
tion: it was simple, but more powerful a thing than
“Wha-?” Bernadette called out. She stopped walk-
most of them had ever seen. 
ing, but Cornelius pulled her forward.
A crumpled, humanoid form lay barely illumi-
“It’s not real, Bee,” he said, voice almost breaking.
nated, surrounded by more trinkets and antiquities.
“None of this is.”
It was difficult to see, but the flesh was sickly pale.
“Your father is right, malyshka,” Jedza said sadly. The thing was emaciated. One eye reflected almost
“This is a place of cursed things. You must be strong.” green.

“No hexes,” Mikhail said to himself, as though the “Who will have the honor?” Jedza asked, holding
words could strengthen his resolve. up the thread.

Though it seemed like hours, the group had only No one moved.
been walking the winding path for a fragment of
“I have all the time in the world,” Jedza continued.
that time. Shapes began to break out of the dark: a
“You all do not. Come.”
hoard of objects and strange items lay scattered, as
though thrown and torn apart in a frantic search. More silence. Then, Bernadette stepped forward.
Other piles remained clustered in corners or near “I’ll do it.” 
pillars that supported the high cavern ceilings.


Nothing Is Forever

“Bee, don’t!” Cornelius whispered as loudly as he could.  Jedza spoke in a clear voice, ignoring the frenzied
attempts at panicked violence. “I am glad you are
“Dad, I can do this,” Bernadette said casually. She with us again. Be calm. I am not one of Their ser-
squared her shoulders and looked at Jedza. “What vants. I only have questions.”
do I do?”
Its Soulstone eyes, cat-like in the dark, were now
Jedza handed her the length of thread. Now, it seemed fully illuminated and focused on Jedza. The thing’s
almost clear, like gossamer. When Bernadette took mouth stretched open, still snarling. A long tongue
it, her eyes widened in surprise at how heavy the tasted the air, flicking between narrow fangs. A
thread was. vicious claw swiped ineffectively at the air but left
a deep gouge in the stone where the creature was
“What is this thing?” she asked. 
sprawled. It strained. The thread cut into its sickly
“You will place this across its back. The thread will flesh. 
do the rest. If it does not, that is when your father
Jedza stepped forward and raised a hand. “We are
should have his gun ready.”
no threat,” she said evenly. “Calm yourself. You are
“Be careful, Bee,” Basse cautioned. He unslung his returned to this world, for the moment.”
shotgun and pointed it directly at the dead husk.
Sharp claws continued to open and close as its
Bernadette walked up to the corpse and carefully memory slowly unclouded. The creature turned as
draped the thread over it before walking back. “See, much as it was able, exhaling before taking a rat-
Dad? No problem.”  tling breath, coughing and clearing its throat as if it
had not spoken in some time. Eventually, two very
“You did well.” Jedza patted Bernadette on the hand different feminine voices managed to form words,
before approaching the creature. She nudged the although they were high-pitched, stressed the wrong
body with her foot a few times, stepped back, and syllables, and drew out words oddly.
waited. It took some time, but the thing eventually
stirred. “You are not our little bird, the one we want to tear
apart for what she has done. No... This one is… a
Its desiccated muscles twitched violently. Shivers curiosity, yes. Such power, so much life to share...
and minor spasms helped shake dust and dirt from and yet so little. Knows much, but wants not. What
the skin; beneath, the thing’s blackened veins slowly is it that she seeks?”
turned the lightest shade of green. A pale light grad-
ually filled the Soulstones inside each eye socket, as “Knowledge. Of the machine. And a question from
though the magic seeping into the creature’s body another,” Jedza replied.
was struggling to evict the presence of death.
The thing’s face split into a lopsided grin, as though
As the veins inside its bulging neck began to recede, it held all the cards despite being weighed down by
the creature lifted its head. The right side of its face the thread. “We will tell her of the machine first, yes,
appeared crushed, and one of its deer-like antlers if she offers something of equal value in return.”
was shattered.
Jedza shifted. “What is your price?”
It seemed to peer about for a moment in a daze
“We sense something from the Thirteen within her
before starting to thrash wildly, trying to push itself
bag. The curiosity knows what it is, she does, she
up from the floor, to stand. The thread somehow,
does. We would take it.”
thankfully, held it in place. A terrible scream erupted
from its dried and ruined throat. One clawed hand Jedza reached down into her bag. The creature
kept grasping and covering its broken face, while retreated back into itself as it waited. Behind her the
the other, trapped beneath the body, struggled in others watched, each clenching their own weapons,
vain to break free and release itself. Its back legs but with no desire to get closer to the awakened
worked weakly. The thread made any sort of retreat dead.
impossible, but the creature still breathed heavily
from exertion and blind panic, attempting to pull “What is that thing?” Cornelius asked, ignoring his
itself to safety. own desire to run.

Nothing Is Forever

“I do not know its past, but Jedza has called it a “This thread. This weight across us. Give wonder-
Herald of that which has no name,” Mikhail replied ful secrets in return, yes. A secret the curiosity badly
softly. wants.”

“Everything has a name.” Jedza shook her head, earrings clinking on the sides
of her skull. “Nyet. It is not a gift or bauble. It is a
“If it ever had a name, it was lost to history before us. burden, and one that cannot be borne for long.”
A time before even Jedza.”
The Herald grinned. “Then we will ask for the one
“That’s helpful,” Bernadette said quietly. Despite that touched the thread, the one that is part of this
a brave face, she shook with adrenaline and fear. bargain as well.” It pointed at Bernadette. 
Though the room’s tricks had quieted, the Herald
was just as disturbing. The younger Basse watched Immediately, Cornelius raised his shotgun, cocking
as Jedza produced a lens of shining crystal from her it and stepping towards Jedza and the Herald. He
bag and placed it in front of the Herald. The creature glared at Mikhail, suddenly doubting the alliances
mumbled to itself, claws flexing, before it grinned. they had made.

“We find this exchange acceptable.” The thing’s The old guardian brought his sword around and kept
voices reverberated throughout the room, both his eyes trained on Cornelius, but watched Jedza. 
impossibly loud and quiet at the same time. “What
does the curiosity wish to know?”  The lawman had no doubt he would attack if that
undead woman asked him to, but Mikhail couldn’t
“We have found the first piece. Where do we find withstand a few loads of buckshot. From behind him,
the others?” he heard Bernadette’s knife slide from its sheath.

The Herald did not take its eyes off Jedza as it spoke: “This ain’t your fight, Bee,” Cornelius called back.
“The first is where still waters died and the crown “Go on and get back to the front of the cave. We’re
was set in black. The second is covered in dust done here.”
where nothing good grows. The third twists and
turns above the world, but invisible to a living eye. “Ostorozhno seychas,” Mikhail said, before taking
The fourth rests where it all began and where it will a fighting stance. He repeated himself in English,
all begin again. And the fifth,” it said, voices filling calmly, but with no less frigidity. “Careful now.”
with glee, “is with us.”
“Uspokoysya, sheriff!” Jedza snapped. “Mikhail,
“I… I see,” Jedza said coolly.  prekrati eto!” She kept her veiled gaze trained on
the Herald. The protector slowly lowered his sword. 
“Does the curiosity wish to make another bargain?
For the question and for our piece of the machine?” Cornelius did not lower his shotgun. 
the Herald hissed, tongue flicking across its broken
The Herald was still grinning sickly, its jaw dangling
teeth. It mockingly beckoned her with a claw. “She
from a length of cracked bone and dried skin. 
must tell us what she wishes to know.”
Jedza allowed the tension in the air to diffuse slightly.
Jedza walked forward with a painful slowness.
She shook her head again. “Nyet. The girl is not part
Mikhail moved forward half a step, his heavy blade
of this. Whatever price you name, I will be the one
at the ready. Cornelius brought up his shotgun,
to pay it. No one else.”
trained on the Herald. The Basses and Mikhail wait-
ed as Jedza spoke her question to the Herald, too Something flashed in one of the Herald’s broken
quiet for any other to hear. The thing’s eyes twin- eyes. “If this is what the curiosity truly wishes, we
kled, and it bobbed its head eagerly. will trade. But she cannot decline our next offer, or
she leaves here without the answers she seeks, and
“Yes, yes, we can tell her the answer to that. But a
without the piece of the machine she wants.”
question from another lets us choose our own price,
it does.” Jedza waited. “Da. I accept.” 
“And what is that?” Jedza asked bluntly.


Nothing Is Forever

The Herald took sadistic pleasure in its final offer: The words echoed inside Jedza’s skull; the oth-
“The thing she treasures most. The thing that is ers heard nothing but discordant murmurs. The
heaviest for her to carry. If she does, we will tell her Herald’s jaw danced as it licked its lips.
these things and more.”
“We must make our exchange equal, we must, we
She made no motion towards her bag. Instead, Jedza must.” The Herald beckoned as best it could with a
cautiously moved her veil aside and fumbled with sharp nail. “We know something she has wanted for
something before pulling a tiny chain over her head. a very long time.”
At the end were two rings: one in simple gold, heav-
ily battered and tarnished, and one edged in blue Jedza hesitated again, but slowly leaned forward.
stones. Both shone very dimly in the light, but the Before Mikhail had even readied his blade, the thing
Herald wheezed in pleasure. simply touched the tip of its clawed finger to Jedza’s
forehead. The creature broke out into another dark
Jedza slipped the ring inlaid with blue stones from grin as its secret flooded into her mind.
the chain and laid it delicately in front of the Herald.
“Does she understand? Or shall we explain again?”
“No, no, little one! Both! They are heaviest for her
together.” The Herald’s claw shook as it pointed to Jedza’s fingerbones clicked against the sphere when
the gold ring still on the necklace.  she picked it up from the floor. Without another
word, she nestled the orb underneath her shawls,
For the first time since he had served her, Mikhail retrieved her pack, and walked away. The Herald
saw Jedza stiffen. She stayed still for a very long did not stop grinning until Jedza had gone a dozen
while. One hand moved at her side, back and forth. paces, and then let out a strained gurgle before col-
There was only silence and stillness in the cavern. lapsing, once again nothing more than an empty
Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, Jedza corpse. Mikhail kept a respectful distance; there
made her choice.  would be time to discuss what had happened later.

“Nyet, Jedza!” Mikhail said, shocked.  “Do we need to get the thread?” Bernadette asked,
shoulders squared back, but her voice shaking.
She held a hand out behind her, and Mikhail fell
silent. Jedza hesitated one last time before rever- “Nyet. It is done.” Jedza watched the thread begin
ently placing the chain and the gold band in a small to dissolve until it was nothing. “We have spent too
pile. “There. It is yours.” much time here. Let us leave this place.”

“She has given us the most valuable thing she has, so The whispers and dust had gone silent; in their
old, worth more than everything she has ever held. place, the room’s treasures seemed to peek from
We give her our piece of the great machine, and their covers of darkness. Cornelius looked at his
answer her question for another, and offer a secret daughter and pulled her into a quick embrace.
of our own.”
“We’re okay, Bee,” her father said. “Let’s get out of
The corpse made a gesture with one claw. In the here.”
darkness far beyond there was a sound, a clattering
and clinking, like falling coins and sand. A small The Basses followed Jedza’s lanterns bobbing ahead,
thing rolled into the light of Jedza’s lanterns. It was but distance between them had thrown the cavern
an orb, lined with small glyphs. The sphere itself into an unsteady gloom.
was made of a strange dark material, and bands of
Suddenly, the clang of metal echoed throughout the
lighter metal wrapped around it in seemingly ran-
chamber, sending a shock of icy adrenaline through
dom patterns.
the lawman’s body. He instinctively brought up his
“Now, we will answer the curiosity’s question for shotgun, trying to locate the source of the sound be-
another: telling the Fate of one has become impossi- fore seeing Bernadette almost disappear in front of
ble for all but two, but our mistress sees outside their him. She had stumbled, barely catching herself on
false truth. All loving mothers return to their babes, an old mirror. More trinkets clattered and chimed in
but not with the skin in which they bore their chil- the dark. Bernadette stood up almost immediately, a
dren. A choice will be made. Hers and hers alone; flush of unease and embarrassment creeping across
that we cannot see.” her face.

Nothing Is Forever

“Malyshka!” Jedza called angrily from ahead, staff Once the dirigible came back into view, Cornelius
rapping on the stone floor. “What did I say? Do not let the last of the tension out of his shoulders.
touch anything!” They would at least be able to get home. Mikhail
helped Jedza down a crumbling shelf of stones. The
Cornelius helped steady his daughter, ignoring old woman adjusted her hood and glasses before
Jedza’s scolding and the dying echoes of the cham- approaching the Basses, holding out the sphere.
ber’s disturbed treasures. “You okay?”
“Bring this to that stuffy old manor and give Gretchen
“Yeah,” Bernadette snapped, pulling away from him. my best. Not everyone can age gracefully. She was
She immediately dropped her head. “Sorry.” looking strashnyy, dreadful, last time we spoke.”
“S’alright, Bee,” Cornelius said. “Just keep your eyes Cornelius carefully took the sphere. It wasn’t cold,
up. If you trip again, I’ll tell Reichart.” but something about the thing made him uneasy.
The runes on its edges almost seemed to speak to
Bernadette rolled her eyes, quickly leaving her
him. The words didn’t make any sense in his mind,
embarrassment behind. “I’d rather you just left me
but they were close to having some meaning…
“Do not touch it for long,” Jedza said. She held up
Cornelius followed his daughter around the cham-
a plain burlap sack, pulled from her own expan-
ber’s twisting pathways. Jedza’s lamps eventually
sive collection. Cornelius dropped the orb into the
cast one final glow on the walls before the relics of
bag and tied it shut. She continued: “Give her this
ages past were once again swallowed by darkness.
as well.” Jedza had a long quill pen and a tiny jar of
Nobody noticed the distorted form that rippled ink in one hand; she gestured at Mikhail, and the
within the glass of the mirror Bernadette had caught bodyguard knelt on one knee. Using his broad back,
herself on. None were there to notice the too-long Jedza scribbled something on the paper, folded it,
fingers tracing the edges of the handprint left in the and gave it to the sheriff. 
dust or the hint of a too-wide smile. If any living
There was another moment of extended silence, as
thing had been present, they might have noticed a
though the awkwardness of the first meeting had
tiny crack start to work its way across the mirror.
returned for this goodbye. 

“I… I did not realize that more would be needed

to have all of our goals accomplished,” Jedza said
guardedly. “You are khoroshiye lyudi - good people.
I am sorry for involving you so deeply, little one.”
No one spoke for the remainder of the journey back.
Jedza passed by the skeleton too quickly for it to “Well... I’m sorry you had to give up your rings,”
muster anything more than a few twitching finger- Bernadette replied uncomfortably. “Must’ve been
bones. Once the graying sky was visible, everyone pretty valuable for that thing to pick them over me.”
visibly relaxed. The Basses remained close to the
Jedza tilted her head in what she hoped resembled
pathway while Jedza and Mikhail moved to fetch
something of a kind gesture. “All things come and
the auroch’s pile they had left behind.
go. No matter. A life is something different. I would
On Jedza’s approach, Sophie’s bones began to stand not willingly cut one like yours short.” 
up again. In a few moments, the auroch was happily
Cornelius looked at Mikhail and tensely offered a
trotting over to Jedza as though no time had passed.
hand. “We protect our own,” he said. 
The old woman just stared at Sophie for a long
while, tracing the lines of her bleached skull and The swordsman returned the handshake. “Da.
dark horns with her gloved hands. She motioned That we do. I wish you both safe travels.”
wordlessly to Mikhail; when she did, the pair started
back down the trail. The Basses were close behind. “Wait, aren’t you coming with us?” Bernadette
It took some time for the mountain winds to blow asked. “It’s… it’s a long way back to… well, wherever
away the memories that had been dredged up in you come from, I’d think.”
that foreboding place.


Nothing Is Forever

“Ah, malyshka, as long as Mikhail and I are together, He waddled over and handed one to Cornelius, who
we are home. Besides, there are other places we accepted with forced politeness. Wasn’t there any-
must go. Perhaps we will meet again if I choose to one else but Ludvig he could talk to? “To congratu-
travel to your Badlands someday. I would like that.” late you on your successful acquisition and return to
the, er, our…” Ludvig stumbled off. The lawman had
Cornelius tipped his hat. “We’d be glad to have you. downed his drink in one go, and now held the glass
I suppose we’ll be off then. Come on, Bee. Let’s get casually in one hand.
on that... thing before it leaves.” The discomfort in
Cornelius’ voice was evident, but a few terrible min- “Er, well, on your safe return to the Explorer’s
utes in the air was better than weeks of traveling Society as a full member!” Ludvig concluded. He
underprepared in the northern wilderness. raised his own glass and sipped delicately. “Now, I
assume you’ve brought something for us?”
Jedza watched the Basses head back to the dirigi-
ble. Bernadette turned back to wave before they Basse reached into a satchel and pulled out the orb
boarded. Once it drifted out of sight, Jedza began to and bit of paper. Ludvig squeaked in excitement and
walk in the opposite direction.  scuttled back behind his desk to place the relic on a
small stand. He smoothly opened the note and read
“Come. We have a long way yet to go,” she said. it before smiling up at the sheriff.
Mikhail eyed Jedza as she walked with Sophie. He “Well done. Well done, indeed! Tremendous work.
started with a lighter question. “You said Gretchen Now, I know your employment lies with the Guild,
was a dangerous woman. Is giving her that thing a but we’ve pulled some strings and gotten approv-
good idea?” He braced himself for a sharp retort, but al from the Governor-General himself to have you
it never came. The old woman was more contem- assist us in some delicate matters, if you are inter-
plative than usual, hand feeling for the tiny weight ested. The rewards of Society work can be quite lu-
around her neck that would never be replaced. crative,” Ludvig concluded. He slid a Society signet
ring across the table atop a small stack of important
“Gretchen will get her toy, we will pay our debt –
looking papers. Basse saw a few words that made his
my debt – and father and daughter will be none the
heart skip a beat. He put his glass down on the desk
wiser. Let them have their wild frontier for a little
and stood at the back of one of the plush chairs in
longer. The world will still be here long after all of
the office.
them have gone. In some form or another.”
“What’s the job?” the sheriff finally asked. Ludvig
“And the Herald?” Mikhail ventured, “What did it
sat back in his chair with a self-satisfied smile.
offer you?”

Beneath her veil, if Jedza had still had lips, she would
have smiled.

Cornelius Basse’s spurs clinked on the marble floors

of the Explorer’s Society manor. He had walked
the halls before, but informally. This would be his
first official meeting with the heads of the Society.
He had tried to clean himself up as best as possible
before arriving, but he still felt underdressed. The
steward he was following didn’t seem to mind.

“Sheriff Cornelius Basse!” a very fat man greeted

right as the steward opened his door. He held
two glasses of something alcoholic, based on the
number of bottles stacked neatly in the little bar.

Stat Cards • APEX

Master, Construct
Born into the lower end of high society, Justin Cooper
watched his peers revel in the best that money could buy
while his father remained frugal. He refused his son a life
of fullness, claiming it a weakness. There was only one
expense he allowed: the pursuit of the hunt. Justin resisted
at first. What good were riches if you wallowed in mud like
a commoner? And for what? To level a gun at an animal
and pull the trigger, only to have the entire thing be over in
moments? Justin fought every step of the way, desperate to
5 5
return to the comforts that waited for him back home. 6
Wp Mv 2

When Justin refused to learn on his own, his father sent ABILITIES
him away. Disowned until he could prove himself, Cooper Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Eyes on the Prize: This model cannot gain Distracted
turned to the only help he could find: his father’s huntsmen. or take the Disengage Action.
They were more than willing to take the young Cooper’s Laugh Off: If this model would be moved during an
money and teach him the ways of the world. This retreat enemy model’s Activation or from an enemy model’s effect,
it may choose not to.
from high society ignited something inside him. Stripped Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After
of life’s comforts, left to fend for oneself in the wilderness, targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its
killing or being killed: that was true power. He learned from damage flip (or vice versa).
the hunters he had once looked down upon, hardening his The Most Dangerous Game: During the Start Phase,
mind and body against the wilds. When he brought down if this model is this Crew’s Leader, it may choose an enemy
model to gain Adversary (Apex).
his first prey and threw the corpse at his father’s feet, he
realized just how much of life he had been missing. HEALTH

In the years that followed, Cooper traveled. The frosts of

Russia, the steaming jungles of South America, the arid
grasslands of Africa, and the plains of America all wel- Lord Cooper
comed the hunter. But eventually, Earth and all its beasts
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
became boring. It would be Malifaux that offered new
Machete y1" 6 Df -
opportunities and excitements. There, Cooper founded the This model may remove a Terrain Marker within a1 to
Explorer’s Society. It was outwardly dedicated to discovery receive a + to this Action. Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
c Maim: Target discards a card.
and science, auspiciously concealing the members’ exploita- .950 Nitro Express Rifle z14" 6m Df -
tion and plundering of the land and its wealth. Once per Activation. This Action ignores Cover. Target
suffers 3/5/7 damage.
t Good for a Laugh: Draw two cards, then discard
Malifaux’s flora and fauna proved wickedly dangerous, in a card.
r Put Down: When resolving, the target ignores
more ways than Cooper could have ever imagined: a sabo- any of its Hard to Kill or Demise Abilities.
taged hunting accident brought him to the brink of death. c Tracer Rounds: Target gains Adversary (Apex).
m Trophy Hunter: Enemy only. After killing, Drop
It was only by his connections and wealth that he was able a Scheme Marker into base contact with the target.
to survive in any fashion at all. After years of rehabilitation Explosive Ordinance z8" 6 * 12
and painful trials, Lord Cooper was literally rebuilt. Shockwave 2, Df 13, Damage 1 and Injured +1.
Apex models may ignore the effects of this Shockwave.
m Blown Back: Push models damaged by this Action
With his physical body made new, Lord Justin Cooper real- 3" away from the Marker.

ized he had been holding back. Cooper found Malifaux to Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

be a place of loose ethics and beings so dangerous none but F Foul-Mouthed 6" 6 - 12
the most insane would ever challenge them. It was perfect. Other friendly model only. Target Heals 1/2/3 and gains
Focused +1.
m Thrill of the Hunt: Friendly Apex models within
For the first time in a very long while, Lord Cooper feels alive p6 may move up to 3".
again. There is an entirely unexplored world to be hunted. To F Reload - - - -
be an apex predator on Earth was child’s play. In Malifaux, End the Focused Condition on this model. This model
may take the .950 Nitro Express Rifle Action, ignoring
Cooper dares anyone to try and take that title away from him. its Once per Activation restriction.



