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Stranger: Jesus loves you.

Stranger: He told me you needed guidance..

Stranger: I am here to help.
Stranger: My name is Tyler. What is yours?
You: how would you know?
You: hey
You: by the way
You: whats your name?
You: tyler durden ha?
Stranger: I know a Tyler Durden..
Stranger: Are you in California?
You: so are you tyler durden?
You: from a big city with many2 traffic
Stranger: You aren't? I really know a Tyler Durden.
Stranger: A sign from the Good Lord.
You: so
You: are you a tyler durden or not?
Stranger: I am not.
You: okay im lonely now
You: fuckin lonely actually
You: how supposed i do?
Stranger: The Good Lord can help.
You: okay
You: how he can help me?
Stranger: Eh, I'm not sure man. I'm not a Christian, I'm a New Ager. But if you're really
lonely I'd be glad to talk about it with you.
You: wow
You: New ager
You: okay im get interest
You: what shoul i do new ager?
You: i broke with my GF
You: So im fuckin lonely
You: se fucked with another guy
Stranger: Man, that's rough bro. How long were you guys together?
You: 8 mont
You: 8 month in same university
You: we had spent a lot of time togethere
Stranger: Shit man, I know how it is. I recently broke up with my fiancee, my high school
You: yeah and this my fuckin 2 month almost actually
You: i have broke with her
Stranger: Damn bro. You must have really loved her.
You: but shit i asked her to stay with me
You: but she wont
You: she lied to me
You: fucked
Stranger: Bro, you want my advice?
You: do you have a opinion how to forget her?
You: okay
Stranger: I do. It's pretty generic though... It sounds to me like you have a whole lot of
love for her, which means you can have a whole lot of love for someone else, honestly, if
she didn't return the feeling, it sounds like she didn't love you NEARLY as much as you
loved her. My advice would be to move on man. Don't go out and look for a girl, but let it
happen naturally. There's a girl out there worthy of the love you can give. You just gotta
wait it out, and find the right one.
You: you do it and it is work for you dont it?
Stranger: What's that?
You: your advice
You: you told me you had same exp with me
You: so
You: let it happen naturally
Stranger: Ah, yes, but during the time I have spent alone, I truly found myself. I took
some time and set it aside, dedicated it to me. That way I could better myself, and truly
be ready to settle down with the right girl.
You: ow
You: i try your advice tyler
You: my mind is like a mess now
You: it has ruined my day
You: most of time
You: most of my day
You: yeah
Stranger: Don't let it man. This is hard to do, but don't think about her.
Stranger: Don't think about what happened.
You: how can man?
Stranger: Try to take it as a learning experience.
You: wew
Stranger: Occupy yourself.
Stranger: Personally, when my mind is conflicted I meditate.
Stranger: It helps me clear my head, and my stress levels go way down.
You: tell me how to meditate
You: what i supposed to do?
Stranger: Well, first off, what kind of meditation are you interested in?
You: i dont know
Stranger: Hold on one second buddy, I'm going to run to the restroom. Keep on typing.
You: oke
You: i dont know about meditate actually
You: can u give me your recommendation about what meditation i should take
Stranger: Sure man, but can I ask how old you are first?
You: 19
Stranger: Alright, well I have studied and practiced a few different types of meditation. I
would recommend something really basic at first...
Stranger: Want me to walk you through?
You: what do you mean?
You: Want me to walk you through?<--- i dont understand this
Stranger: Like, shall I tell you how to do it step by step?
You: okey
Stranger: Well, this is a basic relaxation technique, Robert Monroe uses this before he
projects (we'll get to that later), but you start by laying on a bed.
Stranger: Close your eyes.
Stranger: Lights very dim, maybe cover a lamp with a dark towel.
Stranger: Relax your body entirely, and take 100 deep breaths.
Stranger: In your nose, and out your mouth.
Stranger: Slowly.
Stranger: Focus on nothing but the void in front of you.
Stranger: If thoughts come into your head (which they will), do not address them, let
them pass on their own.
Stranger: Don't do it when you're super tired, or you'll end up falling asleep (it is a good
way to fall asleep if you have trouble sleeping though).
Stranger: Oh, and I forgot, do this on your back.
You: on my back?
You: what do you mean?
Stranger: Lay on your back.
Stranger: In your bed.
Stranger: Face up.
You: ow
Stranger: You know what I mean?
You: yeah
You: usually meditate is sit
You: but you teach me to lay on my bed
Stranger: Do you want to do sitting meditation? That's abit harder.
Stranger: I am teaching you a Western meditation.
You: oke just tell me the next step
You: hey
You: i want to try lay meditate
You: do you have any messenger?
Stranger: Sure, my MSN is
You: okey
You: wait
You: aprove me
Stranger: Okay, hold on.
You: i'll practice meditate right now so if i get any problem i'll tell you
Stranger: Got you, boss.
You: oke
Stranger: Okay, just take it nice and slow. Let the meditation happen on its own. Tell me
of any sensations you come across.
You: okey
You: nice to meet you
You: my name is rickz anyway
You: :)
You: see ya
You: thx for your advice
You: it rockz men
You: heh

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