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@Tiger And Tim

Amazing Space Facts for Kids

(By Tiger!)

 August 6, 2020 No Comments

Our second episode is already out and we are over the moon with

Did you enjoy the episode, Tiger Cubs? We did!


In our new episode, Tim and I went to space and explored the planets. It was
such a blast and I can’t wait to go back soon. Would you like to come with
me? (And do you think we should bring Tim along with us?)

If you want to know more about our universe and just how cool it is, I’ve
gathered ten interesting facts about space and space travel! Are you ready?
Let’s go!

Counting Stars

Scientists believe that there are soooooo many stars in space. So many, in
fact, that we would not be able to count them all. It is believed that there are
more stars than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches in the entire
more stars than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches in the entire
world! Phew, now that’s a lot!

Do you know what the most famous star out there is? No, not me, and
especially not Tim! I’m a superstar, not a star. However, the most popular star
in space is none other than Mr. Sun himself!

Laika the Dog

I just learned that I am not the first animal in space. What a bummer! But it’s
okay because the very first animal to ever go around outer space is just as
cool as me!

On November 3rd, 1957, Laika, a mixed-breed dog from The Soviet Union
(what is now Russia), became the very first living being to orbit the Earth. She
rode a small satellite aircraft and stayed in space for about four days. Now
that is one out-of-this-world road trip!

Silent Space

Did you know that space is completely silent? Because there is no air (called
atmosphere) that surrounds space, you cannot hear anything there! Well,
except for the time when Tim couldn’t stop talking whilst we were out there.
The human just loves the sound of his own voice!

Pluto the Dwarf

No, not Pluto the dog, but Pluto the dwarf planet!

Discovered in 1930 by astronomer Clyde William Tombaugh, Pluto (the planet)

was named the ninth planet after the sun. However, Pluto was named a dwarf
planet in 2006 because it was too small to be called an actual planet.

Don’t worry, Pluto (the planet), we still think you are amazing, no matter your

Life on Mars

Astronomers believed that liquid water only exists on Earth and not on any
other planet. But recently, NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration discovered that there’s water on Mars, too! That’s why many
scientists now believe that we could live on Mars someday. 

Another fun fact about Mars: The sunset there has a bluish colour. Now I
wouldn’t mind watching a blue sunset!

Huge Sun

Did you know that our sun is 300,000 times heavier than the Earth and that
you can fit more than one million Earths inside the sun! Wow, it’s so much

But even though the sun is way bigger than our home planet, it is still not the
biggest star in space. In fact, the sun is considered to be a medium-sized star.
I wonder how big the biggest star there is… why don’t you Tiger Cubs do some
research and find out!

Hottest Planet

I love the summertime, but the heat can get a little bit too much on some
days. Even if we sweat a lot during summer, that’s no match for life on the
planet Venus. It is so hot on Venus that lead (a kind of metal) would melt on
its surface! The exact average temperature on Venus is 864 degrees
Fahrenheit. Yikes! I wouldn’t want to go there, especially during those hot
summer days!

Space Junk

In our second episode, Tim told you about the first-ever Moon Landing that
happened in 1969. Even before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong stepped onto
the Moon, there had been other astronauts who went to space, and there
have been many since 1969 too. All of these astronauts left junk – or human-
made objects – on space. Scientists and astronauts call this “space junk” and
there are about 500,000 pieces of space junk orbiting space today.

I’m glad I didn’t add to the space junk, I’m just not so sure about Tim! Naughty

No Walking Allowed

Fancy taking a walk in outer space? Well, you can’t do it on Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune. These planets are made up entirely of gas so there’s no
surface to walk on! Ahhhhhh.

Designer Spacesuit 

If you want to go to space, then you’ll need a spacesuit – just like mine when I
flew to space with Tim. But do you know how much a NASA space suit is? A
whopping 200 million dollars! That’s a LOT of money, Tiger Cubs. 

The reason a spacesuit is so expensive is that NASA had to make sure that the
suits would be the best ones for the astronauts (and for me, too!).

There you have it, friends! There are so many more interesting facts about
space because it’s just that cool! But we don’t have any more time so we had
to stop at 10! I hope you learned something new today.
If you want to know more about space (and me!), go ahead and watch our
latest video to see Tiger and Tim’s space adventure!

See you again soon!

Lots of Love, Tiger xoxoxoxoxo 

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like, follow and subscribe, please! Sign up to our weekly newsletter too, so
that all Tiger Cubs can enjoy fun and educational games for kids and some
secret surprises from Tiger and Tim…

 Why Your Kids Need To Watch Tiger and … Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure


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