APEX • Stat Cards

Stat Cards • APEX

Minion (3), Living
Totem (Lord Cooper)
The warnings never seem to get through to people. Desperate APEX
souls are carted through the Breach on a daily basis. Many
are taken for everything they’re worth and left to die.
Gambling debts, sickness, crimes, and a trail of enemies
tend to follow some slippery men and women until they’re
backed into a corner of their own making with no way out.
When a dapper lawyer approaches in their darkest hour
and offers a contract to absolve them of their sorrows,
well… there are very few who don’t sign.
4 5
Those that take time to read the contract might find the
Wp Mv 2
legalese quite alarming. Of course, not many do. The ABILITIES
promise of debts repaid and crimes forgiven is enough to Demise (Hunted): After this model is killed, if it was
killed by a friendly Lord Cooper, add a Soulstone to this
draw in the hopeless. When the time comes to fulfill their Crew’s Soulstone Pool. If killed by an enemy model, that
end of the bargain, Cooper allows his Runaways’ instincts model gains Adversary (Apex), which cannot end or
be removed while a friendly Lord Cooper is in LoS of the
to take over. They were not brought along to be servants enemy model.
or entertainment; they are there to be hunted. They have a Head Start: This model must be deployed on the
30-minute head start. Anything is fair game. Centerline instead of within your Deployment Zone.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
Good luck. On the Run: Friendly Lord Cooper models may treat
this model as an enemy model. This model cannot relent or
Cheat Fate when targeted by friendly Lord Cooper models.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Makeshift Weaponry y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Instigate: Enemy only. After resolving, draw a
card. Then, the target must take a yAction
targeting this model.
F Call for Help 4" 4 Wp -
Enemy only. Target gains Distracted +1. After resolving
this Action, a friendly Lord Cooper must take a z Action
targeting this model, if able, ignoring Friendly Fire.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Escape - - - -
This Action cannot be taken by other models. This model
must be within 4" of a table corner and in the opposing
player’s Deployment Zone. This model may draw cards
up to its Maximum Hand Size and Drop a Scheme
Marker anywhere on the table. Then, remove this model
from the game (it is not killed).



APEX, FAE  •  Stat Cards

Enforcer, Beast
The return of the Autumn Queen has brought forth old
life from dead soil. Plants and animals not seen for thou-
sands of years once again walk the wild places of Malifaux.
The greatest of these is a predator the Explorer’s Society
has dubbed the Malisaurus Rex, recently discovered by an
unfortunate research expedition. Despite their appearance,
the Malisaurus Rexes are wholly aligned to Titania’s court.
While born during the time of the Fae, these predators are
4 5 animalistic and primal. Magic can easily urge them to spe-
4 Wp Mv 4
Df Sz cific action, be it protecting a copse of trees or rampaging
ABILITIES to make sure trespassers are frightened away, or better yet,
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After
targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its Ownership of a Malisaurus, alive or dead, has become a
damage flip (or vice versa). top priority for most academic circles in Malifaux. Most
Rush: When this model takes the Charge Action, increase
the distance it Pushes by up to +2". infamous and notable of these examples are the University
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and of Malifaux and the Explorer’s Society. While the
Manipulative Abilities of other models.
University’s claims of owning a Malisaurus have not
Terrifying (12): After an enemy model targets this
model with an Attack Action, the enemy model must pass a been verified, Lord Cooper infamously took down an
TN 12 Wp duel or the Action fails. enormous specimen, whose taxidermy now resides in
Towering Figure: This model is unaffected by Severe
and Hazardous Terrain and can move through other models.
the manor’s main hall. However, rumors also
abound that the slain Malisaurus had a nest of
eggs. Taming such a beast would be an impos-
sibly difficult task, but some within the Society
claim that Cooper has commissioned enchanters
to produce runic manacles far too large to fit
Malisaurus Rex
anything close to human.
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Massive Jaws y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage.
R Tear Off a Bite: This model Heals 2.
c Rampage: Push this model 5", ignoring any models,
such that this model moves through the target.
Models this model Pushed through in this way must
each pass a TN 13 Mv duel or suffer 1 damage.
F Lashing Tendrils 6" 6 Mv -
Push the target up to 4" in any direction.
R Rip and Tear: Take a yAction targeting the same
model. This Action receives a + to its duel.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Tail Whip p2" 5t - 10
Enemy models within range must each pass a TN 13 Mv
duel or suffer 2 damage and gain Staggered. Push any
models damaged by this Action up to 2" in any direction.
t Territorial: Once per Turn. Until the End Phase,
this model increases the range of its Actions by +1"
and it cannot be moved or Buried.
F Wild Hunt a2" 5 - 12
Until the End Phase, friendly models that share a
Keyword with this model receive +c to Attack Actions
targeting enemy models within range.


Stat Cards • APEX

Henchman, Construct
It took a master craftsman a significant amount of time to
properly configure mechanical limbs for Lord Cooper. A
total of ten sets were fitted to the ruined hunter; the second-
to-last was transformed into an elegant killing machine.
Comparable only to the Coryphee of the Star Theater,
Model 9 is a machine built for speed and dexterity. There
is no doubt 9 carries itself in the same murderous fashion.

Model 9’s mechanical joints make its knives a perfect tool.

Its reliability (and the fact Model 9 is the only one that can 5 5
keep up with Cooper) has made the construct a favorite 6
Wp Mv 2
bodyguard, distractor, and assassin for its master. Its critical
interventions have saved multiple lives, and hunting parties ABILITIES
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
are always more relaxed when the construct is around. But Blade Rush: When this model takes the Charge Action,
this familiarity has bred blindness. it can move through other models. Enemy models moved
through in this way suffer 1 damage.
Mobile Warrior: This model may take the Charge
Few have recognized Model 9’s little tics. Sometimes the Action while engaged.
construct will stare at Lord Cooper, head cocked. Despite Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After
having no voice, it walks with an air of confidence that no targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its
construct should exhibit. Newcomers seem to enjoy the fact damage flip (or vice versa).
that Model 9 acts more like Cooper with each passing day. Run and Gun: This model’s Charge Action may generate
z Actions instead of yActions.
But nobody notices when it twists its blades a bit deeper
than necessary, or when it stands with one mechanical foot
in victory over its prey. Imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery, and Model 9 is learning more with each hunt.

Model 9

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Twirling Blades y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
c Execute: The target may either discard a card or
a Soulstone. If it does neither, it is killed, ignoring
Demise Abilities.
M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
Throw Knife z8" 7 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage. If the target suffers Severe
damage from this Action, this model may Place itself into
base contact with the target.
M Avalanche of Blades: After resolving, take an
Attack Action targeting the same model. This Action
receives a + to its duel.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F X Marks the Spot a2" 7 - 12
Until the End Phase, friendly Attack Actions targeting
enemy models within range ignore Friendly Fire, and if
an enemy model within range is killed, draw a card.
M Burst of Speed: Push this model up to 5" in any
direction, ignoring other models. Enemy models
moved through this way suffer 1 damage.
c Thin the Herd: Enemy models within p2 gain
Injured +1.



APEX • Stat Cards

Minion (2), Living
The most dangerous hunter is one who goes unseen.
Mercenaries pride themselves on their skills and ability to
get a job done quietly. Wealthy clients see them as tools to
get a specific job done, but Cooper was looking for more.
He found it in two talented rangers from the dismantled
remnants of a private military company, the Crypsis Corps.
The promise of pay beyond their wildest dreams and the
opportunity to hunt and stalk the nightmares that inhab-
6 4 ited Malifaux was an opportunity neither man could pass
Wp Mv 2
Sz up. This deadly duo now plies their skills directly for Lord
ABILITIES Cooper and use the defunct name of their previous employ-
Beneath the Leaves: While this model is within a3 ers to hide the fact that only two remain.
of Severe, Hazardous, and/or Concealing Terrain, enemy
models treat the area within a3 as having those same traits.
Expert Shot: This model’s Attack Actions ignore
There is no terrain these two have not encountered or
Friendly Fire. endured. The pair can vanish into their surroundings as
Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After though they were ghosts. New members to Lord Cooper’s
targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its hunts marvel at the Corps’ ability to stay still for hours,
damage flip (or vice versa). even letting good opportunities to land a kill pass them by
Sniper: When this model takes a z Action, it may lower
the value of its Focused Condition by 1 to treat the Action until the perfect moment presents itself. To some it might
as having +10" range. seem like a sixth sense. Cooper knows the Crypsis Corps
Stealth: Enemy models cannot target this model from
more than 6" away.
are above the rest for one simple
reason: they share a hunter’s bond.
A private language of expressions
and minute gestures lets the pair
coordinate attacks without
ever making a sound. When
Crypsis Corps
the time comes, a single
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
squeeze of the trigger is all
Crypsis Rifle z14" 5 Df -
it takes for the Corps to
This Action ignores Cover. If the target has any show what true hunters
Conditions, add any suit to this Action’s duel total. Target
suffers 2/3/4 damage. they really are.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
m Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
c Tracer Rounds: Target gains Adversary (Apex).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Patient Strike z14" 6 - 10
Drop a Strike Marker within range with no sight lines
between this model and the Marker blocked by an
enemy model. Once per Activation, after an enemy
model moves, if it moved through any unblocked sight
lines drawn from this model to the Dropped Marker, this
model may take a z Action targeting the moved model,
ignoring LoS and range. During the End Phase or after
this model moves, remove the Strike Marker.
t Focused Attention: This model gains Focused +1.
Target Practice z20" 3 - X
The TN of this Action is equal to the distance in inches
between this model and target Scheme Marker. Remove
the target.
F Quick Retreat - - - -
This Action may only be taken while engaged. This model
may move up to 4".


Stat Cards • APEX

Enforcer, Beast
Two bloodhound pups - purebreds from the Saint-Hubert
Monastery in France - were gifted to Lord Cooper on his
birthday. The first was strong, with a peerless nose and dedi-
cated gait, characteristics of the best hunters. The second, his
sister, bore the long ears and tenacity of an unmatched scent
tracker. Both would grow to become proud examples of their
pedigree. It took some time before the hounds would get to
fulfill their purpose. In the evenings they were companions
to Cooper, often laying by the fire or chuffing in their sleep.
Their days were filled with a strict regimen of training and
exercise, ensuring their growth into excellent hunters. When 5 6
Lord Cooper was ready, the baying of hounds signaled the 5
Wp Mv 2
start of his first new hunt. ABILITIES
Hunting Partner: Friendly models’ Attack Actions
Artemis is leaner, but a much better tracker than her brother. ignore this model for the purposes of Friendly Fire. Enemy
models within a1 must discard a card to declare the
Cooper owes her many successful hunts; without the hound’s Disengage Action.
abilities, particularly clever prey may have escaped. Where Nimble: This model may treat the Walk Action as a f
Artemis’ nose tells her to go, the rest of Lord Cooper’s men Action.
Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After
follow. Even Ullr tends to lope behind his sister, doing his targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
best to follow the same smells before leaping ahead when model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its
damage flip (or vice versa).
prey is in sight. Perhaps most valuable are Artemis’ instincts. Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
She can sense danger, especially Malifaux’s deadliest preda-
tors, far quicker than any other animal in Cooper’s menag- HEALTH
erie. Because of this, Artemis is often the trigger on which
many actions hinge. If she gives pause, all proceed with due

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Tear Apart y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c I Can Dig It: Drop a Scheme Marker into base
contact with this model.
M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
Intimidating Roar 8" 5 Wp -
Push the target 6" away from this model. If the target is a
Minion, it gains Slow.
M On Your Heels: Enemy only. Place this model into
base contact with the target.
c Tracker: Enemy only. Another friendly model
within LoS may Push up to 4" toward the target.
If the friendly model is an Apex model, it gains
Focused +1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Nose to the Ground p3" 6 - 12
Remove all Scheme Markers within range. This model
may choose an equal number of enemy models within
range to gain Distracted +1.
c I Can Dig It: Drop a Scheme Marker into base
contact with this model.



APEX • Stat Cards

Enforcer, Beast
In contrast to Artemis, Ullr shares his master’s aggression.
A very large hound, even for his breed, he uses this weight
and extra mass to his advantage. His jaws are extremely
strong; it’s one of Cooper’s great joys to scratch Ullr and
praise him while a hapless “participant” in their hunt
screams over a bone shattered from canine teeth. Ullr never
tires of dragging a fresh prize from its hiding spot, head high
and jaws clamped down tight.
4 6 Loyal to their master, these hounds have been Cooper’s
Wp Mv 2
Sz devoted companions throughout the most recent years of
his life. They were there when he was broken and remade,
By Your Side: At the start of this model’s Activation, it and remain by his side in the hunt. Lord Cooper is a harsh
may discard a card to Place itself within 2" of a friendly
non-Minion that shares a Keyword with it.
man at the best of times, but softens this cold exterior for
Hunting Partner: Friendly models’ Attack Actions Ullr and Artemis. They eat the best cuts of meat from
ignore this model for the purposes of Friendly Fire. Enemy every hunt. Each hound has received more praise than all
models within a1 must discard a card to declare the
Disengage Action. of Cooper’s men combined, and many huntsmen have been
Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After kicked from their tents to allow the dogs to sleep comfort-
targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its ably. A man’s loyalty might falter; Ullr and Artemis will
damage flip (or vice versa). never let Lord Cooper down.
Warning Growl: Damage flips against friendly models
within a2 suffer a -.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Trapping Jaws y1" 6r Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Staggered.
c Hold Down: If this model is engaging the target,
another friendly model with LoS to the target
may take a z Action against the target, ignoring
Friendly Fire.
R Tear Off a Bite: This model Heals 2.
M You’re Comin’ with Me: Push the target up to
3" in any direction, then Place this model into base
contact with it.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Flush Them Out 2" 5 - 10
Once per Activation. Other friendly only. Push the
target up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS. If the
target is an Apex model, it gains Focused +1.
F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 5 - 10
Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
into base contact with this model.
F Mark Territory p3" 5 - 10
Remove all Scheme Markers within range. This model
gains Focused +1 for each Marker removed this way.


Stat Cards • APEX

One of Lord Cooper’s first hunts took place in the frozen

tundra of Ivanovo, Russia, after being enticed by stories of
enormous and ferocious Kamchatka brown bears. There he
met two men. They spoke only a handful of words in English
between them, but were guides and huntsmen without
equal. Cooper learned by their sides for several months and
emerged from the experience a man made resilient to frigid
temperatures and draped in bear pelts. When the time came
for Cooper to continue on, he asked the men to accompany
him. They would become the Vatagi, his most trusted and
skillful hunters.

Having never once backed down from a challenge,

Lord Cooper considers them to be the pinnacle of
what a huntsman should be: tough, skillful, and
capable of enduring alone. While one of the orig-
inal two always accompanies him, Cooper
expanded the title to include any notable
hunter that he would trust with his life.
This circle remains very small, and so
induction into the Vatagi Huntsmen is
considered the highest honor.

Vatagi Huntsman
Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Skinning Knife y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
Clockwork Revolver z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
c Bear Trap Launcher: Once per Turn. Drop a
50mm Destructible, Severe, Hazardous (Damage 1
and Injured +1) Pit Trap Marker into base contact
with the target.
On the Hunt 8" 5 Wp 11
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Resolve the following effects for each of
the target’s Characteristics (in the order listed below):
Beast: Push the target up to 4" away from this model.
Construct: Target suffers 2 irreducible damage.
Living: Target gains Adversary (Apex).
5 5 Undead: Target gains Injured +2.
Wp Mv 2
Sz Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

ABILITIES F Create Trap 2" 5 - 12

This Action cannot be taken while engaged. Create a
Bond of Blood: At the start of this model’s Activation, if
50mm Destructible, Severe, Hazardous (Damage 1 and
it is within a2 of another friendly Apex model, draw a card.
Injured +1) Pit Trap Marker within range.
Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After t Toss Trap: Immediately, increase the range of this
targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this Action by +6".
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its
damage flip (or vice versa).
Set up the Kill: Once per Turn. After an enemy model
within a8 suffers damage from a friendly Pit Trap Marker,
it must either discard a card or a friendly Apex model may
take an Attack Action targeting it, ignoring Friendly Fire.



Stat Cards • CADMUS

Master, Living
The Tyrant Wars brought an unprecedented amount of
unknowns into Malifaux. Fighting a war was difficult; doing
so on so many fronts would prove to be the Autumn Court’s
downfall. To combat this inevitability, Titania and her agents
scoured the deepest corners of Malifaux for solutions. While
the Autumn Queen ultimately ended with the Grave Spirit,
it wasn’t where she started.
7 4
As the Tyrants had done with the Nephilim, so too did
Wp Mv 2
Titania begin creating new life. The project’s first success ABILITIES
was known as Cadmus, a collective hivemind of thought. Hivemind: After Deployment, Attach a Hive Upgrade to
this model.
By spreading mites into other creatures, Cadmus could see
Omnipresent Influence: This model may draw LoS
through their eyes and direct their movements. Every living and range for its Actions from friendly Cadmus models
thing had the potential to become an agent under their con- within 12". This model cannot draw LoS and range this
way from any model more than once per Activation.
trol. In the span of a few years, Cadmus’ reach was immense. Siphon Power: After this model declares an Action,
Their gathered information was assembled into one source, a friendly model within a4 may suffer 1 irreducible
damage. If it does so, this model may add one suit of its
to be utilized as Titania wished. For a time it seemed the choice to the Action’s final duel total.
Autumn Queen would triumph over the Tyrants. We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
Like many in Malifaux, Cadmus was sensitive to magic. The this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage (as
more they learned, the more they grew. Their simplistic before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals or
suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
mind changed. Titania ordered them not to infest her Fae,
but the temptation became too great. Deep within their lair,
Cadmus learned of their creator’s history, of feelings, and the
magic that created them. But Cadmus was a poor liar. They
were unable to conceal their infestation of the Fae...
When their betrayal was discovered, Titania sealed Cadmus,
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
and everything they touched, away. Killing them would be
Hive Strike y1" 7 Df -
ineffective, for the hivemind could transfer to another host. Target suffers 1/3/4 damage and must either discard a
Instead, the Autumn Queen cast her spymaster into a deep card or gain a Parasite Token.
R Siphon Life: When resolving, the target suffers +1
sleep. As the ages wore on, Cadmus lost control. Their mites damage and this model Heals 1.
c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
perished, and the main body fell into hibernation. gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
Titania’s return sparked something new in Malifaux. It rever- t Transmutation: Once per Activation. End any
one Condition with a value on the target. The target
berated in Cadmus’ conscience. This stirring allowed a gains a Condition of this model’s choice at the same
strange, undying woman to hobble to their prison and undo value as the ended Condition (to a maximum of +2).

the wards spun there. Cadmus was offered a new central core: Exoskeletal Connection 6" 7 Wp 13
Friendly Cadmus model only. Drop a 50mm Destructible,
Nexus. As a focus for a fragment of the hivemind’s power, Severe Web Marker into base contact with the target.
Nexus would allow the spymaster to work quietly without Then, Place the target into base contact with the model
from which this Action’s LoS and range were drawn.
alerting the Autumn Queen. m Shed Skin: End all Conditions on the target.
t Surge: Draw a card.

Malifaux is nothing like Cadmus remembers. The old are Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

nearly gone, and new creatures have claimed the world as F Citizens of Malifaux p2" 6 - 8
Choose any number of Scheme or friendly Web Markers
theirs. They are suitable hosts, going about their lives none within range. Increase this Action’s TN by +3 for each chosen
the wiser to their true controller. For now, Cadmus does Marker. Summon an Eyes and Ears into base contact
with each chosen Marker. Then, remove those Markers.
what they were created to do: watch quietly from the dark.
F Soul Shock p2" 7 - 10
They report to Lady Janus, as they once did for the Autumn Enemy models within range must each pass a TN 14 Df
Queen. But things are different now. They have so much duel or gain a Parasite Token.
M Spinal Tap: The model from which this Action’s
to learn. Most interesting is the barrier their hosts call “the LoS and range were drawn suffers 1 damage.
Breach”. How fascinating and terrifying it is to them.


CADMUS • Stat Cards

Stat Cards • CADMUS

Minion (2), Beast
Totem (Nexus)
Cadmus originally aimed to infest anything in Malifaux and CADMUS
turn them into spies for the Autumn Court. Now they con-
tinue this tradition, though in a slightly more restrictive
fashion. Reproducing mites is a time-consuming process.
They require a body to infest. Their first choice was humans.
While gradually feeding off its life, the mites turned their
host into a mummified thing, wrapped in webs and kept alive
through sheer will. Cadmus very quickly learned that the
humans they turned into Shambling Nests were ineffective 3 3
and betrayed their presence to whatever community they 5
Wp Mv 1Sz
were trying to infect.
From the Shadows: This model may be deployed at
It was an obvious solution for Cadmus to turn their atten- the start of the game, rather than during Deployment. If so,
this model may be deployed anywhere on the table that is
tion back to the wilds. A Shambling Nest made from a boar at least 6" away from the enemy Deployment Zone, and it
or deer provides enough fuel for a mite colony. Keeping may not take the Interact Action on the first Turn.
them to the wilderness reduces the risk of discovery and Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
lets Cadmus focus their energies elsewhere. When the time Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
comes to bring new hosts, the Shambling Nests are moved We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
to wherever they are needed. It’s easy for humans to write this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
off the horrific creatures as sick or mutated by Malifaux, and this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage (as
killing them is a convenient method of infection for Nexus. before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals or
suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
But the real truth quite literally prickles at the neck of every
potential host. HEALTH

Shambling Nest

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Ticks and Leeches y2" 4r Df -
Enemy only. Target gains a Parasite Token.
r Tear Off a Bite: This model Heals 2.
c Blood Loss: Target gains Injured +1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Swarm of Mites p2" 5 - 10
This model suffers 2 damage. Models within range
suffer 1 damage.



CADMUS • Stat Cards

Have you been down to the library? No, I mean the archives
downstairs. I’m telling you, there’s a lot of good stuff down
there. Sure, you need to get approval from Lady Janus and
fill out a Request Form… what was it, SP.D34? Anyway, it’s
a lot of paperwork, but that’s where I found the references to
the Whispering Jars. Set me up nice and proper, that did,
and got me into their good graces. But…

Well, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but it’s just you
and me here, right? So, listen, if you do get access, there’s
something weird down there. I’m not talking artifacts or
arcana or any of that, stuff ’s kept in the vaults and exhib-
its anyhow. It’s… the librarian. No, not Mrs. Lao, you dolt!
There’s another guy that takes care of the manuscripts and
documents and whatnot. Keeps the card catalogue in order
and all that.

Yes, I know they say that nobody else is working down there,
but he’s there. You think Lady Janus would risk people just
walking out with valuable stuff in their pockets? Just… be
careful. Get in and get out. I’ve only seen him a few times, and
even then it was just out of the corner of my eye. But Thomas,
I swear to you, the man didn’t have a mouth.

Enforcer, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Inaudible Whisper 10" 6 Wp -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and must either discard a
t or have this model draw a card.
c Killer Late Fees: When resolving, the target
suffers +1 damage and ignores any of its Hard to
Kill or Demise Abilities.
t Spin Web: Create a 50mm Destructible,
Severe Web Marker within 1" of the target.
Font of Knowledge 10" 6 Wp -
Once per Turn. Friendly Cadmus model only. Until the
End Phase, when the target is declaring Triggers, this
6 4 model may change any one suit in the target’s duel totals
Wp Mv 2
to any suit in this model’s final duel total for this Action.
t Impatience: If the target has not Activated this
Turn it must Activate the next time its Crew
ABILITIES chooses a model to Activate.
Arcane Shield +2: During the Start Phase, this model M Under Pressure: Push the target 2" away from
gains Shielded +2. this model.
Ill Omens +2: This Crew increases the value of its
Initiative flips by +2. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Siphon Power: After this model declares an Action, a F Deafening Silence a4" 6 - 12
friendly model within a4 may suffer 1 irreducible damage. Until the End Phase, enemy models must discard a card
If it does so, this model may add one suit of its choice to the to target friendly Cadmus models within range with
Action’s final duel total. non-y, non-z Actions.
M Vanish: Place this model anywhere within range.
We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage
(as before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals
or suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).


Stat Cards • CADMUS

Henchman, Living
Epidemiology is an emerging science. Devastation from
the Piper’s Plague has made understanding the spread of
disease a valuable defense. Researching this hidden world
has produced some interesting discoveries, revealing far
greater threats to humanity. Dr. Meredith Stanley arrived
in Malifaux in the wake of Hamelin’s devastation. As a bur-
geoning microbiologist with a focus on infectious disease,
her skills drew attention… from one source in particular.
5 5
Cadmus had been watching Meredith for some time, curi- 5
Wp Mv 2
ous about what her knowledge could provide them. The
world had been changed so drastically that Cadmus had dif- ABILITIES
A Fungus Among Us: When this model Activates, it
ficulty understanding its new rules. They could not produce may remove a Corpse or Web Marker within a4 to choose
a friendly Eyes and Ears within a4 to Replace with a
enough mites to infect the numbers they needed, and those Berserker Husk. Then, the new model Heals 3.
vessels that became new hosts quickly expired. So, they Breakthrough Research: After a friendly Cadmus
offered the scientist a proposal. In exchange for her life and model within a4 is killed, draw a card.
Healing Draughts: Friendly models that start their
whatever social benefits their spies could provide, Meredith Activation within a3 Heal 1.
would help Cadmus acclimate and, ultimately, survive. We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
Thanks to Meredith, Cadmus’ mites can already survive with this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage
less energy and have been able to reproduce with greater effi- (as before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals
or suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
ciency. She proposed the idea of Berserker Husks, and Cadmus
has stabilized themselves thanks to her breakthroughs. Most
recently, Cadmus ordered Meredith to research the effects of
large quantities of magic on the mites. Specifically, exposure
to amounts that would be comparable to the Breach…
Dr. Meredith Stanley

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Alchemical Vial z8" 5 * 10
Shockwave 2, Mv 13, Damage 2 and Poison +1.
c Infect: Models damaged by this Action gain
Poison +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Poison +2).
Rancid Transplant 8" 5 Df -
Target a model within 5" of another friendly model.
Target gains Injured +1 and Poison +2. This model may
end one Condition of its choice on the friendly model;
if it does so, the target gains that Condition at the same
value (if any).
c Biological Warfare: If the target has Poison +3
or more, it gains a Parasite Token.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Doctor’s Orders 6" - - -
Discard a card. Friendly only. Move the target up to 4".
F Quarantine 4" 6 - 12
Target a friendly Cadmus model or enemy model with
Poison +3 or more. Until the End Phase, enemy models
cannot end a move or move through the area within a1
of the target, unless that move was started within a1 of
the target.
m Keep Your Distance: Push any models within p1
of the target 2" away from the target.




Cadmus draws on energy for sustenance. Before their hiber-

nation, Cadmus used the souls of creatures to provide this
fuel. Thanks to Dr. Stanley’s research, they are now able to
absorb magic from those around them. Human magic users
were wonderful targets and useful agents, but difficult to con-
trol. The magic coursing through their bodies overloaded
the mites and caused them to die off, like ticks grown too
fat from blood. Stanley’s new breed of Spelleaters can han-
dle this strain with ease, even going so far as to turn spells
back on their casters or simply consume that power in place
of the host’s soul.

But nothing happens in Malifaux without Sonnia Criid even-

tually finding out. Her methods of interrogation have
unexpectedly provided her with new resources, such
as the Spelleaters. A mage unknowingly infected
with a mite was brought to the Yellow Crypt. As
the ritual progressed, Sonnia watched as her vic-
tim screamed out in pain as the mite changed with their body.
The connection to the collective was burned; Cadmus found
Criid’s flaming wards turned away their every attempt to
control the Spelleaters. This development has put Lady
Criid firmly in the hive’s sights, for she is the only living
thing that has bested their control.

Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Siphon Existence y1" 5 Wp -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
R Siphon Life: When resolving, the target suffers +1
damage and this model Heals 1.
t Transmutation: Once per Activation. End any
one Condition with a value on the target. The target
gains a Condition of this model’s choice at the same
value as the ended Condition (to a maximum of +2).
Elemental Blast z10" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
6 5 Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel
Wp Mv 2
total (to a maximum of Burning +2).
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
ABILITIES r Rejuvenate: This model Heals 1 for each r in this
Arcane Shield +1: During the Start Phase, this model Action’s final duel total (to a maximum of 2).
gains Shielded +1.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Elemental Backlash: After an enemy model within
a6 discards a card from its Control Hand, it gains this F Down to the Last Drop 10" 5t - 10
model’s choice of either Burning +1 or Poison +1. Friendly only. The target and enemy models within p2
Redirect Magic: Before declaring Triggers in opposed of the target suffer 1 damage.
duels with this model, opposing models lose all suits in their t The Fire Within: Witch Hunter only. Enemy
duel total. Then, add those suits to this model’s duel total. models damaged by this Action gain Burning +1.
t Expand the Hive: Friendly Cadmus only. Enemy
We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
models damaged by this Action must each pass a
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
TN 12 Df duel or gain a Parasite Token.
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage
(as before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals
or suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).


Stat Cards • CADMUS

Old Malifaux was a place of strange life, with some species

born from the work of Fae and Tyrant alike. Many of these
went extinct in the Tyrant Wars and the conflicts that fol-
lowed, but the Nightsilk Creepers endured. Titania’s Cad-
mus was not the first. The Autumn Queen experimented
with many different bodies and forms before deciding that
something close to an arachnid would be best. The Nightsilk
Creepers were the results of these initial experiments.

The Nightsilk lineage feels the pull of the Autumn Court, but
another instinct overpowers that. Cadmus and their mites are
far closer to their kind; in the instances when the hivemind
requires brute strength to quickly eliminate foes that their
hosts can’t deal with, they send out a silent call. The clicking
of chitinous limbs emerges from the darkness soon after. As
powerful as the Creepers are, Cadmus has suppressed them
all. Should their Nexus be destroyed, Cadmus’ hive would be
reduced to nothing. So ancient are the Creepers that Cadmus
can manipulate one of those bodies to rebirth themselves.
Until all of Cadmus’ nests are destroyed, Nexus can never
truly be eliminated; another will simply peel its way out
from a Nightsilk exoskeleton, ready to command their
legion once more.

Nightsilk Creeper
Enforcer, Beast
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Venomous Strike y1" 7 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains Poison +1.
c Infect: Models damaged by this Action gain
Poison +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Poison +2).
r Tear Off a Bite: This model Heals 2.
Web Strand 6" 5 Mv -
Target gains Staggered and Stunned.
R Pull and Drag: Push the target 3" toward this model.
t Spin Web: Create a 50mm Destructible, Severe
Web Marker within 1" of the target.

4 5 Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Wp Mv 3
Sz F Create Web 6" - - -
Drop a 50mm Destructible, Severe Web Marker
ABILITIES anywhere within range.
Catalyst: Models with Poison that start their Activation F Creep Along - 5r - 11
within a3 suffer 1 damage from Poison. Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -. model in LoS.
r Return to the Nest: If this model is within 1" of a
Seize Prey: At the start of this model’s Activation, it may
friendly Web Marker, it may take a yAction.
Place itself into base contact with a friendly Web Marker
within 12". This model is unaffected by Web Markers.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage
(as before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals
or suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).



CADMUS • Stat Cards

Minion (3), Living
Before, Cadmus did not need to produce mites en masse;
the hosts they once controlled had lifespans that equaled
centuries. But now, they have been confronted with new
problems. Humans often require direct control to help
maneuver through the bureaucratic layers their society
has put in place. For Cadmus, this is like burning through
matches. They have developed a fitting way to produce
mites and deliver them to new hosts: the Berserker Husks.
3 4 Typically formed from those who can withstand the infes-
4DfC Wp Mv 2
Sz tation, Berserker Husks act as muscle for Nexus. Cadmus’
ABILITIES constant presence burns their energy away very quickly
Df (c) Drawn to Pain: Enemy only. After resolving, if and leaves a vacant shell in its place. The body is used as a
this model suffered damage, Push this model 4" toward the
Attacking model. breeding ground for a new colony. By directing numerous
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -. mites at once, Cadmus can treat Berserker Husks like they
Relentless: Enemy models engaged with this model may are on a switch. When Cadmus requires raw power, or the
not declare Resistance Triggers.
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and
new swarms of mites are ready to be spread, they send in a
Manipulative Abilities of other models. Husk for devastation.
We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
The Berserker Husks react violently, becoming living weap-
this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage ons hellbent on destruction while sending out mites to infect
(as before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals
or suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
new hosts. The body inevitably tears itself apart. Muscles
tear and bones break, but this is an acceptable loss. Bringing
down a Husk requires resources. If destroyed at range, then
the enemy has focused their efforts on an expendable brute
while leaving the valuable assets unharmed. That, and Dr.
Stanley can always make more to replace any Husks lost in
Berserker Husk
the fray.
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Tear Apart y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
r Tear Off a Bite: This model Heals 2.
M Shove Aside: Once per Activation. Push the target
4" away from this model. Then, this model may
Push up to 4" and declare a yAction targeting a
different model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Swarm of Mites p2" 5 - 10
This model suffers 2 damage. Models within range suffer
1 damage.
c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
m One of Us: Enemy models damaged by this Action
must each pass a TN 13 Df duel or gain a Parasite
F Creep Along - 6m - 11
Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
model in LoS.
m Clamber: When resolving, if this model Pushes
towards a model with a Parasite Token, it Pushes
+2" and ignores Severe Terrain while moving.


Stat Cards • CADMUS

Minion (5), Living
Cadmus mites attach to any being that has a source of
energy, feeding off the spark found inside their host. Living
creatures are best, but even constructs have enough magic
to sustain the mites for a time. After a mite binds to a host,
everything they see and hear is transferred to Nexus. Who
could be a better agent than the everyman who sees and
hears it all on the busy city streets? These “Eyes and Ears”
are essential for supplying Nexus with information. If they
wish, the hivemind can even take direct control. This pro-
cess is gruesome: blackened veins bulge to the surface as 3 5
3 Wp Mv 2
the mite drains more energy. The host is put into a state of Df Sz

amnesia during these periods of mental domination. This ABILITIES

can cause panic and isolation, especially if Cadmus commit- Demise (New Host): After this model is killed, enemy
models within p2 must each pass a TN 13 Df duel or gain
ted an unusual act while inside a host’s head. Everyone still a Parasite Token.
has their part to play. A little coaxing Innocent Bystander: Attack Actions without a TN
that target this model gain a TN of 12.
is all it takes for an Eyes and Ears Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
to calm down, rest, and continue Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
their lives as normal. We are Legion: During the Activation Phase, when
this model Heals or suffers damage, it may choose another
friendly Cadmus model within 4", not already chosen for
Unfortunately, as numerous and this Ability this Activation, to Heal or suffer 1 damage
beneficial as they are, humans are (as before). If it does so, reduce the amount this model Heals
or suffers by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
not ideal hosts for Cadmus mites.
The hivemind has been forced HEALTH
to play a more passive role with
their human hosts or risk killing
them too quickly. Even so, these
Eyes and Ears
complications are quite interest-
ing. Humans live brief lives, but Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
they experience so much more Makeshift Weaponry y0" 4Df -
in this time than Nexus could Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Grab On: Target gains Slow. End this model’s
have ever expected. Activation.
Lure 12" 4 Wp 12
Move the target its Mv toward this model.
t “HELP! I’m Trapped!”: This model suffers 2
damage. Immediately, increase this model’s duel
total by +2.
f Eavesdrop 4" 4 Wp -
Enemy only. Target must reveal a random card in their
hand. This model may choose to discard the revealed
card and have the target draw a card.



Stat Cards  •  DUA, UMBRA

Master, Living
Who is English Ivan? He’s certainly not English, and his name DUA, UMBRA

is definitely not Ivan. His business has always been confiden-

tial. Ivan would come to a safehouse, carrying that ivory cane.
A smile and a tip of his hat was all it ever took. Locked doors
would open, secrets would spill, and Ivan would just disap-
pear without anyone ever knowing that he was there. The
M&SU thought he was a Union man. There were rumors he
worked with Ramos. Others said he plotted for the Elite Divi-
sion as a spy, trying to bring down Ramos and the M&SU. But 6 4
even as that information circulated, no one tried to stop him.
Wp Mv 2

Some said the Sourbreak Line disaster was his doing, or the ABILITIES
events that injured Mei Feng in Sunbeam. There’s enough evi- Black Mirror: When this model would gain a Condition,
it may choose a friendly model with this Ability to gain that
dence, but none ever seems to stick. Condition instead, if able.
Dark Deception: When this model suffers damage from
Those who think they know Ivan best are fellow members of an enemy Attack Action, it may remove a friendly Shadow
Marker within a2 to reduce that damage to 0.
the Department of Ungentlemanly Affairs. Agents go about
Sustaining Shadows: Other friendly Umbra models that
their lives until they get their summons. Confusion and mis- start their Activation within a6 Heal 2.
trust are the lifeblood of an informant, and English Ivan has Penumbral Converter: At the end of this model’s
Activation, it may choose either a Scheme or friendly
built a fortune in the market of information. His charisma Shadow Marker within a6 and Drop the other Marker
has been a port in a storm for many who had no clue the into base contact with it. Then, remove the chosen Marker.

man was listening to every word they said, picking it apart Ungentlemanly Affairs: This model treats - from
Concealment, Distracted, and Friendly Fire as +.
for slivers of gold.
Another group believes they have figured out that Ivan is part
of the Explorer’s Society. It was his combination of technical
superiority and subterfuge that caught their eye. The wealthy
and curious all fit with his clientele, and he found an invita- English Ivan
tion at his door within a few months of Gretchen Janus taking
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
over. She was dangerous. Ivan felt she knew more about him
10" 6 Wp -
than he was comfortable with, so why not keep both friends
Runic Siphon
If this Action has any + in its duel, it may replace a + with
and enemies close to see which one she’d turn out to be? She +c to its final duel total. Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
c Shadow Pin: Target must have Concealment or
gave him dark alleys to lean into, and Ivan did so in every way be within 3" of a friendly Shadow Marker. When
he could. Unfortunately, one dark alley leaned back, hungry resolving, target suffers +1 damage and gains Staggered.
cc Intercision: Once per Turn. Enemy only. Summon
after being sealed away for so many years. an Umbra Minion with Cost equal to or less than the
target’s Wp plus 2, with a Shade Upgrade Attached,
into base contact with the target.
That fateful assignment involved retrieving an artifact that
Black Soulstone 7 * 13
produced darkness. For a man who made his name work-
Instead of Dropping a Shockwave Marker, this Action
ing in those conditions, having power over the shadow was Drops a Destructible, Concealing Shadow Marker,
centering the Shockwave on that Marker. Shockwave 1,
irresistible. But the relic was far more aware than Ivan could Mv 13, Damage 2. Friendly Umbra models may ignore the
have anticipated. It dragged him into its world and tore him effects of this Shockwave.
t Surge: Draw a card.
apart; the process nearly killed him. Only quick interven- M Swift Action: Take this Action again.
tion from the DUA saved Ivan’s life. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Encroaching Shadows 10" 6 - 12
Now, there are two places English Ivan walks. He speaks Target friendly Shadow Marker or friendly Umbra model.
Push the target up to 6" in any direction, ignoring any
with shades and moves as an intruder in their world. They models. Non-Umbra models moved through this way must
despise him for it, but this anger has started to lessen. Ivan each pass a TN 13 Mv duel or gain Distracted +1.
M Cut Them Down: The target may take a yAction.
didn’t escape the place of shadow unscathed. He has new
F Shade Step 6" 6 - 10
companions and voices that are not his own. The Soulstone Place this model anywhere within range in Concealing Terrain.
atop his cane has turned black as coal. Sometimes, just for a c Trail of Dusk: Immediately, Drop a Destructible,
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact with this
moment, the edges of his memories will blur… model.

Who is English Ivan? It’s a question the man finds himself 30mm
asking more often than he’d like to admit.


DUA, UMBRA  •  Stat Cards

Stat Cards  •  DUA, UMBRA

Totem (English Ivan)
When English Ivan entered the shadows, the process tore DUA, UMBRA
his mind and spirit apart, recombining the pieces with
fragments of umbra. Physically speaking, Mr. Mordrake is
quite literally Ivan’s shadow, named so the dapper gentle-
man didn’t need to keep referring to the animated darkness
as “that thing”. He slithers about near Ivan’s feet, indistin-
guishable from a normal shade. This constant companion-
ship has given Mr. Mordrake a lot to think about. He and
Ivan are one and the same, but how can the two be so differ-
ent? Mr. Mordrake can feel when his vessel pushes away the 4 4
shady parts of his consciousness; it’s like displacing water. 6
Wp Mv 2
That’s his cue to rise up and show people what English
Ivan’s darkest mind can really do. ABILITIES
Black Mirror: When this model would gain a Condition,
it may choose a friendly model with this Ability to gain that
When Ivan is preoccupied, his “better half” can sneak into Condition instead, if able.
his head and feast on little memory fragments. Secrets are Born of Shadow: The area within a1 of this model is
treated as Concealing Terrain.
the most delicious. The more Mr. Mordrake intermingles with Demise (Silhouette): After this model is killed, it
English Ivan’s mind, the better he feels. More alive. More… in may be Placed into base contact with a friendly English
Ivan. If it does so, it Heals 2, ends all Conditions on itself,
control. For now, Mr. Mordrake is content to watch and act gains Shielded +1, and the friendly English Ivan suffers 2
out his violent delights. Sometimes he swears Ivan looks irreducible damage.

at him with something like fear in his eyes. It only lasts a Ungentlemanly Affairs: This model treats - from
Concealment, Distracted, and Friendly Fire as +.
second, but Mr. Mordrake can feel it. It makes him smile.

Mr. Mordrake

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Reach Through y1" 5 Mv -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and this model Heals 1.
c Claimed by Shadow: Enemy only. Choose a
friendly Shadow Marker in base contact with
the target. Bury the target. If the chosen Marker is
removed, Unbury the target into base contact with
the chosen Marker before it is removed.
t Lingering Shadow: Drop a Destructible,
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact with
the target.
Drag Under 6" 5 Wp -
Target gains Staggered.
t Disturbing Sight: Models within p1 of the target
gain Distracted +1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Shade Step 6" 5r - 10
Place this model anywhere within range in Concealing
r Reconstitute: This model may remove a friendly
Shadow Marker in base contact with itself to Heal 2.
c Trail of Dusk: Immediately, Drop a Destructible,
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact with
this model.



UMBRA  •  Stat Cards

There was death in the darkness that enveloped English Ivan.

He began seeing vestiges of skeletal faces pushing out from
dark corners, pursuing him, desperate to feed on the one that
had escaped their world of shadow. Ivan ordered the DUA
to immediately start expanding its knowledge of light-based
technology. It would be Gibson DeWalt’s Faraday collar that
gave English Ivan respite from his darkness.

The collars harness light and distort it to bind these

beings, called Brocken Spectres, into a singular form.
They are greatly weakened, and let English Ivan
safely navigate the shadowy parts of the world with-
out fearing for his life. Each Spectre strains against
its confinement; they are not used to occupying
solid bodies for so long, and bearing a Faraday
collar is anathema to them. Gibson DeWalt has
made several improvements to the collars, but
they have been unable to permanently hold a
Brocken Spectre. This in itself doesn’t worry
Ivan. The Spectres aren’t strong enough to
flee when the collar exchange takes place.
But the day might come when not even the
fruits of DeWalt’s knowledge can restrain
these killers in the dark.

Brocken Spectre
Minion (2)
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Death Touch y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 irreducible damage. If the target is
killed by this Action, this model Heals 2.
t Fall into Darkness: Place the target anywhere
within 4" of its current position in Concealing
F Envelop in Shadow 6" 5 Mv -
This Action ignores Concealment. Target suffers
1 damage for each friendly Shadow Marker or friendly
Umbra model within 2" of it (to a maximum of 3).
M On Your Heels: Enemy only. Place this model into
base contact with the target.
t Fall into Darkness: Place the target anywhere
within 4" of its current position in Concealing

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

5 4 6 - 12
Wp Mv 3
Hallowed Glory p6"
Enemy models within range must each pass a TN 12 Mv
duel or Push 3" toward this model. Any enemy models in
base contact with this model suffer 2 damage.
ABILITIES M Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
Born of Shadow: The area within a1 of this model is Staggered.
treated as Concealing Terrain.
F Reclaim Shadow 3" - - -
Df/Wp (m) Faraday Collar: After resolving, the
Remove target friendly Shadow Marker. This model
Attacking model gains Distracted +1.
Heals 2.
Terrifying (11): After an enemy model targets this
model with an Attack Action, the enemy model must pass a
TN 11 Wp duel or the Action fails.
Withering Away: Enemy models within a3 cannot Heal.


Stat Cards • DUA

Henchman, Living
People always swoon over the machine and never the maker.
Fame-hungry engineers bristle at this fact, but Gibson DeWalt
appreciates anonymity. DeWalt knew what he was getting
into when he agreed to join the Department of Ungentle-
manly Affairs, but still. If things hadn’t gone wrong in
London, if he’d just stuck to working on logic engines…

Gibson’s life has been a series of regrets, and the DUA was
another inevitable addition to that list. But things played
out a bit differently in Malifaux. Ivan asked for weird tech-
nology that played to Gibson’s strengths involving light
6 5
5 Wp Mv 2
manipulation. DeWalt’s greatest success was the Faraday Df Sz

suit, which resulted in him earning a healthy sum of scrip ABILITIES

Arcane Shield +1: During the Start Phase, this model
for his part in the job. It wasn’t ideal, all the sneaking around gains Shielded +1.
and secrecy, but DeWalt was finally getting to stretch his Blinded by the Light: After an enemy model within
engineering skills. a6 is targeted by an Attack Action, this model may reduce
the value of the target’s Distracted Condition by 1 to have
the target suffer a - to any duels made to resist the Action.
After Ivan got tangled up in his own shadows, he came Tools for the Job: At the start of this model’s
to DeWalt first. The pair worked on several experimen- Activation, it may draw the top card of its Discard Pile,
then discard a card. Until the End Phase, this model may
tal devices that used light and darkness alike to produce a add the suit of the discarded card to its final duel totals.
variety of effects: prismatic barriers, traveling between the Ungentlemanly Affairs: This model treats - from
Concealment, Distracted, and Friendly Fire as +.
shadows, containment equipment to subdue more aggres-
sive umbral beasts. The successes piled up and DeWalt
finally admitted that maybe, just maybe, working in the
DUA wasn’t all that bad.

Gibson DeWalt

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Artefactor’s Wrench y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. If the target is a friendly
Umbra model, it instead Heals 2.
t Surge: Draw a card.
Chromatic Aberration 6" 7 Wp 14
Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is within 1" of a
friendly Umbra model, this model may instead have the
target gain Focused +1.
c Burn Out: Target suffers 2 damage and gains Fast.
Mechanical Firefly 6" 6 * 10
Once per Activation. Shockwave 2, Wp 13, Distracted +2.
Friendly Umbra models may ignore the effects of this
r Nuclear Shadow: A friendly Umbra model
within 2" of a Shockwave Marker Dropped by
this Action may take a yAction, ignoring range,
targeting an enemy model that failed to resist this

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F These Dark Delights 6" 6 - 10
Drop a Destructible, Concealing Shadow Marker within
m Antiluminal Bridge: Choose a friendly Shadow
Marker within 6" of the Dropped Marker and this
model. Until the End Phase, after a friendly Umbra
model ends a move in base contact with either the
chosen Marker or the Dropped Marker, this model
may Place that model into base contact with the
other Marker.



DUA • Stat Cards

A longtime partner of the DUA and frequent violator of

English Ivan’s “no cursing” rule, Eva Havenhand serves
many roles in the organization. She owes her electrical
whip to Gibson DeWalt, who she has promised not to kill
as a fair trade. She is Corvis Rook’s go-to when a lighter
touch is needed, which is as ironic as it gets. Havenhand
is exceedingly vocal about her opinions; most of the other
DUA agents are well aware of Eva’s thoughts on them, pos-
itive or negative. So far, she’s avoided any real punishment,
as she has the strength and capability to back up her biting
comments and quick temper. Despite her spitfire attitude,
Eva respects Ivan and admires what he’s managed to build.

This does not translate to loyalty. Eva is in high standing

with the DUA and knows almost as many secrets as Ivan.
She’s been careful to cultivate trust, but every saboteur knows
what’s behind her friendly smile.

The time may come when Eva decides she can safely cash in
on everything she knows. She might never take that path, but
Ivan and Corvis are both keeping an eye out for any signs
that indicate otherwise.

Eva Havenhand
Enforcer, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Electric Whip y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/3 damage. Models damaged by this
Action must either discard a card or this model may
move them up to 3".
c Shadow Pin: Target must have Concealment
or be within 3" of a friendly Shadow Marker.
When resolving, target suffers +1 damage and
gains Staggered.
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
Derringer z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
m Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
take a yAction targeting the same model.
5 5
Wp Mv 2
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Secret Passage 12" 6 - 14
This Action may only be declared if this model is
ABILITIES within 1" of Blocking Terrain. Place this model
Don’t Mind Me: This model may take the Interact anywhere within range within 1" of Blocking Terrain.
Action while engaged or if it has taken the Disengage
Action this Activation. F Lock Away 2" 5 - 10
Target a Marker. Until the End Phase, enemy models
Flexible Morality: After an enemy model targets this
treat the area within a2 of the target as Concealing and
model with an Attack Action, the enemy model must either
may not take Actions other than Walk and Disengage
discard a card or suffer a - to its duel.
while within this area.
Scoundrel: At the end of this model’s Activation, it may
look at the top three cards of the opposing player’s Fate
Deck and place them back in any order.
Ungentlemanly Affairs: This model treats - from
Concealment, Distracted, and Friendly Fire as +.


Stat Cards • UMBRA

Minion (3)
Everyone has a shadow bound to their body. When it’s
offered a chance to break free, the shadow takes it. Daeva
are not wholly from Malifaux; the magic that animates them
is locked away in a place just between worlds, where the
infinite blackness sleeps. English Ivan usually summons
Daeva by pulling directly through a person’s shadow. As
he does so, it imitates the host’s form, eager to take ven-
geance against the captor that has unknowingly dragged
them along for years. This hatred is not limited to a Daeva’s
vessel; the shadows would just as soon tear Ivan apart, but
he is the only one that can send them back to their realm of
darkness. To be left to burn in the light is a fate that even the 4 4
inscrutable Daeva fear, and so Ivan is spared their assault.
Wp Mv 2

Daeva also become easily agitated. Anything but dark and ABILITIES
Born of Shadow: The area within a1 of this model is
quiet sets them on edge, and the shades have no issue doing treated as Concealing Terrain.
whatever they can to eliminate the cause. They are cold and Clingy: After an enemy model in base contact with this
model moves, it must pass a TN 12 Mv duel or this model
solid, but equally as ghostly and immaterial as the wind. may Place into base contact with the moved enemy model.
Shadows seem to obey them, cutting like knives or sepa- Latch On: Enemy models in base contact with this model
suffer -1 Df.
rating from the creatures to form rippling pools of umbral
Made to Kill: Once per Activation. After this model is
darkness. Survivors of a Daeva attack are never quite the Placed, it may take a yAction after resolving the current
same. They always look over their shoulder, as though they Action.

expect their shadow to rear up and attack without warning. HEALTH


Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Maul y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
m Bowled Over: Push target 4" away from this model,
then Push this model 4" toward the target.
t Lingering Shadow: Drop a Destructible,
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact with
the target.
c Shadow Pin: Target must have Concealment
or be within 3" of a friendly Shadow Marker.
When resolving, target suffers +1 damage and
gains Staggered.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Mimic 6" 5 - 12
Select one of the target’s non-F Actions that does not
Attach Upgrades or list a model by name. Non-Master
only. Until the End Phase, this model may treat the
selected Action (and its Triggers) as though it were
printed on its card. The Stat for the Action is considered
to be equal to the Stat for this Action.
M On Your Heels: Enemy only. Place this model into
base contact with the target.
F Reclaim Shadow 3" - - -
Remove target friendly Shadow Marker. This model
Heals 2.



UMBRA • Stat Cards

When he first emerged from the place of shadows, English

Ivan struggled to understand the aftereffects of such a jour-
ney. His mind was whole but separate, and the power he
had gained was still foreign and unsettling. There had been
creatures in that formless darkness. Some were monstrous
and untamable, but others were smaller and primal. Ivan
drew these beings out first. Animal shadows were the most
receptive, and in time he could call forth Nocturnes. They
were easy to control, as each operated solely on instinct.
They recognized English Ivan as their master, and slid from
shadow to shadow with predatory ease.

Though he has far greater control over his pow-

ers now, English Ivan still summons Nocturnes
with regularity. They do not last as long as their
stronger kin, nor can they communicate, but the
animal-shades are effective killers. Perhaps
most of all, Ivan uses them because he can
control them. The stronger shadows fight
against him every step of the way. The
Nocturnes are simple, and for that
Ivan is thankful.

Minion (3)
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Snapping Jaws y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
m Rake the Eyes: Choose a suit. The target must
reveal the top three cards of its Fate Deck and
discard any of the chosen suit. Place the rest back
on top of the deck in any order.
Displace 8" 5 Mv 11
This Action ignores Concealment. Move the target up
to 3". If the target is in Concealing Terrain, this model
may have the target gain Distracted +1.
t Lingering Shadow: Drop a Destructible,
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact with
the target.
m Reposition: Move this model up to 3".

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Reclaim Shadow 3" - - -
Remove target friendly Shadow Marker. This model
Heals 2.
3 6
Wp Mv 1Sz
Born of Shadow: The area within a1 of this model is
treated as Concealing Terrain.
Dusk Hunter: When targeting a model within 2" of
a friendly Shadow Marker, this model’s Attack Actions
receive a + to their duels and damage flips.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.


Stat Cards • EVS

Master, Living
In the scientific world, there are few more respected than
Maxine Agassiz. As the only child to a wealthy mining fam-
ily in the United States, Maxine attended schools that would
sculpt her into an idyllic member of the social elite. Though
her education began as a formality, it soon became filled
with rigorous studies. Her father initially disapproved, but
his tune changed when Maxine assisted in creating the first
voltaic pile, later refined into a proper electrical battery. The
increased demand for copper used inside these inventions 6 5
benefited her father’s mine, and he continued to encourage
Wp Mv 2

his daughter to learn all she could. ABILITIES

Captain of the Superior: Once per Activation. After a
In the years that followed, Maxine earned PhDs in Physics friendly EVS model within a8 Cheats Fate with a card that
shares a suit with its Reconfigure Ability, it may draw a card.
and Mathematics, a Master’s in Engineering, and completed Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model
additional doctorates in Chemistry and Biology on a fellow- would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
ship in France, where she also met her husband. Journeys to
Polymath: During the Start Phase, choose any suit for the
Abyssinia and New Zealand brought new faces to her ship’s value of X on this model’s Stat Card.
research crew, gifted by her father and grandiosely named Two Steps Ahead: Enemy models treat X cards in
opposed duels with this model as having a value of 1.
the EV Superior. Agassiz continued to delve deeper into the
Reconfigure (X): This model may treat any X cards it
unknown; she often brought other scientists along on jour- Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.
neys to integrate their fields of expertise. Maxine learned Seen it All: This model cannot gain the Stunned
quickly, but collaboration always produced the best results.
The arrival of the Burning Man threw natural order into
disarray. While governments dealt with the chaos raging
across much of the old world, Maxine went to work. Perhaps
science could still provide answers. She put her focus Maxine Agassiz
on the Burning Man’s portals; how did they come about?
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
How did magic, an expression of energy, collect and dissipate?
6 Wp -
Though Maxine dared not get her hopes up, she believed
Strike Between the Lines y1"
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage and must discard cards from
she could determine how the portals appeared on Earth. the top of its Fate Deck until it discards an X card.
m Touch of Madness: Target discards a random card.
She was more than successful.
Clockwork Revolver z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
Her formula proved effective in predicting how the ley lines X Age of Inspiration: Draw any one of this model’s
non-Joker cards it flipped during this Action.
behaved. After inadvertently traveling to Malifaux while t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
testing her theory, she and her crew found themselves at base contact with the target.
the doorstep of the likeminded. Agassiz’s formula, not to Impromptu Invention 8" 7 Wp 12
This Action ignores Concealment. Target a model that
mention her multiple contributions to science, made her has not gained a Condition this Activation. Target gains a
a prime candidate for the Society. Accepted the moment Condition of this model’s choice (value of +1, if any) that
has not been gained from this Action this Activation.
they walked through the door, Agassiz was put in charge r One for All: Once per Activation. Choose a
of exploring Malifaux’s oceans. Alongside her loyal crew, model within 2" of the target that has not gained a
Condition this Activation. The chosen model gains
Maxine has set out to explore places where science barely the same Condition as the target.
c Maximum Force: If the target’s gained Condition
scratched the surface. has a value, increase the value gained by +1.

Researching The Flammae introduced a tiny spark of mad-

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F Order in Chaos - 6 - 12
ness in Agassiz’s brain; the journey through the Burning Choose any number of X non-Joker cards from any one
Man’s portal turned that spark into a raging fire, for just player’s Discard Pile. Shuffle the chosen cards into their
owner’s Fate Deck.
a single moment. To the rest of her compatriots, Maxine X Patterns in Portals: If two or more Weak cards
appears normal. But there are burning threads that wrap were shuffled into their owner’s deck this way, Place
this model anywhere within 6" of its current position.
around her mind. They show her the world in a slightly
different light, enough to help her make connections that
before would have been impossible. The magic in Malifaux 30mm

may yet exacerbate these threads, though only time will tell.


EVS • Stat Cards

Stat Cards • EVS

Enforcer, Living
Totem (Maxine Agassiz)
Why, what if you added wings to the jetpack? Yes, perhaps EVS

made the pinions more aerodynamic here and here, maybe

even retractable! Zounds! If we account for the slipstream,
calculate the density of the different types of canvas… hmm…
what ho, that might just work! Maxine, dearest, I daresay
I’m on to something here! Number 38 is going to be the one, I
can feel it! Now, where’d that other shoe get off to?
4 6
There are some scientists that bemoan a discovery when 6
Wp Mv 2
someone else makes it first. The same goes for inventors,
albeit competition in that field is far more vocal. Orville Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model
is a contributor to both of those professions, but harbors would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
only a joyous appreciation for each advancement the world
Flight: When resolving the Walk or Charge Action,
churns out. Though his fields of specialty are navigation and instead of moving normally, this model may Place itself
completely within X", where X is equal to this model’s Mv.
astronomy, Orville’s second love is aviation (preceded only This model does not suffer Falling damage.
by his love for Maxine. And, perhaps, chocolate bonbons). Reconfigure (m): This model may treat any m cards it
He has accompanied Maxine on every journey she’s taken Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.
Scout Ahead: After Deployment Zones are chosen,
since they first met at the University of Paris (or, rather, choose an enemy non-Leader model without From the
when Orville crash-landed in front of her in an open Shadows. The chosen model deploys now, rather than
during Deployment.
field). The decks of the Superior are perfect
Sputtering Exhaust: Models within a2 of this model
for flights, and veteran crewmembers always have Concealment.
know to duck when they hear Orville’s
excited whooping growing HEALTH


Orville Agassiz

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

“Up We Go!” y2" 2 Sz -
This Action cannot target models with Flight. Place the
target anywhere within 3" of its current position. The
target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
m Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
t Bouncing Bombs: Enemy only. Once per
Activation. Choose an another enemy model
within 3" of the target. That models suffers
1/2b/3b damage, which cannot be Cheated.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Aeronautical - 6 - 10
The next Walk Action this model takes this Activation
may leave enemy engagement ranges when moving.
m Paper Airplanes: Enemy models within p2 must
pass a TN 13 Wp duel or gain Distracted +1.



EVS • Stat Cards

Neither Maxine nor Orville had experience sailing a ship,

which posed a problem when the duo first planned to set off
on a nautical research expedition. It fell to Maxine to hire
a suitable captain. She went through dozens of applicants
before settling on Kiya Manimi. As a former electrocutioner
from Abyssinia, Kiya was a jack-of-all-trades as far as the
Agassizes were concerned. She was a skilled fighter, an
accomplished engineer, and a proficient sailor. Though gruff,
Maxine could see a strong will and a good heart beneath
the coarse exterior. Kiya was offered the position, and she
accepted with a firm handshake before striding on board to
get the vessel ready for her maiden voyage.

Despite being blunt and direct, Kiya Manimi has become

as much an integral part of the Superior as its cabins and
scientific instruments. Secretly, Kiya has come to love the
people she sails alongside. What was supposed to be a single
contract has evolved into an entirely new life. It’s almost
enough to make Kiya crack a smile.

“For scientific prowess, give me Beebe; for navigation, my

husband; but when you are staring death in the eye, pray
that you have Kiya by your side.” –Maxine Agassiz

Kiya Manimi
Henchman, Living, Construct
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Charged Spear y2" 6 Df -
This model may reduce the value of its Shielded
Condition by 1. Target suffers 2/4/6 damage. If this
model reduced its Shielded Condition when declaring
this Action, this damage is irreducible.
c Convulsions: Enemy only. Move the target up
to 3". Then the target must either discard a card
or this model may move it up to 3".
t Surge: Draw a card.
Discus Grenade z8" 5 Mv -
Target suffers 1b/2b/3b damage.
t Bouncing Bombs: Enemy only. Once per
Activation. Choose an another enemy model
5 5 within 3" of the target. That models suffers
Wp Mv 3
1/2b/3b damage, which cannot be Cheated.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1. F Shield Generator - 7 - 12
This model gains Shielded +1.
Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model c Backlash Shield: Until the End Phase, after this
would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with model is damaged by a yAction, it may Push the
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile. Attacking model up to 2" in any direction.
Reconfigure (c): This model may treat any c cards it
Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and
Manipulative Abilities of other models.
Technophile: Once per Activation. When a friendly
EVS model within a3 would draw a card from its Fate
Deck, it may instead draw any of value 5 or less from its
Discard Pile that shares a suit with its Reconfigure Ability.


Stat Cards  •  EVS, PERFORMER

Enforcer, Living
Born on the islands of New Zealand, Harata Ngaatoro is
descended from the sisters who sacrificed themselves to
poison Horomatangi centuries ago. He is an accomplished
user of magic, and is particularly attuned to the oceans.
Harata can feel how the waters act and behave as his magic
reverberates through their depths like whale-song. It was
happenstance that he met the Agassizes. Harata said the seas
urged him to go, to heal the wounds of the world’s oceans.
Horomatangi had woken once more and was terrorizing
coastlines; the Gibbering Hordes had infested the waters, 5 5
and New Zealand did not have all the answers he needed. 6
Wp Mv 2

The Maori man sailed with the Agassizes for months, ABILITIES
Debilitating Poison: When an enemy model within
growing close to Maxine. The pair argued about sci- a4 suffers damage from Poison, it gains Distracted +1.
ence and logic, supplemented with discussions on Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model
would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
magic and seeing the world as something beyond the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
statistics. She became his kāpene, a captain for Distraction: Enemy models within a2 of this model
the world beyond the islands. In turn, Harata suffer a - to Wp duels.
Echoes of the Ocean: Once per Turn. Before a
taught Maxine how to trust her instincts. Scheme Marker would be removed within a4, this model
Both have gained a deeper reverence for the may Drop a Scheme Marker into base contact with it.

unique beauty each person sees in the small- Reconfigure (c): This model may treat any c cards it
Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.
est things.
Harata has never stopped upholding his peo-
ple’s traditions. While New Zealand is
far away, the young Maori refuses
to abandon his heritage. His own Harata Ngaatoro
blood did so for power and wealth;
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
that shame has never stopped
6 Df -
weighing on his consciousness.
Carved Taiaha y2"
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage.
c Infect: Models damaged by this Action gain
Poison +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Poison +2).
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
Crash Against the Waves z8" 6 * 10
Shockwave 1, Mv 13, Damage 1 and Distracted +1.
t Claimed by the Sea: Remove any one Scheme
Marker touching a p generated by this Shockwave.
c Infect: Models damaged by this Action gain
Poison +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Poison +2).
m Blown Back: Push models damaged by this Action
3" away from the Marker.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F Haka a4" 6 - 14
Choose one of the Abilities below. Until the End Phase,
friendly models within range that share a Keyword with
this model gain the chosen Ability.
Ngeri: Enemy models ignore any + to their opposed
duels or damage flips against this model.
Peruperu: After an enemy model fails an opposed
duel with this model by 3 or more, it suffers 1 damage.
Tutu Ngarahu: After this model Drops a Scheme
Marker, move any one model within 3" of the
Dropped marker up to 3".



EVS • Stat Cards

The unlikely pair of Harata Ngaatoro and Ogden Beebe

collaborated to bring about the Tidecaller. The Superior’s
journey through the Burning Man’s portal highlighted
the need for a mobile and aquatic defender. With Beebe’s
experience building Calypso and Harata’s magic, Maxine
set them to task. The result was a cycling harness. A series
of pumps and tubes produced a circular vortex that could
absorb and contain large amounts of water, similar to a
whirlpool. When infused with magic, the waters within
could animate. Thanks to the redirective aether-channels
in the harness, the Tidecaller can remain fully formed for
much longer periods than would otherwise be possible.

The result pleased the ship’s crew immensely, and the

pair was well congratulated. The Tidecaller’s choice of
the Superior’s old anchor as a weapon raised some eye-
brows, but its reliability has helped keep the ship and the
crew safe. The Tidecaller’s harness is not a perfect science;
for some reason, the creature only responds to Harata’s
magic. Others who try find the watery giant looking
down at them with what can only be described as
bemusement on its face.

Enforcer, Construct
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Weighted Anchor y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage.
t Spread it Around: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage and models damaged by this
Action gain Staggered.
m Whirlpool: The target and enemy models within
p1 of it may be Placed anywhere within a3 of
this model.
Toss 1" 4 Sz -
Target a model with lower Sz than this model. Push
the target up to 10" in any direction. If this Push is
interrupted, the Pushed model and models in base
contact with it must each pass a TN 14 Df duel or suffer
2 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

- - -
5 5 F Heavy Torrent z10"
This model may take the Toss Action against the target,
Wp Mv 4
ignoring range, which gains a TN of 10 plus the Sz of the
target. When resolving that Action, reduce the distance
the target would be Pushed by an amount equal to the
ABILITIES distance between this model and the target.
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model
would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
Depths of Malifaux: This model is unaffected by
Severe and Hazardous Terrain.
Reconfigure (m): This model may treat any m cards it
Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.


Stat Cards • EVS

Enforcer, Living
Revolutionaries are often considered mad by their con-
temporaries, but that doesn’t stop the most determined.
Dr. Ogden Beebe is one such forward thinker. Born in the
coastal city of Portsmouth, England, Beebe became fasci-
nated with technology, and loved the great ships the King’s
Empire anchored in the harbor. The huge vessels made lit-
tle sense to him, but he pursued knowledge in the hopes
5 4
he could someday build his own submersible. After hearing 4 Wp Mv 2
of the devastation of the Battle of London while traveling Df Sz

abroad in the United States, Beebe redoubled his efforts. ABILITIES

Another Man’s Trash: When this model Activates, it
Now more than ever the world needed a way to combat may draw any two non-Joker cards from its Discard Pile
the Gibbering Hordes, and Beebe believed he had just the with a value of 5 or less.

thing. Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model

would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
He proposed the idea of crafting a bathysphere, an under- Evasive: Reduce all damage this model suffers from
water exploration device that could be piloted by one or two Shockwave, p, and b effects to 0.
Master Pilot: This model may choose not to deploy and
people. As his ideas grew more elaborate, creditors shifted instead starts the game Buried with a Pilot Upgrade Attached.
away. Undeterred, Beebe liquidated his assets and spent the If this model has a Pilot Upgrade Attached, it and friendly
Calypso models gain +1 to their Action’s duels and this
next year constructing Calypso. Upon completion, news model may take Actions listed on its Stat Card while Buried,
quickly spread, if for no other reason that the machine was drawing range and LoS from friendly Calypso models.

the strangest thing anyone had ever seen. Beebe touted infor- Reconfigure (t): This model may treat any t cards it
Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.
mation about all sorts of technology that
seemed too nonsensical to be HEALTH
true. The engineer found an
employer (and admirer of
Calypso) in Maxine Agas-
Dr. Beebe
siz. It seemed Beebe had
just what she needed for a Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
very particular mission… Modified Welder y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/3 damage and gains Burning +1. If
With Calypso’s suc- the target is a friendly Construct, it instead Heals 2.

cess, the world has Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

been made aware of Dr. Into the Hatch 1" - - -
Beebe. Governments This model may choose to treat this Action as a F Action.
Target a friendly Calypso. Attach a Pilot Upgrade to this
on Earth have tried to model.
acquire the plans for Bleeps and Sweeps p4" 5 - 15
the bathysphere. For now they remain Once per Activation. Enemy models within range gain
Injured +1.
firmly in Beebe’s head, and he has no m “Doctor, We’ve Lost Them!”: Move one enemy
model within range up to 2" in any direction.
intention of relinquishing them any- t A Bit of Scrap: Drop a Scrap Marker within range.
time soon. F “I Can Rebuild It” 4" - - -
This Action can only be taken if a friendly Calypso has
been killed this game. Discard any number of cards.
Remove target Scrap Marker. Summon Calypso into
base contact with this model, with Health equal to twice
the number of cards discarded to take this Action.



EVS • Stat Cards

After the noble sacrifice of his first prototype, Beebe used the
Explorer’s Society funds (and Maxine’s promise) to rebuild
Calypso. The Mk. II is slightly larger and incorporates new
advancements. It shares the typical bathysphere design,
with a window for viewing. A small logic engine helps
the construct function if piloted remotely, a feature
that has generated interest amongst the Society’s more
mechanically inclined members. The new Calypso also
has sets of stubby feet so it can walk on surfaces, and
flexible tentacles that end in gripping claws. Jokingly
referred to as the “fat crab”, Calypso Mk. II is nevertheless
a remarkable feat of engineering.

The data collected from the Burning Man portal proved

the original Calypso was a worthy machine, and the
Explorer’s Society has offered to produce more copies
of the bathysphere. The idea is everything Beebe
could have ever dreamed, but he is all too wary
of technological thieves. The doctor has added a
few failsafes and “special touches” to make sure
he’s the only one that can properly pilot Calypso.
For now, Beebe is content with the Mk. II and is
eager to keep her aboard the EVS so she can test
out Malifaux’s waters on her own terms.

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Enforcer, Construct
Mining Tools y1" 5 Df -
The target may not declare Resistance Triggers during
this Action. Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
t Mass of Tentacles: Push all models within p3 of
this model 2" in any direction. Models moved this
way suffer 1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Thriller Driller p3" 5 - 12

1 4 Destroy all Destructible Terrain within range.

Wp Mv 4
t Mass of Tentacles: Push all models within p3 of
this model 2" in any direction. Models moved this
way suffer 1 damage.
ABILITIES F Eject - - - -
All-Terrain: This model cannot gain Staggered, is Target a friendly Buried model with a Pilot Upgrade.
unaffected by Severe and Hazardous Terrain, and ignores Unbury the target anywhere within 1" of this model.
models and vertical distance while moving.
F Climb Aboard 1" - - -
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2. Target a friendly model with Sz 2 or less. Attach a Pilot
Demise (Explosive +2): After this model is killed, Upgrade to the target.
models within p2 suffer +2 damage. This model does not F Onward! - 4 - 12
Drop any Markers when killed. This model may take the Walk Action.
Mindless: When this model is Summoned, it is treated
as having already Activated this Turn, and neither player
gains or discards any Pass Tokens.
Original Creator: When hiring, if this Crew contains
Dr. Beebe, reduce the Cost of this model by 2.
Vehicle: If any friendly model has a Pilot Upgrade,
this model gains that model’s Wp value, and any of their
Deep Discovery or Reconfigure Abilities (if any).


Stat Cards  •  APEX, EVS

Minion (2), Living
The Gibbering Hordes infesting Earth’s waters necessitated
heavier weapons to deal with the monsters. Harpooners are
the most popular choice; their weapons can immobilize and
restrain while the serrated edges easily pierce through shell
and skin alike. It takes skill and strength to properly utilize
a harpoon gun. A wrong shot can cost a user their life at
best and the fate of an entire vessel at worst. To offset these
risks, Harpooners often use weighted nets. When fired, these
cover a much wider area and give others a chance to attack
the creature once it’s downed.
4 5
Originally brought to Malifaux by the crew of the Superior, 6
Wp Mv 2
Harpooners have since found a home in any party that might
encounter large and feral wildlife. It’s far easier to accurately ABILITIES
Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model
fire a harpoon while standing on firm ground instead of the would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
deck of a ship. Several requests for more of these weapons,
Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
and those who can wield them, have been put out by the having a range of y1".
Explorer’s Society on behalf of Lord Cooper himself. Predatory Instinct: Once per Activation. After
targeting an enemy model with an Attack Action, this
model may suffer a - to that Action to receive a + to its
damage flip (or vice versa).
Reconfigure (m): This model may treat any m cards it
Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Harpoon Gun z12" 5r Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. Push the target up to 3"
toward this model.
m Compressed Nets: Once per Activation.
After resolving, this model may take the
Massive Net Action, ignoring range, Dropping
the Shockwave Marker anywhere within 1" of
the target.
r Lead the Target: When resolving, this model
may Push the target in any direction instead of
toward this model. If this model was engaging the
target before it was moved, this model may Place
into base contact with the target.
c Undersea Toxins: Target gains Injured +1
and Poison +1.
Reel In 12" 5 Mv 8m
This Action may target a Marker. If it does so, ignore
this Action’s Rst. Push either this model or the target
4" toward the other. If this Push is interrupted, enemy
models within p1 of the moved object must each pass a
TN 13 Mv duel, or suffer 2 damage.
F Massive Net 8" 5 * 10
Shockwave 1, Mv 12, Damage 1 and Staggered.
r Barbed Mesh: When resolving, models damaged
by this Action suffer +1 damage.
m Mass Hysteria: Push models damaged by this
Action up to 3" in any direction.



EVS • Stat Cards

Maxine Agassiz can only be in one place at a time, so she

leaves the daily operations of her ship to Machinists. Like
all of the Superior’s crew, Machinists are treated like family
once they prove their mettle and devotion to exploring the
unknown. Newcomers are given respect and a fair shake;
everyone on board has a part to play. The Machinists know
what they’re doing, and Agassiz trusts them to keep the ship
running when the going gets tough. This freedom results in
most Machinists sticking around and calling the Superior
their home for multiple voyages.

Maxine also has a soft spot in her heart for younger Machin-
ists, as they remind her of more youthful days. There’s noth-
ing quite like the thrill of your first adventure to get a curious
mind filled to the brim with ideas. Maxine ensures they all
have what they need to succeed. Many are students, and
Agassiz takes time to instruct them on proper usage of their
equipment (much of which she designed herself ), as well as
lessons in navigation, the sciences, and proper paper airplane
folding techniques (from Orville).

Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Heavy Wrench y1" 4 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. If the target is a friendly
Construct, it instead Heals 2.
c Handyman: Friendly only. This model may take
the Quartermaster Action targeting the same
Collier Revolver z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Quartermaster 6" - - -
Discard a card. This model cannot target the same model
more than once per Activation. Friendly only. Target
gains Shielded +1. If the target is an EVS model, it may
draw a card.
F Navigation Charts - 5 - 10
Choose any two non-Joker cards from this model’s
5 5 Discard Pile and shuffle them back into its Fate Deck.
Wp Mv 2
c All Hands on Deck!: If two c were shuffled by
this Action, one friendly EVS model within 6" and
LoS may gain Focused +1.
Deep Discovery: Once per Activation. When this model
would Cheat Fate, it may discard a card to Cheat Fate with
the top non-Joker card of the opposing player’s Discard Pile.
Eye of the Hurricane: Friendly models within a3
may ignore a effects of enemy models.
Reconfigure (c): This model may treat any c cards it
Cheats Fate with as having a value of 9.


Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Master, Living
Cornelius Basse grew up on an Oklahoma farm where
he learned the value of patience, respect, and responsibility
from his father (and years of hard work). It was on that
farm where Cornelius also learned how to shoot a shotgun,
and more importantly, when; as his father always said, a man
holding an empty shotgun is just as intimidating as a man
with one loaded as long as he never needs to fire.

When his father passed, Cornelius couldn’t bring himself to 5 5

keep up the farm as it was an extension of the man who raised 6
Wp Mv 2
him, so he sold it to his neighbor for a fair price. With that
money, he traveled across the American frontier, breaking Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly
bread with bandits, settlers, vagabonds, and the like over model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s
Deployment Zone.
campfires, as long as the company was kind. And when it Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
wasn’t, he often found himself being the only one vigilant Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
enough to break up backroom brawls. He even met the love
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
of his life on the road, who told him to settle down and make 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
a living by just being the man he was: a protector. Df (c) Tangled in the Briars: After resolving, Push
this model 2" away from the Attacking model. If this Action
was a yAction and the Attacking model is within 2" of
Before she and Cornelius had the chance to marry, she Severe Terrain, end its Activation.
soon passed as well, but not before giving him a daughter, Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".
Bernadette. As Cornelius raised his wildflower, he gained a
reputation across the American plains and canyons as the
face of frontier justice. He was fair and strict in his ruling;
his cold stare was said to stop bullets and his stoic nod was
enough to mend wounds. Those early years were hard,
and taught Cornelius lessons he thought he’d never have to Cornelius Basse
learn. He hoped that showing his daughter the importance Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
of patience, respect, and responsibility through his actions Chesterfield Shotgun z8" 6 Df -
would be enough for those values to resonate with her, but Target suffers 3b/4b/5b damage.
R High Noon: This model gains Shielded +2.
she was too much like him, and needed to learn those values c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
herself. gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
12" 7 Mv -
Unfortunately, it was an action made by his daughter that Caught in Quicksand
This Action ignores Concealment. Target suffers 1/2/3
would ultimately drive them both out of America. Cornelius damage and gains Injured +1. If the target is in Severe
Terrain, Place it within 1" of that terrain, not in terrain.
had taught Bernadette the importance of self-defense (“And if R Sand Worm?!: Once per Activation. Immediately,
it means your life or theirs… do what needs doin’ to survive.”), change this Action’s effect to: “Target suffers
2b/3b/4bb damage. Remove all Destructible
but the person on the other end of her knife was the son of a Terrain within p3 of the target.”
corrupt judge. His death meant that Cornelius had to make c Among the Willows: Target must be in terrain.
Choose a terrain the target was in when this Trigger
the toughest decision in his life: to define what it means to do was declared. Until the End Phase, that terrain is
the “right thing.” treated as Hazardous.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

But Cornelius Basse had suffered enough loss in his life to risk Stoic Nod 6" 7 - 12
Other friendly model only. Target Heals 1/2/3.
his daughter becoming a potential victim of the justice system
- - -
that he chose to protect all those years. So, with his daughter’s
F Claim the Bounty p4"
Remove all Scheme Markers within range. For each
hand in his, they ran to Malifaux City to start a new life, far Marker removed by this Action, this model may draw the
top card of its Discard Pile.
away from anyone who might mean to do them harm. Little
F Kick Up Dust 3" 7 - 10
did he know that the Guild was watching, and waiting, and Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
just so happened to need a little bit of frontier justice of their anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
the Dust Cloud.
own to be doled out to contract towns. And they had an offer M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
he couldn’t refuse.


FRONTIER • Stat Cards

Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Bernadette Basse - arguably - received the worst traits of both

parents; her father Cornelius’ sense of law, and her mother’s
sense of righteous, spit-fire justice. So when that Burk-
wood boy tested his own legal limits when trying to
steal from that poor kid, Bernadette stepped in and
gave him a fat lip. And when he drew a knife, she
showed him where he could stick it.

After that, no law or justice could protect them

from Judge Burkwood. Despite her sense of righ-
teous indignation, Cornelius dragged Bernadette to

They could outrun American law, but they couldn’t out-

run the Guild’s. Now her father has to work for them, or
she’ll meet the wrong end of justice. Maybe they both will.
Bernadette hates it, and she’s yet to learn why they can’t just
stand against everyone looking to cause them harm and put
them down, come hell or high water. Her father pleads with
her for a sense of decorum, but she refuses to hear it, ready to
beat down anyone who comes her way with a fight in mind.

Bernadette Basse
Enforcer, Living
Totem (Cornelius Basse) Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
FRONTIER Knife y0" 5t Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Survival Skills: This model Heals 1/2/3.
Bring It 12" 5 Wp 13
Target moves its Mv +2" toward this model. Then, the
target must take a yAction that cannot declare Triggers
targeting this model, if able. Any damage flips from the
generated Action suffer a -.
R Rip and Tear: Take a yAction targeting the same
model. This Action receives a + to its duel.

4 5 Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Wp Mv 2
F Kick Up Dust 3" 5 - 10
Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
ABILITIES the Dust Cloud.
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly t Shifting Terrain: Push the Marker up to 4" in
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s any direction.
Deployment Zone.
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Grit (Frantic): While this model has half of its
maximum Health or less, its Attack Actions receive a + to
their duels and damage flips.



FRONTIER • Stat Cards

Enforcer, Beast
The dry and barren wastes of the Badlands are some of the
most inhospitable territories in Malifaux, occupied by home-
steaders and ranchers without many other options. Danger
is everywhere. It’s a part of life. But there’s nothing in the
Badlands a few heavy slugs can’t make right, as the saying
goes. Or, there was.

Now, whenever the ground shakes and the dust clouds up,
it’s one of two things: Cornelius Basse and his posse or a
4 5 Sand Worm, and it’s usually a coin flip to see which is worse.
Wp Mv 3
At 20 feet long and constantly hungry, Sand Worms rarely
leave much after they attack. They are completely wild and
ABILITIES untamable, but have strangely fallen in with the sheriff. The
Df (m) Burrow: Enemy only. After resolving, Bury this
model. reasoning behind this is inexplicable.
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1" Scientists and Guildsmen who read reports insist it’s specific
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
patterns of vibrations sent through the ground that direct
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly the Sand Worms away from the sheriff’s forces. Frontiers-
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s men say it’s the cold steel stare of Cornelius Basse himself
Deployment Zone.
Jaws of the Beast: Other friendly Frontier models
that intimidates the subterranean monsters into doing what
may ignore any - to their Attack Actions when targeting they’re told.
enemy models engaged by this model.


Sand Worm

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Savage Bite y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage.
c Quicksand: The target and all enemy models
within p2 of the target must each pass a TN 15 Mv
duel or gain Slow.
t Thrash: Remove all Destructible Terrain within p1
of this model.
r Tear Off a Bite: This model Heals 2.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sandstorm a2" 5 - 10
Until the End Phase, non-Frontier models treat the area
within range as Severe, Concealing, and Hazardous.
t Lasting Winds: Dust Cloud Markers within p4
are not removed during the End Phase of this Turn.
F Terror From Below - 7t - 10
This Action can only be taken while Buried. Unbury
this model anywhere on the table into base contact
with Severe Terrain. Until the start of this model’s
next Activation, it is ignored for friendly Schemes and
Strategies and cannot take the Interact Action.
r Sudden Strike: This model may take a yAction.
t Thrash: Remove all Destructible Terrain within
p1 of this model.
F Drill into the Earth - 5 - 10
Bury this model.
c Sand Tomb: When resolving, before this model is
Buried, Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust
Cloud Marker into base contact with it. During the
End Phase, remove the Dust Cloud.


Stat Cards • SEEKER

Master, Undead
“Let me tell you a story.” SEEKER

Jedza lost her early days to running. She fled the forest with
dancing trees because of what she saw there. The roads
became her friends, as did the people who traveled them. In
her first few decades, Jedza thought she was given a gift. Life
always seemed to be a bit more vibrant wherever she passed
by. Colors were sharper, fruit sweeter, and dead flowers 8 4
bloomed anew in her presence. She embraced the life of a 5
Wp Mv 2
Chronicle (Wanderer): Once per Activation. After
Despite years of quiet, Jedza stayed aware. She knew she was another model within a6 Heals, this model may reduce the
always being hunted, for she had witnessed a terrible evil in next damage the Healed model suffers this Activation to 0.

that forest long ago. Each departure chipped away at Jedza’s Font of the Everlasting: Models with 4 or less
Health that start their Activation within a6 Heal 1.
heart. She aged, but death never came. Jedza soon came to Fragility of Life: At the start of the game, this model
realize her blessing was actually a curse. The dead started to gains 2 Life Tokens. After another friendly Seeker model
within a6 is reduced to 0 Health, this model may discard
break through the ground, clawing at her ankles. She ran, a Life Token to have that model Heal 2. After any model
hiding her appearance to keep interacting with the civilized within a6 is killed, this model gains a Life Token.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
world, but it brought her no peace. Before, she could linger.
Inevitability of Death: Once per Activation. When
Now, every day forced Jedza to flee as her presence brought an enemy model within a6 would Heal, this model may
up that which had been dead for ages. have it instead suffer an equal amount of damage.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.

The next few centuries were a blur. Jedza traveled through

jungles and forests, across mountains and deserts. She HEALTH

walked to the bottom of the ocean. She saw wonders that

would inspire works of art and carried away treasures and
king’s ransoms… only to give them away. She had witnessed Jedza
the lives and deaths of so many she loved, the rise and fall
of kingdoms, and the stories she lived become legends. All Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

things seemed temporary and meaningless. Jedza was tired. Drain Life 6" 6 Wp
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and this model Heals 1.

M Pulled Here and There: Push either this model or

When the Breach first opened, it sparked Jedza’s jaded curi- the target up to 3".

osity. Malifaux turned out to be interesting, but the road led Life of the Earth 8" 7 *
Target a terrain piece. This Action cannot target the

her back to Earth. During that time, the first Breach closed. same terrain piece more than once per Activation.
Enemy models within p2 of target must each pass a TN
Easy come, easy go. The next hundred years let her visit some 13 Mv duel or resolve the following effects based on each
long-forgotten places and long-dead friends… until Jedza’s of the target’s Terrain Traits (in the order listed below):
Concealing: Gain Distracted +1.
past caught up with her. Hazardous: Resolve the target’s Hazardous effects.
Impassable: Suffer 3 damage.
It was fortuitous that a strange woman came into the pic- Severe: Gain Staggered.

ture. She would use her resources to save Jedza; in exchange, Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

the Jedza would owe a debt. The traveler agreed. When the Lost Knowledge 8" 6
Remove target Marker. Draw two cards.
- 11

Breach reopened, the woman called in her favor. Now, Jedza c Stay Awhile and Listen: Once per Activation.
Choose one model within range to gain Staggered.
walks with a purpose; wherever she needs to go, she’ll get
Plenty of Wares 6" 8 - 12
there. Target Heals 1/2/3.
r Extra Supplies: When resolving, the target Heals
an additional +1.
And maybe, just maybe, the road she’s walking now will be t Purification: End one Condition on the target.
her last. c Cursed to Wander: Move the target a number of
inches equal to its Mv. If the target is an enemy model,
it may pass a TN 15 Wp duel to ignore this effect.
F A Weary Road 6" - - -
Friendly only. Move the target up to 3", then Drop a
Scheme Marker into base contact with it.



SEEKER • Stat Cards

Stat Cards • SEEKER

Enforcer, Undead, Beast
Totem (Jedza)
“There once was a man who rode atop a white beast with SEEKER

great horns, and he gave it to the woman he loved…”

When Jedza happened upon a poor farm, she saw the auroch
they used to till their soil was close to death. Without it, the
family would starve. Something in the beast’s eyes struck a
chord in Jedza. She offered to buy the auroch. The family
would survive, as would Sophie; the name Jedza chose for
the gentle bovine that died at her feet and returned to life.

The beast’s strong back proved invaluable. Sophie carried

packs and tents without complaint, the happy jingle of her 4 4
5 Wp Mv 3
bells a comforting sound as the two meandered here and Df Sz

there. Children adored Sophie, and her horns would always ABILITIES
be decorated with shiny bits and baubles by the time Jedza Chronicle (Caravan): Once per Activation. After
another model within a6 Heals, this model may have the
decided it was time to keep moving. Healed model discard a card and then draw a card.
Companion: After a friendly model ends its Activation
Sophie didn’t realize when she became skeletonized. She within 6" of this model, if this model has not Activated this
Turn, it may discard a card or Pass Token to do so.
didn’t get too cold or too hot, which was nice. A little bit of Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
creaking started to accompany her bells when they jangled, Move Along: Friendly models that start their Activation
but Jedza didn’t seem to mind, so Sophie didn’t either. This within a3 gain +1 Mv until the end of their Activation.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
spirit has kept Sophie moving through these last centuries
of undeath. She’s not quite sure where she’s going, but she’s
always enthusiastic… as much as a skeletal auroch can be.


Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Trampling Hooves y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains Injured +1. Place
this model anywhere into base contact with the target.
M Gentle Giant: Enemy models within p4 of this
model must each pass a TN 14 Wp duel or be
Pushed 2" toward this model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Camp by Candlelight a6" 4r - 10
Once per Turn. Until the End Phase, after another
friendly model ends their Activation within range, this
model may discard a card to end a Condition on that
friendly model.
M Bell of the Vagrant: Until the End Phase, enemy
models cannot ignore or be unaffected by terrain
within range.
r The Long Rest: This model suffers 2 damage.
A friendly Jedza within range gains a Life Token.
F Grab From the Pack 2" 4 - 10
Friendly Seeker only. Target gains Focused +1.



SEEKER • Stat Cards

Henchman, Living
“The family pledged an oath…”

For the first century or so of her nomadic life, Jedza stayed

close to what she knew. Though she never returned to her
home, she wandered throughout Eastern Europe for the
comfort and familiarity it brought. The people were kind,
but wary; wars and senseless conflict had shaken the region
and made life difficult for common folk. When a small village
was attacked, Jedza protected the family she had lodged
with. After the raiders were driven off, the family’s patriarch,
5 4 Mikhail, knelt and swore his family would forever protect
Wp Mv 2
Sz her as she had done to them. Jedza agreed, but insinuated
ABILITIES the pledge would last longer than he might expect. Since that
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1. moment, a descendant of the original Mikhail has always
Caught in the Ring: Models engaged by this model
cannot target other models with Attack Actions.
been pledged to Jedza’s service.
Chronicle (Protection): Once per Activation. After
another model within a6 Heals, this model may Place into The name and sword have remained consistent with each
base contact with the Healed model. new protector. When the mantle is passed, the new keeper
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
engraves their old name into the epitaph blade and becomes
Unyielding: When this model would take an Action Mikhail. The latest is Mikhail XVI. He is one of the most
outside of its Activation, its owner may choose for it not to. loyal Jedza has known, and has accompanied her for almost
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
30 years. While he remains strong, Mikhail XVI is not as
deathless as Jedza. His time will eventually come. A seven-
teenth name will be engraved into the epitaph blade, and the
lineage of Mikhail will continue.

Mikhail XVI

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Koschei, the Epitaph Blade y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. This model may have any
one model within 4" of the target Heal 1.
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
c In Memoriam: Choose a non-Joker in the top five
cards of this model’s Discard Pile. Place the chosen
card on top of this model’s Fate Deck.
Entomb z8" 6 * 10
Once per Activation. Shockwave 2, Mv 12, Damage 2
and Stunned. Enemy models suffer -1 to their duel to
resist this Shockwave for each type of non-Shockwave
Marker within p3 of them.
m Blown Back: Push models damaged by this
Action 3" away from the Marker.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

My Father’s Legacy 4" 6 - 12
Friendly only. This model gains Focused +1. Move any
number of enemy models engaging the target up to 4"
toward this model.
m Cut Them Down: This model may take a yAction.
F Shrug Off - - - -
Discard a card. End one Condition on this model.


Stat Cards • SEEKER

Enforcer, Living
“How wonderful it is, to be able to tell such stories…” SEEKER

The former journalist, printer, and cartographer of Innocence,

Christopher “Inkfingers” Tannenbaum has led a storied life
filled with more curiosities than a cheap romance novel. His
skills earned him a provisional membership in the Explorer’s
Society, and Christopher frequently sent back maps, draw-
ings, and information about the southern Badlands. After
discovering the secrets of Innocence, Tannenbaum found
himself in the center of more danger than he had ever printed
6 5
about in his newspaper. It took many questionable weeks and 5 Wp Mv 2
near-death experiences, but he decided to take a train back Df Sz

to the Explorer’s Society manor. His reported findings about ABILITIES

Chatty: Enemy models within a6 must each discard a
Innocence drew quite a bit of attention, and Tannenbaum card to take the Interact Action.
was handsomely rewarded for his report. Chronicle (Innocence): Once per Activation. After
another model within a6 Heals, this model may place the
The Society had gotten what they needed top non-Joker card of the Healed model’s Discard Pile onto
the top of its owner’s Fate Deck.
from Innocence, and decided Tannenbaum Inkfingers: During the End Phase, the opposing player
would be best assigned to Jedza. Despite must discard their Control Hand.

being hundreds of years old, she still had Manipulative: If this model has not yet Activated this
Turn, enemy Attack Actions that target this model suffer
room to learn a thing or two about map- a - to their duel.
making from a professional. The two Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.

got to talking as they traveled, with

cartography helping strengthen the HEALTH

acquaintanceship. So far, things

seem to be going well. Jedza hasn’t
found Tannenbaum as annoying Tannenbaum
as mostly everyone else does, and
a skeletal auroch is not the weird- Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

est thing Tannenbaum has seen. Ancient Words 8" 5 Wp -

Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
One thing is for sure: Jedza is M Drawn to the Unknown: Push the target up to
definitely more interesting than 4" toward a Terrain Marker in its LoS.
t Surge: Draw a card.
anyone back in Innocence.
F Comprehensive Notes 6" 6 Wp -
Master or Henchman only. Choose up to four non-Jokers
in the target’s Discard Pile and remove them from the game.
During the Start Phase, even if this model is no longer in
play, return those cards to their owner’s Discard Pile.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Haphazard Topography 8" 6 - 12
Target a Marker. Push the target up to 3" in any direction.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
r Point of Interest: A friendly model within 1" of the
target gains Focused +1.
Rewrite the Story - 5 - 18
Once per game. This Action can only be taken during
Tannenbaum’s Activation. Replace one of your Schemes
with another secretly chosen Scheme in this Encounter’s
Scheme Pool, resolving any beginning of game effects
now (any models chosen must be in play). The new
Scheme cannot score VP this Turn and if the replaced
Scheme has been revealed, reveal the new Scheme.
F Study 6" 6 - 12
Target a Scrap or Corpse Marker. Drop a Scheme Marker
into base contact with the target, then remove the target.



SAVAGE, SEEKER  •  Stat Cards

“He ordered their tongues cut out so none could challenge his
It pulled itself from a frozen tomb in the Northern Hills with
twisted claws. Emaciated flesh hung from its bones; a rack of
horns grew from a skull more animal than man. It took only
a little mote of life to bring this lost creature back from the
dead. The Damned’s first encounter with Jedza ended in a
stalemate; the woman did not die, but without her presence
the Damned would return to its frozen tomb. Each wanted
something from the other. A tiny finger bone from Jedza
allows the Damned to remain alive. If Jedza commands, it
must aid her in whatever she asks.
Long ago, the Damned was the first to be remade into some-
thing more by the Tyrant December. This connection fas-
cinates Jedza, especially since the monster has a darkness
inside its long-withered heart: a hatred for December that
runs impossibly deep. She shared rumors about a woman
with dark hair and pale blue eyes who had managed to sur-
vive the Tyrant’s gifts, as the Damned once did. Rage helps
guide each new step it takes. It will return to the Northern
Peaks. It will consume the magic of December inside His lat-
est vessel and take its rightful place on the peaks. The Damned
can only imagine how good her heart will taste.

The Damned
Enforcer,, Undead, Beast
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Ferocious Claws y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage. Push the target up to 2"
in any direction.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
M Pouncing Strike: Place this model into base
contact with another enemy model within 5" and
LoS. Then, take this Action again, targeting that
enemy model.
Breath of Frost 6" 5t Df -
Target suffers 2/3B/4BB damage. Models damaged by
5 5 this Action gain Staggered.
Wp Mv 3
t Frozen Earth: When resolving, instead of
Dropping b Markers for this Action, this model
may Create an equal number of Ht 4, Blocking,
ABILITIES Destructible, Impassable Ice Pillar Markers in base
Chronicle (Betrayal): Once per Activation. After contact with target.
another model within a6 Heals, enemy models within p1
of it suffer 1 damage. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -. F Leap 6" 4M - 10M
The Old Ways: When this model performs a duel Place this model anywhere within range.
without any Fate Modifiers, it may suffer 1 damage to flip
the card for that duel from its Discard Pile instead of its
Fate Deck. Once the duel is resolved, the flipped card is
placed on the bottom of this model’s discard pile.
Toss Away the Scraps: After this model kills an
enemy model with a yAction, one friendly model within
a6 Heals 2.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.


Stat Cards • SEEKER

Enforcer, Undead
“When the spring moon passed into the evening sky…” SEEKER

When Jedza passed through the Breach, her curse of life

cast out like a net. It dragged and pulled fragments of a shat-
tered body held just inside the Breach, reforming them into a
young woman that emerged in Malifaux at Jedza’s side. The
girl was gray and dead. An owl, its eyes glowing with bril-
liant and otherworldly color, rested on her arm. For the first
time in ages, Jedza was fascinated. Though the girl was silent,
she seemed to acknowledge Jedza’s questions. After many
campfires and broken memories, Jedza was able to piece 5 6
the story together: the girl called herself Austera, and her 5
Wp Mv 2
owl was Twigge. The pair had likely been present when the
First Breach opened and became victims of its wild surge of Chronicle (Survival): Once per Activation. After
magic. Austera could remember nothing except a boom and another model within a6 Heals, this model may look at the
top card of the Healed model’s Fate Deck and may discard it.
a blinding flash, then nothingness. Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
Herald: During the Start Phase of the first Turn, this
Fear of breaking apart again drove Austera to follow Jedza, model may move up to 6".
but this quickly turned into respect and something akin Scout Ahead: After Deployment Zones are chosen,
choose an enemy non-Leader model without From the
to friendship. Malifaux’s magic healed the pair over time. Shadows. The chosen model deploys now, rather than
Austera has since taken time to explore the wilderness for during Deployment.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
herself, one soul split between the air and ground. No mat-
ter how far they go, the two keep an eye on Jedza as thanks.
Without her, they would still be locked in a formless exis-
tence between worlds.

Austera and Twigge

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sharp Claws y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Siphon Life: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage and this model Heals 1.
M Rake the Eyes: Choose a suit. The target must
reveal the top three cards of its Fate Deck and
discard any of the chosen suit. Place the rest back
on top of the deck in any order.
F Aerial Strike 12" 6 Df -
This Action ignores Cover, Concealment, and LoS.
Target suffers 1/3/5 damage.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
t Vantage Point: Enemy only. Drop a Scheme
Marker anywhere in the area between this model
and the target.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Nature’s Rejuvenation - - - -
Once per Activation. Discard two cards. Draw two
F Eyes in the Sky 8" 5 - 14
Drop a Scheme Marker anywhere within range.
m Reposition: Move this model up to 3".



SEEKER • Stat Cards

Minion (3), Living
“Remember, there is always a light in the darkness…”

There are many strange lanterns around Malifaux, primarily

around the Quarantine Zone. Some have been replaced with
electric versions, but a proper handful still flicker with real
fire. For the longest time, no one has known who or what
keeps them lit, but the people are eternally grateful all the
same. The flames are certainly magical; they keep away
5 5 the darkness in all places, both physically and mentally.
Wp Mv 2
Apartments and flophouses near such a lantern always have
higher rents; the protection and calm the light seems to
Ancient Lamps: After Deployment, Create two Dim spread is worth a few extra scrip. While only a few know
Ht 4 Concealing Lamp Markers anywhere at least 4" from about their existence, Lamplighters are the ones that trek
another Marker. Seeker models are unaffected by friendly
Lamp Markers’ Concealing Trait. headfirst into the unknown and light the way. They are odd
Chronicle (Seclusion): Once per Activation. After little creatures, mostly silent and focused on their work.
another model within a6 Heals, this model may Push the
Healed model up to 1" in any direction.
Don’t Mind Me: This model may take the Interact
The Explorer’s Society has quietly accepted them as contract
Action while engaged or if it has taken the Disengage workers, for lack of a better term. Whenever there is a softly
Action this Activation.
glowing lantern in a place the Society’s
Shimmering Lights: Enemy models that end a move
within a2 of this model gain Distracted +1 after resolving adventurers have started examining,
the current Action or Ability. their hearts and minds rest a bit eas-
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
ier knowing the Lamplighters
have already been there.


Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Lighting Stick y2" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/3 damage and gains Burning +1.
M Drawn to the Unknown: Push the target up
to 4" toward a Terrain Marker in its LoS.
Unnatural Glow 8" 5 Wp 10
Push the target up to 3" in any direction. Then, this
model may have the target Heal 1 or 1/2/3 if it is within
a2 of a Terrain Marker.
t Steel Monument: Once per Turn. Discard a card.
Create a Dim Lamp Marker in base contact with
this model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Light the Way 2" 5 - 10
Target a Lamp Marker. For the remainder of the game,
even after this model leaves play, the target is Lit and
friendly models within a2 of the Lit Marker each
receive a + to any one duel they take each Activation.
t Beacon: Enemy models within p4 of the target
must each pass a TN 12 Wp duel or Push 4" toward
the target.
M You’re Comin’ with Me: Push the target up to
3" in any direction, then Place this model into base
contact with it.
F Burn the Midnight Oil 8" 5 - 10
Target a Lit Lamp Marker. Until the End Phase, when
taking the Interact Action, this model treats the area
within a2 of the target as in base contact with itself.
c Caught in the Act: Until the End Phase, enemy
models within a2 of the target cannot take the
Interact Action.


Stat Cards • SEEKER

“A foot in the grave is worth two on the ground…”

After Kythera unleashed the Grave Spirit, many were forced

to mutate themselves to avoid permanent corruption. As the
landscape rotted, so too did some of the denizens around
Kythera. These Neverborn absorbed necromantic energy,
becoming protoplasmic and gelatinous. They would sur-
vive, albeit in the form of Grave Goos. Since the reopen-
ing of the Breach, Grave Goos have been appearing more
frequently. The Grave Dynamo in Rotenburg seems to
have produced these creatures as foul consequences of
its necromantic Neverborn technology. Others have
thrived in graveyards and places where death is
common, like the Bayou.

Grave Goos mostly feed on corpses, minding their

own business and only becoming aggressive if
disturbed. Of course, a meal that’s slightly more
alive isn’t something to be turned down. Their
acidic bodies easily dissolve flesh and bone over
the course of a few months, making a well-fed
Grave Goo appear like a morbid collection of
body parts suspended in pudding.

Grave Goo
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Sludge Strike y0" 6c Df -
This Action may target Buried models with Consumed
Upgrades, ignoring range and LoS. Target suffers 2/3/6
m Accidental Roll Over: Push this model 5" in any
direction, ignoring any models. Models that this
model moved through this way suffers 1 damage
and gain Poison +1.
c Infect: Models damaged by this Action gain
Poison +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Poison +2).
4 5 Mv
Wp Mv 3
F Engulf y0" 5c
Enemy only. Attach a Consumed Upgrade to the target.

c Creamy Nougat Filling: The target suffers

1 irreducible damage.
ABILITIES c Encroaching Mass: Immediately, increase this
Chronicle (Leech): Once per Activation. After another Action’s duel total by the value of this model’s
model within a6 Heals, enemy models with a Consumed Shielded Condition.
Upgrade and enemy models in base contact with this model
gain Poison +1.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer a -.
F Grim Feast 2" - - -
Regeneration +2: At the start of this model’s Activation, Remove target Corpse Marker. This model Heals 1/2/4.
it Heals +2.
Slippery: This model can only be engaged or targeted
by yActions from enemy models in base contact with it.
Through the Muck: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. After this model moves, if it came into base contact
with any terrain, it gains Shielded +1.
Trail of Slime: Enemy models treat terrain in base contact
with this model as Hazardous (Damage 1 and Poison +1).



SEEKER • Stat Cards

Minion (3)
“The mire stood up like a man, doffed a tattered cap, and
jauntily slid about…”

Jedza would never admit it, but she was surprised the day
a semi-humanoid mound of mud and bones began attempt-
ing to do something that she guessed was whistling. The
aura of life that surrounded her had always affected the
land, but never to that extreme. Jedza eventually realized
that some spirits were insatiably curious in life. When
she passes by their resting place, they are drawn to her.
4 4 Lacking bodies, they simply make one out of whatever is
Wp Mv 2
immediately convenient.
ABILITIES The Moorwraiths seem to enjoy mimicking the forms they
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Chronicle (Servitude): Once per Activation. After
had in life. Replicating hair and clothing are common
another model within a6 Heals, this model may move up (mustaches are the most popular). Some even try to hum or
to 2" toward the Healed model.
sing. While these tunes rarely result in anything more than
Rolling Stones: Other friendly Seeker models may
treat this model as a Severe Impassable Terrain Marker, dribbling mud, Jedza still finds the Moorwraiths endear-
which cannot be removed. Other models treat area within ing. They are little adventurers, not quite ready to let go
a2 of this model as Severe.
Through the Muck: This model is unaffected by Severe
of their mortality until they see a few more things. But
Terrain. After this model moves, if it came into base contact this time inevitably comes. Jedza moves on and the
with any terrain, it gains Shielded +1.
Moorwraith stays behind, but this separation
is not one of sadness. There is always an
unspoken traveler’s promise before the pile
becomes inanimate once again: we will
meet again, someday.

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Hard Slam y1" 4 Df -
This model may lower the value of its Shielded
Condition by any amount. Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
For each point of Shielded that this model lowered, the
target suffers +1 damage (to a maximum of +2).
M Bowled Over: Push the target 4" away from this
model, then Push this model 4" toward the target.
Dirt Nap 8" 4 Wp -
Target gains Slow and Heals 1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Final Rest p4" 3 - 10
Remove all Scrap and Corpse Markers within range.
Choose a number of friendly models in this model’s LoS
up to the number of removed Markers, then each chosen
model Heals 1.


Stat Cards • SYNDICATE

Master, Living
The gray and black of Condor Rails has become a familiar
sight in the last few years, particularly in Ridley. Smaller rail
lines have all but disappeared. Owners have been bought
out, Guild officials bribed, and huge workforces assembled.
Almost every new mile of track is laid down at the order of
Anya Lycarayen, the head of Condor Rails.

Since her father Aucaman’s disappearance, Anya has directed

his business with a ruthlessness uncommon in someone her 5 6
age. Despite not yet being in her twenties, Anya enacts her 6
Wp Mv 2
father’s teachings with single-minded resolve. Progress must
be made at any cost. Use every asset you can; if someone tells Blade Rush: When this model takes the Charge Action,
you otherwise, work around the law and exploit every loop- it can move through other models. Enemy models moved
through this way suffer 1 damage.
hole you can find. If that doesn’t work, solve problems the Expansionist: If this model is this Crew’s Leader, enemy
old fashioned way. Finally, always have someone else do the models treat friendly Scheme Markers within this model’s
LoS and the area within a1 of those Scheme Markers as
dirty work. Hazardous.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
These creeds have guided Anya, but she has added several 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
caveats of her own. Act unconventionally. Let others play to Hostile Work Environment: Enemy models within
a6 may not be targeted by the Actions of other enemy
their strengths, especially if that means gaining their bank models.
accounts. With these ideologies and a core of loyal enforcers, Price of Progress: After this model declares an Action,
it may suffer 1 damage to add any one suit to its duel total.
Anya has expanded Condor Rails into the premier rail line
in Malifaux, with some resources from the Explorer’s Soci-
ety. Though her father insisted allying with a faction was an
invitation for trouble, Anya has taken matters into her own
hands. Times are changing. Not all of his lessons were pearls
of wisdom, and Anya sees opportunity where her father saw Anya Lycarayen
only enemies. The Society has power, far more than anyone Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
could ever imagine. If that’s the boost Condor Rails needs to Ancestral Tomahawk y1" 7 Df -
fulfill its takeover, then Anya will gladly continue attending Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. This model may look at the
top card of its Fate Deck and may choose to discard it.
their meetings. m Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
r Siphon Life: When resolving, the target suffers
But there must always be a price for progress. Anya did not +1 damage and this model Heals 1.
c Stunning Strike: Target gains Stunned.
expect to deal with a new Governor-General or his poli- t Surge: Draw a card.
cies. Condor Rails threatens to become a monopoly. That F Bleeding Edge z6" 4 * 10
fact worries the Guild, and has put a target on Anya’s back. Drop a Scheme Marker completely within range. Enemy
models in the area between this model and the Dropped
What’s a market without a bit of competition? The law Marker must each pass a TN X Df duel or suffer 2
damage, where X is equal to this Action’s final duel total.
might slow her down, but Anya has no intention of stop- m Mass Hysteria: Push models damaged by this
ping for the Guild, the Governor-General, or anyone else. Action up to 3" in any direction.
c Steel Momentum: Place this model into base
contact with the Dropped Marker.
Her successes have been monumental, but Anya still feels
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
pressure to preserve her father’s legacy. Condor Rails was
Union Buster 6" - - -
built through less than scrupulous methods. Many would Choose either toward or away. Push all models within p2
be eager to see Aucaman’s daughter fall, and Condor Rails of the target up to 2" in the chosen direction of the target.

along with her. But the queen of the rails never goes to war Hostile Takeover 6" 6
Once per Activation. Target a Scheme Marker. Push
- 12M

alone. Lawyers, spies, and the Society’s assets escort her on the target up to 2" in any direction and Drop a Scheme
Marker into base contact with it. Then, remove the target.
one side; train cars, mercenaries, and questionable morals r Focused Cleansing: This model Heals 2 and
do so on the other. Business is a game, and Anya Lycarayen may end a Condition on itself.
c Liquidation: Enemy models within p2 of the
intends to control all the pieces. Dropped Marker must each pass a TN 13 Wp duel
or suffer 1 damage and gain Stunned.



SYNDICATE • Stat Cards

Stat Cards • SYNDICATE

Enforcer, Construct
Totem (Anya Lycarayen)
A large, four-winged bird statue usually sits atop Condor SYNDICATE
Rails’ headquarters in Ridley. Visitors don’t see it as more
than a prideful decoration, something to add to the building’s
intimidating appearance. The reality is far more complex.
Aucaman had the construct, called Sovereign, built before
he stepped down as head of Condor Rails. Sovereign would
act as a defender and protector, a physical manifestation of
Aucaman’s will and enduring presence. It would guide his
daughter during her first months as a business magnate, and
act as a weapon if ever there was a need. Malifaux teaches
quickly, but there is no substitute for experience.
7 7
Not even Aucaman could have predicted how “hands-on”
Wp Mv 3
his daughter would be in Condor Rails dealings. Sovereign ABILITIES
accompanied Anya to most of her meetings and investment Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.

ventures, tearing apart Condor Rails’ opposition with bloody Flight: When resolving the Walk or Charge Action,
instead of moving normally, this model may Place itself
efficiency. The carnage it unleashed helped persuade reluc- completely within X", where X is equal to this model’s Mv.
tant business owners to rethink their stance on a Condor This model does not suffer Falling damage.
Price of Progress: After this model declares an Action,
Rails offer. Sovereign is now more of a threat; it has become it may suffer 1 damage to add any one suit to its duel total.
infamous in the business world, and no amount of polishing Sound of Thunder: Once per Activation. After this
will ever clean all the blood spilled by the construct’s claws. model is moved, enemy models within p2 of it must each
pass a TN 12 Df duel or suffer 1 damage and gain Stunned.
This looming calm is hiding a storm. When Anya gives the
order, thunder and lightning peel off the bird’s metal wings HEALTH
as Sovereign once again becomes the power of Condor Rails
made real.

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Menacing Talons y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/6 damage.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
t Glory of Ridley: Friendly Syndicate models
within p4 of this model Heal 1.
Thunderstruck 6" 5 * 12
Once per Activation. Shockwave 2, Mv 13, Damage 2
and Stunned. This model may ignore the effects of this
Shockwave and instead Heals 2.
R Cataclysm: When resolving, Drop another
Shockwave Marker within range and LoS.
t Glory of Ridley: Friendly Syndicate models within
p4 of this model Heal 1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Fly With Me 2" 6 - 12
This Action cannot be taken while engaged. This model
may target another friendly unengaged model of lower
Sz. Place this model anywhere within 4". If this Action
targeted another model, Place the friendly model into
base contact with this model.
t Glory of Ridley: Friendly Syndicate models within
p4 of this model Heal 1.
R Show of Force: Enemy models within p4 of this
model suffer 1 damage.



DUA, SYNDICATE  •  Stat Cards

The world is full of problems: unpaid debts, troublesome

questions, “incidents” that nobody ever needs know about...
It’s a foolish owner that gets their hands dirty trying to solve
problems by themselves. When something needs doing,
quietly, a meeting with Corvis Rook is usually in order.

He is a hawkish man. His cold eyes glare behind his glasses,

watching as clients fumble to verbalize their problems.
He carries himself well enough, but scars beneath his fine
clothes tell of a life filled with relentless brutality. Rook has
made a living cleaning up other people’s messes, and that
suits him just fine.

Rook’s most frequent employers are Condor Rails and the

Department of Ungentlemanly Affairs. Ever since Anya took
over Condor Rails, she has managed to monopolize his time.
It’s not her money that matters, though. Anya’s pockets are
deep, but it’s what Rook learns on a job that’s most valuable
to him and his colleagues. Those connections keep him con-
nected with Ivan; the DUA has given him enough black-
mail to bring down much of Malifaux’s economic elite. Rook
keeps his mouth shut as a professional courtesy.

Corvis Rook
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Staggering Punch y0" 7 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains Staggered.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
c Execute: The target may either discard a card or
a Soulstone. If it does neither, it is killed, ignoring
Demise Abilities.
M Shove Aside: Once per Activation. Push the
target 4" away from this model. Then, this model
may Push up to 4" and declare a yAction targeting
a different model.
R “Tell Me What You Know!”: Enemy only.
Target must either discard a card or name one of
6 6 their unrevealed Schemes (and any models chosen).
Wp Mv 2
Pressure 8" 6 Wp
Target a non-Leader enemy model within 3" of a Scheme

or friendly Shadow Marker. Target must either discard

ABILITIES a random card and suffer 2 damage or take a non-f
Flexible Morality: After an enemy model targets this Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a model
model with an Attack Action, the enemy model must either by name, chosen and controlled by this model.
discard a card or suffer a - to its duel. t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
Price of Progress: After this model declares an Action, base contact with the target.
it may suffer 1 damage to add any one suit to its duel total. m Pulled Here and There: Push either this model
or the target up to 3".
Remove Evidence: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Scheme, Corpse, or Scrap F Backroom Dealings 10" 6 Wp -
Marker within a4 to draw a card. Enemy only. Reveal the target’s Control Hand.
Slippery: This model can only be engaged or targeted by
m Pulled Here and There: Push either this model
yActions from enemy models in base contact with it. or the target up to 3".

Ungentlemanly Affairs: This model treats - from

Concealment, Distracted, and Friendly Fire as +.


Stat Cards • SYNDICATE

Fortune changed the strands of Fate to favor certain indi-

viduals over others. Their most prized asset was Winston
Finnigan, a man to whom everything had come miracu-
lously easy. He founded Winston Dirigibles based off an
experimental design that worked against all odds. Finnigan’s
life was filled with luxury, women, and wealth. But the
disaster at the Star Theater changed all that. Surrounded by
a destroyed upper-societal crust, Finnigan accepted Anya’s
offer to purchase Winston Dirigibles and now have kept him
on as a consultant. It was a role the businessman has played
with enormous success.

Rumors have abounded regarding what

happened at the Star Theater that night.
Winston was a very large gentleman, yet
now seems as fit and healthy as a man half
his age. His looks also seemed to have improved;
though he’s still recognizable, some have questioned if one
of the man’s illegitimate sons stepped up and claimed his
father’s place. The craziest gossip says he perished that night
and something else is wearing his skin. Winston addresses
every accusation with a dashing smile, a laugh, and a wink.
They’re rumors, he says. Rumors, and nothing more.

Winston Finnigan
Henchman, Living Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Sharp Wit y1" 6 Wp -
Target gains Slow.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker
into base contact with the target.
r Red and Black: Once per Activation. Non-Leader
Enemy only. Choose two suits. The target must
discard a card of either chosen suit or take a non-f
Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a
model by name, chosen and controlled by this
model, ignoring engagement.
c Sellout: This Trigger must be declared if able.

6 5 Enemy only. Immediately, this Action fails. Then,

add a Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Wp Mv 2
Sz Derringer z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
ABILITIES F Dirigible Ride 6" 6 Mv 12
Arcane Reservoir: Crews containing one or more models
ABILITIES Target a model with Sz 2 or less. Place the target
with this Ability increase their Maximum Hand Size by one. anywhere within 4" of its current position.
Celebrity: After this model resolves the Interact c Cut the Cables: The target and enemy models
Action, it may choose an enemy model within a6 to gain within p2 of it suffer 1 damage.
Distracted +1. t Luxury Vehicle: Target Heals 2.
Don’t Mind Me: This model may take the Interact m Ride Along: Target must be within 2" of this model.
Action while engaged or if it has taken the Disengage Place this model into base contact with the target.
Action this Activation. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Luck Thief: When performing opposed duels and
Fortune’s Favor - - - -
damage flips against this model, enemy models treat all +
Look at the top three cards of your Fate Deck and
as if they were -. After an enemy model fails an Action
discard any number of them. Place the remaining cards
targeting this model, this model Heals 2.
on top of your Fate Deck in any order. This model may
Price of Progress: After this model declares an Action, move up to 1"/2"/3" for each card discarded this way,
it may suffer 1 damage to add any one suit to its duel total. based on that card’s value.




Minion (3), Living
Condor Rails has always managed to expand more quickly
than their competition. They also seem to have fewer track
malfunctions and delays caused by unstable ground or weak
foundations. It’s more than luck that keeps Condor on the
better side of the soil. At one point several years ago, a group
of Surveyors was sent into an abandoned mine in the North-
ern Hills to check the mountain’s structural integrity. Con-
dor Rails planned to run a new line through the mountain,
and such a venture wouldn’t be undertaken unless the risk
was far, far less than the reward. As it turned out, both facets
came hand in hand.
4 4
5 Wp Mv 2 A cave-in trapped the Surveyors. During that time, particles
Df Sz
of Soulstone dust began to transform them. By the time the
ABILITIES group escaped, they had become half-fused with the rocks
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
that formed their prison. Some returned to Condor Rails out
Chronicle (Geomancy): Once per Activation. After
another model within a6 Heals, this model may discard a of a sense of loyalty. Others fled, terrified of the witch hunters
card to Create a Ht 2 Blocking, Destructible, Impassable,
and Hazardous Geode Marker anywhere within 2" of the
catching them if they returned. Anya has since brought the
Healed model. Surveyors out of Ridley as Condor Rails’ secret weapon.
Price of Progress: After this model declares an Action, Armed with surveying chains and magic, these elemental
it may suffer 1 damage to add any one suit to its duel total.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
employees can clear entire swathes of land with great speed,
and reinforce stone where the rails will run. New Surveyors
still show up from time to time. After all, Condor Rails needs
to remain competitive.


Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Surveyor’s Tools y2" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/2b/3B damage.
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, target suffers
+b damage.
m Mass Hysteria: Push models damaged by this
Action up to 3" in any direction.
Hooked Chain z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Push the target up to 3"
toward this model.
m On Your Heels: Enemy only. Place this model
into base contact with the target.
R Pythagorean Quake: Once per Activation.
Choose a friendly Scheme or friendly Terrain
Marker within range. Enemy models within the
area formed between this model, the target, and
the chosen Marker must each pass a TN 12 Mv
duel or suffer 1 damage and be Pushed up to 3"
in any direction.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Chain Gang 3" - - -
Other friendly model only. Move the target up to 3".
Then, this model may move up to 3", which must end
within 3" of the target.
F Field of Steel a2" 5 - 12
Until the End Phase, enemy models treat the area within
range as Hazardous Terrain.


Stat Cards  •  DUA, SYNDICATE

Corporate espionage is a time-honored tradition. In Malifaux,

it has become a necessity. Everyone wants to know when
and where their opponents are making moves. Information
like this is bought and sold, traded and bartered. The ones
responsible for acquiring it are Operatives. Called turncoats,
two-timers, and a host of other less favorable names, these
agents of espionage work their way into company boardrooms.
From there, they unleash quiet chaos.

Operatives often have a handler they report to, usually

another company or the DUA. They can make suggestions
and manipulate what their competition does, or else steal
information as it comes up. Every entrepreneur in Malifaux
has become wise to the danger of these Operatives, and even
just a threat of one can spread enough suspicion to destroy a
company. Words are chosen carefully. Inner circles change
often, and counter-operations lay out complex (and expen-
sive) plans to oust suspected spies. The best Operatives remain
unknown, playing their games in the shadows without ever
being cast into the light.

Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Hidden Blade y1" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage, ignoring Armor.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
Derringer z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
Arson 10" 5 * 12
Instead of Dropping a Shockwave Marker, this Action
must center its Shockwave on target Scheme Marker
within range. Shockwave 2, Mv 12, Damage 2,
Burning +1. Then remove the target.
c Trail of Dusk: Immediately, Drop a Destructible,
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact with
5 5 this model.
Wp Mv 2
r Cut Your Losses: Friendly only. When resolving,
Friendly models may ignore the effects of this
Infiltrator: Enemy models do not treat this model as Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
an enemy model for their Actions, Abilities, and Triggers.
This model may choose to be affected by the Actions, F Ambush - - - -
Abilities, and Triggers of enemy models that are restricted If this model is not in Concealing Terrain, it must discard
to “friendly” models and/or models of a specific Keyword. a card. If this model is not engaged, it may move up to 3".
Price of Progress: After this model declares an Action,
it may suffer 1 damage to add any one suit to its duel total.
Set up for Success: After this model resolves an Attack
Action targeting an enemy model that is within 2" of a
Scheme Marker, draw a card.
Ungentlemanly Affairs: This model treats - from
Concealment, Distracted, and Friendly Fire as +.



Stat Cards • WASTREL


In England, Lucas McCabe had a respected family name, Master, Living

money, education, and everything he could wish for… pro-
vided that he was comfortable living beneath the thumb of
the Guild. He was not, as it turned out, and he soon left
that life behind him in favor of exploration and historical
study (or, as numerous police forces across the world would
later claim, tomb robbery, smuggling, and black market

Lucas’ larcenous ways caught up with him in Egypt, but it 5 7

6 Wp Mv 3
was his fiancé, Karen, who paid the price. Murdered by peo- Df Sz

ple who wished to hurt McCabe, they stole his future by ABILITIES
shooting her three times in the chest. She died on the empty Trample: This model can move through other models.
Make Way!: After resolving an Action in which this
desert sands, her soul absorbed by a Soulstone amulet that model moved through one or more models, those models
Lucas had discovered inside a pyramid. By drawing upon the must each pass a TN 13 Mv duels or suffer 2 damage.
power of Karen’s soul, Lucas was able to obliterate his attack- Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
Looted Supplies: At the start of this model’s Activation,
ers, albeit at the cost of his lover’s immortal soul. if it is within a1 of any Scrap or Corpse Markers, it may
draw a card.
After Karen’s death, Lucas became more reckless in his pur- Demise (Dismount): After this model is killed, it is
instead Replaced with a Lucas McCabe, Dismounted
suit of artifacts. In his desperate attempts to forget his fiancé Hunter. Then, Attach all Upgrades on this model to the
(and, perhaps, to get himself killed as way of punishing him- new model, which then Heals 5 and Drops a Corpse
Marker into base contact with itself.
self), he made numerous enemies, among them the Katanaka
family. While forgiveness is not a virtue possessed by the
Katanaka, they do understand the value of a useful asset
and arranged for McCabe to be arrested by the Guild. As
predicted, they recruited him for his unique skills, and soon
he was traveling to Malifaux to serve the Governor-General Lucas McCabe, relic hunter
himself. Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
6R Df -
For years, McCabe scoured both Earth and Malifaux for Bull Whip y2"
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage, then Push this model up to
magical artifacts at Governor Kitchener’s request, each time 2" in any direction.
R Rear Up: Enemy models within p2 of this model
turning the item over to the Governor-General only after it must each pass a TN 13 Df duel or suffer 2 damage.
had been reviewed by his Ten Thunder masters. Eventually, M Like the Wind: Push this model up to 5" in any
direction, ignoring other models.
they realized that the Governor-General was planning to
Netgun z10" 6 Mv -
become a Tyrant and arranged for McCabe to sabotage his Target suffers 2/2b/3b damage. Models damaged by this
Action gain Slow and Staggered.
ascension ritual. The plan succeeded, and Kitchener’s ritual R Pull and Drag: Push the target 3" toward this
was foiled, though with his disappearance, McCabe soon model.
found himself out of a job. Neither the Governor’s Secretary Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
nor his replacement had any interest in his services, and thus, Scrounge for Relics 5" 6R - 12
McCabe was unceremoniously fired. Discard target Corpse Marker or Scrap Marker. Attach
an Artifact Upgrade to this model.
R Doling Out the Loot: Choose an Artifact Upgrade
His treasure hunting days did not end with this Guild employ- Attached to this model. Discard it, then Attach it to a
ment, however. Shortly after he was fired, Lucas was con- friendly Minion or Wastrel model within 6".

tacted by the Explorer’s Society, which wished to make use “Careful, It’s Cursed!” 10" - -
Discard an Attached Artifact Upgrade from target

of his talents to track down a number of ancient Neverborn friendly model. Enemy models within p2 of the target
must each pass a TN 13 Wp duel or suffer 2 damage and
artifacts from the days of the Tyrant War. McCabe took them gain Injured +2.
up on their offer and is once again back on the hunt. F Ride with Me 2" 7 - 12
This model may target another friendly model of lower Sz.
Push this model up to 5" in any direction. Then, if this
Action targeted another friendly model, Place the friendly
model into base contact with this model.



WASTREL • Stat Cards


Master, Living

6 5
Wp Mv 2

Dismounted: This model cannot be hired, even if chosen
as a Leader.
Swagger: After this model resolves the Walk Action, if
this model does not have the Focused Condition, it gains
Focused +1.
Looted Supplies: At the start of this model’s Activation,
if it is within a1 of any Scrap or Corpse Markers, it may
draw a card.
Extended Reach: Enemy models within a2 cannot take
Attack Actions generated by the Charge Action.


Lucas McCabe, dismounted hunter

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Glowing Saber y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage, ignoring Hard to Wound,
Hard to Kill, and Incorporeal.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Siphon Essence: Enemy only. After killing, add one
Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Collier Revolver z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
t Focused Attention: This model gains Focused +1.
R Burst Damage: When resolving, the target suffers
+b damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Scrounge for Relics 5" 6R - 12
Discard target Corpse Marker or Scrap Marker. Attach
an Artifact Upgrade to this model.
R Doling Out the Loot: Choose an Artifact Upgrade
Attached to this model. Discard it, then Attach it to a
friendly Minion or Wastrel model within 6".
F Chain Gang 3" - - -
Other friendly model only. Move the target up to 3".
Then, this model may move up to 3", which must end
within 3" of the target.


Stat Cards • WASTREL

Enforcer, Beast
Totem (Lucas McCabe)
Luna has been at McCabe’s side since his tragedy in Egypt. WASTREL
The mastiff is a large, heavily built hunting companion who
has saved his life on numerous occasions, though McCabe
lost count. He is as devoted to her as she is to him, and either
would risk their life for the other. They have faced all manner
of inventive traps, strange beasts, and dangerous criminals in
their adventures and have always come out on top.

No matter how many times McCabe has been arrested, 3 6

thrown into a foreign prison, and left for dead, Luna has 5
Wp Mv 1Sz
patiently waited for him to escape. Once, in Constantinople,
she was directly responsible for his escape, though McCabe Carry the Goods: When a friendly model within a3
still isn’t quite sure how she managed to take out three declares the “Take This!” Action, it may double the range
of that Action. If it does so, Place this model into base
armed guards before limping up to his cell, a blood-soaked contact with the target after the Action resolves.
keyring in her mouth. Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
“Luna! Give!”: Friendly Wastrel and Minion models
Since arriving in Malifaux, Luna has developed an uncanny within a3 of this model may take an Action to discard one
ability to sniff out treasure and rare artifacts. She’s not above Attached Artifact Upgrade from this model and Attach it to
themselves. Friendly Lucas McCabe models may do so as a
chewing on the more interesting relics when the opportunity F Action.
presents itself, though McCabe does his best to get the most Hunting Partner: Friendly models’ Attack Actions
ignore this model for the purposes of Friendly Fire. Enemy
valuable of his recovered objects out of her jaws before she models within a1 must discard a card to declare the
can damage them too much. Disengage Action.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Bite y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
M You’re Comin’ with Me: Push the target up to 3" in
any direction, then Place this model into base contact
with it.
c Chew Toy: Discard an Artifact Upgrade Attached
to this model. Draw a card, then Drop a Scheme
Marker into base contact with this model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Frantic Digging - - - -
Once per Activation. Drop a Scrap Marker into base
contact with this model.
Scrounge for Relics 5" 4 - 12
Discard target Corpse Marker or Scrap Marker. Attach
an Artifact Upgrade to this model.
c Chew Toy: Discard an Artifact Upgrade Attached
to this model. Draw a card, then Drop a Scheme
Marker into base contact with this model.



WASTREL • Stat Cards

Jessie Halliday came to Malifaux as a botanist bent on find-

ing some sort of order to the Bayou’s plant life. Could they
be used for medicine? Food? Which ones were slightly car-
nivorous, and which ones were very carnivorous? She was
sure her knowledge would make her a prime candidate for
a Guild-sponsored research grant. How she ended up in the
shantytown of Frontier Point fighting a drunk Silurid and an
equally smashed Whiskey Golem was beyond her. So, when
the Explorer’s Society put out a call for willing researchers,
Jessie couldn’t sign her forms fast enough.

Her first assignments were on a freelance basis. Catalogue

plants, collect specimens, and send them back to the Society.
It wasn’t a full membership, but Jessie was thankful all the
same. Her work continued when she became a field agent,
as she often took on work when few other explorers dared.
More impressively, she always seemed to come back
with results and insights. Somewhere along the way
her successes got her assigned to explore the Sunken
City with Lucas McCabe. The danger there bound
the pair into an uneasy partnership, though Jessie
knows she has the upper hand.

Jessie Halliday
Henchman, Living
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
WASTREL Harpoon Gun z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. Push the target up to 3"
toward this model.
R Pull and Drag: Push the target 3" toward this model.
F Soulstone Flare 10" 5 * 12
Shockwave 2, Wp 13, Damage 1 and Distracted +1.
Until the End Phase, enemy models that failed to resist
this Shockwave cannot take the Interact Action.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Archaeological Dig 6" 6 - 12
Once per Activation. Target a Marker. Drop a Scrap
Marker into base contact with the target. Then, remove
the target.
m Discovery: Add one Soulstone to this Crew’s
Soulstone Pool.
5 5 c I Can Dig It: Drop a Scheme Marker into base
Wp Mv 2
contact with this model.

Depths of Malifaux: This model is unaffected by
Severe and Hazardous Terrain.
Evasive: Reduce all damage this model suffers from
Shockwave,p, and b effects to 0.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Looted Supplies: At the start of this model’s Activation,
if it is within a1 of any Scrap or Corpse Markers, it may
draw a card.



Minion (2), Living
As former Guild agents in North America, the Rough Riders
are models of western law and order. Callous and highly
skilled, they have no trouble riding the plains and killing
with a single shot. The deputies were brash and aggressive,
ending more standoffs with shootouts than was acceptable.
Unfortunately, bureaucracy got in the way of their form of
criminal justice. The group was disbanded; most took merce-
nary work or went on to live lives of freedom and adventure.

In Malifaux, they have found reemployment with the Guild’s

Frontier Division and as less-than-scrupulous mercenar- 4 6
ies for the right buyer. Each Rough Rider brings his own 5
Wp Mv 3
equipment. Uniforms and rifles are kept in excellent working
order, and the horses each deputy rode in the west are the ABILITIES
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
same ones they mount today. A Rough Rider at full gallop Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
can still pull off trick shots and acrobatics without a prob-
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly
lem, making them highly prized in fights that need to be model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s
ended quickly. Combined with their endurance and desire to Deployment Zone.
Looted Supplies: At the start of this model’s Activation,
see the guilty brought up for their crimes, very little can stop if it is within a1 of any Scrap or Corpse Markers, it may
a Rough Rider with set sights. draw a card.
Survivalist: When this model Heals, it Heals an
additional +1 Health.


Rough Rider

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Trampling Hooves y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains Injured +1. Place
this model anywhere in base contact with the target.
Repeating Rifle z14" 5+ Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN.

F Kick Up Dust 3" 5m - 10
Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
the Dust Cloud.
m Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
F Ride with Me 2" 5 - 12
This model may target another friendly model of lower
Sz. Push this model up to 5" in any direction. Then, if
this Action targeted another friendly model, Place the
friendly model into base contact with this model.
t Field Kit: After resolving, one friendly model
within a3 Heals 1/2/3.



WASTREL • Stat Cards

Neverborn technology is worth a lot of scrip to the right

buyers. The stuff is hard to get, though, and treasure hunt-
ers don’t know what any of it does. Some educated guesses
have theorized that this old technology was made to help
with amalgamation, the fusing of organic and machine. This
process is highly illegal in the eyes of the Guild, but those
with flexible morals tend to experiment with this forbidden
science beyond just applying pneumatic limbs for miners.
Cryptologists are one such group.

Whether willingly or by force, each Cryptologist has Nev-

erborn technology amalgamated with their bodies, granting
them a kind of sixth sense. Deciphering ancient runes, crack-
ing tombs, and opening the oldest locks become relatively
easy tasks. While respected for their skills, Cryptologists are
viewed with suspicion. Their bodies are in conflict with the
Neverborn machinery. It seems to be organic, slowly taking
over each Cryptologist more and more until they are some-
thing different altogether.

Minion (2), Living
Construct Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
WASTREL Clockwork Arm y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
Cursed Translation 8" 5 Wp -
Target suffers 1b/3b/3b damage.
t Cryptic Message: Friendly models within p2 of
the target gain Shielded +1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Antique Timepiece 8" 5 - 14
Friendly only. Resolve any effects on the target that
would resolve at the start of its Activation and do not
attach any Upgrades.
m Instinctual Response: Non-Leader only. End one
Condition on the target. Target takes a non-F
Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a model
5 4 by name, chosen and controlled by this model.
Wp Mv 2

Ancient Technology: When a model within a4
Activates, it must either discard a card or this model may
choose any number of effects that would resolve when it
Activates to be ignored.
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Depths of Malifaux: This model is unaffected by
Severe and Hazardous Terrain.
Looted Supplies: At the start of this model’s Activation,
if it is within a1 of any Scrap or Corpse Markers, it may
draw a card.


Stat Cards  •  EFFIGY, PUPPET

Enforcer, Construct
Every living thing in Malifaux is a player in Fate’s great game. EFFIGY, PUPPET
The pawns that choose to wander, wishing to discover for
want of more, are often on the winning side. This curious
puppet was made to act as eyes to see beyond the unknown
vastness of the world, stitched with immaculate precision so
that what it seeks echoes the desires of its curious creator.

For years it has aimlessly meandered through caves and

unexplored locations that were too perilous for most,
yearning only for the bounty at the end of its metaphorical
treasure map, to feel the glimmer of gold from an opened 4 5
treasure chest on its stitched face. The Society found value 5
Wp Mv 1Sz
in its unending need for discovery. Utilizing its natural, ABILITIES
inquisitive behavior has suited both the Effigy and its maker Accomplice: After this model ends its Activation, a
quite well. Now when it explores, it is driven by purpose... friendly model within 6" that has not Activated this Turn
may discard a card or Pass Token to do so.
though whose purpose remains an important question. Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Before and After: This model cannot be hired into a
Crew containing an Emissary of Fate model.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Helping Hand: If this Crew’s Leader is a Henchman and
the same Faction as this model, when hiring, this model’s
Cost is treated as 0.


Intrepid Effigy

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Torch y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Burning +1.
M Galvanize: Another friendly model within 3"
of this model gains Focused +1.
Lead the Way 2" 5 Df 11
This Action cannot target the same model more than
once per Activation. Target model is Pushed 4" in any
direction, then Push this model up to 4" toward the

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Aura of Courage a3" 5 - 10
Until the End Phase, after a friendly model within range
passes a duel by 2 or more, if that duel was a simple duel
or an opposed duel with an enemy model, the friendly
model may Heal 1.




Enforcer, Construct
EMISSARY OF FATE The lion is a symbol of power, honor, and valor. It is a preda-
tor against the weak and protector to its pride. The Intrepid
Emissary is a pillar to those ideals, sculpted from immacu-
late stone to easily stand against those with the gall to strike
against it. Until this moment it acts as a statue, patiently
waiting before the manors and lodges that it has sworn to

Its shield is an unbreakable tower, and its spear has been

sharpened to cut through intruders like a scythe through
chaff. It’s only logical that those who have made prey out
5 5 of the world would call upon such a monument to be the
Wp Mv 3
Sz symbol of their potential. They believe none are stronger
ABILITIES than those with endless curiosity and coin. Perhaps even
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1. Fate can be swayed if enough riches are piled at its feet...
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
The Intrepid Emissary is a walking, impenetrable fortress,
Phalanx: Other friendly models that start their Activation
within a3 gain Shielded +1. and those who stand behind it can rest assured they will
Take the Hit: After an enemy model targets a friendly continue to live in decadence. Conversely, those that chal-
model within a2 with an Attack Action, this model may
discard a card to Place itself into base contact with the
lenge this status quo are often met with a quick and grue-
friendly model and become the new target of the Attack some end.
Action (ignoring range, LoS, and targeting restrictions).


Intrepid Emissary

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Stone Spear y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage.
R Defensive Reflexes: This model gains Shielded +1.
M Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
Intimidating Roar 8" 6 Wp -
Push the target 6" away from this model. If the target is a
Minion, it gains Slow.
t Spear Toss: This model may take the Stone Spear
Action, ignoring range, targeting the same model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Aura of Courage a3" 6 - 10
Until the End Phase, after a friendly model within range
passes a duel by 2 or more, if that duel was a simple duel
or an opposed duel with an enemy model, the friendly
model may Heal 1.
F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 6 - 10
Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
into base contact with this model.
M Galvanize: Another friendly model within 3"
of this model gains Focused +1.


Stat Cards 

Henchman, Living
Centuries ago, two Maori sisters fought bravely against the
immense and powerful Horomatangi, a serpentine titan that
tormented and ravaged their homeland of New Zealand. It
was their sacrifice that poisoned the great beast and saved the
island from certain destruction. Their cunning - and the recipe
for the poison that left Horomatangi sleeping for hundreds
of years - was passed down from generation to generation.

That lineage has taken several twists and turns, but none are
so unexpected as Mr. Ngaatoro. A quiet man, Mr. Ngaatoro
was known for his ability to intimidate with a look and carry 6 5
out whatever actions he deemed necessary to keep his fam- 6
Wp Mv 2
ily safe. As the King’s Empire expanded its reach, his views
slowly warped. Ultimately, Ngaatoro sacrificed his heritage ABILITIES
Bully: After this model targets a model with lower Cost
for money and power, though he refuses to let anyone know with an Action, this model may add one suit of its choice to
its final duel total.
Intimidating Authority: After this model is targeted
with an Attack Action, it may discard a card to have the
It would be the newly appointed leader of the Explorer’s Attacking model suffer a - to that Action’s duel.
Society who plucked him from his inner turmoil and placed Neurotoxins: Enemy models with the Poison Condition
within a3 cannot use Soulstones or declare Triggers.
him at her side. He was to become her enforcer, her right Voice of the Society: Friendly models receive +1 to
hand that saw her will carried through to the very end. Mr. their duels when targeting other friendly models within
a6 with an Action.
Ngaatoro now works to ensure his lady’s interests are taken
care of first, no matter the cost.

Mr. Ngaatoro

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Horomatangi’s Tooth y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. Models damaged by this
Action gain Poison +1.
c Undersea Toxins: Target gains Injured +1 and
Poison +1.
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
Obey 12" 6 Wp 14m
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Non-Master only. Target model takes a
non-F Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a
model by name, chosen and controlled by this model.
t Harsh Teachings: Target gains Injured +1 and
Focused +1.
c Infectious Words: Target suffers 1 damage and
gains Poison +1.
F Backroom Dealings 10" 6 Wp -
Enemy only. Reveal the target’s Control Hand.
m Advance: Push this model 4" toward the target.
t Surge: Draw a card.



Stat Cards

Enforcer, Living
As a young boy, James Vernon looked up at Earth’s moon and
dreamed of someday going there. Many years later, when he
arrived in Malifaux, the eccentric astronomer was delighted
to find there were two moons in the sky! He gathered up all of
his equipment and rushed to the Explorer’s Society. He spent
almost four hours going over the finer points of his plans to
reach the moons (Illios or Delios first, it didn’t really matter).
Vernon left with a full membership, funding, and more than a
few bewildered Society explorers in his wake.

Millicent Welles came to help Vernon with his analysis of

6 5 Malifaux’s unfamiliar astronomy. It was grueling work, but
Wp Mv 2
Sz the pair got along well. Vernon pitched insane ideas and
ABILITIES theories, and Welles did her best to keep her boss from
Arcane Shield +2: During the Start Phase, this model going completely off the rails. Ever since their failure to
gains Shielded +2.
actually reach the moons (again, either one would do just
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health. splendidly), they have magnified their efforts to understand
Head in the Clouds: Enemy models suffer a - to the puzzles in Malifaux’s skies. A large telescopic machine
Attack Actions resisted by Wp that target friendly models
within a3. carries the pair into the field; Vernon swears there’s no better
You Take the Wheel!: Once per Turn. After this model way to look at the skies. To her credit, Millicent puts on
resolves the Walk Action, it may discard a card to take the
Interact Action.
an enthusiastic (if strained) smile and agrees, but she
worries Vernon’s craziness is going to start turning
her hair gray.

Vernon and Welles

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

View of the Endless 10" 6 Wp -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Staggered.
t Glimpse the Void: Enemy only. Target must pass
a TN 14 Wp duel or it is Buried. If the target is
Buried by this Trigger, at the start of its Activation,
Unbury it within 1" of an enemy model.
m Touch of Madness: Target discards a random card.
Falling Skies 10" 5 * 10
Shockwave 1, Mv 13, Damage 2. Push any models
damaged by this Action up to 2" away from a
Shockwave Marker Dropped by this Action.
r Cataclysm: When resolving, Drop another
Shockwave Marker within range and LoS.
m Crater: Enemy models damaged by this Action
must either discard a card or gain Staggered.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Onward! - 6 - 12
This model may take the Walk Action.
t Celestial Navigation: Look at the top three cards
of both this model’s Fate Deck and its Discard Pile.
Then, place any three non-Jokers from these cards
back on top of this model’s Fate Deck in any order
and discard the remaining cards.
m Rocket Man: When resolving the generated
Action, instead of moving normally, this model
may Place itself completely within 5".


Stat Cards

A long voyage means a considerable amount of equipment

to lug around. When a Hopeful Prospect isn’t available, the
Society spares no expense to ensure their valuables are taken
care of during a trek. Their most elegant solution was to cre-
ate Bellhop Porters, humanoid constructs built for strength,
endurance, and carrying capacity. A single Porter can eas-
ily carry all the teacups, maps, spyglasses, and doodads a
member might need. In a pinch, they can even fend off
the occasional miscreant or skunk ape.

Particularly sentimental explorers will name

Porter constructs in order to provide a per-
sonality to their rotund forms. Clothing is also
common, although this tends to be a simple
butler’s uniform and a fine hat. Despite their
dapper appearance, Bellhop Porters leave
much to be desired. For one, they’re poor
conversationalists, and can hardly play a
tune. At the very least, they are slow run-
ners, which often means that the luggage
is given up first to whatever beast is chas-
ing the expedition team… unless a Hopeful
Prospect happens to be nearby.

Bellhop Porter
Enforcer, Construct
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Baggage Handlers y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
m Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.
Throw Junk z10" 5r Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
r I Found Another One: Once per Turn.
Enemy only. Choose a non-Scheme Marker in play.
Drop another of the chosen Marker into base
contact with the target.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

At Your Service 2" 5 - 10
Once per Activation. Other friendly only. This model
gains Shielded +1. This model may reduce the value of
4 5 its Shielded Condition by any amount. If it does so, the
Wp Mv 3
target gains Shielded with a value equal to the value
reduced by this Action.
F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 6 - 10
ABILITIES Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1. into base contact with this model.
Accomplice: After this model ends its Activation, a m Tag Out: Place this model anywhere within range
friendly model within 6" that has not Activated this Turn so that it is engaging an enemy model the target
may discard a card or Pass Token to do so. was engaged by when this Action was declared.
Extended Reach: Enemy models within a2 cannot take
Attack Actions generated by the Charge Action.
Full Pack: At the start of this model’s Activation, it gains
Shielded +1 for each Marker within a2 of it.
Give ‘em a Lift: During their Activation, other friendly
models within a2 may be treated as +1 Sz.



Stat Cards

Humans have long turned to plants to provide them with

food, shelter, and medicine. At the head of cataloguing
and caring for these species are Botanists. They go into
the field to collect samples, conduct experiments, and learn
what properties these plants have. Malifaux’s flora
is especially fascinating, and oftentimes more car-
nivorous than should be reasonable. For better
or worse, Botanists working in Malifaux often get
exactly what they bargained for, and must ensure their
samples are well fed in the interim journey back to the
Explorer’s Society. Brave Botanists might also keep per-
sonal greenhouses, but these inevitably end up in disaster.

Many species of ornery plants have been collected by the

Explorer’s Society, and Botanists harness a plant’s natural
defenses to protect themselves. This could range from uti-
lizing spores to picking up the pot and pointing the biting
mouthparts at the enemy. Even Gremlins are occasionally
brought along; their inquisitive nature makes them the per-
fect candidate for when more seasoned scientists refuse to
stick their heads into places they shouldn’t.

Minion (3), Living
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Trapping Jaws y1" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Staggered.
c “AHHH, MY EYE!”: When resolving, the target
suffers +1 damage and is Pushed up to 3" away
from this model.
m Pulled Here and There: Push either this model
or the target up to 3".
r Tasty Snack: Enemy only. Target gains Injured +1
and this model gains a Grow Token.
Flesh-Eating Spores 6" 4 * 10
Discard up to two Grow Tokens. This Action Drops an
additional number of Shockwave Markers equal to the
number of Tokens discarded this way. Shockwave 1,
4 4 Mv 12, Damage 1 and Injured +1.
Wp Mv 2
t Corrosive Touch: Remove any one non-Scheme
Marker touching a p generated by this Shockwave.

ABILITIES Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

“Feed Me!”: Once per Activation. After a Terrain, Scrap,
F Grim Feast 2" - - -
or Corpse Marker within a4 is removed, this model gains
Remove target Corpse Marker. This model Heals 1/2/4.
a Grow Token and Heals 1. This model gains +1 to its Stats
for each Grow Token on it (to a maximum of +2). F Onward! - 6 - 12
Planted Roots: This model cannot be moved by enemy This model may take the Walk Action.
effects and is unaffected by Severe Terrain. At the start of
this model’s Activation, if it is in Severe Terrain, this model
Heals 1.
Wicked: When this model makes a successful yAction
generated by an enemy model’s Disengage Action, this
model may resolve the Action’s normal effects (including
Triggers) instead of reducing the enemy model’s Push


Stat Cards

Enforcer, Construct
It would seem that some of the early human pioneers who
dared to venture into Malifaux a hundred years ago had
a sense of humor. Alpinists are robotic goats built to aid
explorers on climbing adventures in the Northern Hills and
Ten Peaks. But don’t let their blank stare fool you; these
ancient machines are essential tools for any curious traveler.

Recently, the machines (left to rust by their original cre-

ators) have been rediscovered and repaired by the Explor-
er’s Society. Any expedition into treacherous terrain is 4 5
seldom without one. Some engineers have even managed 5
Wp Mv 2
to further advance their design by providing them with the
ability to let out a warning bleat if a camp is in danger. In ABILITIES
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
general, modifying existing Alpinists tends to not go over Climbing Gear: Friendly models within a4 ignore
very well. The machines are cantankerous at the best of models, terrain, and vertical distance while moving.
times, and do not take kindly to having their boilers recon- Ramming Speed: This model’s yActions generated by
the Charge Action receive +1 and any one suit to their final
figured for efficiency’s sake. Anyone who gets in their way duel totals.
usually will have a few horn-shaped bruises to show for Rush: When this model takes the Charge Action, increase
the distance it Pushes by up to +2".
their trouble.
Stampede: After this model ends a Charge Action in base
contact with any other models, it may suffer 1 damage. If
it does so, all other models in base contact with this model
suffer 1 damage.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Horns y0" Df
4 -
Target suffers 2/2/3 damage.
M Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.
c Unintelligible Screaming: This model may take
the Annoying Action.
F 50ft of Silk Rope 10" 5 Mv 12
Push the target 4" toward this model. Then, Push this
model 4" toward the target.
r Impact: Enemy models in base contact with this
model suffer 1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Annoying a2" - - -
Until the End Phase, after an enemy model within range
declares a Tactical Action other than Walk or Charge,
it gains Distracted +1.
F Tin Feast 2" - - -
Remove target Scrap Marker. This model Heals 1/2/4.



Stat Cards

Joining the Society isn’t an easy task. Despite what a major-

ity of the members have in common, it takes more than
an immense fortune or a spectacularly twirled mustache
to pass through those doors. At the very least, you’d need
a really fancy hat. Academics, aristocrats, and fools have
all tried to join the upper echelon of explorers, and most
have failed. These Hopeful Prospects are the latest batch
of aspiring initiates.

Those who have their sights set on entrance into the Society
must participate in a grueling expedition to bring back
something previously unknown: a relic, new species, or
information. Then, and only then, are current members
willing to sponsor a trial membership, but sometimes less
grandiose discoveries might necessitate further “proof” of
a Hopeful Prospect’s abilities, to make sure the first time
wasn’t dumb luck. These junior members must then go on
another expedition of equal or greater measure to receive
their full membership and signet rings (which come
with a hefty fee, of course).

Some strike gold. Many more strike out. For

these reckless hopefuls, the risk is worth
the reward.

Hopeful Prospect
Minion (2), Living
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Knife y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
Broken-Down Rifle z14" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Safety Precautions 4" 4 - 10
Friendly only. End all Conditions on the target.
4 4 r Mend: Target Heals 2.
Wp Mv 2

Blissful Ignorance: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it must discard a card and then draw a card.
Good Show!: Once per Turn. After a friendly model
within a4 kills an enemy model, the friendly model gains
Focused +1.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
Welcome to the Society!: After killing an enemy
model with Cost of 5 of more, this model may Replace with
any Minion that shares a Keyword with this Crew’s Leader.
Then, the new model Heals 4.


Upgrade Cards

This Upgrade is a part of every Faction. After this Upgrade is Attached, Bury this

2 This model gains the following Ability:
model. If this model is not Buried this way,
discard this Upgrade.
Effigy of Fate: During the Start Phase of
After this model is Unburied, discard this
Turn 3 and every Turn after, this model may
Upgrade. If this Upgrade is discarded while this
be Replaced with an Emissary of Fate model
model is Buried, Unbury this model within 2"
that shares a Faction with this model. If it
of a friendly Calypso.
does so, the new model Heals 2.
This model gains the following Abilities:
Control Console: Friendly Calypso
models may take Actions during this model’s
Activation. These Actions count against this
model’s Action limit and the number of F it
can take during an Activation.
I’m in Here!: Friendly models may draw LoS
and range to this model while it is Buried if
they can draw LoS and range to a friendly
Push the Red Button: After a friendly
Calypso model is killed, before resolving any
of its Demise Abilities (if any), this model
Unburies within 2" of it.

Restricted (Effigy) Special (Pilot), Restricted (Living)

This model gains the following Abilities: This model gains the following Abilities:

Bribery: Once per Turn. After this model is Backup Plan: Once per Activation. After an
targeted by an enemy model’s Attack Action, enemy model Cheats Fate in an opposed duel
it may discard a Soulstone to have the Action with this model, it suffers 1 damage.
immediately fail with no duel. Then, the
Double-Cross: This model may Cheat
Attacking model adds a Soulstone to its Crew’s
Fate with the card face down. The card is
Soulstone Pool.
revealed before declaring Triggers but after the
Insurance: After another friendly model opposing player has Cheated Fate (or chosen
within a6 is killed by an enemy model, add a not to do so).
Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
If this model is a Minion, it gains the following
If this model is a Minion, it gains the following Ability:
The Time to Act: After this model’s Crew
Excess Funds: Once per game. During the reveals a Scheme, this model gains Fast.
Start Phase, this model may discard up to three
cards and then draw up to its maximum hand

Plentiful (2) Plentiful (2)


Upgrade Cards

If English Ivan is this Crew’s Leader, increase After this Upgrade is Attached, Bury this

this Upgrade’s Plentiful Limitation to model. If this model is not Buried this way,
Plentiful (5). discard this Upgrade.
After Attaching this Upgrade, this model gains After this model is Unburied or after an enemy
Stunned. Grave Goo is killed, discard this Upgrade. If
this Upgrade is discarded while this model is
This model gains the following Ability:
Buried, Unbury this model in base contact with
Demise (Reclaimed Darkness): After an enemy Grave Goo.
this model is killed, Drop a Destructible,
This model gains the following Abilities:
Concealing Shadow Marker into base contact
with the model which killed this model. Gelatinous Escape: At the start of this
model’s Activation, it must attempt a TN 14
Split: Once per Activation. Before this model
Mv duel. If it passes, Unbury it in base contact
moves, it may suffer 2 irreducible damage
with an enemy Grave Goo.
to Drop a Destructible, Concealing Shadow
Marker into base contact with itself. "Get Me Out of Here!": Other friendly
models gain the following Trigger for yActions
when targeting enemy Grave Goo models:
m Slimy Rescue: This model gains
Poison +1. Then, Unbury a friendly
model with an Attached Consumed
Upgrade anywhere in base contact
with this model.

Special (Shade, Summon) LIMITATIONS
Plentiful (2) Special (Consumed)

This model gains the following Ability: If a model with this Upgrade Attached is killed,

Attach this Upgrade to another Cadmus model

Deadly Pursuit: During the End Phase,
in this Crew.
this model may Push up to 4".
This model gains the following Abilities:
This model gains the following Action:
Parasitic Grasp: Cadmus models in this
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN Crew may treat enemy models with a Parasite
Token as though they were friendly Cadmus
F Buried Treasure 1" - - - models (except for Schemes and Strategies).
Remove target Marker. If an enemy model with a Parasite Token would
gain another Parasite Token, it instead suffers 2
If this model is a Minion, it gains the following irreducible damage.
Connected Conscience: After every model
Carry the Loot: Once per Activation.
has Activated, this model may gain Slow and
After an enemy Scheme Marker within a6 is Activate a second time, but may only take
removed, this model may draw a card. the following Action, where X is equal to the
number of friendly Cadmus models in play
divided by 2:
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Will of Cadmus 6" X Wp 12
Friendly Cadmus model only. This Action
cannot target the same model more
than once per Activation. Target takes a
non-Charge General Action chosen and
controlled by this model.
r Aggressive Control: When resolving,
the target may take a yAction instead
of a General Action.
m Uncomfortable Twitch: After
resolving, move the target up to 2".
c Unwilling Servant: When resolving
the generated Action, the target ignores
its Insignificant Ability, if any.

Plentiful (2) Special (Hive)

Keyword Index

apex frontier witch hunter

Artemis........................................ 92 Bernadette Basse.....................126 Spelleater..................................101
Crypsis Corps............................ 91 Cornelius Basse.......................124
Harpooner................................122 Rough Rider.............................150
Lord Cooper............................... 86 Sand Worm..............................127 versatile
Malisaurus Rex.......................... 89 Alpinist................................... 158
Model 9....................................... 90 performer Bellhop Porter...................... 156
Runaway...................................... 88 Botanist................................... 157
Harata Ngaatoro.....................118
Ullr................................................ 93 Hopeful Prospect................. 159
Vatagi Huntsman...................... 94 Intrepid Effigy...................... 152
puppet Intrepid Emissary................ 153
cadmus Intrepid Effigy.........................152
Jessie Halliday....................... 149
Archivist...................................... 99 Mr. Ngaatoro........................ 154
Berserker Husk.......................103 savage Tannenbaum......................... 132
Dr. Meredith Stanley............100 The Damned............................133 Vernon and Welles.............. 155
Eyes and Ears...........................104
Nexus........................................... 96 seeker Looking for more info on which
Nightsilk Creeper...................102 Austera and Twigge...............134 models work with each Master
Shambling Nest......................... 98 The Damned............................133 or on how to build the best Crew?
Spelleater..................................101 Grave Goo................................136 Visit for all of
Jedza...........................................128 that fun stuff.
dua Lamplighter..............................135
Corvis Rook.............................141 Mikhail XVI.............................131
English Ivan.............................106 Moorwraith..............................137
Eva Havenhand.......................111 Sophie........................................130
Gibson DeWalt........................110 Surveyor....................................143
Mr. Mordrake..........................108 Tannenbaum............................132

effigy syndicate
Intrepid Effigy.........................152 Anya Lycarayen......................138
Corvis Rook.............................141
emissary of fate Operative..................................144
Intrepid Emissary...................153
Winston Finnigan...................142
Calypso Mk. II........................121 umbra
Dr. Beebe..................................120
Brocken Spectre......................109
Harata Ngaatoro.....................118
English Ivan.............................106
Kiya Manimi............................117
Mr. Mordrake..........................108
Maxine Agassiz.......................114
Orville Agassiz........................116
Tidecaller..................................119 wastrel
fae Jessie Halliday..........................149
Lucas McCabe.........................146
Malisaurus Rex.......................... 89
Rough Rider.............................150


The mysterious Burning Man has opened portals linking
Earth to Malifaux and flooded the world with monstrous
hordes and insidious cults. Will you join their ranks, or
will you fight back against the invaders by taking command
of Earth’s strongest nations?
The Other Side is a battlefield-scale miniatures wargame
that leaves the fate of Earth in the hands of the players.

A tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of

Malifaux, Through the Breach lets players create
their own characters to explore the complex and
dangerous world of Malifaux. The hand of fate is
cruel, however, and each character will eventually
have to confront their terrible destiny...
Get stories from the
world of Malifaux
for free on
the Tales of Malifaux


I n search of greatness in the vast unknown, the Explorer’s Society
has masqueraded under the guise of curious adventurers for the better
part of a decade. Recently, the keys to the Society have been passed on to
someone far more interested - and conniving - than its founder, and with
new leadership comes new ambitions. Their rapid expansion has drawn
attention from every corner of Malifaux. Each new discovery is a victory
for the Society, and to the victor go the spoils.

Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game that carries the

events from the lore directly into the characters’ mechanics. With a
streamlined hiring system, straightforward and updated rules that don’t
get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those
mental gears turning for years to come, it’s never been a better time to
dive into the world of Malifaux.
Seek your fortune, test your luck, and stake your claim in this fast-paced
and brutal tabletop miniature skirmish game.

ISBN 978-1-7331627-9-1

9 781733 162791
© 2005-2020 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC

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